#kem krypton
avatarskywalker78 · 1 month
Chapters: 8/11
Fandom: Krypton (TV 2018)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Seg-El & Adam Strange, Adam Strange & Original Female Character, Seg-El & Original Female Character
Characters: Seg-El, Adam Strange, Original Female Character(s), Kem (Krypton), Lyta-Zod, Jayna-Zod, Nyssa-Vex, Val-El, Jax-Ur (DCU), Dru-Zod, Brainiac (DCU), Kal-El (mentioned), Kara Zor-El (mentioned), Alanna (DCU), Sardath (DCU), Rhom, Ona - Character
Additional Tags: Family Feels, Team as Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slight Canon Divergance, Seg and Adam share a braincell, Male-Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Adam Strange is Bisexual, Angst, Pop culture references with Seg-El doesn’t get, Neither does anyone else on Krypton, Pre-Relationship, For Seg and Adam, That’ll be in the sequel, Banter, Plans Going Wrong, Time travel makes everything complicated, Moral Dilemmas, Ashley is trans, And ready to fight injustice, Also reckless in her own way, Past Adam Strange/Alanna of Rann, Insecurity, Misunderstandings, They all need a hug
Series: Part 1 of to fix the timeline (or make it better)
Summary: Ashley Tanner and Adam Strange have been best friends for years, and have had plenty of adventures since meeting in high school - accidentally being transported light years across the Universe, running away with alien tech and travelling to other planets using said tech. So naturally when he finds out about Brainiac trying to wipe out two of Earth’s greatest heroes she’s going to come with him to stop the bastard.
But attempting to save Krypton isn’t easy, especially for two humans without powers. With Seg-El initially hostile and complications at every turn, what starts as a simple mission turns into something more as political intrigue and rebellion simmer under the surface. With the added stress of Krypton’s eventual fate hanging over them, the Earthlings must work with the Kryptonians to save the world, the timeline…and possibly the Universe.
So, no pressure there, then.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon
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itachi86 · 11 months
i swear sometimes in this show it seems like seg is dating everyone
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Ray wove her way through the crowd, between tables, gathering cups as she did so. She had to duck out the way of a swinging arm, a stumbling person and a couple weaving around awkwardly. Despite her mounting irritation she plastered a smile on her face, but kept her head bowed in the hopes that no one would interrupt her. Two more hours. Two more hours and her shift was over and –
‘Oi!’ The irritable yell snapped her attention to the bar. Kem was already moving, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalated into an all-out brawl between – unsurprisingly – Seg and some burly man that she didn’t recognise.
Ray had other ideas though. She abandoned her tray on a nearby table and hurried to where Seg was dodging a punch. She hooked the attacker’s arm at the elbow as they drew back for another punch.
He gave a roar of frustration, blindly aimed his free hand at her. With a squeak of shock, Ray sidestepped the attack, her arms falling from around his arm. The man sneered at her, drew back his first to try again.
Glass shattered against the back of his head, sending him stumbling into a nearby table.
‘Good to see you, Ray,’ Seg grinned, his teeth bloodstained and proving the fight had been going longer than the few seconds she’d seen.
‘Perhaps next time a simple “Hi” might work,’ she teased, stepping around the shards of glass sparkling on the floor so as to lean against the bar.
‘Could you two just have a quiet meetup one day?’ complained Kem. ‘Or just, not destroy the bar?!’ He gestured wildly around the place, as if they had no concept of what he was talking about.
Ray frowned at him before glancing around. The little set-to might not have been much, but it had certainly cleared a good space around them. People were, strangely, talking in hushed whispers now the attention had been turned back to them, as if hoping they might not be the next ones drawn into a fight.
‘Now where would be the fun in that?’ she asked, sharing a smirk with Seg, glad something had finally made the shift a little more interesting.
Seg grabbed a shot and toasted it to her before downing it, earning an eye roll from Kem. He slammed a dustpan and brush on the bar. ‘Whatever, you two are tidying,’ he said before skulking away to serve a customer.
Ray gently pushed the equipment towards Seg. ‘You made the mess, you clean it up.’
‘I’ll remind you that next time,’ he grumbled, taking the dustpan nonetheless, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
this is going to be a long one
1. Kal-L/Clark Kent/Superman
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this guy is the actual golden age superman. This universe was basically were they put him since Earth-Two and Golden Age Superman stories; had some inconsistencies. 2. Kal-El/Sonn/Clark Kent. First he was Superboy, then he was Superman
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I love this guy. He's great. He feels alienated all the time and is also almost always going through it. He is NOT well at all. He also has a large dating life - mostly with women with L. L. initials; most notably Lois, Lana, and Lori. He also remembers Krypton due to supermemory. He is friends with the Legion of Superheroes (Original)
NON-CLARK DETOUR #1 3. Ar-Val, the tyrant Superman
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Kal handpicked a Kandorian successor after some tests, due to Clark losing his powers. It didn't quite go well and ended in tragedy for Ar-Val 4. Not a Superman but a "Skyman," Klar-Don, a predecessor to Superman
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He's basically just Superman on Krypton; Although it seems like he just has Flight due to his Flight Belt (the other Superman past lives only had one power; Erok the magnificent had a potion that made him have super-strength, and Skuldor had V-goggles which let him use X-ray vision). He works for the Daily World, he has a friend named Jol-Lar, there's a Lois, and a Perry. I like to think he's the ancestor of Vol-Don (a member of the Kryptonian lookalike Squad
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5. Kal-L/Superman
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This is Earth-Two Kal-L. He's basically golden age Superman with a few differences to make him standout from Earth-One Superman. He also married Lois, and met Lana again after he married Lois. There's also only 4 other survivors of Krypton. He's also great. also I want to give a shoutout to his "Mr. and Mrs. Superman" S logo.
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I just think it's neat
6. Clark Joseph Kent/Kal-El
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...he was literally born on this planet. At least at first. THIS GUY has THREE ORIGINS. First Man of Steel, then Birthright, then Secret Origins. Secret Origins adds Superboy back to his mythos. He has met all versions of the Legion, but was specifically part of "Original" Legion (Retroboot)
7. Steel 1 (the only Reign of Supermen character to NOT claim he was Superman)
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He's cool. Also when Christopher Priest was writing him, he was basing him off Dwayne Mcduffie, I just wanted to let you know that. He's had multiple origins as well, but I think the gist is that the new 52 beginning stuff happens first and then Death of Superman.
8. Eradicator... 2(?)
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HE WAS AN EGG. his lore gets pretty complicated, especially due to all the weird absorbing other people's consciousness parts; He was actually made by a different alien, but Kem-L made him a xenophobe. Or something like that. I think all Post-Crisis Eradicator appearances are the same guy? Apparently not; New Krypton Eradicator is a different one, but he DOES have the og's memories. So it's a David Conner situation. He can sense things from not the main universe being in the main universe. He changed and grew as a person because of Guy Gardner 8.5 Eradicator...3 ?
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(apparently not the same guy; this guy must have even more identity issues then post-david connor eradicator)
9. Superboy (Kon-El, later Conner Kent)*
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He also has two origins. His original origin links him to many Jack Kirby concepts and makes him one - a DNAlien, a metahuman made by genetically modifying human DNA. He was the clone of Paul Westfield (westfield is evil btw). Johns retcons this into a half-Luthor half-Superman clone (superman is good btw), who always is worried about turning EVIL due to EVILLL GENES. Anyways Young Justice (2019) revealed he was on gemworld during flashpoint so he survived. He's also met the legion (reboot) *He has referred to himself as Superman
10. Cyborg Superman (Hank Henshaw)
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he has Reed Richard's origins, except his crew doesn't really survive. He became a mass of energy and basically can't die. Much more of a GL villain, but has become a Superman villain again recently
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11. Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent
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This Superman starts out as a Champion of the Oppressed like his golden age counterpart, then quickly gets into bigger and bigger ideas like a 5th dimensional being trying to sell out Superman. He also met a version of the legion that doesn't exist anymore due to saving him. He died and also maybe he got better (see Sideways) and also he fused with the post-crisis guy, leading to:
12. Superman Reborn (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent)
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yeah sure this makes sense. (it does not, Superman has a bunch of contradictions with just post-crisis and post-flashpoint) 12.5 Infinite Frontier Superman (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent... maybe also Sonn?)
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everything is canon now. How does that work with the various versions of Superman? It doesn't. This is where we are now. There really hasn't been much changes to Superman lore though. The biggest thing was probably Lex being a superhero in early metropolis. The one thing I'm pretty sure of is that this Clark has met all the legions
NON-CLARK DETOUR #3 13. Alexander "Lex" Luthor
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After Prime Earth Superman died, many people took to the skies to carry on his legacy. One of such people is Lex Luthor
14. Kong Kenan, the New Super-Man
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Kenan is imbued with the chi of Prime Earth Superman and gains superpowers, He develops and changes and grows as a person and learns how to use his powers as well as learns more about his family. Highly recommend New Super-Man
15. Denny Swan
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He was hit by a sentient bolt of energy that carried a mutated genome of Prime Earth Superman so he thinks he's Superman, He blew up.
16. Emperor Super-Man/Super-Man Zero
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A prototype Super-Man, also made by infusing him with the chi of prime earth superman; he was lab-grown
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perseruna · 5 years
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seg’s reunion with his fave boys (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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ceilingfantrashcan · 5 years
You Need to Watch Krypton
Why the hell is everyone sleeping on this show??? The writing and representation are well above par, the plot is compelling, and the characters are ridiculously great.
Like I get it- comic book fatigue is a thing.
Prequels REALLY aren’t my jam. And I never cared- at all- about Superman, so a deep dive into the history of a planet he left when he was a baby seemed like nothing more than a licensing cash grab.
But seriously, give it a shot. I want to see Superwholock levels of fandom content on my dash, I’m serious.
They did a clever thing here, setting the story so far back, and making Superman more of a macguffin and de-centering his story in favor of kick ass universe building and surprisingly complex characters. It feels nothing like Legends of Tomorrow, but it does have the same “we don’t have to use these big famous set-in-stone characters so we have room to move.”
(That said, I’m gonna ignore Seg, Lyta and Adam for now. And everyone’s been talking about Lobo. They’re all fantastic, but after 2.03&2.04 I’m just gonna geek out on my current faves.)
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First, Jayna Zod is one of the coolest characters I’ve ever seen in my LIFE. Like do you EVER get to see moms- of adult main characters whose child is half of a star-crossed lovers situation especially- as anything other than static bland background characters? At first I thought she was going to be a stereotypical villain, but she’s out here killing it with the kind of character development usually only given to white male leads and now I’m more invested in her story than anyone’s, not gonna lie. She’s amazing and so is Ann Ogbomo, for real.
And she’s not the only woman over the age of 25 that has stuff to do!
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Watching Jax, I am increasingly convinced that if there is ever a Labyrinth reboot in the works, Hannah Wasdingham NEEDS to play the goblin king.
But anyway. It’s not just that Jax is written so bloodily minded, it’s that the writers give her very real reasons to be, and convincing opportunities to show it.
And then there’s Dev!
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At the start, he was set up as the square, third-wheel-betrothed- straw man in a main character love triangle. I hate that trope BUT the writers were smart about it. Instead of Dev getting shuffled off or becoming a villain, it feels like more of a starting point for his character.
Because shit happens. Their rigid, stratified society tips inevitably into full on fascism, and it results in him joining forces with the ex-commander/now-traitor, mother of his ex-betrothed.
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They could’ve been lazy and just have it be about Lyta. What makes it unique is that they don’t just skirt past it. The show has a lot going on, but they keep making choices to let all of the characters-not just the leads- react and be vulnerable.
I feel like this show is doing a LOT more than what it seemed to be setting out to do. It’s not just “ensuring a universe in which Superman can be born,” it’s a universe unto itself. And maybe it’s because I don’t have much background with Superman comics, but I don’t know how things are going to end up.
One last thing, though. If Kem EVER turns into the villain google tells me he was in the comics (like I said, I haven’t read many of those) I will be fucking DONE WITH THIS SHOW.
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kryptondaily · 5 years
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legendsofsmallville · 5 years
I’m an emotional mess right now. I need to see the finale like RIGHT RIGHT NOW. KEM! =‘( But also Adam... I need Seg to help him. Eh.. Yeah. Adam is Seg’s last friend he has left. Please give them every scene next episode just like in the beginning.
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mias-deardens · 5 years
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windona · 5 years
seg + mourning kem (for the prompts if that’s okay)
Seg looked up and took a deep breath. From his adjustment to the Rankless Sector through to his parents’ death and the initial fight with Brainiac, Kem had always been there. He was supportive, funny, kind, and a true brother to the end. Life in the Rankless district wasn’t so bad when he had someone who shared his anger, to smuggle goods from the Guilds and con corrupt military.
Then that asshole had sucker punched him to save his life.
His eyes were tearing up now. He was never a big crier, but he always shed some tears at every loss. Though the words and sigil on the memorial in front of him brought out a different sort of tear as well.
To Kem El, brother of Seg El and a valiant hero.
Seg lit some incense. “May Rao treat you well, brother. Look after my son for me while I go to retrieve him, if you’re not too busy having fun in the flaming palace.”
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Pls someone gif seg and kem’s goodbye I will pay you with tears
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itachi86 · 11 months
aw kem
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marcomardon · 5 years
am i going to gif the coldwave and seg/kem parallels in self sacrifice in the penultimate episode, knocking your friend over the head to take their place at the bomb, apologizing but not really? am i????
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ultralaser · 5 years
"sorry if we all die!”
man i missed kem
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perseruna · 5 years
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[cries in kryptonian]
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jbfangal4lyfe · 5 years
Where is Jayna Dev and Kem???
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