ask-the-riders · 2 years
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So yeah,, I did a thing. Top left is Kali, top middle is Nyx, and top right is supposed to be Kazimir
The two doofs on the bottom are Dust and Killer. Killer still drips liquid hate everywhere and his eyes are still leaky, I just chose not to add that in, that way the cracks would be easier to see
His face is cracked because he was actually hit by Ret's morningstar, back in his introduction blurb. Then Dust has a hole in his face because of Connie's waterbending move and how he got hit by part of it that was frozen. Their outfits are pretty similar to their original counterparts, but I haven't actually planned any of the specifics out yet, tbh ^^"
Individual face pics under the cut :P
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Nyx/Lady Night
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Riderverse Dust
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Riderverse Killer
*an additional little note: y'know how Nyx and Kali look like they're wearing makeup? Although it seems like most people usually do that to help identify male vs female skeletons, I was thinking about that a bit earlier and I had a thought: War's a lady and she wasn't born with them, but yet, Kazimir's a boy, and he's got them
I figured that maybe it's a genetic thing. Females might be more likely to have them, but that doesn't mean that guys can't have them, too. In Kazimir's case, it's because he and Nyx are twins
Speaking of Kazimir, if you look closely at his ecto, you'll see little cyan specks in it. While Nyx is more like Nightmare, Kazimir actually got a little more of the corruption, hence why he's able to form tentacles when he gets upset
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skelesinners-r-us · 3 years
I’m genuinely really curious though so: 100% Brat, 95% Submissive, 91% Rope bunny, 88% Primal (Prey), 78% Degradee, 68% Non-monogamist, 68% Masochist 61%, Experimentalist, 58% Rigger, 56% Vanilla. Let’s go with Alex and Orion, Othni, and for fun, War and Kazimir. Uhh, submissive and primal are probably the most important? And not listed was switch 54% which could be important -J
Alrighty,, in order from most to least compatible, we've got:
1) Othni [w/47 points]
2) Orion [w/41 points]
3) Kazimir [w/24 points]
4) War [w/21 points]
5) Alex [w/20 points]
I used a slightly different method of calculating everything than I did yesterday on a practice matchup/compatibility thing, but it's really not that different, so I almost feel like Othni and Orion cheated the system somehow
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kissyboystyles · 4 years
🚨vibe check! you are so worthy of all the good things that are coming/may come and you deserve them
I was not expecting a GENUINE vibe check to be run on kazimir.exe but god damn here I am on this fine Sunday morning feeling absolutely CHECKED and loved and blessed 🥺💕💋 ur the sunshine ty ily
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Key points in Nightmare, Nyx, and Kazimir's lives:
Nightmare finds the twins' mom somewhere in the human world, riddled with negative emotions. Like a moth to a flame, he's drawn to her
He ends up taking her back with him, because he feeds off her negativity and enjoys trying to scare her. Not once does it work though. This woman doesn't fear him for even a single second, somehow
He's intrigued by this and tries even harder to be scary and get a reaction from her, still to no avail
A bunch of time passes, they fall in love, yada yada yada, you get the gist
Nyx and Kazimir are born
For a couple years, everything is great. They have this near perfect life and their own little family, Nightmare's stopped terrorizing innocent people and AUs as much, things are peaceful
Then when she doesn't come home one day, he goes looking for her and finds her dead somewhere with a huge injury that likely came from being impaled
It's implied that Shattered Dream did this to her, purely out of spite since he hates Nightmare
He goes into mourning and is left to raise the twins on his own. He becomes cold and distant to his staff, and everything that belonged to his now dead wife is locked away in a room, out of sight, out of mind
It's not long before he goes back to terrorizing people and AUs again, doing exactly what he was doing before
Consumed by grief, he takes his frustrations out on the people around him and bottles up his sadness and loneliness. It becomes forbidden to ever talk about her, because it's far too painful for him
The twins start growing up and becoming more independent. Nyx's first boyfriend? Not someone he was very fond of
Nyx begins her involvement with Killer, all while Kazimir is making googoo eyes at Dust in the background
Things are fine for a while, but then Killer begins attempting to seduce Nightmare. Night held his ground and stood firm as long as he could, but it'd been so long since someone made him feel loved or special that he just kinda,, caved
Nyx discovers what happened and after she threw Killer to the curb, she got into a huge fight with Nightmare. This led to her moving out and starting her rule as queen of another kingdom named "Regoria" (which in turn led to her meeting Connie)
It took a while, but they very awkwardly tried patching up their relationship. As it turns out, neither of them can stay upset with the other for very long
Nightmare recruits Kali. Kali pisses him off so bad that he basically tells Nyx to take her, since he doesn't wanna deal with her anymore. Nyx takes Kali back to her castle, and a little while later, Kali has made a full 180° and now follows the princess's every order
This is also around the time when 406 became pregnant and ran away with Cross. They went to Nyx for help, and she took them in for a short while
She had 406 and Cross go back with Dream, while 406's baby was adopted out to one of her staff
Kazimir breaks things off with Dust and now he's staying with Nyx in her castle. Kazimir may or may not already be eyeballing Val
Another interesting thing that seems unrelated at first glance: it's implied that Shattered Dream killed Nyx and Kazimir's mom. Years later when Othni's completely obsessed with the concept of getting to be in Connie's aura of positivity again, it's implied that he killed Shattered Dream. By the way he's talked about Nyx, he makes it sound like he's familiar with her, and even genuinely respects her, although he never really said why
It's almost as if he did some poking around, found out what happened to her mom, and then decided to take matters into his own hands, because Shattered hadn't yet gotten what Othni (and Nightmare, if he knew who killed his late wife) felt he deserved
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I'm unsure if this gives me Death vibes, Nightmare/Nyx/Kazimir vibes, yandere Othni vibes, or all three vibes at once
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Tiny disclaimer: there’s a lot of options here, and all the Latin might look a little confusing at first, but I did make sure to include the translations for everything ^^’
For context: it was briefly mentioned before (in that blurb I wrote where Ret got to meet Nyx) that Nyx was seen wearing a family crest. I figured it’d be kinda neat if the crest had a Latin quote as part of it, or if there was a portrait or something hanging somewhere in her castle that had the quote on it
I struggle to decide which one I like best because I’m also trying to take Kazimir and Nightmare into consideration, alongside Nightmare’s situation with his late wife and how his stance on things might’ve changed since the apple incident. Since this could be part of their family crest, it’d only make sense that it’s something that’d work for each of them, y’know?
Since there’s so many choices here, I enabled the multiple choice thing, so you can pick as many as you want XP
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Another poll, because there’s a lot that I’m having trouble deciding, it seems
As it says in the poll description, I’d really like to introduce Kazimir at some point, but I have no idea what to do for that. I have a bunch of different ideas, but I legitimately have no idea which one would be the best way to introduce him, since they’d all show different sides of him
Like,, he can form tentacles like Nightmare, but only when he’s super upset, and to a degree, he even struggles to control them. That could be interesting to see, but only a couple of the options that are listed could possibly lead to it happening
Anyway though, gonna stop myself before I ramble too much ^^” you can pick as many as you want, if you end up having a hard time picking just one like me
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
We know that Nyx once dated Killer. That's nothing new. But a fun fact (of sorts) for ya:
Kazimir was very much involved with Dust. I dunno if I'd say they were officially together or not, but they were fairly close and as intimate as you could expect, given Dust's mental and emotional condition. They could still be seeing each other on and off since Kazimir made if painfully obvious that he was in love with Dust (boi isn't good at hiding his feelings a lot of the time), but I don't think they're as close as they used to be, since Dust is best bros with Killer and probably did a lot of the same not-so-great stuff as him
Which,, y'know, would include lying and being involved with other people. Killer was sneaking around with both 406 and Nightmare, and also attempting to flirt with Kali, while he was with Nyx. Since Dust gets into a lot of trouble too, that could imply that he also made moves on 406 (and possibly Axe, who knows tbh) while Kazimir thought they were an item. It was never agreed upon that they were, but still
We saw a good amount of Nyx's power when she intimidated Killer (when he showed up uninvited at her castle), but she can't form actual tentacles like Nightmare has. Kazimir however, can. They only manifest when he's upset enough, so yeah. Just imagine the damage that could've been done when he found out what Dust was doing
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
There's a very slight possibility that War might've worked for Nightmare around the time when Nyx and Kazimir were still pretty young
Like, she would've been a preteen, or in her super early teens, but she wouldn't have been any older than that. There's probably a timeline out there somewhere, where Nyx and Kazimir were still itty bitty little skeleton children while she was around
Which I think would've been adorable to see. Just,, her unconsciously trying to be their big sister, like she's done with every other child that she's met
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Kinda wanna write something to introduce Kazimir, but idk what kind of situation to stick him in
The original idea I had was him introducing himself to Connie, but because I'm thinking about it a little more, what about him finding out who what Dust had been doing behind his back? His reaction would be a lot different than Nyx's (when she found out Killer's dirty little secret), but depending on how upset he was, it could actually be more dangerous
Then some other options would be him going to Nyx for comfort and reassurance, since they're pretty close and she'd probably wanna throw down with Dust at some point for hurting her brother. I could also show him being his typical gremlin self, and maybe harassing his dad or his sister, too
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
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Idk what this is, but I started it a long time ago and haven't been able to get back into it
I feel like this starter is pretty much dead now, so I probably won't do anything more with it. Not unless I get a random spark of inspiration or happen to come across whatever song I was listening to when I originally had this idea
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
So, I’ve recently found this side blog of your AU, and long story short, NYX IS A QUEEN. (I also have a character who controls darkness names Nyx, but she’s a cat) Anyway, there’s this song from Descendants 3 “Do What You Gotta Do”. I have no idea why, but I imagine Nightmare and Nyx singing it.
Pfft X3 she really is a queen, isn't she?
The song, again, pfffft. I had to look it up, and oh my god. To some degree, it works, but Nyx is actually her dad's little princess. They're surprisingly close despite their differences when it comes to their morals
If anything, it almost makes me think of the relationship that Nightmare has with Kazimir (his son, who is Nyx's twin brother). He was never all that close with Kazimir, but he doted on Nyx almost all the damn time. Whatever she wanted, she probably got. Kazimir though? Nah. He either had to earn it, or it just took a lot of convincing
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Nyx and her brother (whose name I can 't remember how to spell X'D) ❌ - what would cause your muse to be petty or say something hurtful
For Nyx, it really wouldn't take a whole lot. The best example I can think of that she might respond like that to would be if someone (that she didn't really care much for) gave her any level of sass, tried to back talk her, or tried to say anything about her family. Talking shit about Nightmare would definitely earn you some mild pettiness and/or irritated, clipped responses, but it depends a lot on what exactly was said, too. Say something about Kazimir though, and if it's bad enough, she might snap and intentionally try to hurt your feelings to some degree
Kazimir requires a little more effort, to push to that point. He doesn't like when anyone says anything about his family, so he's a lot like Nyx in that aspect. If anything is said about her though, he could very well take offense to it, depending on what it is. He's not quite as mature as her though, so he could be petty over stupid stuff too, like if he was saving some food item for later and he found out that someone got into it. In a case like that, he'd be petty, but he wouldn't try to hurt anyone's feelings over it
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Currently thinking about a discussion I had with a friend about Nyx and Killer's breakup (due to all the bad choices he made, which would include sleeping around)
If things between her and Killer didn't work out because of that, then I don't think things with Dust and Kazimir (Nyx's brother) really would've been much different, since Dust and Killer are basically besties
Kazimir,, I know you guys haven't been introduced to him yet, but he's a sweet guy. Loud, kind of obnoxious at times, and a little dense, but he's still sweet, so I think he deserves better than whatever Dust put him through
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I genuinely have no idea why I've been thinking about Nyx so much these past few days, but another realization just hit me
As a kid, she might've received judgement from others not just because of who her dad was, but also because of the fact that her mom was a human
Nyx had to fight tooth and nail to earn the respect of Nightmare's staff, since for the longest time, they probably had little to none for her at all. Nobody listened or took her seriously because she was a kid and a "halfer" (half monster, half human (in a way)), and of course, it pissed her off and made her determined to get stronger and learn how to hold her own against all of them at once someday
Meanwhile, Kazimir received the same judgement as her, but I don't think he really cared. He just did his own thing and everyone's words went in one figurative ear and out the other. Not even kidding. The selective hearing is strong in this one. He could pretend to be deaf and people probably actually bought it
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
How much of a punch to the gut would it be if Nyx and Kazimir's mom was somehow still alive somewhere
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