#kazimierz wielki
mybeautifulpoland · 22 days
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Będzin Castle, Poland by Dawid Ślusarek
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Jadwiga has been the most consistent sweeper so far: 89.8% against Zygmunt August and 98.2% against Kazimierz Jagiellończyk
Kazimierz Wielki bodied Jan Olbracht with 93.3% of votes and then defeated his own father with 63.9%
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koronakrolowresource · 4 months
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korona królów favourite costumes 6/???
king casimir's black & gold mourning overcoat, ep 5 & 6.
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thecrownofthekingspl · 9 months
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the-history-chap · 1 year
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via Kazimierz Wielki posting
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Oto nasz Boży Dom
Oto nasz Boży Dom
Dzisiejsze święto rocznicy poświecenia naszego kościoła uświadamia nam, jak wielkim darem jest Kościół. Nasz kościół. Taki jaki mamy. I chociaż sam lubię churching, bo lubię zwiedzać inne cudowne świątynie mój kościół jest najpiękniejszy. Taki jaki jest. I taki jaki jest taki kocham. Tak. Bo kocham Kościół. Mój kościół, któremu tak wiele zawdzięczam. W Polsce jest ponad 10 tysięcy parafii, więc…
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
fantasy period webtoons often use vague european setting and a strange mix of names, but to see a royal family called 'piast'... that's a first lmao
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maratycznie · 3 months
✸ Esterka Małach ✸
Mythical Jewish mistress of King Kazimierz Wielki
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theunmotivatedparable · 9 months
Unbritishes your Narrator and throws pierogis at him (I made a Polish Narrator)
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✰ click for better quality ✰ why did this take me so long,, drawing in a car is so difficult
He's a Bastard. He's a silly, silly bastard (more info/individual screenshots under the readmore)
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(the apron says Kiss the Chef in Polish teehee)
Now, time to smother you all with little tidbits or ideas!
Not only is he a Narrator, but he's also a Polish "Lektor"! For those who don't know what a lektor is, if you've ever watched something with one of those extremely monotone language dubs over it (most commonly, Polish), the person dubbing it is what a Lektor does essentially. In Poland, it's generally a generic, 50 year old male's monotone voice dubbing over everything into Polish. It's miserable as a person who's bilingual and trying to listen to both audios at once to fully understand everything. So, yeah, he's one of those dudes.
Also, did you know that commonly Polish names are actually translated into English ones? That's why I call Stanley "Stanisław", because that's what his Polish name would be :3
Also in this AU of sorts Stanley would be like someone OF Polish descent but he never fully learned how to speak Polish (can understand it, and speak it a BIT. its very broken though) and the Narrator (Nikodem) just so happened to have gotten a protagonist that wasn't able to speak back at him teehee (so Stanley isn't mute but still doesn't speak bc of language barrier because Nikodem acts as if he doesn't understand English everytime Stan tries to speak back at him)
Also!! Narrator called Stanley 'Stan' because Stanley, Stanisław, yeah you get it. It's just to please them both language wise. Also Narrator's last name (Niedzielnik) comes from the word niedziela which means Sunday. (Also the two of them have a joke that every Sunday is Narrator day because of Narrator's last name haha)
The Narrator also loves to insult/talk shit about Stanley to his face in Polish because Stanley was never taught insults in Polish so he understands NONE of it. Also loves to make fun of Stanley's accent when he talks.
They bond over making Polish food. 100%. Fight me about it.
Also Narrator is a big religion guy even though he he's BASICALLY God in TSP:UD lmao because Polish people are so fucking Catholic it's insane (I say, as a Pole. I'm not religious sorry lol)
Also Stanley comes from England because fuck you (no actually it's because there's a shit ton of Polish people in Britain.) And he's a Polish history nerd. He may not be able to speak Polish but he CAN recite to you everything Kazimierz (III) Wielki (Casimir III the Great) did to reform Poland. He can tell you every important date in Polish history. And he will. (Nikodem hates him for it and is unwilling to admit he's learned a lot of English terms and stuff from Stan's rambling)
Uhhh that's it for now. Let me know if you'd like to see more of these two Polish bastards.
( @mooseonahunt ITS DONE. feast upon these two Poles )
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photo-snap-stories · 7 months
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Zamek Książąt Mazowieckich, Ciechanów (część 1 z 2)
Kiedy zaczęto budować zamek ciechanowski, a było to ok. roku 1355, na Mazowszu, które było osobnym księstwem, panował książę Siemowit III z linii Piastów Mazowieckich. Na pozostałych terenach Polski kończył się wówczas proces zjednoczenia, po tzw. rozbiciu dzielnicowym. Rządził tam, ostatni król dziedziczny, Kazimierz Wielki, także z linii Piastów, który „zastał Polskę drewnianą a zostawił murowaną”. Na ziemie polskie najeżdżały wojska z państw sąsiednich, a szczególnie Krzyżaków (Zakon Rycerski Najświętszej Marii Panny) z północy, Czechów z południa i Litwinów ze wschodu.
Mazowsze było szczególnie narażone na najazdy litewskie, które pustoszyły zimie księstwa, aż do 1385 r. Dwukrotnie był palony Ciechanów, który był stolicą Ziemi Ciechanowskiej.
Forma zamku – prostokąt o wymiarach 48 x 57 m – z jednym budynkiem przy bramie południowej (dla załogi), dwóch wieżach od strony wjazdu i olbrzymim, pustym dziedzińcem przypominała wczesnośredniowieczne zamki z Bliskiego Wschodu – zamki bizantyjskie. Miał on podobne przeznaczenie – służył do schronienia ludności miasta, wraz z najcenniejszym dobytkiem w okresie zagrożenia przez wroga. Jedyną drogą do zamku, od strony miasta, przez bagniste rozlewiska rzeki Łydyni był drewniany most, o długości prawie 300 m., łatwy do demontażu.
Zamek ciechanowski był praktycznie nie do zdobycia i nigdy nie został zajęty przez wrogów, chociaż takie próby podejmowali Krzyżacy, czego dowodem są znalezione w fosie zamkowej, w trakcie badań archeologicznych, dwa miecze i inne fragmenty uzbrojenia rycerzy zakonnych. Zamek pełnił wówczas (na przełomie XIV i XV w.) rolę obronnego zamku granicznego, gdyż granica Państwa Krzyżackiego przebiegała wzdłuż rzeki, tuż za północnym murem zamku.
Castle of the Mazovian Dukes, Ciechanów, Poland (part 1 of 2)
When the construction of the Ciechanów castle began, and it was around 1355, Mazovia, which was a separate duchy, was ruled by Prince Siemowit III from the line of the Mazovian Piasts. In other areas of Poland, the process of unification was coming to an end, after the so-called district breakdown. It was ruled by the last hereditary king, Casimir the Great, also from the Piast line, who "found Poland made of wood and left it made of stone". Polish lands were invaded by armies from neighboring countries, especially the Teutonic Knights (the Knights' Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary) from the north, Czechs from the south and Lithuanians from the east.
Mazovia was particularly vulnerable to Lithuanian invasions, which ravaged the Duchy's lands until 1385. Ciechanów, the capital of the Ciechanów Land, was burned twice.
The form of the castle - a rectangle measuring 48 x 57 m - with one building at the southern gate (for the crew), two towers from the entrance side and a huge, empty courtyard resembled early medieval Middle Eastern castles - Byzantine castles. It had a similar purpose - it was used to shelter the city's population, along with the most valuable possessions, when threatened by the enemy. The only way to the castle, from the city side, through the swampy backwaters of the Łydynia River, was a wooden bridge, almost 300 m long, easy to dismantle.
The Ciechanów castle was practically impregnable and was never occupied by enemies, although such attempts were made by the Teutonic Knights, as evidenced by two swords and other fragments of the knights' armament found in the castle moat during archaeological research. The castle then (at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries) served as a defensive border castle, as the border of the Teutonic State ran along the river, just behind the northern wall of the castle.
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Stanisław Wyspiański - Stained glass
Henryk Pobożny (1900-1902) // Święty Stanisław (1900-1902) // Kazimierz Wielki (1900-1902)
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our very last father-son poll! but you've heard enough about the both of them - read more about queen Jadwiga, mother of Kazimierz, or about Leszek Czarny, Łokietek's half-brother who ate frogs as a cure for erectile dysfunction
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koronakrolowresource · 4 months
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fc's i'd like to see people use more: 2/???
mateusz król as casimir III the great, male, white, brunette, ~30.
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thecrownofthekingspl · 4 months
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totematpl · 5 months
Co wiadomo o Kazimierzu Wielkim królu Polski - czego nie uczą na lekcjach w szkole. Wiele rzeczy, nie tylko pochlebnych, ale i wybuchowych. https://totemat.pl/krol-polski-kazimierz-wielki-bigamista/ #Historia #KazimierzWileki #KrólPolski #Polska #Król #Ciekawostki
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mega-ted-world · 6 months
Bocian Kazimierz (Wielki) - ptak o różnych obliczach [30.04.23]
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