marsdetective · 2 years
10, 11, 17, 20 & 25 for the books ask!!!
thank you sophie!!
10. What was your favorite new release of the year?
Ooohhh this is so hard! I think mayhaps Babel by RF Kuang? Literally RF Kuang is queen of examining colonialism and history through a fascinating fantasy lens and also ripping your heart out at the same time. 10/10.
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Okay I thought this one would also be hard but then I realized that there is an obvious answer for me and it's Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler. Believe it or not, I've never read a book by her before and now she's already one of my favorite writers. Like, god. it was so heavy to read but I flew through it. She did a great job of balancing the dystopia aspects with hope and resiliency. the development of the world and characters was so good, and the "god is change" stuff was genuinely really cool to think of.
Like, I was a teenager in 2010-2013 and I never thought I'd willingly read a dystopia again bc of that Experience.... but here I am, thinking this is probably in my top 10 books of the year.
Also, shout out to Beloved by Toni Morrison, Mythology by Edith Hamilton, The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker and Uprooted by Naomi Novik - other backlist books that I really, really loved.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I read a middle grade horror book called Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker and it was reeeeally good. i will never look at beatrix potter the same way again skskfjfjjskdfkf iykyk.
Another book I was surprised by was Far Sector by NK Jemisin and Jamal Campbell. well. surprised is the wrong word since I picked it up bc NK Jemisin wrote it and it won a Hugo for best graphic novel. But after checking it out I realized it was a green lantern comic, which I could not care less about lol. BUT. It was actually really good once I gave it a shot - it's a stand alone space mystery political adventure! very fun!
And one more I was blown away by was An Invitation from a Crab by panpanya. It's a indie manga that my coworker lent me and it's incredibly surreal and dreamlike and weird, but I kinda am obsessed with it.
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
For some reason I like to wait till that like, 1 week period between Christmas and New Years to fully define my reading goals, but I have thought about it a little! I always read at least 2 classics I never got to in high school/college, so I was thinking maybe Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston, since I own both of those. I'd also like to read a Russian classic too since I've never tried one of those.
I've never read any true crime and I think it'd be fun to branch out and read a couple from that genre next year!
This isn't a goal per se, but I'd also love to read all of Samantha Shannon's The Bone Season series next year, bc I love her writing a ton!
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rootsmachine · 1 year
new tumblr activity page unable to understand that i can be mutuals w people i follow who follow This blog & Don’t follow my main blog
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scaryorganmusic · 3 years
in 2013 when i was fifteen and in my First supernatural phase my blogs url was “haelsgrace” for like two months so: full support on haeljess
you had a full on hael url????? your power! glad to see the haeljess nation growing, we’ll overtake destiel at any moment now
it’s crazy to me she was just in that one episode, i had such a distinct memory of her like in my mind she was such an important character lol
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terumiafuro · 7 years
9, 5 and 23 💗
9: A song that makes you happy
december, 1963 by the four seasons. it’s old but always makes me smile
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
teenager in love by neon trees! good, gay, banger
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to 
could be wrong by fickle friends, which i maintain is one of the best indie pop songs in EXISTENCE 
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mpregdextermorgan · 2 years
@holyverse tagged me to list 5 books i'd like to read in the new year thank you <3 these are the books i have in my possession and have strong plans to get through as soon as i can.
Michel Foucault - Surveillet et Punir (sociocrimino cornerstone ok)
Tanya Tagaq - Split Tooth
Ishmael Reed - Flight to Canada (gift from my dad)
Zalika Reid-Benta - Frying Plantain
and the Albert Camus omnibus i've had for years i think it's my mom's technically. so l'étranger (which i have read), la peste, la chute & le premier homme. (he's mentioned a lot in comparison to wright & ellison, and by extension dostoyevsky, so it made me more pressingly curious.)
+ i'd like to get through at least two bilingual editions of russian novels, probably notes from the underground and one other.
anyways <3 tagging @t4tdeancassie @stanforderajohn @kalmiat @terumiafuro if yous feel like it, + whoever else feels like doing it
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aahhh @kalmiat tagged me to post 5 books i’m excited to read this year, and i fully forgot to do it!! sorry sophie, i’m a nightmare so it’s late but let’s goooo 
1. piranesi by susanna clarke -- my brother tries to get me to read this once a week and i keep forgetting (a pattern emerges) so it’s finally tiiiime. i know i will love it, i’ve heard only good things 2. gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir -- it’s sapphic necromancers in some kind of sci-fi mystery, and when i flipped to the middle of the sequel, i’m pretty sure there was a chapter written in second person which? i am trash for these days 3. currently untitled dreamer trilogy book 3 by maggie stiefvater -- it’s slated to come out sometime this year and i love those boys more than life itself 4. needful things by stephen king -- a random man at work saw my SK shirt and was like “needful things is the BEST, isn’t it--” and normally i would not trust the opinion of a random man but he said it with such conviction...? i’m curious 5. merry spinster by danny lavery -- i’ve owned this book forever, i love danny, i’m in a lifelong monstrosity phase, it’s truly on me for not having read this yet
thank you sophie!! i will tag @kat-stratfords-ponytail, @sarsaparillia, and @michaelabanes if you want to share your excellent taste in books <3
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hxkzedu-blog · 6 years
Juventus Siapkan Ozil dan Eriksen untuk Gantikan Dybala : Okezone Bola
TURIN – Juventus berpotensi besar kehilangan Paulo Dybala pada bursa transfer musim panas 2018. La Joya –julukan Dybala– disebut-sebut akan melanjutkan karier bersama Manchester United. Bahkan akun Twitter Adidas beberapa hari lalu menulis kalmiat selamat datang untuk Dybala di Theather of Dreams. Kata Theather of Dreams merujuk kepada kandang Man United, Stadion…
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SOPHIE......i love u so much! ur my poi opinion soulmate and i’m so so excited to meet you whenever we can figure that out and i’m just. really proud of you??? idk that sounds silly but your freshman year stuff is reminding me a LOT of my freshman year stuff and i know it’s tough and i’m proud of u for doing it!!! also i don’t think i’ve read your writing in a long time but it’s always incredible
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babysappho · 8 years
kalmiat replied to your post: “i wanna go traveling again for thanksgiving but here i am, writing...”:
visit me pls
im scared thinking about your winter please no
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marsdetective · 11 months
20 books challenge
Hypothetically, you are only able to keep 20 of your books. Only one book per author/series. So what books are you keeping?
I wasn’t actually tagged but I wanted to do this :D fun but hard to chose!! I tag @littlestarsailor @mulderscully @kalmiat idk anyone else who has books and wants to do this!
Graceling by Kristen Cashore
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (very formative and signed!)
Loveless by Alice Oseman (sooo hard to chose just one of their books, but this one is signed and very personal to me)
Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (also signed!!)
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (signed!)
The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien (copy from the 80s that has an ugly ass cover that I love)
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (one of my fav books as a kid)
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George (another childhood fav)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (signed!)
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E Harrow
If We Were Villains by ML Rio
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (has the cool sprayed black edges)
Maus I by Art Spiegelman (signed)
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marsdetective · 2 years
@kalmiat tagged me to share 5 books I want to read this year! thanks <3
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler - I bought this over a year ago and I’m determined to get to it this year. I love sf obviously and I’ve somehow never read Octavia Butler so it’s time!
The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher - I love portal fantasy. and in the past few years I have been getting more into horror. my brother recommended this to me as a horror portal fantasy!! very excited to check this out
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers - another book I own but haven’t gotten to yet. this is the last book in one of my favorite series of all time
The Insiders by Mark Oshiro - I read so much queer middle grade last year and it really healed my soul and this one looks so good!
Across a Field of Starlight by Blue Delliquanti - nonbinary4nonbinary science fiction romance graphic novel?? say no more
i tag @littlestarsailor @mulderscully @being-gay-on-ice @dykerightsmp3
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scaryorganmusic · 3 years
okay, at the risk of nobody doing this i just wanted to get to know my fellow sam stans and fans better, through the age old tradition of tag games, so here it goes:
Rules: answer the questions and tag others to keep it going, it can be as many people as you want! and if you would like to add more questions when tagging people, feel free!
Sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child...) -
How long have you been stanning for -
Favorite Sam era -
Favorite spn season, but if the only criteria was Sam’s hair -
Favorite Sam-centric episode -
Any ships you may like to mention -
Favorite song you would/have put in a Sam playlist -
If you could steal one thing from Sam’s wardrobe, it would be -
Complete the sentence: If Sam cishet, then WHY.... -
Favorite unhinged Sam moment -
You must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one Sam hc that drives you insane - 
Tell me something about the hbo Sam that lives in your brain - 
Oh no, the writers forgot to give Jess a personality! Now it’s up to you. Tell me, what was Jess like - 
Biggest injustice Supernatural commited against Sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire) -
And finally, just say something about him that makes you smile ♥
To get this started I’m tagging: @suncaptor @spneveryseason @cryptidmax @itsjustallaboutsam @deansgrindr @seraphimphobia @bisamwinchesters @kalmiat @azazelapologist
and as usual, it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing this, and if you haven’t been tagged yet but want to do it just follow your dreams
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terumiafuro · 7 years
hello it is i @kalmiat go follow me my blog is Inactive but im a fun exciting person
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