#junis 12 am talks
itsokjuju · 2 months
weenie hut jr made my isaac callout post inaccessible for some reason. so now im back to being annoyed
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enjoy having to hear me rant like a madman (fuck you tumblr staff)
im assuming people that have been on miiblr for at least a month or two know exactly who isaacthemii is, or at least im hoping so. if not, dw i gotchu. he would post things kind of in the same wheelhouse of what zorrpu posts (like tomodachi collection, miitomo, shitposts, etc etc). thats all i really know about him since i've only spoken to him a handful of times outside of our miis and aus.
now heres where i really get into the meat of the post where i slowly start to lose my shit.
so, i introduced one of my miis, Tootsie (aka Miiblr's selected mascot) to Isaac. he somehow got his hands on the tootsie ai bot, and sent me an ask complaining about how he apparently bullied isaac and called him bitchless (which mind you. everything the ai bots say is made up, and isaac took it to heart, which will probably explain his transphobia and dehumanization towards him.)
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at first, isaac had no idea tootsie was a male. but the transphobia and dehumanization slowly starts to suspiciously get more consistent, mind you.
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(i will obviously not show the video isaac sent. but its literally his miisona beating tootsie up, i kid you not. and i say it feels so fatphobic to me because for some reason thought itd be funny to make tootsie look fat, which clearly wasnt in my case.)
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at first. i didnt worry about it too much. since i thought that he was just joking for the most part. but i was very uncomfortable with how he was mistreating my miis.
later on. isaac got banned on the miicord server, after fighting with @starbitedreamworld (aka the delightful cyrus to my reese <33)
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later that week. isaac made an alt account, ban evading like. 4-8 times i kid you not. (it makes it all the more pathetic that he told people to oof themselves, only to come back and make a half assed apology post. cue the toxic gossip train music!!)
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later on. isaac made a WHOOOOOLE other account on tumblr, trying to piss off miiblr even more by not taking accountability and not giving two trucks about his transphobia. which at that point, i was slowly starting to get from annoyed to just. angry.
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let me just say, hes tried to interact with me MULTIPLES of times after i already told him i was uncomfortable with him near me and my miis. can i just say the amount of red flags this guys shows of TRANSPHOBIA??? theres no way you can do this on accident. let me just recap what isaac has done:
*made multiples of nsfw jokes about other peoples mine and other peoples miis
*told people to oof themselves
*ban evaded numerous of times
*stalked me and other peoples accounts, to the point where he was driven by literal obsession
*never took accountability for his actions
*never apologized for his transphobia
chances are. isaac will probably make another alt account soon. so i highly, HIGHLY advise you to stay cautious with any new miiblr blogs. keeping isaac in miiblr is at this point a liability and theres way too much crap going on to not make a call out post on him bruh
stay safe. juni out
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cherrypikkins · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
Juni Cottontale, my FFXIV WoL - mostly snippets from sporadic discord RPs
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(reacting to intruder trying to break into the bedroom) "Darling, move over a bit, I'm just going to grab the gun from under the bed…"
(sips from random beaker) "Hm. This isn't tea."
(looking at the smoking wreckage of the fantasy Keurig) "It was pretty dope though, even you have to admit it."
"Please stop giving our children knives."
"I showed you my flamethrower. Please respond."
"Stop screaming and I'll show you how to make an ice bomb."
"I may have committed a lot of wartime atrocities … but I am NOT a kidnapper."
(Regarding Gaius van Baelsar) "The enemy of my enemy is still a punk-ass bitch."
"I guess I forgot that not everyone works with explosive chemicals as their day job."
10. Miki: "...So, about us disintegrating" Juni: "Wild, right?"
11. (talking with Miki about having kids) "Just let me know when and I'll bug Cid for a raise."
12. "You can't flash me and always expect my mood to improve, Darling."
13. "Wanna do something cool and stupid with me?"
14. (assembling his gun + silencer after finding out the namazu Gyodo sold them out to the Garleans) "It'll be like shooting balloons at the carnival."
I tag: @eorzean-cabbage @breakingbridges @lavampira @sakurabunnie @milesmilse @omgkalyppso !
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inquisitor-julia · 20 days
So! not exactly sure how I want to format this but here I am to babble about my OCs starting with the original love of my life: Elsanna Cousland
Putting this giant post under the cut so I don't clog up anyone's dash!
So to start off, just the basics:
Status: Alive and well, Queen of Ferelden
Name Meaning: “Powerful Sparrow”
Full Name: Elsanna Norette Cousland [Theirin]
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Date of Birth: 15th of Firstfall 9:12 Dragon
Age: 18 (at the start of Origins)
Class: Rogue (Dual-Wielder)
Specializations: Duelist, Assassin, Shadow
Romance: Alistair
Shares World-State With: Serafina Hawke and Nayeli Trevelyan
Height: 5'8"
Family: Eleanor (Mother)(Dead), Bryce (Father)(Dead), Fergus (Older Brother), Oriana (Sister-In-Law)(Dead), Oren (Nephew)(Dead), Cassia (Sister-In-Law), Eleanora (Niece), Bryson (Nephew), Vilaida (Mabari)
Children: Alessandra (Daughter)
Astrology: Scorpio [3rd Decan]
Pinterest Board
Romance Playlist (for sure needs updating)
Her in game decisions:
she recruits and keeps all of the available companions
she’s friends with all of her companions
her mabari is named Vilaida
sided with the mages
protected redcliffe
helped connor with the help of the circle of magi and isolde and connor lived
did not defile the sacred ashes
made peace between the elves and werewolves
Avernus allowed to live and continue experiments humanely
did not drink Avernus’ potion and did not destroy it
destroyed the anvil and sided with cairidin
Bhelen rules Orzammar
“killed” flemeth (by which i mean she absolutely fought flemeth but obviously flemeth isn’t actually dead so…)
Loghain was executed by Alistair
Alistair rules Ferelden with Elsanna as his Queen
The dark ritual was done by Alistair
Elsanna killed the archdemon and lived
Elsanna became warden commander and arlessa of amaranthine
recruited all awakening companions
friends with all awakening companions
protected both vigil’s keep and amaranthine
killed the architect
let morrigan leave through the eluvian
Some posts I've made about her previously
Aesthetic Post
Infodump Post
Short Fic
Elsanna and Four Colors
16 Factors Test
Wedding Dress
Warden or Queen Ask
Sad Cousland Headcanon
Elsi and Alistair Gifset
Feelings About Loghain
Excuse You I Am Your Queen
Feelings About Wardens
Hogwarts Aesthetic (no i don't engage with HP anymore but i still like this post)
Eamon vs. Alessandra
In Five Gifs
Leliana and Shale
Happy Ending
Kiss, Marry, Get Drinks With
Dog and Ser Pounce
How Deeply She Feels
Elsanna's Theme
Dollmakers 1 2 3 4 5
Art of her:
by changelingsandothernonsense
by paranoidfactors
by junie-junette
by mirandemia
by me
by deeplord
I know this post is really just links but this is just to start me off talking about her! I have more info written down (somewhere) that I'm going to post and I'm open to any questions! :)
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kitkatnerds3 · 11 months
There was a lot of cool stuff that happened this episode! The ADA reuniting scene with Atsushi tackle hugging Kunikida and Kyouka having to physically keep herself from also tackle hugging her family, Seeing Tecchou again, bunch of old man yaoi, Ranpo being an absolute delight and my favorite character he is so cool I love him and so does half of the police force, the appearance of our boy Akutagawa, And a bunch of really cool animation choices! The part where Atsushi was talking about how he was scared and then the words saying fear condensed and turned into Atsushi was awesome, and I think I saw a style change when they were talking about Fukuchi's backstory, and style changes are always awesome. We still haven't seen what the ending looks like but from what I could hear of it the song is pretty good!
What I want to talk about the most though is stuff that I heard about from the Fukuchi backstory, before that though I just wanna say,
BSD FANDOM PLEASE. I KNOW WE HATE FUKUCHI BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH STUFF ABOUT HIM THAT WE SOULD TALK ABOUT MORE!!! First of all, the fact that he has three movies based on him and that most of the united nations guys seem to have a crush on him is fucking hilarious. And second of all, this is the part I want to scream about,
I have done the math, the war ended about 11 to 12 years ago, meaning that Atsushi had been born already while the war was still going on, it's entirely possible that he might be connected to that incident!! And while it does kinda seem like that whole thing happened kinda early on in the war, well that's what parents are for!
This could also tie into whatever is connecting him to the book, if the tiger is an artificial ability created by some government, maybe they used the book or something like that! To be completely honest I am constantly grasping at straws to figure out what the heck is up with Atsushi and the book, I have no idea what could be connecting them, but, the more theories you have the more likely that one of them will be correct!!
Now, from this point on I'm going to be discussing manga spoilers, so anime onlys beware.
I am both so hyped and so fucking scared for next Wednesday, for as we all know, Akutagawa does exactly three things in this arc, show up, be gay, and die. He's accomplished the first one, I'm excited for the second one, and the third one terrifies me. I DON'T WANT HIM TO DIEEEEEEEEEE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! But I'm also so excited for 'you know the reason yourself, don't you?' and 'run, you fool (soft smile)' and 'from the start the hole was only for his ally to escape through' because, shin soukoku canon. But also all of the gay shit comes with the knowledge of what comes next and AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! FUCK!
Also, one thing that happened in this episode kinda reminded me of a question I had.
Where the fuck are Junichirou and Kenji???
Have they just been wandering the port mafia underground this entire time? I know that Juni probably runs into them again, or at least runs into Kunikida, but does he ever meet up with Atsushi or the rest of the agency at all? Or does he just get kidnapped off screen and we don't see him until they reveal him tied to the bed? And what about Kenji?? Does he just walk around with no idea what's going on with the agency until he meets Tecchou? Where is he???
Anyways, great episode can't wait for next week!!!
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cassiope25 · 1 year
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Ich habe 901 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
17 Einträge erstellt (2%)
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Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 897 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#stargate atlantis – 814 Einträge
#sga – 790 Einträge
#rodney mckay – 594 Einträge
#john sheppard – 479 Einträge
#mcshep – 249 Einträge
#addicted to rodney mckay – 127 Einträge
#mcshep forever – 117 Einträge
#great gifset – 82 Einträge
#ronon dex – 71 Einträge
#teyla emmagan – 67 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 116 characters
#sometimes i can't imagine how great the results are when seeing under which circumstances the scenes had to be done!
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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This is my very first fic and it's written for the SGA_Saturday Prompt Challenge #week 353-357 tender /quilt
I'm very exited about it and hope you'll enjoy it!
Summary :
“We are so doomed... I can't believe I can't find it!”
Rodney paces back and forth, hands either up in the air or yanking at his already dishevelled hair, which is now sticking up in the air in all directions. A picture of utter devastation.
Oh God, John loves this man!
on AO3
23 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Oktober 2022
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Extract from the podfic:
For the Mcshep Month 2022, week 3:
mcshep comedic duo
@itstartedwithalex's and my work was inspired by SquaresAreNotCircles' aka @itwoodbeprefect fic about John and Rodney's hilarious epiphany of sexual identity.
It's also posted on AO3
So if you want to leave a very welcome reaction like a kudo or a comment you can find us here:
Podfic (complete) on AO3
Cover Art on AO3
Thank you SquaresAreNotCircles for giving us the permission to do so. We had a great time doing this for your wonderful fic.
Fic on AO3
John is leaning in, head bent low towards the curly-haired guy he’s talking to. Rodney is a little annoyed instantly because hey, what’s so important they would need to whisper it? Why isn’t John pulling him into this?
And then John reaches out and pulls the other guy in. Over the table, by his neck, and suddenly this other guy is kissing John.
Or: With DADT gone, John starts kissing guys. Rodney is (very mysteriously!) not having a great time.
26 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. März 2022
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A little McShep feeling 💖
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Mai 2022
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A very belated happy birthday @mific 🎉
This is an Illustration for the hilarious fic "The Captive" that will always be one of my all time favorites.
It's also on AO3 along with the wonderful podfic by @itstartedwithalex.
Art on AO3
Podfic on AO3
Fic on AO3
Author's summary: He had to face facts. They'd brought him here to the warlord's private quarters — he stole a frightened sidelong glance at the bed, half-visible through the open door — which meant... Oh god, he was a body slave.
Thanks @mific for giving us permission to do this, we had such fun doing this for your awesome fic.
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Dezember 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Happy Birthday! 🎉
Lt. Colonel John Sheppard 🇺🇸
* 14 Jun 1970
81 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. Juni 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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humanmorph · 10 months
dont mind me just some of my palisade liveposting from twitter. ignore it. i just want them here. this is long and annoying but its my blog and also under a read more smile
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(technically not yet palisadeposting just funny to me)
Road to PALISADE game rankings (29. Mai)
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PALISADE 03 (4. Juni)
guy whos only listened to friends at the table listening to friends at the table: this is just like fr-
this is about me thinking of hieron & some archivists constructing patterns by manipulating events when they talk about the paint shop & bringing palisade on cycle. im also jokin
WHICH. i am pretty excited about (the cycle). its an incredibly cool concept that mostly existed in the bg in twilight mirage (or well, the intros?) but i love it.love to see it come back in a weird and bad way (different weird and bad than the original
& i guess it makes sense for kesh to pull on ideas/ideals/visions their ancestors had, when this whole 'going back to the twilight mirage' is for nideo a reclaiming of their home/origin
dont need rot13 for this though its vague enough that was cool as fuck of jack. i was kind of cruising along like yeah this is pretty nice so far theyre just getting set up with this faction game thing and then woooowww. wah. banger
PALISADE 04 & 05
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PALISADE 07 (13. Juni)
some PALISADE 07 thoughts. im thinking them
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(? idk which episode this related to. 12. Juni)
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(the rot13 says clementine. lol)
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PALISADE 13 (1. Juli)
this doesnt have anything to do with what i wrote here but im very excited for the next arc (even if ill be fully caught up then...) with the way the cast has been talking about it
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also idk what it was about this downtime but something happened halfway through ep 12 where it clicked and now i am enjoying myself way more. just took me a bit i guess
PALISADE 15 (12. Juli)
palisade 15 thoughts (from like, last week. its just still vivid in my mind) . this made me go crazy
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(this still makes me smile god i wanna know whats up with this so badlyyyy)
PALISADE 17 (17 Juni)
god upon our grace fucking ruled
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this arc was soooo much. just in the sense of things sure kept fucking happening oh my god
(oh this is the one i was looking for the other day after the brninegucci convo. (BLOWS UP) indeed)
PALISADE 18 (18. Juni)
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(man i was straightup not having a good time huh)
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(yeah there we go. and i do feel better about it now)
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(just for posterity because this is when i did the first sketch for that long comic. smile)
I'm at work with my phone on 10% but PALISADE 19 but dice ARE one side of the authority I'm halfway through this shit and the Cause has not gotten a win. I mean it did but that got rerolled & they still have one of those left it's not happening folks
Putting my head on my desk. "But you will win anyways. You must."
Gathering Information 04 (23. Juli)
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wait hold on i didnt think this through IF something tragic happened to phrygian and then leap coming in on the blue channel after oneof their crew members / friend / brnines second in command just died or worse(things can always be worse than dying. see gur). that. yeah. hmmmmmm
(tee hee hee) (im actually still thinking about that last tweet currently im turning it around in my mind. the dynamic. also "what if [things] got worse and also leap was there" still makes me laugh)
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Ich habe 314 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 254 more posts als 2021!
48 Einträge erstellt (15%)
266 Einträge gerebloggt (85%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 139 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#the house in the cerulean sea – 78 Einträge
#tj klune – 47 Einträge
#house in the cerulean sea – 44 Einträge
#linus baker – 20 Einträge
#arthur parnassus – 18 Einträge
#&lt;3 – 15 Einträge
#island dads – 13 Einträge
#headcannon – 8 Einträge
#island wives – 7 Einträge
#fanart – 5 Einträge
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he talkes about how he sometimes wants to take all his videos down and leave social media forever and i mean nothing has happened on tiktok
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I did not remember Linus calling merle "Bastard" and it completely caught me off gard.
Also i love how zoes reaction to that basically is
"the boy can curse? Welp time for first name basis then. Let's be friends."
Similarly to how she heard Helen say "daft little bitch" and immediately created a dream wedding pinwall on pinterest
105 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. Juli 2022
The last time Linus Baker wears a Tie is a few weeks before his wedding while trying on wedding outfits, after wearing it for less than a minute he decides that no this isn't it, Arthur would still love him whatever he's wearing and nothing makes him more uncomfortable than ties these days and so he instead wears the red sash that Arthur wore on their first adventure
108 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Februar 2022
One of my favorite things in fics is when Arthur and Linus talk about their experience, like the ones where Linus tells him he's insecure because he doesn't have any because first of all yeahy healthy communication! And also i love the ones where Arthur is like "im a gay philosophy major and father of six, in a racist/homophobic town, you really think i got game?"
I love everything so much! The authors, the author, the island dads, the island wives(even tho they don't have anything to do with this particular thing, they're just important anyway)
169 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
Hi yes i just realized Linus love language is gift giving? Like he probably spends most of his money on calliope (s. The discribtion of how he got her)) and then when he buys toole for Talia and wants to get a jacket for Chauncey and vinyls for Lucy and that makes him getting a present from them even more meaningful, right? Like they just instantly hit his love language? He hadn't gotten a present in years? Maybe that's even why he was so brainwashed by diacomy, bc they gave him monogrammed pjs and noone else got him a present since his mum died oh my poor baby boy! I'm actually crying do you think calliope sometimes killed things for him? Do you think that of course Linus was a little disgusted by it but also couldn't help but feel grateful? Bc his cat is the only one to get him presents?
186 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Linus : hey guys look what i found: Jenga! Do you wanna play?
Talia: put that away! Are you mad?
Chauncey: we don't play that here anymore.
Phee: never again. Never again.
Linus : what why? What's going on?
Lucy: because of him
Arthur, pulling a plate from a staple of plates the other ones dropping onto it neatly and without breaking or disrupting: :)
Linus : isn't... Isn't that physically impossible?
Lucy : it is and he doesn't care.
398 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 13. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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stripeyzebra · 2 years
Tag Game
Tag Game
@udekai thank you!
Rules: make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
S - Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread, Everything Everything T - The Bidding, Tally Hall R - Rather Die, Barns Courtney I - I Wanna Tell You A Secret, Junie & TheHutFriends P - People Eater, Sodikken E - Electric Feel, MGMT Y - Yellow, Coldplay Z - Zombie, The Cranberries E - Everybody Talks, Neon Trees B - Black Horse and Cherry Tree, KT Tunstall R - Riptide, Vance Joy A - Atlas Eight, Sleeping At Last
I don't think I can tag 12 people so I am go to choose a few victims and open it to whoever else is reading this! yes that means you, go for it! @missmoochy @pomegranate-belle @thelonebamf
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[19.Juni 2023]
Breakfast - skipped
Lunch - skipped
Dinner - aprox 950 kcals
3 Homemade Summer Rolls
Peanut Sauce
A couple of spoonfull from my BF's rice bowl
6 (?) Dates
Biked to and from therapy, to and from Uni - aprox 50 min to an hour total --> 300 kcals
Total (aprox) 650
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Thoughts on today
It was ok foodwise. I am not sure abt. the kcals, as I forgot to weigh everything and just guestimated. Also... 300 kcals for just the bit of biking feels like a lot. It is biking ik the city, so a lot of stoping, but you know - I take it.
Therapy was quite exhausting. We unexpectadl talked about some very heav, topic.
Afterwards I studied at Uni, which was nice. Then I had a fight(-ish) with my BF... which weirdly enough was also good. We have seemed to drift apart since Jan/Feb and we are both slowly opening up again. During the fight, he trusted me with his feelings and opened up about his stressors, which I really appreciate. So I took some time and therefor was late to the lecture in the afternoon. (I am proud of leaving at/before the point where it would have turned into just overanalysing what just happend.)
I skipped studying in the evening (though I actually shouldn't afford to) and had dinner with my BF.
I am proud of leaving at the right point during/at the end of the fight and I am proud of studying after therapy.
I want to prioritise my studying even more as a part of self-respect and take time for myself, take care of myself.
Outlook on tomorrow
Work from 6 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Sign language exam at 3:40 p.m.
I need to ask my manager if I can take on extra shifts the upcoming month.
After work I might take a nap inbetween or study or workout a bit. Depening on how busy/exhausting work is tomorrow.
I think, if I don't sleep, a bit of dancing would be ideal.
Oh, and I will try to take a walk in the forest tomorrow afternoon - that should cool my berves a bit. Then I can start studying at 5:30 p.m. again, maybe earlier 🤔.
Very nervous about an exam on the 30th tbh ^^". (and there's 3 other exams inbetween 😮‍💨) Sskm.
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scienceviz · 1 year
Wirklichkeiten | Realities . Kunstausstellung | Art Exhibition . May 1st - June 30th, 2023
Wirklichkeiten | Realities . Kunstausstellung | Art ExhibitionMai 2023 – 30. Juni 2023 | May 1st – June 30th, 2023 Sitzungssaal im Rathaus . Bahnhofstraße 12,D-82211 Herrsching am Ammersee Künstlergespräch | Artist Talk . May 25th, 2023 | 19:00 CET Social Media Wall: #kunstwirklichkeiten Die Ausstellung ist Mo – Fr geöffnetThe exhibition is open Mon – Fri
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itsokjuju · 4 months
a while ago smn asked me on fandom wiki to draw cheng han (shoutout to the lad who asked me to draw such an underated mii tbh) and when i posted it, everyone on there was like. so confused at this one doodle of him in a dress sayin stuff like "BuT cHeNg Han iS a GuY!!" WELL NO SHIT. normalize drawing male cpu miis wearing dresses. i will fucken draw him in one again.
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März 23 - 11 Tipps Kunstareal München
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Kunst-Sonntage im Kunstareal München und weitere Tipps für den März
am Sonntag 05.03.2023 findet der erste Kunst-Sonntag im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte statt. Dieser ist zwar leider schon ausgebucht, aber es folgen noch drei weitere und Anmeldungen werden bereits entgegengenommen. Schnell sein lohnt sich also! Unter dem Motto "Kunstgeschichte entdecken" öffnet das Haus seine Türen und nimmt die Besucher*innen mit auf Entdeckungstour durch die immensen Archivbestände. Die nächsten Termine: 23. April, 7. Mai und 25. Juni 2023. Beginn ist jeweils um 11 Uhr. Jeder Sonntag ist einem bestimmten Thema gewidmet, zu welchem eine kostenlose Sonderführung angeboten wird. Ausstellung Beckmann Pinakothek der Moderne - Journey into Music // Staatstheater Die Ausstellung Max Beckmann – DEPARTURE in der Pinakothek der Moderne endet unweigerlich am Sonntag, 12. März 2023. Wer sie noch nicht gesehen hat, sollte dies unbedingt nachholen! Am Freitag, 10. März 2023, bekommt die Ausstellung um 19 Uhr einen Abschiedsbesuch von Musiker*innen des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz, die in der Rotunde des Hauses zu einer „Journey into Music“ einladen. Restkarten an der Abendkasse. -Werbung-
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bis 12.04.2023 LICHT AN! Der Culture Talk zu Gast in den Antikensammlungen Was haben die Römer gesehen, wenn sie nachts feierten, arbeiteten, lebten und liebten? Die Ausstellung Neues Licht aus Pompeji in den Staatlichen Antikensammlungen lädt noch bis Sonntag, 2. April 2023 ein, das zu entdecken, was nicht mehr sichtbar ist: das Licht der Vergangenheit. Zum ersten Mal widmet sich eine Ausstellung umfassend der Technik, Ästhetik und Atmosphäre des römischen Kunstlichts.
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06.03.2023 LENBACHHAUS: Lesung und Gespräch mit Anatol Regnier und Ilka Voermann Zwischen 1933 und 1945 kontrollierte die NS-Diktatur das künstlerische Schaffen in Deutschland. Ein Großteil der künstlerisch-literarischen Elite wurde verfolgt und emigrierte nach 1933. Anatol Regnier untersucht in seinem Buch „Jeder schreibt für sich allein“, wie Schriftsteller*innen arbeiteten, die im Land blieben. Erzählt werden Geschichten zwischen Anpassung und künstlerischer Integrität, Opportunismus und dem Versuch, moralisch sauber zu bleiben. Eine vergleichbare Fragestellung leitete Ilka Voermann für bildende Künstler*innen in der von ihr kuratierten Ausstellung „Kunst für Keinen 1933–1945“ ab, die letztes Jahr in der Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt zu sehen war. Anlässlich der Sonderausstellung „Kunst und Leben 1918 bis 1955“ lädt das Lenbachhaus Regnier und Voermann am Montag, 6. März 2023, ab 18.30 Uhr ein, über ihre Erkenntnisse zu sprechen. Der Eintritt ist frei, eine Voranmeldung ist nicht möglich, die Platzanzahl jedoch beschränkt. Der Einlass beginnt um 18.15 Uhr.
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FRAGILE DEMOKRATIEN: Tagung im NS-Dokumentationszentrum - Internationale Tagung vom 22. bis 24. März 2023 Vor 90 Jahren gelangte Adolf Hitler an die Macht. Am 24. März 1933 ließ er das sogenannte Ermächtigungsgesetz verabschieden und besiegelte damit endgültig das Ende der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Bereits zehn Jahre zuvor, am 9. November 1923, hatten die Nationalsozialisten versucht, von München aus die Macht im Deutschen Reich an sich zu reißen, waren jedoch mit einem gewaltsamen Putschversuch gescheitert. In den vergangenen 100 Jahren tauchten weltweit immer wieder politische Gruppen und Figuren auf, die demokratische Systeme anzweifelten, aushöhlten oder angriffen – nicht selten mit Erfolg. Von Mittwoch bis Freitag, 22. bis 24. März 2023, veranstaltet das NS-Dokumentationszentrum München eine kostenfreie internationale Tagung zu „Fragilen Demokratien“. Gemeinsam mit Vertreter*innen aus Geschichts-, Politik-, Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften wird die Fragilität von Demokratien in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt, in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart beleuchtet.
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26.03.2023 - PAPIERPALÄSTE: Kinderworkshop im Architekturmuseum "Meine Sprache ist die Geometrie“, sagt die in Bangladesch lebende Architektin Marina Tabassum. Klima, Geschichte und Kultur sind ihr wichtig. Dabei stehen die Menschen, für und mit denen sie baut, im Mittelpunkt. In der aktuellen Sonderausstellung In Bangladesh im Architekturmuseum der TUM sind 8- bis 12-jährige Kinder eingeladen, sich im Workshop „Papierpaläste“ mit dem Ansatz der Architektin auseinanderzusetzen und eigene räumliche Kombinationen zu kreieren – geometrisch, zirkulär und temporär. Nächste Chance: Sonntag, 26. März 2023, 10.30 Uhr, Pinakothek der Moderne. Die Bauworkshops sind kostenfrei, die Teilnahmeplätze jedoch begrenzt. Anmeldung unter [email protected]
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24.03.2023 WORKSHOP CONCERT: Tribute to Slide Hampton Hochkarätige Gäste und Lehrenden des Jazz Instituts der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (HMTM) laden am Freitag, 24. März 2023, um 19 Uhr in die Reaktorhalle zum Workshop Concert mit Joe Haider (Foto). Gewidmet ist das Konzert unter der Leitung von Claus Reichstaller dem kürzlich verstorbenen Posaunisten und Komponisten Slide Hampton. Mit ihm feierte Joe Haider, Ehrenmitglied des Jazz Instituts, in den 1970er Jahren große Erfolge. Claus Reichstaller und Joe Haider legen das sogenannte „Slide Hampton Projekt“, das in der Jazzhistorie Europas bisher einzigartig war, in einer neuen Besetzung wieder auf. Gespielt werden die Originaltitel von damals, komponiert und arrangiert für eine 12-köpfige Band. Der Eintritt ist frei, Einlassbändchen werden ab 18 Uhr im Foyer der Luisenstr. 37a ausgegeben.
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bis 30.07.2023 - THERESE HILBERT. ROT: Schmuck in der Neuen Sammlung Ihr Material ist meist Silber und nicht Gold. Ihre Formensprache entwickelt sie aus dem klassischen Kanon der Grundformen. Ihre Arbeiten strahlen keine Aufgeregtheit aus, vielmehr vermitteln sie Ruhe und Kraft: Therese Hilbert. Für die 1948 in Zürich geborene Schweizer Schmuckkünstlerin ist absolute Perfektion eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum zeigt ab Sonntag, 12. März 2023, die erste monografische Ausstellung der Künstlerin: rund 250 Arbeiten, beginnend mit Arbeiten aus ihrem fast unbekannten Frühwerk bis zu Arbeiten aus dem Jahr 2020. Laufzeit bis 30. Juli 2023. Foto: Halsschmuck, 1983, Messing, Lack, PVC, Stahl, ca. 45,0 x 4,3 cm, Privatsammlung. Foto: O. Künzli
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Mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in die Museen München und Umland Möchten Sie wissen, wo es besondere Attraktionen für Kinder und Jugendliche in den Museen und Ausstellungshäusern Münchens gibt?  Dann sollte der Kinderreiseführer MÜNCHEN KUNTERUNT auf keinen Fall in Ihrem Bücherregal fehlen. Dort finden Sie viele Tipps und Ideen - vorgestellt von Ludwig dem Löwen. Autorin Birgit M. Widmann lebt in München und ist am Ammersee aufgewachsen.  Sie können die Ausgabe MÜNCHEN KUNTERBUNT direkt bei [email protected] bestellen - oder auch in jedem Buchhandel online wie vor Ort erwerben.  https://scio-verlag.de/produkt/muenchen-kunterbunt-der-kinderreisefuehrer-fuer-muenchen-und-umgebung/     Adresse: Museum Fünf Kontinente Staatliche Museen in Bayern Maximilianstraße 42 80538 München Telefon +49 (0)89 210 136 100 Telefax +49 (0)89 210 136 247 Internetadresse >>
Auszeit in Bayern - Ausflugstipps
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Der Schliersee31. Dezember 2022
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Die Post Herrsching am Ammersee6. November 2022
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Landhotel zur alten Post Hofstetten am Ammersee6. Februar 2022
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Posthotel Pöcking am Starnberger See6. Februar 2022
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Der Eibsee8. Dezember 2021
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Zugspitze15. August 2019
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LA VILLA Eventlocation am Starnberger See5. April 2019
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Alpenwelt Karwendel31. Juli 2018
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Tagung im Hotel Schloss Berg, Starnberger See11. Februar 2018 Hotel Schloss Berg Starnberger See11. Februar 2018
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Der Spitzingsee20. Februar 2017
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Der Soier See3. Mai 2016
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Langwieder Seenplatte12. April 2016
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Der Olchinger See8. April 2016
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Der Ammersee5. Januar 2016
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Der Barmsee4. Januar 2016
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Der Walchensee4. Januar 2016
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Der Kochelsee4. Januar 2016
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Die Osterseen3. Januar 2016
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Der Starnberger See Fünfseenland2. Januar 2016
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Der Pilsensee28. März 2015
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Der Wesslinger See27. März 2015
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Der Egglburger See27. März 2015
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Der Seehamer See27. März 2015
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Der Feringasee27. März 2015
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Der Forggensee27. März 2015
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Das Pucher Meer27. März 2015
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Der Staffelsee27. März 2015 Read the full article
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lunarislilly · 1 year
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Ich habe 2.397 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
17 Einträge erstellt (1%)
2.380 Einträge gerebloggt (99%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 58 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#jpop – 19 Einträge
#youtube – 15 Einträge
#lunaris – 15 Einträge
#jmusic – 13 Einträge
#dailyjidols – 12 Einträge
#my video – 8 Einträge
#jpopnetedit – 8 Einträge
#prfm – 7 Einträge
#gifs – 7 Einträge
#perfume – 6 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 97 characters
#they could have done this (talking and making out) ages ago but im glad they got to it in the end
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
A Z to Jpop Girlgroups
3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Juli 2022
My top 25 Japanese Solo Artists
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 8. November 2022
Jpop choreography moments that i think about a lot part 1
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. Juni 2022
Ranking my Ult Jpop Groups in different Categories
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Japanese Christmas Songs
5 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. Dezember 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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enemymine2000 · 2 years
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Ich habe 901 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
33 Einträge erstellt (4%)
868 Einträge gerebloggt (96%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 382 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#november 5th – 20 Einträge
#tumblr being tumblr – 16 Einträge
#roe v wade – 16 Einträge
#us politics – 13 Einträge
#goncharov – 13 Einträge
#the heat death of twitter – 11 Einträge
#abortion ban – 9 Einträge
#eat the rich – 9 Einträge
#rancid nutwork – 9 Einträge
#leverage – 8 Einträge
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#and yes i used he because that's as what he was identified over the entirety of the show by everybody
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Apparently just when Roe v Wade was overturned, it was also decided that cops no longer have to inform you of your Miranda Rights. From what I understand, the rights are still in place, but you will no longer be read them in case of arrest. So please keep in mind, that you from now on only state your name if asked, because you have to. Otherwise use the following: “I invoke my right to an attorney. I invoke my right to remain silent.” Exactly like that, or the police might purposely misunderstand you! Also keep at it. No small talk, no asking for water, nothing. Or they might understand it as you voiding your rights.
6 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 28. Juni 2022
8 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 6. Januar 2022
Haven’t seen Destiel news for a while. How’s America doing?
12 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. November 2022
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
12 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 28. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Orange cats have one brain cell and it bounces around the inside of their skulls like a windows screensaver.
When it bumps into a corner, they go 'PRRT?'.
While I normally feel that all orange cats share one collective brain cell, this scenario will now become my new headcanon.
16 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. April 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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jc · 2 years
Das Beste aus Twitter, Juni-Edition
Und dann ist das erste Halbjahr auch schon wieder vorbei.
Kleiner technischer Hinweis: Wenn du die Tweets nicht sehen kannst, liegt das daran, dass du die entsprechenden Cookies nicht zugelassen hast. Du kannst das durch Klick auf einer der Schaltflächen („Click to accept marketing cookies …“) nachholen (soweit du einen einigermaßen modernen Browser nutzt und nicht noch irgendwelche anderen Block-Plugins nutzt). Tut mir leid, Datenschutz, du weißt schon, ich wünsche es mir auch anders.
Meanwhile bei der Bahn. 😆 pic.twitter.com/tMBciyKTKR
— DennisKBerlin 🇺🇦 (@DennisKBerlin) May 30, 2022
Vielleicht müssen wir nur schlafen, weil die Natur dachte: "Die machen Fehler! Vielleicht hilft es, wenn ich sie aus und wieder einschalte."
— Rebel (@rebel_berlin) February 7, 2017
Will tell my grandkids this was a Crypto exchange pic.twitter.com/irsGKzefAA
— Neeraj Thakur (@NeerajT4) May 31, 2022
Stell dir vor du hast z.B. eine Depression, kriegst eine Liste von TherapeutInnen, schreibst E-Mails und das ist alles, was du zurückbekommst: pic.twitter.com/UkjBOcdsqq
— Lena (@Lena_2707_) June 2, 2022
Alle dachten, Punk sei tot, dabei macht Punk nur Party auf #Sylt! pic.twitter.com/NEwkTv25oJ
— Boris N. Moellers (@BorisNMoellers) June 4, 2022
— Mäxchen ✨ (@Hillerzeder) June 12, 2022
Ich hab zwei Kinder unter drei. Sollte ich jemals behaupten, nicht müde zu sein, ist das mein Code für "ich wurde entführt, rettet mich".
— Ina Zwitschert 🐣 (@Ina_zwitschert) June 11, 2022
Nicht an rosa Elefanten denken! pic.twitter.com/r3WCimp307
— TOLLA ★ bea beste (@TOLLABEA) June 14, 2022
Auf dem Erdbeerfeld war heute ein Frau, die Sprühsahne dabei hatte. Ich bin immer noch ganz ergriffen.
— 7_gscheid (@7_gscheid) June 15, 2022
Lapland, Finland ✨ pic.twitter.com/AQ2Y0bQfoc
— Earth (@earthcurated) June 17, 2022
ive never seen a puppy pull a prank before this was too cute not to share😭 pic.twitter.com/xIoSVIEKDm
— d🦕n (@javroar) June 15, 2022
Ich finde die 4 Katzen niedlich 😊! pic.twitter.com/vHKuXkc6FP
— Carola 🌾🌿🌾🌿🌾 (@Carola45072419) June 21, 2022
Male birth control exists it is called NFTs
— vohlii (@vohlii) June 10, 2022
ich bekam soeben nicht nur ein bild eingebettet in ein .doc – das ist ja normal. nein! ich bekam ein bild in einem .doc und das bild war ein screenshot der bildvorschau des mailprogramms, in dem jmd das bild geschickt bekommen hatte #digitalisierung
— Christian Fischer (@jawl) June 21, 2022
Ich habe ja auch mal einen Persönlichkeitstest gemacht. War zum Glück negativ!
— der Vossi (@derVossi_) March 19, 2013
“pro life” but no baby formula on the shelves? yeah okay.
— ken. (@kenkhristine) June 24, 2022
— Miechlämken (@Schubskreis) June 25, 2022
Text, noch schreibwarm.
— leonceundlena (@leonceundlena) June 27, 2022
I can no longer fly around the globe for 45 min talks/seminars, and at the same time explain my sons how their future planet will look like. Below an email that I got after I explained why I am unable to speak at a conference. This gives hope,… We can lead by example! pic.twitter.com/ri7BAo1PT5
— Heinemann lab (@HeinemannLab) June 27, 2022
iPhone-Standardtöne, getanzt pic.twitter.com/yqUTGHeWZT
— Boris Karnikowski (@bkarnikowski) June 27, 2022
"Willst du mich heiraten?" "Nein" 3 Stunden peinliche Stille im Heißluftballon
— Fünftonfolger (🆘🚒🚑) (@G8FV7CAV) November 25, 2015
"Immer wenn es regnet muss ich an dich denken." "Ach, wirklich, Max? Das wären dann ungefähr 5 Tage im kompletten Juni für jeweils ca. 2 Stunden. Wow. Ich denke, wir bleiben besser nur Freunde."
— Fräulein Fundersam (@DasFrolleinHier) June 27, 2022
Nachbarin (ostfriesische Ureinwohnerin, über den Zaun): „Sie haben Corona?“ Ja. Seit einer Woche. Nachbarin: „Hatten Sie etwa Kontakt zu Menschen?“ Sie ist ja wirklich mein geheimes Vorbild.
— AutZeit (@AutZeit) June 26, 2022
Aus aktuellem Anlass eine kleine Erinnerung an alle, deren Kinder jetzt Schulferien haben. In other news: Die seit 2 Wochen verschollene Brotdose ist wieder aufgetaucht O/ pic.twitter.com/6nfJLARdPi
— Andreas Blohm (@AndreasBlohm) June 28, 2022
i found you on i found you on Instagram Twitter pic.twitter.com/FwXDupoR9m
— d🦕n (@javroar) June 26, 2022
How different animals fight… 😂 pic.twitter.com/T2hMknrgmE
— Mike Gerritsen (@MikeGerritsen) June 25, 2022
„Was kostet das Bild?“ „150 €“ „Mach mal Freundschaftspreis.” „250 €” „Das ist ja teurer…” „Ja, von Freunden erwarte ich, dass sie mich und meine Kunst mehr supporten.”
— Miss T. (@Miss_Teached) June 27, 2022
📨 Nie wieder etwas verpassen?
Neue Beiträge per E-Mail erhalten
💝 Gern gelesen?
Spende was für Klein-Leas Sparschwein 🐽
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2022/07/das-beste-aus-twitter-juni-2022/)
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marimopeace · 3 years
yeah netflix i think you rushed this one
i saw what graphinica was capable of with juni taisen--say what you will about the plot but the character design + coloring was gorgeous in that show--and record of ragnarok wasn't it
i caught up with the manga the day before the anime came out (totally unplanned!! my rxns were/are queued up i was really surprised when i saw netflix drop this show today) and i anticipated some mid quality based off of the PV bc i am a hoe for shading + fluid animation and i wasn't really getting that from the trailer...
but ah! i am disappointed with this direction! animation aside (i actually don't mind choppy sequencing/cgi assets bc the industry moves super fast and i accept artists cutting corners bc they're cornered by studio deadlines) i feel like the story was squashed down just to focus on the punching and the slashing in the arena
i guessed the backstories of each fighter would be cut down by a lot since i thought this would be a 12-24 ep show but! the interactions of the side characters in between fights were eliminated entirely and i am so shocked bc that is what gives the audience a chance to understand the point of ragnarok since we get to see brunhilde talk to the gods (i.e. loki, heracles)
also the art hoe side of me is admittedly sad that some of the more delicate artwork from the manga couldn't be recreated--there were some facial expressions that really moved me (i.e. sasaki's face after winning)
*sigh* i'm hoping this is a result of netflix rushing through deadlines maybe? i really want to believe in graphinica since i'm super pumped to see their work on the tokyo mew mew reboot
// also if there is a second cour to adapt the other chapters i'm praying buddha my fave both irl and in this series is not done as dirty as loki //
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