#jrwi ep 97
razberrypuck · 1 year
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moxymaxing · 1 year
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happy April fools I guess
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shilo-bathory · 10 days
what happened in riptide 97 again.. its been so long....
OHHH MY GOD OKAY (tdlr is at the bottom if u want a quick sum lmao i just like long summaries its like enrichment for me) so thats the episode i think right after the pull up to zero and beat the shit out of the ghost house, chip and gilly have a convo with ollies mom and she smacks one of em i forget who and is like whyd you keep my son away. theyre both like yeah thats fair! and they return to the house and gillion and chip make an underground pool in there- chip offers the mind reading braclets to gilly and is like hopefully maybe thisll help with the nightmares? and they all go 2 bed!
Gillion wakes uo and hes feeling refreshed!!! (he still has the kuba kenta curse at this point) but he actually got whole night sleep and its looking like its not like. enflamed or hurting anymore! they make jokes about it being healed with the power of friendship and all and then gryffon knocks on the door of the house.
gryffon tells em that he tailed the leader of the gang that was threatening ollies mom and he found their hideout, so the trio race off i fucking forget if like gryffon comes or not??????? they get to the hideout and fight a couple bitches in masks and they tell one of the guys to lead them to the "boss" but i forget so bad who but one of the albitrio puts the braclet on the goon and hes like "heh, if they pull the blue lever theyll get sent to the pit but if they pull the red lever theyll meet the boss and hell have my head!"
so the four of them pullup to this bar thing and chip of course pants a guy (rememver when they were fucking obsessed with pants cause i completely forgot) and the other guy pantses chip and the bar laughs or whatever and. SOMETHING HAPPENS I THINK IYS LIKE AN ENCOUNYTER OR SMTH OR ONE OF THE THREE MAKES A WRONG JOKE but charlies like "no worries! ill pull the blue lever!"
and everyones like charlie. and hes like what its gonna get us to the boss! and condi while laughing cause its condi is like THATS THE LEAVER TO THE PIT and charlies like. i legit fucking forgot what one was what one. so the albatrio falls down this fucking PIT and once again i fucking forget but some interaction happens here (iu think feather fall was cast these guys plummet so much) and gillion casts vortex warp on the other 2 so they land at the top! gillion im pretty sure lands at the bottom and something happens to where he passes out.
charlie is asked to leave and then grizzlys like :3 audience you dont get to know eitherrrr! and gilly boy wakes up in a cage with the boss in the middle of the room. chip and jay are described as looking "so fucking bad dude" and charlies like i thought yall had it!!!!! and bizly is like nah dude it was so fuckinh rough we do not have it. im pretty sure jays chained to the wall via her foot and chip is busted up in the middle of the room with the boss.
the boss laugjs and i forget but i think he pulls off his face and is revealed to be price! and he laughs and says some stuff about giving chip a fair fight in this like. lava arena and kicks him his swords! chip tries to fight him a little bit but after a moment he runs to jay to try and cut her chains, and price taunts him a little before saying smth like "i wantr you. to die" and chip just. drops dead in front of jay. no rolls nothin nada.
Gillion was fading in and out and at this point gillion does that and jay is right in front of him, her foot is so fucking mangled like she broke it to get out and she looks sooooo fucking fucked up. price also taunts them and jays like "fuck you" and price blasts her and she disintegrates. imto dust. just like that.
gillion is so distraught and hes like "NO THEY WOULDNY GO OUT LIKE THAT" and gillion tries to fight price but he gets bested and WAKES UP IN THE UNDERGROUND GHOST HOUSE POOOLLLLLL
so it was all a curse dream made worse by the bracelet and how much later stages it is. gillion throws jay across the room because he dosent believe this is real and is like YOURE DEAD YOURE ALL DEAD!!!!! the other two try to comfort him and im blanking so fucking hard on the rest but this is uaually what people refrence/mean then they say 97 :3
TLDR: ollies mom scolds chip and gill, they make underground pool in ghost house, go to sleepy, gill wakes up refreshed, they go to the mob boss of zeros hideout, gillion pulls the wrong lever and they all fall in a pit, gill vortex warps the other two and they get seperated, when gillion wakes up everyone looks incredibly fucked up, price is there and straight up kills chip and jay and then taunts gillion and "kills" him, gillion wakes up back in the ghost house pool because it was all a nightmare of the kuba kenta variety, and he then doubts everythinh around him and if anythings actually real! :D
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yeetiestofyoots · 1 year
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"I want you to die."
(Reblogs appreciated, please click for quality)
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aquaticgoblinking · 10 months
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raebonnz · 4 months
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razberrypuck · 1 year
hi hello the nightmares are playing into all of gillion's deepest fears and yes, not being able to protect the people he loves is a big one, but also the one that consistently fucks him up- throughout the entire campaign- not knowing what's real and what's fake.
from fucking loffinlot this has been an issue he's had. even the reason he was exiled from the undersea in the first place. finding out the elders kept their meeting with the navy a secret from him -> getting angry, showing up anyway, and attacking the nearest sign of evil he detected. being lied to about the bugs in the forest -> realizing it was a lie -> getting angry and lashing out at the person that lied to him. thinking everything is fine with his sister -> finding out chip and jay were keeping information from him -> getting angry and lashing out at the nearest person that lied to him (chip)- but here, and only here, the lashing out wasn't immediately violent. he didn't let himself act on that impulse. he walked away, spent some time on his own to cool down, and apologized. that was a big step for gillion.
with how consistent and how reactionary he is to this specific fear, I would argue that it's his greatest fear. it's the reason he hates being lied to as much as he does. it's the reason he never questioned the prophecy until he had something else to lean back on, because if he isn't the chosen one, then who even IS he? it's the reason, after waking up from this nightmare, he was angry and scared and he tried to stab himself. that's the pattern. anger into violence -- only he's reverted back to that initial reaction, because he doesn't think what's going on around him is real, so why should he bother with trying to calm himself down? he doesn't want to see the nightmare again. he doesn't want to watch his friends die over and over and over again. but it's a curse- he can't attack a curse. so he goes for the next best thing; the bearer. himself. because if the bearer- if he is bleeding out, the curse can't get him, because surely he'll wake up.
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toffeebrew · 11 months
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When the silly little fishy goober gets gooped :)
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unanimoustwins · 1 month
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kala-mies · 10 months
Does anyone else have memories attached to certain JRWI Eps. I remember vividly that I was on a walk in a specific area near my house when I first listened to the Resurgence oneshot's first half. And also that I was sorting through my bookshelf and I was relistening to Convergence ep 1 while doing it. I was also rewatching Humble Beginnings while I was picking berries for my grandmother. And I was listening to Convergence ep 5 to feel less anxious right before the day of a test. And that I was sleep deprived and losing my mind when bitb ep 1 dropped publicly. Why are there so many. Also I remember rewatching Fated ep 19 on my birthday??? On purpose. Why did I do that.
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bizlybebo · 6 months
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"If he has to follow his destiny he can't sleep, and that way he can't have nightmares." -chip (smug) 12:22 minutes in)
"Like I said I'm right here ok?" -chip "and Jay"
"Hey Chip I think it actually worked!" "We're more then friends, we're a crew." - gill and chip 37 min in note: Gillions dream included the crew confirming they were family which is sad and adorable at the same time
"NO it not ok I'm not awake I have to go back!"- gill an hour and 43 min in
I was not prepared for the emotion and acting bro plus Gillion having a straight up panic attack
I wonder if grizzly will start getting him to roll for madness
Dude I'm gonna have to sit with this for another two weeks 🥲
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british-jrwi · 1 year
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So how did gillions mind know how Jay was gonna wake up and jump in the pool or walk on chip how much are these nightmares effecting his real world, will he ever be able to tell whats a reality or not
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