#journey to the past series
sapphicmumrik · 2 months
not me sitting here thinking about how Knuckles Wachowski only knows a) it's a possibility that he'll be killed at any moment, b) there's very little in the way of food and so c) the only way to live and eat is to kill/severely maim his next opponent in the gladiator arena and earn his next meal
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pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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April 1, 1997
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March 24, 2023
Peak Growth.
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midground · 3 months
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bpdohwhatajoy · 7 months
Mass deleting old pictures from traumatic times in your life>>>>>>>>
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Actually. The most fucked up line from the trailer is how the collectors collect things so they can "never pass". Because I mean like. The Implications of it.
In a show that's all about change and grief. Where the collectors' main enemies were the Titans, beings that notably made new life, instead of just preserving what was already there. Where the main villains motive is his selfish inability to let go of his big brother and their childhood dream, resulting in a brutal cycle of destruction for the grimwalkers and the near genocide of the boilings isles. Where the main character's conflict stems from being pulled between an old, familiar but unkind world where she has only one person whos fighting for her, and a new, strange, horrifying but ultimately accepting world where she's grown a family that's now in danger of being turned into mindless puppets.
This is the thematic backdrop against which the collector and his kind have been set.
In other words: my friend who's seen spoilers was right. This episode IS going to make me cry
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animeandmangaswitch · 6 months
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Awww Serie does care, she’s just emotionally constipated like Frieren lol
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kkst0904 · 1 year
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nowandevermore · 8 months
You Are Always Welcome Here
Part 1
Goh is thirteen when everything changes. Thirteen when life puts him on the path for his future. Goh is fourteen when he begins to make his own.
No one wants to know a ghost.
I do.
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cube-cumb3r · 6 months
im gonna be completely honest man all this donna noble posting is getting to me. ive watched maybe max 3 episodes of doctor who 6 years ago but youre convincing me a little bit to watch more. youve made me insane about these two characters i know very little about outside of what you put on my dash. what are you doing to me
This is the highest honor anyone could've ever bestowed upon me,Laying down on the floor i've reached self-actualization god put me on this earth to make other people on tumblr unwell about donna noble and i've succeeded at long last. go watch 2006 christmas special runaway bride now
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ikosburneraccount · 1 year
thinking back to my tlc posts in 2015-16 i was soooooo valid for calling kai “emperor foot fetish.” like i genuinely thought i was being dramatic or dragging tf out of the foot jokes but no. even in retrospect kai is still unhinged for hoarding her foot like he is no less insane than i remember him being like 7 (BARF) years ago 
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camifornilla · 2 years
Blue Exorcist got its anime adaption too early and that’s a damn shame. iirc they started making the anime while the manga was less than like 5 volumes in so they wound up overtaking the manga almost immediately. Like the last like 6 arcs of the manga have been incredible and it sucks that that’s not gonna be introduced to a wider public.
I wish that Blue Exorcist could get the same treatment that other shonen manga get but I also think that it serves as a reminder for anime creators to just stop a season when they run out of material.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Journey to the Past Ch 23
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Bryan Kneef x reader
It was very safe to say that the next week was one hell of an awkward one. You were irritated that you weren’t able to get into a doctor right away, wanting to get this sorted out as soon as possible but the earliest appointment you could snag was Friday at four in the afternoon. The pessimist side of you was certain that the tests had been flukes, that this was a warning sign of something worse going on in your reproductive system, another bad cyst or something of the like. Maybe the tests had been expired, you’d forgotten to even check until you were sitting in your office on Monday pretending to work. You were thankful at least that you still had your apartment, able to spend some extra hours in the office and blame the late night and not wanting to drive across town to avoid Bryan, not wanting to let him know and thus panic before you had confirmation. You hated it, having to spend a full week in limbo, but your hope wasn’t very high considering your history and none of that was affecting anything positively.
You were even more thankful with just how patient he was with you, giving you the space without asking too many questions, accepting the excuse of a long hard week of work, overwhelmed with cases. He still went out of his way to drive up to your firm, making sure you had lunch (and a fresh coffee you pretended to sip at while he was still there) and were taken care of. You knew that he loved you no matter what and was just hoping that would extend to your current stipulation. You’d spent a couple of nights at his place (that was now both of yours), but retired to bed early, the exhaustion setting in heavily being a nice excuse to avoid the nightly wine.
Which is exactly why on Friday Bryan had left work early to make sure the apartment was not only clean, but as close to spotless as he could get it. He knew he’d been lagging in that department this week and felt bad about it, so he did as much as he could. Laundry was tossed into the machines, sheets were changed and refreshed, the living room was tidied and vacuumed and the pile up of coffee mugs in the sink got put in the dishwasher and ran through. He’d stopped at the grocery store on the way home, picking up things for a lavish dinner including appetizers and a pricey bottle of Argentinian wine. He knew you’d had a long stressful week and wanted to make sure you were well taken care of, and he figured you probably wouldn’t want to go out tonight after it all. The appetizers were easy to take care of, setting the display up on the kitchen island so he could start on the main course, wanting it to be ready as close as possible to when you got home.
Once the chicken was in the oven he poured out a glass of leftover wine from the previous night for himself while he waited, retreating further into the house to change into something more comfortable before swapping over a load of laundry. A case file lay open on the island that he was going over when he heard the front door open and the tell tale sign of your heels on the hardwood. You rounded the corner of the hallway and let out a small sigh, a tiny smile on your cheeks when Bryan’s eyes met yours.
“Hey.” He greeted with a warm grin and you hummed in response, dropping your bag and blazer onto the couch, practically kicking off your heels before letting out a groan at the shoes no longer pinching at your feet and making a beeline to Bryan.
“Hi.” You murmured into the crook of his neck, appreciating the way his arms tightly wound around you, letting you rest in his embrace for a few moments as you let out a couple of breaths, his lips brushing against your hairline.
“Long day?”
“Long week.” You replied, finally letting go, accepting the gentle kiss he gave you.
“Well, here.” He reached around you, pouring a glass of the lavish wine out for you, handing you the glass and you let out a little sigh, turning in his arms to face the island.
“What is all this?” You asked, your brow furrowing. You could smell that he was cooking dinner from the moment you’d set foot in the apartment but hadn’t taken into account the platters set up on the island. Bryan let out a soft chuckle, wrapping you in his arms from behind, his lips kissing at your neck gently.
“I felt like you were having a bit of a rough go this week.” He murmured, his words broken up by kisses, “wanted to treat you but I figured you wouldn’t want to go out, so why not bring the fancy restaurant to you?”
“You’re too sweet.” You picked up his hand in yours, brushing your lips across his knuckles and he gently squeezed at you. Your eyes glided across the island and you couldn’t help but let out an ironic laugh at the sight, Bryan had set up a plate of oysters, a homemade charcuterie and cheese board beside it and of course, the wine.
“What?” He asked, teeth nipping at your skin, “you already knew I could cook, is this that much of a surprise to you? You know I love you.” His lips trailed across your skin as he spoke.
“I don’t know how you managed to fucking do it, but I can’t eat any of this.” You stifled another laugh, Bryan still distracted in nuzzling against your skin.
“Oh c’mon.” He chuckled, “you love oysters.”
“I do.” You nodded, “doesn’t mean I can eat them.”
“You know they’re an aphrodisiac?” He muttered, finally turning you half in his arms so he was facing you, your sides to the island as he cupped at your cheek, lips chasing after yours.
“You really think you need an aphrodisiac to get me in bed?”
“No but figured it couldn’t hurt.” One of his hands vanished from your waist, drizzling some hot sauce onto an oyster that he then sucked back, “they’re fresh, and fucking delicious.”
“Bry…” you laughed, unable to keep the grin off your cheeks at the devilish look in his eyes as he continued to tease you, shifting you in his arms again so you were facing the island and all the bits and bites.
“Try the cheese, that lavender honey goes fantastically with the blue.” He nuzzled into the crook of your neck again, “it took me an hour to figure out the fucking salami roses.” His hand started to reach out for the soft cheese and you finally found your words again.
“Give me the gruyere.”
“Knew I’d get you somehow.” He chuckled, picking up a cube and guiding it to your mouth before he shifted again to face you, his hip resting against the island, “it pairs perfectly with the wine.” He picked up your glass and your fingers gently pushed it back to the island and he let out a scoff of a laugh. “What?”
“Out of the things on this island, there’s approximately five things I can eat and that includes the pickles.”
“Did you eat already?” His brow furrowed, “Larissa said you’d left work early for something.”
“No. I—”
“Dinner’s almost ready,” he smiled, pecking your cheek softly, “settle in, have some wine, trust me, it’s a good bottle.” He slid the glass toward you again and you let out a small laugh,
“Bry, I can’t.”
“You had rough week, let the past be in the past, have some incredible wine.” He laughed, stepping toward the stove when the timer went off to move a pot off a burner. “it’s what you deserve.” He moved back to you, an arm winding around your waist while he took a sip of his own wine, “I’ve got to be able to spoil my girl, that’s all I was trying to do sweetheart.”
“I know.” You smiled softly, accepting the kiss he left on your lips.
“I’m fine if you ate without me,” his lips started to trail across your jaw, “I can eat later… cause I can definitely think of something I’d rather eat right now instead.”
“Bry!” You laughed, hands attempting to grasp at his body as his mouth began to make its way down your neck.
“What’d’you say, have some wine and relax then let me make you even more relaxed? Hmm? Enjoy the food later after you’ve worked up an appetite again?”
“Bryan…” you nudged at his chin and all he did in return was attempt to hand you the glass of wine again before burying himself in the crook of your neck, “Bry…” you couldn’t help but giggle at the sensation of his beard scratching against your skin, “Bryan, c’mon.”
“Take a sip and I’ll stop.” He murmured, his tongue soothing the spot he’d just bit and your fingers threaded into his hair in a very unsuccessful attempt to tug him off you.
“Bryan…I’m pregnant.”
The words slipped from your lips; it wasn’t exactly how you’d been planning on telling him but it seemed to be the only way to gain his full attention. Even then it took a few moments for him to actually hear you, his lips continuing to kiss at your skin before you finally felt his body tense for a second before he pulled his face from the crook of your neck.
“Wait… can you seriously not eat cheese while you’re pregnant?” He asked, a worried look on his face and you couldn’t help the bark of a laugh.
“Is that seriously your first question here?” You asked, watching the way his eyes suddenly darted from yours down to your stomach and back up. He felt the all too familiar sensation suddenly burning in his gut and start to creep up his throat as he scrambled through his thoughts to try and form proper words.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked quietly and you nodded, he felt a pang within him at the fact that you didn’t have an excited smile on your face, nor did you look like you were panicking, you were stoic, nearly unreadable in the moment. “Are… are you sure?”
“Yeah.” You let out a small breath, “Kim was freaking out last week ‘cause she was late, I took a test with her to help calm her nerves.”
“You’ve known all week?” Bryan stilled in front of you, a moment of irritation flashing over his features and you gave him a knowing glance as you let out a huff.
“No.” You shook your head, gently squeezing at his hand “I was certain it was a false positive. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for sure. I didn’t want to freak you out for no reason and I mean, there might still not be any reason to freak out.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I may have cleared the twelve week mark but considering my age and history, who knows how things’ll turn out.” You watched as his brow furrowed, the wheels turning in his head, “what?” Your voice suddenly soft, timid as it left your lips, worry etching its way across your face before Bryan glanced back up at you.
“You’re three months along?”
“Almost four.” You replied, wringing your hands, “listen…” your hand met his lapel gently, “I know there’s a lot to unpack here…” you felt the butterflies building in your gut, terrified that you were about to lose the man you loved because of your decision. “Even if I wanted to, it’s too late to terminate. But this is what I’ve always wanted, a baby, a family… I thought I’d lost that opportunity nearly a decade ago.” Tears began to blur into your eyes, “but sometimes life kicks our asses in the greatest way and gives us the second chance we never thought we’d have. I’m having this baby. And I know that might not be what you imagined for your future, so I understand if this is the end for us.”
Bryan looked up at you with an unreadable expression on his face, you could see the slight pain deep in his eyes but weren’t sure exactly where it was coming from. He on the other hand saw nothing but worry in yours, knowing just how many things you were probably terrified of right now. His hand shifted to cup at your cheek, thumb stroking at your skin gently before he spoke.
“I told you I wanted a future with you.” He said gently, his voice impeccably soft as his chest swelled, “no matter what kind of future that is, I still want it.” He felt you let out a breath, your shoulders sagging in relief as your body relaxed in front of him, “I may have a lot of reluctance in myself as a father but I know you’ll be the most incredible mother in the entire world. It may take some baby steps on my behalf but I know you’ll be able to help me become the parent our baby deserves.”
“Our baby…” You nearly whispered, looking up at him with a happy smile.
“We’re having a baby…” He let out a bright laugh and you shrieked as he suddenly pulled you to him in a tight hug, lifting you up off the floor as you laughed. He only let go of you when the timer for the oven went off and he let out a quiet swear, reluctantly stepping away from you to pull the tray from the oven and grab plates from the cupboard as you crossed through the room. You grabbed your purse, crossing back over to the island.
“Smells amazing.”
“Oh fuck.” Bryan swore, his head shooting in your direction, “can you have cream cheese? It’s cooked?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his sheer innocence on the subject at hand considering just how brilliant his brain was when it came to the legal world.
“Yes I can.”
“You said almost four months…” Despite being calm Bryan also felt his mind going a million miles a minute as it raced through everything he did know about babies and pregnancy, “isn’t that when people start telling people?”
“Yeah,” you let out a small sigh, “but I’d really rather not do that yet.” He noticed the shyness in your voice, the way you nearly wrapped around yourself as you leant against the island and he stepped toward you, tilting your chin up to find a misting of tears in your eyes, a frown tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Hey… hey…” he assured softly, a hand resting on your hip, “I thought this was supposed to be a happy thing, why the melancholy face?”
“I’m scared.” You admitted after a minute, your voice doing its best not to shake, “I’m in my forties, I had a huge struggle getting pregnant before…this probably isn’t going to be an easy walk in the park or anything… all the risks are higher, I swear I got a bigger stack of brochures about the risks than the positives.”
“Are there any they’re particularly worried about right now?” He asked and you shook your head, “was it just a pregnancy test today?”
“It was the one thing after another. I explained the test I took, my history, they did another test, a blood test and then rushed me for an ultrasound.” You reached out, grabbing at his arm, “I’m sorry I didn’t call you I just didn’t have time and didn’t know how to explain everything over the phone, I would’ve much rather had you been there.”
“They did an ultrasound?”
“Yeah…” your hands slipped into your purse, flitting through until you pulled the small black and white photograph from within it, placing it down on the island in front of Bryan, “so far it’s one happy healthy baby…”
“Oh shit…” he almost timidly reached out for it, picking it up off the counter before his eyes flitted between it and your stomach, finally meeting your gaze as his hand reached out to stroke at your cheek, “and mom?”
“Healthy.” You nodded, the smile unable to be restrained as you nodded and Bryan let out a sigh of relief, kissing your forehead before he turned around, pinning the ultrasound to the fridge with a magnet and turned back to you, cupping your cheeks.
“Then we take the rest of this one day at a time.” He kissed you softly, “I’ll do everything I can to catch myself up to speed, but in the meantime we’ve got the money, we’ve got the connections, you’re going to have the best doctors in the country, we’ll run every test that’s safe for the baby and we’re going to do this.”
“Are you sure?” Tears began to blur into your eyes as a tiny laugh escaped your lips, “you really want this?”
“I do.” He kissed you gently, “you’re my future. And now this little bean is too.” One of his hands dropped to your stomach, resting gently there for a moment before your hand curved over top of his, fingers slipping between his.
“We’re having a baby….” You whispered, pure adoration pouring from your eyes up to his as he smiled back down at you, feeling his chest about to explode with the total and complete love wrapping around the two of you in that moment, only able to press a tender kiss to your lips before he replied.
“We’re having a baby.”
@detective-giggles @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @bisexual-dreamer02 @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @whimsicallymad @mrsrafaelbarba @mysticfalls01 @ssaic-jareau @caracalwithchips @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirll @beardedbarba @michael-rooker @rafivadafreddy @lustvolle-liebe @anlin2058 @fandom-princess-forevermore @tinyboxxtink @alexusonfire @xovalliegirlxo @somethingimaginative17 @momlifebehard @misscharlielulu @fighterkimburgess
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pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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Dare da (April 1, 1997)
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Dare da (March 24, 2023)
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leapard100 · 9 months
⚽ The Grand Finale: Football Animation Series - Part 2 ⚽ Welcome to the thrilling conclusion of our Football Animation Series!
🏆⚽ For the past few weeks, we've embarked on a creative journey, bringing the world of football to life through animation. But we couldn't have done it alone! This project has been an incredible collaboration with another talented individual on Scratch, making it a true fusion of artistic vision and coding expertise. In this grand finale, get ready to witness the culmination of our hard work, dedication, and shared passion for both football and animation.
🔹 The Power of Collaboration: Explore how our collaborative efforts brought this project to life. Discover how we combined our unique skills to create something truly extraordinary.
🔹 A Triumph of Creativity: Dive into the heart-pounding action as we unveil the final piece of this series. Experience the excitement, the drama, and the magic of football like never before.
🔹 Subscribe for More: If you've been following our journey, thank you for your support! And if you're new here, hit that subscribe button to stay tuned for future collaborations, creative endeavors, and more football magic!
#FootballAnimation #Collaboration #CreativeJourney
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
on your WIP list, are ones that have a ship name for the guys in the title still reader x stories or are those slash 👀
I'd say it's a pretty even split between the two tbh 👀
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
Every time i get even a little interested in watching a show with wlw ship (which sadly doesn't happen alot idk why) I'm forced to remember that the show probably won't get a second or even a third season..
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