#jonerys cw
winterprince601 · 6 months
jonerys is, in concept, very funny. two targaryens left in the entire world x they could have literally anyone else x but no this aunt MUST marry her nephew x targaryens try not to commit incest challenge - EASY MODE- failed x
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
You’re jonerys post is so incredibly big brained like they really are just the medieval version of The One Couple in hs. He’s so tortured he’s written his AP Lang poetry assignment about her he gets a C she mouths of at the teacher they get Saturday detention <3
YES YES YES YOU GET IT jon writes sad poems and he shows them to dany and dany's all omg these are so beautiful! and theyre all like 'my heart and soul is cold as ice / i wish i was worthy of my stepmom being nice / unseen tears fall down my face / my cursed bastardy i want to erase' literally the worst shit youve ever read but dany is so supportive. theon dares to make fun of it and she does a little arson as payback (sets his backpack on fire but gets high in the process because he hid his weed in there). like THAT is jonerys: cringe and will amicably break up after dany has her bisexual awakening. not sexy mid-twenties CW reign dramatic king and queen
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internallydeceased · 2 years
Jonerys/Snowstorm Season 8 Fix-it fic
One of my mutuals on Twitter got me to write this, and I'm honestly pretty proud of it. Season 8 was shit, but I did my best with what we were given.
CW: for grief, miscarriage, grief about miscarriage, aunt/nephew incest (they're Targaryens and it's Game of Thrones, this is pretty self explanatory lol), light smut
If any of these are triggering to you, please don't read! Follow me on Twitter where I post art and snippets of other things I write! X
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She could feel him pulling away from her, ever since he found out what they really were to one another. It hadn’t mattered to her, why should it? She was a Targaryen — he was too, though he hadn’t grown up as one — their ancestors wed brother and sister to one another for centuries, what Jon and Daenerys were to one another was innocent compared to that. Yet it hurt, Gods, did it hurt. Because she could still see how much he wanted her, how much he wanted things to go back to the way they were before he knew they were related, and yet he wouldn’t allow himself to. Couldn’t forget. She could feel herself tearing at the seams because of it. In this foreign place that should have been home, yet never had been. She saw the way people looked at her, the way they looked at her people: disdain in their eyes, curses on their tongues just waiting to be spoken. It didn’t matter that she was here to save them. It didn’t matter that she was putting her own war on hold for them, that she had brought her armies and her dragons — they would never see her as their savior. To them, she was a foreigner who had brought an army of savages to their lands. Someone who would use her dragons and armies to subjugate them, just like Aegon and his sisters did before her.
Yet that was never what she wanted. Wasn’t who she was. But how could they know that? How could she get them to see? She sought to free them from a tyrant who would use their lives against her, to build a new order just like she had done in Slaver’s Bay. She sought to free people from their chains, to give them the freedom to make their own choices. Breaker of chains. Mother of Dragons. Daenerys Stormborn. That was who she had been in Essos. Who she was at her core. Yet here in Westeros, here in the place that her ancestors had made their home but which had never been hers, the people whom she sought to rule only saw her as another tyrant. Someone who would put them in chains and rule over them with an iron fist. Master. Mother of Monsters. The Mad King’s daughter.Yet none of that mattered to her. She would earn their love here, just like she had done in Essos. She would show them that she would be a good queen. They would learn to see her for what she was, just like Jon had told her they would. And yet what did any of that matter if she lost the one person who meant more to her than any of that? The person who had made it all worth it. She couldn’t understand why the two of them being related mattered. When she found out that he was her brother’s son, she’d been overjoyed. Because finally, finally, she wasn’t alone. She was no longer the last Targaryen, she had him. And Gods, for it to be him!
The only other Targaryen she had ever known had been her brother Viserys, but he had been cruel and weak. And then she had heard what people had said of her father, the things that Viserys had said were lies, made up by the supporters of the Usurper. Barristan told her the truth of it though, they weren’t lies. None of them had been, her father had truly been mad. And Daenerys had done her best every day to make sure that she didn’t end up like her father, that the rumors of her being the Mad King’s daughter were unfounded. 
Then there were the tales of her elder brother Rhaegar, and her mother as well. All of them Targaryens, and all of them gone. All except her. 
And then it turned out that the man she loved was her brother’s son — the brother she had never known but desperately wished that she had — hidden away in the North as Ned Stark’s bastard for all these years. She wasn’t alone any longer, she had him. Sometimes when she looked at him, she wondered if he held any of her brother’s features. Wondered if he took after Rhaegar in some of the things he did, and thought that if her brother were alive today that he would be proud of the child he had made with Lyanna Stark. 
So why couldn’t he see that, too? Why couldn’t he have her as she had him? Instead he clung to some foolish Northern belief, or perhaps it was something that had been instilled in him as a child that he never grew out of. 
When she left Essos for Westeros, she had thought things would finally fall into place. She thought that after having spent her entire life in Essos, she would finally come home . And then she would be one step closer to taking back her birthright. And it had, at least at first. Only for it to all fall apart. 
First, her allies had started to fall one by one. Then she had discovered that there was a greater enemy lingering in the North, an army of dead men that would see every life snuffed out and rule over a night that would never end. And she had brought her dragons Beyond the Wall on the word of a man whom she thought she could build something with, and had lost her dragon for it. Her child.
Viserion who had always been the sweetest of her three, who had always wanted to stay perched on her shoulder even after he had long outgrown it. Who had basked in the sun curled up at her side all throughout Slaver’s Bay, trilling and purring as she absentmindedly stroked his pale, heated scales. 
Yet if she hadn’t lost him then she wouldn’t have seen. Wouldn’t have seen the danger the Army of the Dead posed to Westeros — the place she hoped to rule one day. 
It was Jon who had shown her that. Jon was the entire reason why she was here in the North at all, because she loved him and because it was right. 
And while she had been overjoyed when she found out that he was her brother’s son, she knew that it must stay between them. That if anyone else knew, it would destroy them. No matter how many times he proclaimed her as his queen, no matter how many times he bent the knee. 
And then he had told his sisters anyway, and everything she had predicted had come to pass. 
And now he stood before her as she sat beside the fire, the room dark aside from the flicker of the flames. At least he had the decency to look guilty. 
“What did I say would happen if you told your sister?” Dany said, her voice sharp as though she were scolding a child. If only, if only.
Jon shook his head, his eyes closed. Gods, he looked exhausted . As though the entire weight of the world was on his shoulders, and she could see that  it was wearing on him. “I don’t want it, and that’s what I told him.” He looked up at her then, as though afraid of what she might say.
“She betrayed your trust. She killed Varys as much as I did. This was a victory for her.” Dany swallowed, the rigors of the past few weeks catching up with her, tears hot behind her eyes though she wouldn’t let them fall. “And now she knows what happens when people hear the truth about you.” 
She was tired, too. What she wouldn’t give to throw it all away and escape, to fly atop Drogon through the skies, with Jon on Rhaegal at her side. To find a place somewhere far away where they could just be.  
Yet that wasn’t possible, not for her and not for him. They still had the war against Cersei to win. She wanted to break the wheel, to build a better world for the people who would come after her. It wasn’t about her, it never had been. 
And yet, and yet. 
It would all be so much easier if he ignored the misguided notion that their relation was wrong. It would be so much easier to just unite in marriage so that their claims to the Iron Throne would be one, and the realm wouldn’t fracture into a dozen pieces over which one of them should sit the Iron Throne and rule over Westeros once Cersei was defeated. 
“Far more people in Westeros love you than love me.” She was breaking apart at the seams before the only man she had loved since Drogo. Perhaps even more than that . Her voice was starting to break with grief, with longing. For all that she had lost. “I don’t have love here. I only have fear.” 
But that wasn’t even the worst part. 
Jon looked up at her then, something burning behind those grey eyes that she wanted to say was longing. Longing for her. “I love you.” And the way he said it, she wanted to believe him. 
“And you will always be my queen.”
Daenerys stood then, stepping towards him and closing the distance between them. Looking into his eyes as she spoke, deeply. Reverently. 
“Is that all I am to you? Your queen? ” The last words come out in a whisper, her breath fanning against his lips. She leans in to kiss him then, to feel him against her because she needs him now more than anything. And for a blissful, fleeting moment, their lips seal against one another and it almost feels as though things are back to the way they should be. The way they’re meant to be. They get lost in each other again, in the feeling of their mouths moving against the other, their bodies pressing against each other. His hands around her waist and her hands on his face.
And then the moment is gone and he’s pulling away, his breath shaky and body tense. She can see the pain in his eyes as he does — the longing. Yet he pulls away anyway, and she can feel her heart break in her chest. Perhaps that should make it better — the regret on his face — but it doesn’t. If anything, it only makes it worse because he doesn’t even have the decency to say anything. No I’m sorry, no empty words meant to reassure her, nothing. Instead he just stands there, with that look in his eyes that says so much more than any words ever could, and at the same time, not enough. She steps away from him and turns back towards the fire, tears filling her eyes as her hand drops to her belly. For a long moment all that can be heard is the crackling of the fire and the shakiness of their breaths, the both of them standing there in uncomfortable silence, unsure of what to say. It’s Dany who breaks it. “Perhaps you were right.” When she speaks this time her words are stilted and sharp, all emotion having fled her voice though the tears in her eyes betray her tone. It’s a good thing he can’t see them, then. He looks up, confused. “What?” Her hand is still on her stomach, resting over the place where their child should have been. “About the witch. That she wasn’t a reliable source of information.” Her hand drops back to her side, after all there is nothing in her womb anymore. Nothing for her to cradle and protect any longer. Gone, just like Rhaego. Just like Viserion. A single tear rolls down her cheek and falls somewhere on the floor, forgotten. She turns to him then, unshed tears still gathered on her lash line. 
She can see it on his face as he tries to piece it together, what it is exactly that she said and the implications of it. Until at last she sees realization dawn in his eyes, several more emotions flitting across his face. Confusion, hope, fear, guilt. He takes a step towards her, a hand reaching out before he stops himself short once again. Dany clenches her jaw and fists her hands at her sides. “Though perhaps not.” This time, there’s a tremble in her voice, even though she tries to keep it even. She’s breaking .
Jon’s brows furrow, his head tilting to the side in confusion. He can guess what she means, but he doesn’t want to believe it. Needs to hear her say it. “I lost it, Jon.” She pauses, swallowing down a sob. “I lost our babe.” The last words come out in a whisper, breathy and choked. It takes everything within her not to fall apart right then, despite how much she wants to — how much she needs to. If only for Jon to hold her again as she sobs, comforts her and whispering words of reassurance in her ear. 
She looks down to the floor then, unable to look him in the eye anymore as he comes to the realization that she was pregnant. She was pregnant with his child and she lost it. She can’t bear it anymore, can no longer be the strong Queen she had always portrayed herself as. 
Suddenly she feels a girl again, broken and alone in a place she doesn’t know. When Viserys had sold her to the Dothraki, before she had come to love the husband she had been sold to. Before she had lost Rhaego and before her dragons were born. She had been so lost then, and she felt the same now. 
If I look back, I am lost.
A broken sob echoes throughout the room, and belatedly Daenerys realizes that it came from her. She’s shaking now, and she sinks down to the floor and wraps her arms around her knees as her body becomes wracked with sobs. For everything she had lost . How much more would she have to endure?
She doesn’t expect Jon to do anything, but he kneels down beside her and places a large hand on her back, and uses his other arm to gather her to him. He presses his face into her hair and shushes her, his hand rubbing circles on her back.
“ Dany, I…” When he speaks his voice breaks, and his words are cut off with a sob of his own. His eyes are shut tightly as he presses his face into her hair, breathing her in. Gods, he missed her. And Gods, how stupid he had been.
He takes her face in his hands and eases her head up gently so they can look one another in the eye, and the sight of her face wet with tears, crumpled in grief , it’s like a knife in the heart all over again. 
He leans in and presses his forehead against her, his own brows furrowed in anguish. “ Dany, I am so sorry .” He whispers against her lips, her name a prayer on his tongue. 
And he is, he is . He’d been a fool before, and only now can he see it. Now that the woman he loves is crying before him, the proud Dragon Queen on her knees and reduced to tears. All of it was his fault. She had come North for him. Lost her dragon because of him. And conceived and lost a child, because of him.
He closes his eyes to try and stop his own tears from falling, but it’s a futile gesture. Daenerys is still gasping through her sobs, struggling to suck in a breath deep enough to fill her lungs as they continue to wrack her body. Jon brings one hand to cup the back of her head, the other pressing a bit harder on her cheek. 
He waits a moment for her breathing to come back down to a somewhat normal pace, and for her to look up at him once more. There are still tears pooled in her beautiful violet eyes, dark lashes still wet with them. 
“ I love you. ” He breathes, and his words are full of reverence when he speaks them. And he means them. Gods, does he mean them. He had never felt this way about anyone, not even Ygritte. When he found out that Daenerys was his aunt he had pulled away. Because he thought it was wrong , and he was afraid of what people would think of him. Of them. 
But suddenly, with this news that she has just given him, none of that matters anymore. For who is he, without her? What does any of it matter, without her? This beautiful, strong woman with her silver hair and violet eyes. He wouldn’t be surprised if someone told her they had pulled her straight from one of the songs. 
And out of all the people in the world, she had chosen him. And he, like a fool, was ready to throw it all away because she was his aunt. 
If it was wrong, then the Gods could punish him in one of the Seven Hells after he dies. But first he’ll live. And he’ll do it with Daenerys by his side, if she’ll have him. 
Her bottom lip is trembling as she looks up at him, tears still streaming down her face and he can feel his heart break, too.
He isn’t sure what else he can say — what else he should say. He’d never been good with words, but he speaks anyway, letting them pour straight from his heart. Each word that falls from his lips matches every beat of his heart. 
“And I swear to you, that I will love you. From this day, until my last day.” He kisses her forehead, his hand coming up to thumb some of the tears away. “I’ll never leave you again, I swear it.” His voice is barely more than a whisper — a breath, an oath, a promise. 
They come together then, breaths shaky and mingling. They can taste the salt of their tears as they kiss, and they pour every word and promise that has been left unspoken into it. 
I’m sorry. I love you. I am yours, and you are mine. I will spend the rest of my days by your side. 
When their bodies come together this time, it’s nothing like the desperate, needy thing it was on the ship. This time, it’s slow and reverent. They take their time undressing one another, stripping each other to their barest selves. They take the time to memorize each new inch of skin that is exposed to them, every dip, curve, and line. 
When Dany’s flat stomach becomes exposed to him, Jon caresses it with his hand, his thumb smoothing circles right above her navel. An unspoken apology. 
He wonders then, just how long she kept the loss of their child to herself. Wonders how long she knew she was with child before she lost it. How big did their child grow? What would they have been like?
It’s something he’ll never know, and he’ll spend the rest of his life making it up to her. 
Then he leans in to place a long, lingering kiss to her belly, this time a promise. Another, we’ll make another. 
You’ll never be alone again. He swears, spells out each letter with his tongue in between her thighs. 
This time, the tears that fall from her eyes aren’t from grief, but from pleasure. Her head is thrown back, silver-gold hair pooled around her head in a halo, glimmering in the firelight. Jon would say that she was one of the Gods herself, the way she looked in that moment. 
He eats her out like a man starved, there isn’t an inch of her cunt that he doesn’t lavish with his lips and teeth and tongue. He doesn’t stop until she’s come twice and she’s pulling away from over-sensitivity, breathless — his name a mantra on her lips. 
He comes up to kiss her, and she can taste herself on his lips and tongue, his beard still slick with her release. He sheathes himself inside her in a single thrust, her cunt opening up and welcoming him eagerly.
Her walls clench and flutter around him, the remnants of her last orgasm drawn out by his cock thrusting lazily inside her. 
Both of their mouths are opened in wordless screams, their breaths mingling, every inch of their bodies pressed up against each other— so there is not a single part of them that is not touching the other. They consume one another thoroughly and completely, until they don’t know where one of them ends and the other begins. 
They kiss and mark every inch of skin that is exposed to them, everywhere they can reach from the position they are in. 
Their eyes meet then, in the darkness of the room illuminated only by the flickering of flames in the hearth. And in their eyes they say everything that their mouths cannot, everything their bodies cannot. And then they’re coming together, Jon spilling himself deep inside her and each of them silently prays that it’ll take root and her womb will quicken once more. 
And when Cersei is defeated, Jon and Daenerys take the Iron Throne and rule over the Seven Kingdoms as King and Queen, Ice and Fire united as one. It should be no surprise then, that their silent prayers are answered and they welcome the daughter each of them has always wanted. A little girl with silver hair and grey eyes, the best of both of her parents. 
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
IMO,the Targ stans constantly gaslighting themselves and then throwing tantrums when their headcanons get destroyed. Like can they not argue he was pining did his teenage niece he groomed while they say in the same breath how they love N so much and don’t want her to be groomed by D since she’s so young. I mean R in the show is N’s age(when N gets with D I mean)by the time the scandal happens. Not to mention she’s even younger when D’s creeping on her. Ofc him seeing R as extension of V whom he’s actually in love with makes considering R is a child at the begging of the show. He probably saw this as the ideal opportunity to groom her to be what he wishes he had or still had with V it’s creepy AF. Them also trying to make Ryan into a misogynist to justify their ridiculous mealtdowns when you can criticise the show’s writing choices but what he actually said is that DAEMON sees her as extension of V which makes perfect sense considering how he treats the women in his life. Pls stop gaslighting others to buy into your BS just because your analytical skills are shit.Anyone who watched the show not through shipper googles would see what Ryan’s saying’s true. I know the GOT fandom got really bad in its last treads with the Jonerys vs Jonsa ship wars but the HOTD fandom has turned the show into a CW show where all they care is their incest ships and anyone who shows interest in other characters or want to properly analyse the story is harassed for it. Then again these are the same people who thought D was young to say he wanted R to V at Laena’s funeral when he clearly felt emotional over his brother and was probably going to say he wanted to be by his side.Same with them making gifs showing how “wrong”V was about D not lusting for R but for his throne which he was wrong about not the R bit but the reason D went after R(which was to hurt V).If you watch the show from the very begging you’ll see what D wanted like R says he tells V that in the very first ep when his character description is about wanting V’s love. PRINCE DAEMON TARGARYEN (Male, 40-50) – The younger brother to King Viserys, Daemon wasn’t born with “naked ambition” for the throne despite being in line for it. He’s less methodical and more impetuous. Not to mention easily bored…stumbling from one distraction to the next with the subconscious yet singular obsession with earning the love and acceptance of his brother the king. Most of Daemon’s joy is found at sword-point. But even as the most experienced warrior of his time, he vacillates between vile and heroic, making him the true rogue of the series.https://redanianintelligence.com/2020/08/18/hbos-house-of-the-dragon-is-looking-to-cast-the-rogue-prince-daemon-targaryen/ This was from 2 years ago and what was on screen hadn’t contradicted that.Everything D does is in response to V from wanting to be his Hand to going to fight in the Stepstones to prove to himself he can manage without V’s help to going suicidal over V sending help to grooming R because he wants to get back at V.I know the stans have been writing fics of D being obsessed with R and pining for her through all the time jumps which ok write what you want if it gives you joy lol but in the show the only things he’s obsessed with is V and bringing the glory back to House Targ by being with R who he sees as replacement for his brother.
All I can say about these people is that they suffer from
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Like read the books and watch the show. Rhaenyra is hardly the love of Daemon’s life. This is not some fanfiction nor is it the Daemyra show.
Daemon is about House Targaryen, Viserys, and Daemon. Rhaenyra is an extension of the first two. If anyone is “in love” with anyone in this relationship it’s Rhaenyra. She was groomed(and it’s hinted at in the books as well) by Daemon and molded into what he wanted(at least sexually), but Daemon was not in love with her like they are saying.
Daemon is a beautifully complex man. He’s morally gray. The fact that these people are trying to turn him into something he’s not it just 🫠 Cheering him on for being with one underage woman (Rhaenyra) then saying that’s wrong for the next(Nettles) is laughable. Honestly at this point I just want season 2 to hurry up.
Maybe seeing what plays on the show(hopefully sticking to book canon will make them see this). Who am I kidding these people are nuts 🥜 They are fine with avoiding canon/getting mad at the show creators for anything that doesn’t center around Daemyra 🙃
As I have said, Daemyra is now my #️⃣1️⃣ most hated ship(notp x1000). I’ve hated many a ship, but this one takes the 🎂 and it’s in large part due to the crazy stans. Forget about them being racist towards Nettles. They are literally insufferable.
I thought Jonaerys was bad(I’m a Jonsa stan), but these people are on another level. Like all they care about is Daemyra. You are right that they are trying to turn this into a CW show. I’m getting Riverfail flashbacks and I don’t like this. Are these people teenagers or something? Cause this is sad behavior for grown women.
Of course I have to reiterate this, not all Daemyra stans/shippers are horrible, but a large percentage seem to be 🫠
When Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉 comes on screen I know the breakdowns and mental gymnastics🤸‍♀️ is gonna become x1000 worse
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storiesungmoved · 3 years
smash or pass (from my dani)
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"My Queen.... of course I would smash."
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storiesungaa · 3 years
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@collectionofvoices​ sent “I want to see all the parts of you, even the ones you are ashamed of.” (for Jon from Dany)
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Jon’s hand comes up to cup Daenerys’ cheek, thumb rubbing over the flesh in a circle. There is a soft look in his eyes, one of adoration, even. She is so strong, she has been through so much, and she is still so kind to him and everyone else. She is going to make a great Queen to the seven kingdoms. 
“And I shall show you every bit of them, my Queen. I trust you completely.” The man says softly, “Just as I want to see every bit of you, too, Dany. As much as you will allow me to see.”
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zcldrizes-a · 5 years
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⋰ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 aesthetics / edits : ft. @killthebxy ♡
❛ nissa nissa, ❜ he said to her, for that was her name, ❛ bare your breast, and know that 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 . ❜ she did this thing, why i cannot say, and 𝐚𝐳𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐢 thrust the smoking sword through her living heart. it is said that her cry of anguish and ecstasy left a crack across the face of the moon, but her blood and ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙 and her strength and her courage 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒍.
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kaerinio-a · 5 years
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@northvow (pls do not reblog/steal if you are not northvow)
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killthebxy · 5 years
a smol meta; re: Jon Snow and the independence of the North
          this is just a brief appointment, as i have come to realize this is a huge thing that keeps being tossed against Jon --- you abandoned your people, you gave up your home, you offered the North to a foreign invader queen. i’m not going to go in-depth into my position about the whole “you bent the knee for love”, because i’ve ranted enough in a lot of different metas (i’ve been ranting about this since s07ep6 tbh), and i’ll simply but categorically state: Jon did not bend the knee for love, he bent the knee for coming to realize Daenerys has the potential to be a just and noble and kind ruler --- whether he’s right or wrong, that is up to each one’s judgment, but the point is this one. because i’ll say it again and i’ll say it forever: since when does Jon Snow put his interests before his duty and before his people’s well being? that’s right: never. so this case is closed.
          with this out of the way --- i’m going to be very clear. i don’t think Jon is thinking about the North’s independence at all --- not as in, he doesn’t want it or doesn’t care for it, but in the sense that it isn’t a priority at all. they got to know that the Night King now has an undead dragon, they got to know Cersei betrayed them and has an army of 20,000 sellswords ready to finish them off if the Dead don’t, they got to know the wights are already as far into the realm as Last Hearth --- do you honestly believe it is sensible to think about preaching independence right now? honestly? yes, i also do understand Sansa’s perspective, in that she’s the one at least apparently more adamant about this --- she, of all people, has suffered under the hand of southron royalty. i do not deny her this. my point is simply: PRIORITIES. which is exactly what Jon tried to convey to Cersei, at the Dragonpit. there’s 99% chance we are all going to die, and instead of gathering up you are all so worried about who gets to rule what in the future? because we won’t have a future if we don’t unite, and THIS is what seems to be so goddamn hard to understand gods know why.
          now, one final note. is it possible for Jon to completely separate his sentiments from his decisions? no, of course not. he’s a human being like any other, and he has his own prejudice and bias. it’s impossible to look at Dany, at this point, and not see the woman he loves beyond the queen he chose to swear fealty to. i do not deny this at all --- my point is, this personal sentiment is reflected on his actions and decisions only by a small degree. put it like this: let’s say there’s two queens in contest, both equally kind and noble and just and honorable and all that --- out of the two, he’s going to choose Dany because she’s the one he loves --- but because she has everything else, as well. and, while he knows she personally doesn’t like the idea of a fractured kingdom where the North is independent, and while he has the tendency to want to please her because he loves her, his own perspective on independence for the time being is very clear: there’s no time for that right now and i have SO MUCH to think about and prepare so i am not even going to waste precious time on petty wars and fights that i have been condemning for three seasons.
tl;dr --- let’s focus on the Night King and then we’ll talk about independence. if there is anything left to be independent, and anyone left to discuss it.
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gleamingcrowns · 5 years
continued from x for @writteninthestcrs
Jon looked at Dany, a small smirk playing on his lips. Course he was pushing it, when it came to the women he loved he seemed to do that. It didn’t matter the context, he just seemed to do it. Gripping at her hips a little harder, the sound of their breathing echoed in the hall around them. It was easy, this was easy. How was he going to give this up? The peaceful times? The simple moments he had with her. 
“Yes, I understand.” Jon said simply, licking his lips. “My Queen.” She was his Queen, now and forever. Reaching up to play with the ends of her hair. A low huff leaving his lips. “I wanted a moment, just for us. No talk of the fallen Night King. No more about what is to come. I just wanted to be back with you. Just for a moment.” It was hard to leave a room with her, not being able to touch her. To feel her velvet skin under his fingertips, or reach to hold her against him. When they leave any room that they had to themselves, it was agony for him.
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thedragoninthesnow · 5 years
Send me § and my muse will react to yours pushing them against a wall and kissing them.
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Feeling her small hands press into his chest, feeling the push she gives, Jon moved back in the direction she was guiding him in. His heart was racing when his back touched the wall behind him, a smile on his lips before she kisses him. The shape of her lips against his still felt so right, so completing and fulfilling. He could kiss her for hours, kiss her until the sun set and again until the sun rose. These stolen kisses, these moments where they could just forget the rest of the world and it be just the two of them…
Nothing else in the world mattered but her when the two of them were together. He could forget the weight of being the King in the North, he could forget the coming of the Night’s King. He could forget all the pain and the heart ache the world had brought for him. All that mattered was her, and how happy he could make her. 
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killthebxy-archive · 6 years
"So instead of going home with the pretty brunette, you came back to my apartment? Why?" // Problematic.
send Jon questions and he’ll answer them drunkenly (accepting) // @zcldrizes
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          she does have a point, and he’s not about to deny it; certainly, not when currently busy with staying atop his own feet, even if leaning the bulk of his body weight on her door frame. to be fair, making it back there should already be worthy of PRAISE, because it’s tricky to remember even what planet he’s on, but that happens to be quite accurate reflection of their dynamics — inexorably attracted to the other like a magnet, never mind all the questionable choices in between. questionable choices, as is, are common ground for kindred souls as dissimilar as they are identical; that sort of mishap that ever makes them unable to laugh at the other, for it’s not like their own track record is any better.
          last time, actually, wasn’t it Dany’s turn to fuck up in perfectly comparable way? last week, even, and it was his apartment rather than her own, and a knock on a door that’s rarely locked to begin with, as he’s got nothing worth stealing in there, anyway — and Jon’s actual ADMIRATION at how wasted she managed to be already when it was barely noon, and then helping her out of food-stained clothes as she rambled on about a clearly not successful trip to the supermarket. in their defense, memorable stories never begin with good decisions.
          so, yes, Jon very much considers he’s got every right to be here now, and to shift from clinging to the door frame to clinging to her instead — strong arms leisurely wrapped around a small figure he knows so well, and a content sigh heaved into the crease of her neck; chuckling at her JEALOUS little tone, one he loves so much && fuels for his own amusement, admittedly. which prompts an impulsive reply (is it ever not impulsive?), and one risking her kicking him back out the door in the upcoming five seconds.
‘ yeah, well— if i’m not welcome i can go back t’ her… though i rather stay, you’re a lot more interestin’. ‘ 
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mithraiic-blog · 7 years
@balerios || continued ♥
She knew.
There may have been a flicker of surprise in those bright eyes of her, brief and tenuous as a candleflame caught within a gust of wind. But it was surprise that eased into recognition and finally into nothing of what he’d hoped to see. No smile, no gentle quirk of her mouth, no greeting, only the silence that crashed upon him like the seas they sailed, sweeping aside the frail remnants of his courage into a dark unknown. And all that remained was a boy, not a man. A boy who wished he could have been carried away rather than to face what rejection that might have remained upon her tongue.
But it was only silence that they were locked in and he could feel it then, the thrum of something else between them. Something caught within the spaces of their bodies that drew him forward, hearing the invitation that she’d never spoken. 
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She let him in. 
Suddenly he could breathe again like a drowning man breaking the surface to find her on the other side. His lifeline, his lighthouse in the dark, his guide in all the madness that’d taken the world. His. She was his and he would be hers if she’d let him. Still silence reigned and Jon found the door, slowly swinging it shut that the sound shouldn’t have been so loud. But there was something like a finality to it that jolted him from his daze. Like an animal startled forward, he was on her, hands cradling her face as he took her lips, breathing in the scent of her perfume that’d lingered with him since she’d stayed at his side all those nights ago, with tears glimmering in her eyes that he’d never wanted to see again. 
He kissed her, tasting the sweet fire of her mouth. Kissed by fire. He almost laughed. She was the fire and he would gladly burn to within her arms. “Daenerys,” he breathed, pressing his forehead against her, feeling the release of some shifting tension that’d knotted within him since he’d first met her what seemed a lifetime ago. “Daenerys. Dany.” He wanted to call her more, but the words were caught in his throat. 
Even now he lacked the courage for it.    
But there was a smile as he spoke her name, repeated them like some holy prayer as he held her between his hands. How could someone all consuming be so soft and gentle to the touch all at once? His thumb traced along the faint lines of her skin, where sorrow and grief and exhaustion had left their mark like scars upon her body. He wanted so desperately to kiss them away, but he stood frozen, still uncertain even now. 
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“Tell me to go. Tell me to go now or I’ll never leave.”
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balerios-blog · 7 years
Things I need: a fan art of Jon pouting because Dany rather cuddle with Ghost than with him in their bed 😌
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rottentigerr · 3 years
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Jonerys Advent Calendar - Day 16
A Merry Christmas from the Targaryen-Snow family 🥰
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brydeswhale · 2 years
The whole Jon/sister thing is… tbh, it’s annoying for a few reasons, GRRM’s obvious commentary on incest in onscreen relationships aside.
But it tell me a lot about how the shippers view family. ESPECIALLY the “ACK-CHULLY, those are his COUSINS” shippers.
Bc, yeah, Jon is their cousin. He’s also their brother. All the Starks, Sansa included despite what certain people might say, were raised with him as their brother. Not their cousin, not a relative just staying for a few weeks, as a brother.
And when people go “oh, but it’s not really incest” and lay out their reasoning in terms of HOW closely related someone is to Jon in terms of genetics instead of family dynamic, they’re saying something about their view on “real families”.
And they’re telling me my family, and families like mine don’t count as real families.
Do I think these people are intentionally trying to say foster and adoptive families aren’t real?
I mean, probably not consciously.
But I think trying to use these technical terms to justify incestuous ships does show an ugly, unconscious side to their idea of “real family”.
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