#johnny abbot headcanons
yourlocalviolet · 1 year
"Music To My Ears" -Johnny Abbot x Reader
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(GIF is not mine, All credits go to original creator!)
"Where words fail, music speaks"
A story in which you learn a new talent, in the oddest of places.
The sun was setting quickly and you were thankful. After hours of running around the zoo, tending to plants and other small chores, you were exhausted and ready to call it a day. However, there was one quick thing you needed to do before that.
Most other workers had already left, returning to their rooms to await the next day. You, however, were currently walking in the hallways to the other side of the zoo. Johnny’s room was located close to the entrance and was about a five minute walk from your workstation. You didn't mind though, the man occupying the room made it worth it. Before you even approached  the door, which was already opened, you could hear the light music coming from the room. As you get to your destination, you lean against the doorway. Johnny, who is completely engrossed with the guitar in his hands, was sitting with his back towards you on the bed. He didn't seem to notice you, and you were content with letting him play. The melody, which was soft and gentle, echoed across the small room, and was played by graceful hands. You had wished you had learned an instrument before the crumble, but it never seemed very important then.  Unfortunately, while stuck in your thoughts, you didn't realize the music had stopped, and that Johnny was staring up at you. “That was beautiful Johnny” You tell him, a small smile gracing your face. He smiles back, and he can feel the warmth spreading across his face. “Thank you,” He says, “Have you ever played?” It was your turn to blush. Your abilities in the musical field were nonexistent, and you curse yourself for not having many hobbies. “Uh, no, I never had the time to learn, I suppose.” You can tell the gears are turning in his head, and he looks down into his lap, then back up at you bashfully. Silence awkwardly cuts through the air, and you suddenly become much more nervous standing in his room.  “ I should have learned an instrument before the crumble, y’know. It seems like a valuable skill now that music is such a rare thing.” You ramble out, a feeble attempt to fill the quietness. You feel like you're under pressure now, until Johnny speaks up again. “I could teach you.” He says in a whisper, so quiet that you would have missed it if you weren't paying attention. “Yeah.. that would be nice” You accept before even thinking about the offer.
Around 20 minutes later, you soon discovered why you never learned to play. It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, your fingers could not dance across the strings as gracefully as Johnny’s, and would create sounds that were more than unpleasant to one's ear. The darkness of the night didn't help either, and you had wished it had been brighter outside. You sigh in frustration, and Johnny takes notice of it. “Don't overthink it much, you're doing fine, you just need to find a rhythm” He says in a small attempt to reassure you. You look over at him as he adjusts his position next to you, coming closer and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Suddenly, you are much more thankful for how dark it was, as you quickly feel the warmth spreading to your face once again. He takes your hand, and positions your fingers over the notes carefully. “Just like this,” He whispers, “Strum them lightly at first, try to repeat the same notes too.” You do as he instructs, with his fingers lightly ghosting over yours ever so often. Finally, a sound that could possibly resemble music with some practice was made. You smiled and let out a small laugh, and looked up at Johnny, and he was already looking down at you. It dawns on you how close you and Johnny currently are, with your back up against his side, and his face dangerously close to yours. “Well, that wasn't so hard” You mumble out in an attempt to hide your nervousness, but you doubted the tall man fell for it.  “So, does that mean you’ll come back for more lessons?” He replies, a victorious smile on his face. “Well, I suppose it does.” You reply, as his infectious smile seems to spread to you, and you don't know how to hide it.
But, you did know one thing, and it was that you were sure damn thankful you never learned to play guitar. 
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into-crazy · 1 year
dating Johnny Abbot would include headcanons
Warnings- mentions of verbal and physical abuse, comfort, fluff, ages 18+
I'm so head over heels for him, I just couldn't help myself. I love him so much and had to get this out. I HAD to!!💞💞
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Johnny is the absolute sweetest.
He is always thinking of ways to make you smile because he just loves seeing you happy.
The man can be a bit shy and timid at times. But with some softness and patience from you, he'll open up a lot more.
Just be gentle with him, he's a sensitive man.
You shower him with affection. Lots of hugs and kisses. Praises and words of encouragement. He lives for it.
At first, it can be a little awkward for him to give you affection. Eventually he warms up to it.
He likes to hold your hand. It's one of the ways he grounds himself to you.
You are very protective of him. Especially when it involves his older brother, Douglas Abbot, because that man can be a bit cruel sometimes.
Douglas may be the General of the Last Men, however that doesn't mean you'll tolerate any verbal or physical abuse towards your precious Johnny.
There are times where General Abbot will hit or belittle him when you are not around. You always comfort Johnny when he tells you about it.
Johnny is protective of you as well. But more in the sense of keeping you away from everything going on. He prefers to avoid any conflict when he can. He doesn't want you to get into trouble or get hurt. Plus, he doesn't want you to get the Sick.
You worry about him when he goes out, always telling him to be careful because you don't want him to get the Sick either.
Occasionally you'll ask him to sing you a song. After all, he is a very talented musician. Sometimes he even plays the guitar while singing a lovely song to you. He has a beautiful voice, you tell him all the time.
He'll blush at your compliments and say thank you.
Yes.. you can bet that Johnny has written a song for/about you.
Lots and lots of cuddling.
He loves being held. Physical touch means everything to him.
You don't have to join or be a member of the Last Men to be with him. However, you are required to follow their rules even if you are not apart if the Last Men- primarily the rules regarding Hybrids. Don't ever hide any Hybrids, and always report if you see one(now, whether you choose to obey those rules is entirely up to you)
If you happen to break one of those rules, Johnny will help you keep it a secret. He'd never tell anyone, especially not his brother. He understands and he does it too, sometimes. Try to avoid it as much as you can though, because situations like that can really stress him out.
He opens up to you often, even about things from his past. Laughing and smiling as he tells you all of the good stories he can recall.
Then there are moments when he tears up, trying his best to tell you about the terrible memories that he can't seem to forget. You are there, as his caring shoulder to cry on.
Johnny is a great listener, he listens attentively to you when you need him to. Even if you just want to talk avout your day, he'll listen. He can listen to you talk for hours.
Late night talks about running away with you. Far away where no one can find you both. You know the only reason he stays is for his brother. But you and him still fantasize over the idea of being alone together. Just the two of you.
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halcyoncyrus · 5 months
When Abbot said "I protected you from a world that preys on your kind." uh huh please elaborate.
I know he probably just meant that Johnny was soft and weak but every part of my brain is like!! that's an autistic queer man right there.
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map-of-obsessions · 1 year
In honour of me going to pride today, here are some Sweet Tooth queer headcanons:
(I didn't do any of the kids because speculating on children's sexualities is ick)
Jepperd: Cishet ally, goes to pride with a 'dad hugs' t shirt on, he/him
Aimee: aroace, she/they
Becky/Bear: bi, she/her
Tiger: lesbian, they/she
Johnny: acespec (maybe demi) and panromantic, he/they
General Abbot: homosexual and homophobic, he/him
Rani: bi, she/her
Adi: cishet, bit confused on the whole thing but loves his bi wife, he/him
Richard/Pubba: straight but also gives the energy of the kind of guy who thinks all men are attracted to other men they just don't do anything about it, he/him
Gertrude/Birdie: arospec, she/her
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canidkid · 10 months
Some (agere) headcanons
cg -> Sypha Belnades
flip -> Trevor Belmont (regressor lean)
regressor -> Alucard
Sweet Tooth
regressor -> Johnny Abbot
flip -> Trevor Lefkowitz
cg -> Sam
flip -> Thorfinn
(Honestly the ghost thing gets so weird they technically all fall under the broad definition of regression)
The Arcana
flip -> Muriel (tiny lean)
flip -> Asra (cg lean)
flip -> Portia (no real lean but prefers big sister)
flip -> Nadia (cg lean - involuntarily regresses)
regressor -> Lucio
Inside Job
Brett & Reagan are flip4flip fight me
The Sandman
regressor -> "Dream" Morpheus
regressor -> The Corinthian (he's only capable of babysitting LOL)
cg -> HOB. ROBERT GADLING. Everybody's dad.
The point of this post is literally to get people to talk to me...talk 2 me about my blorbos...exchange thoughts...pls...
My dms and inbox are open I don't bite I promise!!
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
Johnny Abbot Headcanons
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(GIF is not mine, credits go to original creator)
Definitely the simple but romantic type.
He doesn't have much time in his day, so walks around the preserve together while holding hands and having any meal together are often your dates.
However if it's a special occasion, which is very rare, he may try to get the general to let him off so you can spend more time together.
This time will most likely be spent cuddled up in bed, both too content with each other to get up
You stealing his jacket when it gets cold, and him pretending not to notice.
Will talk to you anytime he has the chance, even if it's a simple conversation of how each other's days were.
If he is comfortable around you, he will play you the guitar, and even teach you a few notes.
He really only offers to teach you so he can put his arm around you to guide your hands across the strings. (He would totally deny it if you said anything about it)
When Douglas throws insults his way or even goes as far as hitting him, he will come to you, knowing your presence will put him in a better mood.
While most times he doesn't tell you, there are some days when he does need comfort from you and will come clean about what happened.
He will take the blame for any mistake you may make, and would help cover up any problem that may arise so you don't have to face the general's anger.
When the General is around, he would definitely act like he is giving you orders to get a private moment with you.
Admires you from afar when you are working
Him letting you keep a small trinket of his while hes away on missions, whether it be his ring or neck-tie, just so you have something to remind you of him.
Altogether he just wants to make you happy, and will do close to anything just to be around you, even if it means skipping out on the work he’s supposed to be doing.
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
The Weight of Freedom
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(GIF is not mine, All credits go to original creator)
Sad post for today, i'm watching 1883 rn and the sad vibes are spreading to my writing
You hated this place. Hallways that were once filled with children laughing and happy families were now crowded with angry people with little to no hope for humanity. Maybe you were one of those people. You knew what the last men had done to the children that once lived in the zoo, and how now they were tearing them apart for some sort of ‘cure’. You knew that you were just as bad as them for letting it happen. Guilt filled your heart, and yet you were still here. Johnny was what kept you grounded, and kept you from turning into someone who commits those horrors. The peace shared between you could never last however, as war brewed on, and your own thoughts continued eating at your self esteem. Maybe that's why you had agreed to leave this place with Rani. While you would like to tell yourself you wouldn't leave Johnny behind, you knew you couldn't stay in this place any longer, even if it meant leaving the only person you truly loved. The last sliver of hope you had was supporting the belief that he would agree to escaping and living the rest of your life in peace, together. Deep down however, you doubted that would be the case.
It was dark as you sat on his bed like you had so many times before. Happy memories of the two of you fill your head, the smiles and laughs shared between each other, the stolen kisses and light touches. Tonight would not be one of those nights. He sat across from you, his expression blank. You both knew what was going to be said, and neither of you wanted to face it. Rani had tried to convince him to come only hours before, and you knew what his answer was. The feelings of your guilt didn't go away as you were with him like they usually did. Instead they seemed to multiply by the minute, being joined by the feeling of dread. The tears were impossible to hold back as the wet invaded your eyes. You hadn't remembered the last time you let yourself cry in front of another person. “Don't cry. Please.” Johnny mumbles as he places a hand on your shoulder. Once upon a time the action may have comforted you, but now the feeling was different. It made the tears even harder to stop. “Come with us Johnny. Please. You know you can't stay here. None of us can!” You cry out, your voice rising with every word. You don't mean to yell at him, but you just can't help it. It's too much to handle, too many emotions at once. Johnny knows that, but the look on his face looks like a puppy you had just kicked. The silence rings out as you look up at him. He avoids eye contact, and you know you can't stay much longer. “You have to come with us, because if you don't, I won't stay here with you.” you say, and he knows you mean it. “I can't. I dont have anyone else other than him. I can't go. I'm sorry” You know this is the end and that he won't change his mind. Tears are running down your cheeks once again, and you struggle to find the courage to look at him. You won't see Johnny again after this, and your time together is dwindling. “I have to leave then.” You say, voice cold and emotionless. You rise off of your seat on the bed, and leave the room. If you had some part of hope he would chase after you, it died as he stayed seated. 
Rani was with you now as you stood outside of the compound. As you looked back at the building, it felt like time itself had stopped. Everything you once knew, the hatred, the sadness and the guilt that infected your being would fade away with time. But, along with that, your love and happiness with Johnny would fade with it. And for this you cried. You cried for the death of love, for the death of the children you helped capture, and for the death of the ties that had held you bound for so long. You were free, but with all freedom comes choices you could never reverse, and you knew you would feel the consequence of leaving Johnny behind.
Maybe you were making the right choice, maybe your life would become better and you would be happy like you were years before the crumble. But maybe, just maybe, you were leaving your happiness behind you, in the one place you dreaded the most. 
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
A Light in the Darkness
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(GIF not mine, all credit to original creator!)
Request from @lilyevans1 !!!!
Just some cute fluff involving fireflies and Johnny! Its pretty short since ive been studying for my French finals, but I wanted to do this request so here it is!!
The night that the two of you left on was cold, and the darkness seemed to be creeping around every bend and twist of the path ahead of you. You knew that escaping Abbot was going to be the only choice you had as war raged on between the living population. And even then, as the cold nipped at your fingers, your heart was warm with the sight of Johnny in front of you. Before you had left, the worries of your companionship was your biggest issue. Johnny didn't want to leave the sanctuary, and you were proud that he came with you. The anxiety of being caught was high, and you knew this wouldn't be an easy journey. In spite of that, here you are, stomping through tough grass and branches as you attempt to break through the forest. 
After a half hour of walking through dense bushes, you could feel your body begging for a break, and your legs felt like they may collapse underneath you. While you knew the risk of stopping, you also knew that running yourself down before you were even out of the state was riskier.  “Johnny, maybe we should stop here soon, I don't think I can go much further without a break” You say as the tall man turns around to look at you. The expression on his face changed into a quick smile, but his eyes held the same anxiety you felt. “Don't you think we should go further? What if they're already looking for us?” He says, voicing the fears you already had. “I don't think they've even realized we're gone, besides it's dark enough for us to hide in the bushes if we need to, let's find a place to take a break.” You didn't have much else to say to reassure him. He turns his back to you once again and continues on, searching for a place that you could easily hide if needed. After a few steps, you both come up on a small area, seemingly vacant and would make a good resting spot. However, as you are approaching the spot, a cracking of a branch echoes through the dark night. 
The sound rings in both of your ears, and you can feel your heart drop in your chest. Have you been found? Are the Last Men already searching for you? Doubtful thoughts continue going through your head, until you hear the small, light patter of footsteps, so light that a human could never make them. “Johnny…” you whisper into the darkness “I think.. It's just an animal” you silently pray that it is in fact what you think it is. Slowly, you move in front of Johnny and attempt to peer through the darkness into the bushes in front of you. As hard as you try, you can't seem to find anything, and assume that it had run off when it heard you talk. You can now feel Johnny’s presence behind you, and you stand up fully and speak a bit louder. “I think it ran off, maybe it got scared when I-” You stop your sentence when a small creature runs out of the bushes. You suddenly jump back, letting out a small shriek as you fall into Johnny’s arms. Instantaneously, while being held by Johnny, the night is suddenly lit up. Small, yellow-ish lights fly up into the sky, and your eyes widen. You're left in shock as the Fireflies take over the darkness, and you're sure Johnny is in the same state.
 Speaking of Johnny, he has not let you out of his grip, and you could tell he didn't want to. You knew your face was red, as you could feel the heat coming off your body. You were sure his face was the same as yours, and your back was carefully pressed against his chest. The scene itself was jaw-dropping, and you couldn't tear your eyes away from the lights in the sky. Sitting in awe with Johnny, the man that you had begged to run away with you made you realize how lucky you had been. When you had first left, you had been struck by a worry that you had never felt, not being able to guarantee either of your safety. Now, however, you knew it was worth it, running from the one thing that was keeping you from him. Being held in his arms with beauty swarming around you, you knew that this was the right choice, and that the guilt that once ate at your heart would be healed with time. While your troubles were far from over, you knew one thing would stay the same no matter what. Johnny would be by your side, and your love would spread like the light did through the darkness, like fireflies through the night.
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
First of all I love you for writing Johnny ff!! So if its alright I have a request :) The reader, posing as a new recruit for the Last Men, is tasked with infiltrating The Preserve to gather information on the group. They meet Johnny, and the two form an unlikely bond. Johnny begins to question his loyalty to the Last Men, while the reader struggles to balance their mission and newfound interest
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(Gif not mine, All credits to original creator!)
Thank you so much, im glad you enjoy it! Also, thank you for the request! im thinking of writing another part to this, so look out for that!
Getting into the Essex Zoo compound was much easier than you thought it would be. When Dolly had first asked you to go undercover, you were skeptical. Hell, you flew airplanes for a living, and even the tasks you had done in the past were nothing compared to what she was asking you to do now. Challenging a group such as the Last Men was a risk, one you weren't sure if you were willing to take at the time. 
You didn't want to imagine what they would do to you if they found out what you were doing.
Pushing that thought out of your head, you continue taking steps through the entrance of the zoo. Now, you were standing in a small area, with plastic coverings around the wall. “Stick your finger out.” the man says to you. As you do so, you take a second to take in his appearance. He’s tall, and dressed in a large orange hazmat suit. The man pauses for a second longer than he should. “Do you have your ID card?” He finally says, and you feel your heart drop down to your toes. “Yes, uh, of course!” You force out, perhaps too quickly. Swiftly, you feel around in the pockets of your green jacket, until your hands hit the cold plastic card. “Here it is,” you say, as he takes the card from your hands. Silently, you pray that he cannot tell that it's a fake. “Huh.” He states, and the tone in his voice makes him seem surprised. “Shit, am I that bad of a liar?” you can't help but think. “Okay. Go on in.” As he says that, you hope that your face doesn't show how surprised you are. Briskly, you take the card back and turn from the man, your heart almost beating out of your chest. 
As you walk out of the plastic coated area, you can't help but silently gawk at how well taken care of the preserve is. From the plants to the people, everything seems like it has a certain place it belongs. However, from what you've heard about the general, you couldn't say you were surprised. People say he is a man with a charismatic personality at first, but truly sadistic tendencies when examined closer. You knew he would do close to anything to ‘save humanity’ or whatever that meant. This included torturing innocent children, so you had a slight feeling you wouldn't get along that worked under him. As much as you would like to stay as far away from the man himself as possible, you knew at some point you needed to be given directions from him. However, General Abbot didn't seem to be anywhere nearby. You cursed yourself for your bad luck as you looked around for someone that you could ask for help. You knew you needed someone who seemed small, and not like a threat. As you are scanning, you spot a young gardener, tending to some plants nearby. “Uh, Hello” you say, attempting to get her attention. “Do you know where I should go to get another chore?” She looks up at you, and you try to seem nervous. “I finished mine already, and I'm new so I don't really know-” she cuts you off before you can ramble on. “Relax, it's fine. All you need to do is go to the tall man standing on the podium. The boss is out right now so he's in charge.” You turn your body to see where shes pointing. “Oh, okay, Thank you” you say, and you begin making your way to where she directed. 
As you walk, you can slowly see the features of the man she pointed to. He was tall, rather skinny with glasses, and seemed fairly nervous himself. It surprised you that he was the one in charge, as you wouldn't have deemed him as a threat in any other situation. “Hi, um, I came to ask for a new task?” you say when you reach one of the ends of the podium, as the man looks down on you. “Oh, okay!” He states, and he seems unsure of what to say. “Well, did the General not give you a list?” You begin to panic. Did the others get lists and you didn't know? Would this blow your cover completely? Or could you possibly play it off to the man that didn't seem to know what he was doing? “Oh, uh, funny story actually..” you mumble out, attempting to come up with anything that would get you out of this situation. “I lost it! I may have thrown it away or something.” You say, and he nods his head at you, seemingly thinking of what to do. Suddenly, he begins moving down the stairs towards you. “Right, uh, okay.” he says, and you begin to think he could see through your lie. As he reaches the ground next to you, his eyes visibly trail down your body. For a second, you are skeptical if he really was that obvious about it.  “Um, how about you, uh…” He pauses, obviously unsure of what to say. “Clean the windows?” he finally says, seemingly more nervous than you. Did he really believe you? Or was it just because he found you attractive? You pause for a second before you respond. “Okay. I hate to ask, but could you show me where to get the supplies?” As bad as you may feel later, you know that if he is charmed by your looks, he would be an easy way to rise in the ranks.
 He seems to fidget more by the second after you respond. “Right, yes, i'll lead the way…” he trails off while walking towards a hallway. “Sooo, what's your name?” You ask, attempting to sound interested in him. “Im Johnny,” He says, turning his head slightly to look at you behind him. “You must be new? Most workers know me by now.” If he hadn't been turned away from you, you're sure his face would be red, just from the way his voice slightly cracked near the end of his sentence.
 However, you couldn't lie to yourself, the man was attractive. Not necessarily in a lustful way, but more of a cute puppy love way. His haircut, an odd mixture of a mullet and a shaggy looking bowl cut framed his face nicely, and his glasses mixed in with it made him seem unthreatening. You are snapped out of your thoughts when he clears his throat and turns to you. “Well, this closet should have everything you need. You can probably just clean the windows in the back, so it shouldn't take you long.” He says, obviously avoiding eye contact. “Great. Thank you.” you tell him, and he begins walking back down the hallway, before he abruptly turns back towards you. “Also, uh, don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. I'm not very busy here so…  y’know.” You're about to thank him again when he seems to remember something. “Have you gotten a room yet? Not that I'm asking in a weird way! I just want to make sure you know where you're going…” He trails off at the end nervously. You smile at him softly, attempting to comfort him. “No, I haven't actually…that would be great, if you could show me after I'm done here.” You softly reply. “Great, yeah, okay” He says softly, more to himself than you. Almost stumbling, he turns around quickly and walks away, obviously happy with himself. And although you know that Johnny himself is working for the same army you're against, you can't help but feel excited knowing you will get the chance to see him again. 
Around three hours later, you had finished cleaning the windows. By now, your fingers were pruned and your wrists aching from the continuous motion you were making. All the while, there was one person you couldn't get off your mind. Johnny. The man that had seemed so nervous was infecting your thoughts little by little. You weren't exactly sure why, but as much as you denied it, you couldn't really bring yourself to care. Snapping out of your thoughts of Johnny, you begin to wonder where you should go from here. Would staying here and waiting for him be easier? Or should you go and search for him yourself. Right now, you silently decided that the latter was the better option, and you wouldn't mind getting a better look at the place you would be staying in. As quietly as you can, you begin walking up the large stairwell, making an effort to seem like you knew where you were going. As you turn to the left, you are met by another staircase, and a small kitchen. Behind you seemed to be much more intimidating, as you could see a large chain wire fence linked between the walls. As much as you would have liked to ignore that section of the zoo, you knew that your mission depended on the information behind that fence. However, the real question was was it a better idea to wait until you have more authority? Or would it be better to go quickly now, and get the mission over with? As you were caught in your head, you failed to hear the footsteps on the staircase. “Oh, What are you doing here?” A voice says, bringing you back to reality. For a second, you swear you can feel your heart stop. You don't want to look up at the man, fearful of what soldier may be there to take you away. Forcefully you turn your body towards the man, and relief washes over you. “Oh, Johnny, funny seeing you here.” You say towards the brown haired man. “I was actually just looking for you!” You internally note that his head seems to raise when you said that. “That's great actually, I was just finishing up here and was going to come look for you. Do you, uh, wanna come with me?” He says, seemingly unsure if he's allowed to bring you with. Now, it seems like you have the perfect excuse to explore the places of the reserve you once couldn't. Knowing you shouldn't let your anticipation show however, you try to make your response as relaxed as possible. “Sure! I don't mind at all!” Johnny nods at you, then turns his body towards the kitchen. He then grabs a plate of what seems to be beans, on top of an oven crisped slice of toast. While you couldn't say that it seemed very appetizing, you continued your steps as he walked around the small space.  As you follow him closely to and up the stairs, you are met with what seems to be a small living space. One thing that would be impossible to miss is the woman standing in the middle of the room. She's incredibly pretty, and you wonder what someone like her is doing in an awful place like this. Everyone seems awkwardly quiet until Johnny breaks the silence. “Beans on toast! Yknow, since your british…” He says, as he mocks her accent at the end of her sentence nervously. Neither of you laugh at his joke, the two of you seemingly much more tense than he is. However, he doesn't seem to realize this, or if he does he plays it off well. He sets the plate down on a table, and there seems to be a light bulb going off in his head. “Oh, right, introductions!” He nervously laughs. “Uh Rani, this is (y/n), (y/n), Rani…” It takes you both a second to process what is going on, and there's a pause before either of you speak up. Quick words of greetings are mumbled out, before you move closer in attempts to shake the woman's
 hand. However before you can get closer, she quickly backs a few steps away. “Sorry, I don't like germs…” She says after obviously seeing your slightly taken aback face. In attempts to stay polite you assure her it's no big deal. And while your response was civil, you could easily see that she was lying. Johnny seems to notice the tense atmosphere, and quickly tries to brush it off. “Well, we better get going. Work stuff, yknow.” He seems to state this more than ask. You give Rani a short wave before you disappear with Johnny back down the staircase, and you question if you want to ask Johnny about her. When the two of you hit the last stair, it seems that Johnny has read your mind. “I'm sure you're probably wondering about why she's up there. Ill tell you, but you have to be quiet about it, alright?” He says in a playful tone, and you nod your head in return. “Don't freak out but… She has the virus.” His voice is hushed as he says this. You turn to him in surprise. “Wow, I thought a lot of things, but definitely not that.” You say to him. “Yeah well, thats not even the full story. Her husbands a worker here too, and hes trying to-'' he seems to be caught in his thoughts before he cuts himself off. “I probably shouldn't be telling you that.” He says, adjusting his glasses nervously. “Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone.” you say in a small attempt to comfort him. Abruptly he stops at a doorway, like he just remembered what he was supposed to be doing. “This is your room! It's small, but it should work fine.” He says, and your surprised with how quickly you got here. As the two of you exchange goodbyes, you let yourself relax in the small room you were given. While it seemed more of a prison cell than a room, you were thankful for the privacy that came with it.  As you laid on the small cot, you couldn't help but think of the man you met today. Already, he seemed to have a hard time keeping secrets. While this would be helpful for your mission, you found the trait quite charming. Also, the woman with the disease filled your thoughts. Well, not exactly her, more so her husband. What was he trying to do? And how hard would it be for you to get Johnny to tell you? While you weren't sure how long you were going to be at the Zoo, you did know that the information you needed was under hard locks. But maybe, the key you need is Johnny, who seems more than happy to talk. 
You struggle to fall asleep as thoughts run across your brain. Unnervingly however, most of them are not about the mission. Instead they are invaded by a tall, brown haired man with odd looking glasses. All the while, you pretend that your interest in him is because of the mission, telling yourself there is no other reason. 
Deep down however, you fear that this awkward man you met may be one you won't be able to leave behind. 
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
do you take NSFW requests? :)
Hmmm, thats a tough question. I suppose I would do it depending on the character (above 18) and what type of NSFW request it is. As long as it is not anything bad, I would write it :)
(Also new post coming soon, just some fluff as usual)
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yourlocalviolet · 1 year
Please Leave Requests!
If anybody has any requests on something they want me to write please ask! I dont have many ideas of what to write rn lol. I can write for almost any of the characters of sweet tooth. (For the minors only platonic) So pls dont be afraid to ask!!
(Also thank you so much for all the support on my Johnny fics!!!!)
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into-crazy · 1 year
destiny’s masterlist♡
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Hello there~ Here, you can find all of my published works wrapped into one list!! I'll be sure to keep it updated as I go along. Thank you for reading!! Enjoy~
I currently have works for the following characters: TDK Joker, Arthur Fleck/Joker, Pennywise(2017), Johnny Abbot, and Negan Smith.
Works containing NSFW/SMUT material are marked with **
Joker - The Dark Knight
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More to the Madness - Joker x Female Reader series // details within**
horror and chill - one shot // You and J watch a scary movie.. you don't finish it**
tender - drabble // You're self-conscious about the small size of your breasts, J assures and comforts you in his own way.
pussy is mine - one shot // The Joker is feeling extra possessive and gets you off in front of his henchmen**
juicy - drabble // You share a mango cup with J.
dance for you - one shot // You sing and dance to dirty songs. J catches you, then you dance for him.
nights like this - drabble // You snuggle with J.
J and a female s/o with long hair**
J and a s/o that plays video games
little something - J gifts you stilettos
short girl problems - J and a short s/o
Being intimate with J on your period**
spending your birthday with J
Arthur Fleck/Joker - Joker
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Man Under the Makeup - AF/Joker x Female Reader series // details within**
comforting touches - drabble // Joker is there to help relieve your pms pains.
soft soothing love - drabble // You rub some lotion on Arthur's hands.
no better love - one shot // You start to question if you're good enough for Joker, to which he reminds you that you are**
lace and cigarettes - drabble // Joker watches you dance, which leads to something steamy**
be my valentine - drabble // Valentine’s day with Arthur.
dress stays on - You wear a pretty dress**
AF/Joker and female s/o with long hair**
Pennywise - IT (2017)
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Derry's Secret - Pennywise x Female Reader series // details within**
Bob Gray nsfw thoughts - drabble**
celebrating your birthday with Pennywise
Pennywise and a reader that owns a cat
Johnny Abbot - Sweet Tooth
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dating Johnny Abbot would include
Negan Smith - The Walking Dead
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don't wanna miss a thing - AU!Negan Smith x Female Reader series // details within
hot tub surprise - one shot // You sneak over into Negan's backyard to surprise him in his hot tub**
I do not own the photos attached here and in each piece but they have been edited by me unless stated otherwise
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