#johann friedrich i
illustratus · 2 years
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Views of the hunt in front of the Castle in Wolfersdorf in Kahla (Thuringia), with the homecoming of Hanfried, Johann Friedrich I of Saxony at the bridge.
by Friedrich Carl Mayer
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diioonysus · 5 months
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hair + art
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gilsart · 9 months
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hans thinks the moustache suits johann a lot; joachim, however...
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blankvers · 11 months
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Now that it’s pride month, I made this drawn edit to their silhouettes. It was very easy and fun to make, I love the result. ✨
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merry-kenobi · 11 months
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Crown Prince Frederick's accomplices:
Hans Hermann von Katte: Main accomplice. Beheaded on the 6th November 1730 in Küstrin.
Peter Christoph Karl von Keith: Main accomplice. Deserted on the 6th August 1730 from Wesel to England. "In effigie" hung. Came back to Prussia when Fritz became king in 1740.
Johann Ludwig von Ingersleben: Knew about Frederick's relationship with Doris Ritter. Was arrested on the 1st September 1730. He was condemned for confinement in a fortress for six months.
Alexander Sweder von Spaen: Knew about Frederick's escape plans. Was arrested on the 1st September 1730. He was condemned for confinement in a fortress for three years.
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noturbysshe · 1 year
So I watched Zoolander (2001) because of these stupid memes and…uhm…
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Oh who is he?
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A missing memory
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…listen I just think that a Schoethe model au might have potential. Either that or dm me for a personal apology because I feel like I owe y‘all one for creating this.
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goetzeusismyotp · 9 months
Schoethe One-Shot (german & english version)
*please don't steal :)
Der Regen nieselte auf den Pflastersteine in Weimar hinunter, es war nicht unbedingt kalt, aber ohne Jacke wäre man zumindest vom Wind luftig umhüllt. Der Insperations Spaziergang verlief schonmal nicht optimal, wenigstens gab es Ruhe, da die Straßen die sonst in der Park Gegend von jungen Pärchen und Kindern erfüllt waren, nur noch von niesel Regen, leichtem Wind und dem rauschen der Blätter sowie des kleinen Flusses belebt.
Zum Teufel, dachte sich angesprochener direkt. Es gab nicht viele die ihn dutzen, deswegen wegen war die Auswahl sowieso gering, aber diese Stimme erkannte er überall.
Johann blieb stehen um sich einholen zu lassen, der deutlich größere Friedrich Schiller schritt vor ihm mit seinem unerverkennbaren lächeln.
,,Ich liebe Spaziergänge im Regen."
Johann schnaufte leicht amüsiert.
,,Vielleicht bist du deswegen so oft krank."
Friedrich grinste nur.
,,Sie geben mir inspiration, brauchst du grade inspiration?"
Der ältere nickte.
Gleichzeitig liefen beide weiter durch den Park nebeneinander her.
,,Ich auch, Johann."
Friedrich schaute nach oben in den dichten Wolken bedeckten Himmel.
,,Mir fehlen nicht die Ideen Johann, aber das was ich schreiben würde könnte ich nie veröffentlichen."
,,Du musst deine Rebellische Art und Weise die aus deiner Jugend noch sprießt ablegen."
Erwiderte Johann plump.
Friedrich schüttelte den Kopf.
,,Seit wann ist Liebe Rebellisch?"
,,Kommt drauf an wie du sie verpackst, wenn sich Mann und Frau lieben, aber aus verschiedenen Religionen, oder gar Herkünften ist dies durchaus Rebellisch."
,,Meine Geschichte fängt schon anders an."
Johann Verstand nicht was das bedeuten sollte und blieb deshalb still.
Die Stille zog sich bis sie in der Nähe seines Gartenhauses waren.
,,Komm mit rein, dann Trocknen wir ein wenig."
Drinnen setze sie sich auf die Holzmöbel während Johann den Kamin an machte, das Feuer breitet sich schnell aus und somit auch die Wärme die sie schließlich umgab.
,,So ein Haus möchte ich vielleicht auch in meine Geschichte einbauen."
Friedrich ließ sein Blick über die Wände und Möbel wandern.
,,Jeder Schriftsteller wird dieses Problem mit sich aus machen müssen, irgendwo ist es unmöglich es nicht zu tun, aber sei vorsichtig was du aus deinem Leben mit in deine fiktionale Welt verfrachtest."
Der jüngere Lachte.
,,Alle meine Schriften sind genau ich, wie als wären sie mit meinem Blut geschrieben wurden."
,,Deswegen hast du auch einige Feinde."
,,Ich beuge mich nicht der Masse."
,,Das ist deine Rebellische Art."
Friedrich lehnte sich nach hinten in den Stuhl. Er schaute Johann tief in die Augen. Der Regen prasselte gegen die Scheiben und das Feuer tobte im Kamin.
,,Diese Geschichte ist anders, aber ich weiß das sie Wahr ist."
,,In welche Frau hast du dich so sehr verliebt Friedrich, dass du meinst eure Liebe wäre nicht öffentlich vertretbar, nichtmal in einer fiktionalen Version."
Die Stille die diesmal aufkam war nicht wie im Park, angenehm und verständlich, sie war erdrückend.
Johann realisierte was Friedrich meinte und dieser schien auch darauf zu warten das der ältere selbst darauf kommt, vermutlich aus Angst.
,,Über uns zu schreiben wäre in der Tat fatal."
Stellte Goethe fest.
Schiller nickte langsam.
,,Unsere Liebe ist nicht Rebellisch Johann, sie ist das schönste was es für mich gibt, und ich möchte das teilen durch die einzige Art wie ich weiß solche Gefühle für mich zu inszenieren."
Friedrich stand auf.
,,Gedichte reichen mir nicht mehr, für das was ich fühle, sie sind immerhin eine Lüge in der die Wahrheit verschlungen wird."
Er ging auf Goethe zu, jener stand auf.
,,Es kann nicht so falsch sein! Es ist-"
Johann unterbrach seinen Freund der sich in Rage redete mit seinen Lippen auf den des anderen. Wohlgemerkt nicht ihr erster Kuss, fühlte sich jeder Kuss nach frischer Liebe an.
Friedrich umarmte den kleineren darauf fest.
,,Die Welt wird sich ändern, die die uns fühlen..."
Johann löste die Umarmung, nahm Friedrichs Hände und platzierte sie auf seiner Brust.
,,...die werden die Wahrheit sehen, und die haben sie dann auch verdient."
The rain was drizzling up on the cobblestone in Weimar , it wasn't really cold, but without a jacket you were wrapped around in the windy air. The inspirational walk wasn't going optimal, atleast there was peace, because the streets in the park area they usually were filled with young couples and kids were only filled with life through the drizzling rain, the shallow wind and the rustling leaves aswell as the small river.
To hell, the person addressed thought directly. There weren't many who called him by his first name, so the circle of people was small, but he recognized that voice anywhere. Johann stopped to be caught up with, the much taller Friedrich Schiller walked in front of him with his unmistakable smile.
,,I love walks in the rain."
Johann snorted slightly amused.
,,Maybe that's why you're sick so often."
Friedrich grinned:
,,They inspire me, do you need inspiration right now?"
The older one nodded.
Both continued to walk side by side through the park.
,,Me too, Johann."
Friedrich looked up at the dense cloud-covered sky.
,,I don't lack ideas Johann, but I could never publish what I would write."
,,You must shed your rebellious ways which are still sprouting from your youth."
Johann replied dry.
Friedrich shook his head.
,,Since when is love consider rebellious?"
,,Depends on how you sell the package, when a man and a woman love each other, but they come from different religions, or even ethical backgrounds, it's quite rebellious."
,,My story already starts differently."
Johann did not understand what this meant and therefore remained silent.
The silence dragged on until they were near his garden house.
,,Come on in, let's dry a little inside."
Inside they sat on the wooden furniture while Johann lit the fireplace, the fire spread quickly and thus the warmth that finally surrounded them.
,,I might want to put a house like this into my story."
Friedrich let his gaze wander over the walls and furniture.
,,Every writer will have to deal with this problem, it may is impossible not to do it, but be careful what you carry out of your life into your fictional world."
The younger one laughed.
,,All my writings are exactly me, as if they were written with my blood."
,,That's why you have some enemies."
,,I do not bow to the masses."
,,That's your rebellious ways."
Friedrich leaned back into the chair. He looked into Johann's eyes. The rain poured against the windows and the fire raged in the fireplace.
,,This story is different, but I know it's true."
,,With what woman did you fall in love with so intensely, Friedrich, that you think your love would not be publicly acceptable; not even in a fictional version."
The silence that creeped upon them this time was not like in the park, pleasant and understandable, it was overwhelming.
Johann realized what Friedrich meant and he seemed to be waiting for the older one to figure it out himself, probably out of fear.
,,Writing about us would indeed be fatal."
Goethe stated.
Schiller nodded slowly.
,,Our love is not Rebellious Johann, it is the most beautiful thing there is for me, and I want to share that by the only way I know how to express such feelings for me."
Friedrich stood up.
,,Poems are no longer enough for what I feel, they are after all a lie in which the truth is swallowed up."
He went to Goethe.
Goethe got up.
,,It can't be that wrong! It's-"
Johann interrupted his friend who was about to ramble on with his lips on the others mouth. Mind you, not their first kiss; every kiss felt like fresh love.
Friedrich hugged the smaller one tightly.
,,The world will change, those who feel us..."
Johann freed himself from the hug, took Friedrich's hands and placed them on his chest.
,,...They will see the truth, and they deserve it."
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kunikidas-lost-glasses · 10 months
I need Goethe and Schiller in Bsd.
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sherbertilluminated · 10 months
my friends & I projecting onto people who died centuries ago
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Archduke Karl of Austria-Teschen and his children, by Johann Ender, 1832. From left to right: Archduke Wilhelm, Archduke Karl Ferdinand, Archduchess Maria Theresa (future Queen of the Two Sicilies), Archduke Karl, Archduke Albrecht, Archduchess Maria Karolina, and Archduke Friedrich Ferdinand. In the left corner there is a bust of Princess Henriette of Naussau-Weilburg, the children's late mother.
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year
21, 34, 57 for the OTP asks (Schoethe, if you'd like)? :)
Of course I'd like, here we go!
21. Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds?
I'd say they are both absolutely up to defend the other's honor, but in different ways: Goethe would look down his nose on the person infringing on Schiller's honor, and in cold politeness wish them a "good day" - before setting out to absolutely destroy that person socially. He'll make sure they never get a foot down in decent company again, a scathing review on every accomplishment, you better forget about that promising engagement (Goethe knows the family because of course he does); better get out of the country completely and change your name. He'll ruin a life, mercilessly and without a scratch on him - fortunately, because while Schiller would certainly try to take care of any wounds of Goethe's, he's kind of a chaotic mess and not really good at it.
Now, Schiller? Would just physically jump at the offending party and endeavour to rip their throat out with his teeth. He's feral. He would faint like a consumptive Victorian ingenue afterwards and Goethe would have to bring him to bed and tend to him tenderly, but he would do so happily and with heart eyes, because Schiller just beat up a guy for him. Conveniently, Goethe also knows a thing or two more about How To Live Healthily, so he's not a bad caretaker.
34. Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush?
Definitely Schiller; he's never been worried about making someone clutch their pearls. And once Goethe is over his initial "nyeh-nyeh-nyeh, your plays are crude and lewd and your Sturm-und-Drang attitude sucks!" fit, flustering him with just the kind of crude and lewd that Goethe complained about would make Fritzen's day.
57. Who's the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Again, Schiller has zero sense for health and/or self preservation; he probably lives off of chips, frozen pizza and dry noodle mixes. And rotting apples. Now, Goethe? The little nerd cooks exclusively with fresh vegetables and is positively a snob about local eggs and dairy products. Grocery shopping is Serious Business(TM) for Goethe. Especially since he tries to keep that idiot of a boyfriend alive.
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flowers-and-fichte · 1 year
AKA how Schiller feels about Goethe
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Portrait of the Future Prince Johann I von Liechtenstein. By August Friedrich Oelenhainz.
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gilsart · 10 months
Will we ever see Keith without his wig? Like this little strand of hair is just a teaser?
you were right on time: i mostly doodled tonight and look!
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wigless keith! not sure if he even knew ingersleben, but i mean, i can have some artistic and historical freedom here and there.
contrary to friedrich and katte (but mostly katte), his design is something i'm still working on, so you might see him change overtime :')
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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— Yet those aren't false numbers. The cabbage was actually bought — but for the inexcusable price. — Now I'm confused. If the cabbage was bought, it means no one falsified anything? — Andrey Ivanovich, stop bothering Mother Empress with your trifle. — How can you call this a trifle! Mother Empress, do you know how much cabbage does one regiment consume in one year?
Елизавета | Elizaveta | Elizabeth (2022), 1x05
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softsoup642 · 1 year
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template by @/cloudofbutterflies
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