#jimin popstyling
aricastmblr · 1 year
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BTS_jp_official·24 mar
.#JIMIN 3月27日(月)発売『AERA』の表紙画像公開! 蜷川実花さんによる撮りおろしグラビアと #JIMIN のロングインタビューをカラー12ページでお届けします。 ぜひご期待ください! <掲載情報> 『AERA』(@AERAnetjp) 2023年4月3日増大号 3月27日(月)発売 #Jimin_FACE
AERAnetjp·24 mar.
【 3/27発売 #AERA 】 #BTS #JIMIN さんが登場! デビューしてから今までを振り返り、「僕たちがここまで来られたのは、ARMYとの強固な絆があるから」とキッパリ。 「僕たちを変わらず待ってくれて、応援してくださるファンの皆さんに、心から感謝したいです」 @-BTS_jp_official #JIMINxAERA
aera_net  【 3/27発売 #AERA 】 #BTS #JIMIN さんが登場! 自身初のソロアルバム「FACE」をリリースしたJIMINさん。単独取材に応じ、アルバムへの思いやARMYへの感謝などを語りました。 蜷川実花撮影の表紙とグラビアは、色とりどりの花々との共演が圧巻。新たな魅力を引き出しています。 photographer 蜷川実花 @-ninagawamika prop styling 遠藤歩 @-endoayumi
endoayumi intagram sale j.m
Ayumi Endo 遠藤歩 Arte遠藤歩 プロップスタイリスト prop stylist /Art Lover
🌸AERA @aera_net 2023 4/3号のカバーはジミンさん(BTS)です🌸 柔らかい陽光のようなジミンさんをイメージして麗らかな春を感じる優しい色どりのお花セットをつくらせていただきました🪻🌸🌷 ジミンさんがセットに入られた途端、キラキラ✨️っとなにもかもが輝きだしたのでひゃぁっ!ってなりました🥹 世界中にいらっしゃるアーミーの皆様のご期待に添えるように精一杯がんばるぞ!!と熱い想いをしっかり持って取り組ませていただきましたが、本当にこのような貴重な機会に携わらせていただけたことで、いつ誰とお仕事させていただく時も毎回緊張感と責任感と熱意を持って1つずついいものを作っていきたいなぁと改めて学ばせていただきました!❤️‍🔥ありがとうございました🙇‍♀️ ぜひ誌面の方もご覧下さい💜 写真/蜷川実花 Hair/HAN SOM Makeup/KIM DA REUM,KIM SEON MIN Styling/KIM YOUNG JIN, KIM YE SONG Prop styling/遠藤歩 #AERA #JIMIN #BTS #JIMIN×AERA #propstyling #プロップスタイリング
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stigmabr · 7 years
BTS para a PopStyle 【防弾少年団】
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O lado oculto da alta completude
Você consegue ver o carisma deles pelas apresentações. Assistir as performances ao vivo pode ser a melhor escolha, mas primeiro não deixe de olhar os clipes oficiais no Youtube. Por exemplo, "For You'. A dança está em perfeita ordem e o rap é energético! A versão original japonesa foi lançada em Junho de 2015 e alcançou 1° no chart semanal do "Oricon". Os movimentos de dança perfeitos se tornaram assunto!
Qual o segredo das danças de qualidade?
J-Hope disse: "Temos que nos reunir e passar a coreografia antes das apresentações. Isso é uma das coisas mais importantes para manter nossa completude."
Suga disse positivamente: "Somos gratos por ter uma reputação boa com relação a dança, mas não queremos nos restringir apenas a isso. Queremos desafiar vários gêneros e mostrar nossos diversos lados.”
A razão para comentários assim vem do fato deles sempre participarem nas composições de suas músicas, letras e coreografias. Suas ideias são refletidas em várias performances de tempos em tempos.
Muito interessados no Japão
Perguntamos a eles qual o charme do grupo
Rap Monster: "Você consegue sentir nossa essência humana." J-Hope: "Energia." Jin disse entusiasmado: "Tomamos conta uns dos outros."
BTS dá valor aos seus fãs. Em novembro do ano passado, no fanmeeting, eles falaram mais japonês do que coreano. Eles estavam bem interessados na cultura japonesa também. Nós perguntamos a eles com quais artistas gostariam de ter uma colaboração.
Suga: "Ryuichi Sakamoto" Rap Monster: "SEKAI NO OWARI"
Jungkook e V amam animação japonesa. A favorita do Jungkook é "Howl’s Moving Castle" e  "Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day". A favorita de V  é "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time". V disse: "Eu consigo sentir o charme da sensitividade das animações japonesas". Jungkook: “Eu quero cantar o tema de alguma animação japonesa".
Algum dia na África
Ano passado "WINGS" alcançou a posição 26° na Billboard 200, o melhor resultado já atingido por artistas coreanos. Jungkook chegou a 55° e V estava em 60° posição na lista de Rostos Mais Bonitos de 2016 por um site americano. Foi um ano que eles receberam atenção de todo o mundo.
J-Hope: "Estamos felizes que pessoas superaram a barreira do idioma e ouviram nossa música." Suga: "Um dos nossos prazeres é visitar diferentes países. E ainda não fomos na África, quero ir lá um dia."
No MAMA em 2016 eles receberem o prêmio de Álbm do Ano. Depois disso eles tiveram uma festa de celebração, exceto por Jin que teve que ir para a selva para filmar um programa de variedade.
Rap Monster: "Enquanto bebíamos vinho, falamos sobre memórias pré debut e os dias de trainee. Foi muito difícil naquela época, mas agora com felicidade podemos pensar no passado."
O sonho, Tokyo Dome
Você provavelmente sentiu falta do Jimin, já que seu nome ainda não foi mencionado. Jimin estava bastante quieto enquanto entrevistávamos os meninos. Quando perguntamos sobre seus interesses recentes, ele sussurrou "ARMY" e foi julgado pelos outros membros. Jimin mostra uma dança glamourosa no palco, mas esse contraste também é um tipo de individualidade e está conectado com o charme do grupo. Esses 7 garotos, que estão ativos pelo mundo, disseram: "Queremos ter um concerto solo em Tokyo Dome!" Achamos que eles podem fazer qualquer coisa se continuarem como estão. Eles tem várias possibilidades, então queremos continuar observando-os no futuro.
Matéria original
Não reproduza sem dar os devidos créditos!
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fyeahbangtaned · 7 years
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Popstyle Interview (Japanese Newspaper)
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kimmy-trans · 7 years
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【2017.1.11 PopStyle】 BTS 
The hidden side of the high completeness
You can see their charisma from their performances. Watching their live performance would be the best choice but firstly, we hope you can check their official videos on Youtube. For example: ‘FOR YOU’. The dance is in perfect order and the rap is energetic! Their original Japanese single that was released in June, 2015 reached #1 on Oricon Weekly chart. The dance with fluttering body movements became a hot topic ‘Petal Dance’.
What’s the secret to their high-quality dance?
J-Hope expressed: “we’ve got to get together and go through the choreography before we perform and that’s one of most important part to maintain such high completeness.”
“We’re grateful that we could earn good reputation (for our dance), but we don’t want to be too caught up in it. We want to challenge various genres and show our various sides,” said Suga, positively.
The reason for such comment comes from the fact they always participate in composing songs, lyrics and choreographies. Their ideas are reflected in various performances from time to time.
Highly interested in Japan
We asked them what’s the group’s charm, “you can sense the human scent”, (Rap Monster). “Energy!” (J-Hope). “We take care of each other.” Jin said enthusiastically. We think they’re portraying the human scent as in the fierce melody ‘War of Hormone’ that’s depicted by the restlessness of youth.
BTS, who values their fans. Last year November, on their fan meeting, they used mostly Japanese during the long talk. They are also very interested in Japanese culture.
We asked them which artist they want to collaborate with, they replied: “Ryuichi Sakamoto’ (Suga), ‘SEKAI NO OWARI’ (Rap Monster). Jungkook and V loves Japanese animation. Jungkook’s favorite are ‘Howl's Moving Castle’ and ‘Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day’. V’s favorite is ‘The Girl Who Leapt Through Time’. V expressed: “I can feel the great charm of the Japanese animation’s sensitivity.” Jungkook expressed: “I want to sing an animation’s theme song.”
Someday in Africa
Last year, ‘WINGS’ album achieved #26 on U.S Billboard 200 chart, best result achieved by Korean artists.  Jungkook was #55 and V was #60 on the ‘Top 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2016’ chosen by an American film website. It was a year that they received attention from all over the world. J-Hope expressed: “we’re happy that people can overcome the language barrier and listen to our music.” Suga expressed: “one of our pleasures is visiting different countries. And we haven’t performed in mainland Africa yet, so I want to go there one day. ”
On 2016’s MAMA, they received the album of the year award. After that, they had a celebration party, except for Jin because he had to go to the jungle the next day to film a variety show.  Rap Monster: “while we’re drinking wine, we talked about the memories of pre-debut days and trainee days. It was very tough back then, but now we can joyfully think about the old days.”
The dream, Tokyo Dome
You probably care about Jimin’s response since his name haven’t been mentioned yet. Shy Jimin was very quiet when we were interviewing them. When we asked what’s his recent interest, he whispered ‘ARMY’ and got judged by the other members. Jimin shows off glamorous dance like an acrobat on the stage, but this kind of contrast is also a type of individuality and it’s connected with the whole group’s charm.
These 7 boys, who are active worldwide, they said: “we want to have a solo concert in Tokyo Dome!” We think they can do it even if they hold one right now. They have many possibilities, so we want to keep watching over them in the future.
Source Behind the Scenes Trans (from Korean): KIMMYYANG
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kimmy-trans · 7 years
【2017.01.11 PopStyle】 BTS interview behind the scenes
This interview was done before their fan meeting in Tokyo, so the photoshoot took place at Yoyogi National 1st Gymnasium. Got it? 
What we felt from the interview is that each member’s role are perfect for them. 
No matter what question it was, Suga always answered first. Suga is quick witted, he did not only consider BTS’ future as a producer but he also pointed out the problems in various attempts. He commented that the Japanese fans are gentle, quiet and kind, they keep their promises so he’s very grateful. 
Rap Monster, who’s warmly guarding everyone, he always sum up. He said: "I want to travel by taking the JR."
Everyone’s hyung, Jin and the mood maker, J-Hope. This hyung line are witty speakers. Jin said: "I went on Law of the Jungle!" Now he mentioned it, we can’t wait to watch Jin’s episode on Law of the Jungle. 
J-Hope is always smiling, he said that he hope the 7 of them can travel around in Japan. So, you might even see them around in Japan one day. 
On the other hand, the maknae line - V, Jimin and Jungkook were different to how they appeared on variety shows, they were prudent during the interview. 
V excitedly said: "I was in a drama!" And Jungkook expressed he want to keep making music and perform. These two were discussing about their favorite anime enthusiastically. Jimin, who was prudent and did not speak much. However, he expressed that if there’s a chance, he will prepare himself for all sorts of activities. 
Then, we watched their stage that night. They seemed to have switched on a different mode to when they were in the interview, it was amazing! Especially Jimin, his dancing was so beautiful and brisk. It even made us doubt whether it was the same person in the interview! Then we realized that this kind of contrast is his charm. We can’t wait to see their next live stage in Japan. 
Suga has a nickname of '달팽이', it means snail and when you call him, you attach his surname in the front - '민달팽이'. And '민달팽이' also means slug! We were surprised by that! 
In Japanese, if you attach くま (bear) after あらい (surname 'arai'), it’s あらいぐま (raccoon). We don’t know if it’s the same kind of word play? Did we just made it harder to understand? (laughs) 
But, the impression that '달팽이' and '민달팽이' gives off are completely different! This is how we got confused. 
News article Trans: KIMMYYANG Source: BTS Bar
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