#jem’s sketchy tag
uhhjemu · 3 months
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good evening nonexistent tlrg fandom here’s an alice sharma design for y’all
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r-u-reddie · 7 years
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chapter II: tell me about it, stud
read chapter 1!
summary: Eddie Kasprak and Richie despise each other, it’s just too bad that they’re anonymously best pals on tumblr. This is gonna be good…
warnings: mentions of broken arm???
a/n: whooo! finally done with this chapter! follow my amazing beta @losvcr
“I’m begging of you Mike, I need you at work!” Eddie talked into the phone on his couch.
Eddie heard Mike sigh, “Eddie, I’ve been planning this vacation for months. I’m only gonna be gone for four weeks. Besides, it’s not my fault you broke your arm while taking down the fairy lights. By the way, why did you try to take them down? You told me that they were one of the few things that lightened up your day.”
Eddie grimaced as he held onto his broken arm. “Just wanted a change of scenery. Mike, please. If I don’t have you at work, I can’t take care of the plants. I broke my dominant hand and I need to be able to lift the plants, sell them, water them, trim them, and plant new ones all at the same time!”
“I’m so sorry Eddie, but the answer is no. Just ask Richie to help.” The line went dead, and Eddie wanted to throw his phone across the room. He had asked Ben, Eddie’s other co-worker, before Mike, but he was visiting his parents in Maine for two weeks.
That was two weeks without any help and a broken arm.
He knew he had one last option, but that was unthinkable. Unspeakable. Never going to happen, ever. Like, hell no.
“-and I promise that I’ll stop insulting you for a whole month if you can just help me until my coworker gets back from vacation?” Eddie asked, avoiding eye contact with Richie as he stood in front of Richie’s desk.
“Eds, of course I’ll help you! We’ll be the best florist dream team the world has ever seen!” Richie exclaimed, throwing his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie quickly pushed him off and complained, “I am not a florist!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, doll.” Richie said smugly. “So, when do I start helping?”
“Tomorrow, and I need you to be there at 7. We’re doing a Halloween sale, and you have to come dressed up.” Eddie said as he looked around the Classic Jazz section.
“Are you serious? I love dressing up! I didn’t know that you did fun stuff in your store!”
“Shut up. I do fun stuff all the time, dickweed.” Eddie insulted, glaring at Richie.
Richie grinned and taunted, “Now you hold on there, mister. You’re not allowed to insult me anymore, remember?”
“Unfortunately.” Eddie replied, grinding his teeth.
“I can sense some tension. Are you tense Eds?” Richie said patronizingly.
“Just peachy.” Eddie remarked. “Just come in costume at seven, is everything clear?”
‘Oh. My. God.’ Richie thought to himself, looking at Eddie in his costume.
Richie had spent the last night getting Bev to cover for him while he was helping Eddie, and listening to Cage the Elephant while having a slight mental breakdown over finding a last minute costume. He decided to go as a sheet ghost, which Richie thought was pretty hilarious.
When Richie walked into Rainbow Bouquet (which, really Eds? How much gayer could you get?) that morning, he was ready and filled with energy. Then, he saw Eds.
Eddie was talking on the phone with someone named Ben, in an oversized leather jacket, white tee shirt, leather pants, and combat boots. His curls were messy and the jacket was falling off one shoulder. ‘He looks insanely hot.’
Then again, it wasn’t unusual for Richie to fawn over Eddie. Daily. Possibly hourly.
Eddie hung up and spun around on his heel to face Richie. “Seriously, Rich? That’s your costume?”
Richie realized that Eddie couldn’t see his face under the sheet, and said, “Yep! Besides, what are you supposed to be? Faux Leather Man?”
Eddie’s face went red and he hissed, “No! I’m a greaser!”
“You look more like Sandy at the end of Grease.”
“Shut up, asshole. By the way, you can’t wear that costume for work.”
“Why? Need to uphold the fine reputation of Rainbow Bouquet?” Richie mocked.
“No, because the customers need to be able to see your face.” Eddie elaborated. “Come with me, I have some extra costumes in the storage room.”
Richie followed Eddie without question, and Eddie led him to a rack with about six costumes. “Take your pick.”
“Why the hell do you have a costume rack in your storage room?”
Eddie blushed and replied, “It’s fun to dress up in October. You never know when you’ll need a last minute costume. Mike, Ben, and I go to a lot of last minute costume parties and these always come in handy.”
God, his blush is cute.
”Should have guessed.” Richie commented whilst flipping through the costumes. He picked up the one he knew he had to wear.
“This!” Richie exclaimed, holding up the 50s style letterman jacket and jeans. Eddie buried his head in his hands.
“We are not doing matching 50’s costumes!”
Richie grinned with wild eyes and insisted, “Oh, yes we are! It’ll create a theme! You’ll be Sandy and I’ll be Danny at the end of Grease!”
“No way in hell!”
Eddie stood defeated at the cash register while Richie was watering plants in his “Danny” costume.
Fuck him.
Eddie got out his laptop, pulled up tumblr, and opened his conversation with trashmouthrt. He began to type out a message.
i’m working with satan right now.
Eddie saw Richie pull his phone out of his pocket and check it. Richie put his phone back and waltzed over to Eddie. Eddie quickly shut his laptop.
“Hey Eddie Bear, can I take my lunch break now?” Richie inquired, jumping up to sit on the counter
Eddie checked his watch. “It’s not even noon yet!” Richie threw his head back in frustration, which gave Eddie an exemplary view of Richie’s adams apple.
“Listen, toots. I’m helping you out with your store, on top of my own shop that I still have to manage. The least you could do is give me an extended lunch break.”
Eddie sighed and crossed his legs. “Fine, but you have to be back at 1:15. Kapeesh?”
Richie winked as he walked out the door. “You got it, babe.”
Eddie scolded himself for blushing at the nickname. ‘What’s up with me today?’ Eddie had always known that Richie was the kind of person that was universally accepted as “attractive”, but for some reason, he was paying close attention to details today. He noticed that Richie would click his tongue to the beat of a song, or bite his lip when he was nervous. It wasn’t unusual for Eddie to notice details about people, it was just unusual that he found those details so… endearing.
Shaking his head, Eddie opened up his laptop once again to find a new message.
that sucks for you man. i just started working with this guy, and he’s so damn cute
i finally feel like i have something to look forward to
Eddie felt a little sting of jealousy, then realized how stupid he was being.
are you serious? That’s great dude!
except for the part where he literally curses the ground i walk on
listen… do you want to meet up soon? i understand why you would be worried, but maybe we could meet in a crowded place and you could check with the cafe to keep the police on speed dial in case anything sketchy happened (which it wouldn’t) and i just want to actually talk to you in person
Eddie froze. This was a big step. A monumental step. It was a risk, and Eddie just didn’t do risks.
Eddie hesitated and typed out his reply.
ok. lets meet
you’ve got mail eds! masterpost
tag list!
@eds-trashmouth @rhubarberous
@loverloserclub @oursanniverse @lostboyrichie
@richietoaster @killerxqueer @be-more-chill-duder @drbagels123 @reddiesballoons @eddiekaspbraklives @eds-trashmouth
@colettoamad @the-awkward-lettuce-turtle @mrsroof-dylann9 @bepbeprichie @eddierichietozier @tkayeis @rheatam @stansmansuris @moopai @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @organic-reddie @appleorangestarfruitwatermelon @fandom-crazy-797 @byewill @petebparker @reddieismygazebo @weasleytriplets @em0tionalgh0st @mzcescapie @frncsfields
@richiestozicr @aesthetic-ranja
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lgions2 · 7 years
hello! do you have an oc tag or a place where we can learn about your ocs? i'm really interested in your characters and story.
hey lovely!!! i updated my tags and anything related to my ocs/pink skies is here :) and i also post sketchy things about them on my twitter sometimes
ALSO!!!! here are some short bios under the cut with links to char pinterest boards
baptiste pariseau
younger brother to adeline
in a relationship with aiden
he/him. gay
loves plants, gemstones, food and soft things. likes being alone
aiden moss (previously adrian/adrien)
in a relationship with baptiste
he/him, bi
sometimes smokes, loves horror films and pop punk music. spends a lot of time shirtless ???????? has lots of tattoos
adeline pariseau
baptistes older sister
in a poly relationship with jem and layla
she/her, bi
very happy and sweet but also ready to fight for her family. loves animals and reading. 
jem lee
in a poly relationship with adeline and layla
he/they, bi+demi
sleeps a lot, loves sweaters/jumpers, makes 5000 playlists on spotify, likes driving at night, takes them a lot to open up to people
layla williams
in a poly relationship with adeline and jem
she/her, pan
changes her hair A LOT, likes food and fashion, watches a lot of films (and will watch anything), listens to all the playlists jem makes
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and here is a rough thing of jem, adeline and layla’s final designs!! (ignore their ages ;;a;;)
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uhhjemu · 4 months
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hey guys so uh. oh no [is smacked back into oblivion for the next two months]
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