#jedi knight revan
son-of-transylvania · 2 years
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Mi pequeña colección de Star Wars Black Series, mis personajes favoritos pero aún hay alguno que otro que deseo.
(Al fondo se ven algunas figuras que no son de Star Wars)
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I've been writing more self-indulgent Revalek fics. Take a first draft I wrote at 2 in the morning :D
Commence the fluff
"Hey, is everything alright?" His voice was soft, always the right pitch to please Revan's ears. Their muscles relaxed, but Revan still paced about the secluded section of the camp.
"I'm fine; go away," they hissed through their mask's audio modulator. Alek disobeyed their orders and rubbed his fingers along their shoulders and neck when they stopped pacing instead. Revan refused to admit they loved it. 
"Are you sure? You're tense, and there's a minefield of knots in your neck." 
Revan sighed and reached for the edges of their beskar mask. They had to crane their neck to meet Alek's gaze once their face was bare. 
"No, I haven't slept for three days, I can hear my heartbeat in my skull, and I talked to Kae again, and she was livid," Revan cried. 
"Do you want to talk about it while I get those knots out?" Alek asked while he gently grabbed Revan's face. The action made their stomach flutter. The shadows cast on his face made Alek look menacing to anyone but Revan. His endless blue eyes were shrouded, but his smile remained. 
"Maybe," Revan shrugged off their outer robe, slunk down, and Alek followed behind them. They sat between his knees, leaning into his gentle hands working around their shoulders. Revan tried to make their desperation seem less evident than it was. 
"So, what's up?" 
Revan rubbed their eyes and groaned, "I talked with Arren Kae yesterday; I didn't even want to. I just asked if her battalion was doing okay to be polite, and it spiraled into the same thing she's lectured me about over and over again." Alek pressed his knuckle into a sore muscle, and Revan grimaced.
"The 'How you ruined your body' talk again?" He asked sarcastically.
"I don't even know why she was so mad about it! The council was livid we ran off, but it feels much more freeing. You and I know this!" Revan leaned their head forward and sank into the relieving pressure in the back of their skull.
"This will help your headache," Alek whispered in their ear.
"How did you know?" Revan's brow furrowed.
"You mentioned talking with Kae; you don't NOT have a headache after that," he chuckled.
Revan smirked back, "anyways, yeah, I got that talk again. She also mentioned something about being careful and 'sensing indignities off us.' "
"Why does she care?" Alek had gotten most of the knots out of Revan's neck and shoulders. He let his hands linger, noticing how the scrawny Jedi yearned for his touch. 
"Because she's annoying like that," Revan relaxed and leaned closer to Alek. "She thinks it's acceptable to comment on your body constantly and claim you want to fuck your best friend." 
Revan hadn't realized they were blushing. 
"Sounds like Kae," he huffed. 
"Yeah, and if I don't tell her anything, she reaches into my mind and drags it out herself. It's an invasion of privacy," Alek moved his hands to allow Revan to lean against his chest. He wrapped his arms around Revan's waist as they spoke. "Now she knows I've had a massive crush on you since I was 15, and she's rubbing it in my face, then somehow brings things back to my body!" 
"You, uh," Alek started fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Yes, she's all like, 'he probably looks at you in disgust because you ruined your figure,'" they mocked, "'maybe it's a good thing, I sense things off of him.'" Revan scrunched their face up while they imitated her old master, utterly oblivious to the bomb they dropped. "It hurts my self-esteem, even if you don't… see me like that," they admitted. 
"I was asking a cadet how to tell you the other day, actually," Alek tittered, "and Kae is wrong because you're, uh, like really pretty- or do you prefer handsome?" Revan felt his uncertainty.
"I don't mind, Squint," their face flushed, and their thin fingers entwined with Aleks' longer ones. 
"Heh, is this the teenage experience where we were way late on?"
Revan closed their eyes and listened to the mix of the constant song in their head and Alek's quick heartbeat. "Thanks for ignoring my first command," they smirked. "Look where that got me."
"I hope Arren Kae explodes."
Revan grins at that, a grin that shows genuine amusement. "I'll have her test weapon prototypes. I'm the commander; I can do that." 
They were silent for a long moment.
"Revan?" Alek nudged them. 
"I think I love you." 
Revan held the words in the air, probably by their throat, knowing Revan. 
They turned onto their side and curled closer to Alek. "I think I'll pass out," they hesitated, "but I know l love you."
Alek said nothing. He held Revan with one arm and used the other to stroke their cheek as they lulled off to sleep. Alek loved how they leaned into his small forms of affection. The Jedi forbid intimate actions, no matter how minor. He didn't regret turning in the council one bit. 
"You and your weird sleepy dust masseuse powers," they murmured.
Alek enjoyed watching Revan doze. He knew the confession sounded wrong, but the trust it took to allow Alek to hold them while they were helpless and exposed was not easy to earn. He felt special in a way, with their unmasked figure buried into his chest. Their sides rising and falling uninterrupted brought peace. After a while, he dozed off as well.
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thedarthray · 5 months
Hasbro - Knights of the Old Republic by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Hasbro - Star Wars Expanded Universe: Knights of the Old Republic Front: Darth Malek, Darth Revan, Jedi Knight Revan - Galaxy of Heroes, Republic Trooper (Old Republic), Bastila Shan, & 2x Shae Vizla (Old Republic Bounty Hunter) Middle: Darth Revan, Evolution: Darth Nihilus, Evolution: Darth Bane, Darth Malgus, Comic Pack: Jarael Edessa, & Comic Pack: Rohlan Dyre Back: Build-A-Droid HK-47, Evolution: Mandalore, Comic Pack: Ulic Qel-Droma, HK-47, Comic Pack: Exar Kun, & Build-A-Droid: HK-50
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comicchannel · 10 months
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Star Wars The Black Series Gaming Greats Jedi Knight Revan Hasbro E9620
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3DZfZId
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3DZg0ff
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walkerwing · 2 months
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I don't know I just want to post this… thing…
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Star Wars Legends + text posts
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oonaluna-art · 6 months
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The first part of my holiday exchange gift for Queen_Scribbles for this year's @kotorgiftexchange event!
[My Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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renesassing · 7 months
listen revan is divine because they are mortal not in spite of it. it is divinity a construct. it the trappings of religion in the context of cult, in the fervor of worship, in the reverence for sacrifice, in the 'us' versus 'them.' they are the patron saint of lost causes, they are the prophet of retribution, the god of getting from point a to point b in the most efficient way possible, regardless of who or what you must move though. and it is a godhood held aloft by those who throw themselves underneath them. who come clamoring to their beckoning hands knowing loyalty will be rewarded with loyalty in turn. who eagerly feed a machine they know would shatter worlds to achieve their goal.
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femurs-vectivus · 6 months
I sometimes wonder if post-amnesia revan on their journey to outer space carried around holoprojections of all their friends because they're afraid they'll forget them again
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sns315 · 1 year
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You are all these things, Revan
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eydika · 4 months
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kotor brainworm doodles :)
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hadrassians · 1 year
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revamped my old kotor ocs 🤭
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milksugarjams · 5 months
so I'm playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for the first time in like ten years
Me, 10 yrs ago: wow! everyone is here to save the galaxy and kick butt and me and Bastila are the only ones who can stop the sith!
Me now:
Me now: Carth is the only sane person on this ship
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valkorianknight12 · 1 year
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“Much like hunger itself, he is more of a hole in the Force than a living thing.”
- Kreia (Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords)
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mm167 · 1 year
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[yassifies your mullet revan]
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walkerwing · 1 month
still some sketches!! feel ooc so plz do not judge me…
can't remember where I saw that some Mandalorians call revan "The Butcher Revan" so I try to
and I like some fanfics make Revan become Meetra's some kind of overprotective big brother…that's cute
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