#jason voorhess
alyxupshur · 1 year
First art post of the year!!
I had a lot of fun doing this and experimenting with lighting and shading!! Hope you guys like it!
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Individual portraits under the cut!
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pinkniz · 2 years
Pamela Voorhees's pictures of Jason:
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ketsuekikizu · 2 years
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Halloween pfp for my fwend
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sanguinellojuice · 9 months
Ups, wrong brownies
(sorry for my bad English)
Context: A friend gave you some of his marijuana and you decided to use it as an ingredient for brownies just for you and made non-marijuana brownies to share, but someone accidentally took your personal brownies and ate them.
> Michael Myers
Your brownies with marijuana disappeared after leaving the house for a while but you found a Michael Myers sitting on the sofa in the living room, you didn't expect him to show up very early so you didn't worry about hiding your personal brownies. You peeked behind a wall looking a wall with knife rips and a lamp lying on the floor. A fight? Was anyone else here?
-Michael? - You asked with concern, fearing that Michael has eaten your brownies and suffered the effects of marijuana, Michael didn't answer, you called him away again to see if somehow he was okay.
You looked at Michael for a moment until you realized that he was moving, he was slowly moving his head in your direction, much slower than he normally would.
- Did you... eat brownies? - You asked with more concern, you don't know why you asked as if he was going to answer something, but your intuition said that he definitely did, then you started to hear a strange sound, it was a very low sound but with the silence that was between you 2 at that moment it began to be noticed, the sound was repetitive, like a short and agitated breath.
You looked in all directions looking for the sound, you thought it was your imagination until you looked at Michael in more detail, his chest expanded and contracted slightly quickly, his movements were hardly noticeable, wait... Michael was laughing?
Without saying anything you slowly walked away from there to return to your daily activities trying to ignore a so high Michael Myer in your living room.
> Jason Voorhess
You thought you had hidden your "medicated" brownies well while you were making normal brownies, Jason had gone for a walk around the camp while you were baking so you didn't imagine that he would consume your brownies, worried that he would consume your brownies you went looking for him.
You found Jason sitting and hunched on the shore of the lake, you approached him and you saw that there was something covered in a towel in his arms. You spoke to him to get his attention, but you see that he was hugging tightly what was in his arms while his shoulders were shaking, wait, was he crying!?
- Jason, are you okay!? what happen!?- you asked him worried.
You taught Jason sign language to facilitate communication, so with trembling hands he explained that while he was walking through the camp, he saw you submerged on the shore of the lake, when he saw that you weren't moving he thought you had drowned, ran to get you out of there, looked a towel and covered you to warm you up, but he could no can't feel your breathing and the beating of your heart.
After telling you what happened, he proceeded to hug a trunk with a towel while crying thinking that you were the trunk, after that you see something in Jason's pocket, it was a wrapper from your "medicated" brownies.
> Freddy Krueger
He asked you annoyed because you had stayed up all night, that wasn't true, you just ate brownies with marijuana and you slept so well that you didn't dream that night.
> Brahms Heelshire
You try to keep your "special" brownies out of Brahms' reach, but you failed, now you must put up with a Brahms arguing with his doll about how only you are for him, how special you are and how you love him.
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judith-lore90 · 1 year
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Jason Voorhess sticker and art print!
join now from June 1st to 28 to receive a sticker and art print of our favorite camper who never left!
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scaredcacticle · 6 months
First off call me wynni/wyn
Unashamed Stu Macher worshipper
I will write ALMOST anything for you but scat and necrophilia are an absolute no go from me
If there’s any slashers you don’t see you can either send me a message or ask and I’ll tell you if I write for them
If I don’t know the slasher PLEASE let me know the name of the movie so I can not only fulfill your ask but also watch a new horror movie (international slasher films EXTREMELY welcome)
I write for
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Lester Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Jason voorhess
Thomas Hewitt
Carrie white
Baby firefly
Otis b driftwood
My favs
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mskittykat117 · 7 months
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Friday the 13th x Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton as Jason Voorhess
I know William doesn’t say old sport, that’s Dave from The Dayshift at Freddy’s, I just did it for fun and goofs
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jassygay · 1 year
My fav characters eating an food that made of their kind be like:
Danger Mouse: YO B!T¢H IT MADE OF MICE!!🤬🤬
Captain Barnacles: *eating* I am cannibal😌😌
Chris: You… cook… my…. OLDER BROTHER🤮😭
Hello Kitty: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 WHYYY
Winnie and Piglet: THE FU¢K-
Felix the fish: I like eating fish😃😃😃😃
Grinch: YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!🤬🤬🤬🤬
Sam-I-Am: I am cannibal too :)🫥🫥🫥
Sam and Kit: YO MOTHER FU¢KER!!😱😱😱😱
Pit and Freddy: Fu¢k you b!t¢ch we are out😤😤
Guy-Am-I: GROSS 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Andy the Apple: H3LL NAH I OUT Pennywise: yummy😋😋😋😋
Jason Voorhess: Uhhhhh…
Freddy Kruger: Good not gonna lie
Tom: Yum😋
Tord: I out
Matt: nope
Edd: bye
Dog Man: I out of here b!t¢ches😤😤
Petey: NO NO NO NO NO Cat in the hat: YOU KILL MY KIDS😭😭😭😭😭
Slappy: I can’t taste😑😑😑😑
Chucky: •____• Sam and Max: Worst date ever we out of here🙄🙄
Garfield: I a demon😃😃😃😃
The cootie kids: we all out worst lunch ever
The person who cook: Chief Gaston Gourmand: idc yo b!t¢ches think I made these sh!t anyways time to di3 :)
the people who ate the food of their kind: *runs* BYE YO B!T¢H
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batesmotelofficial · 6 months
Imma do a different type of ask now
You get to pick out of a few characters and ask a question and they'll answer
Ill probably answer with either a cosplay. Drawing or just answering if it's towards me
Your characters are
Michael myers
Jason voorhess
Moon knight
(So Like. Jake. Steven or Marc)
Terzo or copia from ghost bc.
Happy asking 😅
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trish-jenner-fan · 7 months
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Feliz viernes 13th, Jason Voorhess feliz de que hoy es viernes 13th
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duplaroves · 1 year
Jason Voorhees, amigo de Jason Toymaker ( fanfic )
 Jason Meyer era um garoto de 11 anos quando a professora Aline perguntou :
_Porque você é tão triste ?
_Porque os meus pais nunca deixaram eu ter  brinquedos.
_Você quer nadar no lago Crystal Lake ? Eu tenho uma amiga universitária que tá num acampamento lá.
_Os meus pais não iam deixar.
_Antes das 6 da tarde eu trago você de volta, os seus pais nem vão saber.
Lá no lago o Jason Meyer ficou vendo os universitários nadando. Até que um garoto de 11 anos, o Jason Voorhess, começou a se afogar.
O Jason Meyer salvou ele.
_Você quase morreu, cara. O seu rosto ficou todo inchado, deformado. E os universitários não quiseram salvar você. Então você tem que matá-los.
Depois daquilo o Jason Voorhees não voltou mais pra casa dele. Ele não queria que a mãe dele visse o rosto dele, que ficou deformado depois que quase afogou-se.
Ele ficou vivendo no mato, alimentando-se dos bichos que ele caçava.
Na escola onde o Jason Meyer estudava, um dia a professora Aline disse pra uma estudante, a Amelia :
_Esse garoto, o Jason Meyer, é tão triste porque os pais dele não deixam ele ter brinquedos.
A Amelia começou a conversar com o Jason e eles tornaram-se amigos. Mas, depois disso, os outros amigos e amigas da Amelia começaram a morrer em acidentes estranhos.
Quem matava os amigos dela era o Jason Meyer, mas ele planejava tudo de um jeito que parecia que a morte deles tinha sido um acidente. Ele fazia isso por egoísmo, ele achava que só ele é que podia ser amigo da Amelia.
Quando o Jason Meyer terminou o ensino médio, com 17 anos, ele disse pros pais dele que ia tornar-se um fabricante de bonecos. Os pais dele não gostaram e expulsaram ele de casa.
O Jason Meyer foi até a casa da Amelia pedir dinheiro emprestado pra alugar um apartamento. Mas só a mãe dela tava em casa.
_A Amelia foi até o lago Crystal Lake , naquele acampamento de universitários. 
O Jason ficou furioso de ciúme, imaginando a amiga dele conversando com os universitários.
Ele foi até o lago e ficou escondido no mato olhando a Amelia conversar com os universitários. Então ele percebeu que perto dele tinha um cara usando uma máscara de hoquei.
_Você é aquele cara que tava afogando-se nesse lago e eu salvei você, 6 anos atrás ?
_Sou eu.
_Esses universitários mataram a sua mãe. Você tem que matar eles.
_Eles mataram a minha mãe ?
_Você não sabia ?
_Não. Eu vivo sozinho no mato, desde que meu rosto ficou deformado quando eu quase me afoguei.
_A sua mãe matou alguns universitários porque ela achou que você morreu afogado e ela culpava esses estudantes, porque eles não salvaram você. Ela foi matar uma universitária , mas a garota decapitou a sua mãe.
O Jason Voorhees ficou desesperado descobrindo que tudo isso tinha acontecido.
_Nessa noite, Voorhees, você tem que matar esses universitários. E você tem que matar uma ruiva sardenta chamada Amelia. Ela tinha que ser só minha, mas ela tá aqui fazendo amizade com outras pessoas.
Naquela noite o Jason Voorhees matou 10 universitários e trouxe o cadáver da Amelia pro Jason Meyer. Então o Meyer disse :
_Eu faço bonecos. Eu vou colocar algumas partes do cadáver da Amelia em uma boneca que eu vou fazer, uma boneca ruiva e sardenta igual a Amelia.
_Mas vai apodrecer.
_Não, porque vou injetar formol nessas partes do corpo dela, igual os empalhadores de animais fazem.
_Se minha mãe tá morta, Meyer, agora eu vou morar na casa dela. Se você precisa de um lugar pra morar, tem um quarto sobrando.
_Não, Voorhees. Eu vou ser um serial killer de crianças e vou colocar pedaços dos cadáveres dessas crianças dentro dos bonecos que eu faço. Vou ter que fugir de cidade em cidade pra polícia não me prender. Agora já vou indo, tenho que fazer uma boneca igual a Amelia.
Ele foi indo com o corpo da Amelia nos braços e o Jason Voorhees disse :
_Adeus, amigo.
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Summertime (2019)
Freddy Krueger © Wes Craven Sadako Yamamura © Koji Suzuki Michael Myers © John Carpenter Jason Voorhess © Victor Miller
Source: DeviantArt
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crypticbunnygirl · 3 years
if killer, why hot?? hm?? why sexy?? why just my type??? hm??
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not my art
credits to the artist
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
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adriheavymetal · 3 years
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pinkniz · 3 years
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