#janus klaudin
acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
I got some wonderful commissions recently from @sirenofdusk and wow they turned out great!
Eldridge of Kovir
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Duncan Waycrest
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Janus Klaudin
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Alfred Klaudin
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I let her run wild with how she would depict them with my descriptions and casting, and she did not disappoint!
Now I need to get going with character sheets for them all. I will definitely be returning for some more when my brain goes for more character creation!
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captzexx · 2 years
Solitude: Name 3 things your muse couldn’t live without.
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"Just three things?" Janus would lean back in his chair thinking a moment before nodding with a slight smile. "Music, the road, and palinka."
With the last word spoken, Janus Klaudin would draw out a slender bottle and pop the cork with a delighted sigh. "Let us share a drink eh?"
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Name: Klaudin, Janus Player: CaptZexx.7135 Tumblr: https://thetyrianrovers.tumblr.com/ Active: Yes Main: No Faceclaim: Tim Roth
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
A Crow Among Sparrows
A Witcher OC Roleplay Blog
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“Gather round now,” came the calm voice of the bard as he pulled up a chair, a smile on his face as the patrons young came to sit before him.  He wore a thick blue coat that seemed to have seen many more seasons than lined his own face.  The green eyes bright with mirth but hiding a deep wild sadness that he obviously did his best to push aside. “Who here knows what a Witcher is?”
“A monster!”  One voice piped up with an agreeance of murmurs from the other children.
The bard tilted his head thoughtfully, listening to the gibbering of the kids before perking up as he pointed to one of them.  “You!  What did you say?”
The other children stopped talking and turned to look at a small girl who looked suddenly very shy as the red grew in her face to match her hair.  She tried her best to whisper and hide.
“Come on no, don’t be afraid.  Say it again.”  The bard insisted, his smile welcoming as he leaned forward.
Gulping hard she would speak louder now, her face growing more crimson by the second.  “They’re not monsters.”
“Because,” she looked at the other kids again and then back into the green eyes.  “They kill them.”
The bard nodded sagely at her words and sat up straight again.  “You are correct.  They hunt the monsters.”
“My da says they bring all the bad stuff,” a boy interjected.
“Bad stuff?  Like what?”  The green eyes gave the young girl reprieve as he turned to the boy now, arching a brow at him.
“Like..like...monsters!” The child hesitated at first being caught on the spot, the others giggling before answering the question as well.
The bard nodded again as he mentally took in their words, tapping his chin in deep thought.  “Wow, that’s a lot of ‘bad’ stuff.  So how do you get rid of them?”
The kids stopped as they thought about it.
“You,” the crimson faced girl again hesitated but found herself emboldened by the bards calling her initially.  “You call a Witcher.”
Smile wide with bits of off-white teeth showing, the bard would look back to them as even a few of the older crowd were turning to watch now.  “Ah there you go now.  You call a witcher to deal with the monsters.”
“And then you toss em-,” a little began to the first bars to a VERY familiar song.
“Shh!” A nearby child ribbed him with a frown as the story was set to begin.
Rising up to his feet the blue coated bard would crack his neck and stretch his arms above him, ready to begin a long night of story telling.  “You all are very intelligent and well thought out minds for sure.  And you all seem to know your stuff on these monster slayers for I’m sure you’ve heard of the famous ones here.”
A plethora of nods followed as they watched him.  “Good so we can cut the backstory and dive right in the meat of it.”
The bard sat back again on his stool before leaning forward on his knees as he whispered.  “Let me tell you about a crow...”
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Welcome to ‘A Crow Among Sparrows’, a Witcher OC roleplay blog.  Here I have decided to make my own tales adjacent to the tales of Geralt and other fan favorites from the Witcher series.  Along with the Witcher series I have used a lot of the ideas from the Ravenloft setting to add new characters and ideas to my own interpretation of the Witcher verse.  From the Vistani, to vampires, and all kinds of other dark creatures of the night I love to delve into the supernatural horror fantasy. 
Is it accurate?  No.  Is it ‘lore’ abiding?  Not really.  Do I use a lot of D&D stuff to add more fluff?  Yes.  Do I mix up a lot of my own canon?  All the time.   Do I enjoy writing about spooky monster hunting within an amazing settings?  Yes I do.
So I hope you enjoy what I put out there, maybe interact with your own characters, and we all hope that I keep going with this for awhile. 
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Dramatis Personae 
Eldridge of Kovir
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Duncan Waycrest
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Janus Klaudin
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Alfred Klaudin
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original art from @sirenofdusk
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
Janus Klaudin, The Hurdy Gurdy Man
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The Basics ––– – Name: Janus Klaudin Nickname(s): Jan; 'That' Brother; The Hurdy Gurdy Man Age: 29 Birthday: Midsummer Race: Human Gender:  Male Marital Status: Single
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black Eyes:  Green Height: 6'1 Build: Wiry Distinguishing Marks:  Wild hair, three scars on his right cheek hidden behind a beard Tattoos: A winding vine of red and black roses along his right arm; random bits of art from his back to his front Piercings: Right ear hoop Common Accessories: Hurdy Gurdy, flute, long knife, tinder box, pipe, flask, leather cord with a small bag attached smelling of herbs   Likeness: Tikhon Zhiznevskiy
Personal Information––– – Profession: Bard, storyteller, Mist Walker Hobbies: Music, storytelling, dancing, knife throwing   Languages: Multiple languages to match his locale Residence:  Nomadic Birthplace: The back of a caravan Religion: The Road Patron Deity: Tymora Fears: Losing control; being alone
Relationships ––– - Spouse: None Children: None Parents:  Gregor Klaudin (father); Wilmina Klaudin (mother) Siblings: Alfred Klaudin (brother) Other Relatives: Arther Klaudin (grandfather; deceased); Verida Klaudin (grandmother; deceased); Eldridge of Kovir (godfather) Pets: None
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: High Turn ons: Smiles, dance, life Turn offs: Violence, spitting Love Language: Touch Relationship Tendencies: Short and often
Traits ––– - * Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between /  Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Often Drugs: When available Alcohol: Always on hand
RP Hooks ––– – The Hurdy Gurdy Man Janus is an accomplished bard, having studied song and dance with other members of the Vistani as they traveled through the Mists.  With a multitude of tales to mind and songs to match the wits of the smallfolk, the coin never ceases to fall in his favor when he opens his mouth.  Most of those in his trade would pick to carry a fiddle or flute, but somehow or another a silver handle came to hand to match the strange box that he cranks from.  None would think that such a contraption could make men weep, women kick their heels, or bring the old back to youth but such was the power of the song in Janus's hand and heart.
Magic is Impressive There is an air of chaos to the bard, not only in his manners and movements but in the very songs he sings.  He's learned many through the years and travels, but sometimes they come to in a way that hits home with a crowd or himself that he doesn't understand.  In some places, some might call it magic and it could very well be for where he rests his head that day.  A slight shrug and push off would try to deny the thoughts, but late words with his 'uncle' and his mastery of the 'aard' symbol say other wise to a latent talent in the raconteur.
Mist Walker Janus is a member of the Vistani, a roaming culture that has found a way to traverse the domains of the universe by way of the Mist without tether to those worlds.  It may not always get them where they need to be, but that is half the adventure of the travel.  Learned from his father who had learned from his father before, the lineage of the Mists has traveled all the way back to the first families of Barovia.  Recently, Janus and his brother have decided to strike out on their own as they feel it was time to give their parents space with the years passing.  With the Mist clinging to their wagon wheels and urging them ever forward, the Brothers Klaudin are hitting the dire trail for fortune and glory.
Hey Wolf Moon The full moon is not something to trifle with.  Despite a life of carefree wheeling and dealing on the winding roads of the Mists, trouble has still caught up with the Brothers.  Janus sadly was the most recent to reap what they sowed in the wild work they find themselves in.  Hidden as best he can beneath cape and cowl on those final days of the month, the wild struggles to break free from within.  For a man who can't help but grin, when the pale moon rises fear and desperation are all he knows.  It is grim, terrifying, and beyond a doubt dangerous.  Luckily with his brother Alfred on hand, he has been able to control it and lay hidden during the change.  But there is always the fear of the day when he will be alone when the sun sets on the 29th day.
OoC   tumblr (https://acrowamongsparrows.tumblr.com/ ) Discord ( Mogwai Kraken#7988)
IC The whining drone would begin as the silver handle flashed along the edge of the strange instrument wielded by the smiling blue coated man.  Knees slightly bent, back straight, eyes shining the bard would begin to let the words flow from his mouth like a wizard's magic spell.
"Joseph was talking," Janus began as his voice floated above the music that poured from his instrument. He never moved as he began his song, only letting his eyes roam about the crowd.  "Grooming a rumor; He said 'Somebody drowned the other day'."
"That somebody was me, but I never drowned," Klaudin continued as he turned slowly about in the center of the room, turning the handle of his instrument with one hand as the other played the keys with otherworldly ease.  "I just simply slipped away."
As the final word of the verse fled his lips, it didn't begin to dissipate in the music it only seemed to gain more ethereal power as it floated in the tavern room air.  A hush gripped all as they watched him.  "So if you need me, I'm sorry; cause I'm not around anymore."
"I'll never tell you what I'm thinking," the bard continued to slowly rotate with his silver flashing handle as he continued to look about the room.  "You don't deserve to know."
As the final word hung in the air another voice would rise from the crowd, a woman's.  A barmaid who looked perplexed to suddenly be matching Janus's speed and lyrics though how she knew them, who could say?
"You came through stumbling hard, I knew Mumbling words untrue, only to undo; All the good I had achieved, you would Stampede all over it, because you could."
The maid matched him perfectly, their voices winding with the music of the hurdy gurdy in supernatural majesty.  She would gently drop away her tray and come to stand before him in the center of the common room.  The bard's voice dying away behind the music as she would now take the center stage to sing the next verse.  Alone.
"Joseph had captured a bird without wings Writing in gold, making shapes in the fire. His anger met silence, a death in the woods My freedom was mine again, mine again, all mine."
At one point she would begin to falter as if the music was leaving her with the absence of Janus's voice but a slight strength in the mention of fire brought her back.  Her voice carried again, high and beautiful with a sound that no one of this small backwater town knew she had in her.  As she closed on the final word of the verse, again Janus would join with her in perfect harmony.  The barmaid in turn would begin to walk about him to match his slow turn to see all the patrons of the evening.
"You won't find me crying So don't you feel sorry for me. All that I have is in my head; And all that you took you can have."
The maid would come to stand before him as they locked eyes in the center stage, the lyrics flowing from the bard and girl in a beautiful argument.
"You came through stumbling hard, I knew Mumbling words untrue, only to undo. All the good I had achieved, you would Stampede all over it, because you could."
How a pair of mortals could draw out such a force to bring lights lowered and shadows build as the argument seemed to be more than just a song now.  Eyes locked and words billowing forth in such heartbreaking contempt for the other, the verse repeated.
"You came through stumbling hard, I knew Mumbling words untrue, only to undo. All the good I had achieved, you would Stampede all over it, because you could."
As the final word came from them both, Janus would let his head fall back and scream to the ceiling above as his instruments voice drowned out the world from earth to sky.
"You don't heal me!"
"You don't heal me, like you used to," the gurdy continued to rumble and roar as the maid stumbled back, with fear in her eyes as the crowd's shock was deafened by his music.  Wood would creak, mugs rattle, fires would die to embers as the magic of his song seemed to unsettle the fabric of their reality.  Again his voice would rise in near angelic anger to mix with his playing all the while he would repeat his scream.  "You don't heal me, like you used to!"
"You don't heal me no more; You don't heal me no more; You don't heal me no more!"
From the crowd a similar pair of eyes kept with a frame much like the bard's would come to the edge of the stage.  A rattle of a sword at his side as he cried out above the magical song with a stern foreboding to his voice.  "Janus!"
"You don't heal me Like you used to You don't heal me."
The name was drowned as the bard let his howl rise into the howl of the gurdy at his waist.  But it was the barmaid's voice who cut through it like the sword at the man's side.  The fear she had before was gone as she stepped forward to lay a hand on his, the turning of the handle stopping instantly as Janus looked up into her eyes.  His face wet with tears as she reached up to his cheek.
"You don't heal me like you used to, You don't heal me no more. I don't need you like I used to, You can't cure me like before."
How she knew the words, even Janus wouldn't know as he stood with the maid.  Her eyes somber to his exposed pain and fear, her hand still on his cheek as she gently drew him close.  And he embraced her back just the same, two strangers who had found a song.
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
🌒 a night they want to forget
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"Janus?" Alfred asked quietly as he opened the door to their caravan, his green eyes slowly growing accustomed to the the darkness.
There was a low guttural moan as a hunched figure lay on the floor, shaking and shivering in shadow. The swordsman's hand would stray to the hilt by instinct more than worry as he kept space with his older brother. "Janus, what is wrong?"
A careful step forward before the mass shifted and lifted a head. A head that was growing with golden eyes of fear and rage. "Alfred."
The mustachioed warrior stood still as stone in the small living space the brother's called home, his hand tightened about the hilt now. "What is happening?"
"Help," the words were growing deeper and thicker as if his brother's tongue had grown two sizes to large for his mouth. His frame as well was growing as the soft cracking noises of bone and muscle joined the chorus of heavy panting of the older Klaudin. "Me."
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captzexx · 2 years
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The door would slam with a heavy clang of metal, echoing like receding thunder through the dank crypt of a dungeon. Key jangling as they clicked the final locks before the grumbling voice of the jailor rang against the stones.
"Enjoy your stay monster," the growl of the old guard would add to the finality of the iron bars before his retreating boots would sing through the growing dark.
The hurdy gurdy man would lower his face into his hands as best he could, his shoulders shaking as best they could from the hard manacles about his wrists. And feet. And neck.
"Help me."
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captzexx · 1 year
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
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A soft tap to the bar top was given, though it shouldn't really be heard over the loud honky-tonk music blasting about the crowded bar area. To a keen businessman and good bartender it was all that was needed as Erik flipped his charm to maximum as he regarded the man at his counter.
"Can I get somethin for ya?" Erik asked jovially, his green eyes calm but searching to match the usual red hair that accompanies those from the 'old country'. Granted the hair was thinner but still drawn in a long pony tail to match the thick beard that he wore braided down his chest.
"What's the special?" Replied the knocker, his long fingered hands now resting on the bar top casually as a pair of similar colored eyes locked with Erik's.
Erik tried not to frown, finding a strange familiarity in the regards of the man at his bar. He was tall like himself, gaunt though with a half a month's beard crossing his face with a short but unwashed cut of hair on his head. The man looked like hell from his face with clothes and dark blue coat to match judging from the makeshift patches about. Drinking in the patron was like taking a shot of apple cider vinegar with a salt chaser.
Shaking the sour feeling, Erik coughed and smoothed his beard as he answered the simple question. "Tri-tip tonight, fourth best in Texas."
"Fourth best?"
"I'm a bit humble."
"Just a bit?"
Erik found his frown tilting somewhat into a smile as he laid his thick hands now on the bar as well, the crisscross of scars and cuts across the joints and knuckles spoke of a story not just of cutting meat. At least not of just the eating kind. "Interest you in a sandwich or a plate? I recommend the plate myself, Cid's got a hell of a pot of beans back there."
The gaunt man would nod as he folded his hands back on the bar from the red giant, an act of submission in the face of the bawdy bear of a bartender. "Sandwich would be good as long as it's got pickles."
"We can manage that," Erik replied, his hands reaching under the bar a moment to pick up a pad. Avoiding the metal bat as he searched out a pen. "What name should I put it under?"
"Janus," the gaunt man answered back quickly. "Though, if you have time I got a couple other questions for you."
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
Character Arc
For the Quiz
Eldridge of Kovir
Disillusionment Arc It's hard to imagine yourself when you were young. maybe you were meant to be a hero; maybe you could have been, in another world, but this world only made you sad. there seemed to be too many problems to fix and too much cruelty and too many hard lines that you did not know how to soften. the world turns and it is bloody and hard and you sit on your bed, thinking about the blood and the hardness and all you failed to do. i know it feels like you could sleep until the end of time, but i hope you don't. i hope you lift yourself out of bed one day, not to save the world, but to peel an orange and to walk in a forest; to find all the softness you could not create.
Duncan Waycrest
Redemption Arc Your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
Janus Klaudin
Romance/Friendship Arc You started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
Alfred Klaudin
Corruption Arc You got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding. Tagged by @renardsnoir
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
Pixel Art: Janus Klaudin
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Try it out
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
“All shall love me and despair.” - LotR sentence starters.
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The withered lordling laughed in his high pitched squeal, the sunken body matching all to well with the sound leaking from his too perfect teeth. "You see my dear boys, you are just where I want you to be."
Janus would edge closer to Eld as the witcher would plant his feet to face the machinations of the mad grain lord. Filling the other space was the bard's younger brother, the silver rapier in hand as he set into his own stance. Alfred's thick mustache bristling as he kept his eyes narrow and sharp as their mother's sword which only gleamed brighter in the dull light.
"Stay close, Janus," Eld murmured as he began to twist his hands at the ready to call upon the signs as needed. The creak of his knee brace doing nothing to ease the panic in the young bard's face. "Get my bow."
"Right," Janus whispered as he unhitched the crossbow from the back of his uncle and began to load it as the first sounds of the chittering began.
"They are coming," Alfred growled as he reached down to his neck to draw up his bandana over his lower mouth. The foul stench of waste and furred masses cresting like a wave to match the sea of gleaming beady eyes of the dark.
The grain lord laughed again as he raised his hands, to the low ceiling and began to ring the triangle with a cook's fervor. "Feast my children, feast upon their meat."
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
Alfred Klaudin
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The Basics ––– – Name: Alfred Klaudin Nickname(s): Al; 'This' Brother'; Wally Age: 26 Birthday: Harvest Race: Human Gender: Male Marital Status: Single
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black Eyes: Green Height: 5'10 Build: Like a tree trunk Distinguishing Marks: Multiple scars on his hands and face; walrus mustache Tattoos: A winding vine of red and white roses along his left arm; a strange rune over his heart in dark blue Piercings: Earrings Common Accessories: a silver adorned rapier; a wide black hat   Likeness: Aaron Taylor Johnson
Personal Information––– – Profession: Rover; Duelist; Monster Hunter Hobbies: Swordfighting, poetry, cooking, cartography   Languages: Common, heavily accented Residence: Nomadic Birthplace: The back of a caravan Religion: The Road Patron Deity: Tymora Fears: Losing his brother; being forgotten
Relationships ––– - Spouse: None Children: None Parents: Gregor Klaudin (father); Wilmina Klaudin (mother)   Siblings: Janus Kaludin (brother) Other Relatives: Arther Klaudin (grandfather; deceased); Verida Klaudin (grandmother; deceased); Eldridge of Kovir (godfather) Pets: Felix (hedgehog)
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Hetero Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: Normal Turn ons: Eyes, smiles, dark hair Turn offs: Foolhardiness; pettiness Love Language: Touch Relationship Tendencies: Far and in-between
Traits ––– - * Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between /  Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Occasionally Drugs: Not often Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks ––– – A Mother's Guidance Alfred, though young still, is an accomplished swordsman.  Having trained for many years under the tutelage of his mother Wilmina, the art of fencing is not entirely based on luck.  A warrior's blood runs thick in his veins as he still goes through the drills every morning along with the routines from his youth.  After his mother's accident and upon the brother's leave-taking she bequeathed her own blade to him.  The rapier is from her own domain of Richemulot and was used during days as a 'ratcatcher'.  Basic in most parts with a swept hilt, the true power comes from the inlaid of silver along the fuller.  A beautiful and ancient weapon, it's Alfred's pride and responsibility to bring the same honor she carried with it.
A Father's Gift The ability to wander the Mists is a special gift and skill, that Gregor Klaudin felt was all the more necessary to share with his sons.  Janus took to it like a fish to water, but Alfred seemed to struggle as he tried his best to guide his steps through their treacherous means.  With enough concentration, the ways become more clearer but nothing like his kin who seem to see the clinging fog as a dangerous friend.  For Alfred, the Mists that cloud the domains are always a danger.  Time and patience as his grandfather would say, are what he needs.
A Family Business For what Alfred may lack in the power of the mysticism, he has never shied away from learning all he can about the darkness that creeps the edge of the peripheral.  Books line the wagon he shares with is brother, some mere fairy tales or mythology while others darker and bearing marks to be only uttered in bright of day.  His 'uncle' may have begun the spark of the need to hunt those that would prey on the innocent but it was his mother's tale that helped seal what he had to do.  Her sword was not meant to be shaken at brigands and drunks, it was meant to deal with those dark powers.  Combined with Wilmina's training and Eld's knowledge, Alfred has gained enough skill and wisdom to be a powerful force in dealing with those that would go bump in the night.
A Brothers Journey The Brothers Klaudin have recently broken off from their family and struck off on their own into the domains of the universe.  Their wagon loaded with the strange and exotic of other worlds, the pair have hit the misty trails in search of fortune and glory.  As much Alfred would like to rely on the trade aspect of their journey, he can't help but note how much influence and income they gather thanks to Janus's own skills.  But for all the song and dance might line their pockets, there were always jealous boyfriends or angry fathers or just a drunk who thinks he can get away with being rude.  Thus where the muscle that is Alfred earns his keep in protecting his brother and their assets.
OoC tumblr (https://acrowamongsparrows.tumblr.com/) Discord ( Mogwai Kraken#7988)
IC It was only a few from the wagon seat to the ground, but the splash that rose from the mud and water was enough to coat up to to his knees.  Alfred didn't mind though.
"You got this?" Janus asked calmly from the other seat, his hand already beginning to edge for the crossbow beneath the seat.
The mustachioed swordsman would only grunt as he let the rain water from above spill about the wide brim of his hat.  His left hand reaching up to smooth his mustache as he moved forward with quick steps down the road.  The four men ahead did not move.
"That's far enough," said one of the middle men.  Alfred stopped.  "Good boy."
The four men were dressed for the rain, much like Alfred with heavy cloaks and hoods compared to his own cape and hat.  The glint of the steel in hand was an advantage they thought they had.  Three swords and a crossbow.  It wasn't great odds.
One of the middle man stepped ahead of his three compatriots, the far left keeping his crossbow trained beyond him on Janus at the wagon.  "Yer money or your life."
A frown was hidden behind the thick mustache as he tilted his head at the gauche phrase.  A gentle turn of his cloak would reveal Alfred's one hand resting on the pommel of his sword.  Being a man of few words, the duelist would gently respond in kind.  "No."
"No?  Well I'll give it to ya, mate," the middle one laughed as his friends snickered as well.  "Ya got ba-"
The middle man never got a chance to finish his snide remark as thick knife lay buried deep at the base of his throat. Shock and alarm was etched on his face as his own fingers wet nerveless and he dropped his sword into the mud.  His eyes stared at the blade in his chest before had time to look up as the the shining point brought darkness quickly to his left eye.
Alfred grabbed hold of the man's cloak as he easily yanked his rapier from the man's skull and heard the cries of anger from the bandits.  No discipline or skill for sure as he felt a thunk of the crossbow bolt in the body he held.  He needed to move faster.
Teeth gritted he would lift the body and carry it as a shield from any other shots before throwing it with a yell at the bow.  There was little time as the body landed somewhere near the shooter before the other two men rushed Alfred.
Two on one was never easy but hardly impossible.  Just needed to separate them as Alfred turned his body sideways to engage the faster of the men.  The short sword was slashed wide and wild, angry at the death of their 'face' as Alfred bounced back before bearing the riposte.  The sword point easily delved through the old cloak and cloth to find flesh.  A gurgled cry and slump as the bandit fell over clutching his chest where the sword had likely pierced a lung.  Disappoint ached in Alfred as he should have been a little more to the left on his thrust.
No time to lament his lack of aim as the third bandit reached him, this one a bit wiser as he thrust with his own sword.  A strong parry followed by a riposte was Alfred's easiest response as the steel clacked.  The bandit was quick to as he back up, using his own thicker blade to batter the thin rapier away.  There was a tack of resistance, but Alfred was far better trained and at home with this deadly work.
A quick series of back and forth with steel was unworthy of noting before Alfred ducked down for a quick thrust at his opponent's knee.  The sharp point once again did it's duty as it slipped through the cap causing the would be robber to pitch forward with a scream.  His blade dropping to the mud while he grabbed his bleeding leg, the bandit had little time to worry over it before a slash of the rapier took his eyes.  The screaming continued as he fell back clutching at his face beckoning death to come hither.
A bounce forward ended the screams with another thrust to the chest of the dying man.  Alfred turned to his final assailant.
Fortunatly he already lay still on the ground, a large bolt protruding from his chest as his legs quivered in the mud.  Snorting Alfred turned back to the cart, finding the seat empty by Janus only a few feet away with the unloaded weapon in hand. "I told you to stay at the wagon."
Janus shrugged softly before resting the crossbow on a shoulder.  "Maybe, but four on one is not great odds for you brother."
Snorting Alfred would wiped his sword clean on the dead man's cloak and sheathed it with practiced ease.  "Well you are here, let us move them off the road.  I'll check these two, check the others."
"All in a days work," Janus would smile as he stalked over to the two Alfred had taken just before.  Alfred did not smile as he fetched his knife from the 'face'.
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captzexx · 2 years
Is your oc dating anyone? If so, who?
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I'll keep this OOC as there a lot of characters, maybe a blurb here or there but it'll give an idea.
@acrowamongsparrows -
My Witcher/Van Richten Cast of Characters
Eld of Kovir - "I'm fine alone." Duncan Waycrest - The higher vampire is alone as well if not for his friendship with Eld, but there was the love of his long life. Gone, lost, found, and released Duncan doesn't see much beyond his books. Alfred Klaudin - The younger Klaudin with his walrus mustache is no stranger to the fairer sex in his bed, but has not yet put roots down with anyone. Janus Klaudin - The elder Klaudin lives up to his bard life as the brothers travel from town to town. He aims to misbehave.
A cyberpunk Tech Noir of mecha police and synthetic beings
EM-19/Zexx - Divorced and inching his way to death's door but not looking to go quietly into that dark.
Cosmic horror and multiverse travel of the hunting kind
Oplisca - She has found her love at the end of the universe, truly her other forms wait beyond the veil of time and space to play with other mortals under the hungry gaze of her love of so many eyes.
Final Fantasy 14 character cast that I've been thinking of starting again, opened my account again but haven't yet logged in. I'll get there right? ANYWAYS.
Zexx Candell - He was dating someone for a long time and perhaps thought it would be forever, but his obsession with Garlean technology lead to a hard choice and strong words in Ivalice.
Ango - Broken hearted and alone since the day in Ivalice. Strong words were spoken, but truthful none the less for the Roegadyn.
Kinown Du'mere - Broke away from the crew of Wayfarer to strike out in search of his sister, his focus mainly on rescuing her from herself as she has become possessed by something otherwordly. Love isn't in his vocabulary at this time.
Fenrag - "Love? Sure for good drink and plenty gil," the hrothgar smiled more with his feline eyes than his face as he cleaned the bartop. "Not many ladies that clued into a bloke such as me."
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
😵, 💕, 🌼 for the muse headcanons.
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
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"Still alive?" "Aye, boy doesn't seem to want to give up," came the quiet reply, the soft clack of metal echoing among the stones. "Be better if we ended him don't ya think?" There was almost pity in the matter of factly tone of the first voice. "He'll never survive." "He's an investment, and I will not cast mine away." The metal continued to clack. "He will live. And he will be an asset." "More like dead weight," an annoying snort and closing of the door with a heavy thud were the last of the second voice. A more amused snort would answer the frustration, as the metal clacked again. "Always so dramatic, Madoc. Not worry though, Eld. We'll get you fixed and then you'll show them I was right."
send 💕 for a love headcanon
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"Oh my sweet boy," the woman smiled across the table at the elder Klaudin, her eyes dark as midnight and lips as red as blood as she slowly traced her bottom lip. "I am going to make a man out of you tonight."
Janus swallowed and looked about the table as his family all looked slightly shocked at the lady's advances on him. Usually unflappable in the face of sexual tension, the Lady Olzanik had completely broken through his defenses and left him speechless. "I-well I don't-" "We'll be leaving now, thank you." The stern voice of Wilmina Klaudin cutting through the tense silence of the room as she raised from spot at the old table. The other guests shocked at the behavior from travelers, but a look of fear for not only themselves passed amongst the diners.
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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"Tis a good day, cousin," Arom laughed as he raised a goblet with Duncan.
"Indeed, Arom," Duncan laughed as he clashed his cup causing both to split and splash the ground with the red wine.
Both soldiers would look down to the dashed drinks and back up in stunned silence before bursting into laughter. Broken cups tilted back as the last drops within the old cups splashed their mouths and lips at the absurdity of the toast.
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acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
What is the best thing that happened to them this past year?
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Duncan Waycrest "She found me," the vampire smiled softly from the tower of Kaer Seren as he leaned into the stone wall.
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Eldridge of Kovir
"I came home," Eld murmured softly as he looked into the hearth of the library's fireplace. It had been too long since he'd come home to roost for the winter.
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Alfred & Janus Klaudin
"Here's to another year of not dying," Janus smiled as he lit his pipe. "Where are your clothes?" Alfred looked at his brother confused and slightly frightened. A plume of silver smoke lifted into the air as Janus nodded softly. "Yes."
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acrowamongsparrows · 3 years
[ ⚔️ ] Sender’s muse, a hunter, saves receiver’s muse’s life from a monster attack
[ 2️⃣ ] Sender’s muse, a monster, must form an unlikely team with receiver’s muse, a hunter
[ ⚔️ ] Sender’s muse, a hunter, saves receiver’s muse’s life from a monster attack
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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck," Janus scrambled through the cemetery, his usual gait hampered by the injury to his side as he tried to staunch the bloody wound. He didn't have time to think about where Alfred was, only that he needed to get into the mausoleum before he was caught. A howl caught on the wind as he churned his legs with a gasp. "Always with the howling, always!"
Arriving at the stone door, the Vistani slammed his shoulder into it and began to push it open for him to crawl into. Already he could hear the pounding of earth as the beast easily had caught his scent. "Fuck, gotta hide. Come on, come on!"
The stone door began to slide, as he turned to look back once into the blazing eyes of his pursuer. More than a wolf, more than man, the poetics of his brain wanted to call it just a wolfman but per his uncle he knew it's true name.
"Come on!" Janus screamed as he slammed against the door, the gleaming feral eyes blazing from the darkness as it drew closer. Heavy panting of the monster flooding his ears as he tried to squeeze in. One shoulder, one leg, his head and half his body trying to get inside as he looked again at the beast and froze. To late, he was stuck.
Grey furred, sloped shoulders, gangly arms to match the long claws with a raw wide mouth as it growled at him. The wounds on the beast were clear where Alfred had cut him to match the pair of bolts Janus had hit him with. The growl almost came out as a chuckle thanks to the cruel streak that possessed all those to be afflicted with the wolf's curse. A claw scraped along the stone steps as it loomed closer to him leaving a trail of scarred stone and spines a-jitter from such a sound.
Janus braced himself as he closed his eyes. This was it.
"Janus!" The familiar voice of his younger brother ripping through the night brought the monster to a halt and turn.
With the moon full and the tombstones alive around him, Alfred Klaudin stood with his mother's sword at the ready. The silver blade shining in the low light as he grit he waved the bright blade to attract the beast, his voice calling out among the graves. "Oy ya fleabitten fuckwit! Come here! Come on!"
The beast turned, it didn't like being called names and it especially didn't like the sight of the sword in the free man's hands. Stepping down from the steps, Janus felt a new fear grab him as his younger brother stood alone in the dark against the thing. "No, no no! Come back! I'm right here! Come back! Alfred run!"
The silver sword whipped through the night as the younger Klaudin turned his body, squaring his feet, and bending his knees gently as he drew into a defensive stance. The older brother was trying to claw his way back out to help him, wounded or not he wouldn't let his sibling die alone. Not like this. "Alfred! Stop! Run! Don't do this!"
"I know what I'm doing, Janus," the swordsman preparing as the wolf began to pick up speed. "Don't worry so much."
"Alfred!" Janus screamed again as he tried to break free, the werewolf now at full bound as it used a tombstone to rocket itself from the earth and fly forward. Mouth wide and roaring as it plunged down toward it's victim, Alfred Klaudin still stood his ground for those last moments in the face of the mad beast.
"Down!" A new voice roared from the darkness as lightning and thunder followed his order before the leaping beast was cast back into the graves with a yelp of pain. The werewolf tumbled through the dead as it lay on it's side a moment before struggling to rise to it's hands and knees, the huge gaping wound it's chest pouring out black icur upon the earth. A cough of the bile splashed ahead as it tried to rise once more, intent on getting the one prey that it could.
Alfred was already on top of him. The silver blade flashing in the moonlight once again as the point plunged deep through it's left eye and out the back of it's head. If animals could show shock it would be clear on the beast as the blade slid back out with ease dripping with that same vile black blood.
The right soon followed the left as a second thrust blinded and ended the wolf.
Panting much like the wolf had, Alfred looked up to his older brother and kicked the monster from his blade. "You alright?"
Confusion clouded the face of the older Klaudin as he lay still trapped int he stone, his eyes on his brother before looking beyond the shadowy figure pacing up through the smoke and fog. "Alfred, behind you."
"It's alright," Alfred called back as he wiped his sword clean on the wolf's pelt before slipping the blade back within it's scabbard. "He's a friend."
The man was tall, thin, and looked to be in a constant grimace as the wide brimmed hat kept the top off half of his face hidden from view. The eyes within those shadows gleamed a frost blue as he shouldered what looked to be a musket over his shoulder and stepped over the body of the werewolf as he followed Alfred up the steps of the mausoleum. "Let's get you out of there and take a look at that bite, fella."
The man' voice was like ice, words coming out as if they had been ground by mortar and used to make bricks. It was disconcerting especially when the man was able to push the door that had trapped the younger Klaudin with a short grunt and ease of his wiry arms. Dusting his hands as he looked to Janus and nodded to him. "Names Maxwell, you must be the older brother. Heard a little about you."
"Hopefully good things."
Maxwell leaned down and motioned to the bloody scrape along Janus's side with a shake of his head. "Not exactly."
[ 2️⃣ ] Sender’s muse, a monster, must form an unlikely team with receiver’s muse, a hunter
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"He said he was out here looking for someone," Alfred said quietly as he dabbed at the wound on his brother's side. The claw marks deep but luckily not fatal. "I said the same but granted in much ore of a panic."
Janus nodded with a wince as he lay back on the cot within their wagon, his eyes on the ceiling as he tried not to think about the implications of his wound. They would heal, but who knew what would follow. "So he just came with you?"
"Pretty much, I said I lost you and we're fleeing from something horrible," the younger Klaudin continued as he fetched a new cloth and a green bottle that he began to tipped into the cloth. "This is going to sting."
Janus nodded waving his hand, he knew the full extent of his mother's tonics as he the first stabbing pain slid into him like a knife.
"You alright?"
"Finish up already," Janus growled as he tried to hold still as his brother cleaned out the claw wound.
"So he just grabbed his weapon and said," Alfred continued to dab at the wound, before adjusting his voice to grow a few deeper and growled. "Let's go."
One or two more dabs lead to a placing strips off gauze over the wound before the painstaking task of wrapping it in bandages. "Not to tight."
"I am well aware of how to do this, Janus," Alfred remarked back as he worked the bandages about him. "So he picked up your trail like a bloodhound and that's when we got to the graveyard."
"Glad you did when you did."
"Yeah," Alfred let a slight smile come to his face. "Next time, when I say I'll go first let me go first."
"Just finish, I'm tired."
Alfred cinched the bandages and nodded as he went to another jar to pull out a few brown soft bits of jerky. "Chew this, help with the pain and fever. I'll get us rolling."
Janus nodded as he laid back again on the cart, taking the bar and chewing as he noted the warm citrus undertones of the gooey concoction. "Thank you Alfred."
Alfred smiled to his older brother and patted him gently on the leg as he stood up. "What are little brother's for."
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