#jak and daxter theories
seirei-bh · 1 year
A theory about Maia and Onin
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Reading through J&D TPL's design bible, I realized that Onin and Maia have one thing in common: they can both predict the future and can hear and interpret prophecies.
The description about Maia in TPL design bible says Maia was able to predict the future and shout prophecies with a voice that was not her own. In addition, Maia is said to have used a "dark socery" and it is even hinted that she was so powerful that she created an army of enemies (it may refer to her creating the Lurkers or at least experimenting with them to mutate them in different ways). Onin is also renowned in Haven City as a true sort of fortune teller and sorceress. The two are the only human characters who have these powers so strange and uniques.
But why do they have these powers? Why does Onin know so much about the Precursors? And why was Maia going into a trance and speaking in a voice that was not her own? Why did Maia and Gol wanted to experiment with dark eco?
Here we go, theory time!
I believe that Maia and Onin are people "chosen" from birth, just like Jak, to fulfill a role that guides Jak to be the hero he is today. But Onin and Maia had an opposite role. One was chosen by the Precursors, and the other by the Dark Makers.
Onin was born blind and mute, therefore, the Precursors spoke to her and gave her a gift of light eco, so that she used her gift for good, and was, like Samos and Damas, a key person to guide Jak on the good path of his hero journey. Meanwhile, the voice Maia heard was not the voice of dark creatures who used to be Precursors: the Dark Makers, who tempted her and Gol to the dark side. On the one hand, this would cause the future, Jak and Daxter to have to embark on their path as heroes and become stronger, but it would also be what would trigger Jak and Daxter to find the Rift Gate and with it the metalheads could reach their world, destroy, conquer, and later the Darkmakers might also come to that world and destroy it.
However, it's true Onin came to do things that can be considered not very good, since it was she who told Erol that Jak was "special" and that is why the KG took him to prison, but we need to remember that the Precursors are gods who play with people as game board pieces, So Onin knew that Jak needed to go to prison to gain the power of the dark eco to defeat Kor, in the same way Samos also knew it was necesary Jak needed to go to the past and later go to the future.
And in certain way, Samos also is a opposite parallel to Gol, both being sages with an important role in Jak's journey. In both cases, we have a sage and a sorceress.
It was necesary that also Jak had people in both sides of that coin that helped him to become in the hero Mar. Since he achieved both eco powers: light and dark. That's whay the Symbol of Mar represents: the balance.
//extra side note: I also have some headcanons (for fanfics that I never couldn't finished and I hope I can back to write them some day) about Onin being a long lost member of the House of Mar (a Damas's great-aunt or something like that), and that was why she knew so many things about the tomb of Mar, and Jak's mother being a distant relative descendant of the Acheron clan -not directly of the evil twins, of course, I mean descendant about other non-mentioned members of Acheron family. Being those things even here more representative and symbolic to Jak's light/dark sides, but I'll talk more about this in other post~)
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astrathechinchilla · 1 year
To expand on my idea I did remember that Maia from Jak 1 experimented with Dark Eco which made herself look younger. Perhaps a sign of vanity and fear of aging and Dark Eco just simply appealed to that aspect of her.
The most curious one is Daxter, he was always a braggart who views himself more important than he actually is. Yet in-spite of his flaws he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body or any debilitating vices. Perhaps that’s why Dark Eco turned him into an Ottsel. It sorta fulfilled his wish by turning him into a Precursor, the most important figure in their world.
Dark Eco is powerful yet unknown no one wants to risk figuring out how it works and for good reasons. No one is perfect not even the Precursors who created it as shown with the Dark Makers.
(I still can’t use the :readmore: function I’m sorry scrollers)
This line of observation makes me think of a specific question; if dark forms represent the individuals inner self as a physical embodiment, like with what you said about Maia and Daxter, would that dark side also change physically if the person in question’s inner self truly changed?
Say for instance, throughout Jak 2 and partially 3, Jak theoretically experiences a whole character arc of learning to calm the rage in his heart and use those emotions in more productive ways, which in turn shows that he’s fundamentally changed as a person.
His motivations change, his personality somewhat shifts the more he grows throughout the story, meaning his dark side should also change and grow with him. The entity is more reserved, calmer after all of his experiences in life with Jak and from learning from the individuals around them.
He may even develop traits from Jak’s close friends, possibly from Daxter. Wouldn’t Darkie making a silly attempt at a joke just be the best tho?
His dark side’s horns could potentially disappear, his claws growing shorter, but still present. Overall, his appearance would appear more tame, and if we also add my personal headcanons to this equation, he could also speak somewhat, vocally communicate once he’s a more stable presence, something that’s been around for a while and able to learn from his surroundings.
A dark side is always fluctuating and changing like the person it embodies.
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jak2gooberglub · 24 days
so, what if jak doesn't like to shower.
Obviously, going from mission to mission he and dax don't have much downtime, and you'd think they'd try to use it as much as they could. Cus back in Sandover they're depicted to goof off and relax all the time!
But now in the busy haven city, they have no time to goof off, only during missions if they're not super dangerous (or they are dangerous and they goof off anyway)
But! I digress!
What if jak doesn't like to shower. Because when he was in prison for the dark warrior program, they had a similar jail to where there would be communal showers, a mess hall, and so on.
Jak would constantly see fight between inmates and may have been taken advantage of, and because of that, got a disliking towards showers.
Also also he might not like seeing his prison scars in the shower.
(I also hc that he got scars during his time in prison, either from fights, the dark eco injections or... other means)
All he does when told to go in the sewers is that he complains. Nothing else.
I'll get off my soap box.
I based this hc on this one pinterest post I saw of jak and daxter lol
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(Idk who the artist is otherwise I would've given credit)
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jaxters · 1 year
Or more importantly, the writing around this asshole
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is REALLY bad
I just spent like 10 minutes trying to make sense of him, so now I’m just gonna write down all my jumbled thoughts and theories. I’m just frustrated with ND’s writing. Like they clearly didn’t think about this at all and they kept it vague on purpose cause not even they could fill in the gaps.
In Jak2 it’s established that everyone wants The Kid aka Mar. The Baron wants him dead. The underground wants to put him on the throne. Jak wants to protect his innocence. Above all, Kor needs him for his ultimate goal. Kor is playing all the cards, using all the characters. He’s a time traveler. He knows all about Jak, and was even ready to grab him from Sandover.
Ok. But then Jak3 introduces Veger. Veger claims that he was the one who kidnapped Mar. We do see Veger sneaking around Spargus and speaking with Seem. It’s easy to say he was spying on Damas for years. But how exactly did he kidnap Mar? There’s absolutely no way he just strolled into Spargus unnoticed. So, my theory is that he paid someone else to do it for him. (Which is just opening a whole new can of worms) Then he says he lost Mar to the underground... But to who exactly? To Kor? And there is my first big issue. If Kor needed Jak for his plans, way before Veger would’ve been aware of his existence, way before he would’ve decided to use him for eco experiments then why didn’t Kor just siege Spargus and take Mar for himself?
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Let me put it this way, if you honestly asked me who I believed kidnapped Mar, it would be Kor, and for the writers to tell me it was Veger is kinda bullshit. UNLESS Kor knew about Veger and secretly had him do his dirty work. I guess?
BUT WAIT THERES MORE! That’s just the issue with Kor. See, the biggest problem of all is how the actual fuck did Veger know that Jak was Mar?
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Veger says he lost him to the underground... ok. He doesn’t continue on to say he then lost him forever when he went through the rift gate. The only ones who know about that are the Sandover gang (and obviously Pecker and Onin)
1. There’s no indication that they told anyone else about the time travel. If they did, it would’ve been nice to see onscreen.
2. They were in the Metalhead nest when the the reveal happened. Does ND expect me to believe that Veger was just hiding in the shadows eavesdropping? There are obviously no security cameras in there. Literally the only way he could’ve known is if Onin told him. Which is also kinda fucked up? I understand why she told Praxis about Jak because, like Samos, she knew what needed to be done for Jak to be strong enough to beat Kor. But what exactly is the point of telling Veger that Jak was Mar? So that he can kill Damas and taunt him about it? Great.
Ok. I think I’m done for now. My head hurts.
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troblsomtwins829 · 9 months
Had a Crack Theory...
So, as far as I'm aware, the fanon is pretty much on board with Tess and Jinx being related in some way (be they siblings, cousins, an uncle and niece situation. They're related)
What if they were also related to Kleivor? Like... estranged grandpa Kleivor out in the wasteland doing his thing.
For the sole factor of the three of them being relative experts in their chosen field. And also pure blonde.
and going FURTHER into crack territory...What if the three of them are descendants of the Uncle Explorer?
Just a thought.
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loorlyraandsariea · 9 months
Theory: there are critters that become so adept with environmental eco that most primary pollinators have SOME healing properties because green eco wells up in places with abundant life.
Additional theory: honey in a hive collects this green eco energy, making it even more prized as tincture and soothing folk cure for minor maladies.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic (or rather Pic) Prompts: Free Day Thursday
Jak had never been meant to find his original Seal in the ancient hut, but now it was too late.
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autismgirl4998 · 10 months
Crazy Zelda/Jak and Daxter Crack Theory
Haven City is a futuristic version BotW/TotK's Hyrule, Spargus and the Wastelands was once the Gerudo Desert, and the Haven Palace was once the floating Hyrule Castle. Most of the species like Zora, Goron, Rito, Gerudo, and Koroks have all gone extinct, leaving only the Hylians and the Sheikah, who went back to being Hylians, left and Mar rebuild Hyrule as Haven City.
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untitled-gem · 1 year
What if Daxter is actually Mar, but nobody realizes it, including Daxter himself?
i have no idea. thinking about the mar stuff hurts my head. i have heard about this theory before though, and apparently there is interesting evidence to back it up. i can't find it tho sadly
also thanks for sending an ask! i kinda wish more people would do that lol. its fun answering stuff about my interests
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going to throw my mini theory I got for why I think Jak got up and aggressive to Ratchet in PlayStation move heroes.
So, in Playstation all stars battle Royale, Jak and Ratchet are rivals, depending on who you play is the story mode thing, the reason why will vary. But the main point here is that they dislike each here.
so my mini theory doesn't need much more explain other than this:
My theory is that PlayStation move heroes takes place somewhere after the events of PlayStation all stars battle Royale, therefore they already know each other and that's why Jak is aggressive to Ratchet in the game.
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Jak and Daxter Time Travel theory
Alright. For a long time, Jak and Daxter has had plotholes and mysteries without answers. One being the time travel mechanic involving Jak 2 and the impact it had on Jak 1. Please know this is pure speculation using stuff we know in-game.
Okay, so we know Samos was responsible for sending the Kid (Young Jak) back in time. Question is how did he know about the machine? Well, he knew about the Metal Heads already as at the beginning of Jak 2 he says "So this is how it happened" when the Rift Gate opened. But he didn't how they got there. I can safely say the Precursor Ring is how the Metal Heads got through.
Something must've activated it in the original past, you know before Samos time traveled. My guess being the original Mar or a descendant. Onto how the Green Eco Sage knew about the Time Machine...is that he been there beforehand. Before taking young Jak.
I think it was on accident when Haven City was fully invaded by the Metalheads. He could've been looking for a safe hiding place only to stumble upon the time machine and get sent back in time. This is when he came across the original Mar.
From here, I believe not only did he trace Mar's bloodline in his current (unaltered) time period but also had him send Samos back imwo years before the Metalheads took over the city. Two years is enough to plan what would be Jak and Daxter the Precursor Legacy. To lead his past self into finding the time machine. Taking Young Jak back in time and allow him to become old enough to do the Trials of Manhood which rewards the Precursor Stone in return.
He had to do go back to the point when Mar is dead though. Reason being Jak is Mar's descendant meaning he can manipulate all forms of Eco. A glaring detail that would bring suspicion as channelers especially ones like Mar and Jak are extremely rare.
Then Keira is born. Samos loves his daughter dearly and that love would repeat these very events to cement her existence. Cause remember if he didn't go back in time, Keira wouldn't be born.
In my personal opinion, I think Samos needed to go back alone once everything was said in done. Young Jak isn't a fixed point in time. Gol and Maia would've been foiled by the Hero in Rock Village if Jak wasn't there to begin with. Thanks to Samos' meddling, the original past was completely rewritten as long as Jak is there.
Samos is a fixed point cause Keira was born. Jak never left a big enough impact that requires him to go back. Other people would've filled their original role without him. Hell, the Sage could even help said people if needed.
I can't forget about Daxter either. Breaking the rules of time travel will cause anomalies but also ways to fix the situation. Gol and Maia's corruption might've been a result of Samos' plan. If not...Daxter's birth is the time stream trying to fix itself.
Jak NEEDED Daxter throughout the Precursor Legacy especially since his moveset revolved around the ottsel's help. Especially when Daxter had to help Jak in the last dungeon. Their powerful friendship helped things move along even further.
What I'm saying is Samos' actions set off huge ripples in time. Rewriting past events with Jak's presence in that time period. Like someone said 'Heroes aren't meant to be happy. Their job is to make the people they protect happy.'
This is my personal opinion though but Jak really got screwed over.
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preservedcucumbers · 2 months
I’m playing The Lost Frontier and so far my theory is that this is all an alcohol dream Jak is having after a night of binge drinking with Daxter to celebrate winning the Kras City Championship
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astrathechinchilla · 1 year
Alright, ya’ll wanted it, YOU GOT IT!
The first of my little series of critique’s/headcanon’s/theories shall be all about my theory on-
Why the absolute fuck does light Jak look like this?
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When he’s supposed to look like this?
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I already know about some video on YouTube talking about this in detail and all that, but I have one major problem with it, and that they’re focusing on the fact that they’re saying ‘White’ instead of ‘Light’ Eco in the first game.
Thought I think that this is a valid reason to think these are two separate eco types, that their name’s are different, I still think it’s really stupid when this can be explained as the people writing the games simply changing the name of it.
It’s really just overly complicated making these two different types, when a much more interesting answer can be given to this difference.
This answer isn’t all that complicated and follows a very simple logic. What is the big difference between these two aside from appearance?
Simple, the first one is from the third Jak and Daxter game, and the second is from the first. What happened in between these two’s appearance’s?
Or more specifically, Dark Jak happened.
My theory is that Dark Jak is the reason why Light Jak has changed his appearance as much as he has, appearing darker than he’s supposed to, ‘corrupted’ in a sense.
Dark Jak still exists in Jak 3, and though Jak makes the comment of his darkness being ‘farther away’ and ‘feeling better’, it’s still there.
If any of you have read my post on dark sides, I think you already know how I view them and think of them as akin to metaphors for trauma and it taking form in a physical form.
If I go with this logic, which I am, the change of appearance in Light Jak only adds to that previous theory, and makes it way more accurate. Trauma sticks with you, and doesn’t leave.
Light Jak represents physically how Jak has changed thanks to the events of the second game, how his original self has been deeply affected by the horrible things he had to go through, and how he’s grown because of said events. I think this is a much more meaningful explanation.
Light Jak represents how his trauma changed him as a person.
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I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how the Jak and Daxter series was able to survive having a sequel that was drastically different from the first game. For most series, I think they wouldn’t be able to survive having a sequel that went against the prior installment, especially if the execution was bad. Yet Jak II didn’t sink the franchise. In fact, I’ve noticed that the 2nd Jak game has received better reception in the years since it was released.
As a kid, even though it took some getting used to since I loved the 1st game, I wasn’t put off by Jak II being this cyberpunk GTA title. But I never understood why.
After revisiting the game (I watched a playthrough on YouTube), I think I have a working theory:
1) Jak and Daxter only had 1 game out at the time.
So, the expectations for how the characters would be portrayed wasn’t that strict. Think of it like this; Nintendo wouldn’t get away with turning Link into an unhinged, smartass killer who openly flirts with Zelda. Neither would Sega with Sonic, that’s why Shadow exists. Link and Sonic are too well-known and established that people have expectations on how they should be portrayed, thus not a ton of room for experimentation/deviation. Naughty Dog had some leeway since Jak and Daxter weren’t really household names.
2) Turning Jak into an unhinged, bloodthirsty killer who openly flirts with Keira and has serious anger issues wasn’t that drastic.
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. You start off as innocent Jak, then he got pumped full of Dark Eco. Also, he was tortured for several years, so it’s not hard to see why his character turned out the way he did.
3) The game still feels like the 1st Jak and Daxter, even with the change in tone.
It controls the same. It looks the same (as in the artwork still feels like it was made by the same team). You’re still doing puzzles. And, aside from Jak, the other Jak 1 characters are pretty much the same. I think it’s Daxter and his obnoxiousness that really makes Jak II feel like it’s not a completely different franchise. Without Daxter, I think players would notice the dissonance from the 1st to the 2nd game a lot more.
4) Continuing from point 3, the new gameplay elements only build on from the 1st game rather than take away.
Sure, you get guns, a hoverboard, vehicles, and Dark Jak. However, everything else is still the same. If you remember the controls from the 1st game, you shouldn’t have any problem jumping into the 2nd game, which I feel helps in easing veteran players in with the new tone and setting.
5) Even with the change in tone and setting, the game doesn’t really deviate too far from how Jak was in Jak 1.
Even though Jak is unhinged, angry, and hellbent on revenge in Jak II, he’s still an overall good dude who goes around helping people. Jak still feels like Jak, albeit traumatized and angrier for valid reasons. It helps that Jak was sort of a blank slate in the first game. Because he was a blank slate, there was more room for Naughty Dog to develop his character in Jak II.
Jak is also a bit of a meathead dudebro in Jak II, which isn’t really how he was portrayed in Jak 1. But Jak being a dudebro isn’t that crazy when you consider his best friend is Daxter. And the open flirting isn’t that crazy since Jak already had a crush on Keira.
6) Jak II commits to its dark and edgy tone without going too dark or too cartoonish. It feels like a genuine attempt to take the first game and just “edge” it up.
What my point says. Jak II feels like a genuine continuation of the first game, but darker and edgier. But the game doesn’t go too edgy to the point that it takes you out of the story. It’s not like Jak is going around dropping f-bombs and chopping people’s heads off. It’s a solid balance, that’s what I’m trying to get at.
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neurotypical-sonic · 6 months
Besides Sonic, what other games do you like?
jak and daxter, the recent spiderman games, spyro, rdr2, minecraft, sky cotl, animal crossing, cities skylines. theres more that I cant remember rn 😭 there's more that I like in theory but havent been able to play yet (pokemon, shredders revenge, others i cant recall)
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troblsomtwins829 · 8 months
If the average temperature of magma is enough to melt Precursor Metal (which suggests Precursor Metal has a melting point somewhere between copper and stainless steel), do you think melting down a metalhead's metal, uh, head, to forge with the Precursor metal would make for an alloy with a slightly higher heat resistance?
A quick note: there is a difference between the forging and the chemical bonding of metals. Metal alloys are made by super-heating the two or more metals into a liquid state, mixing and casting them in a mould. Forging on it's own is when you take one or more pieces of metal, heat it up just enough to be mailable and beat them, quite literally, into shape!
For forging, I can 1000% see the practical applications of it!
We knew from TPL that there are Precursor ruins EVERYWHERE, and even concept art from that same game suggested a much larger explorable area just littered with Precursor stuff!
Forging MetalHead metal with Precursor metal would be similar to forging any two similar metals. It doesn't create a new alloy by mixing them, but they can mix together in visually interesting patterns. (Bear in mind, this would require hours of pounding and heating and folding and heating and pounding and folding)
A blade that is strong and flexible enough not to break under stress with metal that very rarely loses its edge would be highly valued among warriors and cooks alike!
It's also important to consider the Metalhead metal melting point, because copper and stainless steel are too far apart, as I understand, to effectively forge together. That said, since not many Metalheads survive in lava either, I think it's a safe bet that they are also below stainless steel.
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