jackrrabbit · 3 years
communal property [pt. 2] /// Ushijima x f!Reader x Tendou (18+)
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Summary: Tendou shares everything with Ushijima—his food, his dorm room, even the AVs he likes. Why not his girlfriend, too? [Part 1]
A/N: so y’all really like this one, huh?? This is the last part and it’s long af but I can’t bring myself to split it up 🥺 love them sm
Tags/warnings: college AU, baby’s first poly relationship, soft but the smut kinda nasty, threesome, size kink, exhibitionism?, mild S&M, praise, sex toys
You’re still getting used to it. You and Ushijima both. Tendou doesn’t seem to need the same adjustment period, but then again this was his idea.
You don’t even know if you’re allowed to kiss Ushijima until a week in, when you’re studying for a midterm in the mini-suite the two of them share (your own dorm is in the same complex, but your roommate is loudly practicing the violin and you don’t have the heart to tell her that music isn’t her calling) and Tendou and Ushijima come in together from evening volleyball practice. It’s been all day since you’ve seen Tendou and he smells all clean and yummy from his shower at the gym, so you put your laptop down and get up on your knees on the lumpy couch cushion and tug your boyfriend’s face down to kissing height, and you kiss him. “Did you do good at the practice game? You’re later than usual.”
“I did good. Slapped ‘em down, totally crushed their spirits. You should’ve seen it!” Tendou grins and pinches your cheek. “Wakatoshi did good too. He almost broke one of the other blocker’s fingers, it went all the way back.”
You suppress a laugh and turn to Ushijima, whose usual stoic face betrays nothing. “Seriously? Is that a good thing?”
Ushijima shrugs, nonchalant as always. He smells good too. He and Tendou use the same cologne—not just the same brand, but literally the same bottle because one of them (you’re not sure which) can’t be bothered to buy his own—and it smells a little different on Ushijima than it does on your boyfriend, but still good. Kind of smoky sweet—
Oh, whoops. You fucked up. It’s still new, so you keep forgetting that you’re supposed to be dating both of them now, not just Tendou. You step up off the couch and make your way over to boyfriend #2 (ranking based on seniority alone, you assure yourself) and stand up on your tippy toes so you can press a light kiss into Ushijima’s jaw, which is about as high as you can reach. “Well. Good work, I guess.”
For a second it’s quiet and you can feel your cheeks starting to burn. Was that too much? Sure, the three of you had a semi-serious discussion about this whole ‘poly relationship’ deal, but you don’t really know the rules. Maybe you’re not supposed to do things like that. Maybe the poly thing was theoretical and you misread, or maybe it was just a practical joke and you’re the biggest idiot alive for believing it.
Ushijima’s eyebrows raise a fraction and Tendou’s jaw drops, but a second later his mouth snaps shut and he grins. “Wakatoshi, you know you can kiss her for real, right?”
This does not help your embarrassment, but you don’t have time to think about it because Ushijima’s already dipping his head down into a nod. “Hm,” he says, and then you feel the weight of his big hands wrapping around the back of your head and tipping your face up so he can bend down and kiss you. For real.
Ushijima’s lips are warm and you can taste a hint of spearmint toothpaste lingering in his mouth. It’s just a quick, standard ‘hello’ kiss (no tongue, even though you can almost feel yourself waiting for it) but it’s your first kiss with boyfriend #2 and you forget to close your eyes for some reason and he’s so—close?—that your heart starts thudding loudly in your chest.
You’re so surprised that you trip back half a step only to bump back into Tendou, who’s somehow made his way to your side so he can give you a peck on the forehead. “See? That was pretty easy, right?”
“Sure,” you reply, a little breathless, and you collapse back down on the couch.
“Told ya the three of us make sense.” Tendou flops down next to you and drapes a long arm over your shoulders, tugging you toward his chest so Ushijima has space to sit on your other side. The couch is definitely not made for three people (especially not you and the two oversized volleyball idiots you’re sandwiched between), but as long as you don’t mind being half in someone’s lap, you have to admit it’s not nearly as uncomfortable as you’d think.
At first you think there are rules. Invisible, unspoken rules that thread their way around the three of you, waiting to trip you up when you least expect it. Because that’s how dating is, right? A million social codes that everyone is expected to know by heart by the time they turn 18, and you thought you were pretty good at that. All the dating etiquette stuff. Except it’s all different when you’re dating two people, and whenever you think you’ve figured out one of the new rules, Tendou just up and breaks it.
For example, rule #1: don’t tell people that you’re in a 3-person relationship.
This one seems like a no-brainer to you. It took about 2 hours for Tendou to explain polyamory to you back in the cafeteria when he first brought it up, and you’re still not 100% sure why he wants to share you with his best friend. You certainly don’t feel like explaining it to other people. So it catches you by surprise when you come to watch one of his practice games, and afterward, Tendou introduces you to his other teammates as “(Y/N), our girlfriend.”
Our girlfriend.
You were not expecting this. You don’t know exactly what you were expecting (either the usual college-ambiguous “friend” or maybe “my girlfriend” in deference to Tendou’s seniority in the boyfriend ranking), but you weren’t expecting him to just come out and say so casually that yeah, you’re dating both of them, what about it? It takes you a minute to realize that you’re the only one who’s surprised—the other guys on the team react like this is old news, just introducing themselves and making a few harmless comments about how you’re way too hot for Tendou.
While Tendou’s off joking with them, you pull Ushijima to the side by his sleeve to interrogate. “Wait, he—told them? That we’re all dating?”
“Yes,” Ushijima says, like this is obvious. He takes a long sip from his bottle and then wordlessly lifts your backpack out of your hands to shrug it over his own shoulder.
You shoot a wary glance at the team, none of whom are jeering or whispering or making any indication that they think you’re a— well, whatever you expected them to think of a girl with two boyfriends. “And they just…don’t care? They don’t think it’s weird?”
“Is it?” Ushijima asks, piercing you with that solemn look that makes you feel dumb but also somehow manages to make you feel better.
“I don’t know. Maybe not.” You realize then that you’re still pinching the corner of Ushijima’s sleeve, so you let your hand slip down his arm until he catches your wrist and laces his fingers into yours. He does that a lot, you think absently. I guess he likes it?
“Oi, oi, Wakatoshi! Don’t hog her!” Tendou jogs over, taking a minute to pick up his stuff before grabbing your other hand. “We’re going to our place, right?”
“Yeah, okay.” You come over most nights—really just to watch Netflix and help them with homework—but what does that sound like to his teammates? Like you’re going over to stay the night?
Then again, if Tendou and Ushijima don’t care, why should you?
The other guys wave at you while you leave the gym. Someone yells nice to meet you, and your hands are occupied and you can’t wave back so you yell you too instead, and then you walk out on campus, in public, holding hands with both of your boyfriends, like it’s normal.
Rule #2 that you end up breaking: don’t do anything with Ushijima when Tendou’s not around.
It’s not like you think you’re not allowed to be couple-y with Ushijima by himself. There’s no stipulation in your relationship that says everything you do must be done together—in fact, you do plenty of stuff with Tendou when Ushijima’s off somewhere else. It’s just that Tendou is kind of…a buffer? You know he likes you, and you know Ushijima likes him, and you’re amorphously aware that Ushijima is attracted to you at least, but it’s hard to tell if Ushijima actually enjoys spending time with you enough to do it when his best friend’s not around.
This question is put to the test when Tendou takes a few days off school to go on a trip for one of the million different clubs he’s involved in—the kind of retreat that’s marketed as a ‘bonding experience’ for members but actually turns out to be a thinly-veiled excuse to get wasted in an AirBnB for 96 hours. It’s part of the college experience, so you insist that Tendou should go even when he whines about being away from you. You don’t tell him you’ll be lonely, because it’s literally four days and you’re going to be fine. You’re not clingy and you’re not the type who needs to check in with her boyfriend every two seconds—at least, you weren’t before you started dating Tendou.
He’s just so affectionate. He’s the clingy one, and you have to admit you’ve gotten used to the constant attention. But you don’t want to bother him while he’s out with friends, so you try not to give any indication that you’re going to miss him.
Just a tiny bit.
Tendou, however, is clingy even from afar—because the day after he leaves for the retreat, you’re surprised by Ushijima showing up at the art history class Tendou usually audits to hang out with you on Fridays. Boyfriend #2 pushes his way through the row of seats so he can sit next to you (the chair looks comically small behind his broad shoulders, you have to stifle a smirk at how uncomfortable he looks at first) and class is already starting so you don’t get the chance to ask what he’s doing there. He doesn’t take notes (not that you expected him to—he isn’t taking this class) but he listens to the lecture, intently and serenely, occasionally looking over to your laptop to catch something he missed.
After the class Tendou usually takes you out to get food, so you hesitantly ask Ushijima if that’s what he wants to do and he agrees. You know he eats pretty healthy, so you propose frozen yogurt because there’s a really good place right across from campus and you have a gift certificate and hey, it’s healthier than ice cream, right?
So you get your fro-yo (Ushijima tries to get just a cup of fruit, but the cashier insists that he can’t just buy fruit—“does this look like a farmer’s market to you?”—and Ushijima ends up getting a tiny little dollop of vanilla on top of his strawberries and cubed mango). You go to the campus glade that gets the best light in the afternoon, and it’s just getting hot enough that the two of you are comfortable sprawling out on the grass. You lie on your stomach going through your readings for next week and meanwhile Ushijima’s on his back, propped up on his backpack, eating his mostly-fruit yogurt with a contemplative look on his face.
No one should be that hot. It isn’t fair, you think. The pink plastic spoon balanced in his fingers, the sunshine radiating over his dark hair turning it a dozen different colors, the loose fabric of his shirt draping over every muscle in his broad chest. He has this way of holding himself—this perfect conservation of movement, nothing wasted, a masterpiece of physical self-possession. It’s hard to look away.
Looking at Ushijima for some reason makes you miss Tendou—not in a guilty way, they’re just…connected in your brain. Even though you wish Tendou were around to share this perfect lazy sweetness with the two of you, you still feel comfortable and at ease.
You’re staring now, reading forgotten on the grass in front of you, and Ushijima turns toward you and raises his eyebrows, which you know by now means “What are you looking at?”
“Why’d you come to class with me today? I meant to ask before.”
“Tendou,” he replies, which is more than enough explanation. Of course Tendou would think that you wouldn’t want to miss your standing date, and of course he’d ask Ushijima to fill in.
“Oh…” You pause and lick a dab of melted yogurt off your own spoon. “Wait, don’t you have Calc right now?”
“The lectures are recorded.”
“You’re skipping?” This comes out in a laugh, because you know Ushijima is a mediocre student at best (who really needs academia when you’re destined to be a pro athlete?) but he never skips class. He’s almost religious about it. “You know you didn’t have to skip just because Tendou told you to, right?”
“It was my decision.” He spoons another halved strawberry into his mouth along with a tiny sliver of vanilla.
“School is important, you know,” you tell him half-heartedly.
“Not as important as you.”
This pulls you up, and the way he looks at you when he says this is so intense that you feel heat prickling in your cheeks and you tear your eyes away from him back down to your book. You have absolutely no way to respond to that, except you wouldn’t mind if he said it again, and again, and maybe like 300 more times.
Not as important as you. Him and Tendou are seriously going to spoil you if they keep this up. You’re getting too used to being treated like you’re precious.
It takes you about six tries to get through the disgustingly convoluted argument of the chapter you’re reading, and by the time you’re able to put it to the side, it feels safe to look back at Ushijima lying next to you. He’s set his paper cup of fruit and melted fro-yo to the side and crossed his arms, and at some point his eyes drifted closed.
He’s sleeping, you realize. The slow breath pushes his chest up and down in a steady rhythm, and somehow you feel the urge to bottle up this experience and share it with the one other person who might have a grasp of what you’re thinking right now, so you take out your phone and snap a quick picture to send to boyfriend #1.
< Attachment: 1 image
< Thanks for telling him to come see me 💝
> anything for my girl 😘
> wait i mean *OUR girl
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from giggling and waking Ushijima up. Our girl. Yep, you’re getting spoiled.
> r u outside?
< Yeah we got froyo and he fell asleep on the lawn outside west gate
> he looks cute lol
> cant believe u got him to eat that stuff
< I did!! I work miracles you know that
> ofc miracle girl
A moment passes, and then Tendou texts you again. > hey i wasnt going to say this bc its obvious but i miss you
< Ok but it’s been one day
> yeah a whole fucking day :((( being drunk sucks when u and wakatoshi arent here
< You’re drunk? it’s like 4pm
> drunk time all the time on retreat, u know the rules
> wish you were here
> like for real, i wish you guys were here
And even though, yeah, it’s been all of one day, you get the sense that you understand exactly how he feels. < Same, you text back.
You could probably lie on this lawn here forever, texting boyfriend #1 while boyfriend #2 sleeps next to you. But you have class in 15 minutes, and Ushijima has practice, and as much as you want this moment to last forever you know it can’t. But that’s okay. There’ll be plenty of other moments.
When you know you’ll be late if you wait any longer, you turn to your companion and push his shoulder lightly. “Ushijima?”
He doesn’t move, doesn’t even make a face in his sleep or anything, so you make an executive decision on his behalf. “Time to go, sleeping beauty,” you tell him—and then you lean over him and kiss him to wake him up, and his lips taste sticky-sweet.
Rule #3 that all three of you break: the sex.
You don’t actually have rules for sex, because you have no idea how this is supposed to go. Are you supposed to have sex with them together? That’s a little intimidating—you’ve never had a threesome. Or is it supposed to be individual? You have sex with Tendou like you did when you two were a couple, but you haven’t slept with Ushijima yet. Wait, yet? Is it inevitable? Is that just what people in poly relationships do—mix and match sex partners until everyone is satisfied? Is that how it works?
Does that mean Tendou and Ushijima have sex with each other when you’re not there? You’re pretty sure the answer to this last one is a no, but you’re not 100% certain. Would you care if they did? You consider this for a while and find that while the thought of them having sex doesn’t bother you, you’d be curious. It’s not like you’re some expert in gay sex, but you know the basics—there’s…ahem, a pitcher and a catcher, so to speak? Neither of them really strike you as catchers.
You are curious, and you feel you’re entitled as their collective girlfriend to ask, so why not? You’re studying in the dining hall again—you across from the two of them, as usual—and Tendou is eating Ushijima’s food and you just let it slip. “So…are you guys dating too?”
“Hm?” Tendou asks, picking up another strip of beef from Ushijima’s plate. “Dating?”
“Well, you’re my boyfriend, and he—“ you point your chopsticks at Ushijima— “is also my boyfriend. So does that mean he’s your boyfriend too?”
“Ugh, that’s so complicated. I don’t know what you mean.” Tendou reaches out to take a slice of cantaloupe from your dessert, but you swat him away and he sticks his tongue out.
Of course Tendou wouldn’t get it unless you spelled it out for him. Ushijima’s no better—he’s watching a volleyball match on his phone with one airpod in, giving no indication that he’s listening to your conversation. Okay, fine. You’ll make it simple. “I’m just asking—are you, like—are you into each other? Not just as friends, but…more than that?”
The piece of fruit that Tendou finally managed to steal while you were tripping over your phrasing promptly falls out of his chopsticks and onto the table. He doesn’t notice—his brows draw together in complete confusion, like what you just said has somehow never once occurred to him in the months-long duration of your three-way relationship. Instead of responding to you, though, he turns to Ushijima and punches him lightly in the shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey, Wakatoshi! Pause the game for a sec.”
“…What is it?”
“I want to test something,” Tendou says seriously, and then it’s your turn to be stunned when boyfriend #1 leans in and kisses boyfriend #2.
It’s a real ass kiss. Mouth on mouth. Possible tongue. Zero chemistry. You can tell just by looking at them that there’s no way in hell they’ve kissed before. Ushijima’s eyes stay open the entire time and when Tendou pulls away, he looks distinctly shell-shocked. “Tendou. What.”
Tendou puts his hands up in protest, eternal confidence still firmly in place. “(Y/N) asked if we’re into each other, so I wanted to check.”
Ushijima looks over at you. “We are not,” he says firmly.
“I concur,” Tendou says, moving his focus back to you and smirking. “That did nothing for me. On the other hand…”
He turns back to whisper something in Ushijima’s ear, and before you realize what’s happening, Ushijima is standing and leaning over the table, pulling you up by the collar of your shirt, and kissing you properly. You feel the familiar heat flood over your face and you shouldn’t, you’re in public, it’s rude but your jaw dips open anyway and you feel Ushijima’s tongue slipping into your mouth—
Someone at a table to your right coughs conspicuously and you jerk back into your seat. Ushijima follows suit a second later. You murmur an apology for the PDA, cheeks burning.
“Yeah… Get it? I’m not into him, but I’m into that,” Tendou says, looking infuriatingly self-satisfied and flushed.
So. Threesome it is.
It shouldn’t really be a shock when for Tendou’s birthday, he requests a live viewing of the cheerleader costume you teased him with at the start of your relationship—and it isn’t a shock, not really. That doesn’t mean it’s not mortifying. You bring the costume with you in a bag along with the jersey (there’s no way in hell you were going to walk from your building to theirs wearing a skirt that short) and change into it in their bathroom, and when you hesitantly emerge wearing it, you swear you could hear a pin drop.
It’s quiet. You go over your outfit in your head: little tiny skirt that barely covers your ass, knee socks with two pink stripes ar the top, hair tied up in pigtails with bows. And the jersey, which Tendou supplied. The whole nine yards, and your brain can’t seem to decide whether to feel adorable or ridiculous. “G-Go team?” you say uncertainly, raising the pompoms above your head.
Ushijima’s mouth is actually open. You don’t think you’ve seen that before. Tendou’s eyes are bugging out of his head, more so than usual. Your face is burning hot—god, why do you go along with this stuff? you like them way too much—until Tendou snaps out of his reverie (literally shaking his head like a wet dog to do so) and grins. “Hell fucking yes. Go team.”
And then he’s on top of you, off the couch and wrapping his arms around your shoulders and lapping up at the side of your neck. Rough fingertips press into your jaw, tipping your head to the side for access, and his tongue laves over your pulse point—and then he bites it. Just a nip, but you still suck in a gasp. “Wait—no hickies—“
“It’s my birthday. Please?” Tendou’s face doesn’t leave your neck, so you feel his voice more than you see it, humming out over your skin and forcing shivers up your spine.
Damnit, you’re almost out of concealer—then again, with the way the two of them are looking at you, you can’t really see a way you get out of this unscathed. “Mm—fine,” you squeak, and as soon as you say it Tendou’s mouth is latching onto that tender skin and doing his absolute best to mark you up.
“What is this?” Ushijima’s voice is behind you suddenly, and the heat and overwhelming presence of his body comes with it. The weight of his hands presses into your waist, stroking up over your ribcage until he’s reached the fabric of the jersey you’re wearing as a shirt—his jersey.
“Isn’t she cute?” Tendou’s voice is teasing, purring. He hikes one of your legs up to his waist and you’d probably fall back if it weren’t for Ushijima behind you, holding you up. “She wanted to reward us for doing so well this season. Our little cheerleader.”
What the—this was his idea, not yours, and you twist your head back to Ushijima to tell him so (even though you’re not really sure at this point why you should care) except as soon as you’re facing him, his hand is fisting into one of your pigtails and pulling your head back so he can layer his own bitemark over Tendou’s. “Ours…” he agrees.
“Whose bed?” Tendou aks. You can feel his cock against your stomach—he’s not being shy about it, more like he’s pulling your leg closer and actively rubbing it against you—and Ushijima’s is poking into your back.
It’s big. They both are. You stand up on your tip toes and breathe in that yummy cologne smell—the one they both use but it smells different on Ushijima than it does on Tendou.
“I don’t think the three of us can fit on a bed,” Ushijima says.
“You’re probably right,” Tendou laughs, and he weaves his fingers in with yours, playing with your hands in that way he likes. “So what do you think, baby? Is it okay if we fuck you on the floor?”
You nod.
“It’s not going to fit.”
“It will, it will. We stretched her out. She’s flexible.”
Ushijima exhales quickly and pulls back. “She’s tight.”
“Don’t worry so much…she likes pain, right (Y/N)?” Tendou slaps your cheek lightly, lovingly, looking down at you like you’re absolutely perfect. “Isn’t that right, princess?”
Except you can’t answer, because Tendou’s cock is all the way down your throat, so deep that your mouth tries to close up every time he moves. Your muscles contract and you make a little muffled humming sound and he feels his cock twitch from the feeling of the vibrations.
Fuck, that feels— Tendou bites his tongue to hold back the familiar rise in his stomach and pulls your head off him, admiring how pretty you look with your lips all flushed and drool dripping down your chin. “Oops, sorry, hard to talk with your mouth full huh…”
“It—“ You cut yourself off to cough daintily and wipe a stray piece of hair away from your face. “It’s okay, Ushi, I’m used to—I mean, Tendou’s also pretty…”
You can’t even say it. You’re on your hands and knees on the carpet of their dorm suite, skirt flipped up past your waist, panties around one ankle, dripping pussy juice down your thighs from getting fingered, with your two boyfriends discussing how best to get inside you—and you can’t make yourself say that Tendou has a big dick. It’s too embarrassing.
But it’s true! They’ve been in locker rooms with other men, they must know that they’re both stupid huge—like, could be pornstars if the volleyball thing didn’t work out huge. And while you don’t mind a little pain (although Tendou did not have to say it like that) you have to admit you’re kind of nervous at the prospect of taking both of them at once. Which probably isn’t helping matters.
Ushijima’s knee nudges one of yours to the side, spreading your legs further so he can fit his hand between your thighs again. Two thick, wet fingers push back up into your cunt and you gasp lightly when you feel him try—unsuccessfully—to scissor them and stretch you out a little more. He leans down over you and you feel a cloud of warmth against your back—the heat of his breath on your neck… “You need to relax,” Ushijima tells you in a low, raspy voice, and your cheeks burn because he must be able to feel the way your cunt pulses when he talks to you like that, right?
“You gotta stop thinking with your upstairs brain, baby girl.” Tendou tilts your face up and licks another smear of spittle off your mouth. “Do you want me eat you out? Or—wait—“ His eyes flash and he grins. “Want to try something new?”
Without waiting for a response, Tendou gets up to rummage through the drawer in his nightstand where he keeps lube and condoms. You only get a quick glimpse of his bare ass before he’s back in front of you, holding a sex toy you’ve never seen before.
“What is that,” you ask, even though it’s pretty obvious. A purple bullet vibrator and…what looks like a remote control? With a dial.
“Birthday present to myself,” Tendou says happily, eyes crinkling up at the corners like he’s expecting a pat on the back or a gold star.
“You—want to use that on…?”
“I want Wakatoshi to use it on you—“ Tendou tosses the bullet to Ushijima, who pulls his fingers out of your pussy to catch it and turns it over in his hand curiously. “And I want to control the speed. Can we, can we?”
You have your own vibrator (not that you’ve gotten much use out of it since you started dating Tendou), but you’ve never used a sex toy with anyone else. It can’t be that different, can it? And if it helps you relax, that has to be a good thing…
“I—I guess we can try…” you say, and before you’re even done saying it Tendou’s laying a sloppy wet kiss on your mouth.
“You heard her, Wakatoshi.” Tendou’s face is still against yours so you can’t see much but you can hear the click of the dial and the responding hum of the vibrator turning on.
“Aa.” Ushijima’s fingers are cool when he rolls the vibrator up your slit—probably a combination of the lube and your juices?—and you’re still kind of trying to adjust to the change of temperature when he gets the bullet in the right spot, pressed against your clit, and you feel it.
Your body moves on its own. The humming is moving through you up from your pussy, making your back arch, making you feel your heartbeat in your clit and you wriggle your hips to the side to either get away or get closer but Ushijima lays one of his massive hands down on your ass cheek to keep you from moving. “She likes it.”
“Is that true, is your pussy getting all wet?” You nod shakily and Tendou straightens up and pushes his hair back, letting a few red bangs flop back over his forehead. “You want me to turn it up?”
“Ah—uhmm, yes—yes, fuck—“ You try to grind your hips back into the soft silicon of the bullet, but the pressure of Ushijima’s grip on your ass increases until you whimper and hold still. His hand doesn’t feel cold anymore—the rough calluses on his fingers are drenched and everything feels too warm.
“If you keep moaning like that, everyone on the floor’s gonna hear you,” Tendou says, squishing one of your pigtails between his fingers and pulling your face level with his abdomen. “How about me ’n’ Wakatoshi fill up these pretty holes and see if we can shut you up?”
“Ah—“ There’s a click on the dial—more than one—and your eyes fly open and your jaw drops so you can moan—except Tendou’s thumb is on your teeth, pushing your mouth open further so he can guide his cock onto your tongue. Without thinking, you let your throat open, sucking your cheeks in around the shaft and swallowing as much of him as you can.
“Ohh—yeah, yesss, fuck baby you’re so good at that…” Tendou’s whole abdomen feels tight with the way you’re sucking him. God, do you have any idea how precious you are gagging on his cock like that, squeezing your eyes shut to concentrate and trying to grind against Ushijima’s hand? You’re too good for just him—it would feel wrong to keep you all to himself, unfair somehow— “Wakatoshi, how’s she doing? Think she can take you yet?”
Ushijima shifts closer to you and slips a finger between your pussy lips to expose the slick pink hole that keeps clenching and unclenching in time with the way your hips are trying to move against the bullet. He pulls the toy away for a second to test (you whine; Tendou grunts in pleasure) and your cunt is so hot and sticky around his fingers that he doesn’t think he can really wait anymore.
You’re sweating, rocking back and forth slightly with every time Tendou fucks into your mouth, and Ushijima thinks briefly that he wants to see your face, that he should be looking at you when he fucks you, but it’s fine. There’ll be time for that later. He leans over your back a bit—you liked that before. “Stop me if it hurts,” he says.
“I told you, she—oh fuck—she likes when it hurts a little.” Tendou pulls his dick out of your mouth to let you catch your breath for a second.
Ushijima pumps his dick into his fist a few times, letting the mixed lube and slick coat the ribbed latex of the condom, and then he presses the bullet back against your clit and pushes the head of his cock up into your soaked cunt. And—
“Fuck, fuck Ushi—you’re, it’s so much…”
—you’re tight.
Still tight, even though he’s been so patient… Like your body’s too small for him, like your cunt is too tight for his cock. But you want this. And you’re not stopping him, and…he’s stronger than you. He can go deeper if he wants.
“Don’t drag it out, man,” Tendou laughs. He’s panting and his cheeks are washed in pink. “Right baby? Wouldn’t you rather he just get it over with?”
There’s a second of hesitation and then you turn back toward Ushijima and your head bobs up and down. And, well, if that’s what you’re asking for…
Ushijima grabs your upper arm and pulls you back toward him—the delicate dip of your spine arches back—Tendou strokes his thumb over the dial of the remote and the sound of buzzing gets a lot louder—Ushijima thrusts the rest of his cock up into you until he feels the tip of his cock shoving against your cervix.
“Oh, oh—“ There’s too much. Too much happening—it’s—what? so big so big—your brain doesn’t know what to focus on: your knees hurt, even though the carpet?—someone’s playing German rap in the next room, probably trying to drown you out—your boyfriend’s tongue in your mouth, your boyfriend’s cock splitting you in half, your boyfriend holding the vibrator against your clit and turning the dial up up up—
“Fuck,” Tendou says softly—only it’s not Tendou, you realize a second later when you feel the steam of breath on the nape of your neck. It’s Ushijima—who you’ve never heard swear before, who you didn’t think ever swore—Ushijima, who’s slowly rolling his hips against yours, heavy thrusts that hit all the way in, only an inch or two at a time, like he has to move but he wants to have as much of himself touching you as possible.
Your boyfriend’s face is next to yours—both of them, Ushijima breathing heavily against the skin of your cheek while he rocks your hips back and forth in time with the way he’s fucking you and Tendou leaning in to bite a tender spot on your jaw. “How’s that feel?” Tendou asks, half sincere and half mocking.
“Ss—uhhh…fu—u—uck—“ You’re trying to answer but you just want to whimper and moan and ugh— the combination of the bullet on your clit and the cock stretching your cunt out is making you want to shatter into a million little pieces, melt, turn to dust, whatever, and you’re pretty sure the weight of their hands and their bodies pressing you into the floor is the only thing keeping you from snapping and the vibrator is on too high and it’s so quick you barely have time to realize but you’re—you’re—
“—cumming!” you gasp, feeling the walls of your pussy suck down on the massive cock that’s already stretching you out past your limits.
Ushijima didn’t think it was possible for you to get tighter but apparently you can. The slippery wet mess inside of you clenches around him and he has to close his eyes and recite pro volleyball stats in his head to keep from cumming along with you.
You cum hard, with your whole body—he’s heard you before, when you and Tendou thought you were being quiet, but feeling it is different. You’re shaking everywhere, sweat beading on the back of your neck, eyes fluttering like you’re about to cry, and your cunt is still squeezing his cock in desperate little pulses, so hot and sweet that he almost wants to leave the vibrator where it is on your clit—but you’re almost screaming at this point and someone’s going to call the RA so he drops it to the side and you sigh in relief.
When he’s got his own instincts under control, Ushijima drops you back onto your hands and knees and pulls out of you slowly, sliding the ribs of the condom against your g-spot and listening to the way you moan until Tendou grabs your jaw and lifts your mouth back to his cock. “Don’t get selfish,” he purrs happily, petting your hair and then pushing down on the back of your head to make you throat fuck him deeper. “Hey Wakatoshi—put the vibrator back on her, ‘kay?”
Ushijima’s holding the bullet tight in his fist, and he feels it when Tendou takes the level down to the lowest degree in anticipation of him holding it back over your sensitive clit. You whine lightly around the dick forcing your jaw open. It doesn’t sound like a no.
It’s a good thing Tendou’s keeping your mouth busy. When Ushijima rolls the bullet back through your puffy lips and up to the right spot, you really do your best to scream.
Ushijima’s almost too busy ramming back into your poor little hole to hear it, but Tendou’s talking to you as he slides his cock back and forth over your tongue. “Let’s go for multis, baby, how’s three sound? I bet…we can make you cum three times before we do. Okay?”
You drool, sniffle, make some indeterminate noise that might have been a word if you weren’t being spit-roasted by two cocks that are too big for you. Ushijima sucks in an inhale and tries to ease up his grip on your hip, knowing you’re probably already going to bruise… “It might be too much for her,” he pants without slowing down.
“It’s fine, she can—she can tap out if she needs to stop. But she’s doing such a good job, aren’t you?” Tendou’s pale fingers wrap around the back of your head, holding you down while you make gagging sounds on his cock. “I kinda want us to be mean to you today princess—ah, is that okay?
Tendou pulls your head off, swirling his thumb up over the vibrator dial right as Ushijima gives a slow, controlled pump, forcing you to feel the stretch in every muscle of your pussy, dragging each ridge on the ribbed condom against your insides. “Two more, baby girl—it’ll feel good, I promise. You know we love you, right?”
Rule #4 of dating two people: don’t take promises seriously.
They break that rule. Twice more, as promised, and then Tendou whines and shoots his cum down your throat and Ushijima’s cock moves in your tummy and you can feel his breath catching and shuddering and then he squeezes your ass like he’s trying to punish it and then he cums too. It’s been hours by that point but Ushijima’s refractory period is like 30 seconds so when he gets hard again you give him your best attempt at a blowjob (more like a drool-y handjob with a lot of tongue since you can’t even really get your jaw all the way around) and Tendou makes you sit on his face while you do it, jacking his own dick and licking you out slow and lazy and dreamy, and if you had to rate them you’d say that one, that fourth climax, is the best.
After all of that the three of you each really need a shower—you especially, all that sweat and smeared makeup and cum (which better come out in the laundry or else your roommate’s going to kill you for ruining her Halloween costume). You try, but every time you stand up your legs tremble like you’re shivering and you have to sit back down or risk falling on your (already extremely tender) ass. Your boyfriends share a look and then they’re stripping the remnants of the costume off of you and Ushijima’s lifting you up like you’re made of paper and taking you over to his bed, and Tendou’s kissing your cheek, and it gets dark all of a sudden and there’s a blanket on you and you’re very very sleepy and you should really get back to your dorm and get some work done on that lab report you have due, but maybe you could just close your eyes for a moment…
You wake up a few times in the night, roused into that kind of half-sleep where everything you hear seems like it’s far away and unimportant. The first time is when Ushijima gets out of the shower and gets in bed with you—there isn’t really space on the twin XL mattress for the two of you but he makes it work. His hair is a little wet and it feels cold when he lifts up the blanket to get in next to you. You get up on an elbow and blink blearily at him and half-say his name, but he just tells you “Shh. Go back to sleep,” and rubs between your shoulder blades until you do.
The second time is early-early in the morning, before Tendou and Ushijima go off to the gym or to morning practice. 6 AM maybe. You hear them talking in the next room, their living room/kitchen, low hushed voices because they don’t want to wake you up. You probably wouldn’t have if they didn’t say your name.
“…(Y/N)…for the summer?” That’s Ushijima. You keep your eyes closed, barely listening, barely understanding.
“Looking for a job here…I’m trying to find a place for the three of us. If she wants, we could…” Tendou now. There’s a stiff clink of a metal bottle against a counter. Sound of a fridge opening, something pouring.
“And then what?” Ushijima asks.
“What, you mean after—“
“College. How long can we…”
You wonder, if you made an effort not to listen, could you will yourself not to hear? You look around the room in an effort to distract yourself—crinkled posters and postcards on the wall, photos of you with either one or both of them, a pre-made smoothie in a plastic bottle and a piece of toast with peanut butter that one of them left on Ushijima’s nightstand for you—but you can’t stop yourself from listening.
Tendou takes a long time to answer. “Well—forever, ideally? I just have this feeling like…she’s the one. For both of us.”
You don’t really catch what Ushijima says next, but you know he’s agreeing.
Okay, you think, pulling the blanket up and trying not to feel stupidly happy. Me too.
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
communal property [pt. 1] /// Ushijima x f!Reader x Tendou (18+)
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Summary: Tendou shares everything with Ushijima—his food, his dorm room, even the AVs he likes. Why not his girlfriend, too? [Part 2]
A/N: The ‘you deserve two boyfriends’ meme but make it college AU. Y'all don’t even know how excited I got about this…it’s embarrassing…but ngl this is the good kush 😌
Tags/warnings: college AU, baby’s first poly relationship, soft??, exhibitionism, Tendou is a tiny bit shady with that sharing is caring mentality
They really do share everything, so you guess it makes sense that they end up sharing you.
At first—meaning, when you first start dating Tendou and Ushijima is just his intimidatingly hot roommate who seems like he’s constantly glaring at everyone—you think it’s weird. They have the same major and every semester when they enroll, Tendou plans their schedules so they can take at least half of their classes together. He texts Ushijima to set up times for lunch and dinner so they can eat in the cafeteria together, they meet up to walk to volleyball practice together, and (even before Tendou brings up the poly thing) Ushijima’s usually around when you’re with him.
They share stuff, too, not just their schedules. Their dorm suite (which is about 10 times nicer than the regular rooms on the same floor—it’s student athlete privilege, and yes, you’re bitter about it) is littered with items that always seem to fall under collective ownership. Boxes of energy bars and whey protein powder lining up the walls in neat stacks; medals and trophies and flags from high school volleyball; the singular bottle of body wash and the accompanying 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner they keep in their bathroom—all of it belongs to both of them. You ask Ushijima once if there’s anything he wouldn’t share with Tendou, and he has to think for a while before answering.
“My toothbrush,” he says seriously. “But if he asked, I would let him use it.”
They’re close enough to the same size that they can share clothes sometimes, and since they have a single closet with no system of organization, it’s really hard to tell whose is whose. This gets you in trouble when you start dating Tendou—if you think about it, it might be the reason the three of you ended up together in the first place.
The jersey incident, as you refer to it in your mind later on, occurs a few weeks into your relationship, when Tendou’s at an away game for the weekend and he leaves you a voicemail telling you he misses you. Everything’s new and shiny and you like hearing that he hates having to be away from you, so you dig his old high school jersey out of the back of his closet for the sole purpose of taking a racy pic to send to him. It’s gigantic on you—figures, since Tendou is stupid tall for some reason—but you tie up the hem under your tits and let it slip off of your bare shoulders and the effect is pretty cute.
And hey, you figure you may as well go all the way and dress up to cheer your boyfriend on, so you beg your roommate to let you borrow the ‘slutty cheerleader’ costume she wore on Halloween: itty bitty pleated white skirt, thigh high socks, hair tied up in pigtails and sparkly white pom-poms to complete the look. You put your camera on auto-timer and take way too many pictures, and when you’re decently satisfied with the results, you send them to Tendou along with your usual good luck, I’m cheering for you! text before the game.
It takes him about one minute to respond.
> holy fuck (y/n)
> jesus
> r u trying to make me cum in my fucking pants
> Attachment: 1 image
It’s a blurry selfie of him in his team uniform, substantial dick print clearly visible through the shorts. You flush, grin, and preen at your ability to give your boyfriend a hard-on from hundreds of miles away without even showing that much.
Unfortunately, that’s not all.
> where did u even get that shirt? u know its wakatoshis not mine right lol
< Wait, are you joking? you ask back, horror dawning on you as you twist around in front of a mirror to check the number on the back. Did you actually just send your boyfriend a sexy picture wearing his roommate’s shirt? You don’t want to believe it, but sure enough the back of the jersey reads SHIRATORIZAWA 1. You may be clueless when it comes to volleyball, but you’re pretty certain that 1 is the captain’s number, and Tendou was not the captain of his high school team. Shit!
> ya lmao mines at home, thats definitely wakatoshis
< OMG no!!! please don’t tell him 😰 You immediately pull the jersey off and bury your face in your pillow as your roommate looks on curiously. Knowing Tendou, you’re never going to live this down.
> dw abt it
> he thinks its hot lol
You can actually feel the blood draining out of your face. < WHAT!! You showed it to him???
> hes sitting right next to me😂😂 dont be mad please baby
< I hate you so much Tendou I’m seriously going to kill you
> wakatoshi looks all flustered, wanna see?
< No I hate you
Tendou sends the picture anyway. Ushijima does not look flustered in the least. He looks as serious and vaguely annoyed as he does every time you see him, and all you can think about is the fact that your boyfriend’s best friend saw you wearing that stupid cheerleading outfit and his old jersey and he probably thinks you’re a moron.
You refuse to answer any of Tendou’s texts until he comes back and apologizes sincerely. You can’t look Ushijima in the eye for way too long. And despite many requests, you absolutely do not let Tendou fuck you in the cheerleader costume.
Weeks later—ages—you’re sitting one of the dryers in the laundry room quizzing Ushijima on terms for your upcoming biochem test while he folds his clothes, and you lose your train of thought when you see the accursed Shiratorizawa jersey in his hands. You’ve always felt awkward over that stupid photo, but you decide now is as good a time as any to get it out in the open and lighten the mood.
“Hey, do you remember that time I thought that was Tendou’s? You know, when I…sent him that picture… He said you might’ve seen it by accident.” Your voice trails off, but you’re impressed at how well you’re faking nonchalance.
The dryer churns under your thighs and somewhere behind you there’s another student humming Kendrick while they fold their clothes. You keep your gaze firmly glued to the flashcards you’re going through so you don’t have to make eye contact, but out of the corner of your eye you can see Ushijima stop folding the jersey and look up at you. “Ah… Tendou showed it to me.”
That little shit. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was kinda hoping you’d forgotten by now.”
“I didn’t.”
His voice is closer than you thought and you look up reflexively. Ushijima is standing in front of you. He’s so big, you think despite the fact that this is not exactly a revelation (honestly, you think it every time you see him). His face looks the same as usual, but there’s a charge in the air. Some kind of tension, the kind you’re used to in different contexts but you barely recognize here because Ushijima is your boyfriend’s roommate.
You know you look like a mess (it’s midterm season and you’re too busy to do your own laundry) and the only reason you’re even here is that you and Ushijima are in the same biochem section and he is 100% definitely going to fail without your help, but somehow all of that falls away and you don’t feel like you’re sitting in the basement laundry room with ugly fluorescent lights flickering above you and half a dozen other students milling around. The way Ushijima is looking at you isn’t the way a guy looks at ‘some girl who’s dating his friend’ or whatever.
“I’m not going to forget,” he continues.
He’s watching you like instead of sitting on a dryer in sweats and a dingy old camp t-shirt, you’re wearing the same slutty cheerleader costume from the photo: made up like a beauty queen, pom-poms in hand, tits pushed up against the loose fabric of the jersey you’re wearing that’s about half a second away from falling off entirely. His jersey. Ushijima’s eyes move over you and you have to fold your legs and for some reason the thought crosses your mind that he’s about to kiss you, and no, of course that doesn’t make sense, but as soon as you think it you can’t stop thinking about it.
He’s going to kiss you. He’s going to kiss you. Ushijima’s going to kiss you.
He reaches forward and you shy away at the last second—only to feel like an world-class idiot once again when his hand closes around the stack of index cards at your side. “Heterotroph hypothesis,” he says flatly.
You breathe out a quick sigh, trying to feel relieved and not the tiniest bit let down. “Uhh…early life forms—something about the first life form, right? They couldn’t produce their own food, so they were heterotrophs…”
Ushijima flips the card around to read the back. “Correct.” And that’s that.
You didn’t start going out with Tendou thinking that you’d end up in a throuple with the two stars of your college’s volleyball team, but honestly, it’s not like there aren’t signs.
The jersey incident is the first, unless you count the fact that most of the stuff Tendou invites you to do is stuff he’s already doing with Ushijima. Late night study date at the library? You show up and Tendou’s there with Ushijima already, the two of them claiming an entire 6-person table with their papers strewn out everywhere, disagreeing about the meaning of one of the practice exam answers (they’re usually both wrong). Coffee date before class? Tendou’s late, but it’s cool because you can tell he literally sprinted to meet you at your favorite bench on campus, bringing with him you the iced coffee you asked for along with his ever-present roommate. It takes some getting used to, but you like Ushijima so you don’t mind.
Sometimes you think it’s weird that they’re friends. Other than being tall and playing volleyball, they really don’t have much in common. Ushijima has to be the polar opposite of your goofy, cheerful boyfriend, who can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life…then again, maybe that’s why they’re so close? You know through Tendou that there are a lot of people on the team who respect Ushijima, but it seems like it’d be hard to develop an actual friendship with the guy. Figures that Tendou—who doesn’t give up when he’s interested in someone, as you can attest to firsthand—would be Ushijima’s closest and oldest friend.
They’re not all different, though. You discover a third similarity between the two of them when you go to their first home game and see them really play for the first time: talent. It’s crazy—you’ve never been into sports, but you don’t need to be to see how good they are at what they do. The ball moves so fast you barely understand what’s going on, but there’s no mistaking how often the announcer says each of their names as they score point after point after point.
You learn a lot of things at that match: what a ‘guess blocker’ is, what Tendou’s face looks like when he scores (it’s pretty similar to his sex face—is that weird or cute??), and that Ushijima is one of the best spikers in Japan. The way he slams the ball down into the opposing team’s court doesn’t even look real sometimes. You keep wondering if the volleyball is going to pop like a balloon under the force of his hand.
After the match, your voice is hoarse from screaming but you still manage to yell congratulations for your boyfriend when you meet him and Ushijima leaving the locker room in the stadium. You’re still pumped on the adrenaline of the game, so you don’t even protest like you usually would when Tendou picks you up in the middle of your hug and lifts you off the ground effortlessly. “How was I? Awesome, right? I told you we would beat them!”
“You did, you so did—“ Even though your throat hurts, you can’t help gushing about every rally, every soul-crushing block, every impossible spike. “—and then the guy on the left thought he was clear to shoot it but you just—“ You throw your arms in the air and mime hitting the ball down like a blocker. “Wha-bam!—and the look on his face, I thought he was going to punch you!”
Tendou laughs and lays a sloppy kiss on your cheek, just as thrilled as you are by the win. “You really liked it that much? I thought you weren’t into sports.”
“I loved it! You were so cool! I can’t believe I’m dating someone so cool!” You wrap your legs around his back and hug his face close to yours, reveling in the fact that this weirdo belongs to you wholly and entirely, that you get to have him to yourself (well, other than his roommate). “And I’m not into sports, I’m into you.”
Tendou smiles in a way that makes the sides of his eyes crinkle up and little red patches bloom over his cheeks, a look that says, I like you so much (Y/N), I like you I like you I like you, except he’s probably trying not to be mushy like that since Ushijima is standing off to the side.
You feel a little bad for ignoring him (no one likes being the third wheel, even if he never seems to care) so when Tendou sets you down you turn to Ushijima. “And you! Holy shit, Tendou said you were good, but I didn’t know you were that good. It was super loud when you hit the ball—wait, are your hands okay? If I hit something that hard I’d probably break a finger.”
“My hands are fine…this is normal for me.”
But just because you’ve got them here in front of you and you’re still pumped from the exhilaration of the win, you can’t help grabbing Ushijima’s hand and flipping it palm-up to inspect. True to his word, there’s no redness, just the calluses he’s built up on his long fingers. “Wow.”
“You don’t need to worry about Wakatoshi,” Tendou tells you, grinning and then making a face. “He’s a monster, he can handle it.”
“No kidding. You’re both monsters.” You put the base of your palm up against Ushijima’s to gauge the size of his hand against yours, and without prompting Tendou grabs your other hand to press against his own. Tendou’s fingers are a bit longer, but Ushijima’s are…thicker, more solid. Your hands look like a little kid’s in comparison. “Can I be honest? Half the time I was thinking I actually feel bad for the other team. If I had to take on both of you at the same time, I’d probably cry.”
You’re (mostly) joking, but it’s still a complete shock when you see the side of Ushijima’s mouth curl up a tiny bit. You’ve known each other for months at this point, but you’ve never seen him smile until now. Half of you is wondering if this is some kind of optical illusion caused by the atmosphere and the dim light of the stadium cutting through the evening, but the other half of you enjoys it. You made him smile!
“Don’t sell yourself short, (Y/N).” Ushijima says, tipping his head to the side.
“Yeah…” Tendou chimes in, resting his chin on top of your head and folding his arms around your neck from his place behind you. “I’m sure you could take both of us. Right, Wakatoshi?”
So that’s probably a sign.
It’s not the first. And it’s definitely not the last. Tendou drops plenty of hints that the two of you should actually be the three of you; you just don’t get it. You don’t even get it when he forgets to lock the dorm room door a few times while the two of you fuck in between classes—he’s got you sitting on his face, whining, whimpering, panting his name while he slithers his long tongue over your clit, and Ushijima just…opens the door and walks in.
You tense up, and not just because Ushijima is witnessing what you look like naked and getting ate out like your pussy is a five course meal with extra dessert—you tense up because you’re about to cum, the kind of climax where you couldn’t stop it if you tried. And you try, you try to hold back, you try to lift your soaking wet cunt off of Tendou’s mouth, but your thighs are too weak and anyway he’s holding you down right in place to tongue-fuck you into literal oblivion—
—so you can’t help it, okay? You can’t help locking eyes with Ushijima, who looks completely dazed at what he just walked into and you can’t help panting out his name because it’s the only fucking thing in your stupid fucking brain— “U—shi—ji—ma?” you gasp, and then you’re squeaking and you’re tipping over that edge and your cunt is quivering around the slick muscle of Tendou’s tongue inside, goddamnit you are going to kill him for not locking that door, except who cares because he’s still licking and you’re writhing in his grip with his fingertips pushing into the fat of your thighs while he keeps you in place, and your boyfriend’s roommate is looking at you!—
And then Ushijima disappears out of the bedroom and you hear the door of the bathroom slam shut. Tendou’s grip eases, and he rolls to the side on his narrow twin bed to make room for you to fall back down flat onto it.
“You…didn’t lock the door.”
“No way,” he laughs, wiping his mouth. “Wakatoshi has a key, y’know. It’s his room too.”
The most annoying part is that Tendou does not look the least bit remorseful. You growl and attempt to push him off the edge of the bed with your foot (unsuccessfully). “You could’ve put a sock on the doorknob! Or texted him!”
“Aw, come on. We sexile him so often I feel bad…I thought he’d be out for longer.” Tendou rubs a circle on your back, still suppressing laughter, but that doesn’t help your frayed nerves.
“He saw—everything! He totally saw me cum, and I said his freaking name—“ You roll onto your stomach and stuff your face in Tendou’s pillow to muffle a scream. “Oh my god. I want to die. I wish we could get struck by lightning right now.”
“It’s okay, babe! It’s not that big a deal, I promise.”
You glare at Tendou, who inexplicably seems to believe what he’s saying. “Shouldn’t you be jealous or something? Another guy saw me naked.”
“Wellll…I’d be jealous if it wasn’t Wakatoshi.”
Ugh, what is that supposed to mean? You frown, irrationally annoyed at the implication that Ushijima would have zero interest in your naked body. “Yeah, I get it, he doesn’t see me like that. But it’s still embarrassing.”
“…You think Wakatoshi doesn’t see you like that?” Tendou shifts himself to hover over you, smirking down at your body. “He went to the bathroom, right? …What do you think he’s doing in there?”
What is Ushijima doing in the bathroom? You can hear the shower running through the thin wall between the two rooms. It’s the middle of the day, and he didn’t come from the gym. “He’s showering?”
“Hm…so Wakatoshi came in and saw you—“ Tendou punctuates this with a kiss on the side of your neck and you shudder. “You, the hottest girl on the fucking planet. Naked. Cumming. And you said his name.”
“Um—it was an accident...” Fuck, you shouldn’t be letting Tendou mess around with you while Ushijima’s probably like six inches away through the wall, but you have a bad habit of getting caught up in Tendou’s pace.
“You did. You moaned Ushijima all sexy—you know how sexy your voice sounds when you cum?” Tendou sighs and slides his hand up your inner thigh, hooking it over his hip. “Wakatoshi hasn’t heard a girl moaning his name in a while. What he’s doing right now…he probably can’t help himself.”
“So you think he’s—“ You bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut and try to stop yourself from picturing Ushijima in the shower, water dripping over those perfect muscles while he…um…does some self-care. “Oh my god.”
“Aww, you like that? Me and Wakatoshi both want to fuck you…that makes you horny, yeah?” You can feel Tendou shuffling with his sweatpants and pulling his cock out to line it up with your bare tummy while he layers kisses over your cheeks and gropes one of your tits. “We should give him something to jack off to… I bet he can hear everything. I bet he’s dying to hear what that cute little voice sounds like when my dick is stuffed up you instead of my tongue…”
No. Nope, nope, no way. Tendou’s too fucking good at this. Your pussy is twitching—dripping your juices sticky all over your thighs, but you also feel like you might spontaneously combust if he keeps talking. “I—I have to go back to my room,” you blurt before you can change your mind.
Tendou blows out a low sigh, then laughs and falls back to the side and pushes his hand through his hair like he never really meant any of it. “If you insist, princess.”
“You better apologize to him for me,” you say, rolling your eyes as you wiggle back into the pair of shorts you abandoned on the ground.
“Sure, okay. But the option’s open! Believe me, Wakatoshi wouldn’t mind.”
Wouldn’t mind what? you think. Somehow the obvious answer escapes you.
That is, until you meet them for dinner a week later (you’ve been avoiding Ushijima, and by extension you’ve been avoiding your boyfriend too) and Tendou decides that it’s time to be upfront, so as you’re sitting across from them at the booth in the dining hall trying to sneak leftovers into your backpack because you’re running out of meal points, he just comes out and says it.
“So (Y/N)— have you ever heard of polyamory?”
➠ [Part 2]
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