#ive been thinking about this
cemeterything · 2 years
if i died and came back i would be so annoying about it. i would use my second chance at life to never let it die and make it a problem for everyone. resurrecting me would be the worst possible mistake you could make, not because i'd come back wrong and evil, but because i'd come back with even more ways to be annoying than before.
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starblazingg · 11 months
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stiffyck · 3 months
I think I already talked about this and I've seen others mention it but it's been on my mind again:
Is it weird that grian is usually drawn looking like a teenager or just a kid in general while the others look like adults
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lappy496 · 1 year
alternate universe where everything is the same but they might be giants has a second marty in the band
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birdsareblooming · 6 months
I know it will be hard to forget, but whichever outcome I need everyone to remember, to write down, to talk about what is currently happening. when American schools talk about Martin Luther King Jr. or slaves or women, who was oppressing them and trying to stop their rights, who was hosing them, who was shooting them, who was suppressing their voice is a mysterious "they" and never expanded upon.
Women won the right to vote, black people won the right to humanity, but not easily, the American government and police force did everything to stop them.
They don't teach that. they still don't teach the truths of American settlers. They still don't teach the truth of puritans and why they even came to America.
In however many years, they'll teach of this conflict. A mysterious "they" will have suppressed the riots, arrested brown people, attacked protesting Jews, and provided aid to Israel. as always, America will do it's best to rewrite history to where it was neutral at best. To where the police force wasn't involved, to where they weren't secretly giving Israel billions of dollars or weapons for ethnic cleansing and oil.
Don't let them.
Write. Speak. Anything. Even if it's telling your children or anyone close enough first hand.
Tell them who threatened to arrest you, what news outlets wouldn't report, who's countries' soldiers were killing Palestinians, who's president still calls the state of Israel a "dear friend"
Because if we let them or not, in 10 years schools will erase history.
Don't let them.
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mostlyonthefloor · 10 months
Ok guys everyone's on their Jesper with abandonment issues (which is fantastic we love) but I feel like we're sleeping on another fantastic angst source: Stig with abandonment issues.
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Hard targets are things like buildings, tanks, and Steven Seagal. Because he had a movie where the tagline was, 'Steven Seagal is a… HARD TARGET'. But that was a lie. Steven Seagal is a soft target. You know a soft target because if you break its skin, it bleeds.
— John Darnielle introducing "Soft Targets" at the Manchester Music Hall in Lexington, Kentucky on 02/18/2023
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ltcheerios · 11 months
Mk and the importance of having history
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."-Marcus Garvey
For the entirety of the show we've seen or heard mentions of characters family or ancestors. Mei has her family and knows she comes from a long line of ancestors, Redson has his parents, Tang, Sandy, and Pigsy have their ancestors as well. The only one who doesn't have that is Mk. Think back to the show before season 4 and remember how people were guessing or making up Mk's biological family, well we can assume Mk has thought the same.
"You seriously think we're just some noodle delivery guy? You can't remember where we came from...and you never once thought 'Why us?' What are we..."
"Of course I thought about it! I mean..maybe! I was gonna thought about it!"
Mk, like everyone who's ever lived, can assume they have a history. We have that comfort of knowing we have an orgin to our culture and heritage even if we've never sat down to think about it or research it, but Mk doesn't even get that comfort when he's straight up told and shown that he has no ties to anything or anyone. That's a HUGE mind fuck to anyone.
He can no longer assume he has that security, even if it was false, he no longer has that stability. He's so likely to cause destruction because he's an unrooted tree to the storm.
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What if when we commit a different kind of crime, we lose a certain colour, like for instance, cheat on someone and you can't see red, commit arson and you lose orange and etc
The only way to get them back is to do something equally kind and helpful, like make a new lifelong friendship or help fight a forest fire or something
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ink-yy · 4 months
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eyesanddragons · 1 year
Actually wait no I’m on my PMD AU bullshit Type:Null Winter is straight up a horror story because Type:Null as a concept in PMD (or...in general really) Is a horror story.
Type:Null is an artificial ‘mon created to resemble Arceus, if Type:Null was ever in PMD it would have to be either through a human to pokemon transformation situation (which...has interesting implications for the human) or was made by Someone, either by humans long ago if your going the humans are all gone route or by a pokemon.
The concept of whatever I’m making Icewing Society is both really scary to be and really fitting. Icewing Society is already trying to mold it’s inhabits to be an ideal citizen using concepts like the ranking system you might as well take it a step further and just...make them try to make an ideal citizen from the ground up. These concepts aren’t really foreign to PMD either...I don’t think we ever got a artificially made pokemon (then again I haven’t finished playing GTI or Super so maybe one of those has one) except for...porygon which to my knowledge only appears in Temporal Tower in Explorers and apparently the Buried Relic in Rescue, But PMD also has the Bitterdark and Dark Matter and I think if those can exist then Type:Null could.
This does however imply that for Winter to exist as a character, whatever part of Icewing Society that went ‘lets do a Frakenstein’ has to be dealt with or been dealt with when the story starts. Arguably if you want to keep the Sandwing War its a pretty good reason to have some Icewings try to create God 2.0 in their basement. Their version of the experiments conducted by the Nightwings I guess.
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ambi-kiko · 7 months
which dread power would the fear of needles/vaccines/all that fun stuff go in?
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sojourntime-aux · 1 year
You know what really bothers me?
Did the horse's wife never get sent to puppet purgatory? Or did holo-prof lie when he said the puppets could only choose one being to go back and solve everything? Or didn't the horse's wife just hitch a ride somehow?
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the-tired-commander · 8 months
Dya think lilies are as toxic to charr as they are to housecats?
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It's literally them.
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pitchdarkhook · 10 months
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This is a simple headcanon of mine and is no way official — 
The Moles is a network and group for children to hang around each other, and part of the reason why Hook established the Moles is because she wanted the children in the Underworld to enjoy their childhood, to be just that...kids. Adventures, hide & seek and all that. It's important to keep this innocence protected, especially in a society as cut-throat as the Underworld and also the fact that the orphanage is now gone due to the corruption of Fragmentum.
But other than that, Hook just wants to be a Boss and kick some bad grown-ups' asses with Diggertron.
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