#its yucky and painful
boyfeminism · 2 years
having psoriasis sucks i hate my hands
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beeelderly · 2 months
i think i wuold like it if in order to get rid of scars or pimples i put something on my skin that puts me in excruciating pain for 5 minutes per square millimeter of my skin its on but it guarantees it goes away and doesnt come back. i would even dunk large parts of my body in it at once. yeah i have dermatillomania why do you ask
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Bye bye Christmas spread hello spring (I finally changed the bedding again. Yes I know it's almost April shut up)
Mentally feel a bit better already just looking at the change 😁
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bcneheaded · 5 months
thinking again about how artemis can't drink, eat, kiss, or feel anything pleasurable at all and I :(
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isa-ah · 1 year
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dentist soon..! thank u guys again bc I literally wouldn't have been able to go without help and idk what I would have done cause. this shits wrecking me lol 🙏
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clanoffelidae · 2 years
Me when I was turning like 15 and my parents brought a cake to my church youth group so I would be the center of attention: nononononono-
Me when I was turning 21 and my parents told the waiters of the restaurant we were at so they could embarrass me but I promptly got out of my seat and put one foot on the chair: Give me the hat. I am conducting this performance.
#i was curious what would happen if i just didnt give them the hat back#but i didnt actually want the hat and i wasnt that curious#plus i was hungry#they also tried to offer me the alcohol menu even tho my parents had told them up front i wouldnt be interested#i wasnt interested - surprise surprise#still havent and never will be lol#i could say something like ‘oh i just want to stay sober and be healthy and not damage my liver’#when the reality is A. i have little to no self control anyway with my adhd let’s not add alcohol into the mix#and B. first and foremost alcohol yucky#alcohol yucky is 90% of my reasoning lol#thats the main bit#like i understand how it would look like ‘oh the overprotective parents dont want their 21 yr old drinking’#but the reality is im just not interested lol#my mom has said she’s cool with marijuana she’d just rather my brother and i use edibles#as opposed to smoking#bc smoking will fuck up our lungs#so its not the drug she has qualms with it’s the method of delivery#tbf she’s fairly conservative still but has fibro and would really like to try it medically for her pain one day#and when her friend had chemo it was the only thing that helped her#so she IS still fairly conservative she’s just had life experiences that have made her pro marijuana#just not pro smoking marijuana bc she’s not pro smoking anything bc it fucks up your lungs#and fucks up the lungs of anyone else nearby too#and her parents were smokers so she knows secondhand smoke well#which like yeah i think that’s 100% fair and i agree#if you wanna use tobacco or cannabis thats not my problem unless you do it in such a way that makes it my problem#one day i kinda wanna try and go somewhere i can get her some medical marijuana and bring it back for her to try#bc she’s lived with fibro so bad she’s been disabled for over 2 decades now#and if dragging my ass across the country to pick up some cbd oil for her is what i have to do to help her#then goddamnit ill get used to roadtrips
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watch-out-it-bites · 14 days
I'm in so hurt ouchie.. the illness...
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eudico-my-beloved · 3 months
I fucking hate my culinary class table group soooo bad i should be allowed to hit them with carrots i think
#They made me do basically everything while they got chairs and phones wayy before they were supposed to except for the dishwasher#At least she offered to help occasionally AND did her work (tho i did steal it towards the end but i voluntarily did it so. Doesnt count)#Im literally missing like a quarter of a nail on one hand on top of the usual joint and back pains and migranes and i was sous today#But noo the executive who should be doing the most is the guy who sits on his ass the whole time and has his earbuds in all the time and#Half asses everything like. Bitch why the FUCK you in culinary if you dont wanna do shit and just eat!!!!!!#He only does things when hes forced to do them like. The fuckers were on their phones while i had to squeeze the water out of shredded#and sweated zucchinis while also trying to keep my injured finger from coming in contact with the water#and i barely got the executive to help squeeze the water for like. Less than a minute while i went to grab smth#Before he just dumped the still too wet zucchini into the mixing bowl and he just went back to sitting on his ass#Also while i was cutting the green onions and mincing he was supposed to be start mixing the batter but he just stood there and did nothing#i had to make the batter and while i was writing on the zucchinis i only then realized that after shredding the zucchini no one started the#sweating process and just left it there. And watched me mix the batter instead and i had to hurriedly dump the zucchini#And forced them to add the salt and toss it while i brought the dirty dishes to the dishwasher#And by the time we drained the zucchini and mixed it into the batter the class was halfway through and everyone else was eating and shit.#So while i fried the rest of them just watched hells kitchen#At leas the dishwasher offered to help shes a fucking godsend#And we also got them to fry the last one so. While it isnt much and it amounts to absolutely nothing we did get them to do something at lea#And dont even get me started on the state of the kitchen that we come to all the time#The previous class just leaves everything dirty and when i got the pan out all three were all greasy and sticky and gross#And the mixing bowls were yucky and encrusted in some unknown white substance#I washed them all#And i am so very fucking mad even though its been 4 hours since the class#I need to explode all of the fuckers NOW
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rucow · 7 months
i better not catch u all sleeping on the autistic voryn vision 😤😤
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creachercrunch · 10 months
rollator acquired. the guilt and anxiety is Very high
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piccori · 11 months
woke up w a random cigarette burn on my arm and i feel like im getting the tumblrgirl equivalent of stigmata
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hjemve · 1 year
[ EIGHT ]  for receiver to have passed out from overusing their abilities and wakes up to sender at their side.  - seer!Max
ABILITIES  &  SUPER-POWERED  THEMED  PROMPTS  (with @normaltothemax!)
🗴🗴🗴 — he awakes with a jolt, lungs inhaling near-violently with air as he comes to. the sensation of burning; aching; gnawing piercing through his limbs like the bloodied maw of a hungry wolf. There is a hand that reaches for him— and he reaches back. He grabs their wrist in his muddled state, breath trembling in his throat, though he tries his best to steady himself. The Vagrant pulls her closer toward him by the arm, his neck straining to lift even an inch from the ground as he rasps out in a low, demanding tone (betrayed only by the shaking in the hand trying its best to retain its grip on her). "My mask..." he whispers through his teeth, then more forcefully, "did you see—?" when she does not respond as he'd hoped, he lets out a quiet growl-- half in pain and in impatience— and perhaps, a lick of fear. "did you remove anything??"
It's only then that he relinquishes his grasp and attempts to drag himself into a sitting position. He feels too vulnerable laying on the ground, and so it's with visible difficulty in which he brings himself upright. The man stifles a pained grunt as he does, but fails at hiding the way in which his breath quakes in his chest. "Under no circumstances...." he hisses, clutching his arm tightly -- trying to resist the urge to tear the leather armor from his wrist to squeeze the diseased skin. As if that would help ease the pain at all. It wouldn't. He knew it wouldn't; all it would accomplish would be revealing the demon-plague within his flesh to someone who ought not know such a thing exists, let alone within him. Any one hint of his origins to anyone was too much. "--are you to remove this mask." he growls quietly, trying to steady himself-- as well as his voice. He was certain he was.... quite the sight. "--do you understand?" he asks after a long moment, looking up at her through the slits of his masks eyes as though she could see the intensity of which he peered at her.
He'd overdone it. He'd done too much at once, and thus, the essence of the demon spliced within his soul consumed his mortal flesh as the cost of using such power. Perhaps that was why he'd been so... agitated. Not at her, but at himself for being so reckless. It had been quite the beast... worthy of such power, and such a death. He'd killed it with that spectacle. That much he remembered at least.
The vagrant squeezes his eyes shut, chin tipping upward; jaw clenching beneath his mask. It was eating his flesh. Turning it into... something else. It would be painful for some time, even after the price had been paid. "Do not touch me." he hisses, dragging himself to his feet once the worst of the pain had eased and he'd been able to uncurl from himself. "I'm fine... I'll--" he sighs; tone smoothing. voice steadying. "....I will be fine." he sounded tired.
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transjerma985 · 2 years
So sad I can’t even look at my companions anymore,,,, felix and parvati I have let you down,,,,,, I’m so sorry
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pedge-page · 6 months
#3 of Joel dealing with his Preggo reader : hungry
Warnings: oral m receiving, lactation kink, breast feeding, pregnancy, Joel fluff doing the absolute most for his wifey
18+ ONLY
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Joel is leaning back in his armchair on this lazy Thursday evening after having worked 12 hours today on a rigorous construction project. He sighs heavily, glaring down at his absolute favorite sight in the world right now: his heavily pregnant wife between his legs leisurely sucking his cock like a popsicle.
With a pillow below your knees, you looked like a dream. Your eyes closed as you gently hum around his mushroomed tip, suckling his precum. There was no rush to your movements, no desperate urge to make him cum: you were simply just enjoying the heavenly weight of your husband's blessed member sliding in and out of your waiting mouth.
He doesn't immediately register when you pull off his cock with a pop.
"I want taiyaki."
Joel shakes himself from his dazed relaxation. "Taco what?"
"My cousin who took me to the international fair 3 years ago? She got that and let me try it and it was really good. I want that." You sit back on your knees, waiting for Joel to get moving. He doesnt. "Right now," you add.
He's learned very quickly that once you have a craving for something, everything else must pause until you get it. Joel begrudgingly tucks his hard and unsatisfied cock back in his sweat pants, grabs his keys and reverses out the driveway, repeating it in his head: tai-yak-i, taiy-aki tayo aki, taco yaki, taco yucky—tacos aren't yucky they're delicious why couldnt she ask foR YUMMY TACOS I COULD HAVE MADE THAT AT HOME.
It takes him an hour of frantic searching of Japanese shops, and finally finding one, having begged the poor lady at the counter to make them—whatever they are, —hot and fresh for his pregnant wife at this late hour despite the shop closing in a few minutes. Luckily she seemed to vaguely understand his garbled mish mosh of the word and went to work.
He tips her generously and is out the door, plastic "have a nice day" bag secured in the passenger seat of the truck as he speeds home.
He triumphantly drops the bag next to your sleeping body on the couch. Your nose wrinkles, eyes shooting open at the sudden new smell. No hello, no thank you, just grubby hands diving in to the bag and opening the styrophome container.
You pause, staring at the contents. "What is this?"
"Its the thing: taco-yauki."
You look at him in incredulously, and he shoots the same look back, mixed with confusion.
"These are fried octopus balls, Joel?"
"Why the fuck would you want that?"
"I didn't! I wanted cream filled waffles! Taiyaki! Not Takoyaki!
"I'M NOT YE—" he inhales deeply before exhaling, letting his shoulders sag. "I'm not yelling, baby. I'm sorry. I promise I didn't know."
You shake your head, eyes swelling with tears of hangriness. "Honestly, Joel, if I knew you were going to be this useless when I married you," your voice cracks. You push the now cold balls away and cross your arms, pouting.
Joel covers his eyes with his hands. What a fucking night.
He knows that you dont mean it. That you're tired, crankly, in pain, and hungry. And that your dumbass husband was in such a rush that he didn't take a second to write it down, let alone ask you exactly what he was looking for. He remembered the fish pastry now, something he could have bought at the grocery store 10 minutes down the road. His back hurts, dick hurts, eyes hurt. He doesn't want you to be hurt too.
"Joel," you peep meakly.
"Yes baby?"
"I'm um. I'm sorry for what I said. You're not completely useless." You twist your fingers apologetically, which he finds absolutely adorable. It's impossible to even remember what he was so annoyed by. You clear your throat and speak sweetly: "I don't want taiyaki anymore. Can we have tacos instead?"
He smiles. "White-people tacos or street tacos?"
"The ones you make, please."
Joel's warm hand craddles your cheek softly. "Coming right up, angel." His hand filters down your throat before settling over your chest, fingers ever so gently tracing the lace line of your nightgown, pulling it down slightly to expose more of your supple cleavage. "But first, I get my cream filled pastry."
He gets on his knees, yanking your shirt down as your swollen tits—courtesy of your soon-to-be child— bounce out. You hiss at the sensitivity of being so heavy and full of milk.
Joel wastes no time wrapping his lips around your pebbled nipple and sucking gently, the creamy liquid so built up in your system that it just flows naturally into his eager mouth.
"You were hungry too, huh?" You teased.
He hums around your engorged breast, eyes closed in bliss. He softly kneads your unoccupied tit with one hand, the other joining your palm in passionately caressing your large tummy. You both feel your baby kicking happily now that mommy and daddy have made up.
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lvnleah · 1 day
Sick Days | Leah Williamson x Lia Wälti
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Summary: Sage wakes up with a sore tummy and Leah and Lia spend the day taking care of their bubba.
Word count: 1.7k
This hasn’t been edited so ignore any mistakes!
Thank you to @scribblesofagoonerr and @wosoamazing for the amazing help you gave me when I struggled writing this!
Leah and Lia laid in their cosy bed, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of the baby monitor screen. Sage’s room was just down the hallway and although she was now three years old, Leah liked having the baby monitor near her to keep her mind at ease.
Leah’s arm was draped over Lia’s stomach as the pair slept peacefully together. Leah’s sleep was soon interrupted when she heard Sage’s cries echo through the monitor.
She gently removed her arm from around Lia’s waist, rubbing her eyes before rolling out of her bed.
Lia blinked, disoriented by sleep, “Is that Sage?”
Leah yawned, nodding her head as she slipped her slippers on, “Yeah, I’m going to go check on her.”
“Want me to come with you?” Lia offered, concerned by the three year olds cries, “She never wakes up in the night.”
“It’s okay love,” Leah whispered, kissing Lia’s temple, “She’s probably just lost her teddy again,” she joked.
Leah left their bedroom and made her way across the hallway to Sage’s, the cold floorboards creaking as she walked down across them. The blonde flicked the hallway light on before opening Sage’s door, the light reflecting into the room so she could see her surroundings.
“Mumma!” Sage’s voice trembled, her cheeks stained with tears, “Tummy!”
Leah’s heart broke at the sight in front of her, she hated seeing her baby girl in pain, “Oh bubba, what’s wrong? Have you got a sore tummy?”
Sage nodded, “Hurts Mumma,” She managed to mumble through tears, “Tummy hurts.”
“My poor bubba,” Leah cooed, lifting Sage up from her toddler bed. “Wanna come into Mumma and Mummy’s room?”
Sage clang to Leah’s chest, slowly nodding her head against Leah’s shoulder. Leah scooped up Sage’s favourite blanket and teddy with her spare up, her hand gently rubbing up and down Sage’s back.
She carried the toddler across the hallway, her tears slowing down as she comforted her in her arms. As she entered the bedroom, Lia’s face was instantly covered with concern about their daughter.
“What’s wrong?” Lia asked, sitting up in their bed and flicking on the lamp beside her.
“Her tummy hurts,” Leah said, dropping Sage’s teddy and blanket on the bed, “I think she might have a bug or something coming.”
Lia’s brow furrowed as she reached out to touch Sage’s forehead. The little girl’s skin felt warm, and her eyes were still puffy from crying.
“Poor baby,” Lia murmured. “Let’s get her settled.”
Leah gently placed Sage between them on the bed. The toddler clung to her teddy bear, its worn fur comforting against her cheek as she cuddled into Lia’s side. Lia pulled the blanket up to Sage’s chin, tucking her in snugly.
Whilst Lia comforted Sage, Leah left the room to get some medicine. After a little while Leah returned with a bottle of kids medicine, she measured out the correct dosage before handing the syringe to Lia.
“Can you take this for Mummy?” Lia cooed, brushing Sage’s blonde hair away from her face.
Sage shook her head, burying it more in the crook of Lia’s neck, “No, yucky!”
Sage’s refusal was unwavering. She clung to Lia, her tiny face scrunched up in defiance. Leah exchanged a knowing look with Lia, both mothers determined to find a solution.
“Bubba, it’ll make you feel so so much better!” Leah tried to persuade the three year old.
“No!” She shook her head once again, “Yucky, not nice!”
“Okay, sweetheart,” Lia said softly, placing a kiss on Sage’s forehead. “How about this, you take the medicine for Mummy and Mama and later on we can watch a movie during breakfast, deal?”
Sage eyed the medicine as she hesitated before slowly nodding her head. Leah gently guided the syringe into her mouth, Sage’s little features screwing up in disgust as she swallowed the medicine.
As Leah carefully set the syringe down, Sage's tiny body convulsed, and before either of them could react, she vomited over the bed. Leah's heart clenched with worry. She reached for the trash can by the bedside, holding it close as Sage continued to be sick. Lia rubbed Sage's back, murmuring soothing words.
Leah gently wiped Sage's mouth with a tissue. "It's okay, bubba," she whispered. "Mummy's here."
Lia held the trash can steady as Leah slipped away to grab a cold cloth. Both of their hearts ached as they watched their baby girl throw up, tears slipping down her face.
After a while, the sickness subsided, and Sage grew tired once again. Leah took charge of changing the bedsheets, while Lia changed Sage into a fresh pair of pyjamas. They worked together silently, their love for Sage binding them even in these difficult moments.
An hour later, they all climbed into bed together, Sage cozied between them. Her little hand twirled Leah's blonde hair, seeking comfort. As the room settled down, Sage eventually drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Leah woke up to the warm sun peeking through the curtains. She stirred first, her eyes adjusting to the soft light. She turned to find Lia still asleep, Sage was snuggled up to her chest as Lia held her close.
After Sage’s little sickness spell, they were woken up a few times by the toddler. It had been a rough night for them all, Sage couldn’t sleep due to being hot one minute and cold the next.
Leah gently slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Lia and Sage as she did so. The couple were due at training in a couple hours but with the way things were last night, Leah was unsure if they would make it to training.
Lia stirred, blinking up at Leah. Their eyes met, and Lia’s lips curved into a sleepy smile. Leah leaned down, brushing her lips against Lia’s forehead.
“Good morning,” she whispered.
“Morning,” Lia yawned, running her hand over Sage’s blonde hair, “What time is it?”
“Eight thirty,” Leah said, “Is she still warm?”
Lia nodded, “Yep, poor baby. What are we doing about training?”
Leah sighed, “She comes first and I think today we should just leave training, both of us have hardly slept and it wouldn’t be good for us to go when we’re running on no sleep. We can’t risk it.”
Before Lia had the chance to answer Leah, Sage began to stir. Her blonde hair was tousled from the little sleep she managed to get.
“Mumma?” Sage’s voice was soft, still heavy with sleep.
Leah leaned over, brushing Sage’s hair away from her forehead as she stretched her little legs. “I’m here bubba, how’re you feeling?”
“Yucky.” the toddler mumbled. “I’m cold, Mumma.”
Lia grabbed Sage’s blanket and wrapped her in it tightly, “Better bubs?” Lia asked, getting a nod in response from Sage.
“I’m sorry Bubba,” Leah sighed, “Are you hungry? Would you like Mumma to get you some breakfast?”
Sage nodded her head sleepily. Leah picked up Sage and carried her to the kitchen. The toddler clung to her, her tiny arms wrapped around Leah’s neck while her body was wrapped in a little blanket to keep her warm. Lia followed, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
Leah set Sage down on the kitchen side, wrapped up in her little blanket. “What would you like for breakfast, my little sunshine?”
“Pancakes please,” Sage mumbled, her voice still groggy.
Leah chuckled. “Pancakes it is, my sweet girl.” She reached for the flour and began mixing the batter, while Lia pulled out a frying pan.
Sage reached out to Lia, making grabby hands for her, “Mummy snuggles?”
“You want snuggles, bubs?” Lia cooed, picking up Sage in her blanket.
Sage clung tightly to Lia, her arms wrapped tightly around her neck while her legs wrapped around her torso. Lia walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa, Sage was now sat in her lap but she could tell she wasn’t moving anytime soon.
Sage rested in Lia’s lap, her eyes fluttering as she fought off sleep. Her fingers traced soothing patterns on the toddler’s back. “You’re safe, my little one,” she murmured. “Mummy’s here.”
While Leah made the pancakes, Lia phoned Jonas to let him know neither of them would be in today. He was disappointed, he was going to be missing two valuable players from training, but he understood that their little girl came first.
The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the room, and Leah brought over a plate of pancakes for Sage.
“Want some pancakes, Bubba?” Leah asked, sitting down next to Lia.
Sage shook her head, digging her face more into Lia’s chest. Leah and Lia exchange a look, knowing it was going to be hard to get Sage to have something to eat.
Lia placed a kiss on Sage’s forehead, her voice gentle. "Sage, sweetheart, how about we make a deal? If you eat some of your pancakes, we'll let you watch a movie."
Sage's eyes brightened. "Movie?" she asked, intrigued.
Leah joined in, playing along. "Yes, whatever movie you want"
Sage hesitated, neford she nodded. "Okay, Mummy."
Leah grinned, whisking the plate of pancakes closer. "Deal."
Lia cut a small piece and held it up to Sage's lips. The toddler chewed slowly, her eyes fixed on the TV in the living room.
Leah turned the tv on, “What movie do you want to watch, bubs?”
“Punzle!” Sage mumbled.
As rapunzel played, Sage's eyelids drooped. She fought to stay awake, but the combination of pancakes and cosy cuddles was too much. Her breathing evened out, and she drifted off, her little hand clutching Lia’s top.
Leah reached for the remote, lowering the volume. “She’s out,” she whispered.
Lia moved her head back so she could see Sage’s face, “Yeah, she must be tired. I keep saying it but poor Bubba.”
Leah pulled Lia into her chest, “I’m proud of you, y’know.” She kissed Lia’s temple, “We’ve worked well as a team last night and today. It’s her first time being properly sick and I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I love you,” Lia smiled, leaning up and kissing Leah’s lips, “Maybe football isn’t the only thing we’re good at doing together.”
Leah chuckled, “I love you too, there’s many many things we’re good at together.”
As the sound of the movie enveloped the room, Leah and Lia found themselves sinking into the cushions of the couch. Their eyelids grew heavy, and the warmth of Sage's little hand still rested on Lia's chest.
Leah shifted closer to Lia, their fingers entwining the other side of Lia’s body. The TV screen blurred, the fall and rise of Sage's breaths being the only thing that they were able to hear.
In that quiet moment, Leah and Lia’s breathing synchronised, and the world outside faded away. The room held them, as sleep claimed them one by one.
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buggerzz · 1 month
I am so tired of non-chronically ill people not understanding that we can forget that our symptoms arent normal. Im so often seen as 'perfectly fine' and i believe I am, just because ive forgotten that im not.
So! Lets talk about my chronic symptoms i always forget arent normal! Feel free to share yours too ^^
(Obviously TW for body stuff )
I never feel like I have enough air.
Constantly cracking my joints (especially my neck.)
Always being shaky
Getting dizzy or lightheaded or even seeing spots when i stand too fast. (My heart also beats so hard I hear it and my shirt moves with it!! Funsies)
Having to manually pop my joints back into place. (So many times every day)
Im unable to lose notable weight without skipping meals
My eyes always hurt.
Water genuinely tastes bad. It seriously makes me gag to drink it.
I constantly have bruises (easy bruising)
Overreactive/nonreactive to pain. If its a hard poke, i bruise and am sore all day. If i get a cut thats bleeding down my leg i cannot feel it.
I am constantly moving to pop/crack my joints because all of them are uncomfortable.
I am never well rested. I always have bags under my eyes and am always exhausted.
(Gross yucky) I puke over and over for 30+ minutes after every meal
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