#its only temporary
ineffableaddiction · 2 months
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I've been hurt so bad and I still love so hard. I admire my heart for that.
Alexandra Elle, Words From A Wanderer
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sailingonagaydream · 5 months
keeping feelings to yourself cause you don't want to bother or worry anyone.
I’m okay.
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bojanbogdanovics · 5 months
@bogdanovics hey thanks for lending us John Collins, he sure is playing basketball tonight
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finally at that age where i'm thinking i should get a tattoo. not bc i feel strongly about it, just seems like a waste not to. i've got so much skin i'm not using
#feels so selfish like. all this skin what am i saving it for?#open to design suggestions! (please make me regret this offer)#maybe some deep sea horrors. a pretty watercolor of a gulper eel#once saw a person on the subway with various Skeleton Tattoos on all their limbs#i respected their commitment to the theme#but more than that i respected how all the skeletons were engaged in Activities#dancing in a ballgown. juggling its own (and two other???) skulls. swordfighting. being a mermaid skeleton#ANYWAY. the only reason i haven't already gotten tattoos is i just couldn't be bothered#i'm old enough to know i don't have any strong-but-potentially-temporary feelings driving me towards it#aesthetically i prefer decorated to non-decorated surfaces. but i'm not artistic or thrilled with commitment#honestly it feels like sheer laziness. indecisiveness--nay. immaturity!--that i HAVEN'T gotten a tattoo yet#letting all this blank canvas go to waste. tut tut i need to grow up and be an adult and get a tattoo sleeve already.#really i've put off my responsibilities long enough#(in fairness i DID at one time have 18 different piercings)#(but i took most of them out bc they interfere with wearing headphones and/or shoving my face in my pillow during Sleep Time)#(i only kept the nape piercing bc oddly enough it ended up being the most convenient. and the least painful to get now i think about it.)#(neck piercing? no problem. normal pair of earrings? Tribulations And Suffering. i don't make the rules i just poke them with a stick.)
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sadisthetic · 4 months
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carnirat · 2 years
I love the fact that fma is jam packed with disabled representation. Like the main character is a double amputee, his brother has only like 2 of his senses (don't try and say Al isn't disabled cuz cmon), main character's boss loses his vision, boss' subordinate becomes paralyzed from the waist down, main character's kinda friend ig collapses on occasion due to fatigue from hunger (again dude Ling is disabled you can't tell me otherwise), main character's teacher is (this is the only way I know how to put it) chronically ill, and others that aren't as important to the story. And they're all epic as fuck.
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You're cornered, a blade held tight to your neck ready to slice and cut should you be anything but good and perfect and useful. Your teeth are bared, too sharp and trying desperately to bite the hand that feeds you - trying desperately to bite and kill something that will let you escape from this hell of repetition.
You're dangerous - yet you break so easily. You're a loyal soldier who does as they're told and asked - yet you're beginning to doubt the man you stand beside. You're loyal to a terrible, terrible fault - but having to kill your friends is one step too far over the edge you're teetering on. Maybe it was good, maybe it will get you the praise you desperately strive for, but standing atop your house sobbing and breaking down - trying so desperately to convince yourself this is temporary and good and *you're not a bad person*, doesn't really hold that same impression.
There's blood on your hands again - more permanent and literal than it was with Momboo, and deeper and darker and a harder stain to scrub than it was with Ocie. It seeps into your gloves like an infection slowly rotting away your bones - rotting away *you.* It stains them a deep, deep red; a color so deep that won't come clean from the canvas. It stains your hands pink, dyeing them red in a way that won't come clean - won't come *off* - no matter how hard you scrub.
You keep trying and trying and *trying* - and you just keep failing. There is no being good in this - there are other ways; pleasing the person holding your best friend above your head isn't going to get you anywhere - because there is no, there never has been, any friend to bring back. It's temporary, you tell yourself, and yet you can't even convince yourself of that.
There are asterisks upon asterisks attached to your words; so many unsaid "right?"s that attach themselves to the ends of your sentences. Worries and questions and fears you don't voice yet permeate your actions; moving your birds away from your bed to the safety of a tower because you're so so terrified the hands made to hurt and harm and *kill* will do so upon something so innocent. So terrified you'll hurt the only things still willing to try and help and protect you. You're worried, so terrified, that these hands that were made for killing - that were *made* to be stained with blood - will do so; that they will follow through with their intended purpose. The unsaid terror that your hands, the ones made with the distinct purpose to harm and bleed, will kill and rot and decay until there is nothing of your friends, and your family, and yourself.
You're terrified - bareing too sharp teeth at anyone who dares try to help. You're a cornered animal, not afraid to bite and harm - but only doing so out of fear. A raptorous bird they call you, your brother a drake cornered - but aren't you, too, cornered? Only raptorous out of necessity for survival, shoved much too far into a too-small corner with a too sharp blade held to your neck - prepared to take your life without much of a second thought.
Raptorous you are, Icarus, but too are you cornered and terrified. Your hands stained red with the blood of a friend and the blood of family. You can't scrub them clean, not anymore, not *like this* - but gods, how you will try. (And gods, how you will fail.) You will try so desperately to convince yourself; and fail and break and *shatter* because you can't. It's temporary, you tell yourself, but the cracks start to show and the doubt starts to creep and the tears start to *fall* - and suddenly there is no coming back from this.
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dangercupcaake · 1 month
now what if I told you I wish Janine actually HAD been on a date with Manny.......
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robotpussy · 6 months
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it was 0 degrees when i took these but i was surprisingly not cold at all apart from my fingers cause they touched the metal 😕
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soulmvtes · 2 months
like truly love contains multitudes and is painful and joyous and melancholy and wonderful all at the same time
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saturnniidae · 5 months
Forever devastated at the wasted potential of Astrid and Ruffnuts friendship (or lack there of).
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liverpool-enjoyer · 4 months
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oooo it's been a while since the last snippet :]c it's another fantasy au one where I'm! Putting! Barnaby! Through It!
a minor warnings: implied/referenced major character death <3
 No one eats dinner, and Frank won’t stop tapping his spoon against his bowl. Tok tok tok it goes, over and over again.
Poppy made a simple stew from their provisions, but only Eddie and Sally make an attempt at tasting it. Their halfhearted ‘it’s good’s don’t pierce the pressure weighing down on them all. Barnaby swears he can taste it, thick and cloying. 
Already he keeps catching himself looking for Wally. Where is- he starts to think, and then he remembers the moment Wally fell with a spear piercing his chest, and the grief rises so fast it nearly drowns him in a heartbeat. Barnaby can’t bring himself to try and hide it behind anything but a stony mask. In any other situation he might try to put some levity into the group. Cheer up the sad and empty faces staring into their meals. 
He wouldn’t be able to think of a single lighthearted thing even if he wanted to. He doesn’t.
Tok tok tok-
Shuffling from Howdy’s tent has everyone glancing over at it, and Frank’s spoon stills. Howdy briefly woke up while Poppy was cooking. All he did was sit up, look at everyone, then pitch to the side and vomit. They got him into a tent before he passed out again, mumbling something about puppets. Frank made a comment about how Howdy was supposed to be a bit out of it, not at fae-drunk levels of hazy. Eddie had muttered back a dejected apology, and after that the camp was silent until Poppy’s announcement that dinner was ready. The spoon continues tapping when the shuffling stills.
Tok tok tok-
Since Eddie and Sally saying that dinner is good, there hasn’t been a noise beyond the occasional sniffle. It’s a good thing Julie isn’t trying her stew - it must be disgustingly salty from all the tears dripping into it. 
Tok tok tok-
Barnaby sighs through his nose and puts his bowl down, sick of looking at everyone’s misery. He would say that he’s going to go sleep, but he has a feeling that none of them are getting a wink tonight. 
Tok tok-
Before he can stand, Frank blurts, “We shouldn’t have attacked it. It was a mistake.”
“Please don’t,” Julie begs.
“There’s no need to rub salt in the wound,” Sally says firmly, her stew starting to sizzle from the rising heat in her hands.
“Not right now, Frank,” Eddie mutters. 
Frank visibly bristles, and he launches to his feet. “I refuse to pretend not to have seen what I did! The truth is a terrible thing, but someone needs to say it. Wally lied to us.”
“Frank…” Barnaby warns.
“We shouldn’t have attacked the demon,” Frank barrels on, ignoring him, “because there was no need to. It didn’t eat Wally until the end because the demon is his patron. Wally was never a wizard at all, he was a warlock-”
Barnaby lunges with a deep bark that echoes against the trees. The crickets symphony falls silent. Frank trips backwards over his seat, staring up with wide eyes as Barnaby stalks around the fire, growling. Eddie and Sally slowly stand, inching between him and Frank. 
Barnaby stops, snout bunched and canines bared. He jabs a claw at Frank. “Don’t you ever say that again. Ever.”
Frank’s mouth flaps uselessly for a moment. When he speaks, it comes out as a whisper, “I’m-”
“If you end that with right instead of sorry, I’ll make damn sure that you are.”
Frank wisely keeps his mouth shut. The crickets continue chirping.
Barnaby glares at him until Frank looks away. Barnaby straightens his vest with a sharp tug and strides away from the fire, towards his and- his tent. Just his, now. Murmuring breaks out at his back. He yanks the flap open, grabs his pipe and herb pouch, and heads towards the forest. He pauses only to listen by Howdy’s tent, waiting to hear proof of life before continuing on.
Once he can’t see the firelight anymore, Barnaby chooses a random tree and sits heavily in front of it. Rough bark digs into his back through his vest. A night bird hoots overhead. Crickets continue to make their music, but Barnaby wishes they would shut up for good. 
Light from the full moon pours through the branches to provide just enough light to see by. Barnaby holds up his pipe and quickly puts it to the side to take off a grimy glove. The heart-pad and blue fur underneath contrasts vibrantly with the dust-grayed rest of him. After a moment he removes the other glove, wincing as the leather drags over his injured knuckles. He turns his paw over and scowls at the dirty black edges of the red-raw scrapes. He should have punched harder. He hopes it scars, even though he knows it won’t.
The gloves themselves are scuffed up, but not beyond use. Barnaby folds them into his pocket and gets to work lighting his pipe. He packs it and instinctively opens his mouth to ask Wally to light it for him. The words die on his tongue as he turns only to see dark forest. Empty woods save for the tiny blue lights of night wisps floating on the breeze. 
Barnaby stares into the darkness with yawning dread. He keeps looking. How long will it take him to stop? How long until Wally’s face starts to smudge in his memories, until his voice is gone and Barnaby doesn’t even remember what his smile looked like? How long until Barnaby only thinks of him in passing? 
He doesn’t want to reach that point. He desperately does. 
Will it hurt more or less? Does it matter? He wants it to ache until he dies.
Barnaby frantically fishes his sparkrune out of the herb pouch - only there for emergencies, when Wally or Sally isn’t there to light it for him. It will wear down to a nub within the month. He strikes his thumb claw against it, and sparks fly expertly into the bowl of his pipe. It takes a moment to catch. Barnaby lifts the bit to his lips and takes a drag before enough smoke forms for a lungful. 
Maybe he should have grabbed the stronger stuff. If he breathes enough of it, maybe he’d be able to see Wally. 
But Barnaby doesn’t get up in the end. He sits against the base of a tree and hugs himself, the pipe’s intermittent glow betraying the shine in his eyes.
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
not gonna lie i really hope that the blue eyes super sonic is 1 just a temporary thing (which it probably is im not expecting this to be a permanent change at all) and 2 isnt like. Super Sonic But More Powerful Or Whatever. obviously i think transformations are fun but imo they should mostly just introduce fun new abilities that sonic wouldnt normally have or show what would happen if he used the power of whatever important objects/gods/etc are in that game. not try harder and harder to be stronger than previous transformations each time. super sonic is Already supposed to be the strongest most powerful version of sonic and in my opinion introducing other forms that are just "super sonic but better" makes super sonic feel kinda. pointless? weaker? idk if what im saying makes sense at all.. to be clear it wouldnt be the end of the world to me if they did this its just not something i really Want them to do
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sevenrs · 1 year
You wanna know what I find interesting? SRS knew that NSH dealt with sending private messages via slugcat modification, and took inspiration from him to make Spearmaster to send a message to 5P.
However, where NSH makes temporary messengers(aka like Hunter), SRS made Spearmaster with the goal of making a strong messenger that could deliver the message, and make it back.
SRS got attached to his little messenger, and while the situation with 5P is the main thing on his mind, I absolutely think that when Spearmaster became visibly weakened and vulnerable, SRS was going full panic mode in his can.
Also because I can i hc he named Spearmaster after that whole ordeal when they came back, like how Moon names the Rivulet.
yeah the broadcasts really make me feel things... suns cares so much
honestly what were both of them thinking
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onsideramen · 2 months
One Step Away.
Also, quick TW: Choking, Death.
This is a little silly fic that I'll be posting to AO3 later probably ;3
(KAIS FEAR SCENE IN THE CAVE REAL OMG???!?!?!?!?!? Character study :3)
Kai stared ahead, determined to reach the end of the cave- he needed to, after all. The flame in his hand flickered, faltering before extinguishing itself into small puffs of ash.
The Fire Master turned his attention to his hand, snapping it a few times in a fruitless attempt to get the flame back. He groaned when it didn't work, turning around to the others and-
...Where were they?
Kai squinted, seeing nothing but a cloud of darkness. He took a step forward, worry squeezing his heart tightly. He didn't need to worry, not yet- but how could he not? A few months would never be enough to meld that torn piece of him back together, that piece of him that wondered if he'd simply finally given to insanity, seeing nothing but hallucinations.
He shook his head quickly, not letting his thoughts drag him under. This moment was real, he was certain- and he was certain his family was not within his sight.
"Lloyd?" Kai called into the darkness, voice steady despite the worry dripping from him in borderline solar flares. He frowned at the lack of response, moving his flameless hands to cup his mouth. "Nya! Lloyd!"
Again, no response.
The worry was practically tearing him apart inside out now- something he would likely never admit. Kai walked further back into the cave, attempting to locate the others. If he was mildly frantic about it, no he wasn't.
Kai came to a halt at the sound of what could almost be called a scream.
One that he was far too familiar with.
Kai whipped around, already falling into a defensive stance as he watched Lloyd run to him, tears streaming down his face. The Fire Master didn't comprehend how young he looked in that moment, as if he were a confused and scared 11-year-old again.
It didn't matter how he looked, not at all- and it never would. It was Lloyd. His brother. Someone he swore he would always protect. Pulling Lloyd closer to him before adjusting his stance to be semi-in front of the younger came almost as second nature.
Kai watched closely as something slunk out of the darkness, towering over him. The thing smirked, a hand coming out from behind it.
The thing held Nya by the neck, she flailed around for a moment, trying to pry the thing away from her neck so she could, most likely, breathe.
The Fire Masters eyes widened, stance faltering for just a moment before his expression hardened. Sparks filtered from his fists.
"Let her go."
The thing sneered at Kai, its devoid face crinkling into something akin to disgust before tightening its grip. Nya squirmed for a moment before beginning to wheeze, her attempts to pry the things hand from her neck growing weaker and weaker.
Kai stared, pulse buzzing violently under his skin.
His blocked flames bristled, a blazing inferno deep in his core.
And he lunged.
He lunged for the thing, anger in every grab and tear at the monster.
"LET HER GO!" He screamed, eyes burning as his attacks grew more and more helpless.
The thing snickered despite its current state, amusement in its unforgiving eyes.
Kais' anger only grew, the inferno raging until it obscured any rational thought he could've had. Unshed tears clogged his eyes, limbs trembling as he tried to withhold himself from killing the thing. A mercy it didn't deserve.
And then he was on the other end of the cave, gasping in gulps of air, dizzy, with an unbreathing sister beside him. His inferno sizzled out, water dimming it to a few half-hearted sparks. The shaking of his limbs increased tenfold, his tears finally boiling over and burning his cheeks.
"KAI!" Lloyd- oh, oh FSM wasn't he protecting him-
Kai threw himself onto his feet, looking a complete mess as he watched in what felt almost like slow motion as The Thing dragged his younger brother further into the darkness, a snicker echoing the cave before something zapped him.
Kais' mind had to do a double take on that last thing, actually. He was staring at the stone floor of the cave, shaking mildly- but there were no tears in his eyes, as if they'd been boiled away.
He was zapped.
Was Jay nearby? Oh, FSM. How would he ever explain all this- he couldn't handle The Lightning Ninja right now-
No, no. It would be a good thing if he was there now, wouldn't it?
Kai was pulled to his senses by the sound of the others talking. The others. Lloyd and Nya. His family. His siblings.
He inhaled shakily, trying to wipe what must have been a horrified expression off of his face, then stood up.
They were alive.
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