#its more towards his post scoop hairstyle
melanodis · 8 months
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"they didn’t recognize me at first, but then,
they thought I was you…"
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
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Stay Safe, Stay Home Writing Challenge - (Call me if you need anything) @waiting4inspiration​
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Modern Ivar x OC
Warning: Language, strong sexual content
Rating: M
A/N:  First my apologies for taking so long to post this chapter. I lost the original version of chapter 7, but I hope you enjoy this slightly longer re-write.  I think this story only has 1 or 2 more chapters and it’s done.  I’m almost through telling the story I wanted to tell.
Next, I got the idea for this from experience I had with an ex, with whom I am still very close friends. We were actually talking about this particular encounter recently, and I thought it would be fun to write it. I will say, if you have never had sex with someone that you are truly friends with, you have no idea what you’re missing out on!  I think the sexiest sex is the kind where you talk to your partner.  Maybe it’s just the stage I’m in my life.  What you’re doing doesn’t interest me as much as what’s going on in your head.
Finally, I used the lyrics to ‘Imported’ by Jessie Reyes without permission.  I love her and that song and when I hear it, I see Ivar and Cash.  I have included the video at the end of the chapter - the vibe of the song is how I see them as a couple.
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
When Ivar moved across the floor, there was grace in his movements. His motions were fluid, and because he didn’t use his legs to aid him, how he curved his spine to usher his mobility gave him the agility of a big cat stalking his prey. One-shoulder worked in tandem with the hip on the opposite side of his body creating this... glide, that was simply fucking sexy.  Cash found herself wondering how good the view of him crawling would look from underneath him.      
Crawling for Cash, however, was anything but graceful. She hadn’t gotten very far, just from the dresser to the full-length mirror, but fuck a duck if it wasn’t hard. At first, she tried to be all sexy, and crawl on her hands and knees, but when she realized Ivar couldn’t use his knees, she switched to an Army crawl.  
After the first pass across the floor, she knew this crawling idea was going to be short-lived.  Not only did she not possess the upper body strength to keep it up, but she was also getting hella ashy.  It was bad enough the rain had washed away most of her lotion, but now she was sliding around on the carpet. She was going to look like she had been rolling around in flour at any minute. Her mother would have a fucking fit if she saw the state she was in.
And how the hell was she supposed to get her toiletry tote across the room? It wasn’t like it was a backpack. It was hard enough trying to maneuver herself around, let alone bring something with her.  She had tried dragging it and even pushing it in front of her.  Both ways were taking forever.  At the rate she was going, she and the tote would get to the mirror by her 30th birthday.  
Ivar leaned against the bed watching with curiosity.  He had never seen an able-bodied person struggle so hard to crawl. Why didn’t she just get up on all fours? He appreciated that view of her.  It was much more seductive then whatever the hell she was doing now.  Currently, she looked like she was trying to do the worm in a breakdance competition for quadriplegics.  
“It may be easier if you use your arms.  You have all of your weight on your elbows.  Try using your wrists and hands. That way, you can move your bag with you.” Ivar laid on his stomach facing Cash and demonstrated, “See?  Like this…” 
“See, like this,” Cash mocked in a high pitched voice rolling her eyes as she continued to struggle across the floor.  Suddenly, she felt the sting of his hand as it landed flat on her ass. It sounded much worse than it felt.  It didn’t hurt in the least, but she still gave him the evil eye, “Did you just?” she feigned shock.  
Being the youngest child, Ivar got away with a lot of shit.  He was used to blaming one of his brothers for everything and he always got away with it. It became a little game he liked to play with them that he lovingly titled, ‘How much trouble can I get you in?’  It was during that time that he started doing this mocking, side to side head motion to symbolize his victory.  As an adult, during a triumph, he continued to rock his head in this obnoxious manner, only now, it also included a shit-eating grin, followed by a dab.  
Cash watched the most incredibly mischievous smile spread across Ivar’s face as he bobbed his head and then he dabbed the air.  He spoke some foreign words and seemed mighty pleased with himself. “Oh, chuckle it up, Chuckles.” She rolled her eyes and sat up.  “Ya, perv.”
God, he had been wanting to do that ever since she started crawling. He just wanted to see if her ass was really as soft as it looked.  It was, and it had the right amount of bounce.  “Sorry. I could not resist,” his smile was so big, it was hard to make out what he was saying, “You were making fun of me. It was all I could think to do,” he whined.
Cash turned toward the mirror and started to dump out the contents of her bag. She picked up her wide-tooth comb and folded her legs beneath her. Leaning into the mirror, she fixed her eyes squarely on his image, “If you wanted to cop a feel, all you had to do was ask.”  She watched as his mouth opened and closed, like a fish. 
“What are you going to do?”  He asked, folding his hands in his lap. 
Cash parted her hair down the middle and secured half of it with a ponytail holder. Carefully detangling the other half with a comb, she reached in the bag for a jar and struggled with the top, “I’m going to put my hair in two braids, so I won’t look totally crazy.”  She held the jar out to Ivar.  “Can you open this for me?”
Silently, he crawled to where she sat and took the jar out of her hands.  With one turn he had the lid opened.  “This smells wonderful. What is it?”  
“A moisturizing mask.”
“It smells like coconuts and berries, and…and,” he took another big sniff but couldn’t quite place the scent, “I don’t know but it is amazing.  It smells soft. Like you.”
“Jasmine,” she took the jar from his hand and tried not to blush.  He thought she smelled soft?  “I made this.”
“You make this?”
“It’s not hard,” she shrugged, “All you need are some essential oils for the smell and different kinds of butters.  It’s pretty easy.  It’s good to keep moisture in.  I could even use it on your hair and it wouldn’t be greasy.  See feel.” She titled her hair for Ivar to feel her hair without the moisturizer. “Now you know I must like you because I’m letting you touch my hair.”  Then, she scooped a small amount of product onto her palm before rubbing it into her hair. After she had worked it though she tilted her head toward him again.  “Now feel.”
His eyes grew with amazement.  “That feels awesome.”  Of course, he couldn’t help but bring his nose to her hair.  “And it smells good.” His nose brushed the side of her ear before making its way to her neck, then back into her hair.  “I like this smell.”
Cash giggled at the feeling, but she couldn’t ignore the tiny goosebumps that started to prickle every inch of her skin.  “Do you know how to braid?”  She asked feeling her neck slowly start to lean more into the warmth of this breath. 
“Hmm?” He looked at her eyes in the mirror and noticed that he had been rubbing her arm.  When did that happen?  What the hell was in that jar? “Braid?  A little. I used to help my mother when I was young. She has very long hair.” He watched as a smooth smile crossed Cash’s face.  “Oh, no.  I cannot. I am terrible at it.”  
“Oh, you know nothing, Jon Snow,” she handed him a brush, “you do mine, and  I’ll do yours.”
“And we can have a sleeping party, like girlfriends,” he mocked in a high pitched girl voice and twirled his hair around his finger, “...and paint each other’s nails and do make-overs!”
“That’s a slumber party, jerk. And as long as there are no pillow fights, I’d be okay with it.”  She nudged his shoulder with her own. “But, I hope you don’t want to be my girlfriend.”
Ivar took the comb from Cash and looked at the floor.  He didn’t want to chance to catch her eyes in the mirror, just in case, “I was really kind of hoping that you would want to be mine.”  
“Really?”  Cash asked said softly before capturing his lips for a soft kiss.  “Good. It’s about time.  I was getting gray hair over here, waiting on you to make a move...”  Smiling into his lips, she wondered, how did her tongue always end up in his mouth?  Was she capable of kissing him without needing to feel his velvety tongue on hers?  She pulled away slightly and pecked him a few more times. “Now, I can’t be all kissing and everything with my hair looking like this.  I’m too cute to be looking this tore up. So you helping or nah?”  
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Braiding each other’s hair had been the most intimate thing Cash had ever done with a man, besides Glenn, with her clothes on.  Why was it so easy to trust him?  She let him touch her hair – generally speaking, black women don’t let people other their mothers or their hairdresser touch their hair. Hell, Cash’s parents had been married for over 30 years and she seriously doubted that her father had ever touched her mother’s hair. She had known this man for almost 48 hours and she had already let him see her with ashy legs.  What the fuck was really going on?  
It was something more than just being comfortable around him being bushy and ashy, that’s for sure.  Maybe it was the fact that the things that she normally would be embarrassed about she didn’t give a fuck about anymore. She was pretty sure that if she needed to fart in front of him, she would have,  That’s how secure she felt with him.  
Ivar was amazed that he stopped focusing on his the fact that his bare legs were showing and that he was crawling, hours ago. Whatever it was that he was nervous about before he had met Cash in person seemed like a distant memory.  He had just let this woman braid his hair like he was a girl playing beauty shop. 
Granted, the hairstyle looked badass, especially with the way his head was shaved on the sides – but he knew for sure none of his brothers would have let their girlfriends do that.  Hvitserk would talk shit to him about it for years to come because of it, too.  But, he didn’t care, it felt right.  Everything about her delicate fingers gripping his hair and gently massaging his scalp felt incredible. If she wanted to take every braid out and start all over, he would let her.  He would let her do whatever she wanted if it would make her smile.
Speaking of smiling, as he flipped through his phone for more music for them to listen to, his face lit up when he ran across their song. “You feel like singing?” As soon as the opening beat of Imported by Jessie Reyes ft. 6lack started playing, Cash let her head lean back and smiled.  
Ivar grabbed a brush, and handed her one, too.  If they were going to do this duet any justice, they both needed their microphones and to get into character. Mother nature was already setting the scene outside with the rain still beating down against the patio, creating the perfect backdrop for their music video. 
Bringing the hairbrush up to his mouth, he wanted Cash to see how he had choreographed his movements to the song.  He only wished that he had his braces on because he had an entire dance to go with it.  
Hi, my name is 6Lack And sometimes people me SIX-LACK I don’t mind because they stubborn And my bank account is looking mighty fine We can skip the wine and dine Go straight for the wind and grind She wanna cum, I can make it happen, fuck trying
Ivar rolled his hips from his sitting position on the floor with a devilish look on his face that made Cash lick her lips.  Damn, that boy could sing. Plus, he was sexy and gyrating…fuck! She was trying so hard to be good, but the song was talking about going straight for the wind and grind making people cum and sexy stuff and whatnot…she was only human.
Sometimes, I get messy, you can be my biggest secret I ain’t sliding if you wit him Baby, you gon’ have to have to leave him
Ivar wagged his finger at Cash to let her know that he wasn’t the cheating type. He winked at her when she smiled. 
I got morals on Sundays, sometimes on Wednesdays
He shrugged his shoulder and raised a brow.
Really, it depends but,
Ivar tried his best not to laugh at the face she was making at his stage-worthy performance. He was giving her his best big dick energy vibes. 
You, you’re in love with somebody else Maybe I could offer some help (Maybe I could offer some help) Get over them by getting under me
He watched as Cash closed her eyes and began to sing.  He could listen to her sing all day.  She had a beautiful voice and he loved the changes she made to songs. He especially loved what she did to Jessie Reyes’s part of this song.  
But you might O.D. if you get too much of me Might O.D. if you get too much of me
Cash, too, had a routine for this song, but she was not going to do it for him. Instead, she just did what felt natural at the moment.  She ran her hand down her throat to her collarbone then pulled her legs up to her chest. As she sang, she rubbed her cheek against her knee and gave him a vulnerable stare…
Hi, my name is not important I’m not from here, I’m imported I drink liquor like it’s water Hope my liver can afford it I’ve been lyin’ here with I’ve been lyin…, I’ll be lyin here I’m under the covers like
Her voice…that was the same voice he had listened to countless times over the phone, that was singing to him in person.  It was a little overwhelming.  He reached up and cupped her cheek, and when she opened her eyes he leaned in to kiss her. The kiss so slow and deep and it conveyed every thought and feeling that Ivar couldn’t put into words. 
He had so much he wanted to tell her, too.  Like how he was glad she replied to his comment that day on the Jessie Reyes blog for this song.  He had been listening to Imported on repeat because he was still in love with Freydis.  Even though they had been broken up for a couple of years and he didn’t want her back, he couldn’t get over her.  He was stuck mourning for what they could have been. He had so many hopes and dreams for them.  He thought he had found a beautiful woman that could love him despite his disabilities and he would have a chance at a normal life.  But, it didn’t work that way. Nothing in his life ever worked out that way.
Enter this song and this girl: the song was about finding someone to help you get over a broken heart and the girl...she was feeling a certain way because her first serious boyfriend, who she hadn’t been for over five years, was getting married.  Feelings had a funny way of fucking you up.  
But there they were; keyboard gangsters, in their feelings and being flirty.  They were two people on different continents who were never going to meet, so what harm was it to bare their souls?  Nobody ever died from having another friend; especially friends that liked to sing loved musicals and could go into a monologue from a movie with just the last word of a sentence. Really, friends like that were hard to come by.  
Now, if things kept going in the right direction, soon they would be lovers.  
Thank you, Jessie Reyes.
Cash bit Ivar’s neck, causing him to groan and squeeze her body tighter. Good thing the rain hadn’t washed off the scent of Aqua di Gio that seemed to be oozing from his pores.  Damn! How did he know exactly what scents got her going?  Did this man always smell like walking sex?  And was it natural for a man to have skin this damn soft?  
She watched her fingers as they trailed the lines of his tattoo along his left shoulder.  “What’s this?”  She asked as her fingertips came dangerously close to his nipple, before tracing the line back up the head of the figure to the center of his chest.
Ivar watched her nail slowly move across his skin and tucked his lip in between his teeth at the feeling.  “The mythical Norse dragon, Fáfnir.” Did his voice just crack?  She made him feel like a teenager all over again.  
Cash giggled.  She loved the way he suddenly started rolling his “r” and how his “th” started to sound like a z.  Had it always and she just not notice?  “Your accent is stronger,” she let her tongue follow along the line of his jaw, “it’s so sexy.”  
“It’s hard to concentrate on English,” he said matter-of-factly, making sure to slur his Norwegian tongue into his English words,  hands still gripping her waist, gently rocking with her on his lap, “when you do that.”  He pointed his chin toward the ceiling to grant her better access to his Adam’s apple, “You know, I don’t think I have ever been in this situation and had to speak English.”
Cash's eyes opened in bewilderment as she lifted her head. “You know what? I’ve never seen an uncircumcised penis.”  The thought just hit her.  If they were about to go there and she hoped to God they were, they needed to get all of this shit out of the way.  She sat back on his thighs and looped her arms around his neck.  
Ivar’s smile was so big, his eyes crinkled in the corners.  “Now?  You think of that now?  Really?” 
“I’m serious.”  She said settling back with a slight pout, “Circumcision is a big thing in the US, like everybody does it.  But here, not so much, right?  I mean, you’re not Jewish, are you?”  She raised her brow and nudged her head toward him.  “You know what I mean?”
He shook his head.  “You want to know if I am?”
“Kinda?”  Talk about killing the mood.  There were things that she might want to try with him, but she wanted to know what she might be in for first. Nobody liked those kinds of surprises during sex.  “ Is that weird?”  There were just certain things you need to be upfront about. Even though she suspected she wasn’t certain. 
Ivar shrugged with a glint of mischief in his eyes.  “Perhaps you will just have to find out.”  
“Oh, just tell me.”  She slapped his bare chest and rolled her eyes when he made a face like it hurt. “I’ll tell you something.”  
“I’m not telling you that.  But, I will tell you, that I have never seen brown nipples.”  He ran his fingers between Cash’s bra straps and her shoulders, slowly lowering the straps down her arm. When she didn’t protest, he continued to pull the straps lower.  He looked her in the eyes while she bent her arms through the loops to free herself of them. 
Sucking his lip, he let his eyes trail from hers down to her lips, then lower to her neck.  He admired how her pulse quickened when his hands touched just above her cleavage and when his thumbs gently pushed the lace down to expose her to him, he wanted to lick the hollow of her throat.  “You are beautiful.”  
Brown, white, black or pink, skin was skin, and Cash’s was beautiful and the skin on her breasts was just as soft and warm as the rest of her.  He patiently waited while she unhooked her bra and discarded it away from them, before he wrapped his muscular arms around her, burying his face in between her breasts. “I love boobs.” 
“Really?” She said smiling, as he looked up at her from the middle of her chest. “You didn’t strike me a breast man.” 
“I am an everything man.”  He smiled rubbing his face across her soft skin.  “What is that smell?  God…”  
“Ahh…that is Heliotrope Gingembre,  my favorite perfume.”
“Mine now, too,” he said absently.  Closing his eyes with his head laid on her chest.
She kissed him on the top of his head and started to rub the back of his neck, “You think I don’t know that you’re avoiding my question?  I shared.”
“I did not ask you a question and you did not tell me anything.”  He looked up at her and started to bob his head with that shit-eating grin again.  
“I will pop that little bobblehead of yours off your shoulders.  Now you’re just cheating.”  She rolled off his lap and laughed when he pouted at her and started to reach for her like a child.  “Not until you answer me.”  She sat next to him, but faced him and absently rubbed her hand along the hair on his legs.
He watched in amazement as she did.  She didn’t seem the least bit weirded out by his scars. “Okay, I’m sorry. You want to know if I was cut as a baby?” Ivar laid back on the floor and laced his hand with hers.  He looked at their joined hands and held them up to his line of vision before rolling his wrist. Why prolong the inevitable?  She was going to find out sooner or later.  He figured, if she could see his legs and be perfectly with fine them, odds were she'd okay with an unsnipped prick.  “No,  I was not.”  He laid her hand on his stomach with the laziest hint of a smirk on his face.
“Hmm. Interesting,” she responded wiggling her toes.  She chewed the inside of her lip for a moment then shrugged her shoulders.  “Okay,” she got up on her knees and knelt beside him.  Cash let her hands trail down his muscular stomach and found herself smile when she realized that he was ticklish in the spot between his navel and his waist. 
Carefully, her deft fingers slid under the grey waistband of his boxer briefs before she smoothed her hands around to his hips.  Slowly, she lowered the shorts down his legs, never once taking her eyes off of his.  Since Ivar couldn’t hoist his backside off the floor, he aided her by rocking from side to side as she continued to pull the garment down lower and lower. 
And there he was.  Ivar Ragnarsson in all of his birthday glory.  He was a sexy man.  It was the moment of truth and Cash didn’t quite know what to do or say. Was she supposed to comment or compliment?  Was she supposed to touch him or ask questions? There was so much she wanted to do, but she wasn’t sure if any of it was okay.  
“So?” Ivar placed one hand behind his head and the other on his chest.  “No witty observations?”
“Well, you already know you’re sexy, AF.”  She tilted her head and let her fingers trace the dark line of hair that traveled from his navel to the soft tufts at his groin. “But this…it’s different.”
“Different?  What the hell does that mean?” Ivar laughed.  “It looks the same to me.” 
Her eyes got big and she nodded, “Well, you’ve seen it before.  I haven’t…” She touched it.  It felt the same as others she’d held in her hands.  It was thick, had a nice length, and just the right amount of curve to it.  The bounce back, when she pulled it toward her and let it go, so that it slapped back against his pelvis, made a good sound.  By all accounts, it was a normal cock.  It was hard, and hot in her hands and she even noticed how Ivar’s stomach clenched when she made contact with it.  “So does it feel different?”
“Different than what?” He asked with a labored breath as she continued to hold and turn him over in her hand.  “It feels the same to me.”  Did she know what she was doing to him? She wasn’t jerking him or doing anything sexual, not really, merely touching and having a conversation with him.  It was such a turn on.  
“Let me show you.”  He removed his hand from behind his head and placed it on himself. Lifting his head, he attempted some sort of origami thing with the skin.  “This, I think, is what you are used to seeing.”  He rolled his eyes in his head and sucked his teeth, “Whatever.”  He released the skin and smiled.  “My way is much better.  Much more sensation.” 
“Oh, really?”  She was intrigued.  If she were being honest, it wasn’t the cutest one she’d ever seen.  But, that was because she just wasn’t used to it, yet. She was sure in a few days, she would think it was the hottest one she’d ever seen! “How so?”
“This part in there…feels everything, sometimes too much.”  He picked up her hand and placed it back on his swollen member, before closing his eyes at the feeling, “Sometimes, you have to touch it through the skin…”
“Like a clit?” 
Ivar shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know.  I do not have one of those.”  He let his hand travel up Cash’s thigh and settle right below her hip.  “If direct pressure is applied to you, does it make you,” he wound his hands to try to drive the words forward, “finish faster?”
Now it was Cash’s turn to shrug, “Honestly?  I’ve never had an orgasm with another person.”
“What?”  Ivar sat up, instantly regretting the warmth of her hand leaving his body.  “Are you serious?”  This was great!  Neither had he. But wait…if neither of them had, then this could be the worst awkward first sexual experience in the history of awkward first sexual experiences. They would either be eternally frustrated or their first sexual encounter could literally last indefinitely.  
“Yup. Not ever.”  Cash sat up on her knees so that he had full access to her hips. She placed her hands on his and watched as he slowly started to pull down her panties.  “I think the guys that I’ve been with think all women like the same things.  They don’t want to hear that you might want something different, or they just are in it for themselves. I just usually finish myself off.”
Ivar smoothed the lace down her thighs and held still as she used his shoulders to brace herself against him so she could lift each knee up to allow him to slide the material under her legs. 
He didn’t want to seem like a total pervert but he couldn’t help but look at her. She was right next to him with the most neatly trimmed Mohawk he’d ever seen.  “You’re into landscaping?”  He didn’t reply when she nodded.  Instead, he pressed his lips to her stomach.  “So, when you finish yourself off, do you do it alone or in front of others?”
“Like do I perform?”  She gently caressed his head, “It depends on how deserving the audience is.”  
God, he wanted her.  But, he needed to get one more thing out in the open before that could happen.  He wanted total transparency between them, once and for all.  “Me either.” 
He felt his head being lifted from her warm skin and but he immediately dropped his eyes in embarrassment, “I have never had an orgasm during sex.  The doctor thinks it was stress.”   
“That is so sad,” she wanted to hug him, but she didn’t want to make him feel bad.   She was used to it.  There were millions of women who never had and probably never will have an orgasm – so was the plight of being a woman. But for Ivar to never experience it?  He was too sweet a guy.  It nearly broke her heart. “Do you at least get anything out of it?”
“Yeah. I like giving pleasure to someone else.” He tried to sound upbeat, but it wasn’t exactly a happy subject for him.  What he was saying was true, he used to thoroughly enjoy making Freydis feel good. But, what about him? Didn’t he deserve to feel that way? Shouldn’t he get to experience an orgasmic high, at least once in his life?  At least one time that wasn’t self-inflicted? “ And it does feel good.”
“Do you finish yourself off?”
“Never in front of anyone.”  A devilish smile crept across Ivar’s face and when Cash saw that mischievous twinkle in those beautiful blue eyes, her face broke out in a smile, too.  
Ivar had had many sexual conversations with women before but never before had he had a sex conversation with his partner.  This whole thing, this talking and being together, looking at, touching, and getting to know about each other…all of this intimacy was amazing.  
It was scary as hell for both of them, but damn it all if it didn’t feel natural.  Even if their first time together wouldn’t be perfect, or they would have figure out who couldn’t do what because of physical limitations or just plain dislike, it would all pay off in the end.  Neither of them had a point to try to prove to the other or to themselves.  All they needed to do was enjoy each other.  Who cared if neither had an orgasm?  For the first time, they both were feeling something they hadn’t felt in a very long time.  They felt at home, and safe with each other.   
Cash closed the space between them and pressed her lips to his, “Bed or floor.” She laughed when he laid back and put both hands behind his head.  “Oh yea, carpet burns and group masturbation...I knew you were freaky.” 
Tags: @oddsnendsfanfics​  @a-mess-of-fandoms​​ @waiting4inspiration @simsadventures​ @chipster-21​  @tgrrose​  @alicedopey​   @thelastemzy​​  @naaladareia​ @alexa4040​ @absolutelynotanidiot​ @pokeasleepingsmaug​ @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @skadithegoddess​  @dina-m16​  @tiyetiye​ @synnersaint​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings@moonlightsspirit​ @geekandbooknerd​​ @dreamlesswonder86​ @inforapound @youbloodymadgenius​ @cruelfvckingsummer​ @mummybear @flowers-in-your-hayr​ @honestsycrets @thatendymion @jzr201
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myreligionisrock · 4 years
Don’t You Worry Now
A/N: Sooooo HIIIIIII! This is my first post AND my first fanfic written by me; the begging is written by my friend Rachel since she’s a better writer than me. I hope y’all enjoy this and let’s make the most out of my time on Tumblr!
Summary: Brian May finds a baby badger all scratched up in the bushes and decides to take her in. 
Warnings: Injured badger, sad badger noises, and just fluff. 
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After several weeks of seeing dark clouds floating overhead the horizon line, it was quite refreshing seeing that the morning sun had finally come out from its hiding. All of his surroundings were covered by a light coat of dew that seemed to sparkle under the source of the newfound light; even the air around him seemed to support the fact that it was now finally springtime, with its sour yet revitalizing scent of freshly mowed grass. 
The sanctuary seemed to be in its full glory, with the gentle sunlight beaming upon its side; even the animals that rest inside of the building were moving with more energized actions. Certainly, this made the job of the staff slightly more difficult, but it was worth it to see the small creatures seemingly show off a radiant smile with their eyes. 
After a few hours of concentration on his job, he was finally given a short break to relax and get to move around a bit, to stretch and maybe take a small snack or two from the mini fridge in the staff room to chew on. Choosing to go on a quick walk around the area, he slowly stood up from his chair and walked towards the back door, slipping on a jacket, though it wasn’t exactly the best choice for clothing in current temperatures. 
He heads outside to where the beautiful woods would be laying around. The sun had welcomed him by gazing upon his arrival into the land of trees. It’s warm and attractive. The moss on the collapsed tree seemed to put the charm to the beauty of the forest, and the lily pads on the sparkling lake seemed to be the highlight to it all. 
  He sat down on a rock full of the green texture covering the whole forest, probably meditating, hand cupping his face and taking a moment to think about what great life god has given him. As he always says, he recommends it. His meditation was suddenly disturbed by a small noise from the bushes. It was a chirp-like noise but it wasn’t necessarily the chirp of a bird. He approached the green and thorny bush of where the cries of the creature might be coming from. Slowly and steadily, so he won’t fritten the critter. It’s whines stopped when he swept the bushes leaves out of the way to make room for view. What he has spotted was a very heartbreaking sight to even describe. 
 A small baby badger cub the size of a kitten was lying in a bush of thorns with tons of scratches covering its body. It was as heartbreaking as seeing a dog being abused or watching someone or something die on screen. Quickly, he scoops up the poor creature leaving cuts on his arm. The crying continues and holding the fritten badger, he reassures it and introduces himself, “Oh, I know…,” taking a moment to check and see if it's a male or female, “Sweetheart. Shh Shh...there there now. My name is Brian.” 
 Brian took a gaze at the bush and wondered how the cub had gotten into the thorny bush. The tree above it seemed to give him the main idea of how it happened. According to the studies he had learned, Badger did have the ability to climb trees and learn at the age of one and so it came to the conclusion that she was trying to make her way up the tall tree but then collapsed into the bush of thorns below. 
  For the badger cub’s own sake, Brian tucked her into his vegan leather jacket and hurried out of his surroundings of trees and green moss. Soon enough, he was able to see the building of where the care for animals takes place. Brian enters the sanctuary telling the staff about what had happened. Luckily, they found an open room for the badger to give her the treatment she needs. 
  Brian stayed by the badger cub’s side to comfort her. “Oh, there now. I know you’re scared, but me and Clare are going to be taking great care of you,” Brian cooed to the fritten little beast. Soon enough, he’d see an Irish redhead enter the room with a long sweater up to her ankles and wearing Dr. Martens with a wedge as tall as a small pencil. “Hello Dr. May. I see that you found this little guy in the forest you said, right?” said Clare. “Gal, actually,” he corrected the vet. “Yeah, I found her in a VERY thorny bush and I couldn’t resist taking her in. She looks so badly injured.”
Clare hummed in agreement and took a look at the badger. “Well then, she needs a name. What should we name her?” she asked the guitarist and astrophysicist with a poodle like hairstyle.     He took a moment to think and with a little hesitation, a name popped into his head. “How about the name Rosamund. It sounds like a cute name.” They both smiled at each other. Rosamund does sound very cute and unique. She had counted all of the scratches on Rosamund and it had come to a total of 30 scratches and five opened cuts. She looks at Brian and says, “I will be right back with the syringes. That way we can start her treatment.” 
  Walking away after receiving a thumbs up from Brian, he gave her a sweet smile as Rosamund stared at him while he stroked her soft fur. “That’s it, lovely. I know to you this seems like a very sketchy place to you, but we’re going to do the best we can to get you back into great shape,” said the intelligent man. Clare came back with two syringes so they could begin the treatment. “Okay now,” said Clare, “I will place these syringes into the cub. They will make her a little sleepy and so she can feel less pain for when I’ll stitch up the open wounds.” Brian looked down at the Rosamund and gently rubbed her mini paw with his colossus thumb. “Don’t worry, sweetie, this will hurt but only for a little bit, okay?” he says comforting Rosamund. He looks up at Clare and tells her, “We’re ready.”
 She takes out the first needle. Brian holds the badger gently as she inserts the sharp object into her backside. Rosamund lets out a tiny wail and starts fidgeting out of Brian's arms. For him, it breaks his heart to see an animal in so much pain. He gains back his grip and reassures the baby badger, “Shhh, yes I know it hurts sugar, but just one more little bee sting and we’re done.” The vet continues by taking out the second needle and this time inserts it into her little arm. Another wail escapes her mouth but, oh this one was louder. 
  “Hey, hey. It’s okay. No more. That’s all we have to do, sweetness. You’re such a brave little cub yah know that?” said Brian as he strokes Rosamund’s soft fur. 
     One Week later
Brian finds Rosamund playing with Lulu in the badger garden and couldn’t help but smile. “Why hello there you little rascals,” he smiles down at the playful critters. It’s been a week since he found Rosamund all scruffy in the thorn bush and she has been recovering very well after they insert some stitches into her open wounds. He was very proud of himself for finding Rosamund, because if it wasn’t for his walk into the woods, she would’ve not survived. Brian thinks about one day releasing her back into the wild when she grows older and so she can reunite with her badger family. If Rosamund can speak then she’d be thanking him for saving her life.
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answrs · 4 years
Catbun Shiro AU
I promised to post my notes for this au and then never got on the desktop to do it, asdfkl sorry y’all. :x @headspacedad this one’s for you. (I reeeeeally hope this isn’t too confusing, it’s mostly a big jumble of notes for the au assembled in relative order to something resembling a plot. so uh, you’ve been warned. there’s pictures at the end though!)
Important note on setting, since I’m deathly allergic to basically anything besides the existence of characters post season 2, the whole deal with the castle is pretty malleable as a setting to me. basically, castleship wasn’t destroyed, at least not entirely. it’s disabled and most of it is too damaged to inhabit, but the lion hangars and the controls are still functional, if a bit beat up. (tbh mostly because it’s much easier than trying to juggle everyone with the lions as the only transport). so they’ll end up setting up camp close to the lions with Allura and Coran having a quick way to get to the control room to steer the castle out of any action they fall into, since the weapons/defenses are basically shot. no time travel nonsense or other funky shenanigans either, but the characters are all there.
also I’ve never written voltron before and it shows asdfkl but I TRIED AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS
Now that’s out of the way, the actual good part of the au, the plot! :p
It happens when Allura tries to smash “their” Shiro into the clone’s body. Something goes wrong, or maybe Shiro’s soul is just so affronted by the idea of them expecting him to just... nonconsensually wrest control from an already occupied body. But he’s still being yanked back onto the mortal plane and if he doesn’t have a body his mind will die, so either subconsciously on his part or purposefully on Black’s, it rebounds into the nearest available viable occupancy.
The group watches as Allura struggles, frustratedly trying to shove “Real” Shiro into the traitor’s body, but before they can comprehend the shock and despair on her face as the tendril of essence is ripped away from her, the black lion roars and bursts away, no pilot at the helm and racing towards stars-knows-where.
It’s a small junk planet of sorts, with no obvious humanoid or sentient species. Shiro is groggy and stumbling around because there is very much something wrong with his limbs… 
(the black lion seems much larger than he remembers and oh look he can see his reflection in her plating now and whoops…)
The body looking back out at him from the mirrored surface is some sort of small quadruped creature. Its fur is entirely black, or possibly a dark gray, but for the tuft of bright white on the head just like his former body’s had had. did whatever stuck him in this thing have just that sheer luck finding a body, or was that obnoxious hairstyle just inexplicably tied to his soul now-? (he can feel Black huffing her laughter in his mind, she'd had the option of a body with matching fur to her namesake color, but his quintessence had bleached his new little mane going in. or… something to that effect, at least. he'd gotten much more fluent in translating her thoughts and images into words in that void of her mind, but a year could only teach you so much with a whole universe's worth of cultural (and species) divide.)
rolling the steel grey eyes- again just like his own- or would it be former? body ("windows to the soul", a quote surfaces in his memory), he goes back to plotting out this new vessel. It's quite fluffy, but he can make out two long ears that remind him of a rabbit. the hind legs are elongated like one too, though not to the extent an Earth's species' would be, he thinks. The tail poking out just behind them is short too, but reminds him more of the grouchy old cat his grandmother kept when he was growing up. opening his mouth, the similarities to the old bobtail seem to extend to its dentition too, pointed fangs indicative of whatever species this was being at least some sort of predator. Life hadn't been kind to the former inhabitant, and not just that this body had been recently vacated. nicks are evident on an ear, and he'd bet the unkempt fur covered up at least a few scars of its own. But thankfully none of his own scars had seemingly crossed over on top of the rest. he can very much feel his (formerly) missing arm… paw? and he starts when it finally dawns on him just how much easier his breathing is without that huge scar marring the bridge of his nose.
the team arrive to find Black lying in a covered clearing of sorts, calm as can be, and shields down. nothing seems amiss but as they get closer, Lance with his sharpshooting eye is the first to spot something on Black's muzzle. with everyone on edge after the clone, even the local fauna don't get a pass from their scrutiny and they ready their weapons, but the moment a charge starts to hum the shields slam up, startling them.
(the clone = Ryou/Jiro/Taka, Shiro’d called him many things watching him from his place in Black, which is absolutely of course not just an excuse I’m making up because I can’t decide what he decides to go by so I just keep using them interchangeably sorry if it’s confusing D:)
Once the team collects Black and her finally returned passenger, Shiro absolutely is constantly sitting on Ryou's head, or riding on his shoulder, or just generally hanging out around the clone.
(Honestly, at first it's also because he's not entirely sure he trusts anyone, clone or not, not to do anything rash and he'll be damned if he's not be there to prevent another tragedy.)
(He's still rather indignant on the man's behalf, honestly, and even if he can somewhat see why the group reacted how they did he doesn't accept their actions. And he's been watching the guy through Black basically the whole time, it was so obvious to him the poor kid was being controlled against his will. Not to mention his reaction afterward, how he doesn't trust himself and is afraid of hurting anyone even tied up and literally disarmed in the back of the cockpit the group is convened in. Maybe Black has rubbed off on him with treating her chosen paladins as cubs to be protected, but he sees him almost as a little brother and it rubs him the wrong way how he's being treated by the group. So even if the comfort he can offer him is little and a bit strange, he'll chill on his leg for hours for a nap and some eventual fingers combing through his fur when the clone is finally distracted enough to not be thinking about it.)
It’s possible Shiro had been part of Black long enough to pick up how to communicate through the lion's bond, and uses it to talk to his new little brother. (It’s certainly a lot easier than constant, neverending charades)
Telling the kid to ask the others to remove the restraints, to which Jiro steadfastedly refuses, half because he's afraid of himself, the other because (to the other's confusion, since they only hear the clone talking out loud) they absolutely would not believe that the request isn't just his own and he was making it all up. Gets kind of heated because Shiro just will not let it go despite his refusal, because to him he obviously isn't dangerous and doesn't see the problem here. He's been disconnected from the problems of the living for a bit too long perhaps, and while he knows on a level there’s distrust between the team and the clone, and even the clone with himself, because he's seen the man’s soul and has known him much longer in a metaphysical sense he kinda forgets others don’t automatically see in that way.
There's one point early on, that the group first learns Shiro can (and has been) talking through the mind link to him. Lance notices the small fluffy body half inside of his bag, rummaging around through his toiletries. He’s been going crazy with all the extra fur on this body (it might even be shedding season for the creature, and it's just so. damn. ITCHY.) and he's desperate enough he’s resorted to getting the scissors he knows are hiding in there out himself. Except no one knows what he's doing and eventually break to come ask the clone if he knows what the fuck is going on and what he's trying to tell them, to which he's like, he wants you to trim down the fur?? he's been driving me insane complaining about it the past few days?? can he not tell you himself?? (he thought Shiro could and had been talking to the others just like he had been to him the whole time. and was just choosing to complain and annoy him constantly for whatever reason instead of asking them himself)
Piloting the lions in a battle the first time is... not great. There's a nearby planet being attacked and Red nothing short of demands her pilot back, allowing Blue a perfect excuse to grab Lance again, because Black's got two perfectly semi-functional pilots right here, so really, what's the problem? the paladins eventually figure since Black refuses to respond to Keith and Red is practically banging down the door to his mind while ignoring Lance that it's better to have four lions than two and fly in their original configuration, leaving Allura to pilot the remains of the castle to a safe distance since the weapons and shields are damn near useless in a fight right now.
None of the paladins would want to fly with Jiro, and he doesn't trust himself enough to do it even if they would, but Shiro can't exactly reach the controls right now and she's been out of the battle long enough and the galra are converging and ffs, Black just has to do everything herself now doesn't she... Cue a very terrifying sudden scene of his body going lax with a blank look on the poor clone's face, eyes glowing the bright yellow of the giant lion as he robotically stands up and goes straight to the awaiting lion's maw, ignoring or discarding any restraint with impossible strength as the Alteans and company scramble to stop him, only to ram into metal or shield as the lion scoops them both up, apparently tired of waiting. (They didn't notice, but the small passenger's body clinging to the material of his shirt had also gone ramrod straight, but Black is very much telling both of them to Cat Up and just get over here already)
thankfully they don't have to form Voltron, since there's absolutely no way they'd be able to just then, even if the rest of the team somehow thought only the "real" Shiro was at the controls. after the battle Black finally allows the others to enter, and en masse they burst in to find The Traitor™ sitting in the seat, lone hand on one part of the controls, Real Shiro™™ situated on his knee, paws resting on the other half. Clone is eyeing them guiltily, but not moving in order not to jostle his passenger, who’s just now turning to look at the small audience, blinking owlishly as he finally manages to disengage from Black's direct connection. (he's spent so long enveloped in that nebulous and vast mindspace he needs to remember he has a body to return to now, mismatched as it is.)
and now some pictures! pro-tip, turns out it’s much harder to mix together a cat and bunny than i’d ever expected like what??? ah well, have a doodle of The Fur Boi
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And a little pre- vs post- haircut inspo:
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 20+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/nina-dobrevs-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Natural texture instead of against it. She has a triangle face and close-set eyes that are nicely highlighted by this â€do. His high wide forehead is layered and well camouflaged by thick Eaves swept to the side. Short haircuts are notoriously difficult to fashion in the latest fashion glamour. A short haircut determines how your hair frames your face. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Even short haircuts give your hair a healthier and thinner look. Well here we can read additional details of Nina dobrev's beautiful burst of short hair bio then there's only one thing about doing that showcases more collars and Capri explains than we'd like to talk about through this page. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Nina Dobrev is undergoing a hair transformation for the past year or so, or in January 2020 - 2021 she cut her length by a demanding amount and apparently hasn't looked back since. The first cut has finally been shorter and shorter since she got a stylish bob with her blunt outbursts for the film Lucky Day in September. But now it seems he may be looking to grow his length back a bit. Nina Dobrev's Short Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, She just had a visit with stylist Chris McMillan and he gave her a gorgeous haircut that not only looks great now but will also help her bob grow out smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. Nina Dobrev's Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He was kind enough to talk to Allure about this particular cut and why he chose it for Dobrev and said the cut was perfect for all hair textures. I always start with face framing, then the long layers are created by just basically holding the hair and cutting the corners. He also spoke with Allure about Dobrev's recent transformation. was actually a work in progress, she said. Nina Dobrev's Haircuts Instead of rocking it to let the bang grow, I softened her blunt bangs and softened her bob to create a new look of lovemaking . Nina Dobrev knows good hair. We've seen rock super short bobsles sky high topknots and even a fluffy bump that could rival Kate Middleton, and it clearly has a number of hairdressers we'd like to speed-dial. In fact, after going through the archives, we can say that Dobrev didn't hesitate to try. Nina Dobrev's Short Hair And while this has largely never changed her colour she is providing us with a heavy dose of hair when it comes to styling. The deep side parts of chic red carpet buns were blingy metallic braids and blunt wavy fringes. So if you're in need of inspiration we're happy to say you've come to the right place. We don't cry as we try to understand how. Nina Dobrev's Hair Janelle Monae got this glow from a drugstore bronzer and wipe away tears during Viola Davis's speech. You're crying. You may have missed Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev and the coolly edgy new haircut she debuted at the after-party 2020 Oscars Vanity Fair. Just before the ceremony began, a salon owner and stylist at. Photos Of Nina Dobrev's Haircut Are Making Instagram Swoon Nine Zero for every cool celebrity Riawna Capri posted a shot of him with dobrev prepping a front haircut with a sheet mask. and then this morning he followed up with a photo of chop. These long brunette locks were pulled back dressed in waves and curls and pinned to her head to create this casual updo. Nina Dobrev: Her Best Ever Hair Looks The roots are teased at the crown for control and height, making it the perfect look to balance a rounded face. The product needs to shine and be kept. Although it seems as if Dobrev has lost only three or so inches the difference is large and even more so once you factor in the long layers and deep side part. He seems much more frustrated with Bob, who has the point. Your entire appearance depends on how you shape your feathers. Nina Dobrev hair 2020 - 2021 It's only a matter of time before you take off or cut your feathers. He can't remember how old he was when he worked there, and although we used the company's signature low jeans side by side in dimly lit perfume-heavy space, the noughties glory days of ribbed tank tops and ripped denim skirts. When Dobrev calls me in Los Angeles on a packed press day for her new film lucky Day She pauses and she breathes Nina dobrev before reminding her of our shared humble beginnings: a new cub actress named. Nina Dobrev Gets Shag Haircut to Grow Out Bob Maverick is the sports obsessive owner and adding a total Coachella Pro to the list. The former Vampire Diaries star made an appearance at the Reebok Classics crib in La Quinta California. to complement the athletic brand's three-day experience, it celebrates the effects of classic leather sneakers on fashion style and fitness. Nina Dobrev hair extensions It was a bit of both for actress Nina Dobrev. No star did not end up with a Hollywood. He's not leaving the industry either. In contrast Nina officially said goodbye to much of the heap of Vampire Diaries of her life when the show ended this year and plunged into her new career as a movie star in the new movie. The Return of Xander Cage. Why Nina Dobrev Cut Her Hair Into a Short Bob Naturally he was called for a pass. Celebrity hairdresser Riawna Capri made the cutlets to ditch inches in favour of a cute fluffy bob in Nina's trusty hand. Learn to scoop it all in the star's own words along with some little-known tips for shorter hair styling. View yourself with Nina dobrev hairstyles. It provides you with tips on how to style your hair by letting you know which facial shape matches your hair texture and hair density as well. Nina Dobrev hair color Do you remember the layers? Do they remember that it was a practical necessity. Nina Dobrev looks just as good as she did since she cut her long brown mane into long flowing layers. She didn't just sashay into any old salon though: her locks were snipped by none other than Celeb hairdresser Riawna Capri who becomes co-owner of one of West Hollywood's hottest salons Nine Zero One. Nina Dobrev hair products Sit back, relax and prepare to embark on a journey down memory lane. Here are our favorite hairstyles that Nina Dobrev wore. My mind always goes towards super short dos when I think of a haircut. I'm not really sure why though I don't even think I can pull off short hair. I have waist-length waves and never get stiff haircuts. Nina Dobrev Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors His strong cheekbones are also enhanced by this short cut. This hairstyle would not have dried sleek and straight for a different look the gorgeous blow would flatter the face shape even more if she had extra styling time and wanted a new variation of it. Nina is flaunting a gorgeous dark brunette hair color here with subtle highlights along the top layers. She looks gorgeous with warm light skin and dark eyes. Nina Dobrev brown hair The texture of the cut is highlighted by its rich color and finishes with a bright and healthy look. Regular color renewals are needed with this shade to protect against fading. On the last day of the weekend long journey dobrev of the big music festival on a Sunday shared his own personal tips and anecdotes on how to survive an event like coachella. Nina Dobrev natural hair The best thing about music festivals is that you can be a little more relaxed and cuddly, says the actress, who has been attending the Indio-based festival for nine years. All the walking dancing and hot weather she experienced about 100 degree heat last weekend when dobrev insisted on a lot of sunscreen and hydration from Coachella on the next side. “Close."He manages to say with laughter that we are babies. Nina Dobrev hairstyle Nina Dobrev has changed her hair several times in the past year. It all started in January 2020 when the Vampire Diaries actress cut a significant amount of length. She's finally got a stylish bob with blunt outbursts in September for the movie Lucky Day since she went shorter and shorter. But now it seems she may be looking to grow her hair back out a bit. Dobrev visited stylist Chris McMillan and gave him a gorgeous haircut with a bang. Nina Dobrev haircut It not only looks great now but also works to help its Bob grow smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. This is a perfect example of how a little snip can go a long way. Nina Dobrev's first “real truth” job was a Hollister at the Eaton Center in downtown Toronto. Nina Dobrev hair stylist Remember when they walked into the store and they made everyone say the same thing? When Nina Dobrev cut her signature long hair earlier this year, we found that cutting our fingers marked the beginning of more hair transformation from the star. Throughout her beauty evolution Nina has maintained things quite consistently as far as hair is concerned but no longer is. After trying both lob and Bob. Nina Dobrev haircut name He replaces it again with a cut we haven't seen him try before. The celebrity hairdresser and co-owner of a Salon at Nine Zero in Riawna Capri calls Nob Nina bob we can all be very lucky to have a hairstyle named after her. # Nob is made up of seemingly stylish angled lines burst and short hair and we will have one too please. Nina Dobrev new haircut Thin layers of waves were cut off from the back and sides of this espresso Mane to balance the body while exiting and fringing eyes smoothed down and sideways to the frame. This short easy style is best suited for those with naturally wavy hair and is perfect for framing a long face. Regular ornaments help prevent split ends and the product is needed to tame fly hair. Nina Dobrev looks gorgeous in a short bob with a twist here. Nina Dobrev curly hair This cut is ideal for ladies like her who want to work with their. Behind harsh haircuts is often a story that inspires change. Maybe we needed a new job and a new start. Maybe there's a breakup sweet new to make this new single life match. But thanks to photos of Nina Dobrev's haircut, I realised you don't have to make a dramatic change to make a big profit. Even a girl who got bored with her long hair but was also afraid to cut it, like Dobrev, could reap the benefits of tons of layers. Nina Dobrev blonde hair The 29-year-old actress has turned to celebrity stylist Chris McMillan for a brief renovation of her already 'do. Before his new layers, dobrev was rocking a blunt bob that hit chin length. Although she had short hair she chose to keep most of her length around this time before I loved a girl who wasn't afraid to go for it. So McMillan had to work by giving him a haircut he didn't make shorter. If you haven't had layers before, let me introduce you to the magic of varying hair lengths. Nina Dobrev hair care Not only do layers give you the illusion of short hair, which is great when you want a trendy new cut, but it doesn't require a great deal of commitment, because you can mostly keep most of your length. It's also the easiest way to create a texture of life-saving bounciness and tons of volume for girls with thin hair. I also learned from Chris McMillan's Instagram post that layers are perfect for this strange phase of growth. Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, originally known as Nina Dobrev, is a popular Canadian actress.
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jamasuki · 7 years
Retro Fashion | Buzzle.com
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In case a person do, then you definitely remember fondly the '80s and additionally the trend that the decade brought together with itself. 1970s' Style Trends Fashion in the 1970s has been iconic within a lot more ways than one. some of your very most revisited styles of most moment are many likely coming from this decade. We pick our favorite clothes styles in the seventies. 1990s fashion Trends 1990s was a occasion in which witnessed many fashion trends. Through your introduction of the really bizarre type statements towards the revival regarding manner from your olden days, the particular 1990s actually been along with them all. There would be a subtle facet for you to glitz, and... Fashion within the 1800s For somebody that loves clothing styles, the history involving style is quite intriguing. a thorough account of a brief history involving style as well as apparel will be incomplete without having your mention in the 1800s. 1920s' Flapper Dresses The Roaring Twenties or even the Crazy A long Time are usually significant in the good popularity for fashion. Attitude along with thinking changed along with time, along with flapper style emerged on the particular various other hand for the more common Victorian Era. Your 1920s observed the... 1960s' Fashion Clothing styles get usually been influenced through the attitudes of individuals from womens style the certain era; among the particular best examples is the 1960s' fashion, that comprised colorful fabrics and bold designs in which eradicated your formal styles. 80s' fashion pertaining to Men The '80s has been certainly one of one with the most iconic decades of fashion, particularly for men. Presently there had been the slew involving trends which men followed, some involving which can easily be seen on modern-day men and also runways alike. Ready to visit back again inside time along with energy to see... 1960s' Clothing The 1960s' fashion atmosphere ended up being arrested for ions involving rebellion and also experimentation! This attitude has been vividly reflected by1960s' clothing and accessories. the clothing and clothes of the 1960s', such as any other era for that... 1950s' Manner for Women Smart dressing, impeccable grooming, as well as well-tailored, feminine silhouettes are the distinguishing markers regarding 1950s' manner with regard to women. This kind of ended up being your post-World War time period as well as the ions associated with social, ideological, and... 1940s' Fashion After your Excellent Depression, world War II dented the morale in the people. Inside such desperate times using shortage associated with provides as well as rationing, men and women nonetheless held on to trend and coped along with simplicity. Females retained his or her long... Things to Think About When Choosing Vintage Clothing Vintage garments isn't merely regarding collecting clothes via past eras. It is also concerning selecting clothes that may always withstand the deterioration of your own time and also give worth towards the cash expended simply by you. Fashion inside the 1930s The 1930s was a decade which brought with it some associated with the the majority of significant developments within the trend industry, individuals that we use for you to this day. Buzzle provides a look at the particular trend inside the '30s. 80s' Prom Dresses The prom dresses of the 1980s always had additional fabric added for the design. These types of dresses had been usually colorful and also associated with dark shades. Your principal factor with regards to prom dresses throughout the 80s ended up being the use of dazzling gold, steel silver,... 1960s' Clothes regarding Men After many many years of conservative dressing, clothing for men underwent a sea adjust in the 1960s. Style patterns turning into comparatively a lot more radical along with liberated simply because of influences, through 1st the Mods and then the particular hippies. 1950s' Manner Trends So what were the tendencies in the 1950s that created the decade stand out in the reputation fashion? Why is the decade often heralded for that styles it has contributed? Manner in the fifties stood out credited for you to its structured range and... '60s' fashion pertaining to Women There is renewed interest concerning the trend in the '60s, and also fashionistas about the planet are usually wanting to include '60s' trend inside their wardrobe. Within this informative article we are going to talk about all about '60s' manner for women. '70s' Fashion '70s' manner will be reminiscent of Saturday Night Fever, Shiny Disco Balls along with Charlie's Angels. In case you need to always be able to integrate a few of the styles from the decade in your wardrobe, study on. 1970s' Fashion Fashion will be cyclical and also consequently it is not shocking that the newest fashions of the 1970s are making such a massive comeback. Coming From peasant skirts to bell bottoms and also cigarette pants, there are many staples through seventies' fashion that... 1980s Fashion The 1980s the latest fashions were certainly any foundation for that trend within the 21st century. This particular article provides you a brief breakdown of the trend in the 1980s. 1950s' Fashion Fifties trend ended up being completely different coming from those of thirties or forties. The Particular glamor world revamped itself using the introduction involving exquisite garments along with accessories manufactured by simply top fashion designers. Preserve studying to end up being able to recognize the... Women's Manner in the 1990s The evolution associated with fashion is extremely interesting if you tend to be taking the shut look at it, along with certainly 1 of the greater intriguing ages in trend was your 90s with regard to women. so what about any take a look at these traditional days... '70s' clothing Styles with regard to Women If you would like to end up being able to recreate the particular '70s appear within your existing wardrobe, then you have for you to recognize about '70s' clothes regarding women. to know more about this fashionable decade, take a look. 1960s' fashion with regard to Men If you need to always be able to know about the 1960s' fashion with regard to men, this brief article will give you every 1 of the details a person need. Proper coming from what was at to that which in turn was not, every thing is likely to be discussed. Additionally included is information around the hippie... 70s' Hairstyles as well as Makeup Retro has often been big, along with retro is currently creating a comeback. the 70s as well as the 80s saw a amount of crazy, but amazing locks and also makeup, therefore think about these days we take a glance at the particular 70s' styles regarding cosmetics and hairdo. Fashion Icons of the '70s Loved the style and also style statement of the seventies? Well, nearly all fashion fanatics tend to be huge fans of the era as well as the adore can most likely become attributed to those style mavens whom produced your decade as interesting as it was. Let's have a take a glance at who... Disco Clothes Disco clothes of the 70s as well as 80s, have a timeless vintage appeal. read about for a few useful guidelines to place with each and every other any disco look. 80's Type Clothing The 80's design clothing was unique and also had a bold fashion statement - the actual dazzling gold, steel silver, gorgeous pinks, and electric blue. The Particular hoop skirts, brief skirts, padded shoulders, and the dazzling accessories, tend to be most a... 1950s Trend regarding Men The 1950s fashion for men has been symbolized by numerous youngsters, attempting to express themselves through the actual clothes that they wore. Regarding the very first moment following the war, men started utilizing type in order to convey a feeling of identity. Grunge Clothing Vintage grunge garments worn by simply men and women, features a direct resemblance for the apparel worn through the rock stars inside the 1980s. This article provides some excellent info relating in order to this clothing. '80s Clothes Trends Wild or perhaps wacky, no matter how an individual take a peek at it, your '80s clothes developments can not really be ignored. Here's a fast recap in the fashion ideas in the 1980s. 18th Century Fashion: Costumes as well as Clothing The 18th century was a time period when style had been escalating to always be able to new levels. Your heavier garments were replaced by light fabrics as well as colors. Here are a handful of intriguing facts associated with costumes and apparel inside the 18th century. Party Themes in the '60s Whether your own strategy would be to arrange the sober as well as reasonable party or even a wild and crazy one, a topic from the 60s are usually a perfect option. 1900s Fashion Fashion in the 1900s took a drastic turn because the style market flourished, specifically in Europe. Let's have a take a look at some associated with the 1900s the latest fashions which were proven for men and also women.
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