#its kind of fun cause when i made my character i felt like i didn't rly know what they stood for or believed in or stuff like that
just-spacetrash · 7 months
just got back from dnd and HOOOLYYY SHITTT
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
A true love's kiss will solve it!
♡ Obey Me! Characters as fairy tale tropes
♡ Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Satan x gn!reader
♡ Genre: fluff, bit of angst?, fantasy AU
♡ A/N: this has been sitting in my drafts for literally ages and like i'm not even sure if this is good, also this got longer than I intended it to oop- but I hope you enjoy!
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The eldest prince with a closed heart
Being the eldest has its responsibilities. Lucifer had to make sure his brothers weren't causing chaos, had to inquire and see through the kingdom's welfare and had to be the image of absolute perfection.
But he was tired. Tired of acting like a trophy, tired of getting no time to himself to have fun, tired of maintaining this facade of a statue. And mostly, tired of never getting the chance of being vulnerable and showing emotion.
He acted like he didn't care. But he did. He cared when his brothers would often talk about how much of a headache he was, unaware of him standing behind the door.
He knew that it was his fault. His pride didn't let him show his family affection and it didn't let him open his heart to anyone.
But then you showed up. A traveler who set foot upon his kingdom and on the first day, managed to literally bump into him in the market.
At first, Lucifer was annoyed at you for disrupting him. But he simply took a look at your attire, which confirmed you were foreign and walked by you.
He almost forgot about you after that encounter. Almost. He spotted you once again, a few days later, in a different market, looking around the stalls curiously. Lucifer turned away making his way home, once again ignoring the thought of you.
But it was as if something grabbed a hold of his mind and he found himself returning back to the markets almost everyday in hopes of seeing you.
And after two days, he saw you once again. And as if you could feel his gaze, you turned as both your eyes met. He found it oddly endearing how your eyes lit up in recognition, waving a hand at him with a smile on your face.
And as he watched you come over to him, strike up a conversation, he was hesitant. But as the days grew, so did your meetings. He found himself smiling more and more, feeling warm at the thought of you.
And maybe you were crazy for not being intimidated by him and maybe he was crazy for willing to talk to you. And maybe he let you slip in through the cracks of the walls around his closed heart.
The merchant from far away
Mammon had been through kingdoms full of riches, lores, history, all kinds of people and much more. But he didn't care much for all of it, only the riches. Like a crow with an eye, he was good at knowing where his profits would be, where he would get rare items to sell.
But never did he think that visiting a certain kingdom would be a life changing matter for him when something caught his eye more than gold.
He wouldn't even be in your small kingdom if it wasn't for him losing some bet to his brothers and now he was here, wandering around in the markets, bored out of his mind when he spotted you.
You in your big hooded scarf, trying and failing, to blend in with the crowd. Well you were quite blending in with the crowd but Mammon had oddly spotted you amongst all the people.
He watched as you looked through people and stalls, often cautiously glancing back as if you were expecting for someone to lunge at you.
You were on high alert as you scanned the crowd and Mammon probably should've looked away 'cause when your eyes fell on his intense gaze on you, you froze like a child who had just been caught stealing fruit.
And as you looked away and made your way to another street, Mammon felt a pang of guilt 'cause he really didn't mean to creep you out. The next day is when you two meet.
Mammon was strolling down another part of the market when a jewellery shop caught his eye. Getting so caught up as he gazed lovingly at the shop, he failed to notice the figure he had bumped into.
Both of you froze as your eyes met and Mammon swore those were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. This, of course, caused him to blush and he exclaimed out a quite rude "watch were yer going, will ya?!"
And in his head he slapped himself in the face as he watched a frown take over your features, watched as you huffed angrily, and watched as you walked past him, bumping his shoulder along the way.
And he didn't know why he found himself calling out for you as his feet carried him towards you. As you turned around, like he's body was working on his own, he stuttered out a apology, with exaggerated hand gestures and blushing cheeks.
So when you quirked an eyebrow at him before telling him it was okay, he felt a fraction of his quilt being washed away.
And from then on, you two met more often and often as a friendship grew and the friendship blossomed into something more.
Before, Mammon would exchange anything for gold and money to satisfy his greed but now holding you in his arms, he knows that he wouldn't exchange this for anything in the world
The rebellious prince who longs for something more
Satan hated it. He hated how everyone in this godforsaken kingdom hid their sinister intentions behind smiles, he hated how they all pretended to be companions and yet judged each other with cynical views. And most of all, he hated how he did the same thing.
Everyone around him was telling him what to do and what not to do, the court telling him what he was meant to be, the visitors from other kingdoms desperately trying to create an alliance with him with things like friendships, gifts and marriages.
He felt like he was trapped. He couldn't do this, he couldn't do that. He had people tell him what he has to be, not letting him choose. It was suffocating. And the only place, the only escape he found from all this, was a beautiful clearing in a small forest not too far away from the castle. A plush bed of grass with flowers scattered here and there, and a small river running beside it.
He would often ignore some of his "duties", pick up a few books and head to the place to clear his mind alone in peace. So he was shocked to say the least, when he had once again made his way there, only to find a figure by the tree he sits under.
He watched from afar as you hummed to yourself while looking up at the sky with a soft smile. Satan, for the first time felt completely enthralled by your soothing voice and smile.
But he quickly made his way back with a shake of the head. He would just come back another day and you would be gone and all would be normal.
And so the next day came, and Satan was wondering around the palace halls having left his clingy attendents who were hell bent on making him choose a suitor.
He scoffed lightly as he thought back to it, when he's gaze fell on you, carrying a tray of plates into the kitchen. You, the person who had taken his place by the river. As he glanced inside the kitchen, careful to not make his presence known, he saw you, chatting away with some other maids.
So you were a worker here, how had he never noticed you? He was usually so sharp at observing everyone who was in the palace.
Nonetheless, he went on his way, back to his room but now with the lingering want of knowing more about you on his mind.
A few days later, he had once again decided to go to the river to escape from his troubles and once again he had to found you there, now picking some flowers. Only this time, he made the decision to talk to you.
And he would be lying if he didn't say your shocked and flustered expression on seeing him was more than amusing. When he asked you what you were doing here, you replied that you had stumbled upon this place and found it to be very calming.
For the first few weeks, he would talk to you but only for a little while. But he found himself wanting to know more about you, to talk to you and he found himself doing just that.
And suddenly when he found himself softly kissing you under that same tree he first saw you under, a warm feeling spread in his chest and he realized, maybe he doesn't hate it all.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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neighborlystudios · 30 days
・﹒・ but you have history
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Summary: You were preparing your stall in the market as a florist when all the flowers suddenly disappeared from your home. A group arrived to help you find the culprit and you were forever gateful. But after getting stuck with the rabbit named Jax in a cage, he reveals something to you that shatters your world.
Warnings: 15+, existentialism, soft Jax
Pairing: Jax x NPC!reader
Notes: Sorry I like making Jax vulnerable. Also I never beta read have fun.
You angrily stared at the purple rabbit that got you into the current situation now- stuck in a cage, and with him nonetheless. How did you end up here? Well, after your flowers were stolen, a group of people arrived and promised they would get them back. After finding the culprit, you all chased them down. However, the thief put a trap down which led you and the rabbit to stepping on said trap and being lifted high in the air in a metal cage.
"You happy?" You snarked at the equally as upset rabbit. You were bad with names so you forgot his, but didn't care enough to ask for it again. Plus, he was rude to you first, so it was fair.
"Oh yeah, sure I'm happy. Of course I'm not happy! Ya know- if it wasn't for you running ahead we wouldn't be in this situation right now!" You couldn't believe his rudeness!
"Oh I'm the issue? How? What on Earth did I even do? Try and get my flowers back?" You both were basically screaming now, both angry at each other and the fact that you were both stuck in a cage.
"Oh please! I can't believe I'm arguing with a friggin' NPC..." N...pc? What did he just call you? The rabbit rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around his knees, pulling them up to rest his head on his forearms as he stared out
"What does NPC mean? If it was an insult that was a weird one I've never heard of before"
"You're fake, this whole world is fake, NPC means non-playable character" That made you still. Fake? Everything is fake? Lips wobbling, you shakily scooted over to him and grabbed him by his overalls and shook him. He had to be messing with you, there was no way your world was fake, no way.
"What you mean fake?' You yelled in anger, was he playing some kind of joke? Was he just trying to make you even more mad? He just let you shake him until he had enough and pulled away, pushing you slightly to gain some distance in the small space.
"Your life is all made up by zeroes and ones, computer code. You're not a real person, none of this is! Do you remember your mother? Your father? Anyone that doesn't exist in this village? Your first friend?" All his questions made you ready to argue back when it dawned on you that you didn't remember any of that. You couldn't even remember your parents' names, or faces, why couldn't you? Leaning back, you tried so hard to remember everything he asked you, yet, you couldn't answer a single one. Putting your hands over your head, you shrieked as he was right- everything was a lie. Tears quickly formed and you sobbed.
"So I'm not even real? Nothing is real?" You were breathing so heavily as the realization crashed onto you. But you just visited your mom last week! ....right? Oh no, what was happening? No, no, no, this can't be your life, you're real, you're real!
"Oh would you shut up?" You temporarily paused and looked up at him, gosh he was horrible. You slapped him in the arm, causing him to yelp and rub the area as he scowled at you.
"Oh, me shut up? Why does it matter? I'm fake right? So what does that make you? Aren't you fake too?" You were still sniffling as he sighed and rubbed his head.
"Because I've been trapped in this friggin' simulation for who knows how long. I was originally a human in the real world. This?" He then motions with his hand, waving around. "Is inside all a computer" You still felt on edge considering your whole life was a lie, but started to calm down.
"You mentioned this thing- computer- twice now. What is that?"
"Well, its a thing where you can have it do anything" You stared at him with your eyes wide, is that possible?
"Anything?" You whispered, in awe at what he said. Can it actually do anything? Well, considering it's possible of creating fake realities- then yeah, but that still just seemed impossible.
"Yep! Including your world. The AI that controls it makes these worlds to keep us busy. Its stupid" The rabbit wasn't looking at you now, he was staring outside the bars into what you now understood wasn't real, especially to him.
"Why busy? What happens if you're not busy?" The question caused his face to change, he looked almost...sad.
"Well, when we aren't kept busy and aren't kept sane uh...something called "abstraction" happens where we lose ourselves and become huge glitchy monsters. It's uh...not pretty" He looked so hurt as he curled in on himself, pained, like he wanted to cry. Slowly raising your hand, you rubbed it slowly against his back and couldn't help but feel like you wanted to comfort him. You may not have been real- but that didn't mean what you're experiencing right now isn't and couldn't help him.
"At least you don't have to worry about that stuff, you don't have to worry about your friends dying because they couldn't take it...haha. I mean, of course you'd go insane after being stuck in a world that isn't yours in a body that isn't yours and life is meaningless hahah" You knew he was hurting from his situation and still wasn't the kindest, but you still felt like you could make something out of this life, whatever it may be.
"But at least you have history, you have real memories. I...I don't. I learned that I only exist for you guys, ha...so what after this I'm just going to cease to exist? Is that it?" You decided to accept your fate- you weren't going to live anymore after this, you were going to die.
"That's the thing, NPC- every unlucky winner loses everything from the real world. Every single memory. It's so stupid!" He hit the bars, causing the cage to shake as you try and stable yourself from his anger. That made you feel sad as his anger was justified, but the excuse that your life was better because you were ignorant to your true nature.
"That's why my name is Jax. I couldn't remember it when I came here and everyone else doesn't even remember their friggin' name either. I mean, how cruel can life be?"
"Well, isn't it as equally cruel knowing that you're entire life was fake and made for someone else's entertainment without having any real memories of the past?" You didn't want to argue or fight back with him, but you had to funnel your anger out too while also proving his point right.
"I guess you're right"
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3motionally3xhausted · 5 months
More Ouran redesigns!
Below the cut, listen to me ramble about the art choices I made in the redesigns, please. (Honey, Yasuchika, Kasanoda, Renge)
+A little sketch of Haruhi & Tamaki 😊
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I redid Honey's because I was so unhappy with the first version, but I like this one a LOT more. He kinds of looks like an idol, but I'm not mad at it lol
The main thing I don't like about the canon design of Honey is that he looks like a literal child (wow new idea alert) and somehow in my first redesign I didn't get rid of that problem?? And I just didn't like the way that one turned out art-wise.
So! This time, I made his face a lot less round and decided to give him shorter hair in a more natural/ash blonde color. Instead of going full l*lita, I was aiming more for "soft boy" & I spent a good minute just coloring his eyes so they look pretty magical (or a bit creepy, I can't tell lol) but I wanted him to have long pretty lashes. Also, I added a little scar on the bridge of his nose to hint at his hidden violent side
(That shirt is entirely improvised lmao)
Anyway, Yasuchika!
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I always felt kind of bad for him (for that one episode that he appeared lol), so I wanted to lean into the fact that he's kinda bitter Honey left the Judo club but still admires him a lot.
I had to remember what he looked like first, but I actually really like his design in the manga so its practically the same lol. The hair is slightly different though. And, it's subtle, but his hair is bleached here as a tiny nod that he wants to be more like his brother, though he didn't go full blonde. And since their hair and eyes are different, I now headcanon that they have different moms, because I can and it tugs at my heartstrings for some reason.
Now, Kasadona's and Renge's were done kind of a while ago, so the art is marginally worse imo, but anyway
Onto Kasanoda!
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Another character that I always loved and felt sad about! This time he has two episodes, I think.
Since it's important to his character, I had to keep him looking scary, but that doesn't mean I couldn't make him look sad too! I love aiming for subtle expressions lol, I remember this one was really fun.
I can't tell you why I made his hair wavy/curly, I just wanted that, but those little shaved bits at the corners of his hairline were very intentional; it's meant to kind of mimic devil horns just to solidify that he's seen as kind of evil and whatever. And his eyes! I think that blizzard nickname/reputation (i can't remember) is really unique, so it exaggerates his cold glare.
(Trying to avoid saying 'kind of' so much, jeez)
Last up, Renge!
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She also kind of looks like an idol, mostly 'cause of the pose and little sparkle, though. And oddly enough, I really didn't like her when I was originally watching the show (thought she was annoying lol) but I kind of adore her now because..
This girl is a nerd, she's silly, she's a cosplayer, a complete madwoman, and girl boss! (Character-wise, I only really take issue with the 'fuj*shi' 'y*oi stan' part, so that's cut for my version) But I really wanted to show that more fun, adventurous part of her, so she has pink dye on the underside, with her hair pulled into this big red bow.
I don't have many thoughts on her past what I already said, she just deserves to be cute and have fun. But I do think she should be in on the secret that Haruhi's a girl, and they should be good friends, the show is just lacking in girl friendships. (Excluding the Zuka club, they're full on lesbians and the show portrayed them so weirdly imo.)
(***I only censored some words cuz I don't want anything to end up in my feed lol)
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
I'd be hard pressed to say I don't enjoy collector at all (I have merch of him after all). But my feelings towards him are complicated, he was great in s2, but in s3 I couldn't help but feel like the crew felt like they couldn't redeem him as is. That they felt they needed to absolve him of doing anything actually wrong so all his potential crimes are either nonexistent, blamed on other collectors/belos, or pretty much swept under the rug.
When we saw that collector back in KKKOHD it was like " Oooo this is intriguing, who is this and whats their deal?". Dana even showed off her half of collector's face during the charity event and saying "you've technically already met them" . So it was like "oooo the collector who caught the owl beast!".
And then it keeps ramping up, we have Philip find him, he's introduced as childish but sinister, he has a murder cult who worships him, he slams belos into a wall and angrily forces king to stay with him from luz.
And then-
Nah, he's unaware of death, misunderstood, hates said cult, and not even the same collector we met who caught the owl beast.
It felt like we were building up a very different kind of collector then what we got. This child who played with his food and didn't care who got hurt unless he was having fun, who caused the curse and pissed off the titan so much he hid his son away, and then everything that made him more grey just.... was not his fault at all.
And then on top of this there are just things between ep2 and 3 that don't make sense or are dropped, he doesn't understand death but crosses out a whole chapter in his book explicitly about genocide, which implies he does understand death? Belos tricks him into thinking King wants him dead and collector litterally gets over it by the next episode that i kinda don't see what the point was? He is shown to feel jealous over luz and angry about her arrival, but by the next episode he litterally starts the episode claiming to want to be her friend? How does he know about the cult but not know about death given they KILL titans?
Heck, FTF ends on him sinisterly saying he wants to play a new game, but WAD claims the dream sequence was belos's idea, not his, so its extremely misleading.
I'm not even opposed to the idea of a character being built up to be sinister only to reveal they never actually were and it was just a lie built on misunderstandings and paranoia. But it didn't feel nearly as well built up as it could've been.
And then on top of this, collector cries over luz dying as if its the first time he's felt this way, despite knowing her as a friend for a few hours max? He's never cried before? Not when the titans who were his friends were killed or when he got locked up? And then despite this being here to teach him about death being permanent, luz basically instantly comes back.
And after all of this, after what he did to the people on the isles, he just....leaves. he doesn't stay to help repair the isles that he partially damaged, and despite the show having a found family message and collector not wanting to be alone....he leaves....to be alone. So his redemption rests on a few hours of life lessons with luz, luz's not permanent death, and then thats enough to change his whole world view so its perfectly fine if he goes off on his own now I guess.
Collector pretty much goes out entirely unpunished for anything, the isles shows no lasting anger to him, he keeps his friendship with king, luz didn't actually die, so there's really no strong consequences for what he did. He feels bad for the draining spell and stuff but thats really it, he doesn’t stay to repent or anything. I know he's a child but he might be the child character who got off the easiest for his actions this entire series, and what he was responsible for wasn't light either.
I like the idea behind collector, but I don't understand entirely the love surrounding him because the writing surrounding him and his arc is confusing and it read to me like they were bending over backwards to erase any trace of him doing anything bad of his own violation or just not taking it as seriously as they should of.
Trying to redeem a collector who did intentionally hurt others , who does work hard to repent, and who learns over a longer period of time, would of felt more satisfying and would've been more interesting.
I hardly have anything to add to this, you've summed up pretty much every issue I take with the little guy! I'm not denying that he's a bad concept or a bad character, the execution of his supposed arc and intensely conflicting information we were given about him through the course of the last half of the show, coupled with the fact that he's always kind of felt like he appeared out of nowhere to me, I hate to say it, but he really hurts the narrative more than he helps it as-is. More energy, time, and really thought put into him would soothe a lot of these issues.
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adasknife · 6 months
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notes: so i feel like matpat explaining ada wong's character. but here's what I meant with my words because I don't want people to misinterpret my words over and over again. first of all: i personally headcanon ada is a woman who tries to get better, but she... can't really. she grew up (implied) in this world. she doesn't know how to properly care for people (that includes leon). just like Leon and the others: ada has trauma (headcanon) but given the context of the story. Ada doesn't change. Or changes properly for the better. anyways because she betrayed wesker... people forget that not everything is ABOUT leon. she is person who wants to save her own skin
if you don't agree. it's fine. don't attack me. this is a mix of og and remake with the given context of both stories. I like Ada as a character. I think she is fun. and this for me to understand her character for me. and for the others, it's unfortunate that I keep say this, but I am not treating leon as a baby. he has his only faults and this is just focused on ada as a character.
ada hates being a butterfly. a pathetic insect that flies around and declares itself with its beautiful wings. people just see them and want to oogle them, and for her... it's her body. ada is beautiful. it's all she hears from herself. her body, her face, her voice. people love to hear her speak, and they love to have their faces caressed by her. obviously, by the way she grew up in this cold world... it made her cold. she is a mercenary. her beauty saved her ass so many times. that's when wesker comes in and gives her a mission.
in that mission, she pretends to be a scientist, and during that time, she meets john clems (canon character). john was her first curious case in her life. he was in umbrella because he wanted to cure people. he was blissful, unaware of the world around them, and ada hated him. but he was the first one who actually cared about her. he trusted her smart head, her stubbornness. and... she fell in love with him. he was just a cute blond. john made her to his password and ada... ada took pictures with him. he was her maybe. but was he really? or was she using him. ada didn't know anymore.
when john was sent to the spencer mansion, ada didn't expect the rest of it to happen. john was her heart, and he died in a pathetic explosion. she didn't know the details, but she felt it had to do with STARS.
leon s. kennedy came into her life and she ruined his life. it wasn't on purpose. leon, like john, was blissfully unaware of the cruel world. but she wasn't. she knew the world. she made a mistake by kissing him because something snapped inside of him. he wasn't dumb. ada had underestimated him.
when she kissed him, she pulled close to him despite her running away from his touch.
that was probably the red flag.
"please?" ada asked him.
leon didn't answer like she wanted.
when leon discovered she was a mercenary, she immediately raised her gun without thinking twice. fuck no. this idiot. this dumb rookie won't win against her. she needed to calm down, she took a deep breath and lowered her gun. that's when annette shot her in the shoulder. how ironic, the bullet leon saved her from... came again. she fell and leon grabbed her. leon. the wonderful idiot still had kindness in him.
ada longed for that for herself. but kindness is a weakness. it's payments. if ada is saved by leon. she owes him, and he didn't stop it. it will be an endless line of payments.
now, six years passed. unaware of her, ada had cursed leon. leon is a broken man. not all caused by her, of course. they met for less than a day. not even a full night. but he doesn't trust people thanks to her. leon though sees ada as something. a bad reminder of the worst day of his life. he trusted her and after knowing her. he was blackmailed into working with the government. sure, it wasn't her fault. but he connected them together like a dumb child. it wasn't his fault. he is still suffering from his trauma.
ada on the other hand got to see her former co-worker. luis was different from john. luis was more aware of what umbrella did. however, he felt guilt of his actions. ada didn't understand it but supported his actions.
repaying for your sins. that's sounds harder said than done. and besides, luis was her only connection she had with her former life with john. it... meant something to her for some reason. then, when luis died. she wanted to honor him.
but new habits die fast. ada helped leon to save herself once again.
"have you changed ada? Or do you wanna use me again?" leon asked her. ada smiled. leon is a pile of people she had used, she just told him hours ago to leave ashley. ada doesn't want to be selfish but how else would she live? but... she forgets there is kindness in her. thats the flaw of ada wong.
she uses leon as her protection because of his survivors guilt. his guilt of letting people die, he protects ada yet they will never choose each other. would lovers always point a gun to each others faces? what had leon tried to learn about her? he didn't try. but it was fine. they owed it to each other.
when ada saw her clone. ada... ada felt sick. she felt like a damn pinned up butterfly in display. she will never be free.
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
I watched Korra again for the Weilin but I still Don’t Get It even though I want to!!! Can you give me the rundown/pitch/Weilin 101??
Oh boy I am so sorry I made such a fuss to over weilin you felt like you needed to rewatch the show for it.
So basically, Wei and Bolin don't have many interactions in canon. In fact I would say that there are only two scenes that properly count as one on one interactions. Its also important to note that the only Beifong twin Bolin ever interacts with as a singular person rarher than a pair is Wei. He never interacts with Wing unless he is addressing both twins.
The first interaction between Bolin and Wei is during B3 when Bolin is trying and failing miserably to learn metalbending. Wei seems annoyed to be stuck with someone who doesn't know metalbending and decides to sandwich Bo between two metal plates. As you do.
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He then claims that 'trial by fire' is the best way to learn metalbending. Since Wei is such a minor character, we don't know enough about him to be able to fully pinpoint where this action came from. Does Wei genuinely think that bodily harm is the best way to learn a martial art? Was he trying to distract Bolin from his constant failure to bend metal? Was this the equivalent of a puppy biting someone as an attempt to initiate playtime? Is he just a douche?
We will probably never know. Thanks nickelodeon.
Bolin does eventually return the gesture in kind, getting his own petty revenge. And hitting Wei in the head with a pebble.
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I like this scene, because it showcases Bolin's pettier side. One that rarely, if ever comes out with his canon romantic interests. Bolin is a character that has a habit of reigning in his less palatable traits, in order to appeal more to the people around him. His petty and more sarcastic nature is reserved mainly for Mako, probably the person he feels most comfortable with.
I think it's a very fun thing to see this side of him flare up with this random guy and it gave me thought about how their relationship could incorporate this. Wei enjoying pressing Bolin's buttons, causing Bolin to showcase more of his more authentic self.
They so seem to both have a passion for sports and earthbending which is cute. They're both competitive which adds some nice flavour and potential spicy sparring scenes.
The next scene is the famed catch n' pat.
Youre gonna tell me this wasn't at least a bit fruity?
The prolonged eye contact? The damsel in distress imagery? Bolin's lil smirk that is soon replaced with bisexual confusiom?
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Imo they have a lot of chemisrty in both these scenes and make me want more of their relationship.
I also think it would be very interesting to see Bolin develop feelings for a guy. We see that he puts his female love interests on a certain pedestal. Id assume this is due to a rather naive and innocent view of love, most likely due to the fact that he didn't get to emotionally mature enough to acknowledge that romance isn't like what the fairytales say it is.
It would be interesting to see Bolin not get to 'court' said male romantic interest like he usually does. Bolin wouldn't be as 'showmany' with a guy friend than with a girl he'd like to seduce. This causes an interesting dynamic to the relationship if Bolin were to want to seduce said guy, who has seen him with his guard down.
Also seeing comphet boy Bolin going through a crisis of sexuality because his (ex?) girlfriend's brother patted his face is very appealing to me
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I think what entices me in weilin is being able to have a dynamic no other ship could fully offer Bolin. And the potential of character growth it could afford Bolin, a character whose complexity is often overlooked, much to my upset. Personally, I dislike all of Bolin's canon relationships, so when Weilin came chemistry guns a blazing I was very intrigued. And then I fell down the rabbit hole and now im here.
If you have any more questions on Weilin please feel free to ask! I'm over the moon to ramble about them to whoever will listen. Hope this was enough to start you off with.
Also, if you're interested, I have a concerningly long essay on the subject because I am very sane and normal about them:
Rest assured my feelings have since evolved and i now have more reasons to ship them.
I guess there's so much fun to have with this ship and the dynamics and stories they could have.
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synthleeius · 10 months
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listen right in the middle of this fic i got bsd burn out HARDD snd it was HORRIBLE so its kinda a drabble now snd its like kind of bad I KNOW IM SORry but um i tried
It was rare to see you so touchy and somewhat intimate, but it's different this time.
You and Dazai laid in the messy apartment supplied by the agency, tangled in each other. It was extremely out of character for you, but tonight, you decided to indulge him and his annoying antics. You were tired after all, it's not your fault…
With that, you laid limply in the arms of the one and only Dazai Osamu, after him nagging you about it. He began to speak, his voice full of smugness. “You comfy down there~?” He asked.
You had the urge to just not reply at all, just to piss him off a bit.. But, better not, you thought. If you did, you wouldn't hear the end of it.. “mhm.” You mumbled, not enough energy in you to actually voice a proper response.
“What? That's all I get?” He asked with a painfully obvious fake pout, shaking you in his arms a bit. You just groaned, shoving his shoulders a bit to make him back off. He did.. but you both ended up in the same position as before, which you definitely weren't opposed to.
“Hey.” You mumbled after a bit of comfortable silence, moving to look up at him. You heard him chuckle softly, glancing into your eyes. “Mhm?” He hummed with an awfully curious tone, one that immediately put a smile on your face.
You didn't respond, seemingly dozing off. You snapped back to reality when you felt a gentle tap on your back. “Whaaatt~? Speak.” He said with a slight whine.
“shhh, shut up.” You mumbled, moving to grab one of Dazai’s wrists and hold his hand in between yours. “Guess what?” You began again, an uncharacteristically playful smile on your face.
“What?” Dazai immediately responded, another child-like look of curiosity taking up his expression. “I can read palms. Yknow, the lines.” You said absentmindedly, “I've decided that today.”
“Oh, you’ve decided, have you? Tell me then, what messages do my palms have?” He replied with a soft chuckle, enjoying the unusual playful aura around the both of you. “Mhm. You see, this one says..”
You began to trace a finger down the biggest line on his palm, smirking smugly when you felt his wrist flex back and the base of his hand squirm slightly in your grasp. “This line represents how unbelievably ticklish you are for a detective agency member. Isn't that fun?”
“Wait-” His words tumbled out, stuttering over themselves a bit. “theheres no way this is coming frohom you!”
“And what's that comment supposed to mean? You think I'm not capable of having fun?” You replied with a chuckle, pressing your fingers into the upper area of his palm and scratching your way down to his wrist.
“kihind of..?” He mumbled absentmindedly, his attention mostly on trying to wiggle his hand out of your firm grasp. At his words, you let out a fake-offended gasp. “That's so rude!” You exclaimed, letting his wrist go. While you provided him a temporary relief from the tingly sensations, you still looked for other spots to grab at..
“Not if it's true~” He teased, moving his hands to sit comfortably around your waist and join together behind your back. “Remember, you're under me right now. I could just..” He moved his hands to sit on the back of your sides, his fingers making a claw.
Sure, that made you jolt a bit, but.. you werent the one who was going to end up in that position, not again.. “Maybe you're the one who should remember my position, Dazai..” You began in a teasing tone, moving your head up to sit in the crook of his neck. “I can do this.”
With that, you blew a soft stream of air on his collarbone, causing him to jolt backwards with a giggle. “Stohop- stop, this is horriblllleee~” He whined.
“It's not horrible if you like it,” You mumbled in his ear, pressing your hand up against his back before slipping it under his shirt and dragging a nail up his spine. He simply whined again, shaking his head a bit. “Ihi dohont!”
“Are you sure? Hmm?” You giggled a bit at his reaction, your nails tracing small circles on the side of his back. “Because it seems like you like it.. Maybe you should work on that y'know.”
“Leave me alone! Oh my god, you're trying to kill me!” He said in a childish tone, “This is why I hate stupid detectives!”
“You are a stupid detective.” You pointed out with a deadpan tone. You moved your hand to his waist, dragging your fingertips up and down the soft skin.
“you're so dramatic; I'm barely touching you."
“Nohot a detective if i dont do hahalf the work! Yohour wrohonggg~” god, even when he was in this predicament, he still had the same snarky attitude. “Im not drahamatic, your dramahatic.”
With that comment, you dug your fingers in a little bit. After you elited a muffled squeal and a jolt from him, you soon switched back to gentle strokes. “Yeah? Wanna repeat that?”
“fUhuck yohou!” He laughed out, his body jerking backwards involuntarily at the sensations before he returned to breathy giggles. “ugh.. yohour evil.”
“Am I now?” You scoffed, “That's craaazy. I’ll think about that, really take it into consideration for you.”
Soon enough, your fingers slowed to a stop and slipped back to your own torso. “Mmh.. So you finally decided to spare me?” He said smugly, squeezing you a bit in his embrace.
“Is that your way of saying that you want more? Huh?” You tilted your head up at him, a teasing tone in your words. “noho- no, i'm good..” He chuckled.
“That's what I thought.”
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Chain of Thorns: all my main thoughts
yes hello, i wanna make a large post abt this bc i just need to list everything out since i have A LOT of thoughts
Things I Liked:
basically every moment where we got to see Will. I was laughing at so many things that Will said and I missed having that, since I will never get enough of Will's humor.
Seeing Jesse interact with the Merry Thieves. It made me so happy and I love seeing Jesse's dry humor mixed in with the Merry Thieves; he fits in with them so well.
Just human Jesse in general. Everything about him made me so happy. He was so kind and brave and quite funny.
Getting to see more of Anna/Ari. During the first book we got almost nothing of them, partially because of Ari being poisoned but also because Anna was kind of not in the main circle yet.
Christopher visiting Grace and them getting to know each other. It made me so happy that there was someone who could see past what Grace had done and could give her a second chance, and their bond over science was so sweet.
Thomastair. That's it. No explanation needed.
Ghostwriter I thought was pretty well done, but the whole "them kissing would cause Lucie to see demon stuff" was kind of unnecessary.
Jem being there for Grace and talking to her to help her through
The Watchers were a really cool plot twist I wasn't expecting
honestly the james turning on the lamp on pg 127 caused a lot of pterodactyl screeching which was fun
the Herondaisy scene in chapter 23 hehe
Effie every time she opens her mouth
Also Bridget who is my queen. she is my love, my life, my star.
Eugenia Lightwood just existing was fabulous.
Esme being the most random plot thread ever which caused a lot of unexpected laughter
"Alastair why are you so stupid I brush my teeth dont tell anyone" LMAO
Alastair with the baby
Again, Thomastair.
Matthew's eventual acceptance of Alastair into the group
Cordelia outsmarting Lilith with her deal
Belial having a weird obsession with being crowned prince of London or whatever
Also Belial's weird bird demon friend made me CACKLE
Bridgestock blackmailing Charles. if i'm honest, i think it was a great part of the plot bc it did kind of give Charles a slight redemption (but also him being kind of outted is also really bad) but i think it was great in kind of allowing Flora be able to accept Ari without fear of Maurice
Lucie and Cordelia talking abt Cordelia's boobs lmaooo/The Wicked Queen Cordelia
Grace's entire arc through this book
the different meanings behind "cordelia ran"
Things that made me sobbbb:
Will becoming a sort of father figure to Jesse
The Merry Thieves helping Matthew with his drinking
Cordelia and James when they finally confessed for real
Matthew's entire arc with his drinking and telling the truth
Christopher's death
"you are my unfinished business" IM SOBBING STILL
Christopher's death
The scene where they see that Kit's dead
Kit being dead
Intermission: Grief
the fact that kit was in fact dead and not going to come back at the end (i was in denial for the entire second half)
Matthew and James while in Edom
Thomas coming out to his family
Alastair telling Cordelia that he's always afraid for her with her being the wielder of Cortana
Again. Kit's death. (i cried a lot ok its been an emotional couple of days)
Things I didn't like:
The whole love triangle. I still don't think that Matthew truly loved Cordelia and i never believed it would be an actual love triangle
the fact that the truth about the bracelet had to be kept secret for so long. it felt kind of unnecessary. there were other ways to draw out the plot than that.
the fact that tatiana exists
Kit's death. I feel like it's so unfair that of all people, he's the one to die. it didn't feel well written, it felt like it had to happen bc she couldn't kill the queer characters and Kit was the only main character left that she COULD kill.
Grace's entire plot being kind of left without an ending.
The lack of mourning/a funeral for kit. (since we didnt get enough mourning, i think im going to write it bc i want to suffer for the purpose of completing the loose ends)
the pacing. the entire plot felt so oddly paced, and it wasn't as much of a mystery like choi or chog.
again, why christopher? i feel like matthew would've been a better choice, or perhaps sona.
magnus kind of getting written out so early
though i love our gay couples and their accepting families, it is a little bit unrealistic. i get that the point is that this particular batch of the families are very kind people in comparison to what their families become a little farther down the road(ie Robert, maryse, etc), but it still feels a little bit unrealistic.
i felt like the whole lucie and cordelia struggling with their friendship thing was a little bit too much to add into this already very full book. (although i loved the wicked cordelia reveal that was fun)
i feel like we didn't fully get the wrap up at the end that we needed. we didn't see enough of them after the battle, as they came to terms with their losses and their wins and how they would continue their lives.
also we never really got to see jesse meeting his cousins/aunts and uncles and i wish we'd gotten that.
Questions I still have:
bridget? whats going on with her? theres a throwaway line in the coda mentioning something is odd abt her, but thats it??
grace. what is going to happen to grace? i wish we could perhaps see her and figure out if she's alright.
im still confused abt the lightwood line. i guess they're trying to say that alexander is going to continue it? (that actually kind of makes sense, genetics wise tho, cuz alexander looks like cecily and alec and izzy are supposed to inherit that)
will we ever get a revised family tree?
blackthorn line???
Rupert's ghost?
fairchild line? am i correct to assume that its going to tie into charlotte's pregnancy reveal at the end?
I'm sure I have more thoughts but I can't remember them at this present moment and I didn't write them down but these are all the ones I wrote down.
lmk what y'all think abt this book
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maapllee · 2 years
hey i was wondering if i could have a bakugo/todoroki/deku x reader (any one of them is fine) where the reader often rambles (had a past where they were often neglected and ignored) and they cant really control when it happens. so they end up rambling in class to a group when talking about something they really like, but the class ends up disinterested and kind of talks over her, before one of them (preferably Ochako cuz i have a burning hate for her that can only be fueled by fanfiction) kind of irritably cuts her off. after that the reader kind of goes radio silent and isolates for the rest of the day because they feel like a bother, and the worried guy of your choosing goes to check up on them, only to find them like laying on top of their cover's staring at nothing, a dead or empty look on their face. maybe they try and get them to talk, and eventually the reader opens up and says they feel like a bother/like no one likes them, maybe some light bullying from pink cheeks and gossip/rumors from other people in the school cuz they have a weak/villainous quirk and they deem them unfit, and even a bit of sad y/n backstory 😼 anyways i just want it to be heart-wrenching angst with little to no fluff until the end, can be from any characters POV. sorry if this is long i had a bit of a brain dump, feel free to change anything too!
oh also! cool quirk idea for the reader:
Bubble Pop: essentially the reader can create bubble of any shapes or sizes from their body or water sources nearby (its harder like that) and they dont pop unless the reader wants them too, so they can be used as bullets or trampolines to jump off of . (can even house people inside to help them escape) but when these bubbles pop they release hallucinogenic gas that can cause horrific hallucinations to those who inhale it. (feel and look real, like in schizophrenia disorder, can be very damaging to the victim). oh also maybe overuse causes the reader to become severely dehydrated, resulting is muscle cramps and liver problems, and hallucinations to themselves. also a heightened chance of schizophrenic disorder.
thats all i think.
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I like how you called him Deku 💀
I'm super sorry for the delay, I hope you like it <3
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A certain pink-haired girl walked through the classroom doors, hair wet. "Bakugou has been such as ass for no reaaassoonnn." Mina pouted, laying her head on the table.
"Are you sure that's not because of your constant pranks on him?" Yaomomo questioned, hands on her hips. "Yeah, that's right. You do go overboard with your pranks, Mina."
Mina stuck her tongue out. "Awhhhh I can't help it, he's too fun to tease." "He's stuck up, isn't he?" Uraraka piped in, "He shouldn't have done that, that was wayy too mean."
"You're the only one that gets me, 'chako." Mina dramatically put her arms around Ochako's neck. "Bakugou's rude and unbearable, gosh. The only one he cares about himself. He's always mean to Izuku as well..." Ochako continued, huffing.
Todoroki and Izuku-kun walked closer on hearing what Ochako had to say. Taking a seat on the tables, listening to the conversation. "Isn't that a bit rude, Uraraka?" Izuku said nervously. "If Kacchan heard it-"
Before Todoroki could say anything, you spoke up. "I think Bakugou's that way because he's insecure. He looks like he only cares about himself, but when Izuku-kun was about to get kidnapped he was the first one to step in. Oh, and didn't he give you a sweater, Mina when you said you felt cold the other day?"
"You're right~ he's one of my bestest friends after all." Mina hummed. Ochako wasn't a fan of the fact you were the centre of attention, she made that clear by staring bullets into you.
"Even though he's rude to Izuku-kun- which isn't justified, He cares about Izuku a lot. I think Bakugou makes himself look confident and egotistical because he doesn't want to be seen as weak"
 Yaoyorozu seemed interested at first, but she was talking to Todoroki now and you could see some of your classmates yawning and others walking away. Ochako gave you a look.
"Not cause he's actually any of those things." Your throat dried up as you trailed off. Izuku nodded, smiling. But you didn't see that.
Uraraka put her hand on her cheek, tilting her head. "Woooww, that was so interesting [name]. Anyways, who wants to check out the new cafe after classes today?"
Ashido cheered and the girls nodded enthusiastically, agreeing to the plan. They crowded around Uraraka, shoving you out of the way in the process.
After class, you walked to your locker deciding to retreat to your dorm for the rest of the day. You'd annoyed the people around you enough already. It's not like you had a right to be in their plans and bother them with your company. Sighing, you slammed the locker shut and walked to the dorm building.
Setting your heavy bag on the floor, you didn't bother changing out of your uniform. The sleeves of your blazer were damp with your tears. Well, whatever. You didn't mind being alone. Who cares about the opinions of some stuck-up teenagers anyways. Plopping yourself down on your bed, you decided to indulge yourself, indulge yourself in the pain your past held.
Thoughts trickled in slowly. It's not like you need company, you reassured yourself. You've done this before.
Did everyone really hate you? Were they just nice to you because you're classmates? Were you that boring?
<<I bet they won't even notice I'm gone>>
<<everyone hates me.>> You thought.
<<maybe I should just- >>
Your little seance with your past self was cut short by a sharp knock at your door. Not that you bothered responding though. The person walked in and you didn't bother looking at them. What use was any of this?
"Hey..You feeling alright?" A squeaky voice asked. You turned your head to see the nervous green-haired boy standing there, looking at you with concern.
▻ "Uhuh." You replied.
"You don't sound alright. Mm...I know, do you want to talk about it?"
▻ "I told you, I'm fine. Dandy."
"Look, I'm here for you. You can tell me what's bothering you, don't bottle it up. You might feel better after you say it out loud, you know?" Midoriya said, seating himself down next to you.
You didn't want to keep it in anymore. It hurt and Midoriya seemed like he cared.
"It's just...I feel like everyone hates me. That they're just tolerating me cause they have to. You've heard the rumours about my grandfather going insane because of my quirk. They're just two-faced, talking behind my back and being nice to me to my face. it just sucks."
Midoriya hummed, understanding where you came from. "I don't think that's the case. Rumours come and go, we all have haters. We were worried about you because you haven't talked much today. I thought something was off when you looked sad in class today." You listened silently. He continued.
"The others are at the cafe, waiting for us. I volunteered to bring you there. Come on [name], join us. It'll be fun." Izuku smiled.
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molthethratrenerd · 2 months
my gender
This is gonna be a long rant abt my gender so you do have to read it. I just need to say it.
Ok so ive been question my gender/sexuality for like 3-4 years now and i this was kinda it
Oh i'm a bi girl -> im pan girl -> lesbian -> pan she/they still a girl but queerer
Then like i was more worried about trying to figure out my sexuality right cause like i wanted to be kissed before my 16th (that didn't happen) 
Then like maybe mid 2022 i started thinking about gender and i knew 2 trans people but i was kinda like no that can't be me flashforward to march 2023 i got in to will wood and i was like ‘no way i'm in anyway trans but if i could be him i would’ and i like said to myself that i just thought he was attractive?? Then the same thing happened with the character jesse st james from glee which was even weird because there was no way i would want to date him, so thats when she/they pronouns came in i put it in my bio. Then kids from my class found out and made fun of it so i changed em back to she/her. 
Then since like september last year it feels like minimum weekly i’d either not be able to stop thinking abt gender or take way too many ‘what's my gender quizzes’ 
And like i feel its alway been in the day of my head, but its becoming more prevalent since then ive been like could i be non binary, genderfluid pintrest boards. At the beginning of the year i cut my hair again, which felt so good,.
So now somedays im having thoughts like ‘oh my fucking god why cant i drink something and be a guy’ ‘please for fucks sake’ though im nor sure id like to be a man im not 100% sure im a girl (im moving further from that). But like if there was like a magical thing i could drink do idk that would turn every inch into like robert smith between 1983-2004 id do it so quickly omg. 
And like it kinda hurts that i'm not idk (and ive never felt this for any girl celebrities)
And i kinda think they are also there those thoughts but some days theyre less i thinks thats just cus im distracting myself though i dont know i could be fluid. 
But i dont want to be any guy like the men in my family most of them are big i cant think of a better word then buffheads more so my dad but i could just not want to be like them i dont have a good relationship 
I dont think i HATE being a girl- i don't love it i like some parts but i dont think its things exclusive to girls say cause gender norms n stuff. 
I dont know if i have dysphoria because that fluctuates but im vision impaired so if i dont try and look at my body i forget some of it exists i really dont like my boobs or how clothes sit on my body think i like okay with having a cups (that i could easly hide if i wanted to  i dont but that cause also be cause by the pain they cause me.
My waist i like but only because that's the part of my body thats skinnest like my body was less shapely but that skinny id be elated.
But especially o the days i think abt it more but also all the time i do wish for more masc features eg adams apple more angular face bigger hands etc etc.Voices of weird one because my voice is in mezzo soprano range my speaking voice however in chest voice is kinda low  but I was self-conscious about it growing up because it made me stand out in different even though really it wasn't I think I just thought people were staring at me for no reason.  I think I only like my voice when I'm singing when I'm acting because I can imagine myself playing characters who aren't me but idk but if it was lower like high baritone or tenor id be like so fucking happy.
And like i Kind of want to try dressing differently but I can't because a I don't want my family to know certain pieces of clothing would be mens Not that they have a problem with it I'm assuming they could though but they probably just want to talk about it and I would not but also like  I remember one time I was at the shop called Factorie  and I wanted to get the Black Parade t-shirt but it was a mens shirt  and my god the amount of anxiety I had and the amount of people that I felt were staring at me I almost had a panic attack. 
And like I feel like if I ever did do anything about gender irl  I'd run away from everyone I know and cut of connections again not because I feel like they'd be bad about it but just I've built this thing around myself so long and I don't think I could even my queer friends like i dont know  my parents I'd feel like I'd be letting them down, and like 
But also so much for my childhood makes sense
Like when I was about 8 I got eczema for the first time and my first thought was ‘oh im turning into a boy… shit what am I gonna tell my parents’  which I don't even know why my brain made that jump but i hated my boobs sometimes more then others Once they got past a certain size,  when I had a pixie cut and a couple people in the street would mistake me for a boy felt exposed ‘like shh don't tell’ 
But I was also such a girly todder/ child  from like ages four Tube8 I would pride myself on being the girlest girl never wearing pants  because I kind of think it was trying to win that competition but I don't know         
I don't think anybody read this whole thing but if you did help me out or don't I don't care but I just needed to vent this 
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matchalilly · 7 months
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This gaming series has always had a special place in my heart for more reasons than one.
In middle school and high-school it was my shit played more co op than campaign in college cause I had a solid group of friends I'd hop on with.
But as a military brat I got the biggest crush on Mactavish when I was a tween, irritated the hell out of my bf at the time to the point he'd start snarky arguments about how I gush over a scottsman when his Irish ass is right there granted we'd laugh about it cause I'd point out how stupid it was that he's getting bent over a video game character, his ma would even join in saying just wait maybe an actual Scottish boy will swipe me from him.
As much as he gave me shit over Soap certain parts of the game hit him hard too.
We mutually broke up before high school, still hung out and gamed together but he decided he was going to join the army after graduating and didn't want me stuck worrying constantly, even though I expressed my interest in joining the marines like my dad.
That started up a whole new 'dig at each other' playfully of course both of us came from military families him strictly army me a mix of marine, army, and navy.
Dad was against his only baby girl joining the military and I just said alright ill just do some form of art than, ended up taking international culinary courses and cosplay ended up unironacally making military friends regardless.
You'd be surprised how many service men and women I've met in the cosplay community not to mention lawyers and doctors, even dentists it's wild honestly but it's neat, and some of them would play with me on CoD just to keep in touch. We'd joke and shit on each other and shit on the occasional teams that would be toxic in the lobby after losing the match to a team mixed with chicks and guys and would scream hacks.
Long and short of it this game is a staple in many special memories for me. It isn't just a game I play for the fun of it, I've made friends, connections and sometimes we all hop on just to chat in the lobby not even going into game. We would just sit cracking jokes and go back and forth if we wanted to hop in a match and go naaaaaaaaaah not tonight, got work or nah I have morning classes or mmm gotta be at base early or I would, ect you get the idea life stuff.
Now I'm back in it watching my friend that's never played a shooter in her life enjoying co op and the campaign and its the best thing to see.
She's a Konig girl and gets shitty that he's not in it much and me and my other pal just laugh and tell her he wasn't in the old games much either, nothing new better get used to relying on the simping fandom for her Konig material.
She even went and started a fanfiction and asks me all kinds of questions, although she had the audacity to call Ghost mean and I'm just like girl how dare 😤
Seriously don't know why people think he's mean, clearly they haven't heard his glorious dad jokes dudes just a hardened soldier.
But she adores Soap too so we chat often about him or she'll gush about Konig or send me mass GhostSoap pictures and I'm just like wow you found that side of the Fandom took you long enough 😆
Even my military hubby joins us cause he grew up playing the games too. Imagine his suprise one year when he came home from a deployment catching his wife playing CoD not knowing I even had an interest in the game.
That was a fun conversation our first year married.
Sat and watched him start the new campaign last night and I was so frustrated that he purposely would get Price killed just to rile me up (even detonated himself at one point) before restarting the mission and say 'imma do it again' only for me to tell him to leave the old man alone and actually do the damn mission.
Sorry not sorry felt like reminiscing, tis the season of recalling fond memories.
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ineffable-rohese · 8 months
Writing on writing
I write a lot for my job. Like so much. I write all day, sometimes, between emails and reports and policy and plans and website content. A lot of it is standard non-creative writing, but a chunk of my job is creating useable activities that will engage a huge range of audiences. (I'm being cagey here just because a lot of what I'm posting on this here Tumblr , and especially what's on AO3, could potentially cause me professional issues because people are awful and expect Certain People not to do Certain Things.)
So, I write a lot. And I'm good at it. Some parts of writing, the kind I do every day, I'm excellent at. I'm the one my colleagues ask to wordsmith their ideas, or to edit their reports, or to take a collection of random facts and turn it into a compelling argument.
And I'm writing for fun now. Fiction isn't something I've delved into much, and I'm not nearly as comfortable with it as I am with other writing. I feel like I have a good sense of setting and character (though I'm still learning how to communicate both of those things in the way I want to). I can paint you a picture (heck I can give a full sensory experience, sensualist that I am), build a mood, find a spark of humour. Plot is a challenge for me, always has been. My child- and youthhood daydreams were always rambling things, more concerned with what it felt like (physically and emotionally) to be in those imagined worlds than any sort of action, and certainly not something with a satisfying beginning, middle, and end. But I'm learning as I go, and I'm surprisingly OK with that.
When I was in high school, I was made to believe I was a bad writer. My school had extraordinarily high standards for its students, and strict guidelines for what constituted "correct" writing. I was so smart, and so creative, and so undiagnosed ADHD... I hated writing the way they insisted. The neat boxes they expected writing to fit into didn't make any sense to me. I struggled. I cried a lot. I back-created drafts and outlines to fit the final papers that I wrote through in one go because they expected a draft to be the whole thing but bad, and why would I not work and rework each paragraph as I went, like my brain wanted to? Why would I leave errors and bad sentence structure there, where I could see them, where they would drive me insane because I was supposed to just "get it all out on paper" and "fix it later."
And how was I supposed to make a thesis just from my notes? It was, and is, through the process of writing that my ideas come together, and how broken was I made to feel when the thesis I said I was writing (chose at random, based on their restrictive formula of "if A and B, then C" or some nonsense) turned out to be wrong by the time I was done. The number of times I found my thesis in my conclusion was extremely high, and eventually I stopped being surprised when I drastically revised my thesis halfway through writing a paper, but that was years later.
I had one saving grace of a teacher. He wasn't supposed to be our 11th grade English teacher at all - he was the drama teacher, but the normal teacher was out on leave that year and I got lucky. (The other teacher had a Reputation. I don't know if I would have even passed, or come out with any self-esteem intact.) Instead of a five-paragraph essay, I was able to offer creative writing responses. I was encouraged to follow my wild ideas and craft beautiful, dream-like descriptions. I could turn in a poem in lieu of an essay, or reach beyond the text I was studying to look at the wider context, which made my connections-skilled brain sing. It wasn't always great. In fact, a lot of it was shaky at best, but I wasn't punished for trying something new or unexpected, my process was allowed to be my own, and I didn't hate it. Much of it was still a struggle, but it was a struggle I wanted to succeed at, as opposed to merely survive.
With all that, I still managed to graduate thinking I was a shitty writer. Technically proficient - I could proofread and edit with the best of them - but I definitely could not claim "writer" as something I was or could hope to be.
I believed it for the entirety of undergrad, where my first year I spent an entire required writing course waiting for my prof to give me anything other than effusive praise and I ended the term in tears in her office because I didn't believe her when she encouraged me to write more, and where I got straight As in my academic course the last two years, nearly all of which were analysis or history-based and all graded based on term papers. I even believed it through most of grad school where, again, I was writing so much about so many things and getting near-perfect grades.
My final year of schooling, I finally started to believe what all my university professors had tried to tell me. It took so very long and hurt so much along the way.
And now, here we are, and I'm posting my fiction for all the world to see, giving total strangers (and one or two non-strangers) a glimpse into parts of my brain that I'm only now accepting are OK to have and enjoy. And the writing is nowhere near what I wish it was. It's OK. Good even. But I read other's works and I'm blown away by what they can do, and I only wish I could make my words dance that way. Sure, my words dance, but it's not what you'd call good dancing. So every story feels like holding my dripping, beating heart in my hands as an offering and just hoping I'm not embarassing myself.
But you know what? I'm going to keep doing it, for as long as it brings me joy. And it'll get better, and I'll get better, and maybe the 15 year old inside of me will heal just a little more every time. Maybe I'll feel like I can call myself a writer
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carverl · 9 months
I've been rewatching the Indiana Jones films and decided to rank them from least favourite to my absolute favourite, I'd like to note that despite what negative things I may have to say I don't think there is a bad movie in this franchise which is kind of a miracle. I love all of them to some extent, this series means the world to me, and I feel the entertainment industry is lucky to have it.
5. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
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I really love the first two acts of this movie; the 50s setting is fun, Harrison Ford is great as ever, Cate Blanchett plays a great villain, the action is fun and energetic, and despite how much of a shitty person Shia LaBeouf is his performance as Mutt Williams is honestly really great. Then they get to the jungle in the second half and it all starts to fall apart. The car chase is pretty terrible, the giant ants are creepy but kind of just meh and the conclusion feels very underwhelming. I will say that I don't agree with the criticism that there being aliens is a bridge too far, it's about as plausible as any of the other supernatural stuff so it doesn't feel out of place to me. Overall a fun movie just a bit messy in its third act. 6/10
4. Dial of Destiny
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I was so anxious to watch this one, all I'd heard from people was that it was terrible and another wasted legacy sequel, so imagine my surprise when I sat down to watch it and found it's actually brilliant. It feels like a proper finale to the series and does a lot of interesting things with Indy and makes him more compelling in this film than he's been since Last Crusade. Mads Mikkelsen plays my favourite Indy villain in Jürgen Voller, who is intimidating yet ever so slightly campy. I love him, and his plan is so bonkers and off the wall it's amazing. Helena is a brilliant supporting character, and I love how she's kind of like a young Indy with her own version of Shortround. The overall message of the film plus how it deals with Indy's age and the ending made me cry, I felt it was truly something special. That being said, I didn't like the CGI young Harrison Ford at the start of the movie, as well as how a lot of the once practical stunts are now completely CGI, but that aside I love this film. 8/10
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
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The classic that started it all, I'm not gonna say much about this film mainly because I feel like out of all the films I have least to say about this one. It's really great with phenomenonal action, music, acting, and pacing. An adventure for the ages, everything that could possibly be said about this movie has been said. It's a masterpiece. So why is it not at the top? Mainly cause I like the next two more, nothing against this film but I feel later entries improve on what's already there. Still the most quintessential adventure film of all time. 9/10
2. Temple of Doom
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My hot take is that Temple of Doom is better than Raiders and I will die on this hill. This movie is a thrill ride from start to finish with some of my favourite characters in the whole franchise; I love Shortround and think he's a great sidekick to Indy, I love Willie she's such a great comedic foil and her line delivery never fails to crack me up, Mola Ram is basically the devil himself with how genuinely evil he is compared to the other bad guys he seems to be relishing in his evil. The camp fun of this movie mixed in with genuine horror imagery and elements make it utterly unforgettable to me, I know for some people it's too mean spirited but I kind of love that about it. Harrison Ford is so great here too, he is an absolute delight in this movie in every scene. The action is unmatched in the rest of the series here with the mine cart chase and bridge collapse being series highlights for me. Overall, it's just a brilliant bit of fun that while not being very deep has such great entertainment factor that I adore it. 9/10
1. The Last Crusade
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I must have watched this on VHS so many times as a kid, I was constantly rewatching Last Crusade so I have a nostalgic bias for this movie, but so what? This movie means so much to me personally, its themes of obsession and fatherhood are beautifully executed. Getting Sean Connery, James Bond himself, to play Indy's father was a genius move by Spielberg the presence of Henry Jones sr elevates this film to the stratosphere for me. The story and characters are absolutely perfect, the action is as great as ever, the character of Indiana Jones himself is at his peak in this movie with how we learn so much about his past with that incredible opening sequence with young Indy. My only slight criticism is that the main villain, Walter Donovan is the weakest of the series, but even that's made up for by Elsa, who plays the role as both villain and love interest brilliantly. I love this movie to death. 10/10
"Indiana, let it go."
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you mentioned your wol is cis(ish), what does that mean? (/gen)
(In relation to my WoL post) Sorry this took too long to respond to, distracted by stuff
Short answer:
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Long answer under the cut, but probably not as interesting as you might be hoping. But also deeply personal. Mostly a recap of the stuff in that thread, with a bit more context from my personal life and my evolving feelings of gender involved.
But if you don't wanna read all that, its basically "She is a in-universe fantasia addict and has no real attachment to her physical body, and that includes her genitals."
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Language is going to be a get tricky in this one, given we are talking about a setting that may not have the same views of gender as we do.
She is Cis(ish) simply because she is an afab woman who treats gender like just another part of her dresser. Were she educated on the topic, she would probably consider herself either genderfluid or agender. She is always a girl, but rarely 'just' a girl.
T'sraetn is my main. All of my characters are some reflection of myself, but as my main, T'sraetn is more myself than anyone. As such, many of her changes throughout the years are based on my own changes.
She started 1.x as just an afab miqo'te, because at the time, I was a trans woman and T'sraetn represented who I wanted to be, and remained that way through ARR. By the time Heavensward had launched, I had grown more comfortable with being trans, and fantasia'd T'sraetn into a trans Au Ra girl.
I know "Are fantasias canon?" is a very contested question in the fandom, but luckily I don't give a fuck about other people's opinions, so I don't have to care about that. And the fun thing about treating magic gender/race change juice as canon, is it vastly increases the number of options for gender presentation.
T'sraetn became an Au Ra cause she thought horns and scales were cool and wanted some. She stayed a girl cause she viewed herself as a girl and wanted to remain that way. She got a penis cause she wanted one. It was really that simple.
Just before Stormblood I... changed her back to Miqo'te. I didn't really do it cause I wanted to, I did it because I was in a really shitty relationship and the person I was with at the time wanted me to. Shortly after Stormblood launched, I stopped playing her as that person turned into a stalker, and started playing a new character, T'alia.
T'alia was kind of built on the loathing I had for T'sraetn at the time. How I felt she wasn't mine anymore, so I made a bastardized version of her that I justified as being her mom. I joined another FC, and got to start roleplaying as this character and fleshing her out more. I filled in the role they needed of a central antagonist, which fit in with the loathing I had built the character on. I built a few other characters to play as when we didn't need a central antagonist that week. But as Shadowbringers drew closer, I noticed a problem. In order to do any RP's in Shadowbringers areas, I'd have to do the expansion a second time in order to get there. I'd have to unlock flying, and do all that other bullshit.
I didn't want to, so I introduced a new character: T'alia. Or more accurately, a clone of her, which the FC affectionately named 'Tali' to tell the two apart. This new version of her rejected T'alias goals for her, and wanted to be her own person. Someone fighting along the FC. However, she had cybernetic enhancements that allowed T'alia to control her body and keep her from fighting back. Now I had an excuse to be on either side of a fight, without it being a question of "Why do you go missing every time we fight this one specific bad guy"
I made a central part of Tali's personality her crisis of identity. She didn't want to be the person everyone told her she was. I uh... I was not that subtle about it being a metaphor for my saltiness over that ex who's FC I was in. She was constantly modifying herself, trying to replace her cybernetics or alter the organics of her body. I only *actually* fantasia'd her twice, first time into a Viera, but I imagined she was changing up her body pretty regularly, trying to find the one that actually felt like "her".
Eventually, I got kinda fed up with the limitations of Viera in the game, specifically after one of the holiday events where Viera couldn't even wear the reward from it. So I decided I was going to fantasia her again when I had the chance, and worked it into the RP. I had worked a lot of frustrations about my own mother into the character of T'alia, and so I had known for a little bit before hand that Tali was actually T'sraetn, and had dropped a few hints in RP about it (mostly referencing past stuff with other FC members who came with when leaving that old FC). Stuff the players would go "We sure did that together, yep." while being subtle about the fact that my character absolutely should not remember that.
Eventually, I did the big reveal in RP, changed my characters name back to my old main, and reclaimed my old character. The ACTUAL old character became Gaelicat. That... is not canon to T'sraetn's story (unless... hm...) I decided to leave in the love for changing up her body she had acquired as Tali. She still had the cybernetics at this point, and it was a recurring joke in RP that her arms would fall off in every fight and she would have to find someone to fix them. Even once she had her cybernetics removed, she still retained the same attitude of having no attachment to her body. It could be changed and altered, maybe not easily, but it was certainly possible.
So she has no real attachment to her current form anymore. She looks that way just cause that's how she wants to look. She might see a pretty hrothgal and decide to be one of those for a bit. She might want to go for a (slightly. very slightly) bit more of a masculine look for a bit and become a male viera.
Ultimately it boils down to... it doesn't matter what configuration the parts of her body take, its just a fucking body, and it can and will be changed on a whim with this handy blue drink.
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enigmasandepiphanies · 7 months
the last weekend was one of the top 10 best moments of my life and if I told the younger me about it, she'd never believe me at all. isn't that what adulthood is about after all, doing things that would make the little girl with braids who still lives inside you happy. i went to the eras tour movie with my best friend who is also my musical soulmate there was something in the air that day that was unlike any trips we'd taken—we have to travel quite a lot from college to reach the city. it was this humming anticipation but it was a gentle refrigerator like humming filled with comfort. then after a great breakfast, arriving at the mall and reaching the theatre, the humming became loud buzzing as my best friend and i couldn't contain excitement. we were like a container of overspillng strawberries.
we met so many swifities and when the movie began, IT BURST. we never sat down on the seats, singing loudly to all songs for 3 hours, waving flashlights, screaming all fanchants, running across the theatre stairs to the screen dancing all the songs of our childhood and girlhood and songs that shaped us, hugging, holding hands. i have been part of fandoms, I have found most of my belonging in fan communities—they have nurtured who I am today. but I have never been to a concert, this was the closest I have been to one and it was everything. we were probably the only people who knew lyrics to all the songs. there was so much fluorescent happiness, you know the hazy kind, the one which you look back in life to and think it was a surreal dream. it was surreal, I still don't think I remember every bit of it. I just remember happy screams, loud singing, feet hurting, jumping and waving and being enveloped in my best friend's love. people looked at us when we danced near the screen stage on 'our song', it is taylor's old album so not everyone knew but it felt like a main character moment to know and when my best friend made me twirl to it, I remembered listening to this song for the first time on YouTube, it was one of the first Taylor songs after love story that I had heard and I fell in love with its country storytelling, 11 year old me wanted that love. and when my best friend told me there was no one I would do this with except you, I almost wanted to crush her in my embrace because same but also because it is not just about the movie and fandom and celebrating your love for music which whispered your soul alive but also about people, people who you share that love with and the sharing is such a love multiplier cause love is not just stored in my best friend but she returns me love with interest, with more dividends with just more love. god i love her so much!!!
we were planning to stay in the city in a hotel with our other friend whose birthday it was and celebrate her birthday with good old fashioned alcohol and going to a nightclub. yes very first world country I think but I am not from a first world country and it was like my second time going to a club. after reaching at the hotel, we ordered wraps and showered and got cozy under those white comfy hotel comforters. we took a cuddly nap and then woke up late in evening when the sun set, sky was the darkish greyish blue and vehicles were honking during evening rush. oh wait btw I just got legal so I legally brought alcohol from the mall btw, they didn't even check my id cause the way I asked about alcohol seemed like i was experienced and old even though I have like a baby face. we ordered some noodles, chicken, snacks and mixers BUT THERE WAS NO BOTTLE OPENER for the mixers and my friend used a spoon to open it IT WAS SO FUCKING COOL, I literally gave her three bows on my legs. I had the most fun pregaming experience cause I was with the people I felt so comfortable and loved by, we got ready while pregaming. I often talk about girlhood interrupted due to being in 20s but with my best friend doing my eyeliner, mixing drinks, dancing to paper rings and 2010s bollywood songs, pregaming on bhajans, wearing sparkly dresses and jewellery and just hugging my friends for no reason was when my girlhood was interrupted. my best friend ordered an auto in her tipsy state.
and we went to the club, saw the cool college group from uni turns out they are very boring, they didn't even dance. they played some amazing songs so we danced, my musical soulmate flicked my glasses off and a kind girl from the cool college group also helped me find it, my best friend found it. there was that obnoxious male attention which we downed it with one shared long island tea, the club asked us for a picture idk how tf that picture turned out cause we were so drunk, I remember being so happy in that moment just holding my best friend and dancing to songs in languages I didn't even understand. and then when it was time to go home, this guy flirted with both of us (I called him mufasa from simba idk why I told him he's hot but dont you dare think you're getting away flirting with both of us men ugh he was hot tho) , I fell off sone stairs a bit not hurt don't worry, the sober birthday girl called a taxi, I emergency dialled my parents (yes they are all stories for some other). I cleaned my best friends puke, held her hair, broke a cup during cleaning, I puked. it was quite a wild night, we cleaned up, had the best sleep of our lives. I just I think the aftermath of returning is when I truly realized how I love my friends like I didn't mind cleaning up after them, it was natural. they took care of me—shoving antacid in my mouth, cuddling me post breakfast while we watched gilmore girls, it was yeah. it was a surreal dream, true textbook fanfictiony being in your 20s experience that you tell your kids but that is not why I loved it the most, I loved it because I was with people who made me feel so loved. ughhhhhhhhh
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