#its hard to try to google 'tall guy and a guy one head shorter than him kissing and stuff'
humlors · 14 days
Drawing ships w height difference:
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Realizing all reference pics don't account for said height difference, so you have to adjust it yourself and hope it doesn't look absolutely nuts:
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mechahero · 2 years
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@cakotopia​ asked- vash and lambda bc why not
if they had a kid meme (accepting)
Name: Sparrow Gender: Male General Appearance: A tall stick of a man. He’s a few feet shorter than Vash but still tall as hell. Broad shoulders, slightly bulky, olive colored skin. A full head of dirty blonde hair that he regularly dyes black, though there’s still streaks of bleached, undyed hair throughout. He’s also got bright gold eyes (though how that happened is beyond anyone’s guess).Usually seen walking around the place in a black suit he got his hands on.  Personality: Honestly, the kid’s an absolute goofball. A total sweetheart. Having been raised by two guys trying to be a good influence on their son and its certainly reflected in the way he behaves. A little naïve, maybe but he does mean well. Doesn’t stop him from being a cocky little shit when he thinks he’s right or when he thinks he’s got the upper hand in a fight. Special Talents: Not sure if superpowers qualify? But outside of the whole Plant ability junk he might have picked up from Vash, Sparrow can stretch his arms to incredibly long lengths. It comes in handy sometimes! Who they like better: Vash. You know that one parent you just click with more? Yeah, its like that. Who they take after more: Lambda, but slightly? Though it’s more fair to say he takes after both of them when it comes to certain things. Personal Headcanon: How about two? Sparrow looks so happy and smiley all the time (not just cause he’s a goofball but partially) because he picked up Lambda’s resting bitch face and he’d look pretty cold and intimidating otherwise. Also he’s obsessed with parkour. Face Claim: do you know how hard it is to find a goofy looking black haired anime boy for a face claim that isnt goku or the dude from one piece? best i can do is this guy from black clover (he popped up in google image results so yeah)
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mayansmcx · 4 years
Hell Hath No Fury
Hi all! I’ve literally never done creative writing but I’ve been so fixated on finding Mayans fan fic. As an obsessive fan and reader, I’ve read pretty much all of them. So that led me to trying to write my own to try and fill some of the need for more! Deciding whether or not to make this an Angel/Nestor love triangle thing or not. I like messy relationships. Let me know that you think!
Working in the Mayors office wasn’t my lifelong aspiration but after working for a Congressman who embodied all that was bad in politics, I couldn’t get away fast enough. That’s what led me here, to Santo Padre. I always knew I wanted to work in politics, but leaving so abruptly from the office in DC, and under the circumstances, it was difficult to find a job in any level of the field where my old boss wouldn’t immediately try and sabotage. Luckily, Santo Padre doesn’t even qualify as a dot on a map and so my former boss had no damn idea I was applying here or the connection I had to get into this office.
Mayor Antonia Pena needed a new Chief of Staff after hers went ghost and never showed up for work again - they still don’t know why he bailed or why he never came to get the stuff from his desk, but apparently his last few months there he started to spiral: drinking all the time, jumpy, bursts of anger... the works. No one was entirely surprised he left, by what I’ve been told.
Its a pretty mundane gig. The town is, for the most part, quiet. The outlaw biker gang, the Mayans, have some weird unspoken arrangement with the cops where they help keep the town as safe as they can on their respective sides of the law.
We never see much of the outlaws, which is why it is weird as shit that the head of the motorcycle gang just walked into our office and requested an urgent meeting with the mayor. Usually I try and field these requests and take the meeting for her, but in this case she wants to meet directly.
“Come on back, the mayor is ready for you Mr.....” I trail off, as I realize I never actually caught his name.
“Just call me Bishop. And this is Taza.” He says, gesturing to the man next to him.
“Nice to meet you Bishop and Taza. My name is Lennon. I’ll be staffing the meeting.” I reply politely.
“Lennon, we were kind of hoping for a private meeting with the Mayor, no offense.” Bishop says, running his hand through his hair, seeming a little tense.
“As the Mayors Chief, it’s my job to staff her. If it makes you feel better, whatever you say in there, I’m going to find out anyway. I’m the cogs that make everything run for this office. I take on the grunt work so she can focus on the big picture. It’s usually easier for me to hear things directly than getting the recap later.” I explain, hoping they understand what it is that I do.
“Ah, so you’re the one who makes shit happen” Taza lets off a quick chuckle.
“More or less.” I give a light laugh, “she makes the decisions, I coordinate it to make it reality. Makes her life easier, and gives me a job.”
I open the door the Mayor’s office and invite them in. Mayor Pena is reviewing paperwork for the newest city council proposal for repairing the sidewalks by the school.
“Hey boss, our drop in is here” I alert her.
She sees our visitors and promptly puts the papers back into their folder before standing up to greet them.
“Bishop it’s so nice to see you again. Or at least I believe it is for now, it depends on what you’re about to discuss” Antonia states, trying to sound relaxed, but the rigidness in her body language is hard to ignore.
Bishop smirks, “Well, you know us, always trying to stay out of your hair. That’s why we feel bad about coming to you. We need a favor.”
Antonia relaxes a little, which I find odd (all things considered). “Well, tell me what I can do for you” she replied confidently.
“One of our guys is locked up in Indio right now. Nothing bad, just a little drunk and disorderly charge after a bar fight. Given the fact that he’s wearing his kutte, they seem to be going a little harder on him.” Bishop explains.
“Ah yes, those damn biker stereotypes foil a nice evening once again!” Antonia says as she plet off a genuine laugh which Taza and Bishop joined in on as well. “We’ll see what we can do. Lennon, I’m going to need you to work this today.” Antonia said as her eyes met mine.
“You got it, boss.” I nodded quickly. “Now gentleman, why don’t we go grab some coffee and you can tell me what it is that we’re working with.” They both stood up and followed me out of the building and across the street to Tino’s Café.
We place get our orders and grab a seat in the back corner.
“Alright Mr. Leader of a motorcycle gang, what’s the situation” I say playfully. Humor and playful banter is my go-to for alleviating any tension. People tend to ease up with a fun-loving approach.
“It’s not a gang, it’s a club. And my official title is president”, Bishop says as firmly as he points to the patch on his chest before he lets off a quick laugh. “Anyways, like I told the Mayor, one of our guys is in lock up in Indio. He drank a little too much and some hedge fund lookin’ kid got mouthy. Shit escalated, a fight broke out. Hedge fund kid cried about the big bad biker and got off, said he wanted to press charges, and then our guy was hauled away.” He states matter-of-factly.
“Ok, that’s not too bad.” I say as I mull over the facts. “What’s his name?” I ask.
“Reyes. Angel Reyes.” Taza, who I now see has a Vice-President patch, answers. “Two of our guys, Coco and EZ were with him. They made it back this morning.”
“Alright, give me a second and I’ll make a call to up there and see what magic I can work” I tell them as I get up and walk outside, not waiting for them to okay my decision.
I google the number to their police department and dial. It rings three times before someone answers.
“Indio Police Department, this is Officer McMann” a monotone voice comes on the line.
“Hi, my name is Lennon Parker and I’m the Chief of Staff for Mayor Antonia Pena here in Santo Padre. I hear you have one of our constituents. Who do I need to speak to about the charges and possible release.” I say in my ‘official and authoritative’ voice.
“No one. He’s staying here. He’s not getting bail given the fact that he’s a member of a known criminal group.” He finishes his statement and immediately hangs up the phone.
I walk back into the coffee shop not bothering to hide my annoyance.
“That idiot hung up on me. Looks like I’m talking a trip to Indio. Can’t hang up on me to my face.” I snap as I grab my purse.
Both men raise their eyebrows and look at each other.
“I like your attitude, kid” Taza tells me. “We’ll send some of our guys with you.”
“It’s fine, I should be okay getting there and back.” I express, a little confused as to why they’d want someone to accompany me.
“Nah, he’s one of ours. And after last night, if Coco and EZ aren’t there to talk shit when he gets out, they’re gonna feel real sad” Taza laughs.
“Can’t deny you guys these simple joys in life. Have them meet me at the office in 20 minutes and we’ll go from there.” I concede.
I stroll back to the Mayor’s office and let Antonia know what’s going on.
“Be smart, Len.” She tells me, “I know how your mouth can get you in trouble.” She tries to laugh it off, but deep down we both know she’s serious.
I’ve only been working for her for six months, but we met each other about a decade ago when I was in a fellowship program and she was working for the City Planner. She was a good bit older than me, but somehow our friendship still clicked. She took on the roll as friend, and surrogate big sister. It’s why I didn’t want the Chief job the first time around. Mixing professional with personal can get messy.
“Oh c’mon Toni, there’s no fun in this if I can’t ruffle some feathers.” I winked at her as I walk out of her office at sound of motorcycles fast approaching.
I walk out to the parking lot and see two men hop off their bikes. One is shorter and lean with long hair and eyes that scream “don’t fuck with me”. His black and white plaid jacket was under his kutte. The other is tall, well built with short hair and a cut off shirt that drew attention to his muscular arms. His kutte wasn’t like the rest, it was less adorned and had a simple “PROSPECT” patch.
Without any pause, I introduce myself. “Hi I’m Lennon, you must be EZ and Coco. Now who is who?”
“Im EZ” the tall one raises his hand. I reach out to shake his hand, which he meets.
“So that makes you Coco.” I say as I move my hand to shake his. He looks at my hand for a second before giving it a quick shake as he nods.
“I assume you all don’t want to ride in my car, so if you want, follow me or meet me there. Whatever you want.” I tell them as I turn around and walk to my car.
“Alright, catch you there” one of them says, I don’t look back to see which one.
I turn the music up in my Audi A4 and start my drive. Getting lost in my thoughts as I strategize every possible path to getting this stranger out of jail.
Almost two hours later, I arrive at the jail. The two bikers are already sitting in the parking lot smoking their cigarettes.
“Took you long enough.” Coco says, not even bothering to make eye contact.
“Well you know, if I try and split lanes like you guys get to, it becomes a car accident.” I retort with no hesitation or care about his coldness. “Let’s go do this thing. Let me do the talking, they’re already holding the whole ‘biker’ thing against him.”
EZ opens his mouth to say something, before realizing there is no logical point he can make to find flaw in what I have just said.
I turn around, and walk up the steps. Throwing my shoulders back, I open the door and walk to the front desk. Quickly checking the name tag of the officer at the desk, I note it’s the same ass I spoke to on the phone. My annoyance from earlier reemerges.
“Hi Officer McMann. My name is Lennon, we spoke earlier. I need you to go get your superior.” I smile sweetly, but my tone reads more menacingly.
“No, he’s busy. If it’s about that biker, I already told you, he’s staying put.” He tells me, completely unphased.
“Oh no, officer. You seem to be mistaken. I did not request to speak to your superior. It was an order.” I say, losing all pretense of fake politeness.
I immediately see someone come out of the office in the back.
“Officer McMann, what seems to be the problem?” The older officer asks.
“This woman would like to speak with you, Chief, regarding the release of biker from their po-dunk down. She works for the Mayor” McMann tells his boss.
“Well it seems like you’ve wasted your time coming down here if you’re trying to get him out” the Chief tells me, the air of superiority he has immediately gets under my skin.
“Well, Chief… Ryan, is it? Chief Ryan, you seem to think this is an exercise in futility because our city is, what did this inept officer say? Po-dunk? I didn’t come down here to try and get Mr. Reyes released, I came here to do it.” My sickly sweet smile now dissipates. “You see, you might think I’m a nobody from a nothing-to-do town, but before I worked for our Mayor, I worked in DC, for a Congressman. You know what’s nice about being a Chief of Staff for a Congressman? All of the connections I made.” The Chiefs face falters and fear starts to creep into his eyes as he realizes he doesn’t have the upper hand in this discussion anymore. “In fact, I have your Senator and Assemblymember here in my contacts. I’m sure you know what they do, right? They help secure your funding. Senator Monroe and Assemblywoman Ruiz are quite fond of me after a bill our offices all worked together, I’m sure they’d love to hear about your prejudicial treatment of one of the Mayor’s constituents. So now, before I have to escalate this - which based on the look of your face is something you don’t want – go release Mr. Reyes and see to it that no charges are filed.” I finish, the confidence and ferocity of my voice is lost on no one.
“But… you see, we’ve already started the paperwork for the case…” the Chief states, clearly rattled.
The falsely sweet smile returns to my face, “I’m sorry, did I stutter?” The smile drops again, “I said release him. Any paperwork you’ve filed sounds like a personal problem. One that you can fix once you release Mr. Reyes.”
Chief Ryan is quiet for a few seconds. “McMann, go get Mr. Reyes and apologize for our mistake” he tells the young officer
“Good call” I tell him as he sulks back to his office.
“Damn girl” Cocos voice calls from behind me, the previous coldness in his tone was gone “that was some good shit. Old boy looked like he saw fuckin’ Jesus for a second.”
“I don’t like being talked down to. Especially not by some old white dude with an ego.” I shrugged.
“You didn’t knock him down a peg, you kicked his ass down the stairs” Coco is replied.
“Look here he comes Angel” EZ says as we look up and see an extremely tall, well built man with a beard getting uncuffed at the end of the hall.
He walks out rubbing his wrists which bear indentations from the handcuffs and are lightly red.
Before they can start to talk shit to him, I jump in.
“Hi Angel. I’m Lennon. The Mayor sent me here as a favor to your president. I wanted to introduce myself before these two start giving you shit” I say as I shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you. And thanks” he says casually.
I walk out of precinct, the three men close behind me.
“Nice job there, genius. You can’t go around punching rich blonde pretty boys and not catch shit.” I hear Coco tell him.
I tune out the rest of their friendly bashing as we get to where we parked.
“So, we have two bikes and a car. Is Angel going to be riding bitch or will his gargantuan ass need to ride with me?” I say, clearly comfortable with the situation at hand which catches them off guard.
“Uh, yeah. That’s good. Still a little hungover from last night so I appreciate it.” Angel tells me as looks back at his friends.
“Alright then Sasquatch, get in.” I jokingly command. “But don’t expect too much quiet.”
“Whatever you say, lady.” He shrugs.
“I’ll see you guys wherever I drop off Floyd Mayweather here.” I tell the two men on their bikes.
“Mayweather? I can read.” Angel tells me, obviously a little taken back by my personality.
“For some reason, I doubt that.” I tell him deadpan before smirking.
I laugh as I slide behind the wheel of my car, “Let’s go Angel. You have two hours with me. Let’s see how much you can handle.”
“Damn little girl. If i would have known they were gonna send a comedian, I might have stayed in jail.” Angel says as he keeps the banter going.
“I like her!” EZ yells to the other guys before he starts up his bike.
“Fuckin’ great” he rolls his eyes, the sarcasm in his voice immediately followed by him shaking his head with a smile. “Lets go!” he chirps as he slides into the passenger seat.
This will be fun.
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 5 years
Eden (cause rn there is no better title) Just some writing I felt like sharin.
He dreamt that he was back in prison, the blue walls suffocating, even as he lay in his cell, staring at the ceiling, they closed in on him. A murmur came from the hallway.
“Which prisoner is this?”
“How the hell should I know? All the same to me the damn punks.”
“I think this one's that Southern one. That one with the accent.” The other made a noise of assent and through half closed eyes, Gram saw the guard peer at him through the bars.
“Who cares?” the other guard said, disinterested.
The dream changed to nighttime, and he heard the panting nearby stop abruptly. A shovel was thrown up beside him, as Gram continued to lay, now pressed against the ground rather than the bunk.
“C’mon, Charlie, we gotta get him in the ground.”
“Why do we gotta do it?” The other man, presumably Charlie, whined. Gram felt them pick up his body, lugging it over to the grave, as his mind swirled in a fog not unlike the one surrounding them.
“Bastards got no family. No one to claim ‘im. No one to give a shit, so we get stuck with him.” They dropped Gram into the hole, none too gently, but he felt nothing, staring vacantly at the two men above him.
“Grab a shovel, bud. Get this over with.”
And the dirt covered him.
He awoke in the darkness, unable to breathe, his arms crossed over his chest. Choking on the dirt, he clawed upwards, blindly trying to get out. Finally, Gram’s hand broke out into the air, and he drug his body out.
“Who…” he gasped, “..am I? Fuckin’...Uma Thurman?”
He shivered, taking in his surroundings. The prison yard was gone, the ugly brick building no longer in sight. In fact, the only thing he could see were trees, strangely tall, in a way that made all others look like saplings. The leaves rustled, and the dark fog gleamed as an animal leapt out, followed by another, and another. Men followed, clutching leashes, but they weren’t quite right, each with grotesque faces, their eyes flashing with malice. The dogs smiled with them in unison, all with teeth sharp and hungry growls. It wasn’t hard to guess the goal of the game they wanted to play. Stumbling, Gram began to run. The trees blurred as he ran, even as his chest burned, reminding him of his lack of exercise, he moved. His legs pumped, barely slowing as he hit the river, drenching his knees with an icy rush. Gram stopped, waiting for them to follow. The not-men did not call to their beasts, but an eerie noise followed from the other side of the river. A horn sounded, followed by something dimly resembling a search light, and Gram took off again, lungs empty.
He collapsed once he reached a small clearing, the same one that contained his gravestone. He was back where he started.
Attempting to get his raspy wheezing under control, he leaned against the stone, staring at the clearly cut letters.
Jonathan Denvers. He blinked, the letters shifting. Ingram Niesler. He blinked again and watched the stone crumble.
The clearing was surrounded.
A figure stepped forward, tall and with blank eyes. The dogs at Gram’s back made no move, but growled softly before the figure’s swiveling head quieted it. Its eyes were like glass, seeing something he couldn’t.
“We have a job for him,” hissed a voice from behind, and Gram jumped. The leader of the not-man stopped a foot away, as if unwilling or unable to come closer. The others holding the beasts shifted in agreement, though none stepped up, even as the not-dogs thrashed against the leashes with incredible strength.
“As do we,” said the being with the glass eyes. “I don’t suppose you could wait your turn?” they asked mildly, ignoring the snarl they received in return.
“I don’t even know who you guys are, so I ain’t doin’ shit.” Gram was painfully aware of how high his voice had jumped up. Both pairs of eyes, clear and gleaming, glanced at him, like he were some sort of minor inconvenience.
“You don’t have a choice, Jonathan Denvers.”
“My name is Gram.” He wanted to scream, but his words came out in a squeak. “Not Jonathan,” his voice was stronger now. “Ingram.”
“You are Jonathan, Jehovah’s gift. And you will do as you are told.” The being twitched irritably and the not-man cackled at the look on Gram’s face.
“Feisty, this one. I like him.” The being slung an arm over his shoulder, cold fingers crawling against his skin. The other tensed even more than Gram. He couldn’t pull away. “Listen, kid, can I call you kid? Anyway--”
“Whatever it is, it ain’t happening.”
“Just hear me out, kid, I got a deal--” Gram snorted and the glass eyed figure seemed to smirk for a moment before becoming impassive again.
“Let me guess, I’ll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, cause I think I’m better than you? Well, I ain’t Johnny, bitch, so scram.” His courage didn’t leave, even when the face twisted and the nails made pierce his throat. The glass eyed being moved in an instant, somehow, and had the figure down on its knees, a sword pressed against their Adam’s apple. The apple quivered as they laughed silently, eyes glued to the hard face above them.
“Still got it, don’t you, Mike? I think you’re a few feathers short though--urk!” Came the choke as the blade dug deeper into the not-man’s neck, as the being now known as Mike narrowed its eyes. Somehow, and he had absolutely no idea how, Gram had been so distracted by the appearance of the sword that he missed the enormous wings spreading outward, looking very much like a large, threatening bird, but with some gaps in his feathers. Gram swallowed and.began to inch away.
“This has been fun, but I think I’m gonna go home, now…”
“Oh, kid,” came the amused sigh from the being still on its knees. “You can’t go until we let you.” The glass eyed Mike blinked before Gram’s eyes, reappearing only a few inches away. Gram flinched, unable to see anything but the swirling emptiness in the eyes before him.
“Three days, Jonathan. Nicole had her chance, now it’s yours.”
The gleaming eyed being stood up, rubbing its throat loosely.
“Think on it, Johnny. You only got eternity left if you fail.”
“What are you talking about?” Gram blinked, confused.
“Cleaning up the town. That’s what your little cuz thinks she’s doing. Doing a better job than half my..well, I can’t really call them people, but still.” the being waved a hand dismissively. 
“Think of it as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.” Mike suggested. 
The figure rolled its eyes, waggling a finger in Gram’s direction. “If you don’t behave Uncle Sammy won’t give you your present.”
“I’ve never been one much for surprises.”
“I know.” The figure rolled its eyes. “Made you such a boring child.”
“I thought your name was Lucifer, anyway.”
“Newsflash, once upon a time I had a different name.” The Devil gave Gram a pointed look. “Sam was my name just as much a Lucifer is now, Jonathan.” Gram opened his mouth, but he held up a hand. “Don’t get so riled. I’m proving a point.”
“A pretty shitty one.”
“I’m guessing you didn’t do any research before picking your name?” Mike said dryly. “Of all the names you could have chosen for yourself, you chose an old Norse name.”
Gram blinked. “Is it? I just liked the sound of it.”
“It means ‘Ing’s raven’. Or ‘raven of peace’. Whichever sounds catchier.”
“You’re like a walking dictionary.”
“No, I just know how to use google.” Gram huffed, muttering something about prison and piece of crap computers. “Why go by Gram? I mean, spelling wise, didn’t that get you into trouble with paperwork?”
“Graham is a type of cracker, and Gram is shorter.”
“I can tell literally no difference when you speak.”
“That’s cause you’re a da--” Lucifer’s eyes flashed.
“Watch your mouth, kid.”
“Geez, jus’ like the swear jar at home.” Now the Devil’s eyes rolled in response, temper forgotten.
“To get back on topic, I did not choose my name by coincidence.” It drummed its fingers briefly. “The name Lucifer means light bringer. Even as Samael I brought this light to you people, yet I also doled out what everyone feared. The Wrath of God.” Their lips quirked in a humorless smile. “I was not a fluffy little cherub with a harp. None of us--them--” They jerked a thumb towards the army of angels not five feet away. “I mean, are.”
“Depending on who you talk to,” Mike said slowly. “Ravens are symbols of good, or of evil. No one gives a shit about where it actually came from anymore, just like they forget my origins and Sammy’s.” Their lips quirked in a humorless smile. “Definitions are tricky bastards, each language you people make creates new ideas and problems.” 
“Are you guys going anywhere with this?” Gram’s head was spinning, but he refused to sit down. “I’d like to be up in time to get some breakfast before Uncle Lou eats it all.” 
“The point, Ingram, is this: You may bear the name, raven of peace, but what side is the raven on? Peace is subjective. What one considers Heaven another considers Hell, as the twerps in your little town have already decided.”
Gram remembered the car ride with his parole officer, and the low whistle that accompanied the impressed statement. 
“Looks like Eden.” He remembered his own words, half serious, half inside joke,
“Well, we call it Hell.”
“You humans have limited concepts.” The Devil said, eyes twinkling with amusement. 
“That’s the way language works. Try goin’ to Spain and see if they treat you any different.” Gram paused. “What do I call you two? Ma’am? Sir? Captain?” Now it was Mike--Michael-- Gram knew, that rolled their eyes. 
“You don’t need to call me anything. Just do your fuckin’ job.”
“Was that a Friday After Next quote?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“Never thought I’d meet an angel with a sense of humor.”
“Or an inferiority complex.”
“Comes with the territory, Jonathan Ingram.” The archangel answered briskly, rolling their eyes with the Devil laughed. “Now, wake up”
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mangled-dreams · 6 years
Free Fall: 2
Chapter 2: Conversations.
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Sitting in your living room looking out at the setting sun there is a feeling of disbelief that just a week ago you’d fallen past your own window. Sipping on your cocoa of choice you lean back against tour coffee colored couch. Hands in your lap cradling the cup reflecting still.
How different would life be without you? You know it would still continue on. Your parents would age with that weight of sadness in their soul and eventually die. You apartment would be cleared out and rented to someone else, your job would find someone else to take your place, essentially you’d be replaced and no one would notice.
Below your current point of interest you see a white flash from an apartment across the street. Blinking a few times you sit up, walk over to your window, and see your pen pal trying to get your attention. Smirking you lift your window open and pick up the whiteboard you keep nearby.
Despite your impromptu flying session. Even as you refer to the fall as anything but an attempt on your life--because according to the police you’d been deliberately shoved over the railing, you know it’s your only way to cope with everything. Fighting reality with humor, oh what a way to live?
Thankfully you survived the whole thing without being scarred about high places. You still enjoy looking out your windows, even sitting in the window sill and dangle your feel out the window. You refuse to allow the asshole to take that from you.
Sipping your cocoa you watch Shane scribble on his whiteboard and hold it up to you. Like you he sits in on the edge of his window, his legs swinging against the side of his building. As much as you’d like to say you have more interaction with Shane other than with whiteboards you can’t. Shane works odd hours of the day and despite best efforts from both sides it just never worked out.
Smiling you wipe away the response from three days ago when you last saw Shane. Writing your response you show it to him. You both decided to use capital letters just to ensure there can’t be any confusion, however, Shane doesn’t have the best handwriting. It makes for some interesting conversations.
Shane nods his head, the floof of brown hair bobbing with a life of its own. A quiet chuckle leaves your lips. In all honesty you rather enjoy your time with Shane. You find him attractive and caring and thoughtful and overall enjoyable to talk with. Part of your… well a large part of you wonders if your opinion of him would change if you really knew him.
Before you realize it Shane responds.
You cringe at the thought of blood pudding and stick your tongue out at Shane. His laughter carries across the real estate between you.
Watching Shane he quickly scribbles on to his whiteboard and flips it around to you. Questioningly you look at the words written there.
Before you can respond Shane is back in his apartment, his window closed, and whiteboard out of sight. Blinking you wonder just where the hell he’s gone off too. Remaining in right where you are you wait for Shane to pop back in the window with one of his big goofy grins on his face.
It never happens and it dawns on you that he took your response as gospel. Falling out of your window in a blind panic you scramble to your feet. Your apartment less than than presentable to anyone let alone Shane. This will be your first actual meeting.
Rushing around like a chicken with it’s head lopped off you try to get your main areas into a decent shape before Shane shows up. It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal, since you didn’t really ask him to come over, but still, your nerves are running high. You hope he’s everything you’ve built him up to be.
It’d been nearly seven months since you first started to communicate with Shane. At first he was just the hot guy you’d occasionally see across the way. Normal people would look directly across from their apartment but you’d glance down to the small public garden erected between the buildings.
It was during this time that you’d see Shane walk across his windows, going about his business. When you’d first really start watching him, he’d been dating a really gorgeous woman. They looked happy, which stung a little as you’ve been painfully single for about three years now. You didn’t hate or was jealous of their love, you were happy for them. Finding a really good love anymore is hard and takes a lot of work.
Shortly after you’d watch his windows for inspiration and hope for your own love life, Shane and his girlfriend broke up. It hit him hard. You could see by his actions that he wasn’t expecting it in the slightest. You felt bad for him.
It’d been a fairly warm summer afternoon when you’d finally made eye contact. It’d been by accident. You were sitting in the window seal just looking down when you noticed he was doing the same. Back then the majority of his hair was a faded sea green with his natural brown very much evident.
You just happened to have your whiteboard, the one you had before your current one, and wrote a quick hello. Shane looked at you perplexed by the message and quickly disappeared from the window. You’d been afraid you’d crossed a line, or made him feel like your invaded his privacy in some way, but within a minute or so he reappeared in the window with his own whiteboard.
Everything from then on, until now, is history. You’ve shared some deep conversations, had more than your fair share of laughter and inside jokes, and… in fact if you really think about it, Shane knows more about you than anyone else.
Hearing a knock at your door you toss the clothes in your hand into the teal hamper in your gray scaled bathroom. Peeking through the privacy window you don’t see a soul in the hallway. Shifting your position to try and see along the walls of along your door, you still see no one in sight. Frowning you unlock the door and slowly open it.
When it’s wide enough to fit your upper half out you look down the hallway each way before looking down. Maybe Shane left the food at your door? The carpeted hallway is bare of any such parcels. Frowning you look at your door finding something stuck to it.
A note, you realize pulling it off. Looking around quickly once more you retreat into your apartment closing the door and locking it again. Puzzled as to who would leave you a note and not just call or speak to you in person you unfold it.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack shoved Jill down the hill and laughed when he killed her.
Scrunching your nose in confusion and disgust at the twisted nursery rhyme you look the note over again. It’s typed out instead of hand written with no signature. Walking to the counter where your phone is currently charging you call the detective in charge of your case.
“Hello, Detective Oswald?” You ask when your call is picked up.
“Yes, Miss Y/n, to what do I owe your call?” Detective Oswald asks in the background you can hear the hustle of the precinct.
“You said I could call you if anything weird happened and I just got a note on my door about two minutes ago. No one was in the hallway and I was at the door within seconds of hearing the knock.” You tell the detective calmly as you can.
“What did the note say?” Detective Oswald asks. The serious tone in his voice puts you a little more relaxed. At least you know he’s taking you seriously. You repeat what is written on the note verbatim. He tells you to put the note in a envelope and he’d be by as soon as he could to collect the note. You thank him for his time and service and hang up. Taking a few photos of the note you find an unused envelope and write Oswald on the front.
Placing it in a cabinet above your refrigerator you send the photos you took to your Google Drive before placing it on the charger again. As you stand pondering what is going on with the note and the attempt on your life you hear another knock on the door. Holding still a few seconds another group of knocks come.
Following the same routine as earlier your peek through the privacy window your heart picks up. Mouth dry you slowly unlock your door praying you can talk by the time you have the door open. Everything moves in slow motion but it still feels too fast as you open the door to stare up into Shane’s eyes.
“Whoa…” Shane whispers flashing you a cocked smile.
Bashfully you drop your gaze, looking anywhere but at Shane with a small smile on your lips. “Whoa yourself. I didn’t think you’d be so tall.” You say honestly. He’s just as good looking up close as he is from afar.
You knew his eyes were blue, it was very obvious even from as far away as he lives, but up close and personal they’re startling blue. A blue that reminds you of Jackieboy, but... that’s crazy. Right? You decide to put the thought away. Even if Shane were Jackieboy having you out him would do no good for anyone.
“Is that a good thing?” He asks. His accent is thick and endearing to you. Your eyes snap back to his face. His accent is just divine to your ears. You could listen to him talk for hours without a complaint.
You’ll never admit it out loud but you are so completely attracted to voices and accents. You already knew Shane hails from Ireland. That he moved to the US when he was in his late teens with his mother after a split from his father.
Still, you weren’t prepared for how strong his accent still is. “A good thing. I’m a bit of the shorter side, so it’s good to have tall people around.” You tell him not sure if it came across the right way. Standing awkwardly in the door you realize you haven’t invited him in and he even has your food!
“Oh, my momma would smack me upside the head for being so rude; Please, come inside. I do request you remove your shoes after the door is closed.” You say quick to jump to the side. Shane nods at your request and enters the apartment muttering a thank you in response.
Could your face feel any hotter? You doubt it but you assume you’ll know the answer for sure by the end of the night. Accepting the food from Shane you set everything out on the kitchen counter and grab two plates and forks.
“Shane,” You call bringing the wandering Irishman back to your kitchen. You feel at odds with him just browsing your personal effects, despite them being out on display and apart of your normal decor.
“I like your place. It feel homey.” Shane says accepting a plate and fork from you.
Blushing again you mutter a thank you and dish yourself up some grub. Once you both have a good pile of food on your plate you take Shane over to the table and sit down. It feels weird but you’re more comfortable than you originally anticipated. With Shane here it feels like an old friend has come to visit.
Within seconds you’re talking freely and happily with Shane. You talk about how your day has gone, about this and that, and a bunch of other odd things. You ask Shane about Irish butter cookies and if he has any good recipes. Whether it feels like an eternity ago you still owe cookies to Jackieboy Man.
Shane tells you he has the perfect Irish butter cookie recipe and will share it with you. You cheer and thank him for his help and when he asks why you need the recipe you tell him the truth. “I was saved by Jackieboy Man. When I fell he swooped in and kept me from being a pancake. I asked if there was anything I could do to thank him, and after some back and forth he finally say Irish butter cookies. I’ve been searching the web, but unfortunately I couldn’t make a decision on which recipe. So, since I have you here, I thought you’d been the best person to ask.”
Shane nods his head agree. “Well, good thing you have a good Irishman living close by.” He teases winking at you. Your face flames, spreading into the tips of your ears.
You roll your eyes trying to appear unfazed by his comment but you doubt it works. You both clear the table and while talking some more Detective Oswald stops by for the note. You hand it too him and he asks you a few questions to which you don’t have good answers for, simply because you don’t know the answers, and he takes his leave.
Shane asks about the notes and you tell the truth. He asks if you’re safe in your apartment and you promise you’ll be fine. “Besides,” you add smiling genuinely at Shane. “I have you just across the way to look out for me.”
Shane blushes this time. You can see his pale skin pink at your words. “Y-yeah, you got me.” He agrees, his words meaning more than you can guess at this point in time.
Walking through his door Shane closes it and leans against it. You’re more than he could have imagined. Your smile is stellar and your laugh is infectious, and… and what is he thinking? You’re way too good for him.
Walking into his small kitchen Shane lifts a small box tucked away in a drawer out and searches through for the recipe he promised you. It wasn’t his intention to have you make his great-great grandma’s cookies but he also couldn’t lie to you about having a recipe. You asked so innocently he answered without much thought.
Within seconds of finding the card Shane hears a woman and child scream outside his building. Head jerking up, Shane rushes to his bedroom putting the card on his bed. He changes with blinding speed before throwing his window open and jumps into the night.
There are citizens in need of help tonight and he will not fail them. Landing on the ground Jackieboy Man scans the empty streets, listening for the crying, before zeroing in on the direction he needs and bolts off. He may not be Superman, but he has his own set of powers and he will use them to keep the innocent safe and bring the criminals to justice.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Omorfos Kosmo | Haikyuu x Reader
Chapter 3 - A Tall Cat, Two Owls, and a Timid Crow "Oh, so one of those coins are only worth 1 mil in the NPC shops?" Kuroo asked as you guys walked back to the Karasuno guild. You nodded, and Tsukishima sighed, "They're only worth a lot because they're the only in game currency that can be used to exchange for game items that were previously only obtainable through paying real life yen." "I see," Sugawara nodded, "No wonder people are so desperate for them." "And you just gave one away," Kenma muttered. You shrugged, "I have enough to buy an entire skin set and a few more pets. Maybe even expand my inventories if I needed to." "Must be nice being such a high-ranked mercenary," Tsukishima added in. There was no sarcasm in his voice, only wistfulness and you pouted, "You don't even understand how hard it is sometimes." His golden orbs meet yours in a stare down, and Sugawara gently pats your shoulder while jabbing Tsukishima on the side. He turns to you, "But there must be some pros to it if you're so determined to hold up your reputation!" You appreciated him stopping Kei and you smiled, "Yup! I enjoy socializing with people, obtaining new information, and - of course - being able to travel and explore. It's so fun and you don't realize just how many quest lines there are. The plot in this game is so deep and the lore tied into it is amazing too."
Sugawara chuckled at how your eyes had burned passionately with life and mirth. The way you animatedly moved your hands as you talked about what was interesting about your mercenary life made you super happy and excited. Hinata walked behind you, and he frowned, "[L/N]-san."
You turned around, letting the others walk ahead as you stepped in pace with the orange haired male. And you asked, "What's up Hinata? Also, you can drop the honorifics, it's fine. I'm the same age as Kei anyways. I figure you're probably the same age as him too."
"Oi-" Tsukishima starts as soon as he hears you revealing personal information yet again and Hinata blinks, "Oh! Then we're the same age!" He brightly smiles and you return the gesture and he asks, "You mentioned your previous character, but I never recognized it."
"Ah, well, on the forums - if you lurk there that is - I was often called Saké. That's the game name I normally used, but wasn't allowed to use it because of the acute mark," you explained, although Hinata seemed to not understand the last part, but he nodded. He had heard of you before and he asked, "Weren't you some... well known, what was the term. Uhm..." he rubs his chin and scratches his head, clearly confused still and he goes, "Oh! A Broke Info!"
You blink a few times and then burst into laughter and Kenma sighed, "It's Info Broker, Shouyou."
"Oh," Hinata flushed red and you were trying your best to reign in your laughter and you shook your head slightly while still holding your stomach. He pouted at you and you chuckled, "I'm so sorry Hinata. That was- That was brilliant," you snicker slightly and nod, "Yeah, I knew," you paused, "I mean, I still do know. I know all the AI's of the bosses, but for all I know, they probably changed recently due to this new update."
"Ooh," Hinata nodded, and then his eyes widened, "Wait. YOU MEMORIZED ALL OF THEM?!"
"Well yeah," you shrugged, "When you play the game often enough and run bosses almost every day, you end up memorizing them."
"Anyways, enough about me," you wave your hand in the air, as though brushing the questions away, "I thought you guys were going to head back to the guild hall?"
"We need to pick up a few members first," Kuroo explained and Daichi sighed, "You mean, you guys do."
"Hey! The more the merrier, right Kenma?" Kuroo smirked and Kenma ignored the black cat and he turned to you, the liquid gold of his gaze falling upon you and you tilted your head, waiting for the inevitable question.
"What are you going to do now [L/N]?" Kenma asked.
"I have jobs to handle," you answered. A soft sigh escapes your lips and you continue, "I can hear the sound of my bank cheering as gold flows in."
Kenma shook his head and he muttered, "Of course."
"Hey! I need to gather information too," you retorted, and a pout forms on your lips, "I can't do this without people taking me out to raids, it's much easier being invited to one than forming one."
"Of course, cause they most likely made the plan knowing you'd accept the role of their main support."
"But of course!" you laugh and then turned to Hinata, "I'd love to escort you all the way back, but now that we're at the Town Square, I'm gonna go meet up with my new client. Good luck on everything Hinata! Don't be a stranger!"
You waved good bye to the crew as you separated from them and Hinata's face lit up, and he cried out, "[L/N] added me as a friend!"
"Huh, that's a first, she never adds people." Tsukishima quietly commented mostly to himself. His gaze followed your back momentarily and blinked when he saw a familiar freckled boy in a similar fashioned outfit to his own and he cleared his throat, "Yamaguchi!"
ID: Yams Main: Mage Level: 67 - Exp 23/100% Guild: Karasuno Fun fact: Yamaguchi chose to be a mage to follow Tsukki, but soon grew to be able to hold his own grown as a DPS mage.
The shorter dark olive haired boy looked up, his eyes shining as soon as he spotted his guild members and he jogged over.
"Tsukki! Daichi-san! Suga-san! Ennoshita-san! Hinata!" he greeted brightly and he said, "I was just heading to the guild hall!"
"Where'd you come from? You look out of breath Yamaguchi," Hinata said as he greeted the boy with a soft pat on the shoulder. Yamaguchi scratched the side of his cheek with a finger and he shyly smiled, "I helped a group of newer players get back to town safely actually.."
"But weren't you already in town?" Ennoshita asked. Yamaguchi nodded and he said, "Yeah, but I overheard people whispering that they had wandered outside... and I couldn't leave them like that, so I went to go find them."
"You're a true man Yamaguchi," Hinata beamed at him, and the mage smiled in response and he asked, "Has Yachi-san contacted you guys by any chance?"
There was a firm shake of the head and his smile faltered and he sighed, "Hopefully she didn't get caught up in this mess, I can only imagine how nervous and scared she'd be..." His voice trailed off and Yamaguchi turned to Tsukki, "Where were you?"
"I spawned at Lake Na," he responded, and he was about to speak when there was a fairly large sound of metal clashing metal and the sounds of arrows and magic being casted from the center of the Town Square that caught their attention.
"You blasted Brawler!" someone growled out. And from the smoke appeared a tall silver-haired male. His green eyes narrowed playfully at the Berserker that had attacked him first. And he bounced back onto his feet, his fists drawn and taut as he lightly bounced back and forth on his feet. His actions imitating any skilled martial artist.
"What? Jealous that you weren't able to nab a mercenary first?" he spat back and Kenma scowled whereas Kuroo sighed, "Lev, that
ID: Lyovochka Main: Brawler Level: 64 - Exp 81/100% Guild: Nekoma Fun Fact: Wanted to call himself FutureAce, but his sister caught him and made fun of him for it, and he ended up using Lyovochka instead
"If you beat me in this PvP, I'll consider giving them to you," Lev taunted. He tightened the silver gauntlets attached to his hands, and then pulled the leather gloves underneath him taut against his skin. He was wearing a black leather jacket that was patterned with dark red metallic plate armor and spikes around the wrist cuff and elbow covered his skin from the glaring sun. Underneath was a plain silver chain mail, light enough for him to easily move around, but still strong enough to withstand a blow or two. His long legs were painted black, and at the knees and the sides of his calf there were dark red spikes that were meant to damage the opponent. His shoes were made of soft leather, so he could easily feel any vibration outside of his own, but were braced with silver around the ankle.
He pulls his googles over his eyes before skidding backwards as a burst of light appeared as the mage that had attacked him immediately brought forth a series of small explosions. The Karasuno guild and the two Nekoma officers watched with exasperation as they saw the young Russian make a mess in the Time Square.
"Kuroo," Kenma softly called out. Ignoring how Lev was just sent flying as he got hit by a rather large spell of wind, Kuroo turned to the shorter male, and Kenma asked, "Wasn't Bokuto and Akaashi with Lev?"
Immediately everyone's eyes searched the watching crowd for any sight of the two owls. However, Kuroo notices first that the two were actually making their way towards them and he waves them down. Bokuto immediately jogs over.
"Bro!" he calls out as he hugs Kuroo, not regretting the awkwardness of the metallic plates beneath him.
ID: Owlicious Main: Brawler Level: 69 - Exp 1/100% Guild: None Fun Fact: This idiot loves to role play, but only Kuroo ever went along with it.
Kuroo returned the gesture, embracing the male. Bokuto was harder to notice than usual as his equipment has changed, and his signature black and white hair was now hidden by a black and gold pirate hat. His broad shoulders confidently flaunted off the long black white fur-trimmed coat. There were gold details of a dragon raging over the tail of the coat, wrapping up to where his heart was and then down the left sleeve. However, the gold details were almost hidden by the cape that looked as though it was catching fire at its ends.
Beneath the sleeves were a new pair of gauntlets, the gauntlet encased his entire hand, but unlike most metal made gauntlets and how stiff they were, Bokuto's hands were able to flex to his will, making the dark red metal look like flowing blood on his hands. The wrist cuff was decorated with tiny gold spikes.
However, beside the new coat, weapon, and cape, Bokuto was still wearing the typical brawler equipments with a platinum chain mail and the same type of pants as Lev, but with the entire calf area filled with spirals of mini golden spikes.
"Nice outfit, traded in your mercenary coins?" Kuroo asked. Bokuto proudly put his hands on his hips and nodded before smirking, "Jelly?"
"Oh very," Kuroo laughed and he waved, "Sup Akaashi."
"Hello Kuroo-san," Akaashi greeted before bowing to the rest of the group.
ID: Cashew Main: Priest Level: 70 - Exp 1/100% Guild: None Fun Fact: Akaashi refused to make a guild with Bokuto after seeing that Bokuto had changed his character's name.
The black haired, silver eyed mage was donned in a completely new set of equipments that were similar in style to Bokuto's. His normal black spiky hair was hidden beneath a black fur trimmed hood that connected to the fur collar of the coat. The hood was adorned with a rather large diamond shaped ruby on the right. The coat did not reveal anything besides its outer layer and the cape that was attached to it. Much like Bokuto's cape that looked as though the ends were still on fire, Akaashi's cape was like that as well, but also had golden detail that changed with every movement he made.
Upon closer inspection, the golden details were actually stars, and his coat and cape were a constant shower of stars across the vast black canvas. His weapon of choice was a short black winged, ruby staff and a Divine Shield. Despite the colors of his attire, the flicker of white light that constantly followed Akaashi much like it did to Kenma and Sugawara was evidence enough for his job class as a priest.
Kenma's eyes widened and he mumbled, "A full emperor's set."
"We weren't able to finish the chaos level Fafnir raid, we died at the fourth boss," Akaashi simply explained. Kenma nodded and he muttered, "It's hard."
"We're hoping to gather enough mercenary coins to exchange for a Fafnir Set," he continued to explain and Kenma nodded. Kuroo sighed and turned to Bokuto, "So, care to explain what happened up there?"
"Ah, the mage dude thought we were the mercenaries he called for hire," Bokuto explained. At that same moment, Lev had decided he was sick of taking firebolt after firebolt and dodged the incoming one and landed a solid punch on the mage-dude's face.
Daichi whistled approvingly and Bokuto continues, undaunted, "And Lev was confused too, but the mage dude kept yelling at him, and when we tried to explain he got mad at us and tried to punch us-" Kuroo doesn't hear the last part as an explosion sounds off in the center of the plaza. The smoke from the impact covered the entire scene, but suddenly the signature equipments of a mage is seen as the body skids and rolls against the ground.
The mage groans slightly and Lev stands proudly at the center and he brightly smiled, "I win!"
"Tch, we'll get you next time!"
Lev watches with lazy interest as the group goes back to standing outside the Mercenary Hall and he turns around, hands at his eyes as he searched for his friends. His eyes lit up and Kuroo lazily waves as the tall Russian walks over.
"Captain did you- Ow!" Lev is cut off as soon as Kuroo smacks the brawler's back and he growled, "You caused us so much trouble. Do you realize why people have such a bad opinion about us?"
"Besides the fact that we monopolize raids?" Kenma asked, and Kuroo nodded, "Yes besides the- Wait we do?"
The captain turned to the boy who shrugged and said, "How about we continue this back at our guild hall?"
"Or ours, we still need to thank you for helping us get our two members back," Daichi said offering a warm smile. Kuroo laughed, "We'll take you up on that offer, I hope the foods good, cause I'm getting hungry."
"Oh thank god you guys are safe!" Asahi cried out as soon as everyone filed in. There was chatter and laughter as he helped Kiyoko set up the table and bring out food. Kiyoko briefly mentions that food cooked through the skill doesn't work anymore, and instead you have to cook it like it's reality. Sugawara is immediately intrigued by this, but his hopes and dreams are shot down as soon as Kiyoko mentions that only people with pre-existing cooking skills can cook up to whatever level they had. "Eh, so you guys happened to be at the Mercenary Hall?" Yamaguchi asked as he brought over the drinks. Akaashi nodded and Bokuto continued, "But you know, it was strange." "What was?" Kuroo asked. Bokuto frowned, "Something about the NPC's felt off. They didn't feel... generic." "But maybe it's the new update!" Bokuto concludes, not really going into detail. And Kuroo turns to Lev and he drawled, "Don't think you're going to get away scotch free after tainting our guild reputation again." "Geh! But Kuroo-san! You don't get it! They were wrong!" Lev animatedly moved his hands in order to appeal his innocence and Akaashi nodded with reluctance, "If Lev-san wasn't there, I think Bokuto-san and I would have been forced to go on another raid." "Don't the mercenary and the clients have a contract though?" Kenma asked and Akaashi sighed, "Yeah, but a lot of people are picky. They always want the mercenaries that are in the top 5." "Eh, what rank are you guys?" Sugawara asked as he joined the table. Bokuto held up four fingers and proudly said, "#4!" "Oya, so you fell just short of top 3?" "Shut up Kuroo! I'd like to see you get to the top 3 when you have 2 monstrous guilds and the best support individual unit up there!" Bokuto whined and Akaashi nodded, "It's quite hard, even the two guilds have difficulty beating out [L/N] the Lotus Master." "Lotus Master?" Hinata asked. The slate-gray gaze fell upon the small orange crow and Akaashi explained, "It's her title, she got it from beating the boss in Scrapyard." "No way, I thought no one beat it yet?" Kenma asked, eyes wide and Akaashi said, "She beat it before the update it seems. Her and the ranked two mercenary guild." Akaashi frowned, "But she's the only one who has the title, so maybe she landed the finishing blow... we're not sure, no one has details. And of course, if you do want details, you'd need to pay for it. But [L/N]-san is the only player thus far to have finished every boss and obtain every title." "Wow, never knew [L/N] was so cool," Hinata murmured in awe and Bokuto raised an eyebrow, "Did you guys meet her or something? "She found Hinata and Tsukishima for us," Daichi responded. Bokuto laughed, "Tsukki got lost?!" "I did not, I was logged in at a weird location," he retorted and Akaashi tilted his head, confused, "But most of us spawned in town." "I think it depends on what you did last before you logged out," Kenma muttered and he sighed, "Kuroo and I logged in at Beginning's End." "So, what about chibi-chan?" Kuroo asked. "Ah well," Hinata sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "I spawned at Black Roar's Hunting Ground." "Eh?!" "But that's a boss field!" "Yeah, I didn't realize it until I was surrounded by Twilight Wolves even though it was daylight.. Black Roar should only spawn during dawn and dusk right? But it showed up in the morning! I was so shocked! And I didn't know how our skills worked so..." "Thankfully you didn't die," Ennoshita sighed in relief and everyone nodded. Hinata continued, "If it weren't for [L/N], who knows what would have happened." "I'm surprised she was there," Sugawara added in, confusion written on his face. And Hinata scratched his head, "I am too actually, I didn't ask her why she was there though..." he sighs and continues, "You know, I'm still curious as to how she knows Kenma and Tsukishima though." Kenma sighed, "We've been gaming friends for years." Everyone turned to Tsukishima and he muttered, "Next door neighbor." "You're lying." Tsukishima's glare was so intense that Kuroo immediately backed off and Hinata asked, "Wait really?" "Yes," he responded and he sighed. He was about to insert another sarcastic comment in order to stop the incessant teasing from Bokuto and Kuroo, but the guild bulletin board suddenly pinged, announcing that a guild member had responded to Daichi's public post on their guild board. Sugawara walked over, but the way his body froze, a clear signal that the response was not the one they were looking for. Daichi frowned at his commanding officer who was staring blankly at the screen and asked, "What's wrong?" "Yachi-chan is stuck at Fortress of Seduction."
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syua · 7 years
92 qs tag + 30 qs tag!
tagged by @soonsyoung and @y0ungmins for each of these !!!! thank u
/first game/
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (its?? not?? 92 questions??? lol)
drink: bai peach juice
phone call: idr probably my mom?
text message: i’m about to leave home & have dinner with ryan downtown
song you listened to: uhhhh ive been listening to youtube videos all day but maybe vibrato by stellar
time you cried: uhh i think i cried out of pain when i came home from getting my wisdom teeth out friday or if not i def cried cos my sunburn hurt so much like a week ago
date someone twice: no
kissed someone and regretted it: ehhhgfhghhhh 
been cheated on: i mean not that i’m aware of but that’s not always something ur made aware of u know.
lost someone special: lost like died? no but if like lost contact then yes lol
been depressed: yes son
gotten drunk and thrown up: no ive never thrown up from alcohol hhhaha 
12. yellow
13. pink
14. black
15. made friends: ummmm closeish lasting irl friends? no…
16. fallen out of love: thats uh
17. laughed until you cried: i can’t remember a particular time but probs lol??
18. found out someone was talking about you: not that i can think of? no one knows me they wouldn’t have anything to say lol
19. met someone who changed you: guess nottt
20. found out who your friends are: ?? not to repeat myself but i don’t have any
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: i don’t haaave one
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: again lol don’t have one
23. do you have any pets: a dog (ginny) & a cat (phoebe)
24. do you want to change your name: yeah i never liked my name i always wanted to be named austin???
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm took a final moved out of my dorm and bought myself chinese takeout
26. what time did you wake up: 1pm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was just laying in bed watching buzzfeed unsolved over and over
28. name something you can’t wait for: when my mouth doesn’t HURT 24/7 and i can chew anything
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 3 hours ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i didn’t give up art after high school & i actually tried to get into art schools?
31. what are you listening to right now: still youtube in the background
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uhmmm i think
33. something that is getting on your nerves: everything really
34. most visited website: tumblr or youtube
35-37. well these questions dont exist apparently
38. hair color: blonde
39. long or short hair: longg i wish my hair was longer rn
40. do you have a crush on someone: i guesss
41. what do you like about yourself: ?
42. piercings: just one in each ear but i want more
43. blood type: noo idea
44. nickname: none
45. relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: taurus
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones BUT i haven’t watched the start of s7 yet so shhh
49. tattoos: none but im trying to get one if i can get my shit together before school
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: wisdom teeth just friday like i mentioned;;
52. piercing: u already asssked
53. sport: none man
54. vacation: ?last vacation favorite vacation??? i just went to st augustine florida w my family but my best trip ever was suzhou/shanghai/beijing at the beginning of the summer
55. pair of trainers: what about them??? i never wear sneakers
56. eating: nothinnn the last thing i had was ice cream since that’s 50% of my diet in the last week (the other 50% is mac n cheese)
57. drinking: water
58. I’m about to: maybe sleep lol
59. waiting for: once again just until im not in pain
60. want to: literally nothing just lay in bed
61. get married: probabbbly
62. career: ?? art director or maybe something like front of house manager in a theatre or something in film production or ui eng
63. hugs or kisses: hugs
64. lips or eyes: eyes
65. shorter or taller: tall but most ppl are taller than me lol
66. older or younger: uhhh i guess either as long as it’s within a couple years of me, tho since im 18 right now i guess not younger. i guess for guys it would always be older but i. dont think i want to date guys
67. nice arms or nice stomach: well for ME i have neither and i would prefer to magically gain a nice stomach so
68. hook up or relationship: relationship
69. troublemaker or hesitant: ??? i don’t like loud annoying people so hesitant
70. kissed a stranger: no
71. drank hard liquor: yes
72. lost glasses/contact lenses: no ive never had them lol
73. turned someone down: yes
74. sex on the first date: excuse u im 12
75. broken someone’s hear: i don’t think so ive never been the one doing the breaking up so
76. had your heart broken: i dunno that’s a strong phrase
77. been arrested: nope
78. cried when someone died: not that i remember
79. fallen for a friend: yes
80. yourself: ehhhhhhghfhhhhh
81. miracles: no
82. love at first sight: it’s a strong no from me
83. santa claus: i wysh
84. kiss on the first date: sure
85. angels: no
86-89. there were no questions asked…
90. current best friend’s name: current What
91. eye color: blue green
92. favorite movie: the fall or only god forgives
/neeeext game/
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nicknames: noneee
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: taurus
4. Height: 5'1″ / 157cm
5. Time: 7:37pm
6. Birthday: may 4
7. Favorite Bands/Groups: uhhm for kpop it’s svt, omg, loona, wjsn, etc... english it’s brand new, bad suns, stop light observations
8. Favorite solo artists: suran, heize, dean, childish gambino, hyuna, bruno mars
9. Song stuck in my head: vibrato by stellar 
10. Last movie watched: uhhhh i think i watched like half of the grand budapest hotel lol
11. Last show watched: game of thrones (tho once again not the 7th season yet lol)
12. When did i create my blog: this acct is just about to be a year old but my first one was from probably summer 2012 or 11
13. What do I post: nothin exciting, kpop + whatever pictures i like
14. Last thing googled: “red velvet red flavor” idr what i was looking for tho lol??
15. Do you have other blogs?:  too manyyy orz
16. Do you get asks?: yahuhh some
17. Why did u choose your url?: i just wanted smth short like i was surprised this wasn’t taken less than a year ago hhhu
18. Following: ~120
19. Followers: an amount;;
20. Favorite colors: yelloooow, pink, black, plus lately i like red more
21. Average hours of sleep: in the summer like 12-14 a day ha
22. Lucky number: 27
23. Instruments: nooone
24. What am I wearing: tshirt and boxers the only thing i ever wear
25. How many blankets I sleep with: just 1 comforter (+ the fan on tho)
26. Dream job: answered in the other game^^
27. Dream trip: baaack to suzhou
28. Favorite food(s): steak, shrimp, mac n cheese, red velvet cake, smoothies
29. Nationality:  american
30. Favorite song now: uhhh i’ve been listening to 1+1=0 by suran and that’s what i like by bruno mars a lot. all time favs r wishing well by blink 182, jude law and a semester abroad by brand new, and shark attack by grouplove
okiee that’s more than u ever wanted to know about me!!! tagging anyone who read this far cause this was really far so u yes u i tag u
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Yuri on Ice 12 (FINAL) | Erased 1 | SGRS 14 | Nanbaka 12 – 14
I’m still fleshing out my set for this season as well as filling out stuff from one year ago...yeah, yeah. You’re telling me I’ve got dedication, having to deal with stuff twice, right?
I’ve decided I won’t merge the old (Le Take) notes with the new ones, as there are some show takes (such as Sekkou Boys) that will get lost in the process. Besides, Le Take is pretty shameful by itself.
Why do I do simulcast commentaries? I figure someday, someone’ll benefit from all the info I give. Or maybe it’s just Boueibu fans who want another opinion on stuff. *shrugs*
Final ep, eh? I wonder if I’ll miss this show…
Apparently Stephane Lambiel is a famous sports commentator in RL.
Waitasec – JJ trained under Ciaociao? Now there’s something to see.
Still can’t tell that brunette is his mum.
Who’s the woman next to Ciaociao? (Her name, I mean.)
That’s…cute, Phichit. Real cute.
Pinchos? Rinchos? Rinchus? I dunno what that eyecatch says…
Everyone’s basically crying right now! *applauds*
It’s fairly predictable when someone becomes so fixated on somebody else’s actions that they’re going to get distracted (in this show, at least). Thus, it’s pretty easy to see Chris’s demise.
“Kya---” is a squee, not an OMG. Get it right, folks.
Symphony no. 9 – a name I’ve become quite familiar with through Classicaloid. The second’s not famous like the first, which is why Otabek choosing it represents him as a supporting person really well.
That…was surprising! I read a PP on Tumblr about how men normally don’t have a couples skate, but women do, but this…not only was it the Stay Close to Me from the beginning, it was a couple one too.
“See you next level” – People already spoilt that for me ages ago, but yeah. Hopefully I can see you next level.
(Erased ep 1)
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi was one of the bigger hyped shows IIRC and by virtue of its being a mystery, of course I wanted in. Also, Sachiko Fujinuma is Conan…
Okay people, let’s get this straight. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi means “The Town in Which Only I am Missing”. It’s dumb to change it, although I can see why the change happened.
CGI taxi. Probably the worst type of vehicle to blow your budget on.
That voice. It’s Conan…but a little deeper.
I found this site handy for unpiecing certain parts of this show, as well as Gugure! and a few other shows. It really helped for the title phrases especially.
This show really delves into the psychology and sociology…that’s one of the better parts of this.
CGI cars. Honestly people, don’t waste your budgets on CGI cars…
Obviously a Wikipedia parody.
According to the site linked a few dot points ago, you’re not allowed to ride on a bike the way Airi is in this scene.
I bet Sachiko ships them despite the age gap…oops, I forgot she says that. She does ship them, just not manically as shippers usually do.
Why is there a frog? “Speak no evil” or something?
That face…no wonder people think it’s obvious who killed Sachiko.
The cutting off of part of the screen is a good effect, visually speaking. It allows for contrast between present and past.
(SGRS ep 14)
CR was being a butt, so I had to use a YT mirror for this. Certainly, it was ripped, but it was a much nicer experience than dealing with Shockwave Flash and error pages over and over.
The 4th wall break…actually works really well.
President of the Rakugo Association? Nice, Kiku. Real smooth.
Lemme get this straight, people. It’s Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen. Not Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Descending Stories – the second part is a localised, shorter name.
As soon as I heard the voice of Shinichi (Detective Conan), my jaw dropped. I haven’t heard that voice in ages, and for an Osakan character too! (You can tell he’s Osakan due to the –han.)
Wa-wait…Mangetsu? O-oh, sorry. I’m not good at identifying voices of seiyuu after all. It was Koji Yusa, not Kappei Yamaguchi.
What anyone would give for a parent like Yakumo 8th…yeah. People would give a lot for that sort of freedom…
Oh. Okay. Kyoto people use similar honorifics to Osakans.
I’d recognise that as a Louis Vuitton bag anywhere. Lots of Asians have fake ones like it…haha. *sweatdrops* Google says it’s a woman’s handbag.
As a writer myself, I can see the parallels to the typical artist. I’m far from fully fledged, though…the only books I can call “published” are the ones I’ve made with my own hands or posted online.
Yotaro still remembers the promises after 10 years? I can’t even remember what I’ve said a few minutes ago sometimes, let alone remember something like that…even though I pride myself on my memory.
(Nanbaka ep 12)
Uh, what language is “Wartezimmer”? Update: Oh, German.
The exact word for “monster” used here is “bakemono”. I can tell from the lip flaps, even without sound.
This Elf looks like Tanya from Youjo Senki…*shudders* Not only does he look like an elf, but isn’t “elf” 11 in German? Update: You’re wondering why I’m talking about Elf despite having no indication as to how I knew his name? Spoilers, o’course.
Having watched ConRevo prior to this,let’s just say justice is not a word one should sling around lightly.
Haven’t laughed like this for Nanbaka in a while…I miss the days where Nanbaka really was a comedy anime.
They even went Hetalia mochi on us…? With bouncing head effects, to boot.
His name is “Mitsuru” (3 cranes), which is why Hajime’s calling him a crane.
“Don’t get caught” takes on a new meaning here.
Aw, sweetpe-oh? Ah! Elf?!!!!
If I were watching that weekly, that would be a bad cliffhanger…but I’m not, so it doesn’t matter.
(ep 13)
Why the brain? Shouldn’t Elf go for Musashi first, since that guy’s lethal? Jyugo’s hardly a liability compared to Musashi.
This Elf guy blew the metaphorical doors right open…and I just imagined the story flowing out of them like blood.
Handsome guys aren’t useless! They make a show more entertaining!
(ep 14)
Mitsuru!!! You’ve done it again, and by that I mean you’ve ruined the mood!
I was worried about the OP at first for a little, but then Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! came back and I rejoiced. It does sound a little different, though.
Mitsuru! Geddout of here!
Finally, Mitsuru does something good.
Poor R(bleep)mba.
Unfortunately, we haven’t learnt the name of that movie until now. So…thanks, Mitsuru.
Smol, unmasked Tsukumo is such a cutie. Dangit, I wanna take him home…wait, he’s on my computer, in my home. (It’s not enough, though. Gimme a plushie of it!)
Makibishi = caltrops. Japanese ones, to be specific.
According to Google-sensei, 10000 yen = about $100. Pretty expensive, Mitsuru.
COMP now? Also, Kuu was the one who said “meow”, but Rock’s dialogue was right before it. Subbers must’ve somehow confused the two.
183 cm? Pretty tall, Kenshiro. Pretty tall.
Herbivore men. You know what they are, right?...Right, Kenshiro?
You can at least laugh at how hard the narrator (not sure it’s Mitsuru any more) is trying…I guess this is the “so bad it’s good” category?
0 notes