#itll still pop up in a search i believe
im-not-a-l0ser · 1 month
do you count alaska as am honorary midwest state? it's midwest in all ways but location
So, uh. Given that it's very difficult to farm (midwest) food there, I'm gonna have to say no. Like, it's literally a joke about how much corn. My friend is from Washington (i think?) And they don't like corn. Must be because they aren't from the Midwest. They kinda thing.
I mean, I've never been to Alaska. But I also the whether isn't as fickle either, which is kind of a big thing. Like, Monday it was like 58 Fahrenheit, and last night there was a freeze warning. And I don't know how the language differs here to there.
But, yknow, to keep it fair. I'm gonna make a poll. Because I live on the edge of the Midwest, which is why I'm an okay judge for Michigan language, but not really for the west side of the Midwest. Maybe they think differently.
Be sure to read each answer before voting.
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agamehacker44-blog · 5 years
Nema Titla
Gamestop News
Came right here recently to request an application for a pal as well as this middle eastern looking man reacted to me with the rudest tone" it's only on the internet" as well as the other chubby Latino man didn't even bother talking to me and even assisting me out. I come right here constantly as well as I have alway gotten great service til today. I've never seen these men right here. They ought to truly start bewaring with who they employ. Ima take my company else where from now on.
I LITERALLY CAN NOT BELIEVE THE TYPE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE I RECEIVED AT THIS LOCATION!!!! I would actually provide this place no stars if I could, nevertheless; the bare minimum is one star. I need this business to understand, I don't mean the kind of treatment that was offered to me. Roberto is among the faces that represents this business, as well as I am so displeased with his customer support to state the least. Let's begin with the reason I was available in today (03.20.19) I called as well as verbally talked to somebody regarding inspecting stock for a used game as well as if they might put it on hold. The person on the phone (NOT ROBERTO) discovered it as well as gladly put it on hold. Thank you kind sir. Fine you are the reason you men get at least one star. So I had a return/exchange however didn't have my POP (proof of purchase) keep up men. Before even leaving my house back in Long Beach, which was a 35 minute drive. I called a regional GameStop to see what my choices were since I didn't recognize I didn't have my POP anymore when I went house to get the games. [bought a used game four days back, was dissatisfied; wished to exchange for a different game(which is in their 7 day return policy for preowned games)] that regional GameStop stated they were able to search for my purchase with my telephone number as well as I shouldn't have any type of problems doing my return. IDEAL!! That's terrific news! Nevertheless, the game I put on hold there with their on the internet service, did not have it in stock as well as stated it may've been a stock problem so they had to cancel it. That's fine, there is one more GameStop that has it. I will put it on hold online once again as well as just drive down there as well as take my possibilities. Amazing was able to get my game. Asked about the policy one more time if they are able to look it up and had them do it in front of me, and they were able to because again; I was doing a return/exchange for a different game there as well. Now that I've gotten two confirmations about this, let me be on my way to a GameStop that is out of my way for the game I want as well. 35 minutes later ... I'm greeted by ROBERTO ... who tells me they do not have said game preowned. No ... I called and put it on hold. He insisted that he hasn't seen it and did not get a call. Thanks for consulting your coworker buddy or even checking where your holds are. Then I discussed the situation of the reason why I put it on hold to begin with is for a return/exchange but I don't have POP. He told me there is no way for me to do a return without my POP. And I told him I called a different GameStop and they said they could look it up with my number. So then he says that if he does it for said game, I'm not allowed to have my receipt. & I told him the store prior gave me my POP. & he insisted that they aren't allowed to do so. Please check the law for the FAIR AND ACCURATE CREDIT TRANSACTION ACT, where companies should print out sale receipts !! This became an argument as you can picture as to why I wouldn't want a receipt. His reasoning was idiotic. Because I used their promotion on buy two get one totally free, I wasn't allowed to have the POP because IN THEIR SYSTEM, IT DOESN'T CLARIFY WHICH ONE IS FREE. So if he does the return, I can not have a receipt that shows which one that tallies at a $0 amount because their system won't show which is totally free. yeah buddy that makes a ton of sense. After this ordeal of arguing for twenty minutes. He still didn't have the decency to realize that he was wrong and help me expertly. In the end, he tells me that HE IS GOING TO GIVE ME THE POP TO SHOW MY TRANSACTION AND ITLL BE EASIER IN THE LONG RUN. So then I asked then why couldn't I just get the POP when I asked? & I was given an attitude saying that he just said he is going to give it to me. wow. just wow. I don't understand how this is one of the status GameStop or how this man is even employed there. Then I look back at the ratings at this GameStop and it's not good reviews. I hope this company trains their employees better. No one ought to have to have this type of experience again.
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warmau · 6 years
shinee x mermaid!au
to celebrate the 6th album! and to thank shawols for staying strong!  tw: water imagery, implied drowning 
pearl farming mermaid 
his clan of mermaids is known for being keepers of the shells - which refers to oysters, clams, conchs, etc. 
his tail is the color of seaweed, a shiny dark green and his scales create a pretty curve up to his hips
he has rather large gills compared to other mermaids because he goes extremely deep to search for pearls 
his family is said to be the “glowing eyes” mermaids for if you find them at that deep their eyes give off a yellow gleam
but he is such a sweetheart of a mermaid,,,,,like he isn’t some greedy hoarding pearl farmer
he actually really enjoys making jewelry for other mermaids to wear with pearls
he has his own, the pink conch pearl his mother made him and that he’s worn since he was young
and when mermaids come asking for something pretty - he’s more than happy to make it
younger mermaids sometimes think his tail is a long eel and get scared of it and he’s like TT why do kids not like me and taemin is like because you look like a big water snake im sorry but its true jkjkjk
and u sometimes take your boat out near this place that has a lot of oysters there,,,but when you dive to go look at them
ur not like,,,,,,trying to harvest them or whatever - you just like looking at them because they’re pretty
tbh you just like the animals and plants of the ocean ur just there to see them
and onew has noticed you,,,,,he’s had to hide a couple of times when you come around to just roam
and ur the first no-tail (what they call humans) that like,,,,,doesnt come here to take his oysters
which is like,,,,,,,confusing because you just seem to enjoy swimming around 
and after a while he decides he’d like to try something
so he makes you a bracelet of pearls and leaves it in a spot he knows u like to see if ull be tempted
but,,,,,as usual you come by - pick it up - but then leave it there,,,,
even though onew is sure something like that must be a lot of money in the no-tail world above
and he keeps planting all these pretty pearls and whatnot but you never take anything from the ocean and one day
as you’re swimming back up to your boat
and getting in and taking your diving gear off
you feel your boat rock and all of a sudden you see a person, their arms resting on the side of your boat
and ur like ?? hello are you ok are you stuck in the water do you need help ??
and it’s onew he just drops the chain of pearls into your boat and nudges them toward you and you’re like ???
and he’s like “gift,,,,,,,” and you’re like for me???? why??? have we met??? i dont know any other divers around here
and onew is like “do you like it?” and ur like well pearls are pretty sure but who are you -
and onew is just like,,,,, “they’re yours”
and with that he falls back into the water and you’re about to panic
but then you see his tail raise up out of the water and you’re left SPEECHLESS
because was that handsome mermaid the one,,,,leaving pretty pearls for you?????
onew returns to his people and everyone is like ,,,,,,, this is impossible but why is his face so red
shark mermaid 
his clan of mermaids is supposedly the rowdy bunch,,,,,,the bad boys of the sea if you will
because unlike usual mermaids,,,,their teeth are super sharp and their tails are coarse like shark skin
they also can hunt bigger prey than normal mermaids and are always said to be making a mess of their food everywhere
lots of mermaids don’t like them,,,,,,which makes lovable and personable minho really sad
because he just wants to help and use his shark-strength for good,,,,,,but no one wants him around
and smiling with those huge teeth,,,,,,not a good way to impress people apparently
except you,,,,,,,who happens to be the only person in the world who’d meet a shark-merman and be completely and utterly in love
it happens when you’re fishing and you put wAY too much bait onto your tiny little hook
and instead of pulling up a fish,,,,you pull up minho
which almost makes you pass out until you realize what he is (not a person whose body you just discovered - but a poor merman who now has a hook caught in his mouth)
and youre like oh no open up so i can get it out
and he does and you’re like OH TEETH
and hes like “sowry,,,theywe,,,,scawy” (the hooks making him speak al funky)
and you’re like no no no they’re cool just open up and please promise not to chomp my hand off
and he’s like nodding and you get in there and get the hook out and you’re like all good
and he’s blushing because ofc he got,,,,,,,caught on a FISHING line of all things
but you’re just like wow wow so many questions are you like actually part shark wow wow what kind of shark can i see your teeth again
and poor minho is all flustered,,,,no one has ever showed so much interest in him 
and you’re just buzzing with this cute sparkle in your eye
like do mermaids brush their teeth???? is that thing for you guys??? omg 
and he’s like huh whats that
and ur like O M G and you show him your toothbrush on your boat and he’s like huh do i eat it
and ur like no no no u clean ur teeth with it
and he’s like how and ur trying to explain it and minho’s like OH to get those parts of the fish out of your back teeth that get stuck there right
and ur like what but ur like yES 
and it’s cute you teaching shark man minho how to brush his teeth
and promising you’ll come visit him with more funky human products
and minho is like cant believe,,,,,,the person who isnt scared of me is  tiny adorable human,,,,,,,
pirate mermaid 
used to be part of a clan of mermaids who harvested coral and seaweed but that sort of life got boring so one day he just decided to swim to another part of the ocean
and,,,,kind of began a life of thievery 
which he did at first to like survive but now he just sees ships passing by that have cargo and treasure and he’s like
might as well use the whole “mermaids are scary creatures” myth to my advantage
he also,,,,,might have learned a thing or two from siren mermaids - because as vicious as he can come off with ringed red eyes and sharp mermaid teeth
he can also make himself QUITE appealing to sailors ,,,,,,, with his pretty orange scales and golden hued gills 
but yeah no he’s only after their goods
especially enjoys finding gems and jewels and anything he can adorn himself with
wears cuffed golden earrings and has some scarring from fights he’s gotten into (which he’s won)
you’re a cabin hand on this ship that’s supposed to be transporting all this art and stuff to europe for a show
and to be honest you hate your job - because most of the sailors are always rowdy and rude to you
and you’re the one left cleaning up their messes
so when they dock for the night on this tiny little island, you’re the one left with clean up duty
and you’re sweeping around the edge of the boat when you hear a soft voice
and you turn around to see someone’s grabbed a hold of the boat
and at first you think it’s some drunk person swimming at night and ur like uhhhhhhh hello do u need a hand
and they just pop their head out and smile 
and ,,,,,,, woah theyre cute but uh,,,,,,,,,,,what are they doing in the dark water
and he’s just like “oh i dont need help, but this is the ship that’s got,,,,,all that fancy art on it right?”
and you’re like .,,,,,,,,,yeah?
and he’s like mind if,,,,,,,,,,i look at some of it
and ur like i dont think im allowed to do that and he lifts his body up a little and you catch a glimpse of his waist
which is,,,,,,naked,,,,,,,and not connected to a pair of legs
but a big, glimmering tail
and ur like hold up wait wait wait ur a mermaid
and the boy is like oh silly me i guess i let the human see my tail!!!! but yes im a mermaid and im scary so move aside or ill um eat you
and ur like,,,,,,,,,,,,mermaids dont eat people
and key is like furrowing his eyebrows like u dont know that how many mermaids have you met in ur life
and ur just like i dont think u could eat me ur kinda skinny
and key is like HEY .,,,,,,,,,true but still give me some of the stuff on this boat or ill just have to take it from you by forc-
and ur like ok i hate my job anyway wait here
and u go into the back pick some random stuff and just throw it overboard like here ya go
and key just blinks like,,,,,,,,um this is now how it usually works
and ur like its fine. itll be fun watching some of the idiots get in trouble when we get to europe 
and instead of swimming off with the goods, key rests his hands on the edge of ur boat and hes like hey,,,,,,if u hate your job just runaway
and ur like and what become a pirate
and key grins like i did it. its worked out nice for me
and ur like yeah but ur ,,,,uve got the looks and the cool mermaid powers
key laughs at that, but reaches out to take your hand and ur like /??? and he slips one of the gold bracelets he has on to your wrist and hes like
it should be worth a lot of human money. go. run off and start a better life
and ur like w,,,,what i mean,,,,,,thanks i mean,,,,
and you look down and key is like well i have to go,,,,rob some more people and stuff but i hope we can meet again
and ur like wait wait,,,,,,,,,can i come with you
and he’s like ur not a mermaid- and ur like no no i mean ,,,,, what if we just take this whole boat right now. its full of precious art. why not
and key grins and lifts himself up a little to be at eye level with u
and suddenly ur a little nervous,,,,but also embarrassed
and he’s like human,,,,i like the way you think
scavenging fierce pirates,,,,,but also cute human and mermaid who fall in love hehe
seahorse mermaid 
a super rare type of mermaid whose lower body resembles that of a leafy sea dragon 
his coloration is yellow with small spots of brown and green
and from his hair grown the similar long leaf like skin that make it look like he’s wearing these long beautiful earrings
his gills are small and crescent shape on his neck and they illuminate a little when he swims
is very very playful and curious but can also just lazily float when he’s not feeling it
unfortunately, he was captured by scientists at a young age and has spent the better part of his life being experimented on 
you’re one of the new lab techs whose assigned to a project on taemin and you,,,,,,hate seeming him all cooped up in that tiny tank
all alone
so every now and then when someone isnt looking you give him a little wave or do something silly to entertain him 
recently you’ve started also listening to music when the other scientists and techs arent around
and sometimes ull do a little dance
and taemin,,,,,,,,,starts copying you
but when he does it it’s like ten million times more beautiful because he has that unique tail
and you cant really talk through the glass so you start using hand signals
like a thumbs up and making hearts
and you see how happy it makes him because he’ll do this little turn inside the tank
and swim up real close and smile against the glass
and ,,,,,, at one point you even get close and taemin and you just spend a good two minutes staring at each others faces
till taemin taps on the glass where your lips are and you dont know what he means
but you hear the door open and you have to step back
but anyway,,,,,everything is going fine - the project that taemin is involved in doesnt hurt him in any sort of way it just has some small samples that need to be taken and observation of his behavior  
but you can tell that he’s old enough now that this little space is stressing him out
and one day when you’re alone in the lab with him 
you try to figure out how to sign to him that you want to help him get out of the tank
and you pull up a photo of the ocean on your phone and point to him and then to it
and taemin watches intently until he presses close to the glass and taps again on your reflection,,,,on the place where your lips are
and you tap back to him
and then,,,,,,
you watch as he presses his lips to the glass, eyes fluttering a bit and you,,,,,,,,you can’t believe it but you think
that the mermaid is asking for a kiss
and you’re embarrassed to death but ,,,, you do it because,,,,,how can you say no to taemins face
and when you pull back he does another happy twirl and puts his hand to the glass
so you can put yours over it
and now more than ever,,,,,more than anything else you want to make sure to get him back out into the ocean,,,,,,
even if your heart is going a little crazy inside your chest at this moment hehe 
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
Two Tones of a Tabby- pt.I
Tumblr media
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Bildungsroman, Idol!Taehyung 
Summary: Upon graduating from university, you embark on your first and last summer adventure to explore the wonders of the world with complete independence before becoming confined to a cubicle when autumn begins. But as fate would have it, a chance encounter with a troubled idol in search of his own kind of freedom threatens the solo aspect of your trip. 
Word Count: 2.4k 
Parts: I II III IV V
A/N: this was supposed to be a lengthy oneshot, but i guess itll be another series instead (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  and im screaming at myself for being extra enough to write bildungsroman as the genre. it’s basically just a fancy term for coming-of-age and the longest word in my vocabulary LMAO.
T is for Taehyung 
“travel diary entry #1- it’s 5pm, been stuck at incheon since like 6 in the morning and nothing remotely interesting has happened because this is a fucking airport. if there’s one more flight delay, i think i’m going to combust.”
With a sigh, you drop your pen between the first two pages of your journal to reveal a red cover with tiny tigers running across it. The first spontaneous purchase of your vacation is already proving its worth through the countless flight delays you’ve had to endure thus far. Your mother would’ve told the younger version of yourself not to waste money on a journal at an overpriced airport kiosk unless you were going to write in every single page from beginning to end. Maybe you wouldn’t have made use of such a sentimental object as a child, but as time went on, you’ve grown. Besides, no one’s here to stop you and your rash decisions. You’re on your own.
Or so you think.
All at once, a rush of humans and cameras flood the airport walkway that had been otherwise quiet for the past 11 hours. You notice some young folks get up from their seats with their phone cameras ready to get a better view of whoever it is. A celebrity? You’d get up off your ass to check out what the big deal is, but honestly, you have no idea what all the youngsters are into nowadays. Maybe that’s your own fault for paying more attention to your studies and workload than pop culture and current events. So you decide to stay back and eat your slice of pizza that had gone cold as you were busy writing.
Even from afar, you can see the huge moving cluster of people and bombardment of camera flashes. Is that even legal? Does personal space not exist when you’re a celebrity? Do celebrities ever grow tired of not being able to live freely? Those are the thoughts you have as you munch on your dinner.
Mid-bite, you watch as a black mullet pops up from the crowd with a few sleepy waves. You could swear, for just an instant, he makes eye contact with you, the only person sitting that far away from the chaos. His dark eyes reflect something more—something beyond what the rest of his nonchalant body language shows. With half of your pizza hanging out of your mouth, you give him a polite wave with crumby fingers, although you’re sure he had already looked away by then.
And just like that, the airport finds peace once more. You wonder if you should pull out your journal and write another entry about your fateful encounter with an unknown celebrity who accidentally made eye contact with you for 0.3 seconds.
Beep! “Attention: Now boarding, Flight 1230.” You leap off your seat as soon as you hear that your flight hasn’t been delayed for the thousandth time. Checking twice to make sure you aren’t leaving any of your belongings behind, you lug your carry-on bag with you to the boarding area.
Finally, your solo trip has begun.
Once you’re settled into your seat on the plane, you try to remember what the fuck you were thinking about before boarding. Ah yes, your eye contact with Mr. Celebrity. How could you forget?
You dig through your bag and pull out your tiger journal. For a good minute, you just stare at it, having an internal debate on whether or not to waste a page on another dumb event at the airport. Nah. It’s too late now. Maybe if he was a celebrity you knew, your heart would’ve leapt, and only then would it be worth recording into your journal. But you’d rather leave space for memories that perhaps hold more weight to you.
All that remains engraved in your mind from the occurrence are the boy’s eyes. They were fill with darkness as if they were hiding a secret of some sort, and he had awfully beautiful eyelashes that could be seen from a mile away. So for the sake of it, you draw just his eyelashes, which look mildly creepy on their own beneath your entry on the flight delays.
For the rest of the flight, you try to rid yourself of that one instance and get some rest, but for some reason, it’s more difficult than it should be. As much as you’d like to think of yourself as someone with a carefree personality, little things like this actually bug you quite a bit.
Something about the whole thing is unsettling. You aren’t sure if it’s because of the bombardment of cameras, the lack of personal space, the troubled look in the boy’s eyes, or the fact that that was the most action you’d gotten all day. But nonetheless, something just feels off.
Perhaps the only way you’re able to find peace is by telling yourself that there’s nothing you can do about it. The boy doesn’t know you, you don’t know him, and that’s that. You just want to enjoy your trip and not have to worry about anything—especially not a boy.
So you close your eyes and dream of all the yummy food you’ll eat over the course of your adventures. That's the only travel plan you have so far. Everything else will happen as it comes.
After the long flight, the first thing you do is stretch and breath in some fresh air. The sky is blue and the morning sun is radiating down on your jet-lagged body. As much as you’d love to find a hotel to rid yourself of your bulky luggage and take a nap, you don’t have time for that. You’re eager to explore, and that alone is already more than enough to energize your mind and soul.
You wander around the streets in search of the no.1 thing on your mind: food. Rather than use a GPS or Yelp, you leave it up to your intuition and stomach. And somehow, you’re led into an empty café with fancy coffees and desserts.
To give off the least amount of touristy vibes, you shove your luggage beneath the table for two and begin to browse your food options. You lowkey want to eat everything that’s pictured on the menu, but you have to remind yourself that you still have a long trip ahead of you, so there’ll most definitely be plenty of other opportunities for good food. After careful consideration, you settle on an iced mocha and a slice of strawberry sponge cake. A caffeine and sugar rush can’t hurt.
As you wait for your food, you wonder why the café is so empty. Perhaps it has a bad review on Yelp and you would’ve known that if you’d just checked your phone. Maybe the food quality is shit, or maybe the service is terrible, or maybe they know something that you don’t. Oops.
But it takes less than five minutes for your food to be served with Instagram-quality presentation. The strawberry sponge cake looks moist and delicate with pink flower sprinkles that glisten in the sunlight, and the mocha has a cute kitten drawn on the handcrafted foam. But to be honest, you kind of care more about the taste—which is also surprisingly quite delicious by your standards.
You suppose you shouldn’t worry as long as the food tastes good, so you pull out your journal again and write another entry as you enjoy your breakfast.
“travel diary entry #2: got off the plane, stopped at a cute café with no one in it, which is lowkey shady, but whatever. the food tastes good lol. oh and the mocha has a kitten drawn on it to match the tigers on this journal. is this what they call fate?? LMAO jkjkjkjkjk-”
“I’ll order what that customer is eating—except no coffee, please,” a soft and mellow voice interrupts your train of thought. You had been so absorbed in your food and writing that you didn’t realize another customer had appeared. Maybe the café isn’t so shady after all. Your intuition hasn’t failed you.
As you take a sip of your mocha, you casually glance over at the table across from where you’re seated and nearly spit out your entire drink—not because it tastes bad, but because you recognize the long eyelashes. It’s the eyelash boy from the airport.
Between bites of your cake, you keep sneaking peeks at the boy, who’s actually a lot more handsome now that you can see his features up close. With his loosely styled hair, his expensive yet questionable taste in fashion, and his gorgeous looks, there’s no doubt he holds some sort of fame status.
Apparently you’ve stared for too long because he catches you and deadass rolls his eyes. As if you’re doing something wrong.
“If you’re waiting for an autograph or something, you aren’t getting one,” he finally says to you. An autograph? You don’t even know who the fuck this guy is, and he thinks you want his autograph?
“Excuse me?” You narrow your eyes at the celebrity.
“I know you’re one of the fans from the airport. You waved at me with pizza hanging out of your mouth.” You’re half embarrassed by the fact that he witnessed The Great Pizza Incident, and half offended by the fact that he called you a “fan”. Because you’re certainly no fan of his.
“Last time I checked, I was sitting at this café before you, so there’s no need for you to assume I’m one of your crazed fans who follow you around everywhere.”
“And yet, somehow out of all the places in the world, you happen to travel to the same exact city as me,” he scoffs. “Don’t pretend like this is a coincidence.” His thick-skulled ass doesn’t believe you, and you can’t believe it. What did you do to deserve this?
“If you think I somehow found your schedule and took this vacation for the sole purpose of seeing my favorite celebrity, then you’re either paranoid or way too conceited,” you say. “I don’t even know who you are, or why there were so many fans chasing you around the airport. I’m just here to enjoy my trip, so leave me the fuck out of your problems.” It comes out a little harsher than you’d like, but hopefully it’ll get the point across that you aren’t a fan blinded by love.
Out of shock, the boy just blinks at you. He’s probably not used to being scolded straight to his pretty face. But he deserved it, and to your surprise, he apologizes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take out my frustrations on you,” he pulls back and bites his lip, “especially when you chose to stay away from the airport chaos.” At least he’s willing to own up to his mistakes.
“It’s fine… I’m not actually that mad… I just didn’t want to be wrongly accused of being a stalker, you know?” You soften your expression to ease the tension. “Besides, I’m sure it happens to you all the time.”
He nods in silence as he stares down at his strawberry cake. It seems celebrities do get overwhelmed and sick of living with no privacy. Maybe this boy just happens to have reached his tipping point.
“Look, I’m sorry you have to deal with constant bullshit like that. Everyone deserves the freedom and space to do whatever they wish (as long as it’s legal),” you say, finishing off your last bite of cake. “That’s actually the reason I decided to take this solo vacation—to take time away for myself!” You aren’t sure why you share this last bit of information with the boy, especially when you hadn’t told any friend or family about your spontaneous trip, but it just feels right to let him know that he’s not the only one in search of a liberation of some sort.
“I wish I could be a free spirit like you,” he chuckles for the first time, and it’s really fucking cute. “Maybe that’s why I’m taking this trip too—to loosen up a bit and do what I want, rather than conform to what the world expects of me.”
“Well you aren’t off to a great start, to be honest,” you tease him as you receive the bill from your waiter. As soon as you see how much you have to pay, your mouth forms a big O because you realize why the café is so empty. It costs you a lot more than you’d like to spend on some coffee and cake. But despite the overpriced food, you don’t feel terrible about your stay.
Just as you’re about to get up to pay at the register, you’re blocked by the boy who’s suddenly trying to act like a gentleman. “Let me pay for it… as an apology for interrupting your breakfast. And by the way, who eats cake for breakfast?”
“You ordered the same thing as me!” This guy is unbelievable, but also amusing. “And it’s fine. I may not be a celebrity like you, but I can pay for my own food. Thanks anyway, Mr. Celebrity.” You smile at him before making your payment at the counter. Something about his cute frown from the rejection makes you die a little.
“Then let me take you out,” he blurts out, perhaps on the spur of the moment. “I-I mean… unless you have plans later.”
You take a long moment to stare at the boy who had accused you of being a stalker less than an hour ago. Oh how the tables have turned. The spontaneity of travelling with someone you just met certainly will spice up your adventure—for better or worse. Somewhere in you, a fire is lit. So you shake your head, “I don’t have any plans. After all, I’m a free spirit as you like to call me.”
“Then what would you like to be called?”
“Right. Y/N. Then… I’m T?”
“T? Is that what your real name starts with?” you chuckle. “And why do you sound so suspicious?”
“Wait, you really don’t know who I am?”
“I really fucking don’t.”
You hear him mumble something about fires and deoxyribonucleic acid, as if you should get the references. But you suppose you’re too much of an uncultured swine to pick up what he’s putting down.
“Good.” For some reason, he looks relieved that you’re unaware of his celebrity self. “Just call me Taehyung then.”
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actualbird · 6 years
dogjeremy au: things that happen after michael now knows his dog is jeremy (part 1 to basically the resolution of this au plotwise)
see, michael now has a mission. he has a purpose. gone are the days of vague sulking and sorrow because dealing with a missing person’s case with no leads was awful, everybody was just searching blind. but now michael knows whole things 1) jeremy is a dog, 2) thats not normal, and 3) if he turned into one, there must be a way to turn him back. 
so it is time for michael to go into Research Overdrive: This Puzzle Must Be Solved So That I Can Save My Friend From Eternal Dog-itude. and research overdrive will vary depending on which route of squiptitude caused jeremy’s dogness, all rather entertaining in their own right. 
if this au is post-squip and the dog is a squip sideeffect, it’s likely jeremy has no idea and michael finds it out while combing thru squip information. he stumbles upon a weird forum buried under a bunch of internet mazes. the forum is basically like “SHES A DOG NOW AND MTNDEWRED ISNT WORKING PLS HELP” to which michael has to respond by like, taking deep breaths, because what the fuck is a squip even?? he does digging, establishes contact, finds out the dog was able to turn back, but comes up empty with how she managed it. “i turned back when i found peace” “k cool but wtf does that mean”. yes this means michael probably makes jeremy drink mtn dew red. it doesnt do anything sadly but it’s really funny watching a dog drink soda from the bottle.
jeremy was cursed by squipwitch or made a wish on a shooting s(quip)tar, jeremy has to fess up. when michael interviews him about all the events that led up to jeremy getting turned into a dog, he gets a little cagey before finally admitting that he, well. kinda wished for it. he didnt wish to BE a dog, he just wished to not be him (which breaks michael’s heart in so many ways, but one problem at a time.) curses/wishes are easier to work with because fairytale logic dictates that curses are mostly to teach lessons. theres something jeremy has to learn from being a dog, and once he learns that, he’ll turn back. now the only problem here is that...they have to figure out what that thing is.
(”you have like a hundred issues, dude, how are we supposed to find and fix one,” michael tells jeremy.
“hey!” michael jeremy a second later when jeremy nips at his arm.)
michael has a lot more energy though now that he knows. things are still bleak but now he’s working towards a goal and his best friend is no longer missing and by his side. it’s kinda like a fun few days for a while yknow. like the 2 minutes music montage in the movie with the pop song in the background and michael and jeremy are trying to figure things out either through squip testing (maybe if we fuck up the squip coding so much, itll just undog jeremy) or....weird talk therapy. weird because michael is quiet genuinely terrible with other people’s emotions and jeremy can only talk through an ouija board and pre-written index cards. 
im on the fence on whether or not michael would tell anybody else about jeremy. it’s ultimately jeremy’s choice, but michael thinks more people knowing might increase their chances of finding a solution but jeremy also doesnt want to like, do more damage (because what if nothing works? it wouldve been better off if people just...didnt know). so maybe they tell christine. or the rest of the gang. but the one jeremy is adamant about not telling is his dad. (and that hurts jeremy a lot but he doesnt think he could survive watching his dad not believe that hes jeremy. jeremy kinda wishes he could get michael to bring jeremy back to his place just so he could see his dad. maybe cuddle against him. but his dad’s allergies. also, his dad’s probably worsening depression under the brunt of jeremy’s disappearance. jeremy isnt strong enough to go through that.)
so they keep working to find a solution!! but the fun montage can only last for so long and every lead they try to follow comes up empty. things are starting to look bad again. michael tries to keep a brave face on for jeremy, but he realizes that kinda useless. jeremy’s already seen him break down countless times over his own disappearance and---
oh man
in the midst of all the research michael. kinda fucking forgot about all that. about everything he told jeremy. 
he told jeremy that he’s in love with him.
and now michael cant even seem to help him turn back so they can talk about it.
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desiror · 7 years
My Letter To You
From day one you caught my eye You made me crazy but i never tried Cuz my homie was talkin shit constantly So i rejected you unconsciously And kept my feelings to myself Till i find the strength to tell you how i felt By the end of sec 5 Ive dated a couple girls, and you a couple guys But none of them are even comparable To these feelings that are unbearable Fuck it, im gonna tell you i got too Im about to, till my bestfriend calls dibs on you... First semester and were closer than ever Were both dating others, but were always together You're in love with this guy, guess i gotta stay as a friend I put my emotions aside, till your relationship ends That was the plan, till you say you had feelings for me before What the fuck man, now i just love you even more... Im still with her, and you're still with him I have no other choice but to keep my emotions hidden It was all workin till one day Your boyfriend moved far away I figured i couldnt miss another opportunity To make this finally just you n me For the first time, we chilled outside of college At this point, my feelings for her have abolished It all happened when we went clubbing Holding your hand, our bodies touching Sparked the feeling ive always been searching for The one that confirmed my heart is yours One day we got high, and you came over You were having a bad vibe, so i gave you my shoulder Suddenly my heart start ed to beat Faster than when you pop ecstacy We started gettin touchy, then things got out of hands No time to think, our hands are down eachothers pants Felt so overjoyed when i woke up I felt happier then when i smoke up Cant stop smiling, im so in love It felt like a dream, for sure it was You even said that you love me, it cant get better We talked about us in the future, being together No regrets, but it does feel wrong Ive been waiting for this so long Now theres no way i can stay with her I put it to an end, didnt expect it to feel so bitter I feel heart broken, this is so hard But the thought of our future, fixes my heart No interest in other girls, im just waitin You're my first priority, i aint playin Imma help you through it, no problem You asked about my feelings for her, how i stopped em I didnt say, but girl you're the answer I thought of how happy ill be with you after I know we said we'd both take our time But baby you're always on my mind Whats also on my mind is the fact That you're the one fighting for his stupid ass Yet you keep telling me how much you hate him Then why dont you drop him? Stop debatin Damn, it felt like years but its finally ova You gonna be so much happier baby imma show ya The only thing right now in my head Is to make you the happiest girl, till the day im dead But theres only one thing that i ask Please baby, dont go back to your past.. i held you tight in my arms and felt you cry I said to you alright just forget this guy You answered no, i cry because im scared to lose you Im so lost tho, howd this even come up to you? You just broke up and thats what you have to say I cant let you use me to get over him this way Exams are keeping me busy, i cant be there all the time You're going through a lot you gotta keep yourself occupied But the way you resorted to is worse Partying and doing drugs till you're out of this universe But as long as i know you're gonna be there for me When summer comes, "this"ll all just be in your memory We havent spoken to eachother in a long time Just sittin here, waiting for you to become mine I hear about you through a friend of ours So what you do now is tinder and get nailed for hours?! I been shaking all day but thats not even why I feel like everything you ever said to me was just a big lie I thought i was addicted to smoking cigs Until i realized what a real addiction is Just the thought of you gives me the worst shakes Quitting got me trembling, but you give me earthquakes The smoke stops the flow of my blood when i grow old But you just froze my blood and made it go cold Right now i cant feel nothing else but hatred I thought we had something but i guess you faked it You were scared to lose me as a friend But in the end you lost all of me cuz now im dead i cant belive you went back to the person you were I knew it was gonna happen, i shouldve backed out sooner You lied to me, and fucked me over bad But for real, thats not what got me this mad Im angry at the fact you didnt say nothing I guess while i was waiting you thought i was gone or something Cuz you didnt even say we werent gonna happen You left me to wait, while you were with other guys laughin I havent yet told you whats on my mind We havent been alone in a long ass time You act like nothing ever happened and it kills me So much hatred inside, seeing you just fills me But i cant stop myself from seeing you Losing you would be worse than us being through Alright so were gonna act like nothing happened But dont expect me to be often laughin And dont you fuckin dare say that it meant nothing "Not like i had feelings for him we were just fucking" Bitch ill fuckin kill you why you doin this shit Stop lying, everything that comes out of you is fiction I expected you to fall before we be together But then i thought youd rise and be with me forever But thats where i fucked up thinking this through Cuz instead of only "this" in your memory, you put me too I dont want to believe that im just some other guy But i am, once again i fell for another lie Were going out for a birthday, i got a lot of shit to say I havent seen you in days, but i wont say it today Cuz i need to speak to you once were alone So lets just enjoy this night like we did a long time ago Im looking for other girls but you're the only one i see While you're with other guys, grinding behind me Grinding was fine but now you're hookin up I keep drinking but i dont think i took enough All i see is you constantly kissing him I just wish it was me i guess im missing it And to worsen it you bring him with us all night Being all cligny next to me, how can you think this is alright? Every once in a while i get a message from you "I miss you homie", but you never come through If i say it back ill be the only one to mean it And that i know for a fact so i wont repeat it Im trying to scar but you keep coming back to press On this wound that you inflicted as you left For some reason i was still hopin youd become mine But now you have a boyfriend im fully done tryin You said you didnt wanna start over with a new guy "I want someone im close to" bitch you lied Dating a dude you just met i dont understand Am i not exactly what you want according to wut ur sayin Its like you enjoy putting yourself in misery Ill never understand i guess itll stay a mystery You left me once again for a random dude Im done thinking of this im changing my attitude Im done suffering bitch finally this pain's over Im done waiting bitch now its game over -Anonymous
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lionbcbnfdu-blog · 5 years
Nema naslova
Gamestop News
Came right here recently to request an application for a pal as well as this center eastern looking person reacted to me with the rudest tone" it's just on the internet" as well as the various other plump Latino person really did not also trouble talking to me and even assisting me out. I come right here at all times as well as I have actually alway obtained great solution til this particular day. I've never ever seen these people right here. They must truly begin bewaring with that they employ. Ima take my service else where from currently on.
I LITERALLY CAN NOT BELIEVE THE TYPE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE I RECEIVED AT THIS LOCATION!!!! I would actually provide this place no celebrities if I could, nevertheless; the bare minimum is one celebrity. I require this business to understand, I do not mean the kind of therapy that was offered to me. Roberto is among the faces that represents this business, as well as I am so displeased with his customer care to state the least. Allow's begin with the reason I was available in today (03.20.19) I called as well as verbally talked to somebody regarding inspecting stock for a used game as well as if they might put it on hold. The person on the phone (NOT ROBERTO) discovered it as well as gladly put it on hold. Thank you kind sir. Fine you are the reason you men get at least one star. So I had a return/exchange however didn't have my POP (proof of purchase) keep up men. Before even leaving my house back in Long Beach, which was a 35 minute drive. I called a regional GameStop to see what my choices were since I didn't recognize I didn't have my POP anymore when I went house to get the games. [bought a used game four days back, was dissatisfied; wished to exchange for a different game(which is in their 7 day return policy for preowned games)] that regional GameStop stated they were able to search for my purchase with my telephone number as well as I shouldn't have any type of problems doing my return. IDEAL!! That's terrific news! Nevertheless, the game I put on hold there with their on the internet service, did not have it in stock as well as stated it may've been a stock problem so they had to cancel it. That's fine, there is one more GameStop that has it. I will put it on hold online once again as well as just drive down there as well as take my possibilities. Amazing was able to get my game. Asked about the policy one more time if they are able to look it up as well as had them do it in front of me, as well as they were able to because once again; I was doing a return/exchange for a different game there also. Now that I've gotten two confirmations regarding this, let me be on my method to a GameStop that is out of my method for the game I want also. 35 minutes later ... I'm welcomed by ROBERTO ... that informs me they do not have claimed video game preowned. No ... I called and also placed it on hold. He urged that he hasn't seen it and also did not obtain a telephone call. Many thanks for contacting your colleague pal or perhaps examining where your holds are. After that I clarified the scenario of the reason that I place it on hold to start with is for a return/exchange yet I do not have POP. He informed me there is no other way for me to do a return without my POP. And also I informed him I called a various GameStop and also they claimed they can look it up with my number. So after that he claims that if he does it for claimed video game, I'm not permitted to have my invoice. & I informed him the shop prior offered me my POP. & he urged that they aren't permitted to do so. Please examine the regulation for the FAIR AND ACCURATE CREDIT TRANSACTION ACT, where organisations have to publish out sale invoices !! This came to be a debate as you can envision regarding why I would not desire an invoice. His thinking was idiotic. Due to the fact that I utilized their promo on buy 2 obtain one cost-free, I had not been permitted to have the POP due to the fact that IN THEIR SYSTEM, IT DOESN'T CLARIFY WHICH ONE IS FREE. So if he does the return, I can not have an invoice that confirms which one that tallies at a $0 quantity due to the fact that their system will not reveal which is cost-free. yeah pal that makes a lots of feeling. Hereafter challenge of saying for twenty mins. He still really did not have the modesty to understand that he was incorrect and also aid me properly. Ultimately, he informs me that HE IS GOING TO GIVE ME THE POP TO SHOW MY TRANSACTION AND ITLL BE EASIER IN THE LONG RUN. So after that I asked after that why could not I simply obtain the POP when I asked? & I was offered a perspective claiming that he simply claimed he is mosting likely to offer it to me. wow. simply wow. I do not recognize just how this is just one of the reputation GameStop or just how this individual is also used there. After that I recall at the rankings at this GameStop and also it's bad testimonials. I wish this firm trains their staff members much better. No person needs to need to have this sort of experience once more.
0 notes
bondbw1pdb3-blog · 5 years
Nema Titla
Gamestop News
Came here the other day to ask for an application for a buddy and this middle eastern looking guy responded to me with the rudest tone" it's only online" and the other chubby Latino guy didn't even bother talking with me or even helping me out. I come here all the time and I have alway gotten good service til this day. I've never seen these guys here. They must truly begin bewaring with that they employ. Ima take my service else where from currently on.
I LITERALLY CAN NOT BELIEVE THE TYPE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE I RECEIVED AT THIS LOCATION!!!! I would actually provide this place no celebrities if I could, nevertheless; the bare minimum is one celebrity. I require this business to understand, I do not mean the kind of therapy that was offered to me. Roberto is among the faces that represents this business, as well as I am so displeased with his customer care to state the least. Allow's begin with the factor I was available in today (03.20.19) I called as well as vocally talked to somebody regarding inspecting stock for a previously owned video game as well as if they might put it on hold. The individual on the phone (NOT ROBERTO) discovered it as well as happily put it on hold. Thanks type sir. Penalty you are the factor you people access the very least one celebrity. So I had a return/exchange however really did not have my POP (receipt) maintain people. Prior to also leaving my house back in Long Beach, which was a 35 min drive. I called a regional GameStop to see what my choices were since I really did not recognize I really did not have my POP any longer when I went house to get the video games. [bought a previously owned video game 4 days back, was dissatisfied; wished to trade for a various video game(which remains in their 7 day return plan for preowned video games)] that regional GameStop stated they had the ability to search for my acquisition with my telephone number as well as I should not have any type of problems doing my return. BEST!! That's terrific information! Nevertheless, the video game I put on hold there with their on the internet solution, did not have it in supply as well as stated it may've been a stock problem so they needed to terminate it. That's great, there is one more GameStop that has it. I will certainly put it on hold online once again as well as simply drive down there as well as take my possibilities. Amazing had the ability to obtain my video game. Inquired about the plan again if they have the ability to look it up as well as had them do it before me, as well as they had the ability to because once again; I was doing a return/exchange for a various video game there also. Since I've obtained 2 verifications regarding this, allow me get on my method to a GameStop that runs out my method for the video game I desire also. 35 mins later on ... I'm welcomed by ROBERTO ... that informs me they do not have stated video game preowned. No ... I called as well as placed it on hold. He firmly insisted that he hasn't seen it as well as did not obtain a phone call. Many thanks for talking to your colleague friend and even inspecting where your holds are. Then I discussed the circumstance of the reason I put it on hold to begin with is for a return/exchange however I don't have POP. He told me there is no chance for me to do a return without my POP. As well as I told him I called a different GameStop as well as they stated they might look it up with my number. So then he states that if he does it for stated game, I'm not enabled to have my receipt. & I told him the store prior provided me my POP. & he firmly insisted that they aren't enabled to do so. Please inspect the legislation for the FAIR AND ACCURATE CREDIT TRANSACTION ACT, where companies should print out sale receipts !! This ended up being a disagreement as you can think of as to why I wouldn't want a receipt. His reasoning was idiotic. Since I used their promotion on buy two get one totally free, I wasn't enabled to have the POP since IN THEIR SYSTEM, IT DOESN'T CLARIFY WHICH ONE IS FREE. So if he does the return, I can not have a receipt that shows which one that tallies at a $0 amount since their system won't show which is totally free. yeah friend that makes a ton of sense. After this experience of suggesting for twenty minutes. He still didn't have the decency to recognize that he was wrong as well as assist me expertly. In the long run, he tells me that HE IS GOING TO GIVE ME THE POP TO SHOW MY TRANSACTION AND ITLL BE EASIER IN THE LONG RUN. So then I asked then why couldn't I just get the POP when I asked? & I was provided a mindset stating that he just stated he is going to provide it to me. wow. just wow. I don't comprehend exactly how this is among the eminence GameStop or exactly how this man is even utilized there. Then I look back at the scores at this GameStop as well as it's not good evaluations. I hope this business trains their workers better. Nobody ought to have to have this kind of experience once again.
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