#item invasion
daily-osc · 1 year
looks at you silly
can you draw poison mushroom item invasion!!!!!!! my little fucker!!!!!!
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Sure can! They were quite fun to draw :)
Day 65, 6/16/23 --- Poison Mushroom (Item Invasion)
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pillroidcanon · 7 months
if i had a nickel for every time an object show character with yellow in their design used an item that belonged to a character loosely based off of a gameboy/a gameboy property to cut down on some of their votes, thereby moving their arc forward, i’d have 2 nickels.
which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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spurkspaint · 9 months
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literally the same dynamic. i see no difference. stupid idiot stupid x grumpy little shithead. best ship dynamic ever.
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osc-confessions · 11 months
i like to think of what all the item invasion characters would taste like. poison mushroom would taste like hand sanitizer, fire flower would be spicy (NOT LIKE THAT), ice flower would taste like ice, bullet bill would taste like metal and gun powder, and so on
Doing this with objects that are actually edible may make more sense, but the inedible ones make the concept more entertaining
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sigh,,,,,, edgyshit headcanon time,,,, /hj
ok SO i have this headcanon bullet bill (item invasion) cant tell whenever hes in a dream or not, despite this, he still threatens super leaf because hes fucking tired of being reminded about what happened between them and to "just keep it as friends" and "move on"
so yeah. also he could probably rip anyone to shreds in seconds just sayin >:3c
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silversupremacy · 1 year
*looks down sadly* yes they are mario characters
the show is item invasion btw
anyways boomerang flower (far left) is an idiot thats all /j but fr hes a rlly chill gay dude who doesnt really talk to new people that often, mostly prefers to be with bullet bill, super leaf, and cloud flower, or by himself. (also he’s stinky vince told me its canon /j)
in the middle is bullet bill HE IS DEPRESSED BUG CREATURE!!!! sorry—hes bisexual, he is pretty sensitive and finds out how to blame himself for stuff, and he needs a hug
on the right is super leaf. she is a pansexual girly girl and so basically shes kind of fuckin bad like she’s sarcasting, she knows a lot of things about most of the other items i think, but another part of her is sweet and willing to help others
Aha don't worry, mario is fun :)
I'll try to remember to draw the charas some time!
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
personally I think the medieval Irish were onto something
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mostlikelydead · 11 months
I wish Elden Ring had solo invasions like in the other games without using taunters tongue. I just wanna have silly red ppl in my world :<
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miirshroom · 3 months
Impaler's Catacombs: Examination
This is something that I started before the DLC announcement that seems to indicate some particular importance for the Impaler's Catacombs. Basically, I wanted to do a thorough examination of any catacomb using my usual observation methods and this location happened to be the one chosen. So, I make no comment on implications for any particular character known as an Impaler and instead just focus on a visual walkthrough of the location.
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Between the site of grace and the Martyr Effigy room with the door to the end chamber there is a short staircase with 2 cat-head imps hanging off the sides of the pit. A grave violet on the first landing. The pit appears to disappear into darkness, but thowing in a glowstone reveals that it's fairly shallow.
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Along the corridor to the first chamber past the Martyr Effigy room there are unlit candles, cobwebs, pieces of wooden coffins and skeletons. There are 3 cat imps waiting in the chamber. The chamber contains 3 wooden coffins and 2 stone coffins, one of them filled with skeletons and a Grave Glovewort. Bars with the appearance of wrought-iron have been erected in front of the empty wall niches, which are themselves not proportioned to hold coffins of the size in the chamber. Similar metal bars are found in Murkwater Catacombs and in the torture cells at Castle Morne. There are fancy brass candlestands in the 4 corners which hold 9 candles each, but none of them are lit. Standing in the direction that the Glovewort is pointing leads to the way forwards and also points out the lit candles above the one wood coffin with no lid on it.
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Instead of proceeding forwards, first investigate the chamber to the northwest. There is another cat imp waiting in ambush and more niches with bars in front. There are 4 wooden chairs in the room. Looking in the direction of the Grave Glovewort [2], it's pointing towards the only pottery in the whole of this catacomb.
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The path forward leads to an empty room, with a faint speck of purple in the distance to the left, but too high to reach. This is the only room so far where there are not bars in front of the wall niches. Stepping into the room triggers the floor to raise up into the spikes. The platform for the floor trap is made of heavy wood floor beams and a central stone column. From the vantage point of the Grave Violet, there are about 10 skeletons impaled in the spikes. It is otherwise a dead end.
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Dropping down, there is an underground water filled cistern, where it appears that water is constantly flowing in from some source judging by the downwards slope into the chamber under the floor trap. There's a Ghost Glovewort marking the way forwards towards some Putrid Corpses. However since it's pointing west I first investigate that corner. There are some flat bottomed drain channels that keep the water in this room at a constant level and drain off the excess. This is typical at all 4 corners of this room. There is also a 3rd Grave Violet at the north corner of the chamber.
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Now for the Putrid Corpse Chambers of the cistern. Attempt to take notes on positioning became quite difficult among the seemingly endless hoard, which starts with just 3 Putrid Corpses shambling about. Looking in from the entrance (pictured in the post header), the Prattling Pate "Please Help" is found on a corpse on the left beneath a candle on the wall, which was facing east when it fell forwards. The arc of the Grave Glovewort [2] points generally southeast towards the pipe set into the southeast wall. There are downwards pointing bars in the arches of these chambers which aren't quite close enough to graze the head while walking but feel oppressively close to discourage jumping. There is no danger of them descending like the spike trap, from the way that they are set fixed into the stone.
In a dead end alcove to the southwest there is a Corpse looking north with 3 Root Resin within eyesight of a Grave Glovewort [1] (on the right side of the column straight ahead). I did not get a good sense of which direction this one is pointing. 4 Putrid Corpses emerge out of the ground upon reaching this alcove.
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The wood ladder to climb out is on the northwest wall. Just before ladder there is a Grave Glovewort [1] pointing east, again towards a drain pipe in the wall. Which seems to support the general thought that water is being directed into these chambers from outside. The vertical streaking on the walls are generally typical of calcium deposits that leach through the walls of buried chambers made of concrete as the groundwater seeps through (I guess in this case, originating from mortar or limestone bricks).
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In the end stretch. The chamber is unlit except for a single golden flamed candle held by the statue at the lever and a single white flame candle in one of the niches behind bars. There are 3 wooden coffins in the room. Around the corner is the way out and one more cat imp. A Grave Glovewort [2] seems to have been pointing in the imp's direction.
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Looking back, the exit from the one way trip through the deeper chamber was just above the entrance all along. Descending to the boss chamber is a relatively plain entrance.
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The boss of this Catacomb is the Erdtree Burial Watchdog 3-headed variant with sword and wearing red cape. There are also 4 ordinary cat-headed imps with forked hatchets. Somewhat uncommon for the sword-carrying Erdtree Burial Watchdog, this one does not have a lit flame on its tail, and the room also appears to be somewhat darker than usual while the boss fight is in progress. The reward for slaying the boss is the Demi-Human Ashes, which summons 5 Demi-Humans. Like in many other catacomb locations, the right side column nearest to the entrance is entwined with vines and skeletons.
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However, there is one more observation to keep a look out for after clearing the room. There are two root resins positioned at the back of the chamber. The one on the east has a direct sightline to the rebirth monument and the branch is pointing towards an open wooden casket along the west wall of the room. The one on the west has the rebirth monument blocked by a column and is pointing at a closed wooden casket on the east wall of the room.
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The catacomb is located on the east side of the Weeping Peninsula, with a cloud-covered view of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion and Redmane Castle out the front door. The Dragonbarrow Minor Erdtree is hidden behind a large tombstone. Between the door and the site of grace is a substantial amount of greenery growing on the walls.
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An examination of the area around the Catacomb could be another post entirely, but I'll end with a few observations. On the pathway leading to the catacombs there are 3 dragonflies of the type that has a striped abdomen resembling a bee. There are 6 eagles perched on and around the Rosus statue on the hill above that looks generally eastward and points the way to the catacombs.
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iwatcheditbegin · 6 months
No but some of this shit is why we are weary of the newer fans. 
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insanepixels · 4 months
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I caught a host!
(No hosts were harmed while taking this photo. The caught host was safely released into the Altus Plateau wilds soon after - or as safe as can be while Omens are about...)
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waspgrave · 5 months
The painful part of Pokémon games is wanting to fill your dex but there’s a chance no one else is in your friend circle so you can’t do the back and forth trading to fill it out and have to just rely on surprise trade until it happens
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grassbreads · 11 months
Every time I buy something for use at my new job, I've been going out of my way to find a design that has as much personal association as possible with my fandom obsession nonsense, but is completely un-fan-related to anyone else. I don't think I could get away with merch there, but damn if I can't feed the brainworms.
I got a really beautiful memento mori hourglass sticker for my boring water bottle, and no one but me will ever know it's for vnc reasons. I bought a mug decorated with willow branches because I'm obsessed Tai Sui. None of this means anything to anyone but me. But I Know.
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spurkspaint · 2 years
SPEAKING OF my fair share of item invasion fanart,,,,
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osc-confessions · 1 year
i want to slap every item invasion mushroom they are all just so slapable… maybe not rock mushroom… errrrrmmmm,,,,,,,,, i want to slap all of them
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dndtreasury · 2 years
Chalice of Invasive Luxuriance
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