#it's the everyone disliked that meme fr
crehador · 3 months
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"many opinions" YEAH NO KIDDING
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mariekanker · 2 months
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im sooo smart i couldnt find the blank template but i have now but its fine . classic deviantart meme font.
[IMAGE ID: The fandom opinion meme, a template where you draw characters that correspond to the prompt, this one being themed around One Piece. The first one is for "favorite character" where Franky, Robin, and Usopp have been drawn. They're all close together with Franky in the back and Usopp doing a thumbs up. For "liked by everyone but me" is Sabo, whose burn scar is drawn more exaggerated. For "didn't like at first" is Orochi, who's head is tilted down a bit and is looking up, annoyed. For "would like to know more about" are Crocodile, Pudding, Kiwi, and Mozu. There's text above them reading "honestly I would love to know more about the franky family in general." For "least favorite character" is Orlumbus, who is annoyed and looking to the side. For "like the design, dislike the character" is Zeo, glaring at the viewer. Text next to him reads "unfunny as fuck but the most badass design in the goddamn shit." For "like the character, dislike the design" is a very small drawing of Usopp, as if he's standing far away. Text above him reads: "God I hate the donut lip thing." For "similar personality" are Pudding and Usopp. Pudding is grabbing Usopp's shoulders from behind and looking at him with her three big eyes and says "I can erase all scary memories." and Usopp responds: "Oh shit, fr?". He seems pretty okay with this ordeal. For "fav ship" The Going Merry is drawn in the foreground, with an expressive figurehead. She looks very excited and has a 1st place medal around her neck. And then in the background Franky and Robin are seen making out. For "least fav ship" are Buggy and Crocodile. Crocodile is blowing smoke on Buggy's face and Buggy keels over and hacks. For "would befriend IRL" is Kokoro, lazily looking at the viewer and holding a bottle of booze. Text beside her reads "would be chill as fuck". For "would not befriend IRL" is Sanji, who is laying tied up on railroad tracks while a train looms in the distance. Befriend is also spelled incorrectly, reading "befrined". /END ID]
explaining my self under the cut (EGGHEAD SPOILERS INCLUDED)
Favorite character: Franky, Robin and Usopp. Franky is my favorite but Robin and Usopp are the best characters. For Franky it's mostly that I like weird guys in hawaiin shirts and I also like inventor/engineer characters and he's both which is not fair to my psyche. And a lot of the shit he makes is so silly all those extra vehicles in the sunny all have to be cartoon animal themed and that's so cute. Silly guy making his silly machines, aww aww. I like Robin because she's a little weird a little offputting. Wish they went way further with that but I still enjoy that element of her character. And that she's the designated smart one but not in a killjoy way, and it's so sweet seeing her find happiness over time. I like that Usopp is the straight man or everyman type guy of the crew, and how most times the thing he chooses to do is the most "yeah i would have done that in this situation". I like that at no point he suddenly overnight becomes some brave boy and is a shounen anime badass now, but instead he's anxious about everything but pulls through regardless. He could have quit back in water 7 but he didn't !! New world scary as hell but he's still here having not given up or died !! There's something i really appreciate about having a character who isn't a badass or anything like that succeed too because its harder for him. And I lovee a good usopp fight, his fighting style is so fun and the usopp vs perona fight is one of my favorite of the whole series. I think it's fun that he was able to work around his fear of close combat by getting experimental. And of course the whole thing with how they make a point in Enies that Usopp doesn't have to be insanely capable and competant to have value and have his friends love him and i think that's nice. Everybody's valued on the crew even if their unique skills are more "niche" or whatever. :] .
Liked by everyone but me: Sabo. I think I would have liked him a lot more if he wasn't introduced immediately after Ace died as Luffy's secret brother he also has (anime adaptation is way worse for this because they can't even hide that Sabo didn't die !! It's so obvious !!) I know they have a whole passing the torch thing going on and the fire fruit thing is very cute but i feel it kind of takes away from the impact of ace dying to give luffy a different fire brother yknow ? either way though, he has the personality of a slice of white bread like i really dont find him endearing at all, all i get out of him is he's kind of fun to draw i like pulling a brightheart warrior cats fan design on him. as far as i can tell most OP fandom people generally like him i never see sabo slander LOL but that's just me
Didn't like at first: Orochi. Choosing him more out of what I felt was appropriate given some characters i.e. franky are clearly supposed to start off on a bad note then be likable later. Orochi never gets redeemed or even becomes particularly silly and charming in the ways many other villains do. Him being an over the top piece of shit who was also scared of everything then had beef with Kaido just appealed to me idk lol plus all the stuff with how he's doing all this out of some kind of paranoia/trauma response and like yeah fuck sure i'll take that some kind of a reason over nothing at all. he's a little like arlong if arlong was like really really lame. i think it's funny he fake dies like twice + his actual(?) death scene is honestly pretty badass that was a good ass scene. one of my more favorite villains tbh and he pleasantly surprised me because i really assumed he was just going to be another comically evil annoying lame guy in a different coat of paint. think again it's annoying lame guy but a little better.
Would like to know more about: Crocodile, Pudding, Kiwi, and Mozu. Honestly there's like 27 characters I could put here. Crocodile stands out to me because of the implied trans thing mostly but regardless, I am curious about his relationship with Robin and his run in with Whitebeard and the thing with going out of his way to stick his neck out for Luffy in Marineford. <- that was probably just Crocodile being grateful luffy busted him out of impel down and not wanting to say it, but i like to think there's some kind of "luffy reminds crocodile of himself when he was younger" type deal because yea croc wanted to be pirate king before whitebeard shat all over him, yeah? yeah i wanna know this guy's deal. and yeah what were the circumstances of him and Iva's initial meeting? Out of everyone I chose he's probably the mostly likely to get some kind of detailed backstory and such. I assume Pudding is probably going to be very relevant eventually what with the opening of the third eye or whatever the fuck. Excited as the prospect of more Pudding, really hope we do not get another hancock situation where her entire character devolves into being really obsessed with a guy. Low expectations for this one I just hope she gets things to do that uh . don't suck lol. i really like her a lot. I think I kind of already explained Kiwi & Mozu yeah, in general more of anything on Franky Family would be nice. I know they're not important like Croc + Pudding but I hope they at least get some silly mini story shit. Filler ep where Franky reminisces on franky family . i will take antyhing.
Least favorite character: Orlumbus. don't like the columbus cameo. that's it, this one isn't deep, the fact he's a character at all is just dumb to me. i do rank him lower than villains or intentionally annoying charatcers because at least characters like Spamdam you're clearly supposed to want him dead so he's doing his job as a character.
Like the design, dislike the character: Zeo. Wasn't huge on the new fishman pirates in general. Would have to reread Fishman Island to elaborate better. Zeo's design is badass though.
Like the character, dislike the design: Usopp. Looks like a caricature
Same personality: Usopp and Pudding. Only 2 I could think of that have made me think yeah, they're just like me for real on a regular basis.
Favorite ship: Going Merry. I love that the Merry is just the silly little boat that could held together by duck tape and how comically smaller she is compared to marine ships, really bringing together this idea that the straw hats are just some scrappy weirdos who have no business being alive this long- Oh. Oh that kind of ship. Okay. Frobin is like the most . Sounds like a pairing that would actually happen, makes sense for how I understand these characters to be, etc. I'm not in the camp of believing they're end game or canonically secretly in love, you just don't have to like . Conveniently forget things about either character to force it into making some kind of sense. More importantly though, I think it's fun how they're counterparts to each other. Robin is history/nature themed, Franky is futuristic/technology themed, but both are connected through the pluton thing. They're both "keys to the ancient weapon" but instead of being destructive evil characters they're more interested in building the other up. Something like that. And it's a weird girl + silly guy dynamic and I like these kinds of "met you in the worst situation but we made it out together and are now both enjoying ourselves" relationships. If I was spamdam bringing robin and franky together for my evil scheme only for them to not only both escape but end up on the same crew and become very close I would have to quit my job out of embarrassment.
Least favorite ship:Crocodile x Buggy.I don't care for most hate love type dynamics anyways but particularly don't enjoy this one because seeing Buggy in this toxic yaoi with my boss type situation doesn't appeal to me at all. (Obviously not the worst OP pairing in the world, just as far as pairings I actually see with my eyes every now and again I don't really care for this one)
Would befriend irl: Kokoro. I just like her. I would listen to her talk for a long time about whatever the hell.
Would not befriend irl: Sanji. I mean like more than half of all OP characters are people i would not stand but I have a dunking on Sanji quota to achieve.
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kae-karo · 11 months
Hey kae, just wanted to drop by to say I really love your fics! The characters always feel so in character, and I love the various ways you describe things. I was wondering if you had any general tips for writing for beginners? And any tips for writing characters that feel in character? Thank you so much, and have an amazing day!
AWE hi dear this is so sweet omg ????? 🥺🥺🥺 i'm so so glad u feel that way !!! this got long so uhhhhhh most of it'll be below the cut lmao
honestly i think my biggest overall writing tip (both for beginners and anyone, really lmao) is to follow inspiration and just write. write the scene you can't get out of your head, write the thing some song lyric inspired, write the silly situation or dialogue that some meme made you think of, write the heart-shattering angst that spilled out from a 'what if' scenario, just write anything that you're inspired to write. don't worry about the quality of it, just get it down somewhere
fr that's the most critical part of writing, so like. first and foremost, just write. i mean it's the most memed one too, like every other writing meme is abt blank gdocs and managing to get down three whole words and whatever, but like. that's the biggest hurdle tbh? everything else can come after
and in the after part is where u can focus on improving the """quality""" (quotes bc quality is subjective !!!!!!) honestly this is a twofold thing, cause honing both writing and editing skills takes time and that's okay, but as with a lot of creative crafts, it helps to seek out what you enjoy - the authors who write with metaphors you really like, or who describe scenes or characters or clothing or whatever it is in ways that really appeal to you, the ones who write the most interesting or fun or heart-wrenching dialogue, the ones with worldbuilding that feels so seamless or intriguing, the ones that know how to build suspense or craft a really compelling character/relationship arc, whatever it is, work on honing your senses to seek out those specific things in those fics! how are those authors doing it? what word choice or sentence structure or narrative closeness to or distance from the character's point of view gives the perspective you prefer? how are they foreshadowing, if at all? what methods are they using to create the emotions or feeling that you notice?
and honestly figuring a lot of that stuff out takes time and it takes reading!!! which like. probably as a writer you're doing anyway!!! but doing it with some focus and going from 'oh shit i loved that story' to 'oh shit i loved [these specific aspects of it]' to 'oh shit, this is the WAY they did those things i liked, maybe i can try them sometime' is really powerful when it comes to building your writing wheelhouse and shepherding it toward writing you personally enjoy. and i mean this very seriously, look for what you personally enjoy. not everyone is gonna appeal to you, and even some of the 'best' writers are not going to do things in ways that you personally like!!! please don't strive to write in ways you don't like just cause someone else thinks they're great!! there are some incredible writers out there that i just personally don't vibe with their writing style and i don't want to write like them!!! but that doesn't mean they're not good, it just means they aren't for me personally! (and on a side note, knowing what you dislike is also helpful and can point you away from writing tactics or methods that u don't enjoy)
i'll also add that what's probably tricky (as it is for a lot of creative endeavors) is the 'i'm not where i want to be yet' feeling - you know what you want, you know what you're going for, and you feel like your writing hasn't hit that point yet. and this is the hardest piece of advice to take and to do, but like. you gotta just write it anyway lmao. like you have to get comfortable with going 'this isn't what i want it to be yet but i'm going to write it and i'm going to be proud of what i've done even if it isn't perfect'. and maybe that includes posting if you're planning to post stuff !!!! post the stuff that isn't perfect !!!!! i'm so so serious about this btw like. get comfortable with writing stuff (and posting it) if it's not perfect. this is critical. it will never Be perfect but that's not the point the point is to have fun while you're doing it and work on guiding yourself toward writing you enjoy even more as you go
cause like (and this ties back to my point about seeking out things you enjoy while reading and analyzing how they're accomplished by other writers) the more you enjoy what you're doing, the better it will be. this is just. like. a genuine and sincere fact, if you are having a good time with it, it'll be fun to read. so aim for that feeling and you'll be in a good place, i promise
as for writing characters more 'in-character'! i'd say this has two key parts, the first half is just dipping a toe into their canon dialogue, canon experiences, interactions, etc. having a good general sense of their character can help pave the way for the 'in-character' feeling!! if it's helpful for you, it can be nice to put some thought into a brief summary of the character in question - i'll use kaeya as an example, i often focus on his tendency for keeping his cards close to his chest, the internal battle with honesty and revealing anything personal, and his outwardly carefree attitude as some key goalposts when i'm writing. and sometimes there are others that are more relevant to specific stories i'm working on, or some of the goalposts can change or be less significant to a story, but i generally aim for having a few key markers that allow me to set up the second half of the 'in-character'-ness
the second half then being motivation - basically, once i have my character staked out, i want to figure out how their motivation in this particular story fits within those goalposts. and sometimes it doesn't completely fit, or the goalposts it fits in are different from what i originally was considering! or there's some aspects that get a little less important based on the motivation in a specific story! but the key i think to really making a character feel 'in-character' is consistency - do their motivations make sense for how they're being portrayed? cause at the end of the day (and some people may feel slightly different about this but i think it's a good rule of thumb if 'in-character'-ness is a concern) there's never going to be a perfectly in-character character, right, like the whole point of fic is that you're putting them in New situations that didn't happen in canon lmao. but if you can convince me that the character, with their motivation influenced by these key goalposts of their characterization, would do or act or think a certain way, that is what truly makes a character feel 'in-character'
and the way this manifests would be something like, a couple really straightforward examples:
kaeya choosing to hide a wound from the knights because he doesn't want jean or lisa or anyone butting into his shadier interactions because they might get hurt, and he can handle himself (playing on his evident care for others in spite of his cool attitude, his typical carefree facade, and his desperate self-reliance)
kaeya threatening someone for scaring klee (leaning into his darker and possibly dangerous side as well as his protective nature, especially toward klee)
kaeya battling with some fallout of his khaenri'ahn ancestry coming to light (playing on his facade and its possible fragility, his uncertain relationship with his past/his family, and his history with diluc the night of their fight)
ANYWAY all of that to say that motivation based in key points of a characterization can be extremely effective in convincingly painting a character as 'in-character'
also in a broader sense, and depending on how 'close' to a character's perspective you want to be (i'll just add that i prefer to be as close to a character as possible, so if you're more a fan of writing omnisciently, this might not be as helpful!!) it helps to think about how a character might think or speak in a broader sense beyond just exact dialogue/etc?
like, a good extreme example would be zhongli - he tends to speak with a more archaic or formal vernacular, especially when compared to childe, for example. depending on the scenario, childe might use some more formal vocabulary (ie around the tsaritsa), but it doesn't seem as likely that his internal monologue would feel super formal
another extreme would be writing from a kid's pov! they aren't likely to use huge words or complex sentence structure (take a look at klee's canon dialogue from the event!) and their metaphors/analogies might be a little different from an adult's or a teen's
all of that really just helps put the cherry on top of a convincing characterization though! i personally don't find it particularly offputting to a characterization if the internal dialogue is a little different from what i personally would imagine or assume lmao
PHEW okay all of that said i will do my lil tl;dr which is:
WRITE oh my god write!!!! follow your inspiration and put words down somewhere!! do this as much as you feel inspired to do so!!! (and take breaks!!)
HAVE FUN do whatever u gotta do to make it an enjoyable time!
READ stuff from writers you enjoy, and practice picking out the things that seem to contribute to what you enjoy
BE CONVINCING with consistency between a character's motivations and the things you're painting as key parts of their characterization in a story. 'convincing' beats 'perfect' characterization every time i promise
HAVE FUN seriously i'm saying it twice cause it's so important if you're writing and it doesn't feel fun, take a step back and consider what about it would make it more fun. then do that instead!!
tyty for the ask dear and i hope this helps!! <3
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sunbudc · 2 years
hi!!! how ab one piece for the ask game
WAUGH THANK YOU FOR THE ASK i wasn't expecting anyone to actually send something in hold on
Favorite character: SO MANY unfortunately but if i HAD to narrow it down,,, nami, smoker, jinbei, and crocodile FOR SURE they are so neat and cool and im going to explode
Least Favorite character: i have very few characters that i actively dislike that aren’t meant to be in some way unlikable or i just don't forget about immediately but if i had to pick a character that’d gotten on my nerves from a writing standpoint it’d probably be caribou why the fuck is he still HERE 😭🥲
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): frobin, any ship with usopp bc he deserves the world, also speaking of which LUSOPP, zolu, also any ship with buggy bc it’s always super funny
Character I find most attractive: pre-time skip robin, crocodile again (sorry 😔)
Character I would marry: franky hands down bc i am a sucker for goofy haha characters and that he takes so much pride in himself and his inventions and is unabashedly out there and that he looks out for the other crew members and aaaaaaaaa
Character I would be best friends with: odd choice here but i wanna hang out with kokoro :) she seems nice
a random thought: crocomom theory is wild as hell and likely never going to happen for a litany of reasons but i am (jokingly) holding out hope that oda goes "you know what fuck you" and decides one day to destroy the one piece reddit once and for all bc it would be really really funny
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[ID: A cropped image depicting the uppermost portion of the 'Gee Bill! How Come Your Mom Lets You Eat Two Weiners?' meme template. The speech bubble contains the words, "Gee Luffy, how come Oda gave you three dads?" End ID.]
An unpopular opinion: people that hate nami simply do not understand nami sorry not sorry
my canon OTP: not a lot of canon relationships to begin with but silver rayleigh and shakuyaku are really interesting, especially with the newest chapters!! i wanna know more about those weird shady gossip grandmas and how they met <3
Non-canon OTP: whatever zoro and luffy have going on bc they are clearly soulmates and in love dont test me
most badass character: again, SO MANY but if i had to narrow it down,, i’d say luffy and zoro, especially zoro bc he gets so many moments to just be unhinged and freak everyone else out while luffy does things that relate to how just plain and simply kind yet selfish he is and how he does insane things for his friends bc he can AND will and NO ONE could ever stop him makes me emotional okay
pairing I am not a fan of: lawlu : /
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): sanji. for obvious reasons.
favourite friendship: nami and usopp fr fr! also jinbei and luffy
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: sorry everyone toko's my kid now she has suffered enough goddamn it 😤😤
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quackitytheduck · 2 years
being in the dsmp/mcyt fandom space is so weird fr bc everyone is always like “dni dream smp/dream fans” when like damn ☹️. dream is p chill but i think ppl forget there r other ?!? ccs in dsmp. got into for quackity originally and so when ppl have like a weird ?? big dislike for all dsmp i’m always confused (esp w other smp fans, what did dsmp do wrong to YALL. u guys also watch minecraft lore HDHDB)
oh yeah quackity was already a pretty big yter pre-dsmp and was friends with and made content with schlatt who was also similar in size at the time, and neither of a lot of their fans before would ever be caught DEAD interacting with the kind of audience they both have now. all those memes quackity jokes about "i miss the old quackity >:(" i see people say that and it's. so. weird.
and that's exactly what i'm saying about other smps being like that too!! like y'all realize when weirdo non-mcyt outsiders say "ugh mcyt i hate all of them i hate dream all those guys like dream and he's bad" y'all realize those people are lumping YOU in with US!! we need to work together to defeat the common evil!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
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Naegg for the ask meme
favorite thing about them: Tine egg boy can do no wrong lov him
least favorite thing about them: Uhhhh is there even a thing you could dislike about egg boy??? Probably but not me-
favorite line: "There's only one thing I can do for everyone who's died... And that's...defeat the mastermind! And to do that, I have to continue my investigation. I don't have any other option."
brOTP: Taka and Makoto have always been a fun friendship to me!
OTP: I like him and Kyoko but also,,,, Leon x Makoto is a great rare pair and I love them-
nOTP: Other than Chihiro I don’t think I really have one??
unpopular opinion: I don’t really know if this is unpopular or not but uhhhh He’s best protag fr fr
song i associate with them: Any song that’s currently on the radio-
favorite picture of them
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johannesviii · 4 years
Top 15 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2002
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13 to 14 years old. Most of the year was pretty good. Summer was great. But in September I arrived in 2nd (local equivalent of 10th grade), so I was 14 in a class of mostly 15/16 years old students, and I looked so out of place that inevitably, bad shit started to happen very quickly.
Thankfully, it was a damn good year for hits. They say music never sounds better than when you are a teenager, as if that was a bad thing - but maybe they’re right? So yeah, nostalgia is in full force there. This year was so good for music, in fact, that this is a top 15 instead of 10. It was already super difficult to keep only 10 songs before I even looked at the French year-end list, and then I just gave up.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
This list originally had SIX horribly painful cuts so I decided to do some damage control and make it a top 15. There’s still a whole bunch of honorable mentions, though.
Heaven remix (DJ Sammy) - [Insert here rant about Johannes liking overproduced dance garbage full of colors and lights]
Move b█tch (Ludacris) - Just a ton of fun to sing along that chorus.
Whenever Wherever (Shakira) - I claim overplay, but that is still legendary.
How You Remind Me (Nickelback) - Nobody’s gonna disagree if I say they’re a terrible band, but you gotta admit, their first hit was pretty great.
The Middle (Jimmy Eat World) - In a year full of fantastic earworms, some had to stay out of the list.
Can’t Fight the Moonlight (LeAnn Rimes) - Just re-read the previous statement.
Get the Party Started (Pink) - More on that later.
Inch’Allah (MC Solaar) - Not his best song by a mile (obviously; I mean, the guy who wrote a song about making Satan explode into antimatter can’t really top that because nobody can) but still very nice.
Cleanin’ Out My Closet (Eminem) - Yeah, the rethread of The Real Slim Shady is on the list and not this. What can I say, I told you I had bad taste.
Just Like a Pill (Pink) - The last cut from the list. I just really, really liked Pink, can you tell?
This is when I started to listen to the radio A LOT in my room, because my access to the family computer was restricted and radio was basically the only media I still had 100% access to and full control of. Which might explain why I suddenly liked a ton of pop music. Or maybe that year was simply really good. I guess it’s a mix of both.
Also, I still didn’t have a key to the appartment, but I was a lot less supervised when I was outside, and I would sometimes sneak out to go the library or to the disc store.
So... here’s some of the first singles I ever bought, for the record, and also because I think it’s fun to see all of them together.
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They’re all on this list, just to clarify.
15 - I’m Gonna Getcha Good (Shania Twain)
US: Not on the list / FR: #67
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Well, that was quick. So yeah, I loved this song. The accent meant I couldn’t understand half of the lyrics, but it was still a ton of fun and a delight every time it was on the radio.
14 - Wherever You Will Go (The Calling)
US: #5 / FR: #53
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I didn’t love this song that much at the time and only put it on one tape, but it really grew on my over the years. Yeah, it’s your standard 2000s pop-rock song, objectively, but I don’t know. It didn’t have to go that hard with its metaphors. I mean the guy is ready to follow that person into hell and turn back time if necessary. I really don’t know. It shouldn’t work so well but it does for me. Maybe it’s because I’m very literal-minded.
13 - Le Chemin (Kyo ft. Sita)
US: Not on the list / FR: #55
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Basically: A Ma Place by Axel Bauer & Zazie from the previous honorable mentions of 2001, except with half the amount of Hetero Drama(tm) and a pop-rock flavour to make it more palatable.
The first hit of a band it would very quickly be super cool to hate in my country (and I do mean very quickly, like a year or so) because everyone (including me, mind you) thought their lyrics were a bit too cringy even for pop-rock songs.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t buy the album and listened the shit out of it for like two years, though. The saddest part is that my favorite single from it by far, Je Cours (”I Run”), isn’t elligible for any list. Dammit.
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12 - Murder On The Dancefloor (Sophie Ellis-Bextor)
US: Not on the list / FR: #26
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This was a huge hit in Europe and somehow I thought it had reached the US, but apparently it didn’t. That’s a shame.
Also, overplay didn’t manage to kill it for me and that’s impressive.
11 - Complicated (Avril Lavigne)
US: #11 / FR: #83
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Loved it, bought the single, loved it even more, and then one of my uncles sent me the album for christmas, and all was nice and good in the world.
For the record, I thought Sk8er Boi was one of the worst songs on the album (my favorite was My World), and I still dislike this particular song to this day, so this is why it’s nowhere to be found here.
10 - Don’t Let Me Get Me (Pink)
US: #36 / FR: Not on the list
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You already know that because of the honorable mentions, but yeah, I loved Pink. This was the second album I decided I had to save money for months to acquire instead of just a single and which my parents would probably find acceptable. And this song is the best and it kicks some serious ass, on top of being full of self-loathing and extremely relatable at the time ("everyday I fight a war against the mirror, can't take the person staring back at me"? "I wanna be somebody else"?? Big, big dysphoria mood right there).
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No regrets, baby.
9 - Hands Clean (Alanis Morissette)
US: #95 / FR: Not on the list
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In just about every list I’ve made so far, there’s one song which makes me think “if I had better taste, this would be much higher”. This is one of these songs. Still love it, still put it on a tape and burned it on a cd. I found the cd in question again yesterday while making this list and it contains, in that exact order: Visage, Evanescence, Kyo, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, Talk Talk, Scatman John, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Shania Twain, INXS, Freur, Alizée, Linkin Park and this exact song by Alanis Morissette. It’s a great little time-capsule of my debatable tastes.
8 - Die Another Day (Madonna)
US: Not on the list / FR: #86
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This has the same kind of weird, disjointed beat as Music, but it sounds much more aggressive and sinister. This dropped right when I started to have real problems at school, so it’s a bit difficult for me to listen to it nowadays without having unpleasant flashbacks at the same time, which is why it’s so low on the list even though I listened to it on a loop back in the day. It might be a subpar James Bond theme, and might have dumb lyrics (god the Sigmund Freud line sdfghjhgfdfg), but on its own? It’s great.
Also I loved the music video. My mother, obviously, hated it, which only made me like it more, because, I mean, obviously it did. That’s how it works when you’re 14.
Speaking of which.
7 - Without Me (Eminem)
US: #21 / FR: #11
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By that point, it was becoming pretty clear that I would never be able to buy the music I wanted if my parents disapproved of it, so I had to be sneaky and buy every, uh “debatable” single with a second more acceptable single to hide the first one. The one I bought alongside this one was a cover of Désenchantée, sung by Kate Ryan.
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It is, in fact, less good than The Real Slim Shady, and I could only understand about one third of the lyrics, but still. I listened to it a loooooot. Because I actually had that single and not the other one which it was basically referencing to the point of self-parody. And just like the other one, I obviously don’t endorse all the lyrics, and the beat is great.
6 - All the Things She Said (Tatu)
US: Not on the list / FR: #12
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Just like Die Another Day this one is a bit difficult to listen to nowadays for me but it’s a monster of a hit nonetheless. Have to say, though: I listened to Not Gonna Get Us even more, which means THAT one is even more linked to bad memories, to the point of basically being unlistenable because it triggers a literal fight-or-flight response with me. Not kidding in the slightest. Still love it though.
5 - J’ai Demandé à la Lune (Indochine)
US: Not on the list / FR: #4
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This is one of my least favorite hit songs from Indochine. It’s still #5 on a list where I had to keep 15 entries instead of 10. This is because almost no other song I really really like from them will ever be elligible for these lists and if I can’t put a single Indochine song somewhere, especially from the Paradize album, I will have to punch a wall, dammit.
So here. Have the one in which the guy asks the moon if his significant other still loves him and where the moon answers “dude it’s not my problem”.
I love them and Paradize is an absolute monster of an album which rightfully made them relevant again, from new wave sensations of the 80s to favorite mainstream band for every young French punk/goth kid ever in the 2000s. This is not a diss, by the way, considering I was very clearly in that core demographic. Especially if you look at the top three I made for that year (and for the next one but let’s not get ahead of ourselves).
4 - A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)
US: #6 / FR: #51
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Yeah yeah, you knew this was coming when you saw that pic of the first singles I bought, and you can start laughing now. I know it’s basically a meme now (and a good one, mind you), but sometimes, songs are remembered for more than one reason, and you have to admit that one is still great on its own. I listened to it SO. MUCH. Especially before everything started to go wrong for me that year, so basically this is the sound of “how things should have been”, and it’s so pleasant and nice to listen to it even today. It’s no longer on my mp3 player, but, no joke, I think it stayed on it from the day I bought my first mp3 player to something like 2017. Is it an indicator of quality or yet another indicator of my debatable taste? Probably both.
In any other year, there would be a clear #1 either towering above the other songs or just slightly ahead of the rest. 2002 was so good I can’t, for the life of me, decide which of these next three songs is the best one, even subjectively, in a “hey I like this one a little bit more” kind of way.
So I’m ranking the top 3 according to the lengths I went to to listen to each of these songs at the time.
Let’s go.
3 - C’est Une Belle Journée (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #46
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This is what I’d call the Last Great Mylène Farmer Song. Oh she was still making music, pretty great music, in fact, after that. She’s still making decent stuff nowadays, from time to time. But in my opinion, it’s all downhill from there.
Still. This kickstarted my obsession with her at the time, because someone (I still have no idea who that was) was foolish enough to buy me the cd for Christmas. This is also why it’s #3 and not higher; I didn’t have to work at all to listen to it.
So... This is a song about killing yourself, disguised as a bouncy energetic pop tune. And it works horribly well. It’s very vaguely sinister but if you don’t listen to it very closely, it’s nearly impossible to notice what it’s actually about (translation here), and it charted super high and for a super long time without any controversy in its wake.
As I said: all downhill from there, because... how do you even top this?
2 - Lose Yourself (Eminem)
US: #63 / FR: Not on the list
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You probably guessed this was coming. I’m not sure what the consensus for the “best Eminem hit song” is nowadays, but that one has to be pretty high on the list. And it’s also kind of a meme because of the spaghetti line, I know, but still, quality, man. The most important thing about it in the context of this list is that it was juuuuust slow enough to allow me to understand most of the important parts with my still-limited English, and I loved the little story it told. I remember trying to put it on a tape for days and waiting for it to pop up on the radio and instantly pressing Record after the first note.
And of course I wanted to see 8 Mile and I couldn’t, but a few months later, the local book/dvd/music store, which had screens broadcasting scenes from new stuff they were selling, had a screen with a few battle rap scenes from 8 Mile on it, and once I noticed I stood in front of the screen for a long time in silent admiration. What can I say, I was an angry little thing, and seeing angry people fighting each other in ways where no-one gets hurt was very satisfying and cathartic.
1 - In the End (Linkin Park)
US: #7 / FR: Not on the list
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The music video had hilariously bad cgi even at the time, just to clarify. But yeah, that sound right there had the perfect balance of color, energy, sadness and anger to be the hit of the year for me back then. And I could understand nearly all the lyrics! I. Loved it. The local library had Hybrid Theory and I listened to it so. MUCH (my favorite song on it was actually One Step Closer (singing CAUSE I’M ONE-STEP-CLOSER-TO-THE-EDGE, ANDI’MABOUTTOBREAK felt great) and I thought Crawling was a bit embarrassing). Thank god that library didn’t have fines if you returned your stuff after the due date because I had to wait until I was able to make a copy of it first. The “parents-proof” “”cryptic”” label I wrote on said copy wasn’t particularly cryptic, though, and I’m gonna share it with you right now because that’s kind of funny.
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So what do you do when you’re 14, pretty sure you understood the whole song, are finally able to listen to the whole album, burn it on a cd, and listen to it way too often? You write down the lyrics, painstakingly, with a fountain pen, in a small notebook where you try to write down the lyrics of every single song you love & can understand entirely. That’s what you do. Of course.
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When I stopped doing that in 2007, there were two notebooks like that. I lost one of them, apparently, but the one I was able to find already had 63 songs in it. I finally had my own internet access later that year and I could find all the lyrics I wanted whenever I wanted, and I stopped doing that once and for all.
But it helped me get a lot better with English, so in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
So yeah, In the End?
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Loved it and loved that band. I still do.
Next up: wow, “all edge no point”, uh?
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ldarchive · 5 years
all or some of: 10, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42 for the ask meme =) lay all the ari facts on me
ty indigo ilu… shepardposting no limits (HOPEFULLY THE READMORE WORKS?)
10. What kind of friend is Shepard?
the “will give you shit but also go to the ends of the earth” for you type i suppose…he shows his affection thru gentle bullying. he can also be kind of genuinely an overbearing asshole at times, but he gets better with it; it takes him a while to, uh, adjust to having “friends” in the first place. he’s a dad friend if your dad is kind of a grumpy punk with a rude and morbid sense of humor
18. Share a headcanon about Shepard and their LI.
[struggling to come up with something i haven’t talked about a million times] uhhhhhh
kaidan wanted to propose with one of his dad’s old rings but he figured out it wouldn’t fit ari’s finger, so (with his mother’s blessing/assurance that his dad would have been more than happy abt it, etc) he had the gold melted down to make a new ring. in my mind it looks smth like this and yes ari totally cried a little
it also took kaidan weeks of near-misses to work up the nerve to propose even tho he Knew ari was gonna say yes, he was just really worried about getting it right. eventually he just did it on their balcony and ari got surprised and dropped his cigarette and kaidan got a cool new engagement burn scar on his arm but it was nice
19. Why did they fall for each other?
ari fell for kaidan bc he’s not just intelligent, but perceptive; he’s a realist who errs toward optimism and making the best of bad situations; he believes people can and should be better; he has a surprisingly understated sense of humor; he can keep up with ari’s teasing; ari asks him if he’s a romantic and he denies it and then gives, like, the most romantic answer in the world. he’s cute.
kaidan fell for ari bc……. he has big arm. ok but uh i think it’s because he’s, pretty practical and matter of fact and doesn’t care all that much about the social trappings that kaidan continually tortures himself with… he makes kaidan feel Seen and Understood but doesn’t make a big dramatic deal out of everything kaidan tells him, he just treats him… like a person. for someone who’s been living with & defining themselves by their issues for as long as kaidan has, it’s pretty incredible to find someone who just makes him feel like a human being again
20. What are their common interests or hobbies?
a lot of their relationship is like, meeting each other in the middle haha, but there are some things they both enjoy a lot with no caveats:
- cooking! kaidan’s a foodie and it becomes ari’s therapy hobby after me3, so it’s smth they enjoy doing together a lot. they try to do it more often if possible, but their general friday night tradition is to come home, crack open a couple beers, and cook a big meal together
- they are both outdoorsy Adventure Dads… it takes a while before ari can handle more than a walk around the park but eventually he and kaidan can go hiking again and they both rly love it. i imagine theyd be into stuff like camping, swimming, kayaking, etc too dfjnfg
25. Is there something they fight about?
well, everyone gets into arguments occasionally, but i don’t really think they fight all that often… not that they agree on everything all the time, but they’ve both gotten pretty good at talking things out and also deciding whether or not something is even worth arguing about in the first place. when you are dating someone during the apocalypse and don’t have to any time to waste those are both pretty valuable skills haha [i think the most they ever fought in their relationship was post-me3, when ari got out of the hospital and they’d both started to ‘settle in’ to their new lives but it was a bumpy adjustment and they were both going thru a lot of trauma and stress and bottling it up etc. it wasnt a great time but they worked thru it]
28. What would they like to change about the other?
it’s a double-edged sword, bc it’s part of what attracts kaidan to him as well, but sometimes kaidan really wishes ari had more a self-preservation instinct!! sometimes his tendency to charge headfirst into trouble is sexy, sometimes kaidan is tired and sad and it just gets really old
ari wishes kaidan would loosen up a little although, again, the straight-laced military thing (unfortunately) kinda does it for him. he would also take away kaidans chronic pain if he could
30. When did they realise they fell in love?
fr kaidan it was shortly after virmire and it absolutely scared the shit out of him ahaha
ari is dumb so he didn’t really realize until after horizon, which was probably a bad way to figure that out,35. Is there anything they dislike about the other?
ari appreciates how thoughtful kaidan is but sometimes it’s like… a bit… much lmao, he’s not as navel gaze-y as kaidan is so sometimes the process of having to talk everything out gets tiring. for kaidan it’s kind of the opposite, he sometimes perceives ari’s lack of forethought as a lack of care, which isn’t really true, he just works differently
on a much pettier level, ari gets annoyed that kaidan wants to sleep in all the time and kaidan gets annoyed that ari drowns all his food in hot sauce. hello, i worked hard on that steak36. What are their best memories together?
advtykefd cheesy but i like to think they got to take a little bit of leave after me1 so… they rented a log cabin somewhere (not sure if they went back to earth or just a colony planet somewhere?), turned off non-emergency comms on their omnitools and just chilled for a bit… went hiking, had drinks at the tiny bar in the closest small town, holed up in the cabin all day and had sex lmao it was probably the most peaceful week of aris entire life and it left a big impression on him
ofc later there’s stuff like their wedding day, their son’s birth, adopting their daughter etc. kaidan would probably even say, with the emotional distance provided by time, that horizon counts cuz even tho it sucked at the time nothing could have been better than realizing ari was alive
40. Is there someone in the squad of ME/ME2/ME3 Shepard dislikes? Why?
MIRANDA LOL… they just. do not see to eye or get along at all. i find their relationship very entertaining for this reason bc the dynamic of commander & XO who are both trying to be professional but do not respect e/o even the tiniest bit is so funny. theres a convo w her in me2 (i think it might be the one where you can initiate her romance?) where if you choose the renegade dialogue is hilarious to me… miranda makes some snide, passive aggressive comment about shepard based on their background (it’s like “it’s amazing how you’ve managed to succeed despite being _____” lmao) and then shepard is like “OH i get it, you’re jealous bc i’ve been more successful than you and TIM likes me more even tho i’m a big piece of shit idiot?” i love it it’s so funny. they both suck. eventually they do build some kind of mutual respect btwn them but theyre still… not exactly friends. i think in me3 ari was like “damn i hope miranda’s ok” and then when he actually met her again remembered why he used to be so pissed at her all the time lmao. (after me3 tho she saves his life Again and they probably have a lot of time in the hospital to just talk so maybe they do become genuine friends)
41. Are there any important relationships in Shepard’s past that defined their character? /42. Is there someone who had a great influence on Shepard?
just gonna try to combine these i guess,
- his parents, although he only got an unfortunate short time with them, he takes after both of them a lot, and the things his parents imparted on him stuck with him, but especially as he gets older he’s also really aware of the mistakes they made
-the reds, in general. not a really positive influence lmao but. they were his home for years & he learned how the world works through them, for better or worse… it’s why he’s a bit of a cynic, although later he is able to characterize it more as “this shit sucks But we can make it better” rather than just “this shit sucks”
- anderson was the first person ari ever felt saw him as a human being, and it was… a slow-going thing to learn to trust him ahah, but wanting to be worthy of anderson’s approval shaped a lot of his career decisions
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corvidshipping · 3 years
Ringmaster and acrobat 👀
pretend i actually answered this on time and didnt take forever to respond lmao
im answering w multiple f/os bc i feel like its more fun/provides better answers!!
Ringmaster - Who tends to be in charge of things when you head out to a place like the circus or carnival? Does everyone do their own thing, or does someone take control?
as far as the f/os i can see actually going to a circus with me, most of them would end up being in charge. the specific reason for this is oh GOD i suck at navigating any large open area, and between the layout of most circuses/carnivals & the crowds i would absolutely get hopelessly lost within a matter of minutes. i can imagine toshi/nori, cliff, and leo/rio would be the best at navigating the crowds, and milo i imagine would have a similar problem to mine. obvs bc of that i would end up trailing closely after whoever i’m with trying to not get lost, but we all still make sure that we're all doing enough stuff the other(s) want to do and no one feels left out!
Acrobat - What’s your favorite attraction at the circus? What’s your least favorite? Do you and those you brought with agree, or disagree?
ok so i’ll admit something. I Have Never Been To A Circus. i’ve been to uhhh fair! and a festival one time! a theme park. never been to a circus. usually at fairs my favorite thing there is rides (which immediately i can tell you milo Does Not Love. its. like canonically implied) but uhh it does not look like that is a circus thing. i’ve always loved seeing trapeze artists, acrobats, and gymnasts though, enough that i based a self insert on them! least favorite- probably something involving fr**kshows or animal performance for Very obvious reasons. i can imagine most of my f/os agreeing on my dislikes but i imagine they’d all have very unique favorites. that said i think they’d all be happy to go with me to see them to support me!!!
joyful july ask meme!
ty for asking!!!
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r-emaking · 7 years
I'm gonna go for the obvious here and ask you do Kirumi for the character ask meme thingymajig.
™Thanks for the ask Unerring!
And of course, I’d love to do Kirumi! 
Spoilers in Rot13
What I like about them
Oh boy, where do I start? Kirumi not only has a nice colour palette but also a nice design! My favorite female characters are always the ones who are reserved but also not unfriendly. Those with pale coloured hair and are loyal to a fault are just a weakness of mine. Not to mention Kirumi is a maid, and I love public servants. It’s not a job everyone can do, and I’m so thankful to those who can do those jobs. Also her purple tie is fantastic, and the spider webs / cracked glass affect + the gloves are a nice touch!
What I dislike about them
Typed in Rot13 because spoilers:Jryy, qhr gb fbzrguvat lbh cbvagrq bhg Pvna, V'z abg n ovt sna bs SGRf gung fcraq gurve gvzr gelvat gb obbfg gur rtb bs gur cebgntbavfg. Naq guvf vfa'g n guvat ntnvafg Xvehzv cre fr, ohg V nyfb qba'g yvxr ure zbgvingvba sbe xvyyvat. Vg'f fb bhg gurer…yvgrenyyl whfg univat Xvehzv xvyy orpnhfr “znlor ure znfgre'f snzvyl jnf va gebhoyr” jbhyq unir jbexrq orggre gou.
Favourite moment
Rot13:Ure rkrphgvba! V ybir ubj zl snir yvgrenyyl sbhtug gb fgnl nyvir hagvy gur qrngu. Gung'f fb erfcrpgnoyr naq V'z tynq zl snibevgr jrag bhg jvgu tybel yvxr gung. Gnyx nobhg ubcr. Bu naq, gur cneg jurer fur punfrf Bhzn va Puncgre 2. Gung tnzr bs gnt jnf uvynevbhf naq phgr naq gbgnyyl jung V ybir nobhg gurve vagrenpgvbaf. 
Least favourite moment
In the french dub where she uses tu instead of vous.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
I’d love to see her limits as a maid explored more. As she said, she doesn’t take on jobs she can’t do, so I would love to see her take a job that gets blown out of proportion. Or, for her to realize there are just sometimes she thought she was impartial to but actually has opinions on and refuses to act against said opinions.
An interesting AU for this character
AU where Kirumi’s mission is to explore underground crime and solve a mystery. Maybe even with Kirigiri or Saihara?Other good AUs would be Kirumi Takes a Hecking Break.
A crossover
Kirumi Toujou in Fullmetal Alchemist…working with Riza Hawkeye for some reason I don’t know. Kirumi I feel could fit well in that universe. Or Rae just wants their faves to meet.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Whew! Uh if I’m honest, I ship any brOTP with Kirumi because I feel that she works well off anyone. OTPs…Kirumi x: Miu, Maki, Kaede, Tsumugi, As for guys…guh, idk, Amami or something? man i wish kaito but that’s just me projecting
Other ships?
Kirumi x Peko Kirumi x Peko Kirumi x Peko 
Already answered above, but as for ones I really likeKirumi x brOTP with: Ouma, Korekiyo, Shuuichi, Kaito, Hoshi, Gonta, Anyone 
I don’t really? Have NOTPs? 
An assortment of headcanons!
*takes out notes*- that Kirumi considers Amami the most reliable male in the group- that Kirumi has a lot of opinions, but is just really used to not voicing them due to her line of work- Kirumi, when given the chance, loves taking charge of things- Kirumi is loaded™, which is useful for paying for damages  - Kirumi’s favorite sport to play happens to be tennis, and she’s quite the formidable opponent for Hoshi. - Kirumi is Shredded™- Miu makes Kirumi nice inventions because Kirumi can act like a decent person around her, even with her attitude
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I am not sure if I understand, (If we were supposed to choose just from your fr draguns then sorry ;w;) but maybe Canvas for the world building meme thing? :v
i got one for my fr dragons as well, but you can send on @destinyweb-rising! here i gladly accept ocs >:3
full name: Canvas DeCoulerus
gender: Female
sexuality: heck, she doesn’t know. She hates everyone so far
pronouns: she/her
family: Kinda sees Space Mama as an actual mom. That’s it, probably
birthplace: Eraser Plains, in Picture City
job: former knight of Space Mama, currently guardian of Picture City borders. Works (kinda?) for Cara Douche.
phobias: Not quite a phobia, but she dislikes bugs a lot
guilty pleasures: She bathes in the ink surrounding the place, every once in a while!
morality alignment?: True/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes leaning on Evil
sins - greed, pride, wrath
virtues - diligence
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: quite closed-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unemphatic
optimistic/pessimistic: eh
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
R E L A T I O N S H I P S - nah
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survivedeathvalley · 7 years
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Paul tried it.............. he really did huh!!! Its funny how even though I helped 0% in the challenge I still stayed. I've got the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad with me and that's all I need. As long as I have those numbers, I feel great. If we end up losing again.. bye bye Mattie! 
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honestly at this point of the game my alliance is intact and hopefully we make it to merge or in a good place if there's a swap but im not worried whatsoever
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Well, I stuck with Misty and Bianca, and Mattie is going to draw the flag, I think.  So this will be exciting, i'm perfectly okay with handing over the reigns to someone else during this challenge, hopefully it will earn us our first win! 
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Alright, so the vote actually went as planned. Tanner went home unanimously while voting for Alex. This is great because it means that if I'm on a tribe with snakes that they have yet to embrace those negative tendencies. https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-11-2015/cVGFpC.gif Also, after getting voted out Tanner got online to message me (and everyone else according to the hosts) the word "fake". I'm just... https://img.memesuper.com/3bc6766bbe76cc8447a30d21e851df82_1000-images-about-gifs-on-gif-meme-guy-blinking_624-352.gif 
Tanner literally said nothing to me yesterday except what's up? I even gave him a response which I count as a chance for him to respond, no? Like... if you don't say anything to me during the day then: 1. How are we supposed to strategize if the vote is going to fall any differently 2. How are we supposed to vote for the same person - at all 3. Why would I want to play with you - that makes for a very unreliable alliance http://rs207.pbsrc.com/albums/bb263/slimkid_buckeye/animations/bang-head_zps471ffe0c.gif~c200
Also, our immunity challenge is flag making. Which... I'm a shady ho and I'm gonna say, works better as a reward challenge. Given the amount of people who claim not to be creative in this community making a challenge dictate safety based solely on creativity is a "no" from me. http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb4x3nlrJh1rt2432.gif 
Our challenge is fun though because it's kind of "themed" based on the sorting hat's opinions of us. And the sorting hat decided our tribe was full of the goody-goodies or is it goody-two-shoes? I don't even know, honestly. Anyway.. so I was thinking angels because when I think good I just... think of heavenly bodies? I dunno https://m.popkey.co/a7fc03/e09Oo.gif 
And then Alex, gem that I adore suggest superheroes! And I'm on board completely. These super powered people and all the good they do for the world are perfect. Also, potential for something really cute. Now, if I were an artist this would be absolutely perfect... but I'm not. And Alex already made something so that's neat. I think I'm gonna see what I can do to make it more high quality or something (maybe change it around a bit) since it looks a little pixelated, but yay!  It's adorable. http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/legacy.images/smosh-pit/122010/Batmanlovescookies.gif
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I actually... lowkey hope we lose this challenge LOL "When bitches vote for me, bitches go home" Sound familiar Mattie? And just THINK how iconic it would be if Bianca, Gabby, and I were the sole members of Panamint and slayed the tribe swap
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I'm still doing nothing this week and that makes me happy, i hope they don't need me, disconnecting for awhile is nice, i wish i could do it with my main account. 
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I honestly don't know what I expected out of this experience, but it wasn't this. When I played Divergent, the cast was about 70-80% active throughout an entire day. But this time, it's only active about 25% of the day. The only two people who even say or do anything are Giruga and Dianna, the two people I dislike the most. I have to work from ground up with building relationships with these people because I haven't been present to do that from the start, and I'm worried that my window of opportunity has closed up already. I wanna get the two of them into a chat where we can stick together as the active people of the game (so far). If I have it my way, we can vote off William or whatever his name is. Even though Layla and Kat are more useless than he is, I think he's trying to be deceptive about everything (saying he's NEVER played orgs before, or how he has NO idea how to make alliances) while most people just conceal their personal lives. I find it difficult to socialize too and I have shared these laments with Dianna in the past because we both know it's difficult to engage in proper conversation with others without unintentionally giving ourselves away. I hate that. And also, this game is helping me finally go over the bridge for ORGs. I truly think this will be my final experience, and so far I don't have hopes that it'll be a good one. I'm at a crossroads with these games and my personal life, because I can only take one path, no turning back. I want to say that at the end of this, I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to be happy again. I don't know if I'm here for the right reasons, but let's just try to make it right.
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I'm actually... very happy with the flag I made. Imagine if I win this challenge for our tribe after not being here for the last 2? Come on redemption arc!
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I wish I knew what was happening. I've gone days without being able to get on Skype bc of the toilet incident. It wouldn't surprise me if they just vote me out lmao
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Going to tribal sucks but hopefully the outcome favors my game. 
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WHEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won for our tribe.... and now I'm gonna get them to send me to the devils hole so I can search out some idols bicth yes!
Alex? Barely know him but an Icon! My time at the Devils Hole was short. I found nothing, but my main goal was to find new potential alliances if we swap. As I said.. It was short so idk if I was allthat successful. 
Tribe swap has occurred...
This is so ICONIC!! I got Bianca to pick Alex.. who I'm good with from Devils Hole I got Alex to pick ME I got to pick Gabby.. my ally from my tribe I got HER to pick Giruga who seems like I could get him on my side I LOVE BEING A MASTERMIND!
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We swapped last night while I was away which is fine I'm still with Jenny. We've got work to do since everyone else comes from the same tribe but that's ok bc I found an idol! My first ever idol in my org career oh boy. I'm not telling anyone yet bc idk if I really trust Jenny or Alex completely yet, we'll see 
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I'm really nervous about tribal if we go or we lose bc if we win Giruga could go home but if we win there's a chance the other 3 might have an idol
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So Giruga and I were talking He seems pretty cool and someone I could work with. He's the only one from his old tribe on this tribe so I think I could easily swoop him up. I am worried about the other 4 on our tribe noticing that us 3 Panamint members are close. I wanna work with Alex but I'm worried about his bonds with the other Zabrinskie members. Sooo yeah I'm just trying to make a deal with Giruga rn and hopefully if we go to tribal I'm in majority and my edit stays good! (I'm hoping CP4.... Last episode I better have gotten a positive edit and the one before that I probably got a negative one when Paul went home)
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so i was late to the merge party... oops. i like the newbies on my tribe and i also like that now we're at one world, i can get to know everyone now! 
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So one world, huh? That's a thing. Interesting to finally meet all these people and see what their like. I need to start making alliances, otherwise I'm screwed.
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I...  Giruga and I are flirting by sending dog memes to one another I'm----   anyway, maybe this means that we can swing him over to our side to dominate the vote. ;) 
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A fucking tribe swap, and one world. Imagine that. At least now I can start getting a feel for everyone that wasn't originally on Panamint. I've been talking to Dianna a bit because I remember going to DH with her, but sadly she isn't on my tribe so I can't really align myself with her. The bright side is that my alliance with Misty and Gabby (queens!) is all on the same tribe as me. If we can pull in another member of our tribe we could have the numbers to control votes if we ever have to go to tribal. Bless random.org for making me a captain <3 <3 <3
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Dianna HAS to be either Dom, Nick or Nic.  Or Ashley but I'm betting it's Dom.  Dianna and I worked close together in Festive BB, and then it was revealed that she was a catfish played by Ashley >.>.  I don't think Ashley would play her again but Dianna's handwriting looks a lot like Dom's now and Dianna, then Ashley and I were a duo until she cut me at final 3 after winning the final HOH!   but I've played two games with Dom, hosted him once and he's hosted me once, I KNOW HIS TYPING STYLE AND the putting 'ME' after everything anywhere, that has to be him and I'm taking notes.  
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So we lost.. it sucks. However it gives me more air time so? I love a good bright side! Anyway, of course Gabby/Bianca and I start talking. Apparantly Alex/Kai are pulling her into an alliance. Alex is cancelled. I mean.. how dare he not include me. But anyway. Adelaide may not have spoken to me yet but... Kai, I've got my eyes on you. For now I'm gonna work on Giruga wish me luck!
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my alliance didnt want to throw this, but I did. so I performed poorly. I submitted a score of about 3000, which isn't great by any means. If my tribe loses, I'll claim that my second submission (of about 5000) was not scored and I'll make a very public argument over it. of course, the hosts cannot do anything, and effectively send my tribe to tribal council :) then, I'll flip on the old titus bitches and send one of them home (PROBABLY Kat because I don't like the game she plays) I want to go the distance with William and Dianna and Giruga, but Kat is way too unknown for me to ever trust her enough to keep her around. I'll start talking to the three other people on the tribe and hopefully get them to turn their sights from the bigger threats of Will and Dianna. For my strategy, Will and Dianna will be the perfect shields to take into another swap but also the merge. They've got numbers swarming them and I want to minimize our status as threats by having five of our original tribe members going into a merge, and I know that I'll be deceiving them bad, but I hope they don't hold a grudge. Although I'm turning over a new leaf as a player by truly wanting to stay loyal to big threats, I'm still playing the same, old, jaiden way
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At this point I don't even have to try at challenges bc I'm always on the winning team *giggles*
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Giruga just told me he wants to work with me and the other neutrals Which is the best news I could've heard right now!!!!! I trust him a lot and him plus us three makes four. Tbh I don't really care who goes home between Kai or Adelaide or Alex at this point. I'm just excited to have numbers 
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IT ONLY TOOK LIKE 800 TIMES AT THE DEVILS HOLE BUT I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING GAME CHANGING. I have the ruby idol, which could automatically makes a rocks situation if I feel festive enough for it. Hopefully I won't be in a position to use it for a while since I now have an alliance with Misty/Gabby/Giruga in addition to my alliance with Misty and Gabby. I feel good about having majority on the tribe, but I'm trying to stay close to Dianna since she's on the other tribe. I think I'm gonna give her my glow stone when I'm done with it, so that way I can prove that I trust her. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake.
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Aaaa whatwhat isit haopening?!?!!?
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I can't make a video right now, but in the event that I get voted out tonight I just wanted to say a few things. So far I've aligned myself with the Neutral tribe and I'm really hoping I'm not being screwed over... because I seriously want to work with them, especially if it means down the line I can flip the game on old Titus. Please just let me survive my first actual tribal!!!!
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Help I am being held hostage and the only way to get my freedom is if I make a confessional.
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0 notes