#it's ok Pac we've all been there
royalarchivist · 5 months
Pac: You– you're going away? Going to die?
Mike: Yeah.
Pac: Goodbye, Mike.
Mike: I tried, I tried guys. Goodbye everyone, thank you guys.
Pac: I'll see you tomorrow.
Mike: I love you guys, you are all awesome.
Pac: Love you, dude. [To Chat] This ending was strange, holy sht dude… Ah! He was talking to Chat, not me! [Embarrassed laugh] Ah, so cringe... Damn, what the sht.
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wtftarot · 1 month
PAC: The World
We've come full circle and it's about fuckin time, right? Time for the end. The World is harmony and the end of a cycle. She is that moment when you remember that you are the universe, you are One with everything and you feel it in your bones. It is recognizing your place as a human on this planet. The World is an ending, the inevitable conclusion but he is also the herald of a new beginning. What do they want to tell you? Let's fuck around and find out
As always this reading is for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity. Remember, use common sense and don't be a dumbass.
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Four groups today, you can pick The Bird (eagle?), The Lion, The Person, or The Bull and head on to your reading.
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The Bird/Eagle
The Nine of Cups and The Nine of Wands on the bottom of the deck.
This is fuckin gorgeous for y'all. The cycle that's ending for y'all is one where y'all had to fight tooth and nail for everything you wanted. I'm seeing the end of the Lord of the Rings, where the eagles fly Frodo and Sam out of Mordor after they destroy the Ring. I don't remember if Frodo actually says it, but I'm hearing him say "It's done". Y'all have been dealing with a rough ass cycle, huh? For it to show up as the One Ring? There may be one last battle of sorts? Like a boss battle. This is my nerd group (affectionate), I'm getting a lot of fantasy imagery. Think of it as one last challenge so you can truly close this cycle once and for all. For some of y'all, this cycle has been a long and very internal one. Something that's been weighing you down, that you're finally letting fall from your shoulders. What I'm seeing is that this 'boss battle" is a choice of sorts. You've been growing and figuring your way out of this cycle and all at once you're faced with a choice. This cycle has been more internal and you may have not seen much externally about it. It's like this choice embodies the cycle externally and you have a physical/material choice to make. Continue this cycle? Or Step forward with growth? And it will be that clear to you. Again with the imagery, I'm seeing a game screen with a choice. This path is unknown, keep going? Press X: Keep going. Press Y: Turn Around. Listen, I'm not much of a gamer like at all, so I don't know if that's a thing that happens in games? The last game I played was like three years ago?? So, the fact I keep getting gaming imagery means I'm really tapped into some of y'all's guides. Ok, the guide that's doing a lot of this is practically screaming in my ear to yell at y'all TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS. FOR FUCKS SAKE. If you're into gaming and have been playing a game that's set in the woods, that message goes double. Don't ask me, I just work here. Now the cycle y'all are stepping into? Fucking beautiful, ok? Y'all are gonna be getting a lot of shit you have been wishing and crossing your fingers for. I'm hearing/seeing "yes, those too" and imagery of a belt and other accessories? This group is loud and I love it. Yea, even the "little things" you've wanted that aren't high on the priority list will be coming your way soon. And y'all are going to be rightfully smug about it. I think some of the blessings coming your way were things that people around you have tried to dismiss or downplay or talk you out of, so yeah you can be a lil bit smug about it. You've earned it. The past lil bit for y'all has probably felt very stale and stagnant but now that it's closing, things are going to be moving and improving. It may jolt y'all a bit at first. Cause this energy is so fucking different from where you've been, that even just dipping your toes in it will be a shock. It will be a welcome shock though, refreshing. The way this will manifest will be different for all y'all, but one thing's for sure, y'all are gonna fuckin run with it. After that initial choice, falling into this new chapter will be the easiest thing in the world.
random ass vibes: video games, d&d, 999, leaning into a new clothing style, fish, moon cycles, someone have a moon tattoo? birthday cake, HAPPY BIRTHDAY?
The Lion
The Moon and The Tower on the bottom of the deck.
Ok, you need to take a break. Full stop. Even if it's just ten minutes of sitting in nothing and silence. Your brain needs a rest from everything. I feel like y'all need to be told that yes, this thing does need to end. The cycle you're in may have become your comfort zone and you feel safe repeating it cause you know what to expect. It does have to end though. Y'all may have some idea that this ending is coming but you don't know just how much things will change when it does. This may be about a belief about the world or yourself that's really holding you back. Once clarity comes, you won't fit in the same places, with the same groups you used to. I don't blame you for resisting this, it can be terrifying to start questioning belief systems or old worldviews. Some of y'all may be questioning the religion or politics you were brought up in. It could be an understanding of who you are vs who others want you to be. Y'all are feeling a bit overwhelmed and confused as to what all this means. Sweetie, that's okay. This IS confusing and overwhelming. It is hard and scary and can leave you feeling very vulnerable. Babe, you need to stop pushing yourselves to have all the answers already. This one takes time and it's okay to let it. That's probably why the message I got for y'all before I even pulled the cards was for y'all to take a break. Not only that, but you don't have to tell anyone about this. Yes, if you can find some safe support through these periods of life do it, but you don't owe anyone what you're going through. Y'all are putting soo much pressure on yourselves to know everything already, to have all the answers. To know every aspect of who you are and what you believe. Wanna know something terrifyingly liberating? You never will. You will never know every single aspect of yourself cause you're always growing and changing. Same with your beliefs, you're always learning new things about how the world works, so your beliefs will always be shifting, even slightly. This is all coming from The World card cause y'all, more than anything need to let yourselves just BE. Be in the moment, stop interrogating them as if all the answers will be found there. The answers you're seeking will come in time and letting yourself live. I know the world we live in pretty much demands you have everything figured out at all times but that's bullshit. It's okay to change your mind.
random ass vibes: small-town vibes, doves or white birds, 919, the goth kid at the family reunion, lightning, trees, dragons, red clothes. nature vs nurture.
The Person
The Sun and The Hermit Rx on the bottom of the deck
Y'all it's time to come out of hiding. You've been hiding your truth for a WHILE. lol I'm hearing that lil Sunday school song: "Don't hide your light under a bushel, NO!" ( I grew up in the bible-belt, don't judge). That's a song for little kids if y'all don't know it, you don't have to look it up. It's telling me though that y'all have been hiding your light, so to speak, since you were a little, little kid. Like four-ish years old. Now, I don't know y'all's situation, it may not be safe for y'all to be fully yourself, and cause it seems like y'all have been hiding your whole damn life that's probably the case. So, BE FUCKING SAFE, okay? Because you're at this reading though, there are probably some ways you're hiding yourself that you don't have to. It's like y'all have just been letting people decide who you are when you're around them? Y'all are wearing other's projections of you like masks. I'm hearing "too much". Ooh boy, y'all listen, this group feels like I'm talking to my younger self. I cannot tell y'all the number of times I was told I was "too much", too loud, too quiet, too stubborn, too whatever. Unless y'all are being too cruel, too bigoted or whatever, y'all have a place here okay? Y'all seem to have taken being told you're too X, or not Y enough to heart and have whittled yourself down piece by piece cause that's what the people around you want. Y'all are like the fucking sun and everyone is demanding you be a candle. I think it's people you care about telling you this too. And because you care about them, you want them to be happy and comfortable. So, of course, you can be a little smaller, whatever they need, right? Now though, you've been doing this so long, you've lost yourself a bit, haven't you? The World is telling you it's time to call those parts of yourself back. Dig up those parts of yourself that you've buried. You can start as small as you feel you need to. It may be hard and confusing at first but soon it will be as natural as breathing. If you're not even sure where to start or have forgotten those parts, ask your guides and the universe for help. Ask for signs and to be put in situations that bring out those buried parts of you. You may have outgrown some of them and that's okay. Just prepare yourself, it won't be easy. Ya know that tingling feeling when your leg has been asleep and it's waking up? I feel that even though my leg has been fine this whole time. So it will probably be uncomfortable too. You should probably expect some hard reactions from the people around you too, especially if they've only known you as the you you've pretended to be for them. But that home you've been looking for? Felt calling? That can only be built by you being your authentic self. Otherwise, it'll just be another place where you have to wear a mask to be welcome. I wish I could end this one on a lighter note for y'all. This isn't an easy one. Take some alone time and please, take care of yourself through this. Whether you realize it or not, you are working through something really difficult and need to go easy on yourself through this.
random ass vibes: Halloween, candy, ghosts, 11:11, turtles, alligators, Frankenstein's monster, Venus, halos or angels?
The Bull
The Page of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords with the Empress on the back of the deck.
Y'all have so much fuckin potential, okay? Y'all are doubting yourselves so fuckin hard and The Universe and your Guides are sick of it. We all know someone who's amazingly talented but is so fuckin hard on themselves about it, to the point where you just want to grab em by the shoulders and shake them screaming YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND TALENTED. That's how your guides are feeling about you, all the damn time. I'm serious. I was only taking One card and the bottom of the deck for each group but the Eight of Swords came out too for y'all. Y'all are stuck in your head, questioning your every goddamn move and wondering why you're exhausted and never seem to move forward. This reading's tone is much more direct, like fed up snap the fuck out of its energy. Not that your guides are fed up with you, just fed up with your self-doubting bullshit. I'm hearing "..but they'll think I'm x" So, you may feel like if you truly lean into your potential and fail, people will have shit to say. Sweetie, they will and they will if you succeed and they will if you never do jack-shit. One of the few guarantees in life is that people will talk shit no matter what you do. The only control you have is why they're talking shit. Would you rather them talk shit about you cause you went after what you want, win or lose? Or because you never went after what you wanted, which is exactly what they wanted. The cycle that needs to end for you is one you have to end. End the cycle of shitting on yourself just cause you may not be where you want to be. End the doubt of your own capabilities. You really have NO CLUE how fucking amazing your life will get the second you start questioning those shitty thoughts. Like just questioning them, not even fully disbelieving them yet. Just questioning them will do fuckin wonders for you. If you're a beginner let yourself BE a beginner. If you want to try something new but are afraid of being a beginner then say fuck it and fuck you to those thoughts and start anyway. Hell, you don't have to tell anyone you're starting at first. You have the potential to be a whole-ass fuckin meadow and are doubting and even criticizing yourself for having to start as a handful of seeds. This is you're pep talk, in case you haven't figured that out yet. One other thing, some of y'all may be fearing the work that'll come with believing yourself, that it'll be tiring and all that. It's gonna be the opposite, sweetie. I mean, yeah it'll be work. But it's gonna be energizing. Do you know how much energy you've been hemorrhaging by shoving down allllllll that potential constantly? All of that will be freed up in a second and spent on fun shit. I believe in ya, babe.
Random ass vibes: thrifting, rainbows, makeup, cinnamon, puppets, purple, birds, card games, heart tattoos.
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homocrafting · 11 months
turns out whatever instinct in me makes me want to make tma aus is unstoppable and all consuming. so here's qsmp tma au focused on the brazillians:
cellbit- he HAS to be the archivist ok this man is so eye aligned it's not even funny. HOWEVER because qcellbit and fcell are the same person, Events happened to him before he became the Archivist, ala from the archives grian. local paranormal enthusiast finds dead half eaten bodies, gets arrested for it (he SWEARS he didn't eat those people), goes to prison for 10 years, goes nuts (becomes F!Cell), kills himself in the island, wakes up in his room and Felps tells him "bro you disappeared for 10 days are you ok" and he's just like. What.
Worth mentioning that he fucking speedruns the archives. also known as the qsmp. Cucurucho, who is kind of like elias but a bit less (I inagine the Host would be elias, wjoever they are), thinks "wooo new archivist I wonder how long it'll take them to find out abt the horrors" and then cellbit shows up 3 days later running on 2 hours of sleep and 20 mugs of coffee with a consipracy board connecting a bunch of statements and theorizing about entities
ALSO the web is around him like all the time. if you pay attention there's at least 2 spiders near him at all times, usually hidden because he squishes them when he sees them. he's tangled in the web of lies that is the plot I'm making for this au and his ass is NOT beating it
Felps- Stranger type of guy who doesn't even know and takes like. a year to realise something's up with him. don't worry abt it ok I don't know why he's stranger-y to me either. it's the vibes just trust me
Mike- ok so. I am Very unsure for pac and mike, PLUS I've not seen herobrine a lenda, which means I don't know all their backstory, BUT I'm thinking Lonely for Mike, so far? he kind of distances himself from everyone after richas dies with him, so far is the only person I've not seen much gay happenings happen to, tends to disappear to fuckall nowhere apparently, as one does. also the fact that, back in prison, he seemed to have the most difficulty connecting with others.
also, the Desolation hates him personally. he doesn't know why. his house has burnt down thrice. he gets burnt by the littlest things for no reason. he's banned from the kitchen. an avatar of the desolation tried to kill him once. he watched his own son die in front of him. this is based on nothing from qsmp or anything I've seen Mike do I just think it's funny
Pac- I can only think of Vast and Spiral for him tee bee eich. Leaning heavily towards the Vast because, you know. gestures to the giant hide and seek maps, and also O RAIO, even though I have 0 context for that. he just... he explores the world and made giant hole (yeah yeah holes are the buried but consider: it's big.). it's his "I can show you the world" vibes. again dude just trust me
note abt tazercraft: both of them are very, very touched by the Spiral. reason? Chume Labs
Forever- I'm thinking either the Buried (mostly the digging aspect- he's destroyed a whole mountain and dug up and entire desert), or the Hunt (his intense hunt for Phil's love, the insane grinding that could be seen as hunting for resources, the werewolf hc my beloved). Leaning more towards the Hunt bc dogboyyyyy
The plot I have in mind is very different from the tma plot, but I'm not sure of everything yet, so for now you get this little bpnus :)
We've been back from the Adoption Center for about a day now. Not a timely update, but things happened, and, well.
We found... we found a weird... creature. It- he? Acts human, although he can't talk. He communicates with us through a little notebook, and overall acts incredibly childish. He sure looks like a child. One with- with some material akin to... to egg shells as skin. He has hair, despite apparently being all... eggy. It's black and curly, covers his face. He doesn't like it when we try to move it away from there, but we're working on a safe way to see what's under there.
He seems not to know where he came from, but I know he's lying. It's- there's no way he doesn't, not with what he said, I don't care if Pac and Mike or, hell, Felps believes him, He called us fucking- he called us dads! That's the first fucking thing he said! It has to be some kind of trap, some kind of spy, I don't know yet but when I find out I'm going to fucking-
Shit. That wasn't too professional. Alright, where were we.
We brought him to the Institute. Forever and I weren't thrilled about the idea, but it was 3 against 2. I can't believe Felps would- I get Pac and Mike, there's something wrong with them I'm sure of it, but Felps? I underestimated his braincells. What am I talking about, he doesn't have any.
(Soft chuckle)
We, we named him Richarlyson, he seemed to like it. We asked his name first, but all he did was draw a- (Snort) a stick figure shrugging.
The only clothes he has are a singular oversized Brazil shirt. The moços and Felps want to go buy him clothes.
I don't know how they'll justify the kid having, I don't know, pure white hard skin, but they said not to worry about it, so I guess I won't! I won't. I fucking won't.
... I'm gonna follow them tomorrow. Just to be safe.
That's all for today, I'm gonna go- I'm going to check some statements, see if there's anything even remotely related to this.
This is Cellbit, Head Archivist of the QSMP, which I still don't known what stands for by the way, signing off.
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crychaoss · 9 months
Ok, so everything I said about what the "we are humans, not fish." quote from Foolish is probably not right BECAUSE
I just found out that this quote is from Naruto, more specifically Itachi, a member of the akatsuki, the organisation where Foolish's current skin came from ->
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The whole quote is this:
"We're both human, not fish. No matter who you are, you do not truly know what kind of a man you've become until you reach the very end. One realizes one's true nature at the moment of death. Don't you think that's what death is about?"
It's interesting that q!Foolish changed it to "we are humans" and not "we're both human". He probably meant all the other members who do not trust him at the moment. And the next line is pretty self explanatory, everyone is saying that q!Foolish betrayed them and that he's working for the Federation, but since we don't know what the Feds true intentions are with Foosh, we simply do not know if he did betray them or not.
Look at q!Cellbit as an example. Everyone trusted him, and he's the reason everything they knew about the feds and their whole investigation went to waste, even if he didn't do it intentionally. Maybe Foolish working with the Feds on purpose, might give the opposite results, and they might actually find a way to take down the Federation once and for all.
But as the quote says "No matter who you are, you do not truly know what kind of man you've become until you reach the very end". Foolish on the day he arrested Pac e Mike also said this: "Eventually it will all pay off. We just have to be very very patient, like we've always been." Whatever is the outcome of all this, we have to wait until the end, and then we'll know if Foolish did make a mistake joining the Federation or not.
The last part is a bit worrying tho, because q!Foolish might be implying that if it comes to that, his friends and family will only know what kind of a person he truly was, once he dies.
Some other cool hints from Naruto that were said before "we're both humans, not fish":
Kisame, another character from Naruto was talking about sharks and how they are killers from the moment they are born, and that's why Itachi called sharks "fish", because Kisame compared Itachi and him to sharks.
"No one who dares to raise their hand against a comrade ever dies a decent death" - I don't think Foolish even realized but this line fits him and Tazercraft so well. This was said like right before the fish quote.
So that's all the theory stuff. I just want to say big KUDOS to Foolish because holy shit. When Cellbit went to the coords, he was so disappointed by the sign Foolish left because he has no idea it has a deeper meaning. We knew Foolish was smart, and I was guessing the quote was not just some kind of joke because if you look at most of Foolish's stuff that are not supposed to be taken seriously, he most of the times puts ":D" next to it. But the sign only had the quote, nothing else. It even had a dot at the end (which means serious). So I hope Foolish and Cellbit gets to talk today before or after the elections and Foolish might imply that the quote has a deeper meaning (or Cellbit finds out about it in some other way). I just want him to know because it was such a smart move from Foolish. My streamer is good at lore :D
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disfrutalakia · 9 months
Ok now that everything is calmer, I have some thoughts about the code that showed up for Pac and Mike earlier.
While at first glance I thought that means the codes were working with the feds, that's probably not the case, there two scenarios here that I believe are true and probably overlap:
1. The code that showed up was not part of the normal codes, but instead it was federation made and was sent for the sword.
2. Walter Bob mission was to get the sword back, but they never expected him to make it, it was just a faster way for the feds to get rid of him
Now, while I believe that all codes are federation made, the ones that usually attack the eggs are probably past failed ones that escaped the labs, while the ones we've seen running around (the one that attack players) are the ones that worked out, they are completely under the federation control and are being used to do their dirtier work. Basically like I've said in the past the codes and the feds are linked, just not in such a simple way like "oh they are working together now cause they hate everyone"
All of those things have been brought up by more people in here, but I still wanted to do a post with my thoughts cause they wouldn't leave my head
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cksmart-world · 5 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
November 28, 2023
Utah Senator-for-Life Mike Lee asked Santa for donations from the fake electors who he hoped would throw the 2020 presidential election to Trump. Not long after Joe Biden's victory the Utah senator had sneaky tête-à-têtes with Santa's helpers — state legislators, congressmen, senators and the White House — scheming to keep Donald Trump in power. The ruse was to use fake electors in swing states to throw the election into chaos that would lead to the House of Representatives choosing the president. Voilà Trump is reelected. The scam fizzled, such a shame, but on the bright side Christmas came early for Lee. Fake electors donated at least $25,000 to his campaign fund and PAC stockings. Recently, Lee pushed the debunked accusation that FBI agents were spearheading the Jan. 6 capital insurrection. Right, when Trump told his supporters to come to D.C. on Jan. 6 because “it's going to be wild,” he was really saying federal agents would overthrow the government. That should be worth a lot more cash for Lee. You see, Lee's caught on to the Trump strategy perfected by Marjorie Taylor Greene: say crazy stuff and watch Santa make your coffers grow and grow. Once squeaky-clean Mike Lee has drunk the Kool-Aid and Christmas is now year-round. Deck the halls!
Yes, it's that time of year again when festivities abound with giving and brotherhood and the celebration of a White Christian Nation Christmas. But wait, there is something sinister a foot — yes it's The War on Christmas by liberals, the ACLU, Jews, Muslims, and Klingons. For them saying,“Merry Christmas” is like saying, “Hang Mike Pence,” and they insist the First Amendment is about freedom of religion for Jews and Muslims, too. If elementary kids say, “Merry Christmas,” it's a slur against non-believers. Luckily we have a Christian warrior against the War on Christmas — the newly anointed Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. He fights so school kids can say, “Merry Christmas,” instead of, “Happy Holidays” — a very un-Christlike salutation that undercuts White Christian Nationalism. “The ultimate goal of the enemy is silencing the gospel of Jesus,” Johnson said. “This is spiritual warfare.” Some of those liberals say that, “Happy Holidays” is more inclusive and allows Jews and Muslims to feel included in the festivities. But former Fox host Bill O'Reilly set the record straight in 2016: “That (Christmas) culture war issue ignited and we won,” adding, “Donald Trump is on the case.” So, if you want a beautiful White Nationalist Christian nation, vote Trump. Merry Christmas!
Hey Wilson, have you and the guys in the band heard of this thing called ranked choice voting? Well, someone somewhere decided the voting system that we've been using since 1789 wasn't good enough. It's not that things weren't working as they should, except maybe for the election of Trump, but some folks like to change things just for the sake of change or maybe they got tired of losing. Anyway, it goes like this: voters rank the candidates in order: first, second and third. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, they win. But if none get a majority then the candidate with the least first-preference votes bites the dust. OK, so this is where you really have to be sober to grasp this. All the first-preference votes for the failed candidate are erased and the second-preference votes on those ballots are elevated to first-preference. Then a new count of first-preference votes is tallied and so on. You're right Wilson, Republicans would immediately be screaming “voter fraud from Italian satellites.” If they don't comprehend the old way of balloting how will they ever accept results from the ranked choice system. You can guess what'll happen when the Freedom Caucus and Marjorie Taylor Greene get ahold of this: Jan. 6 will actually look like a patriotic family picnic.
Post script — That's going to do it for another carefree week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of Paris Hilton so you don't have to. Hey Wilson, do you know what Paris Hilton named her new baby daughter? London. London Hilton. Yes, we know you and the band once stayed at the London Hilton. Her first child is a boy named Phoenix. So there's Paris, Phoenix and London. The staff got to thinking about possible names for her next kid. One of the staff's favorite choices is Tooele — Tooele Hilton. It has a ring to it. Another staff pick is Beaver, which could be for a boy or a girl. Beaver Hilton. Well, maybe not for a girl. The best one for a girl is Tabiona. Tabiona Hilton. How sweet. Changing gears, here's an example of why Americans are in a bad mood. Topher Olive went to a McDonald’s in Post Falls, Idaho, according to The Washington Post, and ordered a limited edition “smoky” double quarter pounder BLT with fries and a Sprite — total $16.10. It sticks in the craw. Even though unemployment is down and wages are up, Americans remain bummed out. Inflation. Of course, it's Joe Biden's fault. But the White House has a plan called “Burgernomics” where, theoretically, fast food will trickle down to people jonesing for burgers and fries and McNugget Happy Meals.
Well Wilson, like it or not Christmas is upon us. There's Black Friday and Cyber Monday and people spend a lot of money and businesses make beaucoup bucks. But where in all this is the guy from Nazareth. He preached to the poor and discouraged hoarding earthly possessions. So Wilson, if you can, please take us out with something with love and salvation — we need it:
Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can hear the boats go by / You can spend the night beside her And you know that she's half crazy / But that's why you want to be there And she feeds you tea and oranges / That come all the way from China And just when you mean to tell her / That you have no love to give her Then she gets you on her wavelength / And she lets the river answer That you've always been her lover / And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind / And you know that she will trust you For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor / When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching / From his lonely wooden tower And when he knew for certain / Only drowning men could see him He said "All men will be sailors then / Until the sea shall free them" But he himself was broken / Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human / He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him / And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.
Now Suzanne takes your hand / And she leads you to the river She is wearing rags and feathers / From Salvation Army counters And the sun pours down like honey / On our lady of the harbour And she shows you where to look / Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed / There are children in the morning They are leaning out for love / And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror / And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind / And you know that you can trust her For she's touched your perfect body with her mind.
(Suzanne — Leonard Cohen)
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Queen Band; X Reader; A Highschool Dream
I should mention, this is NOT to be confused with my Rock Intern series. This is a different Queen fan fiction. In this, your a freshmen in highschool in England. You going through a lot at home. Then four boys change that... (Also, let me know if anyone wants a part two!)
WARNINGS: Abuse, trauma, attempting suicide, injuries.
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April 30th, 1975
Your POV:
Another long day of school. And I still have three more years to go.
There's not really much excitment going on right now. I'm fact, my life is pretty routine. I go to school, I go home, I do my homework, and then I repeat.
The bell just rang and Mr. McGuire told me this morning that he wanted to see me after school in the choir room. I was actually surprised that Mr. McGuire, the drama club director, wanted to see me. I've been asking and asking to be given a job in stage crew, and everytime, he said he'd "think about it".
Every year on the last day, my school puts on a musical. Recently they've been adding some kind of entertainment for intermission.
3rd person POV:
While (y/n) walked to the choir room, Mr. McGuire and Queen made their way to the room as well.
Once they entered the room, Mr. McGuire turned to the boys and started.
"I should warn you guys, the girl that we have taking care of you all, we originally weren't going to have her do this. You see, we usually don't hire freshmen. But she's been begging to have a job in this department and to be honest, it's been getting a bit old. So when we found you guys and hired you to perform, we kinda just gave her this job last minute."
"Oh don't worry dear, I'm sure she'll be great." Freddie said.
"Believe us, we've had worse." John said.
"She'll be here soon. Once she arrives I have a folder with everything explaining what to do. Then she'll take you all down to the band room to begin." Mr. McGuire said.
Your POV:
I walked to the other side of the school (Our school's huge. You could have no reason to be anything but thin here!) and knocked on the closed door.
"Ah, (y/n)" I heard Mr. McGuire say. "Please come in."
I opened the door and oh hell! Did I have a surprise! Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John! Queen!
"So your (y/n)?" Freddie asked sweetly.
"Um, y-yeah." I said shyly while looking down.
"Boys, this is (f/n) (l/n), she'll be managing you all. (Y/n), well, you already know who they are." Mr. McGuire smiled.
He handed me a file with everything needed and left me to do my job.
"Well, we need to go to the band room, most of the cast of Wicked, the musical we're doing, will be rehearsing here in the choir room." I explained.
We walked across the hall and over to the band room.
"So the idea is that during the intermission, we'll have you perform In The Lap Of The Gods, Now I'm Here, and Seven Seas Of Rye. The musical will be on June 6th. And I have papers here explaining everything." I said as I handed them the papers.
"Well lovies, let's get the important stuff down first." Freddie said.
"So you got a boyfriend?" Roger asked me.
"Roger!!" Brian yelled.
"That's ok." I said. "And no, I don't yet." I chuckled.
"Sorry about Roger." Freddie said.
"That's fine." I responded.
"Well, I'll give you a tour of the school." I said.
After showing them around the PAC center and everywhere else they started rehearsing on In The Lap Of The Gods while I worked on homework.
"That was lovely darlings." Freddie said. "Let's give it one more run though."
"Roger, keep better time." Brian said.
"Oh focus on your own time ya sod!" Roger shot back.
"Just keep break'n sticks drummer boy." John added.
I laughed softly at the shenanigans.
"Let's ask the little darling what she thinks of it." Freddie asked as they all turned to me.
I was kinda star struck that Queen actually wanted the opinion of a shy highschooler, but I managed to keep it together.
"Well, the drums did sound a bit off."
Freddie, Brian, and John all laughed at each other as Roger turned to me in almost a disappointed shock.
"Um, did I say something wrong?" I asked, scared.
"No darling," Freddie chuckled. "Roger's just disappointed that for once, someone didn't take his side. And boys, keep in mind we are keeping this girl because she gets common sense." Freddie stated bluntly as he pulled me into a hug.
Roger kicked Freddie in the ankle and Brian interrupted them. "Well let's have one last run though before we go."
They played one last time, discussed a few measures to go over and then packed up their stuff.
"Good rehearsal my darlings. What time should we come on Friday (y/n)" Freddie asked.
"Same time as today, 3 to 7. And you can enter through the main office." I told them.
3rd person POV:
As asked of them, the next day the boys came in through the main office, signed in, and waited for (y/n)'s arrival. Once she arrived, they came back to the band room and worked on a few of the measures they were having trouble with.
Meanwhile, (y/n) said she was going to fill out some paperwork in the cafeteria and gave the boys a map to it so they could join her later.
Your POV:
I had gotten a few tacos at the food stand that some of the students had set up for rehearsals for the musical. At the moment I was studying for the final exams that was coming up. I actually hadn't realized how long I had been there until I looked at my watch. I had been there for two hours!
"Still studying my little workaholic?"
I looked up from my work to see Freddie standing at the table with John next to him.
"Yeah, my finals are coming up." I replied. "Where are the others?"
"They left. Rehearsal ended two hours ago." John answered.
"Oh my God!" It's 9:00 pm?!" I yelled while flying up from my seat.
"Don't worry my dear. We can give you a ride if you need it." Freddie said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"No, no, I'll leave on my own." I said as I gathered up my stuff and ran towards the door.
"Are you sure? It's really not much trouble." John said.
"Just... it's fine." I said as the door slammed behind me, leaving Freddie and John to stand there.
The next day I came in late for a morning rehearsal. About ten minutes. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but if Mr. McGuire finds out, I'm a dead women!
It's raining outside so my hair is wet. I run into the band room where the guys are already warming up.
The boys all turn towards me.
"You guys, I am so sorry I'm late! Traffic was absolutely horrible and-"
"(y/n), (y/n), it's alright dear! It's alright." Freddie said, clearly seeing how distraught I was.
The boys put there instruments down and walked up. Roger took my hands in his, John placed his hand on my shoulder, Brian put his hand on the side of my head, and Freddie placed his palm on the side of my face.
"I'm sorry if I scared you guys. I'm just worried that you guys might get mad if I show up late." I said.
"Don't worry (y/n), we're just glad you're alright. John said as he kissed the top of my head.
As they all returned back to there instruments, Brian turned back to me and asked.
"Hey (y/n)?"
"If you don't mind me asking, why would you think we'd be that mad if you showed up ten minutes late? After all, it's only ten minutes."
I looked down. "Oh, I uh, just thought you might."
"Ok?" Brian replied.
"Don't worry Brian dear." Freddie said. "Our girl is safe here with us."
I smiled and the boys started off with Now I'm Here. After an hour of rehearsal, it was 7:30 and five minutes before students would start pouring in.
"Well, that was a pretty good rehearsal guys." I said while gathering up the files. "See you in the same place at 3 later today?"
"See you then darling." Freddie said.
So after they left and I put the files back on the folder, it was classes, classes, and more classes. Finally, came 2:40 and rehearsal.
"I still don't know how I feel about the solo here." Brian said. (They're practicing Seven Seas Of Rye.)
"Oh darling, the audience will love it!" Freddie said while waving around his arms.
"(y/n), hope much time have we got?" Roger asked me.
"About three hours, you should be good." I said while glancing at my watch.
"I'm actually gonna go to the vending machines. Does anyone want anything?" I asked.
"Just a water for me."
"Coke and Marathon Bar please."
"Water darling."
"Bri?" I asked looking up at him.
"Could I actually come with you?" Brian asked.
"Oh, uh, I guess you could."
"Thanks." Brian smiled.
Brian's POV:
The reason I actually asked to come with (y/n) was because I wanted to ask her something important.
After seeing her so frantic this morning, I knew something must be up. I had just never seen anyone so anxious before.
"So two waters, Marathon Bar, and coke. Bri?" (Y/n) asked as she pulled out a handful of coins.
"Oh nothing for me thanks." I said.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
On the way back I finally asked the question.
"Hey (y/n)?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She asked back.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Depends on what you're going to ask." She chuckled.
"It's about this morning."
She looked down a bit before saying.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry if I scared you guys. I was just a bit stressed. That's all."
I nodded. I would definitely need to bring it up later.
Your POV:
After Monday, Wednesday, and Friday rehearsals, the boys and I had to come in early on Saturday to get in extra hours.
Students were rehearsing on stage, so the concession stand was open, this time with breakfast foods.
Not really much though. Donuts, orange juice, coffee.
The boys and I had gotten our food and decided to sit against the walls and eat in the hallway of the music hall.
"So that's how I became known as 'Carrot Face'." I said as I finished telling them an embarrassing story from primary school.
"Back when I was a lad I was known as 'Bucky'." Freddie said, obviously because of his overbite.
"Aww." I said.
"Ah, don't worry deary. I was teased then, but look at me now! All those motherf***ers have a boring nine to five hour job while I'm living the dream!" Freddie said, rather loudly.
"Fred!" Brian said.
We all chuckled at that.
I then stretched up a bit, my shirt rising a bit. That's when everyone suddenly gasped.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n)!" Deaky exclaimed.
"What?" I asked.
Deaky lifted my shirt a bit and pointed at the large purplish bruise at the bottom of my right rib.
"Oh my God, I didn't think it had gotten that bad!" I said as I tugged my shirt back down.
Brian shock his head. "Ok, that's it. Band room. NOW."
The guys and I had eaten everything, so there was no food to grab. Freddie and Brian gently, but firmly, grabbed my wrists and pulled me up. Roger led up to the band room, and Deaky followed behind us. We arrived and the boys set four chairs around one and had me sit in the center and the guys all sitting around me.
"Look (y/n), I didn't want to have to bring this up, but with the way you acted when you came in late, the way you hesitated to answer me when we went to the vending machines, and now this. Are you sure there isn't something wrong?" Brian asked. There wasn't really any anger in his voice. His tone was a bit stern, but he spoke gently with warmth in his eyes.
"It's nothing, really." I lied.
"(y/n) darling, we're not stupid. We can tell that you're clearly lying. So please tell us what's going on. We care about you. We all do." Freddie said in a sweet comforting tone.
I sorta just sat there for a moment trying to think of the right words to explain. But luckily the boys were all very patient with me. I finally inhaled and started going.
"I come from a lot of baggage. You see, my mother and little brother died in a car crash when I was three years old. I don't really remember them much. Than two years later in 65', my dad got drafted into Vietnam. I haven't seen him sense. With no other family to take care of me, I was put into foster care. I'm currently in my fourth home. Every home has been the same. The woman dresses like a street walker and treats me like an unpaid servant, and the man drinks too much and beats me if he ever loses his temper. That's how I got this bruise on me."
I had to take a moment to take a deep breath before continuing.
"You know, you guys are actually the first I've ever told this to. I've never brought this up to anyone else before because all the men have always threatened to send me off to another home. And if there's anything worse then what I deal with now, is that."
I finally finished and looked up at the boys to see there reaction: Shocked.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n). Honey, I am so sorry." Freddie said.
"(y/n), you need help." Brian said.
"No Bri. I've already tried that. The men and women were informed by the police who ended up doing nothing at all. Then the man physically punished me. I'll just hold off until I'm on my own." I said.
"But what if this gets worse? What if you don't live to see that day?" Roger said, with pure concern in his blue eyes.
"Trust me Rog, I'll be alright. I promise." I said as I took one of his hands and held it in both of mine.
"Well, can we still give you a hug?" Deaky asked.
"Oh, from you guys, of course." I said as we all stood up and was brought in the middle of a Queen group hug. I felt them gently pat or ruffle my head, rub my back, and occasionally kiss the top of my head.
Fast Forwards To June 2nd:
After weeks of rehearsals, tech week had finally come!
Everyone is getting costumes together, rehearsing lines, doing hair and makeup, and of course, the boys are getting ready.
"So here's the packet telling you where to enter so you won't get mobbed, performance times, and everything else you'll need to know." I said as I handed each of them a packet as we made our way to the auditorium.
"Alright love." Roger said, as he leaned down and kissed the back of my head.
"In about 30 minutes they'll call us back and we can go over strict details. For the time being, we can just watch the dress rehearsal." I said as we collapsed into the seats.
Some time goes by, then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and through the dimmed light, I see Lucy Boynton, a junior stage hand.
"They're ready for you." She said. "Dressing rooms in the back. You'll need to go over costumes and makeup. Then you'll start dress rehearsal at 7."
"Ok, thanks Luc." I wispered.
We went back to the dressing rooms. There was a few actors and actresses back there. There's a separate room for changing clothes, so everyone was fully dressed.
Some of the other students had brought in a turntable and a Beach Boys record was playing.
"Well it looks like Mr. Reid already brought in some costumes to choose from." John said.
After a while of going over choices, they finally picked them out and left to go change.
After about 10 minutes, they finally retuned.
Freddie was wearing a white batwing shirt with white pants, Brian was wearing the same thing but with black pants, and John and Roger were wearing basically the same brown jacket and green pants, only Roger's jacket was open.
So what do you think darling?" Freddie asked.
"Woah, you guys look great! Now what makeup do you normally wear? I asked.
"Black liquid eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow honey." Brian told me.
"Alright, whoever wants to go first, you can sit here." I said, gestering towards to the stool infront of mine.
John came and sat down infront of me and the others say down on the couch. After John was finished, he went back to the auditorium and Roger sat down. Then Brian, and then finally Freddie came and sat infront of me while the others waited in the auditorium.
"So how do you guys feel about the songs?" I asked as I started his mascara.
"I think we're good. Of course we had a lot more fun with you helping us." He said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek as I giggled and playfuly pushed him away.
It was a bit quiet for awhile. Then I felt him reach over and lightly tickle my ribs.
Me being wanting to be a mature, professional adult, I tried to ignore it and bit my lower lip to keep myself from smiling. Then he continued.
"Fred, stop it." I said.
"Ah, so you are ticklish!" Freddie smiled as he continued.
"I never said that!!" I panicked.
"Anyone who says to stop when someone is tickling them is always ticklish!" Freddie smiled wickedly.
Then when he tickled my stomach, I completely lost it. I rolled off the stool laughing as he continued.
"Hey what's going on here?" I heard Brian ask.
I looked up to see the other three standing over us.
"Hey lads, come over here, she's ticklish!" Freddie grinned.
"Guhihihiys! Nohohoho! Plehehehease!!" I yelled. But to no avail, the boys ignored me and joined in with Freddie. John tickling my waist, Brian tickling my ribs, and Roger and Freddie scribbling their fingers all over my belly.
"Guhihihiys, stohahahap ihihihit!" I screamed.
"Do you surrender??" Roger integrated.
"Yehehes!! I surrender!!" I yelled.
The boys finally stopped, leaving me painting on the ground.
"We'll meet you in the wings honey." Fred smiled as he pat my shoulder.
I lay there for a moment (Luckily everyone else had left awhile ago.) until finally getting up and finding the boys waiting for me.
"Five minutes." I wispered.
The boys nodded and we continued to wait until it was time for them to go on and oh boy, I'd always knew they were amazing performers, but seeing them up close And in person was even more amazing! I couldn't imagine what it'll be like when there's hundreds of people watching.
We repeated the same things for the rest of the week until it was finally...
✨Show Day✨:
I've finished my very last final for this year and am waiting to leave the classroom. Everyone NEEDS to be in the PAC center as soon as the bell rings so we can get every last detail of everything together for the performance at 6 tonight.
At 2:39 pm, the bell finally rings. I quickly dart off to the loo to change into stage clothes. (Black t-shirt, black shorts, and black running shoes.) Then the PAC to get everything started. Everyone had a meeting with Mr. McGuire in the auditorium and then it was time for rehearsals.
We had last minute security checks, special effects, singing rehearsals, we even had the school orchestra performance music for Wicked. Then at 5:20, the boys came in.
"Hi guys, thanks for coming early." I said as I opened the back door.
"Anything to make out performance perfect." Brian said.
"(y/n!)" I heard someone yell.
I turned around to see Lucy behind me.
"Mr. McGuire wanted me to give you these." She said while holding out a head set. "Sense you're technically part of the stage crew, you'll need these to stay on track with us.
"Ok, thanks Lucy." I said and turned back to the boys.
"Well let's go to the band room. You guys can rehears for an hour, then hair, makeup, and costumes, than you'll go on at 7:30."
"Right." They said.
Practice lasted for an hour, the boys killed it, as usual, then came makeup, hair, and costumes.
"Ok, now no tricks this time." I said, blushing a bit.
"Oh, I don't know." Brian teased as I did his makeup while the others watched.
"Brian! I'm serious, don't!" I panicked.
"Don't worry honey, I won't." He said.
I finished makeup on the boys, (I never truly realized how hard it was to do a dude's makeup!) got their hair done, and they changed into costumes.
"Ok, we've got about 45 minutes until show time." I told them, suddenly my head set began vibrating.
Me: Hello?
Mr. McGuire: Hi (y/n), would you mind coming out here to help move around sets?
Me: Not at all. I just finished the boys hair, makeup, and costumes.
Mr. McGuire: Ok, great! We need you on stage right.
Me: Right. I'll be there.
"I've gotta go. I'll be back in 30 minutes." I told the boys.
"Alright darling. See you then." Freddie told me.
I ran over to stage right to find Mr. McGuire waiting for me.
"Thanks for coming (y/n)." He wispered. "We're going to need the stairs moved in a moment. Then the others will tell you what to do from there."
"Alright." I wispered back.
From there, it was moving sets, helping with effects, and pulling ropes.
"Can we recruit someone else to cover for me?" I wispered to on of the stage hands as I looked at my watch. "I need to get the boys."
"Yeah, we'll cover for you." He wispered back.
I ran back to the band room to get the boys.
"Guys, we're ready for you. You've got ten minutes." I said.
The guys got there instruments and we got someone to assist with the piano and drum set.
"Ok, the curtains will come down in a moment, then someone will help me get the piano and drum rises on stage, you'll get into positions, then the curtains will come back up." I told them.
Suddenly I felt a huge weight fall on my ankle. A bag holding down the ropes. I immediately fell to the floor.
"AHH!" I yelled in pain.
"Oh my gosh! (Y/n)!" Freddie yelled.
"QUIET!" I wispered.
"Sorry" Freddie said.
"Common, we've got to get you in a chair." Brian said.
"Wait! You guys have got to go on in 7 minutes." I said.
"Right, 7 minutes. You're more important." Roger said as he kissed my head.
The boys picked up the bag and helped to pick me up from the ground and onto a chair with a stool supporting my left foot.
"Ok, well lucky, I don't think you've broken anything." Freddie said as he examined my foot. "But it is swelling. Do we have any bandages?" Freddie asked around to people in the wings.
"Here's some." Mr. McGuire said and handed Freddie a roll off them.
"Thankyou darling." Fred replied.
Freddie then raped the bandages around my ankle and someone brought over a bag of ice for it.
"There you go love. You'll be good as new soon. Just let it sit like that for awhile." Freddie said he patted my knee.
"Hey Fred, how did you know that it wasn't broken?" I asked.
"When I was a lad, I used to do boxing. And despite being at the top, I was often injured at the beginning. So after so many times of the doctors examining, I guess it just sort of caught on." He explained. "And lucky for you, you'll be just fine. Just need to sit still for awhile."
I nodded and glanced over at the stage and exclaimed. "Oh guys! The curtains are going down!"
"Well let's go my darlings." Freddie said to the others.
Two of the stage hands helped move the piano and drums on stage and the boys grabbed their instruments and ran on stage.
Just as the curtains went up, Brian started the guitar for Now I'm Here.
I'd always known that Queen put on amazing performances, but watching the perform live was surreal! The way Freddie moved, the way Brian played, everything was amazing!
"Good evening my beauties!" I Freddie shouted through the mic.
The audience shouted back to him and Freddie took it all in. It's amazing how he can command the audience like that. They were eating out of his hand!
Then Roger said into his microphone.
"Thankyou! I'd like to feature for you now, commonly referred to by the press as Mr. Two Fingered Freddie Mercury, using all ten fingers tonight. I hope you enjoy this. This is a good one, this is really loud. It appeals to the lower elements such as myself. This one's called The Seven Seas Of Rhye!"
Finally, they ended with In The Lap Of The Gods. This. THIS was amazing! Everything about this song has always made me feel better when I was dealing with the depression from the abuse. When I would lay on my bed and cry over everything in my life, just listening to the song gave me comfort. This song absolutely gave me the chills watching!
Finally, they finished and the curtains came down. The boys ran off stage and two stage hands helped move the drums and piano.
"Oh my God! You guys were amazing!" I exclainlmed.
"Thankyou my darling. How's your foot?" Freddie asked.
"I think I'm fine to walk now." I said.
"Ok, but you should probably keep the bandage on." Brian said. "Can't risk you getting even more injured.
The boys helped me stand to make sure I was alright to walk. Then we returned to the bank stage area.
"Oh by the way, there's an after show party tonight." I said.
"Oh really? We didn't know." John said.
"You didn't??" I asked, panic filing me.
"Don't, worry (y/n). I made some calls to John Reid, and we've got suits for the boys to wear."
I turned around to see Mr. McGuire standing there holding four suits.
"Oh my gosh, thankyou sir!" I exclaimed. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell the boys, I-"
Mr. McGuire interrupted me. "Don't worry, it was just an accident. In fact, there's something I wanted talk to you about in the hallway. If you'll excuse us boys."
I followed Mr. McGuire out the door and when he closed it, he turned to me and started.
"(y/n), I originally wanted you to have this job because Queen was a last minute thing. But seeing how well you were with this job I have you, I believe I stood corrected. I think you're ready to tackle real stage jobs. So I wanted to ask you, would you be willing to be an official member of stage crew for the next school year?"
I stared at him in disbelief. Lost for words.
"Y-you're sure?" I asked.
He smiled and nodded.
"Oh my gosh, yes! Thankyou so much Mr. McGuire!" I bursted.
"Don't mention it (y/n). I really think you've proven yourself and you'll make a great member." He said.
I thanked him again and grabbed my dress to get changed for the cast party.
It took me months to save up for this dress but was totally worth it. A floor length blue silk dress with white flowers on it and with spaghetti straps, necklace with gold flowers and matching earrings, a flower ring, and tan sandle shoes. As for hair and makeup, my hair was half up and curled, and my makeup was basic makeup with eyeliner and plum colored lips.
I arrived back at the dressing room to find the boys there. They were all dressed in black suits.
Freddie took a look at me and gasped.
"Oh my gosh! (Y/n)! You look amazing!"
He came up to me and swirled me around, making me giggle.
"Thankyou Fred. You all look great too!"
"Not nearly as great as you look (n/n)." Roger said.
"Well, Thankyou again. So you all want to help head out to the party?" I asked while getting my bag.
"Yeah, let's go." Brian said.
We all made our way down to the gym and entered. Everything looked great! Music playing, tables set up with pounds of food and sweets, everyone looked amazing!
The boys and I stayed close but begin to drift apart to mingle. But for some reason, I just felt this overwhelming feeling of sadness. I hadn't really got much of a reason to. I've been promoted to stage crew, I had the time of my life with Queen. But I felt this sadness controlling me more and more.
Maybe it was because I knew I would never truly get out of this. And the idea that I was going to have to spend another whole summer going through abuse. At least in school I was protected. I left the after show at that moment.
I don't know where I'm going. I'm waking down the London streets alone, clutching my bag to my chest. It almost feels like I'm having a panic attack.
I come to a railroad track. I passed by this place often. I cannot control the overwhelming feel of hopelessness. The boys know. But as usual, there's nothing that can be done. Of course, they're willing to do anything for me. But in the end, nothing will be done from the right authorities.
Tears begin rolling down my face. In the distance of the sunset, I see a train coming. Closer, and closer, and closer. I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore...
3rd Person POV:
(y/n) slowly opens her eyes, which are blurred by the tears, to find it's dark outside next to the side of the tracks. Her head is resting in Freddie's lap. Roger's stroking her hair, John and Brian are holding her hands. Freddie finally starts.
"(y/n) darling, we know you're hurting. But we're going to take care of you. Everything's going to be alright. We're going to take you to a doctor. Alright (y/n)?"
And finally, after ten years of abuse, (y/n) feels calm. She closes her eyes and nods.
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bongaboi · 1 year
Georgia: 2022 Southeastern Football Champions
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ATLANTA - Georgia swatted away the field goal attempt, the ball spinning to a stop at its 4-yard line. The LSU players trudged off the field, thinking the play was over.
Christopher Smith knew better. He suddenly scooped it up and took off the other way, sprinting 96 yards for a touchdown that epitomized the Bulldogs program.
They were a step ahead of LSU on Saturday.
They've been a step ahead of everyone for two years now.
With all sorts of turmoil behind them in the rankings, Georgia headed to the College Football Playoff as the clear No. 1, dismantling the No. 11 Tigers 50-30 in the Southeastern Conference championship game Saturday.
Stetson Bennett's threw a season-high four touchdown passes in another stellar postseason performance, while Smith's heads-up play gave the Bulldogs an early spark.
"I've got good players around me. I'm not that bad at football, either," Bennett said with a smile. "We've got a good team."
Georgia (13-0, No. 1 CFP) also caught a big break when Smith deflected a pass that bounced off an LSU receiver's helmet and wound up being picked off by the Bulldogs, setting up a score that contributed to a 35-10 lead by halftime.
LSU quarterback Jayden Daniels re-injured a sore right ankle late in the second quarter, giving way to Garrett Nussmeier in the second half.
The backup guiding the Tigers (9-4, No. 14 CFP) to three second-half touchdowns, but it wasn't nearly enough.
Georgia accomplished something that not even last season's national championship squad could could do - win its first SEC title since 2017. The Bulldogs were denied in this game a year ago by Alabama, before bouncing back to beat the Crimson Tide in the title game.
"I don't want one kid to walk out of our program without an SEC championship ring in their careers," coach Kirby Smart said. "That could've happened. They said enough is enough and got 'em one tonight."
Georgia heads into the playoff assured of a return trip to Atlanta for a de facto semifinal home game at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, just 75 miles from its Athens campus.
LSU's outside hopes of crashing the four-team playoff field were wiped out a week ago by a stunning loss at Texas A&M, one of several upsets that will give the selection committee plenty to think about before its announcement Sunday.
Tennessee and Clemson also ruined their playoff hopes with losses late in the regular season, while No. 4 Southern California is presumably out after getting blown out by Utah in the Pac-12 title game Friday night.
Just as the SEC game was kicking off, No. 3 TCU lost to Kansas State in overtime for the Big 12 championship, further clouding a playoff picture that suddenly looks much more favorable for No. 5 Ohio State and No. 6 Alabama.
No matter who makes the elite field, Georgia is firmly focused on becoming the first repeat national title since Alabama in 2011-12, having won all but one game this season by double-digit margins.
"I've tried not to play attention to any of it," Smart said of all the chaos. "It didn't matter to me. That's so far away."
The Bulldogs showed they are more than just a bunch of talented athletes - this is a smart, well-coached group.
When Nazir Stackhouse burst through the middle of the line to block LSU's 32-yard field goal attempt late in the first quarter, Smith knew what to do.
"That's a scenario we go over a lot in practice," he said.
He looked toward the sideline to see if it was OK to grab it.
"You're not allowed to pick it up unless you can score with it," Smart said.
Smith took care of the rest.
LSU coach Brian Kelly blamed himself and his staff for allowing the play to happen.
"Obviously, we did a poor job if coaching," he said. "It's our responsibility to have our guys alert in that situation. They were not alert."
LSU quickly tied it up on Daniels' 53-yard touchdown pass to Kayshon Boutte, only to have Bennett take control from there.
The sixth-year senior, a former walk-on who was offensive MVP of both Georgia playoffs wins a year ago, struck for four TD passes in a less than 15-minute span: 3 yards to Brock Bowers, 22 yards to Ladd McConkey, 14 yards to Darnell Washington and 3 yards to Dillon Bell.
Just like that, Georgia led 35-7.
"I was in a zone," Bennett said.
It's been that way for two years now.
LSU: Kelly's debut season turned a bit ugly the last two weeks, but the Tigers are on the right track. "We want to get back here next year. That's our goal," Kelly said. "Get back here and win it."
Georgia: Win or lose in the SEC title game, the Bulldogs were assured of a spot in the playoff. But Smart continues to impress with his ability to keep the team motivated. While there were some huge defensive lapses in the second half, this game was never in doubt.
When Georgia scored its final touchdown early in the fourth quarter for a 48-23 lead, Smart surprisingly called for a 2-point conversion.
The Bulldogs converted it with a trick play, but Smart insisted that he wasn't trying to run up the score.
"The books says you go for 2 there," he said.
When asked about the play, Kelly stumbled over his words a bit before finally saying, "I don't get too caught up in what other teams are doing."
While Daniels went down for LSU, Georgia also lost a couple of players to injuries in the first half.
McConkey landed awkwardly making a catch along the sideline, inflaming a knee issue that's been bothering him all year. Tight offensive tackle Warren McClendon sustained what appears to be a mild MCL sprain.
Neither returned after halftime.
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bunymart · 1 year
💿How far we've come...💿
Hey, everyone! CEO fruitpop here, and I must say, what a wonderful first 2 months year it's been for BUNYMART! We've been online for only a little while, and we already have 6 Twitter followers, 1 non-staff Discord member, and even 1 Tumblr follower. Wow! About are progress, we managed to release a whole 13 designs on our Redbubble shop (half of which are just variants of our logo but its ok less of that this year). In this post, I just want to write a little about each of our designs, what our plans are for the coming year, and what 'buny' means to us. Also, this is the first time I've spoken through an official BUNYMART account. Hello! :) Usually it's our social media person, but if I let them write this, you'd have a headache by now.
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Here's the first design we ever released. Err, first six designs we ever released. Our first six designs were just color variants of our logo, as I said before. But the colors are so pretty! I think that justifies it :) For this design, we wanted to go for a kind of supermarket logo look (duh), but we also wanted to make it uniquely buny. I'll talk more about what it means to be BUNY later, but the font we chose for the bottom is N SimSun, which is a very buny font. You also might've noticed the Wingdings on the top. Why are these here? Becuase they're extremely BUNY! And then, of course, there's the little buny in the middle, makin' a face at you. How sweet :) They look so excited!
The image I'm using here is actually the image we used for our logo sticker pack design, which we began selling a couple of weeks ago. We actually started selling these individually in May, but we BUNYMART didn't really become active until around November, which we released our second (seventh?) design.
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What you are looking at now could be thought of as the herald of BUNYMART's real beginning. This design, our "Drink! 'It's good!'" sticker, was what we opened our Twitter with, and was what really kicked off BUNYMART. For this design, we wanted to make something that looked like it could be on a soda can, or on an ad for some kind of drink, or just something that said, "Relax! Have a drink! :)" The buny is also winking, because I think that makes them kind of resemble Pac-Man in some older artwork, and I like Pac-Man. Something else about this design, there was a goddamn stupid shitty stray pixel at like .0001% opacity in the bottom right corner that fucked the design up on Redbubble, but I didn't notice until it was uploaded. One thing I like about this design is that it's the first instance of the kind of digital-paint-mess pattern you can see in the background. This will return in a later design, but our next design was...
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BUNY RADIO! Kind of like the last design, this one is also supposed to evoke a fun feeling. Y'know, just kinda hangin' out, havin' fun. Lots of bright/pastel colors in this one, although I guess that's been true for all of them. Something you might have noticed, although I'm sure it's very faint and subtle, is that while none of these design have strictly adhered to the aesthetic, the imagery used is somewhat reminiscent of vaporwave. Here's the thing, and again, we'll touch on this later, while 'vaporwave' and 'buny' aren't interchangeable by any means, the two terms share a lot of overlap. The logo is supposed to evoke a supermarket or mall feel, here we have a cassette radio player, etc. Something to look out for in later designs :)
We also see some Wingdings again, a staple of BUNYMART designs. While I don't have many details about it right now, I do know that Wingdings are very prevalent in BUNYLAND (the place where bunys live). Also, I'm really happy with the little music notes on the left :)
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Our next set of designs were really something, and were actually part of our first sticker pack. These are the P3RS, a pretty funny play on words. It's funny because we came up with it, and we're funny :) The joke isn't entirely obvious so I'll explain: there's a pear, and a pair of cherries. Pear and pair, both pronounced the same way. And that 'air' sound is represented like this: ɛr. So, you could say that they are both pɛrs, and since ɛ kind of looks like a 3, together, they're the P3R duo!
I was VERY happy with these designs and all of their elements. The little labels/paint strokes, the shine of the leaves, the coordination of the colors, all of it. Very good design :) I actually have the cherries on my Nintendo Switch, the pear on my 3DS, the cherries again on my journal, and one of the labels somewhere else.
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This is Big Head. Not much to say about them, they're just a little silly. Big olllll' thinker. Funny enough, this design was actually the first to not feature text of any kind. This is also the second design to feature a regular buny, rather than an object with a buny face.
This was actually our last design of the year. Now, you might be thinking, "What the goddamn shit? You said 13, bumble fuck!" That's right, I did say 13, and I meant it too. As I said earlier, half of our designs this year were just the individual logo color variants, and the P3RS actually served as three separate designs on the Redbubble (pear, cherry, and P3R pack). If you count them all up, there ARE 13 designs here. Take THAT.
What else happened this year?
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, we opened a Discord, a Twitter, and a Tumblr (obviously). The Discord came first, and we called it THE BUNY ZONE :) Besides our staff, there's only one person in there right now, but it would be really cool if you joined too :) I'll come back to it later, but one thing that this whole BUNYMART thing is about is building a community. After the Discord came the Twitter, where our social media person spits out a bunch of random bullshit about once a day. About a third of it is nonsense and a mess of symbols and fonts, but what's legible is pretty fun to read :) Here's a recent quote from our Twitter:
"alright……. WHOS THE 𝙁𝙐 ͶͶ¥ 𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆 𝕎ℍ𝕆 𝙀𝙓𝙋𝙄𝙍𝙀𝘿 ϻY 𝙇𝙀𝙁 𝙏𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎??!!!?!!??!??¡!?!¡!?!??!?¿?!!!????¿!?!?!?!?!?¿¿?!?!??!!??(`皿´#)(`皿´#)(`皿´#)(`皿´#)"
Cool, right? I think so. And about 5 other people think so too. If you want more of that, see our about page here on Tumblr. You can find all of our links there (Twitter, Discord, etc.)
After Twitter, we opened this Tumblr account, which mainly just reblogs pictures that we find particularly buny. It's still pretty new, so there isn't much to say about it at the moment.
But that isn't all we've done this year, nonono! We also released BUNYJAMS (volume 1), our buny-themed Spotify playlist!
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I'll keep this brief, since our social media person posted an announcement about this, but as a Christmas gift to you all, we released a playlist of very buny songs, which sits at roughly 3 hours and 40 minutes. That might not be very long for a Spotify playlist, but hey, we only started building it in November. A new BUNYJAMS playlist will be released every Christmas (hopefully) in the coming years, so just think about how long volume 2 will be! Here's a hint, it's already longer than volume 1!
Also, we wanted to release the cover art you see as a design before 2023, but that didn't happen. Whoops.
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Now, I want to talk about the meaning of 'buny'.
What is buny?
To me, it's a little hard to describe, but I'll try my best. First, I'll talk about it strictly as an aesthetic.
As I said, buny has a lot of overlap with vaporwave, but more specifically, it shares a lot of aspects with Frutiger Aero, y2kcore (kinda), and whatever you'd call what the Wii and DS had going on (wiicore?). Even more specifically, the last one. When I think about BUNYMART, I feel like I'm clicking through Wii channels, or messing with the settings on my 3DS. It's a very specific feel that's very specific to older (but not too old) Nintendo things. It also shares some aspects with an webcore, and also dreamcore to an extent. Hopefully it will be less fuzzy as BUNYMART evolves, but for a better understanding, look at our reblogs and listen to BUNYJAMS.
Even though I've described it as an aesthetic, I like to think 'buny' can be described in a broader sense, almost just like a feeling that's evoked by specific things. One thing that comes to mind specifically for me for some reason is watering a little houseplant. Just caring for this little wonder of nature to watch it grow feels very buny to me. However, in a general sense, buny is (in a very specific way) fun, safety, and niceness.
I mentioned earlier that one of my goals with BUNYMART is to create a community. There's a reason for this. Although BUNYMART is this fun and silly thing, I'm well aware of the atrocities of life. Every day, there are things that we have to hide from, things that we have to bear, things that we have to protect ourselves from, and so on. There are these bad things, and there are bad people. Often, the 'things' that we're dealing with are people. Maybe one 'thing' today was being harassed for some reason or another. Maybe another 'thing' yesterday was something an ill-equipped parent did or said. Maybe another 'thing' was just observing people talk about so many horrible things as if they were perfectly normal and okay, when they are anything but that. I want BUNYMART to be a kind of haven to come to to be away from all of that. I want to make a safe space for people to come to and know that everyone in that space is good. To come to and know that they are safe with any person they meet. That's the kind of community I want to cultivate with BUNYMART. That's what buny is to me, and that's what I want to give to the people who happen across our little project.
So, what's next?
Well, our plans are very fluid as of right now. Obviously, a new BUNYJAMS is coming next Christmas, but at some point in the not-distant future, we want to open the BUNYMART Instagram and YouTube. We just... kinda have to come up with unique content for those platforms and ways to post consistently. We already have an idea of what we want to happen, but making it happen is pretty difficult with all of our other business things that we have to take care of. They are coming, though, don't worry.
Another thing we want to do starting this spring is release seasonal season-themed design collections. I won't give too much away right now, but for each of the four seasons, we want to do a bunch of themed works and have them as a collection. We want to try to do this for every year from now on, but we'll probably skip like a year every 2 years. Oh well.
I guess the only other thing that comes to mind is more community things once there actually is a community. I don't know what those things will be like, but I know that they will be fun :) Maybe we'll have parties? Sure.
I think that's everything I wanted to say. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading :) I spent probably two hours on this, so I hope it was worth your time. If you want to get in touch with me, you'll probably want to message the BUNYMART account and ask for fruitpop, or check out the Discord and contact me there. I'm not logged into my own account on any of my devices, so if you message my Tumblr, I likely won't see it for a while. Sorry :( All I have left to say is thanks for reading, thanks for checking out BUNYMART, and let's all look forward to a fanTASTIC 2023 :))
Thank you.
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news-lisaar · 4 years
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saraseo · 4 years
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Ramon: so about fit
Pac: [Laughs] Oh yeah, so about Fit – do you want me to tell you everything about Fit? Ok. I don't even know where to begin with! Um, let me think, ok. You know, me and Fit, we started being good friends. I'm not sure if we already took the next step, you know, you know what I'm saying? But we have been getting – getting closer and closer, you know. I don't know how to talk about this, Ramon. I'm a little shy... but, well, nothing 100% I would say, you know? In the meantime, I would say we are probably like, just... good-good friends, I think.
Ramon: Take your time.
Pac: But like– Do I have your blessing? You know, that's important to me, you know. 'Cuz like, you're really attached to Fit, and Fit loves you a lot. So having that blessing from you, it really means the world.
Ramon: if u don't hurt him
Pac: No, not at all!
Ramon: and love him with all ur heart and take care of him, then u have my blessing :D
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[ Transcript continued ↓ ]
Pac: Oh– that's so cute of you, Ramon. You know, I'm gonna do everything as you said on those signs, you know. That's actually going to be my- my– How can I say? My core, you know? My core, my– I don't know how to say, but my core stuff, you know? I'm going to follow these guidelines and I'm going to do exactly as you said. You know and– thank you, Ramon. That means a lot to me, you know, coming from you. And I hope everything turns out good, you know, and me, you, Fit and Richas can all hang out and having fun.
Ramon: i look forward to ur wedding then
Pac: [Laughs] You know, Ramon– as Fit once said to me, "baby steps!" you know? We are walking on baby steps. Maybe one day, who knows? You know? [He stares at the camera and stammers]
Ramon: walk faster :D
Pac: [Laughs] I'm gonna try my best. You know, in the meantime, we are just walking like this. [He walks super slow] Sometimes we'll go "wooo!" [He speeds up] And then [He makes another noise and walks backward] But I'm going to drink a swiftness potion and do my best to run out of it.
Ramon: thank u Pac :D
[They're interrupted by Fit, who runs up to them and startles Pac]
Fit: Uhh, I hate to break up the conversation, but we've got a raid going on at Tubbo's factory. We got to kill all of these Pillagers.
Pac: Oh, yeah. [To Ramon] Thank you Ramon! Thank you.
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