#it's just mild angst it'd probably get a happy ending if it were longer
hungriestheidi · 1 year
85. “Why are you being so gentle with me? I like it when you’re rough.” - sebchal, sure, sure!
NIKKA YOU AIN'T SEEING HEAVEN EITHER. sorry it's angsty, this time i couldn't hold back *sobs with head in hands*
“Why are you being so gentle with me? I like it when you’re rough.” 
He doesn’t mean to pause as he hears the words, he doesn’t mean for his hands to still, for his fingertips to grow cold and the cold to travel all the way inside his bones, to crawl around his blood vessels until everything inside of him is shivering, a lonely boy in a big field of snow, waiting for the storm to pass. 
Charles doesn’t mean it to scold, he knows well, but… what is he without the tenderness of first loves, what is Sebastian in hours like this, when he’s sure the edges of his heart are softening and whatever Charles has offered cannot suffice the deep heart wrenching call of his soul? 
Charles wanted to be untethered, cared for in the aspects of intimacy just friends can’t properly fill without cables getting crossed. wires cut. This is what he desired, this is what Sebastian wanted too when the world of this casual affection was first opened for him, sexual satisfaction without complications, terms and conditions carefully laid in between glasses of red on the table of his balcony, suggestive wording and eyebrow waggling. 
But whatever situationships are, Sebastian doesn’t want them, not with Charles at least.
“Sorry,” he breathes, pressing a filthy kiss to his lips as an apology, wet and noisy and messy. 
He makes the best of his efforts to put himself in motion again, grasps his thighs meanly, yanks him closer until Charles whines, thrusts into him once, twice, lets him drag his nails down his back, watches the color rush to his cheeks, his eyes shut tight and the pale column of his throat exposed as his body trembles. And then… then he stops again. The divinity of sex is both drenched in religious pretense and sinful disgrace and the point where both meet its anatema and heaven. 
He puts his lips on Charles’ neck, drags them down his collarbones, melts into the space between his pecs, lets the drag of his beard still make Charles shiver, watches as he looks up how easily Charles whines, keens, feels his fingers tangled in his hair.  
He kisses him, every inch of him, the moles he has mapped out with nails and teeth before but that now wants to dote on like he’s crawling up the valleys of a land unexplored, untainted, unmaimed. He wants this to last, this beauty of Charles’ body in between his arms that often feels like a recollection of a thousand other desires, tender domesticity he craves. 
“Seb?” Charles’ voice sounds breathy, caught between a whisper and a coarse wake up call. “Seb, look at me.” 
Sebastian looks up, his chin brushes Charles’ navel. 
“What is happening?”
“I think I fucked up,” he tells him. 
Charles’ eyes widen. He scrambles to lean on his elbows, straightening up. 
“What? How?”
Sebastian sits on his haunches, watches from above the figure he’s known skin to skin for too long, soul to soul for even longer. In the expanse of Sebastian’s sheets he’s a god of pale blemished marble, a fallen angel with sweaty skin, feverish eyes. 
“I forgot what you told me,” he confesses, “That this was casual”
Charles inhales sharply. “Seb”
“Charles,” he parrots back, name for name, a bit of honesty in trying times. 
“Don’t… don’t call it… not now,” he says, voice titillating in the edge between terrified and surprised, his eyes looking at the space between their bodies, the sheets all scrambled under his legs. 
He sits, properly, pushes his hands against his eyes, shakes his head, breathes out. When his eyes open, he is looking at Sebastian like he’s finding someone for the first time, a novelty in tangled bed sheets. 
“Give me a moment,” he tells him and Sebastian nods, knowing he’s not really seeing him, he’s going through the edges of his mind, finding words to speak whatever it’s going inside of him, whatever turmoil Sebastian has thrown him face first into. “Just… kiss me again, please.”
Sebastian takes his hand in between his own, presses a gentle kiss to his knuckles and says “My pleasure.” 
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geminigengar · 2 years
Eddie with a reader who was labeled a “loser” but slowly works her way in with the popular vicious girl group, and sees shes slowly changing her looks but also her dialogue. Kinda like Cady from Mean Girls?
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Mean Girl
eddie munson x popular!reader
you and eddie fell out of touch a long time ago. it's not until you're grouped together for a history assignment he realises he may hate what you've become but that doesn't mean you ever stopped looking out for him.
warnings: misunderstandings, mild angst, fluff, happy ending, & stupid long bit about a history assignment
A/N: anon, ur galaxy brain fr i LOVE this concept. the mean girls are my shit. & sorry it took so long this is my first request ever (ty!✨) so i wanted it to be perfect🙏🏽. it's a bit short but this is actually the middle of a much longer plot i wrote out but knew it'd take forever and wanted to get this posted sooner. i still have it in the drafts if you like this story just lmk! • and as always reader is bipoc-coded
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you starred at him dumbfounded and a little offended. "nuh-huh."
you starred at him dumbfounded and a little offended. "nuh-huh."
you starred at him dumbfounded and a little offended. "nuh-huh."
you snatched them once again, taking a brief glance before shoving them in your backpack. "nope! looks fun but i don't know shit about d&d." you stood, linking your arm with his as you picked up a second bag from the floor. "and we're up first, sunshine."
eddie was seething, frown seemingly stuck gracing his features as you settled at the front of the classroom. this was one of the few times he put any effore into an assignment; probably more than was necessary. he knew you had great grades and as much as he claimed to hate you he couldn't be the reason you got a failing grade, researching one of the few things he knew enough to write about. but apparently all that was for nothing.
it had been years since you'd spoken to eachother. sure, it was his fault you'd drifted apart. he'd blamed your newfound popularity in middle school for the wedge between you, at least that's what he'd told himself. no, he'd never admit he had been and still was jealous. of you and your ability to make meshing in with the it kids at school look so easy or others your attenion was now split with he wasn't sure.
eddie went to speak but you shushed him as you swat his chest with your hand still around his bicep. he played off the lingering chill left behind in his skin as you detached from him with a scoff. you slapped the hefty pink bag into his arms as you out your essay from it, "hold this."
before he could cuss you out your teacher called the class to attention. you grinned as he asked you both what your project was on.
you couldn't keep the smirk off your face as you answered. "our project is on the history and influence of metal music."
eddie's head whipped down to stare at you, a flip of hair over your shoulder being the only acknowledgment of the questions you could feel in his stare.
you heard a sigh from your teacher, "Y/N did you participate in this project at all?"
"duh," you scoffed "obviously i wrote it down. his handwriting is shit," you added, waving the stapled papers for emphasis.
he rolled his eyes, taking the assignment from you, but waved you to continue on nontheless.
clearing your throat you began clearly, having perfected your public speaking to keep all eyes on you years prior. your body language, well placed smiles, and velvet voice were captivating.
even after all these years eddie still knew you inside and out. he wondered how often you had to pretend not to be yourself around others to make your performance of ease so convincing.
"nowadays," you began. "the creation of metal music is debatable. some historians say it can solely be credited to black sabbath," on your tiptoes, you dug in the bag eddie held. you pulled out a vinyl record. "with the creation of their self titled album released in february of 1970."
eddie starred at it wide eyed as you held the record up for the class. the same he had given you for your birthday one year when you were kids. it still had the wear and tear from you both as you had played the album over and over, day after day until the record sleeve was torn and frayed. neither of you had a care in the world back then- only each other. for him there had only been you.
"others however, say it can be credited to what's been dubbed the 'unholy trinity.'" you said, taking out two more records. "the unholy trinity consisted of, along with black sabbath, led zepplin and deep purple. whatever the case may be, clearly black sabbath had a heavy influence in the creation of heavy metal."
eddie snorted as you continued. posture perfect and voice even even when cracking lame jokes. you went over the beginnings of rock music, how it laid the foundation for metal. explained the metal's rise in popularity and record sales. he was surprised you even mentioned the rise in false accusations of occultism in those associated with the genre; causing half the class to stare at him.
you'd pulled out albums, tapes, and posters; all of them worn. eddie remembered most of them from when you were kids. he registered some were newer, meaning you were still keeping up with them. he assumed you'd given up metal entirely. he figured you and the other cheerleaders listened to whatever top 40 bullshit was put out that week. the realisation that you clearly still loved the genre made him feel warm inside for reasons he couldn't figure out and din't think he wanted to know
he listened intently as you went over the importance of every album, interjecting his thoughts every now and then that you were grateful for. his favourite album of yours being the agents of fortune album tape by blue öyster cult that you proudly admitted to the class was the first item you ever shoplifted, to your teachers chargrin.
you finished up your speech by dumping all the albums into the bag eddie still held, earning an 'oof' from the metalhead.
as the next presenters took your places, you both returned to your seats.
to be completely honest you were nervous. you were nervous. you, one of the most carefree people to ever walk the halls of hawkins high; never caring what anyone thought, never embarrassed by anyone or anything. but this was different. you could care less about some brain dead jock and whatever few thoughts he was capable of concerning you but this wasn't just anyone, this was eddie. sure he was still your eddie, at least to you, but you knew you had both changed. what if he thought you were a loser, desperate to impress him? or worse- a poseur.
you had mastered your poker face a long time ago. you worked at your nails with a nail file you had pulled from your backpack; face neutral as if you hadn't a care in the world. you could only keep it up so long as you felt eddie's stare on you. he never was very good at subtly.
the second the bell rang you were out of your seat on the way to your car despite it only being the middle of the school day.
eddie didn't follow you or come after you which had you both relieved and disappointed. you dropped both bags onto the passenger seat. releasing a shaky breath, you felt your façade crumble. popping one of the tapes in and blasting the speakers. you peeled out of the parking lot.
later that night there estood eddie, in the middle of your room having climbed in your window. why you had opened it you didn't know. you should've kept it locked, told him to take his sorry ass home but you didn't. even after all these years of the cold shoulder and jabs and insults from him and hell raisers club you knew you'd always open the door if he knocked.
you were visibly upset, mostly confused, hoping he wasn't here to yell at you about his d&d essay. "why are you here, munson?"
eddie winced. he'd been called by his last name tons in his life. various tones and emotions behind it every time, but never from you. not like this. you couldn't help it, you were'nt mad just scared. he'd never explicitly said you weren't friends anymore or that he hated you but you didn't want to here him say now exactly that.
he struggled to find the words, cradling his backpack as his mouth opened and closed.
you rolled your eyes, already tired from having been woken up abruptly to the rocks hitting your window. reaching in to pull out your popular facade, the one never affected by anynes words spoke for you, "i dunno what you want eddie but just go-."
he stopped you in your tracks, begging him to wait. he took your raised eyebrow as momentary acceptance. he sat on the edge in your bed as he opened his backpack taking out a book and a d&d game box.
you didn't speak, waiting for him to wade through whatever storm was raging in him brain. he finally bit his lip, letting out a quiet "lemme show you?"
you stilled, entirely confused as to why eddie munson had crawled into your bedroom in the middle of the night just to ask you to play dungeond and dragons with him. your confusion must've shown on your face - that or eddie still knew how to read you better than you could yourself, as he answered your unasked question. "in class earlier you said it looked fun. i can show you, if you want?"
this was far cry from the conversation you knew you should, but the blush on his cheeks and with his eyes boring into yours, desperate and longing, you caved.
you rolled your eyes again as you made your way to the head of the bed leaning against the pile of pillows placed there as youtook off your bonnet bonnet to set on your nightstand. you pat the spot next to you, beckoning him closer. "start with the basics."
he grinned, relaxing now that he was forgiven for the tim ebeing, and scrambled to take his place by your side. a place he'd missed and wanted to be again, as long as you'll have him.
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enhypia · 3 years
SN ; always loving the sun
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[4:21 PM]
okay so maybe the universe is not that bad
paring: kim sunoo x pisces gn!reader
genre: fluff, mild angst
word count: roughly 960 words
this is a two-part timestamp and this is the second part
read part 1 here!
you didn't go after it. but that didn't stop your feelings from growing.
it's final, the universe really is out to get you. you want to be around sunoo so bad but everything hurts. why were romantic feelings ever a thing.
"you're sure we're okay right?" sunoo asked again his lips pouting.
"yes sunoo, i swear, nothing's wrong, i've just been feeling drained lately, i think it's because of the chaos at home" you assured. 'it's actually because my feelings for you are eating me alive but you don't need to know that.' you thought
"well do you want to hang out after school later then? so you won't have to endure the noise for a while" he invited, his eyes sparkling again.
and that's the sound of your heart cracking, it took so much to not actually clutch your heart.
"sure! where are we going?" you replied brightly. sunoo visibly relaxes after seeing you being you again.
he's noticed changes in your attitude and it's always with him so he couldn't help but feel like he did something wrong. he knew you were lying but he didn't want to push since it was clear you weren't ready to say the truth.
it does sting that you can't tell him, but he understands, there are some things he can't tell you as well. like his big massive crush on you
"the arcade? then the park after?" he suggested.
"i'm good with the that, i have pent up rage about the stars, i'll release them on the shooting games" you joked making finger guns.
sunoo rolled his eyes at your antics, and maybe if you just looked closer, you would've seen the fondness and adoration in his look.
"the stars won't appreciate that" he teased, you shrugged in reply
"yeah well i don't appreciate what they've been doing lately so i think we're even"
"i can't wait for the day the stars give you what you want so i wouldn't have to hear you complaining"
"that's the dream sun, that's the dream"
'i don't think they'll give me you sunoo' you thought
walking in comfortable silence along the quieter parts of the park with sunoo was one of your favorite things in the world, but right now the dumb loud pounding of your heart is making you re-think.
"wait let me take a picture of the sky" you heard sunoo say. you stopped in your tracks and watch him take pictures, you couldn't help it and took a picture of him taking a picture.
"wow this turned out well" you said after checking the photo, you showed it to him and he smiled widely.
"send it to me, i'll post it on my instagram" he said then he went back to scrolling through the photos he took.
you continued to stare at the photo you took of him, another crack. the sound resonating in your brain.
he was walking ahead of you, i should probably get used to this view if all goes bad. you can't take hearing your heart break any more than it already is.
"hey sun" you call out softly and walking up to him.
"sun, look at my horoscope for the week" you said turning your phone to sunoo so he can read it.
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"it's not hard to love. in fact you always are loving the sun. qualities of perspective ask you to consider. but your mind is made up" you read out loud, voice coming out a little shakey.
sunoo stares at you with wide curious eyes and gives you a questioning look.
"nothing sun, it's just scarily accurate." you stated. "it's not hard to love, in fact you always are loving the sun" you confessed, looking straight at him.
1.. 2.. 3.. a blush forms on his cheeks, his wide smile isn't helping. he covers his face with his hands.
he lets out a tiny squeal when he takes a peek at you.
"what?" you asked chuckling at his reaction. you're trying very hard to keep you cool.
"my brain isn't processing anything right now. you can't just drop something like that so suddenly! give a guy a warning. my heart is beating so fast it's like bang! bang! bang! you better take me to the hospital if something happens to me. oh god it's still not calming down. yah~ take responsibility for this" he rambles while clutching his heart.
you burst out laughing, the weight on your shoulder getting lighter.
"i had this whole thing planned out to confess to you but no you had to go and do it first, now what do i do with that idea? this is all your fault" he complained pouting at you. but your mind went blank the moment you heard "confess to you"
"you were going to what?" you asked in disbelief. sunoo's blush got impossibly deeper upon realizing what he said, he turned and speed walked away from you.
"yah! kim sunoo get back here!" you exclaimed chasing after him.
"no! go away!"
"kim sunoo if you like me stop right now!" you cry.
sunoo stopped. kim sunoo stopped.
you couldn't help the tears falling from your eyes. sunoo turned at the sound of your sniffling and he was right in front of you immediately.
"why? why? why?" he panicked trying to wipe your tears. you laughed at him, at yourself, at the universe.
"i'm just so happy, i didn't think it'd end this way" you answered.
sunoo rarely initiates skinship, but here he was engulfing you in a hug. the cracks in your heart were healing itself.
"are the stars on your side now?" he asked after releasing you from his hold.
"i think they always were, i just refused to listen"
masterlist ⸺ enhypen masterlist
a/n: this was longer than i intended it to be but im happy with the result, i got this idea when i saw the tweet for pisces about loving the sun, i instantly thought of sunoo, then the previous horoscope matches that's why i decided to cut it into two parts. i enjoyed writing this and i hope you guys like it as well <33
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