#it's an easy way to show trust
meatballlady · 3 months
Apparently I'm in the minority with this, but in s3 I really DON'T want to see Aziraphale removing Crowley's glasses.
It isn't a romantic idea to me that someone would force vulnerability [on Crowley]. I see where the idea comes from - it's a romantic notion that there'd be someone trustworthy enough to be so vulnerable around in the first place, but those are very different things in practice.
Wouldn't it be infinitely more gratifying to both Crowley and Aziraphale when Crowley himself takes them off again around Aziraphale? If Aziraphale truly wants to see his eyes so much, and loves him so much, won't he want to wait for Crowley to be ready? Would he really prioritize his own desires over Crowley's boundaries? And won't Crowley appreciate the chance to show Aziraphale how he feels; how much of himself he's willing to share, on his own terms?
In the meantime there are other ways - ways that allow him to continue respecting Crowley's boundaries - for Aziraphale to show his passion. Let him do those.
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 month
stoic illiterate unwilling assassin deeply in love with unfailingly kind rich sad gay man almost stabs his crush's brother because the brother cares so much and so genuinely for the gay man that he searched assassin's room out of worry and found knives and a mysterious letter before being interrupted by the assassin who then does not want to show him the letter which seems incredibly suspicious, only for a later scene (after the gay man interrupts them and thus stops any escalation from happening) to quietly reveal that the very sus letter in possession of this illiterate assassin is not in fact a sign he's lying about being illiterate.... it's just two pages of him practicing the gay man's name over and over in neatly spaced lines...... a reveal which he was going to STAB a man over because he doesn't know that the gay man's brother knows the man is gay and loves him with his whole heart and would never ever do anything to hurt him........ i will never get over this, how could i ever get over this, everything else ever is going to be downhill from here
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redladydeath · 3 months
this might be a bit ooc, but hc that vox has a history of getting caught up in the moment and accidentally sharing deeply personal information about himself with both alastor and valentino. it always comes back to bite him, since neither of them have any scruples whatsoever about using that information against him in petty (or not so petty) arguments. he can never stop himself though. love makes you stupid and impulsive.
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charmac · 7 months
what's the origin of "trust the structure"? i always see it on macdennis posts but i don't know what it MEANS
Well the origin is the show itself, lmfao:
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It's essentially the idea that there is (and has been) a structure in place for Macdennis becoming canon. AKA Macdennis is not fanon/shippers reading too much into the show, but a deliberate, slow-burn narrative being written and told by RCG.
BUT if you don't know what the structure is, I could not recommend watching this video by @youreeatingthedog more highly enough.
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thelien-art · 1 year
Day 2: Maglor of @feanorianweek
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Poppy = Sloth | Manipulation
I do think Maglor mourned when Maedhros got himself captured, I just also read Maglor as a manipulative power hungry character.
He probably convinced himself that Maedhros had died and ignored everything that proved otherwise, both as a poor coping mechanism and, subconsciously, seizing the power of being a king, although he never named himself one as that would give him trouble. He differently enjoyed the power and mourned, when Maedhros came back, for the power loss. He was happy to have his brother back of course. I don´t think he spoke against Maedhros choice to give the kingship to Fingolfin, even if he wanted it himself, as he did except Fingolfin to do something stupid and get himself killed eventually, and by agreeing he seemed more "civil" and the friendliest of his brothers, which would end up giving him political power, giving people the illusion that he´s the innocent and harmless of his family.
Maedhros | Celegorm | Caranthir | Curufin | Ambarussa | Nerdanel and Feanor
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andersdotters · 3 months
One thing I dislike about the whole, "Arlecchino doesn't care about the orphans of the House of the Hearth. She's only using them," schtick is that it's heavily implied she was a child of the House before coming into power. She was subject to the same heavy abuse the previous Arlecchino put them through. She was an abuse victim that stood up against her abuser, at least that's what is implied. And when she came into power, she put an end to the way the previous director ran things. Like why do you think she did that? It just puts a bad taste in my mouth to say an abuse victim does not give a damn about other kids who were in the same situation they were.
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If i could give daigo a bowl of pasta with parmesan and olive oil and a lil salt i would its what he deserves ultimately
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mcmactictac · 5 months
Spoilers for pjo tv. Fair warning non book readers
Yk I was originally making fun of all the non book readers who think Grover is the traitor but tbh with the way the show is narratively setting him up right now? It makes sense. Like obviously he’s not and I know that I’m just saying like.
Adding the scene where he rats out Percy to get him kicked out of Yancy? Valid and I get it but yeah makes him an obvious suspect
Having a pattern established of him keeping secrets from Percy (being a demigod, mrs. Dodds, his mom, him being Thalia’s protector) like again all perfectly reasonable but it’s the pattern that would make it suspicious
When he tells Percy about his mom, with an emphasis on the when. Without Grover telling Percy that, it didn’t look like Percy would have gone on the quest. Obviously he did it because he’s a good guy and friend but again, could totally be read as him pushing Percy towards the quest
He doesn’t fight Percy or annabeth on staying behind at the arch. I really can’t blame him because for a non confrontational mf I would not want to get between those two. But could be read as him letting them pick themselves off. Clearly not true if you look at his character, but if you already mistrusted him, it wouldn’t help
This last point further emphasized by his reaction to Percy being alive. Obvious annabeth is the focus in that moment and given Percy sacrificed himself for her it’s different. But if you had a theory going, this could play into it
Whatever tf was up with him staying with Ares? I know 100% that Luke is the traitor like I know and have known that for YEARS but the way they set the start of that scene up was suspicious as fuck. Not helped by the fact I’m already distrustful of Ares, but I feel like any non book reader would also be. Ares is very clear about wanting war and Grover cozies RIGHT up to him. Starts dropping war facts, getting him trusting and comfortable to let down his guard, get him talking? Like he’s trying to get information but he’s also established that trust which could let him plant information too.
That vague ass comment about finding the lightning thief? And how they know Percy didn’t steal the bolt but it doesn’t matter because Zeus thinks he did? And that’s where we leave off on their private conversation?
Kind of a side note but like as a satyr who brings kids back to camp, obviously couldn’t save Thalia, we already established that. He’d have a motive to hate the gods. Does he act on it? No! But you could totally argue that seeing demigods abandoned by their parents, who he tries to save but just. Don’t make it back to camp? Could give him a motive for vengeance. And again that’s clearly not in his personality at ALL but I’m trying to consider the perspective of someone who doesn’t know these characters inside and out
In summary none of these events alone are suspicious but the show is clearly setting up a pattern to put Grover in that spot of suspicion. Especially for younger viewers who might not think too deeply about it? The narrative is kinda setting him up to look suspicious right now even though he isn’t. He’s a very different personality type from Percy and Annabeth for sure, he’s much less confrontational. It’s just the way and the situations he’s framed in? It’s not as unreasonable an assumption for new viewers as I felt it was before.
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
I hope you know while I don’t know Secret I love her so much because of you
Aww, thanks! I have a lot of fondness for this often-overlooked girl, and it's good to see her get some love :)
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change-the-rules · 8 months
no offense against baby anthony but riverdale was already being ripped part for it's 'nonsensical' choices that were a feature and not a bug so they should've just ignored vanessa's pregnancy vanessa's a tiny ass lady ya'll had options
just like several episodes of toni just pushing around her motorcycle everywhere she goes with zero explanation
school hallway? motorcycle. vixens practice? coaching from behind the motorcycle. pop's diner? how did you get that motorcycle through the single door. town walkthroughs? the feral dogs avoid me cause i'm a cool cat with.... a motorcycle. town council meeting? in case you forgot i am social working guidance counseling leader of a biker gang -motorcycle *jazz hands* 2bdr apartment with a 3 floor walkup and no elevator? why are you still with the questions m o t o r c y c l e
fangs at some point: yea i don't know how she got it in here either- no i know - it's just yeah no cheryl's still rping sarah winschester-yeah i know -no it's that's her emotional support motorcycle-look it's easier to just not question it
#honestly i dont even think the motorcycle would totally block a pregnant belly from sight vanessa's tiny but not that tiny still#the image amused me and would not leave my brain so it's y'alls problem now#but also outside of my dumb motorcycle jape#riverdale is one of the few shows i would've trusted to do this in the most unhinged way possible [complimentary]#and even without a beloved rivedalian spin#like there are so many in character options for this#not that toni's character being in character was something that was given much consideration throughout the series#but still giant bag not toni's style ok np#we got boxes of student files and alcohol crates both easy to make weigh nothing#we got guidance counselor desks and bar counters friends#hilariously over sized pom poms anyone#giant floral arrangements from her beloved#ooo a giant beehive for her queen of the bees [like the crates not like a natural one]#idfk some literal snakes? will they cover the belly? no will anyone be looking at her belly if toni is draped snakes?#idk i guess some ppl have pregnancy kinks but mostly no cause snakes *makes will smith gesture meme hand motions*#honestly compared to the vast amount of bullshit storylines that have plagued me bc an actress' real life pregnancy was written into a show#i will never complain about giant bags boxes or floral arrangements from runners and writers who are like#yeah ya know what this just isn't right for the character because yea yes thx my undying love and respect#i'm not even saying that toni's pregnancy was bad but i'm chewing through drywall thinking about what we could've had instead#toni topaz#oh riverdale you precious beautiful compulsive piece of trash
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torgawl · 8 months
"love should be warm... but to you, it's become a form of punishment"
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fatcowboys · 3 months
my PA for ajovy got denied (booo) but the reason it did was bc a neurologist needed to prescribe it which i already had an apt set up for and gad yesterday (yay!) and the appointment went really well and i like the provider a LOT of migraine management (YAY!!!) so now i am once again waiting for an ajovy PA to be approved lmao
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masquenoire · 11 months
How did the model react to Roman retaliating against his parents? How did he handle that?
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Circe loved it, though didn't openly show her joy when Roman fought back. The two had been having a secret relationship for years right under the noses of his parents, back when Circe was old enough to begin work as a model and Roman still a young teenager smitten with the first positive attention somebody gave him. She held Roman back from beating his parents to a bloody pulp, knowing that being convicted of murder would result in him being heavily punished by the law therefore losing Janus Comestics since his parents were still the owners of the company. It wasn't out of love or concern for Mr and Mrs. Sionis. Circe been working on wrapping Roman around her little finger for years, knowing his parents would one day replace her with a younger, fresher star once her looks began to fade. Beauty doesn't last forever and, in the world of fashion, there are always beautiful women to be found much like one would find plenty of fish in the sea. She loved the money and fame, the ease of her work in only needing to look beautiful to keep a healthy paycheck coming in. She knew it wouldn't last forever, but it could last longer perhaps, if Roman took over Janus Cosmetics and she became his partner. Circe pretended she was remorseful after the incident, that she'd end the relationship with their son once she had seen him out. Unable to bear losing their top model just yet, Mr. and Mrs. Sionis bought her lies and it was all Circe needed to enact the next stage of her plan. Roman hated his parents, she'd known for years but that night, his willingness to acquiesce to her words was the sign she needed to know he'd go to any lengths to please her and concocted a plan with him the morning after. The next night, the family home of the Sionis's burned down with his parents somehow having become trapped in the blaze. Smoke inhalation was thought to be the cause of their deaths, although their bodies had been burned too badly by the fire for pathologists to tell for certain. Circe provided Roman with an alibi and, although he had not been officially named as heir, ownership of Janus Cosmetics fell to him anyway due to being next of kin, a legal process that would be finalized by the time he was 18. Circe was very pleased with how everything had turned out, and while perhaps it happened a little sooner than she'd have liked, everything went according to plan, at least for a few more years until trouble hit Janus Cosmetics.
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ervona · 6 months
one of these days I'll just do a "Cutter explained" post because it's my duty as an actual, unironic Tos'un stan atp to counter the "so what, he got zero development and was evil after all?" takes I've seen on like. reddit. lmao but truly I think it bears explaining how fucked up that sword is... and how effective it is on someone with overall weak emotional intelligence in two instances of being completely helpless and wracked by grief it's literally not comparable to Drizzt or Catti or Dantrag or whoever else wielding it because all people are different, having their own strengths and weaknesses (this is a dnd spinoff series) the tragedy Khazid'hea wrought was just by landing on somebody who never should have touched it but proceeded to do so... and make it his whole personality after his earlier personality of "I love having friends" stopped being relevant through them all brutally dying... then in Cutter he loses one child at the hands of the other, knowing it's indirectly all his own fault and knows that they'll never be able to live normally again - and then he holds that sword again... supercharged by Doumi killing many many people. like what's not clicking
edit: in one of the CC books (I forgot which one) he's hugging Doumi while she has Khazid'hea on her hip and it just immediately halts all of his self reflection, grief and regrets at the moment. it's in the text and it's even more blatant than earlier on
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buffyspeak · 1 year
also for all i was talking about magnus being cold yesterday a) the episode is just not long enough to go into that very much b) he is still extremely helpful.
also alec and magnus both asking after each other when they’re hurt or drained despite being in such a weird place right now… both kneeling down beside each other… magnus going to alec when he falls like he just can’t help it
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solarisgod · 7 months
Me being so incredibly protective of this side of Micah in terms of interactions as I don't want people to be weird about it, but at the same time, I am so much wishing for more muses to interact with Micah in their childish side as Micah would feel a lot more safer and comfortable with them to be in said side without consequences.
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