#it’s like YEAH we’re married!!
westwiiind · 3 months
obsessed w the way hiccup and astrid beat around the bush abt their feelings for like three years and then the SECOND they officially get together they get engaged.
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housewifebuck · 4 months
Anyone else accidentally form an extremely buddie coded relationship with their best friend or am I just gay
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 8 months
No- I’m sorry, but to this day I do not believe that Gwen and Arthur should have ended up together.
Was Gwen an amazing queen? Yes. Did she deserve that position? Yes. Was there literally any reason she couldn’t have been queen without being romantically involved with Arthur? No.
Because here’s the thing, Arthur had already broken so many rules and traditions that it doesn’t make sense why he couldn’t have just broken another. Seriously, Merlin probably wouldn’t have wanted the recognition or responsibilities of being queen anyway, he could literally just be chilling as court sorcerer and King’s Consort.
And Gwen? Full offense but Gwen deserved better than what Arthur could give her relationship wise. Because I have no doubt that he loved her, but he could never love her more than Merlin (keeping in mind the so loved comment that Arthur made on their first date about how he would love to run away with Merlin), and especially not more than Lancelot, who thought she was the most beautiful, lovely, talented, brilliant, and skilled woman he had ever met THE FIRST TIME HE MET HER! He could’ve been her little Queen’s consort and they would’ve been so cute!
But no. They killed Lancelot and left Merlin alone and sad forever.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
Nina and I are unfortunately like dynamite and gunpowder. something happens and we’re just like oh yeah? You wanna go? Let’s go! Meet me in the ring bitch!
#part of our power is the insane SPEED and then reconciliation of our fights#we forgive and communicate as fast as we fight#but there is no one in the world who makes me just SAY the shit I shouldn’t say than her#like she just. she herself is so fast and so blunt and so ruthless and so bullying and so LOUD#that it fires me right up and it’s like okay well FINE the gloves are off#but then it makes me anxious after like. did I say something TOO hurtful#Nina and I always joke we have the RANGE#because for all of my we’re the struggling married couple of sisters#we also have times where the fun and exchange of ideas is flowing#and this ability to say and hear things to/from each other that most people don’t/can’t?#like. the level of rock-solid trust is SO high. but equally high is our wildly differing personalities and worldview#so there isn’t anything quite like it and it can be confusing from the outside#like I HAVE to meet her in the parking lot because she’ll be being the WORST#but also she thinks I am being the worst#but anyway I do hate when a fight seems like NEW territory#and then I always worry that I have done irreversible damage#I can hear Nina in my head mocking that very idea because she is so tough#and mocking the anxiety of me being like nothing can ever be okay again#but life and certain subjects have been traumatizing in the past year#so idk what is safe exactly right now#I am FULLY rambling and having a million thoughts at once#but yeah#SORRY FOR SWEARING#twice
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chiefmilesobrien · 1 month
Now mildly freaking out bc the accountant we used decided my partner and I were married even though we told them it was a common law cost for filing and now the CRA thinks I’m married and wants me to update the date except we’re not married and not common law by the laws of our province and idk what to do…
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sailforvalinor · 5 months
…well, turns out changing to a Jo pfp is fitting in more ways than one.
#yeah turns out I’m going to be having a Jo and Laurie on the Hill moment. hopefully not to such a dramatic degree but#I went out with The Boy yesterday and I was dreading it so much#and it was fine but then at the end he asked if we could make it official that we were dating#and I asked him to give me a little bit of time to think (which he was super sweet about he did literally nothing wrong)#but yeah I just came to the conclusion within ten seconds of leaving the restaurant that it wasn’t going to work. like I felt nothing when#he asked me that question. and I wanted this to work so bad! it makes so much sense on paper but I’m just not feeling it#and I talked to my dad about it and he said that because the part of the brain that processes emotions is not connected to the part that#processes language aren’t connected that people who are married struggle to put into words why they married their spouse#so if I can’t put into words why I don’t want to date this guy it’s perfectly valid#and I suppose he’s right I just feel terrible about it. like how often do you find a guy this courteous and genuinely good? and like I#think maybe part of what’s bothering me was that there was almost no romance to this. like never at any point did he tell me that he even#liked me. it was just ‘hey we’ve hung out a few times now should we say we’re dating?’ and I’m not trying to rag on him he’s probably just#shy but it rang a little like a business proposition to me#but ugh. now I have to call (because I’m not going to do it over text) and break this poor boy’s heart#it’s a really good thing I have the play and my novel to distract me otherwise I’d be a mess#anyway prayers would be appreciated
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shima-draws · 1 year
Kirito: Hey welcome back. What took you?
Eugeo: Well uh.
Eugeo: I think
Eugeo: I just got proposed to?
Kirito: Oh neat good for you
Kirito: Wait, WHAT,
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holiests · 1 hour
This like break from work or school I’m doing rn has been something I needed for so long and I’m RREEEAAAALLYY lucky that I’m able to do this kinda comfortably. It’s not SUPER comfortable but it’s ok.
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running-tweezers · 17 days
If I had a nickel for every time my husband and I have been less than 10 miles from a massive deadly tornado since we got married.
I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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petrichorium · 9 months
The fav I have the most frequent (and most intense) fights with is actually jing yuan btw
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Evermore anon, I just reblogged @wavesoutbeingtossed’s brilliant posts of that exact theme! YES something about all of this and the weight of forever, the reality of a a future that forces a person to get truly philosophical about joining together two humans in such a final and intimate ceremony. That introspection can recomtextualize a lot of relationship stuff that maybe felt more symbolic or abstract until it’s Happening.
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clingylilhoneybee · 4 months
Anyway my witchy old lady former coworker told me that I’m meant to be with my love without even knowing they exist and I can’t stop thinking about it
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crimsonkenjii-writes · 5 months
hey crimson!! can you tell me something sweet that kento has done for you lately 🥹🩷
ps. happy sunday! hope you’re having a good day!
Hi Mimmy!!!! ♡ i answered this late and it’s not Sunday anymore but!! I think I did have a decent sunday lol I hope you’re having a great day too!!!! ♡ ♡
Something sweet I keep fantasizing about Kento doing for me and bringing me some pan dulces as a surprise 🥺 I’ve been craving them for a while lol. Also bringing me some tamales. Maybe some mole too 🤤 Any Mexican food tbh bc I’ve been craving it like crazy lately lmao. He’s bringing me a whole Mexican feast bc he knows I’ve been craving it, and he wants to try it too! Wants to know my culture’s food hehehe ♡ he’s just pampering me with food and cooking it all himself too bc he cooks it with love 🥺 the most important ingredient hehehe 🤭 i may also just be really hungry LMAO!
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strohller27 · 5 months
#I’m just gonna use this blog as a diary because. y’know. I already do. anyway#I don’t know what’s gotten into me recently but I just feel like. like I’m supposed to be ‘further along’ in my life than I am now?#and like. I know it’s bullshit because. the milestones I was told I would hit as I grew older have definitely not been predictable#they tell you you’ll get a job and a car and a significant other and you’ll get married and buy a house and have kids and grow old and die#and it’s like. that’s all we’re given to measure our lives by; these big milestones.. people are supposed to feel accomplished when they hit#but those things are just titles to chapters like. nobody tells us that there’s all this other plot happening between those pages#and so yeah I mean. it feels like I’m not on the right chapter and I really want to skip ahead but like#the truth is. I’m not even to the climax yet. I’m still in the lore-dump stage of ny story#and that’s been so hard for me to accept recently. I’m yearning to be in the chapter where I fall in love and get married#but that’s just it like. that chapter comes earlier in other people’s stories than it seems to be in mine#although I’ve fallen in love many times. I’m not at the ‘get married’ chapter. because it’s not the right part of the story yet#and sometimes I wish I could just find the author of my story and tell them HEY GET ON WITH IT ALREADY because things seem to be moving so#so slowly. and yet they’re moving so fast I simultaneously feel like I’m running out of time#like. why do some people deserve to have co-stars in their stories from almost the very beginning who stick by those protagonists and grow#together? What did I do in my last story to deserve such a lonely one this time around?#Why am I so unlucky that I have good close friends that stick by me and all I know how to do is hold them at arms length because I don’t#think our relationships are quite as deep as I feel that I need out of a relationship?#why is my story about desparately trying to find a place where I feel comfortable enough to belong and share myself with others#and hey. why am I not at that part of my story either?#and maybe it’s that I don’t do enough. as a protagonist my toxic trait is that I’m pathologically suspicious of others#if someone shows interest in me I’m suspicious of why. what are they trying to get from me. because in the past people have taken from me#without giving much back. and if someone wants to date me I’m immediately suspicious of their intentions.#because I’ve realised that there’s much more to being in a relationship than ‘you’re hot let’s fuck’. and I know that’s not what I want#I want to be at the part of my story where I can share myself with someone without worrying that they’re going to take more than I can give.#I want to be at the part of my story where I can trust someone with myself when I’m fragile and they can trust me with themselves as well#I want to be at the part of my story where my life slots together well with someone else’s; so well it just feels normal and right.#I want to be at the part of my story where…I know I could live without this person because we can both take care of ourselves but.#it’s just preferable to spend time and solve problems and exist *together*#and you’ll have to forgive me for saying so but I’ll need physical affection from that person whoever they may be#I feel like certain things are falling into place. I like where I am. now I want to set down roots. and I can’t. I’m not at that page yet.
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causticsunshine · 5 months
been working on some photo studies in the hopes that perfecting my rendering skills and the like will help me finish more pieces and idk if i suddenly got really good at painting faces or what but god i’m doing something right with this one study and i can only hope it means something good for my art
tbh most of the art i scrapped the last few years—which was mostly the 1d pieces i lost rip 😔—i scrapped because i didn’t like how i painted the faces so?? yeah i really hope. the tide is turning
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