#it was this chapter + prompts for my weekend writing and this got out first haha!
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
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August 17th, 1945 - 0730
Camp Toccoa, Georgia, United States
War Correspondent Esther Armstrong
It was a tempt of fate for the men to actually take the liberty of cordiality towards either Mercy or I, it seemed. Their stand was not looking or speaking to me; like they thought doing either would make me disappear for good. Lucky for them, I tried to ignore them that way as well. I had a job to do, one way or another, that was not about to be stopped because the men did not respect me as a person or as a correspondent trying to do her work where it was permitted. If it meant spearfishing with salty one-liners on the off chance they would actually see me as a human being then I would do unto them as they have done to me. Ma always liked the golden rule for a reason. Just hoping God will not be too angry in the proceedings.
- Esther Armstrong, from Stroke of Luck
[read the newest update here!]
tags: @mads-weasley @icantdecideofthename @thoughpoppiesblow @cetaitlaverite @sergeant-spoons @vintagelavenderskies @ronald-speirs @easycompanys @hinkel-im-home
-> if you would like to be added or removed, just shoot me a message or ask! :)
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call-me-strega · 5 months
Dc x DP Prompt #8: Best Friend’s Brother
Preface: this prompt can be used with different characters but I’m writing it as Dead on Main bc that’s my favorite. Also the colleges I mention are real colleges from the DCU
Danny Fenton was 18 when he moved to Gotham for college.
It was the only place with a half decent engineering program that would take a kid with his record; drop in grades, unexplained absences, missing class, a disciplinary record, etc. Plus there was a decent saturation of both magic and ectoplasm in Gotham’s air. After he got accepted he decided to tell his parents he was Phantom. They reacted surprisingly well all things considered. They were horrified to learn they’d been hunting their son but it quickly turned into acceptance to listen to what he had to tell them. Now they turned their obsession from hunting ghosts to learning more about ghost more humanely. He also managed to get his former rouges to agree to call off any major shenanigans in favor of less destructive outlets. (He got Ember a TikTok and a YouTube channel, he set up a drag racing circuit in the realms for Johnny and Kitty, let Technus enter the internet as long as he stayed within Amity’s grid or help Ember manage her stuff, allowed Desiree grant wishes for Make a Wish Foundation kids so long as she didn’t horribly twist them, etc.)
Now with the town not at constant risk of danger and his parents agreeing to really handle any rouge ghosts, Danny could leave Amity with a clear conscience. His friends were also growing up and heading to their own colleges. Tucker was heading to Ivy University in New England, which rivaled MIT in terms technological prestige, and Sam decided on Vandermeer University in Pittsburg, which had a reputation for being a very liberal, anti-authority campus. Although their trio would be spread out, Danny found comfort in the fact that they’d all moved from the Midwest to the Northeast.
With promises to stay in touch a visit. Danny got set up in GCU’s dorms, ready to move into the next chapter of his life.
Danny Fenton was 20 when Tim Drake (age 19 but nearing 20) officially became one of his best friends.
They had been introduced to each other by their mutual friend Sebastian Ives for a new Warlocks and Warriors campaign. Their friendship extended beyond WnW when they ended up on the same Applied Physics and Mechanics class. It was cemented when they got pair up for a project in class and had to spend lots of time around each other.
Danny didn’t mind that Tim tended to be a bit flaky and Tim didn’t mind that Danny was possibly not 100% human. They didn’t ask each other too many questions about that stuff. They knew the other had something odd about him and that was fine with them. It was nice to have a causal friend they could be normal with, without being questioned about their more peculiar behaviors.
They officially became best friends when the built a Rube Goldberg machine with a working trebuchet within an hour of the three they had to complete it for their Applied Phys-Mech final. Danny introduced Tim to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Tim introduced him to Steph, Tam, and Cass. They texted and hung out fairly often. They truly did consider each other one their best friends.
Danny Fenton is 22 when he meets Tim’s family.
Tim’s 21st birthday is coming up and he has plans with his family the day of and is going out with his friends, including a couple from out of town, that night. They want to take him out for his first drink and it’s fortunate timing since it’s the weekend so nobody has to worry about classes. Everyone who was going was already informed that Tim would be spending most of the day with his family before Steph and Cass would bring to the club everyone was meeting up at. Which is why it’s purely a coincidence when he runs into them at BatBurger during the lunch rush.
Danny had just picked up the part-time job to earn a little extra cash to pay for his hobbies. Tim new about it but didn’t know the exact location he worked. That’s why they were both presently surprised when they heard each others voices in the drive through. When they pulled up to window Danny saw his friend leaning over a tired looking black-haired man, trying to stick his head out of the drivers window to give Danny a maniacal grin.
He quickly introduced the other passengers of the car as his dad, Bruce, and three of his brothers Dick, Jason, and Duke. He mentioned he had a fourth brother, Damian, who was still at home. Danny couldn’t really see everyone all that well on account of they were inside a car but he happily greeted them as well. They laughed and Danny wished Tim a happy birthday saying he’d see him at his celebration later tonight before handing them their food. He could the rowdy boys ribbing their brother as the car drove away and Danny resumed his work.
That incident seemed to have opened a gate because now Tim felt more comfortable inviting him over when his brothers were still around the house. He occasionally talked about his family more and Danny returned the favor letting snippets of his own family spill a little more. Occasionally, he’d see Tim’s family outside of his interactions with Tim.
He’d run into Damian, and sometimes Bruce or Dick was with him, at the museum or in the park while the younger had been walking his dog and stopped to say hi a couple of times. He chatted with Dick a couple of times when they were both in line to get coffee at a cafe. He saw Duke on a college tour once and waved at him.
The family member he probably saw the most other that Tim (and by extension Cass) was actually Jason. He’d ended up ditching BatBurger to get some more practical experience at an apprenticeship at the auto shop Jason went to to get his motorcycle serviced. The two of them got along pretty well and would often make conversation when Jason was waiting on his bike to be ready or to get his bill.
At first is was small talk about little things like how he and Tim were doing in class or how their days were going but they soon grew to have genuine interests in each other. Jason let Danny talk about space and mechanics and even gave his own thoughts sometimes, once helping Danny realize he was over complicating the circuit board of the device he was building. In return Danny let Jason ramble to him about literature, even taking the initiative to read a book Jason mentioned so he could talk to him about it better. Their conversation tended to be on the briefer side but were always enjoyable to both parties.
Danny actually liked being around Jason a lot but didn’t really bring that fact up a lot around Tim as it didn’t seem necessary. Tim was pretty glad that Danny got along with his family but he preferred to keep them in separate places in his mind. Danny knew and respected that, only really mentioning that he’d seen them recently and that they’d told him to say hi on their behalf (or die in Damian’s case occasionally).
Tim Drake was 22 when he came to a horrific realization.
Well, perhaps horrific was a bit of an exaggeration. Tim wasn’t necessarily horrified by the revelation. In all honesty he didn’t know how to feel. He felt an odd mixture of protectiveness, possessiveness, confusion, and optimism(?).
You see, Tim and Danny had been hanging out in the campus center, studying and goofing off when he got a text from Jason saying he was coming to pick him up for family dinner at the manor since he was closest and Dick was busy picking up Duke and Damian from their after school clubs.
“What’s up?” Danny asked him curiously.
Tim set his phone on the table and started putting his stuff away. “My brother is coming to pick me up for family dinner so I gotta head out soon.”
“Ah well I should probably get going too. Tell Dick I said hi.”
“Actually, it’s Jason. Dick is picking up Duke and Damian,” he said shoving his textbook into his bag.
“Oh? That’s nice of him. Hey do you wanna just head out together?” Danny asked, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
Tim noticed a slight strain in Danny’s voice at the mention of Jason but didn’t comment. He just nodded his head sure and walked outside with Danny. They got out to the street when Tim realized he’d left his phone in the library. He faced palmed and asked Danny if he could hold his stuff so it wouldn’t slow him down as he ran back to the campus center to get his phone. Danny agreed to and hold his stuff and wait for Jason while Tim went back.
After getting his phone Tim started heading back to where he left Danny when he saw that Jason had arrived that Jason had arrived and was talking to Danny. He was about to call out to them when he noticed several things in quick succession. Danny was fidgeting with his hoodie, something he tended to do when nervous. The tips of Danny’s ears were a light shade of pink (it isn’t cold out yet?). Danny looked deeply absorbed in his conversation with Jason in a way that reminded Tim of how he talked about space. And Jason seemed just as absorbed in the conversation as well.
The gears in Tim’s head went into overdrive and he realized ‘Ah- Danny has a crush on Jason’. His eyes widened as his head whipped around to examine Jason again. He saw a look of genuine fondness in his eyes. Thus Tim was confronted with the aforementioned horrific realization and complicated feelings. Tim didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or both.
‘My dumbass best friend has a crush on my brother. And worse(?), my idiot brother returns those feelings.’
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thatbanditqueen · 4 months
A Basic Training Snippet
Life has been very cruel and gotten between me and my favorite pastime... writing delusional scenarios in which I, I mean my original characters, dated Elvis Presley. So I thought for fun I would just share a very short snippet from the chapter of Basic Training I am working on, in which Elvis invites Bess to spend the weekend with him in Waco at the house of his friend, DJ and TV host Eddie Fadal.
This is very rough, I am not sure if it sounds like Elvis, I need to go back through it once I finish the chapter. I haven't even had anyone alpha this. However, I had at one point told @be-my-ally I would participate in the writing prompt "weather" and post Sunday (yesterday) and so this is my very pathetic attempt to just post something that at least mentions weather in passing...
If you want to read or catch up on this WIP you can find it here
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“Well, you know I’m mainly a legs and ass man, through and through, but boy oh boy, Bessie is stacked. I tell ya what. Fa sho. I don’t know how it's possible, but they’re even bigger when you got ‘em in ya hands. Why you nodding Lamar, you ain’t ever gotten to second base, quit lyin.”
The rain had stopped by the time Bess opened her eyes again to find the bed empty, though she could still hear the drip drop of water through the hole. There it was, like an inverted nipple in the middle of the new glossy pink wall, a perfect round sphere with layers of drywall caved in around the edges where the firework had shot through. The smell of cigarettes wafted in from outside, along with a set of men's voices.  Bess was about to call to them when she heard Elvis say the word “Anita.”
There was laughter, then the sound of slaps and skids along concrete, as if a scuffle had broken out, followed by more laughter.
“Shit, but you’re wrong, Rex, cuz there are really only two types of girls. See, with ‘Nita, she is a good girl, but she puts it all on the table. If I’m happy, she’s happy, that’s all she wants. She let's it all hang out. All I gotta do is look at her and smile and she’s gonesville. But then, then there are the ones who keep it all tied up. You know, you saw it Lamar, when I come down here, Anita was ballin her damn eyes out. Now Bess, Bess’d never let you see her cry. Not if she can halp it. She plays it cool. But when you touch her you can feel her vibrating underneath that ice, jus enough to know her motor's running. And boy, when you get it going, what a motor. When she cries out, man, you know ya really earned it. Know what I mean?" 
There was some muffled laughter, and Bess couldn’t quite hear everything, but what she did hear made her face flush a deep crimson red.
“Oh, well I found out last night.  I swear, Bess tastes so fresh and sweet, I know I’m the first guy she let touch her.”
“Nah, a college girl?”
“What do you know, huh, lardass? Reckon I been with seventy five, no, I mean a hundred or more girls. Trust me, I know women, that girl spent college with her nose in her books.”
“Now you got your nose in her - OW - what the fuck?”
“I don’t wanna hear you talk bout her like that, got it?”
“But you just -”
“But you just, but you just, just mind ya goddamn manners.”
Bess sat there, unsure if she wanted to keep listening, but as she turned she was distracted by a dark set of eyes staring her from the doorway. She pulled the strap of her nightie up, and smoothed her hair back as she smiled at Janice Fadal.
“Mommy told me not to wake you up, so I’ve just been sitting here waiting. Ready to do my make up again?”
Bess nodded, relaxing as she stood and patted the little girl’s head.
“Sure, just let me get dressed, huh?’
Then Janice’s slick little tongue curved up and licked the bottom of Bess’ wrist.
“I don’t think you taste like ice cream at all. More like salt. “
more to come, let me know what you think....
@whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @lookingforrainbows @arrolyn1114 @moonchild-daniella @richardslady121 @ab4eva @i-r-i-n-a-a @eliseinmemphis @kingdomforapony @everythingelvispresley @dkayfixates @artlover8992 @freudianslumber @amydarcimarie @toreigh @18lkpeters @yynneessmons @ashtag6887 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @returntopresley @rjmartin11 @bigromansgirl @louisejoy86 @notstefaniepresley
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Weekend Update 03/10/2024
Made it another week Nerdie.
That I did. I believe today is Sunday. Too much time in this chair. I think I slept in it before. Too many times.
Nerdie, don't you have a bed?
I do, I don't always make it there. I've usually zoned out and nodded off, the wake up when my neck hurts. 👀 I'm not always writing either, just thinking sometimes.
Couldn't you think in bed Nerdie?
I could, but I don't. That sounds like a good idea. My ideas aren't always great. But I did have a few this week.
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My March Spring Prompts continue. I was able to do ten of them without repeating a character! 🤗 This upcoming week we'll see some Pedro peeps come back. Key words: gas station sushi, angst, oil and bath. Remember this is Nerdie 😎, it could be any and everything, but my prompts are mature and not explicit. I do write about some heavy subjects, fluff, a few giggles, and have some innuendos, but my main masterlist is 78% smut so just go there.
The WIP I’d been mentioning for the last few weeks or months (could be either) is finished and posted : Diddle your Dieter to Disco. My first Dieter smut actually which is hilarious at least to me. 🤣 The rest of his Masterlist is fairly fluffy. I would check the warnings on it, I put a lot in it. 👀
Part Two of my series The Lake Between Us is up. Make sure to read the warnings. Ezra introduction has a lot going on. It's an AU so he has both arms but that doesn't mean I didn't torture him other ways. 👀 I do love that ya'll love the taglist name "Taste-testers of Ezra's gumbo." 😆
I finally wrote the follow up to He told me his name called She made me feel. I think I enjoy mentally torturing Pedro characters at this point. Poor Din is so anxious and touch-starved. As always with Din = HANDS. A Nerdie staple. This is The Way.
Now for everyone's favorite (and mine): Fic recommendations!!! (Yes I did type and do a little yell, fanfics are serious. Pfft.) 😄
Confetti by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Pike x f reader) The Quiet Moments Collection
Adrift with you by @morallyinept (Frankie Morales x Jude OFC) The Prologue “I’m behind”’😭
A Real Man by @pedroshotwifey (Frankie Morales x female plus size reader) my request - stay self indulgent everyone! 🥰
Tick by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Frankie Morales x wife reader) The Mistress of Angst!
A Bronx Tale: Part Deux - A Chicago Tale by @justabovewater20 (SydCarmy)
Love’s a weed:  just ripe by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x ofc - Ruby) Fruits are essential.
Second Chances part 2 by @pedroscurls (Marcus Pike x fem reader) Such a cute series 💕
Cigarettes After Sex by @immarocketman (Awesome artist I follow. 💜)
Promise by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Ezra - dragon x fem reader) The only Pedro character that can pull off being a dragon. 🐉
Please Mister Please by @grogusmum (Joel Miller x fem reader) The fluff 🥹💕
Unconventional Location by @winniethewife (Abel Morales x fem reader)
Personal Shopper by @huntingingoodwill (Dieter Bravo x reader)
Enjoy the Silence by @strang3lov3 (Joel Miller x fem reader)
Spicy Ask #68 by @kewwrites (Din Djarin x reader) Say it with me: HANDS 🙌🏼!!!!
Reminder by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Tim Rockford x fem reader) Sometimes good things happen in Tim’s office.
Forever Starts With You Masterlist (Frankie Morales x chubby fem reader) @criticallyacclaimedstranger I loved all three parts I read 🥰🥰 (A Good Start, A Strong Finish and A New Beginning). It looks like there more to their story so much more reading for me. ❤️
some good friend by @covetyou (Tim Rockford x fem reader) TIM DESERVED THIS ❤️ That is all.
Sanctuary by @thefrogdalorian (Din Djarin x GN reader) Din fluff forever. 🤗
We got your back chapter 1 by @softpascalito (Javier Peña x fem reader)
The Sweetest Melody by @noisynaia (Din Djarin x afab reader)
Rise by @sp00kymulderr (Joel Miller x afab reader) ALL THE FEELS 😭
Falling for you by @fhatbhabie (Joel Miller x plus size reader) Part One - The drama!
Just look at You by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Poe Dameron x fem reader) The Poe Dameron smut we deserve. 🍆
Chapter 3 - Here’s a health to the company… and one to my Boss… by @inept-the-magnificent (Tim Rockford x ofc Jane Nebbie) I just think about this series and I start giggling. Sunshine Nebbie and grump Tim - he is a super grump. But he is also me. 🤣
To the Flame chapter 6.5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) So sweet out of context.
To the Flame chapter 9 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) The slow decent begins...we're just at the start of the ride. 😈
Between the Sheets by @saturn-rings-writes (William Tell x fem reader) Reminded me of an Isley Brothers song. I feel like we're headed toward that song. Please with this direction.
Hiccup by @morallyinept (Javier Gutierrez x fem reader) A whimpering Javi G. What an evening. 😘
A New Home by @charethcutestory02 (Frankie Morales x Benny Miller) Budding feelings. 🤗
Special shout out to Ms. Payday - Le Poet and lover of da words: @maggiemayhemnj They seek her out, have brunches and nightcaps. It's what all writers long for. She checked in on me along with @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @lady-bess
I've been not as active - mainly due to work, school, and the insomnia. But still writing. 😄 priorities. lol
New appreciation for Javier Pena. well not new, re-newed. Maybe am working on a few things. None are good, none are final. Still need polishing. Also need to give Javi G's outline another look. I might...👀 have a chapter for him this week. I hope. @goodwithcheese was pleased with this. @undercoverpena was Luke-warm. I think she thought I was taking something, but if Javi P has shown us anything, sharing is caring. 😘
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Stay well, sleep in your bed (unless you're planning not to) and be hydrated,
Love Nerdie 💕
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kiwiana-writes · 6 months
2023 Writing Round Up
Thanks @welcometololaland and @rmd-writes for the tags! It’s been a weird year; there was definitely a point at which I thought I was done with sharing my writing publicly, but here we are 😂
Brain break 😁
We knew we were the fortunate ones [The Last of Us; Bill/Frank; rated E; 2,294 words]
First times are both awkward and exciting, apocalypse or no apocalypse.
My mind has been expanded [Schitt’s Creek; David/Patrick; rated T; 422 words]
In which the author David finds out their his spouse has never seen Rocky Horror
Got me an appetite, now I can taste it [Schitt’s Creek; David/Patrick; rated E; 3,002 words]
Kink!verse s05e12: chastity cage for @minerforaheartofgold
Brain break 😁
We were supposed to find this [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated M; 3,384 words]
The canon-adjacent soulmarks fic
Honey lips and words so true [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,580 words]
A smutty little prompt fill for @rmd-writes
All the city lights on the water [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 500 words]
A series of NYE drabbles as a prompt fill for @hullomoon
Before this all goes grey [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 455 words]
A painfully soft Paris morning prompt fill for @stereopticons
Looking like our bodies might fuse [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 637 words]
Post-canon paparazzi feelings prompt fill for @hullomoon
Just come along, baby, take my hand [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,335 words]
The ‘Alex and Henry watch Netflix’s How to Build a Sex Room’ fic @celeritas2997 made me write
Feel your hands in my hair and you whisper my name [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,508 words]
The barbershop meet-horny for @celeritas2997
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 65,586 words]
Actor AU, Alex and Henry performing in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing
Bukkake Breaky Heart [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,532 words]
Alex has a fantasy. Henry makes it happen.
Empty your heart of its mortal dream [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated G; 3,641 words]
Alex steps inside a fairy circle and Fey Prince Henry appears
The star to every wandering bark [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 3,895 words]
A 5+1 coda set during the epilogue of With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
I don’t know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 2,854 words]
Henry sends a thirst trap to his ex… or does he?
Kinktober 2023 [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 6,200 words]
31 days, 31 kinky double drabbles
I’ve carried this song in my mind [RWRB; Arthur&Henry, Alex/Henry; rated T; 2,529 words]
Five times Arthur tries to get Alex and Henry together from beyond the grave, and one time two times his intervention isn’t needed.
Handprints in wet cement [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,421 words]
Five things Henry learned during his Oxford Slut Phase that he shared with Alex, and one thing they learned together.
Puck It [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 9,739 words]
College AU, Alex as a NCAA division I, NHL-drafted hockey player
Kinda think that I might be his type [RWRB; Alex/Henry, Alex&Bea; rated E; 12,864 words]
Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
A Practical Arrangement [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; WIP 1/3 chapters, 6,136 words published, to be finished before the end of the year]
An anachronism stew, royalty-arranged-marriage AU
All Those Christmas Clichés [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated M; WIP 16/25 chapters, 4,800 words published]
Daily triple drabbles: snapshots of the lead-up to Christmas 2023.
Puck It Real Good [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,793 words]
A smutty interlude set during Puck It
Tagging @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells and, as always, anyone who wants to play!
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
Stalked [Hotch x Reader]
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picture credit: @hotch-girl
Prompt: You get locked out of your apartment and your neighbor picks the lock for you; aka you get locked out of your apartment and Aaron Hotchner steps in to give you a hand. 
Category: Angst/Comfort 
Word Count: 3.6K
Content Warning: Depiction of stalking and emotional distress. Threat of violence and the possibility of assault (nothing happens). Language (God, bitch). The U.S. police (being unhelpful). The reader has a panic attack. Drinking (light). 
A/N: This is another @imagining-in-the-margins story for her Meet Cute writing challenge, and it’s one I really like. I think it’s my favorite so far! If you like this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. If you like this, I might consider writing a part two as well.
P.S. The reader uses she/her pronouns.
List with all stories 
y/n = your name
_y/j_ = your job
_h/c_ = hair color
_y/n_ = your name 
_y/l_ = your last name 
y/n had had a long day at _y/j_. Tasks that normally took a few seconds took minutes, and the people y/n had interacted with all seemed to be in a bad mood. y/n was excited to be home and have the possibility of relaxing. It was late and y/n desperately wanted a hot shower, to read a chapter of her book, and go to bed. y/n exited her car and moved to the door of her first-floor apartment. y/n opened her purse and fished around for the keys to the front door. After a few seconds of fishing around in her purse and not finding her keys, y/n began to get annoyed as she pulled the purse from her shoulder and looked inside, shiting the contents around to try and find her key ring. y/n wondered if she had left the keys in her cars passenger seat for some reason, or if they had fallen out of her purse at _y/j_. y/n wasn’t panicked yet, but the idea of not being able to get inside started to pull at her insides in an uncomfortable way.
The sound of a car nearby caught her attention. y/n head whipped up but it was only her next-door neighbor who was parking in the designated spot for his apartment. y/n hadn’t taken a lot of time getting to know the man; from what she’d observed he seemed disciplined. He often wore a suit and tie and he worked out consistently. y/n had also noticed that he was attractive, though she kept that thought in the back of her mind, knowing that the mysterious man who lived across from her could probably care less about her existence. The sound of another car nearby caught her ear. She looked up and over to the street where a navy blue Ram car stalled on the street outside of her apartment. The dread and fear she felt at seeing the familiar car and license plate would have registered at a ten on the Richter scale. y/n froze for a moment, looking at the tinted windows, knowing that the man inside the car was looking back at her. After what felt like an eternity, the car moved down the street. y/n was sure it would be back in a few minutes as it moved around the block. He would be there all night. With more desperation, y/n looked for her keys. She had searched all the pockets of her purse twice now and they just weren’t there. The illogical part of her brain told her that even if she got inside the man in the truck would already be there. Of course, this couldn’t be the case. The man was in his car, and she was trapped out here with him. Two minutes later the blue car was back on the street. y/n closed her eyes and leaned against the locked door and in a panic almost shouted, “God, leave me alone.” y/n could feel the panic rising in her and her breaths coming in more of a shallow, staccato tempo. _y/n_ wondered if this was the night that she might die all because she couldn’t get into her own home. 
Aaron exited his car after hanging up with Hailey and Jack. He had told his son goodnight before coordinating with Hailey about the details of picking up Jack for his weekend stay at his apartment. He had stayed in the car until he had hung up, not wanting to have to disconnect the call from Bluetooth. He also didn’t want to go into his apartment and face the loneliness of the empty space again. It had been seven months since the divorce with Hailey, but he was still struggling with the way she had left him. The betrayal he had felt in her absence. He thought he knew Hailey. That they were close enough to try and talk things out. He knew he was anal about work; he wouldn’t deny it, but deep down, her leaving still hurt him. They were trying their best to give Jack a good, healthy life, and that, at least, was a blessing. He took one more breath in his car, looking out his window to see his new neighbor get out of her car. She looked upset for some reason. Aaron hadn’t introduced himself to his neighbor who had moved in three and a half weeks ago. As he observed her habits over the three weeks she had been living in the apartment complex it was hard to pin her down. He had smiled and waved at her the day she had moved in and she had done the same.
After this, he had seen her running in the neighborhood but it always seemed to be a different route, or at a different time. It was odd as most people with workout routines stuck to them. He had also seen her leave and return from her job, or what he assumed was her work. Again she had an odd pattern of leaving as early as 5:00 AM and returning as late as 10:00 PM. From what he had assessed, all he knew about the younger woman was that she was inconsistent and he found her attractive. The first time he had seen her, he had held a breath at how pretty she was. The five o’clock light threw a warmth on her _h/c_. When she had responded to his wave with a smile he actually felt his cheeks warm and he moved inside quickly, not sure how to feel about his body's response to just seeing a pretty woman. 
Aaron pulled himself back together and grabbed his briefcase from the backseat. It had been a long day in the office full of paperwork and the dreaded budget meeting with Strauss. She had railed him about the team's expenses and he had stood up for his team and the results they showed week after week. As he stepped out of his car, the sound of his neighbor’s voice saying, “God, leave me alone” caught his attention. His neighbor sounded desperate. There was a distinct note of fear in her voice and it didn’t take him being a profiler to see that something was clearly wrong. His neighbor was literally shaking and curled in on herself. She was clearly displaying the signs of a panic attack. His eyes trained on her and she looked over to the blue truck stalling on the road just a few yards from her front door. Aaron clenched his jaw and jumped into action. His work side took over as he realized there was something deeper going on here. He stepped a few feet from his front door to hers. He approached, hands out, palms up to not make his neighbor feel more threatened. In a calm, authoritative voice he said, “My name is Aaron Hotchner and I work for the F.B.I. Are you alright? Can I help you?” 
y/n heard a man’s voice close by and her eyes snapped to his face. She registered him as her neighbor, the one who was always wearing a suit and tie. It took a moment for his words to register, but when they did, she replied in a shaky voice deprived of oxygen saying, “I can’t get… I can’t get in. The man, man…” y/n stopped to take a large breath. Aaron took a microsecond to ascertain the situation and then said, “Okay. You’re having a panic attack. I need you to take some deep breaths. Try breathing in while counting to five, then breathe out while counting to five.” He tacked on at the end, “You’re safe with me.” Aaron shot a look at the running car on the street. He was sure the tint on the windows on the front was too dark to be legal. He scanned the license plate, memorizing the number before turning and trying the door. Just as his neighbor had said, it was locked. He tried his shoulder twice, but he wasn’t Derek, so he didn’t try and break open the door. Instead, he found a metal ballpoint pen in his pocket. He cared about efficiency in this moment and less about decorum as being outside was clearly causing his neighbor distress. He put the tip of the unactivated pen in his mouth and bit down, jerking the body of the pen down with the tip still in his mouth. His actions separated the pen's cartridge from its outer casing. He discarded the outer casing and took the cartridge in his hand. He activated the flashlight on his cell phone and aimed it at the lock. Before he did this, he positioned the woman on the stoop trying to control her breathing slightly in front of him, shielding her from any harm that might have come from the street. 
Aaron started by jamming the pointed tip of the cartridge into the lock. Once it was inside, he shimmied the metal into the locking mechanism. After a few moments of jimmying the lock, there was a resounding click and Aaron pushed the door open. Aaron gently placed his hand on y/n’s waist and guided her inside. Once they were both inside, Aaron closed the door, locked it, and switched the light switch on by the front entrance. The front kitchen and living room were illuminated in a soft light and Aaron focused his attention on his neighbor. Aaron guided the woman to a couch in the far wall and turned on a nearby lamp. y/n sat as if in a daze, breathing evening out a bit due to doing what the man had told her. There was a harsh knocking on the door. The sound rang out like bullets through the room. At hearing this, y/n let out a garbled sob as her intake of air became erratic again. The knocking stopped a gruff voice called from outside the door saying, “Open up you bitch. Who’s that man you're with. Are you fucking him?” There was a moment of silence and then the voice continued now in a more pleading tone, “Just let me in. I promise to be nice and gentle.” There was another loud round of pounding at the door and then a longer silence. While this was happening, Aaron had slipped his hand to his sidearm, unholstering it and switching off the safety. It became apparent his new neighbor and now himself could be in serious danger. Thankfully it was quiet for a whole minute. The air seemed to be sucked out of the room as Aaron carefully walked to the door. He leaned his ear against it to see if he could hear if the man was still outside. He didn’t hear anything so he looked out the peephole to see if the man had really gone. Thankfully the man was gone from the porch and his truck was no longer blocking the quiet road. It was likely that the man would be back, but now that he had disappeared, Aaron turned his attention to the woman on the couch. He slipped the safety back on for his gun and reholstered it. 
  Aaron moved back to the small living space and knelt down, placing a comforting hand on the woman’s knee. He spoke clearly saying, “You’re having a panic attack. I need you to follow my breathing, alright?” y/n just barely nodded her head, looking into her neighbor’s dark eyes. Aaron nodded and took a deep breath, counting aloud, “One, two, three, four, five.” He then released the breath counting to five again. Aaron watched as y/n struggled to follow along at first. However, after a minute the woman started to control her breathing and Aaron stopped counting. Her breathing had calmed slightly, and she seemed a bit more relaxed. Aaron began by asking, “What’s your name? I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself to you before.” y/n took a deep breath, saying, “I’m y/n _y/l_.” y/n wiped some tears from under her eyes and face adding, “Thank you for getting me inside.” Aaron nodded and removed his hand from her leg. He asked, “Who was that man outside? Do you know him?” y/n swallowed thickly, replying, “I don’t. He’s been stalking me for the last year. I’ve had to move twice already." In a tone of despair, and not really directed at Aaron, y/n said, “I can’t keep doing this,” as she put her head in her hands. Hotch stood. He would call the police in a moment, but he wanted some clarifying details first. He started by asking, “Have you reported the names and behavior to the authorities at your two previous locations?” y/n was more calm now, realizing that this man -- ‘what had he said his name was… Aaron.’ -- she thought, that Aaron was competent and knew what he was doing. That she really was safe around him. Opening up, y/n said, “I have. I tried asking for an injunction and a restraining order, but the cops said that there wasn’t enough evidence that if there wasn’t really physical proof of harm they couldn’t step in yet.” Aaron frowned at this information. Even though he worked with the police often, he wasn’t their biggest fan. They often followed the wrong path, muddied a profile, or acted incompetently on the job. And now there was this. The man who had been stalking y/n was clearly aiming to harm her. 
The next question he asked was “You said you didn’t know him. Do you remember having ever seen him before? Has he hurt you since he started following you?” y/n nodded affirmatively saying, “I think he’s from a gym I used to go to. There was a man that would always look at me in that, ‘the gym is a meat market’ kind of way. I just avoided him, but then I noticed that he was following me around the gym and later he was outside my work. That was when I started documenting everything so when I went to the police they could use it as evidence if they needed it.” y/n paused for a moment. Aaron looked over y/n noticing the signs of exhaustion and fatigue. He knew that stalking had a tremendous effect on the mental and physical health of those being stalked. He wanted to reassure her, and gently said, “It’s okay. Please take your time.” y/n nodded and continued, “When he showed up outside my home for the first time was when I went to the police. When they said they couldn’t do anything, I moved for the first time. I cut everybody off, all my friends, and my social media. I don’t know how he found me the second time. I really don’t. He got more violent and agitated. He would verbally abuse me outside my home.” In a moment of vulnerability, and because she hadn’t been able to talk about what had been happening to her; she said, “Aaron, I’m tired and scared. I’m really scared.” 
It was the first time she had said his name aloud, and the sound of it on her lips made him feel a certain way that he hadn’t in some time. He pushed the emotion away, knowing it wasn’t about him right now. It was about y/n. He placed his right hand on her shoulder and replied, “I’m sorry you’re going through this right now, y/n. Your fear is justified, and you should trust your instincts in situations like this. If it’s alright I’m going to call the police and make sure you’re safe for the evening, and I’ll give you my number. You can call me anytime. If you feel unsafe in your apartment and you see my car in the driveway, you can knock on my door at any hour.” As the words registered she visibly relaxed. Softly, almost in a whisper, y/n said, “Thank you, Aaron.” Hotch gave her a small smile and replied, “You don’t need to thank me, y/n. You deserve a safe space to live in peace. Everybody does.” After a moment of silence, Aaron stood and took his phone from his pocket and he dialed the local police station to send over two officers to his location. He spoke in a low tone and he stood a few paces away from y/n. He let the officer he was speaking to know who he was and that he wasn’t joking around. 
When he hung up, he approached y/n again. He pulled out a business card with his professional number and said, “Do you have a pen I could borrow. I’ll just jot down my cell number on the back of this card.” y/n stood and walked to the small table and found a pen on the cluttered surface. She hadn’t even had the chance to fully unpack before her stalker had found her again. She moved back to Aaron and handed him the writing utensil. Aaron placed the card against the wall and wrote out his number in neat, blocky handwriting. As he wrote, y/n looked him over again in the soft light. She had found him attractive the few times she had seen him from afar, but with him being closer, he really was all she had imagined. He was tall and lean. The hint of stubble was showing on his sharp face. As he handed the card to y/n their hands touched and a jolt of hot energy shot through both of them. Aaron caught the flush of your face but averted his gaze to give y/n a moment. He couldn’t say he didn’t feel the same way. Thankfully the police arrived shortly after and Hotch gave them the information they needed and ensured that one officer would stay outside overnight to ensure y/n was safe. After all of that rigamarol was over, he turned his attention back to y/n and said, “I’m going to head out tonight. I can check in tomorrow if you like to see how it goes at the police station tomorrow?” Aaron knew he was asking this because if the police did nothing again he could call the chief and make something happen, but was also aware that he wanted to see y/n again. He’d like to see her not looking so frightened and tired. Maybe, he wanted to know her better. y/n flushed again and this time she noticed that Aaron didn’t look away. She gave him a small smile and said, “I’d like that. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here this evening.” Hotch gave a little nod and said, “I hope you never have to find out.” y/n led him to the door and they both saw the parked police car outside on the road which made both parties feel more secure in their own ways. Aaron turned and said, “See you tomorrow, y/n.” To which y/n replied, “Have a good rest of your night, Aaron. See you tomorrow.” She placed a hand on his upper arm and the same heat flushed through them both. She let his arm go and he stepped outside and toward his own apartment. y/n closed and locked the door behind him. 
As Aaron strode the short distance to his own home. As he walked he pulled out his phone again and dialed Garcia knowing that she would still be up. After the second ring, the technical analyst picked up and said, “What’s up Hotch? Do we have a case?” Aaron smiled at her tone. No matter what, she was always such an optimist. As he unlocked his door, he replied, “No. This is personal.” There was a moment of silence before Garcia asked, “Is everything alright?” Aaron appreciated her concern but clarified, saying, “No, not really. I just need you to run a license plate in the morning: 0GP88VT .” He could hear Penelope’s sigh of relief and she said, “Alright. Anything for you Hotchy. I’ll have the information at your desk tomorrow morning.” Aaron cringed at the nickname but chose not to comment on it. Instead, he said, “Thanks Garcia. You’re the best. See you in the morning.” With that, he closed his phone and made it inside. He turned on two lamps and went to his closet to put his guns into the gun safe. When that was done, he moved back to the living area grabbed a glass, and poured himself two fingers worth of bourbon. As he sipped the drink he began removing his tie and working the buttons of his shirt open. His mind wandered to his neighbor. Again he pushed away the lingering feelings. Those were for another day, not now. 
A few yards away, y/n looked out her window that faced Hotch’s unit for a moment as she saw his light flick on in the living room and bedroom. She let out a long sigh, feeling grateful that she could spend at least one night feeling some semblance of safety. She looked forward to seeing Aaron again tomorrow. She hadn’t allowed herself to relax and now that she could, she was exhausted and moved to her bedroom. y/n collapsed onto the mattress and let sleep take her, her thoughts lingering on her protective and enigmatic neighbor. On Aaron Hotchner.
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conkers-thecosy · 7 months
So, this might be long, but I wanted to write a proper wee writing update. I have my fingers in a few pies and as October is coming to an end, and thus "Bagginshield-tober" with it, I thought it might be nice to let folks know what my plans are as far as projects go!
I've got three chapters left to write for "Stealing Moments, Moments Away" - I've decided not to do the prompt for Sunday, so this weekend I'm going to park my butt in my desk chair and write those last few chapters. I'm out on Tuesday (my friend is doing a drag show, so I'll be at work all day, then going out for dinner and drinks right after) so I won't have time to update the final chapter on Tuesday. I'm thinking of updating Monday's chapter on Sunday, and Tuesday's on Monday, but we'll see!
Once that's done, I'm going to take a few days off! I wouldn't usually, but I've had such a busy month and I got a bit burned out there for a bit, so I think I need to start scheduling breaks for myself. Next weekend I'll get cracking on "Backs to the Wall" and hopefully get back to weekly chapter updates with that once again!
Now, I know folks were waiting for me to start "King" in November (because that was the original plan!) but if October has taught me anything, it's that I can't work on multiple projects, haha 😅 I had meant to do NaNoWriMo and work on it for that, but honestly? I got so stressed when I was writing "Poet" for Camp NaNo and it's actually the fic I'm least proud of in my whole collection. I've worked so hard on the series, I really want to do the finale justice!
I do feel bad because I know folks are waiting for this one, but I'm going to focus on "Backs to the Wall" first, then write the smutty one-shot set directly after "Poet" and then work on "King". I really hope no one is too disappointed, as it's likely that I won't make a start on it until the new year now - please forgive me! 🙏 
After that I have another canon-verse one-shot that I've been toying with since day dot, and then I might branch out into some AU ideas. But that's a ways off yet!
I know this is a bit of a long post, and honestly I don't know how much anyone will be interested in any of this, but I just wanted to document it somewhere for anyone who might be wondering what I'm up to! I wouldn't want to leave anyone hanging, especially after changing plans with regards to what I'm working on in November.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting and showing any kind of interest in my little fics! I mean to keep scribbling out my silly bagginshield nonsense for a good while yet, so your enthusiasm keeps me going!
Ily guys! 💛
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welcometololaland · 4 months
Hi, how many WIPs are you currently working on? Would you like to tell more about it?
hello anon 💜 first up, i noticed you sent this to a few people and i just want to say thank you on behalf of everyone for getting behind writers and asking about their projects! that's really sweet of you and i know most people love talking about their writing so i'm sure you made a lot of people happy with this initiative :) using the anon function for good!
storytime but i have really been struggling with writing the last couple of months, mostly because i've been crazy busy with work (actually performing weirdly well but fuck capitalism) and social stuff. it's finally starting to quiet down - i think next weekend is the first weekend with free time since christmas, so i'm super keen to just...chill. maybe then i can actually work on writing!
as for wips...i have many but only a couple i'm actively working on right now.
Eurotrip (aka. When in Rome) - RWRB. i really wanted to finish this before may, but it's going super slow. I'm currently writing chapter 8 or 17, and my aim is to write at least 10 (but probably more like 14) chapters prior to posting. i'm really proud of myself for not giving up on this one because it's a mammoth and i started writing it in...2021 :/ but there's still a long way to go. i have art by @stardisnight to go with it, so that gives me precious motivation. also, the timeline of this fic vaguely resembles a lone star season right now so i need to work that out before i post.
Call Me (By My Name) - Lone Star. a co-write with @rmd-writes, it's just chugging along but as per usual we put no expectations on ourselves so there is no real timeline for completion.
10 Things I Hate About You AU (aka. Not Now But Soon) - Lone Star. i keep thinking about this and not writing it, but every now and then i get a strike of inspiration and go back and add to the doc. i actually DNF'd this ages ago, but i keep going back to it, so hopefully it gets done before the new season airs.
The Ring In 2.0 - Lone Star. calling this a wip because technically i have about 3k in the doc, but i swore myself off starting this before eurotrip is finished. i'm chomping at the bit though, the original ring-in was one of the easiest fics for me to write because it's so silly and fun and the chat with @dustratcentral is everything to me.
A Random Idea I Got From A Writing Prompt and I Pitched to @celeritas2997 - Lone Star. okay. hear me out. it could be short. 10k MAX. i have time for this. i promise. it's an austin au with a super stupid premise and i just. think. it. would. be. funny!!!! let me live. take me back to the ring in days where i didn't have any expectations of myself.
(other projects currently on the back-burner until inspiration rears her beautiful head again - product placement (tiktok 2.0 - LS), crossover, reddit au (LS), cause of action (TGM)).
thank you for asking 💜 and yeah, i take requests on any of these so tell me what you think everyone and don't hold back lmao
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angelasscribbles · 4 months
Wild Ride: A Bad Romance Prequel One-Shot
Series: Bad Romance Continues
Original Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing for this chapter: Riley x Leo
Rating: NSFW
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons
Word Count:  2,503
A/N: If you've read Bad Romance you know who Riley ends up with in the end. If you've read Disney Adventure, you also know that there was a previous weekend with Leo that predates her meeting everyone else. (And she had no idea Leo and Liam were connected until the coronation). Disney Adventure references this weekend (many times lol), but goes into no detail. This is that detail. Or at least the beginning of it.
Way back in November of 2022, I posted a prompt wheel ask event to celebrate passing the 350-follower mark. That was 15 months and roughly 1,100 followers ago. I received 10 asks and completed 9 of them. (and 3 of those launched series, two of which have been completed to date). Here is the list of those asks with links to the completed fics.
This is the last of those asks. And it's only 15 months late. 😆
The ask was from @harleybeaumont and it was for Leo x smut x nightlife. I decided it was the perfect opportunity to answer all those questions I got about what exactly happened the weekend Riley and Leo met in my Bad Romance universe.
I credit @dcbbw for putting the idea of Riley and Leo in my head in the first place. I have loved writing their dynamic both here and in the Disney Adventure mini-series. I hope you all enjoy it as well.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Leo Rys, former crown prince, and current international playboy, made his way through the crowd, searching for prey. The BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn Music Festival was one of his favorite New York events. All summer long, free, outdoors, and full of eligible, hot women.
He had been at loose ends since he’d abdicated the throne. Sailing around the Mediterranean on a cruise ship had been amusing for a little while… until he’d gotten his heart handed to him. Again.
He knew he should be doing something with his life, but he didn’t know what. Not yet. He would give himself a couple of years to have fun, then he would get serious about something.
Meanwhile, he was on the prowl for his next good time.
He spotted her next to the stage. The lead singer was eye fucking her, and she wasn’t discouraging it.
She was wearing a crisscross tie-dyed halter top, her hair spilling down her back in luscious dusky waves as she undulated her body while keeping her eyes locked on the singer.
His focus narrowed. Target acquired.
His eyes flicked to the stage. He was hotter than the lead singer, and he wasn’t stuck performing. His odds of pulling her attention were high. He liked his chances.
She didn’t see him coming. It was loud and her attention was occupied. She jumped when a voice spoke in her ear, “I can play the guitar better than that guy.”
She turned her head to say something snarky, but stopped when her eyes fell on the owner of the voice.
Hot as hell didn’t begin to cover it. He was a fucking Greek God is what he was. Blond hair, blue eyes, muscular build, grey T-shirt straining across his chest.
Blond wasn’t her usual type, she tended toward dark and swarthy. But in his case, she’d make an exception.
He looked like he worked out on the regular. He had dimples when he smiled. Broad at the shoulders, narrow at the hips, and barrel-chested. He checked several of her boxes.
And that accent.
Good humor sparkled in his ocean-blue eyes as he jerked his head toward the stage, then yelled in her ear, “I’m better looking than him, too.”
She flipped her hair back as she gave him an appraising look, then leaned forward to yell back, “Are you competing with him for something?”
“Oh, yeah.” He nodded his head vigorously.
“Yeah?” Her eyebrows raised, “What?”
He leaned down to put his mouth to her ear again. “Your attention.”
“You want my attention?” She yelled back.
“I do. You know what else I do better than him?”
She laughed. “How can you possibly know that?”
He pulled out his cell phone. “I have references. Want me to call up a few old girlfriends?”
Her eyes ran over every inch of him before replying, “That won’t be necessary. I’ll give you an interview right now.”
“What would that entail?”
He had barely finished the sentence when she grabbed his face with both hands and brought her mouth to his.
Her tongue tangled with his, and he felt himself sinking.
She tasted like cherries and summer; her lips were soft and lush. Her tongue was insistent, demanding.
He kissed her back with everything he had.
When she pulled away, she grinned at him. “I guess that was okay.”
“Okay? Just okay?”
“I said it was okay. Take the win.”
“I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t expecting it! Can I have a do-over?”
“Tell you what,” she stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his chest, “Take me to dinner and we’ll see where it goes.”
“Fuck yeah!” Leo grinned as he grabbed her by the hand and led her away from the stage.
When they finally got far enough away from the music to talk normally, he introduced himself. “I’m Leo. What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Riley. What do you want for dinner?”
“Food is usually good.”
“All right, smartass. Food it is!” He stopped next to a red ninja motorcycle and handed her a helmet. “Ready?”
“Nice bike!” She said appreciatively.
“Thanks. I like it.” He put his own helmet on and fastened it.
She climbed onto the back of the bike with his help and wrapped her arms around him.
His abs were rock hard. She snuggled closer appreciatively.
He started the bike, flipped the kickstand up, and leaned into it as the bike surged forward.
Riley squealed in delight as the bottom dropped out of her stomach.
He stopped the bike in front of Fred’s Pizzeria.
She pulled her helmet off and hit him in the back. “Pizza? I can’t eat pizza!”
“Ow! Why not?” he asked as he pulled his own helmet off.
“I’m allergic to tomatoes!”
“Oh, shit! I’m sorry! We can go somewhere else!”
“Nah,” she jumped off the bike with a laugh, “I’m just fucking with you. I’m not allergic to anything.”
“I…what?” he laughed.
She was already at the door. She looked back at him over her shoulder. “You coming or not?”
He shook his head as he climbed off the bike. This girl was trouble with a capital T.
Good thing he liked trouble.
The pizzeria was crowded, so they ended up eating outside, sitting cross-legged on the sidewalk. The conversation was light and flirty, the looks they exchanged were steamy and anticipatory, and the tension that filled the air was thick and thrilling.
“Hey,” he wiped a smear of marinara sauce from the corner of her mouth, “Do you want to get out of here and go for a ride on my bike?”
“Didn’t I already do that? Isn’t that how we got here?”
“All right wiseass, would you like to go for another ride on my bike? Maybe do other things on it…”
“Other things?” Her eyebrows shot up in interest. “What other things?”
Leo jumped to his feet and reached back for her. “Well, come on and I’ll show you!”
She took his hand and before she knew it; they were on his bike again, speeding through the waning evening light, heading away from the city and toward the shore. Cool, ocean air caressed them as they flew down a coastal highway and then a dirt road. He drove around a barricade and brought the bike to a stop on a small, private beach. 
Removing her helmet, Riley shook her hair loose as she asked, “Wasn’t that a no-trespassing sign back there?”
“It’s fine,” He assured her as he pulled his helmet off and tossed it carelessly on the ground before climbing off the bike. “I know the owner.”
He caught her as she slid off the motorcycle, his hands going around her waist as her body bumped into his. He didn’t release her, instead; he pulled her closer. With a cocky grin, he told her, “If you don’t want to make out with me, you’d better say so now.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his grin. “Oh, I was beginning to think you were too chicken to make a move.”
“Too chicken?” He laughed in surprise. This girl had a way of challenging and surprising him, and he liked it. A lot. “I’ll show you too chicken!”
His lips crashed against hers, his grip tightened around her body, and his desire for her became evident as he pressed his body closer to her.
She responded to him as darkness dropped across the beach. One leg went up and wrapped around him as her fingers gripped a handful of his hair. Her head tipped back as his lips traced warm kisses down her neck.
He buried his nose in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply before moving up to nip at her earlobe. She smelled amazing; she tasted amazing, and he needed more. Much more.
His hands worked quickly but gently to pull one item of clothing after another from her body, until she was bare in front of him, her sun-drenched skin gleaming in the moonlight. “My god, you’re beautiful,” he breathed out as he renewed his exploration of her now-naked body. His fingers trailed across silky skin, his tongue caressed taut nipples, and his warm breath sent shivers chasing down her spine. He pulled back with a satisfied smile, pleased with how she trembled under his touch.
“Don’t stop now,” she admonished him, lurching forward to yank his shirt over his head. She gave him a teasing smile before leaning forward and running her tongue up the side of his neck. “It’s only fair if we’re both naked.”
“I cannot fault your logic,” he laughed as he stumbled out of the rest of his clothes. He liked the way she didn’t sit still and wait for his next move. This girl was a firecracker, and he couldn’t wait to watch her explode.
There was nothing between them but the night air as he pulled her back into his arms. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked as she slid out of his arms toward the ground. A moment later, that question was answered as she took the length of him into her mouth.
His hands sank into her hair, his eyes fluttered shut and his head fell back with a heartfelt, “Oh, fuck!”
For several long moments, he lost himself in the overwhelming pleasure washing over him. His entire body tingled from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. She was good at it. Too good. “Stop!” He placed one hand on her forehead and pushed her gently away as he stepped out of her reach.
There was a mischievous, almost predatory glint in her eye as she stood back up. “What’s the matter? Afraid you’re not going to last?”
“Fuck, yes…” he drew in a ragged breath as his mind spun with ideas. His gaze landed on his bike and his eyes lit up with delight. He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward it. “Come here.”
“What are we—"
“Hold on,” he put the bike on its center stand and swooped her off her feet.
She was still shrieking with surprised amusement as he deposited her on the seat, facing him. He gave her a confident smirk as he pushed her legs apart and knelt before her.
“I like where this is heading,” she arched her body toward him in invitation.
He did not disappoint. This was a man who knew how to deploy his tongue. Her body twisted and withed as she struggled to keep hold of the bike and not topple off of it onto the ground. The soft warmth of his mouth on her most intimate place filled her with heat as the salt air caressed her exposed flesh.
With an expert flick of his tongue, she lost control and slid forward toward the ground as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed through her body.
She was still throbbing from the orgasm when he scooped her up, put her back on the motorcycle, and hit the start button.
His voice was rough and low as he told her, “Turn around. Straddle it like you’re driving it. Trust me on this.”
She prided herself on her willingness to try anything once. Twice, if I like it, was her motto. She turned so that she was facing forward. Leo scrambled on behind her. His arms circled her waist as his breath brushed against the side of her neck. “Now, hold on to the handlebars.”
She did as she was told, gripping the handlebars to maintain her balance as his hands ran freely over her body. She turned her head back to receive his tongue in her mouth. He broke the kiss to whisper in her ear, “Now lean forward, rub that pretty little pussy against the fuel tank and rev the engine.”
Oh, that was something new.
She pressed her body forward as he entered her from behind. He moved slowly at first, sinking into her an inch at a time. The synthesis of him moving inside her, combined with the vibration of the bike pulsing through her clit, sent spirals of pleasure rippling through her body. She controlled the strength of the vibration with the throttle as Leo’s thrusts became faster, harder, and deeper.  
She let every inhibition she had fall away as she screamed her release into the deepening night. Ecstasy throbbed in her center, then spread in fiery hot ribbons throughout her entire being as the top half of her body arched off the motorcycle, her head coming to rest on Leo’s shoulder as her lower body rubbed against the smooth metal of the tank.
Her complete and utter abandon pushed him over the edge with her. The sound of her cries in his ears, and the sensation of her clenching around him as a squirt of hot liquid coated his cock, destroyed any vestige of control he had left. With one last savage thrust, he exploded inside her with a guttural roar.
“Goddamn,” he gasped when he could speak again. “That was fucking amazing. Marry me?”
She laughed as she turned her body around so that she was still straddling the seat but facing the opposite direction.
He scooted back a little to give her room and once she was fully turned around; he moved back and pulled her into her arms, raining kisses down the side of her face and neck and dropping them along her shoulder.
She squirmed happily under his affections. “I think marriage might be a bit premature.”
“Fine,” he huffed, pretending to take offense. “But at least come back to my room with me. I have more tricks up my sleeve.”
She hooked her arms around his neck. “That I can manage.”
Forty-five minutes later, they were back in his hotel room. She was in his shower, and he was on the phone ordering room service. She requested chocolate sauce and whipped cream and damned if he was missing out on whatever she had planned for those.
He hung up the phone and flopped down on the bed, hands tucked behind his head. Staring up at the ceiling, he let his mind wander a little. He knew they had just met, but he was completely bewitched.
She was mesmerizing. Her fire reminded him of another woman, the one that he hadn't been able to get over. In his whole life, there had only been two women he had been remotely interested in holding onto, and both had slipped through his fingers. Katie had married someone else, and Liv might be in love with his brother.
He had come to realize that his infatuation with Katie had probably been nothing more than a rebound. How does one move on after being dumped the night before you were planning to propose?
He pushed those thoughts away.
Tonight, he had Riley to focus on and he was determined to show her the time of her life.
Who knew? Maybe it was the beginning of something great.
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trulybetty · 9 months
Sunday Week In Review on a Monday
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How is everyone doing? Did we make it through the last week? Those who got a long weekend I hope it was a good one! Yesterday was a clusterfuck and I had the mother of all naps - the type where you wake up and don't know where you are let alone what day of the week it is lol.
So here is Sunday's Week in Review, on a Monday edition! 💕
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Strings IV
First Sentence Game
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore (Ezra) by @oonajaeadira
While I’m still undecided if I truly enjoy Prospect, I absolutely do love a good Ezra fanfic and this one doesn’t disappoint. It started as a late-night read last Sunday when I was the only one awake and once I started I couldn’t stop. It also seems to have popped up for a lot of other readers as I’ve seen it all over my dash since. @oonajaeadira master list is a joy to go through on Sundays at the moment. 
Until Now, Until You | Chapter 1 (Javier Peña) by @wildemaven
This was all the right levels of sexy and spicy and leaving you wanting more and I can’t wait to see how this plays out when the two run into one another again!
Leave off Your Wanderings (Joel Miller) by @oonajaeadira
This series is a total balm to my TLOU2 feels - this is the ending Joel deserved (and in my mind the official sequel to TLOU) and in the third instalment the autumn vibes are warm and cozy, and the build-up between Joel and Songbird is soft in all the right places. This whole series is a warm gentle hug and the writing is so good - definitely check this one out.
Hungry Hearts | Atlantic City (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain
I’m sad that this series is nearing its end, but that means I get to go back and read it again. Between flashbacks of young Joel with baby Sarah we’ve got Cherry and Joel reconciling in present day and never knew mini-vans could be so sexy, so check it out!
The Layover | Epilogue (Frankie Morales) by @goodwithcheese
This finale was bittersweet - it has been such a pleasure to follow this story, so much so that it was a highlight of my week. The story wraps up in a way that is perfect for reader x Frankie with them both on pace with one another. It’s done so perfectly that I read it more than once. I will be revisiting this story for sure.
Late Night Texts | Epilogue (Javier Peña) by @mvtthewmurdvck
Another fantastic story that came to a close this week *sigh*, this was just  the perfect ending. This story is a delicious rom com romp and I know will hold up to multiple reads. I don’t want to give anything away if you’ve not read it, but it’s a delight.
The Window (Dave York) by @wildemaven
This was a delight to read and Heidi crafts a great story of longing from a distance that has a soft ending that is all enveloping and lends itself to multiple reads. 
Bush Pilot (Frankie Morales) by @legendary-pink-dot
Oh boy, this one *fans self* this one was something else. Frankie taking you to see the sunrise but makes you see stars instead in the back of his truck. Oomph, all kinds of good spicy smut here that lends itself to a second read… or three ;) 
sam and diane, eat your heart out (Marcus Pike) by @chronically-ghosted
I could easily be biased as this was written based on the prompts I sent Taylor - however, Taylor blew it out of the park with our boy Marcus! This was spicy in all the right places and honestly, I would love to see more of these two. This is a take on Marcus Pike x Reader that I haven’t seen before and it will be on my perma reread list that is for sure! Also, peep the Cheers reference, *squee*
IRL | Part 2 (Javi Gutierrez)  by @grogusmum
I’ve had a hard time finding some good Javi G. fanfics, but this one here is so good in its characterization. The story of Javi meeting Reader for the first time since meeting online, is incredibly sweet and I had been waiting in anticipation for this second chapter since I finished the first. It’s also one of the few plus sized reader fanfics that nails it without going over the top and making the character a stereotype. I have this bookmarked to go back and re-read this week, because that ending has been living rent free in my head all week.
Private Dick (Tim Rockford) by @wardenparker
Speaking of plus size reader interpretations - this was one of the few that really resonated with me. I haven’t come across many Tim Rockford fanfics (if you have any others, please send them my way) - but this felt like a perfect interpretation - great at reading situations, until they’re too close to him, but he’s in a process of redeeming himself through his relationship with Reader.
Fics I’m Looking Forward to Reading…
My TBR List is still a work in progress, will share it when it’s done 💕
Light Me Up (Benny Miller) by @musings-of-a-rose
Thanks to Jess and Heidi I seem to be straying into Benny territory this week and have been recommended this story to dip my toe further in. I mean the opening premise alone is enough to have me excited to get stuck in!
Double Dealings (Javier Peña & Ezra) by @julesonrecord & @stardustandskycrystals
1920’s, New Orleans and the potential of two Pedro characters? I cannot wait to get stuck into this one this week over my morning coffee this week!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@shirks-all-responsibilities reminding me of my grumpy Joel (Pedro) header for the mobile layout of my blog. Now has me thinking about making a seasonal one now! September is Halloween Eve of course! 🎃
@wildemaven’s early morning thot post that just took on a life of it’s own 🥵
@rhool’s live blog of the pilot of the Pedro show that never was ‘The Sixth Gun’ entertained me while I had a tame evening watching something Mr. Truly wanted to watch while sipping on a non-alcoholic beer lol.
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
The long weekend - didn’t do anything, no one slept through the night, but there’s something satisfying waking up on a Monday and knowing you don’t have to work.
Saturday’s interactions and posts were a delight to go through and helped my Saturday working go by so much quicker and made for a more enjoyable day.
This Week’s Song…
This recommendation came from @gnpwdrnwhiskey who told me it was Dieter x Bryony coded and it totally is. I’ve listened to this on repeat and I’m dying to revisit these two again, and have something up my sleeve 🎃
Hope everyone has a great week this week and Monday is treating you well! 💕 xx
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79. "we're not just friends you know that" with Sonny please please
thank you anon, i hope you like.....listening to one of my favorite songs (First Love/Late Spring by Mitski) inspired this....also Peter in Mutual Friends gif because I needed something pre-SVU (also i love Nate sm, iykyk)
i got a bit carried away with this ngl
PS: to anyone else sending prompts, im gonna be super busy in the next few days so i have no idea when ill be able to write again but keep on sending them!
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‘Carisi, I swear to God you stay the fuck away from me with that water gun!’ you squeal while running to the other side of the pool to escape the ice-cold water stream he’s been trying to aim at you. 
‘You’re gonna get wet eventually!’ he warns with a smirk, making it sound incredibly suggestive. 
You shake your head at him and roll your eyes but you can’t help blushing at the same time. Admittedly, you love his childish attempts at teasing you, and you know in this atmosphere and with all the alcohol flowing this weekend, the flirting will only get worse. Not that it ever leads to anything. You’re just friends, it’s innocent. So far. And you tell yourself you don’t want it to go further even though you catch yourself staring, your eyes wandering over his body as he takes off his shirt. 
It’s always been like that between you two. Ever since you met as undergrads at St. John’s a few years ago, taking the same sociology course. Sonny ended up sitting next to you, and that same evening you found each other again at a party and had started talking. He was sweet, and funny, and you could see yourself falling for him immediately if it hadn’t been for your recent heartbreak, that grueling breakup from your highschool sweetheart. You’d still had feelings for your ex although looking back now, it must have been nostalgia, and the fact that along with him, you had left girlhood behind for good. Going off to college meant becoming an adult and starting this new chapter was scary. When you met Sonny, all you needed was a friend. And he had been an amazing friend to you all these years, without ever asking for more. 
‘What’s that?’ your girlfriend asks, pointing at your chin and you avert your gaze from Sonny. 
‘What?’ you instinctively touch your face.
‘Oh, it’s nothing. Just swear I could see a bit of drool there.’ she laughs and you shove her.
‘Hey, I don’t blame you! He is hot. And you know he’s been checking you out in that bikini.’ she states and you swallow the lump in your throat just to let out an awkward laugh. 
‘We’re just playing around. You know how he is. It’s not that serious.’ you don’t know who you’re trying to convince, her or yourself. 
It’s true, your friendship has always been on the verge of becoming something more. The flirting wasn’t even the worst of it; it was the intimacy you shared, the fact that you had always been there for each other when times got tough. When Sonny questioned his choice of becoming a cop after finishing his degree in criminal justice, wishing he had gone to law school instead of the police academy. When your mom had that cancer scare and your dad was losing it, absolutely helpless and unable to take care of himself while she was getting her treatment. It wasn’t just fun and games. At the end of the day you had a deep and true friendship, and neither of you wanted to throw that away. 
But you can feel something shift. It is the way he looks at you as the sun goes down on that first day of your 4th of July weekend. Between laughs and giggles your eyes meet and he gets all quiet and serious, and there’s something in the air you can’t quite grasp. Or maybe it’s the way that friend of a friend asks you about him. If he’s single, and her smile in his direction when you tell her he’s not seeing anyone as far as you know. And then as you get tipsy in order to forget about it all, you realize that he’s keeping his distance for some reason, when he would normally be right by your side, having shots with you, annoying you with his lame jokes. 
Your phone vibrates and it’s a text from Sonny. A song by one of your favorite artists that you weren’t even aware he knew of. You look up to scan the crowd for him and find him sitting by the pool by himself, a bottle of beer in his hand. 
But I find that lately I’ve been crying like a tall child
You know the lyrics by heart, and there it is again, the lump in your throat. And that devastating feeling in your gut you’ve ignored so many times in the past. The longing to be close to him, to reach out and touch him, you’ve fought time and time again. His eyes meet yours and you draw in a sharp breath, wishing he would just go back to goofing around with you instead of this. Because this, you can’t come back from, you can’t undo.  
The only thing you can do is flee but he catches up with you just as you reach the top of the stairs, about to go hide in your room. Sonny’s hand grabs yours and you turn around to face him. And all of a sudden his lips are on yours.
Even if you wanted to protest, you can’t. It feels too good. After the initial shock you kiss him back, your hands are around his neck as his wrap around your waist. Maybe this isn’t right but you want it. You want him. Finally admitting it to yourself is your doom but what if it’s a blessing at the same time? Harboring this secret for so long, these fantasies you had about him and you, what if he’s had them too? Or was it all just another silly little game encouraged by the summer heat and booze?
Please, hurry, leave me, I can’t breathe
Please don’t say you love me
A spark shoots through you and starts to linger between your thighs as his tongue slips into your mouth, a needy moan on his breath. No, you can’t. You can’t give in to this if it’s simply a desire you have to satisfy, or curiosity. Your friendship means too much to you, and it would ruin everything. 
One word from you and I would jump off of this ledge I’m on, baby
Tell me “don’t” so I can crawl back in
You push him away and Sonny gives you a confused look, searching your eyes for the answer to a question that hasn’t been asked. 
‘We can’t, Sonny.’
‘Why not?’ 
‘Because…I know we would regret it. And then I would lose my best friend.’ you reply, looking down on the floor to avoid his blue eyes piercing into yours.
‘We’re not just friends, you know that.’ he whispers, his finger under your chin lifting up your head again. 
‘Don’t…’ you’re scared of what he’s going to say next but it bursts out of him.
‘I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you. But I knew you were hurting and being your friend was enough for me. I would never ask for more if I didn’t think it is what you wanted as well. And now we’ve been in denial for so long, and I keep thinking, what if it’s all in my head, y’know? So, please. Tell me it’s not all just in my head.’ he pleads and you can see his eyes filling with tears and it feels like your heart is twisting around itself in your chest. 
‘It’s not just in your head.’ you assure softly, your hand reaching out to touch his cheek where an ecstatic smile appears. 
‘So you’re in love with me too?’ Sonny asks, sounding like a little boy. 
It’s time to let go of your fears. Your own insecurities that had been holding you back although he had always brightened your day, always made your heart beat faster, ever since he asked you your name on that very first day of college. 
‘I am, Dominick. I’m in love with you.’ you confess, biting your lip shyly before kissing him again. 
A sweet, timid kiss, and yet it doesn’t take long until you pull him towards your room, shoving him against the door the second it closes. He groans, his hands traveling under your short sundress before almost tearing it off you. The rest of your clothes, and his, follow, landing all across the room. 
‘Fuck, you should always be naked. You’re so beautiful.’ Sonny breathes as you push him down on the bed, straddling him. 
‘I would get arrested.’ you grin, feeling him hard against you.
‘Good thing I’m gonna be a cop soon.’ he chuckles, his hands wandering over your body, making you tremble as one finds its way to your wet folds.
‘Dominick…’ you moan his name as he starts dragging his fingers back and forth through you, his thumb on your clit, massaging there. His touch is heavenly. 
You lift your hips again to guide his hard cock into you, letting him fill you to the hilt as you sink down on him. Fuck. In all your wildest fantasies you could have never imagined how amazing he would feel, stretching you in the most delightful way, throbbing so deep inside you. His thighs tense as he lets out the prettiest moan, taking in the sensation of your pussy around him, so wet and tight.
‘God, baby, you…-fuck!’ Sonny pants as you start moving on him, your fingers digging into his shoulders, waves of pleasure already crashing over your body. 
Finally being with him is exhilarating. The way he grips your hips, pulling you down harder onto him, showing you exactly how badly he wanted you for all this time. And you’re desperate for him too; your lips on his neck, sucking, licking, nibbling as blind passion takes over. His deep moans are music to your ears, unleashing something inside you you didn’t know was there before. You push him back on the bed in order to ride him harder, and his mouth hangs open as he watches his cock disappear into your glistening cunt. It doesn’t take long and you’re both panting hot messes, close to your orgasms. Sonny reaches down to find your clit, rubbing tight circles and you clench around him in response, feeling yourself climbing towards that peak and you steady yourself on his chest, smiling down at him. 
‘’You’re so fucking hot.’ you purr breathlessly. ‘You’re gonna m-make me c-cum. Fuck! Dominick!’ 
He thrusts up into you roughly, hitting that sweet spot just right, sending you over the edge. You come hard, scratching his skin and making him hiss as your pussy twitches around his cock. Your orgasm is earth-shattering, and if it wasn’t for the loud music downstairs, everyone would have heard your moans, the string of curse words leaving your mouth as you shake. You keep riding him, your flushed body grinding against his as you feel him tensing beneath you, and he spills into you, crying out your name. Fuck, having him come inside you makes you feel even more delirious; having him rub your clit still, making you pulsate around him again and again. 
When you finally collapse next to him you are both struggling to catch your breaths, and your thighs are still shaking as he pulls you close, kissing your hair. You remain like this for God knows how long before you decide you’re in need of a shower and you get up, dragging Sonny with you to the bathroom where you turn on the light.
‘Oh shit!’ you gasp, staring at his chest.
‘Guess I will have to keep my shirt on for the rest of the weekend.’ Sonny states, as he looks down, noticing the red scratch marks all over his upper body.
‘I’m so sorry.’ you cover your mouth with your hand, looking at him apologetically. 
‘Don’t be. I like it.’ he bites his lip, wiggling his brows at you. 
You have to laugh, and he reaches out to tickle you, to make you laugh even harder. The excitement of it all makes you dizzy. Dominick makes you dizzy. And your hands are all over him once more as you step into the shower, the feeling of his body pressed against yours making you moan again.  
request a prompt from the smut prompt list 🔥
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hopelesstaemintic · 21 days
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Another fic resulting from the writing weekend with @bbeanbbao. This time my prompts were mistaken for being in a relationship, doctor, and mid-sex 😲
As this one is only 649 words so I'm going to do something I don't normally do and post it here in it's entirety behind the break. If you prefer it on Ao3 you can find it here. (please do go there and give me love if you like it 😊)
No playlist for this one and also very little build-up. You have been warned 😎
Complete (02/03/24), 649 words, 1 chapter
Very short one-shot where you hook up with Dr Na yet again, even though you know that he doesn't think of you as more than a colleague... or does he?
Jaemin/female reader
Alternate Universe - Hospital, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, One Shot, Doctor Na Jaemin, Relationship Confusion, Jaemin calls you princess, Creampie
“Ouch. There’s something…”
“I’ve got it.”
Jaemin reaches behind you from where he stands between your spread legs, where he has lifted you onto the edge of the gurney, to discard your stethoscope and coat. The movement presses his sizable cock deeper inside your cunt. It’s bliss. You have to bite down on his shoulder to stop yourself from crying out, and a distant part of your brain prays the ward nurse is still occupied with your post-op transplant patient in bed three and doesn’t walk pass and notice the pile of discarded scrubs just visible under the drawn curtain. We can’t keep doing this.
“Yah, y/n, I better not need stitches after this.”
“Sorry, Jaem, I…”
But he cuts your sentence short with smiling lips. The kiss is long and languid, all his energy snapped from the eight hour surgery after the night of being on call. Still he finds enough to steal your breath with a sudden thrust, his skilled hands gripping your hip bones, encouraging you to wrap your thighs tighter around his slutty little waist.
“Don’t apologise to me, Princess. You worked so hard today. You just let me fuck you like you deserve.”
You just about have time to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and cling on before Jaemin starts to follow through on his promise, upping the tempo and force to a pace that has you shuddering and moaning. You give up on being quiet as he sucks at the sensitive skin at the nape of your neck, the contrast between his tender kisses and the way his cock is pounding into you sending shivers down your spine. He knows exactly the right angle to have you hurtling towards your orgasm in record time. That’s why even though you know about his reputation, about the trail of broken hearts he has left among the hospital staff, you still can’t say no to this. Even if all he will ever give you is pleasure, that’s enough. At least that is what you say to yourself, over and over again, when your imagination starts to stray into thoughts of more.
“That’s right, Princess. You wanna cum? Or do you want me to fill you up first?”
“You first Jaem, please…”
“God, do you know how fucking hot you are? Okay, y/n, anything for my girl.”
Wait… what?
But before you can ask what the hell he means you feel his rhythm stutter and he cums hot and shuddering into your cunt. That’s all you need to tip you over, contracting around him as pleasure rushes through you in waves. His hands slide up to wrap you into an intimate embrace as he holds you through your orgasm. You both stay there, panting and entwined, for a few moments longer before you drop your legs from his hips and he pulls out, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You speak before your brain can kick back into action and remind you of all the reasons that defining things is an awful idea:
“Jaem, what did you mean? when you called me your girl?”
Dr Na, looks up at you, puzzled, before passing you your scrubs. He studies your face, tucking a stray hair back behind your ear.
“What else am I supposed to call my girlfriend?”
“Hang on. I’m your girlfriend?”
“Shit. I thought… Oh god, I never asked you?”
“Y/n I know I have a reputation but trust me when I say that I’m not just here for the sex. I love you. I’ve loved you ever since our pre-med rotation in psych.”
“I have no idea what to say.”
“Say yes. And then stay right there and let me make love to you this time. Because that’s what I intend to do from now on.”
“We have another surgery in 2 hours.”
“Well, then. We better get started.”
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Enjoy this work? leave a like or reblog - every single one is appreciated. If you want to read more you can find links and descriptions to everything in my master list.
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decks-writing-blog · 2 months
Whatever the Fuck Benrey is: Chapter Fourteen: Scientific Marvel
Chapter One
Previous Chapter
After how badly the conversation in the car during the trip back from Black Mesa had gone, Gordon was reluctant to try to have another talk with Benrey about what he was or where he came from. His curiosity about it refused to dissipate though, if anything it only grew stronger the better he got to know Benrey personally. And then he’d gone and asked Gordon why he was being nice to him, adding the question of how bad had his life been in the lab, exactly? Not something Gordon needed to know, none of it was. But wondering about it gave him something to do while practicing writing with his left hand.
They were more settled now though and better friends. If he went about it the right way Gordon could probably get more out of Benrey. Nothing too personal of course but maybe more about his powers and maybe help him figure out if he was made in the lab or was an kidnapped alien. It was awfully sad he didn’t know, right? So Gordon could bring it up tactfully and politely, make clear that even if his intentions weren’t entirely pure, part of it came from a good place.
First came getting Benrey alone for it. Easy because they lived in the same house with no one else. Not so easy was the next step; actually starting the conversation. Oddly despite having grown the need for constant company and frequent conversation, purposefully choosing to talk about something heavy was still a daunting task. There was nothing else to do but to get to it though so on the morning of his first day off work since starting to set up the new lab – there was still more to do there but he was due a weekend – he brought Benrey into the kitchen.
Leaning against the counter, Benrey crossed his arms over his chest as he looked up at Gordon.“What’s this about?”
“Well, first I wanna say if I ask you anything that you don’t wanna talk about or makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason, just say so and I’ll drop it.” A thing he should’ve made clear the first time he’d tried to talk to Benrey about stuff but at least he was doing it now. “Second, while I fully admit that part of the reason I wanna know more about you and what you are is because you’re a scientific marvel, the main reasons are you’re my friend and I care about you and I think it’s sad you don’t know if you you were made in the lab or were just brought there when you were a baby. Maybe with the right information I could help you get more of an idea on which it is. We on the same page?” He paced the length of the kitchen while going through his little speech, stopping at the end to look at Benrey.
Benrey’s expression hadn’t changed. “And if I say I don’t wanna talk about this at all?”
“I’ll uh… drop it, like I said. Do you want me to?” It would be disappointing but he tried to be a good guy and Benrey was his friend so he wouldn’t push if Benrey didn’t want him.
Silence as Benrey stared at him, frowning slightly as he apparently thought about it. Finally though, just when Gordon was about to prompt him for an answer, he replied. “I don’t care what I am but fine, if that makes you sad for whatever dumb reason, you can try to find out.”
“Do you really not care or are you saying you don’t because it’s easier to not care?”
“Just… do whatever you’re gonna do to try to figure out what I am so we can move on from it already.”
“Are you mad at me for wanting to know?” Gordon couldn’t tell, he was hard to read.
“Hmm… nah.” He could be lying of course but if they really were friends now, Gordon was going to take him at his word.
“All right, cool. First, this probably won’t help but could you… explain the skeletons?” That was definitely one of Benrey’s odder powers. “Like the ones that fought with you on Xen.”
“Oh uh… they’re just my boney dudes. I can summon them and have them do stuff for me for like an hour or so before they go away. They’re kinda… a lot though. Making one when all the Xen stuff was around at Black Mesa wasn’t too bad and making them on Xen was easy but uh… I could maybe try to make a small one, never tried that before, might be easier but… eh.”
It was tempting to encourage him to try. Gordon wanted to see what all he could do if he was willing to show it. But at the same time he’d snapped last time when he’d seemed to have inferred Gordon wanted him to put on a show. So difficult as it was, he would refrain for now, instead… “Only and hour or so, I swear the one skeleton that no one but me could see followed me around for like half the day or longer. I guess my sense of time wasn’t great at the time so I can’t say for sure.”
“Uh… what you mean by ‘no one but you could see’?”
“I mean the one that only I saw when everyone else was saying there was nothing there. It fucking shot at me at one point. That was one of your boney dudes or whatever… right?” It had to be. What else could it have possibly been?
“Don’t think that one was mine.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yep. Mine can’t can’t be invisible at all, especially not to only some people.”
Gordon stared at him for several more seconds but failed to get anything. “So it had nothing to do with you whatsoever?” After seeing the skeletons in Xen Gordon had assumed that all of the skeletons he’d encountered were connected to Benrey is some way.
“What was it then?”
Benrey shrugged. “A ghost maybe. That place’s gotta be haunted, right? Or maybe it was another uh… escaped experiment. I got out and Bubby got out so why not other things too?”
And here Gordon had been thinking everything, as bad as it had all been, had been wrapped up in a neat bow. It was all if not understood, at least had a known reason for happening and more importantly was finished happening. But there was potentially a skeleton creature out there doing who knows what? What if it came back? … Surely it would’ve done so by now if it was going to, right? There wasn’t really anything Gordon could do but hope that it wouldn’t. And so…
He set to pacing the kitchen, walking its full length, which wasn’t far. “Getting back on track since that’s an entirely different mystery that I’m not prepared to tackle.” Not yet anyway, maybe later he’d tried to figure out what that was. “Speaking of Xen and your skeletons, uh… while there, you mentioned something about us… playing in the sand as kids? Or something like that. What was that about?” He would surely remember if he had a childhood friend that was a shape shifter escaped from a science center to play with him. But then again, if he hadn’t known that that was what he was dealing with or if he’d had his mind wiped or something… it might hold merit. And if that was the case it would mean Black Mesa had locations elsewhere and Benrey had been made/housed in one of those and then moved to the main one.
Benrey’s head moved, following Gordon’s pacing. “I was messing with ya, trying to see if I could upset you by making you think we knew each other as kids. People get weirded out by that kinda stuff.”
“Awesome, great, good to know my memory hadn’t been wiped.” Of all the explanations, that one was the least distressing. It had just been Benrey being Benrey. “Speaking of you being a kid though uh… I guess, what’s your earliest memory?” Chances were it wouldn’t give many clues about what kind of creature he was but it might and should still be interesting regardless.
“Uh… hmm… I bit one of my handlers and wouldn’t let go. On the arm, I think, maybe the hand. Everyone got real mad. It’s uh… think it’s the first time I died and came back. Which is maybe why I remember it. They started putting a muzzle on me ‘til I learned how to phase out of it which made them real nervous for a while.” No word on what killed him but it was obvious though, wasn’t it? His handlers to make him let go.
Gordon slowed to halt as he spoke, turning to face him properly again. He hadn’t intended to bring anything like that up. “That’s real fucked up. I’m sorry. How old were you when that happened?” Though maybe it best to not know.
“No idea. I was small enough that they could lift me to try to get me to let go though. But uh… might’ve just chosen to be that small or couldn’t make myself much bigger at the time. I don’t remember. It was fun though, made them afraid to get too close for a while. It’s why I got away with stealing the Game Boy, no one wanted to risk trying to steal it back.”
He wasn’t outwardly upset but… Gordon couldn’t just let that slide, could he? So he walked over and patted him on the shoulder. A hug would’ve been too awkward to go for. “You deserved better.”
Benrey sighed and rolled his eyes. “I just told you it was fun. They were scared of me, that was funny. I literally got a Game Boy outta it. So don’t… don’t get all sad ‘bout it. I’ve already been through all that with Tommy already and it was lame.”
Gordon withdrew his hand and stepped back. “Sorry.” If Benrey didn’t want comfort, that was fine with him because he had no idea how to give it. “But um… I guess moving on…. what’s the full list of things you can do?”
“You’ve uh… seen everything already… I think.” Which didn’t answer the question but he wasn’t saying he didn’t want to talk about it as Gordon had told him to do if he needed so presumably it was okay to continue this line of questioning.
Things being even more awkward now, Gordon set to pacing again. Benrey’s gaze followed him as he did so, he didn’t dare meet it but he sure could feel it. “We’ve been over the skeletons, you can come back from the dead, the Black Mesa sweet voice…”
“That’s not unique to me. Sunkist’s and Coomer’s got it too, remember?”
Gordon stopped in his tracks. “Wait, I guess Sunkist, yeah, sure, but Dr. Coomer? Since when?”
“Bro, he’s literally used it right in front you. There’s no way you’re just now finding out about this.”
“Uh… you’re joking, right?” Gordon didn’t want to believe it. “There’s no way I’m that stupid.”
“Nope. You’re that stupid.”
He could still be trying to pull a prank but… Gordon had been going through a lot. Missing something like that wasn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility if Dr. Coomer hadn’t done it often. He’d have to ask Dr. Coomer about it later. For now though… “Um… getting back on track, you can also heal. And that can supposedly be… drawn from you or something? Your blood goes into the goo in the health packs apparently… or went since you’re not doing that anymore. So does that mean if you like, smear your blood on someone who’s injured, it’ll heal them?”
Benrey shrugged. “Probably. They never did it raw so… we could test it. Try my uh… hand idea.” He held up his right hand and wriggled his fingers as if that somehow made the idea more enticing.
“Uh… no thanks on that. But we could try a less intense test and then if that works, maybe we’ll return to that hand idea later.” He was getting used to having only one hand but it was still less than ideal. More of his arm would have to be removed to even try Benrey’s idea though and that was the real blocking point on even attempting it. But even if it failed, he could get a proper prosthetic instead of the gun hand. … An idea for later because even the thought of surgical removal made him queasy.
“Lame but fine.” Benrey opened the drawer next to where he was still leaning against counter and pulled out a knife from within. One of the sharp ones meant for dicing vegetables that Gordon had bought even whilst knowing he would never use it because he only had one hand now and he’d never been good at dicing with two. “Give me your hand. We’ll uh… cut our palms and shake like a blood oath.”
Maybe a dumb idea, certainly an unsanitary one. But well, after surviving the resonance cascade, Gordon didn’t care as much as he probably should even if he was risking getting a blood-borne illness. And so he stopped pacing and stepped up to Benrey again, holding out his one and only remaining hand like the absolute idiot that he was. Of all people to trust to slice open his palm, someone who’d only learned recently that humans didn’t grow back lost body parts probably was high on the list of folk who shouldn’t be trusted to safely do such a thing.
Despite that he made no move to withdraw as Benrey grabbed his wrist in his unnaturally cold smooth hand and pulled it a bit closer. His other hand lifted the knife, pressing its tip to the heel of Gordon’s hand. He almost flinched but… held steady. What was wrong with him? Why was he doing this? Benrey pressed the tip down and pulled it across, creating a deep diagonal slice across Gordon’s palm.
It hurt but… with how sharp and clean the cut was, not nearly as bad as it could’ve. He barely winced as he took his hand back. The blood pooling in his palm was uncomfortably warm as it dripped over the sides to the floor. Damn, he was gonna have to clean that up later.
Wordlessly, Benrey turned the now bloody knife onto his own hand next. He did the exact same cut, seemingly just a deep. In the full light of day, steaming in through the kitchen window, his blood was noticeably a little darker than Gordon’s and seemed to have a purple tint to it, making it a purplish-red instead of the crimson usually associated with blood. Counter to other times he’d been injured, the cut didn’t close.
“I can uh… let it not heal if I don’t want it too,” he said in way of explanation as he looked back up at Gordon. “I’m also letting it hurt ‘cause… I can do that too. Now uh… shake.” He lifted his bleeding hand.
Gordon took it, giving it a slight but firm squeeze like he’d been taught to when shaking someone’s hand. As expected at this point, Benrey’s blood was fairly cool temperature wise, feeling almost cold in comparison to Gordon’s own blood, confirming the theory that, whatever he was, he was cold-blooded. And maybe it was just Gordon’s imagination but the sting in his palm seemed to fade.
Upon taking his hand back, he looked at it but it was hard to tell if it was actually healed under their mixed blood. Before he could step to the sink to rinse it…
“It work?” Benrey asked, drawing Gordon’s gaze back onto him just in time for him to stick out an naturally long tongue and lap up the blood off his own hand. Another couple passes and his hand, the cut on it gone, was basically clean. Gross but well…
Gordon lifted his hand and stuck his own tongue to it, trying to get just the purplish blood from Benrey. It was bitter, almost in a medicinal way. Kind of like tasting strong unflavored cough syrup mixed with blood. Cringing, he moved the sink to wash the rest of it off the normal way. “I can’t believe I just did that, ugh.” He’d swallowed it too for some reason, making him gag now.
Benrey slid up next to him. “Didn’t take you for a blood drinker.”
He spat in the sink a couple times, getting as much of the taste out of his mouth that he could. “Shut up, asshole. You consumed way more than I did. But uh… we did confirm you’re cold-blooded and it worked.” The cut on his palm was gone, not even a scar remained.
“Neat. Wanna try my hand idea now?”
“Still no. Maybe later.”
“Damn. But uh… that tell you anything ‘bout what I am?”
With a sigh, Gordon turned the faucet off. “Not really. ‘Cause you could’ve been made in the lab specifically with the healing blood in mind or it might’ve been an accidental side effect of something they did while making you. Or they brought you into the lab because of the healing blood and snatched you super young to make it easier and less likely for you to try to run away. You probably came from a egg if so… though I guess I can’t really say for sure. I just know cold-blooded animals normally hatch from eggs.” While he spoke, he dried his hands and then took that same towel to the floor to soak up their blood. This would be another test to see if Benrey’s blood would stain.
“So I might’ve maybe come from an egg, got it. Real uh… insightful information. Gonna give up on figuring it out?”
“Not unless you want me to.”
“Eh, I still don’t care.”
“Well then, the main thing that’ll tell us something is your shape shifting. Is that like uh… your true form?”
“Like uh… when you’re not shape shifting, what do you look like? Your default form or what you looked liked before you shape shifted for the first time. If you’re made by humans it’d probably be human shaped, right? I guess it wouldn’t have to be. But if it’s something super alien, you’re probably an alien, right?”
“Oh uh… I always choose what I look like. I don’t think… I don’t know if I have a true or default form.” His expression was unreadable as he looked up at Gordon but he no longer looked entirely indifferent to the topic. “Does it matter?”
Gordon could say again that he found it sad Benrey had lived such a live that no one had ever cared enough about him to talk to him about such things but that apparently wasn’t enough for him. There was more to it than that and Gordon’s general curiosity though. “Because if you’re an alien it would mean you’re not the only one of your kind. You might have like a family out there somewhere, upset that their egg got stolen by a bunch of asshole scientists however many years ago. Or even if you were made in the lab you would know for sure that you don’t. Either way it’s kinda sad of course but… I don’t know, I just think it’d be nice to know. But it’s you so… however you feel about it is fine.” Gordon being sad on his behalf if he really, truly didn’t care was a bit presumptuous.
Benrey was silent for several long seconds, long enough that Gordon almost asked him if he was okay, before finally replying. “I don’t wanna talk ‘bout this anymore. I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Oh, I…” Gordon cut off as Benrey turned and went straight through the kitchen wall, straight outside. “Damn, okay.” He could follow, run out the door and catch up, but if something he’d said caused Benrey to be upset, he probably shouldn’t. And if Benrey wanted company he’d have invited Gordon to come with him, right? So he’d have to apologize when Benrey got back.
Until then he was home alone. Which was fine, he could handle that. … Or he could go to someone else’s place for a bit to hang out, that’s why they all lived within walking distance after all. Tempting as that was though, if Benrey was indeed eventually going to move out on his own, Gordon needed to get used to living alone eventually. Ripping that bandaid off early would probably make it a bit easier to bear, right? He could go for visit one or each of the Science Team after like an hour if Benrey hadn’t returned by then. Practice for the real thing and all. He’d be fine alone that long, surely.
Benrey could walk to Bubby’s house, it was only like five minutes away if he went fast, less if he phased through some stuff. But fuck that, he had a phone, didn’t want to wait, had a need to keep moving and Bubby might not be home. So, starting down the opposite direction Bubby’s house lay in, he pulled out his phone and called him.
It rang three times before Bubby answered. “Why are you calling me?” It was indeed the first time they’d talked over the phone instead of texted. Texting was too slow for this conversation though.
“How do you know you were made in a tube?”
“’Cause I remember the tube and they put me back in it to insert knowledge into my brain.”
“Okay so… that means ‘cause I don’t remember any tube, I’m an alien, right?” If he was made the in the lab, it would be the same way Bubby was, right? Except maybe not because their purposes as experiments had clearly been different and thus they weren’t made by the same department and thus their exact means of creation would be different too.
“Uh… what? Why would not remembering a tube make you an alien? Are you an alien? I kinda just assumed… well actually, I didn’t assume anything ‘cause I never really thought about it.”
As expected Gordon was the only one who cared enough to even so much as pose the question. Which was definitely preferable because it didn’t matter. No one else caring enough to even wonder was a good thing. “I don’t know and I don’t care but Gordon does for some reason. And uh… he thinks it’s sad that I don’t know if I was made the lab or if they like… stole me as an egg or whatever. Silly, right?”
“Ooh, no that uh, that’s pretty sad.” Damn, Bubby too. “They seriously never told you or talked about it around you? You never broke in and looked through your records or anything?”
“No, no and uh… never thought ‘bout it.” And after deleting the video of his purring, they’d set up the lab to make it harder for him to break in to delete stuff again. So if he’d even thought to, he couldn’t have. Which he hadn’t because it didn’t matter, he didn’t care.
“Damn, sucks to be you.”
It didn’t. His life wasn’t bad. It was mostly boring, if anything. It was nice to be out of Black Mesa for good but that was just because it was more interesting out here. … He kicked a nearby pebble into the road and watched it skitter across, coming to a stop near the other side. “Gordon asked me what my true form is.”
“Do you have one?”
“I don’t know.” It was the not knowing that made the question a problem and maybe even a little distressing. If he could confidently say ‘no’ it wouldn’t matter but… if he did have one and it was alien, there would be other people like himself out there. Not that that mattered. Being the same species as someone else wouldn’t mean he’d want to spend any time with them if he even could, which he couldn’t. But still… “What if I do have a true form? How do I uh… find it or whatever?”
“No clue. You’re the shape shifter.”
Benrey resumed walking, going a little faster though paying just as little attention to where he was going. “That’s not helpful.”
“Well, I don’t know why you’re coming to me with this. I can’t help you with an existential crisis or whatever this is.”
“It’s not a crisis. Just… you were for sure made in the lab and I was maybe made in the lab so who else could I call?”
“Nah, he’d uh… just offer me a soda or to play Beyblades with him.” It was his solution to most emotional problems and it did help sometimes but it wouldn’t here. Or maybe it would but solely as a distraction. So maybe he should’ve gone to Tommy to get the question out of his head by just pushing it away because it didn’t matter.
“Fair. And Harold wouldn’t be particularly helpful with this kind of thing either. Meaning I’m your best bet if you can’t talk to Gordon about it. Damn. Maybe just… shape shift a bunch until you feel right or something.”
“It takes a long time to change more than a little bit though.” It had always taken awhile to do big changes even when in the middle of the parts of the facility he had the most power in. Xen itself was the only exception, there it had been pretty fast, allowing for more messing around. None of those shapes had felt ‘right’ though. What would ‘right’ even feel like? “And… I don’t know where to start.” He’d experimented with various inhuman shapes when younger, but had settled on some variance on how he looked now because it was easier. It let him put on a security guard uniform and thus be recognized as worth heeding. And all the game things and other devices he liked were designed for humans – except the N64 controllers for some reason, three hands was the best way to use those and most humans only had two. Making human-shaped his default form now but… did that make it his ‘true form’?
“Take like a weekend and just shape shift a bunch then. I found where Aperture is located… I think. It’s a few days’ drive but I’m thinking of starting down there tomorrow. You said you were thinking about coming with me for that so you could come along and just… fuck around in the back seat until you find yourself.”
“Not a bad idea, I guess, but… I can’t. Gordo says they won’t wanna hire me ‘cause they’ll want to study me if they find out I’m whatever the fuck I am and uh… being studied’s boring.” Also he couldn’t leave Gordon alone for that long without risking him dying of a sleep deprivation related accident.
“Ooh, I suppose that’s a fair worry. They can’t do anything to me though. I’d like to see them try.”
“I’ll keep an eye on your place… house sit or whatever it’s called, feed your plants, make sure no one breaks in and stuff.”
“Eh… I don’t trust you to not booby-trap the place. I’ll have Harold check on it occasionally instead.”
Damn, Benrey had indeed been planing to booby-trap the place. He still could but Coomer would likely find them instead. Which would still be funny so probably still worth it. “Fine.”
“Well, any other personal problems you want to share that I’m bound to fail to help with because I barely know how to handle my own emotions, let alone yours, or can I hang up now?”
“Uh… I think I’m good now… or better. Guess I just wanted to talk about it… maybe? Thanks for listening or whatever.” It had brought him no closer to knowing if he had a true form or what it might be if he did have one but somehow he felt a little less immediately like he wanted to scream about it.
“Eh, good luck figuring your shit out.” With that, Bubby hung up.
Benrey hung up on his end too and lowered the phone, putting it back in his pocket as he looked around. He’d walked pretty far and was nearing the edge of town. … Going the rest of the way there before turning back would be a good enough walk. He’d go slower on the way back too, enjoy the sun a bit and work out the last of Gordon somehow making him care about things that didn’t matter. … Maybe he would be doing a bit of shape shifting in the future though, see if he couldn’t find a ‘true form’. Out of curiosity and because Gordon cared, not because he cared because it didn’t matter.
Next Chapter
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 months
Not 500, but see below :P
"Oh, but Loki wasn’t ready for playtime to be over yet. He hurried to the door ahead of Jane, opening it hardly more than a crack to imply that his companion had to make herself presentable.
“Looking for your friend?” he asked the dark-haired girl in the hallway.
“Whoa! You’re actually kind of hot,” she said, sizing him up with the same kind of annoying interest the others had shown him earlier.
He gave her a wry smile. “Shocking, I know. But you’ve come for Jane.” He nudged the door all the way open and said conspiratorially, “She’s been keeping me company.”
Jane’s friend gasped as her gaze flicked between the two of them, very obviously drawing the conclusion he’d intended.
He let out a sigh. “It’s a pity we were interrupted when things were getting really fun.” To Jane, he gave a forlorn expression. “I suppose you have to leave now.”
She was gearing up to deny everything by the wild glint in her eyes, and on impulse, he took her face in both hands and drew her up to him for a kiss. He’d only meant to shut her up and perhaps lend weight to the misconceptions he’d been seeding, but damn. When she forgot herself and relaxed into him, tilting her head just the right way, he was tempted to slam the door shut on her friend and have a good snog. Who knew the teacher’s pet had it in her?
But despite his every instinct to deepen the kiss, he broke apart from her. Because—yes, that. The glazed-over look she gave him, rosy lips parted in an absolute stupor. That was worth cruelly ending their interlude too early.
“I’ll see you on Monday, then,” he said with another wistful sigh as he stepped back from her.
She nodded numbly, staggering as her friend dragged her out of the room. It wasn’t until they were halfway down the hall that he realized she still had something of his. A wondrously horrible idea came to him as he leaned out of the doorway.
“Oh, and Jane!” he called after her loudly, making sure to get the attention of everyone milling about nearby. “You can borrow my books any time you want.” He winked at her horrified expression before shutting the door and succumbing to another fit of laughter.
Finally something new. And he was only getting started."
Ah, yes! A New Kind of Fun. I had to switch over to my laptop to answer. (Because I hate typing longer things on my phone, lol.)
When I started Rumor Has it, what, 8 or so years ago, it was initially just an answer to a writing challenge—where I had to include four words given to me. It was only ever meant to be a little ficlet that went nowhere, and I don't recall how it grew to be a much longer story. But one thing has always remained true: even though it's written entirely in Jane's POV, I know why Loki does everything he does in it. In the back of my mind, there's always a version of events from his POV.
So, when I got your prompt ("Trouble" by Natalia Kills), it fit the vibe of Loki's choices in that first chapter. From Jane's POV, it appears that this whole exchange was purely a happenstance, that he was flying by the seat of his pants the entire time. We aren't sure if he felt anything with that kiss, even. Was he drunk? Had he intended it to be a silly little one-off then thought better of it over the weekend?
So yeah, here we have his POV. And while it was a happy accident for him to find Jane in his room, we learn that she has been on his radar already at least a little bit. We learn that it's here that he decides that he's not done with her after his shenanigans. And yep, he liked that kiss. But overall, the game is, at this point, what matters most to him. He can snog any number of girls. Messing with Jane Foster, though? That's far more interesting to him. In a way, she's been a challenge for him (academically), and now he's found a way to return the favor.
It was a lot of fun to write this from his POV. It's been my goal in RHI to keep some of his motivations a mystery to both Jane and the reader, and dole them out little by little. And it's only because of the seven chapters I've already posted that I felt comfortable sharing this version of the inciting incident without spoiling the overall story. We already know that he wasn't keen on his family's move to the States and he didn't have a high opinion of American girls thanks to his conversation with Thor in Hal's diner. We already know that he has a complicated relationship with his brother. We already know he is super aware that being wealthy doesn't equate to happiness thanks to his conversation with Jane at the butte. Perhaps here I revealed more clearly how much he puts on a front. But we've kinda already seen that with his private moments with Jane, when he lets the mask slip a little.
Anyway, I'm rambling, lol. Thank you again for playing!
Send me a 500 word or less snippet of one of my stories, and I'll give you a dvd commentary on it!
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polizwrites · 3 months
PoliZ's WIP Update - 6 March 2024
Still busy IRL and was out of town this weekend, which cut een more into my writing time/energy.   I touched  3 fics (2 new works & 1 WIPs) for a total of  1136  words.  
On Ao3, I posted: 
Chapter Two of  A Vision of Things To Come - WinterIron time travel shenanigans with wartime!Bucky. 
On Tumblr I posted: 
The Battle of New York -  Steve POV ficlet of the title event. 
I’m juggling  18 😬 active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the  Bucky Barnes Birthday Bash  (March 10) and the Post July Break Bingo, which ends in April. 
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Final count - twenty-one fills for five bingos - hoping this event comes back so I can carry over a couple of squares!   Masterpost forthcoming….   
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and managed a blackout plus an adopted square - Masterpost forthcoming!  
Bucky Barnes Birthday Bash - [BBE_B4] (fic due Mar 10) 
Another fun quickie event from the folks over at @buckybarnesevents! Participants build a fanwork  ‘cake’  by choosing the following ingredients - a base Universe, a Trope or Quote as the filling, another characters as the frosting and a color, kink and/or date idea as the topping.   
I started up a  Wartime Bucky/Steve fic - working to incorporate Forced Proximity/Only One Bed and Competency/ Strength/ Size Difference Kink     This could also fill my SRB E5 - Oversensitivity/Enhanced Senses and JBB “It’s you. It’s always been you.” squares.  It’s sitting at 184 words so far & am targeting Sat or Sunday to post.   
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
One fill on my  2x3 non-fandom-specific card - still working on  potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” - See BBE_B4 above 
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on one of my open cards.
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint).
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
Eleven fills and one WIP at the moment  - need to ponder other possible crossovers with my non-fandom cards & BaBB.  
* A1 - Steve can actually dance just fine - Matched this up with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF238 Take My Hand]  for   Finding a Partner -  where Steve & Natasha go dancing (potential pre-slash). It came in at  239 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.    
* C5 - Exes to Lovers  -  Maybe pair up with BaBB  Argument?   
* E5 - Oversensitivity/Enhanced Senses - see BBE_B4 above. 
Bucky Barnes Connect Four - Alt Jun-iverse [BBC4_R2]  {Ends May 31 2024}
The good folks over at @buckybarnesevents  have opened this event up early!  You sign up for a single row card of four squares and the challenge is to see if you can combine any/all into a single Bucky-centric AU fanwork - although you can also create 2-4 separate fanworks if you want.  
The combo of prompts on my first card [Reality Show,  Omegaverse, Talent/Manager, Royalty] sparked an idea that I’m about 230 words + misc notes into already -  Alpha!Bucky as a technical prince   who gets talked into joining a reality show that is supposed to match him up with an omega… but there’s a twist!  Planning to pick this back up in the next week or so.  
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] {Ends TBD} 
Just signed up for this fun Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
*A1 - Werewolf AU -  wrote Shooting for the Moon -  Werewolf!Bucky’s POV on the  second half of A Hairy Situation. It came in at 811 words and will get posted to Ao3 sometime in the next couple weeks. 
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] {Ends Oct 2024}
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!
* November:  Crackfic - DONE  
* December: Wingman  - DONE
* January: Wingfic  - DONE *January: Polyamory - DONE
* February -  Fingering -  DONE * February - Morning Sex - DONE
* March  -  The Marriage of Convenience  prompt could slot nicely into the next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion, which is currently sitting at 301 words.
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2]
Signups are open for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event!
Hoping I get something on my card I can squish into the latest chapter of  My Love is Vengeance - as I’ve picked that back up and am 1109 words into Chapter Seven.
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Four  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on Drusilla and Secchan ZenKaiger figures for  commissions.  I’ve finished all my  Marvel Trumps Hate  figures, but still need to create posts (and mail one set). 
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Fic author self rec
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thanks, @abihastastybeans
1. Companionship  - Sirius Black/Harry Potter  (Sugar Daddy) 
Between Fourth and Fifth year, Sirius visits Harry one night to help him run away.
Nine years later, Harry's living in the Muggle World and working as an escort under an assumed name. He's about to meet his all-time favorite client, unware that he's the godfather Harry lost touch with all those years ago.
I love this one because it’s the first time I wrote the actual Age Gap and it got me out of my comfort zone.  It should me some things I can enjoy to read and write.  Very proud that I also wrote it in less than 6 weeks.
2. Rebuilding - Sirius Black/James Potter (The Prongsfoot Raises Harry Series)
When James was out the night of Halloween, Lily dies, and he's left to pick up the pieces. Luckily Sirius is there to help him.
I love this story because It’s the first Prongsfoot fic I wrote.  It deals with James’ grief, Sirius’ support and I’m proud because I think I really touched on dealing with grief.  
3. The Check / Mirror Mirror - Sirius Black & Harry Potter, also later, Sirius Black/James Potter - James Potter/Lily Potter
The day before fifth year, Sirius can't sleep and checks on Harry. This check leads Sirius to give Harry the mirror that night allowing them to forge a new fifth year with Sirius supporting Harry as much as he can.
This one is a series & a chapter fic depending on how you read it.  (I began posting it as one shots that were related only to discover that it works better as a chapter fic).  I really love this one because it’s something I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do.  A rewrite of the last three books, helping Harry get what he deserves and relying on that bond he has with Sirius and giving Sirius the respect he deserves.  Still ongoing.  
4. Decisions, Decisions - Trevor Lefkowitz/Hetty Woodstone
After the events of the holidays, Hetty's teasing of Trevor leads them down an interesting path together.
This is my first and definitely not last HMoney Fic.  I love it a lot, it was based off of just what I assumed would happen after we got that teasing in Family Business.  I just loved the idea of them together and it was fun to read it.
5. Trevor’s Body - Trevor Lefkowitz/Hetty Woodstone
Trevor's memorial weekend prompts a conversation that leads to a different ending to Trevor's Body.
I liked this one because it resolves one of the issues I had with the show.  I really wanted Trevor to get to talk to his parents and Hetty to comfort him, so this was my way to get that and I loved writing it.
Tagging - @padfootastic , @gracelesslady23, @prongsfootandco, @fallowtail, @in-flvx
No Pressure!
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