#it was so badass and he frickin deserved it and so much more
victoriously-wicked · 6 months
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(If you can believe it, this took me ten and a half hours to draw.)
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Ask fandom game for Atlantis!
The first character I first fell in love with:
Milo James Thatch. How could I not? Look at him, he's adorable!
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 (Also, whenever 6yo me and friends played pretend with the characters of this movie, I was always Milo. And I wore glasses at the time, and he was the first movie hero I'd seen that wore glasses, so it was kind of a 'ooh, someone like me!' thing)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
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Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke. I actually think Disney kinda dropped the ball a little bit with this one. He could've been a much more dynamic character, especially with the background they give him on the collector's edition dvd (his struggles in school gives me 'undiagnosed learning disability' vibes and he definitely has some form of PTSD from his time in the military. As much combat as he saw and as many times as he was wounded, there's no way he doesn't). A friend and I were even saying he could've been a sympathetic antagonist who wanted to try and end World War 1 (which literally begins July 1914, a few months before the movie takes place) making him kind of a 'Justified Asshole' for you AITA readers (basically, it'd be like "on one hand, yeah, what he did sucks, but also, we Get It. He had a good reason, and there really was no good option here') Instead, the motive they give him (make a fuckton of money) is kinda stupid because it was hinted earlier on that everyone's already going to make a fuckton of money just for going on this expedition.
Basically, the more I looked into him and asked questions and looked beyond just what we see onscreen (because there IS more there. He's a human, and humans are nowhere NEAR as simple as just what we see onscreen), the harder it was to hate him.......Also, I wrote some fanfics with a canon-divergent version of him that I now adore. More on that in a moment.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Helga Katrina Sinclair. She creeped me out from the get-go, from the first time I saw this movie (in theaters, which was AWESOME). Like, the instant I saw her, the 'EVIL!' alarms in my brain went off. If I'd been asked to guess who was the main antagonist of the movie before seeing the end, I definitely would've said her. She still gives me the creeps, and I find it incredibly easy to write her as a main villainess in my fanfics (especially Heart of Hell, where she goes full-on evil queen Disney villain on steroids, doing shit even Disney's most evil don't do)
That said, I have read some AU versions of her (that make her not so evil) that I do like.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Gotta go with Rourke again. Poor guy is pretty universally hated by the fandom (undeserved, I think, but I'm not going to start another Rourke rant here. I'll spare you this time, but he seriously does not deserve the amount of hate he gets.)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Probably Kida. Don't get me wrong, I still like her a lot (badass warrior princess/queen FTW!!) Just not the way I used to, mainly because I no longer ship her with Milo. (No offense to him, but she really doesn't need a man. Let her be the epic queen she is on her own.)
The character I would totally smooch: 
Milo, because the look on his face would be priceless and hella cute. And Rourke, just to see the look on his face as he realizes THAT'S why I needed the stepstool (he's 6'4", I'm 5'2")
The character I’d want to be like: 
Milo again! (I kinda am in that I'm a frickin' nerd. However, I am not a genius with near superhuman intelligence)
Also Audrey. She don't take shit from anybody, but she's really sweet to her friends and even if she's really snarky with them, you can tell she really cares about them.
The character I’d slap: 
Gaetan "Mole" Moliere, and affectionately unless he says whatever he said to Kida. Slapping him seems to be a thing in this group.
A pairing that I love:
Scholmander (Milo/Rourke). This should NOT be a surprise to anyone here who knows me. This became a thing for me because I at first thought "no way could it ever work without being toxic/abusive", then I saw a part of an edit someone did, then wrote a fanfic, then went "holy shit, it works without being toxic/abusive!", wrote three more fics, and now I've written a bunch more, I have more planned, I RP it on here, and it's canon to me now. I love them so much.
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A pairing that I despise: 
Rourke/Helga. Well, anyone with Helga, really, but especially this. I honestly think if he didn't have her so close to him all the time, he might not have acted as 'evil' as he did in the movie. I think she has a lot more influence than anyone, even Rourke, thinks. The best thing I can compare it to is that she's like Grima Wormtongue in LOTR. Except she's not serving another power, just herself. (And yes, I have read stuff/looked at art for this, and it just felt wrong, gave me those Wormtongue vibes)
Also don't like her with Milo. That just SCREAMS 'toxic/abusive' with all the emotional/psychological manipulation and gaslighting that would likely occur because he's got such a gentle heart and is a little naive at times, thus easily taken advantage of.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
I’m just thinking about this right now because I’m seeing Undertale and Deltarune on my dash but like
As a teen I was (gasp) a filthy Homestuck fan. And all the pathetic shit that came with it. I loved the Striders and Karkat and Nepeta. I loved the weird and random and crazy storytelling and the simple replicable art style.
Most of all, though, I loved the music.
Weird part to like about it I guess, but gosh is Homestuck’s music awesome. I’m the type of person who needs background noise at All Times, and at one point that led me to listening to Homestuck’s soundtracks as I did chores.
I’d notice, “Huh. This ‘toby “Radiation” fox’ dude shows up a lot.” And that apparently stuck with me. Because when I heard there was a game coming out with music by toby fox, and the game itself made by him too? I immediately needed to see this game.
To say Undertale is important to me is a major fucking understatement. I love all of the characters. All of them. The music is, of course, absolutely gorgeous. The game is both hilarious and heartwarming.
And this was my first game with a nonbinary protagonist. Or any other nonbinary character (which there are a few others). This was when I was just figuring out that I was nonbinary (you can imagine how I flipped when I found out ‘there’s a word for that feeling!?’) and my character(s) and other characters being referred to as they and them with absolutely no fanfare...it meant a lot.
And the characters? I really can’t talk about how much I love them. Toriel is my mom in my heart. I have made her Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie and it makes me so happy. Napstablook is just the friggin cutest and their shy awkwardness was so relatable I love them. Sans and Papyrus can always make me laugh. Sans got my lore-brain spinning and Papyrus was always there and always supportive. Monster Kid is the most precious little doof and they deserve the world. Undyne is a fucking badass and when she realizes you aren’t awful she is just the most fun to be around. Temmie is great (and also check her animations out on Youtube she’s so frickin cute and amazingly talented just do yourself that favor) and the music reminds me of Rugrats for some reason. Alphys is a fucking weeb with social anxiety and boy do I ever relate to that. Muffet has the coolest design and one of the more challenging and fun battles and she’s just so gorgeous to my love of the gothic lolita aesthetic. Mettaton is a fucking romp. That reveal of the EX form is magnificent. Asgore--I admit I’m not the biggest fan of him, but I always felt bad for him. He was a good guy trying to do what’s right for his people and it was hard and it hurts that you have to fight him (also that was a fucking twist gotdam).
And Asriel...my frickin baby. He is my brother and I love him. I just want to give him hugs and snuggles and pet his head and make everything better and just ow my heart.
This man, this dog, made a whole-ass game. Not alone, but like, he did so much of it.
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And he just keeps frickin going.
When Deltarune came out as a “Survey Program” I downloaded it and was blown away. I cannot tell you how much I loved it. I fell in love with Seam and I listened to The World Revolving and every possible remix on loop.
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(Unfortunately I haven’t played Chapter 2 yet because right after I got Chapter 1, my computer died!
and the executive dysfunction didn’t help either. But I’ll get to it I swear)
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So I hate SWSH for a number of reasons, (*coughdexcough*) but Pokemon has always been part of my life. And while not the best song in the soundtrack (which is Battle! Gym Leader and you can fight me on that) his contribution, the Battle Tower Battle Theme, is a bop and I love it.
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I legitimately CANNOT WAIT for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and to have toby’s music in my ear while my Fidough wrecks everyone with it’s Flower Power.
And then on top of this, this fucker plays into the meme culture because of course he does
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(in case the first pic is hard to read)
But just...idk man
He just keeps amazing me and every time I think about it I’m just...blown away.
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I trust the dog.
I can’t wait to see all the things he’s still going to do.
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hellfire-fist · 3 years
okay first off, to the people who hated Sanji for leAVinG Luffy foR a WOmAn/called him a loser/questioned his priorities---don’t interact with me please.
It’s like some of y’all have forgotten about the Whole Cake Island arc where we literally got the chance to understand Sanji’s character better and got to see his background/history in depth.
Anyways, imo he didn’t take an L. I’m not gonna lie, his adoration for women sometimes annoys me but this was just character consistency. That’s not to say that I like his perverseness, ‘cause I don’t. It’s just to me, that’s not what defines his character. Sanji is more than just that. He’s kind, smart, has good empathy, etc. 
This was definitely his chapter. I love that the moment he saw Kiku’s arm falling off from where Big Mom got away, he just gets triggered, like a switch just got turned on. He has always known of the direness of the situation, but the sight of a friend’s arm for him was an indication that this was not the time to be playing games. He has to get their quick. We stan. 
(How can I forget that Zoro/Chopper moment?????? it was the cutest fcking thing. Their big bro/lil bro dynamic will always be the most wholesome frickin relationship within the strawhats  😭👌)
MY MAN. 👏👏👏 I know he’s terrible, but honestly? he’s climbing up the ranks of my favorite villains/antagonist in the whole series. 
There’s still so much mystery to him and I think this chapter is a pretty good reference for the theory that he is a dragon. What’s his history? What’s his connection with the WGO? What’s his debt to Big Mom? Why does he want to die so bad? One thing I’m quite sure off though is he definitely went through a trauma of some sort. Maybe he got experimented on because of his race? We’ll never know 😂
Anyways, he’s just superrrrrrr interesting I can’t even 🤧✌
There’s a break till the next chapter and it’s alright. They deserve to rest, they’ve been giving us banger after banger. We’re too spoiled if I’m being completely honest ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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jngles · 3 years
Thoughts You Definitely All Asked For on ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Finale!!
These are in chronological order for the show.
One of my biggest fears about them reintroducing Boba Fett was that by removing some of his mystery, they would make him less cool. Thank god that has not been the case. He’s still an aloof and nasty piece of work but with dimensions added.
We all know the Empire is most often a metaphor for America right? At least when it’s not being Nazi Germany? The Imperial pilot talking about destroying an entire planet (of peaceful weaponless civilians no less) to stop terrorism hits a little too close to home of the nuclear bombs the US has dropped and the endless destruction of the Middle East in the “war against terror.” And of course we frame all our wars in similar language like “our troops died to keep our country safe,” which hasn’t really been true since WWII.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is the first time SW has had someone acknowledge the human losses of the Death Star blasts. Usually it’s framed as a loss in construction time, strategical advantage, and power. The Empire proved time and time again that the lives of its soldiers were utterly expendable, which always made me question why people remained loyal outside of fear. Through this pilot’s phrasing, you can see the propaganda Imperial superiors used to twist the truth to their followers, always blaming those deaths on Rebel aggression instead of prideful Imperial neglect (I.e. not abandoning ship when there was still time) or even direct Imperial aggression like Operation Cinder where they fired on thousands of their own (discussed in S2E7.)
You can’t tell me Din wasn’t into it when Cara shot that asshole pilot. That cold faced revenge shot? 100% Mandalorian style, and also very very hot.
I appreciate that it was a pretty equal match between Boba and Koska Reeves. So much of Boba’s advantage comes from his suit, but since she also has one, it’s a battle of wits on how to use it, and they even out. This both maintains his legendary badassery and also that of highly trained Mandalorian warriors, and hopefully avoids asshole chauvinist SW fans on the internet complaining abujt “pandering to feminism” (fuck off @ all of them, especially since Mercedes Vernado who plays Reeves is a WWE champ and could kick all of your asses.)
Din point blank asked how many Death Troopers there are and Dr. Pershing never answered, and that annoys me.
Why is no one suspicious why Dr. Pershing is being so helpful and revealing so much information? He totally did not have to tell them about the Dark Troopers or any of the specifics of locations on the ship. He’s still with the empire post-fall, implying he’s a loyalist, so... wtf on his part (since no tricks come of it), and “be smarter” on the part of everyone else. Unless he’s been captive as a clone engineer all this time. But couldn’t he have made his escape back in Season 1 when Din killed everyone at that lab to get the kid back?
Bo Katan really could’ve just told them how the retrieval of the dark saber needs to work in the flight before the mission instead of being vague about “he belongs to me.”
Boba Fett’s usage of “Princess” and “don’t worry about me” are a good throwback to Han Solo and the culture they both grew up in. You can never quite tell if it’s based in misogyny or resentment for upper classes, but both of them seem to use it as a shield for begrudging respect they hold for a woman they think is brave but following a fool’s errand (the Rebellion and retaking Mandalore).
The Comms Officer (Katy O’Brian) assisting Moff Gideon will forever and always look like Ilana Glazer to me, and then I get swept up imagining what would happen if the Broad City cast accidentally got transported to Star Wars.
The launch tube sequence has some amazing cinematography.
The second I saw Boba was cut off from the pack, I really thought they were going to kill him again and make his return bittersweet. Glad they didn’t.
God this team of Bo Katan, Koska Reeves, Fennec Shand, and Cara Dune is SO BADASS. I’m just obsessed with all these characters and their various motivations to get shit done. I honestly didn’t even think about the fact it’s all women until my re-watch, showing that the writers made it feel natural, the way women deserve to have their representation done. You can bet I am SO EXCITED for my future daughter and the wealth of possibilities she’s going to have of characters to play pretend as, action figures she can relate to, Halloween costumes to wear, etc. It’s so validating that we’ve gone from only Princess Leia as a female main character to all these women + Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka, etc. etc.
Can’t wait for the trap remix of the Dark Trooper activation noises. (And the transition from that to the minimalist flute theme is perfect.)
The spy movie version of the main theme music is sick.
The Dark Trooper droid faces have a lot of similarity to Darth Vader’s mask. That callback is especially apparent when the one is literally lit from the inside with fire. He was already a martyr/legend to the Imperial remnants, Kylo Ren didn’t start the trend of ignoring his redemption.
Cara’s “excuse me” right before shooting up Stormtroopers is hilarious. Literally “can’t talk rn, doing hot girl shit and murdering space Nazis.”
Finally an Imperial ship got some frickin security cameras. Truly- the amount of times people just wander down hallways they’re not supposed to be in with no one being able to find them throughout the course of Star Wars is ridiculous when you think about the degree of surveillance our real life society carries out. I also love that this means The Mandalorian characters have also seen The Mandalorian.
The storytelling does such a service to Pedro Pascal and his already heroic efforts to portray emotion through a helmet. For example: Din easily could’ve killed the one stormtrooper outside Grogu’s cell much more efficiently, but instead, to show his absolute rage, they wrote in Din choking him out with a spear.
Moff Gideon would have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass in philosophy class. “Assume I know everything” my ass. I want to hear about his backstory (he would’ve been “coming of age” at the time of the Clone Wars) mostly just to hear about him getting bullied at school.
Smart move honestly, to try to tempt Din with the Mandalorian throne, given the Mandalorian power struggles of the past. Proud of our boy for keeping his priorities straight.
So has the blood from Grogu been transferred out of the ship and back to the remnant empire already, or do they have to find a new “donor” to help with building Snoke and Palpatine’s clones? Will they continue to go after him with Luke?
Lmao Din being so annoyed by Bo Katan being stringent about the tradition of winning the Dark Saber through combat is HILARIOUS, coming from a man who up until like a day ago hadn’t shown his face to a living being in decades.
The dark troopers can punch in blast doors but NOT Din’s helmet?? That’s a wild testament to beskar. Somehow that’s the comparison that sticks out to me, more even than its resistance to lightsabers.
This show works because of the cynicism of so many characters adding contrast to the moments of heart. Cara Dune is not a “fan” the way Rey was (for the record I love Rey, don’t come at her, it’s just different). Cara doesn’t see an X-Wing and go OMG THE REBELLION I LOVE THEM. She’s been through too much to believe in the magic saviourism of the “good guys,” and is instead thinking strategically when she, the one Rebel present, brushes off the usefulness of “one X-Wing.” The only positive things she seems to feel in battle situations are moments of relief and brief satisfaction in hurting the empire, with a dark knowledge that it will never make up for the hurt they did to her.
How do you keep a cloak hood on while fighting? Both from a technical standpoint (my hats fall off without me even having to move- is he expending force energy just to keep it on and look cool lol?) and also because idk, maybe it’s just me, but peripheral vision is helpful when surrounded by killer robots on a thin bridge above oblivion. I know his first lesson was to “see” through the force, but every resource helps, right?
Now that she has the ship, I wonder if Bo Katan can reprogram any salvageable Dark Troopers to help with retaking Mandalore?
There is nothing like seeing Luke’s fighting style, with its efficient choppiness and twinge of darkness. I always wonder how much is natural and how much is influenced by his first fights with Vader (that Skywalker diva flair). I love how they’ve advanced his technique but also kept him extremely “grey” here- like to straight up COMBUST a Dark Trooper takes some violent energy lol.
How tf is Moff Gideon alive after threatening Grogu’s life twice directly? That’s a wild testament to Din’s regard for Cara.
I love how seeing Luke slice through a bunch of murder droids like butter probably was a huge point in his favor for Din actually letting Grogu go with him. Like he will only send his child to boarding preschool if he knows the teacher will be a certified killing machine.
Oh my god they finally brought in some OG Star Wars theme music for Luke to take his hood off to 😭 It felt weird seeing him fight to different music, so the emotional payoff is huge when his themes come back for the face reveal.
Whoever added the digital young Mark Hamill face NAILED those classic shining Luke eyes and the earnest eyebrow lift.
Whoever shines the glass of Baby Yoda’s lil puppet eyeballs each day deserves a raise. The light caught in those babies is devastating.
Din is shaking as he takes off his helmet. This is the most enormous show of love he could give him, and possibly the last he’ll be able to for a long time. He only just got Grogu back and is desperate for a moment of real connection before letting him go once again.
This is the first time anyone has touched Din’s face since... likely his parents as a child.
Whoever wrote this scene clearly actually has kids. Anyone who’s ever had to leave a young child even just to go out for a bit or to drop them off somewhere knows that heartbreak of seeing them look in your eyes and hold on to your leg, trying to keep you with them. Especially when they can sense your mutual separation anxiety. The one thing that starts to make them feel better is something fun like a new toy or friend who can be their guide in the new environment, and R2’s friendly introduction is exactly that (since digital Luke isn’t being particularly emotive or child friendly... I hope that’s just because he’s reaching into Grogu’s mind while also keeping an eye on the multiple people with guns trained on him, not because he’s going to be totally unfeeling raising this kid.)
I love that Grogu and R2 are immediately buddies in contrast to Episode 5 when R2 was like “fuck this guy” @ Yoda stealing food and hitting him with a walking stick lol. I would imagine Luke must be reminded of that first introduction too and entertained by this display of playfulness in a *positive* light between R2 and mini-Yoda.
I need to know if Luke and Ahsoka have met- it is KILLING ME.
Does this mean Grogu will get killed by Kylo Ren when he fucks up Luke’s academy??? I will reincarnate Ben just to kill him again if that’s the case.
How does Luke not even fully SMILE at Grogu?? An adorable little baby version of his beloved master Yoda, and you’re telling me he doesn’t have the same heart stopping gasp we all did when we first saw him?? Maybe he did when they first connected through the force. He has a bit of bemusement on his face, and also wonder in his eyes, but I want a grin of recognition and welcome, dammit.
I really wish Luke had somehow acknowledged Cara Dune. Everyone else seems to see the tear drop Rebel sign and know it means Alderaan. He could’ve been like yo I have a badass warrior sister from your planet that you should meet. Or just “thank you for your service.” (I know this actually wouldn’t have been cinematically good but my heart wants it.)
Luke didn’t tell Din his name?? Or ask for any details about the kid and his care?? I could literally never let my kid go with someone, regardless of how worthy, and not be like, “Excuse me sir who are you and where tf are you taking my tiny beloved green goblin in case I need to find him? Here is my contact info. He likes to eat frogs and eggs, and he can have macarons as a treat. He’s 50 years old and his favorite toy is still a ball. Bedtime is 8pm and he’s allergic to dairy.”
Another reason I wish Luke had identified himself would be to see the mishmash of reactions that would ensue. Cara would be like DAMN IT’S THAT GUY WHO BLEW UP THE DEATH STAR AND KILLED THE EMPEROR, ACT COOL (and she would indeed act cool). Fennec would be like ugh it’s that guy who helped kill my best paying client Jabba the Hutt and then fucked over my boss Boba, I helped save the kid for THIS? And I would LOVE to know how Bo Katan feels about him, assuming she’s heard of him, and especially if she knows he’s Anakin Skywalker’s son. That confusion is probably the reason WHY the writers didn’t have him reveal himself- they didn’t want to break the emotion of the scene.
Let‘s all be real I’m just being needy about wanting things from Luke because of what he meant to me as a kid and my resulting innate need to have more canon of him, whatever it is, whenever I can get it. Especially in this form that’s so similar to ROTJ, a movie I watched on endless repeat. Even getting this was incredible though. Who else could we trust this lil heart-stealing green bean with so fully? Yet who would be so arrogant as to try to train a baby yodling (see: Ahsoka’s wise refusal)?
R2 is reckless as hell lmao. Not that we don’t already know that, but for him to just head on in, effectively abandoning Luke’s ship (how can they know if there are more troopers or not who might blow it up?) and also putting himself in the path of the ridiculously deadly Dark Troopers is NUTS. I’m usually on his side but he absolutely deserves a scolding by C3PO for this one.
I wonder if Grogu has any memories of R2 or vice versa since they did occupy the Jedi Temple at the same time. Can Grogu understand droids? They could swap stories about mutual acquaintances.
Does Din pretty much have to go with Bo Katan now since a) he’s shown his face and may not be able to go back to the Watch, and b) because he has the darksaber and has to figure out how to get it back to her without dying?
How in the hell did Bib Fortuna (whose chins age was not kind to) go from being butler to being boss? Were all the henchmen just like, “Fuck yeah, no Hutt parents no rules, let’s do what we want!!” And then they’ve spent the last ten years living off of whatever money they could salvage from Jabba’s non-banked wealth? Why has no one challenged them for that prime real estate and loot? I would love to hear that story.
Fennec Shand says “respect sex workers” so you better fuckin’ do it.
Idk dude Bib Fortuna really was a good butler, and he seemed pretty willing to comply with whoever’s in power. Did he screw Boba over in his attempt to return from the dead and earn that killing shot somehow? Or was this to make sure there was no one left who would have a claim to loyalty? Or maybe Boba just really wanted to sit in that chair.
Does “The Book of Boba Fett” mean we’re not on Din Djarin’s story anymore? Or is it a new show? I would much prefer the latter. I want to see Din help retake Mandalore or at least get a hug.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
The World Ends With You --- 001
Favorite character: SHO MINAMIMOTO. He is EXACTLY my brand of quirky villain. He's this punk nobody who storms around yelling about how great he is, giving himself a math gimmick and the Dadaist garbage sculptures, and then he decides he wants to fight God, but soon finds out this is a futile endeavor, you fucking idiot, I love you
Least Favorite character: I don't really have bad blood toward anyone in TWEWY right now. I used to HAAAATE Joshua for that ending twist but now I'm like "You sure did get me, you little shit" and also I take KHDDD as a direct sequel to TWEWY, so I like to think he got better, which really was the point implied by the original ending - that Neku's refusal to kill him after everything he'd done proved to him that humanity could surprise him, and now he's just like "Oh, I got ATTACHED to the damn kids from my experiment." Actually, I actively LIKE Joshua now.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Sho Minamimoto x Eliza (Skullgirls), Coco Atarashi x Symonne (Tales of Zestiria), Shiku, Beat/Ai, and you know what Sora ships with everyone he touches so let's just add Sora/Neku on here for crack time
Character I find most attractive: MR. MINAMIMOTO
Character I would marry: The Grim Heaper himself. Pi-Face
Character I would be best friends with: LOOK I KNOW SHO IS VERY UNLIKELY TO LIKE ME BUT I WANT TO ATTEMPT IT. Shiki would probably be more open to actual friendship from the get-go though, and I'd want to hang out with both her and Eri because I'm a sucker for background characters with interesting potential but no stage time
a random thought: Uzuki Yashiro has the best outfit in the entire game. Just the best outfit. I would love to cosplay her someday, not because I have any attachment to her whatsoever (I kinda forget about her a lot) but because her blouse is so frickin cute.
An unpopular opinion: I am not optimistic about NEO nor do I think we necessarily needed it
my canon OTP: There isn't much actual romance in this game except Mina/Makoto so you know what? Mina/Makoto is cute and I support it
Non-canon OTP: If I stay out of crossovers this has to be Shiku. Which is weird because I NEVER go that hard for "the main male character gets with the female best friend" but it's cute.
most badass character: Sanae Hanekoma and his "I'm just going to copy the boss forms of not one but TWO of the most powerful characters in the game and you fight them at the same time" schtick
pairing I am not a fan of: Neku/Joshua always makes me feel a little weird because it's built on deception and also Joshua is an adult godlike entity who is probably older than he looks and Neku is a bit young for that for my tastes. But it's not BAD and I see where it comes from. Now, where I'm angry is that I used to be a big fan of Sho Minamimoto/Mitsuki Konishi and I now realize that I was wearing rose-colored glasses and they were just using each other, and MY BOY DESERVES BETTER GOD DAMN IT.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): If Sho is a good guy in NEO I'll scream
favourite friendship: LISTEN. We were ROBBED by the lack of screen time between Coco Atarashi and Sho Minamimoto despite her being responsible for his resurrection. Hell, NEO probably is gonna make him resent her or something but I just want him as the evil big bro and her as the evil little sister and they are the Reaper sibs who go dancing down the street singing "That Beautiful Sound" from the B-Ghost musical
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: And if they do, can I be their biggest sister
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Realm of the Quarantine Reread End-of-Book Questionnaire: Royal Assassin
Any differences between your first/previous reading experience and this one?
Not as stark a difference as with Assassin’s Apprentice, but definitely still there. Apart from all the obvious stuff, like feeling much more attached to the characters already and picking up more details, I think the biggest change was a complete lack of patience for the teen romance drama lol. There was a decent period where I was feeling quite frustrated with it. Not that I loved it the first time round, but back then I had a very different view of how it fit into the story. I saw it as teaching Fitz a depressing lesson of what it really means to be a royal bastard and a king’s man. Fitz’s literal need (for all he knows he would have been killed if not for his deal with Shrewd) and sense of duty to put his loyalty to his king and country first creates a relationship that is toxic, turbulent and built on lies. And teenage horniness masquerading as love. I saw all that the first time and thought it was just something he had to go through. Now I know it’s something he never really goes through but rather grips onto, romanticises and ultimately goes back to. I know the point of that is meant to be that he finally gets to have something for himself, but why it had to be Molly specifically??? I have very few qualms with Robin’s writing choices overall, but why she chose to write their relationship this way if they really are meant to be is beyond me, especially when so many of her other romances are written so well - it feels like it can’t possibly be unintentional. For most of this book they’re either fighting or fucking and honey! That ain’t love! Hell, Fitz all but sees her as just another demand on his time as the book goes on. But he can’t let her go because she’s the one thing he can point to that makes him feel normal. Not happy, not cherished, not safe. Normal. She’s simply a refuge from his real life. He literally says to Chade “I need her.” I find that so telling, man. It’s not really about her, which is a shame because Molly is great. They’re just really not good for each other.
So yeah. It’s just kind of trying to read all the Fitz/Molly stuff when you know and don’t like what it ultimately culminates in. At the same time… Bee… So I will always be conflicted lol. I just can’t separate the events of Royal Assassin from the furious disappointment I felt when I finished Fool’s Fate. Perhaps I’ll have a new Fool’s Fate experience this time that will make the next re-read a bit easier in regards to Fitz and Molly? But I won’t bet on it lol.
Anyway. It’s not as if I haven’t already said just about everything there possibly is to say about Fitz and Molly yet I also feel like I could go on about it forever. Luckily this is kind of as bad as it gets in terms of how much “screen time” they actually get (apart from Fool’s Assassin maybe? But they don’t bother me too much in that) so yay! I made it! And hopefully it’ll be a good few books before y’all have to endure my ranting about it again :)) Also hopefully this doesn’t give the impression that this read was more bad than good? It was mostly just a particular angsty chunk before they properly get together that was a bit of a slog to get through, but overall I really loved reading this book again and got a lot out of it.
Something you can’t believe you forgot
That Molly punches Fitz in the face hard enough that he bleeds and that Fitz fully intended to punch the Fool for asking if Molly was preggo before seeing he had already been beaten. I pretend I do not see it.
Favourite character introduction moments/scenes
Omfg I was just about to say “huh we didn’t really get any major character intros in this book” bitch Nighteyes???? But in my defence I just. Cannot process the fact that Nighteyes is only really in 3 of 16 books he just feels omnipresent to me BUT his introduction is most definitely iconique and god I love him and he made me cry eight thousand times!
Favourite character arcs
Speaking of Nighteyes: what a glow up. He goes from angry, scared, untrusting little bb to……. Nighteyes. Like. How does one even describe the kind of person Nighteyes becomes. He’s just Nighteyes and I love him with all my fuckin heart!! He is Fitz’s constant… He is wise… He is silly… a comedic genius…… a big, open, unconditional heart. Incomparable. I can’t believe I’ve seen ppl saying they dislike/d Nighteyes……. Honey…… it’s called taste xx
Favourite quote/s
Again no tabs so it’s a bit harder to keep track but there were a few that stuck out enough to copy down. There are a lot of iconic quotes in this book that get shared a lot so I only bothered with ones I didn’t remember.
- “I wince to think of the price willingly paid for loving me.”
- “My soft, clean bed beckoned, like a soft, clean tomorrow.” (mood)
- “I looked and saw they were both made of hungers, like containers made of emptiness.”
Favourite relationships
Kettricken/Verity obviously. I was shocked by how little time they actually have together being in love before Verity leaves??? Because all I remembered was how strong their love is. But the whole journey towards that love is what makes it stand out as an actual compelling story in its own right. This is definitely one of Robin’s greatest skills as a writer; giving the minor characters depth by giving them their own relationships that grow and change and have a life of their own outside of Fitz. It makes the world feel so much more alive.
Also Burrich/Fitz in this book continues to be bittersweet, but with a lot more sweet in there than usual! They fully start out this book as a team. Burrich calling Fitz “FitzChivalry” makes me fuckin emo and idk why even. Burrich does seem to start seeing Fitz a lot more as his own person in this book which changes their dynamic in some rly nice ways. The fact that towards the end of the book Burrich even uses the wit to help Fitz is enough to make me cry tbh - and writing this has made me realise that I’m officially past any uncomplicated good times between Burrich and Fitz y’all mind if I fuckin die real quick!!
Fitz/Verity is soy pure and beautiful. Fitz and the Fool is always, always compelling and complex and tender and perfectly mysterious. But overall you’d have to say Fitz/Nighteyes, hey? They are literally meant to be, in a way so straightforward and undeniable and beautifully simple that I never really know what to say about it. Little brother!!! :’) They literally make me cry all the frickin time lol rip!
Favourite setting
There aren’t that many to choose from in this book! Ima go with the skill river bc hey, Robin’s magic systems are so unique and beautiful and the fact that the skill is written as a kind of a place is really frickin cool and deserves a shoutout.
Favourite chapter
The final chapter (not the epilogue) ummm broke my heart but it is written so beautifully, oh my god, it’s like an out of body experience. I feel like this is kind of when RotE becomes RotE - the first time it really goes to that place that is so fitting yet so unexpected, so beautiful, so tragic, so awful, so visceral. Making use of the genre to really test the limits of humanity; to see how far you can bend a person without breaking them and then refusing to turn away from the consequences. Idk man!! I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like a pretentious dick but it really is that intense and strange and overwhelming for me. There is something in that moment, when Burrich pulls Fitz’s body out of the earth and Fitz/Nighteyes is recoiling from it and deeply terrified… Something about the enormity of the existential questions raised converging with the pinpoint specificity of it all being wrapped up in the story of a character that feels so real and who you care about so deeply… It’s almost written like a horror scene, but that’s not quite the feeling. It’s just the RotE feeling; there are multiple throughout all five series, and it’s what makes these books unlike any other.
Most loved character
Fitz, Nighteyes, the Fool all had my entire heart this book. The Fool is just so sad and pathetic and literally must be protected!! I think I’m kind of obsessed with Burrich? Also I think I almost forgot how much I love Kettricken? She’s a complete badass of course but she’s also got the biggest goddamn heart like…. Who said she was allowed to be such a beautiful person???
But god, everyone. I love them all.
Most hated character
What can I say? Regal is disgostang. Wall Ass a close second.
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by Robin Hobb (most heartbreaking and/or visceral moments)
Shall I list just a few? :)
- Burrich screaming at Fitz through the bars of his jail cell, horrible things you can’t help but feel are at least a little bit true
- Burrich sobbing over Fitz’s dead body repeating, “You aren’t dead, you aren’t dead.”
- Fitz going to Nighteyes before everything went down on the night of the coronation and just fuckin hugging him really tight
- Fitz trying desperately to leave his broken vessel behind but not quite being able to disown his body
- The Fool being beaten
- The Fool being beaten again
- The Fool sprawled and weeping across Shrewd’s dead body
- The Fool really believing for a moment that Fitz had betrayed him and killed Shrewd
- Fitz tending the Fool’s wounds………. bitch….
- Chade giving Fitz a chance to escape with them and Fitz going to kill Serene and Justin instead
- Idk why this is even that sad but Nighteyes saying the only person he loves is Fitz!
- The entire incident with the forged ones literally tearing apart a three year old girl, which I had completely blocked out until now :)
- The fact that Fitz continues to be reminded and traumatised by this incident for the remainder of the book beCAUSE HE IS A GOOD BOY. A VERY GOOD BOY WITH A VERY GOOD HEART.
- Fitz repelling at Nighteyes to try and force their bond broken
- High off his face Fitz calling Patience “mother” no shut the fuck up!!!!
Details, observations, spoilery notes made with the benefit of the full picture
- I’ve been trying for ages to decipher when the Fool started falling for Fitz, and I think I’m officially putting my money on their last interaction in AA. “I wish I had a place that was as much me as that place is you.” I mean. If someone said that to me… I’m not a slut but who knows, ya know? (I know this is more a note for the last book but I thought of it while reading this book. So shh.)
- It’s so clear to see this time how much Fitz’s sense of self and politics are affected by his time in the Mountains. He obviously feels much more inclined to their way of thinking about royalty and sacrifice and equality and returns to Buckkeep with a self-respect he’s never really had before. Weird how being among people who don’t just think of you as The Bastard will do that.
- It’s no wonder Fitz becomes so fixated on Molly; he literally has almost nothing else to occupy him and no companionship when she suddenly shows up
- It’s gross that he spies on her, obviously, but you can’t not take into account the fact that Chade has been teaching him since he was ten that this is justifiable behaviour; a reasonable way to gather information and get what you want. Fitz’s lack of social awareness goes further than him just being a little awkward; he has literally been trained to believe the only thing wrong with stalking would be getting caught.
- I’ve seen a few people talk about the fact that Regal isn’t appropriately punished as if it’s bad writing and like, while it is frustrating, it is supposed to be frustrating - it is not a plot hole. It made sense to me the first time I read it and it was even more obvious this time; Regal has the loyalty of the inland duchies. If he were to be publicly punished those dukes would rally behind him and raise hell, and Regal would no longer need to play the part of the dutiful prince. Even if Regal died a “natural” death - something I can’t see Shrewd or Verity orchestrating anyway - the inland dukes would feel that they no longer have a Farseer on their side and may, again, raise hell. It’s a delicate balance that would be outrageously difficult not to topple if you removed Regal from the equation. There is a lot more to it than I’ll bother writing here but yeah. I don’t really know how people can read this book and think that Regal retaining his life and position is some sort of lazy plot contrivance. It was all set up in the first book dude.
- Fitz and Nighteyes meeting in this book is the perfect metaphor for our need for connection versus the fear of inevitable loss. Fitz’s experience tells him that entering into a bond with an animal can only end in pain, yet he can’t resist it. In real life this is especially true with humans and our animal companions, since they almost always have a shorter lifespan than us; signing up to love them is signing up to lose them. But the same is also true of our relationships with other humans. And like Fitz, we have all had our fair share of loss and pain. We all have our reasons to be afraid of the connection we naturally crave. Sometimes we give in to the fear to the point of holding ourselves back from it entirely. That’s where Fitz is at when he meets Nighteyes. But what’s so beautiful about their arc as a metaphor is that it suggests that these connections, if we submit to them, are what keep our vital spark alive. Even when Nighteyes dies later in the series, the sentiment always remains, essentially, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” Ya boi is projecting bc it’s hard to be vulnerable and make friends as an adult, but I think the observation stands. Love and connection and vulnerability are key threads that run throughout all of Fitz’s story, but in this book it is best represented through him and Nighteyes.
- “I hoped I would not become too adept at lying to myself.” Honey, you got a big storm comin.
- Very inch resting (gay) that Fitz finds it hard to meet the Fool’s eyes. I know almost everyone does bc his eyes are weird, but I reserve the right to reach and I will absolutely NOT be accepting criticism.
- I find it interesting that Fitz says Kettricken’s wit is not strong just because she doesn’t use it exactly the way he does
- I know it’s not meant to be funny but……. The way Fitz described losing his virginity had me literally laughing out loud
- Fitz was really like “okay i better go break my bond with Nighteyes” just cos he and Molly fucked. Teenagers don’t deserve rights.
- You know what? I really, really appreciate how fucking weird these books are lol. What other author would use their magic system to have their characters accidentally intruding on each other’s awkward sex stuff? Okay, maybe a few, but they would do it to be like, edgy and sexy. Robin Hobb just does it to make you cringe so hard you lose several years off of your life.
- But seriously, even apart from the cringe stuff, these books get so strange and out there and like! That’s what magic is for! 
- Bruh. When Fitz is like “omg poor Verity…. He’ll never have what i have with Molly” I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone encapsulate the self-important delusion of teen romance so perfectly lol. Wow.
- Okay some Fitz/Fool stuff that made me lose my tiny mind. Sorry.
- Fitz literally said about the Fool “he burned too brightly” I WILL DIE.
- Fitz is always like, irritated by the Fool… yet positively delighted by his presence at the same time…… okay bitch
- Inch resting how Fitz has always been uncomfortable with the Fool getting serious. I don’t quite know how to put my thoughts on this into words so like. I’ll just put it there. Make of it what you will.
- “Sit on my clothes chest and take your shirt off…” i stopped fucking breathing noah fence
- “I ran my fingers lightly down the line of his jaw, and around his eye socket. At least no bone seemed damaged. ‘Who did this to you?’ I asked him.” my GOD this is literally textbook gay/romance. It hurts me. It physically hurts me.
- Straight from my notes: “I can’t even focus on reading this bc it’s the first time they are tending each other’s wounds and I am a homosexual!” and “the gays are quaking!! (it’s me I’m the gays)
- Okay wow! I think that’s it! Hello if you made it this far! Hope this was remotely coherent and I’m always keen to hear your thoughts on my thoughts :)
Anyone doing a reread feel free to fill this out! You don’t have to use the tag :)
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Lanternfam Headcanons!
@silverdecepticon93 @must-be-art
⁃ Levi and Olive love Transformers, Guy still has the original cartoons so they’ll watch that while they eat before school
⁃ But yeah Olive always liked Ironhide cause she thought he was really badass (she actually prefers his movie design)
⁃ Tho she is a bigger Star Trek nerd, she even has the shirts in every color, and every season of each series
⁃ And I always forget to mention this but Olive plays tons of sports. Her main ones are softball, hockey and soccer
⁃ Guy had the other lanterns teach him how to cook properly since he’s home with his kids more often, and would like to eat something other than sandwiches and frozen pizzas
⁃ Olive and Levi got him a pink frilly apron as a joke but he still wears it anyways
⁃ And every time either the DoJ or Blight is over, Guys in the kitchen actually cooking
⁃ Both teams are like ‘uh...I thought he was banned from the kitchen?’
⁃ Oh and Olive really likes PJ, the kids fun and always gives her ideas for the next time her and her cousin team up
⁃ Now that they have an actual house they turned the basement into a gym
⁃ Guy argued for a man cave but the whole house is a man cave so there’s no point
⁃ Olive goes down there to use the punching bag to let off steam, or to the garage to hit the drums
⁃ She goes to public high school, and people are so frickin mean to her
⁃ Everyone knows who Guy Gardner is, and that she’s his daughter. The Gardners don’t have a good rep amongst the public, so people try to make her snap so that they can victimize themselves and get the Gardners in trouble
⁃ So she has to stay calm at all times, no matter what
⁃ But people start to make fun of the scars on her face, and will play pranks on her like coming up on her blind side and shoving her into lockers, stuff like that
⁃ But she can’t fight back or she’ll ruin her family’s rep even more, and she refuses to tell anyone because it’ll make her feel weak
⁃ So she just takes her anger out while fighting villains or just banging on the drums for a little while
⁃ Guy still works as a social worker, and once in awhile after a particularly bad case he just needs to hug his kids cause he can’t believe how some parents (as if they deserve that title) treat their kids
⁃ Whenever Guy buys anything for the house, whether it’s some kitchen thing or a couch, it’s green
⁃ ‘Uh, just because you guys are Green Lanterns doesn’t mean everything has to be green-‘
⁃ ‘Levi, you basically sign a contract when you join saying that everything in your life will now be green once you take the ring’
⁃ ‘I’m pretty sure that’s not what happens-‘
⁃ The lanterns definetly have barbecues during the summer, and the whole lanternfam is there
⁃ Guy, Hal, John and Kyle are outside cooking
⁃ Olive and Sky are inside doing some stupid shit while Riley and Levi try to stop them
⁃ John eventually makes them come outside so he can supervise them
⁃ ‘Oops’
⁃ Oh and if Sky ever brings Denji with her and they so much as sit next to each other Olive will crank up the teasing
⁃ But she’s like that with every couple. Anja and Tim, Riley and Thomas, Amias and Sawyer, Roy and Onawa, Lani and Bart and Jaime, Alex and Morgan...the list is endless
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johnnys-green-pen · 4 years
Random E! Thoughts: S2E2 - Kids
HEY, it’s BOOT!
Johnny’s “You didn’t have to hurt his feelings” is even funnier given how much Boot generally dislikes him, lol
There’s something oddly endearing about Johnny shaking the dust out of his hair after he gets free from the hole
(and about instantly volunteering to go INTO the hole. Also leave it to Gage to look at a hole narrow enough for a kid to get stuck in and go “yeah, I’ll fit”)
Brackett being a frickin hero again
He has such a prickly reputation, and yet he’s such a fundamentally decent person, and always all too happy to risk his career on a hunch because it might save some unfortunate soul. 
Okay but seriously, the more I watch these episodes, the more his sheer kindness stands out to me, and I’m continuously baffled by how much I end up pointing it out during these little posts. 
Joe Early is the more outright pleasant person between these two, but Brackett’s by far the bigger sap and it’s brilliant
Chet’s routine about how NICE it must be to be in an AIR-CONDITIONED HOSPITAL while they had to suffer in a burning trash- I MEAN BRUSHFIRE is just... Peak Chet Kelly. He does hilariously deadpan so very well.
Also, notice Roy protectively curling himself around Boot while asking if they can keep him? Yeah, there was no way that dog was going to get kicked out.
Ah yes, the good old “pet decides their favorite human is the one least enthusiastic about them being there” trope. 
Johnny playing along with the “sheriff” kids and actually putting his hands up I can’t even that’s too adorable
the injured hiker’s John Travolta in his first TV role, so that’s something you will now never be able to un-know. You’re welcome.
Johnny’s entire “big engines are so cool” routine and Roy’s reaction basically being “who, this weirdo? Nah, I don’t know him”
Imagine tiny kid Johnny sitting on a fallen tree or something pretending to be a cool, badass tillerman on a big, flashy engine omg
... okay, so, this episode really deserves more of an analysis, between the handling of child abuse and domestic violence and the juxtaposition of good parenting and bad parenting in this episode and the portrayal of families in E! as a whole, but I’m too far removed from the original sociocultural context to be comfortable analyzing that in-depth without doing a LOT more research than I’m willing to put in - and besides, this whimsical little “fun tidbits” post wouldn’t be the right format for that anyway.
Also: Chet’s subtle “””Indian””” Asshole Moment has been noted and dutifully ignored. I’ll have to talk about that can of worms in a few episodes anyway. 
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 16
You are THE GUARDIAN and it is currently Sad Bitch Hours.
It’s not like you were expecting Zebruh to do a complete one-eighty, see the light, and join the rebellion, but you definitely weren’t counting on him trying to lock you in one of his rooms and almost give you a concussion in the process. Granted, you could have easily just zapped out, but still. Why wouldn’t he just listen?
Your arms hurt where his claws pierced your skin. With your luck they’d be infected by morning, if not sooner.
“You okay, robobuddy?”
Mallek’s striking blue eyes are soft and full of concern when you look up at him, and it fills you with guilt. This guy threw hands with an indigoblood for you and he’s asking if you’re okay?
“... Yeah. Just tired.” You lean against him, ignoring the drying salt on your face from your tears. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Nah. Just a little scratched up.”
You nod.
“No concussion?”
“I don’t think so.”
A loud whoop pulls you from your pity party and back into the real world, and you look up to see Diemen Xicali waving at you from down the sidewalk. Leaning on him is the little kid, looking a bit shocked by everything that had just happened but thankfully much less injured than two nights ago. Zebruh must have let her use a medicalizer to heal her broken leg; her calf is still bruised up but she’s putting weight on it. By her side is some kind of oversized rodent lusus.
“Guys that was crazy!” he shouts joyfully, hauling the poor kid with him as he makes his way over to you and Mallek. You two meet him halfway with the rest of the group close behind.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Mallek demands.
“Not really. He just… wouldn’t let us leave. Said that we owed him for letting us take shelter at his hive. Also, his lusus is frickin’ terrifying,” Diemen complains. He hisses under his breath, which surprises you because you’ve never, ever heard him make a noise like that before.  “If I ever see him again it’ll be too soon.”
The girl is staring at you in the way little kids like to stare at things, so you smile and do your best to appear as non-threatening as possible. You’re a mess from getting roughed up by Zebruh, but Daraya is still holding her new black eye from getting kicked by a pissed-off horse lusus, so at least you’re not alone.
“And alien! I can’t believe you’re alive! I’d give you a hug, but…” Diemen pats the kid’s shoulder and shrugs.
“Don’t even worry about it. I missed you too, dude,” you tell him warmly. Man, the look on his face when you two saw each other in Zebruh’s living room was priceless. Luckily, Zebruh had been way too distracted by ranting about some new rustblood singer to notice you desperately signaling him to stay quiet, or else you would have totally blown your cover.
The rodent lusus squeaks, looking up to the girl, who startles and then nods. “T-Thanks for saving us.
“I was glad to. We all are,” you promise.
“As long as I never have to get kicked in the fucking face again,” Daraya mutters.
Lanque scoffs. “At least you didn’t get bucked off and thrown clear across the hive.”
“Oh, shut up--”
“Anyways,” you say loudly, “Good job tonight, everybody.”
“Would have been better if I got to rip Codakk’s bulge off and shove it down his THROAT,” Konyyl growls.
“Kinky,” Azdaja says. Tyzias snorts and Stelsa smacks her shoulder in disgust.
“Guys, there’s a kid present,” you remind them patiently before turning back to Diemen. “Let’s go get oblong meat products sometime, okay?”
“You bet!”
Mallek ends up going with him and the kid to make sure they get back to their neighborhood in one piece, and Konyyl and Azdaja split off after making you promise them you’ll be around for flavordisk dinner next wipe. Polypa does the same; apparently Tegiri texted her with an urgent request to come to his hive immediately. Knowing ‘Giri, the poor guy probably finished another sad-ass anime and needed somebody to help pick out a new series to watch.
The teals walk you and the jades as far as the city limits before turning back to go to class. Apparently, this was one lecture they all really wanted to attend because it has something to do with the history of several legislations passed concerning the limited income provided for lowbloods, specifically up to the olive caste.
“The more we know about systemic oppression, the more we can do to fight it,” Tyzias growls determinedly. “I’ll tell you later how many controversial questions I got to ask before I get kicked out of the class group chat.”
“That’s kind of badass,” Daraya says with a small smile.
“You’re risking your marks, babe,” Stelsa frets. “I mean, it’s admirable, I just worry.”
“My marks will survive. All that extra credit I did is gonna save my ass, don’t worry,” Tyzias assures her. Stelsa seems pacified for the time being, but as soon as her back is turned Tyzias winks at Daraya before strolling off with her matesprit and Tagora.
Daraya’s face flushes jade until her entire face is dark, much to your delight.
As soon as your other friends are out of earshot Lanque is on her like fleas on a stray dog. “My, my, Daraya, are you feeling well? Your face is so green!”
“I’ll teleport us back to the caverns so Lanque can take your temperature,” you jump in, smacking the backside of your hand to her forehead as if feeling for a fever. “You’re not nauseous or anything, right? No loss of appetite?”
Daraya smacks your hand away with a snarl and stomps off to the cavern trail, making Lanque laugh so loud it echoes off the mountainside.
You grin and chase after the younger jadeblood, coming up on her left side. “Come on, dude, tell me how it's going! Have you told her yet?”
“Shut up! No, not yet, I haven’t-- it’s gonna happen, Bombyx, don’t give me that look! We’re just… busy right now! I’m a leader!” Daraya hisses, trying and failing to squirm away from you and Lanque.
“Exactly why you should tell her as soon as possible! Imagine how much better you two might lead together if you were moirails,” Lanque argues.
“You two are perfect for each other,” you sing, grinning at her.
“And Stelsa likes you, which is a bonus.”
“Oh, yeah, I definitely wouldn’t wanna be on Stelsa’s bad side. Look, we just want you to know that we support you no matter what--”
“And that there’s no time like the present.”
You signal Lanque to hold off for a second and pat Daraya’s arm. “We just want you to be happy. You deserve it more than anybody.”
“Except for Wanshi,” Lanque interjects.
“I’d gladly kill somebody for Wanshi,” you agree wholeheartedly. “But are ya picking up what we’re laying down?”
Daraya looks unsure of herself, crossing her arms and hunching in on herself, just a bit. “Do you really think she likes me back?”
You look to Lanque for support, and he nods. “She most definitely does. You don’t see the way she looks at you when you have your back turned.”
Something like hope warms her dark eyes, and she walks with her head held a little higher all the way back to the caverns.
Sneaking back in is pretty easy-- you just zap yourself and the jades to Lanque’s room, the owner of which then kicking you and Daraya out so he can take a nap.
“Ugh. I was hoping I’d get some excuse to not come back here until tomorrow so I don’t have to I.D grubs. Shit takes forever,” she groans as you two walk along a stone path.
From what you remember, I.D-ing grubs involved giving them a sign, recording their weight and blood color, and setting them free in the main caverns to be chosen by a lusus. You’ve helped out a couple of times with Bronya in the past with I.D stuff. Of course she didn’t let you do any of the actual recording, because she’s a perfectionist like that and wanted to do everything herself, but she did have you hold fussy grubs to calm them down so she could work in peace.
“I’ve done that a few times with Bronya. I’ll help you,” you offer.
“Yeah, dude, let’s go.”
She seems a bit less grouchy after that, and even calls a particular plump indigoblood grub you come across a “mega-thick boy”.
Being in the main caverns has always been a game of Russian roulette for you, as drones came and went all the time and stayed on nearly constantly after a new brood hatches. For your own safety you usually just help out in Bronya’s secret nursery, but if you’re feeling extra brave like you are tonight then you take your chances. Besides, after what happened earlier you need to snuggle some babies to get that sweet, sweet serotonin.
You follow Daraya to a natural pocket in the cave wall, where a cluster of eggs was placed. To your delight, two are hatching and one little goldblood is already wiggling around on its back, squeaking irritably as it tries to roll over again and again, failing each time.
“Hang in there, buddy,” you say, reaching in and flipping them over to their stomach. They stop crying and blink up at you with giant yellow eyes. You chuckle and gently scratch under their chin, which makes them give a barely-audible rickety purr.
“Grab her for me,” Daraya says, searching through the nearby lockers before pulling out a scale, binder, and pen.
You scoop up the goldblood and hold her still as Daraya checks her over before scribbling something down in the binder. “So how do you tell which ones are male and which ones are female? They all look the same.”
Her thick brows furrow in confusion. “Uh, their scent? Boys smell a little like rainwater, girls are kind of smokey. Also, girls are bigger.”
You sniff the goldblood. “Smells like cave to me.”
Daraya rolls her eyes, but the corner of her lips are twitching up. “So if you can’t see in the dark, or hear that well, or smell, how are you even alive?”
“If I had a caegar for every time somebody asked me that I’d be able to buy a tank to shoot a big fat hole in Her Imperious Bitchface’s left asscheek.”
“A rebel can dream. Set her on the scale.”
You set the goldblood on the scale. Daraya records her weight and releases her into the wild, or at least into the main cavern.
“Good luck,” you call after her.
“If luck’s on her side, she might not need it when she grows up,” Daraya says, almost to herself.
You both fall into a routine with the next couple of grubs. There’s a rustblood, then a bronzeblood, and after a couple of minutes another egg hatches to reveal an olive. All three are recorded and set off into the unknown. Every time, you ask the universe to look favorably upon them, because there isn’t much else you can do at the moment.
If anything, let them be loved.
“You look like you need to fart,” Daraya tells you after she releases a particularly feisty cerulean girl. “Which means you’re thinking about something.”
You pout. “Yeah, well, your eyeliner is smudged.”
“I smudge it on purpose so everybody can really see the bags underneath my eyes and know that my last fuck has long since departed to the afterlife.”
“That’s valid. If you have to know, I’m trying to telepathically communicate to the grubs that I love them and that they’ll do amazing things when they get older,” you explain.
“... I was trying to be funny, but that’s actually really sweet.” She stares down at the squirming teal grub in her arms. “I wish I could do that.”
“Be telepathic?”
“No. Have enough love for everybody.”
You sigh, leaning back against the cold stone. Above you, bioluminescent fungi glows blue and white in the darkness. “Daraya, I think the fact that you’re leading a rebellion to make the world a better place shows that you’re more than capable of love.”
“But I’m doing it because I’m angry. I hate this place.”
“Why? Because it’s oppressive and unfair and traumatizing?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Exactly. When we’re strong enough to show Alternia who we are and what we stand for, don’t you think there’s gonna be millions of kids like you who realize that they deserve better? Or, if they already know, might finally have the courage to do something about it?”
Daraya sets the grub down and watches it scamper off. “You amaze me. Sometimes you do stupid shit like that one time you got really drunk with Lanque at a party and I had to stop you guys from jumping off the roof of somebody’s hive and into their pool. Sometimes you say stuff so incredibly deep and comforting it makes me think some great cosmic force sent you here to make everybody’s lives just a little bit better.”
You swallow back something hard in your throat. “To be fair, I can swim just fine.”
“Uh-huh. But Lanque can’t.”
Fuck’s sake, why can’t you just tell her? She should know what you are, what you’re capable of, the lengths you’re going, will go to save Alternia. They all should know.
Every single one of your friends so far have been completely overjoyed to have you back. The more time passes, however, the more you feel like you don’t deserve them anymore. You know that one day they’re going to find out. It’s only a matter of time before you accidentally let something slip or have to explain why you have so much power over the fabric of reality itself.
You open your mouth before you can wimp out, fully intent on telling Daraya everything, but when you turn to address her she’s staring down at the tiniest rustblood you’ve ever seen. The thing is no bigger than one of your feet. They’re on the scale, but Daraya isn’t writing anything down. She doesn’t even look like she’s breathing.
“Daraya? You okay?” you ask, concerned. Crap, did you give the poor kid an existential crisis?
“... He’s too small.”
You push off the wall and stride over to her. “Huh?”
She takes a short breath. “He’s too small. He doesn’t meet the weight requirement for male rustbloods. I… I’m supposed to…”
Realization hits you like a crowbar to the face. Your stomach rolls as you look down at this tiny baby, who’s chirping indignantly at being removed from his warm nest.
“He… but he looks completely healthy. He’s moving around and responding to stimuli and everything,” you get out.
“A grub can be healthy and still need to be culled. The Empire doesn’t want runts. Neither do lusii,” Daraya explains tonelessly. “The only reason Karako’s alive is because Bronya raised him herself. Even then, if he makes it to adulthood it’ll be a fucking miracle.”
The thought of Karako at the end of a culling fork makes you want to throw up. “Then I’ll take him to Bronya.”
“You do realize that he still might not make it?”
“Yeah. But that’s what we’re here for, right?”
Daraya nods and hands you the grub. “Don’t come here after you’re done. The drones will be coming back for the day soon.”
“Got it.”
You zap out of there and hope that teleportation won’t give the baby some form of developmental disability.
As you suspected, the lights are on underneath the door to Bronya’s nursery. Glancing up and down the corridor to make sure nobody’s around to see what you’re doing, you carefully tuck the grub into the pocket of your hoodie and knock.
Quiet footsteps approach the door from the other side. You wave at the peephole.
The lock clicks, and Bronya opens the door with a warm smile. Everything suddenly feels a little more manageable. “What a surprise! I’ve been hoping you’d stop by.”
“Hi, Bronya,” you say, stepping in and shutting the door behind you. “Sorry I haven’t been able to come by sooner. Geez, you vanish off the face of the planet for half a sweep and suddenly you’re everybody’s favorite alien.”
“Well, you can hardly blame them, can you?” Bronya tuts. At the table across from the slime pools, she types in something to her husktop before shutting it. “Wanshi cried for ages after you were gone. She was absolutely convinced you were dead in a ditch somewhere, the poor thing.”
“Aw, Bronya, don’t make me feel even more guilty.”
She grins at you. “Just teasing. I’m almost finished wrapping everything up for the day, but you’re more than welcome to hold the grubs if you want.”
“I think I’ll take you up on that. Unfortunately, I think I’m about to add even more to your workload.” With a sigh, you bring out the tiny rustblood and present him to her.
Bronya’s eyes widen, and in a flash she’s right in front of you, nearly making you crap your pants. You’d forgotten how fast trolls can move when they really want to. “He didn’t meet the weight requirement, I assume?”
“No. Other than that he seems perfectly healthy, he’s just…” You chuckle nervously. “He’s really frickin’ tiny.”
You hand him over to her before she can get too itchy about not holding him. She cuddles him to her chest with the softest expression you’ve ever seen. It makes you wonder about how some trolls thrive on nothing but violence but others live to take care of others. On Alternia, is it nature or nurture that makes a person?
“He’s beautiful.” She looks up at you with shining dark green eyes. “Thank you for saving him. I can’t name many others even in the caverns who would have done the same.”
“Daraya’s the one who found him, so… can’t take all of the credit.” Wow, is it hot in here or is it just you?
“Well, I’m glad she made a good choice, even if by our society’s standards it wasn’t the right one,” Bronya tells you as she sets the grub down in one of the slime pools. The other inhabitants, three other rusts, a goldblood, and two bronzes roll over and accept him into their cuddle pile without hesitation.
“Yeah. Sometimes the good choice and the right choice just aren’t the same thing,” you mumble, watching an indigoblood in the adjacent pool kick their little legs in their sleep.
Bronya nods. She looks tired as she sits down heavily at the table, and you want to tell her to go get some rest, but you can tell there’s something on her mind.
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” you ask.
She hesitates, looking almost ashamed before drawing herself upright and exhaling quietly. “... Actually, yes. I’m afraid you’re the only person I can trust enough to do this.”
You sit down across from her, looking her in the eyes to make sure she knows you’re being serious for once. “You can talk to me, Bronya. And I promise I’m not making pale advances or anything, because I’m already one-hundred percent taken.”
That gets a smile out of her. “Thank you. You have no idea how much I missed having a listening ear like yours.”
“My hearing might be terrible by troll standards, but I’ll try my absolute best.”
“... It started not long after you… disappeared. Daraya began acting… strangely,” Bronya begins. “She’s always been a bit of a lone wolf, but this was something different. She’d vanish for half a night, and then eventually she wouldn’t be back until the sun was coming up. She fell behind in her duties. Of course I did my best to be understanding, she looked up to you more than anybody-- she still does, even if she’ll never say it. We all missed you terribly.”
You nod. You’ve got an awful suspicion as to where this is going, but you don’t want to entertain the thought that Bronya would ask you to do… what you think she’s going to ask you to do.
“She got a little better with time, but that didn’t change her little vanishing act. I tried to get her to talk to me, which went as well as one thought it would. Then I tried to stop her from leaving. That went even worse.”
“Daraya’s got a hell of a temper,” you say.
“That she does. Then, a couple of perigees in, Lanque started doing the same thing. Leaving at odd hours, coming back smelling of strange places. Thankfully they finally got their act together concerning their responsibilities around here, which I thought would be a turning point for them, but… they just wouldn’t stop!” Bronya hisses, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Clouds are white, the grass is purple, and jadebloods aren’t allowed to leave the caverns. Three simple facts of life, and yet those two insist on ignoring the latter!”
“Were they happier?” you ask.
Bronya blinks, confused. “What?”
“I get that ignoring their responsibilities must have been a massive pain in the rear, but what about after they figured it out? Did their mental health benefit from going to the surface?”
She looks down at you like you just asked her why the Alternian sun is hot. “From an outsider’s perspective it must seem harsh, I know. But a jadeblood’s purpose isn’t to be happy. It’s to ensure the continuation of our species.”
“So… do you want me to try and get them to stop? Because I’m gonna tell you right now that’s not gonna work. Both Daraya and Lanque are very strong and I am very small,” you tell her.
“Of course not. The thing is, they both trust you very much, possibly more than their fellow jadebloods. Which is why I want you to keep going with them when they sneak out, and then I want you to tell me what they’ve been up to this whole time.”
For the second time tonight you’re struck speechless.
“I know it’s a terrible favor to have to request of you. But I’m afraid I have no other choice. Lanque and Daraya’s loyalty and priorities have become completely skewed over the perigees and as head jade, it’s my duty to steer them back on course,” Bronya declares.
“... Right.”
A nobler version of you would stand up and angrily, but politely tell Bronya that there was no way that you’d ever betray your friends’ privacy like that. You would tell her that you value her as a friend and thank her for letting you stay and work here whenever you felt like. Then, you would explain that as much as you’ve come to respect her, you simply cannot do this for her.
What you do instead is to swallow back your sadness and say, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Bronya looks so happy and relieved you nearly make a break for it in utter shame. “Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I knew that you’d always be brave enough to do the right thing.”
But the right thing isn’t always a good thing! you want to cry.
She sees you out after that, a comforting hand on the small of your back. She tells you to rest well and that everything is going to be okay.
The second she closes her respiteblock door you start to cry as quietly as possible. You walk down the corridor, and when you’re sure she’s out of earshot you take off running. Everybody else is already back in their rooms, which you’re grateful for so nobody can see your pathetic ass having an anxiety attack while sprinting like fucking Usain Bolt.
You want to go curl up in Lynera’s study and cry yourself to sleep, but you’re already keeping one too many secrets from the people you care about so much. You’re not going to be a coward about this, even if it means starting the shitshow to end all shitshows, even if it means losing one of your oldest friends.
You take a moment to catch your breath in a supply closet, and then you go find Lanque.
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thewolfisawake · 4 years
Critical Role
Favorite character:
In CR1, Percy and Scanlan. And gonna sound so hipster but I did legitimately like Percy prior to the Briarwood arc. I liked his place as the more subdued person that didn’t need fanfare for his support. And then I was scared and intrigued when he was more...forthcoming in that arc since he was quieter before (I think I read this was also because Taliesin was bit shy starting out but got comfortable). And Scanlan, was the man I shed tears for because I kept crying ‘oh god, someone please notice. Someone HELP HIM.’ They both had some serious gut punches and their stories did shift the dynamics (of the story and the party respectively) permanently. They are also great support and yet also had some amazing solos. 
In CR2, Caleb and Fjord. I just like me some sad boys apparently. I think Caleb’s bumbling and trying to do right but struggling with doing what’s good for you so painfully relatable. As of writing this, I haven’t caught up yet but I’ve seen him make such leaps and bounds in terms of letting people in and being a support to others. I also think mechanically he’s a show of how the drawbacks like his fear can make for good moments. As for Fjord, he’s just in general how I think a moral compass or herder character can be done without irritating both the player and viewer. I mean morals of this cast is more wonky but in general Fjord seems to put forward a general ‘we all get through this’ and respect towards the team. 
Least Favorite character:
In CR1, Keyleth. And no, it’s got nothing to do with Marisha. She’s cool. I honestly felt bad for her because Keyleth had to pick up the moral slack whenever Pike wasn’t there, which was often. Some of her best moments were when she had to draw the hard line. But it was far outweighed with having this moral high horse for some reason even though they promptly do something just as low down as the ones she looked down on. Also, I feel it’s hard to do a character that is naive but also very likable so again, sorry for Marisha. 
In CR2, I like so many but I’ll go with Mollymauk. And it was a bit of a shame because he was like the one person I heard so much about. I did like that he was the one that tended to push into some of the best shenanigans I’ve listened to. However, he was just fine. There wasn’t much to push him into love him so much nor much to say I dislike him. I’m a little disappointed of not being able to know what his deal was I guess was what I would choose if I have to say what made him least favorite. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Vax’limore - Their interactions just oozed banter and playfulness. There was no intro to how that this happened, it just jumps into their flirtations. And it was that cute banter and the real ‘I’d do anything for you, my friend’ that ended up hurting seeing Gilmore have his heart strings pulled as they did. Like if you love him, let him go. For real. Don’t dangle it in front of him like that. 
Pike/Percy - Weird thought but I thought it was pretty clear that Pike liked Percy. Everyone sees her as a stalwart beacon but she still has wants and falls off from time to time. But she tries. And she saw something within Percy that was dark and I don’t think it was necessarily ‘I want to fix him’ but ‘I want to save him.’ And Percy find a light in Pike like many do but also seeing her as just Pike.  
Perc’ahlia - I mean, it’s canon. Thing is that I can’t pinpoint a moment when it began. Just that it happened and that felt okay. I think they’re both maniacs in their own right and it’s kind of cute how they indulge each other’s passion/excitement. Gifts feels like Percy’s love language and he shows it so much in how he tinkers for Vex and her glee in what new way she can fuck shit up is enough for him. And also it’s really delicious the parallel with them and the Briarwoods and Laura has stated that if Percy had died died, that it was possible Vex end up the same kind of menace Delilah was. 
Vex/Zahra - In some other life, they would have been the femme fatale couple. All of their interactions were enjoyable and they so clearly enjoy each other. Just looking over and it’s the eyes with them.
Widobrave - Partners in crime. I think that their dynamic isn’t simple and that’s what’s so interesting. They see each other as someone to protect and don’t exactly see how the other views them as the one to be protected. And they have ‘without question’ sort of trust in each other and are genuinely awed and so happy when they witness one do something great. It gets sad with more of their backstory. And it gets me that both immediately felt guilty for keeping it a secret from them. Not the entire party, their partner. They both have seen past appearances and see the strength, the zaniness and the brilliance the other possesses and I can’t wait to get to more of their moments. 
Character I find most attractive:
CR1: Gilmore. My god he was gorgeous. Vax why did you just walk away from that? Raishan. Look, she was hot and smart and even if she fell eventually, she made the most of when she was there. 
CR2: Cali is so frickin’ adorable. Like she’s so cute and hey, if not for the whole cult chasing her thing, it’d be nice to stick around and sightsee. I am also a ‘Jester is really cute’ person.
Character I would marry:
I don’t really think there’s anyone I’d actually--well, I think maybe Pike because stronk lady that can get into mischief with but at the same time just be able to be content with.
No one in this campaign so far. 
Character I would be best friends with:
I would LIKE to be friends with Cassandra because everyone continues to ignore how this woman has been tormented and then thrust into very important position. All while harboring guilt for what she had to do to survive. The girl needs a break and I’m here with a blanket and some tea.
I would like to be friends with Nott actually. She’s really cool and I think it’s fun to let her be her zany self. 
a random thought:
So who is really credited as the inventor of firearms, Percy, who did technically make it, or Ripley, who is the one that sold the schematics to make them mass-produced? 
Is there just an abundance of mysterious magic ladies in Wildemount or what? 
An unpopular opinion:
Scanlan deserved his anger and feelings of being unappreciated. Even if he was brought back, it does not lessen that there was uncertainty nor the lack of respect towards his body. Vox Machina had gotten cocky and it drove one of their members away. Vex and Vax were the only ones that took Scanlan’s frustration to heart and did not mess up with Tary for that reason. Also Tary was a parallel of the worst of the party, which is why most of them couldn’t stand him. 
The small races are not fucking children. I don’t get why they get called children or thought of like that. They’re just short, goddammit!
My Canon OTP:
CR1: Perc’ahlia for above reasons.
CR2: None to be seen so far?
My Non-canon OTP:
CR1: Because I’m hella fucked up, I am enamored by the thought that Percy had a crush on Ripley. Because she paid attention to him, one of the younger and less interesting of his family. And to him she was brilliant and she took advantage of that, which is how he survived or why they got in. And Percy never forgot or forgave her. 
CR2: “And they were roommates” “oh god they were roommates.” * whispers * I kind of liked Fjord and Molly. They felt like foils that were amicable with each other aaaaannndddd actually had nice interactions? 
Most Badass Character:
CR2: Shakaste is pretty awesome and Khary Payton is awesome. 
Most Epic Villain:
CR1: Raishan. Like I wish she could’ve been a bigger villain but alas the dice were not on her side. I think her arc was the most interesting as she was the true threat in the party’s eyes despite there being a dragon terraforming their home. 
CR2: At this point? There hasn’t been a major villain for the party.  
Pairing I am not a fan of:
I don’t really have anything I can’t ship in this one.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Can’t really say anyone ‘screwed up’ since this is a lot of improv and all that. So I guess miss chances I think would only really be Molly since y’know, he’s dead. 
Favourite Friendship:
CR1: Pike & Grog - They’re Best Buddies, y’all. I can’t get over how much they just pal around like that’s just the usual for them. And technically it is. They can go get wasted together and then kick ass after. It’s just the casualness of their relationships and how much respect and lack of reverence that I like. Pike is just Pike to Grog so he finds no reason to hold back or hold her as a light unlike the rest of the party. But he does want to do good by her because she’s his friend and he doesn’t want to disappoint her. And Pike never insults Grog’s intellect and actively works to help him improve and deflects the party’s remarks of how he is. 
CR2: Empire Kids - They’ve come a long way from their seats of mistrust and standoff-ishness. I think there was a post that put it best that they’re ‘learning how to human.’ And because they both are at the same point of it, they are struggling together. As a result they’ve come to lean on each other to keep themselves from going to far. They’re not perfect but they’re trying to keep this found family of theirs together. 
Character I most identify with:
CR1: Keyleth. Being the one to try to keep people together or on the straight on narrow isn’t easy. It sucks and I’m not usually the person that should do it but here I am.
CR2: Caleb. I am very off-beat and odd but I do want to have friends and the like....just not stellar at showing that...
Character I wish I could be:
I mean, this is D&D where awesome shit goes on all the time. So anyone I guess?
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carlottastudios · 5 years
Tumblr media
Keiri Height Difference
Back when I first drew that 3-part drawing with two other galra OC x canon Voltron ships, it was basically law that I had to include my own galra OC x canon ship: Keith x Zuri, AKA Keiri. And because I don't make nearly enough fluffy content for these two (even though they deserve so much fluff, the poor babes), I made it a fluffy and cute drawing where Keith is showing off how, thanks to his growth spurt while he was in the quantum abyss with his mom, he can just perch his head on top of Zuri's. Because couples with height differences are just so frickin heart warming! Poor Zuri though. Keith was already the hottest guy ever in her eyes. But now he's taller, his hair's longer and fluffier, he's more mature and rugged AND he's got a badass scar! (I headcanon that scars are a beauty standard for galra) So now he's somehow gotten even hotter! She has no idea how to handle this. So she's just paralyzed and blushing like crazy, while Keith is being a cheeky loverboy, appreciating her adorable smolness. Also, I know that this speedpaint video may be a bit weird. I forgot to adjust the frame for this one and forgot to put my initials (which I use as a watermark) in the corner. But also, there are small bits where, if you pay attention, you'll notice that it shows the Youtube page of a livestream. That's because I did the lineart for this image during my first ever livestream. I wasn't able to edit that out. Also, yes, I edited this speedpaint video more (the lineart part at least), because I can imagine that it's disconcerting or uncomfortable to watch flashes of different tabs as I constantly look up references. I'll try to do this kind of editing more in the future, or organize when I do lineart so I can look up references on my Ipad instead of my laptop. So, yeah, apologies if you find this speedpaint a bit weird. (Also, sorry for posting this and the next post today on Monday, it was very late yesterday when I finished the 2nd post, so I'm just uploading them both today.) SPEEDPAINT VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wocnRn87MLs REFERENCES: None to be had except for the character designs! DISCLAIMERS: Voltron: Legendary Defender (c) DreamWorks & World Events Productions Zuri (c) me this drawing (c) me
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musicalshards · 6 years
some things from off-west end heathers (26/07/18)
- jd is SO good, oh man. i feel like in the original cast, jd’s character can be taken less seriously because he goes more for the manic grinning psycho character, whereas jamie muscato’s interpretation was scary. when he snaps towards the end of the show his voice changes into this raw, rough scream-like thing so he’s almost yelling some of his bigger notes. it feels so much more threatening, especially in the moments where he’s holding and fighting veronica, and much less like the UWU MY ANGSTY BEAN character that i ocassionally see in fandom shit, which i thought was great
- carrie hope frickin fletcher. oh man. she was so awesome. i LOVED her veronica, loved loved loved! there were so many little quirks in her performance that were so theatrical and nuanced, little stops and razor-sharp raising of eyebrows; she felt like a really strong, sparky character, even through the heathers slowly turning her into a bitch, her sass and original character quirks still stayed throughout. this is explained terribly, but essentially i loved it
- the heathers were grEAT. just GREAT. oh man, they were so good
- the ensemble were aboslutely tight as BALLS, man! they were incredible and i dont think we realise on cast recordings how much of the songs they sing through to make everything sound tight and punchy. ‘new wave girl’ and ‘stoner chick’ were my favourite
- fight for me had been modulated down a tone or so
- the second verse in big fun was changed, all centred around ‘veronica looks hot tonight!’ it worked really well and i loved it
- instead of the “so it’s salt, then lime, then shot, YOU’RE DONIG IT WRONG” moment, heather mac told her the order, veronica aced it, mac said “you’re a natural! just like my mom!”
- the “quit it jackass get off of me” and the freshman sneaking over the pool fence section was cut
- “sorry but i really had to wake you” was changed to “had to see you, hope i didn’t wake you”
- some of the biggest notes in  veronica’s part the show were cut, which of course is a tad disappointing to not hear live, but you’d have to be superhuman to sing those insane parts without vocal damage anyway, so i totally understood, the songs still went HARD
- after dead girl walking when veronica dreams of heather coming back and thrashing her for the whole martha-pig-vomit scenario, she’s wearing this massive ass red scrunchie that went round her entire head it was hilarious 
- whenever the ensemble come into somebody’s imagined scenario (we the students of westerberg high will die), dream (aforementioned giant scrunchie dream) or general creepy bit (shine a light reprise), they all wore those white frame red-and-blue 3d glasses
- they changed ‘heather touching me’ in me inside of me to kurt and ram instead of a girl :/
- heather chandler running round the stage when she’s going ‘I’M BIGGER THAN JOHN LENNON’ was the funniest thing, she like ran around the characters singing about her and did shitty leaps around the stage it was the BEST
- the new song ‘you’re welcome’ was really great and veronica was a badass. i kinda wanted to see blue live because it’s my #problematic fave, i know it makes light of issues around assault but also the song is so ridiculous and i love it, it was the first song i ever heard from heathers that @pjfangirllvnda shoved into my ear one day with absolutely zero context and i was like what the actual fuck. however, in terms of the show, you’re welcome worked really really well and i think it’s a better song for the show
- because of the aforementioned jd performance, our love is god was incredibly powerful, especially at the end when veronica was like wtf you killed them, you could tell she wanted out but jd was holding her and it seemed like he had her trapped and she looked terrified, his stage presence was so menacing it worked great, you could see him co-ering her into joining in with the final ‘our love is god’s. ALSO ram had a shitty tie and veronica was like “oh i like your tie ram’ (she did the best ever act of OMG YOU’RE SO HOT STRIPPING FOR ME it was brilliant) and he was like ‘thanks, my mom got it for me.’ he’d just taken it off, so he went in the pile of clothes and put it back on. ‘thanks, mom!’
- heather duke’s song was BOSS and included the ‘big swordfight in her mouth’ part, but as a reprise of ‘big fun’ than blue which worked really well. there’s a little reveal in the song, which i won’t spoil (i didn’t have it spoiled for me and i squealed) but it was so GOOD, shoutout to t'shan williams for being so damn great
- dead gay son was so great and the whole audience went MAD when kurt and rams dads started making out
- shine a light had been modulated down a semitone i think. the ‘steve, i’m ending our affair’ was hilarious, she was like “oh god is that your wife,,, and your children?? you bought your entire family to our school assembly?? wellllll this is awkward,, hi i’m pauline,,, hope you’re enjoying the show,,,” miss fleming’s voice was amazing AND they had those light-up books to dance with in the ensemble which was cool
- lifeboat had been modulated somewhere, i could have sworn it went up, i LOVED heather mac’s voice, particularly her vibrato was so well controlled and not just super-fast manic it fitted the mood of the song so well, shoutout to sophie isaacs you’re awesome
- in shine a light reprise, “you don’t deserve to live, go on and bitch and moan, you don’t deserve the dream, you’re gonna die alone” or whatever, instead of repeating the same melody twice, she just kept going up on every line DAMN did i mention she was awesome
- kindergarten boyfriend was never a favourite song of mine but DAMN did jenny o’leary do it justice. there was this big pause when she sang ‘certain girls are meant to be alone’ - she was sat at the top of the upper level of the stage stage with her legs danging over the edge, at that line she stood up and went to stand in the centre of that platform in this big silence it was like the whole theatre held its breath
- meant to be yours was terrifying due to aforementioned jd awesomeness, oh MAN
- my favourite line ‘cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walking’ YAS
- i am damaged i think had a lyric or two changed and it seemed like jd was less regretful, more like ‘you beat me there’s nothing i can do’ rather then the kind of ‘i’m playing fair so i’ll stand down because i have some human-like regrets’ that i got from the original cast recording, which again i liked because it feels truer to the movie and the fact that jd is always a seriously messed up guy, not just a #edgy teen
- standing ovation and seventeen reprise as we all cheered off the curtain call was awesome 
- everything was g r e a t and as my first ever live musical i am STOKED it was so awesome
- (bonus: we saw a matinee so there wasn’t anyone doing signings because of the second show later on, but my friend was the only person i’ve ever seen to cosplay martha and she got a photo with jenny just as she was leaving!! how cool is that!!)
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tumblunni · 6 years
For some reason i randomly ended up thinking up an au thing for the Science Fam from kingdom hearts? Like basically just what if my weirdass headcanons were an original franchise i guess. I always end up doing this whenever my headcanons are unpopular, its like how can i reincarnate this into an oc in order to keep babbling about it until the end of time? XD
Anyway, the idea!
What if Vexen and Lexaeus were ominous ghosts in a big ol haunted castle and also they raise their tiny son Zexion and also everything is very cute and sad.
The backstory would be that they used to be scientists working for this country's king, who unbeknownst to them was Super Fuckin Evil. (Basically Xehanort) And his plan was to sacrifice his country's citizens in order to gain eternal youth for himself, like the trash grandpa he is. But of course the REAL AND GOOD trash grandpa is Vexen! (Well, trash 50 something dadman at least) So all the servants in the evil king's castle get sacrificed for his immortality plot, but it ends up going wrong. The scorned souls of all these innocents have enough combined will to reverse the flow of the spell! So mr trash king gets stuck in a castle full of corrupted undead monsters and pretty quickly receives the exact karma he deserves. "Hahaha i have regained my youthful hotness!" *immediately fuckin eaten by a million zombs* Wow wouldnt it be great if canon xehanort could get this kind of ending too?
Anyway, the boss of the royal knights and the head scientist were the only ghosts with enough strength of will to retain some of their human sentience. It was the guilt of playing a part in helping that trash king's plan, and the desperation to protect their loved ones. Which they didnt really manage to do :( So now they're just left floating around this abandoned castle and having awkwardly adorable rom com shenanigans i guess. Also they found an orphaned human kid in the forest and its like AAAA WE'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH PARENTS FOR YOUUU! Lil baby zexion just wanders into the big ol haunted castle one day and starts huggin the ghosts. Now they cant get him to leave! U need to go back to your own kind, lil mortal!! So thus begins awkward romance and daddings of undead grumps!
I was thinking au Vexen would be a ghost, and look like this ethereal white cloth/feather robe with a shadowy faceless aesthetic. Very floof! And i was thinking maybe the name 'dr angelo' for him? Cos i could see it being a running joke that he's 'more of a demon', yknow? Nobody expects a crusty grumpy whineman of sad! And doubly ironic that his undead form ends up actually looking angelic. But i meam he's a softy deep down, so really it does suit him! And then Lexaeus in this au would be more of a zombie or possessed suit of armour i think? Big badass looking lich king! But i dont have as much ideas for him yet.
And then the plans for the plot would be basically like the jungle book but with a better ending? I have a personal grudge against all atories with the 'moral' that you should leave your family forever and go live with 'your own kind' no matter what. Like seriously that story the Velveteen Rabbit frickin scarred me as a kid, why am i supposed to believe that Rabbit is better off being 'real' and living with the real rabbits that we know NOTHING ABOUT except that they insulted him before and only accept him now cos he's 'normal'. Just fuckin leave everyone you know who loves you, for some complete strangers you know nothing about?? You'll somehow be happier just ebcause theyre 'your own kind'?? And why in these stories is it always a thing that you can NEVER GO BACK or even KEEP IN TOUCH?? Like whenever its about supernatural stuff its always 'when you grow up youre unable to see the magic anymore' yet somehow growing up is still supposed to be Good because leaving your entire family and friends and world for COMPLETE STRANGERS is better just because THEYRE YOUR OWN KIND. And believing in magoc is apparantly bad and immature even when MAGIC IS A LITERAL FACT THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS. And all the magic people just agree that theyre bad and being human is a happy ending all on its own even if the humans act like assholes and do absolutely nothing to deserve all this worship???
Anyway this story would be Not That. Au Zexion does indeed grow up and does indeed meet other humans, but the ending is instead the ghosts and the humans learning to live together in peace. Spoopy ghost castle family meets various human friends who come and live in their big ol empty castle, and together they manage to renovate the place into a bustling town again. And our ghost dads regain the hope that they can have a normal life together with their son, yknow? And they do. The end. BEGINNING IS TRAGIC, WORK TOWARDS HAPPY END. THAT IS THE PLOTS I LIKE IN LIFE.
So yeh thats my shitty au idea i dreamed up at 2am ok bye.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK Chapter 99 Poll Results
The chapter 98 poll closed with 1,751 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated.
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,722 Responses
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On the “awful” to “awesome” scale of 1-5, nearly 70% of respondents rated “Guilty Shadow” with a “5″, making it the highest rated chapter since we started polling. Well done, Isayama!
On that day, Marley received a grim reminder... this chapter woke up the obsessed snk fan in me, finally JESUS CHRIST
SNK has always been a wild ride, but I don't believe I've ever been this excited and frustrated that I don't have the next chapter in my hands RIGHT NOW- if only to satisfy the itch of knowing which half-hidden face is who from Paradis. And also to figure out what they've done to Porco, Pieck and Zeke to neutralize them while Eren gives Reiner the most uncomfortable tableside chat.
My heart was pounding throughout the entire chapter. The last time that happened was chapter 84 and I gotta say, I finally feel like this whole Marley arc has been worth it. What an adrenaline rush it's become! Now that's now Attack On Titan is supposed to be. I can't wait to see everybody else again and proceed to reach the climax of the story.
The hype for SNK 100 is too real. Everything will explode
I need Ch100 right now immediately. Waiting another month is going to be torture. In the meantime I hope Porco and Pieck enjoy their time in the pit. If it turns out that Helos is Levi I will eat my own platform boots
It was amazing. Really great story.
I'm so glad this chapter is fake and SnK ended last month with everyone having a huge pizza party!
....is it December yet?
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To not be excited by this chapter was simply not an option, but I’ll assume that those who voted “Yes”  are slightly more subdued than the majority of us who shouted “AW YISS”.
omfg hype for next chapter!!! How does Eren not have a leg, it really should've grown back, this doesn't make sense. Why is he even there, I feel like I missed something but it's probably just this manga's bizarre structuring. I've been selling my soul the past few months. There is nothing more to sell.
Kill me now The hype is REAL. I had a feeling issue #100 would be THE BANGER. This issue (#99) however set the stage for the next one. We have potentially Connie and Jean going undercover, we have Willy's solution that is just about to be revealed, the Asian woman's sudden leave, etc. I am really excited to see what will happen next month. Just need to add: seeing Eren's hand cut to threaten Reiner and Falco was such a power move, I had chills all over.
Boy howdy this was crazy I'll tell you what
Holy crap I love isayama. What a genius!
God help me I cannot wait another month
Endgame right here, brothers.
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The giant red chunk that wins this question  is the “All of the Above” option with 26.4% of the vote. “Every character with a partially hidden face” was second with 23.8%. There was plenty of excitement around Trapdoor-kun. He came in third with close to 20% of the vote.
I hope the SnK world has a heaven or some shit, because then Bertolt can maybe be finally happy together with his dad at least ;-;
I love moment with Trapdoor-kun/Connie (I hope it's him). He promised Reiner in Utgard Castle that he'll return the favor and I want to see their reunited. Maybe Connie will save Gabi and the other kids in this shitstorm. Please Isayama! Connie needs his personal moment!
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Eren’s creep factor was strong! More than 70% of us picked a 4 or 5 on the “Actual Pennywise” scale.
Eren is 100% savage. Damn I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't like him. His meddling works so well with his bitter ass and his sense of entitlement over making all these fuckers taking his freedom away disappear and get their comeuppance (read: the whole world). Fucking human worms.
Eren using Falco as a hostage makes me cry
Eren gave me fucking chills of fear
I'm loving this Eren alignment shift. Lawful Good boy is changing and I am HERE for this.
Eren's "Same reason as you" and "I don't have a choice" are the single most savage moment in the series.
I don't like Eren at all... Poor Reiner
Eren is frickin INSANE
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The creep factor and hobo hair didn’t hurt Eren’s attractiveness for the majority of the fandom since 36.1% would love to be locked in the basement with him right now. The second most popular choice was the extreme opposite. 22.2% selected “ewww no” on the question about Eren’s attractiveness.
why did y'all have to write "Lock me in your basement, Hobo Daddy!"
Protect Reiner Braun You've made me have sexual thoughts about long haired Eren, damn you pollster!!!!
Eren made both my jaw and panties fall straight to the floor. It's finally getting somewhere.
my mom called eren hobo daddy o__O"
Eren being so chilled out and yet so chilling at the same time...how does one being so cold make the room seem a lot hotter than it actually is?!
I want to officially shame Eren for telling Mikasa to cut her hair during training and now he could model for   L'Oréal (I love his hair but he is a hypocrite)
EREN FUCKING JAEGER. I want to say he's cool... but I feel so strangely conflicted. I'm turned on by his loony face but at the same time fucking terrified that it's all going to crumble. He'd grown so much. I can't believe the kid that we used to adore has turned into such a beast.
eren would be a 4/5 if he shaved his facial hair imo
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Again with the “All of the above” as top pick. The most popular write in was “Reiner. Sit”. We clearly made a mistake when we forgot to include that.
Reiner. Sit.
His eyes all the time, they're like windows to hell
Everything! Eren was so chilling and bad this chapter, I love love loved it!
The fact that he's still missing a leg, it should've grown back, does he just keep cutting it off?
Messing with the head of an already mentally unstable Reiner
Eren did not come to play. Cutting his hand was a power move and then when he said "same as you." I can't wait to see him transform into a Titan. Reiner wasn't ready for this. He looks like he's gonna pass out.
I never thought i needed psycho!eren and badass!eren in my life. But then i read this chapter and HOOOOOOLY SHIT!
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I’m borrowing a quote from a friend who said, “Reiner had enough panels of his sanity crumbling like pie crust to fill a photo album”. We thought so too and had a hard time limiting ourselves to just these six. The look of horror on page 20 was Reiner’s expression as Eren told him, “I’m the same as you. I didn’t have any other choice.” It was the winner with 44.5% of the voice.
Note to Isayama: If you want to torture a character, hands on the face is the way to go (even when those hands are strangely tiny.)
Don't freak out, Reiner, your buddy Eren has come to save the world just like you've always wanted.
I wonder how bad  will Reiner's strabismus be when Eren ultimately touchs the Bertolt and Annie subject.
Someone please protect Reiner D: (and maybe give him a hug)
#stopreinerabuse2017 >:) 
Reiner is the true victim here man
If Reiner didn't have a drinking problem before he sure has one now
I really don't like seeing Reiner looking so scared... It makes me feel so bad and helpless because I can't do anything. ;-;
I’m expecting Reiner to go full insane next chapter. Seriously, he can only be pushed so far!
I absolutely love Reiner's suffering faces :D I also loved how shocked Falco was. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen, that why Eren told him to stay. He wants to save his life. I only wonder what will happen with the other kids.
reiner has baby hands
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This was not a fun chapter for our poor little bean. There was no shortage of moments with him looking on with wide-eyed horror as the situation was unfolding.  His expression on page 35 was the landslide winner. It’s the moment Falco realized Eren must’ve met Reiner during his time on Paradis.
My boy Falco doesn't deserve this.
Calm the f down Eren! You’re scaring Falco!
Falco is too precious for this messed up world
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We have a poll meme now and don’t think I wont use it! Thank you to the 29.1% of you for playing along. We were a close second. Thank you also to everyone who took the question seriously. One respondent suggested they might be whispering about the fact that all the warriors were missing. I love that thought.
Yes. There's sour cream in Marley.
For the question of what Rambo McSoldier whispered, I'm actually kinda wondering if he's whispering about someone being missing from the crowd. (I.e, Reiner.)
how much farther is my sour cream joke going to go
I do NOT trust Eren one bit and we still do NOT know if there's sour cream. Crazy stuff man.
This wasn't an option for the question about what the soldier was whispering to Mads, but I thought it had to do with that panel where the guy on the rooftop said to "report it" no matter how small it is. The Marley soldier was relaying that report, whatever it is.
The lack of concern over the disappearance of all the Warriors from the audience is alarming...unless it's part of their plan, which removing the fighters from the crowd sounds like something inline with what Paradis would be attempting if they're about to hijack the play.
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So much uncertainty here! We are truly divided over Willy, Zeke and Kiyomi’s loyalties.
I do not think that Zeke would be on Paradis side, he had that chance and discarded it as an idiot.
The Warhammer Titan seems to know so very much about Paradis and the truth (and Eren's name) that I think it's no coincidence he looks like an adult long hair Armin.
Willy was such a sweet pie in this chapter. I wish he joined the Team Paradise.
Why did the Asian lady wish Willy good luck and then immediatly got away from the play as fast as she could? The plot thickens...
Everyone need to calm tf down and stop being huge mega douchebags on the whole warriors vs paradis sides of the fandom Ima lose my goddamn mind let yams tell the fucking story. This fandom is killing me far more effectively than yams ever could, crying Reiner or no!
The Asian lady and the rest of the Azumabito definitely know something, as they didn’t stay for Willy’s play, and she said that “she hoped he’d play his role ‘safely’”
What is Willy's game? With so many important people there, it is setup for a massacre. But, why tell the truth beforehand? There is a part of me thinking that it is all a setup to Willy simply saying we're all going back to Paradis.
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EZ and REZ feelz so strong! A sizable percentage think Kiyomi is also a part of the alliance.
I love/hate how much Isayama plays with us (?).. this is the worst who is with  who and why and when and how is it its 99 chapters and i am stiff as confused as when i watched the first anime chapter in 2013...
Yeah, I still believe in Reiner + Zeke + Eren alliance. Grim Reminder won't happen and I will be a happy, happy fan." İt's amazing!
I think Willy is working with Armin, whereas, Eren is working with Zeke. Isayama did say they were going to split.
I think Zeke is helping Eren for the time being but I also think it is only a temporary alliance. He will double-cross Paradis like he did the Restorationists and Marley before the end, and he will be a sizable end-game threat to both Paradis and Marley.
"Lady" Kiyomi of the Azmabito family seemed like she was teasing Willy before his performance, since he was so nervous. But then, she said "you're very brave. And you know our family very well", she seemed like she was threatening Willy
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CRAZY EREN. I think he's gonna offer an alliance with Reiner so they can both save the Eldians. I hope the SC will appear next chapter!
I'm willing to bet 'The Owl' Eren knew Willy and the Asian chick when he was still living.
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62% believe Porco and Pieck were captured to keep them from meddling. An even larger majority believe Zeke was in on it. Hmmmm....
about porco and pieck. I think they will be locked somewhere. But not to take their titan. Well, it's good opportunity to take their titan but... who wants do that anyway? Jean, connie? I think not.
"We done fucked up" -peick and porco
My favourite panel is Pieck looking at 'springer, not a shower' whilst falling into the sin bin. Wow, she's perfect.
Porko remains oblivious
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That would be a solid “yes”.
Zeke does seem to comply with too much questionable activity to not be working secretly with someone. He doesn't question being separated from Pieck and Porco, he's the only one not facing the guard that summons them, he let - encouraged- Reiner to go with Falco right as the ceremony started, and the baseball mitt Eren had likely had something to do with him. The Zekeret is still a wild card though so it makes all this hard to pinpoint.
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Nearly 80% of the fandom thinks Connie is  parading around Marley as a very tall Marleyan soldier. The write in responses on this were insane!
A pikupork shipper
Hajime Isayama
The Plothelping Titan
If Pieck knows him, the most probable option is Connie, buuuut... Is he even taller than Porco? He used to be really short, has he grown up?
When I first read the chapter and found similiarities between Connie and the trap-kun soldier I was like "what the fuck?!" And than I thought Connie being that soldier would be absolutely LIT.
I don't think any of the background characters are people we know. We saw how Isayama does that with Amputee-Kun, he appeared several chapters before the official reveal and there was no doubt once it was done. Trapdoor-kun, Helos Cosplayer, anyone else? Nope. as expected of pieck, she figured out the soldier was an impostor
Personally I really hate how people are making these predictions and analyzing details like chin shape in attempt to recognize him. We simply do not see enough of his face to tell who it is so it's pointless that people are arguing about it so vehemently. It could be Connie. I could be Levi. It most definitely isn't Armin. It could be a whole lot of people but right now at least half of the people will be wrong about it so arguing is going to get us nowhere. End of rant.
Zofia from the future, who traveled through paths
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Yes. As expected.    WHO IS THE HELOS COSPLAYER? 1,703 Responses
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Jean trounced this poll question with 64.4% of the vote. “No one important” was second with 18.4%. 8% are hopeful it’s Levi.
A Majestic Stallion
A member of Paradis Team, but it is too early to say who
Jean dressed up as Levi aka the REAL Helos (Deja Vu).
Kenny "The Ripper" Ackerman rides again!
I want the Helos cosplayer to be Hange, but if it's not, Armin would be interesting.
1,161 (67.6%) Seeing the rest of the SC
1,134 (66%) Annie. Please. It’s been 84 years,
1,027 (59.8%) Information about character loyalties
1,013 (59%) Learning Willy’s “one solution”
875 (50.9%) The Warhammer Titan
788 (45.9%) Eren wreaking havoc
781 (45.5%) More Reiner suffering
747 (43.5%) RIP everyone sitting in the audience at the play
652 (38%) Grim Reminder
565 (32.9%) Action with the Asian Clan
534 (31.1%) Overwhelmed Falco turning into a falcon and flying away
Seeing the rest of the Survey Corps is our dearest wish, followed by a sighting of Annie. The most common write-in was simply “Levi”.
RIP Gabi and everyone else in the audience. But mostly Gabi.
I'm saying it now - there won't be another Grim Reminder. It would be the worst possible move to make. However, I can see some sort of staged assault happening.
What if chapter 100 is just an elaborate reenactment of the finale of shrek two where shrek and the gang ambush the castle with a collosal gingerbread man whilst fairy godmother sings. Honestly I would pay good money to see willy start singing 'i need a hero' with a choir behind him make it happen isayama I believe in you.
I am going to sell my soul for chapter 100
All the pieces are being set in place. It is about to begin. We don't know for sure what will happen but things are about to get wild. Prepare the feelingstrain cause we're all hopping aboard
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No matter how great a chapter is, we remain desperate for the original cast. Last month 34.5% select “5” on the poll. This month that number was up to 38.1%.
And gimme some of that paradis crew daddy yamyams ✊️💦✊️💦😩
I'm severely lacking in Ackervitaminz
I'm tired of Marley to be honest. I hope next chapter shakes me, because this chapter didn't at all.
i still wanna know what the little miserable gremlin man is doing and my badass child Hanji
while I haven't really been in any rush to return to the main cast, I'll be really excited to learn that they've all infiltrated Marley in this way, and for some final smack down to begin soon.
It's just a setup chapter I just want my Mikasa fix.
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Cries forever for my vets.
Nearly 100 chapters in and I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. Oof. Isayama...amazing. PS: I will continue to select 'The Vets' even long after The Vets are gone!!!
(fist bumps you, my friend!)
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Last month this question was 40% Tumblr and 48% Reddit. This month Reddit was most active on the poll with 56.8% of the responses. The other platforms remained consistent.
"Where do you primarily discuss the series" giving 4chan the silent treatment?  Although I guess what they do doesn't really count as discussing.
  ANY OTHER CHAPTER THOUGHTS YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? We had 360 write-in responses and some were essay sized in length! Thank you all for your enthusiasm! Here’s a portion of the comments.
It's about to be lit fam
NERD-SQUAD TO THE RESCUE! Nothing but goosebumps for that entire chapter thankyou.
If Helos is actually a lie created by Marley and Tybur, then was the devil of all the earth a lie too? Or did it exist in reality? Will it return? And how the hell could Tybur know of Kenny and Uri sitting in front of that lake? Does he have some spies on Paradis? All this stuff is just becoming more and more fishy...
I want everyone to die.
Is it just me or did Reiner lose weight? Not aroused. Isayama sensei please try harder.
Pieck grabbing Zophia's shoulders. 100%. A+. As expected.
Okay, so, we've been speculating like mad on how Eren arrived in Marley. Reiner asked the same thing. And Isayama, through Eren's words, answered us: "is that really what you want to ask first?" LIKE DAMN, at this point I'm sure Isayama reads our blogs. At least he answered the "Why", kinda...
for god sake. reiner's suffering have to stop TTTTT-TTTTT
Bertl deserve this world.
Isayama has officially changed his icon to Reiner. Protagonist confirmed. It was Reiner's story all along. We were just along for the ride. The very traumatic ride.
I love the parallel between Reiner and that old man that hanged himself back in Paradis. I'm quite sure that Reiner, like the hanged-man, is looking for judgement. Cool to see how Bert nightmares played a big role in the end.
sc stans are insane I wonder how bad  will Reiner's strabismus be when Eren ultimately touchs the Bertolt and Annie subject.
needs more porco
Is Eren gonna sacrifice himself for the sake of saving the world as a scapegoat? Will his death be the only meaningful one in the whole series??
I hope to God Armin has a different haircut.
Learning that we're getting ova of Lost Girls and reading this chapter was the best way to start my week. I love you I wish Isayama hadn't made Reiner so hot. Too hard to focus on everything else going on =\
if reiner wants to get judged maybe he should look to judge judy for judgement, that'd be lit
I love my shifter kids, but they're fucked.
I don’t personally think there will be a Grim reminder 2.0, Paradis people, ie Armin, Hanji and all, usually don’t fight fire with more fire, they plan better shenanigans. Also, how they would be considered better than marleyans if they did the same stuff? They won’t play this low, they also know that Grim reminder™️ Is everything but effective.
Isayama why it's great that we have all those informative, descriptive chapters but something need to happen. I hope that next chapter will be full of action.
SHOW ME MIKASA AND LET HER AND EREN  BE MARRIED. And let annie be alive and well and dont make reiner any sadder. #chap100 No
Soldier, who are you? Willy, what are you really trying say? Eren, will you start causing some trouble? Levi, come out!" AAAAAAAAAAAaa!!!!
Pieck was actually exactly right! I always loved her design and oppressed but trying her best herb merchant aesthetic. So cool that she saved the lives of Reiner and Zeke, her influence on character relationships and the plot.
In RtS I wanted Reiner dead. Half to end his suffering, half to be vindicated for the things he'd done, but I guess it was Berty Beetle's turn.
I miss Levi so much, it's been such a long time since we've seen him and all I want is for him to keep his promise to Erwin and obliterate Zeke.  I can see him now, sitting with his arms crossed as Zeke enters the room.  "Been a while, you piece of shit.  Not so tough now when you're not ripping a bunch of people in half with rocks, eh?"  He cracks his knuckles.  "I will destroy you.  I will make it hurt.  Because you killed Erwin Smith and I promised him, I *promised him* that I would end this fight for him." Ahhhh please Isayama. <3
CHAOS FOR THE CHAOS GOD The slow build has been so worth it, we're all going to hell and I can't wait
Annie is alive. That shouldn't be a point of discussion anymore,
Please make my children happy, they suffered enough
I really think Jean is the Helos cosplayer because of face/mouth shape. That might be wishful thinking though :') Also DAMN EREN REALLY IS HOBO DADDY
I just want to say that the chapter 99 pre release megathread on /r/ShingekiNoKyojin was one of the best things to ever happen, and i'm proud to be a part of it.
Now i just want to see jean What if we're all just too hopeful and in reality the helos cosplayer and trapdoor-kun are just normal people. If Annie isn’t coming back I’m rioting honestly. Also where TF is mikasa?!
I LOVE PIECK SO MUCH she is becoming one of my fave characters. Also hopefully nothing happens to cause Reiner’s mental state to become worse than it is right now. CAN’T WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER I think the Asian woman is Mikasa. My evidence to support this claim is that after she talked to Willy, she said ‘let’s go’ to her body guards. As if she knows what’s going on.
Seeing Pieck being smart and quick-witted made me like her even more. I'd be very sad if she ends up being killed or if Porco and her never truly meet the original main cast. Give us those warriors/soldiers interactions Isayama.
Annie...please...it has been too long now...
Regarding Eren he ackwonledged that Reiner and co. were just clueless kids trying to save the world when they destroyed the Wall. And he is stating that he as well has been forced in this role. I think he is trying to bring Reiner to his side as well as to remove a Warrior (and Falco) from the stage where things will soon go wild.
This shit was lit lit lit!!! I need war!
If the marley arc was a dubstep song, this chapter was the part where the song builds up in speed and frequency and ends right before it levels off and the beat subsequently drops. Ya feel? Warriors, come out to plaaaaay.
I want to know who works with who (especially ZEKE), how they arrived in Marley, I want the SC but also I really love the Warriors, asdfghjkl I really don't know what to expect but I love the way Isayama keeps us on this subtle line between ""OMG"" and ""WTF MAN"". I want some answers!  AND I DEFINITELY WANT ANNIE BACK
I hope Sasha is in Marley too. She needs pizza.
Too few panels of Marco's death. 😠
i miss zeke memes
I love the art in the recent chapters. I will forgive slow pacing for good art.
Karina is a bitch
Isayama give Reiner a break or kill him already, end the suffering pls
And lastly, the Rick and Morty copypasta meme made it's way into our poll. I laughed!
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Attack on Titan. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Eren's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Attack on Titan truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Zeke's existential catchphrase "As expected of Pieck 👉😶👉," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hajime Isayama's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Reiner and Historia tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Thank you also to those left nice comments about the poll. We appreciate it!
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rayhollows · 6 years
Can’t frickin’ draw but I’m jumping on the Linksona bandwagon because it’s rad as hell :U
Nickname: Kai probably
        Hoard all of the arrows (because they are important and also because he’s a horrible shot); take pictures of everything, stickers all over the map, broadswords are best (only use the Master Sword for Important Things), sometimes Leroy Jenkins sometimes use stealth or just avoid fighting entirely- bombs are your best friend. Was really bad at parrying at first but then got really good at it, loves parrying Guardian lasers (because fuck guardians). 
       Paraglides off of everything (has horse, but horse is legitimately not smart and thus he barely uses him); got all of the towers and the Master Sword before getting a single divine beast. Easily distracted by exploring; hoards food and only occasionally remembers to make actual meals, loves hunting dangerous or ‘rare’ animals (you’re damn right he tried to ride a moose), Koroks are the spawn of Calamity fuck their damn games to find them, Great Fairy’s are terrifying but useful- found a trick in snowling and got enough monies to ‘unlock’ all four of them.
       Hates lightning, always carries wooden weapons on hand just in case because fuck that noise. Taunts enemies and screams when they attack, makes things way harder on himself than they need to be, usually blows rocks up instead of wasting weapons on them. Doesn’t use the champion weapons, keeps them on display in his house. Was terrified his first time venturing into Hyrule Castle but now is just ‘whatever’ and runs through it slaying anything that attacks him; if all Champion abilities are recharging he’ll teleport to the castle docks and just sit around enjoying that faster regen time.
Favorite Outfit: 
       In the beginning? White Sheikah armour, full set. Eventually it was champions tunic; white cape and white hylian trousers, that’s still his preferred ‘max defense’ outfit, but when exploring the cape has now been replaced with Snowquill headdress. Guilty pleasure outfit is light blue snowquill headdress; dark blue gerudo top and white hylian trousers. 
      (Hylian Sheild; Master Sword and Royal Bow are equipped)
      Edit: Important to note that Kai has lightly tanned skin; caramal brown hair, freckles over his face and shoulders, and more green hazel eyes)
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Favorite weapon:  
       Master Sword (but he’s careful with when/how he uses it); royal broadsword, royal guard’s bow, Hylian shield.
Favorite Meal:       
       Things made from meat and veggies; he’s not too big on berries and fruits in all honesty; his least favourite ‘meal’ is elixers, they’re gross and he hates that he occasionally needs them- would much rather just ‘tough it out’ than deal with their disgusting taste in return for their magical benefits. 
        Sassy and done with everyone’s shit; very tired, has anxiety and has trouble expressing himself, barely speaks and struggles to talk to others unless he’s screaming in rage and exploding after keeping everything bottled up inside for too long. Struggles to feel self-worth so he tends to throw himself at enemies screaming and panicking and standing there looking amazed that he survived when they’re all dead. 
       Didn’t realize he was both bi and lowkey furry until Sidon and Teba (Revali would have been hot but he was a d i c k); wishes he could be smooth and flirty but he’s too sarcastic and would probably most definitely be a meme lord if they existed back then, loves hanging out with Kass and just listening to him play his tunes when he needs some time to just... Relax and exist for a while. 
       Gets lonely often and tends to talk to the Master Sword to pass the time or just pretends like he’s commentating to someone- sometimes it feels as though someone is actually listening to him somehow. He wore himself down pretty bad when he was searching for the memories, he didn’t remember her but he was desperate to know why the very mention of Zelda had his heart clenching (he loves her, but if in a romantic or platonic familial way remains to be seen).
       Is actually very scared of a lot of things, tries to make up for this by forcing himself to be ‘fearless’, pushing himself over the cliff of his comfort zone or throwing himself into dangerous battles to prove to himself he can. Guardians terrify him and he barely fights them, preferring to either hide or just run away, but nothing scares him more than the thought of death and ruining his second chance to beat Ganon and save what’s left of Hyrule (his fear of death is morbidly amusing considering how lowkey suicidally reckless he is).
       Exploring Hyrule. Every corner of it; finding all the shrines, helping all of the people- he’s very determined to overcome his anxiety and be the confident, friendly hero that people deserve.
       Hanging with Kass; loves just sitting with him and listening to his music. 
       Finding quiet secluded places where he can cry and hate himself in peace.
       Taking all of the pictures; trying to ride all of the animals (got super pissed when he couldn’t register the Lord of the Forest), getting all of the outfits and finding the perfect colours for them.
       Lowkey wants to learn how to cook better and figure out the most delicious recipe ever, but either forgets to eat/cook or is too lazy to
       Trying to train his horse; they have a strong bond but Tato just doesn’t listen well to commands (Kai has suspicions that maybe it’s because this horse is descended from Zelda’s horse and maybe that family tree just doesn’t listen to anybody).
       Parkours through ruins in his white cap/sheikah gear because it makes him feel cool and badass
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