#it was a simple google search
disneydreamer95 · 2 years
Did you know...
There was an idea for Varian from Tangled the Animated Series to have his own adventure or rather a spinoff series. It was created by storyboard artists Kay Ritter and Anna Lencioni who were part of Tangle the Animated Series team. Unfortunately, the series was rejected by Disney due to Varian being a side character in the series and not understanding the following the character had. The creators then decided to release their idea onto the internet. This spurred a Varian and the Seven Kingdoms AU that can be found all over the internet including fan art, fan fiction, and videos.
The plot is as follows: Varian finds a journal that belonged to his mother, Ulla, describing something called "The Seven Trials" which take place in each of the Seven Kingdoms. He goes off on a journey to finish his mother's work. Along the way, he meets those who soon become his friends/traveling companions who help him complete his journey.
Below is a video where one of the creators of this idea describes the process, art, and what could have been.
I want to thank @soreiya for telling me that I was originally misinformed and needed to fix my original post. For these types of posts, I try to give the correct information, and sometimes when I have an idea, I jump the gun and I unintentionally give misinformation. So thank you again.
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As a batcat shipper, I find people say Catwoman killed 300 people.
She didn't!
Her friend, Holly, did. She took that fall. Actually read the comics.
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transmascutena · 1 month
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it's interesting that the word "shining" is used in utena and akio's conversation about childhood, in contrast to utena and anthy's "someday, together, we'll shine" being linked to their promise to have tea together in ten years, when they're both adults. they understand what he doesn't -- that the future can be better and brighter than the past. life doesn't only get worse as time goes on, and neither do people, because growing up is part of growing as a person. it's especially interesting considering that akio is literally just wrong here. stars actually become brighter as they age, not dimmer.
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fallahifag · 4 months
at least 100 palestinians killed right now . the death toll in gaza has surpassed 28,000 . and those are only the confirmed deaths
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lonicera-edulis · 6 months
If the Hobbit characters were in the trek universe, what field/job do you think Bilbo would have in Star Fleet?
Also have you read "like warriors from the scientific sagas" on ao3?
Well, he is an adventurer, so maybe him being in Starfleet would work. And he is a writer and linguist 🤔 Maybe he could be like Uhura, a communications officer? He is not a scientist or a man of hard work, so I don't think other roles would fit his canonical portrait. Although, even if I have drawn a crossover art earlier, I don't entirely think mixing Star Trek and The Hobbit works. I don't know how to integrate dwarves and hobbits in that so it won't be an AU where they are Men.
Sadly I haven't read the story you mentioned, I am having trouble concetrating on reading 😢 Not to mention that I have become too picky lately and skip every story if I see something in description/tags that I am not up to read. So I end up not reading anything at all even if I really wish to read a story with my favourite characters. Maybe it will become better eventually and I will be able to read these stories, there are plenty of good and kind fic writers 😭
And I will look up the fic later. Thank you for the ask!
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Pointing out "plot holes" in the Lord of the Rings to sound smart and superior is stupid because the plot holes are filled in by the author in both the Lord of the Rings and his other works. Literally if you don't like it because "they could have ridden the Eagles to Mordor" or "Legolas should have shot an arrow with the ring into Mount Doom" then read the books or even do the bare minimum by looking it up on google. Tolkien really took his work very seriously.
Literally what do you gain from trying to make Tolkien and his fans look stupid? My dude. You are digging thine own grave.
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bigbrainbiology · 10 months
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August strawberries are always the sweetest over here <3
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mx-princey · 1 year
Some average Villager mottos:
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Katt's Japanese Motto:
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Katt's English Motto:
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kylejsugarman · 8 months
"syd i hate to burst ur bubble, but there are no hospitals in haines or even specialist practices so jesse wouldn't be able to receive the care ur always describing" ok then explain this
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marcusagrippa · 1 month
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lookign through my old annotations on antony fulvia and the ghost of clodius. some kind of omen of sorts.......
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twoed · 1 month
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Tumblr what even is this ad for?
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casteru · 1 year
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notetaeker · 7 months
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If you really care about hostages, consider all the children israel holds hostage for years and years
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dylanconrique · 8 days
someone educate me on maxton hall cause i'm becoming more and more intrigued by it. 👀
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spaceshipkat · 4 months
if you're going to write about royalty, please at the very least do the bare minimum of research to figure out an heir apparent wouldn't be walking around without a constant guard, or that the queen wouldn't be the one coming to fetch a prince but summoning the prince to her, or that a princess would be "Your Highness" and not "My Lady"
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