#it sure as hell aint shady
boltun-tkn · 4 months
here we go guys, with the first cutscene captions of the boxers! starting with holly :)
all under the cut
cutscene no. 1
holly vixen, tough as hell, into leather, bikes and vans, tell me, whats whats not to love?
man she was my kinda broad, anyway
this one time she went back home to help out her old man, he was messed up, some shady deal gone south and had to spend a few weeks in the hospital
holly stepped in to run his garage, until he was back on his feet, should be easy, but nothing ever is
it aint easy being a skirt and run the garage, there is alot of guys out there figuring a womans place in the cars in the back seat
you just have to be patient, smile, pretty and be polite, remember the customer is always right, thats how holly always dealt with it
cutscene no. 2
one time, jackpot stopped by for a little midnight visit, seemed hollys old man owed him some cash, so he figured he'd help himself while the garage was empty, he didnt count on holly to be there...
cutscene no. 3
while going through the shop's books, one deadbeat's name kept popping up, ally gator, she owed hollys dad a ton of cash, wasnt gonna pay it up, maybe a friendly visit from holly would help
cutscene no. 4
after that night in the swamp, all holly wanted was a shot of burbon and a good night sleep, sure it had burbon, but she wasnt gonna get much sleep, the garage used to belong to bronto before he was pinched, hollys dad bought the shop from the county after after bronto was set up, but he was out of the joint now, and he wanted his shop back...
cutscene no. 5
it was a rough night and it didnt end there, holly just finished kicking brontos butt all over the shop, when royal pain showed up trying to buy the garage, seems like it was a prime stop for condos, but it wasnt about the money, holly had made a promise to attend to her dad and plan to keep it, royal wasnt the kinda guy to take no for an answer and holly wasnt in the mood to be polite
cutscene no. 6
things were quiet for a few days after that, holly figured that the worst was over, she couldnt have been more wrong, bronto, bitter about the problems holly gave him came back to settle the score, only this time brought a few buddies
cutscene no. 7
when hollys dad finally got out of the hospital, he found she kept her promise, but now she had to be true to herself, got on her bike and rode on to success, with her own boxing career
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thedevilliers · 2 years
The reason why I don't trust Bart isn't because he becomes Emi's husband or blah blah. But it's just something about him. You know when you look at this person and you think "Wow that guy is such an a-hole" which he was in high school. He was so sick and tired of Emi he wanted to break up with her, stopped to talk to a chick (which after the break up he started dating her) and lost Emi's dog which thankfully Christopher found it. (I've lost a puppy but there was no Chris to find him... I miss you Pikky...) and ways. People change. Yes. But from what I've seen Bart is tooo nice. It's a bit shady. Like Christopher was nice and kind and yadda yadda too. But at some times when he was mad he was an a-hole too. I call that ✨ balance ✨. And I know Bart fans will hate me. The whole Bart doesn't get along with parents isn't valid. My parents are very difficult too and made my life hell. But somehow I know they'll treat my children or my siblings children way better than us.
But imagine this. Alex is a hard core a-hole. Bless his soul. But if you tomorrow post a idk 3 part post about Alex being completely nice to Pippa and Theo and then being a supportive brother to Emi like 'Don't worry sis there's more fish in the sea' that's shady af. Like that aint Alex. Same with Bart in my opinion it's just something about him and when he was around Emi and Chris (sure Chris was jealous) he gave those weird looks. Like he internally decided "imma get her back" which. Before he went back to Monaca to teach or whatever job was. When he was visiting Emi with Paula at the University he didn't gave those vibes at all. He was pretty careless about it and quite fine with being a ex/best friend. So something changed after he saw her with Chris (and probably bcz it was serious bcz 8 years of dating). That's why i dont trust him.
Sorry for the rant.
OOOOOOOO nooo pikky nooo : ( !!!!!!!! i see what u mean and i get u 100000000% !!!!!!!!! hes too nice its sus peach juice 🤔 i believe that in all my posts, barts pov has ONLY been shown once ! like, his thoughts, why he does certain things (invite emi to the gala, etc). in this next part, he might get a chance to show his side of things 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
u will be able to see if u can trust him . . OR NOT !
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crowsent · 4 years
Instead of Dating Older Women, Akira Just Continually Accumulates Older Sister Figures
ohya is the fun older sister that looks at the rulebook and decides to take it out back and shoot it. the older sister who takes akira out on a fun night in shinjuku to different eateries and shit. the older sister whom akira is reasonably sure is breaking at least one law at all times but he aint no snitch so he just goes along with it. the older sister that very unsubtly gives akira insider information about the media because the PTs are dependent upon their public image so they can use the current vibe to assess their options and react accordingly. the older sister who very jokingly offers akira her drink but will chide him if he tries to take it bc “youre still a minor goddammit”. the older sister who cajoles akira into being less serious and take fun while he can because hes still so young and he cant be spending all that time doing PT stuff. the older sister that akira sometimes has to pry out of a bar stool babbling about nonsense. the older sister who will not hesitate to tell the other PTs about some embarrassing stories she managed to wring out of akira.  the older sister who will straight up verbally demolish any idiot dumb enough to accost akira at the bar because thats her fucking bro youre talking to show some respect before i beat some manners into you.
kawakami is the responsible older sister that acts more like a mother figure but gets mad when you jokingly call her mom. the older sister that seems to have some kind of fucking radar tuned in to akiras bullshit and sends texts every now and again reminding akira that “you have class tomorrow. dont stay out too late” and when he shows up the next morning with eyebags darker than sin kawakami doesnt say anything but akira can just feel her disappointment. lets him sleep in class though. but only if he keeps his grades up. otherwise, akira better be prepared to answer a fuckton of questions. the older sister that, if akira hired her as a maid and there’s time to spare, busts out the tutoring face and helps akira catch up on the lessons he missed. the overworked older sister who would just roll her eyes whenever her “akira is doin something shady” radar goes off and pretend to not see akira waltzing around town in a hoodie during the months hes supposed to be handling “family business” and makes excuses when the other shujin students see him.
takemi is the scary older sister who seems to know exactly what kind of stupidity akira is getting into and as soon as he pops his head in her clinic you bet your ass takemi is sitting in her seat, cross-legged, with a very unsubtle eyebrow raise that make beads of sweat run a marathon down akiras back. she doesnt hesitate to tear him the fuck apart when she spots a bruise that healing spells couldnt completely fade away. akira has to take care of his body or hell get a stern lecture from takemi about the importance of ones health and safety. plus she makes him medicine specifically designed to alleviate fatigue and pain that tastes absolutely horrendous. akira knows she does it on purpose too, because theres this glint in her eye when she makes him drink. the scary older sister that point-blank threatens the other PTs to keep watch over their martyr of a leader because she refuses to lose him. the scary older sister that totally did not cry like a little baby when sojiro brings akira to her after his interrogation completely battered. the scary older sister that kept the cactus akira gave her on her desk so she can look at it from time to time.
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Can I have 18 from the kisses prompt with kenneth/arthur (kenthur??) in these trying times?
yes of course jaela, you are a sweetheart and i adore you and i’m happy you love kenneth and arthur!!! i had so so much fun writing this, i hope you enjoy it and it brings you joy.  Teasing kisses where one person blows air into the other’s mouth and runs away
Kenneth exhaled slowly as he leaned against the tree on the border of camp. He titled his head up and watched the smoke float up and up and up. He wasn’t on a watch shift but watching the little bit of murky river water run alongside the Shady Belle property was much more pleasant than standing within speaking distance of certain members. Plus Arthur wasn’t anywhere to be found right now, off doing something or other for Dutch in Saint Denis and he was bored out of his mind. 
He took another long drag and looked out in front of him, catching movement from across the water. A bird of some kind had taken flight and appeared out from the mass of greenery. A heron of some kind he assumed. He heard Pearson shout from across camp that stew was ready but he stayed where he was. He never ate first anyways and it’d feel wrong to get dinner without Arthur, unless the man wasn’t planning on being back tonight but he usually made sure to tell Kenneth. If he remembered right, Arthur said it’d just be a quick thing and he’d be back today. 
Kenneth sighed and glanced over his shoulder as John made his way behind him, repeater in hand. They gave each other a small wave and carried on in silence. The water lapped a little louder out in front of him and Kenneth snapped his attention there, watching for anything like an alligator. But whatever it was, didn’t surface. 
He stayed by the tree until he finished his cigarette, flicking the butt into the water and stretching. 
“There you are,” that wonderful gruff voice came from behind and Kenneth grinned, turning around to look at Arthur as he walked over. The setting sun behind him, Arthur practically glowed. 
“Hey stranger,” Kenneth sighed and tilted his head watching Arthur walk closer. 
Arthur stood in front of him and kissed his forehead once he had the chance. Kenneth grinned and rested both of his hands on Arthur’s sides. 
“Been a minute,” Arthur said, leaning back to look over Kenneth’s face. 
“Since sunrise I think, where you been at today?” Kenneth ran his hands around Arthur’s sides and to his chest, fiddling with the buttons on Arthur’s shirt. One of them was loose and would probably fall off soon. 
Arthur sighed, long and tired. “All over Lemoyne feels like, doing business for Dutch.” He scratched his beard before dropping his hand back to Kenneth’s hip. 
“Hm, so same as usual.”
“Unfortunately,” Arthur huffed and looked back towards camp, “how’s it been here today?” 
Kenneth groaned and Arthur laughed again, loud and open as he pulled Kenneth into a hug. 
“Dutch and John was fighting this morning, I don’t know what about.” Kenneth stepped back keeping his hands on Arthur and Arthur kept close to him, very little space between their bodies. Kenneth loved these moments, just the two of them close and quiet away from the world. 
“Course they were,” Arthur mumbled, “anything else?” 
“Other than wanting to gut Micah? No, same as before. Shit feels tense though, John seems to have relaxed as much as he can. Dutch is holed up in his room I think, I don’t know. Molly’s like a cloud of misery floating about the place too.” 
“Not much you can do about that,” Arthur said softly, trying to reassure Kenneth. 
Kenneth nodded, “I know but it doesn’t help when she picks a fight with Karen every damn day.” He said, “Karen’s already got enough on her plate but at least they aint hitting each other.” Kenneth shrugged. 
“I know things seem hard right now, but it’ll be alright.” 
Kenneth wanted to question him but they’ve had this talk before and sometimes it gets tense and after everything else he’s seen today, he doesn’t want to sour the mood. Not when Arthur wasn’t deeply exhausted and angry after whatever the hell he was doing for Dutch that day. They could debate whether or not they’d get out of this shit later. 
Kenneth looked up at Arthur and smiled as he grabbed the man’s hat and plucked it off his head before putting it on his own. 
“How do I look?” Kenneth asked, putting his hands on his hips and looking smugly up at Arthur. 
“Real fine, as always.” Arthur murmured and leaned in. 
Kenneth couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled out of his chest as he leaned back making Arthur come closer and closer. 
Arthur grabbed at his shirt collar then, keeping him from leaning any further back, not that he could go anywhere else, up against the tree like he was. 
“Quit moving away,” Arthur mumbled, smiling as he was nose to nose with Kenneth. 
“Oh? Why? You want something cowboy?” Kenneth nudged his nose against Arthur’s and tilted his head. All one of them had to do was lean forward. 
“I missed you today,” Kenneth whispered, “always disappointed when you have to leave early like that.” Kenneth sighed and Arthur looked down at their feet, pressed his forehead to Kenneth’s. 
“I know, feels like we aint had any time.” 
“Things have been moving fast.” Kenneth agreed and nuzzled his nose against Arthur’s again, “we got time right now though. Ain’t no one need your attention, sun’s almost down too. Everyone’s out eating supper.” Kenneth murmured and grinned wider and wider as Arthur looked at him and caught his meaning. 
Arthur raised an eyebrow at him, trying hard to hide a smile. “What’re you suggesting Mr. Shaw?” 
“Oh certainly nothing Mr. Morgan,” Kenneth could barely contain his smile, could hardly get the words out without laughing. 
Arthur laughed with him and pulled Kenneth close, leaning back from the tree so Kenneth, and his hat, weren’t pinned against the bark. 
Kenneth’s hands found their way back onto Arthur’s chest while Arthur kept his arm around Kenneth’s lower back. They both stayed quiet a moment, just breathing slow as the world around them got darker, the orange of evening fading into purple, the bugs and toads getting louder and louder. More noise could be heard from the gang, all of them settled outside to eat and chatting away. 
Kenneth leaned in and gave Arthur a quick peck on the lips, leaning back as Arthur tried to deepen it and snorted at Arthur’s frustrated noise. He did it again, lingering just a little longer and felt Arthur sigh against him, relaxing into the affection. Kenneth brought a hand up to Arthur’s hair, playing with what was at the base of his neck. 
Arthur kissed him slow and easy, allowing Kenneth to keep up the short and teasing kisses, grinning each time they connected. Kenneth kept a secure hold on Arthur’s neck and kept him there as he took a deep breath and blew a raspberry into Arthur’s mouth, puffing up his cheeks, making an absolutely ridiculous sound. 
Arthur shouted and shoved at Kenneth who cackled. 
“What the hell!?” Arthur’s voice cracked and Kenneth kept laughing as he stepped over the tree roots and ran away towards the house. “Oh you little shit!” Arthur laughed and ran after him. 
Kenneth kept laughing as he made his way through the front doors, not even caring if anyone else saw him and figured out what they were up to. His feet thundered up the old stairs. He stopped at the top to look down and wait for Arthur to catch up. 
He wasn’t far behind and stood at the bottom, staring up at Kenneth in almost disbelief. 
“Gotta make sure you’re having fun,” Kenneth winked and Arthur shook his head but rushed up the stars and Kenneth laughed but stayed where he was, only backing up a few steps as Arthur made his way up. Arthur grabbed him up and held him as close and tight as he could. Kenneth’s hand held tight to the hat to keep it from falling off as Arthur kissed him, a real deep kiss and walked them into the room, closing the door behind him with his foot. 
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
President Snow and President Coin
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Where to start.... with these two evil ones I was raised on if you have nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all... but when it comes to these two oh boy....  lord have mercy and forgive me for this one but damn. what the actual f*** was  that. 
Okay really this war is Coin pissed at Snow and Snow like no one put’s Snow in the corner. and so They use two teenagers who are in love but not seprated by one saved by the capitol  one captured.  
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 If I were Katniss and Peeta in that moment I’d be like oh I see how this is going we are being used. Well this is between you two and me and Peeta had nothing to do with this besides being your personal pawns so we are gonna go now.. and run the hell outta there... 
One thing I admire about Snow is he did as well as Katniss promise not to lie to each other ( tho he totally was like Oh I don’t want to kill you let’s be friends if not that allies) and the whole ( I don’t beileve your in love with that boy bs)...  oh you must be enjoying the company of this other boy that I just threatened to kill. bla bla bla bla ( the mumbling). 
another thing I’d amire about him mainly because I just laugh. He’s like meh to the swearing at him tears the love poems like nothing knew.... Katniss comes in a freaking Mockingjay and is like Oh my god how the f*** dare you. ( I thought I left that bullshit years ago now you made it a freakin symbol)  and the baby bomb oh my god I’d pay big money to see snows face because I am sure  he would of been like oh my god why me.
admire part 3. Of Snow.... He knows damn good and well that Killing Katniss would set off a chain reaction and Killing Peeta isn’t any better after them breaking out of the arena.
admire 4. of Snow okay he doesn’t deny he killed people he came out flat like it was nothing but still he didn’t even bother to hide the fact that yeah the games killed thousands of children. ( but heres the thing) he might be like yeah I killed so and so but doesn’t admit how. For the most part. but heres a thing for seneca crane like everyone knew about that one.  and he streight up tells Katniss well blames her for it which I am like eye roll. And is like because of you he’s dead and your alive... Isn’t he just a joy.
admire 5. We know hes the bad guy okay he doesn’t even try to deny it.... 
Here is a list a list of things Snow did that pissed me off. 
1. Allowing the Games to go on for so long 
2. Lord knows what he does to his drinks  and roses  and poison. and Snakes blood.... 
3. When he shook his head no he’s not convinced. I wanted to scream...  I am like the nerve of him I swear... 
4. The  Audacity to think Katniss is playing Peeta and enjoying the company of another guy. Just because you fu**** in those woods doesn’t  mean Katniss would do the same plus you knew shes been going into the woods for years. And know nothing freaking happened.. besides hunting and talking about how much  your little system sucks. Here’s the best part if Katniss refused to see Peeta Naked  in the damn Games what makes you think she is fu***** around. Plus Katniss made it clear she  went into the games single af came out with a man she care about clearly or one of them would be dead. 
5. Thinking its okay for freaking 12 year olds to play the games.... Thank god Katniss made a point to be listen this aint okay and this  girl wont stand by it. You go glen coco 
6. We all know  this but it pisses me off... Sending the victors back to the games...  just  because your like well you have a little fued with one of them. 
7. I will never forgive Snow for what he did to Peeta. 
8. The fact he killed Finnick. Nope 
9. When he banned all symbols of the Mockingjay. Like he’s literally scared of a 17 year old. Just saying you kinda asked for it. 
10. Using Peeta as his personal pawn.... to use against the girl he is so in love with and finally she is in love with him and what happens you turn him into something to make him forget hes in love with her. 
I have so much more but that would be the longest post ever... 
Coin she honestly scares me deeply okay. 
My favourite thing is Katniss is like I’ll play your little game but I don’t trust you.  and When Katniss shot her just saying Like she knew her life would be hell with Coin alive no better with Snow dead. So she really shocked us all killing coin and snows exicution  and oh thank god ( okay I am not one to be like people should die but for this fandom thank god it happened that way)
Things that Coin did that Pisses me off. 
1. The okay when the Victors are saved if you step outta line sweetheart  they will have to pay for it too.  I screamed. Like WHAT!!!  at least Katniss knew this time she was being played with or I would of been like umm no I would of pulled an Elle woods move and be like that’s not what we agreed to last night in comand. but she is one sneaky person ...
2. She’s shady af....   
3. This is District 13 in general that fact that they basically sat back and watched the other Districts for years without a we are still alive 
4. The fact that Gale is like her minon. I love how Katniss calls him out on that... because she knows damn well Peeta would never. because they been threw that shit show before and are like oh my god they  are alike snow and coin. 
5. The fact she doesn’t admit her wrong doing... 
6. That she is after Katniss and has no freaking reason too. Okay Snows at least makes a bit of sense but her... This bitch is suppose to be on the same freaking side, and just because Katniss wouldn’t vote for you . You want her dead 
7. Her bullshit Speech over Katniss’s death... the fact she actually teared up I am like oh my god  she literally sent Peeta there to kill you Boggs told you That she is planning to kill you after this war is over. Thank god Katniss didn’t fall for it.  even  Plutarch was like looking at her like you don’t even like her what is this about. Even snow was like Honey I know damn well what your doing...  * the I had no idea I meant so much to her has sarcasm all over it. 
8. She is the reason Prim is dead. and you make it seem like it was Snows idea...
9. The fact she is pretty much using Katniss  against who she loves ( like  she knew that) Katniss figured out how the capitol is using Peeta and still wanted her to preform thank god Katniss has some good people on her side that convinced Coin not to go ahead. 
10. The fact she wants to keep Katniss locked up and as Haymitch says that my firends is how a revoultion dies....
I have so much more but I’ll leave it at that let yall fill in the blanks.. 
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cawcawpeasants · 4 years
Hi it's me I'm new but can you do one we're asta joins the Dark triad and how whould they treat him I know it's stupid but I couldn't think of any thing else
Hey there love. Thank you for all your kind messages, they really made me happym so I wanted to return your kindness by getting my butt out of this slump!! And sorry for the wait, I was on an excavation, but now I have Internet again and I had a long time to think about this.
So, this could be a relly great Idea for a kickass AU work. Like, what if Asta met the dark triad early on in the story, lets say even before the magic knights entrance exam. Canonically he met Fanzel around that time, too, so we’re even going to place this happening before all that. 
It starts with the big What If the Spade people had their Informationnetwork better under control and had way better spies than they appear to have right now (cause yall, how coukd they have missed Asta. He was in the Newspaper for gods sake. How bad a spy do you have to be to miss that? And for a warmongering nation, they really are way too uninformed about strenghts and their enemies. Little pet peeve of mine.) 
BUT! Now, they hear of this kid who got a great and strong grimoire in a place where that doesnt happen. First they hear all about Yuno and are like, yeah, okay, new blimp on the radar, we gotta calculate this new potentially powerful enemy in, and then they get the news of Asta and how he came to have a weird and shady 5 leaf clover grimoire. And now at least Dantes interest is piqued. 
So, they decide to check it out, cause who might that be? Which Demon has found a new host? And how did it happen without them hearing about a big catastrophic event in Clover, which is usually Zagreds, the word demons, preferred method of getting what he wants, 
Things are so interesting that the Zogratis siblings go on a road trip together, to find out more and maybe cause some menace on the way, in case they get bored. Its gonna be prime family bonding time!
They meet Asta under the skull, where he always trains, and they see him basically just lugging this big sword around but...not using either magic or the devils power. Something is weird here. Vanica also comments that the kid is kinda hunky with some nice features, but kinda veery very tiny, and she loses a bit of interest already. Zenon appreciates a dude who knows his workout, but the no magic factor makes him think of Asta as kinda weak, way too weak to be a Devil host, and he tells  Dante that it might be a fluke, that their information was wrong, and that they should just go and find the responsible spy and torture him, for having them come out all this way just to see a kid play at being a knight and yell a lot. 
Dante still has an uneasy feeling, that it might be a little more than just that, but he also has to agree that Asta has not shown any sign of devil powers, so he cant even ask lucifero which Demon slipped past their Network and got stranded in Clover, and this part of clover of all places too. Really, no self respecting lord of hell would do this to themselves, not even Zagred who maybe got a little desperate over the millenia.
Just as they are about to turn and leave, a voice comes up to them, asking them what they are doing. and yes, it comes up to them, cause they are in their usual and very very stealthy and absolutely not suspicious manner flying half a kilometre over the ground, maybe a little to the left, so they are guarded by the shades of the columns, and bickering with each other about first going to torture the spies, or getting something to eat before that. Just ye normal roadtrip talks.
Anyways, Asta heard them or sensed them (my boys instincts are crazy, like damn), and his gut feeling tells him something is off wht the weirdly fancy dressed floating strangers with seemingly cold eyes and spade-symbols and regalia all on them. He might not be the smartest noodle in the pot, but even he knows when he sees people in a place they dont belong.
Yeah, so, from here on out things can go a great many ways, Zenon would probably suggest they get rid of him and also that would make at least for a little amusement for now. Vanica would probably agree, cause at least they would be doing ANYTHing but staying there and doing nothing but watch a little boy. Or they could get some snacks, shes kinda hungry, for the 300th time today. 
Dante tho, he still wants his questions answered. So why not ask? He floats down towards Asta, and is all like, Hello there young man, that is a fine sword youre having there, pray tell where did you get that?
And Asta is like, wow, someone likes my sword? And this little angel boy just happily wants to help people, especially those 3 nobles who seem like they got hella damn lost (and not like they are a nightmare for many captains and Julius, I mean, can you imagine all the work thats gonna have to happen, when they find out that the dark triad can just enter Clover all willy nilly?? Oh, Marx is gonna haunt them with papers for months! And Augustus voice is gonna shriek through all the castle in that unbeliievable high octave about how useless they all are, and yeah, things just aint gonna be great, but Asta doesnt know, this blessed summer child is not the brightest light at times)
Cause sister lily and father Orsi raised him right he shows Dante all about his sword and his grimoire, and Dante sees it and probably goes like !!!. And then he knows that Asta really is a demons host, but he doesnt seem to have realized it himself. How strange. He tries to ask Asta a few questions, but the kiddo just really doesnt know a thing and after a while of talking around the topic, he tries the more direct route
“Say Boy, have you ever heard a Voice inside your head? Telling you things about your magic and what to do?”
“Yeah, Yuno says thats called thinking and that people should do that more often.”
“...right. But was there one besides the regular Voice you hear when you think?”
“No? Was there supposed to be one before I got the grimoire?”
Asta also couldnt remember ever seeing a weird figure, well not specifically because “not before you guys showed up. I think the weirdest figure is probably Yuno, way too damn handsome that jerk!”
Or sensing another Magic mingle with his, “What do you mean this isnt my magic?”
Finally, Dante asks Asta if he ever heard about the Devil, and “Yeah of course, I was raised in a church, and Sister Lily tells us all the best good night stories! Im gonna mary one day and then we tell each other all those every night!!” And then Asta got stuck thinking about his sister Lily,and Dante had to realize that its no use. 
He could now either kidnap Asta and train him under the dark triad, or he could leave him be and keep his tabs on the strange kid with big dreams. Yeah, well, kidnapping Asta is, if the conversation with him was any clue, not gonna be an easy and quiet thing, and its gonna be a political mess, a headache to boot too. Also Zenon and Vanica are probably going to try kill Asta if he gets too much for them anyways, so i would be useless. He sighed, and shook his head, and shot Asta a fake smile
“Thank you for answering all my questions, boy, have a nice training session for whatever it is youre trying o achieve here.”
“Oh, Im training to become a Magic knight in a few months!”
“Im gonna become the Wizard king! (✧ ∇ ✧)”
“...Well, good luck with that, Im going home now”
“Thank you, also your friends left like 20 minutes ago”
Cue unhappy Dante. But at least they learned something...I think? And they went and cleaned up that Information pipe line real quick and then got something to eat.
Yeah so, I tried. Im still not back to peak form, but this was fun! Poor Dante was probably hella frustrated afterwards, but Asta really jsut doesnt know xD and later on, Asta is constantly wih people who are pretty sure to recognize the Spade royalty. I mean, they dont make it particulary hard. And Asta has his goal set, and he takes the most direct route to get there.
im pretty sure, as things are now, Zenon and Vanica are going to be way more interested too, but I really need to know a lot more about Vanica. 
Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and thank you again for sending me those words of encouragement! Have a lovely day!!
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i used to b - well - a lot of things 
a shopping cart abandoned - washing stars watching star wars - a never was 
seem like a long time felt unlucky - wat i didnt  - no - the grace given - birdsong right this moment hear it - even inna city that sometimes seem like livin for not large but i dont really need that much - indulgence  (yes imma post stevie if u wondered  - the long uncensored )  - just enuff is idk done it but u know - lucky  - to start with imma white  - more or less boy howdy otter do the dna thang  there aint nothin that would surprise me - heard some stories but details shady 
she callz it black dog like a winston zeppelin - it should fear me - lol but really - and she know full well the hell the mind b sometimes  - the things we live thru so much and not  - it shouldnt have to b that way and yah boy u have to carry that 
the whole life livin now  - couldnt even   - if it was a sit com u wood knot be leaf it  - yet seems 2 bee more or less reality   - tho entertain the possibility  - that sometime in the 60s  - at most the summer 70 - i wuz trippin and it never ended  - but some things dont do the deja vu dance  and the mechanics of it actually being a reality at best tricky  - and it sure iz different than anything i ever imagine  
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hahanoiwont · 6 years
superhero au!
Superhero au.
Virgil is a supervillain a la that post about grad school villains. He started out doing it for extra credit but he also needed the cash for student loans...that shit aint cheap yo
so he’s a small-scale “”””supervillain””” mostly making a nuisance of himself by stopping traffic, doing minor vandalism in costume, and sometimes kidnapping notables for like an hour before realizing he can’t keep a plant alive and should not be in charge of a person (’you’ve captured me!! what are you going to do???’ ‘eh i mean you’ll probably get rescued soon, my powers aren’t really meant for long-term kidnapping and I don’t wanna have to take care of you. you think i want another mouth to feed? nah. hey wanna see a meme?’).
(if Sleep exists in this au he’s a common kidnapping victim. son of the mayor or smth. Virgil has learned to hold up a starbucks before kidnapping him tho. not worth it if he can’t bribe him with sweet sweet caffeine. they p much chill for a couple hours until the hostage negotiators come)
basically, Virgil’s not a big enough deal to get shut down permanently. regular cops usually take care of him well enough without superhero involvement. he gets his extra credit for villainry and sometimes some cash from a shadowy organization via crow or some shit. he’s not sure how they know where he lives or what exactly they’re paying him for but hey, more ramen money. whatever gets food on the table.
On the other hand, Patton is a hard-working police officer who really should be in any other job. He’s just too nice for it. But he gets a lot of the suicide calls or emotional trauma stuff because he’s just so damn good at making people feel safe, and no one else wants to do those calls, so he stays on the force. He used to be an EMT, too, which is really helpful. He rooms with Virgil and Logan and Virgil’s weird cousin.
He pretends to be unaware of Virgil’s extracurriculars because he can see that Virgil needs the money and is too proud to ask for help. He does help him patch himself up when necessary and sometimes thinks about going back to his own ‘night job.’
(he used to be a superhero but quit that and EMTing after he realized how much it was draining him physically and emotionally and how deeply unhealthy the whole thing was. credit to Logan for that) He thinks he’d feel better knowing Virgil’s already spoken for as an archnemesis by a hero who won’t seriously try to hurt him. He seriously worries that Virgil will catch the attention of an edgy ‘shoot first and angst about it but make no attempts to fix the mess you’ve made later’ heroes, and he’ll end up in the hospital or worse.
but also, Patton needs that work/life balance and he just can’t maintain it while hero-ing. and Virgil knows what he’s doing, right? he’s a cautious guy. So Patton just tries to be on call when he notices Virgil’s got the first aid kit out or when he talks about ‘evening plans’ (fuck’s sake dude we all know you don’t go out for fun).
For his part, Logan wanted to be a biochemical engineer, but right now he’s taking some time off school. His powers are probably some sort of sensory (?) and he doesn’t fully understand them himself, mostly bc he likes to pretend they don’t exist. but he was getting splitting headaches at school and he just couldn’t go on. He does online courses when he can but he feels really ashamed that he couldn’t do grad school/college, which he was supposed to be good at. He was planning on staying with Patton and Virgil until the end of the lease and he doesn’t know what he’ll do after that.
But then one day Virgil came home freaking the fuck out about something and asked to talk to him, and guess what, he’s got this crazy ‘supervillain for extra credit’ idea. Someone’s got to make sure this fool doesn’t get himself killed. And Patton’s got into police work, and Logan doesn’t want him to go through compassion exhaustion again, and really none of his dumb housemates can take care of themselves (he loves them tho). So he does mad science in the broom closet to try to give Virgil something of an edge over any hero whose attention he might catch and helps him hide his villain-ing from Patton and tries to figure out what he’s gonna do with his life on the side.
He comes up with this crazy graph that shows the optimal balance of super heroes to villains in a healthy society (not enough villains=not enough active heroes when something really bad goes down, as it does every few years, somehow; not enough heroes=obviously bad). He keeps an eye on superpowered activity in the city.
Sometimes he thinks about getting active himself, both to preserve order and balance (if you’re the villain [ie Virgil] you can control the collateral damage to your plots, but if you’re the hero and your roommate is the villain you can both work together to provide for both of your needs [extra credit, enough good hero/villain balance, and safety of roommate] without actually harming anyone...but for either he would need to be able to use his powers effectively and he’s still kind of in denial), and to keep Virgil from getting his fool ass killed, and to keep an eye on Patton while Patton insists on running right into every single superpowered crime scene. In the meantime, he frets over numbers and helps Virgil write coded emails to his grad board about his ‘’’extensive’’’ villainry.
It’s basically like a resume except you have to convince the people involved that you’re super evil.
Logan is good at resumes.
All three of them are plugging right along and Virgil’s actually getting his student loans paid on time with enough money for food and rent besides (one day he even takes them out to eat and they Do Not Talk about how he got the money to do that), and they all think maybe he can do the villain thing for a few more years and then get out of the game forever, when Virgil’s weird cousin gets caught doing some shady-ass stuff.
Turns out he’s in way over his head with some sketchy folks, owes a lot of people money, and used Virgil’s name for half of it. Virgil is in sudden desperate need of more money than he can get through legal means and, of course, Refuses to tell anyone about/ask for help with his predicament. It is strongly recommended to him by his academic adviser that he step up his supervillain game or show up at the bottom of a river south of Manhattan.
Virgil freaks the fuck out and proceeds to dig himself into an even deeper hole, suddenly going for much larger schemes, robbing banks, being less obsessively careful about collateral damage with each plot because he just doesn’t have time to and he’s too desperate.
Cue Roman.
Roman was literally just going to the bank, innocent of all wrongdoing and Not Picking a Fight because he swears this new move is gonna work out, he’s not gonna get arrested to aggravated assault or unauthorized use of an unregistered superhuman ability (it was self-defense! and defense of others! he was rescuing people!).
He happens to be at the bank when Virgil is robbing it. And, well, Virgil isn’t gonna hurt anyone, but Roman doesn’t know that. He ties his shirt over his face to hide his identity and superheros it up, saves the day; Virgil runs away pretty significantly battered but not permanently injured or caught. And now there’s a new superhero in town and Virgil suddenly has an archnemesis. Just what he was avoiding. Great.
Meanwhile, Roman is shocked to learn that he’s being applauded for saving people for once (as opposed to like. arrested) and graciously accepts his new title. Hey, being a superhero could work! He said he was gonna try something new in this town and he will! He’s gonna save the day!
The two of them happily counter each other day after day: Virgil’s getting enough publicity as a villain that his grad board is happy even without him doing any genuine harm, he’s staying one step ahead of the shady figures that come looking for him by name, Patton has made contact once or twice with the new hero and used his office reputation to become Roman’s primary police contact, Logan thinks Virgil is bonkers for all the new levels of villainy he’s doing but he has to admit this is the most alive he’s ever seen him; Roman is enjoying the fame and adoration of being a hero and he’s been cast in a musical and life is looking up for everyone.
But Roman also works in a coffee shop to pay the bills (three jobs. so tired.) and there’s this stressed-looking student who keeps coming in with bruises and sprains and one time he broke his arm in what Roman is absolutely certain wasn’t an accident, and he talks on the phone with people sometimes that really seem to distress him, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, right? A little guarded, sure, but he’s polite and he tips well and what kind of hero would Roman be if he didn’t at least try to make friends with this troubled but charming young man?
So Roman introduces himself to Virgil in their civilian identities and the two of them are friendly! free coffee here, book recommendation there, on slow days Roman will sit with Virgil and they’ll just chill for a while. Each of them quietly considers the other his friend, but Roman is Concerned about how Virgil is so fucking jumpy, keeps getting these calls that he claims are from his academic adviser but honestly what kind of adviser would be so terrible to talk to, he has all these bruises that show up continuously and his excuses are all plausible, realistic, and backed by evidence provided by Virgil himself, but something just doesn’t seem right.
So when Virgil mentions that his cousin suddenly moved out in the middle of the lease and he needs to find a new roommate and can he post a flyer in the coffee shop? Roman jumps at the opportunity. He’s been renting one room by the month in a shitty part of town and this is a hell of an upgrade, and also, maybe that nagging in the back of his head when Virgil shows up battered will go away. (maybe if he’s there no one will hurt Virgil. what monster would bring deliberate harm onto such a genuinely nice, snarky guy, wonders the superhero who brawls him on the regular)
He’ll have to keep his superhero-ing on the DL from his new roommates (though he’s thinking about telling Virgil, because Virgil seems like he can keep a secret and Roman really wants to have someone to talk to about this), but unlike Virgil, Roman knows how to use strategic stage makeup to hide bruises and minor imperfections. Also, his villain must be kind of weak, because he never seems to do too much damage? Sometimes Roman thinks he doesn’t really want to be a villain, he’s just kind of sad and lonely, like Megamind. Thoughts for another time.
So now, in one apartment, we have:
Patton, former EMT; former superhero of respectable fame; currently a cop assigned to Roman’s superhero persona and also any calls involving emotional competence; knows Virgil is a supervillain but pretends not to; responds immediately to all calls involving superpowers in case it’s his deeply misguided roommate and he needs help;
Logan, one accident away from becoming a super-something if only he could figure out what; provider of Virgil’s biochemical defenses for when superpowers alone are not enough; helping to cover both logistics and material needs for supervillainy (also created Virgil’s outfit because you can’t do crime in a hoodie you heathen, no one will take you seriously, Virgil had to talk him down from including a necktie); searching for his place in life; not entirely certain why Virgil is stepping up his illegal activities but not happy about it; currently househusband to all of his roommates;
Virgil, extremely stressed grad student; villain for fun and profit and mostly because he needs the money to not get murdered; a bit of an adrenaline junkie; really staring to get into this villain thing but he sometimes wishes he didn’t have to be the bad guy; definitely feeling hunted by shadowy entities and organizations and trying desperately not to bring anyone down with him;
and Roman, the hero. who is beginning to think he and his villain might have been friends, in another life.
It is both a sitcom and a shitshow of epic proportions while everyone tries to hide each other’s secrets without letting ppl know what they know, Roman comes clean to Virgil and Virgil freaks the fuck out about it, Patton frets about everyone and everything until he’s stressing himself sick, Logan makes chemical explosions in the broom closet and the whole block is evacuated every other Tuesday and they all have to pretend not to know about it, Roman wants to get a dog and also for Virgil to get out of whatever abusive relationship he’s Clearly In, Virgil wants a nap, Patton wants a nap, they all want a nap.
What I’m saying is: Superhero au.
@stella-scriptor another one for you, buddy
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The meet & greet together is exactly why I said Meghan will step in front of Kate! Shes used to doing it to Harry & he aint got no balls to say anything but Kate sure as hell wont like it which is also why I said we might get a shady Kate moment.
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maxhoemo · 6 years
i know this is an oddly specific request but what if max changed his mind and wants to go to prom, then max, ian and joji go together like a group idk (u know that polariod pic of them with max in a dress and ian and joji in suits)?? and they have a good ole gay time
Prom Party Part 1
“Oh my god, Ian,” Max laughed. “You are so cute when you’re nervous!”
“I-I’m not nervous…. It’s just… You know. It is my virginity…”
“Aww, Ian. Don’t worry. I’ll take it slow.” Max smiled as he planted kisses all along Ian’s jaw. Running his hand all along his bare chest. The boys were on Ian’s bed, skipping out on the Spring Formal. Max figured he was doing Ian a favour, but decided to take things a little slower. Ian didn’t need to dive head first into sex after all. He kept exploring Ian’s body, even that made his friend shiver and moan. When Max’s hand dipped below his waist, he swears even that just about sends Ian over the edge. He gave Ian’s thigh a squeeze, teasing him before finally palming him through his sweatpants. It was adorable how sensitive Ian was. Using his other hand, he brushed some hair from Ian’s face. Leaning over to kiss his forehead. “Take yer’ pants off, baby…”
“…W-what are you gonna do?” Ian asked, though he complied, sliding his grey sweats down his legs.
“Don’t worry. I aint gonna start ridin’ your dick or nothing. Just gonna play with it a little, okay?”
“Y-yeah…. That sounds good…”
Max grinned, resting his head against Ian’s chest as he gripped his cock. This was obviously the first time Ian had been touched by anyone else, so it probably wouldn’t take long. He covered Ian’s chest and neck in kisses as he slowly jerked him off. Sucking on the skin of his collarbone, he left a hickey behind. Ian was a mess beneath Max, every sensation being entirely new to him. Obviously he’d masturbated before, but it didn’t even compare to what Max was doing. He let out a whining moan as he came, trying to catch his breath. “Max…. Oh my God, Max….”
Max just further nuzzled into Ian’s chest. “Did you like that babe…?”
As senior year carried on, Ian and Max only became closer. They never officially declared themselves boyfriends (with Ian being too unsure of himself, and Max unsure of what Ian wanted the relationship to be), but they were undoubtedly best friends. They did everything together. Ian helped Max cut himself off from his shady friends, reminding him that they only ever used him. Ian was always so kind, Max wanted to do something for him. One weekend, he asked to borrow Ian’s 1987 Chevy, aptly dubbed by his friend the “shit-mobile”. He said it was for a grocery run, but he had other plans in mind.
“Finally, how long does it take to go to the store?” Ian asked into his phone.
“Just come outside, cunt…”
As Ian stepped out his backdoor, he was a little wary seeing Max standing in the driveway with that cheeky grin of his on his face. Someone else was with him too. A kid around their age he didn’t recognize. “Who the hell is this?”
“It’s my friend, George. He was helping me.”
“Get groceries?”
“No, Ian. That was a lie. I have a surprise for you!”
“Well, me and George turned your lame old van into a shaggin’ wagon! And! The reason I brung him over, is because we’re gonna have a three-way in the back of your van!”
Ian just stood, staring blankly at Max. Max though, couldn’t keep it up and soon burst out laughing.
“I’m only joking, mate! That aint it!”
“Well, what then?”
“I just wanted to make the shit-mobile a little less shit. So we pimped it out a bit,” he explained, opening up the backdoors. “It aint much. This funky blue rug George’s mom was throwin’ out was pretty cool. The deck lights and little disco ball are just from the dollar store. And the furniture used to be mine.” The furniture Max referred to was only two bean-bag chairs and an inflatable yellow happy-face chair.
“Damn… It does look pretty cool…”
“I figured we deserved a cool hang out spot. And what’s better than one on wheels?”
“We can take it anywhere we want,” George added.
“Hey, I don’t even know you,” Ian pointed out. “And you’re just inviting yourself to my cool van?”
“Hey, that’s my mom’s carpet in there. Plus, I have a weed hookup.”
“Oh, well, in that case. Max, why didn’t you introduce me to this cunt earlier?”
Ian took a hit of the joint, exhaling as he passed it to Max. Like many weekends, the boys were chilling in Ian’s Chill-Mobile.
“So, are you guys going to prom, or what?” George asked. It was only weeks away at this point, but not one of the boys had made any type of plans.
“Fuck that!” Ian answered. “Everyone at our school is an asshole. Why would we wanna go to that?”
“I don’t know, Ian… Prom only happens once. You don’t get another shot….”
Ian frowned, looking over at Max. He hadn’t expected that kind of reaction. “Did you want to go?��
Max just shrugged. He didn’t elaborate, the conversation carrying on to other things. Though, Ian could see the gears turning in Max’s head all the while. And sure enough, a few minutes later, Max spoke about it again. “I’ve got an idea!”
“What’s that?”
“I think, we should go to prom. All three of us!”
“The three of us?” George repeated.
“Yeah! I think it’ll be a lot of fun! It’ll really freak everybody out!”
“What do you mean?” Ian asked.
“Everyone at school likes to pretend they’re so perfect! Like something out of an ABC sitcom or some shit! But then, they come to me with all this shit. Max, suck my dick. Fuck my pussy! But they always had to hide it. If we show up, all three of us, of course they’re gonna assume your both fuckin’ me. Their minds’ll immediately jump to that! Let’s take all that shit to their front door! Make their two worlds collide a little!”
“It could be fun to fuck with everyone….”
“You just wanna be cool and bring two dates,” George countered.
“It aint about being cool. It’s about sticking it to everyone I hate. We can still do prom, but in our own way.”
“You mean ruining it for everyone else?” George clarified.
“Well… That’s probably the outcome…”
“Okay, I’m in.”
“Fuck it, me too,” Ian decided. “Your ideas have all been winners so far, Max. Let’s hope you’re on a good luck streak.”
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cursewoodrecap · 3 years
Session 17: Devotion and Diplomacy
LAST TIME ON THE CURSEWOOD: The Spanish Inquisition TSA have been seizing people. We did not expect it.
We need to get the three members of the town council to kick these dirtbags out, and we’ve got Keeper Remick on our side already. We bring him along and head toward the next council member. Last anybody heard, the sheriff was at the northern town gate with his Penitent buds.
Our benevolent DM made us a map of the town! Valeria’s player happily hoards it in the Map Collection.
Most travelers have been flowing through the east and west gates; the northern gate’s being guarded by a few militiamen and Lieutenant Vanessa, who we had a beer with last night. “Uh uh, gate’s closed- oh, hey, I recognize you!” she shouts. “You’re one of the, uh-” She waves awkwardly at the burnt remains of the circus.
“That’s us. We’re looking for the sheriff?”
“He – oh hi, Remick – he just left with a couple of guys, didn’t say what he was up to. They went north. They didn’t bring any supplies with them or anything, so it probably won’t be long?”
“Who was he with?”
“Guardsman Stebbin and two of those Penitents.”
What are they up to? Murderin’? Brainwashin’? We are suspicious.
Valeria puts on her Important Official Voice. “We were escorting Keeper Remick to convene with the Sheriff. Mind if we go catch up with him?”
“Uh, I’ve been given orders to keep the gate shut until they get back.”
“Remick is invoking his right to call an emergency town council; we need the sheriff,” Gral declares. Remick is literally standing right there, so we get advantage on the Persuasion check. It also helps that Vanessa doesn’t actually like the Penitents, so we do okay.
“Alright,” she says reluctantly. “Open the gate!”
The trail of a party of four in armor ain’t exactly hard for Clem to pick up. They’re a ways from the path, but not far. What’s our approach?
Valeria turns her extra eyes on. Gral decides to sneak up and see what’s up. The conversation is too quiet for him to overhear, but he gets a good visual of the proceedings. The sheriff and a guardsman, clearly this “Stebbin” fellow, are there. Stebbin’s hands might be bound? There’s a Penitent looming behind Stebbin, and another one whispering into the sheriff’s ear.
No, we do not like this. Valeria is 100% ready to throw hands. She strides in atop her shining gator, looking incredibly knightly, though the Penitents are definitely looking askance at her eyeballs shield. The rest of us hurry in her wake.
The sheriff opens his mouth to greet her and the Penitent speaks right over him. “Sheriff Wilbur is attending to some business. He will be with you momentarily.”
Yeah, Valeria’s not taking any of that. “Is that man a prisoner?”
“…of sorts. Yes.”
“Oh. Well, then – uh, he needs his advocate! Good thing we’ve got Remick right here!” she retorts.
“Keeper Remick need not concern himself with this affair,” the Penitent insists calmly.
The Keeper has hustled up behind us, looking rather confused at the scene. “Yes, what is this man’s crime?”
“This man was found guilty, by his own confession, of taking heretical artifacts that had been seized. He is guilty of theft. He is no doubt a victim of corruption,” the Penitent intones.
Gral interjects. “Artifacts? What kind?”
“…An amulet.”
Gral continues brightly. “Stebbin, would you like to testify?” It’s right around then we notice Stebbin is gagged, his hands bound.
The Penitent glowers at us. “His guilt has already been determined. He has already confessed.”
“Without an advocate? In breach of this village’s custom?” Gral fires back immediately.
The Sheriff tries to interrupt. “Now hold on-“
“Do not let doubt cloud your mind, Sheriff,” the Penitent speaks over him. “You know what needs to be done.”
“Yes, well, but surely with Remick here-“ the sheriff blusters.
“You AGREED this was a serious offense,” the Penitent says, his deep voice echoing. “You agreed that when one of your men slips from the path, you must perform your duty. His penance must be paid. Your penance is to deliver his punishment, or face the wrath of the gods. As for you, Kyr Argent, you come here bearing a sign of the corruption-”
Valeria goes to bash him in the face with her shield. Initiative, y’all.
We all roll BOLLOCKS.
As Valeria takes a fighting stance, the Penitents anticipate her move with almost eerie precision. They swing their spiked chains, knocking Shoshana down and Valeria off her gator.
The Sheriff is paralyzed with indecision at the sudden burst of violence. Who shot first?! Shoshana and Clem don’t have the same reservations and rush in to attack. Valeria runs over to poor Stebbin and removes his gag while Aethis tries to chew on the nearest Penitent. Gral tries to push fear into the mind of one of the knights, but…it’s not working? Usually fear of death and pain is a safe go-to, but it’s not doing much to this guy. What ARE they afraid of? Emotional intimacy? Commitment?
The Penitents swing at us, their chains whipping around them. As the spiked chains tear into the knights’ flesh, it seems to empower their strikes. (Darkest Dungeon strikes again. Have you heard of the Flagellant?)
Sheriff yells “Hey, don’t-“ and jumps in to grab Valeria. She’s a lot bigger and buffer and shrugs him off easily. Clem, Shoshana, and Gral efficiently take apart the first of the Penitents. Valeria gives Stebbin a once-over, using Detect Magic – there’s no amulet on him and nothing on the Sheriff, though there seems to be some sort of magic upon the Knights. So the guardsman seems innocent and the Sheriff’s at least not being magically compelled?
The second Penitent, seeing his companion fall, crashes his spiked chains into Valeria. “BETRAYER,” he growls. “FALLEN TO CORRUPTION. ANOTHER CHAMPION TAKEN BY THE WOOD. STRIKE HER DOWN, LEST SHE DEFILE RACK’S GLORY!” he calls to the sheriff.
“You mean, like you do?” she asks. She doesn’t get a chance to duel him dramatically because Clem takes his dang head off.
Well, now things are just awkward. The sheriff looks SUPER freaked out. “Remick, what the hell have you done?” he demands.
“What were YOU about to do?” Valeria counters.
“He was about to KILL ME!” Guardsman Stebbin wails, hopping out of sword range.
Gral kindly helps him untie his bonds. “You don’t want to incriminate yourself further. We will judge you more fairly than the Penitents, so just sit and wait.”
The sheriff sputters at us. “I- they said - A firm hand is what we need in these times! They, they explained it to me – we gotta get the favor of the gods back. Gotta prove that we’re willin’ to listen. It’s not easy, but we gotta prove we’re worthy.”
Gral glares at him. “With a complete lack of due process–”
“You come here, with that freaky shield-”
“To protect him in case the Penitents did something. You’re working with psychopaths, Sheriff.”
Remick butts in, recovering from the gory scene. “Wilbur, stand down. Let them take care of this. This whole situation has gone too far.”
“YEAH, I’LL SAY!” Stebbin shouts from the background.
Remick pulls Sheriff Wilbur to the side, and they begin arguing in hushed tones.
Valeria fills us in on her Detect Magic insights. “Nothing on the sheriff or the guard. If you need assistance to know what’s true, I’ll step in. Otherwise I’ll wait.”
Stebbin babbles his thanks. “Never thought he’d go through with it, but the things they were saying, you didn’t hear it-”
“What happened?”
“I was just reportin’ for duty as normal! They came and grabbed me, said the sheriff wanted to speak with me. Said we were gonna go on patrol, that bandits were spotted in north area. Then the Sheriff asked for my weapon, the other one got my hands. They asked if I took the thing, an’ I said yeah, I did, I’ll give it back – but they were gonna burn it! And that’s bad, you don’t burn those things-”
“What did they take?”
“A – a wooden amulet, one of them with the face on each side. Baba and Gramps, y’know. My mom was real into the Way of the Woods when we were growin’ up. I know it aint’ exactly – I know we’re all tryin’ to please the gods, keep eye out for signs of evil and corruption-”
Valeria shakes her head. “That’s no corruption.”
“You don’t burn Baba and Gramps’ things, you don’t show that kind of disrespect. It brings bad things down on everyone. So I pocketed it. I guess they spotted it. I – I promise I’ll give it back! It’s back in my house, I swear I didn’t mean no harm-”
“I’m sure the sheriff will know what to do once he’s out from under the influence of those…people,” she assures him.
“Yeah, they been spending all this time with him. The Penitents never let him out of sight, always whispering things to him, yknow?”
Yeah, that tracks.
Shoshana pokes one of the corpses. Seems pretty normal. Not a zombie, as far as she can tell.
Gral asks Stebbin if he’s seen anything odd from the Penitents.
“Uh, besides from taking over the town, stopping people at the gates, and throwing people in cages? Uh, sometimes they take these big carts out of town at night?”
Well, that’s shady as hell.
As Remick and the Sheriff confer in hushed tones, Shoshana looks up and notices something flying overhead, circling down towards us. It’s a white bird in a small, stylish green leather coat. She yells, “EY YO, DAIKON!”
Daikon lands in the middle of the clearing.
“Uh, do you know that bird?” a very confused Remick asks.
“Yeah! See, he’s got his li’l jacket!”
“Yeah, I know ‘em!” Contractor Darius’ voice says, from Daikon’s mouth. “…Did you kill those guys?”
Gral nods sheepishly. “Yeah. They were kinda killing people…I think the word in Valdian is ‘willy nilly’?”
“Huh. I’d heard something had gone down at Three Oaks, so I’ve been sending Daikon here over to check it out, with me in the backseat. Thanks to Torme for this little trick – I get to see the world without leaving my chair. Hadn’t heard about any Penitents, though. There was something about a circus?”
“Yeah, it was full of undead. We killed it with fire.”
“Oh! We did make it to Mornheim! We sent a message, I don’t know if-“
“Yeah, we got it. Bossman’s elsewhere, though. Oh – BEA! HEY, BEA! YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHO I RAN INTO – oh, right, you can’t see ‘em. Hang on, lemme see if I can-“
Daikon stands there with his beak open as Witness Bea’s voice starts coming through. “Um, hello? Only Darius can see you, but he said you fought some Penitents? I don’t like them…”
Remick is, understandably, baffled by the Bird-o-phone, but we introduce Witness Bea of the Cursebreaker Knights and he’s actually quite pleased to meet a real Witness.
With the Cursebreakers on speakerphone, we begin to plan out our next move. The Penitents are going to treat us as hostile; killing two of their own is more than enough for them to declare us Evil and Corrupted. And if they’re resorting to tricks like keeping the Burgermeister under a Suggestion spell, we’re going to have to be clever about this.
Who do we have as nearby allies? Flynn, Fiona, and the goliath bodyguards are all willing to help. We consider trying to recruit the nearby squad of CR5 cinnamon rolls, but the trolls have expressed pretty strongly they don’t want to make any human enemies. Wait, isn’t the orcish troll-hunting force still in the area? Hmm.
Valeria points out the fundamental issue: the town’s only supporting the Penitents because they’re scared of the Curse. If we can’t offer them actual protection, the townsfolk are gonna default back to supporting the Penitents for lack of better options.
Actually, wait, let’s talk about those orcish outriders. They’re an actual military force, armed and ready for big ol’ threats like they expected the trolls to be. Would they be willing to ally with the town? Would the villagers be willing to trust foreigners?
Gral loves the idea, and enthusiastically vouches for the outriders to Remick and the Sheriff. He’s pretty excited – getting the outriders to protect the town would be a helluva PR measure for the orcish refugees. “It would be nice to walk through this place and not have people fear me,” he tells us.
Shoshana sighs. “Honey. All your spells are literally fear effects.”
Clem pipes up: “Also the mask is kinda creepy. Just sayin’.”
As Gral sputters about our cultural insensitivity, we describe llamas to Bea. She thinks they sound scary. We reassure her they’re not as big as Aethis or anything.
“What’s an Aethis?”
“Oh, Bea, you can’t see this thing, it’s crazy-“ interjects Darius.
While Darius attempts to explain the concept of a technicolor alligator, the party turns back to the local leadership, who have been quietly discussing, heads bowed together. The Sheriff looks utterly beaten down, shamefaced at his actions.
He quietly takes off his badge. “I don’t think I can face the town again like this. Stebbin, I’m…stepping down.”
“And you’re just telling ME?” the rank-and-file rando demands.
“I’m appointing Vanessa – she’d be acting sheriff anyway until the Burgermeister appointed a new one, and if he picked anyone else he’d be an idiot.” He shrugs. “I’ll inform her. I’d prefer not to – well – I don’t know how the Penitents will react. They made everything seem so simple…”
Valeria kindly pats him on the shoulder. “You were scared and you made a bad decision. It’s understandable. You’re doing better for the town now.”
“Do you intend to return to town today?” he asks her. “They’ll be on guard once I return without those two.”
(Shoshana’s player jokingly suggests we Weekend at Bernie’s the dead Penitents. This gives Gral an idea, but sadly he hasn’t leveled up to that class feature yet.)
We decide not to return yet, sending Remick back to town and holing up in an old elven hunting lodge nearby.
Daikon carries our message to the outrider company, and half a day later we hear hoofbeats and see the garishly colored llama-riders approach.
“Joybringer!” thunders Captain Trollsfear when we go out to meet them. “This better be important!”
“It is, I promise you. Have you dealt with the Penitent Knights in the past?”
“We’ve heard of them, but not directly dealt with them. Are they like the, uh, the Broke Knights? What are they called, the Penniless Knights?”
Gral grimaces. “Nope, these ones are VERY different. They want to ‘cleanse the wood of impurities.’ Like we’re doing with the clear-cutting, but with, uh, people.” He tries to make a long story short. “They took over the town with magic. We can’t do it ourselves, but if we free this town from their influence, they would count it as a great service. If we put out a show of force as part of liberating them from oppression, these Valdians will think of us as civilized, good people. It’s the best chance to do diplomacy I’ve always wanted to do!”
“Besides, you came here to protect civilians on the Duke’s behalf,” Shoshana points out. “So what if it’s not trolls? This still supports your mission.”
“We did come out to save a town from monsters,” Trollsfear allows. “I will say, if I have to come back to Shieldeater and explain we invaded a town… Please understand: we’ll back you up in a fight, but I prefer not to carry the news back that we killed a bunch of civilians.”
“Oh, we’re hoping to make them back down without violence,” Gral promises.
“If you can talk the town leader into swearing fealty to Shieldeater, it would be a major coup,” Firesong admits. “Especially a major crossroads like this.”
Gral promises to write up a report on all flavors of Curse so the outriders are prepared, and the outriders agree that if all goes well, they’ll leave a partial force behind in Three Oaks while the rest report to Shieldeater – they’ve still got to tell him about Bullbreaker, after all – and then bring back a proper force to guard the town.
So we have our muscle. What’s next?
After much discussion, we come up with a plan: Valeria and Gral will sneak back into the town before dawn. Once the sun’s up, they’ll go to the Burgermeister’s house, insist on using Lay On Hands to heal and/or placebo him, and hustle him out to the town square with Remick and the Sheriff to have big official town council meeting. Meanwhile, Shoshana and Clem will be in charge of getting the gates open for the outriders’ heroic entrance.
(Meanwhile, Gral’s gotten sidetracked attempting to explain the differences between all these sects of Rack-worshippers to the rest of the orcs. “Yes, it’s the same god, they just connect with him differently. They can’t just talk directly to the god.”
“How do you figure out how to worship if you can’t just ask?” an outrider asks.
“Eh, I dunno, it might be good if every time you consult the Allsoul you didn’t have to deal with your passive-aggressive grandma asking if you’ve given her grandbabies yet…”)
We spend the night planning, negotiating, and convincing the understandably wary orcs.
Just after dawn, the gates are closed and the patrols are out. However, we manage to stealth well enough to climb over the wall like rulebreaking teenagers. We split into two teams as the sun rises. Gral and Valeria peel off to the Burgermeister’s house, managing to evade the notice of the Inquisitor, who’s out in the town square, preaching about what a tragedy it is that the heroes who saved the town have fallen to corruption.
Shoshana and Clem, meanwhile, track down Lieutenant Vanessa, who’s out on an early patrol. We explain what’s happened: Two Penitents are dead, Sheriff Wilbur is stepping down, we caught them all about to execute an innocent man without trial for a minor offense.
She nods stonily, going into crisis mode. “We can’t do anything without the Burgermeister, though.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve thought of that.”
Gral and Valeria roll on up to the Burgermeister’s manor. Gral pops off a quick message spell to the Burgermeister’s wife: “Hello, I’m the orc from before. I have brought a paladin to cure your husband!”
Two Penitents are guarding the door, glowering, but Mrs. Burgermeister bursts out of the door and waves them away. “No, no, they’re welcome, they’re welcome!”
As we’re waved inside, one of the Penitents takes off running, making a beeline to the sheriff’s office.
“What is the meaning of this?!” the Burgermeister blusters as two armed adventurers crash on up the stairs to his room.
Valeria’s got this. “Your town is in danger! Your people need you!” she cries, rolling well on her charisma check to absolutely sell that she’s Healing Him With Her Divine Light and spurring him on to heroism.
He springs forth from his bed, his ailment clearly Magically Cured, and begins to dress in a hurry. “Dear, fetch my hat. And my ring!”
Once he has his big fur coat and symbol of office, he’s ready to roll. As they step out of house, they can see the Inquisitor approaching the center of town with large group of Penitents at his back. Valeria and Gral position themselves behind the Burgermeister, lending some muscle while they let him lead the show.
Meanwhile, Clem and Shoshana are hurriedly explaining the plan to Lieutenant Vanessa. She’s real leery of the orcs, but she likes the Penitents even less.
“When is this going down?” she asks, reluctantly acquiescing.
“Uhhh…right the hell now. We gotta get to the gate.”
As they head there at top speed, Shoshana fires off Message spells to Remick, the Fairgolds, and the goliaths: “IT’S GOING DOWN. IN THE CENTER OF TOWN.”
As they hustle into town, Gral and Valeria are busily filling the Burgermeister in on the events of the past couple of weeks. He’s appalled. “I had no idea they’d gone so far! We will convene town council and vote immediately!”
The Inquisitor has beat them to the town square. He’s standing on the plinth of the statue of Three Oaks, his voice booming thaumaturgically over a gathering crowd. He’s surrounded by a solid wall of beefy knights. Remick and the (former) Sheriff are already there, protesting their case but overshadowed by the Penitent show of force.
Despite his blindness, the Inquisitor turns to sneer at Gral and Valeria with unerring accuracy. “Burgermeister Menner,” he booms, “Do not listen to the lies of this pretender to Rack’s glory. Do not be dissuaded from the true path we have begun!”
The Burgermeister rumbles, “Stand down, Inquisitor! I must examine the situation myself!”
The Inquisitor’s unpleasantly serene demeanor seems almost ruffled. “We have held up our end of the agreement and kept your town safe from the ravages of the Curse. To abandon our mission now is to doom these innocent people.”
Valeria interjects. “You’re also protecting this town from COMMERCE.”
Gral joins the heckling. “Ooh, you should check out their underground prison! They keep the ones that would be hard to justify down there.”
The Burgermeister is going red in the face as the evidence builds. “INQUISITOR, TAKE YOUR PEOPLE AND LEAVE THIS TOWN,” he booms.
The Inquisitor hisses, “And then what? You abandon your people? The next group of cultists will slit your throats in the night as sacrifices for their heathen gods.”
Meanwhile, Shoshana, Clem, and Vanessa have made it to the gate.
“Open the gate!” Vanessa commands the guardsmen.
One of the Penitents reaches out a hand to stop her. “The gate shall remain shut,” he intones. “The Inquisitor has commanded it so.”
“Listen to me, open the gate!” she shouts at her men, ignoring the knight.
“Uh, Lieutenant?” one of them calls. “There’s something coming in on the other side?!”
“Yep, that’s the plan!” she shouts, Shoshana and Clem taking advantage of the distraction to maul the Penitent.
Back in the center of town, a cry goes up from the Penitents. One shouts to the Inquisitor, “They assault the gods at the gate!”
Burgermeister Menner is again baffled. “What’s going on?!”
Valeria smiles. “We didn’t plan on leaving your town without protection, of course! Help is coming, but the Inquisitor here is trying to keep them out.”
“Er, what sort of help?”
“Some compatriots of mine,” Gral replies, maybe a touch smugly. “I can vouch for them being much saner than your current protectors.”
Someone’s just come running from the sheriff’s office. Apparently, a pair of burly goliaths have rushed the prison?
“I wouldn’t worry,” Gral assures the Burgermeister. “Those two have just been very concerned for the welfare of their employer.”
“What? Who?”
“A respected scholar from the University of Aurentium. Apparently, knowledge is heresy these days.”
The Burgermeister is not pleased to learn ANY of this.
Valeria and the Inquisitor radiate holy rage at each other, contesting Persuasion checks. Valeria wins, and the Burgermeister and the townsfolk are on her side.
Back at gate, damaged knight enough that Vanessa could open gate, and line of outriders, trollsfear at head w/ barbed spear, firesong beating drumscool entrance music
I introduce captain and sheriff
The Inquisitor loses another round of skill checks, Intimidation this time.
“I can see we are no longer wanted,” he intones, his oily calm almost hiding his fury. “Brothers, we leave this town to its fate!”
As the Penitents prepare to leave, several of their lackeys enter the sheriff’s office and begin to load up chests of seized goods. Valeria clears her throat. “Excuse me! Do you think you’re taking the trade goods of this town as well?”
“These are dangerous items!” the Inquisitor hisses, his composure briefly wavering. “They have already been remanded into our custody. Just because the agreement has been cancelled doesn’t mean it was never in effect.”
“From what I’ve heard, they aren’t all as dangerous as you say,” she retorts.
“And I don’t think looting the town was illuminated in the agreement,” Gral argues smoothly.
A good persuasion roll does the trick, and the Burgermeister orders the city militia to seize the chests.
The Inquisitor glances around, sizing up the situation. “Very well,” he intones, “The doom is on you.” His men drop the chests, and the Penitents start to leave town.
The Burgermeister coughs awkwardly, looking around to the admittedly intimidating orcish delegation. “Yes! Very well! Erm. Captain Trollsfear, was it? I understand we will have to, er, negotiate somewhat…”
Shoshana steps in to make introductions, though eventually she leaves the translating to Firesong and goes to help release the prisoners in the sheriff’s office.
Valeria wants to Detect Magic on the chests of items to see whether they’re really cursed. Just as the DM is warning that might not always work, a haggard Lucinius Galvan stumbles out of the sheriff’s office. He can cast Identify if we need. He’s going to hug his returned notes and cry for a bit, though.
With Lucinius’ help, Valeria begins distributing the seized items to any original owners that might still be in town, and Clem starts providing medical aid to the prisoners who have been roughed up by the Penitents.
Gral plays diplomat with the Burgermeister and the orc outriders – nothing permanent can be decided without the actual orc government, so a few outriders are going to stay and help the militia while the rest go to Shieldeater, make their report, and get a formal embassy sent who can actually negotiate guards and trade and stuff. Y’know, ACTUAL diplomats.
Once things have settled down a bit, we hunt down Lucinius and pull out the sketches Valeria made of the Mornheim mummy’s tattoos. His eyes instantly light up.
“These markings are largely symbolic language rather than literal words. Much like arcane runes! But I can tell you now – this is fascinating! A collaboration between the Aquilians and the Valdians would explain a lot of the strange things I’ve seen in my research so far! There’s a central word repeated throughout these tattoos – some sort of organizational marking, similar to the rose crest in your armor, but tattooed on the skin. This root word, which appears in both the Old Valdian and the Old High Aquilian, translates to…the closest equivalent would be ‘Warden.’”
Huh. Someone dedicated to guarding the Prisoners, perhaps?
“The word has a variety of meanings, of course. It could refer to guarding prisoners, guarding or caretaking a particular location – but definitely some sort of Warden. This individual seems to have belonged to some sort of organization that is both druidic and Aquilian, and would define itself as wardens! I’ll need to study this further – can I keep this?”
He’s told us what we need, so we’re happy to let him take it.
“Still, I wouldn’t dare formally present my findings yet,” he rambles. “‘Wardens’ could just be Valdian mercenaries in the Aquilian army, and it would unbecoming of a professional of my stature to overstate and romanticize – maybe they’re just a group of enthusiastic auxiliary watchmen, or some sort of game warden-”
Gral pipes up. “Eh, from the situation we found the body in, I kinda doubt it.”
“Oh, what situation?”
“Some cultists were gonna bring it back as a mega-zombie. Big fancy ritual and everything.”
“Hmm. How was the individual buried, do you know?”
“Oh!” Lucinius exclaims. “Well, that certainly lends credence to the idea of a person of significant importance!”
He’s quite cheered up, with a new puzzle to research. “I’ll look into this at my next destination - I’m on my way to Hoeska castle! Your delightful friend Witness Beatrice told me there was quite an impressive library of Valdian folklore there! I wanted to see if they’d let me borrow a few volumes.”
Hoeska is Cursebreaker HQ, so we tell him to say hi to Ser Quentin for us, though we warn him he’s a bit abrasive.
“PLEASE, I’ve sat next to Professor Desmond of the Antiquities Department at no less than three dinners, I can HANDLE abrasive.”
Eventually the sun begins to go down. We make camp and plan our next move. Flynn is sulking super hard – Fiona manages to convey he’s rather miffed we went off and saved the day without him, AGAIN. They’re going to go escort our civilian friends Aaron and Rebecca to Holzog and have their OWN adventures. Hmph!
It’s time to bring our water purifier spell to Mornheim. We decide to drop our holy sword in the old trollstones north of the city – supposedly, that’s the underground source of the River Morn, so dropping the cure there should ensure clean water for the town.
With a clear goal in mind, we cut session and let the party get some sleep.
0 notes
myanondiary · 4 years
To Michema.
There was no need to block my mother because from her end she thinks she did something when she didn’t. Expecting me to reach out to you after you disrespected is a far reach. I say this with no water in me mouth, you wouldn’t have heard from me again regarding this situation. We’ve known each other too long and we’ve grown far too much for the way you talked to me. I can’t see past it and for sure wouldn’t have hit you up about it especially since I asked if you needed a few days and you shut that down and cancelled this friendship before you slammed my door.
Though you sound sorrowful for disrespecting me, I don’t accept it for the same reasons above. Also, you can tell me things about people you’re close to that did shitty things to you and I’ve never fixed my mouth to disrespect them because at the end of the day, they are people you care about. So yes, I’m further hurt by  “in me hole” comment, telling me to tell him shub he apology up he ass, and the message you sent him (cause you did talk about me as well).
Correcting that you said “he did that cause he was in me hole” aint no better. We had sex two weeks after we shared feelings this month. Everything I told you he did for me happened before. I moved in Septemeber. 
The wine was from me, not him. He had nothing to do with the idea, he just gave me money for it. He wanted to ease my strain. Less about you and nothing to do with why y’all not talking anymore, more about me and the nice gesture I wnted to do for you. That doesn’t make it any less genuine. I didn’t even have to tell you he bought it but in my little way yes, I was softening you up to the idea of him. More on this down below.  I didn’t say it was a confession either, I said I have something nice to say about Domonic. 
Not sure why you’re asking yourself if I’m concerned with what he did like we didn’t talk about that situation umpteen of times.
Why wouldn’t me and Dominic be friends? He isn’t a stranger to me. Have we forgotten that we all chilled before? Reflect back to the first time I asked if you feel a way that he’s been helping me out alot. I recall me saying “I feel fraudy because he’s been such a good friend to me.” That’s when you said I shouldn’t feel away cause yes he’s a big help. 
Side note, I’ve attempted to tell you on two different occasions you was by me since that time how a good friend he was to me and you quite literally shut it down as “he still fake”. Tried to get you to see that he has changed alot (you recalled that time during the discussion I had with you and him) but that wasn’t enough for you to change his mind on him.
You’ve called me at times when I said he was by him. Oh let’s recall the moment I told you I was by him smoking and you came off the phone after saying you needed time from me.  I told you we did inktober together where I went by him every night to do some drawings. I told you he took out my smoke alarm, he put up my art boxes, he printed my shirt for the event and the obvious of me using his microwave to heat up food. I also told you he washed my clothes the second time I was cramping from period and just didn’t have it in me to go by Torian. I even told you about the time he was sad and I told you that I told him he can talk to me about it but he was still pretty vague in what troubled him.  Soooo nothing about this screams friends? I gone just use the man and keep it at bay?
I said he don’t come down here and at that time it was true. He came down just to help me and left right after. The first time Domonic spent more than 10 minutes down here was the day after I found Jazzi. First time. 
I refer to him as me neighbour to literally everybody else but you. Jacynthia and Chantal was here literally this week and they ask who playing music? Me: Me neighbour. When I couldn’t go by Torian to wash my clothes the second time I told her I’ll get it done by my neighbour. Yanny and Glassil were the ones who heard “my neighbour” the most cause they usually wanted to see me when I was by him doing art things. All when I asked Ajayi for advice he was still my neighbour. It was much easier saying that to them because they don’t know him and calling his name didn’t make any sense. Between me and you, he was Domonic, so I don’t know where you getting that “he was just me neighbour” from.
You’re asking me how you’re supposed to react to all that information dropping on you as if I withheld information that was severely damaging to your reputation. I came to you with good news about me. Somewhere between our discussion, you said “ofcourse I want you to be happy” but none of this screams that. 
I’m the friend you come to for voice of reason, for unbiased opinions, logical explanations. How in this very moment when it comes to me it’s “I’m not grasping it” but every other time I was on point with what I had to tell you regarding your situations? I’ve thought about it from a different angle - what if it was me. That was an easy thought because it did happen. You told me about Josh after you guys developed a friendship and became lovers that talked and video called every day. I remember asking you how this even happen? Where he even come from? I didn’t even know you guys were friends. As much as I was shocked at you (not hurt, just happily surprised) and him being a random as hell pairing and me hearing the time I did, I was HAPPY for you. The only thing different between that situation and this one is that you hated Domonic for what he did. Your opinion about him was already skewed so even if I had told you earlier, your “I don’t support it” comment would’ve come out just the same - and I knew this. And for that reason, I wanted to protect my feelings without any negative opinions. The descriptive word to use here is *selfish* not fake, not shady, but selfish, something I always preach you should be. I put my feelings first and wanted to keep it there. And mind you, it’s not like I didn’t want to tell you. From the moment we shared feelings that’s all I wanted to do. But every time I thought about it, I got anxious because I really didn’t see you giving me a good reaction from it. Forget the “you would’ve warmed up to it” I wanted your initial reaction to be a happy one and that wouldn’t have happened so I procrastinated it. That feeling was fed by every time I tried to tell you he’s changed, the time you needed a break from me right after I told you I was by him smoking (I know in your explanation you said it was because of me abusing weed but me and my overthinking suspected it was because I was close to him), to when you left my place 12 in the morning because I was up by him a little too long tending to Jazzi. I thought if I sat down and explain how great he has been to me, you wouldn’t have any choice but to be happy for me.
My mother’s first introduction to Domonic was when she came to drop me hospital and he was here. Many times my mom popped up and I’m by him and I didn’t tell her anything- just told her I was out. She quite literally didn’t hear about him besides being the person I wash my clothes by and heat up my food. When I got a little better from being sick, she started to ask questions as expected. I shut it down with “I’m not ready to talk about it” twice before I came out and said I like him. She’s been SOO happy for me since. I told her the same week I told you. Akaii is my closest friend and don’t even know a “neighbour” exists yet. I took a picture of braids to show Jacynthia, she noticed him in the back and started asking questions. Only told her he’s my neighbour but she said she can hear the sparkle in my voice. She said while smiling “let it marinate, tell me when you ready”. This was Monday. Ajayi only heard more about him because you asking him for advice led him to come by me to check on me. According to him, he’s living vicariously through me. He’s also happy for me cause he for one knows how long I’ve been looking for someone, so to hear I found someone who is just like me had him so googly eyed. (Side note, much of what I told him, he told me he told you the same - so.)
I say this to say that you’re not the only one “left in the dark”. This is the first time I wasn’t so quick to talk about what’s happening while it’s happening and it has been the best thing ever. My feelings were mine without outside influence, I enjoyed the moments for what they were without expecting to update anyone about it. I talked about my feelings to the person I had feelings for and no one else. It felt like the most adult thing I’ve ever done and I say this to say, I wouldn’t have done anything differently. If I had a chance to tell you earlier and the situation between you and him was still there, I wouldn’t have. If he was a stranger to both you and me when I moved in then for sure, you may have known much sooner. But for now, I feel like telling you earlier would’ve changed a whole lot with how things happened between him so I don’t regret doing that and I don’t apologize for it. What I’m sorry for is how hurt I made you feel about this situation because it’s never my intent to do so. You said somewhere in the voice note that you don’t know where this leaves us and girl - it’s up to you. I’ve been a damn good friend to you, never disrespected you, always gave you the best of me. If this one situation is enough for you to stain me as “fake” like I haven’t been there for you this whole friendship then so be it. I won’t be fighting for it. 
0 notes
Episode 6: a good stabbing tool - Jessie
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Josh leaving was total shit tbh. He was one of the people I trusted in this game. I had a feeling he would be screwed over though just realizing he was in minority. Tim is probably running things over there like he always does, and I don’t know why people never want to take him out. Like he really needs to go. He’s just going to find another idol and play it the next time someone targets him. 🤦🏼‍♂️
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Okay so its round 6 and NOT round 4. I have not done a whole hell of a lot this game tbh, but lets recap. So where i am is i fell asleep round 1 and failed to vote in the 21 person mess,  but i would of genuinley voted billy so its okay. Then my swap tribe i got into a small mess and thought i was at risk but got a 3 with dan and Liv and then a 4 with daulton, grace and Liv
so basically liv is my ride or die in this game and he is a FANTASTIC ally, i just have to get back to him. Weary of zach but knowing damn well he is a fallback ally if needed because of TS and my F2 with him. I know basically everyone in this game so i have a major advantage with connections and dont need to start learning about people as some people already have a great idea of me. Anyways the Chips vote i was at a friends house so i just made sure i was good and dipped but that vote was really simple.  Swapping after that round i got dead last pick....which is very concerning for my life in this game, but i got savannah and gavin, two allies who i am very happy to have here, gavin is another close ally who i worked well with in the past so im picking that up, and i hosted and enjoyed Savannah so im using that line to help me here to gain at least a 3-3, maybe a 4-2. I know my path aint gonna be easy here but i just gotta start talkin and get myself any advantage i can
like knowing RTP and i are both knife holders now. got a lot of work ahead of me but now this is my focus. time to watch me shine
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lmao at this rate with one person posting an hour we’re getting dead last
yo we did bad bad lmao. I kinda figured we were going to lose, but damn, that sucked haha. I am very tempted to search for the idol, but also, I don't really think I will need one? In my fantasy me, Daulton, and Livingston vote together seamlessly to stay in the game. Ideally, I would like Liam to go bc he turned out to be a little shady and was willing to put a second vote on me last round. I just think that he has the potential to do it again. The other thing in the back of my mind too is that Austin told me about his power to get rid of two votes.... which is spicy and definitely something I want to keep close to my chest. I feel like I could in theory use it as leverage against him, but if he senses danger, he could easily use it and him and Liam could vote for me this round. So that's a no go. I also kinda have a soft spot for Austin, so I don't want to do that to him ahah. I think that this round is going to be really telling as far as where allegiances actually lie. I almost feel less worried knowing that I have no way of saving myself (unless I can convince Austin to use his power to save me) this round. It's rather peaceful knowing that I don't have shit to save myself, so I can play a little more loyal and not get too cracked about idols and shit.
The plot motherfuckin thickens!!!! Austin has a HUGE power haha I think it's a little bit over powered but akfjalksj. He now has a power that cancels 3 votes of his choosing... This could get really spicy for me. Austin wants to target Livingston, which... is interesting. He told me that Livingston and Savanna know one another in real life, which is no bueno for me. I want to be Livingston's #1 not someone he knows in real life. BUT I just can't vote him out. He has been really good to me. So I could force a tie between Livingston and Austin if Austin uses his power and then just vote Austin out on the revote? Ugh I have no fucking idea.
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I HATE that we lost. 😭 I genuinely love everyone on the Macneil Tribe, and now I have to vote one of them out. I have made a group that consists of a Macneil majority with Livingston, Dan, and myself, and the plan is to vote out Austin which does suck because I love him. But I do love Liam more, and if I can get my way in any decision that is made, it’s a good tribal. I’m just hoping no funny business is going to happen tonight lmao.
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Woot woot. 
- wise words from someone i know
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So I’m a little late hoping on the confessional train probably because I’ve been high key safe for a good chunk of this game . 
About probably ten minutes before I started writing the “Merps.” Alliance was former .
It’s Me, Maynor and Keaton.
I trust Maynor a lot and  I don’t plan on voting him out.
Gavin got thrown out of the tribe chat.
Rip him. 
He’s probably gonna be back after tribal unless we merge or switch tribes again. 
This games actually been pretty laid back but I won’t complain I enjoy it a lot .
I have a machete from my daily searches which is super cool.
Who doesn’t love a good stabbing tool that I could gut the killer open with ?
I’m currently trying to figure out what exactly the plan for tribal is .
I mean there’s only five of us on the tribe since Gavin got yeeted to wherever .
I wonder what path would grant me random safety o.o
I also have a flashlight so that’s cool to I guess .
Anyways I just wanted to get some sort of thought out there in case it is me that goes tonight .
Like it’s round six so if could I want to have a confessional.
If the killer does kill me tonight you bet I fought them .
Forever vibing and hopefully not dying in this game tonight ?
Jessie 🪓
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I feel like I’m unnecessarily nervous about the vote tonight ugh. I feel like things have fallen into place easier than they should.... austin is using his power, which makes me nervous about voting for him because then it’s super obvious that I’m the one who did him in. But also, I feel like I need to stay true to the people I’ve been with since basically the start (Livingston and Daulton) so I’m just really sad. I would really prefer Liam to go over Austin, but at the same time it’s just not gonna happen. I don’t want to risk losing people I have that strong of a bond with. I’m fairly certain if it’s a tie vote between Austin and Livingston, that Liam and Daulton will vote for Austin to go. It’s all so scary because this could be a shot at me, but if it is, it’s a good shot to take and I won’t even be mad about it. 
Well, they got me gals! It has been such a PLEASURE playing this game. I feel like as of late I’ve taken games sooooo seriously. This game reminded me of the old days when things were simple haha. The hosting was INCREDIBLE! Keegan, Rachael, and Abri are the most incredible, warm human beings I’ve ever encountered and I will so dearly miss their spirit. To the rest of my cast members, I just want to say a big thank you. I’m thanking you all for being so warm and receptive to me in this game and for making me believe in this stupid community again. This is now a Daulton, Livingston, Liam, and Austin stan account.
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bwicblog · 6 years
Over in #highbloods, Bijoux, Vadaya, Kua, and Merrem sit and discuss pale promiscuisity, the risk of getting scabies, Kua's horrifying teeth, Merrem's horrifying dining habits, and if anyone is allowed in on Bijoux and Vadaya's in-jokes. (No.)
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seventeengalaxy · 7 years
Seventeen as reasons why I wake up every morning
Scoups- I am the adhesive glue that holds my shady friendship group together
Jeonghan- to keep up with my skincare routine even though it aint working (simple aint doing nothing for the potato one may call my face)
Joshua- I made a genuine commitment to school? what other reason should there be like...education is a privilege to us even though it should be a right to everyone, so before you delve into the depths of my life, keep this in your mind
Jun- If I miss school I can tell that some snakes are gonna try and claim my seat at breaks/lunches because I've positioned myself perfectly so that I get enough sun to keep my melanin poppin and I'm close enough to the middle of the table that I can sniff all the drama
Hoshi- if I wake up early enough I get to eat breakfast
Wonwoo- I need to return my library book before it’s overdue because I respect the establishment(and because I don't want to miss out on the gossip that the librarian has)
Woozi- I’m pretty sure theres a ghost in my room and I aint not basic college girl from them horror movies so I need to keep documenting the paranormal activity on the schools word software so that if I'm taken, they’ll know who did it
Mingyu- I'm too lazy to cook and our school makes a mean pizza so why don't I appreciate what opportunities I have been given
DK- because my choir will flop if I'm not there to provide the backbone that is the prechorus adlibs, inspired by Christina herself
The8-I'm a petty ass child and I have about 5 fights scheduled before first break and I’m not having anyone think I'm a wuss
Seungkwan-I probably got called a peasant by my teacher the day before and I can't be looking weak as hell not going to their lesson and letting them know that they hurt my feelings
Vernon-I need to make sure that no one has eaten my food in the fridge
Dino- my mum will beat my ass if I dont
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You promise? I promise. part two
Note: I hope you guys like this!! Enjoyyyyyy!
Warning: angst, swearing, smut
part one —————————————————————————————————-
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You sat next to Daryl as he lit up a cigarette on the front of Hershel’s porch. You both sat in silence and you leaned your head on his shoulder, feeling his muscles work as he brought the smoke up to his lips.
“I saw Merle today” he said bluntly.
You lifted your head up and looked at him in shock. “What-”
“He wasn’t real, it was just an illusion cause of the blood loss an’ everything”
Daryl had gone out looking for Sofia again today and he came back in bad shape, but Hershel was able to fix him up.
“What did he say?” you asked, thinking back to a time when you used to watch Merle taunt Daryl, and you’d get angry whenever he went back to him like a loyal dog.
“He helped me. I had to climb up the side of some cliff and he was motivating me to get up”
“Motivating you how?”
“Telling me to stop being such a pussy, to toughen up and remember who I am” he offered you a smoke but you declined. “He practically saved me, that asshole” he let out a small laugh.
“He didn’t save you Daryl” you said, making him look at you in confusion. “He wasn’t there, that was all you. Don’t think that your brother is saving you all the time just cause he’s there. I mean, like you said, it was an illusion, you got yourself up there, you don’t owe him anything.” You finished, looking out at the fields.
“You’re right” he nodded his head and wrapped an arm around you, bringing you closer to him.                                                              ****
You leaned your back against the car as you mindlessly kicked dust around on the floor. You were waiting for Rick to get back with Daryl from Woodbury, Glenn and Michonne kept you company. You were starting to drift into a daydream when you heard shouting from the forest.
“Rick!” you heard someone shout. You and Glenn exchanged glances before you ran to the sound, Michonne trailing behind you. You came to a clearing when you saw Rick and Daryl arguing, little did you know who else they were with. You stopped in your tracks to catch your breath back, but then Michonne came from behind you with her sword raised.
“Hey!” you shouted, aiming your gun at her as she ran past you.
Then everything happened at once. Rick stepped away from Daryl and pointed his gun at her and that’s when you saw who was standing behind him, Merle. Your heart skipped a beat and you were shocked when you saw Glenn lunge for Merle, Daryl holding him back. You looked at Merle, confusion written all over your face. You remembered back in Atlanta when you went to find him, but all you found was his amputated hand.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Michonne and Glenn shouted in sync as they were struggling to push past Daryl and Rick. Daryl had enough and pushed Glenn back, telling him to back off.
Your eyes flicked over to him and he held the contact. He knew you weren’t happy to see Merle. You were never a huge fan of him and Daryl saw the hatred glowing in your eyes.
“Put the sword down!” Rick said, pushing the gun against Michonne’s forehead. She hesitated before lowering it and everyone took a breath.
“Well I guess everyone’s missed me!” Merle said, laughing at everyone but he stopped when his eyes landed on you. You shifted in place, feeling a little uncomfortable. “And I see you still have (y/n) following you ‘round. She aint get you killed yet?” he turned to Daryl.
“Say that one more fucking time!” you shouted, raising your gun and strutting towards him. You blocked everything out and you only focused on him, not realising that you were now holding the gun up to his temple.
You saw him smiling and you came back to reality, Daryl was trying to pull you away and after a while you finally let him. He slowly took the gun out of your hand but you kept your eyes on Merle.
“I missed you too” he said, pouting his lips at you.
“Shut up Merle!” Daryl said, still watching you to make sure you don’t try anything. You took a step back and Glenn started talking.
“He is not coming back with us! Do you know what he did to me? To Maggie!”
“And he was hunting me down” Michonne added, keeping her voice low.
Rick placed his finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose before turning to Daryl and Merle. “He can’t come back with us”
Daryl looked around at all of you but you didn’t look at him. “So, you just gonna make me choose? He’s my brother Rick”
“I understand that but-”
“You can’t ask me to leave him.”
Merle stood silent up against the tree as he was watching everything unfold.
“If he goes, I go” Daryl said, making you look up at him. He held eye contact with you but quickly looked away.
“You don’t have to do that” Glenn said, his voice soft. “You don’t owe him anything!”
Daryl looked over to you and you spoke up. “We’re your family now Daryl, sometimes water is thicker than blood” you said, making Merle scoff.
“I aint leaving him”
Anger started to bubble inside of you at this point. How could Daryl be doing this once again. You had seen this happen repeatedly in the past, he would always go back to Merle no matter what. You remembered all the times when Merle would make Daryl take the blame for some shady shit he would do, and it was always you who had to find the money to bail him out. Or times when their father would beat Daryl, and Merle would say nothing as he watched it happen.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you asked, your voice surprisingly calm.
“(Y/n)-” Daryl started but you cut him off.
“No! Don’t say anything. You can go off with your brother and hope that he’s changed, that maybe hell actually look out for you for once!” you raised your voice, taking everyone by surprise. “He’ll get you killed Daryl, he only cares about himself but you still run back to him! You always give him a second chance!”
“Like you always gave me one?” Daryl shot back, making adrenaline pump through your body. You felt a familiar fight coming on. “You’re out here judging me for giving my brother all the chances in the world when you do the same shit with me! I mean how many times have I promised to change? Huh? It aint happening, he’s my brother and he always will be, so get used to it!” he finished, his chest heaving from how angry he was.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you felt like an idiot for actually giving him all those chances. He was right, he wasn’t going to change. You walked up to him, ready to slap him but you stopped yourself. Instead, you kept your voice calm as you spoke.
“Well you’re shit out of luck Dixon, all your chances have run out” you spat, turning on your heel and walking back to the car.                                                                 ****
“What’s this?”
You stood in front of the counter at the police station, $1000 sitting in front of the man.
“Bail for Daryl Dixon” you said, tired of going through the same procedure nearly every week.
He hesitantly took the money and started counting it. Once he was done he showed you to Daryl’s cell and you looked at him disapprovingly. He avoided eye contact when the cell door slid open and he walked out. Once you were outside you trailed behind Daryl, he was heading in the direction of your car until Merle pulled up beside him in his truck, music blaring.
“C’mon brother, there’s a party down at Andrews!” Merle shouted out the window over the music, completely ignoring the fact that he had gotten his brother into this mess.
“I’m heading back with (y/n)” he shouted back, continuing to your car. Merle eyed you up and down before laughing. “Shit! She bail you out again? How much do I owe ya?” he smiled, looking at you.
“About $8000” you said, rolling your eyes as he scrunched up his face.
“You’re ripping me off”
“Whatever Merle” you said as you and Daryl got in the car and drove off.
“Thanks for bailing me out again” Daryl mumbled as you got closer to your apartment.
“It’s nothing” you said, knowing that you got paid enough to bail him out every day.
You parked up and walked to your door, walking in and kicking your shoes off. You stretched out your arms and fell back on the sofa, letting your body relax after a long day.
“You alright?” he asked, sitting next to you.
“Long day” you smiled at him.
“How about I help you relax a little more?” his voice was low, and you giggled as he kissed your neck, his hands roaming under your top and over your waist. You let your hands drift over his body and you took his leather jacket and shirt off all while he was kissing and sucking your neck. He used one hand to take your top off and then expertly he unhooked your bra and immediately took your boob in his mouth, his tongue swirling around your nipple. You moaned as his hands explored your body, warming you up. He moved down to your jeans and undid the button, you lifted your lower half up to make it easier for them to slide down. He growled as his fingers dug into your thighs and you eagerly reached for his belt, undoing it and helping him take it off. Once you two were completely naked you laid on your back, Daryl climbing on top of you and holding himself up on his hands. He kissed your lips, forcing your mouth open with his as he bit your bottom lip. He kissed down your jawline and then to your neck, making you moan at his touch. He grabbed his cock in one hand and pumped it a few times before pressing his tip against your entrance, slowly rubbing himself up and down before slowly pushing in, making both of you sigh from pleasure. He held still for a moment, enjoying the feel of you around him. He dropped his head to the crook of your neck and began to move. It started off slow but he quickened his pace as your moans got louder. He breathed against your neck and started to suck at your it, making sure to leave a dark bruise afterwards.
You could feel your high coming on quickly, between Daryl’s grunts and thrusts, your body was experience an immense amount of pleasure.
“Fuck” Daryl said, his voice strained as his release was coming soon. You grabbed into his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin as he fucked you harder, making you squeeze your eyes shut. You could feel him begin to throb in you and he moaned your name, sending you over the edge. You curled your toes and grabbed onto the side of the sofa, gripping the material in your hand. You arched your back into him as you saw stars flash right in front of you.
Daryl thrusted in you a few more times before he finally pushed in hard one last time, holding himself deep in you as he spilled his seed out. He gripped onto your neck and squeezed as your tight walls helped him through his high. He pulled out of you and you bent your legs so he had space to sit down. He pulled his boxers on as his chest rose and fell. You placed your legs back on him and you pulled the small blanket onto you from the floor. Daryl rested his hand on your calf and kissed your thigh.
“I love you” he said, his breath back and his eyes on you.
You raised your head and smiled at him. “I love you too Daryl”                                                              ****
It had been a couple of hours since you got back to the prison. You were feeling angry and heartbroken, two emotions that should never be mixed. You stalked to your cell and shoved everything you owned into a bag. It wasn’t a lot, a few clothes, your gun and a hunting knife. You zipped up the bag and slung it around your shoulder.
Walking through the courtyard, the whole group was staring at you with questioning glances.
You continued to walk and ignore Ricks calls. He soon caught up with you and was walking by your side.
“Hey” Rick touched your shoulder but you angrily shrugged it off. “Where are you going?”
“I’m leaving”
“I need to be on my own. Feelings get people hurt and the longer I stay here the harder it’ll be to watch people go”
“No one’s going-”
“Look around Rick!” you snapped, stopping to face him. “T-Dog died, the farm is gone, Lori is dead and now Daryl is gone!” You saw the hurt in his eyes but you started walking again, leaving Rick standing on his own as you opened up the gates and left for good.                                                               ****
“Where is she?”
Daryl paced around in your cell, Rick standing just outside, watching him as if he were a caged animal.
“Where is she!” he shouted louder.
“She left” Rick replied.
Merle laughed from outside. “She was right, you’re shit out of luck!”
Daryl lunged forward but Rick held him back. “Shut your mouth jackass!” Daryl said.
He pulled away from Rick and ran a hand through his hair. “How long ago did she leave?
“A couple hours ago, maybe”
Daryl said nothing as he grabbed his crossbow from the floor and staked out of the cell.
“Where are you going?” Rick asked, walking with Daryl to the main door. He said nothing but Rick knew what he was thinking. “Daryl it’s too dark, go in the morning-”
“Na, the tracks won’t be fresh” he grumbled.
“Let her go little brother” Merle said, his voice echoing against the walls.
“This is your fault!” Daryl suddenly turned and punched Merle in the face, making him drop to the ground. “She was right about you man, go to hell!”
He turned and walked off, leaving Rick to help Merle as he left the prison in search of you. —————————————————————————————————-
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