#it pays to be the only supplier of a limited resource and it Especially pays when its an artisan thing and can't be competently reproduced
mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Asks for the Random Character Asks
Marigold: 12, 13, 15
(for this ask game)
12. Crack headcanon
The reason she has so many flowers in her mane is because she fucked up with a transmutation early on and rooted them in there and her mentor Didn't Help At All so now they're just stuck in there as a permanent part of her body.
15. Worst thing they've ever done
As previously mentioned, "worst thing they've ever done" is ridiculously hard to define and extremely subjective at best. For Marigold specifically, it's even harder to define than most. She... doesn't do really things directly, after all.
She's a catalyst, and though she acts to make the situation immediately worse, she generally has little interference beyond that. She's an observer, not a direct actor, she's an alchemist, not a poison-brewer - part of what makes her so difficult to pin down and immune to consequence is that unless it's to gather test subjects for raw field data, she's almost certainly just... not acting directly. There's a medium. An in-between. A client, somewhere along the line, asking for her charms.
Though the "what they would think of when asked the question" question might work under normal circumstances, Marigold is an exception to the rule - as previously mentioned, she would not personally consider any of her actions to be immoral. She's done things that weren't amazing, of course, but it's not like she'd consider herself a bad person - just someone with professional pride. You wouldn't expect her to offer a subpar product to a customer, would you?
Beyond that, there's the issue of pinning down a single individual case. Marigold isn't a... "one and done" kind of villain, she gains the sort of status she has from low-profile but consistent evils. She doesn't do anything obvious, she doesn't do anything that can be pinned on her - people disappear, and monsters turn up after, and if they're especially valuable or they survive the period it takes for the transmutation to settle in their bones, she'll trap them somewhere to harvest for more transmutation-fuelling parts later.
That, of course, could be considered a "worst" - but it's still not one single thing you can point to. It's dozens and dozens of things, spread out over years of activity, people who mysteriously vanish off the streets and never turn up again. There is no single monolith of evil that can be pointed to, because Marigold isn't the kind of evil that does big gestures like that. Just... a slow, steady flow of charms into hands that do harm with them, combined with a slow, steady flow of people who leave their homes and don't come back.
...if we had to choose it would probably be something along the lines of experimenting on prisoners provided via negotiations with criminal factions and then bargaining with the factions those prisoners were taken from to sell them back already transmuted into monstrous forms and entirely incapable of resuming their previous lives. She got paid by both sides for it, both for developing specified new strains of transmutative on the prisoners and for returning them to their original faction. The client didn't specify what to do with them after they'd served their purpose, after all.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Well! This one's very nearly a Story.
A fun fact about charms: they're not always perfectly consistent, especially if you're making new ones. That's why you test them before applying them to paying customers. That's why you take a constant flow of people unlikely to be missed for experiments. That's why you do experiments in the first place. If something goes wrong, then you need to know what to fix it, and if an unexpected variable throws the experiment-
Well. It could go very, very wrong, or very, very right. But you never turn your back on the experiment. You never assume you know what will happen next until it's good and tested, you never assume things will work out until you're 100% sure, you never assume that nothing can possible go wrong - Marigold knows this, of course, and she acts accordingly. Lab safety is a priority, not an afterthought. When the things you're working with might kill you if it breaks containment, you never leave things up to chance. It's simple safety precautions. Nothing ever up to chance. Nothing ever allowed to fail. And if anything were to fail - well, you being on-hand gives the best possible chance of getting things back under control.
And then, of course, someone comes calling at the door. You're too early into the experiment to excuse watching it as a delay, of course, and you know they know you're home - you mentioned you'd be home just the other day, after all. Reputation is valuable, and the monitoring built into the cage will work just as well, won't it? It might need a few more trials, but you can't really afford to be rude, and you especially can't afford them coming to find you - these parts of your lab are blocked off to guests for a reason, and you can't simply disappear a guest to your house.
Surely, it won't do any harm to leave it for just a few minutes. Surely, it'll mean nothing to leave the transmutation to finish unattended. You return back downstairs not more than five minutes after you left, ready to finish what you started.
The cage is open.
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entrepouchep · 12 days
Major Packaging Design Mistakes Every Business Should Avoid 
Product packaging has begun playing a vital role in marketing and driving sales as brands leverage customized packaging to attract more customers at offline and online stores. Businesses that use the latest flexible packaging solutions have a better chance of succeeding in the market as modern-day customers are on the lookout for buying from brands that have sustainable and superior quality products as well as packaging.  
Understanding Why Packaging is Important  
Some businesses make the mistake of putting all their efforts and resources into improving product quality and ignoring packaging. Relying on an outdated packaging solution can have a negative impact on sales because customers often straight away ignore products due to inferior/generalized packaging.   
When it comes to online sales, customers only get to see the packaging when they receive the product. The first unboxing experience stays with a customer and if he/she struggles with opening the package, it’s likely that the customer will find another vendor to shop from whenever the need arises later on. This is why all vendors must pay attention to their product packaging.  
Packaging Mistakes to Avoid  
Many things can go wrong when you’re designing a food container for a new product launch or upgrading the existing packaging of a product. Here’s a list of things you should avoid when planning your product packaging.  
It is the responsibility of every business to reduce waste and environmental harm through constantly improving their methodologies and tools used. When choosing a packaging supplier, you should ensure that the supplier provides modern flexible packaging solutions like gusset style bags that use the least raw materials and are easy to recycle.   
Generic Designs  
Designs on the package enable businesses to make the product unique, improving its visibility and appeal which helps drive sales, especially on shelves in offline stores. Generic designs, on the other hand, can reduce your product’s appeal and prevent you from attracting potential customers with ease.   
Blank Spaces  
Blank spaces on a product package make the packaging dull and tasteless. If you wish to deliver the perfect unboxing experience to your customers, you should create unique and charming customized packaging while utilizing every inch of space on the box optimally. Since using too much content on the package can delay a customer from accessing the product inside, limiting the content is the smart choice. However, the left-out blank spaces should also be managed through logos, designs, images, and graphics.   
Rigid packaging solutions aren’t preferred by customers nowadays as they occupy a large space and aren’t environmentally friendly. Further, a customer can find it difficult to make space for storing rigid packages like cardboard boxes. You should prioritize procuring flexible solutions like gusset style bags to provide convenience to your customers.   
Procure Top-Quality Pouch Packaging Solutions  
At EntrePouch, you can avail state-of-the-art pouch packaging solutions at affordable prices. Whether you need ready-made or customized packaging solutions for your products, their professionals can provide the best suitable choices according to your unique requirements. Shop now! 
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 2 months
8 Smart Ways to Save Big on Essential Home Fixes
Home maintenance often takes a backseat in our busy lives. Yet, it's crucial for preserving the value and functionality of our homes. Regular maintenance can prevent minor issues from spiraling into costly disasters, from fixing leaky faucets to repairing damaged drywall.
Home repairs can quickly drain your bank account if you're not careful. Unexpected repairs can wreak havoc on your budget, whether it's a burst pipe or a malfunctioning HVAC system. That's why finding smart ways to save on essential home fixes is vital for every homeowner. 
1. DIY Home Fixes for Common Problems
Embarking on a do-it-yourself (DIY) home repair project can be empowering, but knowing your limits is essential. Assess your skills honestly and start with simple tasks before tackling more complex projects. Remember, there's no shame in calling a professional if you need help.
Having the right tools can make all the difference in DIY home repairs. Invest in quality tools like a hammer, screwdriver set, and tape measure. These basic repair tools will be useful for many projects and can save you money in the long run.
Many home repairs can be completed with a little know-how and guidance. Look for step-by-step guides and video tutorials online to help you through common tasks like patching drywall or fixing leaky faucets. With a bit of patience and perseverance, you can save big by doing it yourself.
2. Prioritizing Home Repairs to Maximize Savings
When it comes to home repairs, it's essential to distinguish between urgent repairs and cosmetic upgrades. Focus your budget on critical repairs that affect the safety and integrity of your home first. Cosmetic upgrades can wait until you have more discretionary funds available. 
Proactive maintenance is key to avoiding costly emergencies down the line. Create a maintenance schedule that includes regular inspections of your home's systems and appliances. By catching problems early, you can address them before they escalate into major repairs.
Timing is everything when it comes to saving money on home repairs. Take advantage of seasonal discounts and promotions offered by contractors and suppliers. Whether scheduling HVAC maintenance in the offseason or buying materials during sales events, strategically timing your repairs can lead to significant savings.
3. Finding Affordable Contractors and Materials 
When hiring contractors for home repairs, don't settle for the first quote you receive. Take the time to compare quotes from multiple contractors to ensure you're getting the best deal. Look for reviews and ask for references to gauge the quality of their work.
Don't be afraid to negotiate prices with suppliers when purchasing materials for home repairs. Many suppliers are willing to offer discounts, especially if you're buying in bulk or paying cash. Be polite but firm in your negotiations; you may be surprised at how much you can save.
The internet is a treasure trove of savings regarding home repair supplies. Look for discounts, coupons, and rebates online retailers and manufacturers offer. You can also sign up for email newsletters and follow social media accounts to stay updated on the latest deals.
4. Creative Ways to Save on Materials
Before you throw away old materials from demolition projects, consider salvaging and reusing them. Items like old bricks, lumber, and fixtures can often be repurposed for new projects, saving you money and reducing waste.
Get creative with upcycling by giving old furniture and fixtures a fresh lease on life. With a coat of paint or creative embellishments, you can transform outdated pieces into stylish additions to your home. Upcycling not only saves money but also reduces the demand for new materials.
Community swap groups are a fantastic resource for finding free or low-cost materials for home repairs. Join local online groups or attend community swap events to connect with neighbors who may have items you need. It's a win-win situation that fosters community spirit while saving you money.
5. Saving Money Through Sustainable Upgrades 
Replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models can significantly save your utility bills. Look for appliances with ENERGY STAR certification, which indicates they meet high-efficiency standards. While the upfront cost may be higher, the long-term savings make it a worthwhile investment.
Improving your home's insulation is a cost-effective way to increase energy efficiency and lower heating and cooling costs. DIY insulation projects are relatively simple and can yield noticeable savings. Add weather stripping around doors and windows or installing attic insulation.
Many governments offer rebates and incentives for homeowners who make energy-efficient upgrades to their homes. Check with your local utility company or government agencies to see what programs are available in your area. These incentives can help offset the cost of green home improvements and accelerate your savings.
6. Tapping into Community Wisdom for Cost-Saving Tips
Tap into the collective wisdom of your community by joining local forums and social media groups focused on home improvement. Ask for recommendations, share tips, and learn from others' experiences. You may discover valuable insights and resources you would have found with others.
Consider hosting DIY workshops in your community to share your knowledge and learn from others. Whether teaching basic plumbing repairs or sharing tips for painting techniques, DIY workshops can empower homeowners to take control of their home repairs while building camaraderie with neighbors.
Explore the possibility of bartering services with friends, family, or neighbors to avoid labor costs for home repairs. Offer your skills in exchange for help with projects outside your expertise. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that can save both parties money while fostering community bonds.
7. Proactive Steps to Prevent Costly Repairs
Regular inspections are essential for catching potential issues before they turn into costly repairs. Take the time to inspect your home's exterior, plumbing, electrical systems, and appliances regularly. Addressing minor issues early can prevent them from becoming major headaches.
Dealing with pests can be both annoying and expensive. Instead of relying on costly exterminators, try DIY pest control methods using natural remedies like essential oils, vinegar, or diatomaceous earth. These methods are effective and safer for your family and pets.
Each season brings its maintenance tasks to keep your home in top condition. From cleaning gutters and inspecting your roof before winter to servicing your air conditioning system before summer, staying on top of seasonal maintenance can prevent costly repairs and ensure your home is comfortable year-round.
8. Building a Financial Safety Net for Unexpected Repairs
Unexpected repairs are a fact of home ownership, so having a financial safety net in place is essential. Start building an emergency fund specifically for home repairs to cover unexpected expenses. Aim to save at least three to six months' living expenses to cushion any unforeseen repairs.
Home warranties can provide peace of mind by covering the cost of repairs or replacements for major systems and appliances in your home. However, weighing the pros and cons carefully before purchasing a home warranty is essential. Consider coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions to determine if a home warranty is right. 
When debt becomes a problem due to much-needed home repairs, consider getting help from professionals to sort your finances, refinance your loan, and eliminate your debt (see money max account reviews). Unforeseen expenses may hurt your budget, and that is okay. Just get back to building your finances again.
By implementing the intelligent strategies outlined in this article, homeowners can take control of their home maintenance costs and save big on essential repairs. From DIY fixes and strategic planning to researching contractors and investing in continual learning, numerous ways exist to minimize expenses while keeping your home in top condition.
 Saving money on home fixes doesn't mean sacrificing quality or safety. With careful planning, proactive maintenance, and a willingness to learn new skills, homeowners can enjoy a comfortable and well-maintained home without breaking the bank. Remember, a little effort now can lead to significant savings and peace of mind in the long run.
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360accounting · 7 months
Accounts Payable Best Practices for Small Businesses
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Accounts payable (AP) is a vital aspect of every business, regardless of its size. Efficient AP processes ensure that vendors are paid accurately and on time, fostering positive relationships and maintaining a healthy cash flow. For small businesses, optimizing AP practices is especially crucial, as they often have limited resources. In this article, we will explore accounts payable best practices tailored to small businesses, and we'll touch upon the significance of outsourced sales tax services and reconciliation services in the USA.
Streamline Your Invoice Management
Effective invoice management Reporting is at the core of accounts payable best practices. Implement a systematic approach to receiving, reviewing, and processing invoices. Digitize your invoices to reduce paper clutter, increase accessibility, and minimize the risk of errors associated with manual data entry.
Establish Clear Payment Policies
Clearly define your payment policies, including payment terms and procedures. Communicate these policies to your vendors, so they are aware of when to expect payments. Consistency in payment processing helps build trust and reliability with suppliers.
Leverage AP Automation Tools
Consider investing in AP automation software. Automation tools can significantly improve efficiency by automating data entry, routing invoices for approval, and even processing payments. These tools can be particularly beneficial for small businesses looking to streamline their AP processes.
Implement a Vendor Portal
A vendor portal is a self-service platform that allows vendors to submit invoices, check payment status, and communicate with your AP department. This not only saves time but also enhances transparency and vendor satisfaction.
Embrace Early Payment Discounts
Take advantage of early payment discounts offered by vendors. By paying invoices before their due date, you can reduce your overall costs. This can be a significant cost-saving strategy for small businesses.
Reconciliation Services in USA
Reconciliation services in the USA can help small businesses ensure that their financial records are accurate and up to date. These services involve matching financial transactions, such as bank statements and credit card statements, with your internal records. Reconciliation services can identify discrepancies and errors, helping you maintain financial accuracy and compliance.
Regularly Review and Update Vendor Information
Keep your vendor information up to date. Regularly review vendor details, such as contact information and payment preferences, to avoid payment delays and communication issues.
Set up Segregation of Duties
In small businesses with limited staff, it's essential to establish segregation of duties. This means separating responsibilities in the AP process to prevent fraud or errors. For example, the person responsible for approving invoices should be different from the one who processes payments.
Perform Three-Way Matching
Implement a three-way matching process, which involves matching the purchase order (PO), the invoice, and the receiving report. This helps ensure that you are paying for only the goods or services you have received, reducing the risk of overpayments.
Regularly Reconcile Accounts Payable
Reconciliation is a critical part of accounts payable best practices. Regularly reconcile your accounts payable ledger with your supplier statements to ensure that all invoices are accounted for and that there are no discrepancies.
Outsourced Sales Tax Services
Small businesses often find managing sales tax compliance challenging. Outsourced sales tax services can relieve this burden. These services specialize in sales tax outsourcing services, helping businesses navigate the complexities of sales tax regulations at the federal, state, and local levels. By outsourcing sales tax responsibilities, small businesses can ensure compliance and avoid expensive penalties.
Maintain a Document Retention Policy
Implement a document retention policy that outlines how long you will keep AP records. This not only helps with organization but also ensures compliance with legal requirements.
Efficient accounts payable practices are essential for the financial health and sustainability of small businesses. By streamlining invoice management, implementing AP automation tools, and embracing early payment discounts, small businesses can optimize their AP processes. Additionally, reconciliation services in the USA can help ensure financial accuracy and compliance.
Outsourced sales tax services are also a valuable resource for small businesses, assisting in navigating the complexities of sales tax compliance. By following these accounts payable best practices and leveraging outsourced services when needed, small businesses can strengthen their financial foundations and focus on growth and success in the competitive business landscape.
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507: Starting And Operating A Small Construction Business On Limited Funds
This Podcast Is Episode Number 507, And It's About Starting And Operating A Small Construction Business On Limited Funds
So you have a great business idea and are convinced you can make it work, but you don't have much capital to get your business off the ground. Juggling existing financial commitments such as a mortgage or bank loan could put a squeeze on your business plans. Many entrepreneurs use creative thinking and shrewd planning to get businesses off the ground with the smallest budgets. Freelancers in all industries deal with the same problems due to the nature of their work. Most of you came from the skilled craftsman trades; some worked as construction company managers and have now started or thought of starting your business.   If you just did, congratulations, you have decided to own and operate a construction company. Practically, solo contractors manage every aspect of their business, but we are here to help you navigate it. Here are the things you need to consider (especially when you are on a limited budget) to keep it running.
Making your construction business fit your finances
Starting your company on the tiniest of budgets means working harder to ensure your business doesn't implode from a lack of funds. Even if you don't have funds, you probably have something that many established companies don't have - time. You can build income and cash flow from your hard work if you have time.
Remember that the easiest businesses to get off the ground with limited capital don't require plenty of resources or initial outlay. These are generally service-based businesses, such as handyperson and residential home-improvement services.
Minimizing costs and eliminating expenses
It goes without saying that if you have a limited budget, you will need to direct your spending where it has the most significant impact on your business. Here are some tips to make your money go further.
Harness free business support. Business support or advice doesn't need to cost a fortune – there are plenty of ways to get help and build your knowledge for free. Use the Internet to research success stories in your chosen industry and find out if there are any government business mentoring services you could access. You could also approach your network of friends and family or industry associations to put you in touch with someone in your industry who could share their knowledge. 
Do it yourself. Almost any business task can be completed by yourself, depending on how much spare time you have. If you don't have the design budget for an expensive-looking website or are unsure how to design advertising material, consider learning how to do it yourself. For example, you might be able to attend a free or low-cost course on how to use design software or use Internet resources to teach yourself. 
Work from home or lease low cost. Working from home can be a great option; you don't need to meet clients at your premises, as most will invite you to their property. If you need a physical office to meet clients, leasing a room in a shared office or splitting the lease on a property with another business is an excellent way to minimize costs. Shared office spaces often have shared amenities such as meeting rooms and coffee break areas, which are great for meeting clients.
Order only what you need. Avoid the temptation to order large quantities of stock from suppliers in anticipation of large orders. Less supply means you save on storage costs and reduce the risk of theft or damage. The downside is that you may have to pay more for items, lowering your margins, but you can order in bulk once the business is booming.
Minimize fixed costs. The more fixed costs you have, you are financially tied down. Some fixed costs like power and telephone line rental can't be avoided, but other costs such as transport costs or office supplies will vary each month. Think carefully before financially committing to services that may not be necessary, such as expensive mobile data plans or a private mailbox.
Use free or cloud-based software. Rather than paying for bundles of software, download software off the Internet instead. A variety of websites offer free word processing software, accounting platforms, and budgeting tools, either as a limited-time trial or completely free. There are also free or low-cost cloud-based versions of many commonly used programs. Cloud-based programs are stored on the Internet, so they don't require as much processing speed or physical space as those stored on your computer's hard drive.
Use social media as a marketing tool. Creating a Facebook or Instagram account is free and provides you with a platform to market your business to your local community. Facebook also features a low-cost paid advertising feature you could use to drive potential customers to your pages. Social media pages can also be a free substitute for a website until you have enough money to create your own. You will need a significant online presence to gain customers and generate sales through social media, which takes time.
Directing profits back into your business
It may have taken a lot of hard work and determination, but you are now making sales. Spending money on yourself or some new gadget to reward your persistence is tempting. Avoid splashing out unless it will make a big difference to your business by improving productivity or operational capacity. It's generally best to put the money straight back into growing the backbone of your business – either by purchasing a piece of essential equipment or growing your client list.
Know when to spend
Like any start-up business, there will be times when you need to make big decisions, such as pursuing expansion opportunities or new markets. You might need to spend most (or even all) of your savings or consider borrowing to take advantage of new opportunities.
Final thoughts
Many aspiring to self-employment do not have any idea what freelancing entails. Contracting services to homeowners or individuals require lots of time and effort to earn a profit immediately. Employees tired of their own work lives idealize those of business owners and often ignore the difficulties faced in this environment. Before counting on notions of optimal freelancing experience, consider your own life, strengths, and abilities. Ask yourself these questions: "Am I ready to begin a long-term career in contractor work?" and "What do I want to achieve through my contracting business?" 
f you are a new, struggling construction business owner, tackling these problems from the bottom up streamlines the path to success. If you ever become discouraged, remember that everyone starts at the beginning and that you can achieve your desired level of success if you put in the work to attain it. Again, you are not alone. Let me know how I can help you today by filling out the form on the right.
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA, is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
  Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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Feasible Solutions & Options For Overcoming Electricity Power Crisis In India
A major power crisis has arisen in front of us today owing to shortage of coal, plunging entire world, including India, into complete darkness. Coal is crucial for India’s energy supply as 70% of India’s electricity generation depends on Coal. Every country is finding way out to deal with current power crisis which cannot be resolved overnight, especially for developed countries like India, which has 135 coal-fired power plants, but unfortunately, 70 amongst them reporting shortage, not having sufficient amount of coal supply resulting in running out of existing stockpiles within few days. Due to country’s severe shortage of coal, particularly in India, power generation in states like Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Tamil Nadu, has begun to suffer. Going by forecast, India was recently hit by power crisis when daily peak shortage rose to 10,778 MW, energy deficit reaching to 5% at national level, with some states experiencing steep deficits of upto 15%. Consequently, discoms resorted to load-shedding, leading to long duration of outage in many households and rationed supply for economic activities. As of September 2021, thermal power (power generating from burning coal, gas, petroleum) constitutes 60% of India’s installed capacity in power generation, coal-based power generation with capacity of around 210 gigawatts (GW) of total 396 GW accounts for about 53% of India’s total power capacity as on March 2022, India importing about 20% of its thermal coal requirements.
Probable Causes of Power Crisis:
Revival of economic activities-Heatwaves and revival of economic activities post COVID-19 disruptions propelled electricity demand, average daily energy requirement increasing to 4,512 million units (MU) in April 2022 from 3, 941 MU in April 2021, registering 14.5 % growth.
Inefficiency & Incompetency of TPPs-With 236 GW of thermal power plants (TPPs) running much below capacity (at 59% capacity utilisation), India could’ve managed this demand surge by ramping up thermal generation.
Cash Flow Problem in Electricity Sector-Inability of discoms to recover cost results in outstanding dues of over Rs.1lakh crore to power generation companies (GenCos) default on payments to Coal India Limited (CIL).
Discom Losses-Aggregate losses stand at 21% (2019-20), reflective of both operational inefficiency & poor recovery of dues from consumers and discoms inability to pay generators on time leading to payment delays to Coal India.
Multiple Structural Fault Lines-Chronic insolvency of discoms disrupting upstream supply chains, utilities not undertaking effective resource planning & blame-game of states to Centre for faulty coal allocation & Centre pushing blame on state’s inability to pay upstream suppliers.
Solutions For Preventing Electricity Crisis In India:
Planning & policy reforms involving scarcity management to one of flexible resiliency.
Enabling ecosystem ensuring power plants to function more efficiently.
Need to introduce feedback loops in ecosystem-incentives to achieve/exceed compliance but repercussions if they don’t.
Policy focus must be on long-term structural solutions addressing distribution financial viability coupled with robust mechanism for resource planning.
Discoms should be enabled to undertake smart evaluation and management of demand.
Revisiting fuel allocation and supporting priority dispatch of efficient parts could facilitate India to reduce coal demand by upto 6% of annual requirement.
Strategic Energy Transition-Strategic approach to energy transition harnessing low-cost power, holds promise of renewable energy sources like Solar Power, of which Solar inverters are made, Wind Power, Bio Energy, and opportunities for diversification in energy mix is crucial for addressing persistent power shortages.
Middle Term Solutions for Solving Crisis-While India is expected to overcome current coal shortage, the only way it can secure its long-term energy security is by ramping up production from renewable source of energy like solar energy-Solar inverter being its product made by power inverter manufacturer in India.
Focussing on Domestic Production & Reducing Imports-Increasing domestic production for reducing and avoiding imports altogether is important.
India should enhance investments in clean coal technologies deployment throughout coal value chain.
Mining blocks allocated to private sector aiding in early production. By doing so, requirement for higher coal imports and consequent onerous financial burden would come down.
Future Source of Electricity Power-Renewable Energy Wins Hands Down!
Renewable energy like Solar Power, of which Solar inverters are the products made by EnerTech, one of the leading solar inverter manufacturers in India, is only solution to combat India’s power crisis.
Types of Inverters:
1. Solar Off-Grid Inverter-
Solar off-grid inverter constitutes part of off-grid solar system where solar power that you’re not consuming will automatically get stored in solar battery or solar inverter which you can use later. Solar off-grid inverter produced by EnerTech, one of the leading solar inverter manufacturers in India and power inverter manufacturer, is very popular and it comes with power backup. Solar off-grid inverters work independently off grid. Most home appliances like Fans, Cooler, TV, AC, Water Pump, etc., operates through this inverter.
2. Solar Hybrid Inverter 1Ph-
Solar Hybrid Inverter 1Ph from house of EnerTech, one of the best solar inverter manufacturers in India, has a range of 5KVA-30KVA, Display 32-bit DSP based design, Multi modes working SBG/SGB/Export/Batteryless, Power Factor-IGBT rectifier with PF>0.9, Customized MPPT design, Interactive front LCD to do all settings via display, MODBUS control for handshaking, Paralleling option, Remote monitoring using GSM/RS-485.
3. Solar Hybrid Inverter 3Ph-
Solar Hybrid Inverter 3Ph from EnerTech, one of the prominent solar inverter manufacturers in India and power inverter manufacturer, has range of 5KVA-600KVA, Display of 32-bit DSP based design, Multi modes working SBG/SGB/Export/Batteryless, Power Factor-IGBT rectifier with PF>0.9, Customized MPPT design, Interactive front LCD to do all settings via display, MODBUS control for handshaking, Paralleling option, Remote monitoring using GSM/RS-485.
Make EnerTech Your Ultimate Companion For Life!
India is facing major power crunch with depletion of natural resources like coal, oils, natural gases, leading to rise in electricity cost. At this critical juncture, Enertech’s Solar Hybrid Inverter act as saviour leading to notable reduction of electricity bills. Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into DC (direct current) form of electricity. The generated power then passes through solar invertor which converts it from DC to AC (alternative current) used for running home and electrical appliances that in general work under an electrical grid. EnerTech’s Solar Hybrid Invertor saves and reduces electricity costs estimated to be Rs.6.15 kilowatt per hour in India presently.
Enertech offers three types of Solutions:
Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)-An integrated system consisting of MPPT Solar Charge Controller, solar inverter, Solar Hybrid Inverter and Grid charger for providing facility to charge battery bank either through Solar or Grid, continuously monitors Battery Voltage, Solar Power & output loads. EnerTech’s Solar Hybrid Invertors 1Ph and 3Ph convert solar energy, the source of which is Sun, into electrical energy with the help of photovoltaic cells thereby saving and reducing electricity costs, which has put consumers’ life in penury given the spike in electricity bills.
Solar Power Conditioning System (PCS)-Power Conditioning System (PCS) in solar energy refers to collection of electrical equipment converting direct current (DC) from photovoltaic array of alternating current (AC) or that conditions AC current produced at CSP facilities to match voltage and phase conditions of bulk electricity grid to which solar energy is connected. PCS also includes system monitoring devices and isolation switches that can isolate solar energy facility from bulk electricity grid during off-normal conditions.
Solar Energy Storage System (ESS)-Energy Storage Systems (ESS) means system installed in addition to solar PV and/or wind power capacity that can capture energy produced at one time for usage later on. It’s specific type of power system integrating power grid connection with solar inverter or Solar Hybrid Inverter/Charger, GX device and battery system. Solar ESS stores solar energy into battery during day for later use when sun stops shinning.
All these functionalities of EnerTech are solely for the purpose of making proper utilization of solar energy by tapping it in various forms and using it for consumers’ benefits who can store them and use later, simultaneously reducing electricity costs for the better.
Embrace EnerTech with all its Glory! Making its foray in 1989, EnerTech UPS Pvt. Ltd. is India’s No.1 solar inverter manufacturer and power inverter manufacturer. EnerTech is a professionally-managed customer-centric organization serving more than 30000+ customers serviced over past 30 years. We want to solve consumer problems and challenges like power blackouts, electricity shortage & its subsequent crisis plaguing them through advanced technologies, by offering cost-effective and reliable power solutions with our wide array of solar and power products like solar inverter, Solar Hybrid Inverter, Industrial Inverter, Industrial UPS, etc. Make EnerTech a part of your extended family!
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xingtia · 1 year
where to buy galvanized steel sheets for my project?
Galvanized steel sheets are now an excellent choice for many different projects, and thanks to an increasingly developed online trade network, it is now easier than ever to find galvanized steel sheets to meet your needs. The right choice of material will not only meet the requirements of the application but will also reduce costs to a large extent. If the material is not selected properly, the result may be that the material performance exceeds the use requirements, resulting in unnecessary waste, or it may fail to meet the use requirements, resulting in downgrading or unusable. Therefore, consumers should pay great attention to the importance of a reasonable selection of materials.
Where to buy galvanized steel sheets for my project?
If you are in the galvanized steel sheets market, please browse and consult galvanized steel sheets suppliers online before choosing to buy to see if they can meet your needs. Not limited to domestic and foreign countries, the premise is that you must choose a reliable and professional supply manufacturer to make your choice. Of course, you can also shop at your local hardware market to see what the quality of the product is, which is more reassuring than what you can find on the internet.
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CN-Panda Steel Group has a highly qualified and efficient work team, and its main products include galvanized coil, aluminized coil, aluminized zinc coil, color coated coil, cold rolled coil, stainless steel coil, etc. CN-Panda Steel Group is the strategic partner of Shougang, TISCO, Baosteel, and other top 500 enterprises in the world, and has been supplying to Haier, Hisense, HAIIC, COFCO, etc. for a long time. We have become a leading steel company in China. Relying on the years of accumulation of management personnel, the company has a wide range of customer resources throughout the domestic market and has exported its products to more than forty countries and regions. We are familiar with the product standards of various countries and have rich professional knowledge and resources of manufacturers, especially for factory-type and export-oriented enterprises, we can give very good raw material supply solutions, and are one of the few companies in the industry with relevant capabilities.
We are a very professional and powerful galvanized steel sheets sheet manufacturer in China, and we can meet your needs for all kinds of steel, no matter how many products you need or what kind of specifications you need, we will make our best efforts to satisfy you.
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athemas-blog · 2 years
Is a Reconditioned Laser Printer Right For You?
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You make sure to have great deals of inquiries concerning the best method to go if you're currently thinking of starting a service from house, acquiring a computer or changing that old, tired, worn printer that's been giving you fits.
If you've chosen the brand of laser printer you want to acquire, you still might be wondering about a refurbished vs. a brand-new one, especially if acquiring a brand-new one is outside your budget plan limits.
Allow's state you understand which brand name of printer you desire, Canon for example, as well as you know you can not validate the cost of the version that would certainly best fit your demands, you could entertain the thought of a reconditioned model.
You might not know with the term reconditioned printer and also may have some concerns
Would certainly getting a refurbished printer be like buying a used one? If I purchase among these, am I just acquiring a used printer?
If these printers are equally as great as new, why are they so cheap compared to new ones?A1 Colour plotters
You may be thinking about that old claiming that getting an utilized printer is just buying somebody else's issues
Where do you go to search for refurbished printers?
Just how much could you expect to conserve by purchasing among these vs. a new one?
What is, generally, a reasonable price to spend for one in connection with a new one?
I know that certain terms have various definitions and so I'm uncertain if there are regulations that specify what reconditioned means.
Right here are a few of the bare realities regarding reconditioned laser printers.
It's totally feasible that you might acquire a refurbished printer that has never even been made use of whatsoever or which has had really minimal usage.
Some printers were just terminated by the customer or were gone back to the factory by a consumer for one factor or an additional.
Several makers will not try to re-sell these printers as brand-new therefore you obtain them at a really healthy price cut.
Another resource of reconditioned products is triggered by overstocking of items or designs that were used as demonstrations.
A few other ways a printer might be reconditioned is if they were made use of as rental or rented out to firms that had actually returned them after the lease period had run out.
Often times you'll find printers that were returned by people who had actually leased or leased them for use in training programs or momentary jobs and afterwards sent them back at the end of the lease.
You'll discover that some individuals do not want to acquire a product and then after opening it discover a small flaw in the coating or other sort of blemish so they return it unused and it's put out as reconditioned.
An additional situation that brings about a printer being returned is absence of understanding of the established guidelines or operating manual and also these printers could be returned when nothing is the issue with them.
The majority of the moment these printers are just taken a look at, to see that nothing is actually incorrect with them, and after that sell as reconditioned units.
Buying an item and after that returning it prior to the trial period ends is a game that many people play so they can obtain a more recent printer or another design they want when there's nothing wrong with the system.
All these types of conditions may be what causes a printer being had a look at by the supplier and afterwards positioned offer for sale as reconditioned.
Regrettably, the market doesn't put out a standard meaning of what can be called reconditioned.
You may locate a system that has actually only been cleaned up and slightly examined being put out offer for sale as reconditioned.
This is probably the rarer occasion, but it pays to recognize the company you are dealing with has a credibility for sincerity.
Handling personal celebration vendors can be particularly technique because you do not understand if they have actually had the printer refurbished or if they simply cleaned it up truly well as well as are offering you an utilized product.A0 Colour plotters
A respectable business will certainly do a comprehensive check of the printer and also repair work or replace any kind of malfunctioning components so you must be getting an equipment that is more carefully pertaining to a brand new one.
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vickyskpopkingdom · 3 years
ATEEZ - From The Wonderland Pt.1
this story is based on ATEEZ' performance of wonderland on Kingdom: Legendary War. while i was writing it got a little out of hand and i wrote way more than anticipated so please keep an eye out for pt.2 and possibly pt.3. they well be up in a few days!
if you haven't you should definitely check all of the performances out, the link to ATEEZ' performance is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDitNeFO-I&t=183s&ab_channel=MnetK-POP so please do check it out, it is amazing.
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
warnings: guns, swords, drinking and fighting
2k words
While the ships in the harbor swam quietly above the water, swaying to the rhythm of the waves crashing on the stone walls of the dock, the inside of the bar was much more loud and chaotic. The pirates took care of their ships but not so much of themselves. Beer, rum and wine seemed to flow endlessly, the bar staff barely keeping up with their customers.
This was a usual development of the evenings in the city. Pirates everywhere knew that they would be safe here, the town flourished thanks to them spending their money on alcohol, women and repairs for their ships. It never took long for the alcohol to take over, resulting in bar fights and various other showdowns or show-offs.
Two men sitting directly in front of the bar downed a shot of pure rum, before falling back into their previous conversation.
"The Kraken is a legend. Nothing more, nothing less. Probably made up by some pirate some centuries ago to make sure no one sails there to steal his treasure", the younger of the two said, his voice slightly cracking because of the amounts of alcohol already running through his body.
The other, slightly older but equally as drunk, shook his head, grabbing the wood of the bar to steady his swaying body. "Then tell me why no one who sailed there came back? I don't trust that part of the sea one bit, you hear me? Not one bit!"
A hiccup escaped his throat, as he called for a bartender with his hand. "We would like another round please", he ordered as the woman approached them. Then he looked back to his previous discussion partner. "It is real. And there is no one out there that could defeat The Kraken."
"It's a myth! Crafted to keep cowards like you away from what could be a huge treasure.", he other retorted.
Two small glasses were put down on the counter in front of them, the sound of glass hitting wood disrupting their conversation. "Both of you are wrong", the female bartender scoffed, "The Kraken was real and it was defeated."
Both men stopped their movements to look at her. The younger grinning from one ear to another, seemingly amused by the previous statement, while the older one eyed the bartender up and down. "And how would you know, lady?"
"What? Have you never heard of ATEEZ?", she asked back, a smile playing around the corners of her mouth now, "They slayed The Kraken."
Hongjoong sat inside his most prized possession, his ship 'Wonderland', as he waited for the final object needed on his quest to arrive. Above him on the deck of the ship he could hear his crewmates running around, making finishing touches for departure. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of sailing out with his crew again, finally getting back on the sea after a break on land.
As the noises calmed down a little, Hongjoong could already tell that the supplier had arrived. His hunch turned out to be true, as the door to his private room opened and a man dressed in all black stepped inside. This was not their first meeting and as it also wouldn't be their last Hongjoong had already gotten used to the large black hat the person opposite to him wore that covered the most part of his face.
To say that he was curious to see that face would be an understatement. And yet he had never asked to see it. Hongjoong knew that sometimes secret had to be kept. Besides he certainly did not want to taint this relationship. It was way to beneficial.
Without a word spoken the man in black set down the object on Hongjoongs desk: an hourglass, held in a circle made of gold. The words 'Symphony No.9' were engraved on the circle, almost invisible to those who didn't know about their existence. Pearly white sand flowing freely from one side to another if turned right. It was beautiful, breathtaking even, to finally see the ominous hourglass on his own ship.
"Thank you. I appreciate your work", Hongjoon said, as he pulled a small leather bag from one of the drawers in his desk. Coins rattled against each other as the bag got exchanged form Hongjoongs hand to the gloved hand of the quiet man. "I will let you know, when I am searching for new objects."
At this the man in black nodded, tipped the brim of his hat at the Captain and left.
Hongjoong looked at the hourglass, smiling as he turned it over. The white sand started flowing down. "Show us the way, Symphony Number Nine."
As the Captain stepped out of his cabin, he could already see his crew ready on deck. The only thing they were waiting for was his 'go' and they would start sailing in an instant. By the atmosphere surrounding them, Hongjoong could already tell that they were just as excited as he was to see for themselves if the legendary treasure, the 'Symphony', was real. The legends surrounding its existence described it as one of the largest treasures out there. Shimmering gold coins, fiery red rubies and the finest silver swords were only few of the objects rumored to be part of the Symphony.
Hongjoong could feel the eyes of his crewmates on him. He couldn't hide his smile anymore as he finally said: "Let us start our journey, ATEEZ!"
Excited yells were the answer and everyone got to work. Soon the ship was leaving the harbor behind, the wind being on their side today.
As the captain, Hongjoong usually didn't have much to do with the actual sailing. He was more into planning their journey, making sure they had enough food and water and ordered his crew to stop at a nearby harbor to fill up their supplies if necessary. Today however he stood on deck with everyone else, breathing in the fresh air of the sea while trying to calm down his beating heart. It had been quite some time since him and his crew went on such a mysterious journey.
"Bring all of this below deck!", Hongjoong could hear Seonghwa ordering some of the lower ranked members of their crew. He turned around to see his right-hand man standing tall between the other crewmates, overlooking the whole process. Seonghwa was a reliable partner to Hongjoong, his right hand, who always kept his cool. Which was more than necessary because Hongjoong held intense pride for everything he did and could get into heated arguments with other pirates from time to time.
As if he had sensed something Seonghwa turned to look at Hongjoong. "You are still out here today? Don't you trust us, Captain?" His voice was calm, as always but Hongjoong could hear the teasing undertone.
"I trust all of you wholeheartedly. Just didn't want to miss our departure", he answered nonetheless. Seonghwa smiled warmly at him before walking over to Wooyoung who had called out for him.
Hongjoong let his eyes wander a little more over the deck, spotting Yunho who was currently training his sword-skills. Or at least he tried to do as much as he could with the limited resources he had to fight against. His enemy of choice were some thick ropes spun between the masts of the ship. The Captain had told Yunho countless times already that he was a skilled fighter especially with a sword, but Yunho always strived to do better.
"Don't tire yourself out too much, Yunho", Hongjoong finally spoke up as he approached the younger man, "We can not tell when we will arrive and I need you to be ready if we actually have to fight someone... or something."
Yunho cut through the centre of the ropes with a final strike. "Fine, fine. I'll tone it down a little." He smiled brightly at the captain before collecting the now cut ropes and knotting them to the masts again.
Sometimes Hongjoong felt as if he had adopted a puppy into his crew and not a 22 year old man.
"Hongjoong!", someone called for the Captain. He of course knew, that this voice belonged to San. His eyes found San and his bright pink hair standing at the ship's wheel as he was responsible for steering it. He waved for Hongjoong to come over.
On his way over to San, Hongjoong passed by Seonghwa once more who was now with Wooyoung. Similar to Yunho they were training. Well Wooyoung was training with a gun while Seonghwa gave him advice on the angle, the stance and the technique. Somehow the vice-captain had an incredible aim and a steady hand. Hongjoong would trust Seonghwa to shoot an apple off of his head.
Wooyoung wasn't quite there yet, he still had a long way to go to reach Seonghwas level of skill, but he was eager to learn and had improved highly ever since he started training his aim.
"You two as well? I guess, you can join Yunho in wasting your energy", Hongjoong sighed at them.
Seonghwa shrugged, pointing to Wooyoung. "It was his idea, not mine."
Wooyoung fired a shot at the makeshift target and almost hit the bullseye. "Ah~ so close! Did you see that Seonghwa? Was that one good? It was good, right?"
"Sorry, Woo. I was talking to Hongjoong and didn't pay attention to you."
"What? Oh my god Seonghwa, you are so mean!"
Hongjoong left the two to bicker among themselves and finally reached San. "Whats up?", he asked.
Just like the other crewmates San seemed to be filled to the brim with excitement. Which wasn't exactly something new or unusual. San, together with Yunho Wooyoung and Yeosang, whom Hongjoong had yet to spot on their big ship, were always giving high energy especially when they were all together.
"Just wanted to confirm our current route with you", San answered, gesturing towards the small table next to she steering wheel. On the wooden surface San had laid out a map covering most of the sea and of course the hourglass, which would lead their way. None of them knew exactly how it worked, but i seemed as if the sand inside the glass was drawn into a specific direction as long as it flowed down.
Hongjoong took a look at the white sand, comparing its flow with the direction of their ship and nodded. "Seems good to me. I think, you can work it out by yourself just fine, San."
San shrugged. "Better safe than sorry, right Captain?"
"Right, San", Hongjoong said, smiling. He knew that San worked hard to reach the level of skill he had now. No map was too complicated, too old, too ripped for San, somehow he was able to read them all. San had always gotten them to their destination safely and yet he still liked to check in with the Captain, making sure they were on the right path.
With a friendly pat on the head, after which San smiled proudly and most pleased, Hongjoong made his way down to the main deck again. Once more his eyes landed upon Yunho, who had stopped wielding his sword. Instead he was now bend over a black cloth. Next to him were the last two main crewmates, which Hongjoong had not yet seen after their departure: Jongho and Yeosang. Seeing those two and the mysterious black cloth reminded Hongjoong of something that he had entrusted them with. As he walked over to them he wondered, if they were already finished with their task.
"And what are you three plotting?", he greeted them as he arrived at their current position.
"Nothing much", said Yeosang, "Just showing Yunho our new flag."
So they were finished with their task. Hongjoong couldn't help but smile. Their old flag had been ripped during their last quest. Of course that wasn't something to stop ATEEZ from continuing, but Hongjoong had noticed that his crew's motivation had been higher while they were still in possession of their flag, their symbol, the sign which let others know that they were dealing with ATEEZ. And because of that he had asked Jongho and Yeosang to think about a new flag.
Hongjoong scanned the new flag. Similar to the previous one the background was black, appropriate for a pirateship, but this time Yeosang and Jongho had decided to paint the lettering, the word ATEEZ, in a fiery red. But there was something else that caught Hongjoon's eye: "Is that fire above our name?"
"Yes, but also no", Jongho started to explain, "It's supposed to resemble a crown that is on fire... or made out of fire. Whatever floats your boat, you know?"
To say that Hongjoong was impressed would be an understatement. He had always known that his members were creative, always thinking about what to do next and most importantly what would benefit their crew. There was a tight-knitted bond between the members of the core-crew, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung, Jongho and Hongjoong himself, forged by their adventures on the sea. Somehow he felt as if the new logo, the fire, the crown, their name in red, combined all of their characters perfectly.
"It's time to hoist this new flag up, guys", Hongjoong ordered, "Let's show everyone who they're messing with."
Hongjoong was awoken by someone slamming his door open. By the dim light coming in from the outside of his room, he assumed that it was early morning, around five am maybe.
"Captain, I think we're here!", San's clear voice resonated into the room. There wouldn't be another crewmate up at this time of day anyways. At least up until now. During the last few days on their journey all of the crew had gotten more and more restless. Nobody could tell why, since there were no changes in their surrounding, but somehow they all were getting sure that their destination was close by.
Their intuition had not been wrong Hongjoong thought as he stepped out on deck and saw an island coming closer and closer to the ship with every second. His members stood by his side as they all watched the island draw closer. With a quick glance Hongjoong was pleased to see, that they were just as ready as him to step off the ship and get to finding the treasure. They were all dressed accordingly and Yunho and Seonghwa even had their weapons with them.
They couldn't help but feel an ominous feeling wash over them as Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung and Jongho landed on the island with a small boat. They had decided to leave the rest of their crew on board of the 'Wonderland'. Too many men could potentially be more dangerous and just the seven of them going alone. Besides that they were skilled and could handle fights by themselves, as they had proved countless times already.
They didn't regret this decision even as the dark forest loomed over them on the island, they never regretted a decision they had made. But neither of them could deny that a little more company would have felt more comfortable.
Hongjoong adjusted his long fur coat. It was a piece of clothing many deemed unfitting for such an adventure but Hongjoong felt most comfortable in it. He was the captain, he was talented, he was the leader, the brain. The fur coat wouldn't be an obstacle in whatever situation he had to face. "Let's find that damn treasure, ATEEZ!", he said as he took the first step towards the densely wooded forest. His crew followed suit.
A shiver creeped up on Wooyungs back as the trees started to surround them. During the first few minutes his mind was busy to figure out what was so confusing about this forest. Something was off, wrong almost but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Then finally it clicked: There were no noises. No birds singing, not any other animal making a sound. No wind flowing through the leaves. Even the sound of their shoes on the forest floor seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness around them.
Of course they had heard rumors about this island. And there were many. One talked about the treasure being cursed, bringing the finder only harm and misfortune. Another said that the treasure was being guarded by a giant kraken. And the most popular of them all of course told them that no one who stepped a foot on this island was able to return back home. All of these rumors could be true Wooyoung now realized. This was definitely the right place to hide a cursed treasure guarded by a kraken with a preference for humans.
Wooyung realized that his friends must have felt the same way. None of them dared to talk. Every single spoken word would have felt too loud in this forest. But on the other hand there was no denying that this was the right place to hide a treasure! And up until now they had always been successful on their adventures. Their teamwork was outstanding, no one could compare. They had risen in ranks ever since they started sailing. There was no way that this would be their breaking point.
The cracking sound of a stick made Wooyoung flinch. He was a little ashamed but was instantly less embarrassed when he saw how Yunho clutched at San's biceps. Just as he was about to point this out though, Seonghwa hissed a "Someones's coming" to no one in particular. Wooyoung could see how the older already laid a hand on his sniper.
Without talking the pirates stood in a circle, their backs to each other. It was quiet again, somehow the silence felt even more heavy than before.
Suddenly even more tree branches cracked, Wooyoung could even hear footsteps approaching them. This time he didn't need Seonghwa to tell him that someone was on their way. He could hear them himself, loud and clear. Someone was coming. They were fast. And they were many.
People started breaking through the trees attacking ATEEZ on sight. As he ducked under a thrown fist Wooyoung made a mental note to thank Hongjoong and Seonghwa later for training them so hard in hand-to-hand combat before they started sailing all those years ago. He was able to avoid another punch and in turn could kick his enemy off of his feet, making them fall to the ground with thud and, Wooyoung noticed in horror, an extremely loud cracking noise. Now that his sole focus wasn't on dodging he was able to get a good look at their enemies. They were around the same height as him and his friends but there was no flesh, no hair, no skin, not even eyes in their sockets. They were fighting a bunch of skeletons. The one Wooyoung had previously thrown on the ground was no longer moving. It seemed to had landed on a rock of some sort and cracked its spine.
As he looked around Wooyoung noticed that breaking their bones seemed to be the only way of getting them to stop fighting. His crewmates were struggling with the skeletons because simply pushing them back or slicing into the bones wasn't enough to keep them back. They didn't feel pain.
"Break their spine or their legs!", Wooyoung called out, while trying to escape the boney hands of another skeleton approaching him, "They need to be unable to move."
At this exclamation San aimed a swift kick at the head of his enemy. The skull made an ugly noise as it dislocated from the rest of the body and landed on the ground. The skeleton stopped moving before falling collapsing.
"Yeah, I guess the head works too", Wooyoung commented.
"You should concentrate!", Seonghwa barked back, but even he couldn't help a small grin making its way onto his lips.
As it turned out his call to focus wasn't without reason. Wooyoung struggled more and more with every punch, with every kick. He was getting exhausted, feeling the hits the skeletons were able to land on him while his enemies remained unbothered at anything that wasn't cracking them in half. He could hear Jongho's heavy breathing behind him and saw Yeosang limping. This was not going well. Not at all.
He wanted to help his friends but he was equally beat up. Still Yeosang definitely needed help. Wooyoung took a step towards his friend and felt a hand closing around his arm. Slender bones held him in his current spot, as another set of bones wrapped around both of his legs. How could these people only made out of bones be so strong?
A yelp escaped his lips as more and more hands got hold of his body. Yeosang, who Wooyoung wanted to originally help, turned around. He realized what was happening to Wooyoung and started to run towards him but it was too late. The skeletons dragged Wooyung with them. Yeosang was still struggling with his limp, unable to follow them.
"They have Wooyoung!", he cried out, panic clearly audible in his voice. If he wasn't used to one thing it was seeing Wooyoung like this; helpless, alone, frightened. Normally Yeosang would not have distracted his other friends from their own fights like that but this situation was different. All of the rumors they had heard before came back to his mind at once, his worry for Wooyoung only increasing.
Hongjoong broke from their circle and sprinted into the woods, following the skeletons who had captured Wooyoung.
"San, no!", Seonghwa's voice resonated over their heads. Yeosang turned around to see San, who was also trying to leave into the same direction.
"He can't fight them all alone, Seonghwa!", San called back.
"They are leaving...", Jongho panted. He made a sweeping gesture around them. Their attention diverted to their surroundings. The youngest had been right. The skeletons retreated back into the forest, using different directions as they ran.
"Then it should be fine for me to go find Hongjoong and Wooyoung", San stated, already starting to walk again.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by someone-- something screeching.
All of them froze. That was a noise they had never heard before and Yeosang was more than sure that he never wanted to hear it ever again. It sounded angry, it shook him to his core. Yunho and Jongho seemed to have the same reaction as him, while San was still staring towards the part of the forest, that he suspected their other two crewmates in. Seonghwa on the other hand had a grim look on his face.
"I guess, that rumor about a kraken wasn't just a rumor after all."
Before one of them could react to his statement in any way, Seonghwa looked at Yeosang. "Are you able to walk?"
Yeosang tried to put weight on his right foot. It hurt but it seemed to be endurable. "I don't think I can run, but walking should be fine."
"Then we will all follow Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Don't try running off on your own, San, do you hear me?"
San didn't answer Seonghwa, he only kept on looking into the forest.
"Did you hear what I just said, San?", Seonghwa asked again, sounding even more stern this time.
"Yes, I did. And I won't run off."
that concludes part 1 of this story, hope you enjoyed it so far & will come back to read the rest!
sorry for not including mingi but as he is not part of the performance i would have found it very difficult to add him as well. i already feel bad because i gave the members different "screentime" in this story (my program tells me i wrote "wooyoung" 21 times, followed by "seonghwa" with 12 times and "hongjoong" and "yeosang" with 10 times each).
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johnstibal · 3 years
Career advice for law students wanting to practice in international law
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I was recently asked by a law student for some career advice on how to get a job internationally, and particularly how they could get engaged in international (public and private) legal work.
While my legal background stems largely from doing multinational corporate work, particularly in the IT sector, here are my basic ideas outlining a few generic things to think about in terms of your career planning and some key approaches to pursuing these types of careers.
My background.  For the past several years, I have worked primarily in London, and secondarily in Paris, for a very large telecommunications company.  I was originally working for another one of this companies' affiliates in USA, and this enabled me to move internally to another one of their companies in the UK.  Making this move internally within a large company allowed me to move abroad far easier, especially in terms of sorting out work visas and professional qualifications, etc.
Three Career Principles to Never Forget.  In terms of general career advice, there are three principles which you must keep in mind to work in international law related field.  While I recognize the risk of sharing a 'firm grasp of the obvious' (and I can almost hear some cringing already) most law students do not receive this message framed in this sort of a utilitarian light.  So, here it goes:
The sole purpose of your first legal job is to enable you to get a better second legal job.
It is all about Brand.  Your CV / Resume is a personal marketing tool.  It is your personal ‘brand’.  The choice of your first job should strongly take into account the value which the ‘brand’ of your new employer will add to your CV, and your future ambitions.  This lasts for decades.
You cannot save the world if you cannot pay the bills.  Public international law has some of the most interesting legal work around.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, it also has a tendency to attract incredibly brilliant people who will work for a minimum salary.  If you are independently wealthy, then great, no problem.  If you have large education debts, please do not neglect the fact this will undoubtedly impact your choice of jobs in the short term, even if not necessarily in the longer term.
Your first Legal job.  Getting your first Legal job is always a nerve wracking experience at best, and especially if you want to take a track other than going directly into a large law firm.  Unfortunately, nearly all major law schools are set up to build a funnel for large firms.  For your interests, even if you do not wish to 'end up' in a law firm or major global corporation, it usually makes considerable sense for you to go out to find the best ‘brand’ firm which you can, either in the US, UK or elsewhere.  You will be able to extract the majority of the benefits during this time by working at a firm for exactly two years (or three years, if in New York City) doing whatever type of legal work - - of course, its even better if your firm or company has a public international law practice, but this is not required.  By the end of this time, you will have ‘checked the box’ on your CV, and you can happily move on to what you really want to do.  This is by far is the safest option for most, and also incidentally, completes one of the requirements enabling you to be admitted to practice in other common law countries (e.g. the UK).  I’m not certain whether this is as helpful in other civil law countries, but I suspect it would be.
There is no question that working at a law firm, and potentially billing in ‘6 minute’ increments gets very tiring.  Reviewing e.g. commercial leases is even less fun than watching paint dry.  But this said, you will probably be practicing law for a very long time off and on anyway.  Having a good initial first employer on your CV, who has ‘trained’ you is always a good investment for your CV even if not necessarily beneficial to you over the long term.
As a lawyer who has graduated from a US law school, you are able to come to Europe with a well respected professional background (speaking generally).  In terms of global perceptions, US lawyers are highly respected, maybe in a similar form of the admiration to being world-class in other professions e.g. French engineers, British accountants, or Indian mathematicians - - not to foster bad stereotypes…  But, needless to say, the USA legal professional qualification travels well around the world, particularly among global employers.
This being said, there is a particular area of confusion when you first come out of law school.  Legal training is not the same around the world, meaning in France, a jurist has may have only attended the equivalent of undergrad and not graduate school (in terms of USA style nomenclature, depending on their qualifications).  In the UK, while there are some permutations, most young associates at large law firms will attend around a year and a half or so of graduate school, followed by two years of a training contract to learn how to practice law.  In Germany, many associates hold an LLM, or a PHD, at minimum, staying in school much longer.  While you probably can research the differences in the number of years of schooling better than me, you should be particularly aware of this issue when you turn up to speak with a new potential employer in Europe.  There is a risk of being perceived as wanting to find only a training contract, which is not needed as a USA law school graduate.  After your first job, the timing issue goes away as you accumulate more PQE (Post Qualification Experience).  The same is true in France, as I understand it.
An alternative path in human rights / non-profit sector for law students.  This is an area where my knowledge is limited.  But, if I wanted to pursue a career in this field, I would adopt some of the following key approaches.
First, figure out who are the heavyweights thought leaders in your particular field of interest, either individuals or organizations - - and, do your best to somehow associate yourself with their organization or sphere of colleagues.  You want to try to figure out who these organizations interact with, and by extension, which of these organizations might hire you.  Linkedin is an extraordinarily powerful resource for this research.  To test your hypotheses, try calling up or meeting up with the General Counsel of any public interest foundation (if not possible to meet in person, then email / Skype also works  but is far less effective than in person).  Introduce yourself, and ask him or her for some general advice, in particular what ‘outside counsel’ their foundation typically uses - - make clear that you admire the work of their foundation, and look to gain relevant experience by doing similar work in the future.  Ask about their Legal department organizational structure (General Counsels - GCs) love talking about this stuff), and what skills they look for over the long term, but even if not necessarily immediately.  If it goes well, you might get some really good information, and maybe even a referral to a firm or sister organization.  Senior Executives are very used to people asking them for jobs on a daily basis.  But, they get asked for their advice far less often.  Use this to your advantage... but do not be a pest.
As an example coming from NGOs, from time to time, I have occasionally dealt with some of the affiliates of the United Nations as a supplier. There are probably 20 of these, e.g. World Bank, IMF, UNHCR, IATA, WIPO, Red Cross, Red Crescent, and Red Crystal.  Some of these organizations you are probably more familiar to you than others.  There are two consistent traits that I see when dealing with their personnel.  First, many of the staff are about to retire, and second, their staff have all consistently bounced around the world working in many different UN affiliates and national governments doing all sort of different roles, both legal and non-legal.  The first of these is a well known problem for the UN and its agencies, at least, at a macro level, which might be helpfully to you. While I’m not certain what formal hiring programs may exist in these orgs, you should check with them around world, and particularly in Geneva, Switzerland and New York.  Also, in terms of firms which advise this types of groups, you should also talk with McKinsey & Company.  They do some very impressive pro bono work consulting for non-profits, and like to hire people with diverse backgrounds often having law degrees.
To get the attention of any large organization, and not just the UN agencies, you will always want to first find a way to get through the door, even if you need to do the unsexy type of legal work.  Once you are inside, it is usually far easier to move internally.  For example, if you work for a big organization like the UN, they have a vast array of legal needs, ranging from the basic to the exotic.  It is undoubtedly the case that a large portion of the UN’s legal budget goes to HR and Procurement legal advice (e.g. doing commercial leases, procuring pencils and IT projects) (whether done in-house or by external firms.)  When a UN agency needs to lease a building in sub-Saharan Africa, some lawyer somewhere in the world needs to review and advise on the tender process (often in combination with other local lawyers).  Therefore, this is an opportunity to target.   Yes, this is not sexy work, but it gets you a pass into the ‘club’ to work on other more interesting projects in the future.
As a final thought.  Having outlined all of above, if you truly want to work in the non-profit / human rights space, it might be the case that being a ‘junior file clerk’ for Google.org or the Gates Foundation is equally beneficial (from a brand perspective to get your next job) as being a senior associate at Skadden Arps.
On the one hand, being at a big firm allows you to potentially develop a deep legal specialty, which might be later retooled for a good purpose.  For example, undoubtedly, at some point, a brilliant lawyer in some large law firm will figure out how to package up millions of ‘microfinance’ loans using mezzanine financing techniques (i.e. allowing Wall Street money to start funding billions of very small loans around the world) - - in so doing, they could indirectly create prosperity in Africa for a life time.
At the same time, NGOs have a potential to do great things too.  These are the people who are likely to generate the next generation of new legal concepts / quasi-regulatory regimes.  For example, a newer area which I am following lately relates to 'conservation services' and 'natural capital' (see Conservation International) (www.conservation.org).  These structures are, essentially, quasi-voluntary regulatory schemes to allow companies to share and manage ecological externalities (see Jennifer Morris's speech at Stanford).  For me, CI's approach is just a start of a major trend in this area: soon there will be ISO certificate schemes covering externality pricing, as well as voluntary business case weighting methodologies which hopefully over time will become a standard approach in global commercial activity - - yet, this said, few individuals in the world understand how these types of governance tools work in practice.  It simply cross too many intellectual domains, which so far has stymied adoption on a global level.  'Deep Greens' are not well suited to create these types of applied 'corporate' innovations around externalities, but maybe you are the one given your legal background.
Highly innovative organizations, such as the Gates Foundation, look great to onlookers because, in large part, by comparison, the other large global NGOs have tired ‘business’ models.  Often major NGOs have been doing the same exact thing for decades.  For me, I could see this as creating an opportunity.  It might be great fun to join one of these NGOs for the express purpose to reshape it, remake it, and help them to reinvent their bag of tricks as an NGO.  As a lawyer, you can have this level of influence within these types of organizations - - but, remember, always ask for forgiveness, never for permission when trying to affect major change within large organizations.
Keep in touch.  If you like this or have other items to add, please drop me a note.  I always enjoy hearing from people and what they think.  These are changing times!
Best of luck,
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ashtraythief · 3 years
Not sure if this is how you suggest a prompt for your Underneath Verse, or if you're still taking them, but thought I'd give it a shot. Jared keeps worrying that one of his rivals will go after Jensen in some way to get a him. What if they do? Love your series!
Dear nonnie, sorry for this super late reply. I started working on this a long time ago, but then life happened and well. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever finish this. It doesn’t have any bearing on the overall story and I don’t think there’ll be anything in there that we don’t already know about these two, but it was fun to think about. This is a little snippet of what I have, but I kinda got stalled on it after the plot kept meandering into ridiculous territory and I don’t know if I can fix it. So here’s a small offering of something that happened but I’m not sure on the details.
The Neverending Story had been on Jensen’s to-read list for a while. He’d heard the film didn’t do it justice and he was intrigued by the concept even though it was technically a children’s book. Now that Adam fron the Turning Pages had found him a really nice, old, two-color print edition, there was no reason not to buy it. Especially because there’d be no evening entertainment this week. Jared was conducting a business deal and he was paranoid enough to keep Jensen under lockdown. 
If Jensen had known before, he would have made plans to just leave the city, but Jared hadn’t told him until the weekend. When Jensen had told him that he did not appreciate being cooped up, Jared had just shrugged and said to blame Chad.
“He’s paranoid, but he’s usually right.”
Jensen had demanded details and agreed to stay inside when Jared dropped Kurt Fuller’s name. Jensen knew about the Nato Syndicate, a drug and arms running cartel that operated anywhere in the northern hemisphere. They were dangerous and way above his pay grade and Jensen just hoped Jared would be prudent in his dealings with them. Jared might rule Chicago, but the Nato Syndicate had resources that dwarved the Chicago business five times over.
So Jensen had decided to go to the bookstore and get enough material to hole up at the house for a couple of days until this blew over. Jared would of course still be out and about—not showing fear—but he didn't want to spread his resources too thin. And since Jensen had no desire to be a pawn in an international drug or arms deal, he didn’t have a problem with it.
He was standing in front of the sci-fi shelves when he heard movement behind him too close to just appear. He spun around and raised his hands, but someone already slammed him into the bookshelf, arms around his neck and pushing up his chin. Jensen snapped for air, and then something sharp rammed into his neck.
Jensen gripped the arm around his neck to get space to breathe, stomped his foot back, hit a steel-toe boot. His vision started swimming, he didn’t have a lot of time, he reached behind him, felt a belt buckle, lower, his assailant made a sound of surprise, and Jensen grabbed whatever he could reach. Hard.
His assailant groaned and stumbled back, Jensen got a lungful of air, but his neck throbbed and everything went dark.
Jensen woke up tied to a chair, a low thrumming pain in his neck. Fuck.
An older man approached him, dark suit, slight potbelly, thin graying hair. “Mr. Campbell, you’re awake. Very good.”
Jensen coughed. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Kurt Fuller.”
So much for not becoming a pawn in an international drugs or arms deal. Well, Fuller was a businessman. If everything went according to plan, Jensen would be fine. Everyone knew that it equaled a declaration of war to harm Jensen. Unfortunately, the simple act of kidnapping would probably already send Jared into a tailspin, so Jensen needed to deescalate the situation before he died in the crossfire. Or get out of here before Jared did something stupid. But first, he needed information.
Jensen narrowed his eyes. “I thought you and Jared had a deal.”
“Oh, we do.” Fuller nodded assuringly. “Well, we did. See, one of my business partner’s plans changed so I had to adapt my plans. And I didn’t think your husband would be amenable to last-minute changes.”
Jensen pursed his lips. “Yeah, probably not.”
Fuller pointed a finger at him. “And that’s where you come in. Just a little insurance that I can go through with my business. And then I’ll return you to your husband.”
Jensen raised a skeptical eyebrow.
Fuller raised his hands. “Oh, no, I promise. I mean, everybody knows that Mr. Padalecki goes a little koo-koo where you are concerned. Very codependent, the two of you, almost irrationally so. And, really, I don’t need that kind of bad blood between us. So you are going to stay here, unharmed, and tomorrow, when my deal is over, I’m going to return you to your hubby. Good?”
Not really. Jensen didn’t think that it would make a difference to Jared if Fuller hurt him after abducting him—well, maybe the amount of pain he inflicted before he killed him—but kill him he would. Jensen didn’t say that though because he needed Fuller to think he’d get away with this so he wouldn’t hurt Jensen.
“You know, not many people would dare to kidnap me in the first place,” Jensen said casually; wanted to see if maybe Fuller was bluffing about the whole keeping him alive thing.
Fuller chuckled. “Well, they also don’t have the connections I have. I work for a very powerful organization and even your husband won’t want to make enemies of them. You see, your hubby, he has Chicago tight in his grip, oh yes, but this is just one city. Our concerns are much larger, much more global. But we recognize that your husband is a necessary business partner, so we want to play nice with you.”
Pointedly, Jensen looked at his shackled hands. “This is playing nice?”
“Ah yes, I heard you’re quite the maintenance. Well, if you promise to behave I have food and whiskey in the next room.”
“I’m more of a champagne guy,” Jensen said with a grin.
If Jared would play by their rules, he’d be fine. But Jensen already knew he wouldn’t. Jared didn’t tend to make the most rational decisions where Jensen was concerned. No, it was better if Jensen found a way out of here before Jared got the both of them killed.
“That can be arranged,” Fuller said. “Now, how about I show you the amenities and then we make a call to your husband so everything can proceed smoothly.” Fuller shot him a pointed look. “I assume I don’t have to implore on you that it is in your own best interest to convince your husband to go along with our change of plans.”
“I can’t guarantee that he won’t call you names,” Jensen said apologetically, “but I think we can come to an agreement.”
Fuller rubbed his hand. “Excellent. I do love it when a plan comes together.”
The food spread wasn’t too bad. There was bread and dip, some fancy canapés, a cheese plate, olives, and pralines. Jensen declined the whiskey, but Fuller said he’d already sent someone for the champagne. For now Jensen stuck to water. 
He counted guards and doors while he pretended to be busy with the food. There were four men with MAC-10s, plus two guys coming and going through the only other door besides the one leading to the windowless room Jensen had woken up in.
Another guy came in, bringing a laptop and a phone. Fuller was going to scramble his location for the call.
“Jensen.” Fuller gave him a smarmy smile. “May I call you Jensen?”
Jensen graciously inclined his head. 
“Wonderful. Now, Jensen, if you please…” Fuller gestured at the phone.
Slowly, Jensen walked over to him. He needed to impress upon Jared that he’d be fine if Jared behaved because if Jared started a war with Fuller, and by extension the Nato syndicate, they were all in danger.
Jensen took the phone, dialed Jared’s number. The dial tone came through the speakers from the laptop, loud in the room that had gone completely quiet.
Jared picked up after one ring. “Who is this?”
“Hey, babe,” Jensen said. “It’s me.”
“Jensen.” Jared let out a breath. “Where the hell are you?”
“I’m enjoying Mr. Fuller’s hospitality.”
“Put him on.” Jared’s voice was ice cold.
Fuller pointedly raised his eyebrows.
“Jared.” Jensen aimed for soothing. “Look, I’m fine. I’m unharmed. And I’ll stay that way if you let Fuller conduct his business.”
“That was the plan,” Jared said, voice shaking with barely contained fury. “I don’t understand why he would want additional assurance.”
Fuller motioned for the phone and Jensen handed it over.
“Mr. Padalecki.”
“Fuller, what the fuck?”
Fuller sighed. “I apologize, Mr. Padalecki, and I promise that your husband is indeed fine and will stay that way. The reason I invited him over is that I have to adjust our agreement.”
“You’re fucking kidding, right?”
“Unfortunately not. Look, this is not how I like to do business, but our supplier changed his route, so we need to adapt.”
There was a short pause, then Jared said, “Your supplier changed his route?”
“Yes,” Fuller said with a slight grimace.
“And you couldn’t just call me about that?”
“Mr. Padalecki, we both know you would have charged me an additional fee and I have reached my limit here. Now, as I said, Jensen will be fine. I am very much aware of the close relationship you have with your husband, and I have no intention of disturbing that.” He made a short pause for effect. “But I will if I have to.” Fuller waved one of his men over, took his gun. He raised the gun, approached Jensen and pressed the nozzle against Jensen’s chest. “Tell him, Jensen.”
Jensen sighed. “This is really not the best way to do this,” Jensen said.
Fuller pushed the gun harder against Jensen’s chest.
“Right.” Jensen turned towards the phone. “I am fine right now, but Fuller is pointing a gun at me.”
“That fucking—”
“Look, Jared, it’s okay. I’ve survived worse, okay? Just let him do his business and I’ll see you in a little while.”
Jarer drew in a very audible breath. “Okay. I just want you safe. You just hold on helm’s deep until the morning, and I’ll come get you.”
Jensen froze. He looked over to Fuller, who didn’t seem to have picked up on Jared throwing a fucking lord of the rings reference in there.
Helm’s Deep. Until the morning. They had watched the movies months ago, Jensen had made Jared watch the extended version with him, one Sunday, all three movies back to back from noon until into the night in Jared's giant home theater. Jared had protested, had said he actually knew the movies, and yes, they were okay, but Jensen insisted on the full experience. Jared had gone along with it, had enjoyed it even. And now this. 
Yeah, Jared was not letting this play out peacefully, he’d storm whatever place Fuller had holed up in, and free Jensen with force. Great.
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nestsong15 · 3 years
7 Reasons Why Every Business has an Digital Business Account
Social media is fast becoming the leading platform for consumers and businesses to communicate with one another. It is essential that businesses adapt their approach to the modern consumer. Customers must adopt a new strategy for managing their customer and management, which is different from traditional marketing strategies. eCommerce is rapidly becoming the primary aspect in the current business environment to assist businesses in increasing their sales and grow an online customer base. Businesses must be equipped with the necessary tools in order to connect with customers and to expand their growth strategies. We will go over the main reasons why businesses should have a digital account to manage their customers and supplement their growth. Before we go to the specifics, let's first examine what a digital account is. What is a Digital Business Account and how can you sign up for one? Digital Business Accounts are specifically designed corporate accounts created to provide complete financial services to businesses. Business accounts include integrated payment processing, other financial management services, and other tools designed to help businesses streamline their business workflow. Because they are specialized they can offer multi-currency support, lower payment fees, prompt settlement, and virtual debit card facilities. Global companies can make use of these business accounts as a central instrument to enhance their international payment management and fully control their financials. These are the main reasons why you should think about having a corporate bank account if you're business is looking to expand. Reasons to Opt for A Digital Business Account Time-Saving It can take quite a bit of time in order to open a bank account for your company. This is the case especially for an overseas registered business looking to open an account in Singapore. Singapore business account. As ap-1 of a director's office is typically required, the wait time for an offshore company to open an account may be anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. This could be a significant hassle for businesses. Digital business accounts , however, can be opened using a completely digital process, using an electronic Know-Your-Customer (eKYC) procedure. Simple Tracking of Expenses Most businesses have a need for a thorough expense tracking. The business must have the resources to efficiently record and categorize all expenses for financial management. Digital business accounts make it easier to manage expense tracking with integrated management tools that permit cashflow management and transaction management. The embedded tools add an extra layer of management with the addition of an expense management module that includes scanners and tools for evaluation. This is an ideal choice business owners looking to increase control and auditing. FX Savings
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Recent surveys reveal that the costs of currency conversion and rates for FX are among the most important concerns for business owners. Because of the nature of business transactions which can result in a large percentage of earnings to FX converts can be a problem. By offering conversion rates that are only available to corporate accounts, the process of management can be made easier. Corporate accounts help save a significant percentage of the FX fees. The dual currency nature of the business account simplifies the transaction management in two currencies to prevent paying FX fees as well as conversion-related loss of profits for the business. The payment process is often handled in different currencies by businesses across China. To support business operations, it is crucial that digital accounts offer easy-to-use FX rates. Multi-user Access Allocation The access options for traditional bank accounts are incredibly limited. Multi-modular management can make managing digital accounts extremely difficult for businesses that depend on it. A corporate account makes multi-user management much easier and gives users a more simplified access control. The security system is designed to be adaptable towards different users within the business. Your business can enhance its management by allowing multiple users to manage your account in a safe environment. No late charges Late payment charges are one of the most annoying aspects of the traditional banking channels. Late payment fees are an enormous expense for businesses that are suffering delays because of unpredicted market conditions. The digital business account simplifies the process and doesn't charge any late fees. This lets your company set its own operations and expand its cashflow options. Cashback and rewards that are exclusive to cashback A good corporate account will allow you to profit from their service by offering you integrated bonus and cashback programs that incentivize your partnership with the business. From discounted purchases to integrated regular cashback on transfers having a business bank account will streamline your administration by providing you with a hefty incentive for embracing electronic payments. Tools for business-related assistance are designed to simplify your business and assist with the management functions. In light of the above reasons that you should consider a corporate account is an ideal way to save key expenses and enhance control over your business. Find the Right Platform to Set Up Your Online Business Account Figuring out the right platform can be a tough process. There are numerous options available. You need to find the most efficient financial management system without losing any aspect of control. It can be difficult to find a system with integrated support for business management in countries such as China. We'd be happy to suggest the right choice for you! The AP-1 business account is the ideal choice for businesses looking to seamlessly transborder transactions to China. It is completely in control and will benefit from quicker and more efficient payments. Aleta Planet of transfer is simplified with lower fees and in-app assistance. UnionPay's network is used by the account, which makes it ideal for money transfer for remittances, transfers and local payment management. You can send money to China to pay suppliers, or to pay employees overseas. Choose speed and certainty. Get ready to experience the future of business payments. Get started with AP-1 business.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 2 months
8 Smart Ways to Save Big on Essential Home Fixes
Home maintenance often takes a backseat in our busy lives. Yet, it's crucial for preserving the value and functionality of our homes. Regular maintenance can prevent minor issues from spiraling into costly disasters, from fixing leaky faucets to repairing damaged drywall.
Home repairs can quickly drain your bank account if you're not careful. Unexpected repairs can wreak havoc on your budget, whether it's a burst pipe or a malfunctioning HVAC system. That's why finding smart ways to save on essential home fixes is vital for every homeowner. 
1. DIY Home Fixes for Common Problems
Embarking on a do-it-yourself (DIY) home repair project can be empowering, but knowing your limits is essential. Assess your skills honestly and start with simple tasks before tackling more complex projects. Remember, there's no shame in calling a professional if you need help.
Having the right tools can make all the difference in DIY home repairs. Invest in quality tools like a hammer, screwdriver set, and tape measure. These basic repair tools will be useful for many projects and can save you money in the long run.
Many home repairs can be completed with a little know-how and guidance. Look for step-by-step guides and video tutorials online to help you through common tasks like patching drywall or fixing leaky faucets. With a bit of patience and perseverance, you can save big by doing it yourself.
2. Prioritizing Home Repairs to Maximize Savings
When it comes to home repairs, it's essential to distinguish between urgent repairs and cosmetic upgrades. Focus your budget on critical repairs that affect the safety and integrity of your home first. Cosmetic upgrades can wait until you have more discretionary funds available. 
Proactive maintenance is key to avoiding costly emergencies down the line. Create a maintenance schedule that includes regular inspections of your home's systems and appliances. By catching problems early, you can address them before they escalate into major repairs.
Timing is everything when it comes to saving money on home repairs. Take advantage of seasonal discounts and promotions offered by contractors and suppliers. Whether scheduling HVAC maintenance in the offseason or buying materials during sales events, strategically timing your repairs can lead to significant savings.
3. Finding Affordable Contractors and Materials 
When hiring contractors for home repairs, don't settle for the first quote you receive. Take the time to compare quotes from multiple contractors to ensure you're getting the best deal. Look for reviews and ask for references to gauge the quality of their work.
Don't be afraid to negotiate prices with suppliers when purchasing materials for home repairs. Many suppliers are willing to offer discounts, especially if you're buying in bulk or paying cash. Be polite but firm in your negotiations; you may be surprised at how much you can save.
The internet is a treasure trove of savings regarding home repair supplies. Look for discounts, coupons, and rebates online retailers and manufacturers offer. You can also sign up for email newsletters and follow social media accounts to stay updated on the latest deals.
4. Creative Ways to Save on Materials
Before you throw away old materials from demolition projects, consider salvaging and reusing them. Items like old bricks, lumber, and fixtures can often be repurposed for new projects, saving you money and reducing waste.
Get creative with upcycling by giving old furniture and fixtures a fresh lease on life. With a coat of paint or creative embellishments, you can transform outdated pieces into stylish additions to your home. Upcycling not only saves money but also reduces the demand for new materials.
Community swap groups are a fantastic resource for finding free or low-cost materials for home repairs. Join local online groups or attend community swap events to connect with neighbors who may have items you need. It's a win-win situation that fosters community spirit while saving you money.
5. Saving Money Through Sustainable Upgrades 
Replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models can significantly save your utility bills. Look for appliances with ENERGY STAR certification, which indicates they meet high-efficiency standards. While the upfront cost may be higher, the long-term savings make it a worthwhile investment.
Improving your home's insulation is a cost-effective way to increase energy efficiency and lower heating and cooling costs. DIY insulation projects are relatively simple and can yield noticeable savings. Add weather stripping around doors and windows or installing attic insulation.
Many governments offer rebates and incentives for homeowners who make energy-efficient upgrades to their homes. Check with your local utility company or government agencies to see what programs are available in your area. These incentives can help offset the cost of green home improvements and accelerate your savings.
6. Tapping into Community Wisdom for Cost-Saving Tips
Tap into the collective wisdom of your community by joining local forums and social media groups focused on home improvement. Ask for recommendations, share tips, and learn from others' experiences. You may discover valuable insights and resources you would have found with others.
Consider hosting DIY workshops in your community to share your knowledge and learn from others. Whether teaching basic plumbing repairs or sharing tips for painting techniques, DIY workshops can empower homeowners to take control of their home repairs while building camaraderie with neighbors.
Explore the possibility of bartering services with friends, family, or neighbors to avoid labor costs for home repairs. Offer your skills in exchange for help with projects outside your expertise. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that can save both parties money while fostering community bonds.
7. Proactive Steps to Prevent Costly Repairs
Regular inspections are essential for catching potential issues before they turn into costly repairs. Take the time to inspect your home's exterior, plumbing, electrical systems, and appliances regularly. Addressing minor issues early can prevent them from becoming major headaches.
Dealing with pests can be both annoying and expensive. Instead of relying on costly exterminators, try DIY pest control methods using natural remedies like essential oils, vinegar, or diatomaceous earth. These methods are effective and safer for your family and pets.
Each season brings its maintenance tasks to keep your home in top condition. From cleaning gutters and inspecting your roof before winter to servicing your air conditioning system before summer, staying on top of seasonal maintenance can prevent costly repairs and ensure your home is comfortable year-round.
8. Building a Financial Safety Net for Unexpected Repairs
Unexpected repairs are a fact of home ownership, so having a financial safety net in place is essential. Start building an emergency fund specifically for home repairs to cover unexpected expenses. Aim to save at least three to six months' living expenses to cushion any unforeseen repairs.
Home warranties can provide peace of mind by covering the cost of repairs or replacements for major systems and appliances in your home. However, weighing the pros and cons carefully before purchasing a home warranty is essential. Consider coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions to determine if a home warranty is right. 
When debt becomes a problem due to much-needed home repairs, consider getting help from professionals to sort your finances, refinance your loan, and eliminate your debt (see money max account reviews). Unforeseen expenses may hurt your budget, and that is okay. Just get back to building your finances again.
By implementing the intelligent strategies outlined in this article, homeowners can take control of their home maintenance costs and save big on essential repairs. From DIY fixes and strategic planning to researching contractors and investing in continual learning, numerous ways exist to minimize expenses while keeping your home in top condition.
 Saving money on home fixes doesn't mean sacrificing quality or safety. With careful planning, proactive maintenance, and a willingness to learn new skills, homeowners can enjoy a comfortable and well-maintained home without breaking the bank. Remember, a little effort now can lead to significant savings and peace of mind in the long run.
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whitfielddelgado97 · 2 months
The best Solution: Pay Monthly for your VPN Service!
Within this digital age, online privacy and security are becoming very important concerns for net users worldwide. With the growing number of cyber threats plus invasive data collection practices, many individuals are turning to Electronic Private Network (VPN) services to safeguard their own sensitive information and browse the web securely. However, getting an affordable in addition to reliable VPN answer is often a difficult task, particularly for those on a limited budget.
That's in which the choice of paying monthly for your VPN service comes directly into play. Paying regular allows users to relish all the advantages of a VPN without the burden of a hefty in advance cost. This adaptable payment option helps it be accessible to a wider range regarding individuals, ensuring that everybody can afford these types of essential privacy resources. So, if you're operating out of the UK and on typically the lookout for the cheapest monthly VPN services, look no further! We've compiled a list of the particular most cost-effective options that will secure your online presence while fitting seamlessly straight into your budget. Let's take a dive in and even explore the supreme solution: pay monthly to your VPN support!
Rewards of Paying Monthly for Your VPN Service
Using a Shell out Monthly VPN assistance comes with several positive aspects which make it a practical and cost-effective option. Whether concerned concerning your online personal privacy or want to be able to access geo-restricted written content, a Pay Once a month VPN offers the particular ultimate solution. Right here are the 3 key benefits associated with opting for monthly payment plan:
Flexibility: With a new Pay Monthly VPN, you have the flexibleness to choose the particular duration of your current subscription based upon your requirements. Unlike long lasting commitments, where you are tied to be able to something for a great extended period, paying out monthly lets you possess greater control over your own VPN usage. You can easily change to an alternative provider or cancel the subscription if you realise a new better option or no longer require VPN services.
Affordability: Choosing a Pay out Monthly VPN prepare can help you save money inside of the long go, especially if you are looking with regard to a cost-effective option. By dividing the entire cost of the VPN service into smaller monthly payments, you won't need to make a large upfront investment. This alternative is particularly beneficial for individuals who only require VPN services for a particular period or individuals who want to try out out different suppliers before investing in some sort of long-term subscription.
Best Value: Deciding on a Pay Monthly VPN service often provides the best benefit get. Many VPN providers offer discounted rates or marketing promotions exclusively for regular monthly subscribers. These bargains can help you secure the particular cheapest monthly VPN plan in the united kingdom with out compromising on service quality or characteristics. By taking benefit of these offers, you could enjoy high-quality VPN protection while saving cash in the method.
Paying month to month for your VPN service offers versatility, affordability, and the likelihood of the ideal value. It enables you to have greater control of your subscription, provides cost-effective options, plus ensures you get hold of one of the most out involving your VPN experience.
Features of Choosing the Most affordable Monthly VPN in the UK
Enhanced Online Security: By opting with regard to a pay regular monthly VPN service within the UK, you can significantly strengthen the online security. With the constant increase in cyber threats, protecting your individual information and information data has turn into more crucial compared to ever. A trusted VPN encrypts your current internet connection, ensuring that your online activities remain private and shielded from potential hackers or perhaps surveillance.
Access to Geo-Restricted Articles: One of the particular key advantages associated with using a pay out monthly VPN in britain is the ability to bypass geo-restrictions. Many streaming platforms and websites impose location-based restrictions, limiting the access to certain content based on your geographical location. Using a VPN, you can very easily mask your IP address and appear while if you will be browsing from some sort of different country, allowing you unrestricted gain access to to a broader range of information.
Secure and even Anonymous Browsing: One more notable advantage of choosing the cheapest monthly VPN in britain is the ability to be able to browse the internet anonymously. Your online activities are usually no longer tied to your real IP address, making it hard for third people to track the browsing habits or gather personal details. Cheapest Monthly VPN UK added layer of privacy assures that your web experience remains discreet and even protects your id from potential risks.
By selecting some sort of pay monthly VPN service in the UK, a person can enjoy improved online security, get around geo-restrictions, and maintain a secure and anonymous browsing experience. Take advantage of the affordability and convenience offered simply by these VPN providers to ensure a safer and a lot more unrestricted online occurrence.
Just how to Find the Best Monthly VPN Supplier
If it comes to be able to choosing the ideal monthly VPN provider, there are a few key reasons that you should consider. By simply taking these factors into account, you may ensure that an individual are getting the most out of the subscription.
Firstly, affordability is a crucial aspect to consider. Look for a monthly VPN support that offers aggressive pricing and affordable plans. It's crucial to locate a service provider that offers affordability without compromising on quality.
Secondly, reliability is usually paramount. A VPN should provide a stable and quick connection, allowing an individual to browse typically the internet securely in addition to without any disturbances. Look for companies that have the good reputation for delivering consistent efficiency.
Last but not least, consider the available server locations. Typically the wider the range of server places offered by a VPN provider, a lot more options you have for accessing geo-restricted content and protecting your connection. This specific is particularly significant if you are usually looking for that most affordable monthly VPN inside the UK, as a diverse selection of servers will help you to access content coming from various regions.
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By keeping these factors throughout mind, you can choose the best regular monthly VPN provider that meets your needs with regards to affordability, stability, and server location availability.
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twigcougar46 · 3 years
10 Functions of the Chief Financial Officer
We recently analyzed the knowledge and skills that a good CFO should have. These skills are necessary to successfully perform a number of roles and responsibilities. In this article we are going to see what are the main functions that a CFO should have . I mean, all those knowledge and skills… what does it translate into in the CFO's day-to-day life? The consulting firm Deloitte describes in its article " Four faces of the CFO " the four major functional roles that CFOs usually have : Administrator: Protects the company's key assets and provides information about the company to internal and external clients of the finance function. Operator: Directs the operations of the financial department so that they are carried out effectively and efficiently. Catalyst: It moves throughout the organization implementing a way of doing things that provides economic value. Strategist: Joins the management team and provides the financial perspective on strategic issues of growth, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), capital markets, etc. These great roles are translated into a series of more specific functions, which configure the day-to-day life of the CFO of a company. Let's see what are the most important functions of the CFO of a company. 1. Cash flow control Keeping track of cash flows within the company is one of the most vital activities of the CFO. In the aglo-Saxon world it is often said "Cash is King" , since most serious problems in a company arise from a lack of cash, which does not mean that the company is not profitable. It could even be the opposite case: that a very profitable company that is growing a lot, runs out of cash. The reason is easy, financial accounting does not respond adequately to this requirement and treasury control does not either, since the cash generated by the business tends to be "hidden" in a variety of movements of invoices from customers receivable, suppliers by pay, payments made, collections received, investments, divestments, variation in collection and payment terms, etc. In other words, there are a wide variety of reasons why treasury surveillance does not reflect the cash generated, let alone how it was generated or where it has gone. Any serious financier knows that this control is vital for the day to day of the company and to avoid very unpleasant surprises. That is why it is essential to carry out a rigorous control of the company's cash flow. 2. Analyze new investments When a company wants to undertake a new investment, it must ask itself several basic questions: Am I capable of assuming this investment? How am I going to finance it? What return are we going to get? What will happen if the investment doesn't go as planned? The rush of new investments : opening new branches, buying new machinery, expanding the factory, etc. They are critical decisions that affect the equity balance of the company in a very significant way. They can make it grow but they can also give you many headaches and even lead to ruin. To thoroughly analyze a new investment, the CFO will use financial techniques such as discounting cash flows. Calculating the NPV and / or the IRR of the investment project is essential to know if the project is worth it. However, keep in mind that discounting cash flows from these analyzes is often based on sales 'forecasts' and profit margins, which may or may not materialize. For this reason, undertaking new investments is a critical task that requires the elaboration of different scenarios, so that the ability of the company to "digest" the investment can be evaluated in case of failure of the forecasts, without putting its own survival at risk. . In my opinion, this is one of the most valuable functions that a good CFO can bring in the long term, and at the same time one of the biggest mistakes that many managers make (and that lead to companies of all kinds to the ruin): undertake new investments that cannot be digested in the event of an unfavorable economic scenario. 3. Financial economic analysis of the company Carrying out a periodic analysis of both the income statement and the balance sheets is an exercise that helps to make financial decisions. This type of analysis will provide answers to questions such as the following: What is the economic and financial performance of the company? Do we have a working capital adequate to our operating fund needs? Do we have liquidity tensions? Is our financial liability well structured according to our assets? What payment capacity do we have? (essential to assume any type of debt) How do we compare with the competition and with the industry average? How do the different games evolve and what relative weight do they have? This is the kind of basic analysis that every CFO must undertake in order to have the same vision as those who finance the company, whether they are shareholders or lenders. 4. Budgetary control Financial management is usually very involved in the preparation of annual budget plans and their subsequent control and monitoring. Companies currently have a wide variety of options, although annual budgets continue to prevail in a large number of companies of a certain size (SMEs unfortunately do not usually undertake this exercise) a better option is the so-called "Quarter Rolling Forecasting" or mobile forecasts quarterly (to translate it in some way), in which each quarter is planned for 12-18 months, as a way to overcome the dysfunctions caused by annual planning. Whichever option is chosen, a minimum of budget planning and monthly monitoring are necessary tasks to have a road map in a highly unstable environment, since deviations on said route will give us valuable information for taking decisions. decisions. 5. Periodic reporting for the general management or the management committee In this section it is important to monitor the evolution of the company and some kind of benchmarking (competition / sector). The reporting can include a wide variety of data related to the financial perspective: return on capital, cost of debt, evolution of the main sales figures, supplies, personnel expenses, profit margins, etc. It is also common for the administration and finance department to prepare other types of reports and collect kpis measurements for the balanced scorecard. Although like everything in life is relative, this will depend on the organizational structure that the company has. 6. Relations: Bankers, Shareholders, External Advisors ... The CFO is a regular interlocutor with bankers, shareholders, consultants, tax advisers, legal advisors, other directors of the company, etc. It's not that the CFO has to become a PR, but a good dose of networking is necessary and maintaining good communication is vital to establishing strategic relationships. 7. Regulatory compliance: fiscal, social and commercial I'll be honest, a large part of a finance department's time is spent complying with tax and commercial laws. A task that has a large part of bureaucracy and that provides little value. Depending on the size of the company, there will be a human resources department with an administrative part in charge of labor issues and in other cases, the administration and finance department assumes these tasks. Financial accounting is designed to report the situation of the company to "external agents" and its usefulness at the management level is limited. It is not that it is useless, but of course many financiers would implement internal accounting of a very different kind. Hence, there is usually a differentiation between financial accounting and management accounting. Unfortunately, keeping management accounting in addition to financial accounting requires allocating resources (especially human) that are only available to the most powerful and professionalized companies. The financial director will be in charge of certain tasks of this type and in the less critical will act as a mere supervisor. 8. Risk management A company is subject to all kinds of risks. The risks can be of different nature, and affect both the assets and the reputation of the brand in the market. The CFO is usually responsible for assessing risks, including:
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Credit risks of customers and suppliers, for this it is possible to resort to the contracting of credit insurance (Cesce, Crédito y Caución, ASEFA, etc.) or the internal analysis of the accounts of the companies with which we interact. Civil Responsibilities: The company is responsible for actions that its employees may have, accidents at its facilities, etc. Damage: Fires, accidents, etc. Protecting key business assets is vital. Occupational hazards. Financial risks: interest rate coverage, sudden price variations in supplies when we have closed budget contracts, risks in financial investments, etc. Etc. 9. Organize the finance department The administration and finance department can reach a certain size in large companies, so tasks are usually grouped by nature in different jobs: Issued invoices. Invoices received. Collections Payments Banks Risk control Etc. It is the function of the financial director to organize the work flow, assign the tasks and maximize the productivity of the department, as well as ensure proper functioning in the event of vacation absences, sick leave, etc. 10. Lead the work team The CFO has to fulfill his directive function, which includes both his participation in the management committees that guarantee the sharing of problems and solutions, providing the vision of the financial part of the company, as well as the motivation and coordination of the team of people. under his supervision.
Do you want to learn more about CFO then check this website www.fdcapital.co.uk
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
The difference between "planning" and "management" of activities
In the conference and event industry, it is often easy to mix planning and management. For example, our meeting planning is very professional and our meeting management is very professional. If you are a PCO, event planner, if someone asks what you do, do you plan or manage? If you quote to Party A, do you report planning fees, service fees, or management fees? How you answer is really tangled.
In fact, planning and management are really not the same thing. They have different focuses and can be charged separately. Therefore, the topic of planning and management discussed today is not a word game.
  First, we asked ourselves, what is planning?
In the field of activities, program planning is the core, including but not limited to the following:
The theme, purpose, goal, meaning, purpose, slogan, etc. of the activity
The program planning of the event is similar to BP, but the event program focuses on time, location, site planning, process, expression, technical means, profit model, budgetary guarantee, personnel recruitment, etc., which are the core of the planning
Topic and content planning, including themes, topics, guest recommendations, etc.
Document planning, proposal, declaration, memorandum, consensus, etc.
Mechanism design for stakeholders
Detailed planning, such as: menu content, program content, route and itinerary design
  By the way, what is the difference between planning and design?
I personally think that design is a part of planning and serves planning. Design includes graphic design, 3D design, visual design, taste design, and any other sensory and psychological experience design. Design is for planning. Design is microscopic, planning is macroscopic. One is meridian and the other is organization, and they are inseparable.
  Second, we asked ourselves, what is management?
In the field of activities, management is implemented according to the plan. The plan first is followed by management. The core of management is to reduce the loss caused by uncertainty. Through the investment of human, material and financial resources to ensure that everything is carried out in an orderly manner, management includes but not limited to the following:
On-site management (registered reception management, venue management, etc.)
Crisis management, emergency management, staff management
Personnel training and management (staff, volunteers)
Supplier and service provider management
Finance and money management
Equipment and material operation management
Vehicle traffic and accommodation management
In conclusion:
In the field of activities, management and service, management and service can be used in many cases, so that we often understand management fees as service fees.
In the field of activities, planning and management (services) can be quoted separately. The former quotes the planned plan, and the latter quotes the specific implementation. However, since Party A is often unwilling to pay for the plan, and Party B does not have the pricing power, it becomes If you buy a decoration company, buy decoration and get design; sell service and get planning. Therefore, as Party B, please tell Party A with confidence that planning fees and management fees are two different things, and whether it is worth paying for is another story.
Are we an event planning company or event Management Company, meeting planner or meeting management? I think no matter what the name is, planning ability is the meaning of the event company and a prerequisite, and management is the fundamental ability. However, whether it's planning or management, your positioning determines what services you provide.
As an event company or marketing staff, no matter how short of manpower, I would rather outsource management than outsourcing planning and planning is the soul, management is flesh and blood, this is my understanding. You are moved because of your unique planning ability and personality charm.
So, why is PCO's professional meeting organizer called an organizer? This is because the English organization and the Chinese organizer have different meanings. There is ambiguity. The organizer and association in China can be called organizer, and the service party can only be the service provider, that is, the planning and management party.
Finally, what is the core of planning?
The core of planning is to give meaning to things and give people a mission. As long as you achieve any point, your job is to plan. In the era of meaning coverage (the concept proposed by Wu Sheng), the business logic needs to be able to give things, especially Is a lifeless, seemingly worthless person with meaning. Planning is to solve the problem of why, whether or not, involving mission, meaning and value!
Generalization of the concept of curator
I recently read "Curatorial Era" written by Japanese Tosaki Sasaki and "New Species Explosion" by Wu Sheng. In fact, the meanings of the two books are very similar. New species need curatorial thinking, and the curatorial era needs meaning coverage.
In the future, the concept of curator will have a general trend. No longer just refer to those who special exhibitions, art exhibitions, cultural performances. For example, the retail and service industries generally need curatorial concepts and curators. For example, shopping malls, bookstores, restaurants, optical shops, and flower shops need to be redefined. The dozens and hundreds of super-species mentioned by the financial business writer a curator is not necessarily in the exhibition industry. In any job, even in family life, you can be a curator thinking.
Events Management (event management system)
Events Management can help improve compliance and make all events clear at a glance. Cooperate between the teams to adopt a unified solution for all activities. Find the right speaker for a specific audience to get better results.
For life science companies, end-to-end interactions facilitated by events are critical to increasing product usage. Feedback from medical experts is also extremely important for discovering new market opportunities. However, the lack of a clear understanding of the participation of KOLs and medical professionals will increase the risk of non-compliance, cause excessive spending, and reduce the impact of the event.
Veeva CRM Events Management is a unified solution for enterprises to plan and carry out all activities. It allows enterprises to know all activities, speakers, attendees and event expenditures, and facilitates their overall control of activities to develop better quality , Compliance activities.
Comprehensive control of activities and flexible planning make it easier for companies to comply with changed laws and regulations. A full understanding of KOL information will help find suitable speakers for specific audiences and improve the efficiency of the event. Using a unified system to record the usage of different categories of all activities can better manage the budget.
Compliance: Improve compliance, fully understand and control all types of activities.
Integrated: Improve activity planning and execution, and realize seamless first-line feedback and coordination functions.
Globalization: The use of a unified solution for all teams in different countries and regions can simplify event management.
Courtesy:Event management companies in Lahore
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