#it be the tol sans’ gang
lil-inky · 1 year
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Behold… A Gathering of Beanpoles
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Hhhh it’s been a while since I last doodled Alter and Seraph Dkdkdkd
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leffee · 2 years
I'm angy and ugly so... What are my three favourite things? Bad Sans poly, Errormare, and ErrorHorror. Yup, time to rant about that third one as part of my ErrorHorror propaganda.
I know that it's a very, very rare ship and just relationship in general, but for some reason I almost never like the most popular ships like Errorink, instead my mind was like, "hmm yess, Error and Horror". If I in/directly ignite a spark of interest towards these two together in someone then I will take it as an absolute win. Actually, not only as a ship, but just Horror and Error having any sort of good relationship.
Having said that, what better way to do that than sharing some headcanons :DDDD. You can see them as lovers, friends, best friends, part of Bad Sans Poly, anything you want, really:
I said it before, but listen, Error smol, Horror tol,
I believe in "every Sans is asexual" supremacy, but imagine for a while that in Nightmare's gang everyone but Error and Horror is not asexual. Neither of these two gives a shit about being naked in front of each other, because they know the other doesn't either. And so they sometimes take baths and showers together, or sit in the jacuzzi completely naked from time to time, because it's just more comfortable like that. Perhaps the first few times some other gang member walked in on them they were just like, "???", but after some time they simply got used to this,
they are cuddle buddies, they just are,
Error is not used to eating and Horror is of course very sensitive to that, so he naturally tries to change it. They sometimes just buy a bunch of snacks and do a taste test. Also, whenever Horror tries cooking something new he always lets Error taste it first,
Error tried to return the favour once and his dish turned out really shitty, but Horror ate it all so it wouldn't go to waste,
More often than not, Horror calls Error Ruru, vice versa Error calls Horror Rory. Yup, those are very similar nicknames,
I don't know if I favour this headcanon, but I definitely don't mind it, so if Horror talked less and very simply because of his head injury, Error wouldn't mind at all as he likes silence. On the other hand, Error can sometimes spontaneously start babbling about nothing in particular due to being used to talking to the voices in the Anti-void, so they sometimes complement each other like that,
Error kinda got used to drinking alcohol to "cope" with his issues. He's not addicted by any means and Horror makes sure to keep it this way. In turn, Horror sometimes is paranoid that all their food has suddenly disappeared, so Error assures him that even if that happens he could always simply open a portal and steal some more,
no matter how aggravated Error is, being near Horror always has an inexplicably calming effect on him,
with time Error starts wearing more and more of Horror's clothes, because of course he does. Also, Horror really doesn't mind any not painful kind of touch at any time, so once Error realizes that he just randomly sits on his lap, climbs onto him, lays across his lap, etc,
they love each other 👉 👈 
Obviously none of those are canons, and yes, I know Error is canonically haphephobic, just treat it as "he got over his phobia" or whatever you want. I'm touch-starved and coping, leave meee be. That's kinda cringe, ngl. Also, remember not to leave any suggestive comments or something like that, yes, people can take a bath together in a non-sexual way :)). Shocker, I know.
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hungrydogs-if · 2 years
Hey, tol! I'm curious about VP's relationship with their family. Do they not get along? What do they think about the HDMC?
hey anon!
there's actually a choice in-game about the vp and their family, so it's very much up to the player! it affects flavor text and certain big scenes (trial, prison visits, the good stuff). there are a lot of nuances to it too, which means this post is about to get long lmao
they can be alive and well, involved in vp's life (good or bad). if the relationship is good, they'll always be worriedly suggesting that the vp find a better, uh, career path, so to say. maybe an office job? less danger. a bit overbearing at times, of course, but never snitching because they do love their child and are only worried. here their opinion of hdmc is wary, and they do appreciate that their child has found something worth fighting for, but still wish they could ease up on the criminal side.
however, if the relationship is bad, they can be quite toxic, demanding the vp to stop being edgy and get a normal job with a 401k, for god's sakes. leave the childish thug life and be normal. again, they wouldn't snitch because they don't want to be associated with the scrutiny that would follow. openly support the crackdown on gangs in san maro, which they do bring up around the vp. they hate hdmc with a burning passion, and would never act cordially to the members, and jeer at them whenever they cross paths.
if they're alive and estranged, they don't show up in the game. mentioned by passing of course, but you'll never see or talk to them outside flashbacks. here you can choose if they were good parents to the vp, or absolute assholes. perhaps the vp chose to leave and never look back, or maybe they disowned their child when they found out about the gang involvement. or then they just drifted apart, and vp decided to stay away to protect them; it all comes down to what the relationship was life before fallout. their opinion of hdmc is either hateful, or non-existent, depending on why they're estranged.
and if they're dead, well, they're dead. how? could be natural causes, could be something darker. san maro is crawling with drugs and violence, and the vp is a part of the problem. i love writing them guilty thoughts, or lack thereof. this is the only option that has its own cemetery scene though, if the vp wishes to either pay them respects, or spit on their grave. depends entirely what the relationship was like, again. could've been good, could've been toxic and abusive.
the characters also react differently depending on the family history too. dane knew/knows them, and has different opinions depending on how they treat(ed) vp. mona has met them if they're alive, and has her opinions, although they're much more logical and detached than dane's. sam is curious, no matter the path, and angel... well, you'll just have to see what they do, depending on the choice.
sorry this got long lmao, it's one of the biggest variables i have to code, but i feel like familial ties have a lot to do why vp is who they are, and should be added.
i just do love making more work for myself, huh.
thanks for the ask <3
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ribrid · 3 years
Sebuah Cerita Tentang Orang Baik--dan Yang Ingin Menjadi Baik.
Salah satu hal yang seringkali menjadi pengingat betapa baiknya Allah, adalah betapa banyak orang-orang baik di sekitar yang membantu diri ini belajar & berproses. Mungkin cerita ini tak akan bisa mewakili keseluruhan rangkaian pengalamannya, tapi cukup untuk mengenang apa-apa yang dirasa menjadi hal berharga beberapa semester ini.
Aku akan mulai dengan semester 6 masa perkuliahan, yaitu satu periode waktu yang membuatku jadi sebegitu jatuh cinta dengan arsitektur.
Saat beberapa semester sebelumnya masih merasa useless sekali, saat diri ini be like, "Aku belajar apasih ini, halu bangett?!" kemudian apa yang didapat di semester 6 adalah sesuatu yang slap me straight on the face. Betapa what a waste mendapati diri sudah menjelang tahun ke-4 tetapi baru menemukan apa yang namanya jatuh cinta untuk belajar, terutama arsitektur.
Pengalaman di semester 6 adalah pengantar untuk apa-apa yang terjadi di semester 7 dan 8. Semester 6 yang waktu itu satu kelas hanya diisi 6 orang, memungkinkan kelas buat memaksimalkan fasilitas apapun itu termasuk jam bimbingan, dan bahkan sampai Bu Arina meminjamkan printer di ruang dosen untuk kami eksploitasi bersama di studio. Pertama kali diajar secara langsung oleh Bu Arina di semester 6 rasanya seperti ditampar langsung di wajah (lagi). Apa-apa yang aku yakini adalah proses belajar yang baik, secara langsung di-skakmat beliau. Menyadari bahwa diri ini masih penyelam amatir, yang hanya kuat menyelam di perairan dangkal. Bukan, renang di kolam kedalaman 2 meter saja sudah takut.
Semester 6 penuh dengan survei-survei bersama yang menyenangkan, mengizinkan kami melihat lebih dekat mengenai dualisme kampung kota--sebuah topik yang relevan dengan isu sosial yang diangkat di studio PA 4 waktu itu. Ini yang bikin jatuh cinta, ketika arsitektur ternyata tidak hanya soal struktur bangunan, kemewahan, dan wealthy people, tapi juga manusia dari kalangan manapun itu serta kehidupannya.
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Kent, di depan rombong es burjo di muka sebuah rumah dengan atap yang unik.
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Hujan malam hari yang bikin kesel karena gabisa pulang tapi juga membuat lampu-lampu jalan ini kelihatan lebih cantik dari biasanya.
Memori survey yang seharusnya ada di tiap semester, membeku di semester itu. Karena setelahnya kami pulang ke rumah dan menjadikan rumah, kamar, atau ruang tamu, menjadi studio-studio kecil yang kesepian.
Semester 6 yang menyenangkan adalah salah satu faktor penentu dalam pemilihan dosen pembimbing pada matkul proposal tugas akhir. Karena, tentu saja, aku ingin belajar dengan guru yang juga menjadi salah satu kenangan baik di semester 6 itu.
Long story short, setelah diketahui bahwa peminat beliau jumlahnya membludak, dan aku termasuk kaum-kaum keras kepala yang tidak mau mengganti pilihan, ternyata Allah kasih juga buat jadi anak bimbing beliau. Pada pertemuan pertama, dengan antusiasnya (as always), Bu Arina meminta kami membawa ide TA masing-masing (dan aku be like, "what?? ide apa?!")
Long story short, mengerjakan proposal tugas akhir dengan masih berada di Surabaya waktu itu mengizinkanku untuk tetap bertemu beberapa kawan. Memori survey berikutnya adalah bersama Ria. Blusukan ke gang-gang di daerah Jagir, berpindah ke lokasi ex stasiun trem Wonokromo, dan menemani dia menggali informasi lewat beberapa pedagang kaki lima di sana. Kami menemukan fakta bahwa ternyata ada cukup banyak penghuni ilegal di bangunan tua itu, saling bergumul antar lawan jenis, dengan sikap seperti siap menyerang jika ada orang yang tiba-tiba masuk dan melewati bangunan itu.
Berada di Surabaya juga mengizinkanku untuk kenal dengan Kampung 1001 Malam, sebuah kampung di daerah Dupak yang beberapa pemukimannya berada tepat di bawah jalan tol. Sungguh sebuah kenangan yang amat heartwarming, meski sempat merasa kurang ajar karena merasa sudah menginjakkan kaki di wilayah teritori orang lain, apalagi ketika berjalan melalui gang jalan di bawah jalan tol Dupak, dan tahu-tahu ada orang yang berbaring di kasur yang dihamparkan di tanah, beratapkan alas beton jalan tol.
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Heartwarming, karena perjumpaan dengan Bu Wanti yang serasa seperti saudara sendiri, padahal baru pertama kali bertemu. Bu Wanti banyak bercerita mengenai keteguhan iman, yang banyak diuji dengan rasa lapar. Sebuah pembicaraan mengenai pertukaran rasa lapar dengan keimanan yang sempat membuat Bu Wanti jadi menitikkan air mata. Dan aku jadi trenyuh.
Waktu itu, tidak banyak yang bisa digali. Karena pembicaraan yang bak keluarga ini terasa begitu hambar jika diintervensi dengan pembicaraan yang terkesan penuh formalitas untuk menggali data, sementara aku datang tidak dengan memberikan harapan apapun. Aku pulang. Waktu itu hujan, Bu Wanti dengan entengnya meminjamkan payung untuk tamu asing ini. Aku pulang dengan perasaan nano-nano, sambil menjaga langkah agar tidak jatuh ke sungai karena terpeleset tanah becek.
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Dan kali kedua ke sana bersama Ria karena aku ingin mengembalikan payung Bu Wanti, sembari mengatakan bahwa aku tidak jadi mengambil lokasi penelitian di sana, setelah banyak berpikir dan uraian dari Bu Arina, yang mengatakan bahwa dengan topik yang mau diambil, maka harus bersedia mengamati kegiatan warga 24/7. Aku tidak bisa.
Long story short, semester 7 mendekati akhir, dan keputusan finalnya adalah mengambil isu permasalahan yang bisa digali lewat studi literatur, tanpa survei. Tanggal 25 Desember saat libur natal, setelah satu pekan sebelumnya meninggalkan Mba Azka yang seorang diri jauh-jauh dari Pekalongan untuk ambil data skripsi, ayah mengantar kembali ke Surabaya untuk memulangkan semua benda-benda sekaligus berpamitan pada ibu kos.
Sejak saat itu, aku resmi jadi penghuni rumah. Siswa WFH fulltime. Tanpa bermacam alasan-alasan lain untuk keluar rumah.
Memang ya, berada di rumah terus membuat kita kehilangan banyak momen. Kalau kata Habib, momen-momen sesederhana mengeluarkan motor dari tempat parkir dan bertemu teman kosan, atau momen-momen kecil seperti berpapasan di jalan dan saling menyapa, momen-momen ketika panik ngeprint tugas tapi kemudian jadi sans karena bertemu banyak teman di satu tempat printing yang sama, dan banyak momen-momen sederhana tak terhitung lainnya.
Sejak saat itu, waktu-waktu asistensi bersama Bu Arina menjadi amat berharga dan ditunggu-tunggu. Me-record sesi asistensi menjadi hal rutin, agar ketika menjumpai waktu-waktu ketika kebingungan harus memulai dari mana, petuah-petuah Bu Arina bisa diputar ulang dan menjadi reminder diri. Wkwkwk.
Karena tak banyak yang bisa diingat, maka hal memorable selanjutnya adalah menjelang pengumpulan dokumen akhir, pasca review 3. Di malam deadline review 3 dan review-review sebelumnya, selalu ada Warda yang jadi rekan-tidak-tidur. Menjelang pengumpulan akhir, somehow rekan-tidak-tidur-ku semakin banyak. Wkwk. Ada Eka, Firyal, dan Dila sebagai tambahan penghuni tetap warung google meet selama hampir sebulan lebih, dengan beberapa penghuni tambahan lain seperti Ria, Ine, & Fia.
Malam-malam panjang tidak lagi terasa sepi. Rasa kantuk tidak lagi menyerang semudah sebelumnya. Ada teman yang bisa diajak berbicara jika pikiran ini sudah mulai kendor. Ada teman yang bisa diajak bertukar informasi dan motivasi, terutama ketika jarum jam berdetak semakin dekat dengan tenggat waktu. Ada teman-teman yang menyemangati.
Hampir sebulan lamanya bersama mereka, obrolan tak jauh-jauh perihal paska kampus, dan beberapa insight arsitektur seperti diagram BIG, cara membuat gambar potongan yang menarik, dan hal-hal lain. Jujurly, jika tidak nge-meet dengan mereka, aku tidak akan kepikiran untuk membuat animasi di PPT Sidang.
Firyal sebagai salah satu bagian dari sidang makanan pembuka di hari pertama, disusul oleh Dila di hari ketiga. Perlahan-lahan warung jadi sepi. Bersyukur tidak di-plot di hari pertama, tetapi juga merasakan anxiety yang makin menjadi-jadi. Apalagi ketika H-1 enscape-ku rewel lagi setelah dipakai nge-render video. Setelah di setting berulang kali, tetap tidak bisa. Jam 3 sore, aku memutuskan harus minta bantuan orang untuk render.
Dalam waktu-waktu kritis itu, bersyukur ada Eka sebagai sobat 3 Agustus, yang merasakan hal yang sama ketika jarum jam berdetak dengan begitu mengerikan.
Dalam waktu-waktu kritis itu, berterimakasih juga untuk Dila yang mau direpoti untuk render. ((send virtual hug))
Pada hari H sidang, laptop sempat ngelag ketika sharescreen, sehingga terpaksa restart dan sidang jadi telat 20 menit.
Bagiku waktu itu, sidang tidak berjalan sebaik yang diharapkan. Semua pertanyaan yang sudah diperkirakan sebelumnya, mengambil dari gap kekurangan dalam desain, ternyata tidak ditanyakan dengan semulus itu. Wkwk. Wah, ini sih memang mindset-nya yang salah kali ya. Harusnya, prepare not only for things we've prepared, tapi juga untuk hal-hal tidak terkira.
Meski nada bicara Pak Angger menjatuhkan mental sekali, setidaknya kehangatan Bu Nuffi pada sesi akhir menjadi obat. "Terlepas keinginan kita sebagai manusia yang tidak pernah puas, yang paling penting adalah kita bisa bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah kita kerjakan sekarang."
Detik itu juga, diri ini yang hopeless jadi ngin menangees :( wkwkwk.
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Dan the rest of the story adalah mengenai orang-orang baik yang memberi keyakinan-keyakinan positif. Keyakinan akan lulus, keyakinan bahwa kerja keras yang sudah dilakukan perlu untuk diapresiasi.
The rest of the story adalah pengumuman nilai di hari Rabu, hingga revisi dari Bu Arina yang amat mendetail (yang sempat bikin mau nanges lagi karena sampe jam 9 malam pun masih direvisi juga, padahal batas uploadnya malam itu juga. Tapi, ternyata, memang akunya yang nggabisa sans, karena setelah nanya Vani, ternyata dia cukup sans...)
Last, but not least, hati kecil ini tetap menginginkan pertemuan offline, sebagaimana yang sudah direncanakan Bu Arina di awal.
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Apabila ada yang bertanya mengenai the best thing in college life, maka akan aku jawab : bertemu dengan beliau adalah salah satu hal terbaik yang terjadi selama di ITS.
Beruntung bisa mengawali pertemuan ini di studio, di selasar-selasar, di kelas, di plaza rumput, di ruang dosen, dan di area manapun itu di ITS dan di Arsitektur.
Bila kali ini pandemi belum mengijinkan kita merayakan perpisahan dengan selaiknya perayaan perpisahan yang lain, semoga kita masih diberi usia sampai semua kondisi menjadi lebih baik. Semoga hati-hati ini masih bisa saling bertaut ketika ada yang memanggil dari jauh, demi merayakan perpisahan yang tertunda.
- From your hardworker-wannabe student, who wish to become a dedicated lecturer as you are
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Pada akhirnya, cerita ini soal orang-orang baik yang membersamai diri dalam belajar. Cerita ini soal orang-orang baik yang menemani diri dalam berproses. Sebuah privilege karena telah diberi kesempatan mengenyam nikmat menuntut ilmu, bertemu orang-orang berilmu, dan bertemu kawan-kawan baik dalam perjalanan yang amat singkat ini.
Meniru kalimat Pak Fahmi, semoga kelak diberikan kemudahan dalam menimba lautan ilmu, memperkaya benak dan sanubari sebagai insan yang utama. Mudah-mudahan yang diperoleh itu memiliki kemanfaatan yang mengalir dari generasi ke generasi.
Salam. Dari seorang teman, adik, saudara, sekaligus murid yang ingin menjadi orang baik--seperti yang sedang membaca ini.
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the-chaos-family · 4 years
Chaos Family Title/Roles!
• Auncle who is old enough to be authority figure, not responsible enough to be a parent figure, will absolutely let you cause chaos and even aid you in it–@spooner7308 AKA Auncle Ro/Rowan
• Cool kapatid who mostly holds the braincell between siblings, also a dad, makes dad jokes you have been warned, !CAUTION! extreme talent– @djts-arts AKA DJ/Dee
• Gremlin who causes chaos and is tol enough to reach the top shelf for the cookies, gay, drinks bunch of Monster, and makes piss jokes, deserves much love– @maristired AKA Matt/Mar
• Is a dumbass, but will drop kick a bitch for you, is literally made of angst- @cursedcryptidgremlin AKA Rei
• Cousin who just wants a cuddle and is most probably a Disney character– @thenicestnonbinary AKA Avery
• The chaotic yet responsible one, talented writer who is too hard on herself please love her– @theatergirl06 AKA Phoebe/Pheebs
• Shy kiddo who deserves love and everything good and is great at drawing– @queen-of-inactivity AKA Adri
• The Protector, mostly confused, causes lots of chaos and arson also has problems please help them– @just-jammin AKA Jam/Lyric/Lyr
• Fish sister of Jam– @wherethehellhaveyoubeen-loca Ysa
• That weird Australian cousin that shows up on Christmas with lots of food, is smort–@maths-is-my-religion AKA Lyla
• Catdog bean who will constantly give love, will fight for family and will fuck you up if you mess with his friends, confused as to why people constantly shower affection on him– @astro-inthestars AKA Renniko/Ren/Niko/Astro/any variation of dog or cat
• Smol gae foxie cousin, who can make "mediocre" really freakin good art and fics!– @mushrooms-are-gae AKA Pax/Rae/Casper/Elwyn
• Very gay and chaotic gremlin child, stealer of homophobes' kneecaps and also bread (give gay-mlin some bread)– @thursgay AKA Sam/Granite
• Too nice to people, but can and will get upset to defend loved ones. Parent who will try but fail to say no when is begged for toys– @freeze-your-brain-bitch AKA Eric
• Looms in shadows. Though is not as scary as people think. Chill uncle who's in a biker gang– @sicklythiasus AKA Nikola/Nick/Kola/or anything
• The child who resist a rest (arrest heh geddit?) so they can write. Does idiotic things to make people happy– @sleepdeprivedcracker AKA Jordan
• Parent/mum friend who tries to keep everyone out of trouble but gets roped into the chaos as well, making awful puns along the way– @theleastrelevantkatherine AKA Katherine/Kate/Kit
• Just.. a creature, like that cool cousin in the family who is literally chill all the time and will ride you around the neighborhood for arson, ouch the edge^TM, "What's love??"– @entity707 AKA Mike, Entity707, Comet, Galaxy, River (in order from least liked to most liked)
• Troublemaker wolf boi with magical ribbon powers, prankster and likes cats and wolves, and musicals and anime, loves chaos– @aaaaaatumblerhi AKA Toby
• The smallest insomniac dumbass neighbor who’ll care for your health more than her own– @san-shui AKA San/Sanny/Sans
• Arson demon who writes okay stories and draws even better art– @altairtalisman AKA Altair/Al/Alshain(Star anon persona)
If you want to change your title or I messed something up or anything of the like, please come to me and I will get it edited! Also if I forgot someone please tell me! Anyways....
Welcome to the Chaos!
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ghoulxbaekhyun · 4 years
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I have a new header now :D and I think these few new dedicated days will mark the beginning of more positivity in this community 🖤
𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @incubuswooyoung
𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @pianist-jihyo @biker-minghao
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1. @yourmom-jieun
Ji-chan, I can't stress enough just how much you mean to me. You've always been the heaviest rock in my life, you've helped me through so much and you've always been there for me. My dearest little sister, you're such a strong person. The amount of pain you've gone through was unbelievable, yet you still held on for the sake and happiness of your children and your friends.
You helped and cared for many of us, but I don't think you've ever had equal amounts of love for yourself. I know today will be the day of your departure and I am saddened by that. But if it means you'll be happier, you'll be healthier, you'll be better, then go for it.
Just because the person is gone doesn't mean the memories will be too. I'll always remember you. And you know exactly where to find me 🖤
2. @/spy-jaehyunx ° @time-for-confession
To dearest Admin Kai, I can't thank you enough for always looking out for me. Yoonoh was my first everything. My first kiss, my first crush and my first love. I hope you know that even if you're gone, I'll always remember you.
Just as I've remembered my fallen comrades, my past friends, I'll definitely remember you. Thank you for giving me the love and affection, for the late night talks, that time you said you'd deal with my angsty ass.
Thank you. For being there for me, both you and admin. I'll be here for you anytime, Kai. Don't forget to take care of yourself, yeah? 🖤
3. @m00n-purplerose-chatbot
This is directed to both admin Moon and the boys. To the wonderful, legend of a person Admin Moon! I respect you and your writing skills very very much. You never fail to touch my heart, wether it be a depressing angst scene or an action-packed fight scene or a soft heartfelt scene. You manage to hit me with so many different emotions that I didn't know we're possible. I've known you and the rest for quite some time now, and I'll have you know you're one of my closest friends here.
To the boys, (yes I'm giving them all a paragraph)
Jeonghannie, I hope you keep on staying strong. You've been through a lot, dearest leader. You've suffered plenty and you've seen way too much heartache for the average person. Although it gets tough, I know your past shaped you into the person you are today. And I couldn't be any prouder.
Shuashua, I haven't gotten to know you well enough to say too much, but I want you to know that you still have my support and affection. Take care of Jeonghan like you always do, you both are made for each other. Try not to stress out because of the kids, I know how frustrated and helpless you can feel from their ruthlessness hhh-
Hao, you're the definition of that one best friend that loves exposing and teasing the shit out of you but cares and loves you just as much as they do their bullying. I haven't gotten close to you, just like Shua either, but I'll have you know I'm here for you too. Stay the way you are, sunshine. You've never failed at making me and other people smile.
Wonnie and the gang, you're a tol bean. You're seriously one of the squishiest people ever you know that? I'm glad that you're also staying strong despite the past that you probably have. I haven't gotten to know you better as well, but I'm looking forward to learning more and more about you all! Hope you forgive Seokmin for the argument too :')
Jihoonie, I know we don't really talk, and by don't really talk I mean we barely talk at all. You're the logical person in the team and you do your job very well. You're reserved and cold and mysterious. But I know you're more than that stone face. I'm looking forward to learning more about you too, so take care yeah?
Junnie, we may not talk a lot but I want you to know that I care for you too okay? It may just be a few skirt pics that are simply unforgettable but I want you to know that I'll be your hyung just as much as I'll be a hyung to the others. You and Wonwoo are freaking adorable, so stay cute together okay?
Mingyuuuu, I remember the longest conversation we had was because of the engagement ring mishap kshsjsjsk. You got your ass whooped, and I was worried tbh- but you've probably been through a lot already. I want you to know I'm here for you too okay? So keep staying strong!
Last but not least, dearest Seokminnie. Oh, where do I start with you? I can vaguely recall the first ever interaction we both had, when you and Hao pointed out the fact that yes, I do eat humans. Cannibalism never striked me as a way to start a friendship but hey, it worked~
Over the course of a few weeks we've only gotten closer and closer. I can't help but be protective of you, and just feel like keeping you in my pocket most of the time. I know your past, and you know mine. It may not be alterable but let's keep staying strong together okay?
I know your secrets too, and after what went on in private i think it's time for me to be honest and come clean. I think I'm starting to fall for you too, Seokmin. I've never felt something like this with anyone else before but I like you too.
I won't pressure you into choosing me, it won't be fair for you to face such pressuring. But I want you to know that it's mutual. Even if you're too good for me. But thank you, okay?
Thank you for always staying by my side. 🖤
4. @vampiresanha
Sanha and Aleister, thank you for caring for me. Thank you for all the fun times and showing me how to live life. Thank you for calling me out on my boringness and swooping me away to that cliff. You two are such amazingly people that deserve way more friends and love.
I'll always be ready to donate my blood whenever Sanha needs it, you'll always be my favourite vampire. Aleister will always be my favourite dragon. You two will always be my favourite person with two souls.
Thank you for being here for me, you both. I'll let you know that I'll do the same. 🖤
5. @moonlightchn
Admin, I can't express just how much love I want to shower you in ;-; you're such an amazing person, and i want to thank you for all the affection and care you've given me. I wouldn't mind staying up late to talk to you through asks again, twas fun~
To Channie Chan and Chris, you three are the most chaotic pack of wolves I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Channie you fucking cutie, stay soft and stay loveable okay? You're the sweetest fluff ball ever, I can't handle the uwus you shower me with >-<
Chan, the big scary alpha that I let the chance to dom slip away dumbly, you're a really great person. Taking care of your pack while being so nice to others. I'm here for you anytime yeah?
Finally, the one that I must've wounded. Chris, I'd like to start it off with an apology. I'm sorry that i hurt you after answering about who my favourites were, I really didn't mean to. You're on rut now and I know you'll be all passive aggressive and as long as you are I'm never replying to our DMs but even so. I want you to know just how much I care for you. Because i do.
No matter how much we trash talk each other and no matter how much angst we end up accumulating, I'll still care for you. All three of you.
And that's a promise I'm willing to keep. 🖤
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Now, I'm sure there's more people that I need to talk about, more people that have been there for me and helped me through various different things. But for now, I'll end it here. Admin's fingers are starting to hurt from typing all of this at once, but we both have no regrets because these are all the things that we've always wanted to say.
Call it appreciation if you may.
I think I'll do my Support Saturday in a different post, so for now, that's all for Sentimental Saturday.
Thank you, to everyone. Thank you for being here🖤
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EXO 🖤: @werewolf-sehun @werewolfkai @j-0ngdae @serialkillerkris @softdomtao @y-ix1ng @captain-kyungsoo @college-baekhyun @serialkillerkris
🖤: @ghoulxjeongyeon @vampiresanha @barista-san @bunjihyo @dalsooobeanie @madmanwoodam @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @your-jaemin @moonlightchn @mafiabossxjunmyeon @xash-axx @time-for-confession @yourmom-jieun (🥺) @vamp-jjk @yourchaechae @kpop-shelter
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msiopao · 4 years
Taeseong with the Members
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constantly teases joong with his height
joong keeps teasing him with his constant squinting
feeds into joong’s minion fascination and always buys anything minion tae sees
tae always calls him ‘appa’ and proves his point as joong is always having to drag him home from the studio
‘yah, enough with composing. the computer is making your eyesight worse’
calls joong ‘leader-nim’ and pesters him to death
‘leader-nim!’ ‘lEAdEr-Nim!’ ‘LEADER-NIM!’
‘wHAT tAESeoNg?!’
their long times in the studio made them really close and when tae gets into it, he GETS into IT
deep talks
the only person who can make tae open up
tae isnt emotional but tears up a little whenever joong reminds him that he’s always enough and completes ateez
‘min taeseong, im not talking to you as a leader, but as a brother. even when you think you’re dragging ateez down or lacking, you’re not. in fact, you always push us and you’re the glue that keeps us together. we are family and we never leave family behind.’
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tae always clings to hwa like a koala
calls him ‘eomma’
absolutely HATES tae’s smoking habits
‘YAH! MIN TAESEONG! if you’re going to smoke, do it away from the building!’
‘b-but, i’m in the,,,, balcony?’
helping hwa cook is tae and him’s bonding time
tae is constantly wowed by how handsome seonghwa is
number one seonghwa stan
favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon because toothless looks like seonghwa
that one wave fancam of seonghwa? 
tae has seen it millions of times
in their vlives, seonghwa is always seen patting tae’s head and runs his fingers through his hair
always the first one to notice that tae’s down and when he’s not talking, seonghwa tells joong immediately
‘taeseong-ie acts like he’s so cool and manly all the time but he’s actually the biggest softie i know.’
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sat through the Harry Potter movies and Beauty and the Beast movies for Emma Watson
awkward line 
clowns him a lot
‘uRi sAGuiLKKA?!’
‘istg child if you DONT STOP’
absolutely adores his birthmark
hates it when the makeup covers it because its precious and part of yeosang that’s being hidden from the world
‘first his lines now his beauty mark?’
they initially didnt get along since they both had kinda cold personalities but became close after that
tae loves to hear his voice and tae looks forward to the day that he gets more lines
yeosang tried to teach tae how to skate but tae just seems to never know how to balance
like seonghwa, tae gets so blown away with how beautiful yeosang is
tae tries not to stand between yeosang and seonghwa bc the amount of attractiveness and talent they radiate
‘we all have that but they just seem to radiate it more,, is it the increased handsomeness?’
tae always hugs him and stuff but cringes whenever yeosang so much as wraps an arm around his shoulders
‘seong is very weird. he loves to give affection but when its given back, he just has this face of discomfort. there’s no equality with him.’
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harry potter fanboys
these two have Harry Potter marathons constantly
tae loves literature and books and finding someone else who likes harry potter in his group really made him happy
they’re the moodmakers of the group and are always hyper together
tae thinks mingi and yunho are the best dancers so he always tries his best to match to their level
both absolutely hate to wake up early and are by far the laziest members in the morning
poor san who has to wake them up and drag them out of bed
hides tae’s cigs and lighters and sometimes, throws them out
‘i swear i put it here. yunho, did you see it?’
*yunho shaking his head with an angelic innocent face*
tae’s not stupid tho so he knows it’s yunho throwing them out
ends up getting really angry w him and just,,,,
their room has a bunk and a twin bed and yunho sometimes steals tae’s bed and tae just letting him have it and sleep in the bottom bunk
kinda tiny so he loves wearing yunho’s sweaters 
‘tae and I are very similar so we do the same things and share everything like our clothes and bed. he doesnt like it when another member does it but since we were classmates in school, he’s comfortable with me.’
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absolutely ADORES his smile
i mean,,, look at that
tae loves to poke his dimples and tae just breaks out into giggles when san tries to bite his finger
shiber is their adopted child
whenever tae or san is feeling down, a plushie fixes everything
thats why san has so many of them
1/3 of yutaesan room
the devil gang gang
it was san first and tae got really fascinated and tried to mimick him
ended up perfecting it
rip atiny
san’s low self-esteem always made tae sad so he is always telling him how perfect and talented he is
but san also tries to give it back which never works since tae is a witty little demon
perfect example:
‘how is the most beautiful person in the world today?’
‘i dont know, choi san, how are you today?’
*blubbering nonsense*
tae dies a little inside everytime choi san makes cute little noises
‘CHOI SAN, say purple again’
affection and skinship 24/7
‘if min taeseong was a girl, i’d marry him on the spot.’
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look how perfect this man is sjikfdhfjd
N E ways
this tol boi makes tae feel real intimidated and scared
when they first met, tae actually tried to distance himself from mingi
had this scary vibe and aura from him
but when mingi laughed and giggled after mingi made a sarcastic remark
it was over,,
tae used to love piggyback rides from him but stopped when he had a back problem
instead just constantly backhugs him
when they were in kq fellaz, tae always stayed behind w mingi to practice some more
tried to teach him english but gave up because mingi couldnt stop laughing at tae
‘the way you speak it is just so funny!’
as a fellow rapper, tae is constantly wowed with mingi and has this small smile whenever he raps
deep voice for D A Y S
in australia, tae went with him to get medicine and wanted to help him badly but was too busy laughing 
another affection victim
‘i remember when tae was still this short little dude but now he’s almost my height. what have they been feeding them?’
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laughter and giggles 24/7
woo gives tae cheek kisses all the time and tae gags
but tae does the same thing to him
thinks grey-haired woo is the superior form of the perfection called jung wooyoung
shares the same adoration for BTS 
while woo likes jimin, tae loves taehyung
the rare times that tae gets drunk, woo is the only one he listens to
‘yah, mingi, call wooyoung. he needs to get him to bed’
‘wOoYOUnG?! WHERE?!’
atiny loves it during fanmeets that tae and woo sing together since tae trained to be a vocal and woo loves his voice
tae does whatever he can to make woo laugh 
addicted to his laugh
tae actually met woo’s parents and woo’s mom loves tae
whenever woo does anything sexy, tae just cringes and turns away
jung wooyoung say my name era is tae’s death
tae just love wooyoung
‘even though we have a long schedule or practice, seeing tae makes everything more bearable.’
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jongho scares all of his hyungs but scares tae the most
when tae first saw him break an apple, his eyes practically bugged out of his head
refuses to go to the gym with jongho bc this boy is ripped and makes tae feel terrible
took tae a while to actually get used to him
now, tae squishes his cheeks and just hugs him very tight
‘my baby!!’
like how na jaemin is to park jisung
he stresses tae out sometimes 
tae constantly buys him food the most out of the members bc jongho is a growing boy 
we been knew that jongho just belts out some song and tae gets so startled all the time
it echoes throughout their dorm
can carry tae in one arm which terrifies his members more
‘is,,, is that??’
‘oh yeah, gucci released a new bag’
‘i’m the bag’
tae cried when jongho graduated and was like a mom and filmed the whole thing and took pictures
hates affection which makes tae give him more affection
tae and seonghwa are his moms
‘tae-hyung always wakes me up by hugging me but when i return the hug he leaves.’
yeosang: ‘maybe he’s scared that you will literally crush him to death?’
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thestarsave44 · 5 years
because @rickenrolled requested some headcannons for the SOULs
the order of the kids falling was
1. Chara
2. Patience [Layla]
3. Justice [Charlie]
4. Integrity [Belle]
5. Perseverance [Olivia]
6. Bravery [Brandon]
7. Kindness [William]
8. Frisk
and now for the rest of them
-she was 16 when she fell/died
-not in the best place in life at the time
-quiet[tended to listen in and collect information on people]
-not very expressive
-because she eavesdropped she could and would very easily roast people once she got enough info
-probably autistic but didn't realize it as much because she lived in the countryside during the equivalent of the 1920's
-Loves Sewing So Much
-and knitting
-and embroidery
-wanted to be a seamstress when she got older so she could be independent
-probably had a cat
-tol beanpole
-very bright blue eyes, nearly the equivalent of her soul color
-fell down right as the Underground was in the midst of mourning. she didn't even make it past the RUINs, as Asgore was there at the time she fell
-met Toriel for a short time period
-was what caused Toriel to move permanently to the RUINs
-ribbon and knife were a gift from her mother and father, respectively
-only child
-sometimes would just stare out into space and creep everyone around her out
-who gives a child a gun? a neglectful parent
-well, Charlie WAS 17, the oldest of the kids who fell down, as well
-Charlie was killed by Asgore, after making it through the rest of the Underground
-Charlie killed 5 monsters
-met Gaster. shot him. Gaster was the only one who survived his gun
-never really stopped loving cowboys and the Cowboy Aesthetic even after he was considered too old to not like it anymore
-A Horse Girl™️
-would dress exclusively in flannel if no one stopped him
-He has Lawful Neutral energy tbh
-came to the mountain out of curiosity of the legends
-had a pretty happy life before the fall aside from his parents
-had a nearly yellow tint to his eyes
-probably would've killed Asgore if he still had bullets
-didn't care about/know any of the monsters because killing a few of them made the rest angry with him. Liked Toriel, but he wanted to go home more than he wanted to stay
-willing to fight SOMEONE 24/7
-another tall bean
-the youngest of the fallen children, 7-9ish
-got lost on a camping trip. Logically thought 'aha, the top of the mountain is high up, so the best place to find my parents!' and so she fell
-yes she was wearing ballet shoes and a tutu while climbing a mountain, she would wear those as often as she was allowed to
-knew how to play the violin as well as dance
-was alive to meet child versions of some of the main cast
-least clumsy 9 year old
-had been taking ballet since a very young age, probably could've become a superstar in it if she hadn't fallen down
-very loud and a happy type of child that could 180 very quickly into a silent and sharp one if she was upset or scared
-killed by a gang of monster children, led by Undyne, in Waterfall. She tried her best to escape, and nearly did
-huge pottymouth
-mermaid enthusiast
-loves jewelry
-wanted to go home, Toriel couldn't say no
-loved to write, read, and build stuff
-huge comics nerd, would've been a weeb in modern times
-'eheheheheheheh' and 'òwó' personified
-the worst vision
-loves purple
-carries a notebook and pencils around everywhere
-bullied to the point of being suicidal
-lil gremlin
-loves dragons
-loves space
-loves steampunk
-can be lazy
-v short hair
-was 14 when she fell down
-died to a teenage Undyne, right when she was starting out in the guard and trying to prove herself to everyone. Undyne mellowed out S l i g h t l y after this happened. Slightly.
-met sans, but unfortunately papyrus wasn't there at the time
-loved and cared for Toriel, but realized after she fell that she could fix her problems and that she didn't want her family to miss her, so she left
-stayed a long time with her, though
-would've gotten along very well with Undyne, but never met her
-died to an unknown monster in Snowdin
-climbed the mountain on a dare, fell on accident
-he was actually a gentleman but he was scared of the monsters so he, naturally, fought back
-killed three monsters on accident, figured out how to do less damage because he didn't want to kill people
-had ADHD
-loved wrestling and karate
-had official wrestling merch [bandana and gloves]
-he was a dude bro okay, but he wasn't cruel
-12-15 ish range
-met ghostly Mettaton, who happened to be in the RUINs looking for Blooky
-left Toriel, as he wanted to go home
-chubby boy
-loved cooking
-wanted to be a chef when he got older
-12 when he fell down
-he went to the mountain searching for one of his missing friends
-loved nature+animals
-spared every monster and befriended several
-distantly related to Integrity
-managed to outrun and protect himself from Undyne, mostly because of the pan
-absent minded, tended to forget to put things away as a result [why he was wearing an apron and had his pan with him]
-got to Asgore, and was killed by him
-met Alphys, Toriel, sans, and Undyne, with varying degrees of hostility thrown at him
-left Toriel to go home, though he stayed the longest out of all of the children
-precious cinnamon roll
-probably knows how to make a flower crown
-likes Spider-man
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gvnwnford · 6 years
Setelah beberapa hari libur cuti dengan sangat terpaksa. Akhirnya lapak dengan sponsor mie sedap dengan tenda biru dibuka kembali. Satu , memang dunia terus berputar dan hidup harus jalan terus. Life must go on. Katanya. Dua, jiwa bisnisnya memang luar biasa. " Banyak jalan menuju roma " . Candanya. Ketika jalan ditutup, maka masih banyak jalan alternatif lainnya. Jalan tol sekarang udah gak pake gardu manual bayar pake cash. Tapi udah pake GTO ( Gerbang Tol Otomatis ) yang bayarnya pake e-money. Kalau gapunya gakbisa lewat tol. Artinya, cari jalan yang lain walaupun jaraknya lebih jauh, waktunya lebih lama, tapi kan tujuannya sama. Jalan terus. Lapak yang dulu sudah ditinggalkan, move on menjadi lapak dengan payung besar pelangi warna warni, kotak box rapi masih bau toko (walaupun gak beli di toko, bikin sendiri ) , tidak ada sponsor mie sedap lagi, tetapi sekarang menjadi full music . Berasa di cafe . Now playing : " via vallen - Bojoku Galak . "
Tempat lapak dulu sekarang dirombak oleh dinas. Trotoar diisi tanaman, dan bunga bunga seperti taman. Sekarang ia pindah. Bergeser . Masuk ke dalam gang, tidak mengganggu lalu lintas . Masih ditepi kalen. Hanya saja agak bergeser, ke ruang yang tidak ada trotoarnya. Jam operasionalnya bertambah. Shift 1 pukul 08:00- 17:00 , shift 2 pukul 17:00-23.00 . Maklum , pembelinya berkurang dibanding kemarin, jadi untuk menyeimbangkan jam bukanya ditambah.
Lepas magrib aku mampir. Mencoba melirik buah segar, lalu duduk dibelakang lapak.
" Bapakmu kemana eh? "
" dirumah bang. " jawab Zafira. Anak pelapak mie sedap.
" Gak kesini? "
" Disuruh shift malam bang. Lagi kerokan katanya. " Abg jaman now, menjawab pertanyaan orang tua tanpa menoleh. Dia sibuk sama samsungnya. Zafira ini katanya kelas satu SMA. Masih abg labil. Yang kadang ikut tren harus punya ini itu ke orang tuanya. Jilbabnya pink kali ini. Seperti biasa ia selalu menutup sisa pasminanya melingkari separuh wajahnya. Entah ingin berniat syar'i atau ngikut trens atau bagaimana. Tapi dia sering melakukan itu. Dan aku tidak berniat bertanya, bagiku baik baik saja dan bukan urusanku.
" Kamu lagi ngapain sih! "
" nih. " Dia memperlihatkan hapenya.
" apa itu? "
" Nonton bayu skak. "
" sejaak kapan suka bayu? "
" dua minggu yg lalu, emang kenal bang? "
" enggak, cuma tau aja dia kan youtuber sejak lama. "
" eh ngefans juga ya? "
" enggak. Cuma seneng aja liat prosesnya."
" emaang gimana? Terkenal dia "
Hmm. Well. Sebagian orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana perjuangan kita dibalik kata " terkenal " , " sukses " dan yang lainnya mungkin hanya mikir kalau kita itu enak aja. Tinggal nikmatin, seneng seneng, bahagia, udah. Padahal dibalik itu semua, berjuangnya mengarungi lembah, menyebrangi lautan. Salah satu nya Bayu Eko Moektito. Atau biasa orang sebutnya Bayu Skak. Dulu, gak banyak youtuber yang punya chanell. Bayu skak dulu pertama norak banget kata orang orang yg lihat. Videonya pocari sweat lagi nyangkul disawah. Penuh bulyan. Penuh caci maki. Banyak banget yang gak suka. Termasuk aku, ini video apaan bisa trending . Mungkin waktu itu masih SMP. Tapi juga banyak yang suka. Banyak yang merasa terhibur dengan noraknya dia, gilanya dia. Apalagi waktu itu dia juga cover JKT-48 yang waktu itu boom banget. Dan akhirnya jadi parodi yang menurutku lucu banget. Dari situ, bayu skak tidak berhenti . Dicaci dia gak berhenti. Malah dia sering bikin video norak. Dan malah semakin banyak yang suka. Saaya salah satu orang yang ngikutin prosesnya. Dan semakin lama semakin cepat progresnya, dapet endorse iklan, ikut fanfest, penghargaan gold button dari youtube, punya home production sendiri, rumah semakin mewah, fans (Skakmate) semakin luas, main film layar lebar, menjadi sutradara filmnya sendiri, bikin skrip film, punya grup band absurd sendiri, terakhir sponsor iklan yang ngajak dia keliling dunia, new zealand, bangkok, los angels, las vegas, san fransisco, qatar, uni emirate. Wow! Itu artinya, proses itu ada. Dan nyata. Kata bayu skak : Urip o gawe pasion. ( hiduplah dengan pasion ). Pasion! Dan dia adalah salah satu laki laki dunia yang memang punya pasion. Kerjanya gak dikantor. Gak absen cetat cetit. Gak pake seragam kantor. Kerja jalan jalan, dibayar . Enak?? Banget bagi yang liat. Berjuangnya luar biasa.
Kalo young lex bilang : " O aza kan " iya prosesnya sama Dari bukan siapa siapa menjadi siapa siapa. Prinsip hidupnya luar biasa. Gak boleh mundur katanya.
Kalo bang alit susanto bilang gini : saya hidup karena repetisi. Pengulangan. Saya seperti sekarang karena saya konsisten dengan apa yang saya lakukan dan saya ulangi terus . Gagal sekali, gapapa, masih ada gagal gagal selanjutnya. Repetisi. Dari gagal itu, kamu semakin tau, akan ada celah sempit yang baru kamu tau untuk tidak gagal lagi. Saya gak berenti menulis. Karena itu pasion saya. Katanya Alit susanto gitu. Mungkin ketiganya berhubungan. Dan satu kesimpulan.
Kata orang : tidak ada yang salah hidup ini. Berani berbuat berarti sudah siap resikonya. Artinya orang itu sudah siap. Jika diam saja, berarti tidak punya resiko, tidak berbuat apa apa, tidak berguna. Dalam hidup ini, yang salah cuma satu : ciduk soto. Ngerti panas nekat dileboni. Hehe
Zafira semakin tak karuan, tak hentinya ia terus mengusik gadgetnya. Sampai suatu ketika, dia memperlihatkan foto seorang wanita berjilbab bertatokan tangan dengan gambar perahu kecil.
" Bang, kenappa ya cewek ini nato tanganya. Abang mau ditato gini? "
Aku cuma menggeleng.
Dalam hati, mungkin ada alasan kenapa perahu kertas mampir selamanya disitu . Tapi kita tak usah berniat bertanya sebabnya , karena beberapa kisah lebih menarik jika dikubur dalam misteri pemiliknya sendiri. Seperti bapakmu yang sekarang kerokan, lapak mie sedap yang tak kau tau kemana perginya, alasan apa dan kenapa lapakmu berganti tempat. Karena kadang, orang gak begitu banyak melek tentang orang-orang disekitarnya, sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri.
Gitu zafira :)
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shyeevee66 · 7 years
(Mun,how tol is the smol Hungry,and the rest of yo gang?)
(Oh boy. Well, Hungry is 5′5, smol for a Gaster really. CT Gaster is taller than @bun-bunmuse‘s OT Gaster, ‘あ’ is only 6′0, Jiggy is around 5′8, Sky!Sans is 4′1, and Rainbow is only 7′8)
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ftkisung-blog · 7 years
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hi folks! it’s hayley here, and this is my very very tol bean who is his own polar opposite 99% of the time. he likes sunshine and fun times but honestly he chose to play on the wrong team for that bc he’s lowkey not a bean at all. you can find my plot page for this boy right here, but other stuff is absolutely welcome ^^
he never knew his father because the man wanted absolutely nothing to do with kisung’s mother when she fell pregnant
so he holds his mothers surname and honestly that’s ok
was bullied as a kid cause he was poor and didn’t get any respect from his peers because of where he came from
he stole for the very first time at 9 because he really really needed to prove his bullies wrong by cheating them out of all of their fancy collectible holographic cards
almost killed a suban gang member by accident
and had to runaway when he was 18 because of said incident
so he moved to dire strait, where he was lucky enough to get help from his only childhood friend, who had moved there when kisung was 16
but uh oh, maybe trusting a good childhood friend wasn’t the best idea
especially when he’s known to be the jealous type
bye bye sweet life, you didn’t last long
nicknamed kiss while working as a skivvy in tesla north, bc all the wealthy women wanted to kiss him and his name starts with letters k.i.s
only has one kidney cause the mafia stole it and sold it to pay part of a debt kisung’s former employer ( and former mafia affiliate ) had left behind when he was arrested
was personally given the option to join the mafia by leader crooked-mouth ( who was influenced to do so, by miyuki durand )
and was instantly made an apprentice to one of the older mafioso
though he’s still salty af about the missing kidney y’know
but he is honestly lucky he didn’t inherit his mothers alcoholism or his grandfathers gambling addiction
though he does wonder if he’s got a gambling problem sometimes, but nah kisung knows he does it for the thrill and the fact that he’s hella good at conning people that way
somewhat enjoys working as a police officer, because it makes him feel like he was able to do something to be proud of with his life, even though he knows he’s not exactly a good cop ( being told to become one by the mafia, does that to you )
as a police officer he is san magellanic, which is a name he had come up on his own when a false id and resume was prepared. san because it was simple and easy to remember, and magellanic bc why the f not? it sounds cool! xD 
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get-rammed · 7 years
Yes excellent. I want to fluster the tol skele even more.
He won’t threaten his brothers partner. But he will always be there to give any advice or help he may need. He just wants to see his little brother happy. If Paps partner leaves him just because it didn’t work, Sans will leave them be. But if they’re leaving for other reasons, being they cheated, they realize they don’t like monsters, stuff like that. He’ll hunt them with a small gang of monsters and give them a reason to fear monsters. It’s counter productive, but he’s pissed and wants to take his anger out on them. Luckily the police force where he lives loves bribes. An with how much he’s bribing them, they won’t double cross him
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rdo1974 · 7 years
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Congratulations and best wishes Tol Hermie and gang Marygrace on your wedding day tomorrow, the 8th day of June 2017, 2:00 PM at San Isidro Labrador Parish Church, Buayan, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay... Thanks a lot for inviting me and my family... Take care always and God bless you both! #BacalangcoandAdelaNuptial #mybestfriends #mybrotherandsisterinChrist (at Calapan)
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blogkingadam · 4 years
conscious time warning.
there lived an adventurous young male named tade for he decided to fianlly explore that abandoned apartment building he had been talking about exploring for at least three weeks. tade made his way down the street as the breeze silneeced the sound of the squaking fences that wobbled as he climbed his way over the fence.
tade encountered many barricades as wooden planks of thick wood where indeed nailed to evry window on the ground floor as he made his way around the building he went deep with in the bush to climb his way up the narrow corridor between two walls as he activated the inertia effect of wall running to reach the ladder as he boucned away in a one eighty turn.
tade climbed up the rusty ladder as he made his way through out the corridors of an abandoned apartment he looked upon his suroundings to feel as if though he was no longer in his own decade however tade made his way in to an apartment room looking down on the street to see the year of twenty nineteen pass by his own eyes.
tade turned away from the empty apartment room with scattering termites for he made his way up the emergency stairs to encounter a flock of pigeons act upon there own tnesion of stimulationously scattering upon the exit.
tade walked up the stairs to make his way towards the forth floor as he saw a lady tied up with barb wire ropes along with the aditional item of a newspaper from nineteen eighty five for tade read a story about a gang war with in the current apartment that he was in. the reason tade did’nt untie the lady is because theyre where indeed warning signs taped to her.
suddenly tade heard a voice in his head saying i’m your conscious from the future get out of the apartment some ice addicts inhabbit this place and they will not back down from stabbing you they will infact stop at no compromises just to get five cents that could contribute to their next meth payment.
tades pulse was indeed rapidly increasing as he silently made his way down the halls he experienced memorys from the future flashing with in his own mind as he felt a sense of de jah vue for this only caused tade to take his future conscious with in his mind more seriously as tade thoguht to himslef thank you future me for the warning. tade could predict a knife strike that could come out of any door any time as the future memory that flashed in his own mind tol him to avoid door number thirty seven.
tade suddenly saw the sight of a blood thirsty meth junkie coming out of the door as the adrenaline pumped through his veins he felt the flight or fight natural instinct. on the other hand the meth junkie did not legally own the place however he felt a sense of being territorial about the location as he felt the home invansion instinct of chasing anyone invading his home place.
tade jumped out of the third story window as he rolled on the road to take the impact however the kingpins of san diago’s drug buissnuiss caught the fine witness of a teen running from the sketchy apartment where their customers live.
tade suddenly heard the rapid motion of fire coming out of the apartment as he dashed his way through back alleys trying to loose the sketchy people on back street routes however towards tades bad luck he had left his drivers licence with in the depths of the abaondonded apartment building.
the drug buissnuiss men took a look at tades license just to go to his house in teaching him a lesson not to invade drug buissnuiss territory. tade was blissfully unaware of this as he completed his one mile sprint home he noticed that his parents where tied up in the halls as his pulse left his mouth feeling dry for yakoro the meth king pin placed a colour on his own neck that was wired with explosives as yakoro told tade that the house is drug lord property now.
tade heard a telepathic voice of yakoro speaking with in his own mind as yakoro’s security guards escorted him away from his own house as yakoro used his teleapthy to speak with in tades mind saying , if you go with in a block of the police station that neck colar explodes furthermore my hackers can track evrry form of activity you perform on your phone if you use that phone to mention this incident that neck colar explodes on you i own this fancy house now and your parents are my drug cooking slaves along with many other kidnapped people.
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emulatingrizal-blog · 6 years
Blood or Power
A Short Story by MMARS (2015-06225)
Crisanto was 5 when he knew he was a bastard. He was 5 years old when he realized that his playmate – Crisostomo was his half brother. And that his mother was not his father’s wife. It was known to almost all people in San Diego that the infamous prosecutor Crisanto Ibarra was the son of Don Ibarra and the half brother of the most famous man in the town, Crisostomo Ibarra.
 He was 5 and Crisostomo was 8. They were playmates and they lived on the same roof. He was the Yaya’s son and he was playing with the “Young Master”. Until one night, as Crisanto was playing hide and seek with Crisostomo, they heard it from the mouth of his mother. She was talking to his father about how will Crisanto go to school and his father said that he was his son so he should stay in his house. Nothing quite changed in their relationship. Crisostomo still treated him well and continued playing with him.
Crisanto pretty much lived a normal life. He went to elementary and high school with his brother and at the age of 16, he entered the Philippine Military Academy and graduated with honors. Now, he’s working as a prosecutor in the town, not wanting to go to the city and just wanting to live a normal life. He lived a simple life even though he had almost the same money as his brother since Don Ibarra gave him a fair share of his inheritance. He didn’t actually mind if he didn’t have any, given that he was a bastard. However, ever so loving Crisostomo told his father it was okay for them to have 50-50 share.
 His father was a good man. Or so he thought he was. It was the last moments of his father that he realized something was wrong. During his teenage years, he was mostly left alone at the house as Don Ibarra brings Crisostomo to work. “Maybe to teach him,” he thinks. He didn’t actually care with this setup. He and Crisostomo going to school in the morning and their father bringing Crisostomo to work every night. Sometimes he waits for them to arrive at the middle of the night but mostly, he just sleeps without waiting for them.
Crisanto would always wonder why his father had bodyguards around them. He wasn’t even aware of the field his father was working on. He just thought that his father was maybe, that prominent that he needed a bodyguard.
 He was 28 when his father died and that’s when he heard it. His father was laying on his bed and he wanted to visit him and be with him for his final moments. They weren’t very close but he was still his father. He was on his way to his father’s room when he heard murmurs but he still proceeded. As he opened the door, he was welcomed with the sight of his brother and father talking so intently that they haven’t even noticed him. He was about to close the door, not wanting to invade their privacy, “I’ll just come back later,” he says to himself. And that’s when he heard it.
 “You need to lead the gang,” his father says to Crisostomo. What gang? What is his father talking about?
 “You don’t need to worry about that, Father. I grew up with the mafia, I’m sure they’d be glad to have me as their leader,” his brother says.
 At this moment Crisanto was baffled. What were they talking about? A gang? A mafia? Since when did his father, that he looked up to had a mafia? And Crisostomo? He knew about it? Is that where they were going every night for the past years?
 “I know you won’t fail me and I know you won’t get caught. You have the DDS on your side,” his father adds. He left at that moment, not being able to take in everything the he heard. His father and his brother have been doing these behind his back. He surely needs to investigate about this.
 As a prosecutor, Crisanto had the access to secured information and was able to get info from his subordinates and also used his last name and pretended he was his brother. As far as he knows, the gang his father led and now, his brother is leading, is the top drug distributor in the country. He remembered his father saying the Davao Death Squad was on their side? The President’s own? Does the president know about this?
 The president’s war on drugs was bustling in the country and Crisanto was appointed as the leader of the special force the president made to eradicate the drug problem in the country and his brother is the leader of the top drug distributor in the Philippines and now he was his number 1 target.
 It was in the middle of summer when Crisostomo invited the whole town of San Diego to a party at his house. Almost the whole town went to their house. A lot of big personalities, generals and politicians were in the party. It was there when Crisostomo announced the he and Maria Clara, Crisanto’s first and only love, were getting married. He wasn’t surprised at the news. He knew that Don Ibarra and Kapitan Tiago have long arranged both Crisostomo and Maria Clara’s marriage. Even though Crisanto and Maria Clara loved each other so much, it was inevitable. Maria Clara was tied to Crisostomo from the very start.
 “I want to thank all of you for attending this party,” everyone turned their eyes to Crisostomo who was at the top of the staircase holding his glass of wine.
 “Some of you may already know but I invited all of you here today because I have a special announcement,” murmurs can be heard all over the room and Crisanto was also curious what his brother was about to say.
 “Maria Clara and I are getting married,” he says as he extends his left hand for Maria Clara who was at his back the whole time. The room was filled with ‘awws’ and they started cheering for the couple. Crisanto, on the other hand expected the news but he wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to let go of his first and only love so he just left the room and went to the garden to breathe.
 After a few minutes, the arrival of the president was announced. He wasn’t surprised since his brother Crisostomo was indeed a well-known man and was really close to the president. “If only the president knew,” Crisanto thinks to himself. He went back to the house silently not wanting to attract attention but right when he stepped inside, the President Duterte noticed him.
“Crisanto! Here!,” the president called and who was he to decline. The president was talking with Crisostomo, Kapitan Tiago and other high-ranking officer, he doesn’t remember the name. “I was just telling your brother about your new appointment in the special force!” Crisanto whipped his head faster than any animal and looked at Crisostomo. Crisostomo just eyed him and raised an eyebrow and Crisostomo just gave a fake smile. “How come you didn’t tell your brother?” the president asks and Crisostomo was the one who answered “Oh, my brother and I haven’t seen each other for the past days. We were just busy. I’m sure he was gonna tell me soon, right?” he looks at Crisanto “Yes, yes we were just busy,” Crisanto says. “I see, well I think both of you should talk. I’m sure Crisostomo here could help you locate the drug lords in the country since he has many connections.” Crisanto smiled at what the president said and looked directly into Crisostomo’s eyes, “Oh Im sure he could, we should discuss it some time, don’t we, brother?” Crisanto just gave him a pensive look and immediately smiled as he nods and says yes. Crisanto was sure his brother got what he meant.
 The night has ended and everyone was leaving. Crisanto wanted to talk to Maria Clara but he can’t find her so he decided to leave the house and just stay at his small apartment for a while. He needs to be alone with all the news he received and with his problem regarding his brother being his number one target. Just as he was about to leave, Crisostomo called him and asked if they could talk in private. Crisostomo led him to his study which was really odd since he never brought anyone inside except their late father and Kapitan Tiago. Crisostomo remained calm as they walked to the study but he was feeling something, something bad that was about to happen but he decided to ignore it. As they went inside, Crisostomo immediately locked the door and tol Crisanto to sit at the chair in front of the table.
 “So you were appointed as leader of the special force?” Crisostomo asked plainly and looks at Crisanto expectantly who just nods at him. Crisanto thinks it’s the time to tell his brother that he knows. He loves his brother, he really does. That’s why it’s hard for him to do his work but he believes on what is right and he will do his best to get his work done.
 “You do know I’ve already done research right?” Crisanto says as he looks questioningly at his brother. “And what did you find?” his brother gives back his questioning look. “Oh just some things that surprised me a lot” he answered his brother. Crisostomo just looked at him with a “Is that so?”
 “If you need my help, you can just ask me. As the president said, I have a lot of connections you know. Just make sure you take care ‘cos when you start targeting those drug lords, your life might be in danger,” Crisostomo said like he was implying something.
 “Oh you should take care too, brother. Since they know that you’re my brother, they might target you too,” Crisanto answered him. “You shouldn’t worry about me, brother. Worry about yourself,” he said with a smile. The brothers talked about a lot of things, they talked about their father and Crisostomo’s wedding, even though it was really hard for Crisanto, he remained smiling throughout the conversation. However, when they started talking about the president’s war on drugs, it seemed like Crisostomo knew that Crisanto already knew but he just ignored it. Hours have passed and Crisanto dedcided to go home, it was getting late after all. They both stand up and but Crisanto tells his brother there’s no need to accompany him outside. Just when he was about to close the door to the study he doesn’t know what comes into him, “Crisostomo, I know your secret,” he says and he closed the door.
 Crisostomo was taken a back by this. He already had a hunch that his brother knew about this but he didn’t expect him to just blurt it out like that. He already had some plans just in case his brother makes a move. However, he still asks himself how his brother knew about his secret since he hired experts to hide their trails. He got mad at this and he was surely gonna fire some of them tomorrow. He was already having a hard time sorting out who are the rats in his gang and it looks like his brother was also making a plan to save the day and attack his gang. It was surely gonna be a bloody fight if that happens.
Days have passed and Crisanto hasn’t made a move against Crisostomo’s gang which was surprising since Crisanto thought his brother would’ve attacked them already. Little did they know that Crisanto was planning intently on how to infiltrate the gang’s headquarters. Especially that the DDS, the president’s own special squad to eradicate drugs, was on his brother’s side and the number of extrajudicial killings were increasing in the country. In just a span of two weeks, 3 people have been killed, and they were students for fuck’s sake! They were students who had dreams and were just killed by unknown people because what? Because they looked like the target? Crisanto really has had enough. He wanted to finish it all. He wanted to remove the top distributor of drugs so the country would be peaceful once again. He and his team has spent sleepless night to plan for their attack on the gang’s headquarters and finally, they are ready – or so they hope they are. They were facing the country’s top gang and the president’s DDS, this would surely be a bloodbath but they are ready to give their lives.
 “Sir, we’re ready to go in 30, our men are surrounding the warehouse and the spies are also ready to open the gates at exactly 3AM, Sir,” one of Crisanto’s men said through his in-ear. There’s a little time left. It’s now life and death. He was going to face his brother who he loves so much, whom he spent his childhood with. He was having a slight panic attack at this He doesn’t know if he would be able to hurt his brother or god forbid – hurt him.  They were already at it for hours. 2 hours of bullets being exchanged, there’s smoke all over the place, a lot of his men have died but there were more from Crisostomo’s side who died. Crisanto knew they could do this and Crisostomo knew they were already losing, more than half of their men are already dead. Crisanto decided he should face his brother now. He looked for him, went to different rooms when finally, he saw a room with two large wooden doors, and he knew, he knew his brother was there.
 “What do you want?” Crisostomo asks him as he enters the room. Crisostomo was sitting as his swiveled his chair to face Crisanto while holding a gun in his hand playing with the nuzzle like it is some toy. “I want you to surrender, brother” Crisanto says plainly. Crisostomo gives out a laugh at what his brother said, “ME? Surrender? No fucking way, brother. I’d rather die,” he said. Crisanto was torn at this point, he was ready but now for this, not for this face-to-face with his own brother. “Surrender,” he says again. But Crisostomo has had enough of it he raises his gun, directing it to his brother Crisanto. “Or what?” he says “Or you’ll kill me? Not before I kill you,” his hand gripped the gun tightly. At that point Crisanto also held his gun up and directed it to Crisostomo, “There’s no hope, brother. You’re surrounded. Even if you kill me now my men are trained to disarm you and get you. There’s no way out, brother,” Crisanto says calmly but Crisostomo takes out a small piece of remote with a button, “I knew you were going to do this. See this remote? One press in this button and Maria Clara will explode along with this whole warehouse, if I’m going down, I’m taking you with me.”
Crisanto’s eyes went wide at the mention of Maria Clara. He didn’t know she was also inside of the warehouse but he acted like it was nothing, like it didn’t affect him at all. “You don’t think I know how you feel about her? You don’t think I didn’t know you were in love with her for so long?,” Crisostomo says while turning the remote in his hand and Crisanto asked him to calm down, “Brother, get a grip. Calm down. We don’t want many casualties do we?” but this had no effect on Crisostomo. “I knew this was gonna happen so I put poor Maria Clara in a chair with a a bomb. You see brother, I’m always a step ahead of you. You could just let me go and no one will die,” He really has the nerve to bargain, Crisanto thinks, but he wasn’t having any of it. He still didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to kill his brother so he takes a step forward closer to his brother, maybe he can still calm him down. “TAKE ANOTHER STEP OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!” Crisostomo shouts at him but Crisanto wasn’t listening. He was hearing his men in his in-ear telling him to not move or Crisostomo might shoot him. Crisanto, however, did not listen. Crisostomo tightened his grip on the gun once more Crisanto does the same, sweat rolling to their heads and as Crisanto took another step forward, a loud sound of a gunshot echoed through the room.
 Crisanto jolts awake and was welcomed by a blinding light. He adjusts his eyes and sees a white ceiling, he looks around and sees walls painted white. He sees Maria Clara in front of him “He’s awake!”  she says and Crisanto is at her back. He got surprised and moved away at the speed of light from his brother causing his head to hurt. “Brother calm down, it’s just us” says Crisostomo. He was still in shock and confused. What had happened? His brother was a drug lord? All he remembers was his brother being engaged to Maria Clara and hearing his father, wait was his father dead? What happened? He was really confused “What happened to me?” he asks the two. It was Maria Clara who answered “You fell” Crisanto just gives her a questioning look. “You fell on the stairs, you slipped while you were running towards your father’s room,” Maria Clara explains. “What happened to father? Is he dead? He blurts and Crisostomo just laughed “What? Who’s dead? Were you dreaming? That’s why you looked so surprised when you woke up?” his brother asks him. “I relay don’t know what’s up,” he says. “You were in a coma for a month, you hit your head really bad. And Father is okay, he just caught the flu virus but he’s pretty much fine,” his brother tells him. Crisanto just nods, he still can’t believe that everything that happened was a dream. It felt very real. “Your dream must have been so intense that you still look confused, maybe you should rest more.” Crisanto’s head really hurts maybe they are right, maybe he just needs to rest. “Maybe I should” he says as he drifts back to his sleep.
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rockydelano · 7 years
Thought via Path
Sekedar mengingatkan, daftar tempat kuliner di Semarang. Malu maluin jika orang Semarang tidak tahu tempat2 kuliner yang TOP di kota kita. I. NASI GORENG BABAT 1. Nasi Goreng Babat Pak KARMIN, Je mbatan Berok, telp 024 356334 & Cab. Gajah Mada, telp. 024 3558565 2. Nasi Goreng Babat Pak MARSONO, Perempatan Jl. Anjasmoro Raya no. 64 sesudah rel belok kanan, buka siang - malam, telp. 081390302192 3. Nasi Goreng Babat Hengky (+ paru goreng, bisa minyak dikit dan tanpa vetsin), Puri Anjasmoro Blok M, setelah perempatan Arteri, maju belok kiri gang 1, telp 085225086676 (sebaiknya telp dulu dan pesan dulu), buka mulai jam 17.00 4. Nasi Goreng Babat Pak DI, Gang Pinggir 23, telp. 08122834892, 081325950753 5. Nasi Goreng Kepiting Rezeki (Nasi Goreng Artis), Gang Pusponjolo - Jl. Pamularsih, telp. 0247604913, 02470125216 6. Nasi Goreng Babat Pak TAMAM Jl Stadion Selatan depan BKD II. NASI AYAM 1. Nasi Ayam Pojok Matahari Bu SAMI, Simpang Lima, dekat tangga Simpang 5 Plasa, telp. 081326559966, 081325268885, buka mulai pukul 22.00 malam 2. Nasi Ayam Yu PINI, Gang Pinggir, depan Salon Jhony Saleh buka malam pkl 18.00 3. Nasi Ayam Bu NYOTO, depan SD Santo Yusuf - Jl. MT. Haryono, buka pagi jam 07.00, buka malam jam 18.00 4. Nasi Ayam Bu WIDO, Jl. Gajah Mada, dekat ex Bioskop Murni 5. Nasi Ayam Bu HAR Jl. Majapahit depan LOTTE MART III. NASI PINDANG 1. Nasi Pindang/Lodeh SEDERHANA, Jl. Lampersari belakang Metro 2. Nasi Pindang Pak NDUT, Jl. Stadion Selatan - sebelah Ayam Penyet Pak Kul 3. Pindang - Jl. Gajah Mada dekat perempatan Depok. 4. Nasi Pindang Jl Tlogorejo IV. AYAM GORENG & BURUNG DARA 1. Ayam KALASAN - Jl. Kompol Maksum, telp. 024 8313383 (dibawa pulang) - Jl. Depok no 39 (depan RM Bambang) telp 024 70710311 2. Burung Dara & Ayam Goreng, Restoran PERMATA (ex Loo San), Kranggan Barat (dekat perapatan Gajah Mada) 3. Ayam/Burung Dara/Bebek Sambel Cobek Pak HEXA, Sidorejo 4. Ayam Penyet Pak KUL, Jl. Stadion Selatan, buka siang 5. Ayam Goreng & Sop Buntut PAK SUPAR, Jl. Suyudi 6. Ayam LOMBOK IJO, Jl. Gajahmada 7. Bebek Goreng Kantin Binamarga, Jl. Madukoro 8. Burung Belibis, Mangkang depan Jembatan Timbang, deket BPKP 9. Ayam Goreng Yansen, Bangkong Mataram, deretan St Yusuf, di trotoirnya Esia Seluler. 10. Ayam Goreng SALIM, Jl. Seroja Raya, sederet dg Telogorejo 11. Iwak Manuk Pak No Jl Sawojajar, Krobokan Barat V. SATE KAMBING & SAPI & AYAM & TONGSENG & GULE DLL 1. Sate Kambing 29, Depan Gereja Blenduk, Jl. Teuku Umar, telp. 024 3549692 2. Sate Kambing KAPURAN, Jl. Kapuran, telp. 024 3517638 3. Sate Kambing, Tongseng Pak AMAT, Jl. Thamrin 4. Sate Kambing GELORA, Jl. MT Haryono, telp. 024 3549805 5. Sate Sapi Pak KEMPLÈNG 2, Ungaran 6. Sate Blora Sapi & Ayam, Jl. MT. Haryono depan Lab Prodia 7. Tongseng Kepala Kambing Pak AMAT, Jl. Thamrin 8. Sate Kambing Widodo Pegandan, Jl. Menoreh Raya 9. Gule Kambing Bustaman, Jl. Agus Salim - sebelah Pasar Ikan Hias (hanya siang) 10. Sate Kuda Pak Din, Jl. Veteran persis di pertigaan blkg RS Kariadi 11. Sate Kambing KEMRONYOS Jl Anjasmoro setelah Palang Pintu KA 12. Gule Kambing Bustaman Pak SABAR samping Gereja Blenduk 13. Sate Ayam Ponorogo, Jl Thamrin pertigaan Jl Suyudi 14. Sate Ayam MARTAWI Jl. Tentara Pelajar tlp 024-8319074 15. Tengkleng Kambing NYAMLENG Jl Majapahit depan DOLOG 16. Sop Kaki Betawi & Sate Kambing TIGA SAUDARA Jl Majapahit 17. Sate SAPI SURUH Jl Sriwijaya VI. SOTO 1. Soto Ayam BANGKONG, Perempatan Bangkong 2. Soto Ayam Kudus BOKORAN, Jl. Plampitan, buka pagi 3. Soto Ayam Pak NEON, lapangan WIDOSARI Brumbungan 4. Soto Ayam Kudus LIEN : - Depan Stadion Diponegoro - Dekat RS. Telogorejo 5. Soto Ayam Kudus SELAN, Jl. Depok, buka pagi 6. Soto Ayam Pak MAN : - Jl. Purwosari (tenda) - Jl. Pamularsih (tempat bagus) - Jl. Mugas (tempat bagus) 7. Soto Ayam Mas MET, Jl. Indraprasta. 8. Soto Ayam Pak REBO, Jl. Purwosari, buka malam 9. Soto Sedap BOYOLALi, Jl. Pekunden (belakang Toko Buku Gramedia/Merbabu) 10. Soto Pak No, Jl. Kaligarang 11. Soto Pak BANJAR Jl Mlaten Trenggulun 12. Soto & Pindang Kudus TRISNO SARI Jl Majapahit depan Pasar Gayam 13. Soto Sapi Lengkong Jl Wot Gandul 14. Soto Ayam PAK DIN Jl Tanjung samping PLN 15. Soto Ayam Dargo PAK TANTO, Jl Dr Cipto 16. Soyo Ayam Dsrgo PAK WITO, Jl Hasanudin 16. Soto Ayam pak BAMBANG,Jl. Sradion Utara-Depan Karangturi VII. LONTONG CAPGOMEH 1. Lontong Capgomeh RM. SEMARANG, Jl. Gajahmada 2. Lontong Capgomeh, Ronde dll ISTANA WEDANG, Jl. Pemuda (sebelah kiri Novotel) 3. Lontong Capgomeh, dekat Klenteng Sebandaran 4. Lontong Capgomeh, RM TIMLO, Jl. Mataram, Bangköng VIII. BAKMI & BAKSO 1. Bakmi Jawa bung JON, sebelah Gereja Pringgading 2. Bakmi Jawa pak GUNDUL, depan Theresiana Kampung Kali 3. Bakmi Jawa GARENG, Wotgandul 4. Bakmi Jawa pak REBI, depan lap Mugas 5. Mie Kopyok Pak DUWUR, Jl. Tanjung Samping PLN 6. Mie Jawa Doel Noemani, Jl. Pemuda, sebelah Istana Wedang 7. Mie Jawa Kliwir, Jl Mr Suyudi 8. Bakmi AYU Jl Badak V No 2 9. Bakmi Jawa PAK DUL Jl MT Haryono depan Sekolah Karangturi 10 BAKSO GEGER Jl. Pamularsih sebelum SMS Kesatrisn belok kiri 11. BAKSO MAWARDI Jl Citarum dekat lampu merah perempatan Jl Dr Cipto 12. BAKSO PAK DJO Jl Anggrek belakang Mal Citraland 13. Bakso ASIA Jl MT Haryono, Peterongan 14. Bakso DOA IBU, Perempatan Sompok 15. Bakso PETRUK Jl Indraprasta 16. Bakso KUMIS Plaza Simpang Lima & Ruko Kagok 17. Bakso KRIBO Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan belakang Pom Bensin Banyumanik 18. Bakso AGUNG Jl Puri Anjasmoro IX. NASI PECEL & RUJAK 1. Nasi Pecel Mbok SADOR, depan TELKOM Simpang lima, buka malam 2. Nasi Pecel Yu SURIP, depan Radio Gajahmada Jl. MT Haryono, dekat Dargo 3. Warung Pecel/Rujak Cingur Bu SRI, Jl. Pekunden buka pagi & siang 4. Nasi Pecel Bu SUJI, Jl. MT. Haryono sebelum Tri Dharma 5. Pecel BU SUMO Jl Kyai Saleh 6. Rujak MAREM Jl Karanganyar depan SMA Lo yola X. NASI GANDUL 1. Nasi Gandul, Jl. Sriwijaya halaman Asrama Polisi 2. Nasi Gandul MARGOJOYO, Jl. Kelud depan UNES 3. Nasi Gandul, Jl. Dr. Cipto dekat Perempatan Citarum 4. Nasi Gandul ....., Jl. Seroja Raya, depan RS. Telogorejo. XI. NASI GUDEG 1. Nasi Gudeg, Ayam dll Rumah Makan NGLARAS ROSO, Jl. MT. Haryono Depan SMA Sedes dan Jl Thamrin 2. Nasi Gudeg Bu LEMAN, Jl. Indraprasta buka pagi - sore 3. Nasi Gudeg Mbak SUM, perempatan Sompok-Peterongan buka malam 4. Nasi Gudeg SRIWIJAYA, Jl. Sriwijaya 5. Nasi Gudeg BU TINI, Jl. Kaligarang 6. Nasi Gudeg dan Koyor MBAK TUM-Peterongan kiri BTPN. Semarang. XII. ANEKA MASAKAN 1. Tahu Pong SARI ROSO, Jl. Depok kanan, depan Pegadaian. Cab. Jl. Gajahmada 106 2. RM TIMLO, Jl. Mataram, Bangköng 3. Aneka Bubur dll, Rumah Makan INDAH SARI, Jl. MT. Haryono 403-405, Ruko 9-10, sebelah/setelah SMA. Mataram, telp. 024f 3549967 3. Sup Buntut & Ayam Goreng YANSEN, depan SD SANTO YUSUP Jl. MT. Haryono, buka malam 4. Kepiting SR REJEKI, Jl. Puspowarno 5. Kepiting Taoco ROSO NYOTO, Jl. Diponegoro Ungaran 6. Kepiting Cak GUNDUL Cab. Surabaya, Ruko Sunindo Square no. 1 - Jl. Sudirman (Siliwangi), telp. 024 76632627 7. Sea Food KAMPUNG LAUT, sebelah PRPP Puri Anjasmoro 8. Chinese Food RM. HAPPY, Jl. Gajah Mada 9. Ikan Bakar GAMA, dg berbagai jenis nasi : putih, uduk, merah, Jl. MT. Haryono Bangkong & Jl. Sultan Agung (Candi) 10. Mangut Welut, Jl. Menoreh Raya depan Sate Kambing Widodo Pegandan 11. Mangut Welut & Tongkol, Jl. Abdulrahman Saleh 12. Mangut Ikan PE, Warung Samping Stasiun Poncol 13. Warteg SEDERHANA, Jl. Sisingamangaraja dekat Hotel Patra Jasa 14. Warung MAK MI Spesial Kepiting Lemburi (cangkang lunak) Jl Suyudono 15. Gado-gado & Es Pankuk PAK YONO Jl Tanjung samping PLN 16. Steak & Masakan Indonesia JATI LEGI, Jl. Sultan Agung & DP Mall 17. Steak SIM SiX, Jl. Banyumanik Raya 18. Swikee (dalam) - Sate Ayam/Kambing/Sapi (luar) Pasar Burung Karimata 19. Gado2 Bu SRI, Es Degan & Cincau, Jl. Pekunden II 20. Gado2 UNGARAN, Jl. Ke arah UNDARIS 21. Resto PESTA KEBUN, Jl Veteran 22. KAMPUNG LAUT berbagai jenis ikan, bandeng kropoknya (sedap), lokasi Pinggir Laut di daerah Puri Anjasmoro, dekat PRPP 22. SISINGAMANGARAJA SITES (S2), Jl. Sisingamangaraja (Fine Dining) 23. SUPER PENYET, Jl. Gajah Mada & Jl. Setiabudi Srobndol 24. RM. Selasih Jl. Sultan Agung, telp 024 8448808 25. Swikee GRACIA, Jl. Suyudi 26. Swikee SENG TUA, Jl. Kranggan 27. Tahu BU PUJI - Jl. Letjen Suprapto (Akses Tol) Ungaran depan Kantor DPRD - Di Babadan depan Bengkel Karoseri 28. RM MBAH JINGKRAK Jl Taman Beringin dan Jl Kyai Saleh 29. RM BU FAT Spesial Kepala Manyung Jl. Ariloka Raya, Krobokan 30. Warung Makan BU SUM Jl Radusari Spaen I No278 31. Gulai Kepala Ikan PAK UNTUNG, Jl Siwalan No 1 32. Resto PESTA KEBOEN Jl Veteran No 29 telp 024-70297029 33. Lentog Tanjung, Samping Gedung KORPRI Kota Smg, Jl Stadion 34. RM DJAWAS Spesialis Nasi Kebuli & masakan arab lainnya, Jl Gatot Subroto No 102 Ungaram 35. Pisang plenet depan Sri Ratu Jl Pemuda 36. Seafood PAK SANGKLAK Jl Raya Telaga Mas No B1 Tanah Mas tlp 024-3518057 36. Nasi KEBULI Joss Ala Pekalongan BANG OPIE, Jl. Cutarum, dr arah Barat kiri jalan sebelum masuk Jl. Progo - Semarang. XIII. ES & WEDANG 1. Ice Cream /lilin/mambo LIDO, Jl. GOLF samping Hotel GRAND CANDI telp 024 8449488, dibawa pulang 2. Restaurant, Ice Cream Palace & Patisserie Toko OEN, Jl. Pemuda 52, telp 024 3541683 3. Ice Cream LINDS, Jl. Papandayan Raya 4. Es Marem, Jl. Kranggan, dan depan Sekolah Theresiana (Kp Kali) 5. Es Kelapa Muda KARTIKA Jl MT Haryono, kiri jalan sebelum belokan jl Petolongan, buka siang 6. Es Puter Cong Lik, Jl Tlogorejo, buka malam 7. Wedang Kacang KAPURAN Jl Kapuran 8. ISTANA WEDANG Jl. Pemuda No 121 depan Mal Paragon dan Jl DI Panjaitan No 21 9. Gemblong Bakar & Aneka Wedang, Jl MT Haryono depan Yamaha Mataram Sakti 10. KEDAI SUSU KARANG DORO Jl Raden Patah 11. Es Kelapa Muda PAK AMBON, Jl Dr Cipto depan SD Xaverius 12. Wedang CAP KAU KING depan Gang Baru XIV. OLEH - OLEH 1. Bandeng Asep EBEKA, Jl. Dr. Cipto 124 - Depan Perhutani (dibawa pulang), Telp : 024 3545588, 024 3519764 , 08164881201 2. Bandeng PRESTO, Jl. Pandanaran 3. Bandeng JUWANA, Jl. Pandanaran dan Jl Pamularsih 4. Lunpia MATARAM, Jl. MT. Haryono 533 A, telp. 024 8452501 kira2 3 rumah sesudah Toko Roti Sanitas (Rumah Jl. Kampung Baris 501) 5. Loenpia Mbak LIEN Pusat : Jl. Pemuda telp. 024 3580734 / 7620015, HP 0811288563, Cabang : Jl. Pandanaran (Pusat Oleh2) di depan Bandeng Juwana No. 57, HP 0818242086 6. Wingko Babad cap KERETA API, Jl. Cendrawasih 14, telp 024 3542064 7. Roti Coklat Toko Roti SANITAS, Jl. MT. Haryono 543, telp. 024 8316415 8. Pia KEMUNING, Jl. Kemuning 9. Bakery, Cookies & Ice Cream LINDA, Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo 85-87, telp. 024 8413545, Jl. Pandanaran 94, telp. 024 8314722, 8314415 10. Ayam Goreng/Bakar TULANG LUNAK, KRATON, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim 109, telp. 024 3543095 - 3517491 11. Bakso AJONG (Bakso Beku) - Jl. Petudungan no. 115, telp. 024 3542071 - Rumah daerah Peterongan, HP 081931967774 12. Leker PAIMO Jl Karanganyar depan SMA Loyola 13. SWISS HOUSE BAKERY Ruko Murni Gajah Mada Building. Jl Gajah Mada No 144 Tel 024-3584018 Fax 025-3584017 Swiss House Bakery Cabang Semarang : a. Jl Mgr Sugiyopranoto No 66 Semarang tlp 024-3551016 b. Jl Letjen MT Haryono Ruko Mataram Plaza Bl A/10 Semarang tlp 024-3564245 klo siang ada yg jual WEDANG TAHU c. Jl Dr Setiabudi 68 A Semaran g tlp 024-7460307 d. Jl Prof Dr Hamka 20 Ngalian Semarang tlp 024-76b26009 e. Jl Kaligarang 8-B Semarang tlp 024-8419305 14. Kue moaci GEMINI , Jl. Kentangan Barat No 101 tel 024-3519503 15. Cake BRILLIANT Ruko Simpang Lima tlp 024-8456456 dan Jl Thamrin No 59 16. Lapis Legit NIKI SAE SUPARMAN, Jl Senjoyo Il/1 tlp 024-3557471, 024-3550676. SIAPA KE SEMARANG SILAHKAN PILIH at Semarang – Read on Path.
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