#israel solidarity
mylight-png · 2 days
You know how I know that the anti-Israel hate is deeply rooted in antisemitism, and not just "social justice" or whatever people are calling it right now?
Let me tell you a common situation I encounter:
So, being a college student away from home, I don't have a car here. This means that if I ever need to go anywhere, I need to get an Uber or Lyft or something along those lines.
I always tuck in my Bring Them Home tag, magen david, turn my "am Yisrael chai" pin to the inside of my clothes, etc. I hate doing it, but I have heard of violently antisemitic drivers, and I'd rather not risk it, considering I'm alone in the car with them.
Every time, I call my mom. It makes me safer to have someone on call. And every time, she makes the same two recommendations.
The first is to put in an address of a neighboring house for pickup, because the house I live in has my landlord's car out front, and his car has stickers in Hebrew on it.
The second is, if asked where I'm from, to say Russia. I don't get asked where I'm "really from" unless I'm with my parents usually (they both have strong accents). But it's a warning my mom repeats every time anyway. The choice of Russia isn't random, I was raised fluent and can back up the claim if need be with random knowledge. But I have never been to Russia, except for the airport once to catch a connecting flight to Israel. I was, however, born in Israel, and I've been there multiple times (unfortunately not since 2014 though). So to say I'm from Russia is a lie, and to say I'm from Israel is the truth.
Both are countries at war. Russia, unlike Israel, actually started the war. Unlike Israel, Russia actually does have a history of colonialism, genocide, imperialism, and worse.
So why is it safer for me to lie about being from an aggressor country than to tell the truth about being from a country caught in a war it didn't want?
Antisemitism. Anti-Russian hate crimes globally didn't spike, Russian women haven't been raped as "justice" for Ukraine. Russian businesses weren't commonly vandalized simply for being from Russia. Meanwhile, all of these things were done to Jews as a result of a war Israel did not start.
If this global response to the war wasn't antisemitism it would be equally safe or unsafe for me to give either answer.
But in reality, it's safer for me to lie about being from Russia than to tell the truth about being from Israel.
That's how I know it's antisemitism.
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avi-on-jumblr · 4 months
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 months
Pro-Palestine This Is The Result Of Your Toxic Bigotry And Activism
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It's funny she was on your side and you went after her after you thought she was Pro-Israel I don't see this on the Pro-Israel side you demonize. It just shows how toxic you are and this movement is based on extreme self-righteous bigotry dressed up as social justice. And in my opinion even those who condemned this would support it if she was actually Pro-Israel because you guys are sociopaths who lack any real compassion and love hurting anyone you deem as morally inferior to yourselves. It really just shows how bigoted anti-zionism is and I hope your movement is seen as the hate movement it is someday. Throw the words pro-genocide and pro-child killing around to justify your rotten support but the more your scumbag behavior is revealed the more it shows that you keep anti-semitism alive more than ironically the white supremacists can.
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former-leftist-jew · 4 months
Hamas Charter 1988: "Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land... the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.
"It happened like this: When the leaders of the Islamic armies conquered Syria and Iraq, they sent to the Caliph of the Moslems, Umar bin-el-Khatab, asking for his advice concerning the conquered land - whether they should divide it among the soldiers, or leave it for its owners, or what? After consultations and discussions... it was decided... the real ownership of the land and the land itself should be consecrated for Moslem generations till Judgement Day." - Hamas Charter, Article 11
But sure, Israeli/Judaism was founded on a violent colonial religion. :/
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starry-suri · 2 months
The Harris poll from February reports that 82% of American's surveyed support Israel's fight against Hamas with the majority of surveyed wanting a cease fire only after the hostages are returned and Hamas is removed from power.
With the vitriol that's been spit at "Zionists" (we all know what they mean) and the negativity on this site, I hope this can bring a bit of hope to those feeling alone in their schools and cities.
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tacticaltransfemme · 5 months
L Zionist + L for overshadowing actual antisemitism by saying that calling out fascist and racist imperialism is antisemitism when you know in your heart it isn't + L bozo + L Israel propaganda believer (it's such an obvious lie like how are you this dumb) + Isnotrael + free Palestine + fuck u for good measure
Let's unpack this one, shall we!
Zionist - I am! How did you know?
Overshadowing actual antisemitism - No, no, I think your rallies shouting 'Gas the Jews' and other genocidal slogans and chants is "actual antisemitism." What isn't anti-Semitism, you may ask? Defending the Jewish homeland and the people of Israel
Bozo - I mean, I'm not the dumbass who gets their information from Tik Tok then makes it blatantly clear by saying shot like this...
Israel Propaganda Believer (it's like an obvious lie) - Says the Hamas Propaganda Believer...? Are you joking? Hamas' propaganda is so fucking obviously faked! Take your beloved Mr. Fafo for example (See below!) who happens to be the Barbie of Gaza if she were an ugly, lanky propogandist
Isnotreal - Israel is internationally recognized as a nation, so it is pretty real. You wanna know what isn't tho? Palestine
Free Palestine - You're right! Free Palestine... FROM HAMAS!
Fuck you for good measure - you know, this is the most logical thing you've said this whole time! Great job!
To sum it all up,
Am Yisrael Chai!
No Ceasefire!
Bring The Hostages Home NOW!
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zitation · 2 months
Rede von Joachim Bruhn in Frankfurt auf der »Demonstration gegen das Bündnis aus Rechtsradikalen, Linken und Islamisten« (20. Juni 2010), drei Wochen nach der Gaza-Flotten-Aktion, die die antisemitischen Wellen mal wieder hochschlagen ließ.
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Aus seiner Rede von damals, in der er dafür stritt, die Israelsolidarität nicht als scheinbar selbstlose »kommunistische Caritas«, sondern als »unmittelbar unsere Sache« zu begreifen:
»Indem Israel seine Souveränität behauptet, kämpft es für das Recht des Individuums, etwas anderes zu sein als ein Gegenstand der Zoologie, als eine Pflanze, die schon glücklich zu sein hat, wenn sie einen Boden findet, um zu wurzeln, wenn man sie gießt und düngt. Es gibt nämlich kein ›Recht auf nationale Selbstbestimmung‹, das im Recht der ersten Landnahme gründet, kein Recht der Einheimischen, nur weil sie zuerst da waren.
Wer so etwas behauptet, wer dies ›Naturrecht‹ gegen den Zionismus in Anschlag bringt, der hat den Begriff und die Wahrheit der Gattung liquidiert, hat das ›Weltbürgerrecht‹ aufgehoben. Vielmehr verhält es sich so, wie es Immanuel Kant im dritten Definitivartikel zum ewigen Frieden 1795 erklärt hat: Das Weltbürgerrecht, sagt er, ›steht allen Menschen zu, vermöge des Rechts des gemeinschaftlichen Besitzes der Oberfläche der Erde, auf der, als Kugelfläche, sie sich nicht ins Unendliche zerstreuen können, sondern endlich sich doch neben einander dulden müssen, ursprünglich hat aber niemand an einem Orte der Erde mehr Recht, als der andere.‹
Das Argument der Aufklärung ist so einfach, wie der daraus folgende kategorische Imperativ wahr ist: Weil die Erde keine Scheibe ist, darum ist sie die Allmende, d.h. das unteilbare Eigentum einer Gattung, die sich als die Menschheit erst dann bewiesen haben wird, wenn die Individuen mehr sein dürfen als die blöden Exemplare einer Gattung, und das heißt, politisch ausgedrückt, eines Volkes. Die Propaganda gegen Israel ist – als Agitation für den Ameisenstaat – vorsätzlicher Aufklärungsverrat. [...]
Es ist dieser vorsätzliche Aufklärungsverrat, der uns einen gesellschaftlichen Zustand beschert hat, den man nur als die Totalverschleierung des Bewusstseins bezeichnen kann. Dagegen hilft es nicht, wenn man, wie die staatstragenden Freunde Israels, insbesondere die Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft, gegen ›vorschnelle Verurteilungen Israels‹ eintritt und mit leidenschaftsloser Schiedsrichterattitüde ›Unvoreingenommenheit‹, ›Verhältnismäßigkeit‹, ›Objektivität, Ausgewogenheit und Sachlichkeit‹ fordert. Damit werden Aufklärung und Kritik auf Information und Bescheidwissen heruntergebracht. Jeder, der für Israel eintritt, muss doch wissen, was der polnische Philosoph Leszek Kolakowski schon 1956 erfahren musste: ›Der Antisemitismus‹ – und der Antizionismus erst recht! – ›ist keine Doktrin, die kritisiert werden kann [...] Man kann ihm keine Argumente entgegensetzen, denn er ist mit einer Reaktionsart verbunden, der die Beweisführung als Denkart fremd und verhasst ist. [...] Davon hat sich jeder überzeugt, der Gelegenheit hatte, mit einem Antisemiten‹ – oder gleich mit einem Antizionisten! – ›eine jener hoffnungslosen Diskussionen zu führen, die immer dem Versuch ähneln, einem Tier das Sprechen beizubringen.‹«
Rede von Joachim Bruhn auf der »Demonstration gegen das Bündnis aus Rechtsradikalen, Linken und Islamisten« (Frankfurt, 20. Juni 2010)
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thatmezuzaluvr · 20 days
if only more people understood what she is trying to say.
(be aware of the comments, there’s some islamophobia)
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kropotkindersurprise · 2 months
February 28, 2024 - American military veterans burn their uniforms calling for a free Palestine, at a vigil for Aaron Bushnell in Portland, Oregon. [source]
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mylight-png · 2 months
This is disgusting. It's 2024 and people are marching through the streets with Nazi flags.
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hack-saw2004 · 3 days
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TWO HOURS AGO: an incredible photo taken by a ut austin student capturing something deeply poetic in my opinion, a line of state troopers eagerly waiting to arrest student protesters standing just behind a sign that reads "what starts here changes the world. its starts with you and what you do each day."
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bottlepiecemuses · 3 months
Shout Out For Muslim Women's Rights Activists Condemning Hamas And Anti-Semitism
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vyorei · 6 months
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Beautiful display of solidarity ongoing right now from the US calling for a ceasefire in Gaza
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Source: @jvplive on Twitter
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agenmossad · 16 days
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I'll see if I can utilize this account for personal updates after all the problems in other platforms. For now, I just want you to read this.
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tacticaltransfemme · 5 months
You're no different to trump.
It should be 'You're no different than Trump' OR 'You're no different from Trump', but I wouldn't expect an individual such as yourself to have the attention span to sit through the English class where you were supposed to learn that...
Am Yisrael Chai!
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alexcaninnit · 5 months
Today is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Keep talking about it. Keep it on the front page. Do not let a genocide continue in silence.
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