armyvulcan · 9 months
when isobel asks tav if they believe in love at first sight, i like to imagine my tav bein soul-backed to a few days prior to everything at moonrise tower, remembering a floating purple orb that fizzed and sparkled magic and just a lone hand, waiting
"i suppose i do, but it was really love at first hand"
"love at-- what?"
& gale's just so giddy n twirlin his hair
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angel-booptvt · 1 year
Happ y trans visibility guys! To all my trans friends , I’m so glad I can see you again I was worried you’d left <3
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sango-blep · 5 months
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"Do you believe in love at first sight"
Isoble and Aylin are driving me insane in the brain
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gavingrievekinny · 5 months
aouv incorrect quotes (last one for now) (I think)
isobel: I don't think Alistair's ever gone to sleep before 5am, and it's really just concerning at this point.
isoble: let's not even talk about gavin. he wakes up at 4:45am, on the dot, every morning, without an alarm clock. it's terrifying.
briony: one of my talents is being stress.
isobel: don't you mean being stressed?
briony, watching innes down 6 aspirins: I don't think-
alistair: I'm what the victorians would call a "vile, ill-tempered and thoroughly wretched little creature".
alistair: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it.
isobel: just rip the bandage off
alistair: it's gavin
isobel: put the bandage back on.
isobel: I had a dream I got arrested for tax evasion.
isobel: which is weird, because I don't even pay taxes.
finley: isobel, that IS tax evasion
carbry: *shy* are you uncomfortable?
finley: *also shy* no, I'm fine. Are you?
carbry: *slightly blushing* i'm not
finley: *also blushing* that's good.
elionor: ...
elionor: I AM
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gipsyavnger · 3 months
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Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for cool renders you did for me with Joyce and Isoble!
So i wanted to do smth with them too! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
I just can't with this! They look so perfect! Isobel looks utterly entranced with what Joyce is saying and also ready to kill some mofos. I love these two as friends!!!!
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nightmarist · 10 months
ok........ my favorite accumulated bg ships.......
Feel free to send prompts, ask headcanons, etc !
⭐ - Big Faves 😈 - Dubcon OK 💀 - Noncon OK CW Incest (Durge/Orin, Raphael/Mephistopheles)
My Tavs/Durges/OCs:
Tareth - my main Tav. Emotionally repressed warlock drow. Yuta - OC. Tiefling Grave Cleric. Rapunzel/Cinderella trope. Huitzil (x) - Embrace Durge. White Draconic Sorcerer. Blood is Sacred. To Bleed is to Love. Blood is Life. Death is an extent of Life. Sahariel - Resist Durge. Vengeance Paladin Aasimar. He thinks he's better than Bhaalspawn but there are just as many corpses. Aurelio - OC I intended to ship w Astarion. He's an Ixalan Vampire from the MtG Universe, which is within the DnD and BG3 Multiverse. He is a paladin sun-walking vampire whose culture worships vampires as protectors.
I'm really burnt out on Astarion so unless it's a very interesting dynamic, please consider someone else!
I have not had Minthara in my party yet so I apologize for her lacking. I do have some ships with her tho bc she's hot <3
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"All the Beasts of the Hells" 😈💀
Cazador ⭐😈💀
Mephistopheles 😈💀
Ascended Raphael/Slayer Durge 😈💀
Yurgir 😈
Gortash 😈
The Archivist/Haarlep 😈
Tav or Durge😈
Kith'rak Voss😈
Sorn Orlith
Zevlor & Halsin⭐
Karlach ⭐
Tav or Durge😈
Slayer Durge😈
Gortash (Pre-Zariel)
Zariel 😈💀
Devils 😈
Nocturne & Viconia😈
isobel & Aylin⭐
Aylin (As Nightsong) 😈
Wyll & Halsin
Selunite Tav
Durge 😈💀
Slayer Durge😈💀
Ketheric ⭐😈💀
Lae'zel 😈💀
Oathbreaker!Tav 😈
Evil!Cleric!Tav 😈
Orin 😈
Durge 😈💀
Raphael &/or Haarlep⭐😈
Karlach (pre-zariel)
Minthara 😈
Wyll ⭐
Wyll & Halsin⭐
Sebastian⭐😈💀 (esp as a replacement for Astarion <3)
Tav or Durge😈
Slayer Durge😈
Raphael and/or Haarlep ⭐😈
Vampire Spawn😈💀
Astarion, but on thin ice (im just so burnt out on him man) 😈💀
Abdirak/He Who Was
He Who Was/Kar'niss
Nere/Kar'niss 😈
Emperor/Orpheus 😈
Cazador/Tav or Durge
Cazador/Slayer Durge
Raphael/The Crown (im joking. but just barely.)
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ferinehuntress · 3 months
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Headcanons I need to write (so I don't forget)
Karlach having longer hair
Karlach's cyan fire glow locations (where nerve endings are highest, less muscle density areas. nsfw headcanon)
Karlach's aversion to soul coins - an addiction that she is breaking (think of it like alcoholism, but with soul coins)
Karlach's hypersexuality
Karlach's lost horn
Karlach's 24/7 pain
Aylin's imprisonment and what all happened with the Dark Justiciar and Shar
Aylin's family bonds to Melodia, Isoble, and Ketheric (how she became part of the family and could not imagine being betrayed)
Aylin's vow to Melodia
Marcus' black wings are Aylin's wings that were stripped from her (part of the Dark Justiciar ritual)
Aylin's more animalistic nature due to her father's wolf genes
Aylin's elven ears (yes, she will have pointy ears!)
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lord-cazador-szarr · 6 months
(A bit sad to say that I'll be taking a break on this account! I'll keep this brief but in short, some friends helped me realise that I was getting a bit too into the Cazador mindset and it was bleeding into my fantasies because I've got some unresolved trauma I didn't realise I had, so I was rping someone that made others helpless so I wouldn't feel it myself.
I'd like to come back to rp as him eventually, as I do really enjoy exploring fucked up characters like him, but those in my social circle think it'll be better for me to distance myself from such a mindset for a while until I've worked through some stuff.
That being said, I'll try and stay active on my other accounts. My Halsin: @oakfathers-embrace my Tavs: @moonmaidens-blade and @ask-team-scales , my Durge: @fathers-cursed-blood . Aylin and Isoble: @moon-blessed-lovers and my Sceleritas Fel: @funsize-hat-man .)
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Things that did NOT Spark Joy-4x11
Tyler and Vlamis may be able to make an absolute FEAST out of crumbs, but that doesn’t mean I have to forgive the writers for fucking up this entire arc 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you want the Malex flailing, that post is here, but this post is All Salt, All The Time. 
First, I made these posts about Tyler’s absence so I’m not going to has it all out again, but I will say that nothing about Tyler’s health or ability to be physically present changes the fact that the writers bungled this whole storyline.  *chugs some vodka* Okay, let’s do this.
We are still so unclear on what Ophiuchus actually is. It’s become this season’s “The Science”, just a convenient name to drop in to conversations without ever explaining anything. Also, I love that now, after Max and Michael both have tattoos and we’ve seen the symbol pop up around them, that it’s suddenly tied to Ophiuchus. Clyde says the brand is given only to the loyal followers to make them family and Tezca couldn’t hide hers when she shapeshifted, but the symbol itself showed up on Bonnie’s glass, and all the way back to season 1 it showed up around Isoble when she was in the desert and they ladies who told Max about it said it drew itself around Louise all the time. But sure, it’s an Ophiuchus thing now. I thought their symbol was the U with the snaky thing through it? Or was that supposed to stand for “The Alighting” which is the other thing we still know nothing about?
 I was right when I said they would handle this “Liz addiction” storyline with all the grace of a raging bull in a china shop. And It’s almost funny how Liz’s actions and actually some of her words too aren’t any different than regular Liz, it’s honestly only her tone of voice that’s changed, saying things with a vicious bite instead of a more steady tone. But she’s absolutely told Max she needs to talk with someone who understands science, and the writers have had her be dismissive of Rosa plenty of times before, she’s just a little more cruel about it now. Maybe I would buy this if she had been huffing mist all season but it’s been like, a day. Which was apparently enough for Kyle to some up with a detox solution and reserve space at that place that still doesn’t know about aliens for her to do it (instead of, oh IDK, one of their thousand bunkers? Maybe the cabin in the woods designed by Kyle’s dad to be a detox bunker?) Yet when Alex goes missing for long enough for his hair to grow out and him to have quite a bit of facial hair, no one can be bothered to notice or help. Of course.
How is Liz going to re-create the “blue flame” in a lab when it’s not just fire, it’s tied to the ability to heal people (though for 3 seasons and actually the time he healed Liz this season, we’ve only ever seen it as a glowing handprint but sure, it’s the special blue fire now)? Never mind. I don’t care and the writers clearly don’t either, it’s just an excuse to make it look like they’re having Liz doing something because if she’s not doing science they don’t know what to do with her character.
*deep sigh* I said in tags on a post that as Echo is the “main couple” it’s expected that any other couple would borrow some imagery from them to show the viewers that these side relationships are the same, but that it’s weird to do it in reverse and pull things special to another couple and give it to the main couple because they should be the ones setting the tone. Which is why it never lands right when they take things from Malex to give to Echo like the turquoise. And honestly it’s so stupid because that was all about grounding forces which Max actually needs and Michael doesn’t so they could have made the turquoise an Echo thing all along! It didn’t ever need to be a Malex thing to then take and give to Echo.
I already mentioned it more in this post, but Isobel calling someone brainwashed and controlled just like she was “the most irredeemable person” she’s ever met is...ridiculous. Do the writers even watch this show?
I like Dallas, and Bonnie is fine I guess (entirely down to the actress making her likable because the writing is all over the place and she had FAR too much screentime and focus), but I just do not care anymore! Dallas should have been trapped with another main like Isobel and it’s absurd that the second Michael goes into the portal to look for Alex, the next cut is “we’ve already searched half the town” without showing us Michael looking. We could have seen Michael checking out their house, the junkyard, and all their bunkers, looking for (and maybe finding!) signs of Alex. Why not stick Bonnie on the roof of the Crashdown and have her set up flairs and wait for Alex to show, while Michael and Dallas searched elsewhere? Then, as soon as Michael splits off, we quit seeing him and focus all this time on Dallas and Bonnie instead of our main character looking for the love of his life!
Sidebar, who wants to bet “alien powers don’t work on lead” came up the day they wrote this scene and everyone shrugged and said “yeah sure why not”, completely forgetting they had Max moving bullets earlier this season. Maybe that’s why he was bad at it?
Why is Alex setting traps, and trapping people he knows? Why isn’t he hunkered down in a fallout shelter out bunker since there are 700 of them in Roswell and they probably offer more protection than a gasmask and cloak?
Love that Michael tackles not just a disabled Alex, but one suffering from radiation poisoning who things he’s dying and it’s just not brought up. We don’t see him wincing in pain as Michael is sitting on him, we don’t see Michael helping him up, we don’t see him limping when he’s been on his prosthetic for days, like, WHY?! It’s the perfect set up for some drama and for Michael to offer some tenderness, plus, why have Alex dying from alien radiation when he easily could just have gotten an infection because he’s disabled and unable to properly care for his leg? Oh right, because then the writers would have to care about Alex outside of Michael and they clearly cannot be bothered. 
Also, creating an entire dimension the size of Roswell and leaving an open portal anyone could fall into makes NO sense, especially since it’s just supposed to be a trap for Jones. Which, considering Tezca heard about that plan from Theo, and she got taken by Jones before they left Oasis, why did they continue having that plan?! If she knew all their plans and that it was a trap, why would Theo chose to make it when they got to earth? This whole plot is so duuuuumb!! But on top of that mess, you have Bonnie making comments about popcorn and gummy bears at the drive in but like, WHY would Theo have crated food? Would any of it still be good if it’s earth food sitting in alien radiation for 75 years? If it’s breaking Alex down after a week or two, how has anything else survived that long? The whole place should be falling apart, no? 
How many caves are there now? Clyde has Liz in one apparently owned by Jones. Is that the same cave Nora and Lousie trapped Jones in (for 70 something years without him aging at all)? Or was that a different cave. Also, if Jones had a cave on his land, why were he and Tezca hiding in a cave on WALT’S land? Why did they know about it, or was it happening to belong to Walt just a coincidence? Why did we need that whole side story about Walt and his land when Clyde didn’t even keep using it and all it did was make everyone ask why TF Walt didn’t move the alien pods onto his private land? 
Clyde says he doesn’t need an engineer, he needs Liz and her biochem knowledge to get around the “lock” Theo put on the portal, but it’s just because the brand has alien glass which...still sounds like an engineering solution would be easier instead of a “serum” of some kind. Hell, cutting the brand off would be easier! But again, the writers don’t know what to do with Liz if she’s not making a serum. 
So Shivani IS the bad guy this season? Okay. I don’t care. I only care that because Liz took her to see the pods, she was able to take them. And that wasn’t even Evil!Liz. 
As much as Max is at his best when he’s allowed to be soft and supportive and a cheerleader for Liz, I am very much disliking this storyline of her making demands on his bodily autonomy, and him being made to look like the bad guy for standing his ground on that choice, only to relent when he thinks he might lose her and this idea that he’s going to step up and be the man she needs him to be, instead of the kind of man HE wants to be. Because this is the Echo problem! Both of them get twisted out of shape and unhappy trying to be what they think the other wants instead of being themselves. Because season 1 told us they genuinely liked each other for who they were! Liz was brilliant and Max adored that about her! Max was quiet and kind and Liz loved that about him! But they have spent the past several seasons showing us a Max and Liz who are fundamentally different people with different goals, and different moral stances on things! I feel like the writers saw the phrase “opposites attract” and decided to do that with Max and Liz, without realizing the “opposite” is not life goals and moral compasses. It’s a shame because Echo could have been so good and when they are allowed to have their moments Jeanine and Nathan deliver!
I cannot believe after everything Rosa suffered and how hard she worked to FINALLY get out of Roswell and build her own life, that the writers think it’s in any way satisfying to have her come back to be Liz’s “sober companion” like this hasn’t been 2 days out of Liz’s week and like she doesn’t have multiple people perfectly qualified to do that instead. Rosa is still barely out of her teens, let her live her life!
To quite the spoilertv review, WHOMST burnt the trees?!  Why did no one see the smoke of an entire grove of trees burning down that Alex was recently at? Either we have a whole new mystery to solve in the last 2 episodes, or it’s just another plot hole reason to keep them from saving Alex for another episode because this show has never understood how to pace anything.
Far be it from me to say m*ria should be getting more screentime, but out of every episode this season, this is the ONE that feels like she needed to be in (Mimi’s death has served no purpose so we didn’t need that to happen at all), so of course she’s not here. As the one who is supposed to be Liz’s best friend, why didn’t they have her at the intervention and Isobel the one psychically connected to Max and Michael, keeping an eye on the portal? Why didn’t they have HER being the one controlled by Clyde and in danger to motivate Liz instead of some rando side character we barely know or care about? Why have HH, who has had some pretty disrespectful things to say about people’s (typically Malex fans) genuine hurt at THAT triggering episode, directing the big Malex reunion episode when it’s an episode her character actually had a purpose to serve for once? Why have her direct a massive Malex episode and a reunion fans have been waiting ten weeks to see, knowing she would get all the post mortem interviews so instead of getting Vlamis or Tyler’s thoughts on these pivotal Malex scenes, we had to get the thoughts of someone not part of the ship who has talked down to fans? And that’s not even getting into the ridiculous writing choice of taking away m*ria’s powers for the *drama* only to give her basically Rosa’s power, but supercharged so they could wedge her into the middle of the Malex relationship, literally making a gay man go through a woman to reach out to his boyfriend, and the incredibly gross scene of Malex having to stop and talk about how they couldn’t have ever been reunited if it wasn’t for m*ria. Give me a fucking break. (At least I get a final cackle that her “schedule didn’t work” so she’s not included in the Vlambase finale character drops.)
Speaking of gross m*ria things this episode, why the FUCK is she telling Rosa about Kyle and Isobel’s personal business? It’s not as bad as her outing Michael to Liz, but it’s not far behind. For some unknown reason (j/k the reason is m*ria has no purpose and if they didn’t take things from other characters she’d have nothing to do)  Alex wasn’t allowed to be Kyle’s confidant last season about Isobel, and Michael wasn’t allowed to be Isobel’s this season, but m*ria is just going around blabbing their personal business to Rosa. She’s literally the WORST.
I have never been so happy for a show to end and characters to be taken out of the hands of incompetent staff.
Link to previous episode posts: 4x01, 4x02, 4x03, 4x04, 4x05, 4x06, 4x07, 4x08, 4x09, 4x10
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hanktalkin · 4 months
Act 1: check out this FULLY VOICED NPC that only .1% of players will EVER see! Act 2: Isoble will introduce you to Aylin even though you've never met before
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charliewrites99 · 3 years
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Aliens and their soulmates.
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Isobel Waller Bridge - Munich : The Edge of War - Soundtrack from the Netflix Film
Marvelous sisters
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opens-at-nightfall · 4 years
Lovely posts once again! May I pay a visit to the fortune tellers tent on my way to the Caroussel? I would love to know what the winter holds in store for me!
Of course! The cold December air makes visions that much clearer...
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A gaze into my sphere of crystalline ice, and all is revealed - there will be upheaval for you, but whether it is good or bad depends on whether you enjoy adventure or not. You may meet someone new, or come into money, or change vocations, or receive an unexpected gift. But whatever it is (or whomever it is), it will lead to an adventure.
The Carousel will be down the path to your left as you exit the tent.
~ Isobel
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Chenford 81+ 82
The Missus and the Ex + Second Love
Ooh, I’d write this as just a short oneshot where Lucy asks Tim whether they should invite Isobel to their wedding or not. Maybe Lucy’s feeling a little weird about it, especially since it’s a little strange thinking about the person you love more than anything making the same kinds of vows with a whole other person. So Tim would sort of have this vulnerable moment with her where he explains the differences in the way he loved Isoble vs. the way he loves Lucy and how what they have is strong and real. Then maybe Chenford would be handing out their invitations and Tim would proceed to announce that very thing to the whole precinct with the most serious Sergeant look on his face. And then he’d just go “yeah and this is the second one— it’s the one that sticks. So I’m gonna need you guys to RSVP and actually show up this time, and that’s an order” 😂
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story
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dianasson · 4 years
hello there. do you per chance have any spells for fame/recognition/sucess? six of wands type of beat yknow. thank you.
Hello! In terms of European folk magic, the most widespread tool for general success or favor is a swallow’s feather. Isoble Gowdie, the infamous Scottish witch, recorded having placed one among her husband’s merchandise ‘in the Devil’s name’ to give him good business. Here are some quotes from Witches’ Potions and Spells by Kathryn Paulsen on other ways to use them.
”Take cold cream and mix with rose water and the feather of a swallow. Anoint yourself with this and all men will love you and be friendly. You will be able to prevent quarrels between all those you meet. ... ”To have good fortune, take feathers from a live swallow. Tie them together with a red ribbon and carry them with you or put them in your bed.”
She also records a more solar recipe, that is interspersed throughout my blog:
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”Soak the gold part of the marigold in water for three days. Each day add more marigolds. Put in the juice of a little red wine and a white feather from a cock. Drink a few drops every day for a month, and your wealth shall increase, and men shall seek you out.”
Here she means English marigolds or Calendula officinalis. This would also work fine with white wine, just pick one that’s neither bubbly nor exceedingly sweet.
If you’re inclined towards grimoire traditions, or like to incorporate elements of the timing into folk magic, the 13th hour of Thursday, the 11th hour of Sunday, and 23rd hour of Wednesday are under the power of the moon in a way that grants success. These hours are calculated by taking the time between two sunrises and dividing them evenly by 24. Each of these 24 units is a magical hour, but may be less or more than 60 minutes depending on the time of year.
The cinquefoil herb, harvested with prayers and offerings at sunrise on a Wednesday (ideally in June), will grant success if eaten in your food every day (the young shoots, preserved) - or else by macerating the flowers and infusing them in oil to anoint your face with. These latter methods are from the Hygromanteia.
[Image description: close-up color photo of a calendula flower, with a dark center and orange petals that perfectly match the anthers in hue. The background is blurred greens and blues.]
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justlightlysedated · 4 years
okay, first up is a fic titled: the one where isoble and alex are best friends:
“What do you know about Michael Guerin?” Alex asks as he drops down to sit across from Isobel in her booth at the diner while she waits for Max to show up.
She raises an eyebrow at him. “You mean other than the fact that he lives in the back of his truck?”
Alex waves a hand at the comment, and gives her a knowing look back, leaning on his elbows on the table and fiddling with the twirling metal device that holds the salt and pepper and ketchup.
“He’s your brother’s best friend, and half the town is convinced that you’re dating, so please stop acting dumb it doesn’t suit you.”
Isobel rolls her eyes, and leans back in her seat giving Alex a once over and noting the nervous way he’s messing with the menu and how he’s not giving her direct eye contact, and how she can feel the table shaking slightly from where his foot is nervously bumping against it.
The smile spreads across her face, smooth and easy, and Alex takes one look at her and groans, dropping his head on the table.
“Oh, does someone have a crush?”
Alex makes an unintelligible sound, and Isobel just reaches forward and pats the top of his head none too gently.
“You may have a chance if you move at the speed of a dying turtle,” She says graciously since she has noticed the way that Michael has been looking at guys lately, especially Alex.
Alex lifts his head to look at her, and she almost scoffs at the hope shining in his eyes. 
“Just don’t expect too much, okay?”
Alex actually scoffs at that looking away from her, and then moving to slide out of the table.
“I just wanted to know if he’d be into me, not asking for your permission to get married.”
Isobel sticks her foot out and makes him stumble as he walks past her.
Isobel finds Alex in the library, headphones over his ears as he writes in one of the many composition books he’s always carrying.
She sits down across from him, and tugs the headphones away from his head when he doesn’t even look up at her.
He gives her an odd look, almost cold and standoffish, and so like the look that he gives Kyle and his neanderthal buddies, that it gives Isobel a slight pause, but only slight.
“Did you take any notes for Calc on Tuesday? Because I barely remember the lesson, and apparently it was boring enough that I didn’t take any notes, and knowing Mr. Ryker, that lesson is bound to be on today’s pop quiz.”
Alex just continues to stare at her, until Isobel finally snaps, “What?”
He frowns. “You know,” he says almost absently. “I always knew you were kind of a bitch Evans, but this is cold even for you.”
Isobel blinks at him a few times, feeling a little stupefied. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” she asks, not bothering to hide her confusion.
She feels like lately it seems like everyone has been replaced by imposters who remember a different version of her.
Alex scoffs, shaking his head and looking away from her, before he looks back at her, and studies her face for a second.
“This thing that you’re doing with Rosa,” he starts, and Isobel’s brow furrows even more.
“What are you talking about?” she asks, feeling even more confused. 
She remembers Rosa asking her if they were still on to go to the drive in, but she had just brushed it off, thinking maybe Rosa was just messing with her. It wasn’t like she knew that Isobel had been having black outs and sometimes lost hours even days of time.
And Alex definitely wouldn’t be messing with her.
Alex closes his notebook and leans forward on his elbows, looking at her seriously.
“You weren’t in Calc last Tuesday,” he tells her, and Isobel gives him a blank look. “You left with Rosa during lunch and never came back. I saw you getting into her car.”
Isobel definitely doesn’t remember that happening.
She thinks about the last time that she lost time like that and it sends her heart racing.
Last time she had Max and Michael to help bring her back to herself, but with senior year coming to an end and the both of them seemingly making plans that don’t involve her, she doesn’t want to tell them what’s going on, doesn’t want it to affect their plans.
She doesn’t want to be the thing holding them back from doing whatever it is that they want to do, but she also very much doesn’t want to be alone.
“Hey,” Alex says in a soft voice, and Isobel just barely flinches when he places his hands on top of hers.
But she’s not alone, she has Alex who might have an attitude problem and the biggest chip on his shoulder, but is actually one of the kindest people that Isobel has ever met on this planet.
“Alex,” she says, voice just barely shaking, and looks up at him to see his eyes go wide and even more concerned. “I think there’s something wrong with me.”
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