#is there a tumblr video for 'is the crab video cute?'
dumb-hat · 2 years
Prompt #13: “Confluence” - FFXIV Write 2022
The morning air in Evander's apartment smelled like whiskey and inspiration.
And also regret.
And also maybe just a bit like vomit.
The whiskey and vomit made sense. The inspiration and regret were a bit more mysterious. He was a stranger to neither, especially in the wake of a celebratory bender, but he usually had the dubious luxury of remembering where either came from. Instead, today they hung about at the edge of his consciousness, hovering in and out of view like a desert mirage. Just there, but not there.
He slipped into some pajamas and hauled himself out of bed, and as he made his way to the living room, things slowly fell into place. His memories were still hazy and elusive, but the sight before him at least gave him context for the curious, ephemeral emotional miasma that he woke up to.
And Twelve, what a sight.
What a glorious, stupid sight.
All of the furniture in his front room had been pushed as far to the side as he could manage, piled up in corners, against the wall, or atop his bar. In the center of the room were two large oval tracks that ran parallel to each other. A model train hurtled down each track at the same speed, but in opposite directions. On each train rode one of his crabs. As the two trains neared each other on the track, the crabs would tussle, each attempting to grasp each other to throw it from the train on which it rode in a bizarre, gladiatorial display that was at once both a celebration and a disparaging mockery of a joust.
A drunkenly engineered crab battle. Evander found it hard to imagine a more stereotypical confluence of his interests. He could only assume that his original plan probably involved the crabs somehow robbing each other, though even now, the morning after, he couldn't really figure out how that would work.
At some point, he'd need to get to work putting everything back in its place, but that was a problem that Past Evander had left for Future Evander. Luckily, he was Present Evander, and he barely even knew those other two assholes, so he decided it wasn't his problem while he plopped down on the floor to try and puzzle out exactly how things ended up as they had.
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happycrabitat · 3 months
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Wild Kratts - Fish Out of Water Review [Spoilers]
April is finally here, and with it, three new episodes have been released on the PBS Kids Video App ahead of their release. At the time I'm posting this, it is midnight and the one hour special "Our Blue and Green World" is yet to air on televison and streaming, so I will get to that when I get to that. Given that I have already reviewed No Name Dream and Backpack the Camel, I'll give a review to this episode as well. Spoiler warning and opinions ahead under the cut
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First New York, then Hawaii, and now a goddamn University on the list of areas I would never expect these guys to film. Bros are everywhere.
As someone who is about to graduate high school, I feel IMMENSELY jealous of the college students who saw the motherfucking Kratt Brothers filming an episode on campus. I can already begin to see the floods of social media posts bragging about this on Tumblr and Twitter threads.
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Ok I feel bad for being a bit salty earlier, I actually think it's really sweet how these people outside of the show can share their interests and expertise in biology and physics to help children educate. The entire live-action opening where they study the locomotion of mudskippers is honestly really sweet, and we haven't even gotten to our main animal yet!
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God these are such cute animals. But beyond that, the term "fish out of water" could not be a more fitting title. They have joints like we do, can adapt to different environments, and can swim and climb like we can. This is probably my favorite live action segment because of how well structured the clips and movements are and just how fun it is seeing these little blorbs move around the place.
I should talk about how it took us half a decade to see a mudskipper on the show, and 13 years overall to get a focus episode, but so far, up to a great start and definitely worth waiting (for the most part).
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Oh so is it like the Hermit Crab episode where in all of the official releases they leave out the determiner but in the actual episode it's there? This has no overall bearing on the episode but I just felt the need to point it out.
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I should check off on my S7 bingo card about seeing the old inventions again because holy shit it's been almost a decade since we saw the Butterflier XT
Also can anyone identify those butterflies? I know for a FACT that those motherfuckers aren't monarchs because of their patterns (the only pattern variation in butterflies is sex-linked, and while I'm aware they live in Asia, this again, does not look like a match) but they also aren't viceroys because they lack the line around their wings. I only ask this to bring up my next point.
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I thought the Butterfly Disc we saw in Season 1 was specifically programmed based off of Monarch Butterflies. But as established (until proven wrong), these are not monarch butterflies. So unless Aviva retrofitted or reprogrammed the disc to be multi-familial, as in they can touch any butterfly regardless of classification and activate accordingly (like with the Crocodile, Dragonfly, and Gecko Discs), the activation should not work. I only ask this because while it seems miniscule, Chris' decision to bring out the disc is what sets off the plot - It's what causes him to loose the discs in the butterfly swarm, so I feel like, while not a critique, it's a legitimate question as to the direct programming of the discs vs. the animals used to activate.
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Man, Zach wasn't even in this episode and somehow they STILL lose their discs? (Actually, I am pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to have this be a Zach-related episode).
You think they'd put a tracker on the collection or encode a chip the actual discs so that they wouldn't get lost this easily. This again, sounds like a nitpick, but earlier seasons set up a firewall for the Creature Power Discs and a tracking device/rocket-device on the Creature Power Suits and gloves because of how frequent these types of contingiences are, so there's really no excuse for this.
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(Suck my ass PBS Kids Video App, I'm still able to get high quality snips even with your bullshit formatting!!!)
They really went all out with the "other-wordly" vibe that the mudskippers' territory gave off. Once again, we waited two years for this to be put to animation and to see come air.
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I've made enough jokes around these situations in the show, so I think we'd all benefit if I just changed the subject: That front-facing mudskipper is fucking hilarious.
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*Martin's voice* - Slimy Skin-breathers!
Okay, but I actually did not know that. At all. Even 10 years later, this show is still teaching me new things about animals in the most beautfully unexpected ways. This is one of the many reasons I will never give up on the show.
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[Unexpected angst in bagging area - Also, with the inclusion of No Name Dream, which will air two days before this episode, that brings our Krangstt quota to #2]
Okay so I really like the set-up here, and it genuinely was a surprise seeing Jimmy angst in this episode as a subplot in a series that rarely operates on A-plots and B-plots (unless you count the villains' schemes which are usually just A^2 plots) like most shows. And as someone who legitimately was going through rough times (S7 was actually one of my few reasons to keep going), I heavily related to Jimmy. So yeah, a Jimmy angst episode? Can totally buy. What I'm not gonna buy is how they execute it with the ending, because that and the implications.... yikes...
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C'mon! "Mudspitter" was right there! Right there!
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Ok, here is where my main problem with this episode's subplot is. If I could boil it down to one word, it would be: Incomplete. Jimmy feeling inadequate based on an observation he made is one thing. Him immediately leaving afterwards on a whim moments after said observation is completely another and doesn't align that well.
Like, this would only work if Jimmy had attempted to be a fish "IN" water. If he tried to help Aviva and Koki with the data-research and inventing, but he failed, and they politely turned him down. Or if there was any basis as to why he suddenly disregards his piloting skills or teleporting, whether he doesn't care or doesn't think them to be enough for him to fit in. Like, he wants to be in on the action because some part of him doesn't feel like sitting around by the teleporter is enough. What I'm saying is, there is no pathos. I personally find it to be relatable, but on a narrative level, it doesn't work. I know the "character feeling left out so they leave" thing is cliche'd, but there's a reason it's a cliche, and that's because it follows a lot of writing beats that this particular episode doesn't, so on top of being cliche'd as fuck to begin with, it feels very awkward. And this is going to be apparent both here and in this episode's climax (which I also do not have many kind words for,) so I had to use my allotted time to talk about why this doesn't work.
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Could... could they not call him on his Creaturepod? Could the brothers not call him on his Pod? Did he even have his Creaturepod?? Again, there are so many plot-holes in this B-story that could've easily been written around with a change of dialogue or scenery. Have Jimmy's Creaturepod be shown left lying around which makes them realize they have no way of getting him back to the teleporter in time. Jimmy would have no reason to even bring his Creaturepod on his adventure, so that just raises even more questions. Like, this isn't an active diss on the writers, but I think there should've been more proof-reading of the script since this is a massive oversight.
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I think now is the time for me to bring up this question I've had for years now; How exactly does the teleporter work? In several episodes, we've seen that there is a coordinate code in the teleporter that allows it to be sent to the target. Koki's "the communication queen" as Aviva puts it, so she'd likely be able to triangulate the brothers' location. So I'm not sure why the show presents this as a struggle for Koki. This isn't the only example, so I won't hold it against the episode, (they have this be the case specifically to emphasize the point that they need Jimmy, which I can forgive) but it's another piece of lore that I should probably theorize about lmao.
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This whole episode spent the past five minutes making its main characters look incredibly idiotic for the sake of its B plot.
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Once again, this episode's spitting facts that I didn't even know.
This is actually a neat seguay, having the brothers figure out the abilities of the mudskippers while exercising their own cool abilities. It feels really natural, and again, is an inventive way to show off the locomotive abilities of the mudskipper.
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I feel like this falls very well between "accurate enough to be admirable" and "uncanny." I can (maybe on my deathbed) get used to this suit's design (though I'm partly glad Chris doesn't activate it because spoilers, he doesn't).
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I've given this subplot a lot of flack, but credit where it's due, even with its misses, it does hit with the emotional beats.
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Very conflicted on this:
On one hand, Jimmy actually taking the initiative to miniaturize is pretty ballsy. The show, despite not being serialized, does develop its characters in a way that you can sense a clear difference of them when you compare the modern seasons to the earlier ones. And this can be seen as a positive development for Jimmy, since it's his "Creature Adventure."
On the other hand.... back to what I was saying about consistency. Why did Jimmy bring the miniaturizer?? What was his prompting?? Was he planning on shrinking himself down the whole time? Like, he left his friends for god knows how much time and is now out of nowhere shrinking himself down to fish size because he feels inadequate? Uhm, Jimmy, ever heard the idea of therapy?
Also, again, very weird presentation of the episode. They don't at all put any attention to Jimmy's coms and whether or not he has them, (which would easily solve a bigger issue of why he's not contacted), yet they have him carry the Miniaturizer with him. Now, the latter is plot-relevant, but so could've been something about the Creaturepod.
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This [from what I interpret] gets Jimmy out of his slump, making his "scientific discovery." Not realizing that his job of piloting and teleporting are equally important. Again, this is structured poorly. I like what they were going for, but it shouldn't have been the only thing that altered the trajectory of this subplot. Again, he can teleport discs to the brothers and pilot and while those are mentioned later on, it's not something he comes to himself in an "oh shit" moment. So this just feels unearned and weird. I really hate how harsh I am, since it's a Jimmy centric episode and it was the #1 requested thing on all the chat-boards during the hiatus, but this is one of those things where it has to be done right if at all. This isn't done right, and the fact that it takes up 50% of the episode just... ugh.
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You can't tell it through screenshots but with the way Aviva says it and the scene cutting to her and Koki laughing at it, I'm 98% inclined that this was a specific innuendo, and ngl, I kinda laughed too.
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Oh look, it's Kenge's cousin! [For you Lion Guard fans that also recognize Wild Kratts] - [I was inclined to make a reference to Jessie, but that felt in bad taste considering y'know]
Ok, but that has to be an Asian water monitor. Correct me if I'm wrong. What I'm definitely not wrong about is that their bites contain venom; To a human it's not lethal, however to small prey, including mudskippers, or anything around that size, it's lights out. So yeah, Chris and Martin are fucked.
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Ok this line is absolutely badass.
Also, grey?? Grey?? I thought Jimmy's signature color was orange/yellow? Or red with the implication of the tail episode? Great, now there's another color that'll be in the debates for his future Creature Power Suit.
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Once again, this arc feels weirdly put together. This notion comes up specifically at the climax when it should come up beforehand as Jimmy realizes his worth. Because otherwise, it gives the implication that he knew this all along and yet still felt like a fish out of water, which doesn't mesh together properly (it could, if the episode actually tried to do so which it didn't).
The episode, Sea Otter Swim, does this plot so much better. We see Jimmy's doubts, and we see how he overcomes said doubts in a way that is presented clear to the audience, and the climax where he actually realizes what he's capable of feels earned. This is not earned. So even though I am rooting for him to win, this whole thing just feels messy.
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So is nobody gonna ask why Jimmy left his post? Is Jimmy not gonna tell everyone why he left, or at the very least ask why nobody bothered to call for him? Is nobody going to at least let Jimmy know that he can't just... abandon his post without warning because of the fact that they need him? Is Jimmy not going to come to that conclusion himself? Is anything in this episode gonna be earned??
This entire ending feels like an ass-pull: First off, Jimmy and the brothers had enough time to head back to the miniaturizer and then the Tortuga, and in none of that time, did Jimmy ever give them the Power Discs? Why? Yes, it was for the sake of the fake-out defeat/joke, but was there any reason why Jimmy just kept the thing hidden waiting to give it to the brothers?
The entire emotional climax to this episode is basically everyone putting Jimmy on a pedestal. It's unsatisfying because there wasn't any acknowledgement or follow up to Jimmy's conflict at the beginning, nor is the lesson learned in the right way, and the conclusion just overreacts by hyping up Jimmy instead of just having a reasonable "We're a team!" thing, or through any self-actualization of his good qualities that Koki pointed out. None of it, friggin' none of this is earned! Now it comes across as Jimmy being uncharacterstically boastful and cocky and the others just kissing his arse. That's probably not the intent but it was the result.
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That is actually like, so fucking cool. I have massive respect for all of these people, like legitimately (also, considerning that's the exact opposite of what Zach does on an ethics scale, I find that really interesting). But beyond that, I think this episode has the best live action segments ever, they are so ingenuitive. I could easily see someone at my high school showing a clip of this episode in robotics' or biology class.
The live action segments.
The info dumps about the mudskippers.
The Kratt Brother's adventure with the mudskippers.
The animation
The background music (a lot of which is recycled from earlier seasons)
Everything else (specifically the B plot). I feel like the writers wanted to give Jimmy his own storyline, either out of interest or seeing how popular the character was in chat-boards, but they didn't know how to do it so they just went through the motions without really connecting anything at all, so it's a lot harder relating to the exact conflicts in some cases, and you feel disatisfied by the cimax. It reminds me of what they did with Vitani in the Lion Guard finale, a case of giving this one character the spotlight, but hitting all of the wrong marks that does the character and the audience a disservice and leaves a bitter taste in the viewer's mouth by the end credits.
This is the first episode this season that has made me cringe, primarily off of its premise, not just a particular scene, a dated pop culture reference, or a weird-looking Power Suit. It is the first to make me cringe because of its story, which again, the B-plot takes up 50% of the episode, so it's constantly in your face. It's definitely not bad, not hateable bad, and it's far too early in the season to call it the worst, and there are definitely worse episodes out there, ones that have aired and ones that probably will inevitably air, but I can safely say, thus far, it's the one Wild Kratts episode that I enjoy, but only to an extent. The live action segments were by far the only thing that I got extremely engaged in, but other than that, and the other pros, it's not that good.
Final Ranking: 6/10: Above Average, but Needed Improvement.
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luxlightly · 2 years
An explanation of Tumblr's apparent obsession with crabs, for new and returning users:
For context, there's a popular video of a diver interacting with a bunch of crabs which has been dubbed over with a TTS voice meant to represent the crabs, saying things like "crab. Crab. Crab. Hand. Frighten! Hand? Hand? Crab. Crab." This video was making rounds around the time of April fool's day earlier this year. Tumblr, along with other social media platforms, also famously celebrates the deaths of famous bigots and colonists with the music video for the song "Crab Rave".
Every year, Tumblr does a joke for April fool's day. One year it was a fake election between various lizards. One year it was a "clippy" knockoff named "Coppy"(who apparently is still around and doing a show with Ryan and Shane from Watcher? I don't know the details there). Usually the joke is somewhat topical to something going on in the world at the time.
For this year, Tumblr's joke was making fun of the fact that so many websites are essentially a bunch of buttons trying to trick you into pressing them for the ad revenue. Turning on the joke mode filled your screen with various mostly useless buttons all begging you to "click!! Engage!! Increase engagement levels! Generate revenue!!".
To I think everyone's surprise, including the devs, the joke buttons were WILDLY popular and basically unanimously enjoyed by the userbase. Turns out that just saying "click this. You get nothing in return and we profit from it", which was just a joke about the increasingly opaque and difficult to navigate state of Internet advertising, actually is 100% more effective at getting people to click it than lying about what it does.
Most notably among these many buttons was a button that just said "Summon Crab" which, when pressed, spawned one crab emoji on your dash. Scrolling over it would show an alt text that read things like "hand" "crab" "crab", a reference to the popular video. Clicking on the crab would turn it into a money bag emoji, to continue the joke that these things are all just there to generate ad revenue. Clicking more summoned more crabs. A small counter kept track of how many you'd summoned and clicked.
People LOVED IT. People went crazy summoning so many crabs that it would freeze their whole browser or that they could no longer see their dash through the horde of crabs. It was fun! It was cute! And it was ultimately harmless. It was just nice to have a website add some fun things to click that weren't there to trick you. They're just crabs and you can click them.
This only was for one day, however, and many people who weren't online that day or were only on mobile didn't get to see or play with the crabs and were disappointed, as were the rest of the userbase who honestly enjoyed it and begged the feature be added to Tumblr normally.
With the success of tumblr Blaze, which allows you to inflict posts on random people's dashboards who don't follow you, affectionately called "Tumblr PvP mode", Tumblr eventually implemented a way to pay money to not only give yourself the ability to summon "dash crabs" for 24 hours, but also give them to someone else.
And now apparently the joke checkmarks can also randomly become dash crabs.
So long story short: Tumblr made a joke referencing a popular video and people enjoyed it so much the site decided to make it a feature they can access in return for giving the site some money. And now everyone is just running with the joke because we think it's delightful and we're happy that the site actually seemed to listen to what we wanted and asked for and we want to encourage the more transparent and honest "this is useless but we think you'll find it funny" marketing Tumblr has started to lean towards.
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motleyfolk · 1 year
Examining How I Use The Internet
Prompted by this page I’ve realised I’m doing a lot of mindless scrolling and procrastinating a lot with the internet. Time to fix that. Mari Kondo’ing this shit.
Reddit: I mindlessly scroll and always gravitate to drama subs like AITA, which just depresses the life out of me and drags me into negativity. 
Solution: Block the bad subreddits with stayfree and use it to put a limit on how much time I spend on there, so I can still access useful and informative subreddits but not doomscroll. Stayfree did heehaw but I found a simple extension that blocked the subreddits and then used Ublock to hide popular posts so basically it’s just my specific feed now. Win!
Tumblr: I also mindlessly scroll here, albeit less. Sometimes on instinct I feel the need to put on a persona or post certain things or overly clarify things to appease spectators I’ve crafted in my head or feel a need to perform. Makes using this site stressful.
Solution: Remind myself this tumblr is my digital journal and while I’m open to making friends this is not something I’m doing to get clout. I am here to collect, learn and explore. 
Twitter: I rarely go on it anymore, and I just don’t like it. The only things that were on it that I liked were cute and cozy aesthetic accounts, but even then nah.
Solution: Delete it. Twitter gone woo crab rave
Discord: I use it the most to talk directly to irl and online friends, have a bookclub and get updates on random stuff. Sometimes it feels like a void.
Solution: ?? Need it to talk to friends. Just meditate or smth. Like tumblr, don’t feel the need to perfom or put on a persona. Vibe only.
Youtube: Also started procrastinating by going on there with the intention to watch this One Specific video and then I’m on the 4th Im Skylar White Yo lego video. 
Solution: See if there’s something that can block the yt homepage and just see subscriptions or smth. ABSOLUTE UBLOCK W HOW IS THIS SO EASY AND I NEVER KNEW?!
Emails: I’m scared to even touch my gmails bc of the amount of spam mail I’ve accumulated since I was 8.
Solution: Buckle up and start unsubscribing to junk mail and clearing them out THEN switch from gmail to literally anything. Done techgirl email
Internet In General: I think I use a decent not centralized browser. I use yt adblock like a champ. But I really need to go over security notes, find a vpn, make sure this browser is cool, download that torrent browser thing sometime. 
Solution: Find vpn, get torrent browser thing, use throw away emails or card info.
I also generally feel like I have to put on a performance. Is this down to that one time I was a microceleb in this one niche shitty instagram community? Maybe. Theres a voice at the back of my head like “Will this get notes? Will people laugh at this? Does this fit? Will this slightly put someone off?” and its exhausting because I’m not here to get clout I’m just wanting to chill!! I do however want to make friends and meet like-minded folks, don’t wanna create an echo chamber for myself. Hm...
Solution: Recognise this behaviour, the thoughts. Listen to them, deconstruct them, let them pass. Do this constantly. Do not engage them or let them influence you. (realising this sounds like some spc lmao)
I sometimes skip posts with hardly any upvotes or notes because unconciously Im only paying attention to bigger posts. This means I miss out on tons.
Solution: Use good ol ublock to hide note and upvote elements.
Spotify: Love music. Like the spotify wrapped thing. Hate spotify, it is evil company. I don’t even pay for it thanks to my bestie. But...
Solution: Compile music elsewhere (where ?)
Instagram: I’m not actually active on it, I just still have it bc it has tons of cool anime edits I’ve saved over the years. But I hate zuckergram.
Solution: Export the sick edits and delete zuckergram. I will do this on my phone.
End Notes
Compared to a year ago I’m much more aware of how I’m using the internet. My phone usage is down to nilch, it’s almost like I never spent 16 hours a day on instagram straight as a kid.
Having a path still ahead to walk down doesn’t negate the mountain I climbed before.
The sites I use most are Reddit, YT, Tumblr, Discord. Thats four I’ve whittled it down to, which is actually an ok number, not too bad. One for solitary reading, one for spooks and funny videos, one for semi solitary blogging, one for communication.
Should come back to this later and re-examine things and not forget to do these things.
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noiselessbuck · 2 years
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my dearest bog-frog,
thank you for the crabs!! they're very entertaining <33
below is the research i have conducted into the nature of these crabs especially since they are now also on phones.
scientific observations about the temporal permanence of crabs:
sadly i was not able to have my computer the day of the original crab summoning so i dont know how these observations compare to the first coming of the crabs
the crabs have migrated and adapted to be able to live on mobile as well! however they have behavioral differences from their web based bretheren- they always are the same amount in the same spot no matter what page of the app you are on but composing asks posts and reblogs as well as viewing images and videos make them go into temporary hiding and the reappear in their same spots after the micro hibernation. the smaller encloser means that it takes fewer crabs to make the dash mostly unusable because you are clicking crabs and not buttons however this need for tapping helps a tiny bit with population control. unfortunately this new environment does not have adequate CPU for a large herd(?) of crabs but unlike the clicking this is not a symbiotic relationship. instead of slow CPU causing crabs to get clicked thus moderating the population the entire app including the crabs starts functioning slower. it is up to the user to click enough crabs that this goes back to a reasonable state. the other thing is that the crabs maintain their temporal permanence even after going to another app and coming back. i am going to perform some more tests on this matter:
leaving the app and coming back - stay
turning phone off and coming back - stay
taking the app off of short term memory (that list where u swipe up on apple phones to get rid of it - reset
the amount summoned tally also resets when the crabs reset, thus maintaining that crabs summoned minus crabs clicked always gives amount of crabs on the screen
powering off phone completely and coming back - reset
now on to web observations:
click on a new page within tumblr - reset
go back to previous page of tumblr - no longer there (thus the crabs do not maintain temporal permanence while unobserved)
go from asks page to writing ask - stay
reloading same page of tumblr - reset
these crabs are very cute and i am not trying to squash too many but also they are a facinating look into the difference between web development and mobile development. much appreciation for the enrichment to my enclosure >:)
your mutual,
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angelbvn · 1 year
İ saw a post you made on your other blog about saying no one is scared of you not being here. İ am if İ'm being honest. İ think İ'd get sad about it, when İ see a fluffy cute cat video or a crab or İ watch anime. You've made an impact on my world and how İ see it, so you no longer being here would definitely change that view. İ wouldn't think fondly every time İ got a notification from tumblr like İ do today. İ wouldn't wonder what you thought about a space fact İ find out in class like İ do today. İ would just be reminded of you and be sad you're now a memory and not a person. Because you're always a person
- 🦀
that’s sweet of you….i suppose in my selfish mind i just wish so hard that certain people would care for me when they just don’t. and i have to get over that, but i hate feeling so..empty.
and again i’m happy about that, but i just don’t know anymore, i’m so tired of it all, and i can’t just wish for it all to go away because it won’t and i don’t know. it’s all just to much, but at the same time i’m so so detached from it all.
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ninja-nerd · 2 years
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I posted 5,452 times in 2022
That's 2,849 more posts than 2021!
48 posts created (1%)
5,404 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,512 of my posts in 2022
#to do - 78 posts
#abby - 73 posts
#wordgirl - 57 posts
#hivemind - 53 posts
#portal - 45 posts
#jade tbh - 42 posts
#fav - 34 posts
#april fools 2022 - 33 posts
#cyberpunk - 30 posts
#i <3 capitalism - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i get that there’s a socioeconomic barrier but the solution to that is not ‘do whatever i think is right because it bulldozes my problem
My Top Posts in 2022:
idk what’s gotten into my water this week but I am barking like a dog for Oscar Isaac characters
2 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
was in a class on microgravity and its effects on the human body. Suuuuuuper interesting stuff!talked about how blood pressure and heart rate are super attuned to gravity- we were shown videos on astronauts in g-force training, and how the faster they were spun at the end of a mechanical arm, the more difficult it was to remain conscious. The operator had to walk them through techniques that kept blood from rushing away from the brain, causing them to pass out. One of these was an instruction to squeeze the lower body muscles, which forced blood away from the legs. The other was strict instruction to inhale, hold the breath as tightly as possible, and then exhale.
And my professor then asks the class- “this breathing technique- has anyone heard of the valsalva maneuver?”
And I had the stupidest, most whiplash-inducing flashback to 2020.
4 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Started listening to archive 81. It hasn’t ‘wow’ed me yet- probably because I’m just putting it on in the background rather than listening closely to dissect the whole “stories within stories” thing- but I DO find the main characters really likable. That one episode with the audio tour through a fucked-up artifact collection was great. I also just got to the part where Dan has fun on an operating table, and that was VERY good voice acting.
6 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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I regret to inform you all that the funny jester man brain rot has become terminal.
((I will be tagging any more of these as fnaf in case anyone following me wants to filter. Try it! It’s a fun and useful feature))
9 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'll kill brick whartley myself i dont care how cute these 114 crabs are
330 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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barryzn · 8 months
Minecraft 1.21 Mob Vote 2023 Mod
Crab, Armadillo, Penguin Mod 1.19.2 Forge
NOTICE: Mobs Spawning Naturally Is Not Tested
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYpJEpEW8Lw
Google Drive Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jwVIvhqF5pIneCnwY3pGpuwTpQMn5Zyx/view
CurseForge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mobvote-2023
A Minecraft Witch-Craft Mod made by 𝓜Ꮛ
Download InWitched Today: https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/inwitched/
My Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cute-guy-5990309/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@barry_com/featured
All Links: https://linktr.ee/barry_
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/barrycom/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/_barry.com_/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@barry._com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_barryz_
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/barry_com
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/barry-com
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/members/barry_com/projects
Planet-Minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/barry_com/
~~~~~~~~~~~~♡ TIME STAMPS ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~
00:00 - Intro
00:05 - Crab Overview
00:30 - Armadillo Overview
01:02 - Penguin Overview
01:24 - Outro
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happycrabitat · 3 months
Redid one hermit crab tank and added new enrichment for them!
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meblog-central · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 6,813 times in 2022
That's 6,813 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (0%)
6,806 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,391 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#funny - 891 posts
#homestuck - 685 posts
#art - 629 posts
#text - 548 posts
#the owl house - 465 posts
#toh - 460 posts
#comics - 398 posts
#meme - 253 posts
#video - 231 posts
#our flag means death - 227 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i heard a verion of this with merry-go-round of life (i think that's what the music is called) in the background and it was so beautiful
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tumblr media
tumblr text adventure
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Tumblr media Tumblr media
rip tumblr april fools '22 you'll soon be missed :(
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
🦀 time for crab 🦀
it is time for crab on tumblr, but not time for crab in my life. yet.
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tags List
later - check up later
famous - infamous tumblr posts
uhh - idk where this goes
text - text post
pic - picture
text pic - picture w/text; picture and text
star - idk man just roll with it
Any fandom, ship, or character
and many more♡
4 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever written a song?: Nah.
What was the last drink you had?: Pepsi.
Do you ever feel numb?: In the depression kind of way.
Which do you think would be scarier to experience, an avalanche or tsunami? : Uh, I’d really like to avoid both please.
Do you currently have a honey jar in your pantry?: We have that kind in the little cute bear bottle.
Do you always find a silver lining in bad situations? : I’m learning to ever since my relationship with God began a few years. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a hard time still with that while in the midst of a bad situation, but the difference is I have something to hold onto. There’s some hope where there wasn’t before. Im still very much a work in process and have so much to learn still, but I have been working on it and Im able to see what I didn’t before. Before I couldn’t do that at all.
Do you prefer being inside or outside?: Inside.
When did you last use a lighter or matches?: I don’t mess with either one I’m a scaredy cat.
Do you think the ocean needs more exploring? : There’s so much more to find I’m positive of that.
Do you ever experience panic attacks?: Yeppp.
Have you ever had to call 911 or your country's emergency number?: Yes.
What was the last conversation you had about?: My nurse explaining what meds she was giving me.
Are you doing okay?: 🙃
Do you know an Olivia? : No.
Is there a past relationship/friendship you miss?: Yes, a few.
Do you like mangoes? : No.
Last song you listened to?: I’m watching Pitch Perfect, so the songs they played in that.
What do you believe in the most?: God and also how blessed I am to have my family.
What was the last movie you watched and enjoyed?: Rewatched the newest Doctor Strange and love it just as much.
Do you use captions when watching TV?: Yeah, sometimes.
What was the last app you used?: Tumblr. That’s my only way right now.
What's your most used app?: My various social medias, YouTube, and Kindle Unlimited.
What percentage is your phone battery on?: 100%.
Are there any recipes you'd like to try?: Tons. I have a big collection of recipes board on my Pinterest.
Did you use Vine when it existed? : To watch videos, yes, but not upload.
What decorations do you have in your bedroom?: Christmas lights.
Who is a celebrity you'd like to hang out with?: Alexander Skarsgard.
How many amusement parks have you visited?: 3.
Do you prefer chewy or crunchy textures more?: Crunchy.
What last broke your heart?: My situation and how its affecting my family and some things I’m missing out on and yeah.
What is happiness in your own words?: Being healthy for me and being able to enjoy life. That’s what I crave.
Do you still live in the town you grew up in?: I do.
Are there any events coming up you're looking forward to?: I was looking forward to seeing the new Thor, but unfortunately I’ll have to wait until it comes out on Disney+.
What's the most random collection you've had or known someone to have?: I collected rocks growing up.
Are you currently wearing anything green?: No.
Do you google your symptoms everytime there is something wrong?: I did do that a lot and relied on Dr. Google when I should have gone to the actual doctor and saw specialists.
Have you or would you ever go see a psychic? : No.
Who is the strongest person you know? : My mom.
What's your go to Chinese food order?: Chow mien, egg rolls, potstickers, crab rangoon.
When was the last time you visited family?: My mom comes everyday and my dad and brother come a couple or so days when they can.
Do you currently feel restless?: How’d you know?
What is something you're naturally good at?: Hm.
Have you had coffee or tea today?: No, I can’t. 😩
What flower did you last see?: I have no idea.
What's your favorite fictional book?: I have many favorite fictional books.
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agblend13 · 4 years
"How is an apple large as thee forgotten by the sea?" The Crab asks an eternal question. Who will answer! 🦀
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buttonpopart · 6 years
Took WAYY longer to upload than expected but the Speed Draw of my Cancer Zodiac illustration can be watched here! ☀️
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acethedria · 2 years
A running list of LGBT characters in Drawfee
Remember to click on this post if it gets reblogged in order to see the up-to-date list!
Drawfee Show
Pro Artists Redraw Their Old OCs
Making Drawings out of Random Fanfic Tags
Crab #1
Crab #2
Crab #3
Crab #4
Crab #5
Crab #6
Crab #7
Drawing the Nastiest MTG Monsters (But Making Them Hot)
Reveillark/Doctor Stregg
Drawing The Literal Lyrics To Christmas Carols
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Drawing with a Randomized Theme and Setting
Unnamed nonbinary character
Randomly Generated Couple Drawing Challenge
Sara Pena
Hunter Richardson
Character Complication Drawing Challenge
Ribbit Ranger
Artists Turn Looney Tunes Into Pokémon
Tweety Bird
Insects Bunny
Drawing The Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman
The Tumbly Sexler Man
Re-Drawing ANOTHER Scene From Memory
Tennessee K. Rex
Drawing Anagrams of Our Most Popular Videos
Lady Obsessor
The Unkisser
Outfit Generator Drawing Challenge
Hot Mess CEO
Finish The Photo Drawing Challenge
The Vegetable Giant
Stock Photo Preset #4
Redesigning Classic Movie Monsters
Drawing Random Characters as COUPLES
Jim Carrey Dr Robotnik
Handsome Squidward
Fred Flintstone
Homer Simpson
Drawing Sailor Scouts For New Planets
Sailor Poltergeist
Three Artists Draw Using the SAME Color Palette
We're Just Taking It Easy Today
Avis Smythe
Song Shuffle Drawing CHALLENGE
One of the boys
Lovesick girl
Pacific Rim Pilot #1
Pacific Rim Pilot #2
30 Second Group Photo Drawing Challenge
Winnie the Pooh (speculated)
Moomin (speculated)
Mashing Up Characters With The Same Voice Actor
Geoff Grindr
Drawing Hallmark Christmas Movies Based On Their Titles
At least three of the Babadooks
Drawing Cute Versions of Creepypasta
Smile Dog
Drawing Randomly Generated Inspirational Posters
The Joker
FOUR Artists Design New Characters from ONE Description
Making Art out of Random Numbers
Artists Turn More Random Poses Into Characters
Honkin Honda
The Ace
Clip Studio Paint Drawing Challenge
Magical Girl #1
Magical Girl #2
Artists Redesign The Looney Tunes
Buggy Bun
Elmer Fudd
Drawing Episode Suggestions That Didn't Make the Cut
Donkey Kongu
4 Artists Design Characters from the Same Description
Turning Animals Into Original Characters Challenge
Drawing Opposite Cartoon Characters
Sludge the Hedgehog
Nails the Fox
Lucy from Nuts
Artists Redesign Popular Fast Food Mascots
Ronald McDonald
30 Second Drawing Challenge (With Barry Kramer)
Bruce Wayne
Captain Picard
Artists Turn Random Poses Into Characters
Emoji Mash-Up Challenge
Zipper Cowboy
Unnamed waiter
Professional Artists Redraw Their Childhood Art
Drawing More Cocktail Characters
Snobra Bite
Drawing Backgrounds For Video Calls
Your cool nonbinary friend
Designing New Postage Stamps
The Tramp
Drawing Classic Cartoons As Anime
Drawing A Room Full of Vampires
Damian's brother
Drawing Our Home States As People
The Devil
Artists Draw She-Ra Characters (Based on Description)
Sea Hawk
Artists Draw the Raddest Women
Joey Deschanel
Chandler Bing
Artists Draw Using A Random Story Generator
Promiscuous Anthropologist
Rat Catcher with unexpected depths
Patriotic Novelist
Aloof Traveler
Unathletic Hermit
Little George
6 unnamed bargoers
Artists Make Characters From Random Shapes
The Vengeful Genius
Artists Try To Draw The Most Handsome Man
Grandma Highforge
Gyorik Rogdul
Dachs Hund
Optimus Amicus
Liticus Guysus
Drawfee Extra and other streams
Jon Died At The End Of This Stream
S-Tier Stream
Varden Dawngrasp
Don't Watch This One
Augie Doggie
Piccolo Kermit Day
Jorts For Everyone
Poirot (speculated)
Hastings (speculated)
Patreon Bonus Stream 04/22/2022
Little Georgia Boy Time!
Nathan's Stream of Shame
Keyhole Ken Finds Love
Keyhole Ken
Asshole Andy
Only Good Drawings (The Garfield Stream)
Drawfee Twitch When?
How The Grinch Stole Twitchmas
The Grinch
The Once-Ler
Lost 2018 Stream
Goth Moth
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