#interviews with shaun
too-antigonish · 26 days
Interviews...are not his favorite
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Evans is pretty good at ducking out of questions he'd prefer not to answer—and honestly his patience with unbelievably annoying or intrusive questions is far better than mine would be.
But early on there were some tiny moments snark worthy of Morse himself...
Excerpt from a 2014 TV Choice interview:
Will you change anything for the second series? Shaun Evans: I’m going to do it completely in drag! Or knitwear!
Excerpt from a 2007 interview by Laura Davis for the Liverpool Daily Post about Sparkle:
Davis: And plans for the future? Evans: “I’m going to finish my dinner.
He is, however, very capable of being endearing as well:
From S9 Masterpiece Theater interview:
MASTERPIECE: Looking back, Kathy B. wants to know, “Out of all the seasons of Endeavour, what hairstyle and wardrobe did you like best?” SHAUN EVANS: I liked the boldness of the one where I had the mustache. [Laughs] Yeah, and even when I look back, I think that’s a bold choice. I like that one. And to have continued it for the whole season! What I love is that it was never mentioned. I mean, no one goes, “Dude, what’s that on your lip?” You just ride with it. That was one of my favorite ones.
From S8 Masterpiece Theater interview:
MASTERPIECE: Kim H. asks a fun question: “If you met Endeavour at a party, would you see yourself being friends?” SHAUN EVANS: Yeah, because I would have enormous sympathy for him. So even though he may think me quite shallow and a bit ridiculous, I would pursue him until we became mates. I would hound him, so that he had someone to chat to, and I would be a total [pain in the neck], following him all the time. “Hey, dude! Come on, don’t be on your own. Let’s go for a drink!”
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lestatdelioncoeur · 2 years
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Contra Mundum - Shaun Leane.
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k-wame · 2 months
lol his mind is so filthy😍 Interview | Actor CALLUM TURNER 🎥 Evening Standard Magazine · 13.11.2019
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sircolinmorgan · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Shaun Evans! (6th March 1980)
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morsesnotes · 10 months
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Ugh, lighten up! [laughs] Lighten up, my advice would be. [laughs] Don't take yourself so serious, or maybe that'd be my advice to myself. My advice would be that you're not alone, so you don't have to do everything yourself, and actually you've got a great group of people who have got your back. Just chill out and be a team player. You don't have to do everything on your own, would be my advice. Again, might that be advice to myself, haha. - Shaun Evans' advice to Endeavour Morse [x]
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jessieren · 4 months
I’d never heard this one before… great interview. Love Craig Charles and funny how much talking to another scouser brings out Shaun’s accent too.
Plus incredibly cute moment around 4m30 when Shaun’s laugh is THE most adorable adorable thing ever
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shaun-evans-fanblog · 27 days
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Endeavourneverland interview with Shaun: (excerpt):
[N&N] ...and Paul Auster. Have you read him?
[SE] Oh, I love Paul Auster. He's great.
[N&N] I think his characters are intentionally trying to lose themselves in... something. To forget the self, to immerse themselves so deep into the ineffable that the self isn't there anymore. Do you ever want to do that?
[SE] Yeah, of course. My God, yes. I think that's what we seek when we do all of our work, you know? [...] Whether you're playing a part or you're telling a story, it's always about more than you. It's about forgetting the small self and trying to connect with that which is bigger and more universal, but through the lens of the individual and the personal. I think you're always trying to reach beyond your tiny self, you know, so that you can offer something - and learn something, too.”
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cerealbishh · 1 month
uh... outer range s2 cast interviews might be starting soon???
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endeavourfiles · 8 months
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clove-pinks · 8 months
Man I got a whole lot going on right now, juggling a lot of things in the air. And all I can think is like, SMASH CUT to me at the base of Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial in Put-in-Bay, Ohio, sobbing OH OLIVER HAZARD PERRY WE'RE REALLY IN FOR IT NOW.
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catholicxknees · 2 months
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Mark and Shaun roasting Eddie within an inch of his life (feat. John completely losing it) in When the Disreputable Scoundrels met Taking Back Sunday
+ Bonus
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too-antigonish · 24 days
Not taking it for granted...
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For Tux Tuesday, another interview excerpt. He's talking about S3:
DSTV: Have you enjoyed playing Endeavour this series? SHAUN EVANS: There’s certainly been moments where I’ve thought, ‘this is an incredible job.’ There was a moment shooting at midnight and they’d decorated one of the colleges, we all had tuxedos on, and there was a band playing, and an orchestra; it was an amazing moment. I find it incredibly satisfying and gratifying.
—Endeavour's Shaun Evans, DST Interview, 1/19/2016
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heartlandians · 6 months
Chris Potter on Heartland season 17 | On set interview
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rioblitzle · 14 days
imo if gorillaz want to be good again (on the character/presentation front. music unrelated. also this is subjective) they need to stop trying to make up these grand "lore" continuities because a cool weird as shit music video that can exist on its own as art with no expectations of a full explanation is always gonna be more satisfying than a cool weird as shit music video that is very clearly trying to set up some narrative throughline that dies halfway through the album cycle without any conclusion in sight. plastic beach was cool but it's on thin ice. you are simply not the media format for time travel or cult feud plots please go back to when things were more nonsensical and somehow more cohesive for it
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morsesnotes · 3 months
I found this interview from when Shaun Evans was promoting S3 of Endeavour in 2016 and thought it was one of the more interesting ones as he gets asked some different questions. I particularly liked seeing him talk a bit about his peers and how he views his career.
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Shaun Evans talks Endeavour series three, Hollywood and whether he'd star in Doctor Who
As Morse returns, the star of the hit ITV drama reveals what's next for his career By David Brown - Radio Times
Falsely accused Endeavour Morse was last seen languishing in a prison cell after being framed for murder. But fans of the hit ITV drama needn't despair - Shaun Evans is back on the case for a third series beginning this evening. Here, the actor talks about life as the Oxford detective, why Morse has endured for four decades and what the future holds...
So what has brought you back to Endeavour for a third series? I didn't feel like we should have left it where we did last time. It would have been odd. As a viewer, I would have been dissatisfied to have left it there because you'd have only been telling half the story. Luckily enough, we had the opportunity to come back to do some more and I think the stories are really good - particularly the final one. It goes along at a lick. It's a bank heist but it's also a love story. And it's heartbreaking. I think it's great and it ends in a really satisfying way.
The character of Morse has now been around for 40 years - why has he endured? A good story well told will stand the test of time. And if you throw in an unusual character - someone who is in a world but not of that world - then that's intriguing.
The original series of Inspector Morse did episodes in Australia and Italy - would you like to do an overseas Endeavour? Well, they keep telling me that the character is going to Spain. But I can take myself to Malaga. I'm joking, but I'm being honest too. There is a Spanish idea, but I'd want it to be right. I don't want this job to be a jolly or something that we take for granted and phone in. There are so many variables to that kind of thing: would the locations be as good? Or the actors? Granted, it would be a laugh to go away with Roger Allam, but would it serve the show?
Does Endeavour Morse become more like you as the series goes on? I think that’s a danger, definitely. The more comfortable and confident you get with something, the easier it could be to be less diligent about creating a character. But then you’d be taking shortcuts that you might not have done three years ago. So I try not to be complacent about it. I want to be even more diligent than I was when I started. But I admit that it's a tricky one.
Having a two-hour slot for a drama seems like a privilege these days - do you worry that viewers' attention spans could be too short to cope? I don’t worry about it at all. I feel like the work we’ve done so far has been very good. Some have been better than others - as would be the case. But I feel pleased with it. Now if audiences change and they feel that the episodes are too long, boring or complicated, then we’ll just stop. That’s OK. But I've seen some crime dramas that try to tell the story in an hour and, for me, it just doesn't work.You’re tyring to set up a killer, set up a world, solve it in an interesting or dynamic way and put in some character stuff as well. It’s nigh on impossible to do in an hour. I don’t think you can do it in a satisfying way. That’s my impression as an audience member.
Fans would be up in arms if you decided to stop Endeavour! No. I don't think that'd happen. It's just work. And they'd just fill it with something else. There'll be another brilliant show.
I think you'd make an ideal Doctor Who - would you like to play that role one day? I’ve never seen it! I think Matt Smith is a brilliant actor. And David Tennant also. But it just wasn’t my thing growing up and I feel like I’ve missed it now. I was in Moscow a few months ago and someone asked me about Doctor Who. And she thought I'd make a good Master. So if you’re offering me a part, then I’ll play the Master.
What about playing James Bond? Well, everyone wants to play James Bond, right? He always gets the girl at the end. And in the middle. And at the beginning, come to think of it. But I think that Daniel Craig would be a tough act to follow. He brings something really interesting to it.
Do you ever look at contemporaries like Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne and think, 'I'd like top billing in a Hollywood movie'? I know both those lads and I like them. But I never really think of my career like that. Of course, you want people to see your work, but I'm not interested in being the next so-and-so. It doesn't attract me. Mainly because it's short lived. It's better to keep working and do interesting stuff.
So being a big Hollywood star isn't all it's cracked up to be? I don't know. I suppose if you had enough clout to guarantee finance for a story you wanted to tell, then that would be a good thing. From a business point of view. But I don't spend my time being envious. There are so many variables in all that bollocks! When you desire fame or fortune - which are ephemeral things - you're building your house on sand, aren't you?
Do you have a dream project that you'd like to do? I'd love to do something about poets or photographers who have done interesting things and left an impression on their portion of the world. Someone like the American photographer Walker Evans. Or the French poet Arthur Rimbaud. 
So what's next for you? I'm purposefully having some time off. I've been busy and I'd like a bit of time to read some books and just study. I want to educate myself on writers, photography, filmmaking and poetry. I'm very lucky that I've now got enough money to have a bit of time to myself and study. I'm very lucky to be in that position.
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jessieren · 2 months
And here is the tache being interviewed in all its glory
Very cute moment around 2m45 where Shaun goes ‘god I look so young..’
Yes…yes you do. That’s why we call you #babymorse honey
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