#insect infestation of a human body
wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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15daysofFatT day 5, Waking Up;
Duvall can't remember the end of his interview at the gates of Sapodilla, he didn't dream, but he's pretty sure he was a sleep
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flowerofthewave · 22 days
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Crossover for the @greedislandchallenge
So I assigned some Heart - The city beneath classes (+ one from the ichor drowned add on)
Slightly more detail under the cut
Illumi - Deep Apiarist with forced/penitent calling. Not sure wich fits better, the point is he didn't go down into heart through his own desire.
He did however join the apiarist sect out of his own free will to rid himself of the ways a mortal body can fail him. At this point he has completely rearranged his organs and his flesh is mostly replaced to be wax. When he decided to replace his heart he used the Intoxicant ability on Hisoka, to erode his self control and make him revert to the base impulse of hunger, causing him to attack Illumi and eat his heart
Hisoka - Gibberwright with Heartsong calling
Hisoka is completely captured by the heart already, he might think he is in control but everything he does is influenced by the constant calling of the heart and every step he takes, every performance he gives pulls him in deeper.
Pariston - Incarnadine with Adventure calling Pariston actively brought his life to ruin to receive the mark of Incarne. He waned to explore the heart and knew he could only do so with powerful backing and now absolutely thrives in ruining the lives of everyone else he comes across.
Cheadle- Witch with Enlightenment calling
Cheadle received the illness at a young age. She's always been close to the heart, lived and worked on the lower tiers, making her deeply respect it but also unfortunately had her lose her fear. Because of that she is now willing to saunter further and further into it on the search of knowledge that she knows is hidden the depths.
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libraryofmoths · 8 months
Moth of the Week
Hornet Moth
Sesia apiformis
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The hornet moth is a part of the family Sesiidae or the family of clearwing moths. They get their common name predictably from how they mimic the appearance of the hornet. This type of mimicry is called Batesian mimicry, which is when a harmless species mimics the appearance of a unpalatable or defended species to protect themselves from predators. It was first described in 1759 by Carl Alexander Clerck under the name Sphinx apiformis.
Description This moth uses what called Batesian mimicry to resemble the hornet so predators do not want to eat it for fear of being stung. The adult moths have clear wings with yellow and striped black bodies. The number of stripes varies, females have two stripes while males have three. They are about the size of a hornet with the same jerky flight pattern when disturbed. The only difference is the hornet moth has more yellow and lacks the waist between the abdomen and the thorax.
Wingspan Range: 34 - 50 mm (≈1.34 - 1.97 in)
Females are larger than males
Diet and Habitat The larvae eat several species of poplar trees such as apsen (Populus tremula), black poplar (Populus nigra), and goat willow (Salix caprea). They prefer trees surrounded by heavy vegetation as those kinds show more evidence of infestation from larvae burrowing into trees. Adults do not eat.
This moth ranges over mainland Europe, Great Britain, and parts of the Middle East. It had also been introduced to America and Canada. They prefer open habitats such as parks, hedgerows, golf courses, quarries, fens, pond edges, and pits.
Mating The female moths attract males using special posterior glands to emit pheromones, usually soon after emergence. The male doesn’t seem to have any courtship behaviors as the two sexes are likely to begin mating as soon as they come into contact. Both males and females mate multiple times with different partners before the female beings laying her eggs.
Females prefer to lay eggs on old or isolated trees surrounded by vegetation. Females can lay from hundreds to thousands of eggs and exhibits no parental care. When comparing the number of eggs laid to the number of adults emerging per year, it is clear the large number of eggs laid is to make up for the large mortality rate between the egg and adult stages.
Predators This species of moth is primarily preyed on by magpies and great tits. Interestingly, these birds do not eat hornets despite eating this moth. An explanation for this is since these birds don’t eat hornets, the mimicry is less effective as they have any bad experiences with insects of this coloration. In fact, it can be suggested that the black and yellow coloration has the opposite effect: once the birds realize this moth is harmless and can be easily seen, they begin to actively seek them out.
Fun Fact The hornet moth is seen as a pest in the eastern United Kingdom due to a large dieback of poplar trees from larvae burrowing into them. However this dieback is not inherently caused by the larvae but instead from drought and human influences, which the larvae increase the effect of.
(Source: Wikipedia, Butterfly Conservation)
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kyleknight · 2 years
bed bugs: something I hope you never have to see irl
Hello there. I just spent about $800 or more dealing with and getting rid of bed bugs (and my infestation was thankfully not bad at all) so Im making this post to hopefully help someone else out there.
What are they?
horrible tiny bugs that are masters of hiding that come out at night and suck human blood (although they can bite pets)
they are good at hiding but they can’t really burrow down into things, so they tend to hide in folds and creases of your mattress and box spring
they can only suck blood and inject anticoagulant to make you bleed. they dont have claws or pincer mouth parts, so their only defense is hiding when they’re not eating
they do lay eggs but they don’t lay a ton of them. if you catch them early enough, then there might not be too many bugs in your home
How do they get in my house?
it only takes one to start an infestation. they can be picked up just about anywhere, but the more likely places are associated with high volumes of travel: hotels, buses, trains, airports, and sometimes even hospitals, nursing homes, or day cares
they sometimes come in on luggage, personal bags, or shoes, hide until they feel comfortable, and then seek out people, which they can track by body heat and air exhalation
How do I know if I have them?
if you are getting insect bites on your arms, back, and legs which are not the little red spots of flea bites and also not the small swollen spots of mosquito bites. bed bug bites tend to swell up a lot across patches of skin, especially if you’re allergic to them (which most people are)
basically they look like rashes or welts and they can be VERY itchy
also, if you inspect your mattress and box spring and you notice tiny little spots of blood on the edges, it’s a fairly clear sign
the actual bugs are very small and hard to spot but sometimes you can find their eggs, which are also tiny and white in color, in your dryer lint
Can I get rid of them with sprays?
unfortunately no. any of the sprays you can buy at Walmart or any other store are useless unless you are spraying the bug directly. the only method of completely eradicating them for good is to contact an exterminator and have them handle it. the sooner the better
if you do see them, you can spray them, but doing so will only be scratching the surface of the actual infestation
Do I have to get a new mattress or new bedding?
as long as you thoroughly wash and dry all of your bedding, you don’t have to get rid of anything. make sure you dry on high heat to kill anything that might potentially be hiding in it
also a VERY important thing to get is a zipped mattress protector. put that on your mattress and your box spring and the bugs will never be able to get through it. you can sleep comfortably again. it HAS to be a zipped protector that completely encases the mattress
and vacuum your floor. vacuum it and empty the vacuum immediately. throw the contents away, tie it all up tight in a trash bag, and take it to the dumpster right away
I truly hope that nobody reading this ever has to go through what I went through. It’s frustrating not being able to sleep because you’re so worried you’re going to get bitten by tiny bugs you can’t even see. It’s not your fault if you get them; it only takes one to start a serious problem.
But if you do suspect them, act on it as quickly as possible. The worse it gets, the more expensive it is to treat your home to eliminate them.
Take care!
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Imagine a world thats like a butterfly.
It's pretty, and unique, something that you hold your breath and watch from a distance as those bright colors and patterns dance in front of your eyes. Some parts of it aren’t so pretty, the tongue is a little creepy, that segmented body disturbing if you examine it too closely, and lord hope you don’t learn about how the insect tastes with the very feet that are touching you.
Then again, some might find that cool.
The world is pretty, it's a little weird, it’s not something you’ve seen before, but most of all, it's fragile.
You could crush it without thinking. A sadistic child could rip it apart. A disconnected scientist could pin its husk to a wall. Even if it's not one of you that kills it, the beautiful thing has such a delicate balance, old generations passing within weeks and replaced by new in an endless cycle dependent on the environment around them. Not too hot, not too cold, not too soon, not too late. Life is dependent on factors out of control.
And what is this little butterfly’s defense? A facade of strength? The ability to hide in tiny places? A poison that will inconvenience a predator at the cost of their own end?
How soft. How delicate. How pathetically sad.
That's Earth to Cybertron.
But that’s Cybertron’s view. In quite a few ways it is correct, but there is a single factor that is missing; Humanity is terrifying.
That basically is the sum of my Once Upon a Time series.
We’re paradoxical, intricate, willful little buggers that don’t know how to quit. The transformers' continuities I’ve always seen tend to push humanity to the side, make us the damsels in distress, or a temporary side arc to examine as the big picture paints itself around us. 
I get, I mean, it's transformers, We’re here for transforming robots, not fleshy faces that you can see in any other version of media. Give the audience what they pay for. In those instances, I’d prefer if Earth/humans were written out entirely. Focus on the bots if there the only thing that narratively matters, please.
So imagine a little butterfly, so pretty and delicate, is crushed under a steal-toed boot. Butterfly dead. You walk away, unwilling to see the squished and paper-thin remains. There are more important things to do, so why waste anything other than disappointment on something so small?
The issue is that the planet was never a butterfly to begin with. 
The bug picks itself up and keeps crawling. Keeps living. We’ll find another dark corner, creep along outside, and slink our way into your home. We’ll repurpose, infest, and grow. We’ll survive and infuriate, disgust, and horrify those who learn what we really are. We aren’t butterflies, not entirely.
We’re space cockroaches.
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knight-elkwarden · 1 year
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Carpet Drakes are a group of mostly aquatic ambush hunting hexapods found throughout the rivers and lakes of Har Fang. They are believed to be physiologically very similar to the first hexapods of millions of years ago.
While more common and diverse to the west of the continent, some species are still found in modest numbers to the east.
Giant Carpet Drake
Giant Carpet Drakes are found exclusively in the Musonese river basin, where the wide, murky, slow moving water offers them the best environment for their ambush hunting lifestyle. Despite their size and rather clumsy looking body, these giants are capable of surprising bursts of speed and have been known to capsize boats.
They readily see humans as prey, though they tend to back off if they realize their cover has been blown. Sometimes hunted by dragons.
Stubby Carpet Drake
A relatively small species. These drakes live in fast flowing rivers and streams, where they can easily anchor themselves to the riverbed with their long hooked claws. They are most often seen at higher elevations and in colder water, though they are very hardy and can survive a wide range of temperatures.
Not particularly dangerous to humans, but they will bite and scratch if they feel threatened.
Common Carpet Drake
The most widespread of the carpet drake species, hence the name. It is believed that it has either multiple subspecies or is multiple closely related species. These animals are found in almost any freshwater habitat and are extremely hardy creatures.
Not domesticated, but certain riverside communities have managed to tame some individuals. Caution should still be exercised when handling them since their bite is strong enough to sever fingers.
Musonese Carpet Drake
Despite the name, these creatures can be found outside of the Musonese river basin, though they are most common within it. They have a narrower body to help them navigate their often flooded and dense with foliage homes. They live only in warm and wet habitats on the western side of the continent.
Naturally skittish, but can be tamed pretty easily with enough patience.
Nyrian Carpet Drake
These carpet drakes inhabit the dry savannas and deserts of Har Fang, particularly Nyr, but neighboring regions also have populations of these creatures. The only known carpet drake species to aestivate, cocooning themselves in clay and water to stave off desiccation until the rains return and fill the watering holes.
Aggressive and will attack careless humans.
Kelp Stalker
Found wherever kelp forests exist. These derived drakes are the only known carpet drakes that lives exclusively in salt water. These ambush predators hide in the kelp to catch passing fish and other small prey. Closely related to the River Stalker and other free swimming carpet drakes.
Curious about humans and will follow them around sometimes, but tends to avoid dragons.
River Stalker
Fast swimming drakes native to the eastern side of the continent. Only known carpet drake that isn't an ambush predator. Highly social creatures, they are known to hunt in bands consisting of a dozen individuals. They can tolerate brackish waters, but are most comfortable in fresh waters.
Tends to avoid humans and dragons whenever possible.
Dwarf Carpet Drake
Found almost anywhere with fresh water. Thought of as something of a pest in cities, where they infest wells and crawl along roads during heavy rains. In the wild they feed mostly on small fish, insects, insect larvae and generally anything else they can fit in their mouths.
City dwelling dwarf carpet drakes are somewhat bold and will bite if provoked, but in the wild they are extremely skittish. Sometimes harvested by humans and dragons for their magical properties and general abundance.
Jewel Drake
Small tree dwelling carpet drakes from the Musonese river basin. A large number of jewel drake species are known, but they all have a few things in common: Vividly colored and highly poisonous. Their toxins come from their diet, and so people have figured out how to keep them as pets without the high risk of poisoning.
The species pictured here is known as the Ultramarine Jewel Drake. All species posses a sharp claw on their front two pairs of limbs, which can easily puncture skin and cause the poison on their skin to seep into the body. Caution is heavily advised when handling these creatures.
Root Serpent
Originally thought to be a serpent due to it's elongated body, it was eventually figured out that it was instead a carpet drake, though the name stuck. These creatures are found mostly in Musonee, where they hide among the mangroves, looking like roots to fool their prey.
A relatively popular pet and familiar in Musonee due to their elongated shape and gentle temperament.
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Parasite Kink, A Poorly Written Essay
I'm not sure how interested y'all are in an introspective essay of my parasite kink, but it's 12 AM and I got class tomorrow. I might as well.
Monsterfucker, as far as the word goes, is an umbrella term for sexual interest in non-human entities. In my opinion, the spectrum of Monterfuckery goes from nonhumanoids (tentacles, plants, insects, cosmic horrors, etc), (humanoids (werewolves, vampires, demons, robots, etc) and the very-humanoids (catboys, hucows, etc). All one needs to be a Monsterfucker is to have an interest in something distinctly nonhuman, whether that be through clear visual means or subtle mental and physical.
To that extent, parasites are a beloved monster of us fuckers, but rarely get the love they so deserve. Why is that? Well, across all monsters, parasites hold their own tropes that get covered just as well by others:
Want to be unknowingly corrupted against your will by a powerful foe that has no interest in your wellbeing? Demons, Cosmic horrors, Aliens, etc. got you covered.
Want to become a host to a growing population of critters within your womb? Any and all monsters can cover that front.
But what about carrying a disease that can be spread onto others, through sexual means with sexual side effects? Parasites are the only monsters that cover this within the Monsterfucker niche. (Though if you're willing to spread the Monsterfucker umbrella a little further, you got your Mad Scientist. But we're not talking about them here.) Regardless of prelude, you can have your Demons infect infect others with demonic STD's, an outbreak of tentacle monsters that can only survive within the innards of unsuspecting individuals, or even a lycanthropy parasite.
Though, that brings up the divide of the parasitism kink. On its own, it's a bit of an umbrella term as well. I personally count sex disease and parasites under the same niche (corruption and spread being the forefront of the appeal). Along with further division: its purpose.
Does it originate from a specific monster/place? A divine being looking to create worshipers regardless of consent? An asteroid some hapless individual happened to stumble upon? An insect species that only needs you for your body to grow its population?
Does it exist as a disease to take over the mind and body? Turn individuals into mooing cows that'll fuck themselves on the phallic object? Is it a demonic infestation to turn humans into proper cum factories?
Is the parasite mainly for spreading or corrupting? Is the victim unaware of their parasite? Do they care at all? Do they fight its corruption? Can they do it successfully?
Does the parasite want? Or is it as mindless as any virus in the real world?
All these questions. Because parasites are a rather vague monster. They can take on any origin and lore you could ever want. Though all monsters can have those similar qualities. However, monsters on their own don't take on the parasitism quality by default. But that's what makes monsters so lovely anyways. The ability to adapt them to your specific desires is what makes writing about them so fun. Why writing smut is so fun.
All this to say my enjoyment of parasites comes from my love of corruption of the self mixed with the corruption of others. A permanent change made against ones will by something using you for its own means while also focusing on changing others.
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
More Prohibited Wish Ideas because my brain is infested with worms and I can't be stopped
This is more a scene that's been slowly rotating in my head than anything else. Might write more of it, might just leave it here for y'all, but here it is!
This might be long, so the rest of it's under the cut.
Edit: I made the fanfic.
I'm obsessed with the idea that most of the cosmic entities have some kind of mundane origin. Prismo is the dream of an old man, perhaps a mortal wizard who got the Boss's attention and granted timeless immortality. The Cosmic Owl, perhaps was once the familiar to some primordial magic user. Perhaps many crawled out of the primordial soup in the time Before there was Nothing.
But Scarab?
Scarab was just that. A beetle. Perhaps a weird type of beetle able to speak on the level of a mortal human, but a beetle nonetheless. One that fought and reached and climbed far beyond what anyone thought possible. He got the Boss's attention. He was made functionally immortal, given a more imposing body, given responsibilities beyond what a bug is ever meant to achieve. God Auditor was not his first choice, but it's still higher than what was thought possible.
Prismo doesn't strike me as the type to care much about where someone may come from. But he is an exception among the pantheon.
Gods do not let Scarab forget what he was. What he still is, to many of them. A bug. The other gods find Scarab unsightly. They're visibly disgusted by his strange mouth and wide eyes and odd chirps.
So Scarab hides behind his mask. He hides his extra arms unless it's necessary. He turns his exoskeleton into a prim and proper suit. But it's never enough. Not enough to make the other gods forget what he is.
Orbo certainly doesn't. And he takes the chances to remind Scarab that he's lucky to be here. And that he's not meant to be here. It's why Orbo takes steps to cripple the Scarab, should the auditor ever be demoted back to mortal. He takes his antenna. And he takes his wings.
And then, Scarab is demoted. He's relegated to being the Wishmaster's assistant. Janitor is the more accurate title. And Scarab is back to feeling like a pinned insect, now trapped with another god who will most certainly not fail to remind him that he's lucky he's not back to crawling in mud. Because Prismo certainly knows, doesn't he?
Except, that's not what happens.
Prismo is kind. He's respectful, in his own strange way. When Scarab accidentally makes his odd chirps, the Wishmaster finds it cute. When he learns to crawl along the walls as a shadow, Prismo doesn't seem to mind.
And when Scarab lets the mask fall, Prismo finds him endearing, rather than unsightly.
So Scarab starts embracing himself again. He's in a space where he is not thought of as disgusting or undeserving. He's allowed to be strange in the ways his origin would suggest, even encouraged. He gets comfortable in his own shell again.
And then Orbo visits.
And Orbo questions why Scarab's hanging out on the ceiling. And why his mask is gone. And what's with all the gross noises he's making. And Scarab retreats again. He let himself be too comfortable. He should've known better.
But Prismo is horrified.
He calls Orbo out. That's not a cool thing to do to a friend. Why should Scarab have to hide all the time.
Orbo tries to "reason" with the Wishmaster. Why should Prismo care? He should be thanking him for getting the bug back in line.
"He's not cool, not like us, Prismo. You're the dream of a right powerful wizard. I'm the core of a collapsed magic star. Him? He's just... Well, just look at him. He's just a bug. Shouldn't have been able to get where he was in the first place. He's lucky we didn't send him back to crawling in the mud broken."
And that's when Prismo learns what happened to his friend. Why some days he can't seem to stand up straight. Or why some days he has to spend in the Time Core, curled up and out of sight.
And that's when Scarab learned what a Wishmaster's wrath looked like.
Like I said, no idea if I'll fully write it out. I might. But I at least wanted to dump this thought onto something, so enjoy babes.
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tawneybel · 8 months
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Note: Vecna, the body horror... husband. Nothing tentacular happens, but it’s mentioned. That and breeding.
Imagine Vecna feeling a special connection to you.
A visceral wasteland should have been terrifying. Voracious looking fauna and flora. Decidedly un-mammalian beasts attempting mimicry anyway. Prehensile tendrils that needed to be quickly side-stepped. Everything viscid. 
Nothing seemed to have eyes. They didn’t need them to sense your warm body. It was intriguing. You didn’t just stumble into an alternate dimension. No, you fell through the rabbit hole into a one-of-a-kind biome. 
Not quite fell. Ascended.
It almost felt like a higher plane of existence. Where did that feeling come from? You were the only sapient being in the Upside Down.
Some of these things were parasitic. They infested brains. If not dewormed, hosts melted and melded into abominations that put the Thing to shame. Well, maybe not. The Thing from Another World’s remake was horrifying. Made the Upside Down feel almost homey. Or fantastical. Or fantastically horrifying. Like an album cover from some band Eddie Munson was into. 
You shook your head. Maybe the air here wasn’t doing you any favors.
An undercurrent of… resignation? No, determination. Determination to continue. By myself. A party of one. An undercurrent- Nothing’s current here. It’s apocalyptic. Post-apocalyptic. A billion years from the destruction of Hawkin-
Either way, it was good you were wearing a similar color scheme to the landscape. Land-of-the-deadscape. Made you feel safer. Made you look like you belonged. Even when you reached the elevated figure. 
Unsure how to proceed, neither of you moved.
Now, this guy actually had eyes. You assumed he was dead. (After first wondering if he was an idol. Chiseled by some doomsday cult.) Punctured by tentacles. When Vecna’s lids moved, you sighed. 
No red irises. No all-black peepers. No hollowed sockets. His baby blues were the most normal thing in the Upside Down. Was he flayed? A member of the Flayed? The sole survivor of the Mind Flayer’s liquidation? 
“Hi, I’m ______,” slipped out.
You couldn’t help it. You were just so relieved to see another human. Even one so corpse-like. He wasn’t half-dead. Or, at least, didn’t seem to be. Then again, maybe he wasn’t in control of his body. 
Maybe his skin wasn’t always that way, your mind whispered. What was up with his body, anyway? Your gaze slid down. No nipples, no navel, no genitalia. Probably no finger- or toeprints. A mental image of him on a throne, like the Horned King, holding out a hand made you bite the corner of your mouth. He probably wouldn’t hold hands, let alone want your lips on his. 
You looked at him the same way he looked at spiders. More or less. Too fascinated to be scared. If anything, you looked concerned. Like you knew what he’d once been. You seemed to be having trouble figuring out whether he belonged here or not. Vecna’s expression didn’t soften, but his heart did.  
One flitted to his last conversation with Eleven. His fraternal behavior. All for naught. That’s what he thought after she shoved him into the Upside Down. Now she wouldn’t get to have you as a sister-in-law.
…humans are a unique type of pest. Multiplying…
Well, he could make you something better than human. Make you make something better than human. Of course, he’d need to utilize tentacles for insemination. At first. Then maybe try it out with more Flayed. 
If his favorite arthropods were insects, particularly social insects, he might’ve called you his queen. Too bad female spiders were just called that, female spiders. Not a cute name like doe, jill, or vixen. And baby animal names sounded too saccharine. At least ones for mammals. Spiderling, maybe. Unless that’s what a term of endearment you wanted to save for your offspring. 
“Henry,” he rasped. Peter Ballard stayed in the lab. Unless maybe you had orderly fantasies. Or were just curious about what he looked like post-banishment.
Wet dreams would be even more fun to infest a brain with than premortem nightmares.
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millenniumbreak · 1 year
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thecreaturecodex · 11 months
Drain Deimos
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Image © Capcom, accessed at the Resident Evil Wiki here
[Sponsored by @coldbloodassassin. The drain deimos got a significant overhaul in its abilities between RE3 and the recent remake. So I wrote a whole monster before double checking the sponsor's post, and finding that they wanted the other one! So I've included both. The original one is what I'm using the picture for, and is the main stat block, and the remake version is a variant. And gets a new name since it's not doing as much draining anymore.]
Drain Deimos CR 5 CE Aberration This creature appears something like a grotesquely mutated insect, warped into human size and humanoid proportions. It has six limbs, the four upper with two hooked claws and the lowest pair with three. It has four eyes surrounding a pair of mandibles and a sharp proboscis, and exposed muscle appears between rents in its exoskeleton.
A drain deimos is a mutant flea, permanently altered by exposure to fleshwarping toxins and diseases. They are almost never created intentionally—a mundane flea that feeds on fleshwarped creatures may mutate in such a way that its larvae will develop into drain deimoses over several generations, and a giant flea may transform into such a horror spontaneously. Drain deimoses are not as skilled at jumping as their progenitor species, but make up for it with skilled climbing abilities.
Drain deimoses feed on both blood and spinal fluid, and the more intelligent a prey item is, the more valuable it is seen as a food source. As such, drain deimoses prefer to attack humanoids than animals, and often go after wizards, bards or other individuals with higher than average intelligence. In prey-rich areas, like cities, drain deimoses will often gather in groups, but they do not cooperate with each other when hunting.
A drain deimos is parthenogenetic, making and fertilizing its own eggs. Thus, a single monster can rapidly multiply to create dozens of monsters in a matter of months.
Variant Drain Deimos An inject deimos is a further mutation of the drain deimos, in which the proboscis has become an ovipositor. Rather than sucking up spinal fluid, an inject deimos inserts its eggs into its host’s body, which devour it rapidly from the inside. Rather than pinning a single victim and drinking them dry, an inject deimos’ strategy usually involves grabbing, implanting and moving on quickly. An inject deimos has the negative energy affinity defensive ability, and the following special attack instead of brain drain and smell brains: Implant (Ex) An inject deimos can insert its young into a grappled opponent as part of the action to maintain a grapple. A creature can resist this implantation with a successful DC 17 Fortitude save. If it fails this save, it takes 3d6 points of slashing and piercing damage each round as the young eat it from the inside. A remove disease or similar effect purges the infestation automatically and without further harm. A cure spell cast on the victim, or a DC 25 Heal check made as a full round action, removes the parasites, but nauseates the host for 1 round unless the host succeeds another DC 17 Fortitude save. The save DC is Constitution based.
Drain Deimos        CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Medium aberration (fleshwarp) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7, smell brains Defense AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural) hp 59 (7d8+28) Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 DR 5/bludgeoning Offense Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 4 claws +10 (1d4+2 plus grab) Special Attacks blood drain (1d3 Con), brain drain (1d6 Int) Statistics Str 14, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 4 Base Atk +5; CMB +10 (+14 vs. grapple); CMD 25 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +14 (+18 when jumping), Climb +24, Perception +7, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +16 Climb Languages Common (cannot speak) SQ catfall, expert climber Ecology Environments any land and underground Organization solitary, pair or infestation (3-18) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Brain Drain (Ex) If a drain deimos pins an opponent, it deals 1d6 points of Intelligence damage each round it drains blood. A creature reduced to 0 Con or 0 Int from this ability dies. Catfall (Ex) A drain deimos takes minimum damage from falling, and always lands on its feet. Expert Climber (Ex) A drain deimos’ racial bonus on Climb checks is +16, and it can climb smooth or vertical surfaces, or on ceilings, as if it was under the effects of a spider climb spell. Smell Brains (Ex) A drain deimos can detect creatures with functioning brains within 30 feet. This functions as the scent monster quality, except that it can only be used to detect creatures with a physical brain (which eliminates most constructs, elementals, oozes and plants, but includes some corporeal undead). A drain deimos can also detect which creatures have higher or lower Intelligence scores.
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wereshrew-admirer · 3 months
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Sangfielle Season One Epilogue: Duvall
CWs for intrusive thoughts, insects, and for page 6 only: active (insect-aided) decomposition, morbid intrusive thoughts, insect infestation of human and monster bodies
(originally posted in 2022 in multiple parts, finally consolidated in one post! unobscured fable pages and jade moon itinerary under the cut)
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reddogf13 · 5 months
beekeeper Ethan AU
i just started a little fanfiction idea, but am stuck in the -wanna get to the good parts, but the beginnings slow-. so im sharing the plot idea early here to satisfy it. :v//
so basically, Ethan's mold and the Dimitrescu sisters accidentally end up in a positive symbiotic relationship. i thought id be cool as real life insects do get positives from mold, or severe trouble.
leaf cutter ants farm mold to eat, while leaf cutter bees don't eat it, but build with it to keep nastier molds away.
while on the other hand you have deadly mold like cordyceps that kill insects to be zombie like. and i like to think that if Ethan was more aggressive like Eveline, then "his mold" may have worked like hers did. but being passive it takes a more -work together- approach.
it starts when, while fighting and not paying attention, Ethan is injured after a cliff fall and Bela gets stuck with him trying to survive the cold after being too gung-ho on chasing him out the kitchen window.
Ethan feels bad as he never wanted to kill anybody and decides to help her out. to easily stay warm and travel she basically attaches to him as the fly swarm. so now Ethan awkwardly travels with Bela as a crawling fly vest he really tries not to swat or scratch at as it crawls around.
Ethan originally was just gonna escort her back to the castle until he sees a large vanity get launched out the side of it. (Alcina assumes her daughters dead.) and so Ethan decides to take a rain check on going back there. earning him a few bug bites from Bela as shes, of course, pissed to be stuck with him in the snowy outsides. but unable to kill him as she'd die/ be stuck in the snowy village.
hes still trying to find his daughter while she tries to interfere as she still works for Miranda in a way.
but heres where rapid insect and mold evolution kicks in.
Ethan is unintentional shedding micro mold spores everywhere, but since hes not actively aware enough to influence them. they just die off pretty quickly and are extremely unnoticeable. however, since Bela is constantly attached to him, shes being dusted in the mold that manages to stay alive from close contact with ethans body. this doesint do anything really until she has to eat.
Ethan definitely doesin't want her drinking the blood off his wounds so he forces her to eat off all the dead lycans left on his path. which then really starts the positive cycle as Bela unintentionally brings back a little blood and rotten meat bits on the swarm.
the mold lives off of the human food Ethan eats, but its not the best for it. like actual mold it likes rotten or dead things. and after being lightly coated in it off the swarm it gets more of a vital boost. his healing improves and unknowingly the spores hes spreading briefly toxify the land.
the black god mold is old and aggressive, but ethan's was made to be a far more aggressive weapon. it becomes a anti black god fungal and poisoning its presence, including the amount infesting the girls/ lords. which changes their temperaments slightly the longer they linger around him.
bela's changes start by the insects growing bigger. promoting them to take off larger chunks of meat and return with more gore for the mold. their larger size also gave Ethan/ the mold better defense. when a lycan tackles him, they get attacked back by a pissed off swarm that rips chunks off them.
the swarm also begins picking up on more social, bee like, behaviors. talking is too much of a risk at times and a blizzard can be too cold for her to talk anymore. having the swarm "talk" or answer by a rolling wave or flash of movement.
which then eventually leads to her swarm growing fuzz to withstand the cold temps a bit better. overtime she is able to leave Ethan for a few minutes before needing to return. while before it was hardly for a sec or two. the swarm gets better at keeping still on him rather then constantly crawling. blending in more like a false vest unless someone gets a closer look.
i imagine chris and his squad had a heart attack when meeting Ethan again. pushing him around and then immediately receiving a hostile swarm attack. before Salvatore came crashing through.
eventually bela and ethan do figure out mirandas plans and that she really has no care for the lords. which infuriates bela into joining ethans campaign against her. they do eventually return to the castle where her family notices the extreme difference in their bugs.
having become more of a mutant vulture bee then a parasitic fly.
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(vulture bees do exist and are pretty cool. :D)
bela's insects are two times bigger(and growing), have better communication across the swarm, better cold resist, stronger exoskeleton and a stronger bigger bite.
from here the girls learn to do other "bee things" like make a healing blood honey and propolis(bee glue) and begin sticking things from decorations to lycan bones as armor on ethan.
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todaysbug · 5 months
December 19th, 2023
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Masked Hunter (Reduvius personatus)
Distribution: Native to the majority of Europe, but introduced to North America; found throughout most of the USA and southern Canada, but most common in the east and northwest. Occasionally reported in eastern Australia.
Habitat: Prefers dry areas with spots to hide, such as prairies, deserts and forest clearings, as well as urban and suburban settings. Often found in homes infested with bed bugs.
Diet: Adults and larvae are both carnivorous predators, feeding on small arthropods such as bed bugs, woodlice, lacewings, earwigs and termites.
Description: The masked hunter's common name stems from the behaviour and appearance of its nymph. While adults pretty much resemble a typical assassin bug, nymphs are covered in many small, sticky hairs, which allows small particles like lint, dirt and dust to stick to its body. This is referred to as a "dust coat", and constitutes the first layer of their camouflage. The second layer is composed of bigger particles like moss and dead insect carcasses, called the "backpack". This camouflage allows the nymph to blend in with its environment as well as with its prey.
Nymphs and adults alike use a beak-like mouthpart, called a rostra, to stab their prey to death. While they aren't particularly harmful to humans, they can deliver a very painful bite when handled, with the capacity to pierce human skin. They are not known to carry any diseases and, while painful, their bites are non-fatal.
Images by Aleksandrs Balodis (adult) and Ian Alexander (nymph).
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 3 months
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Bed Bug Diagram - Family: Cimicidae | Based on Cimex spp.
I don't plan on encountering this insect live during my lifetime (can't rule it out, however), but they are still important insects to acknowledge, prepare for and learn about. Furthermore, in a panic other insects can be misidentified as this one. As such, I've drawn a diagram of a traditional Bed Bug form (primarily based on the Cimex genus; they are commonly associated with humans) for the purposes of insect identification and to highlight some key Bed Bug information. To make this diagram, I examined macrophotography and pinned specimens to give this insect as detailed a glow-up as possible. In the real world, they are tiny Bugs around the size of pepper grains while nymphs and they average 6mm in length after the adult molt (size varies across species). With horizontally flattened bodies, they can tuck into safe locations and hide until a warm-blooded animal settles near them, signaling them with body heat. With that curved rostrum, you would be right to think that they are biters and bloodsuckers! They need nutrient-rich sustenance in order to provide for their eggs. As they feed, their abdominal carapace gradually goes from flattened to engorged! How fortunate that their wing pads are not functional, drastically limiting their dispersal and pursuit of hosts (but in fairness, it's better to let the host burn its own energy by moving).
While Bed Bugs may leave their host after they feed, they will apparently remain close by to visit the host again if more blood is needed. Since female Bed Bugs (depending on the species) can lay several eggs a day over their lifetime with blood meals, a handful of Bed Bugs can rapidly create large infestations in a nest, den or mattress. Humans bitten by Bed Bugs tend to discover itchy red spots where the skin has been pierced, but they aren't the only mammalian host. Bed Bugs are reported to select a preferred host such as a rodent, lagomorph, bat or bird and stick with them. Problems arise, however, when a better host presents itself and the Bug can transfer to that host, reaping benefits such as a communal host environment, lack of acclimated defenses and/or access to more nutritious blood. With that considered, it's remarkable that only 2 species of Bed Bug are consistently associated with human hosts (that being C. lectularius and C. hemipterus). With their feeding habits, small size and propensity for infestation, it's no wonder why Bed Bug sightings elicit fear, action and discomfort. Confirmed sighting should be handled swiftly! However, always keep in mind that they are small, and in the heat of the moment other insects may be misidentified as Bed Bugs. For me, I've had many a text message over a supposed Bed Bug, only for it to be a Carpet Beetle or its larvae, a slightly "more pleasant" insect to find in the home.
Diagram drawn with pencil and paper February 22-24, 2024 with detailing and touch-ups made on the 26th.
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
hello lgbtq community its ur (almost) daily music man content
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Scopophobia and general body horror beware!
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WD Gaster DJMM!
Honestly, this was literally just based off the fact I saw WD gaster artwork. For a guy with multiple hands Gaster just makes sense to be my latest victim of Music Man'ification. He was going to be a centipede because centipedes are terrifying but I opted for a snake because i was too lazy to draw a kajillion little hands (even though i've made millipede music men... two)
Buuuut the snake aspect also helps with another little detail - as a focus on Gaster's experience on being yote across time and space, his body extends infinitely, across the cosmos, different realities, different timelines. His body is likely to be found as a black line across space but as he gets more lost his face remains almost never seen.
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@linxprime's Space Guard DJMM!
I notice more details that I missed the more i look at this. I missed two whole arms! and i wish i could've shown his freaky two-thumbed hands, but these were all done in school and i had limited references. I'm probably redrawing your guy tomorrow because there's just simply TOO MANY mistakes.
Though I seriously have to ask you how you came up with the pant contraption. I feel like spiders are one of the the most ridiculous creatures on Earth you could attempt putting pants on and somehow you figured it out.
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Pink Legacy! One of the few music men in my roster whose story i can actually explain in a single post.
They're not Music Man - They don't take the role or name of him. But they did take his head and are now wearing it like a trophy!
Way back before Pizzeria Simulator, before Music Man was even auctioned, someone noticed his suspicious demeanor and began to work at the company that created him to be able to secretly inspect him. They cracked him open one night and realized in classic FNAF fashion, "oh shit, there's bodies in this robot" and said robot proceeded to smash their skull between his cymbals before they could squeal about it to anyone, leaving their body to rot in secret.
The insects that aided in their decomposition, for some weird reason, ate them and received their memories. Memories of how to move, how to think like a person, and the very last thing they remember - getting totally murdered. Taking over the rest of their corpse they became this horrific bug colony and turned Music Man into scrap metal and wore his head as a trophy like the freak bug colony they are.
However, while they had their revenge, now as this new being they were haunted by the memories of not what was within him but the person they used to be, with attempts to come back to the friends and family ending in said friends and family being horrified of what just arrived at their doorstep. Eventually they had to flee to the wilderness and leave their humanity behind, though this bug colony began to embrace their new existence (Despite their appearance, Pink Legacy is just a creepy ass hippie).
But eventually humanity finds them again with a high schooler named Tillie finding Pink Legacy in the wilderness, and, despite the creepy haunted atmosphere constantly oozing out of PL, Tillie is admittedly too fascinated by them to not try and fuck around a little.
Despite PL's creepy vocabulary and... everything about them, somehow Tillie is able to discover that PL is harmless and the worst they will do is accidentally cause an ant infestation in your home.
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