#ineffable wives fic recs
darcydoesfuckall · 2 months
Why you should write that AO3 comment:
Hello! I am an AO3 author and professional fandom dipshit. This is an "essay" on why you should leave that comment on the fanfic you just read.
Table of Contents:
"Commenting is too much effort!"
"I don't know what to write!"
Do you want more fanfic?
Fan creators are human beings, not AI content generators.
You can count it as charity work on your metaphysical taxes.
"Commenting is too much effort!"
Yes, writing a comment takes energy. I'm an introvert, I get that. I have two counter arguments to this point.
AO3 comments are not the SAT:
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This is a comment from my latest fic, Quantum Entangled.
Three words and a heart. It requires zero consideration, it isn't specific to the fic, it's something you could copy-paste, even. A comment like this is better than nothing. I'll let my reply from AO3 explain why:
"You know what, I appreciate this way more than you'd probably expect. The temptation to lurk is a strong one, both for social anxiety reasons and internet content-consumption culture reasons. But when people lurk, I can't tell that they've enjoyed the story. The more people that lurk instead of interacting, the more I assume that my work wasn't good enough, irrespective of the reader's actual feelings. So this was a very welcome comment to read. Thank you for indicating your enjoyment. I will endeavour to write more stuff for you to lurk on in the future. :)"
A comment like this, one that is as thoughtless and low effort as possible, is still a comment. Something that denotes a reader's interest. Because, and I can't be clear enough about this, I HAVE NO OTHER WAY OF KNOWING THAT YOU LIKED IT. Kudos and comments are my only window into the reader's experience.
Sure, I'd love more detailed and thorough comments on my work, but, if that expectation is the thing that's going to stop you from commenting at all, I'd prefer the bland copy-paste appreciation.
Onto my second argument.
Do you know what also takes effort? WRITING THE DAMN FIC:
You do not get to complain about being forced to type a congratulatory handful of words after reading that 200k slow-burn fantasy au. Do you know how many hours went into that thing? Do you? Because I can guarantee that it was A LOT. All that writers are asking for is a single emoji. A kudos, at the very least. Consider the effort that went into the creation that you've just experienced and give just a thimble full of it back.
Authors lay out a feast for you to devour. They're only requesting a "thank you".
"I don't know what to write!"
Like in the previous example, an AO3 comment can be as simple as three words saying that you appreciated it. Just an acknowledgement that you were there. It doesn't have to be fancy.
But if you want fancy...?
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Here's one of my comments, from Tishae's Better Together.
Let me break it down for you.
"Stunning. This au is so well developed. I love how you managed to maintain tension after the point that they discover that their feelings are requited. This was brilliantly paced, and the action (esp the ending) was so engaging."
The comment opens with appreciation. (Think of it as a sandwich with love as the bread. It starts and ends with my enjoyment.)
There are specific details about what I liked.
"If I may ask, what was the crime that the Metatron committed? Maybe I'm bad at reading between the lines or maybe I missed something, but I'm really curious as to what dirt they have on him. Victimless? Bad enough for imprisonment, but not so morally reprehensible as to make Anathema reveal it? Did he embezzle? That's all I can really think of."
Continues with a specific question about the story and plot.
Shows that I was critically engaged and actively considering the story.
You don't have to have questions about every fic that you read, but don't be afraid to ask them if you do. I love it when people ask me about my work.
"Thank you for the delicious food. I honestly thought that you were going to have Crowley's final look be something in grey (black and white being the theme of the show, metaphorically representing separation/binary, so Aziraphale was uncomfortable with it due to the implications. Grey, symbolising unity/shades of grey as an idiom, would then be the biggest middle finger to the Metatron) but I do really like what you came up with."
Thoughts about how I read the plot. (This is something I particularly love to read as an author. Please tell me what's going on in that funky lil' brain of yours!!)
"I'm hoping this comment provides plenty of dopamine. If the task activation and instant gratification parts of your brain light up, you might be more likely to write GO content again. Love your work, thanks for sharing it. I hope you gain 3 inches of metaphorical dick length. Please keep writing."
Encouragement to keep writing. (This is the best way to ensure that creators remain in the fandom)
A funny comment to sign off.
Now that you know what to comment, let's start on the real reasons why you should.
Do you want more fanfic?
Fun fact! Fanfictious Authoria are a species that sustain themselves entirely on a diet of brain worms, unfinished WIPs, and kudos. As one of the three fundamental food groups, removing kudos from the fandom ecosystem causes a complete collapse of the natural order. In times of unprecedented scarcity, entire populations of Fanfictious Authoria can die out completely. This means that the production of fanfiction, in that particular region of fandom, stops entirely, often causing major ecological damage, and the subsequent deaths of fan species in the same genus. (Like the Fanfictious Artia, or the Fanfictious Editour, both of which subsist on fanfiction based diets to survive.)
In conservation efforts, experts are imploring readers to donate kudos and comments toward any fandom region that they want to stay alive.
But I digress.
When I want more content, I tell the author. Ask and you shall receive; it's the best way to convince an author/artist to make more.
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My comment on @mrghostrat's And They Were Streamers
You liked it? Then COMMENT! Not for the author's sake, but for your own. You want to see the ending of a WIP? Well, it'd be a terrible shame if the author gave up on it because they thought no one was reading... They don't know that you enjoy their work until you TELL THEM. They're not psychic, you have to help them hear you. Commenting on the things you like influences the creators of said things to attribute the act of making content (and, notably, making the type of content that specifically appeals to you) with the dopamine hit of reading your reaction. Treat them like Pavlov's dogs. Ring the kudos-bell.
Fan creators are human beings, not AI content generators.
They have real human feelings and real human egos. The contemporary attitude towards media engagement is skewed towards algorithmic, instant, and uncritical consumption. This is pumping straight gasoline into the beautiful lakes of our fandom ecosystem. Fandom cannot afford to treat its creators like mechanical text generators. We are not an unfeeling assembly line, only there to produce content. We are enthusiasts, engaging in our hobby. No fan creator has to show you anything. They are fully within their rights to keep their works hidden in their computer files, never to see the light of day. Every fanfic on AO3 is only there because someone had the grace to share it with you. You are not entitled to an author's work, just as they are not entitled to your kudos. We have a mutually beneficial arrangement. Do not forget your part in this symbiosis.
It's a problem that extends beyond AO3. Tumblr is a less enthusiastic place than it used to be. Fandom as a whole is drifting towards a consumption mindset. I, for one, am sick of it. Reblog things, like them, share them. Make fanart of fanart. Who gives a shit? Do the cringy thing. You don't have to cultivate your blog aesthetic. Be who you are, like what you like, and have enthusiasm about all of it. Fandom should be an expression of radical self acceptance. Embrace it. Leave essays about fics that you liked. Reblog the essays of other's when you see them. Exist in the mutual joy of seeing and being seen. You are not just an external observer, absorbing content from a distance. You are here too. Wave back at us. Say 'hi.'
You can count it as charity work on your metaphysical taxes.
My final appeal is a moral one.
Commenting on AO3 is just a kind thing to do.
You are your actions. Are you the kind of person who does the kind thing when no one is watching? When no one will care?
Fanfiction is a hobby, and I'm not here to guilt you about how you spend your leisure time. I'm only here to say that there is a kindness you could be giving the world.
If you are one of the people that performs this kindness, I thank you.
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actual-changeling · 5 months
I don't even know what to say because—once again—this fic wasn't supposed to like. exist. The fact that it now DOES exist is surprising no one except me because I still make the surprised pikachu face whenever this happens.
There's a kiss and then there's ANOTHER kiss but in a different place and then ANOTHER another kiss in a new place. Hopeful ending, fix-it-ish, and very sweet.
a tale told skin to skin
They cannot change the outcome, but they can change how they say goodbye; they can part with the promise to reunite. or: Sometimes love is soft, quiet, and entirely without words.
tag list under the cut, shoot me a message if you wanna be added
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro @aq-uatic @khlara @ifigenia-in-aulide @thetigersrise @littlelodell @weasleywrinkles @eevee436 @ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @aydracz
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aziraphales-library · 23 days
Hi lovely mods! I just wanted to recommend the fic "Hooped Earrings" by OfEden. It's a beautiful depiction of coming to terms with your queer identity and all the firsts that come with it (plus a very sweet friends to lovers arc)!
Hello my dear! How kind of you to take the time to make this recommendation!
Hooped Earrings by OfEden [Rated E, 39K words]
After 29 years Azira comes out. While her family and ex boyfriend don't support her, her life long best friend is there by her side every step of the way
-Mod AB
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cemeteryangel725 · 1 month
Folding the Laundry: A Good Omens Ineffable Wives Fic by CemeteryAngel725
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Thank you so much for @shipper-of-all-things for the cover design collaboration and for all of the brainstorming help with this fic!
Rated E, 6,817 words
Read on AO3 here!
Two single moms, one basket of laundry, and a bottle of wine. Azira and Toni have been best friends since middle school, but they’re about to find out that they don’t know every single thing about each other, at least not just yet.
They were quiet for a minute, and Azira thought the subject had dropped, but when Toni got off on a tangent, she usually ended up following it to its logical conclusion. “We really should all be dating each other. We’re all smart, hot, and we take care of our own shit. We’d be unstoppable.”
Azira chose her words carefully. “It would be rather efficient.”
Toni smirked. “It would! So uh, let me know if you’re ever looking for a wife. I clean up after myself, am excellent at meal prep, and am very good in bed. Well, actually, I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to women, but neither do you, so we could figure it out together.” She poured them each another glass of wine and took a big gulp.
That wasn’t exactly true. There had been that one week back in sophomore year of college, when Toni thought Azira was at the library, but she was actually spending many illuminating hours in Shax’s single room down on the first floor. But Shax hadn’t been interested in anything serious, had found Azira rather stuffy, she thought. And then Azira had met Gabriel and following that path to its natural conclusion seemed like the simplest route.
Besides, the only woman that Azira had ever really wanted, the long-limbed redhead sitting beside her on the sofa, had always given off the impression that she was solidly, resolutely straight.
But Azira didn’t say any of this. Instead, she raised an eyebrow and answered archly, “I’ll take your proposal under advisement, dear.”
This fic was written in celebration of WAMEN WEEK over at @goodomensafterdark! Happy 8008 everyone!
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waitingtobebroken · 1 month
Beneath The Newborn Stars, And Long After (Now Complete, E, 15K)
Aziraphale and Crowley loved each other long before the Beginning. Unsurprisingly, Crowley's Fall changes nothing about that. Or the 5 times over their 6000 years of shared history they got married.
Tags: Aziraphale and Crowley Met Before The Fall (and loved each other); Established Relationship; Light Angst; 6000 Years of Love and Marriage (+/- a few millennia back when time didn't exist); Aziraphale and Crowley Through The Ages; Marriage; Weddings; Ineffable Wives
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serious-goose · 11 months
butch4femme ineffables...
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sentientsky · 5 months
hi, have some fanfic lines that knocked me flat on my face 💗✨
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“Stay Away” by UselessLesbianLaughter
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“black holes and starlight touches” by actualchangeling
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“You Don’t Dance - The Story of 1941” by PhoenixRose314
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“from eden (‘till armageddon)” by ikarakie
please feel free to add on (self promos are fine, too). there are so many lovely fic writers in this community, and i’m always amazed by your talent! <3
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Ineffable Husbands Human AU- Fic recommendations
The Art of Human Nature by IneffableDoll T, 6k, human au, ineffable wives, meet-cute, artist!crowley Crowley is a painter who has only ever had an eye for nature. That is, until a client named Aziraphale commissions her for a painting to boost her self-confidence, and Crowley discovers that her client is as beautiful as the Earth itself. Then she goes and catches feelings, because she’s a disaster.
Raspberry Ripple by FeralTuxedo T, 9k, human au, meet-cute, university, professor crowley, ice cream man aziraphale, first date, fluff Every afternoon, a man in a velvet waistcoat sits on the bench by the stone fountain and eats ice cream. Every afternoon, Crowley watches him from his office window. One day, he’ll pluck up the courage to talk to him.
Everything I've Had by AppleSeeds M, 12k, human AU, chronic illness, chronic pain, hurt/comfort, bathing/washing, domestic fluff, childhood friends to lovers After developing a chronic illness that leaves him unable to live alone, Crowley moves back home to London where he reunites with his childhood best friend Aziraphale. Aziraphale helps to take care of Crowley and keeps him company while he's in bed, bringing them closer together and reigniting old feelings.
Easy by mozbee M, 18k, human au, snowed in, one night stand, insecure aziraphale, minor injuries, minor fatshaming While driving to his father's funeral, Aziraphale stops for the night at an inn, indulges in a rather whirlwind sexual encounter, and plans to take his leave very early the next morning. And then the snowstorm hits.And then the snowstorm hits.
How My Light is Spent by Azira_Amane E, 19k, blind!crowley, disability, coffee shop au, happy ending, hook ups, fluff, body worship, chubby aziraphale Navigating the dating world when you can't see it can be tricky. For Crowley, that was never a problem; he's usually too busy to contemplate a relationship. The same goes for Aziraphale, though he doesn't have Crowley's excuse - he just isn't really all that much into people as a whole. One chance meeting on Crowley's usual route home changes all that.
Anthony of Arcadia by Azira_Amane E, 19k, 19th century, human AU, farmer!Crowley, scholar!Aziraphale, tadfield, kidfic, disability, chronic pain Anthony Crowley is a farm owner with an old injury, a prickly temper, and a young new farmhand to raise alongside his flock. Ezra Fell is a former Oxford scholar who retired far sooner than he would have liked, finding himself in the idyllic village of Taddesfild. After a tense first meeting, they soon discover they are more alike than different. An English countryside AU, set very loosely somewhere around the 1800s.
Along the Changing Tide by NaroMoreau E, 53k, Human AU, summer romance, a hell lot of smut, fluff, night walks Aziraphale and Crowley meet at Anathema's beach house as guests for the summer. Neither of them think they're ready for a relationship but when they find themselves sharing a room, things will get complicated. A getting together, summer romance.
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soloorganaas · 13 days
heyy do you have any fic recs for touch starved ineffable smut?
50% percent of ineffable fic I read is canon/ish yearning leading to getting together and the other 50% is modern au yearning leading to getting together
i made an excuse (you found another way) (1.5k) post s1 first time sex in the Bentley. awkward and funny with great dialogue
because thinking makes it so (41k) touch-starved closeted Aziraphale slowly figures out his sexuality through the power of cock (and the help of his coworker)
A (not quite) tinder date (8k) Crowley rescues Aziraphale after he gets stood up by a date. I love the characterisation here they’re so fleshed out and intriguing for such a short fic
Waking Up Slow (88k) one of my favourite GO fics of all time. the very definition of touch starved - Aziraphale and Crowley are total strangers who end up isolating together during the pandemic. there is so much thirsting and then so much fucking and all with soooo much emotion behind it. it’s really beautiful I was gutted when I finished it
tangled up with you all night (8k) a canon-adjacent masterpiece on the desperation of yearning and desire
Not In The Car (7k) post-1941 in the church first time fic where they can’t wait to get home but they can’t have sex in the Bentley either. very silly and clumsy and hot
The Right Thing (1.5k) post-Every Day au very desperate first time sex
Anatomy 101 (102k) another all time fave. literally 27 chapters of smut and every single one is incredible. filled with so much yearning and emotional conflict and intensity and a whole lot of being touch-starved despite having been at this since creation.
Through Every Door (15k) post-s1 where Crowley spends a lot of time jerking off and pining after Aziraphale until the two of them finally get it together
Show, Don’t Tell (4k) ineffable wives! pining and horny Crowley resorts to getting herself off in Aziraphale’s bed, but she gets interrupted halfway through
Yours from the start (18k) this might actually be my favourite GO fic. another fucking from the beginning but still full of touch-starved yearning gem. not going to look too hard at what this trend says about me
I Just Called to Say (4k) ineffable wives, 1920s, phone sex, first time, one of the hottest things I’ve ever read
Your Mirror (28k) canon adjacent pining through the ages. if you read one fic it should be this one. I dream of being this good a writer
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yourpalmalika · 9 months
On that note, can somebody recommend me some fics about AziCrow hooking up with/dating/befriending any historical figures or something like that? Or you know, any interaction at all!
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darcydoesfuckall · 2 months
Fun Fact!
Fanfictious Authoria are a species that sustain themselves entirely on a diet of brain worms, unfinished WIPs, and kudos. As one of the three fundamental food groups, removing kudos from the fandom ecosystem causes a complete collapse of the natural order. In times of unprecedented scarcity, entire populations of Fanfictious Authoria can die out completely. This means that the production of fanfiction, in that particular region of fandom, stops entirely, often causing major ecological damage, and the subsequent deaths of fan species in the same genus. (Like the Fanfictious Artia, or the Fanfictious Editour, both of which subsist on fanfiction based diets to survive.)
In conservation efforts, experts are imploring readers to donate kudos and comments toward any fandom region that they want to stay alive.
Fan creators are human beings, not AI content generators.
They have real human feelings and real human egos. The contemporary attitude towards media engagement is skewed towards algorithmic, instant, and uncritical consumption. This is pumping straight gasoline into the beautiful lakes of our fandom ecosystem. Fandom cannot afford to treat its creators like mechanical text generators. We are not an unfeeling assembly line, only there to produce content. We are enthusiasts, engaging in our hobby. No fan creator has to show you anything. They are fully within their rights to keep their works hidden in their computer files, never to see the light of day. Every fanfic on AO3 is only there because someone had the grace to share it with you. You are not entitled to an author's work, just as they are not entitled to your kudos. We have a mutually beneficial arrangement. Do not forget your part in this symbiosis.
It's a problem that extends beyond AO3. Tumblr is a less enthusiastic place than it used to be. Fandom as a whole is drifting towards a consumption mindset. I, for one, am sick of it. Reblog things, like them, share them. Make fanart of fanart. Who gives a shit? Do the cringy thing. You don't have to cultivate your blog aesthetic. Be who you are, like what you like, and have enthusiasm about all of it. Fandom should be an expression of radical self acceptance. Embrace it. Leave essays about fics that you liked. Reblog the essays of other's when you see them. Exist in the mutual joy of seeing and being seen. You are not just an external observer, absorbing content from a distance. You are here too. Wave back at us. Say 'hi.'
An excerpt from this post about why you should comment on AO3
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actual-changeling · 5 months
If you—like me—enjoy that lovely, addicting heartache that leaves you with a heavy feeling and affectionate hatred for the author, then I've got an amazing fic rec for you.
all the words i couldn't say to you by @aceoflanterns
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They managed to make it worse while delivering an absolutely beautiful characterization paired with softly flowing prose. I am so not used to writing recs so I will just give you one of my favourite lines and [insert incoherent screaming while I foam at the mouth and die].
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Pain 👌🏻 Nothing better than angst that hits just right.
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hi! I would like to recommend "Snakes in your eyes" by Icka M Chif (mischif), it kinda re-tales the whole of the series and adds a bit of their own touch and more tales. This is my first recommendation TvT hope you like it. Have a good day :D
Thank you for your fic recommendation! It's very lovely of you to do so!
Snakes in Your Eyes by Icka M Chif (mischif) [40k, rated T]
AU. Crowley riding on Aziraphale's shoulders for 6,000 years as a snake.
It's amazing how much that changes things.
-Mod AB
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cemeteryangel725 · 5 months
Catching the Light: A Good Omens Ineffable Wives Human AU
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Azira Fell and Antoinette Crowley are American sculptors living their best lives in Rome in the 1860s. Toni has a commission to finish before Anathema’s wedding, and Azira offers to model for her.
Rated E, 3,994 words
“There you are, Angel,” Toni said softly, a fond smile lighting up her amber eyes. She cupped her hands on either side of Azira's face, smoothing her thumbs across her cheekbones. She then ran her hands down Azira's throat and outward, running underneath the robe and pushing the soft silk off her shoulders and downward, letting it fall to the floor. Azira stood bare beneath the skylight, the spring sunshine lighting up her golden hair and lush curves.
“Look at you, you're gorgeous,” Toni whispered reverently, placing a single sucking kiss on the side of Azira's throat. Azira let out a whimper, her hands moving upward to clutch Toni's shoulders through her loose blouse. “Come on, let's make you comfortable so that we can get to work.”
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53053714
Written for the @goodomensafterdark Smut War!
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holycatsandrabbits · 10 months
Hey, do you still do your monthly rec lists for GO fics? I love those.
Oh thank you so much! Sadly, I have run out of time to keep up with those. But some links:
All 20 of the completed Good Omens human AU rec lists
The searchable google doc with all the recs: find fics with libraries or ineffable wives, etc
My human AU Ao3 bookmarks for all the fics I know about that never made it onto a list
2 other Good Omens human AU collections which are not mine:
here and here
Thanks for the ask! <3
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pinmeupzinego · 6 months
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Surely Nina has room in her heart for one more? Find out in @facetiouskitten's "Hang Tight"!
Get your Good Omens Valentine's zines today! Preorder at: https://pinmeupzine2.bigcartel.com/
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