fruit-sy · 4 months
Not what they seem - OC short story test
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sugarysketches · 3 months
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.:Originally made January 16th, 2024:.
Inaya! Lovely lady... Her hair always time consuming, but always worth it....
[character uses she/her]
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gatorallegations · 11 months
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:D class picture day!!!!!!!!!! ehehehehehe :) finally, the 2 and the 9 all in one place!!!!!!
(click image for better quality)
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blogofsara · 1 year
Ancestress and Descendant
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Like ancestress, like descendant 💕.
Sprite made by: @kellerjonescc
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platyxpus · 9 months
cyno x inaya (oc)
I just had to draw some cute interactions between these two <3
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(I’m so obsessed with them argh—)
inaya’s my oc btw :)
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tigerlillyruiz · 1 year
Hello, um I just wanted to let you know I have been reading your story "Twas foretold" and there is this person under the name "A" who is a super hater I tried talking to them in the comment section but they are just very rude and disrespectful. I'm not sure how much control you can have over the comment section but if you could you should block this person they are just very much horrible.
btw my name in your comment section is Inaya
Hi there Inaya! I'm so glad you are enjoying my story and so happy to see you on here! 😊 Sorry I haven't replied on ao3 yet, I try to not look every minute after posting a chapter and give it a day or two (it's hard not to just sit, stare,and wait) lol😆
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As for the trolls, I do have the option of only making the story available to those registered on ao3, but I know not all my readers are, and It wouldn't be fair to them if they were suddenly unable to read my story. I am willing to deal with the hate of it means a few of my readers get yo smile.I thank you for trying to reason with them, but some people can't be reasoned with. Tomorrow I will try one last time and tell them how to filter their search better, but it is probably best to just let them scream into the void without a response.
Anyway thank you so much for your concern and your faithful reading, you have no idea how much I appreciate both! I hope you have a wonderful two weeks before I post the next chapter 😊🌈😁
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oyasuminto · 2 years
minty baby darling my love spare onion crumbs if you have time ♡♡♡
He's a really good baker, like, unfairly good. Whenever any of his siblings have a birthday, onion is always on cake duty. Not that he complains, it's nice seeing how excited they get over the icing art of their favorite video game or TV show, and it's cheaper than buying a fancy cake from a bakery.
Really into classic sci-fi; onion doesn't like how packed-full of CGI newer ones are, give him practical effects any day. Yes, they may look kind of cheap, and he may be able to see wires or mistakes, but at least it's actually there!
Genuinely really good with kids. He will have full conversations with infants, discuss Disney princesses with small children, listen to pre-teens ramble about bands, commiserate with teenagers. It just comes naturally to him.
If his schedule weren't already packed full, he'd probably be volunteering at one of the local animal shelters. He's not under any illusion that it'll be all flowers and sunshine, onion knows it'd potentially be a heart-breaking look at humanity at its worst.
onion had a brief crush on NakedToaster in the earlier days of the server. Any non-platonic feelings have since faded, but he's still rather fond of them.
All his chastising and nagging is part of how onion shows affection. He just wants to make sure the people he cares about are on the right path, and he just can't stand people beating around the bush, so he tries to give them what he thinks is a push in the right direction.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #26 - Caiu do Céu
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Qabil encontrou a gênio que de quem ele queria vingança. Ela foi surprendida pelo rapaz ter poderes.
"Você não é o humano?!"
Qabil found the genie that he wanted revenge on. She was surprised that the boy had powers.
"Aren't you the human?!"
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"Deixei de ser humano há um tempo."
"I stopped being human a while ago."
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E ele a mordeu.
And he bit her.
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Bebeu dela o suficiente para que desmaiasse, o sangue de um jinn o deixou ainda mais porte, esperava ter oportunidade de beber outros jinns no futuro. Por enquanto, teria que cumprir seu acordo com Iblis.
He drank enough from her that he passed out, the blood of a jinn made him even great, he hoped to have the opportunity to drink other jinns in the future. For now, he would have to fulfill his agreement with Iblis.
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Layudha nem sabe nada do que o marido aprontava, não sabia dos acordos, nem do que ele fazia lá fora, apenas escondia seu segredo de que era um monstro que bebia sangue de animais durante a noite.
Layudha doesn't even know anything about what her husband was up to, she didn't know about the agreements, or what he was doing outside, she just hid her secret that he was a monster that drank animal blood at night.
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Durante o dia, Qabil escondia sua verdadeira identidade para as filhas.
During the day, Qabil hid his true identity from his daughters.
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De repente a terra começou a tremer.
"Será Deus me punindo outro vez?" ele pensou.
Suddenly the earth began to shake.
"Is God punishing me again?" he thought.
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Do céu caiu uma pedra em chamas.
A flaming stone fell from the sky.
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Qabil mandou suas mulheres e crianças ficarem em casa enquanto ele investigasse. A pedra estava em chamas e ele achou aquilo fascinante.
Qabil ordered his women and children to stay at home while he investigated. The stone was on fire and he found it fascinating.
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Ele tocou a pedra.
He touched the stone.
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Mas sua mão ficou em chamas.
But his hand went up in flames.
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Com o tempo a pedra esfriou.
Over time the stone cooled.
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Qabil aproveitou para saber o que teria dentro dela, se fosse algo perigoso, estava preparado. E de lá conseguiu um cristal muito bonito.
Qabil took the opportunity to know what was inside her, if it was something dangerous, he was prepared. And from there he got a very beautiful crystal.
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Qabil entrou em casa e se questionou sobre aquela bola de fogo. Teria sido um bom ou mau sinal? O que significa isso? Foi obra de algum jinn? De Deus? Há outras cristuras habitando a terra? Ele não tinha as respostas ainda.
Qabil entered the house and wondered about that fireball. Was it a good sign or a bad sign? What does that mean? Was it the work of some jinn? God's? Are there other creatures inhabiting the earth? He didn't have the answers yet.
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As filhas de Qabil aprontam todas pela casa enquanto ele pratica pintura.
Qabil's daughters roam around the house while he practices painting.
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Uma das nenéns ama a gatinha da casa.
One of the toddlers loves the house cat.
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De repente Qabil se viu na frente de sua casa sujo de sangue em busca de um alvo.
Suddenly Qabil found himself in front of his bloodstained house in search of a target.
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A sua frente estava a sua maior obcessão.
In front of him was his biggest obsession.
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"Eu venci Habil." disse ele "Agora você será minha!"
"Nunca!" ela o desafiou com o mesmo olhar ardiloso que o encarou da última vez que se viram.
"I beat Habil." said he "Now you will be mine!"
"Never!" she challenged him with the same sly gaze that had fixed him the last time they saw each other.
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"Infelizmente você não me deu escolha." ele lança um feitiço sobre ela.
"Unfortunately you didn't give me a choice." he casts a spell on her.
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E a morde, acreditando que assim ficariam juntos para toda eternidade.
And bites her, believing that this way they would be together for eternity.
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Tudo se passou de um sonho, Qabil dormia tranquilamente com Azura.
It was all a dream, Qabil was sleeping peacefully with Azura.
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Quando acordou e assustou sua mulher.
"O que houve?" perguntou ela.
When he woke up and scared his wife.
"What happened?" she asked.
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"Um pesadelo, tive um pesadelo" era frequente que os sonos fossem perturbadores para Qabil, relembrava da morte do irmão, de sua punição e as vezes Iqlimyia aparecia como um tesouro inalcançavel.
"A nightmare, I had a nightmare" sleep was often disturbing for Qabil, he remembered his brother's death, his punishment and sometimes Iqlimyia appeared as an unreachable treasure.
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"Ei, não se preocupe, foi só um sonho."
"As vezes Deus fala conosco nos sonhos"
"Hunf" Qabil resmungou "Ele nos abandonou a muito tempo, lembre-se de que agora somos queridos de Inanna"
"Hey, don't worry, it was just a dream."
"Sometimes God speaks to us in dreams"
"Hunf" Qabil grumbled "He abandoned us a long time ago, remember we are now dear to Inanna"
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Azura volta a se deitar ao seu lado, tudo ficou diferente desde que deixaram seus pais. Ela sabia que tinha que cuidar do lar, mas Qabil vinha se tornando um homem diferente a cada dia que passava.
Azura lies down beside her again, everything has been different since they left her parents. She knew she had to take care of the home, but Qabil was becoming a different man with each passing day.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae,
Skin: Myrica, Agave by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims, @simandy, @ellesmea, @maliamods
Scars: @helgatisha, @AlisterAzimuth
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney, @zurkdesign, @wistfulpoltergeist, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble, @cazmari-mods
Face Hair by @nords-sims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik, @_Simalicious_, @dear-solar, @faded-springs, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @natalia-auditore, @simmiev2, @sifix
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup, @gilded-ghosts, @S-Club, @weepingsimmer, @stephanine-sims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi
Mods by @mizoreyukii
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culturalappreciator · 2 years
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ehowfind · 6 months
Multi Technician MEP walk in Interview at Inaya FM
Multi Technician MEP walk in Interview At Inaya Facilities Management Services will be held for their Engineering Department on 30th October, 2023. Interested candidates for the below said positions are advised to come for one on one interview with the recruiter. Importance of Multi Technician MEP Walk in interview at Inaya FM walk in interviews are good since the employer is able to get the…
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yasmine94 · 8 months
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Chronique d'Inaya : « Jusqu'à La Mort » - 81 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1286449915-chronique-d%27inaya-%C2%AB-jusqu%27%C3%A0-la-mort-%C2%BB-81?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=yasmine_sur_watt&wp_originator=li4kvLBtRH7Y6caZtGMwIKFh48gjb39OHZjg%2FR9n9ow6dIm%2BlnX3zCuRCl62UALMq6%2FCY0UMD1DvdgQTknIzZrffoVb1WCwT4bkyiaDm%2FgOz3t2Y7CjXk921zys26OMW « Y'a eu des bons moments mais beaucoup moins qu'ceux noirs » Chronique réelle avec des passages fictifs.
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fruit-sy · 1 year
Not canon anymore in case anybody's wondering!
Fun lil designs I thought up for a bigger story I'm just messing around with :3
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Kebaya and pangsi were my main inspo for the aesthetic of these characters, but I based the designs around pangsi because I enjoyed mixing and matching with it as a base ^^
I also took a bit of inspo from batik in general for the motifed cloth
While the design is simple, I'm really happy with how my babies turned out!
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sugarysketches · 6 months
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.:Made throughout October:.
uu October doodle dump, October was a Month........
[get fuckiin pronouned idiot]
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wally-b-feed · 9 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Inaya Jess M, 2023
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rangpurcity · 1 year
Taimur Ali Khan B'day: Aunt Karishma Kapoor's love, aunt congratulates Tim Bhai on behalf of Inaya
Taimur Ali Khan B’day: Aunt Karishma Kapoor’s love, aunt congratulates Tim Bhai on behalf of Inaya
Mumbai. Kareena Kapoor Khan And today the 6th birthday of Saif Ali Khan’s elder son Taimur Ali Khan is being celebrated. 6-year-old Taimur remains in the limelight no less than any celebrity. Timur is also very cute. Family and fans lavish love on Tim. Where Karisma Kapoor is life, she has special bonding with her aunt Soha Ali Khan as well as her daughter Inaya. There is a difference of only a…
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fruityfinch · 9 months
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Inaya, a talented matchmaker!
As in, you know, romance. Matching suitable partners together. Not making little wooden sticks for lighting fires.
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