#imzadi directive
proverbialschoolmarm · 3 months
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gatespage · 11 months
Gates McFadden Talk City Online Interview
Thursday 25th June 1998 at 9.00 pm E.S.T. 
Copied and edited from here. 
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Gates, welcome to Talk City! What are your thoughts on the ever-popular Star Trek series and its impact on society?
Gates McFadden:
Dear MysteryGirl, many books have been written answering that question. I think, obviously, the series speaks to a lot of people about the possibilities of our future.
Aspects of the series interest me in particular, such as Prime Directive, the concept of people being very different, but yet finding ways to work together successfully and collaborate in non-dogmatic ways is intriguing.
imzadi-1 says:
I loved you on Mad About You. Do you plan to do other sit-coms?
Gates McFadden:
I have no specific plans about doing another sitcom in the future but if a good script crossed my path, I would certainly consider it!
ezguest3 says:
Hi Gates! Does your son's mouse and your two pet cats get along?
Gates McFadden:
LOL! Our two cats believe that they get along very well with the mouse. The mouse however, thinks they are liars! The way we solve this is to keep the doors to my sons room closed at all times!We however, sometimes allow them to observe each other while we are present.
ocampa says:
It is said that you play a larger role in this new movie that's coming up than the last one, in what way?
Gates McFadden:
Where did you get your information ;-) Certainly not from the writers, alas the role is not a full meal.
boncers says:
I have several friends that were lucky enough to see you in Voices in New Jersey... I wish I were any of them!
They all are still on cloud nine that you stopped your car to speak with them. I feel their joy by proxy... so thanks!
Gates McFadden:
You're welcome! They were a terrific group of women!! I really was very touched that they came to see me in the play. It was nice to know that they were out there in the audience.
nanite says:
Hi there! I saw "Voices in the Dark" with a group of friends on closing night in April (thank you for stopping to talk to us! You have guts!) and we must know when is it going to Broadway and how long will it be there? (Yes, it's going, I just have to know when- you're not allowed to say it isn't going to be there. Thanks :)
Gates McFadden:
It looks like there will be another production sometime in October, (rehearsals with rewrites). But the details have not been worked out so it may change. I will certainly put it on the Star Trek website when I have the information.
trexphile says:
Besides "Voices in the Dark," do you have any other projects/convention appearances scheduled?
Gates McFadden:
:-) Very likely I will be in Australia the end of September or beginning of October. Then I will be in Germany in January and perhaps early May. All of this could change depending on the schedule of the play.
For the next two months I'm concentrating on being a mother :-) Having just come off a play in New York and three months of the movie in LA.
lolalee32 says:
Jessica Lange recently said that she would not start acting today, that back when she was starting "the business attracted integrity, it attracted artists, and I don't think it does anymore". Do you think she's right?
Gates McFadden:
I don't know whether she's right or wrong, that's her opinion. Certainly the entertainment business has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. However, I find that there are still pockets of extraordinary work being done by actors in theater, film and television.
heartofgold says:
Are dramatic arts taught differently in France? Is that why you left to study in France?
Gates McFadden:
I left to study with Jacques LeCoq in Paris because his school offered a unique approach to acting. LeCoq believed artists had a responsibility to work Together to change society for the better. I had classes with musicians, architects, and dancers as well as actors.
He had emphasis on both the spoken word and silence. We studied movement in order to better comprehend immobility. He was the greatest influence in my development as an actress and director.
Now there are many people all over the world, who have incorporated his ideas and techniques into their teaching of acting. Geoffrey Rush, the actor in the movie "Shine" was a student of his. Emma Thompson studied with someone in England who had worked with LeCoq for years, and so on and so forth.
kit_angel says:
I've heard that you've done a lot of stage work but never had the opportunity to see you on stage. What kind of plays have you done and do you prefer stage to television?
Gates McFadden:
I most definitely prefer stage work to television! My roles have ranged from Helena, in "A Midsummer Nights Dream," by William Shakespeare, to Ruth in "The Homecoming" by Harold Pinter.
I've done many comedies such as "Cloud Nine" by Caryl Churchill. I've also done serious plays such as 'To Gillian, on her 37th Birthday" which later was developed into a movie.
mrswizz12 says:
My 13 year old son would like to tell you that you're a great Actress and you're very beautiful
Gates McFadden:
Thank you! One can never hear that too many times!
sarah says:
As you've probably realized by now, there is a large BonC contingent here - all dying to know is the Picard and Crusher romance totally dead - or is there a possibility it may be revived?
Gates McFadden:
In this movie it is definitely not revived.However I encourage you to write letters to Rick Berman the producer suggesting that it be resurrected.
boncers says:
Thank you for being here. Would you be willing to reconsider you stance on an official fan club if it were run professionally?
Gates McFadden:
zippity says:
Love Star Trek, and your character is superb - a strong woman, but feminine - wish men could relate to women like that in today
Gates McFadden:
I have found that often they do!
pygmalion2 says:
The drama coach in our school says that acting is not about feeling the required emotions while acting on stage, it's about PROJECTING those emotions as you act on stage. She says if you feel the emotions you'll be distracted from acting. But if you don't feel like the character is feeling, then won't your portrayal look phony?
Gates McFadden:
Keep trying don't give up! This is a tough question to answer quickly. She is not incorrect, however, I often find that during a show the feeling and the technique all come together in moments of pure poetry. It is like an adrenaline rush where you are the character, the play is bigger than yourself and you are almost inside the character and outside it at the same time.
I don't feel that there is only one method to acting. Work with as many good teachers as you can and find what works best for you.
ocampa says:
William Frakes seems like a very nice guy, how is he in private?
Gates McFadden:
boncers says:
Thanks for being here... is there a specific directing project that you'd like to tackle?
Gates McFadden:
Yes, but the script is not finished and has been in development for a year and a half. It's a silent film in black and white.
mick_mouse says:
Why do so many actors want to direct? It seems to me that since power is money, then the real power is in producing since it's the producers that bring the money in. Ultimately, the producer can put financial pressure on a director to make him do what she wants him to do. Am I right?
Gates McFadden:
Sometimes, not always. I went into acting because I loved it. I loved the way it made me feel, the power of my voice, the power of my imagination, the power of a situation, the words of a playwright.
If you are interested in who has the power as in the big boss who makes the most money, then it's a different situation.
Directing is an art, acting is an art, and many fine producing an art. Personally I find acting and directing more creative, but everyone has their own passion.
temporalrift says:
- looking at short description of "guest" - Have you written anything recently?
Gates McFadden:
I haven't finished a script I've been working on for years but with time and courage I hope to finish it soon.
nan1 says:
This question if from my daughter, Rebecca (sorry!). She would like to thank you for your letters and wants to know how Jack's birthday was and how is Coc and Mary Alice. Thanks for giving her someone to admire who is worth admiring!
Gates McFadden:
My sons seventh birthday was probably as good as a seventh birthday could possibly be. We had a bowling party! The cats are fine and hope you're all doing well.
mericcc says:
In your eyes what has been the most significant contribution Dr. Crushers has made to STTNG?
Gates McFadden:
A hypo-spray in the neck .... no ..... just kidding. Probably her determination to rank compassion over the Prime Directive.
captbevpicard says:
Ms. McFadden, I want to thank you for giving us six years of great acting.
Gates McFadden:
Thanks for watching!
jneff says:
What do you think of the Voyager show?
Gates McFadden:
How can I say this without being rude. The truth is I have only watched a part of one episode. Not because I don't like it, but because I watch very little television.
tori says:
What inspired your interest in mythology and masks which Jeff Greenwald brought up in his book, Future Perfect?
Gates McFadden:
I loved Myths ever since I took a class in High School. The man I worked with in Paris, introduced me to the techniques of mask acting. I then researched masks in the major cultures of the world and found they were a significant part of most cultures, so I put together a plaque on the history of masks in theater when I was teaching at the University of Pittsburgh.
Masks can be beautiful in and of themselves, but they become magical when a performer makes them come alive by the way she moves.
hondo1 says:
who was the best male actor that you enjoyed working with over your career
Gates McFadden:
I don't have one favorite. I'd rather say there have been very few that I haven't enjoyed working with.
molakai says:
Hello Ms. McFadden My real name is Michael! I would like to know do you and Marina Sirtis get along like friends as your characters did on the next generation? Thank you for your time to view my question! You're the first star trek actor or actress I have met!
Gates McFadden:
Marina and I are friends, but unlike the characters that we play we don't talk about men together very much, but we laugh a lot and cover a range of subjects.
dixonhill says:
Do you have any plans to do projects with LA Theaterworks?
Gates McFadden:
I performed the Neil Simon play "Chapter Two" this year but have no other projects scheduled with them at this point.
ocampa says:
Could you think of yourself as an doctor in real life?
Gates McFadden:
Oh I think it would be wonderful to be a doctor in real life, especially when I feel awful or my son has the flu.
bsisko says:
where can we write to get autographs
Gates McFadden:
I am taking a short hiatus from signing autographs through the mail because of my need to spend more time with my child. Next year I will probably have more time and at that point I will again be available to sign autographs through the mail.
It is always the best idea to send the mail to Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California. 5555 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California.
I worry that people won't understand my reasons for not signing autographs, but the truth is when my son wants me to play with him and I have a stack of pictures to sign, I know I'm making the right choice, even though my fans will be disappointed.
kit_angel says:
If tribbles were real, would you actually want one running around your house as a pet? LOL
Gates McFadden:
Absolutely! I would continue to try to train it!
Gates, our time is nearly up for tonight. You've been a wonderful guest!! Do you have any final thoughts you'd like to leave us with?
Gates McFadden:
I literally drove home today from Mammoth Lake where we shot some of our final scenes in the new Star Trek movie. I had never been to the mountains in that area and was overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and power of the Sierra Nevada's.
The cast had a fabulous time and I just want you all to know when you watch the movie that even though we were pretending to be very scared, we were having the time of our lives!
Thanks to all of you for the years of support! I love you all!
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hanakogames · 2 years
analyse this
So, I said on Twitter that I was going to list off the Star Trek novels I own...
This list is imperfect as I have almost certainly lost a few over the years. On the other hand, if I lost them and forgot them, they must not have meant much to me, right? 
Original Series:
On my shelf at the moment:
Log Two - Don’t think this is originally mine as it's got a UK price on it and I don't remember it. And it's older than I am. (Alan Dean Foster) Enterprise: The First Adventure (Vonda McIntyre) #1 The Entropy Effect (Vonda McIntyre) #13 The Wounded Sky (Diane Duane - If you read only one Star Trek novel, read this one) #21 Uhura's Song (Janet Kagan) #25 Dwellers in the Crucible (Margaret Wander Bonnano) #41 The Three-Minute Universe (Barbara Paul) #49 The Pandora Principle (Carolyn Clowes - Massively retconned by the post-2000 Novelverse) #52 Home is the Hunter (Dana Kramer-Rolls) Prime Directive (this book was a Special Entry and not numbered - Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens) #59 The Disinherited - An oddly long list of authors:  Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, and Robert Greenberger #62 Death Count (L.A.Graf) #70 Traitor Winds (L.A.Graf) #76 The Captain's Daughter (Peter David) Novelisations for movies 1-5 but not 6 for some reason
Books I know I owned but cannot find right now:
#22 Shadow Lord (Lawrence Yep) #47 The Kobayashi Maru (Julia Ecklar) #55 Renegade (Gene DeWeese)
Books I know I owned but deliberately disposed of:
#14 The Trellisane Configuration ... pretty sure at some point I bought either the Romulan books or the "Spock's Lost Son" books, didn't like them, and immediately got rid of them, but the details are fuzzy
The Next Generation:
On my shelf:
Imzadi (Peter David) #10 A Rock and a Hard Place (Peter David) #16 Contamination (John Vornholt) #23 War Drums (John Vornholt) #24 Nightshade (Laurel K Hamilton) #27 Guises of the Mind (Rebecca Neason - Of all of the TNG books this is the one I remember least, and am looking at going 'What was that about?')
Deep Space Nine:
On my shelf:
#2 The Siege (Peter David) #3 Bloodletter (K.W.Jeter) #4 The Big Game (Sandy Schofield) #7 Warchild (Esther Friesner) #8 Antimatter (John Vornholt)
I read many other books in those series from the library or borrowed. To the best of my knowledge I never read a Voyager book and I quite certainly never read an Enterprise one.
It’s also worth noting that both Uhura’s Song and Dwellers in the Crucible pop up repeatedly in Yuletide requests, as they have fans of their settings and characters beyond simply the star trek verse as a whole. 
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traincat · 4 years
traincat! thoughts on a spideytorch trek au? thanks!
Oh I have a lot of thoughts about this actually! I was working on one a while ago where it was supposed to be part of a bigger series but now I think I’d kind of like to go back in, rip up the foundations a little, and make it its own oneshot. (It involves Johnny and Peter meeting each other for the first time since Starfleet Academy -- where Johnny flunked out -- and crash landing on an alien planet where Johnny gets worshiped as a sun god.) 
So I do think there’s a bunch of directions you could go with Peter in a Trek AU -- I was briefly toying with the idea of him as a Romulan, because Secrets -- but my top pick is as a genetically engineered human. Trek’s genetically engineered humans have the right power set: enhanced speed, strength, and smarts! It gives Peter a reason to keep his abilities hidden! His parents being involved in Section 31 is a no-brainer, given their canonical background as spies! It’s half a ripoff of DS9′s Bashir, but hey, it’s fanfic. I go back and forth on whether he should be involved in Starfleet. On the one hand, I do think he’d be good at it and it’s kind of a given, in a Trek AU, that your main characters are in Starfleet. On the other hand, he’s kind of terrible at cooperation. I think at the end of the day my idea is to have him as a ship’s Science Officer but like, do I think he stays there? Probably not in the long term. (The AU equivalent of when he ditched that really good lab job in Portland!) Whereas originally I was thinking of building the ship out of other hero characters Peter’s worked with, now I think I might go with the Bugle staff -- Captain Jameson, First Officer Robertson, Chief Medical Officer Kate Cushing, Glory Grant as Communications Officer, etc. There’s definitely enough Bugle employees to build a full staff out of, down to Ensign Billy Waters. (Very likely to get killed on an away mission. Sorry, Billy.) Alternatively I could make Norman Osborn the captain and have things go very, very badly. That could be fun too. 
With Johnny, I’ve had my heart set on his being half-Betazoid since I first thought of a Trek AU. Which is like, with most AUs I usually pretty immediately know what I want to do with Johnny, and especially here because I don’t know if I’ve talked about this very much on tumblr but if I could give Johnny one additional power/a different power, it would definitely be empathy. Feelings powers! For a boy who has a lot of them. Is it an excuse to throw around “imzadi” in a fic? Yes, 100%, but it’s an excuse I stand by. I love a made up alien term of endearment. I think it’s pretty easy to duplicate the Fantastic Four’s origin here, with Reed stealing a space ship for an experimental flight he couldn’t getting funding/approval for from Starfleet instead of from the US government, and then wham, horrific accident resulting in strange powers. Which like, obviously I wouldn’t have to stick to in a Trek AU, but I think if it’s right there for the taking, you might as well, and I like the idea of the Four on the fringes of Starfleet but very much their own thing, much like in original canon. Also Johnny Storm, Starfleet Academy dropout, is important to me. 
I did manage to dig up my old WIP doc for the Trek AU, so here’s a snip of something that would probably be very heavily rewritten if I went back to it:
The two moons in the sky were bright crescents and the breeze through the window was soft and sweet. Johnny Storm was stretched out next to him laughing like there was no place in the galaxy he'd rather be. It was enough to make Peter lose all sense, and that was why he leaned over and pressed his lips to Johnny's.
Johnny tasted like wine and alien fruit, and he was warm, warmer than anyone else Peter had ever kissed. The heat of him surprised Peter - he pulled back, but Johnny surged forward.
"Don't you dare," Johnny growled, practically climbing into Peter's lap. He caught Peter's face between his hands and kissed him again, head tilted, the angle just right. Peter's hands flew to his waist to anchor him before they tipped over.
"Johnny," he said, lips sliding across Johnny's mouth, down to his jaw. "I didn't think -"
"Can you shut up for once?" Johnny pulled back enough to demand. His dark eyes sparked, his lips were bruised. He looked imperious and royal, the sun god everyone on this whole backwater planet believed him to be. "Thinking is the whole problem, Pete!"
"I'm sorry some of us can't just turn our brains off!" Peter snapped back, shoving Johnny backwards. His eyes went wide when his back met the wall, and he fisted his hands in Peter's shirt to pull him back against him. Their mouths clashed again, open and messy, the kissing equivalent of every stupid argument back at Starfleet Academy. Peter's blood burned in a whole new way.
"Try it, genius," Johnny said. "Just once. For me."
Johnny's flimsy shirt hung off one shoulder. Peter traced the line of it against his flushed skin, the way the delicate fabric clung to his body, highlighting Johnny's lean waist, his flat stomach.
He grabbed a handful of filmy fabric and tore it off.
Johnny inhaled sharply, and then he started to laugh. He pulled Peter in with one hand fisted in the hair at the back of his head, pressing his smiling mouth to Peter's. "See? I knew you could do it."
"It's just because your stupid's contagious," Peter said. He ripped the fragile golden chains from Johnny next and Johnny laughed, head thrown back, all golden insolence. "You're some kind of intelligence sinkhole. Is that a Betazoid thing?"
That was all he got the chance to do before Johnny shoved him back down onto the bed.
"Insulting my heritage!" he mumbled against Peter's mouth, clever fingers plucking at the hidden clasps of Peter's uniform. "Very sexy.”
Johnny's hand closed around the back of his neck, thumb stroking the hair at his nape. "I wanted this, at the academy."
It was a soft confession, and maybe that was what startled Peter into admitting, "Me too. I thought about you. All the time. Couldn't get you out of my head."
"I know." Johnny's fingers curled in his hair, tugging Peter's head down so he could kiss him. "I could feel it. I mean," his grin turned flippant, "everyone wanted me. But I always felt you separate from everyone else."
"Is that supposed to make me feel special?" Peter asked, nipping at Johnny's lower lip. "Your ego is so huge I'll have them name a star after it."
"That's sweet. I want two," Johnny said, but the look on his face was soft. He knocked his forehead playfully against Peter's and said, "Do you remember that time at that club? God, what was it called - Orbit. That was it."
It was easy to conjure up the memory in his usual crystal clarity. The flashing lights, the chrome of the bar top, the very annoyed Benezian bartender. Johnny, drunk and absolutely infuriating. Peter, not drunk, but no less annoying for it.
"Oh wow," he said, remembering how hoarse his voice had been. His throat felt scratchy in sympathetic memory. "We screamed at each other for like an hour."
It had been exactly an hour and twelve minutes, plus a spare handful of seconds, but who besides Peter was counting.
"We got kicked out," Johnny snickered, tugging his fingers through Peter's hair until it stood on end.
"You filled my room with Bajoran oatmeal and gagh the next day," Peter said, nose wrinkling. One of the downsides of his brain: he could still remember the smell. "Two feet of it."
"The things I did to that replicator," Johnny said dreamily.
"I tried to figure it out," Peter confessed. His eyelids felt heavy; he let them fall, rolling over so his chest was pressed to Johnny's back and their knees fit together like puzzle pieces. "I could never work out what you did to bypass the safety. I was going to rig a tub of Cardassian fish juice to fall on your head."
"I have the touch," Johnny said. "You're not going back to your room?"
Peter stilled. "I can go -"
"No," Johnny said, fumbling for Peter’s arm. He draped it over his waist. "No. Stay."
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starship-imzadi · 3 years
S5 E12 Violations
This opening immediately brings to mind the "repressed memories" craze in psychology in the 1980's and 1990's. The "fad" has since become regarded as incredibly harmful and dangerous as human memory can be quite malleable and undependable. A lot of people were treated to believe they had repressed memories of horrible abuse and sexual trauma in their childhoods, made horrible accusations, for events that never actually happened. Not only do these fabrication create real trauma and ruin relationships, they also delegitimize the actual trauma and abuse others have suffered and very much remembered from their childhoods.
Now, that isn't quite applicable to this episode, but this episode has some heavy moments and perhaps the worst abuse, out of all the abuse, Troi suffers through the series, and I want to address it the best I can.
"father, you know you're not supposed to probe someone's memory unless they've given you permission."
A.k.a. you have to get consent
"you are right, but sometimes with a beautiful woman I cannot help myself."
Red flag?! But not the red flag we're looking for. (Still: not appropriate) Beverly's laugh doesn't seem like acceptance to me, rather it's the socially acceptable way for women to cope with remarks that certain men think are flattering but are actually creepy. In a post #metoo world my hope is that as a society this is understood better than when this episode aired. I'm sure for many women it's just as evident as it ever was.
To be clear, this memory reading isn't sexual. What it is, is intimate. For whatever reason no other type of telepathy in Star Trek is depicted as a high form of intimacy, except for the now forgotten telepathic link that Troi and Riker have (which was formed because of the closeness of their relationship). But, to have access to someone's mind would be an incredible vulnerability, the sharing of one's mind a great intimacy, and the invasion of one's mind a great violation. A strong analogy for these is sexuality.
I want to make this distinction because there are violations and intimacies that are not sexual, and I think allowing for a broader analogy makes this a stronger story.
This conversation between Geordi and Data about memory feels like exposition to explain the concept to the audience. But, it seems to misrepresent some of the finer points, like how human recall and triggering recall actually works, how neurological structure and age factors in, how trauma effects memory, or in fact how humans encode specific memory or general concepts (like remembering the layout of your childhood home.)
"perhaps you would like to resurrect solve memories"
Is Beverly flirting with Picard? Or just teasing him
This scene with Troi brushing her hair and drinking hot chocolate is.... incredibly frustrating. Because of the "on again off again" or complete neglect of the story between Troi and Riker's relationship. Why have we never seen this part of their relationship before? Where does it fit it? I've seen people question at which point the memory becomes manipulated, wondering if Riker would ever force himself on Troi...which I would categorically say: no he would not.
"imzadi we can't, not when we're serving on the same ship"
"have you stopped thinking about us, just answer that" "I can't stop thinking about you"
They're clearly on the Enterprise, and Riker has a beard, and it could feasibly be somewhere in the past three and a half seasons. As the audience we are not privy to the original memory free of Jev's manipulations.
"Do you know what she was doing when this happened?" Riker's voice is so gentle.
Beverly's little smile as she walks in and sees Riker talking to Troi is exactly how I feel. "I miss you. Please don't stay away too long." Is so sweet and a bit heartbreaking.
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Now, we see an apparent memory of Riker's. Troi's memory seemed to be hazy and pink like an old romance filter might be in black and white, but Riker's memory is distorted and stretched, and both have distorted and slowed audio. By contrast, Keiko's memory had no visual or audio distortion at all. Riker's apparent memory is feasible like Troi's.
Troi's assault is what almost everyone focuses on, because the "violation" of the episode is seen as an analogy to rape and because this element is inexplicably used again in the film Nemesis. However, I would like to point out that the two memories shown up until this point are both memories of vulnerability. The memory with Troi isn't just about sex, it's about the intimacy she has with Riker, a relationship they both want but don't feel like they're allowed to have. Riker's memory is of vulnerability of those under his command, as he has to actively make a choice that will kill a crew member to save the rest of the ship. His crew is ultimately his responsibility, their lives are in his hands, and he has to carry the responsibility of their deaths under his command.
Now we see Beverly's apparent memory. Her's is also a clear instance of vulnerability: seeing her dead husband's body. This memory is most likely of the three we see to have some reality to it. We do know that her husband died and Picard was the one to tell her and Wesley of his death. (It's mentioned in the pilot episode and in "The Bonding")
Rethinking the search parameters is incredibly clever on Geordi's part and he deserves more credit for it. It's almost... intellectually refreshing to see rather than a simple solution, and I applaud the writer who wrote this bit.
If Riker wasn't still in a coma he would be right by Troi's side.
"I'm remembering something from a few years ago" so, it is a memory, they're all actual memories, up until a point. "It's not Will, sombody's taken his place." when the person in her memory is hurting her the face isn't initially shown, we can't see who it is. But, before when the memory was safe and positive, we could see Will's face.
(the background soundtrack is a little too much and the whole sequence of Troi in pain makes me really uncomfortable.) And Worf and Picard.... don't react except Picard, very conservatively, places a comforting hand on her shoulder. Which fits with his decorum and all things considered is really, really sweet.
"A perverse source of pleasure perhaps. A need to exercise control over another." Even though Troi's memory was romantic or sexual in nature and through Jev's manipulation has the strongest direct parallel to literal sexual assault, rape is ultimately about power, the assertion of power, domination without consent. It is in direct opposition to intimacy, sexual or non sexual. intimacy is vulnerability plus trust and safety, regardless of what that vulnerability is.
I just realized the Ullian coats remind me of paper snow flakes.
I've seen some people confused that after everything that has happened why Jev would jeopardize himself by going to Troi. He seems to honestly like Troi, in whatever way he can, but at the same time is not in control of his impulses and desires, and whatever he likes about her is warped into his sick desire to overpower her. It's fantastic to see Troi fight back; Jev talks about how fragile she is, and it's important that we see that she is in fact NOT how he sees her.
"this form of rape" here is the first time the word is specifically used BUT I want to reiterate that Troi, Riker, and Beverly have all been subjected to this trauma.
It's good, and nice to know, that they will be getting counseling and help to process through what has happened. It's not always but on occasion TNG acknowledges that its characters have suffered with potential long term ramifications.
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halfwayinlight · 4 years
Series: Precious Commodities Chapter: 4. Denouement Fandom: Star Trek TNG Pairing: Will Riker/Deanna Troi Rating: PG, hints at PG13 Notes: final chapter in the fic for @nothingeverlost based on TNG season 3′s episode “Menage a Troi.”
Family is a precious commodity, and Deanna has so little of hers left. Everything—everything—in her being is screaming to fight for it. She can barely breathe as her mother is so calmly asking her to leave with Will. To let her make this sacrifice.
It’s horrifying. The only parent she has left is asking her to do this of all things. Just this once. As if leaving her mother here isn’t a life imprisoned. As though she might have some sort of future visitation rights. But she knows too well that the moment she leaves this ship, she has little hope of seeing her mother again.
And Deanna Troi has already lost all of the other biological family she has. A father. A son. There’s not enough time for any of these thoughts to process. And she’s too stunned by all of her regrets about how she has spoken to her mother over the last days. Over her exasperation with this only parent she has left, who only wanted to see her happy in the way that had most made her mother happy. As a wife. As a mother.
She could’ve—and maybe should’ve—tried to explain about her little Ian. About how much it had hurt to see him leave. About how it had been real, fully real, and she had been a mother. But now she wasn’t. And she’s had too many Troi family taken from her.
She feels like she’s on autopilot, letting herself be directed back to Will. It’s only Will’s arm on her back that feels real. That keeps her from throwing a fit. From objecting as ardently as Farek.
It’s worse that the last words she’s hearing are about oomox, and it makes her stomach turn. She expected… something. Anything else. It’s like some holonovel. Or holodeck program. Deanna turns and strains for one last… something? A moment. Another look. One more word.
There is no goodbye.
There wasn’t a goodbye with her father, either. Ian Troi had given her a hug and a kiss and said he would see her soon. She’d cried quietly and tried to be brave. When she was older, she’d wondered if it had been a premonition. But Deanna knew too well to really think such things. She had simply been a little girl who didn’t want her favorite parent to leave her.
She knew her mother had been aware that her father was her favorite. And Deanna had felt plenty of guilt about that later. There was no hiding those thoughts and feelings from a telepath as adept as Lwaxana Troi.
It takes the nudge from Farek to bring her to the moment, and she shudders away from his touch. By the time she gains the corridor, Will’s arm slides around her, putting himself between her and the Ferengi. And it’s meant to comfort her, to protect her.
William Riker is the first person to make her feel safe since her father died. She’s not naïve, though. The innocent security of her childhood is something she cannot ever regain. There’s no planet or cave or corner of a galaxy that is truly safe. Disasters happen. Loss compounds.
Imzadi, we’ll find some way, Will is urging. She can feel the concern cresting as he guides her toward the transport area. He’s unsettled at the idea of leaving her mother behind, too. But he’s also desperate to return her to the relative safety of the ship. And Will is all too aware of the toll the last, well, whatever it has been, has taken on her. It feels like months. But she’s sure it’s not been more than a day. They’re both well past exhausted. In need of food. Their bodies strained by far too long without sleep. She wants to hold his hand through the whole transport process, but it has already started and completed before that thought has time to make itself known.
The increased warmth and ambient light of the bridge should be a comfort. Will’s hand on her back urging her toward their familiar seats is a small comfort. It reminds her of her purpose, and it’s meant to do that. To pull out the last strength that she needs right now. When the captain asks them if they’re alright, she finally has the words.
It’s jarring to see her mother on the screen. In the performance of her lifetime, and there’s a moment of promise. A strategy to be leveraged, and it might not be the Queen’s Gambit, but it’s a strategy. And one that Deanna desperately hopes the captain can play out. As the Shakespeare begins, she finally relaxes into her chair. And certainty built that they were on the cusp of regaining her mother’s freedom.
There’s embarrassment when her mother makes herself at home so literally on the captain’s lap. And it is frustrating to no end that Tog is getting away with abduction. But they are off of the ship. They’re home, or at least she and Will are home. And her mother is safely on board.
It’s a relief when the captain steps to the helm to set the course for Betazed. And a reminder of the shore leave that wasn’t. Deanna can sense that they won’t have much more time than it will take to return her mother to the planet before they need to go. And she’s increasingly aware of her exhaustion. It’s terribly tempting to fall asleep in her chair.
“Ladies,” it’s Will, offering a hand and an understanding smile. Using that voice that is firm enough not to be ignored. It’s so much easier to follow his lead in this as he gives command to Data. The captain has retreated to the Ready Room, and she’s certain that the captain knows that neither of them are in any condition for bridge duty.
Even her mother grows quiet now, which is a testament to how much this has taken out of all of them. It doesn’t take long to gain Deck Eight and their quarters. It seems unnatural to part here, and for once in her life Deanna is actually glad to see Dr. Beverly Crusher waiting in her lounge to scan them for injuries. It’s an excuse to keep Will close for a little longer without having to specifically ask him to stay.
Beverly is already fussing over them before they can get through the door. If she wasn’t so tired, Deanna would find it comical as her friend tried to decide which of the three she should scan first.
“Deanna first,” Will insists, folding his arms across his chest and giving her a look as though daring her to disagree with him.
“Doesn’t have a single scratch on her,” Lwaxana counters over her shoulder as she’s already moving toward the bedroom. “I’m going to make use of your sonic shower, Little One, and I’m sure between your replicator and your closet, we can find something that will be appropriate for the journey home.” It was a retreat to privacy, and the counselor in her couldn’t help but note it.
Whatever Beverly is saying is lost on Deanna because she’s finally hitting the end of her reserves. Every sense is suddenly dulled, and she can feel Beverly’s arm around her, guiding her to her sofa. She could’ve sworn the doctor was across the room moments ago. As she settles in beside Will, who wasted no time in gaining the sofa. He’s reaching for one of the trauma blankets and tucking it around her.
“Leave her lef arm free,” Beverly instructs as she finishes her scan. There’s the slight not-quite sting of a hypospray at her neck, and now the doctor is sitting beside Deanna and digging out instruments. “… dehydrated, in need of a good meal, and this arm…”
Deanna shook her head slightly and both attempts and fails at a smile. “I don’t really know what happened to it… I woke up in the brig and it was tender.”
Two sets of blue eyes are scrutinizing her, but when Beverly glances to Will for answers, he simply shrugs. “No breaks, but there’s soft tissue damage,” the doctor tuts, “tendons, ligaments, and some minor muscle tears. I’m sure it’s been bothering you.”
The comfort of the blanket and the analgesic in the hypospray is almost Deanna’s undoing. In a short time everything has upended, and now it’s all back so neatly together. Securely. Her mother spared. But it’s like mental whiplash, and the reality and certainty hasn’t caught up with her. She’s reeling, and there is nothing to distract her anymore. She doesn’t have the capacity to even cry or laugh.
“Deanna?” Will is shifting closer as Beverly continues to restore the body with her various instruments. When the doctor is finished, Will gently tucks in her mended arm and lets his finger trace her collar bone as though they had spent shore leave together. Like the last days hadn’t happened at all. Like Dr. Beverly Crusher wasn’t busy running a scan on Will. Like her mother wasn’t a room away.
The dark head shook slightly as though to throw off the tiredness that clung to them. “I’ll be fine, Will, I just need a nap,” she murmurs, feeling the ragged edges of the ordeal tugging at her. Her fingers curl into the blanket, and she pulls it a bit closer.
“You need a solid meal and naps and some full nights of sleep. And I’m not clearing either of your for duty for at least two days,” Beverly counters. “Ah, don’t you dare move that hand, Will Riker. Like you don’t have bruised knuckles. What, did you get in a bar fight?”
Deep blue eyes narrow to a glare as he glances out the port to the now-empty view. “Something like that.” Will sighs and relaxes a little deeper into the seat, his head dropping to rest against the back cushion. “I shouldn’t have sat down. It’s too comfortable.”
“Mother’s going to need something to wear,” Deanna murmurs, trying to gather some non-existent reserves and convince herself to get up and figure out what options the replicator has. But Beverly’s hand on her shoulder stops her.
“You’re going to tell me what you want to eat, and then you can nap there on your couch or go to sleep properly in your own bed.” Beverly crosses the room and when no actual order is forthcoming, she takes a minute to examine the last meals ordered and programs in something suitable.
As quiet settles over her quarters, it strikes Deanna how much she’s missed the calm. How much she craved the warmth of her cabin and its own environmental controls. Later, she’s not completely sure what she even ate. If Beverly hadn’t mentioned the hot toddy, she wouldn’t have much noticed it, either. But it’s warm and filling, and in the end she doesn’t even bring herself to use her sonic shower. Because by the time she eats, she’s doing good to make it to her own bed and curl up beside her mother, who is already in a deep meditation that will probably do her more good than sleep.
It doesn’t surprise her to find her mother asleep beside her and Will asleep on her couch when she finally wakes up six hours later. She takes a few moments to send a quick message to her own therapist. She’s going to need to debrief in a few days. No doubt there will be some reports to complete.
But for now, she allows herself the luxury of a hot bath, and both it and sleep and a meal have gone far to soothe the frazzled edges of her soul. Her lavender outfit is more appropriate to the rest of the ship’s environment, and she’s aware that her mother is awake by the time she finishes her bath.
Doesn’t that feel better, Little One? It’s a question, but it’s more of a statement. Lwaxana Troi is seated at the small table in the corner of Deanna’s lounge with a plate of barely touched oskoids and some other salad of sorts. She doesn’t blame her mother for leaving part of the Betazoid meal untouched—the replicator can’t seem to get the dish quite right.
She’s a little disappointed to see the couch is empty, save a neatly folded blanket. It makes Deanna wonder if Will moved back to his cabin to clean up, or if he got called out on some ridiculous or legitimate call. A thousand beings could certainly find a few ways to keep the First Officer on his toes. A ship’s counselor, too, for what it was worth.
“Darling?” her mother prods, drawing her attention back to the moment before taking another bite of her food.
“Much better,” Deanna finally answers with a small smile. “How are you?” She knows the questions will be brushed aside, but she also knows that she’s as good at sensing her mother’s emotions as her mother is at reading her mind. And so the question is more of an invitation or at least an acknowledgement that she’s turning her attention to her mother now.
Lwaxana’s head bobs slightly. Nothing that won’t sort itself out in a few days. A little meditation, a little of letting my mind do its healing, and I’m good as new. She finishes the last bites of the salad and took a deep drink of water before patting her mouth neatly with a napkin. “That much too serious fellow that runs the transporter called a little while ago to say we’ve entered orbit around Betazed. Now you and Will must beam down with me and enjoy a little holiday. You both could use it so badly, and no doubt that doctor, too. I can think of a few friends I’d like to introduce her to. You remember Xander—”
Her head shakes slightly, though she offers up a small smile at the thought. She really does wish she and Will had time for such things. “It’s Chief O’Brien. And that window of opportunity for shore leave is closed, mother. Unfortunately, we have other obligations with the crew.”
“But surely the Captain can see you both need this holiday!”
“Mother,” she crosses the space between them and places a gentle hand on her mother’s forearm. “I miss the Fifth House, but it will have to wait until the next time we are in the system. We’re both sorry things turned out as they did, but next time I will come to visit you.”
Lwaxana’s smile emerged at those works, and she enfolds her daughter’s hand in both of hers. “You’ll stay at the Fifth House with me next time?”
“I promise,” she assures.
“And you’ll bring William with you?” she presses, eyebrows raising.
Deanna’s head cants slightly as she considers it. “That’s going to be up to Will. If he wants to come along, that’s his choice. I’m not promising for him.” She is absolutely on to her mother’s game, but she isn’t going to put Will in a position where he can’t make his own choices. “And maybe I can convince Beverly to join us as a guest, too. But I think she’d enjoy getting to know Darius far more than Xander’s company.”
Her mother’s sly grin tells her that she’s found the right compromise. “And you must invite Jean—”
“No, mother,” Deanna counters firmly. “The Captain has his own holidays. That wouldn’t be appropriate.”
“But you ought to ask. He shouldn’t be excluded simply for being the highest officers on the ship.”
She shakes her head again and gives her mother’s hand a squeeze for emphasis. “Mother, you aren’t really interested in him.” Of this she is fairly certain. Her mother can be capricious, but Deanna remains hopeful that she is right in this. Or she hopes she can maintain self-delusion if she’s wrong.
“Humans are so easily ruffled, especially the men,” she pouts. “Spending so much time around them is making you downright prudish… Oh, let’s not argue about it. Especially not when that ruffled fellow is going to call back any moment now.” She huffs slightly. “I don’t suppose I could convince the Captain that I have a pressing diplomatic mission to… where were you heading?”
Deanna shrugs, but she can’t help the indulgent smile. “I suppose that would be stretching it, even for you. Come on, I’ll walk you to the transport room.” She offers her arm and is warmed when, instead of taking it, her mother draws her into a hug.
“So like your father, he did his best to indulge me, too.” Lwaxana cups her daughter’s face and presses a kiss to her forehead just as she did when sending a young Deanna to bed as a child. This time she doesn’t chafe at the affection like she did days ago. “He would be so proud of you.”
“He would’ve been proud to see how you handled the Ferengi,” Deanna answers. Her smile is warm but watery, and Deanna takes her mother’s hand and doesn’t mind the usual parting chatting all the way from her quarters to the last moments before transport.
Lwaxana wraps her arms around her daughter and indulges in one more a kiss to both cheeks. “Promise me you’ll send word soon on subspace?”
“I promise,” Deanna agrees with a smile, particularly amused as O’Brien is increasing preoccupied and fascinated with the console in front of him.
Her mother steps onto the transport platform. “And give it some thought. Maybe you can convince the captain to circle back on the next mission. There are always plenty of spare rooms for all the guest.”
“I’ll put in a good word,” she chuckles, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. After everything, she is simply grateful her mother is back to her old self.
“I may be old, but I know how to capitalize on a good thing when I see it. Just remember that William is more than welcome—” Whatever else she was hoping to add, Lwaxana has de-materialized and is on her way back to Betazed.
Deanna carefully avoided eye contact with their transport chief, but she gives a nod when he mentioned that the captain was requesting her presence on the bridge. Apparently catching up on more sleep will have to wait. Her nap has helped tremendously, though she’s aware it will take at least a few more days to pay back some of her sleep debt. Beverly wasn’t wrong to say they were in need of sleep. Hopefully the doctor will forgive her visit to the bridge in the name of following orders.
The familiar scents and slightly-dry air of Enterprise are soothing. The turbo lift is familiar, and she can feel herself easing back into routine as though the last days hadn’t happened. Eventually she will take some time to process everything. But for now, even a short shift on the bridge is welcoming.
If it was worth summoning her, she is sure Will would be there, too. With any luck, it won’t be anything too out of the ordinary. Maybe they would even have time to grab another meal in Ten Forward and start their plans for Angel Falls. The emotion is elusive, and she nearly gains the bridge when she realizes that she is actually missing Will. It’s almost laughable. They often have split shifts and don’t see each other for half a day or more.
She isn’t going to think about what it meant right now. Or how when she emerges from the turbo lift, he twists in his seat and looks as glad to see her as she is to see him. Or that when his eyes meet hers, there is something like emotional resonance between them. This bond they still share. Missing each other. A small joy at this reunion. Lingering tiredness. And a refocus on the next mission. There will be time to sort it all out later.
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enterprisehq · 5 years
Family Structure & Marriage
Most ordinary, run-of-the-mill Betazoids do not come from a Ruling House, but rather their family may be associated politically or financially with a Ruling House depending on their views. Ordinary Betazoids form Houses through alliances and marriage, but they are not considered to be Ruling Houses and thus are not included here. Betazoids practice marriage and genetic bonding. A Betazoid is typically only married to one person at a time, as this is the person with which they continue their house and genetic legacy through children. Genetic bonding is seen more as a suggestion rather than a hard and fast rule, though this 'suggestion' is made with the benefit of the House as a whole in mind. Betazoids believe in polyamory and typically have many lovers and partners throughout their lives. Children are raised in the communal environment of mutual cooperation and harmony, and are encouraged to cultivate love and affection in a healthy manner.
Imzadi: The term imzadi means First, sharing a similar meaning to Beloved in English. Imzadis are among the first people that a Betazoid shares physical, emotional and spiritual connection with and while some Betazoids have more than one, it isn't as common. Imzade: An imzade is a lover. Betazoids have many imzades throughout their lives.
It is difficult for Betazoids to understand the concept of monogamy due in large part to their overwhelming degree of connectedness to one another. Betazoids don't typically 'flirt' in the same manner as humans do, tending to view everyone around them as a potential recipient of love and affection. If it happens to evolve into sex, it is considered only a natural progression. These views can be quite difficult for many species to integrate and Betazoid relationships with off-worlders can be fraught with jealousy and tension as the Betazoid seeks to love and cherish others that they meet.
Divorce is not common on Betazed, as most problems are identified, soothed and worked through by each partner and by those around them to ensure maximum contentedness with a variety of situations, but it does happen periodically. If one partner is genuinely unhappy with the life afforded to them by being married (such as in the case of not wanting children), divorce is seen as a reasonable and viable alternative and there is little shame in the matter.
Genetic Legacy
Especially for the Noble Houses, who practice genetic bonding for the purpose of producing heirs, having children is seen as a duty to preserve the ancestral lineage. Betazoid families do their best to integrate this duty with their children's independence, impressing the importance and satisfaction of contributing to Betazoid society as a whole. There are instances where biological heirs are not possible. In this case, it is not particularly frowned upon for couples to adopt children. This is usually seen as admirable.
The psionic center of a Betazoid's brain is located in an area called the medial lobe of the cerebrum, which is a cross-section of the temporal lobe. The medial lobe contains a variety of structures including the paracortex--widely regarded as the 'seat of psionics'--as well as structures which resemble the amygdala, inferior temporal gyrus, the left angular gyrus, and the fusiform gyrus in Terrans. These structures are responsible for a Betazoid's psionics as well as a Betazoid's sense of directional orientation, facial recognition, iconic (visual) memory, proprioception (spatial awareness) and cognitive empathy. These are processes all heavily influenced by psionics. Betazoids who suffer damage to their medial lobe typically exhibit signs of prosopagnosia (unable to recognize faces), topographical disorientation and cortical visual impairment. Betazoids possess an occipital lobe with visual areas delineated much the same as a human's, though areas of recognition and perception are localized to the medial lobe, as their perception of their environment is inseparably linked to the psionic process. The medial lobe also shares similar auditory and comprehensive characteristics found in a human temporal lobe.
Telepathic Biology (Psionics)
The paracortex functions by interpreting quantum-entangled information from passing neutrinos. Quantum entanglement is basically when two particles exist in a state where the defining properties of each particle can't be independently separated. Betazoids are able to interpret this phenomenon as an impulse through specialized afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) pathways in their nervous system. Contrary to popular conception, the mindspace of a Betazoid is able to be mathematically quantified using Euclidean vectors. Said spaces are definite and complete--they are functions with real numbers. This interpretation is done through the release of a neurotransmitter called psilosynine. Of note, there are certain drugs called psilosynine antagonists such as cyendekh which inhibit psilosynine production and thereby lessen the degree to which a Betazoid can perceive this information around them. These drugs, however, have not been studied in extensive detail and their long-term effects are largely unknown. In practical application, Betazoid psionics are quite 'misty' in their application, lacking rigid structure and preferring to settle and expand outward, touching other 'minds' as it passes. It is a sense more than it is a power. A Betazoid's psionics are always "on" much like one's eyesight is always "on" when their eyes are open. Psionics are as integral to Betazoid society as eyesight is to Earth's society.
Psionic Facility Test (PFT)
Much like vision and hearing have objective scales to determine function, a Betazoid's psionic sense can be measured by the Psionic Facility Test (PFT). This test can only be administered by a trained Betazoid neurologist. These scores are distributed along a standard deviation (with 100 as average) and are formed by the mean of two major scores: the rate at which one perceives psionic information and the accuracy of information perceived. The PFT is administered by way of an alternating series of cortical scans, neuropsychiatric evaluations, standardized tests as well as mind-to-mind assessments by trained professionals. These assessments are intended to categorize the depth, breadth and substance of a Betazoid's response to psionic stimuli as well as the structure of their mind and how well they are able to integrate new psionic information. Scans are completed with an instrument known as a telemetric scanner. The PFT has several components which make up its total score which include:
Rate: responsiveness, processing speed, stability, memory.
Accuracy: identification, integration, distance, perceptual organization.
Betazoids with intellectual disabilities or neurocognitive deficits may have notably deviant PFT scores (with some individuals receiving more than one score for any wild point discrepancies), though one does not necessarily reflect the other. It is also of importance to note that some Betazoid hybrids are only able to utilize basic empathic senses and are unable to discern higher-order thoughts or motivations. A Betazoid (and other non-psionic entities) is termed psi-null when they show no measurable psionic input or output. As such, even Betazoids with lesser abilities would not be categorized as psi-null. The reasons for being psi-null (or psi-abnormal) range from genetic mutations, to organic brain damage, to chemical neurodivergence. Many Betazoid hybrids produce less psilosynine than their full-blooded counterparts, which accounts for their lessened psionic capacity.
The sovereign representative of the Fifth House of Betazed is the ceremonial leader of the Council of Ruling Houses at Rixx, due in part to the preserved religious ties of the Fifth House. This sovereign is considered a ceremonial priestess or planetary matriarch and traditionally, before convening a council meeting, a ritual of drinking from the Sacred Chalice of Rixx must be followed by solemn acknowledgment before proceedings may begin. Religion and superstition is alive and well in many Betazoid communities, although aside from some ceremonial aspects, religion is largely absent from Betazoid ruling practice and serves only as a reminder of their history and ancestors. Betazoids place a great deal of concern and care toward their family lines, traditions and practices. Betazoids have widely held beliefs in gods, spirits, the afterlife and the unknown, with many Betazoids practicing polytheism. Other Houses believe in a single deity, that of Karawati, the Mother of Rixx, the Lifestone of Krysaros. Karawati is the ancient symbol of purity, hearth and unity of the Betazoid people. Rixx and Krysaros are legendary brothers often depicted in Betazoid mythology, attributed to the unification of the Houses of Betazed. Karawati is considered Betazed herself, and is depicted largely as a mother nature figure. A typical creation story told on Betazed is of Karawati fashioning the Betazoid's perception of Otherness to help them combat a terrible extra-planetary evil. Krysaros is an ancient planetary hero, having saved Karawati from certain invasion from a looming, malevolent psionic force. Great Fire is supposedly a god that reigned before the dawn of the world, Betazed. According to Betazoid mythology, Jalara Guardians were 'nymph-like' in character, and they guard the Jalara Jungle. They were believed to have planted their nests on the jungle floor, causing the mortal quicksand pits present today. Mendissian Historians separated the first Noble Houses from the rest of the regular population, and were largely responsible for tracing ancestral lines through Betazed history. Betazoids teach psionic Acceptance from infancy using the Tying of Ropes and Knots. Each knot in a rope is a concept, reflecting each Noble Value (in order: Honesty, Mysticism, Health, Natural Art/Muses, Nobility, Heart/Life, Courage, Intuition, Wealth, Perseverance, Hearth, Balance, Peace/Protection) which all Betazoids are taught to embrace. This Acceptance comprises the majority of a Betazoid's psionic training. Only in the past 600 years or so have Betazoids taken the practice of preserving deceased loved ones in special chemicals that help the body last for generations. This is most common in the Houses, as few lower level citizens have the room to hold such sacred items. These are a series of remembrances that take place after the death of a family member and friend. Those that are closest to the dead person gather at a series of meetings, one held at six weeks after the death, another after the sixth month, and another for every three years afterwards. During the ceremony, the participants remember the deceased and share strong psionic fields with each other. As the generations of a Noble Household process farther and farther, each daughter is painted at the age of 40 in a painting a little larger then the last predecessor. This shows how the past becomes less and less memorable, yet will always be there. Some of the ancient paintings are extremely large, some taking up entire rooms and even houses themselves. Meaning, roughly speaking, Harmony of Mind and Weapon. Tassa’Akai is a Betazoid technique which uses the akai, or Betazoid collapsible baton. This is taught to all peacekeepers during training, and is a non-offensive martial art, more resembling a dance than an offensive fighting style. The Khrysar'akai is a ceremonial sword with a curved blade sharpened slightly on one edge. Its length ranges from 60cm to 73cm, depending on the reach of the wielder, and it is made by hand by its user.
(Religious information and names used with permission by CC from Starbase118 Wiki.)
Most Betazoid physiology resembles that of a Terran, with only few deviations. The most obvious is that of the Betazoid's solid black iris, stemming from high concentrations of melanin in the stroma of the iris, which causes light of both shorter and longer wavelengths to be absorbed. In those with less Betazoid blood such as Devinoni Ral (who was only ¼ Betazoid), normal Human eye coloration is possible. Betazoids are very flexible, and, through training, they can control many body functions through biofeedback and meditative control. Betazoids live between 160-170 years, reaching full maturity at around age 40.
Integumentary System
The Betazoid integumentary (skin, hair, etc) system is similar to a Terran, with the added exception of specialized sensory and motor neurons moving to and from the medial lobe.
Reproductive System
Betazoids are fertile throughout most of their lives, and have a gestation period of ten months which accounts for the development of the medial lobe & psilosynine pathways. The Betazoid "Phase" is a physiological phase that all Betazoid and half-Betazoid females enter, signifying full sexual and reproductive maturity. This usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 50. While it is certainly possible to have children prior to the Phase, it is only during the Phase that a Betazoid female becomes fully sexual as the sex drive of the female in question quadruples or more.
Circadian Rhythm
Betazoid days are 25 hours long, which informs their natural circadian rhythm. Betazoids are diurnal (awake in the day), monophasic (once per cycle) sleepers, much like humans. The Betazoid brain releases melatonin from the hypothalamus in response to day-and-night shifts, triggering the sleep cycle. Betazoids need approximately 10 hours of sleep per night to feel fully rested. Betazoid minds tend to relax and drift outward as they sleep, sometimes sharing dreams with one another if they are in close proximity. The Betazoid process of dreaming is much the same as that of a human, though Betazoids reach rapid eye movement (REM) sleep at a different frequency from other humanoids.
Betazoids fully develop their psionic sense in adolescence, around ages 13-15, but they are exposed to psionic feedback as early as infancy to help solidify those pathways. This process is slow and gradual over many years, much the same as puberty is for humans. Rarely, Betazoids are born with their psionic senses fully formed or that develop rapidly in infancy, which can cause psychological and development problems later on.
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daenerysmacfarlane · 5 years
Oh my god Counsellor Deanna Troi! And in an episode directed by her imzadi William T Riker? I am living!!
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proverbialschoolmarm · 3 months
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If Destiel was a M/F pairing they would have been canon years ago... or maybe not. The slow burn TV couples.
Following on from my post The Show Made Me Do it (https://thechroniclesofjudas.tumblr.com/post/166439114361/the-show-made-me-do-it), I felt the need to speak again on a topic that seems to bounce around Tumblr all the time re Destiel – if they were a M/F pairing they would have been canon years ago.
All fandoms have ships and Destiel is not only one of the biggest but one of the most passionate. As I’ve said before and many meta writer’s have said (in far more detail) before me – it is there embedded in the show. Sometimes blatant, sometimes in subtext. But it is there.
I disagree with the notion that it is guaranteed that if they were a hetro paring they would have been canon by now. There have been many hetro (canon) screen couples who have had their relationships drawn out and explored over many years. All too often in TV hetro couples are thrown together within a series or two and then torn apart before coming back together again a few series later. It is a fairly standard trope - one used time and time again by SPN - but of course, it’s not romantic (whatever!).
But sometimes writers make interesting choices and there are canon couple/ships out there that have not taken the standard path…and the Destiel parallels are everywhere. Here are a few I love:-
The Doctor and River Song/Doctor Who
This is a brilliantly written relationship because it is known by dedicated fans and GA alike that they were a couple until her death. They loved each other deeply. She was one of the few beings in the universe who knew The Doctor’s real name. He spent 1 night (on a planet where that lasted 25 years in Earth time) with her because he knew the following day she would die based on their weird timeline, and he needed a way and time to say goodbye. Then, following her death he uploaded her memory into a computer so it was there for all eternity – it’s a beautiful love story told in reverse. Following her death he has kept her photograph with him. He finds it hard to talk about her and shuts people down when they try. But their relationship was not shown in a traditional light on screen. She is known as The Doctor’s wife, they even are shown getting married – however each time their relationship is shown, it is in the guise of something else. Although River was shown “marrying” The Doctor it wasn’t actually him. This was the same when she “killed” him. This follows a general theme of their on-screen relationship. What you see is not always what happened. The Doctor and River Song is basically all subtext but even if you don’t ship them you are not told you are delusional, it is accepted because it is canon.
Donna Moss and Joshua Lynam/The West Wing
There are soooo many parallels between Josh/Donna and Dean/Cas it’s unbelievable. Seriously, if you’ve never seen the West Wing (why not, it’s awesome and some of the best screen writing, ever) do it just for this.
So in a nutshell, Donna was introduced in the pilot as the personal assistant of Josh Lyman, the duty chief of staff of the White House. She was only meant to be a minor recurring character (like all the other assistants) but her on screen chemistry (mostly snark) with Josh meant her role was stepped up in S1 and then made a main cast member for subsequent seasons. They are also a big ship from S1 ep1.
Despite their snark and sass with each other, they care for each other deeply and are a great team. Their professional and personal relationships bleed over as time goes on as well. Over the course of 7 seasons they are on the same side, opposing sides, they fall out, they support each other, they are jealous when one is a relationship with someone else. They are not a canon couple until late in the final 7th season, but before they finally get together, it is common for their other love interests to ask the other party if they are “treading on any toes”. Third parties are always assuming there is more them because of they way they are with each other. Donna is directly asked in one ep if she loves Josh – we never see/hear her answer as the ep ends but her face says it all. When Josh is shot at the end of S1 she is broken. She doesn’t leave his side. When he survives, after a brief moment of longing looks they return to their old ways.
Interestingly enough; the writers (who had no plans to make Donna into the character she was, it was fan driven) deliberately kept them apart until the last season. Once the ship was known they slowly wrote two interesting characters who gradually came together with their endgame to become canon.
This is just a TINY insight in TWW writing of Josh/Donna but even so… the Destiel parallels are everywhere.
William Riker and Deana Troi/Star Trek: TNG
This really shows my age! (FYI I was 7 when this series started, my mum was sooo excited Start Trek was coming back and wanted me to watch it too. I also loved it from the start.) This one is a little different in that in the pilot it is canon that Riker and Troi were ex’s who still had feelings for each other. Over the course of 7 seasons they were never “together” but they had this sub-textual under current. There was a lot of pining and long looks at each other with occasional kissing. Again there was a lot of jealousy if one party was involve with someone else.  When they comforted one another they refer as “Imzadi” meaning beloved. They continued in this fashion for the full 7 seasons and 2 films, only becoming canon again briefly in the 3rd film and following their marriage in the 4th film “Nemesis” -15 YEARS after the pilot.
Temperance “Bones” Brennan and Seeley Booth/Bones.
This is another couple that took 6 seasons to become canon – even then it was because the writer’s hand was forced. It was clear that the endgame was to make them a couple but their friendship was developed first. As such there were many of the traits mentioned above and shared with Dean and Cas. Their relationship was only made canon after Bones actress Emily Deschanel fell pregnant. They could have hidden it but the writer’s decided to bring their endgame forward. Writer’s are fluid like that – we can change the direction as and when required.
If in 4.01 Castiel had chosen a female vessel (and this was the ONLY) change to the narrative) no one would have an issue with believing this to be an epic love story. But because it’s two men, it’s dismissed. (Technically one man and one being of multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent without gender, but hey.)
As @tinkdw said in her post Cas and Dean could have been totally platonic, (https://tinkdw.tumblr.com/post/163833238972/cas-and-dean-could-have-been-totally-platonic) I would have loved this show even if Destiel was a “family don’t end with blood” story. The brother Dean chose. It would have been an epic love story of a platonic/familial kind and free will. But it has been MADE romantic. The actors, writers, directors, editors, set designers etc, they have MADE this a slow burn romance. It might not have initially been planned that way but that is how stories (and life) work – it’s all fluid.
Even if you take out the favourite argument for it never being canon which is “Dean is straight” (he’s not but I’m not here to dissect that, meta writers have done a much better job at that than I can ever do), you are basically saying “a person/character has no ability to change or have room for personal growth”. And let’s face it, even in canon Dean’s already subverted many of the character traits he’s known for – why not this one?
It’s not AS common to keep a couple from going canon for as long as Supernatural has Dean and Cas, but in the end, I believe they will make the wait worth it. There is precedence after all. This isn’t a long list of slow burn TV couples there are so many we all could list, but these are just some that strike me a good parallels and leaves me hopeful for the future of these two idiots.
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maryanngilligan · 6 years
Someone make me a .gif of the moment in “Menage a Troi” when Lwaxana materializes on the Ferengi ship in a ball on the floor buried inside her ball gown.  
While watching this episode, my friend (who has directed me in two shows so far), turned to me and sad, with the utmost seriousness, “That’s a bit you would do.”
MAJEL IS MY COMEDIC SPIRITUAL GUIDE.  I totally stole one entire role I did last summer from this episode.  The faces!  The sass!
Skirt over her head?  Pffft.  Majel’s not afraid to look silly for her art.
Her head popping out of the fabric?!  GOLD!
Riker leaving her there to fight her way out while he checked on his Imzadi?!  Screaming.
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S3 E8 The Price
Ah, and here we're introduced to Troi's love of chocolate, which I have mixed feelings about. Women can like chocolate but with how limited Troi's development is having her love of chocolate constitute a defining feature deserves some scrutiny.
I want more sass from Troi!
Riker offering his arm is sweet (because I know he's a feminist; I hate patriarchal chivalry)
I...fucking hate Ferengi.
Okay...so the last time Troi seemed interested in someone (even though it made me uncomfortable) it was the deaf mediator in "Loud as a Whisper" he was very direct in his interest and, before losing his translators, very arrogant. So now this new guy comes along, he's also a mediator and in his own way both very arrogant and direct.
Consent? That's a thing...does anyone care? Consent is not one of those permission/forgiveness things. Troi is not your object to do with as you please!
(those aren't champagne glasses, just saying)
That shuttle is tiny. It's really cute that Data's "bright side" of getting stuck in a shuttle forever is that he'd be stuck with Geordi.
This guy's demeanor is reminiscent of a used car sales man (what is Troi supposed to see in him again?)
I've seen a lot of people describe this episode as being the reason they like Riker. I like Riker for a lot of reasons but that doesn't in any way diminish the joy I feel every time I see a response to this episode acknowledging what a good human Riker is.
"my human physical response must be blocking them out... it's never happened to me before" and what is that a euphemism for?
Remember in "Icarus Factor" when Riker said goodbye and Troi said she didn't know how he was feeling, because her own sadness was inhibiting her empathy?
F*ck that little P.O.S. for asking about Riker!
"Will Riker and I are good friends."
So, is her inability to read him really because sex with him is so good? Is it a euphemism or did she forget about her feeling for Riker getting in the way too? Or is it some how related to his abilities?
Clearly Troi doesn't feel anything for Div like she does for Riker. She even says to Beverley that she feels out of control, and that's the fun of it, and she asks Div who he really is. (by contrast she knows Riker very well and her affection for him is deeply emotional even when their relationship is not overtly physical or sexual.) (Rather than continuing to try and make sense of this I might just call bullshit on the writers for poor character continuity.)
I hate these work out suits. Pass the leg warmers. On a more practical note, do Beverley and Deanna always meet for... aerobics? I mean, I don't need to see it again but who decided I needed to see it in the first place? Who made this a thing? It makes sense that Gates is flexible with her dance background but Marina seems fairly flexible too. Patrick used to box but outside of that I'm not really sure of any of the casts athletic capabilities.
"well, I gained an advantage by using it with you. You didn't seem to mind that." I think she's starting to...
And now the best scene of the episode. I love the snap of Riker's reaction, there is no question Div is treading on sacred ground. "I will remove that burden of responsibility right now. My relationship with Deanna stands very well on its own without any help from you."
Div says Deanna could have been Will's but that he didn't do enough to keep her (as if she is something to be kept.) Now, the last time either Troi or Riker had someone in front of them who could have been a long term relationship was "Haven" and it was Troi, not Riker despite his reputation, who looked to be commiting to a relationship. This scene brings up both a parallel and a strong contrast to the conversation Troi and Riker had on the holodeck about being "imzadi".
They have had an evident and consistent connection through the series thus far, with a few moments that specifically display the closeness of their relationship (like sitting on Picard's couch in "Manhunt" their goodbye in "Icarus Factor" and Troi standing by Riker's side when he almost died in "Shades of Gray"). Their relationship has remained, and perhaps even deepened ("Who Watches the Watchers"), from how it was introduced in the pilot episode.
However, Riker is remarkably more mature in his response to Div than how he acted in "Haven" but without any specific display of growth or maturation since then (I'll chalk that up to writers' negligence). When Troi was set up to leave the Enterprise with her husband-to-be Riker was a wreck, effectively it seems he saw her marriage as irrecoverably redefining their relationship (though at that point it wasn't clear why they broke up or what their relationship expectation were to know how their relationship was defined). Since Troi didn't get married, what changed to make Riker feel secure in what their relationship is now, and has been all along? Their relationship statues has remained the same since the pilot episode, and we eventually discover them to be good friends and past lovers (or perhaps they also discover they are good friends having only been past lovers). The only difference supported by the text between this episode and "Haven" is that neither Riker nor Troi have plans now to leave the Enterprise. The only other change has simply been time.
Perhaps that one scene with on the holodeck with Troi was the point of change. Her question, if she was no longer "beloved" to him, suggested that even through her marriage there was no reason he could not still care about her, that he was allowed to still care about her. That perspective would certainly apply here; he will love her always, regardless of who else loves her too.
Now Div quotes back to her "my human physical response must have been blocked my Betazoids senses." Effectively he's communicating that he genuinely cares enough that his feelings would get in the way. He has also clearly realised Riker was right.
Damn! What a good burn. She makes a fair point, she would benefit him but it would hardly be mutual.
Troi only ever calls Riker "imzadi"
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halfwayinlight · 3 years
this is just the middle part. posting for @cleverdistraction because i’ve been making her wait. and I’m too sleepy tonight the beginning and ending tonight. I’ll repost with all of it when it’s finished. takes place during season 4 episode 2 while Picard is having a mud fight with his brother in France. Deanna told Beverly that she & Will were considering vising Angel Falls. And I headcanon that they did. The stardate at the beginning of that episode is January 5, the night before Epiphany when Argentinian kids celebrate the 3 Kings coming to bring them gifts. While Star Trek doesn’t follow religious stuff, I decided the tradition of receiving gifts could retain cultural practice. I totally headcanon that Deanna sometimes gets a little high or buzzed from intense happy emotions, especially with so many people in anticipation.
He found himself with an armful of Deanna Troi. An emotionally high Deanna Troi. A very playful Deanna Troi She was trouble. “You’re in a good mood,” he chuckled, giving a little grunt of surprise when she pulled him through the door and into their room.
“Everyone’s so happy here,” she raved, giving his hand another tug as she opened a little more to him, and it felt a little like the rush of the first time he scored a winning point in Paresis Squares.
Will picked up speed and rushed in toward her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. It was much like he had held her during the fireworks. But this time he kept moving, and he spun them into a fast circle. It was giddy and spirited, and it was absolutely worth it to hear her laugh echo through the room.
He loved how he could enfold her against him, her body smaller but resilient. His fingers slid over her side, catching a few of her ticklish spots. She squealed and tried to wriggle out of his arms. It was devious, really, because she was so damn sensitive. He could touch her nearly anywhere and tickle her.
“Will Riker, that’s not fair!” she shrieked, words broke by laughter. She was twisting and doing her best to free herself from his hold. “You’re gonna pay for that!”
And she was sneaky. It only took a moment for her own fingers to find that spot behind his left ear. There weren’t many places where he was ticklish. But Deanna Troi knew all of them. It was enough that he eased his grip, and she darted just past his reach.
He had, however, a tactical advantage and let himself slow. “How, exactly, are you going to get out of this corner you’ve run right into?” his voice was pitched low and gravely, though his eyes were filled with mischief as he stalked her toward the couch.
Before Will could add anything else, a cushion came flying in his direction. “Hey!” he protested out of reflex. By the second pillow, he was ready and caught it easily before launching it back at her.
She was ready, though, and quickly ducked behind the sofa as it went sailing harmless over her head to collide with the wall. The room grew quiet, and she was now out of sight.
Mentally, he tried to calculate how many pillows were left. Exactly where they were now scattered around the room. Had there been a pillow in the arm chair earlier? Will moved stealthily forward, forcing his breath to slow and even out. Head cocked slightly in the direction of her last known location. Silence settled into the room.
His height was a disadvantage now, so he crouched slightly so she would have to risk giving away her location to see him. Will eased forward onto the couch, wincing slightly as the cushion gave to his weight and trying not to sigh audibly when it didn’t make noise. He licked his lips and took a slow even breath as he reached for a remaining pillow. Moving slowly, he rose on his knees, peering over the back of the furniture to find the spot empty.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the movement, and he swung.
Her pillow was there first, colliding with this shoulder.  Deanna held tightly onto the corner, and shifted, bringing it back around in counter strike.
His forearm deflected her second blow, and he finally remembered the pillow in his own hand and began his own onslaught, pulling his hit just in time to make it softer than he would’ve otherwise. When she feinted to the left and dodged to the right, his arm reached around her waist and he hauled her to the couch and dumped her on it before gently pinning down both arms. “Okay, you asked for it,” he warned in mock warning before leaning in and rubbing his neck over her neck and bare shoulders
“No!” she protested, gasping between laughs as she tried to catch her breath. She scrunched up her neck, trying in vain to avoid him, but he only switched to the other side, teasing her sensitive skin and dropping in an occasional laugh.
His thigh pressed against her hip, keeping her from working her way out from underneath him. Lightly pinned while he dragged laughs and giggles from her because it was sheer bliss. After so much, to hear her happy and light and having given herself fully to play, it was beautiful. It was his favorite sound in any quadrant.
“Mercy!” she finally called. “Will… please… I need to breathe…” she protested between giggles, and her mood shifting in the way that he knew meant that her sensitivity was about to tip into irritation.
The last touch pressed firmer into a caress, and he felt her take a sudden breath in surprise. His other hand stroked back a loose curl that had escaped from her loose hairdo. Will’s eyes met hers and softened, and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Fingers threaded through his hair, and she still hadn’t fully caught her breath when her lips pressed to his. She urged him closer, her own body arching slightly toward him, other hand had his shoulder pulling him down. Every time they kissed he remembered again how damn soft her lips were.
Will eased back to speak, but before he could say anything, she was moving with him. Her lips were against his again, tongue teasing. And he hated to deny her anything. So he opened to her, and let himself fall into the accustomed pattern between them. He caught hints of the spiced chocolate she was drinking earlier, and the familiar taste that was her.
I’ve missed this, too, came the warm thought. Hers blending into his. It felt so good and like regaining an extra sense. It was as intoxicating as the way her tongue teased him and her fingers toyed with the short hairs at the back of his neck.
He finally pulled back for a long moment and sat up, pulling just out of her reach. His thumb stroked over her cheek, and he offered an affectionate smile. “I thought you needed to breathe,” came his gentle reproach.
“You’ve never been one to stop when a woman is kissing you,” she countered, pouting slightly. When he didn’t speak right away, she pushed herself up beside him and carded fingers through his hair, nails sliding over his scalp in the way that never failed to give him goosebumps. “We have all night, all vacation, Imzadi,” she murmured before capturing his lips again with hers.
For all of his upper hand in the play fight earlier, he was at the disadvantage here. And she was a very good kisser. And very good at pushing every single one of his buttons. His own hands stroked, almost of their own volition, over her shoulders, and he pressed light kisses along her jaw, his smile curling against her always warmer skin when she tilted her head just so to give him more room.
Deanna flushed warmly under his attention, coloring and blooming like the coral trees that heavily populated the streets they had walked tonight. Anticipation was bubbling around her, and she had unconsciously allowed him a glimpse of the waves of anticipation ebbing through the city tonight.  Her sigh was permission, whispered against the shell of his ear. But he stopped his exploration with a soft kiss to her lips and shifting back from her again.
Her bottom lip pouted prettily, and her hands caught his upper arm to urge him not to move too far.
Lifting his hand, he traced her collarbone before stilling its motion. He tapped gently right above it and waited a long moment. “You’re being influenced by the holiday. All of the people anticipating tomorrow and its joy. This is as far as we go tonight.”
“Will—” she started to protest, letting him into the depth of her own anticipation. “I’m saying yes.”
He gave her another gentle tap with his thumb, feeling her relax a bit more, giving more of her weight to the couch they were sitting on. “And if you still feel the same way tomorrow, after the holiday has happened and all of this build has released, then we’ll talk about it.” He wasn’t saying no. But tonight he wasn’t going to agree to yes. Not with so many emotions outside clouding her judgment. Another tap followed the previous ones, and she sighed.
“I never should have taught partner plexing to you,” she protested, though there was no reproach in her voice.
His lips quirked into a smile. “You love it. It relaxes you.”
“I’m not tired, yet,” Deanna protested, trying to capture his hand and urge it back around her neck like it had been before.
“Did I say anything about going to sleep?” He dropped a quick kiss to the tip of her nose, chuckling at her protest. “I will find chocolate for you. And I’ll cuddle you. We can hold hands. Hell, I’ll kiss you. But right now I’m going to take a quick sonic shower—alone,” he quickly added. “And you should change into your nightclothes. Something like those soft meshy white pajamas you like so much. But actual bedclothes. And I’ll be glad to cuddle you all you like.”
Will pushed himself up and moved out of reach before she could catch his hand and tug him back down again. He was nearly to the door when she made her final objection.
“Will Riker, you know that I know exactly why you’re going to the sonic shower,” she called airily, rolling over and giving him a long stare.
It took everything in him to try to close his mind to her. “I’m going to take a shower.” He turned sharply on his heel and set a fast pace for the bathroom and the sonic shower. Taking a deep breath once the door shut behind him, he began reciting Starfleet officer codes of conduct, followed by algorithms for the engineering systems, and when he lost track of all of that, he did his best to recall the periodic table in numeric order.
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I saw your comment on the post for how much for just the planet and I would love some book recs! I have read the following: Sarek, Entropy Effect, The Lost Years, Spock's World, Prime Directive, and Imzadi. How much for the planet is def on my list now as well. Thanks so much!
Glad I could help and I’m happy you enjoyed it! How Much For Just The Planet is soooooo underrated (and I really love the other titles you mentioned asmwell, especially Sarek.) Have you read the Vulcan’s Soul trilogy?? I highly recommend the entire series. Federation is also pretty darn good, too.
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myselfinserts · 5 years
“All I ever get is attitude.”
“Are you absolutely sure about this?”
“Come on, Regi. You promised you’d keep an open mind about this.”
“I know, but-”
“I promise, you’ll find a kid you connect with.”
Regi let out a sigh. Eira wanted a little brother. Luci wanted another kid. And Luci insisted on adoption this time. Reginald didn’t mind. He was open to the idea. But he was rather nervous. It was already much harder to be a parent to Eira than he ever expected. And he still hadn’t fully grasped the fact that he practically raised his baby sister alongside Marianne sucsessfully. It took him so long to come to terms with parenthood. 
He wouldn’t give it up. No, not ever. 
But it didn’t mean he didn’t get scared about the idea still. 
“I promise,” the matron said. “We have plenty of fine young children who’d fit in well in your family.”
Lucien’s eyes kept glancing about, amazed at how packed the halls were. “There’s so many kids here.”
The matron nodded. “Several of the other orphanages closed down due to lack of funding, so many of the kids that couldn’t be housed were moved here since we’re the biggest and most staffed. And we double as a school too, so the students get their education while waiting for their forever family.”
Regi gently took Luci’s hand, trying hard to stay calm. “Is this the kind of place you grew up in?”
Luci shook their head. “No, the orphanage I was at was a lot less nice than this one. And the staff wasn’t nearly as nice.”
“We do our best to provide for all the children here, Mx. Adaire. All the children are well taken care of and fed and are up to date on their immunizations-”
Regi felt someone bump into his back and he stopped. Slowly he turned around, coming face to face with a boy a few years younger than Eira. He had on the school uniform, his hair was short and a vibrant shade of fuchsia. 
But his eyes. The left blue, the right green. Those struck a chord in Reginald’s heart. 
They look like papa’s…
“I’m sorry,” Regi said. “Are you alri-”
The boy’s eyes went wide and he stepped back in a panic. Before Regi could respond, the boy kicked him hard in the shin and took off down the hall. Regi nearly fell over, clutching his leg as the pain took hold. 
“Regi!” Luci gasped. “Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine,” he assured. “More worried I did something to hurt the kid.”
The matron shooed the children back to their classes before turning back to them. “I’m so sorry about him. He’s a bit of a handful.”
Regi shook his head. “I take it this is normal with, uh…”
“Leslie,” the matron explained. “He’s been sent back here a lot by previous families. Been here since he was a baby, then off and on after his first family learned he was quirkless. Other families came and went and none seemed to stick. He’s…a little skittish and mute at best. All I ever get is attitude from him at worst.”
“I know that feeling,” Luci muttered. “Used to be that kind myself. It hurts being sent back after being given the promise of being loved forever…”
Regi looked in the direction Leslie ran off to. He could feel his heart breaking. He couldn’t imagine how much it hurt to be unwanted and shipped back to a place to wait for another chance. Another chance that might not come…
“I wanna go talk to him,” Regi said. “Alone, if that’s okay.”
Luci and the matron looked at each other then nodded. 
“Okay,” Luci said. “You talk to him. I’ll wait for you in the main office, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
Regi gave them a quick kiss and then hurried to find Leslie. It didn’t take him long. He figured the kid knew exactly where to hide. 
If it were me, he thought. I’d have picked an empty classroom not too far. 
And he was right.
Leslie was standing in the center of an empty classroom, crying as Regi came in. The boy turned around, trying to calm down while letting out a weak voice.
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“I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to kick you. I just…got scared…Please don’t yell at me…”
Regi smiled softly and knelt to his level, holding out a hand. “My Imzadi was adopted, you know…Just like you, they were sent back time and time again by the people who promised to love them.”
Leslie stared at him, his lip quivering slightly. “Really?”
“Yeah, really. He eventually found his forever home with me. We have a lot of people in our family. We’re…a little unusual. But I think you’d fit in perfectly with us.” Regi could see he was hesitating. He couldn’t blame him. “If you want, you can come join our family. You’d have an older sister, a wonderful slew of aunts and uncles, and you’d have a lot of cousins too. And a pet. Have any of your other families had pets.”
“Yeah,” Leslie mumbled. “But it was always dogs…I don’t like dogs much…they’re fine but…not my favorite…I like cats…”
Regi smiled and reached into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled out a photo of Luci and Eira with Meatloaf and handed it to Leslie. “That girl there with the dark hair? That’s Eira. And the cat she’s holding is Meatloaf. Meatloaf would adore you.”
“Really?” Leslie looked at the picture, eyes going wide. “She’s got eyes like mine…”
“Yeah. And my dad? He had eyes like yours too.”
Leslie stared at him. “He had?”
Regi nodded. “I’m an orphan too. But I didn’t get adopted. I was looked after by my grandparents, then my uncle, but they all left. It was just me and my sisters for a long time. But now I have a big family that loves me a lot. And I love them. And I know they’ll love you too.”
Leslie handed back the picture. “No they won’t…Who would love a quirkless nobody?”
“I would.”
“…you mean it? You’re not tellin’ lies?”
Regi chuckled. “No, sadly I can’t lie to save my life. If I could, it’d have saved me a lot of trouble planning Eira a surprise party last year.” Leslie managed a chuckle. Regi felt the tension easing. “Why not give us a chance? We’re strange, but we’re more than ready to welcome you home.”
Leslie remained quiet for a while. Regi stayed still. He wasn’t going to force him. If Leslie didn’t want to be part of the family, he’d respect it.
Though he’d be lying if he said he didn’t hope the boy said yes.
“…would I have to change my name?”
“You can keep Leslie if you’d like. Or you can pick another name. My last name is Gladstone, and Lucien’s is Adaire. We hyphenated it for paperwork and for Eira. If you keep your name and both of ours it’d be Leslie Gladstone-Adaire. Does that sound good?”
Leslie let the sound of it mull over in his head before nodding and taking a step forward. “Okay…I’ll try being a…a Gladstone-Adaire…”
Regi smiled. “Then I think proper introductions are in order. I’m Reginald Gladstone-Adaire. And if you’d like, you can call me either Regi or Dad. Does that sound-oof!”
Leslie hugged him tightly, burying his face in Regi’s shirt. “Dad…”
Regi returned the embrace. “Come on, son. Let’s take you home.”
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het-reccers · 7 years
Agents of Shield, 12 Recs – Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz, minor: Skye|Daisy Johnson/Antoine Triplett
Like syd15 said around this time last year, I too have a very complex relationship with the show so these fics are largely AU or set early on and/or zero in on character interaction so tightly there isn’t much else to see. 
I really did want to get some Miraculous Ladybug fic recs in here but it's the end of the month and just completing the minimum took a lot more time than I imagined. >_< It's still been fun though, sharing with you guys and revisiting some truly stellar fanfics while doing so! Thanks!
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Murder By Mistake Author: recoveringrabbit Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/murders, discussions of war and the repercussions thereof Genre: Mystery/Romance/AU Word Count/WIP?: 121,617; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 17 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: You’re going to see another piece by recoveringrabbit in this list and I actually have still more of her works bookmarked. Look, if you like FitzSimmons you really ought to just read down her whole list of fics (though that's true of a lot of authors, she's my personal favorite). Imagine if you could take a golden age detective story a la Dorothy L. Sayers or Agatha Christie and add Fitzsimmons being science-y, adorable, earnest, insta-bonded, neophytes in love. You would get this masterpiece of fiction. If you love the way FitzSimmons seemed like soul mates long before they became lovers, if you love how well they worked together and how smart they are, if you love how they were still naive and oh so sincere despite their stratospheric IQs, and if you want all of that in a fight for truth, justice and the decency of humanity than this will be your catnip. Also starring Tony and Pepper in sizeable side roles with Coulson, Agent Morse, Hunter, Mack, and Trip all showing up to make cameos. Utterly delightful.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Diplomatic Relations Author: everyl1ttleth1ng Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences/none Genre: Romance/AU Word Count/WIP?: 1,606; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 18 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: There are a number of charming ficlets in the FitzSimmons: Out of the Blue series but this one always sticks in my mind as surprisingly adorable. The Scottish Prime Minister and his “lovely English counterpart” contemplating a romantic relationship? How can that not make you want to squeal a little bit?
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz; Minor pairings: Skye|Daisy Johnson/Antoine Triplett, Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse Title: Assassin Author: roamingbadger Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/swearing, drinking, a little sexual innuendo Genre: Adventure/Romance Word Count/WIP?: 27,673; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 19 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: This is a pulse-pounding AU that puts pretty much everyone at the Academy together for maximum combustion. Daisy is perfect as a Communications student/hacker with some great shout-outs to the delightful interactions and conversations she had with Jemma in season one. Jemma and Fitz are still in their “he hates me” stage of their relationship but this game of assassination will kick start their relationship in a very new direction. Plenty of our bus kids being far smarter than average with a good dose of romance too.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: fault lines Author: jemmasimmmons Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/nightmares, PTSD, spoilers for season three Genre: Drama Word Count/WIP?: 7,487; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 20 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: For a complete change of pace here’s a piece set in canon and it’s, by necessity, pretty dang somber but still hopeful and full of love. This is the kind of support, sharing and bonding that FitzSimmons fans wanted to see as they dealt with season three but sadly, didn’t get. Just slot this piece into your headcanon and carry on.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz; Minor pairing: Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse Title: Fitzing People Up Author: Lalalli Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences/swearing, drinking, a little sexual innuendo Genre: Romance/Humor/AU Word Count/WIP?: 10,956; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 21 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Fitz creates a practically perfect matchmaking algorithm only to find that one lovely lady, Jemma, can’t seem to get matched up with Mr. Right. Obviously, this anomaly necessitates a great deal of personal assistance. ^_^ The cameos for all the Mr. Wrongs are a riot but all those frogs help Jemma find her Prince Charming in the end.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz, Skye|Daisy Johnson/Antoine Triplett Title: I Can't Get No (Satisfaction) Author: newbie93 Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/swearing, drinking, some sexual innuendo Genre: Humor/AU Word Count/WIP?: 3,942; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 22 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: I don’t think there is better Skye/Trip flirtatious banter than this story. It’s perfect for a lighthearted laugh. Add to that Jemma checking out Fitz and their instant nerdlove rapport and it's everything we wish happened to our poor shell-shocked bus babies (I’m including Trip and Skye here too).
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Vast, Strange, New Author: recoveringrabbit Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences/none Genre: Romance/AU Word Count/WIP?: 21,668; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 23 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Another period piece by the very talented recoveringrabbit, this time set during the 1851 Great Exhibition. Daisy, in particular, is in fine form here but she’s assisted in her meddling by Miss Morse, Mrs. May, and even Mr. Coulson to varying degrees. What are they all working toward? Why getting the scientifically-minded Jemma and the engineering whiz kid Fitz together of course. Fitz is in London from Scotland with a display for the exhibition and Jemma (and the other ladies) are frequent visitors hoping to soak up all the sights and knowledge such an exciting happening promises. I’m not one of the fans who swoon over Fitz’s hands but the scene where Jemma is explaining to Daisy about the motion needed in an artificial wrist joint, using the gentleman in question as a model, is the very height of tightly-laced UST.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Time, As a Symptom Author: notabadday Link: AO3  Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences/dealing with grief, spoilers for season three Genre: Drama/AU Word Count/WIP?: 6,329; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 24 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Did I hear someone saying they wanted to cry their eyes out? Well, do I have the fic for you! Brace yourself for a heart wrenching and poignant look into what happens when Fitz leaves after Will is rescued. This fic is truly and honestly about the love between Fitz and Jemma but it is illuminated by their separation. If you appreciate the beauty of stripping away everything to probe the sorrow and strength beneath than this piece will be right up your alley. It even comes with its own haunting suggested soundtrack.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Higher Than the Sun Author: ardentaislinn Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/loopiness due to anesthesia Genre: Humor/AU Word Count/WIP?: 3,614; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 25 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Let's lighten things back up again. This is the epitome of a meet-cute. Fitz runs into a very out-of-it Jemma at the grocery store and does his level best to be the white knight he always is under his unassuming façade. This is an adorable and amusing read.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: Imzadi Author: agent85 Link: AO3  Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/xenophobia, similar tragic past to end of season one Genre: Drama/Romance/Star Trek AU Word Count/WIP?: 5,850; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 26 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Are there ever times you wish FitzSimmons could understand each other emotionally as well as they understand each other intellectually? Then this is the fic for you. Jemma is coming to terms with her Betazoid (or half-Betazoid) abilities and it adds a whole other dimension to the outfall from Fitz’s “more than that” confession. The two characters are still in character and Jemma still has to figure out her own heart, but her abilities give her the insight she needs to do so at a more accelerated pace.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: The Routine Author: agentverbivore (verbivore8642) Link: AO3 Rating/Warning(s): Teen And Up Audiences/drunkenness, implied sexual content Genre: Humor/AU Word Count/WIP?: 5,360; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 27 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Another funny start to a friends to lovers tale for FitzSimmons. This has a very nice blend of pathos and humor at the start and highlights Fitz mechanical skills even while so inebriated he doesn’t know what the crud he’s doing.
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz Title: How You Get the Girl Author: bookishandbossy Link: AO3  Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences/spoilers for season two Genre: Drama/Romance/AU Word Count/WIP?: 13,666; complete Recced on LiveJournal By: roofshadow Special Rec: 28 of 28
Why This Must Be Read: Imagine what could have happened if, after San Juan, FitzSimmons were sent undercover together on a case. Imagine the conversations they could have, the healing, the closure, the new beginnings… Sick of merely imagining? Then read this adorable fic. (Big plus, lots of wonderful shout outs to other Marvel properties.)
Originally Posted At: http://het-reccers.livejournal.com/1132701.html
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