#importantly IM TRYING)
lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
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through a cruel twist of fate, the brocade immortal escaped again!! and now it is ESSENTIAL to the PLOT that they wear maid dresses. follow for more clownery <3
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HUA CHENG IS NOT TAKING THE MAID ROLEPLAY SERIOUSLY!!! relatedly go read the practical use of good stamina by @fullmetalpotterhead its hilarious
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lokh · 26 days
yall what it mean when u are trying to make dango but it wont stay in a ball.
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camels-pen · 7 months
consider sanuso bodyswap where Sanji is of course "admiring" Usopp's body and Usopp is trying desperately to keep himself from getting worked up so that he doesn't light himself on fire.
Luffy and Chopper are not helping. They are in fact doing the opposite of helping. They've ramped up their pranks and are doing anything possible to get Usopp angry so that he combusts, freaks out, and then dives into the ocean to put himself out. They think it's hilarious.
Nami and Brook are Also not helping, since they're conspiring with Sanji to put on a fashion show with Usopp's body. Sanji called it "not wasting a precious opportunity to get him in something other than overalls". Usopp called it mutiny and he was gonna- dive into the ocean, holy fuck Sanji why is it so easy to catch fire?!
Best part about this is that Sanji assured him, several times, that his body doesn't get hurt by catching fire. Usopp still jumps into the ocean every time.
Robin pipes up at one point, asking if Sanji was immune to just his own flames or all flames. Sanji just kind of shrugs and said it depends. Franky, having just been leisurely watching all of this gets an idea. Would his Franky Fireball hurt Sanji's body or just give him more fire to work with?
He tries to coax Usopp into agreeing to test it out and, somehow, he manages it. Albeit, Usopp is all knocking knees and chattering teeth, a very odd sight from 'Sanji'. As part of the deal though, he can only shoot a fireball the size of his hand.
Usopp meant his small hand. The one Franky used for tinkering and fine detail work. He did not, however, clarify this.
So, when a fireball the size of Franky's big hand comes out, well. Usopp runs for his goddamn life.
It takes him a few moments- and the voices of his friends sounding distant and below him- to realize he hadn't, in fact, run to the men's quarters, but rather into the fucking sky.
And oooooh, boy he is gonna kill Sanji one of these days. Why was his body's first fucking instinct when running to go up, what the actual HELL-
Usopp lit himself on fire again.
He curses out Sanji as his Sky Walk fails in the same moment and he plummets towards the deck.
#one piece#sanuso#nemotime#usopp the first time he lights himself on fire: WHAT THE FUCK WHAY THE FUCK WHAT THE HELL OH GOD OH F-#oh ndvdggdvdv okay listen. listen. omagine Zoro's been asleep this whole time. and he misses the memo that there was a bodyswap.#and he wakes up to 'Sanji' kicking him abd immediately goes into fight mode... and then is really fucking spooked#bc 'Sanji' is blubbering about Zoro going to kill him and that he couldnt die this young and Zoro's just. Still as a statue.#Literally cannot compute.#and then 'Usopp' comes up to him. threatening him and calling him names the way he was expecting from 'Sanji'#Brook: oh dear he mustve slept through all the commotion. Zoro-san! Usopp and-!#Nami covering Brook's mouth: No wait i smell a money making opportunity#shes gonna con him. idk how or with what yet but shes definitely gonna con him#hes gonna be sooo pissed when he finds out she conned him but his usual outlet for physical violence is currently indisposed so. lol. lmao.#i like making zoro suffer idk why its just funny#wait wai what if Usopp didnt trip on him what if when he plummets to the deck he lands on Zoro lmfao#also Franky's standing there like 'Why did you dodge it?!' and Usopp is right back to trying not to light himself on fire again lol#oh n Jinbei gets roped into the fashion show stuff#where he incurs 'newbie's first debt to Nami'#damn now im thinking about him slightly concerned about all this spontaneous combustion and then Robin saying something to make it worse lol#ANYWAY MORE IMPORTANTLY the real tragedy of this post is that because Usopp's constantly worried about Combusting#it never really sinks in how blatantly Sanji is checking out his body + enjoying doing that fashion show#and because of Sanji 'enjoying the view' he never notices the brief moments where Usopp quietly does the same#before being interrupted by Luffy and Chopper coming out of nowhere wanting to roast marshmallows on Usopp's leg#okay im done were done im good its bed time gnight gmorning gday to all
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stardial · 5 days
school is over……. im free once more
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watatsumiis · 3 months
you know when you see pics of older people from when they were in their early adult-hood years and and turns out they were BANGIN’ hot. like they-definitely-had-a-line-of-lovers type of sexy. Pierro.
YOURE SO SO REAL FOR THIS LIKE GENUINELY. Like. Pierro is that brand of old man crunchy where like.. he aged like a fine wine most certainly, but its so easy to tell that he looked like a greek god in his youth - chiseled jawline, striking eyes, that easy confidence that comes from a life of having pretty privilege thrust upon you from pretty much the moment you came out--
Like.. i feel like he wouldve looked like the grunge aesthetic young adult they slap on the front of album covers where he looks sunken and tired but in a totally dashing way, with wind-tousled hair (honestly i never even thought of his original hair colour until now. i just imagine it white/grey because thats SO him. i could see it being brown, maybe blond?) and eye bags that look like they were dabbed on delicately with eyeshadow and a brush.
but even with all of that i do also just see him looking like he was just straight up carved from marble with his broad shoulders and the confident way he stands. Like he was drop dead gorgeous, the folks of khaenri'ah swooned over him, most everyone assumed he would go on to become a knight simply because of the whole 'dashing knight in armour' stereotype.
He's the sort of guy you see playing someones grandpa in a film and you're like "wait hes so hot though. now i wanna see what he looked like when he was younger" and then you get mad because HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO GORGEOUS THEIR ENTIRE LIVES HUH. HOW IS THAT FAIR.
I feel like his looks are not really something he openly acknowledges or even really realises - I guess this ties in to my oddly specific Pierro headcanons ((gives that old man a million mental illnesses and refuses to elaborate)) but i imagine he gets really really caught up in the minor details and just sort of passively sees himself as very just .. 'whatever', despite just how many people have always told him how handsome and beautiful he is.
Like, of course he'll thank them for the compliment but in his head he has like 90 rebuttals and genuinely convinces himself that theyre just saying it to be nice/polite/to get in his good graces/whatever. man has imposter syndrome out the wazoo .
I think he definitely aged very finely and gracefully, all things considered, but his obsessive fear of aging physically makes him feel like he hasnt. but to me . old man pierro is the most gorgeous . perfect.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
if supernatural was any good, they would have had mary and lucifer sleep together in the apocalypse world. this would have solved zero problems with the show, but it would have created a hundred more interesting ones than they already had.
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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Better photos to come later but Mav finished his open title and won a stuffy in a draw!
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scribefindegil · 7 months
I don't have a plot yet but I think it would be very funny to write a fic where I somehow zap the Lower Decks crew to Real-Life Riverside Iowa.
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darabeatha · 3 months
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/ My goal for this year is to draw more handsome anime men and most importantly, FINISH THEM👹
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shkika · 10 months
Hey hi and hello!
Quick question (I’m sure you have been asked this many times so you don’t have to answer)
On average, how long does it take you to make these comics? I’m quite curious as you pump them out like wild fire while you have me making comics twice a month XD
Love ur art btw❤︎︎
Ok I skitter away now
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I actually haven't been asked many times! A few here and there and not in my inbox haha
Making all those comics was VERY time consuming with each comic taking up from 4-8 maybe hours to make flat out removing all breaks and such I've had. For example my Spearmaster and Suns comic was long so that one was haard to make.
I have to cut corners a bunch here and there in order to make it work with an ask-blog around as well. It does not mean I put less effort though, more so I don't go for perfectionism in my art as long as it sells the point. I make everything with a lot of love and excitement, but I am slowing down a little in order not to go crazy hehe
I'm glad you like them!
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pcktknife · 1 year
do you have any tips for a first time art fight?
not really well other than 1) dont expect a revenge attacks back for every attack you do and 2) the other side of that dont expect yourself to do revenge attacks for every attack you might get. some people do but not everyone can and you might burn yourself out <:3 take breaks if u need👍🏾
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sherbovania · 3 months
look at my new personal best time in side order boy. seven minutes one second i’m a certified Brain Genius
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sheepalmighty · 1 year
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It’s been too normal in the ace combat tags lately. Have some drawings of my HC Gryphus 1 and Crux / Eugene from last year that I’ve cleaned up. Ace Combat X is definitely near the top of the list
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qeyond · 9 months
I strongly support all of these "Death Note characters as animals" posts and they're so well done!! but the lack of bobtail representation is very u_u
Making B an American Bobtail so he can go crazy stupid, yell forever, be incredibly hardy, built like a tower, and be completely bone-less on the floor at any given point.
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theygender · 5 months
Does anyone have any good book recommendations that talk about transmisogyny in a way that would be entry level to like. A 50 year old cis lesbian
#especially ones that talk about the ways that our society primes even trans allies to view trans women in a negative light#my mom is trying but i think she could use some help understanding in a way that i dont think i could just talk her through#she seems to think my gf is more like standoffish than she actually is and she thinks my gf is being rude when shes emotional about smth#and im talking her through it from the perspective of like#'as a human being and as someone who is all too familiar with homophobia please understand what this is like from her perspective'#but i feel like. theres some unconscious transmisogyny going on here and i really wish my mom could understand that#but i dont think shes ever even heard of transmisogyny before. she has no context#i cant try and talk her through it from that perspective bc she would need a lot of background to understand what im saying#and i dont think trying to explain transmisogyny theory in the middle of an argument would be helpful#if i could recommend her a good book under the context that it would help her understand me and my gf as trans people#and if she read through it and took the time to understand it which i do believe she would#i feel like it might help her to kind of analyze if the thoughts shes having are influenced by transmisogyny and start unpacking that#and also importantly i feel like she could look at what my gf is going through not just from the human and lgbt perspective im asking her to#but also from her perspective As A Woman#bc i feel like theres a missing piece there right now. my mom supports us and respects my gfs gender#but i dont think shes looking at these situations in context As A Fellow Woman#idk#rambling
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hella1975 · 5 months
i understand you so much with the piercing debacle. i grew up and still am in a evanglical mennonite-influenced community where majority of people view earrings as a sin. and ive literally been going back n forth over getting my ears pierced for 2 years internally. like my parents are fine with it but i will get so much backlash from my extended family.
im such a fucking hypocrite bc my first response to reading this was 'your body your choice you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want to it! piercings dont have to be permanent anyways! live your truth!' and then im here whining like a baby bc i dont want to upset my mum
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