tastefulstars · 1 year
just think about being sandwiched between Eddie and Steve and them just covering you in hickies. like, you're gonna look like you've been mauled. and their big hands are gripping you and each other and they're whispering praise and encouragement to you as they work both their dicks into you and you're crying because its too much and you can't even begin to express how good you feel, stuffed full of them. and there's a hand tangled in your hair and bruising kisses pressed onto your lips and you're gasping and hiccuping and whining because good girl, takin' us so well. our sweet girl, pretty girl, gonna cum all over our cocks. and when you're all fucked out and sated they keep you pressed between them and lavish you with praises, cleaning you up and gently bringing you back to yourself <3
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Okay but Steve and you and Eddie decide to move into an apartment together because why not? You're all best friends and the rent is cheaper when split three ways.
Its a shitty little thing but you make it work, make it home. And it's easy, the three of you living together.
You cook for them, you all need better food than just frozen pizzas all the time and fine, I'll make us dinner if you two clean up, so you do - each night is something new and delicious and healthy. You find yourself enjoying it, experimenting and trying new dishes. Pride always making your chest expand and head light when they lavish you with praise as they eat, insisting that no, this is the best one yet.
Eddie and Steve help do chores and find themselves looking forward to Saturday mornings when you all get up early and put music on and clean and tidy and do laundry. It's all so domestic but......... they feel at home and wanted and that they belong, here in this little shitty apartment with you.
Each of you have your little 'oh,,,im in love with them' moments.
Eddie's is when he's working on his campaign, the hellflire club still going even though the majority of them have graduated. The group gather at the apartment once a month, filling in and there is too many people and their set ups spill over the table and floor and kitchen bench. He's writing notes, talking to himself and trying to come up with ideas on where to take the campaign when you pipe up with a suggestion about 'how about the gang have to break into a tomb for some treasure but accidently awaken a mummy who's goal is to eat them and restore itself?' and Steve responds with, 'hmm, no that's a bit too predictable - make it an ancient, elder god who was cursed and needs to consume so many souls to break it' and Eddie is just,,,, melting, tummy flipping and he's giggling at the feeling.
Steve's is when the three of you are just hanging out. It's a friday night and the TV is on and Steve is sitting on the small armchair and you and Eddie are on the couch. Eddie is leaning heavily on his elbow, resting his cheek against his hand, and you're laying awkwardly across the couch and Eddie's lap and you're twisted slightly and you both laugh at something and his heart just stutters, swells and bursts and he can't stop the grin forming on his face. He feels giddy and wants nothing more than to shout it from the window, the he's so in love.
You always knew you loved them, always, but you never realised just how much - how in love you were - until you were in an accident, hit by a drunk driver on your way home. You were in shock and in pain and scared and you wanted Steve and Eddie like scared kids want their moms. You're laying in your hospital bed, wide watery eyes fixed on the door, longing for them to burst through it and wrap you in their arms. You hear them before you see them and as they rush into your room and see their scared, worried faces you break, face crumpling and chest heaving a sob. You reach for them, the movement causing pain the flair through you but you ignore it, wanting you boys and wanting to feel safe. They climb onto your bed and squish you between them and they're kissing your hair and murmuring that they've got you, you're okay honey, you're safe, we're here.
None of you really have to say it, you all know and show each other through your actions and words.
Its natural, the progression from best friends and roommates to lovers and partners.
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tastefulstars · 1 year
The whole situation started out innocently enough, you'd felt like dolling yourself up and put on a face of makeup. You're barely finished when the idea hits you and you're racing through the apartment, calling out for Eddie. You didn’t even have to beg, you ask him nicely and he says yes and you can barely contain your excitement. You push him down on the couch and instruct him not to move a muscle.
You gather your makeup and race back to him, practically vibrating. You lay out your supplies on the couch around him and straddle his hips. You push a headband into his hair, brushing it out and away from his face and Eddie just watches you with a small smile on his face.
You tell him 'm gonna make you look so pretty, Steve won't know what to do with you. And you start your work, brow furrowing and tongue peeking out in concentration and Eddie has never felt so in love.
He lets his eyes fall shut and rests his hands on the soft flesh of your waist and enjoys the sensations of your hands and fingers and brushes on his face. He hums and murmurs I wish I was inside you right now, and you freeze, gently setting down the eyeshadow. Yeah? You're whispering, gonna hold still for me?
He's nodding and you deftly undo his jeans, stroking him until he's fully erect and you're reaching underneath your skirt and pushing your undies to the side and blissfully sinking down on him. You both breathe out soft sighs and you settle back in his lap before returning to your task.
You're mostly right. You do make Eddie look so pretty but Steve takes one look at you both, all dolled up for him, and pounces.
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Eddie and Steve coming home to find you curled up in bed, lights off and arms covering your head. They're calling out for you and their voices and footsteps are too loud and you whimper, tears filling your eyes. Your head is pounding and they're killin you with all the noise.
When they find you, a wreck and in horrible pain, they turn into big carebears. Eddie slips into the bed next to you and gently runs his fingers through your hair and softly massages your scalp. Steve's grabbing an ice pack and water and medicine and he gently coaxes you up enough to take the pills and sip at the water, and you whimper quietly and your body feels weak and your head is too heavy, pain pounding in sync with your pulse and it's all too much for you to handle.
Two sets of hands lay you back down and Eddie resumes his gentle carding through your hair and Steves holding the cold compress against your eyes and the relief makes you hiss quietly.
There's no words said, just your boys looking after you whenever you need them.
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Steve's been out for hours, taking the kids do to something, and by the time he gets home you and Eddie have already gone insane with boredom and have turned to chaos to keep yourselves entertained.
He walks through the door and stops dead in his tracks, the living room has been transformed into.... a cave??? There is large fabrics draped in varying shades of grey drapped all over, hanging from the walls and roof and there's a soft curve to it. The couch is pushed against the wall and is covered in soft, fur looking fabric and pillows and theres a chest??? Where did that even come from?????
You've painted your face red with orange and yellow details, making you kind of look like a dragon, kind of, and your hair is a wild mess and you're wearing layers of loose, torn fabrics and leather pants and cinched it all at your waist with a belt and you should look ridiculous but you make it look hot??
Eddie's dressed like a knight or a prince and he's got a fake sword strapped at his hip and a crown resting loppsided on his head. He's bouncing around the room, hoping from the coffee table to the archway of the kitchen. He's proclaiming something about vanquishing the beast and claiming the treasure and you're cackling and lunging at him yelling about how you were an inmortal elder and you were going to eat him for dinner.
Steve is so confused and a little turned on?? When you spot him you hiss and jab a finger in his direction.
"Don't think your reenforcement will save you!"
And you ran at him and Steve's ashamed to admit he shrieks what the fuck and runs towards Eddie, using him as a shield. Eddie and you are shaking, trying not to laugh at his reaction and then Eddie clears his throat and wheezes out 'Don't worry Knight Steve! I'll protect you from the big bad dragon"
And then you loose it, collapsing on the ground and lauging histerically.
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Ok but you're bffs with Steve and Eddie and you're hanging with the kids when billy and his crew show up. He starts yelling at max about being around lucas and you turn into overprotective big sibling and you deck him.
You break his nose and give him a black eye.
"If you ever so much as look at lucas in the wrong way i will break every bone in your body, you piece of shit"
Eddie and steve are just
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tastefulstars · 11 months
ok but The Labyrinth AU with eddie as the Goblin King and steve as sarah but when goblin king!eddie is pleading with sarah!steve to stay with him towards the end and sarah!steve is just like oki and they live forever :))
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tastefulstars · 11 months
magic!au where steve isn't actually very good at magic but eddie goes to him for help with something under the impression that steve's a high mage or whatever and steve just goes with it, deciding that he'd figure it out as he goes and they fall in love
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