#imagine if him and dante devil may cry kissed
raidante · 2 years
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HE IS MY everything.
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80, Dante if you're still accepting these!!
Thanks for sending this request, dear!! It ended up as such a heartwarming one, I hope you enjoy it 🖤🖤
Spotify Wrapped Special: 80, Dante - Africa, by Toto
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Summary: Dante was late for Kyrie's birthday party, making Nero very disappointed at him. Luckily, you knew very well how to summon the Crimson Slayer.
Author's notes: Seriously. Dante is the KING of grand entrances. He needed one, with Faust and fireworks and everything. Also, Nero and Vergil took over for a while on this one "^^
About the Song: Africa is a song by TOTO, with catchy keyboards and a such a good vibes feeling, no one can remain silent when it's on. Super 80's, great song. It got even more famous as a meme from Jon Pumper when you can't get Toto out of your head. Click the link, it's worth it ;)
80, Dante - Africa, by Toto
“Can’t believe this. Even Vergil is here and that ol’ excuse of an uncle is workin’?!”
To say Nero was fuming was an understatement – not that he was all sweets and roses around Vergil, but at least he didn’t berate his father so openly in front of him like that. Only when he was mad.
And Vergil just started at his son with frozen eyes. No one really knew how to read him, but after all the time living with the twins, you got used to that look.
It was the look of a thousand different thoughts going around Vergil’s mind at the same moment – you could almost see Urizen, V, Griffon, Nightmare and Shadow all fighting amidst a thundering storm and Vergil just there, holding the Yamato, completely clueless and having no idea what to do.
That was a good description of what was going inside his head at the moment.
“Hey, kid. Take it easy on Dante. The man has no idea how to deal with… This.”
Vergil stared back at you, still wearing the same expression, and you could almost hear him asking if he seemed to know how to deal with that as well. You held back a laugh.
“C’mon, it’s just a friggin’ birthday! What’s so difficult about it?!” Nero opened his arms, completely ignoring one of the kids of the orphanage running after another with their faces dirty from sweets and Nico running after them right after, screaming for them to give the bowl of candy back.
You just gave the young Sparda grandkid a knowing look.
Nero sighed, resting one of his hands on his hip and using the other to massage his neck. It wasn’t going to work to calm him down, but at least it was something.
“I know, I know… But it’s Kyrie’s party. The kids really wanted to do somethin’ for her and she’s definitely gonna expect the whole crew to show up… The whole family, ya know?”
A little far away, Kyrie was singing some Britney Spears on the karaoke alongside Trish and Lady. The trio was having so much fun you couldn’t help but smile. Lady didn’t let herself have that much fun often and Trish… Well, she wasn’t really used to it. She was created to kill, after all. It was good watching everyone having fun and Kyrie leading the vocals while the kids danced, applauded and just set everything in utter chaos around them.
It really seemed like a family gathering.
“Hmmm. That is exactly what we don’t know how to deal with.” Vergil pointed out coldly, remaining with his arms crossed, casually sipping his iced tea Kyrie prepared specially for him. To say she had conquered the Dark Slayer’s heart wasn’t enough. “Family. Ours… Burned before we could learn anything else.”
Nero furrowed his eyebrows, carrying a hint of sadness in his aquamarine eyes. He rarely thought how all that grand legend of the children of Sparda had actually affected Dante and Vergil… He never thought his own father would know nothing of family, even more than Nero. He had always thought he was an unwanted child, not the child of a man who had lost so much and never knew he existed.
“Hmmm… I can think of a way to summon him. But you gotta help me, kiddo.” You looked back at Nero with fun in your eyes, making both Sparda’s kin watch you suspiciously.
“Well, ok…? What is it?” Of course, Nero was careful when the word ‘summon’ floated around, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make Kyrie happy.
“Actually…” You mumbled while typing something on your cellphone. “I’ll also need you to help me, Verge.”
Vergil just raised one of his eyebrows, but in that department, he and Nero were very similar – there was nothing he wouldn’t do to make his son content.
As you finished typing, you kept your cellphone in your pocket, immediately feeling it vibrate with an incoming message after only a few seconds. You opened a huge smile, staring back at them.
“Can I count on you? Unconditionally?”
“Yeah.” Nero’s answer was deadpan; he didn’t even need time to think.
“Yes.” Vergil nodded slightly, ready to keep his word.
“Then follow me.”
They were ready to make a blood offering from the kinship of Sparda to summon Dante’s heart and make him fly over or just materialize in a pool of blood in the back of the party. Vergil held the Yamato with certainty, Nero held his head high.
Until you stopped by the karaoke and asked the girls for a song.
“Nero and  Vergil are singing with me.”
“WHAT?!” Of course, Nico and Patty suddenly appeared, holding the rogue kids and bowls of candies, eating the sweets themselves and scolding the kids for trying to steal it.
Vergil and Nero had only shock in their eyes as you handed them the microphones.
“You guys said you’d help unconditionally.” You had to remind them as they hesitated.
“Now that is something I would pay to see.” Trish had a devilish smile painted on her rosy lips, causing a laugh on Lady.
“Oh, the kids love when you sing, Nero…!” Kyrie had dreamy eyes and there was nothing the young Sparda could do against that.
Of course, the kids loved when he singed because he was a complete clown alongside Nico every time they had a karaoke party. But that seemed to make Kyrie happy.
“Yeah, I promised I’d do it. C’mon.” Nero grabbed the mic, making his father resign to their fate.
“I hope you know what you are doing…” Vergil muttered between his teeth as you started singing the first lines of the song.
Nero soon joined you, knowing it all by heart. After some notes, he was already feeling the music and, to be honest, it wasn’t much of a chore having to sing Africa with you. He couldn’t understand how that would help to make Dante materialize in the party, but even if you were just doing that for them to have fun, he wouldn’t complain – at least, he was having fun.
Vergil, in the other hand, took some time to ease into the song. It had been some time he didn’t listen to it, but he knew why you had chosen it… Dante seemed to adore that tune. His twin would sing that riff over and over at the Devil May Cry – almost driving Vergil crazy a couple of times. But, after so many years in Hell just hearing screams of pain and torture alongside laughs of pure sadistic pleasure, he could get used to his brother’s voice singing a beautiful song.
And when said riff came up, Vergil took the mic to his lips and sang alongside you.
Nero widened his eyes, smiling with surprise upon hearing his father’s voice singing. It was actually the first time the crew heard Vergil sing – and he wasn’t half bad, just like Dante; even if both would argue otherwise.
You and Nero danced around with the musical break, making Vergil giggle a bit with your antics.
“The wild dogs cry out in the night, as they grow restless longing for some solitary company…” And he didn’t even notice how you both let him sing alone for a while, noting how dark and beautiful Vergil’s voice was when he wanted to. Nero couldn’t stop his mind from thinking how it would have sounded if his father had sung him to sleep when he was just a kid.
“I know that I must do what’s right!” Soon, Nero joined Vergil and both were singing while looking at each other, barely noticing you allowed them to sing without you for a moment as well. That was a rare moment, but it was an opportunity you couldn’t let them lose. “As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti! I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become…”
Vergil stopped singing for a while as you joined the riff once more, dueting with Nero in an arrangement of different tones of voices. The Dark Slayer could finally see why his twin loved that song so much – some lyrics felt like watching his own reflection in the running waters of a quiet river.
As the solo hit, Nero took the task of playing his famous air guitar, making the kids scream around as if he was a rockstar. With you on air keyboards, Vergil stared you both for a while before starting, almost unmoving, to play his own air drums.
“Yeah! That’s how you do it, ol’ man!” Nero laughed while playing as if he had a real guitar in his hands. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at how much Vergil seemed to blush, get weird, freeze and continue air playing – all at the same time.
Taking a deep breath, you took your mic back to your lips. It was the moment of truth. Dante wouldn’t fail you – you had unweavering faith in your Crimson Slayer.
“Hurry boy, she’s waiting there for you!”
You could swear your voice could be heard in Heaven and Hell alike. With the stomps of the drums, though, the entrance door opened abruptly: Dante entered in strides, wearing Faust, having a ton of firework-like things exploding all around him in the shape of hearts. So many hearts.
Needless to say, all the attention turned to the Crimson Slayer, as he pointed back at you.
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you!” He sang with all the might of his demonic and human lungs.
Chaos ensued. The kids went crazy with the fireworks. Nico and Nero broke down laughing. Lady and Trish rolled their eyes – even if they had fun smiles on their lips. Kyrie’s heart seemed to bloom inside her chest. Patty was torn between complaining how cheesy Dante was and clapping – she ended up clapping while complaining and laughing at his antics. Vergil, once again, had that look of “every part of my personality is fighting inside me with thousands of thoughts and reactions, so my reaction is exactly none” – although he was happy to see his brother, as always when Dante arrived.
“There’s nothin’ that a hundred man or more could ever do!” Strutting as if he was in a catwalk, Dante approached you, with his convinced smile plastered on his lips.
“I bless the rains down in Africa!” As you sang together, he finally approached and spun you around, putting you on the ground only to grab his brother and nephew to keep on singing on the karaoke.
It was all lost, though. As Dante arrived, the party seemed to have finally begun – even if it already was fun. Vergil gave in and continued singing calmly next to his brother – who sang as if he was auditioning for The Voice.
“Gonna take some time to do the things we never had!” As the last line arrived, Dante embraced all of you to sing together in a hug – and even if Vergil seemed unwilling and Nero was a little uncomfortable at first, you all sang happily, with all your hearts… As a family would.
“Hey there, lil’ angel! Sorry it took me some time, got caught up on a job.” Dante finally addressed Kyrie as the song ended. She just clapped and cheered. “Happy birthday, Kyrie.”
“Oh, Dante! You didn’t have to…!” It was the first thing she said as he took an embellished hairpin out of his pocket and handed it to her. It was delicate and truly fit for an angel – you were all impressed he hadn’t broke it on the way there.
“It’s just a lil’ somethin’, couldn’t let your birthday go blank, could I?” He winked at her, already holding your hand so you could talk. “And kid, sorry I couldn’t make it earlier.”
“Hey, you’re here, right? That’s what matters!” Nero smiled back at his uncle, stepping by Kyrie to help her put the hairpin on.
As you approached the table with the apple punch Kyrie prepared earlier, Dante took you in your arms, kissing your forehead as you giggled.
“Ya know, that ‘Nero and Verge are singing Toto on the karaoke with me, be here soon or you’re gonna miss the party of a lifetime, cowboy’ message you sent me earlier was very effective, babe.” Dante had fun in his voice, giggling alongside you as his sky-blue eyes searched yours and you were safe and sound in his arms. You could hear Kyrie and Nico singing in the distance.
“Oh, I had to do something to bring you here. With the entrance of a lifetime too!” With that, he laughed out loud, one of your hands pointing towards Faust. “Guess some devil arms are useful for lots of things.”
“Huh, how do you think I got here? Cavaliere had a lot of work too!” With that, he winked at you, leaving another kiss on your forehead. “I’m glad you sent me the message, babe. I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything.”
“Hmmm, by the way, did you get paid this time…?”
“Yeah.” Dante shrugged, moving you alongside him, starting to dance unconsciously. “The lady wanted to give me money for my troubles, but I said the fancy hairpin she was wearin’ would do. Couldn’t let Kyrie go without a birthday gift, right?”
A bright smile colored your lips as your heart bloomed in gold. You didn’t know what you expected, really. If you didn’t know him better, you’d say he took the job because he forgot his family obligations, for not being used to it – but you were talking about Dante. You had no doubt he took it only to buy something nice to Kyrie; trading his money for something he was positive she would like.
“You’re wonderful, did you know that, cowboy?” You took Faust off his head, leaning in for a kiss. “A true heart of gold.”
Dante embraced you as you kissed him. It was going to take some time to do the things he never had the opportunity to do – but luckily, time was something Dante would always have for his family.
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spinningwebsandtales · 11 months
Imagine Dante Leaving On A Mission And You’re Having A Hard Time Seeing Him Leave
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Dante X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 600
(A/N:) I’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and I finally got it finished! I need a Dante in my life and those are just the facts. XD I can’t help myself but to write a little bit of angst but I did leave a fluffy bonus scene so I don’t leave y’all with emotional damage! 🤣 Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You knew you should be used to seeing Dante leave, but it never got easier to watch him go. But this particular moment you were struggling with the fact that he was going to be gone awhile and he didn’t even know when he would be back. You fought tears as you watched him grab all the gear he would need. He could sense your unease and turmoil. He didn’t want to leave, but the lights hadn’t been on for at least a week and he wanted to provide everything you needed. 
That meant leaving and being gone for however long the job required him to be there. After loading up his gear and placing Ebony, Ivory, and Rebellion in their rightful places, he turned towards you. The tears brimming in your eyes, shattered his heart. Normally you would go with him and take care of whatever devil was plaguing the area. But this time it was too dangerous, that even had you more worried. If Dante didn’t think you were strong enough to face the challenge it meant the mission was dire. You had seen what happens to Dante when things are dire, he gets hurt. You can’t imagine life without him and you start losing the battle with your emotions. The tears can no longer be suppressed and as they stream down your cheeks, Dante sighs.
“I’m sorry babe,” he said taking you in his arms.
You had a difficult time returning the embrace as his weapons kept getting in the way. You tightened your arms around him as best as you could. He squeezed, trying to will as much comfort into your trembling form as he could.
“I’ll come back to you,” he whispered while stroking the back of your head. Your soft hair tickling his bare fingers. You hiccupped and sobbed into his chest staining his worn shirt with salty tears.
“You better,” you threatened. Though it didn’t sound near as scary with your voice trembling from emotions. Dante chuckled as he continued to hold you. He really didn’t want to leave but he wouldn’t leave you until you had calmed down a little bit. He couldn’t bring himself to leave you in such a distraught state. It took a little bit but your tears finally dried and you breathed in deeply and your sigh hitched when you breathed out.
“Better,” he cooed bringing you out to arms length. 
Not trusting yourself to talk you just nodded, wiping at your eyes. Dante took the chance and kissed you deeply, it had become a tradition of his if he went alone on missions. He’d leave you with a kiss you’d remember until he got home.
“I will come back,” he promised again but this time more firm. His blue eyes losing the gleam of mirth that was normally there. His features becoming more serious as he wanted you to not worry anymore.
“Go get ‘em devil boy,” you teased, finally ready to let him go.
“Yes ma’am!” His goofy self came back with a sloppy salute before shutting the door to Devil May Cry. When you heard the motorcycle roars fade away did you collapse to the floor shaking with uncontrollable sobs.
Dante pushed the door open to his office. He switched on the lights so he wouldn’t trip over anything and wake you up. He had been a little longer than usual, since he stopped to pay the electric bill before coming home. You were fast asleep in bed, unaware that he had made it home in one piece. Putting his weapons back up, he snuck his way upstairs to see you dreaming peacefully in the bed.
“Hey babe, I’m home,” Dante whispered, stroking your hair from your cheek causing you to nuzzle deeper into the pillows.
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June of Doom #8
Devil May Cry - #8 - Infection
“Hey,” Dante said softly as they entered the hospital room.
Kyrie forced a smile despite the heavy bags under her eyes and her pale face. Dante put a hand on her shoulder briefly before stepping aside to make room for Vergil.
She had called them yesterday to inform them that Nero had been hospitalized. He’d been feeling poorly but insisted on continuing to work. Apparently, though, he’d collapsed at home early yesterday and been unresponsive. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Vergil asked.
Nero was currently lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machinery. A sheen of sweat coated his skin and his breathing was harsh. Fever left his cheeks red, the only color in his otherwise ashen face.
“Infection,” Kyrie said, reaching out to take Nero’s hand in her own gently. “They’re treating it the best they can, but they said it’s like nothing they’ve ever seen before.”
Dante and Vergil shared a glance that they hoped was subtle. The hope was dashed when Kyrie’s shoulders slumped.
“It’s from a demon, isn’t it?” she said. “He got hurt on the job.”
“We’ve worked so many jobs trying to clean up Red Grave,” Dante said, scrubbing a hand down his face. “So many damn injuries. Could’ve been any of them. I honestly don’t know, Kyrie. I’m sorry. But he’s a tough kid; too stubborn to die. He’ll beat this and then bitch about it. You’ll see.”
She squeezed Nero’s hand. “I know. He’s strong. I just hate seeing him like this. So…vulnerable.”
“We’ll stick around until he’s recovered,” Dante assured. “Why don’t you go grab some food and sleep?”
“I should-”
“You should eat and rest,” Dante said. “He’ll kick our asses if we don’t make you. Think of us if you won’t think of yourself, huh?”
She gave a weak smile. “I suppose he would. Alright, I’ll get something to eat and take a nap. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Sleep all you want,” Dante said, claiming the other chair in the room and leaning back in it casually. “I could use a break from hunting demons.”
Kyrie replaced Nero’s hand on the bed and tucked the covers around him securely. She brushed his hair away from his forehead, eyes shining with concern as she took in the sight of him. She bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. It was such a tender gesture that Vergil looked away, embarrassed at having witnessed it.
“Thank you. Both of you,” she said. When Vergil refused to look at her after a moment, she gave up and left the room, shutting the door behind her as she went.
“What could’ve wrecked the kid like this? This is bad, Vergil,” Dante said, sitting up in the chair and looking over Nero. 
Vergil approached Nero and drew back the blanket covering him. The boy wore a hospital gown, clinging to him from the sweat. Despite the fever, his body shook with cold as soon as the blanket was gone. 
Vergil examined him, noticing a cluster of bandages on Nero’s leg. He swallowed at the sight of it and slowly replaced the blanket.
“Fuck, my leg!” Nero had hissed a few days ago after a demon had dug its claws into his leg. “Dammit, that fucking hurts.”
“Stop whining. Maybe Dante was right to call you deadweight,” Vergil had snapped at him, tired after a long day of hunting and fighting.
Nero had glared but had not complained about his leg again, even doing a good job at hiding his formerly pronounced limp. 
“Vergil? What is it?” Dante asked.
Vergil could almost imagine Nero smiling and telling Kyrie he was fine when he got home from the job. He could picture Nero bandaging his leg and gritting his teeth through the pain as it worsened, desperately hiding his injury from everyone around him.
All because Vergil had told him to stop whining about it. Because Vergil had implied that to show pain would make Nero a deadweight.
And now he was suffering a severe infection, unconscious in the hospital.
Vergil tried to remember what the demon had looked like. He could only vaguely remember, but he did recall the area it had been lurking in. If there were more…if Vergil could only find the creature to determine what in its claws had caused such a horrific infection in Nero…
He strode for the door. Dante leapt up and caught his arm, but Vergil angrily shook him off.
“I’ll be back,” Vergil said. 
Vergil slammed the door on Dante’s words and moved swiftly down the hallway. He was walking so fast that he nearly ran right into Kyrie, who was just stepping away from a vending machine.
“Vergil?” she asked, looking worried. “What’s wrong? Is he okay?”
“He will be,” Vergil said firmly, because he had caused this and he was going to fix it.
The boy - his boy - was not going to die in this hospital. Not to his pride. Not because of Vergil.
Vergil would not rest until he’d found that demon and figured out how to cure Nero’s infection.
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prototypelq · 9 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
Create a crossover! What is Devil May Cry crossing over with? How does it work? How do the characters from each world interact with the characters from the other?
Hi Ember, thank you for a very creative ask!
This is simultaneously the easiest and the hardest ask out of all of them for me pfff. I am not really a crossover person, I’m much more an AU person. AUs heavily inspired by other medias or the like can be carefully picked to enhance the specific aspects of existing things in canon to tailor it to your liking. Full on crossovers to me looks more like… mashing dolls together to imitate kissing basically. Weird, forced and doesn’t really work? I’ll try thou
In terms of classic crossover definition the only one I can come up with, and the one that I found art for Right on the day you sent the ask (there are no accidents) – is with Darksiders. You know. Another series of games based on Angelic and Demonic imagery, which thematically hold family in high regard. Though,  DMC doesn’t have Riders of the Apocalypse OR, more importantly, their horses. (I love darksiders for lots and lots of reasons but also like half of them can also be summarized by saying magic horse knights, it’s hard to put into words exactly how majestic powerful and appealing a war horse concept is to me, even more so because I’ve had some experience with them, a war horse is an actual Tank I am not kidding)
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This will mostly work for laughs, because siblings bickering and demon trouble will be familiar to all the characters. I’d love to see them all spar actually, cause if anything can rival overpowered twins of DMC, it would be the Riders of the Apocalypse. Plus they could work as actually really cool bosses (imagine a combination of crazy hitboxes of Maplphas chicken rush attacks, with a finesse and speed of Angelo, and that would probably be the skeleton the Riders will diverge from, and the situation works in reverse, but the Lucifer fight from Darksiders 2 (actually my fav fight in the series gameplay wise) is pretty much already Dante&Vergil movesets combined – incredibly fast teleporting chains of attacks, and an array of ranged options to boot, great fight)
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Actually, If I were to play against those I would probably be scared for my damn life if I saw War&Ruin rushing full speed to my location on screen, no matter how badass the character I play as would be. Have you seen Ruin? That horse is built like a goddamn truck, is just as powerful AND IS FAST. The only way to disrupt this attack would be to like perfect-parry War’s slash and powerful enough to dismount him, or at least dismiss Ruin (who can actually fight on his own too).
Sorry for focusing so much on War&Ruin, it’s just these two are an actual battering ram combined and that’s so cool. I love all the Riders and horses of Darksiders. You could probably see where my headcanons for ‘demonic pets au’ or the like come from. That said this is the only specifically a crossover I can think of.
Now, If I, per chance, were to take some Creative Liberties TM with the ask… and perhaphs add some AU thoughts here… Ooh boy
First of all, the family drama focus of DMC means that, story-wise you can insert them EVERYWHERE.
Pacific Rim copilots au where Vergil went missing during a last-stand kaiju fight and Dante had to operate the jaeger alone, Vergil to be found and rehabilitated by the locals but forgotten and lost to the whole operation, and Dante who managed to pilot the jaeger back to base alone, mourning his brother for the last 20 years, only to find out a nephew in a new pilot candidate? Done.
RDR cowboys on the run from the gang that had personal history with their family, constantly traveling and trying their luck where they can?Maybe with Nero growing up to join the bounty hunters that are looking for the twins? Done. (Rebellion and Yamato as horses...)
Dishonored AU because I really really want to see the setting of these games more but the story in them is always lacking? Twins trying to out-asassin each other? Or they could be on different sides of the conflict, or Anything it would be very cool!!!
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Hitman games twins insert! The second twin is the bot you play against, and need to eliminate the target faster or prevent each other from achieving their goal. Vergil is the Silent Assassin, perfect eye sniper, Dante is the Master Infiltrator that can and will get past any security right under their noses.
Okay so wild fantasizing almost over, what crossovers/heavy au I can imagine that would benefit DMC?
Bloodborne or ResE, though Blodborne would be my preferred option, and my knowledge on ResE begins and ends with those twins insert skins.
I Love Love Love Love Love the family drama in DMC, but I wish the setting has also got some much, much needed attention, it is severely lacking is every possible area that does not concern the twins. Bloodborne AU fixes that. Suddenly twins are not overpowered to an extreme degree so nothing ever could present a danger to them, and this only adds pressure to the family drama we have going on (which is why ResE would also work). We get info on how other humans deal with the supernatural bullshit around them, background story for the demons and more information on them in general.
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Bloodborne vibe is arguably what DMC5 was, at least partialy inspired by – the blood splashes that remain stuck to the characters, the blood fountain Urizen uses for teleporting around, the illusions the fruit created… Only body horror remains unused, but those Empusas certainly do try. Item descriptions are my least favorite narrative tool out of them all, however I would take even that for DMC, because right now we have bare minimum worldbuilding, which is held up by the fic writers and theories authors (Legends) more than the actual canon.
Gameplay-wise? I think just adding some unique mechanics from other slasher games would work nicely. Vergil could very much do with the slashing mechanics of MGRR, it would probably be the only thing that could make him even cooler than he already is really.
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I would love to get some sort of Hi-Fi Rush or Audiosurf musical mechanic implemented, or add them as additional rhythm challenges. Dante Must Style kind of already does that – the mode forces the player to play not just good, but stylish and be effective about it. I can imagine a challenge mode where you get bonus points for executing certain moves in rhytm with the music. Or, a discount version of this – add Audiosurf algorithm so you could feed the game any song you like and the mod will layer it to work with the style meter. To be honest, I am not sure how coding-wise hard this task would be, but that never stopped modding communities before and I am honestly surprised there aren’t already mods like that.
Another thing DMC5 could benefit from gameplay-wise is additions to V gameplay. I have mentioned Astral Chain before, and I will again (partially because I am a little jealous of people who did play it), somehow Nintendo got their hands on a Platinum game and people are really sleeping on it for some reason (only a million copies or about sold what the hell???).
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Astral Chain is built upon the concept of V – summons combat, and I am sure there are mechanics in that summon-exclusive game that dmc5 would benefit from (sadly I have a harder time pinning them down, but I know there are some parkour moves the player can do witht the help of their summon and there are combo-attacks with the summon so those would be a great start).
I could also add Honkai 3d (also known as the mihoyo anime lovechild, btw look up animatics for music for the game it is SICK, not all seasons of anime can reach this level of quality) to this section, because it has a great mechanic I really missed in my time playing genshin – ultimate attacks leave characters on the battlefield and will allow you to switch to another character without breaking the ultimate. (DMC5 COULD ALSO USE AN ACTUAL COOP)
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This means you can proc BIG DAMAGE animation, enjoy it from the sideline and switch to another character while not losing your momentum and seeing your faves gang up on enemy – I think it’s not hard to see V could have been much more entertaining with this mechanic. This could be expanded into full on combo attacks between your summons (ex. launch enemy with shadow and cast v-lightning to proc a cool double attack move), or combo attacks with V himself. This could be animation heavy though, and might get repetitive to see, but I still think it will be a very solid addition.
This reply is all over the place, but I hope at least the Darksiders answer remained somewhat on point xD
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glacialisvenae · 2 years
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------michiel huisman . cis male . he/his . wasn’t that eben anastase walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the lord of danruba out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they are notoriously apathetic, whilst also managing to be quite charming. the thirty-seven year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( life-force absorption ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of well-fitted leather armor, the gleam of polished silver and emeralds, and the scent of petrichor on a thick-foggy morning. great to see the revenant around, isn’t it ?
small stats
name: eben visser anastase. age: 37. status: lord of danruba, soldier in the vrajiit army. sexuality: grey-heteromantic heterosexual. species: human - vrajiit. power: life-force absorption. hair color: dark brown. eye color: hazel, favoring greys and greens. height: 6′0″. build: athletic - lean muscle. character comparison: edward fairfax rochester (jane eyre), jaime lannister (game of thrones), doc holliday (wynonna earp), boromir (lord of the rings), rick blaine (casablanca), don draper (mad men), perry cox (scrubs), tony soprano (the sopranos), kirk lazarus (tropic thunder), man in black (westworld). && daario naharis (game of thrones), han solo (star wars), thancred waters (final fantasy xiv), dante sparda (devil may cry), rogue (x-men).
     war was always in his blood, and blessed was his birth. though not the only child in the anastase noble line born a vrajiit, eben was often reminded of his place in the world growing up. destined for great things. to him it simply meant that people would always want him for something - and a young child imagined that could be nothing but GOOD. a young child knows very little.
     the winds in danruba are harsh and unforgiving, the clime caring little for life settling there, trying to flourish. eben learned how to survive in the tundra, though it was never imagined he would ACTUALLY require that knowledge ( better to know and never need it, than need it and never know ). hunting was for sport and survival, the feats of each kill brought back and served for meals, the hides tanned into leathers, furs made for blankets on well-stuffed mattresses. it was certainly a cushy life for a little lordling. he was spoiled in the sense that he was always watched ---his company was always desired, his attention always demanded here or there. he didn’t quite understand why. merely that something great would be expected of him.
     shortly after his sixteenth birthday, and when his mind was still full of boyish hope and folly, eben was sent to the vrajiit academy. he excelled at combat, though toyful of his capabilities ( the power to take a life with just a touch seemed limitless ) and for five years he served his country faithfully in the military. he was certain he did his lord father and lady mother proud, and certainly his sharpened prowess was what leant him to being sent into battle rather than being posted in danruba - rather than being returned home under conscription. IN HIS MIND, THESE WERE THE BEST YEARS OF HIS LIFE.
     at 21 he was released from his duties to the military. four years he lingered in danruba, living his life as a lord with a semblance of that boyish charm ever-present on his face. with the castle always open to the citizens of his home he saw many faces, learned many stories, met many men and women as they came and went. he fell in love. a glorious and terrifying emotion, one as tumultuous as the sea ‘neath stormy clouds ---he felt the same rush from spending time with the blacksmith’s daughter. she was kind to him, treated him not like he was a prize, a blessed child ---but like he was human.
     those same emotions betrayed him, ultimately. she passed beneath him amidst their passionate tryst, his touch and kiss-starved lips passing a death knell over her, life draining from her in a quick instant. HE FELT BETRAYED BY HIS OWN HEART. surely an emotion such as love was meant to be gleeful, it had only brought him happiness before this moment ---surely it was love that killed her. ( introspection would have shared it was the surge of emotion itself, that for all of the battle-wise training eben had learned throughout his life he’d never quite honed how to cease the flow of his power when his feelings crested like a breaking wave ). but introspection was beyond him. grieving, eben withdrew into himself.
     the shift from somewhat jovial young lord to apathetic and detached was like the phase of the moon changing. while he wasn’t asocial he seemed less engaged, some form of self-inflicted punishment for suffering to care for another person on such a level. at 25 he re-enlisted in the vrajiit military, the decision to do something more than suffer the company of others final. if his touch was meant to kill, he’d see it to purpose. and so it has served him for those past 12 years, a loyal warrior to the crown through choice, pleased to keep his solitude.
     where once eben could be described as talkative, energetic, and impish now only remains an echo of that former self. a man, as it were ---hardened both by battle and personal trauma and lead by self-inflicted punishment. he’s quiet and apathetic, more keen to sit back and observe a situation rather than be the first to participate in it - as if playing a long and drawn-out match of chess. though he is not asocial, and he doesn’t scorn the touch of a woman in the slightest ---he merely chooses not to find emotional attachment in any of his interpersonal relationships.
     HOWEVER HE CAN BE QUITE CHARMING WHEN HE NEEDS TO BE, flashing a handsome smile or using silver-tongued wit ---the skills of nobility. eben is less likely to lean on his birth standing and more akin to see a problem to a quick end. he is the product of his own experiences. tactical in thought but ruthless in execution, eben isn’t one to dance around a topic or point - he will bluntly state it.
     though it is incredibly obvious that the emotional scars of his experience still linger. perhaps it’s the circumstance of where he was raised ( the infinitely colder climate of danruba ), or his station as a military man that finds him always wearing leathers over his hands and never quite exposing the flesh where one might be drawn to touch. physical intimacy is met with only the desire to feel that particular pleasure and nothing else ---though it’s worth noting that to be safe HE NEVER TOUCHES HIS FAMILY WITH HIS BARE HANDS. lest something happen to them that similarly befell his once romance.
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disneymarina · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Albert Wesker x Werewolf! Reader
@houndofscream​​ Asked: “ Im not sure if you still doing requests. But if u are can do u wesker x werewolf reader”
________________________________________________ (Here the Masterlist to Headcanons!)
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See the full post
79 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Imagine Chris being little spoon even though your small person compared to him.
(Here the Link to read more of my headcanons)
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Y/N: *kiss Chris’ forehead while cuddle him like big spoon* “My strong little spoon I love you.”
81 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Leon s. Kennedy soft boyfriend headcanon
(Here the Masterlist to Headcanons!)
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- Leon Love giving soft cuddles and kisses when you're having a bad day. -  Leon shop for you, when you need anything or just want to help you out.
- Leon such a sweetheart when comes to your birthdays, dates nights, other eventful things for you two. - Leon Love to wake up early to make breakfast for the two of you. 
- Leon just a big old softie and he love you so much!
88 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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Me has fairy that I made in picrew ^^
110 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey! I was wondering if you could do some Chris Redfield headcanons where he falls in love with a new member of his squad or team or whatever? But she are like really cool and he ends up liking her? You don't have too but if really like it! Thanks you for your time, and take as long as you need.
Hello @dorkyratqueen​! sorry if this took so long to reply I want to make it perfect for you. I hope you love it. ^w^ 
(Here the Link to read more of my headcanons)
Chris Redfield x Female! Reader (Where Chris falls in love with the reader)
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- When Chris Started to fall in love with you, when your 1st join star.
- He was just young man with full of happiness and playfulness and when Wesker said that they are going get a new member he was so excited to play prank on them like he did with others came into star.
- that very moment you came into his life. He was like holy moly who is this angel and He want to protect you.
- He was fool for being a showoff, He want to show you that he can be your man. But you already in love with this beefcake.
- so one day you ask him if you want hangout by the doughnut shop near the station. He was surprised that you ask him to hang out with him.
- you giggle at his shock face told him the time when they can meet at the doughnut shop.
- he nods and said see you soon. Jill laughs at her friend. She said "wow! Chris your crush just asks you out." She smirks.
- He was dumbfounded about what happened to him he said. "The Angel just asked me to hang out with them."
- Later that week was the date. Chris was picking out his outfit and Claire help him out by picking out his clothes and going for semi-casual.
- Claire said "She would love this on you. This style I pick work out nicely. Now time to fix your hair." She giggles.
- many hours later it was time to go to the doughnut shop, both you met halfway when Chris saw your outfit, he really thinks you're an angel from above. You were shocked on how handsome your beefcake is in his outfit.
- After you guys complement each other's you guys went in the doughnut shop. You offer to pay both of your and his coffee and doughnuts. But he assisted on paying.
- you agree to let him pay and after Chris pay and pick up the coffee and doughnuts you guys pick a table for you guys.
- After you guys settle down, he asks about yourself and where you come from. So, you did, and he was really interest in you and learning about the past.
- you also feel the same about him has well. You both bonded and you both have confessed you guys love each other.
- you and Chris were so happy that you guys told each other about having crush and falling in love with each other.
- For rest if day you two became a lovely couple.
186 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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meistwentyinchheels · 3 years
draken and kazutora with a gamer s/o
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; draken x gn!reader, kazutora x gn!reader
; fluff, slight crack
; warnings: cursing in kazutora’s part, possibly ooc, not proofread, otherwise none
; form: short imagines
; word count: 0.8k
; published: 28.07.2021
; author’s note: hi i haven’t posted in two weeks ahahaha sorry about that so have this thing i’ve had in my drafts for like a week now. also i used dmc and the re series in these two cuz they’re great games and that’s on mf period
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The slight shout of a “Yo, I brought some food” was heard over the sound of a sword slashing at demons and the light “ROYAL GUARD” of a certain white-haired character. Draken noticed that you weren’t responding to him at all and had all your attention on the video game you were playing. He took off his shoes, leaving them at the entrance, and started walking towards you. It was only then you noticed your tall boyfriend’s presence and finally spoke, “Oh, hi Ken! I need to finish this part and then I’ll join you in a second”.
He placed down the food he had brought onto the living room table and sat next to you, staring at the tv screen. He was used to this kind of behavior as you always spent your time inside playing video games and the only time you even left was when he had dragged you along with him. Draken always saw you playing the same games over and over again so he wasn’t the slightest bit surprised when he recognized the character on the screen to be the main character of Devil May Cry, Dante.
“Is this a new Devil May Cry game or have I forgotten what kinds of stages there were?” Draken asked breaking the silence between the two of you. “Oh? You actually pay attention when I keep on talking about it?” you asked shocked at this new information. You only slightly glanced at your boyfriend as you quickly moved your sight back onto the tv screen. “But yes! It’s the new Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening. It was released just some time ago and I finally had enough money to buy it.”
Draken only slightly laughed at your excitement. He won’t lie, he did sometimes get jealous when you kept on blabbering about Dante and how cool he is. “I’m not that bad of a boyfriend that I wouldn’t pay attention to what you say, idiot.” he voiced out loud. Draken noticed the way your lips curled upwards the moment those words left his lips. That also gave him an idea. An idea that might potentially have you kick him out of your house. He remembered how the scores in DMC are time-based so he decided to tease you a bit. He pecked your cheek only for you to go completely red. You quickly got over it so Draken decided to bombard you with kisses which caused you to smack him on the head with your controller.
“Too bad.”
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Have a sleepover with your loved one they said. It’d be fun they said. All these emotions swirling around his head, but happiness is not one of them. You, Kazutora’s lovely partner decided to play Resident Evil 4. At two in the goddamn morning. Oh no, neither of you were going to sleep well that night. Kazutora felt dread as he watched you maneuver the player character, Leon, around the village which was sadly full of villagers that are out for Leon’s head. A cutscene plays of Leon barricading himself into a house and how the villagers are working together to kill him.
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE” Kazutora whisper-yelled, afraid he was going to wake your family up. “You fucker I’m trying okay” you whispered while smashing a bunch of buttons to get the villagers away from the player character. The church bell is heard from the tv screen as another cutscene plays, but this time the villagers are all walking towards the church. You and Kazutora watch in fear as Leon steps out of the house and says the corniest line known to man, “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”. Kazutora looked dumbfounded while you tried to suppress your laughter.
“Did he just,,?”
“Yeah, he did” you spoke while trying to keep your laughter under control, “I can’t believe I laughed at that, that was so corny”.  You and Kazutora both laughed at your comment and focused your attention back onto the tv screen. The two of you have played the Resident Evil games together before, but never in the middle of the night so you were genuinely unsure if the two of you would be able to sleep tonight. You can’t just pause the game and save it either as you have to reach a certain spot. “I want to save the game and just continue in the morning so bad right now, but the spot hasn’t appeared yet” you voiced out loud and Kazutora commented saying, “I have a feeling it’s going to get freakier from this point”.
“Which is why I want to save and quit the game you coward.”
“I can’t retaliate cuz I kicked you on the head earlier due to getting scared so yes, I am a coward.”
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© meistwentyinchheels; written by meistwentyinchheels - do not edit or repost
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I just saw you mention Virgil from Devil May Cry and I FUCKING SPED over here to request some yandere Virgil headcanons pretty please! Maybe sfw and nsfw?
So my Devil May Cry lore/character knowledge is rusty but still, I am
[M O T I V A T E D]
Virgil isn't someone who expected to feel this way towards anyone. I mean he loved his mother and still does despite how cold he can be on the outside, and he feels...something, when it comes to his brother and his son. He would never admit it's familial love, but it is.
So feeling something in a romantic or sexual way is very strange and very uncomfortable to him. I think it'd be easier for him to justify if Darling was a follower of his or something; it's not love, he just values how devoted they are, that's all. But if that were the case he wouldn't have started dreaming about them every so often. That's definitely odd and exclusive to them as opposed to his other allies/followers.
The more he catches himself staring at them, the more annoyed he gets with himself. He doesn't have time to focus on idle pleasures or some insignificant human in the grand scheme of things; he needs to focus on attaining more power and growing even stronger. So...why? Why do his thoughts still turn to them when he has to focus? It drives him insane and his obsession makes him more and more angry with himself. What is the point? Why is someone so insignificant taking up so much of his mind?
I think he'd decide to try and get rid of those thoughts by getting Darling "out of his system". If he's constantly wondering about where they are and what they're doing, then he'll just keep them in a more confined space like his quarters. If his human urges are distracting him, he'll just have them "alleviate" them; considering it's their fault he's in this state, it only makes sense that they be the one to correct it. He'd prefer to just have them use their hands/mouth since it's faster, but sometimes he'll spend an entire evening getting these feelings and urges out of him with every part of their body.
It'd take a while and he's still such a tsundere about it, but he would accept that he might actually have feelings towards Darling. Affection, perhaps. He's capable of that, believe it or not, but it's rare. He doesn't cuddle, and he doesn't kiss that much either. You're more likely to feel him touching you gently sometimes (ie. Brushing his hand over you when he leaves/he returns to you) or placing his hand on your shoulder or on top of your hand--and ONLY if he's sure you two are alone and won't be seen by anyone.
He's of two minds about having a child with his Darling. On one hand, he was forced to acknowledge Nero's strength during the events of DMC V; his child has surpassed him in more than one way, even if he's only got 1/4 of the Sparda bloodline in him. Perhaps he could have another child with his Darling and train them from a young age...he'd need to ensure they weren't as rebellious as their half-brother however, and completely loyal to him and his goals. But he also doesn't want another potential rival like Dante and Nero in achieving those goals, and he does have some reservations about "warping" a child regardless of if it would give him more power. (Hey, V was a component of his soul for a reason. The man is a cold cunt but he's also got some humanity too!)
He would convey his feelings in an unintentionally cold way by the way. Like he doesn't know how to describe this infuriating swell of emotions that Darling makes him feel sometimes, so I can imagine his Darling asking why they're being imprisoned by him and he's just like "...You're distracting me. It's annoying and keeping you here should help clear my mind."
If his Darling reciprocated this attraction in any way, I think he'd be low-key confused and ask why. Is it because they (like most humans) acknowledge his power? Humans usually fear those stronger than them, become attracted to them, or both. He could understand THAT. But if Darling actually loved Virgil the person? ...why? Maybe they're confusing love with "warmth." Whatever the reason, he's secretly pleased that they're so accommodating despite him kidnapping and using them like this. If it's warmth, Stockholm syndrome, extreme sympathy, or something else, it means they're able to find some satisfaction in being trapped by him.
The more Darling behaves, the more privileges they get. Hypothetically they could get enough free reign to wander wherever he's living at the moment, and any of his servants/allies/underlings treat them with reverence. He'll also procure whatever they ask him for if they want new books to entertain them, food, etc. And eventually they'd be allowed to go out if he's able to come with or track them somehow using magic.
The more they misbehave though, the more he punishes them. He's keenly aware of what will kill them and knows how to back off just enough to avoid risking that. He would tell them though that sometimes he wonders if just disposing of them would finally rid him of this distraction he feels around them once and for all; whether he'd really follow through though, that isn't quite clear.
He would warm up over time and actually talk about his family more candidly. He's also the kind of guy to say that his Darling reminds him a lot of his mother (yk, because that isn't awkward as fuck to hear from the person keeping you confined and diddling you occasionally). He really doesn't like the idea of introducing Darling to Dante or Nero, and if they found them/encountered the two of them out together he would say that who they are is his business and his business alone.
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devilish-miasma · 3 years
Hello! do you know gokushufudo(the way of the househusband)? For a request, it could be possible Dante and vergil and nero(platonic) with S/O who is like tatsu, the immortal dragon. Excelent and Cook extremely delicious, have scary smile 🤣 and really love and care his boyfriend/ son? Hahah it would funny see the reaction of vergil when nero introduces him to her as his mother, they shake hands and she warns him not to hurt her son(Nero) again. While squeezing him hand too hard (super strength) Thanks!
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Ahh hello again. Unfortunately I do not know much of what you’re talking about. I did some research while I wrote this but I would like to apologize for any inaccuracies written here, as my knowledge of this anime is severely lacking.
I would also like to inform you that this was kept gender-neutral, except for Nero’s part. I know you used feminine pronouns when you spoke of Nero, so I tried to respect that. I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night and enjoy reading.
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Oh my god, finally, someone who can get Dante to eat something other than pizza and strawberry sundaes.
Devil May Cry has been the cleanest it's ever been since your arrival. Cleaning the shop provided stress relief, cooking, too. So, you have no problem with your job as a housespouse. Though, it can be annoying when the electric is shut off.
Lady and Trish definitely tease Dante about it. Saying that the shop wouldn’t look this good if you hadn’t come around. Though, they do wonder what screws you have loose to marry Dante of all men.
Dante’s not one for finer, expensive cuisine, but he does appreciate the effort you put in meals. Making him meals for when he’s out demon hunting, preparing a meal for when he returns home. It makes Dante feel special, and feeling this way has made him fight harder. It pushes his determination to return home quicker and see you.
He’ll convince you to make homemade pizza. You only learn a recipe because it makes him happy, but you refuse to make a habit out of it. You just want Dante to eat something other than pizza for once.
Sometimes, Dante will come home super late, and he’ll see you at the table, asleep. Gently, he’ll pick you up and put you to bed, only for you to grab him and grumble about food in the fridge. Dante just smiles and kisses your temple.
As nice as you are, you’re also scary. You definitely scare him at times, including those affiliated with Devil May Cry. You have this… expression that demands authority. You even get Vergil to listen to you, and that’s saying something.
“You’re seriously that intimidated by someone so smaller than you, Verge?”
“How laughable for you to assume such things, little brother, when you bat your eye at them and do whatever they wish.”
Dante and Vergil’s fights end quickly now that you’re in the picture. Both of them stop due to not wanting to feel your wrath.
In general, you’re a badass. Once, you caught wind of a demon hunting job gone wrong, and you showed up, guns blazing (literally), proclaiming to your adversaries that you’re a housespouse. Dante has never seen anything hotter.
You are a sweetheart to Dante, though. Very loving, caring deeply for your husband. You lovingly kiss and hold him, his inner demon purring in happiness. The relationship makes Dante feel content, and he knows this is what he’s always wanted.
“Ah yes. Me. My spouse. And their ability to make demons cry.”
You’re kind, understanding, and strong, of course he fell for you. You are also unafraid of him. Having someone like that forced Vergil’s walls down.
Vergil built his walls up tall and strong, and you were so, so stubborn and knocked them all down. He’s never felt so safe, so understanding with anyone before. Falling in love with you seemed as natural as breathing.
As sweet and kind as you are to him, your wrath is not to be tested. Vergil is not a man who is intimidated easily, but seeing what you’ve done to him and Dante when they fight made him realize you’re a force to be reckoned with. And he admires that.
Vergil enjoys cooking discussions with you. He loves seeing you become enthused with your craft, seeing how you become when speaking about cooking. Sometimes he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about but he enjoys learning. And you enjoy teaching him.
He’ll sometimes watch you cook. It’s very relaxing.
Cooking for him makes Vergil feel emotions. It is an act that makes him fall deeper and deeper in love with you.
Vergil doesn’t become jealous in your relationship knowing you can put those who flirt with you in their place. Once, Dante flirted with you, unaware of your relationship with him. Dante earned the shock of his life when you announced that you “had a man one-hundred times finer than” him while showing off your ring, and then grabbing Vergil and showing his ring.
Knowing that you’re so loyal also provides comfort to Vergil. He doesn’t know what he’d do if you’re suddenly not in his life.
When he’s out demon hunting with his brother or son (or both), you’ll always make lunch for him. Vergil has taken it upon himself to eat on top of Nico’s van to avoid being teased. Not that it's embarrassing, he just sincerely hates it when his brother does that.
You’re always up waiting for him, even though he tells you not to. You await with dinner ready, and Vergil can faintly smell cleaning products. From earlier cleaning, he guessed. It's a natural, normal thing and Vergil cannot imagine himself coming home to anything other than that.
Nero (platonic) (fem!reader)
You first met Nero at the grocery store, and this sweetheart grabbed something for you on the very top shelf. You met him again out in public when some men were harassing you, which he unkindly told them to fuck off. That’s when you invited Nero for tea, and you’ve adopted him ever since.
You are absolutely kind to him, a total sweetheart. Nero came to your place multiple times for lunch, even invited you to meet Kyrie. You bonded with his girlfriend through cooking, even teaching her a thing or two.
Soon, Nero found himself attached to you. He looked up to you, an older, positive feminine figure in his life, one he thought he’d never have. He began to see you as a mother, and due to how nurturing you were, it seemed natural for those feelings to fall in place like pieces to a puzzle.
With that sweet, caring side was a fierce protective personality.
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again,” You growl at some asshole. Nero has never felt so cherished before.
When you met Vergil, it was hilarious and scary. Nero already told you about the whole arm ripping off business, and it formed some bitterness within you. When you met, you put on a happy mask and introduced yourself to this stoic, unflinching man. You knew what you needed to do.
As you shook hands, Vergil made a face best described as surprise. Through your smile, an intimidating aura leaked off of you. You gripped his hand with such force it surprised him that you, a human woman, was capable of such strength. Strength that affected a full grown half-demon.
You suddenly grasped his collar and forced him down to your level, your lower eyelid twitching.
“Listen here, mister,” your voice oozed with venom and protectiveness over Nero. “If I ever hear that you’ve hurt my son again, I will make you rue your very birth. Do that shit again and you will regret it. Understand?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Nero and Dante have never laughed so hard.
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Read it on AO3 | Rules | Buy this devil a coffee
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alighieri-sparda · 3 years
Could I please get thigh riding headcanons with Dante and Vergil (seperately) with a female s/o? I'm very thirsty.💦😅 thanks!
Sparda Twins + Thigh Riding
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➤ Masterlist | Rules
Thigh riding? Hm, that’s interesting. 
I’ve never seen this happening, even though I’ve already read some headcanons about this same thing with the boys from another person. I even searched for it and read it again to get some inspiration. (If someone is interested, this is the said post. Please read it, it’s amazing.)
Anyway, hope you like it, my dear. I’m currently writing the other requests you made me, thanks a lot for those ones! 
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WARNING: Obviously smut under the cut. Female!Reader.
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“Dante, I’ve been thinking about something we could do. What do you think of a thigh rid-” “YES”. Questioning you about your desires and sudden asks is pointless to him. Dante is naturally willing to try anything in bed — or even outside it —, and seeing you please yourself on his leg while you wet it with your fluids is an uncommon but very interesting situation.
Speaking of things to do in bed, your first try at it would be completely wasted if you two did it in the bedroom, in Dante’s opinion. He will ask you to ride his thigh while he’s at his desk, supposedly reading Devil May Cry’s documents. The adrenaline of doing it away from your bedroom’s privacy turns him on so badly. You can’t help feeling the same way.
Strip on his lap and allow him to help you with that as a little warm-up. His kisses will be incredibly measured and seductive as you position yourself on his thigh. Even before you start moving, Dante will run his devilish hands all through your exposed skin and tease the flesh of your thighs and ass. He gets pretty handsy, more than usual actually.
Firstly, he is going to let you do most of the work. Have your fun and move your hips at the pace you enjoy the most on the devil’s lap; a few tugs on your hair and then Dante will eventually slap your ass, encouraging you to go faster and mess up his leather trousers with the obscene amount of slick that is leaking from you. Prepare yourself to hear his deep groans and dirtiest words murmured against your lips or earlobe.
As your breath is getting more and more erratic and your nude body is desperately rubbing against his thigh for the reach of your climax, you will also feel Dante moving his thigh up and down slowly. “Look at what you’re doing with me,” his playfully growled words will come up with his hand bringing yours to his still clothed hard length. “What a filthy slut you are, soaking my leg like this. I wonder what you can do on my cock.”
When you finally come, Dante will grab your hips tightly and push you against his leg in an attempt to extend your orgasm and kiss you eagerly, muffling your trembling sounds. Once you calm down from your ecstasy, be prepared for a rough section of desk sex.
“Excuse me?” Is going to be his immediate answer to your request. Vergil is quite inexperienced when it comes to carnal knowledge and alternate methods to do it. He will get flustered and arch an eyebrow as you explain what you want, but it’s not hard to convince him to do it. At the end of your explanation, Vergil will just smirk at you and nod. 
Casually sitting on his armchair while he reads one of his poetry books in the living room, Vergil won’t say anything: he will just pat one of his thighs and suggestively glance at you. That’s your invitation. 
Then you sit on his lap with your shirt only and start to reverse-ride his thigh. Vergil will just pretend he’s focused on his book, but he’s actually going to watch you quietly, observing the patterns of your movements, which pace you enjoy the most; all of your body reactions will be closely registered in his mind. And his imagination will go far with these things. Is that how you please yourself when he’s not there? You’re basically masturbating on his thigh, so this thought of his is pretty fair — and Vergil would love to confirm his wonders in other opportunities. Maybe he discovered two new kinks, after all: thigh riding and voyeurism. Even if he doesn’t know what is a kink exactly.
You will feel his free hand casually slide under your shirt and explore your warm skin, firstly caressing your torso and waist just to touch your breasts and tease your nipples subsequently. Vergil won’t move his leg because he’s afraid it might hurt you somehow, so his movements are all limited to your body. When your body starts to rub easily against his thigh due to your wetness as your pants become erratic, Vergil will bite and kiss your neck, while his hands don’t stop to run through your body. Some quiet gasps will come from him as well.
Your mind would be so lost in your own pleasure that you wouldn’t even perceive the moment Vergil put his book down and started using both of his hands to squeeze the exposed flesh of your thighs and hips, trying to follow the movements of your hips and push you against his thigh slightly. Vergil is incredibly hard and it makes his voice a bit wavy as he whispers against your neck: “What an interesting sight you’re giving me. But let me see the mess you made to yourself closer.”
Once you reach your climax and let his name out of your throat with an obscenely loud moan, Vergil is already starting to adjust your position on his lap to be able to carry you and fuck you against the nearest wall. The grip on your legs will be tighter than usual, and not only because they’re weak due to your recent orgasm.
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rodeoxqueen · 3 years
“Dante and Vergil return from Hell to tie up loose ends from their year-long absence. While they seek a sense of normalcy, the fates send them anything but.”
Contents: Violence, Blood and Gore, Brotherly Banter, Explicit Language, Slight Angst 
Rodeo’s Two Pieces: 
I'm very excited to show y'all what I have been working on since hell, November of 2020. Thank you kindly for sticking around.
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Back to the present, where the world turned on its axis for months without the weight of the blood of Sparda upon itself, the tides had changed.
In the midnight, had the stars laid witness to the damn near impossible. A portal had opened from the underworld, and two brothers stumbled out. Clutching their swords, Dante and Vergil reunited with the human realm.
How long had it been? Of endless violence and humorous quips thrown at the other, as the years of the gnashing of teeth smoothened the rough patches of their disjointed childhoods?
“We’re back, Verg.” Dante chuckled, arm over his brother’s shoulder.
“We are.” Vergil echoed. The obnoxious weight fell off of him and landed on the ground with a thud.
Dante had got on his knees and kissed the earth that they now stood on.
“Don’t be a fool,” Vergil said, staring at the moon. After years of wanting to become one with Hell, he tilted the false king’s crown to admire the clear sky.
Dante rolled to the ground, sighing in relief.
“We’re back.” He repeated. His brother nudged him with the Yamato.
“Get up. We must find our way back.” Eyes closed and a grin across his face, Dante let the wind pass through his bloodied and matted hair.
“Now we sound like a real team.” Vergil scoffed.
After a few moments, Dante got back up. They had arrived back from Hell to a cliffside overlooking a city that was not Redgrave.
“I assume you have unfinished business in Redgrave.” Dante nodded.
“I sure do.”
The portal became a forgotten relic, the Sparda brothers nowhere to be seen, their demonic presence known to the world.
Dante was known for many things, but mainly for how much of a constant he had remained in everyone’s lives. Never changing, staying the same as he was, an unstoppable force of sarcastic expression.
And also a huge manchild.
Vergil rubbed his temples in frustration.
“Dante. When I referred to unfinished business, I was clearly referring to your shop.”
“Yeah? And I was referring to this.” Dante bit into another slice of pizza, practically moaning.
Vergil sat ramrod straight, sitting awkwardly in a pizzeria. The two were the elephants in the room, both slathered in demonic gore and toting swords. People either gawked or left the establishment.
“You are still an idiot after all this time.”
“Yeah, and I’m also still hungry.”
“Surely your business is more important than this.”
The blue devil waited for him to finish an hour later, the long-held bill lengthening after months of his absence.
Of course, he had to have indulged a few pieces of his own. It was nothing like the gaminess of demon flesh he had forced himself to sustain upon. It was almost melting in his mouth, unlike the resistance of the shank of a demon. He was never one for vegetables as a child, Dante even more so. Yet the crunch of the toppings was well-received to Vergil, deprived of basic human sustenance for a few odd decades.
However, he found it unthinkable Dante would continue to indulge himself in this for as long as he did.
The door reopened and closed once more to reveal the broad daylight of the streets. Clean, pristine, the sounds of cars and people filled in the crisp air.
Vergil’s boots walked upon a paved road for the first time in ages, man-made and unassuming concrete with stubborn weeds growing from the crevices. No mouth-having crimson blooms that grew to a man’s height. Just simple creatures that fell softly to his weight on their fragile stems.
He had never been here before, where Dante claimed to be his home.
“What’s after this for you, Vergil?” Dante asked his brother, swiping a few demons out of his way.
Vergil, also in his triggered form, huffed a dismissive sigh.
“You know, you should stay with me. Devil May Cry’s always got a spare couch to crash on.”
“Why would I do that?” He slashed a horned devil in two, spewed in putrid green blood. Dante chuckled, knowing there was hesitance in his voice.
“Because I’m offering, big brother. When’s the last time you’ve had a place to call home?”
“I believe you know the answer to that question.” Vergil slid onto his knees under a crouching demon, disemboweling it from top-down. A final gunshot rang his ears, a noise he had to get used to with Dante’s reliance on firearms.
Dull thuds and a flash of red, Dante stood above his brother, offering a now-human hand.
The horde was cleared away like dust on a counter, gone with the wind. Vergil and Dante stood in silence, two children again.
The younger pulled his brother up, insistent stubbornness in his eyes.
“I didn’t hear a no to my offer, Vergil.” Vergil sighed, releasing his hold of his brother’s hand.
“You did not hear a yes either.” Dante chuckled, following his already-leaving brother.
From the past to the present, Vergil’s answer had been neither, never spoken of what he was to do after everything. Yet here he was, now the latter of the two when it came to guidance.
There were many ways the two could have made their entrance to Devil May Cry and have it be a smooth transition back from months of Hell. Dante kicking down the door with a loud “I’m back baby!” was simply not one of them.
Vergil saw that a familiar dark-haired woman was sitting on the desk, absent-mindedly waiting for Trish to return. A girl who once blamed him for her father’s corruption, now a woman with no heed to his presence.
Lady had dropped her nail file, eyes wide at the sight of the two brothers.
“Dante,” Lady whispered as if she was greeting a ghost.
“Yep, it’s me. In the flesh.”
“Did you miss me? Love what you did to the place.” Dante commented at the cleaned-up shop.
Her face of still confusion warped into anger.
“Oh boy.”
The next thing he knows, Vergil watches his brother get lectured like a dog. Standing up yet with the attitude of a man in a fetal position, Dante let himself become used to the sound of their tirades once more.
“You had the audacity to give the deed to Morrison. Crazy bitches?! Really!” Dante shrugged.
“I mean if I barked up your tree all day you’d be calling me a-”
“Hey, Lady.” Trish walked into the shop, icily glancing at the two brothers.
“Look at what the hellhound dragged in.” Lady pointed to Dante and Vergil.
“Oh please, I could smell them from a mile away.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Hell doesn’t have any spas. Shame we couldn’t freshen ourselves up before coming here.” Dante sassed. Trish gave a pointed look.
“As much as it was nice to do some hot girl things, we could put Dumb and Dumber to good work.”
“What are you talking about?”
Lady gave a toothy smile.
“How do you think we got this place managed? Money. Money that you now owe us.”
“Hey! I never said you had to do anything.”
“You’d be real upset if we didn’t do anything either, Dante.”
Finally, after sitting through an eternity of harsh words and steep bills, Dante had more than ever landed himself in shambles. Again. At least he was liberated to take a shower. After Vergil of course.
He was surprised to find that the water was still running, and even more elated that it was hot water. Man, maybe paying the bills was a good thing. It felt like ages of grime and gore had been swept off his skin, his hair finally a familiar stark white. In the steam of the bathroom, he breathed out relief.
When he stepped out, he was surprised to see Vergil laying on his bed completely asleep. Usually uptight and composed, Vergil curled in on himself wearing some of Dante’s clean sweatpants that caught dust from all the months they were gone.
With a smile on his face, Dante chose the couch for once and didn’t complain.
They all deserved rest, Dante taking his nap with a magazine on his face. Future Dante could deal with this.
He never expected there to be any neater ends than the frayed knots he left in his human affairs. Yet, he wasn’t alone this time. Neither of them was.
The next few days, Dante gave his nephew a call. Well, more like Nero called him and Dante finally picked up.
Vergil had gotten up after days of practical unconsciousness, foreign to the comfort of a bed, a place to stay, yet much obliged to remain where he laid.
He came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes still. Dante’s voice was muffled until he was in the same room, Dante speaking through the phone to his son.
“Hey, your old man’s here.” Vergil shook his head, having no interest to answer, yet Dante kept waving the phone in his face.
Taking the phone, Vergil heard his son take a breath.
“Hey, Vergil. Nice to see you back from Hell. Um, can’t imagine that was a fun time.” Nero said, unknowing of how to speak to his stranger of a father.
“Indeed.” Dante face-palmed, sitting with another one of his accursed magazines.
“Yeah, um. I have your book.”
“Hmm.” Nero sighed.
“Do you want it back? I’m coming over soon for business reasons.” A hint of desperation and embarrassment from Nero went over Vergil’s bedhead.
“That would suffice…”
“Thank you, Nero.” Vergil blurted, seeing Dante mouth the words “say thank you.”
Nero stopped for a minute, a few moments of silence on Vergil’s side.
“No problem...Vergil. I got to go. Take care, alright?” Vergil hmmed as a response. The line went dead.
Dante’s grin immensely irritated Vergil, a man who was incapable of second-hand embarrassment.
“Stop that. Wipe that expression off your face. You wanted a conversation with me and Nero, there you have it.”
Dante propped his face up with his hand, a cat that ate the canary.
Vergil growled in annoyance.
Unfortunately for Dante, and luckily for Vergil, bills had to be paid and jobs to be done. Morrison had arrived a few days later, pleased to see an old friend returned from the underworld. Walking in, he was barely surprised that the shop had returned to a pig-sty appearance.
“Morrison! Nice to see you again.” Dante welcomed, sitting at his desk. Vergil eyed the unfamiliar man, reading through a book.
“Got a new job for you boys. About time you got those girls off your backs about having your little vacation in Hell.” A familiar smell of cigar smoke traced the air, Dante leaning back on his chair, intrigued.
“So Morrison, what nasty demonic critters does this gig entail?” Dante asked, arms crossed.
“There’s a demon runnin’ around towns, causing a lot of trouble.” Morrison placed a photo down, blurred and poorly taken. Although, the grotesque purple skin and rippling eyes on its body didn’t leave much to admire.
“Huh,” Dante mumbled. Vergil examined the picture.
“I’ve never seen a demon like this before. Sure is ugly, though.” Dante noted, pointing at a flat and angular head, pallid yellow eyes that bulge out of its sockets on the sides, and needle-like teeth in multitudes.
“My sources say it’s been going North, the last town they passed was here. Just this morning. It’s making some distance, I’d get to it as soon as you can.” Morrison revealed a map, a red circle around a certain landmark.
“It’s scaring the shit out of people and causing some casualties to be contained.”
“Alright, we’ll take ‘em.” Dante stuck his hand out, expecting cash. Morrison tutted, patting Dante’s shoulder.
“You’ve been spoiled, Dante. Nah, you’re gonna bag this son of a bitch and then we can talk about payment.”
Dante groaned, taking the job. Morrison tipped his hat to Vergil. Vergil glared in return.
“It’s been nice catching up with you boys.” He called out, leaving the shop.
The door thudded as it shut, and the two were alone once more.
“Well, we just got our get-out-of-jail card. Come on, let’s get going.” Dante grunted.
“Must you complain about everything?” Vergil muttered.
Outside, it was late morning with a slight breeze. The familiar sounds of a motorcycle came to Vergil’s attention.
Dante had sat on Cavalier, expecting Vergil to get on.
“Must you rely on that garish thing?”
“It’s too bad you can’t fucking teleport somewhere you’ve never been. Get on the motorcycle.”
Dante patted the seat, Vergil obeying for once.
“Ready for your first job?”
“More than you are.”
They tore through the streets of Redgrave, going north.
The sun rose and started to fall, endless roads leading through towns and cities that paid them only a slight turn of their heads.
The map’s glaring red bullseye had become a dead-end of sorts, the two resorting to walking instead.
Redgrave had always felt muggy with the air of hell creatures around. Here, in this unmarked territory, it had felt clearer. But also more unsettling, the idea of a demon scuttling about more of an awful surprise.
They felt consumed by the empty streets, busted in windows, and vacated shops and residential places in their lonesome wandering.
Something before had wiped this location clean of humans, and now something else was lingering in its place.
“This area has been abandoned.” Vergil walked over giant cracks through the ground, leading to a deserted town.
“Not surprised,” Dante answered, thinking about a certain tree, “good thing we don’t have to deal with any more civilians.”
A buzz in his blood reminded Dante that something was certainly there. The alleys were a perfect spot for creatures to linger, waiting for prey.
As below, so above. A ringing through the air was quickly parried by steel. Dante’s sword stopped a shower of needles from stabbing him, a stray one cutting the side of his cheek. It jolted him as a creature bounded the rooftops of the buildings, a hulking mass of reptilian skin.
Vergil raced after the creature, having blocked all the assailant’s long-distance attacks. Claws dug through the tiles, running on all fours from rooftops to silently treading the paved roads.
It’s clearly after an objective.
Dante chased after the beast from the ground, firing shots at the agile demon. Vergil jumped buildings, gritting his teeth at the demon’s inherent ability to evade and attack back, dodging tail spikes.
The streets all lead to the town center, where a fountain long cleaved in two from giant roots, stood.
Dante and Vergil came across the demon, purple skin stretched over its pointed bones, facing a cloaked individual.
“Hey, pal-” Dante was shushed by Vergil, the two standing a distance away from the hunched-over beast, much taller than either of them when standing on its hind legs.
Neither of them had expected another person in this area, clearly an oddity in the shambles of civilization.
“Famulus. Servant of Raphael.” A rumbling growl echoed in the night in response.
“I’m obliged, filthy halfling.” It hissed, crouched over and leaning to leer to the monotonous voice.
“You will tell me where he is.”
“His brothers may have underestimated you, but my master has known of your presence. Sending his best, I, to exterminate you.”
The person said nothing, as all that was all that needed to be said.
“Looks like we found it’s been searching for,” Dante mentioned, alerting the attention of the formidable monster and unassuming humanoid.
Glazed-over eyes narrowed with bloodlust met the twins as they readied themselves for anything.
“I will bring Raphael the heads of Sparda, once I am done with you.”
The hooded stranger turned their head to the two. With their face void of any expression, the twins had no idea what to think of them.
A pulse went through the air, Dante and Vergil’s skin jolting at a sudden warm wave in the air. Milliseconds after, a rotating ring of golden energy rattled through the stones, passing through the spaces in the pavement that lead to Dante’s boots.
Vergil and Dante were thrown like ragdolls meters away by an unseen force, Dante hitting the ground twice and rolling to a stop as Vergil stuck a landing with the Yamato through the floor.
A golden sphere surrounded the bruise-colored demon and the humanoid, who cocked their head in a disinterested manner, glaring at the taller creature.
Dante touched the wall before them, warm and pulsing with life. Despite the magnitude, he noted how it didn’t seem to hurt him, only pushing back from his own applied pressure.
Vergil paid it no mind, conflict occurring right before their eyes.
Famulus lunged at the smaller person who dodged, hands grappling at a giant maw, throwing its body to the barrier.
Tail spikes unfurled and bristling, Famulus’ hackles rose.
On hind legs, the demon stood well-over the miscreant, who allowed the beast to come to them. No matter how fast Famulus struck, claws phased through the empty air where it expected pliant flesh. Even swipes of its giant tail between quick strikes and heavy blows had been easily dodged.
A rain shower of blade-like projectiles flew at them, their body dropping down to avoid several. Dozens stuck above where their head was, a near fatality.
A needle whistled as it was caught by a calloused hand, palm tightly wrapped around the quill aiming for their chest. Several had torn through their cloak, nearly pinning them to the ground. They let out a startled noise, moving themselves up.
Famulus ran at them, prepared to rip them apart while they were down. Surely a cowardly move than preferred, but a move nonetheless.
They whipped their head around, jaw gritted. The same clutched quill was thrown like a javelin straight into Famulus’ snout.
Pulsating pain and white-hot agony made the beast screech, purple flesh burnt and smoking.
They shook themselves free of any spikes, clad in ancient robes. Nothing a common human would wear now. Even a demon could tell something was off about this one creature in human skin.
This was no common miscreant come to place vengeance upon its master. Raphael had requested Famulus to obliterate this insect as if none of his lord’s underlings could defeat them.
You shall return them to their grave, Famulus. A low gravelly voice rang through the demon’s head, a present message. The snake-like eye in the middle of its forehead rolled back and returned when its master’s command became silent.
“Yes, I shall.”
The foe stiffened as if they had gotten the answer they had been looking for. Famulus knew that. And like the devil it was, it goaded their curiosity.
“You will never make it to my master’s domain. I will gnaw on your bones, putrid being.”
If only if Famulus knew that there was no goading a foe that was already plotting several paces ahead.
Lashing out, a meter-long arrow-like appendage was fired at them once more while the demon began to collect its true power from the air around it.
It missed the mark, sinking into the ground to have the intended target land upon the blunt end, balancing coyly. Several more jabbed at the barrier, sticking into the protective sphere as the cloaked being ducked and turned to avoid scythe-like claws and disemboweling long-distance attacks. Famulus struck a blow that surely meant death, supposedly cornering the prey, until they vanished in thin air. A hazy afterimage materialized and faded away, swiped into nothing.
Immediately, they appeared to the side of the demon, who just began to rear its head to perceive this teleportation.
Legs bent as they were parallel to the ground, they drop-kicked the reptilian brute, scaly skin rippling at the impact.
Famulus’s neck snapped the wrong way, letting out a moist creaking noise as the body stayed stubbornly rooted to the ground. Incapacitated, it could not stop the smaller fighter from leaping onto a begotten tail spike from the ceiling of the barrier, yanking it, and falling back down to its capitulum.
The hooked and jagged arrowhead bit through toughened flesh, securing them to the flat of its head, glowing hand pressing against the middle eye, the key to finding Raphael.
A once distinguished demon, Famulus lashed its head about like a common beast. The joints in its neck realigned, sickening crunches with each segment joined.
Pushing their energy into the convulsing eye, Famulus felt its connection to its lord become not of its own.
Paralyzed from the sensation of a pulling force, tugging away at flesh, and seeping their own life force into it, digging into its mind, Famulus’ muscles twitched and convulsed like an animal to be dissected.
Famulus snarled to itself.
The veins leading to the spike stuck in its head pulsed, conducting electricity straight to the open palm. A strained cry left their mouth as they relented their hold.
The final twist of its head thrashed them off to hit the ground.
Flashing images of a lair, of an iron throne, flashed through its mind.
Famulus had failed to hide his master’s location. And with that, its murderous intent grew.
Despite the finality of its fate, its tail swished with anger and boiling rage to either do the job or keel over in defeat.
The thief got up with little grace again.
Its many eyes had noticed the bloodstains within their cloaked form, old wounds from recent battles. There wasn’t much damage left for them to take.
No one could dodge the Mjölnir.
Dante felt the hairs on his arms stand at full attention. Brows crossed, the older Sparda swiped through bits of his hair that lilted up from their slicked-back position.
“Hey, do you feel that-”
A beam of dark lightning was emitted from Famulus’s tail, striking straight into the opponent’s chest, shards of pure energy slicing through the air with a symphony of cracks rattling the street. Several pebbles flitted off the earth, scorching hot.
The lightning was overpowering, the cries of the stricken muted, body curling to itself with arms stiffening at the chest.
Dante and Vergil both believed defeat was imminent, preparing to have to take out the demon themselves.
When the flashes of demonic power died down, Famulus had witnessed the impossible.
Even with the golden shroud having been faltered, the thunderstruck figure had not been smitten.
Famulus’s needle-tooth grin dropped at the turn of events, rearing back on all fours.
Black lightning danced off their skin, flickering yellow sparks onto the cobblestones.
“No one of that stature could be capable of such an atrocity, and still be human.” Vergil thought to himself.
Famulus was the strongest of the Pessulum litter, demons that nursed from the deadliest of storms to emerge the top of their species. The demon had killed bigger and stronger with less than it had exhibited today.
And now, this runt of a creature had stood against it with no fear, not even close to death? Taking its strongest attack with no problem?
A rush of fear chilled its electrified veins. Stories of the being, whispers amongst Raphael’s underlings, its master’s own grinding teeth at the news of his brothers and their sudden falling, proven true by the might of this mysterious being.
Famulus would live with no merit to his name, scorned by Raphael, seen as less by its inferiors.
“If that does not kill you then I will!” Famulus jumped, claws extended like scythes to slice flesh to ribbons.
Clumsily taking one step forward, tense arms fought back to form one hand pointing to the snout of the devil, the other to the skies.
The thunder was released from its subjugation, deafening annihilation.
A blinding beam of sheer gilden lightning shot right into the demon, many opaque eyes centering at the color of death. Through the other hand, thunderbolts went off like firecrackers into the atmosphere, exploding rapidly and chaotically.
“Holy shit,” Dante exclaimed, sparks dancing off the paved path and flittering in the air.
Vergil ground his heels to the ground, the frontward force of the explosion pushing against him.
The blow sank into purpled flesh, veins and nerves turned from putrid black to nearly white, keeping the demon trapped in the air, still positioned to pounce and disembowel. Famulus didn’t even make any noise, the renowned servant burned alive.
Seethingly hot, with the very air molecules shaking at the display, the twins watched skin and bone become ash and dust. Killed by one’s trump card.
Not even a fallen tail spike was left, the aftershocks settling the twice-over-cremated remains scattering to the wind.
The redirection of the lightning strike had taken a toll on the hooded figure, who straightened up shakily, face revealed for all to see.
A pair of eyes were two suns in the dead of night, a contrast to the light blue ones that perceived them.
Standing alone, centered by destroyed store windows and melted streetlights, they seemed impassive to their might. It was as if they weren’t just blasted with lightning, where their fabric was scorched the only evidence of the offense.
Dante and Vergil didn’t know what to do, not knowing if this person would attack them as well.
They stayed where they were, the moon right above their head, shining around their crown of messy hair.
“Be not afraid.”
Voice hoarse, their mouth moved differently than to the words they just called out.
Before the twins could think of anything to say, the figure beyond them collapsed.
Vergil was silent, still processing all of this. Who was this person? What were they looking for? Who was Raphael?
Dante rushed forward, heavy footsteps raising ashes from their resting place.
Vergil followed, the Yamato ready to be unleashed at any hesitation.
Dante turned them over, noting the strange force surrounding them had remained. As if someone larger was there.
A human face from under the worn, textile cloak greeted them, exhausted and at peace with unconsciousness.
Two lines dripped down their face from their nose. Bleeding crimson, a human above all. In-and-out, slow breaths moved their chest just enough to know they were alive.
“A half-demon?” Vergil questioned himself.
“If they killed the demon, do we have to split the cash with them?” Dante blurted. Vergil raised an eyebrow at the inquiry.
Before he could retort, Dante had lifted them, their stature dwarfed in strong arms.
“Let’s ask them when they wake up.”
“Dante, you are not bringing that thing back.”
“You’re right. I’m not. You are. Open a portal.” He said with a shit-eating grin.
Vergil reluctantly did so, the Yamato ripping open the fabric of space. He would regret this, he was sure of it.
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butcherknives · 3 years
As you well know, I have Dante brainrot™ 😔🤚 and I often think about stargazing with him, finding somewhere peaceful and just talking about what we want our future to look like or smth like that 🥺 so I was wondering if you could write something where the reader gets to have a conversation like that with him? Like what Dante wants too, etc. If not, that's totally fine!
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I love this idea and I’m happy to oblige, Ezra. Here’s some fluff for you in dedication to your love of Dante, and soft in honor of Valentine’s Day.
So, happy Valentine’s Day! I hope this gives you some dokis.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 700 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: longterm S/O, fluff
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> GN!Reader x Dante
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Peace conventionally comes in fleeting moments.
Shoulder to shoulder on the flat roof of Devil May Cry beneath the velvet sky, you connect a familiar line of stars with your fingertip. You trace the angle, coasting through the evening air as Dante follows the shape you build from memory.
“You see?” you’re saying on the wings of a whisper. “There’s the Little Dipper.”
He hums his acknowledgement and you turn your head to admire the languid smile he wears. His hair is splayed against the concrete in a wintry halo and he’s handsome, always, when his moonlit stare shifts toward you. “Devil Hunter by day, astronomer by night. And here, I never knew.”
Despite yourself, you laugh. “I know a thing or two.” And although the light pollution separates galaxies in a sea of vast ebony, you can still pick out several constellations in the freckling stardust. “Like there?” You point. “That’s Orion’s belt.” Dante huffs a feathered laugh and you can feel his gaze in the prickle of your skin. “What?”
“I’m just impressed,” he says and you feel your own smile curl across your lips. “I gotta admit, pretty as they are, I don’t take a lot of time out to look at the stars.” Your eyes meet. “But... now I’m starting to think I should.”
His words fill warmth in the spaces of your chest. “We could do this more often, if you’re interested.”
There’s a gleam in his eyes that you don’t miss. A spark of something – of joy, perhaps, or affection while he ruminates in the comfortable silence. And as the seconds tick by, you wonder what he must be envisioning.
He reaches for you, his hand settling atop yours. “Anything with you,” he says, “has my interest.”
You lick your lips and look away to hide the blush blooming across your cheeks. “Yeah?”
“And then what?”
He turns onto his side and props his elbow on the surface, head pillowed in his palm. “Is this the part where you send a winky face?”
Your eyes widen before you laugh. “No, that’s not what I mean.” Mirth is a glimmer in his eyes when you peek at him behind your lashes. “What I mean is: what do you think tomorrow will look like?” This has him raising a brow. You’re quick to elaborate. “For us. Together.” You turn back to the stars, settling on a twinkling planet shifting kaleidoscope white and yellow and red. “I imagine us still doing this years down the road. You and me... maybe somewhere nice? We’d be laying out beneath the same night sky, making up our own constellations.”
You can hear him inhale a long, steadying breath and you turn to see him, to examine as he considers. “Somewhere nice, huh?”
“Yeah, like maybe a vacation? Somewhere we could see the entire universe without the city to block the view. A quiet, lazy place?”
“Perfect for us,” he muses with a slow grin.
“Would that be okay?”
He regards you with a careful, concealed expression and you know in your heart that he loves you, but you are privy – although he’d rather you weren’t – to his reservations. To the deeply rooted fear of loss, and the unaddressed uncertainty toward lasting romance. What it would mean; how it could impact his work? Or even, perhaps, if it might one day be used against him?
You know this.
You know this and yet he smiles, sliding his palm along your waist to gather you to his chest. “That sounds amazing.” And buried there, nestled beside his heart, you sink into his fire. “I can think of a few places you might like.”
“You’ll take me there?”
He kisses your crown. “As many times as you want.”
The lull is filled with his steady heartbeat. He’s winding both arms around you, shifting to rest on his shoulder, and you hum your content.
“You wanna know what I know about astronomy?”
You tilt your head up, curious, and watch the way his smile blossoms into a Casanova grin.
“That up there?” He gestures with his chin.
His eyes crinkle. “That’s the moon.”
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Imagine Wearing Dante’s Shirt For Comfort While He’s Away
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Dante X FemReader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, insults, and threats 
(A/N:) I’m going down the Devil May Cry rabbit hold so don’t mind me! I did have this idea and it’s a lot longer than I originally planned. But as soon as I started writing it wouldn’t stop. So now I’m posting an imagine that is a whopping 1,500 words. I may have to try and write a full blown fanfic sometime cause I am LOVING writing Dante. But anywho, this was super fun and I’m super loving it. I hope you dear readers love it too! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Dante had been away for so long now that you couldn’t take a moment more. Sure he got on your nerves at times but, that was part of his charm. So after he had left you to watch over his place you found yourself longing to see him, hear him, and touch him. He hadn’t called in over a week either so naturally you were also worried about him, along with missing him. At first you had hated his guts thinking of him as a complete moron who took advantage of everyone especially women, but then you found out that he was actually a big ol’ softy. He never took advantage of you, nor did he pressure you into doing anything you didn’t want to. He taught you how to defend yourself and even took you on jobs at times, though you both knew your limit. When he refused to take you on certain ones you agreed, not willing to argue, knowing that he had your safety in mind. Though you were getting stronger, doing some of the things he had to required the special blood that flowed through his veins. He also didn’t like you seeing that side of him, that’s why he had you stay behind as well. But now a simple mission that should have taken a few days was taking two weeks. If you hadn’t been laid up with a twisted ankle from the last mission you would have went. So you stayed behind while he left, you rested your ankle but by the time he had been gone for a few days it was feeling better, so to keep horrible thoughts of worry coming to the surface you kept yourself busy. The Devil May Cry building had never looked cleaner, the jobs book was tidy and full of new cases, and you could actually find things when you wanted them. Dante had a tendency just to throw things on the floor, a habit you had tried to get him to break to no avail.
So now as you longed for him you ventured forth to uncharted waters, Dante’s room. You didn’t know what kind of dumpster fire you were going to walk into but something of his, anything really, would put you at ease. You had no idea when your little crush had turned into full blown love but it did and you needed your fix. If Dante kisses and hugs weren’t in the mix you were going to find something dang it. Opening the door you held your breath to see that it wasn’t as bad as you were thinking. It could stand to be neater, but you weren’t going to face the wrath of Dante cause you cleaned his room. But there sitting on his unmade bed was one of his lounging shirts, something he didn’t wear that often unless he was going to stick around for awhile between jobs. You stepped lightly not knowing what lurked underneath the piles of dirty clothes and magazines. You just hoped that whatever was lurking in there wasn’t a spider. It could be a hundred foot demon, but spiders were a no for you. Dante always teased you when you forced him to kill spiders in the office while you hid in your room or stood on the couch. One time he had thrown the spider at you and after giving the demon hunter a bloody nose you didn’t talk to him for a whole week until he had apologized and bought you ice cream as a peace offering. You laughed at the memory while picking up the shirt from the bed. It smelled like him and it made everything brighter. Surely he wouldn’t miss it for the remainder of his absence?
You walked around the office humming a tune now wearing Dante’s shirt. After the rampage of emotions it was a calming reminder that he would be back. The phone rang on the desk while you were passing by and you sighed. Laying the book you were reading on the desk you picked up the receiver, “Devil May Cry this is (Y/N). How may I help you,” you answered with fake enthusiasm. The person on the other end began to drone on about some problem they were having. While you jotted a few scribbles down on a piece of paper the doorknob of the front door turned and in walked Dante. You sucked in a breath dropping the receiver with a bang. You scrambled picking it back up, “Yes I’ll let him know. Thank you. Have a nice day.” You hung up quickly rushing forward toward the beaten demon hunter.
“Wow I wasn’t expecting this warm of a welcome,” he chuckled. “Maybe I should leave and stay gone that long more often.”
“You do and I’ll chop your legs off and make you stay here,” you threatened glaring with conviction in your eyes.
“Man, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, it just makes you more violent.” Dante held on tighter as you laughed. This was what you missed the most while he was gone. He never failed to make you laugh and you were able to make him laugh as well with your quips. You refused to give him have a leg up on you and that’s what he liked about you. That and more but he would save that confession for another time.
“Are you wearing my favorite shirt,” he finally asked, once moments of bliss had passed. You blushed hiding your burning cheeks on his chest, only to regret it when the smell of sweat and blood assaulted your senses.
“You were gone for so long, I missed you,” you confessed. “But right now I prefer the shirt.”
“Why?! I’m the real deal!”
“Cause you stink.”
“Well I didn’t have time to bathe while I was away! I’m sorry.”
“Nuh uh,” you removed yourself from his embrace but he grabbed your wrists.  “That means all those vulgar smelling fluids had time to ferment into what I smell now. I rather hug the dumpster outside.”
“Now that’s just mean,” Dante pouted. “I could have died!”
“Your corpse would probably smell better,” you bit back.
“And that statement was even meaner. Man I came home to my sweet little (Y/N) turned into a rattlesnake with the deadliest kind of venom, insults.”
“Go take a bath and I’ll be sweet again,” you smirked.
“Fine,” he glared, “but I want my shirt back. You’re too mean to wear my clothes. Though I do have to admit my shirt looks better on you than me.”
“I know,” you teased taking his weapons and setting them on the desk. Dante peeled his coat off and held it out to you. You stepped back, “I think that one is going outside for a little to air out.”
“You can do that while I bathe. Unless you wanna stay inside and help me get clean,” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively. You blushed again yanking the clothing out of his hands.
“Go get clean ya perv!”
After his shower you were more open to cuddles with Dante. Of course he ordered pizza, he actually shared this time. You both ate while you played a movie on the TV. Dante told you everything that had happened and you made a game into keeping count of how many times he was either shot or stabbed.
“Glad to know that you find my misery so entertaining,” he rolled his eyes.
“Somebody has too,” you laughed. “I’m glad you’re alright though.”
“I knew you cared.” Dante took the last slice from the box and you gathered up all the trash to throw everything away. When you came back the last slice was already gone and Dante was knocked out on the couch. He probably hadn’t slept much while away and you were just happy that he was home and he was where he could get some much needed sleep. You grabbed a blanket from your room before coming back to his snoozing form. Draping the warm blanket across him you turned to leave when he grabbed your hand.
“Don’t leave,” Dante mumbled eyes still closed.
“You win,” you replied sitting back down. He opened up the blanket inviting you to come closer and you obliged him. Now you too were finding yourself succumbing to sleep. This would only inflate his ego further and you would have to hear unsurmountable teasing in the morning but for now it was worth every moment. Not much longer you had fallen asleep as well wrapped around Dante. His shirt had done the trick, but it couldn’t beat him being here with you. He meant a lot to him and you were realizing that you meant a lot to him too. Not everything was perfect and life was scary but, who needed perfection when you were wrapped up in the arms of your loving demon hunter?
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much-obliged-timothy · 8 months
Whumptober #6
Day 6 - Devil May Cry - "It should have been me"
Nero was running as fast as he possibly could, but he knew he wasn’t going to make it in time.
Demons kept popping up in front of him, seemingly from nowhere. He cut them down as fast as they came up, and yet more appeared. 
Farther down, he could see the demons moving in on Vergil and Dante. The twins were clearly exhausted, their swings growing weaker, their clothes soaked with their own blood. They needed help. They needed Nero.
And he wasn’t going to make it.
Dante was struck down first, a demon impaling him with a claw. Nero screamed as the demon tore apart Dante, looking sickly satisfied as it did so. 
Vergil stumbled back, tightening his grip on the Yamato. He looked over to Nero, their eyes meeting. Nero was too far; he saw the reluctant acceptance in Vergil’s eyes before he steeled himself.
“Vergil!” Nero cried.
The demon struck down Vergil just as violently. 
Nero’s helpless screams changed nothing.
He jerked upright, body tangled in the sheets, sweat crawling down the back of his neck as his chest heaved for breath. The room was lit with only the faintest glow from the alarm clock on the nightstand and the moonlight slipping through the curtains. The cool night air made him shudder as it met his sweaty skin.
“Nero.” Kyrie’s hand fell on his shoulder, gentle. “Another nightmare?”
Nero shrugged her hand off and shoved the covers aside, getting up. He went to the window and shoved the curtains aside, looking out on the quiet night. 
“It should have been me,” he said tightly. “I should’ve gone to the demon world.”
Kyrie’s footsteps were soft as she moved across the room to join him. She hooked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Nero, it wouldn’t have made sense for all three of you to go,” she said. “Not from what you told me.” 
He slammed his fist against the window pane, tipping his head until his forehead touched the cool glass. “I don’t even know if they’re still alive.”
“That’s not your fault,” Kyrie said firmly. “Nero, I wasn’t there. All I know is what you told me. But from that, it sounds like they didn’t want you there. They wanted you here, living your life and protecting the world in their place. I know you’ve been conflicted about Vergil, but he didn’t want to see you, see his son, trapped in the demon world for his mistake. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but they didn’t leave you behind. They kept you safe here and made sure you had a life they didn’t get to have.”
Nero turned in her arms. “I just got my family. And now they’re gone.”
“No, Nero,” she said sadly, kissing his shoulder. “I’m still here. The kids are still here. Nico is still here. Your family isn’t gone. I know you wondered about your parents your whole life. Maybe your father isn’t who you were expecting, but he left to fix his mistake so you would have a chance at a normal life. You should honor that. I know, at least, that Dante wouldn’t want you to blame yourself for all of this.” 
“I know you’re right.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “It’s just…a lot to deal with.”
“I know that,” she said, taking his hand and squeezing it comfortingly. “Will you come back to bed?”
He allowed her to guide him back to their bed. He held her close and she stroked her fingers along his back soothingly.
“Talk to me,” she said.
He felt his throat closing up. It had been too hard to talk about lately. But maybe it was finally time to open up about the jumble of feelings he’d been struggling with. 
Kyrie was right and he should honor the fact that his father and uncle had kept him behind rather than asked him to sacrifice his life. He had to work to navigate the guilt he felt, but it wouldn’t be easy.
He had to start somewhere, though. Taking a deep breath, he cleared the lump from his throat and began to speak.
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ssson-of-sparda · 3 years
Two Dresses (Dante x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Patty desperately wants to know what happened between Dante and Y/N. Hopefully, Morrison is here to help. (Part 3 of A Tab To Erase) (Part 1) (Part 2)
Tags: Pre DMC3 Dante / Dante is Tony Redgrave / Love / Fluff / Slight ANgst / Implied Sexual Content / Explicit Language
Author’s note: Part 3 is out. Sorry for keeping you waiting. The story is coming to its end. Only one or two chapters left.
Indifference is the worst form of contempt. But how can you be indifferent when a squeaking tiny voice as unbearable as fingernails on a chalkboard constantly splits your ears with endless whining? Dante wished to know.        “Pleeeeaase Dante. You promised.” Patty begged again as she almost sprawled on the man’s desk, strangely not caring about the grease or the tomato sauce that were disgustingly splattered on the wooden surface.      “I didn’t do such thing.” Dante nonchalantly took a bite of his pizza, trying to ignore Patty’s pleading blue eyes and her feeble attempt at convincing him to tell her the rest of his ‘love story’ (she had decreed it was one) with Y/N. “Come on, Dante! You have to tell me!” The frustration in every single word coming out of her mouth was growing stronger. You could hear it in the way her voice was becoming more and more piercing by the minute. And in spite of all the time spent with Patty, Dante had never succeeded in really ignoring her childish whims. “Don’t you watch TV shows?” She added. “You know full well I don’t.” And it was the truth. Except for adults programs once in a while, Dante cared less about television, contrary to Patty who was a professional binge-watcher capable of watching a dozen of episodes a day and still yearning for more.        “Well, even if you don’t, haven’t you ever experienced the frustration of a cliffhanger? Like, in Bolero in Spring, when Jenna has a car accident right after she decides to run after Josh to finally tell him he is the love of her life and that she loves him too and you know you’ll have to wait a whole week to know what happens next?”                Dante’s brain shut down after the first question, or maybe even before that, finding a not-so-surprising fascination for the slices of salami on his pizza and their perfectly round shapes. “Like I told you, I don’t watch TV.”      “Haven’t you ever longed for anything?”            “Yes actually. Right now, I long for peace … and quiet … and for you to finally shut up.” The girl glared at him, shooting daggers at him as sharp as a thousand Rebellions.
“What’s going on here?” Relief immediately shone in both Patty’s and Dante’s eyes when Morrison pushed the door of Devil May Cry, replacing the tension in the room with paternal warmth that was so like him.                 “Morrison! You got to help me. Dante doesn’t want to tell me what happened between him and Y/N” She complained with her small fists clenched tightly, a childish attitude that would have made Morrison smile if it hadn’t been for his surprise.“ You told Patty about Y/N? How weird of you.” “Not for free.”  “You know her, Morrison?” There was a gleam in Patty’s eyes, one only curiosity and excitement could create.       “By reputation. Everybody in the mercenary business knew who she was and was aware not to touch a hair on her head. I bet even demons knew. Y/N. Tony Redgrave’s beautiful girlfriend. And probably the only girl that could make Dante act somewhat … mature.” He said as he chose his words wisely, though he wasn’t sure they were fit for the memories of Dante he had in mind.                  “ What are you talking about? I’ve always been mature.”        “ Yeah. Because eating strawberry sundaes and pizza everyday is very adult.” Dante frowned, pretty sure he had once heard a similar reprimand coming from someone else’s mean mouth. His mother? No … but close. “Have you been spending time with Trish lately?”           “ Stop changing the subject and tell me the story!” Dante eyed at Morrison with an insisting look that meant ‘Get me the hell out of here.’ but today, he would not receive any help from his friend. “You know she won’t let go, Dante. So, should I tell her or should you?”              Dante sighed. “Two dresses off my tab and it’s yours.”
Two star-crossed lovers in fair Redgrave City, where we lay our scene …
Are you kidding me?! What? I thought you loved that kind of lovey-dovey crap. Dante! Fine …
The rest of the story was no Shakespearian play. There was no betrayal, no sword fighting, no friend or parent tragically murdered, no forbidden love, no unfair ending, no … Who was Dante kidding? There was all that and worse. Another reason why he hated Shakespeare so much.                But when love started to bloom and with it the chances at a normal peaceful life, Dante never considered those dramatic events. Not even a slight second. After all, he was an overly enthusiastic nineteen year-old with the girl of his dreams on his arm and a long-awaited roof above his head. What could go wrong? Especially when all he thought about, all he imagined were simple mornings waking up with the one he loved so dearly and nights with his silver head in between…
“In between what?” “ Y/N’s fingers... Y/N’s fingers of course.” “ You’re not so good at making this story family-friendly you know that, Dante?” “I’m doing my best here, Morrison.”
And his epicurean – though quite lewd - plans were all shared to the utter despair of Y/N’s parents who constantly reminded Y/N of the big mistake she was making in getting involved with a boy like ‘that vermin Tony’.                 “What about college? What about that confortable life we wanted for you? How can you throw all this away for that boy?” Dante remembered the time Y/N’s mother had said that with a menacing finger and a poisonous tongue. That and the infamous “Is breeding with that trash and raising his filthy bastards truly what you want Y/N?”    So long the time that family had generously taken him under their roof for a few days. Guess money does make you stuck-up assholes after all. That’s what he had wanted to reply. But instead, he had just stood still, arms crossed over his chest and had remained silent, out of respect for Y/N and also because, deep down, he was sometimes thinking the same.
He wanted the best for Y/N. He wanted to give her the best life had to offer, all the things she wanted, all the things she needed but he only had a few dollars in his pocket and a list of debts he didn’t really know how the erase. And even though she seemed like she didn’t mind now, what would happen in a few years, or even just a few months. What would happen when the little he had to offer would not be enough anymore?
“Will you love me all the same in a few years?” She asked him, soft hands placed over his strong naked chest and (colour) eyes staring deep in his looking for the truth. “I’m sure I will love you even more if that’s anything possible.”               “Then stop worrying and stop with the silly questions already.” And she kissed him with all the comfort and the love she could gather. She kissed him like there was no tomorrow, like there was just them, only them, together, on that mattress on the floor in this furniture-less and decaying shop he had just been allowed to rent for an astronomical amount of money. “A neon sign.” “ What?” Dante asked a bit confused.                  “You should get a neon sign, like the one my parents had at the restaurant.” She added with a soft smile. “You want me to get a pink neon sign?” He joked and took delight when she laughed. She was so insanely beautiful when she was laughing. “It wasn’t pink. It was red.”                “ My coat is red. That sign was definitely pink. And pink doesn’t scream ‘menacing devil-hunter in the house’?” “Menacing devil-hunter?” She repeated, arching an eyebrow suspiciously. “Where?” Dante looked at her smirking mockingly at him. “Watch it you!” He pushed her on the mattress and went to lie his burning yet still sweaty body over hers to place a multitude of hungry lovely kisses on her neck, wishing this moment would never end.
But it ended, as all good things end eventually. Thanks to Enzo Ferino, once again. That piece of shit had the knack to ruin things after all.                “Tony! Per l’amore di Dio! Tony!” He shouted from downstairs, visibly alarmed if not terrified. “Speaking of the Italian midget.” Dante sighed, his lips still on Y/N’s skin, thinking that maybe ignoring Enzo would make him leave. “Tony!!!”           “Damn it.”          “Pretty sure the menacing devil-hunter hiding in this shop will scare him away?” Y/N taunted again and Dante grinned before pressing his lips on Y/N’s one last time. “Oh, he sure will. Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Dante said as he reluctantly left his girl’s loving embrace to put on a pair of pants and go welcome his unwanted guest fidgeting in the hall.                    “ You’d better.”
“It better be important, Enzo.” Dante demanded as he lazily walked down the creaking stairs to show him how annoyed he was to see him here. “You’ve just ruined a perfect moment with my girl.”               “Y/N? Y/N is with you?” The man’s eyes were widened with fear and distress and even though Dante knew how much of a coward Enzo was, he had never seen him that way. “How many girls do you think I have?”  The short man leant against the wall and took a deep sigh. “Well, that’s relief I guess.” Dante frowned, unsure if he should remain annoyed or start asking questions. Hell, why not both. “Will you tell me what’s going on?”     “A man came to Bobby’s Cellar. Looking for you.”          “Not a first.” Dante walked pass Enzo to grab a bottle of whisky he had left early on on one of the many boxes he had not yet unpacked. “One of Denvers’ goons presumably.” He leant against the wall and took a mouthful of amber alcohol, thinking about the girl waiting for him upstairs and how he should have never left her.        “No. Not Denvers. That man was working alone and he asked about a certain Dante.” The half-demon froze for a second and his blue eyes darted a brief astonished glance at his partner. A man looking for Dante - Dante, not Tony - was no good news. “I said I didn’t know any Dante but then he described you and I thought che cacchio è. Then he threatened me and … He was scary, Tony”     “What did you tell him?”  Dante frowned. He had the feeling Enzo had fucked up. He could feel it in his guts. Otherwise he would have never rushed to his new place in the middle of the night to warn him. “That you weren’t here. That you certainly were with Y/N. And then he had me, Tony. I …” “ You mentioned Y/N?” Enzo took an immediate step back when he heard the anger in Dante’s voice. “ I … I’m sorry. He … He tricked me.” Then he took another step and another one, trying to stay as far away as possible from Dante, until his back bumped against the door and he was able to spot a terrifying red flame burning with rage in the mercenary’s eyes who was towering him menacingly. “What did you say about Y/N?”                           If the weird man in Bobby’s Cellar had scared the shit out Enzo early on, what he had felt back then was nothing in comparison to he was feeling right now. Paralysed with fear, he couldn’t move anymore, couldn’t speak. He could only stare at the raging fire in Dante’s eyes and feel a burning warmth emanating from the young man’s body against him. Were those the flames of Hell? Was he about to be punished for his sin? For betraying his partner?    “What did you say?” He shouted and Enzo trembled and squealed like a pig, arms covering his face to protect himself. Yes, his man Tony was about to flay him alive. He was sure of it. “What are you?” He mumbled.
“Tony.” Enzo thanked all the gods for that divine intervention. Though whom he should have truly thanked was Y/N and her soft reassuring voice that had miraculously pulled Dante from his dark rage.
I like her. Dante smiled.
“Stop please.” Enzo felt Dante calm down and when he finally walked away from him, the small man took a deep breath. “If something happens …” Dante didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t need to and Enzo was already nodding furiously. “I know.” He blindly grabbed the handle behind his back and quickly opened the door to run away as fast as he could.
Dante watched him running in the cold night with a frown until he couldn’t see him anymore. Then he swiftly strode back to Y/N waiting for him on top of the stairs to pull her in a strong protective  embrace. And when his lips pressed in her silky hair and she realized he couldn’t let go, she started worrying. “What is it?” She had never felt him like that.                  “It’s nothing.” He replied softly even though the voice in his head was screaming things like Don’t you get out of my sight, even for a second. I can’t lose you. Not like my mother. I love you so freaking much. “Stay with me tonight.”
But deep down, Dante wasn’t sure this was the smartest decision.
“And so was it?” Patty curiously asked as she stared at Dante with her big blue eyes. “ Was it what?” He replied, pretending not to understand. He loved teasing her. “ The smartest decision?” She clarified with an enthusiasm that clearly showed her interest and her will to know more. “ I thought you loved cliffhangers.”
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