#im sorry im just getting to these huuuuu
99yikes · 1 year
Hi hi!! It's Nobara anon! Or well, not anon anymore :3 How have you been??? Also, I am glad we could all help, but trust me that your art is one of the prettiest and cutest I have ever seen- I instantly fell in love <3 So, I am glad to see anything you post!! Hope your day is going good!! Take care, Sky! <3
omg?? its so funny bc in the app this ask is gone, but on browser i can still see it 👀 (i'm pretty sure this will show up as anon when i post, but i WAS able to catch your url -- thats such a sneaky tactic!! its like youre the wizard of oz and nobody else knows whats behind the curtain except me skdkdjsjdj)
but !! hi! oh man ;w; im glad you like my art style 💓 im always trying to improve and that leaves me with not the best impression of my own art, but it makes me happy you find it cute!! and like. especially when people use it for icons and lockscreens and stuff?? every time im like !!!!!!!!!!!!! crying and shaking
thank you for the message, noba not-anon 💞
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AAAh so maybe i should log out of tumblr for a while or just reblog manga things because its been not ever one month since i have an account AND each time i sign in i lose faith in humanity a little more while knowing that nothing i said on this dumb site is going to change anything because its just a micro-blogging platform where you reblog people who think more or less like you OR ‘debate’ in total dishonesty with people who do not think exactly like you and the only goal of the discussion is to say THE little sentence which’ll stay while caricaturing your ‘opponents’ arguments just to appear more fun all under the disguise of wokeness when in reality its really not that different from family discussions with your dumb drunk uncle and ?? what is the fucking point ???. just use tumblr as one of the way to stay informed of things happening in the world (i did say ONE of the way), or to discuss with someone from another country about an interesting subject to know their pov without assuming that they’re a dumbass shit because they didnt form their sentences exactly like you, or just to fanboying/girling about a series that you cant get tired about,,, but just reenacting the same discussion with the same micro-arguments over and over and over just to appear as the swaggy intelligent one on tumblr ?? whyyy we’re just pseudos with ridiculous icons here so if you dont engage/post here with the will to maybe change your own point of view just dont. dont and actually do smth useful or pleasant i dont know
yea sorry for the rant but this week there was this discourse about fuckin DEODORANT as if it was the new hot take after abortions and after that i just keep seeing political posts that are just so dishonest while the source is just next to the post and in complete contradiction with what the op is saying about it and people are juste like “haaan so trrru” like
and im doing exactly what im denouncing here aka standing on my high horses trying to have the moral standing  and ranting in my blog while knowing that its useless because either people who are already thinking like me will agree with me either people who doesnt think like me will disagree and no one will change in this discussion because nobody wnated to change in the first place but just wanted to have the reaffirmation that what they are thinking is the best
and i mean its so sad because well story time while im at it, 7 years ago i was the biggest carnist you can think of, eating meat morning, afternoon and night, and one day i was reading a tumblr blog of someone i appreciated and i discovered they were vegetarian. and at first i was like “uuuh carrot too have feelings we all are animals so why cant we eat meat its the nature law” and alll this dumbass arguments i send them (on anon ask because i didnt have an account) and they just told me to read this and that (not bothering to answer me, at first i was outraged but now i understand and will do the same lmao) and i ACTUALLY read this and that and so little by little i changed because thats the ultimate goal of a debate no??? changing each other??? and then i was vegetarian and am since 6 years.
and i thought it could be like that when i finally decided to have a tumblr account but instead... there are caricatural arguments everywhere and fucking deodorant discourse, deodorant discourse im letting affecting me despite its sheer stupidity,,, and nobody seems to want to change their mindset and just keep being seen as cool by their followers i guess.... well yea i dont know what im doing there. it seems like a waste of time at the end of the day. but i do like the idea of talking to people i couldnt have met in other situations and blogging about favorite obscures manga...huuuuu....maybe i should just, chose more carefully who i follow... but then i would just follow people who think exactly like me and then what is the point of tumblr once again if its just a mini-microcosm of similar people....i dont know....gaa
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