#im his phoenix empress
theamalgaverse · 11 months
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Not leaving you in the dust, some summer related sketches for a little break for myself!
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pinknipszz · 5 months
dragon!simon riley and phoenix!reader
for centuries, humans have honored the phoenix. they fell to their knees at the steps of your temple, uttering graces in hopes of prosperity and good fortune. they often came with baskets of tangerines and figs, barrels of wine, and bars of gold. you were generous on most days since humans were your favorite. even in the most vile, like arrogant kings and nobles, all of whom you struck down, you found entertainment.
humans found pleasure in you, as well, albeit vicariously through. you were an elegant creature, with sun-kissed feathers and a long, sweeping tail that draped from your figure like a dress. many were tempted to climb up the temple steps, and some had the gall to try, but never made it past the third step. you spent your immortal days like this—munching on fruit on an elevated seat, revered like a glorified empress.
until one day, you felt an unwelcome presence enter your realm. the sensation was fleeting, but it put you on high alert. 
then the humans stopped visiting you. you weren’t concerned about it at first. perhaps there was a drought or maybe a flood that swept the villages, killing hundreds of thousands. that happened often with how fragile they were. whatever it was, you knew they would come running back to you with more gifts. or so you thought. you grew wary of how many nights passed without a single mortal stumbling upon your temple. 
one night, you caught onto the reason for your realm’s silence, the humans’ absence. it was a mistake on his part, really. a misstep that revealed himself to you far sooner than he planned.
“i’m impressed by your stealth, though i don’t appreciate whatever you did to my villagers.” you called out into the dark forest, waiting for a response. you only had one source of light—a lantern in your hand that did more to illuminate your face than cast away the shadows hiding your intruder. when none came, you considered retreating inside.
you were in no shape or form to hold a fight against whatever beast was out there. you could try to shift into your full form and fly out into the sky, only returning after a long while, but you needed offerings to do so, and the most recent, a rotting basket of persimmons, could only do so much. perhaps those were its intentions, you thought bitterly. killing my humans to make me weak.
you were pulled out of your stupor when a large figure suddenly materialized from the darkness. it was tall and broad, cloaked in heavy fabric with a strange mask over its face. underneath all of that cloth, however, you saw a pair of eyes. scoffing, the grip on your lantern tightened. “do you consider myself a fool, fallible to your cheap scare-tactic?”
when it—or he—tilted his head, almost mockingly, you bit your cheek. the nerve!
“you are trespassing this sacred place, vagrant. you must leave and never come back, unless you have something to offer.” you warned, your composure faltering as he approached the temple slowly. he was nearing the steps, but you held your ground. he walked up the first step, and then the second, third, and fourth— 
your breath hitched, catching something that couldn’t have possibly been seen from afar. your lantern light reflected strange specks that littered the exposed skin on his neck and arms. they looked like scales, you realized, dragon scales.
the shadows enveloped you, and you were face-to-face with his chest. you craned up to meet the storm behind those muddled eyes, before the lantern slipped from your grip.
>> wanted to push out a cod ficlet before the yr ended tbh; might turn this into a series if im not lazy
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lunar-serpentinite · 2 months
Draco and Harry, Dragon and Phoenix: A Drarry Yapperist's Take, Pt. 1
Harry as the Phoenix
hi, this will probably a long-ish one so uhh sit tight
so the dragon and the phoenix are spiritual and cultural symbols commonly seen in the east asian cultural sphere. as far as i know, theyre pretty much depicted as perfect complements to each other. the phoenix is the fire, the dragon is the water, that sort of thing. the dragon and the phoenix appear together in idioms that complement and contrast their individual symbolisms. i think you can start to see how I'll connect the dots between harry, draco, the phoenix, and the dragon later on.
paired together, the dragon and the phoenix represent a harmonious and auspicious pairing. an everlasting marital bliss, if you will. it's why they're used as motifs for the bride and groom in
additionally, the dragon and the phoenix also serve as symbols of the imperial family, specifically of the emperor and empress. a powerful married couple. you see where im getting here ?
for the most part of this entire thing, i will mostly be referencing the east asian symbolism of the phoenix and the dragon. however, i will also draw on the western symbolism of these two for full oomph :D
i was planning on putting the entire thing in one post but harry's section just kept on getting longer that i said eh, fuck it. multiple parts !
and thus i present to you: harry as the phoenix
so, harry and phoenixes.
in the east asian cultural sphere, the phoenix (fenghuang) represents high virtue and grace. it is considered the ruler of all other birds. its rare appearances herald the hope of a new dawn, a new era of peace and prosperity.
harry, as the boy-who-lived and the prophesised one to defeat voldemort, pretty much represents a new dawn for the wizarding world. he is the symbol of their hope against the threat of voldy and many powerful people sought to have him under their thumb for his influence as the chosen one. as the chosen one and the symbol of the light, he is expected to be morally excellent, at least by the standards of the people. they expect him to act a certain way and when he does something that isnt aligned with their image of him, he is condemned harshly. he is also expected to have the grace to easily forgive and forget. to be the bigger person, basically.
onto the other symbolisms of the phoenix ! in the chinese classic text classic of mountains and seas, each part of the phoenix's body also represents a word. the head is virtue, the wing represents duty, the back represents propriety, the abdomen represents credibility, and the tail represents mercy. now all of these terms are intended to be understood in the context of chinese philosophy, but ill likely cover both the western meaning and the chinese philosophical meanings to the best of my understanding.
now you might be thinking "wait only half of those can describe harry" and you're right ! im not going to be looking at them as traits of harry, but as things harry has struggled with during the course of the series.
first we have virtue. now harry isnt the most virtuous person in the story, if at all. his moral compass is kind of whack in a sense that he bases it off his own judgment and rarely on societal expectations, which is kind of what youll expect when youre raised with such golden examples of morality like the dursleys. he is driven by his own definition of justice and regularly has beef with wizarding society. hes judgmental, vindictive, and downright cruel to those he thinks have wronged him in one way or another. he's prideful, he's independent, he doesnt want to be the bigger person. people want him to embody their virtues. he simply doesnt want to. he has his own virtues and he'd pretty much defend them with his life.
and then we have duty. oh boy, duty. duty has been shoved on his person the moment voldy marked harry as his equal. not once has he fully enjoyed the duty of being the boy-who-lived, the chosen one. he hates the fame and the glory and the expectations the title brings. despite this, he still pushes himself to step up to the responsibilities once the adults have proven to be incapable of, well, acting like adults. "if no one will do it, i will" type of thing. he is, however, a compassionate and loyal friend and most of the actions he took to fulfil his responsibilities as the chosen one are fueled by the need to keep his loved ones safe. he wants to do good by them because he cares for them. this tendency of his to do what is good and just based on his own moral compass can actually fit the concept of yi (義) in chinese philosophy if we stretch it just a tad, since hes not working with a predetermined definition of justice.
moving on to propriety. now the propriety mentioned in the classic of mountains and seas is the concept of li (禮) in chinese philosphy and i admit i dont quite understand it yet but its definion is the concrete guide to human action. to my understanding, this would refer to following the structure of society; having proper manners, behaving in the way that you are expected to based on your societal station, deferring to those with higher authority, generally following the established hierarchy. now that is anything but harry. harry does not give a single shit about conforming to social hierarchy. he told draco, who is arguably at the top of the social hierarchy in their year, to fuck off and befriended ron, who is considerably lower in the social ladder, instead. he has no qualms with biting back at authority figures if he feels that they are abusing their power or targeting him. he's damn well a menace to the properly ordered social hierarchy of the wizarding world.
and now we have credibility. "i must not tell lies", anyone ? now harry rarely ever lies. in fact, he tells and defends his truth to the best of his ability. most of the time, he's fighting tooth and nail to prove that he's telling the truth but rarely does anyone believe him right off the bat. this tendency of people viewing him as a liar and attention seeker has driven wedges in his relationships with other people. i think this definitely fuels his tendency to just go and do things by himself since he wld feel that he cant fully trust anyone around him, not even his best friends ron and hermione.
finally, mercy. the translation of ren (仁) to mercy is misleading, in my opinion. ren is more of like working towards an altruistic goal, while also recognising that you are not alone in this goal and that you have people to fall back and depend on in life. now harry is a highly compassionate and kind person. he gravitates towards the underdogs and those who have been dealt with the shorter end of the stick in life. in fact, one of his greatest strengths is how deeply he loves his people. however, he does struggle with sharing his burdens and problems with other people. again, he is the type to do things by himself and has to be reminded that he doesn't need to do everything by himself. he's not used to having people to rely on. he basically raised himself at the dursleys' and then year after year he had to face challenges and solve problems with minimal help from the adults in his life.
facing all of these challenges in life shaped harry into who he is. theyre like painful little puzzle pieces that slowly clicked together until we ended up with a man who is as loving as he is vindictive, who helps his loved ones in any way he can while also refusing help for himself. he never wanted the crown of responsibilities, but he bore the burden nonetheless out of love and compassion.
moving on, while the phoenix (fenghuang) had originally had separate male yang aspect (feng) and female yin aspect (huang), post-qin dynasty saw the fenghuang slowly go through a feminisation process as the dragon (long) became more of a symbol for masculinity. when applying the phoenix's present representation as a feminine entity to harry, this does not mean that i view harry as a stereotypical "female half" of a MLM couple (ew heteronormativity). for me, this represents the overarching positive influence on him: a mother's love.
while harry looks a lot like his father james, for me a lot of him as a person comes from lily. he has lily's eyes, lily's fire, lily's compassion. he is his mother's son. it was his mother's love that spared him from death when he was a baby, and it was another mother's love (narcissa's love for draco) that spared him in the forbidden forest. lily's sacrifice started his story as the boy who lived, narcissa's lie saw it finished. quite nice bookends, dont you think ?
the phoenix is also attributed to fire, death and rebirth. besides the obvious of fire being gryffindor's associated element, fire can also be attributed to harry's determination and courage shown throughout all seven books. he had tragedy upon tragedy, death after death thrown at him and yet none of those ever succeeded in putting out his fire within. not even death itself could keep him down and his revival in the forbidden forest is pretty much like a phoenix's rebirth.
there's also other obvious connections between harry and phoenixes, namely his wand core and his relationship with fawkes, dumbledore's phoenix.
so yeah, harry as the phoenix. most of the connections i made were between harry as a character and the concepts/virtues that have been attributed to the chinese phoenix. harry is like a phoenix where his character is developed through several trials by fire, almost all of which can be connected to a specific concept connected to the chinese phoenix, and he is protected from certain death not once but twice by the love of a mother, a strong feminine force.
thus ends part 1 :3 i hope this all made sense in a way ! feedback and additional thoughts are welcome ;v;b
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
hi!! i love your taste in dramas and i was wondering if you have any more villain romance recs, specifically cdrama recs? i finished lbfad and tiger & rose already and im currently watching twisted fate of love (and LOVING it hehe)
yay i love villain romances!! gonna include villains and villain-lites! my favorites on this list are goodbye my princess and arthdal chronicles for villain main leads and love and redemption, monarch industry, empress ki, extraordinary you, chicago typewriter, and bridal mask/gaksital for villainy second leads!
cdrama: villain is the main lead
the ultimate villain romance for me is goodbye my princess. the male lead is fucking horrendous but compelling and it's a tragedy from start to finish. don't watch if you want healthy relationships, someone changing for the better through the power of love, or a happy ending. do watch if you're in the mood to just get fucked up and see gorgeous costumes and scenery while doing so (also my favorite cdrama ost!). romance of tiger and rose is kind of a romcom parody of this one, too!
the legends is a nice sort of gender flip-- the female lead is basically a hot shit, overpowered demon and the male lead is a gentle guy trying to do bad all on his own because he's full of heart eyes. there's also a secondary antagonist who has a thing for the female lead, so double villainy!
word of honor. i have not finished this one, but one of the male leads def fits this bill!
the rise of phoenixes. not really a villain ML, exactly, but he's very machiavellian and schemey so if you liked the lead in twisted fate of love, you'd DEFINITELY like him (i need to finish this drama!!!)
...till the end of the moon. which i dont think i recommend, but feel compelled to mention. here's the deal: the middle arc, like eps 19-30ish? fucking perfection! the bookends on either side? dont do nearly as much. the end? i dont know her (literally, i didnt bother with the last ep). idk try it out if you're starving for costume villain love trapped in a masochism tango, but....watch some of the other dramas on this list first
cdrama: villainy second lead and/or main antagonist is in love with the lead
love and redemption and dear god you'll need a stress ball
monarch industry/the rebel princess has shades of this
prince of lan ling
kdrama: villain is the main lead
arthdal chronicles has a male lead having a villainous crush on the female lead (and they are VERY ship baity), as well as the second male and female leads both being villains and in love. i love iiiit, but be warned it ends on a cliffhanger and s2 isnt out yet
cheese in the trap. the male lead is not a great dude. a lot of people dont like this drama, but i love it (aside from a weak last ep)
everyone's just a little bit shitty in bloody heart, to include the male lead
the male lead in little women will have you guessing from start to finish if you're a clown for trusting him or not
who the villain is is kind of a rotating door in the series, but the main male lead in moon lovers: scarlet heart ryeo definitely spends time in anti-hero land
que sera sera and when a man's in love/man in love are older dramas with male leads who are definitely Questionable (the former is described as a bastard in the synopsis and the latter is an ex-gangster trying to go legit but not quite able to shake the gangster tendencies). neither story is a traditional romance, and there's a lot of content warnings to be mindful of (lots of slapping and hitting in the former, cheating in the second [and probably some slapping])
depending on your POV (or the point of the story) the main love interest from empress ki could qualify! and then there's a support character who's a straight up villain that's got a crush
i dont want to tell you anything because spoilers! but there's flavors of this with king in love/the king loves
kdrama: villainy second lead and/or primary antagonist is in love with the lead
extraordinary you
mr. sunshine (more anti-hero than villain, but you'll get that flavor with dong mae aka my most intense SLS ever)
dali and the cocky prince
the princess' man
tale of nokdu
chicago typewriter (more villainous crush than full on love line)
bridal mask/gaksital (the male lead also starts out as a villain in this one!)
from now on, showtime! features a villainous crush and i wish the backstory eps were their own drama because i loved them
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finally posting this after procrastinating for days and at this point i'm just giving up waiting to post this during the day and will just queue reblogs of it for later
A relationship chart / semi-family tree chart for @legendary-assassin-stance's and I's Cantha Crew. (AKA the Rev Family and other characters associated with them + will be part of a plot thing with them at...... some point)
(Canon characters featured on this chart: Shiro, Viktor, Archemorus, Vizu, Nika, Mai, Ihn, Petrov, Danika, Rama, Valeria, and Hao Luen.)
Brief descriptions of Important Folks + rambling under the cut!
Im Hana - One of the Heroes of Cantha. Childhood best friends with Yūma, and wife of Nika.
Im Min-Seo - Daughter of Hana and Nika.
Im Nari - Present day descendant of Hana and Nika. Serves the Empire as a Willbender, and bodyguard of Princess Jié Yuèlóng.
Chén Yánglóng - An ancient dragon God of Cantha, true ruler of the Celestials, and husband of Lǐ Bǎofèng. Father of Jié Yuèlóng, and Empress Ihn's secret lover.
Lǐ Bǎofèng - An ancient phoenix God of Cantha, true ruler of the Celestials, and husband of Chén Yánglóng.
Jié Yuèlóng - Imperial Princess of Cantha, daughter of Empress Ihn and Chén Yánglóng.
Yuán Zhēnjīng - An ancient fox spirit revered by the Miyajima family.
Shion Miyajima - A Priestess of Grenth born in Kryta who went to Cantha in search of her family's history. Currently trying to restore the abandoned Miyajima estate off the coast of Shing Jea.
Yūma Miyajima - One of the Heroes of Cantha. Childhood best friends with Hana, and - more infamously - the man who bore a ghostly Shiro Tagachi a child.
Yūki Hashimoto - Son of Yūma and Shiro.
Noriaki Hashimoto - Present day descendant of Yūma and Shiro. A revenant that channels the power of Shiro, after accidentally summoning his spirit. Dating Orion.
Orion zu Heltzer - Present day descendant of Saint Viktor and Archemorus. A revenant who channels the power of his famous ancestors, after an incident bound them to him. Dating Noriaki.
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newty · 10 months
heres my current dion timeline! completely subject to change bc halone knows it has changed many times already! all the stuff in italics are my headcanons, incl ages, which are in parentheses. extreme spoilers abound
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aka my 'dion is a 35yo hag w a lot of unhealthy responsibilities & relationships partly caused by underdeveloped lore but im gonna run with it anyway' agenda.
843 (0)
Dion born in Oriflamme
I think she was just husbandless and hard-up and she got taken advantage of to some degree by Sylv. She can still like, talk to Sylv but they don't have a relationship.
p o v e r t y
849 (6)
- Kanver Independence movement
Wants freedom from Dhalmekia. Trade disruption likely.
850 (7)
- Southwestern Alliance
Alliance of Rosaria & Dhalmekia to oppose Kanver's independence movement. Trade disruption v likely.
852 (9)
Dion awakens as Bahamut. It's nighttime when the scary magic stuff starts and hes just a baby :(
Mom takes him to church bc he's possessed. hiiii priest who fathered him. wtf is going on w this kid.
Mom sells him to Sylv. Weird child headache & poverty solved! Soon after, Sylv becomes emperor and Dion is made prince & imperial scion.
857 (14)
- Kanver Independence obtained
Trade along the Crystal Highway & beyond absolutely disrupted. Sanbrequois interests split between dispute with Waloed and the continental economy.
858 (15)
- Remembrance Ceremony
Dion mobilized in his first sortie--a rebellion inspired by Kanver. insert smth abt having too many thoughts abt money & societal disenfranchisement + responsibility to the public here.
Dion meets the Rosfields.
859 (16)
- The Triunity of 859
Sanbreque joins the anti-Kanver alliance to discourage further revolutions in its territories.
860 (17)
- Night of Flames
The Phoenix Gate attack. Triunity broken. Anabella becomes Empress. Harpocrates fired.
Dion removed from court and sent afield against Waloed. Terence (12) joins him as his page.
861 (18)
- Rosaria attacked by Ironblood & Sanbreque 
Dion knighted as a dragoon and their highest commander. Part of restructuring to incorporate Rosaria.
863 (20)
Terence (15) promoted to squire.
865 (22)
- Battle of the Twin Realms
Bahamut fielded. Sanbreque wins Strait of Autha after decades of a blockade, but were prevented from further conquest by Waloed's alliance with the Dhalmekian Republic, who were concurrently warring w the Iron Kingdom at the Nysa Defile. Teredio confession happens after this.
867 (24)
Terence (19) knighted as a dragoon.
870 (27)
Terence (22) becomes his second in command.
873 (30)
- Battle of Nysa Defile
Dhalmekia vs the Iron Kingdom, Titan vs Shiva, no help from Waloed, Sanbreque's Bastards sent to assassinate Shiva
- Fall of Drake's Head (Oriflamme)
An aetherflood spawns in the crystal mines and consumes its workers. Oriflamme then languishes and the surrounding area experiences poor harvests and trade.
- Battle of Belanus Tor
Bahamut vs Odin. No reinforcements & reports of saboteurs in the capital. Sanbreque loses the Strait of Autha and an entire legion. Dion told to maintain position and continue fighting despite heavy losses.
- Annexation of the Crystalline Dominion
Dion leads the invasion of Crystalline Dominion, which becomes the new imperial capital. 
878 (35)
- Fall of Drake's Breath (Iron Kingdom)
No one cares. Fears about Cid reignite.
- Rosalith Destroyed by Titan
No one cares. The Imperial family doesn't even talk about this when they plot world domination???????
Black Shields cause havoc elsewhere in Rosaria.
- The Crystalline Impasse
The Republic of Dhalmekia at war w Sanbreque over Twinside. Sylvester plans to accept their treaty, take reparations, and backstab them by making Dion destroy the last of their forces. He sends Dion to his camp on the bank opposite Boklad.
- Fall of Drake's Fang (Dhalmekia)
Dhalmekia's chances for a decent treaty completely vanish.
- Olivier Becomes Emperor
Dion and Terence (30) receive news of Titan's death, but must still maintain hostilities and turn Twinside into a battlefield. They learn of Olivier's ascension to the throne. Joshua meets with them.
Dion returns home and bickers about things. Sylv talks about conquering all of the Twins, and again orders Dion back to his camp to fight the Dhalmeks.
- Meeting w Joshua & Decree
Dion meets with Joshua in the imperial palace and promises to assist him when he is done with Sanbreque business. Afterwards, he makes his decree to coup.
He never returns to his camp? Just plots and pulls out the dragoons and artillery right at the castle?
- Rise of the Wyrm coup
Sylvester, Anabella, and Olivier killed. Twinside destroyed.
Kihel (14)'s grandmother dies in the destruction—if Kihel's grandmother was someone she met semi-recently and who took care of her while she was in Twinside. Or are the lanterns a continental practice rather than a Sanbrequois or Dominion one, so she could have learned about them back in Kostnice? Or was Kostnice just another stop on her travels, instead of a home?
- Fall of Drake's Tail (Twinside)
Taken to Hideaway, then return to Twinside. Kihel finds & nurses him. He reunites w Terence, who survived Somehow.
- Ran'dellah Attacked
Dion and drgs intervene to save Dhalmekian statesmen. He sends Terence to Kihel. The drgs have lost their highest leadership.
- Fall of Drake's Spine (Waloed)
Dion got on Mid's boat somehow, accompanies the team to Ash, and remains with them at the Hideaway.
- Origin
Twinside and its populace completely destroyed. Terence and Kihel are implied to die. Dion reunites with Harpocates. He and the Rosfields go to fight and are also implied to die. All magic removed from the world. 
879 (36)
- 1-6 Months Post-Game
Dion is returned to headquarters and rehabilitated. idk anything abt the bros. Tarja amputates his right arm. He leaves with a bit of money to return to Oriflamme and keep up the Repent gig. 
- 6 Months Post-Game
Fic starts.
*at some point cid fights bahamut at oriflamme's crystal. idr enough abt when cid left waloed to guess
**dions hates evil and yet. he cant identify it in his dad. even when he's totally old enough to realize that the night of flames was super sus. compartmentalizing king ig
***idk how old olivier is. i thought he was like 5 until i saw most ppl pinged him as like 10.
****i have no plans of doing anything in depth w mom so im not worried abt her rn. the important part is how scary and badly understood his condition is + how sylv offers explanations, regular meals, and greagor's absolute love in return.
*****terence has a baby face + the squire detail rly solidified the age diff to me. ultimately 5 yrs isnt a lot, but it's more significant when theyre younger, and it gives dion more to sweat abt when he talks abt loathing the power dynamic between them
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elvencantation · 6 months
blue's comic recs
@ori-flails inspired me to start making a list of these since ive been reading so many comics lately <3
earthsong- my very first webcomic ever, sci-fi/fantasy? art style develops so much! the artist redid the first volume after finishing, so the second might be jarring cause its back to her older style
mias and elle- i love them so much. chaotic and fun fantasy romance
inverloch- like a fantasy epic. i miss it
spindrift- beautiful fantasy, abandoned but the art is to die for
phoenix requiem- same author as inverloch, steampunk ghost mystery?
gunnerkrigg court- magic school with lots of secrets! never finished this... in fact im pretty sure its still ongoing! a fun kinda steampunk fantasy story with lots of mythology and another one where ive loved watching the art style develop!
webtoons: (fantasy unless noted otherwise, usually transmigration, time travel or general revenge)
remarried empress
go away romeo
omniscient reader
marry my husband
my in laws are obsessed with me
i am the villain- one of my first ones!! gorgeous art and i love the characters so much
for my derelict favorite- love the mc. so satisfying and a cute slow burn
im the queen in this life- absolutely badass MC reliving her life, court intrigue and politics included
from a knight to a lady- i adore this one. literal reincarnation. enemies to lovers
wished you were dead- everyones miserable and there’s so many misunderstandings but its like a trainwreck i cant look away
perfect marriage revenge- so much drama, sort of marry my husband vibes
the reincarnation of countess diabolique- very short chapters but very pretty
obsidian bride- fantasy dating show! cute so far
i thought my time was up- god i love seeing the FL fluster the ML. cute cute but also some asshole family drama. fun and beautiful
her wish to be isekai’d- silly and fourth wall breaking but cute
saving a mercenary unit from bankruptcy- transmigration is a known phenomenon in this series!
as if love doesn’t exist- also sort of marry my husband vibes? with switched at birth added in
reporting for duty duchess
winter before spring- not fantasy at all, cute WLW!!!
i stole the first ranker’s soul- dungeon break video game system but this time with a female MC!!
i will live the life of a villainess- isekai’d MC AND ML???
baby tyrant- cute cute but the mc is stuck in her baby body for quite awhile so if that’s not ur thing keep scrolling
tricked into becoming the heroines stepmother- cute transmigration with a side of romance
adopted by a murderous duke- just what it says on the box for now! a new one, as of updating this list
leveling up my husband to the max- got a lot of politics and a cute relationship. reincarnation
who stole the empress?
mythic item obtained- dungeons and monsters suddenly invade the real world kinda story, more based on the norse gods though than DND
my husband changes every night- oh it keeps getting better! don’t trust the title though. his hair color changes and that’s it, physically
the tyrant wants to be good- oh i love some good good time travel/reincarnation angst
every rose has a death flag- gotten a bit bored of this one but cute art
new webtoons ive gotten into!
adopted by a murderous duke’s family
paranoid mage
they wish to take away my child
katlaya rising
the reason for the twin lady’s disguise
my villainous family won’t let me be
what the evil dragon lives for
the fish i loved
the price is your everything
what melvin left behind
ten ways to get dumped by a tyrant
the gardener in a hunter world
the reborn young lord is an assasin
not your typical reincarnation story
onsaemiro: never changing
re:trailer trash
webtoons that are whole ass novels in their own right: (AWAN)
castle swimmer
suitor armor
morgana and oz
eternal nocturnal
star children
lore olympus
blood reverie
sable curse
eaternal nocturnal
a spell for a smith
PETS- sci-fi wlw slow burn
your throne- haven’t caught up with this yet but it’s a fascinating story with two female mcs who have some amazing character growth and are badasses in their own ways (also yes i ship them)
the touch of sunlight- a cute one shot story with like ten chapters
empyrea- might have been abandoned, gorgeous art style, steampunk mystery
made of stardust
potion witch
the princess’s jewels- starts out as a beautiful reverse harem, then becomes badass
death head’s deal
cute episodic webtoons:
finding fiends- funny cryptid youtuber who's friends with mothman
grand ma- a new mythological creature each episode!
crow time- just cute things about crows, a few stories that last longer than one chapter
how to be a dragon- mostly one shots, like crow time
finished webtoons: (all AWAN)
muted- god this one’s a masterpiece, GL, maybe its time for my own reread i love this one sm
spells from hell- god i love this one!! kinda modern wuxia-esque. it is daily pass now for some reason but i highly recommend it
unholy blood- vampire mystery thriller with a dash of romance? its amazing
night owls and summer skies- wlw camp romance
shadow prophet- very weird but cool kinda dystopian sci-fi. unique and beautiful art style
siren’s lament- same creator as eaternal nocturnal, so gorgeous art obvi
always human- a cute scifi wlw story
webtoons i’ve fallen behind on but are still amazing: (also all awan)
in the bleak midwinter
stray souls
the croaking
diamond dive
like wind on a dry branch
the sweetness of salt
found on mangahasu:
solo leveling- finished, the ultimate OP main character saves the world with amazing supporting cast, dungeon break system
monstrous duke- finished, AWAN, one of my favorites, i adore the MC's new family. strong enough to protect her from the monsters who birthed her
the admiral's monstrous wife- AWAN, kinda romance, a dash of best revenge is living well, and so much cool worldbuilding
still updating:
cheating men must die- THE BEST. every arc is another revenge transmigration story i. am. obsessed.
the beginning after the end- i feel like this might be abandoned? on hiatus? hasn’t been updated in forever but it’s basically a high fantasy novel. literal reincarnation. as in reborn into a rando in another universe. but with all memories intact. AWAN, also i love all the other charcters so much and the art is so pretty
who made me a princess- just finished, starts out rough character dynamic wise, has some really dramatic bits but it turns out really intricate and wholesome and i love it sm
master villainess the invincible- god i love this one i want it to update so baddddd. wuxia and there's a cute romance too!
the villainess is a marionette- beautiful unique art style, transmigration, deliciously badass and manipulative MC
millionaire divorcee- lovely and sweet sort of ‘a life well lived is the best revenge’ kinda story. also so much pretty jewelry wow
untouchable lady- time travel squared, gorgeous art and wow so much angst it's delicious. last time i checked the translations weren't so good so im hoping its better now, ive been waiting to come back to this one
death is the only ending for the villainess- transmigration into a video game with, in my opinion, too many restrictions. svsss vibes in that way but its a fantasy AWAN romance video game
into the light once again- reincarnation, AWAN, wholesome and so damn pretty. i keep drooling over the intricate outfits
I will surrender my position as empress - remarried empress vibes. love it so satisfying
villainess’s stationary shop- cute and sweet and the MC gains a coterie of adorable children defenders, but yes also revenge
my unexpected marriage- kind of a “the best revenge is living well” story. very sweet very pretty unique art style. starts a bit dark
she no longer wields her sword
the perks of being an s class transmigrator- one of my faves! very fun video game mechanic and wonderful art and i love our mc. some great humor too
I've Become A True Villainess- isekai, green hair mc!! very sweet and caring ML too i love their dynamic
The Reincarnated Assassin Is A Genius Swordsman- actual reincarnation into another family, also i love the weird kinda sort of sidekick. evil? maybe? either way its funny
divorcee’s dessert cafe- another cute one
author of my own destiny- author falls into her own book!
vengeful weapon, tears of poison- kinda what it says on the box
how to live at the max level- OP MC falls into a video game but this time it’s a girl! fun and lighthearted
no more nice sis- revenge that turns into cute romance honestly
with vengeance, sincerely your broken saintess- lots of plots and intrigue in this one, i love it
the newbie is too strong- another dungeon break one, OP MC with adorable animal? monster? companions
the villainess turns the hourglass- both revenge is best served cold and the best revenge is living well
my farm by the palace- super sweet and wholesome i love it
the duchess’ fifty tea recipes- finished, super cute, transmigration addressed, romance?
the soulless duchess
all hail lady blanche- gets slow in the middle, then gets cool and starts kinda breaking the fourth wall. revenge and kinda video game dynamic
the doctor is out- forgot about this one, time travel, its cute!
villainess' reprisal boutique- revenge for her mother this time! mostly kinda fantasy royal school stuff, if that makes any sense
please marry me again- time travel, so fluffy and precious and satisfying
karina’s last days- AWAN, slow burn romance
the villainess’s daughter- reminds me a bit of monstrous duke
the princess in the attic- AWAN, revenge, oof this one is a bit dark but it’s got its light and i do love it
red hot revenge- lot of politics in this one! and some slow slow burn
solo max-level newbie- kinda like solo leveling, but more merciless MC
angel of the golden aura- very cinderella, tropey evil sister in the most fun of ways (imho)
self-made lady- fantasy transmigration with video game mechanics
carrier falcon princess- bit weird, i feel like it hasnt updated in awhile, but fascinating premise. MC spends a very large chunk of the story as a bird
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mysicklove · 10 months
The empress and the wheel of fortune?
hi wifey!!!! ily, thank u for sending stuff in. me appreciates it.
the empress: do you think you will ever get married?
i think so. i feel like im decently attractive and have an at least okay personality LOL. and I'm not too picky bout my men, as long as we can laugh together, i think ill be okay.
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
Crying Lightning by the Artic Monkeys, Howlin' for You by The Black Keys, 1901 by Phoenix. I'm in my indie rock era
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garak · 1 year
first the pros
storm & nightcrawler & colossus are here now
magneto face reveal and hes a hot old man
phoenix is a definite upgrade from marvel girl
first functional heterosexual relationship ever seen in x-men in the form of moira and sean
beast is blue now which is a massive improvement to his character design
now the cons
racism at unprecedented and unexpected levels to the point i felt uncomfortable reading towards basically everyone (even managing to be racist towards white people they are so awful to my friend banshee every day)
wolverine fucking sucks and makes everything worse no matter what the situation is
prof x marrying random ass alien empress and leaving for space
wolverine cyclops phoenix love triangle
constant fights between wolverine and cyke are making me dislike cyke (wolverine infecting others around him with annoying and unlikable disease?)
everyone except iceman has shown up again despite iceman being the best x-man in the original run. where is my friend bobby i swear to god put bobby on the phone
art is decent but im so mad after getting teased by the fantastic layout design in the couple of issues where lorna is introduced that i cant appreciate it. face closeups always look really weird also
FINAL VERDICT: this is worse than the original in many ways but i love nightcrawler and storm so much that i am willing to overlook some of its faults. i hope wolverine dies so i don't have to read about him anymore.
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sanctissimx · 2 years
Gymnophoria - the sense that someone is mentally undressing you (cezhou) @numinousdread .... im so sorry
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He’s not used to waiting. But for Shen Zechuan, he will. 
Xiao Chiye sits patiently within the glow of the hundreds of red silk lanterns that adorn the wall and ceiling of Shen Zechuan’s immodest dressing room. He’d spent a small fortune on them, and on the porcelain bowl full of lotus seed tangyuan in ginger broth he’d ordered expressly from the most renown pâtissier of the city. A gesture of some degree of grandeur, an attempt to impress the indifferent chanteur. Perhaps it’s a little too extravagant, he ponders belatedly as his eyes sweep the purview of his venture. But if there’s anyone who’d appreciate the theatricality of such a gesture, he trusts it would be an opera singer, surely. 
In an effort to busy his anxious hands, Xiao Chiye reaches for the cup of exorbitantly expensive pu-erh tea he’d brought as well, prepared by Shen Zechuan’s attendant. A plume of steam unfurls when he removes the lid, a momentary distraction upon which he can direct his attention until it’s ripped away at the sound of the door opening. Shen Zechuan floats through the threshold with an unpurposed grace, followed by his dutiful attendant. Without thinking, Xiao Chiye straightens, sitting up properly, though he does not rise to greet him. They exchange a wordless nod, an acknowledgement that goes no further than that. Xiao Chiye knows that though he is a prince’s son, he belongs in this space only because Shen Zechuan has allowed him to.
Dressed in a plain robe of funereal white, Shen Zechuan is as silent as a specter as he approaches his vanity, methodically opens all his cosmetics, and alights upon his chair with the authority of an emperor upon a dragon throne. Xiao Chiye makes no move, even tries not to breathe too loudly, in utmost respect of the ritual before him.
Shen Zechuan paints the rice flour white across his brow with a wide brush, over his eyes, upon the swells and hollows of his sculpted cheeks, and finally over the petal-pink lips Xiao Chiye’s gaze delights in lingering upon. The exquisite features of his face are obscured in the opacity of the white, to his spectator’s curious disappointment. But vermillion is daubed upon his eyes, edges softened into a delicate haze and cut with an artful black liner to emphasize the elegance of his phoenix eyes. Eyes Xiao Chiye wishes once might glance his way. 
Next comes the elm-soaked hair, woven in artful waves upon his brow, adorned with jeweled pins that glitter so assiduously in the candle’s light Xiao Chiye would hardly be surprised if they were true diamonds. His mind wanders for a moment, wondering what patron of his past or present might have been generous enough to gift such treasures….
Immediately he thinks of Li Jiangheng, his foremost rival in the attentions of the opera singer. And the only one he can think of with enough disposable income to make an empress of an entertainer. It incenses him, the thought of losing out. But less so than the devastation of losing him. 
Xiao Chiye looks back to see Shen Zechuan glancing at him over the point of his shoulder, eyes lowered with an arresting demureness. “Sorry?” he asks, his attention now reverted to him. “I asked if you didn’t have a sweetheart you’d rather be with tonight,” Shen Zechuan asks, reaching for another diamond pin. “It’s the Shangyuan Festival, after all.” 
Xiao Chiye stands, rising slowly to his feet, walking purposefully over to Shen Zechuan’s side to pluck the pin from his hand. “I’m here, aren’t I?” he replies, his somber smile undisturbed even as Shen Zechuan attempts to snatch the pin back from his hands. Unsuccessfully. 
He gestures obscurely to the walls around them, covered from floor to ceiling in giant red lanterns. “Since you couldn’t enjoy the festivities, I decided I’d bring the festivities to you.” 
Shen Zechuan gives him a stern look that might have been frightening if it hadn’t been so lovely. Even under all that paint. Xiao Chiye lets his gaze linger upon the part of his pretty mouth, enchanted utterly by the sight of the clandestine pink tongue that peeks out behind the brazen crimson of his painted lips. Xiao Chiye wonders how hard a slap he’d receive if he caught him by his pale chin and thumbed away the red that hides away the pale pink of his lips from him. 
Willowy fingers unfurl, palm extended in requisition of that stolen pin, demanding its return. But Xiao Chiye only taps the diamond head of the pin against his free hand. “Let me adorn you with it,” he offers instead. 
Shen Zechuan huffs out a laugh with no edge of mirth to it, lowering his eyes once more to soften the inevitable blow. “I’m afraid you haven’t earned that right,” he says softly. “Even if I weren’t terrified at how crookedly you’d apply it.” 
Shen Zechuan looks away, feigning a distraction to allow a moment for Xiao Chiye to regain his face, while amending the slight with the elegant rondeur of his cygnet throat bared for his perusal. It’s an ambiguous invitation at best, and yet Xiao Chiye hedges his bets upon the possibility, touching a careful fingertip to the fine hairs at the nape of that perfect, unpainted neck. Under his touch, he feels Shen Zechuan tense, though he doesn’t move as Xiao Chiye drags his fingertips down the valley of his spine, against the gentle protrusion of his bones. 
And when he does, moving just out of range of that insouciant caress, Xiao Chiye snatches the edge of the collar back, only to be thwarted by the hand Shen Zechuan smooths over the nape of his neck, hiding it away from his wolfish eyes. “That is also not permitted,” he admonishes softly, but there is no mistaking the threat the lies between those words. 
“Then tell me what is,” Xiao Chiye demands, as genteel as he can manage.
Shen Zechuan looks at him with exasperation. “You’ve earned nothing from me,” he explains simply, as though he were placating an unruly child.
Xiao Chiye’s eyes are intent on him as he moves closer, enough that Shen Zechuan can feel his tea-mild breath warm upon his brow. “I’ve brought a sky’s worth of lanterns to you,” he points out. 
“And tanguyan fit for a noble’s tongue,” he adds, demonstrating both his understanding of Xiao Chiye’s efforts, as well as his indifference to it. “An entire festival within my walls. Yes, I know.” 
It’s entirely unsentimental and utterly utilitarian for Xiao Chiye to believe that any efforts on his part—even unwanted ones— constitute reciprocation of some manner of Shen Zechuan. But the expectation of reciprocity is the only language that nobility and men of Xiao Chiye’s kind understand, so he turns back to him with a soft smile to offer compromise. 
“So let us celebrate,” he decides, picking up another pin to show the viceroy. “In honor of Shangyuan Festival, how about a few riddles? If you win one of me, you’re free to adorn me as you please. If I win one of you, then I’ll dress myself, as I please.” 
Xiao Chiye’s expression is mildly perturbed, but there’s no deliberation in his mind. “Alright,” he concedes. And then, without hesitation: “You first.” 
Shen Zechuan looks almost pleased, his eyes drifting to the lantern-lined ceiling as he thinks of a riddle to begin with. “He is a grumpy man with thick skin and a big fat belly. Mute if you ignore him, loud if you keep touching him,” he recites, conducting the lilt of his words with the diamond hair pin in his hand. 
Xiao Chiye frowns. 
“Ten seconds,” Shen Zechuan warns cheerily. “Nine, eight …”
“I don’t know,” Xiao Chiye states, unhappy about his first defeat.
Shen Zechuan plucks the hair pin from his hand as delicately as he would a dahlia’s petal, and places it in his hair. “Too bad. A drum.” 
Xiao Chiye clicks his tongue with displeasure. “My turn. Two houses with doors wide open. They allow a million people in but can’t stand a tiny grain.”
It gives Shen Zechuan pause enough. “I give up.” 
Xiao Chiye takes the diamond pin from Shen Zechuan’s hands and places it precisely beside the one already nestled expertly within his hair. “A pair of eyes,” he says at last, satisfied with his work. 
Shen Zechuan laughs softly, his eyes landing upon the breadth of Xiao Chiye’s shoulders. “Clever,” is his verdict, spoken in half a whisper. He clears his throat. “They are twin sisters of the same height; they work in the kitchen, arm in arm. Whatever is cooked, they always try it first. But they despise soups.”
“Chopsticks,” Xiao Chiye answers easily, reaching into the red lacquered box for a silk peony hairpin in a staid deep coral, and affixes it above Shen Zechuan’s left ear. “A thousand threads, a million strands. Reaching the water, vanishing all at once.”
Shen Zechuan finds himself hesitating not for lack of answer, but for the unexpected scent of Xiao Chiye’s nearness: of the brightness of a wild sun, the gelid fraicheur of a wind descended of mountainsides, that blows through tall, untouched grasses in a faraway idyll. 
“Ten seconds,” Xiao Chiye reminds him, and Shen Zechuan is quick to assert plaintively, “I don’t know.” 
“A rainfall,” the viceroy informs him, answer curt, and points with a flick of his chin towards the aoqun hanging upon the door.  Shen Zechuan reaches for a pale pink one, but Xiao Chiye stops him. “No,” he says, imperiously. “The red one.”
Shen Zechuan reaches for the dark crimson aoqun embroidered with white peonies, but it’s Xiao Chiye who divests it from the hanger, holding it open for him to slip into. Xiao Chiye arranges the robe with exacting care, positioning the stiff collar perfectly center to Shen Zechuan’s nape.  Shen Zechuan peers down to straighten the blouse, unwittingly exposing the slightest sliver of skin that peeks out from behind the guard of the high collar. Xiao Chiye’s wanton gaze lingers upon it, taking advantage of Shen Zechuan’s distraction, until he realizes what he’s doing and catches his wrist to stop his hands. 
“I’ll do it,” Xiao Chiye says softly, and there’s only an edge of imperative to his words. He starts from the bottom, lining up the knot button with the clasp and fastening them methodically. There’s a shadow of consternation that flickers upon his brow when he gets to the last one, just at Shen Zechuan’s throat. Xiao Chiye swallows hard, his downturned eyes perusing the tenuity of the opera singer’s slender throat, the semblant translucence of his pale skin complimented by the vermillion red of his collar. Sure and steady are Xiao Chiye’s fingers as they attend the final button, in what appears to be assiduity on the viceroy’s part. But his fingers linger upon the clasp, unwilling to let go of the provisional closeness. 
He lets out a breath at last, his hands falling away in surrender to their obsoletion, knuckles brushing upon Shen Zechuan’s lithesome chest as they do.  “Your turn,” he says finally. 
Shen Zechuan’s pulls a demure but dubiously mischievous smile at the corners of his rubicund lips, rests the tip of his index finger upon his chin in pantomime of thought. “Hmm,” he hums, his smile widening to show teeth like pearls glinting in the delicate lamplight. “Sometimes it’s curved like a smile, other times, it’s round like a plate.”
Xiao Chiye says nothing, his footsteps the only sound in the silence of the room as he drifts over to the closet behind him. He skim through the robes, pulling out a cloud-white pei with water sleeves the color of a pale sky darkening. “The moon,” he says softly, his breath warm against the shell of Shen Zechuan’s ear as he leans in to supply the answer, excusing his nearness by draping the robe over Shen Zechuan’s narrow shoulders.
Shen Zechuan watches as Xiao Chiye moves away, realizing the gravity of this game as he slips his arms within the pale pei. The indomitable red of his high collar peeks through the opening of the pei’s collar, as insouciant as a tongue. There’s a note of quiet pleasure upon his features as he examines the combination, choosing a dark red skirt embroidered with gold fauna to match. “What belongs to you, yet others use it more than you do?” he asks, and Shen Zechuan’s half distracted with the arrangement of his skirt, tucking and arranging as he must. 
Occupied with his costume, Shen Zechuan does not see Xiao Chiye choose a gilded fengguan from a mannequin’s head, a stunningly ornate headdress ornamented with nine dragons and nine phoenixes, covered in gold leaf and inlaid with hundreds of glass beads of deep carmine that glitter as exultantly as real rubies. “I’m waiting,” Xiao Chiye reminds him, catching the point of Shen Zechuans jaw to angle it upwards and watch his face as he crowns him with the phoenix coronate. 
The fan of his inky lashes flutter timorously before Shen Zechuan dares to look up at the viceroy through them. Xiao Chiye recognizes the practiced flirtation, but the realization brings no less admiration for his proficiency. “Me?” he asks, the brilliant smile he pulls breaking as beautifully as a dawn. 
Xiao Chiye clicks his tongue in displeasure, his hand dropping away at once. 
“Your name,” Shen Zechuan laughs, reaching for his ivory fan at the edge of his vanity. “Naturally. It’s a very good riddle, of course.” 
The viceroy leans hard upon the vanity, brow purled in an unhappy louring. “You knew the answer.”
Shen Zechuan walks to the mirror to examine his costume and finds himself pleased. “I did,” he admits. “But you’d already crowned me. It seemed a waste to undo your efforts.” 
Xiao Chiye pushes off the edge and walks over to station himself behind him. “You knew all the answers,” comes his quiet accusation. “The whole time.” 
Shen Zechuan’s gaze is piercing in the mirror, staring at Xiao Chiye in vivid coquetry. “The Viceroy is too comfortable with triumph,” he contends, and Xiao Chiye’s vaguely aware of being condescended to, even in the gentle lilt of his erudite words. “I wouldn’t presume that you would know that sometimes—”  He turns to him now, eyes meeting his with nothing less than audacity. “Sometimes one must lose to win.” 
He punctuates his point by tapping the tip of his fan beneath the point of his jaw, smiling to himself as he returns to the vanity to examine his makeup one last time. 
“And what have you won?” Xiao Chiye asks, still sullen in spite of Shen Zechuan’s concession and his apparent victory. 
Shen Zechuan carefully pulls a heavy brocade sash over his head, and arranges the sash deftly upon his shoulders. “The company of Xiao Chiye,” he replies easily, turning to him in his full glory, his face neutral under all that makeup. It’s a gesture meant to show him how uncontrived the statement was, bereft of the guile of artfulness or artifice. That he means it.
“It isn’t winning if it was yours to accept in the first place,” Xiao Chiye argues, almost peevishly. “I’ve been asking for an audience for you for weeks now. Maybe months. You could have had my company whenever you wanted it.” 
“Not the playboy Viceroy,” Shen Zechuan asserts. “Not the lecher, not the drunk, not the one who keeps the company of that boorish Prince Chu—who, by the way, I understand you have a bet with? Regarding my favors and who might win them of me first?” 
Xiao Chiye does not move, does not flinch from Shen Zechuan’s accusatory gaze, the tips of his ears a perfect berry-red the only indication of his remorse. 
“I don’t care, actually,” Shen Zechuan continues, but the way the lilt of his words adopt a slight staccato hint otherwise. “But it was nice… to see a glimmer of who you are. Behind all that. I really hadn’t much faith that there was anything of note.”
There’s a silence between them, a stillness that neither of them are willing to break. Xiao Chiye’s ears feel scorched with a shame so great, so enervating, that he’s ultimately reduced to the unlikely boldness of having little left to lose and asks, “And what have I won of you?” 
Shen Zechuan laughs mirthlessly through his nose. “I considered offering you the opportunity to undo the work of your own hands. Isn’t that what you’ve wanted all evening? But I don’t think you’ve quite earned that, either.” He moves to a vase the pluck a white peony streaked with amaranth red, and tosses it in Xiao Chiye’s direction. “You can come back when it’s faded.” 
He staggers to catch it, but snatches it out the air, nearly crushing it in his hand. His fingers unfurl and so does the bloom within the palm of his hand, and Xiao Chiye stares at it to discern its meaning. “Tomorrow?” he asks, hopeful. 
Shen Zechuan’s turned in silhouette when he opens his fan and hides his pleased grin behind it. He bows once to the Viceroy, the little pearl strings on his phoenix coronet tinkling softly as he does. As if on cue, an attendant opens the door, through which Shen Zechuan might make his escape. But he turns back suddenly, fan stuck to the palm of his hand as his eyes light up in remembrance. “The tangyuan!” he exclaims, but his face falls immediately into a beautiful consternation. 
Xiao Chiye looks to the wooden box upon the vanity and slides it open, the large porcelain bowl  within. “Ah,” he replies, reaching into the box and uncovering the bowl. The white and pink tangyuan float within the ginger-sweet broth, like perfect summer moons. “They’re a little cold, but no colder than if you eat them later.” 
Shen Zechuan strides forward, gathering his water sleeves to his chest as he turns his mouth up for Xiao Chiye’s perusal, lips parting obediently. “Feed me.” 
Xiao Chiye stares at that rosebud mouth in bloom for him, remains frozen in aesthetic arrest of the sight of him before he reaches for the spoon and scoops one out for him. He holds it up to Shen Zechuan’s lips, that accept the ingress of the porcelain between them, the deep crimson of his lips closing about the pure white of the tangyuan and sucks it cleanly into his mouth. 
Shen Zechuan’s eyes lower as he daubs carefully away at the ginger broth at the corners of his mouth, his pink tongue peeking out as he licks his lips clean. “Tomorrow,” he confirms at last, commits a shallow bow as he watches Xiao Chiye slowly bring the empty spoon to his own mouth.
There’s only the residual sweetness of the ginger left upon it, but it’s the ghost of Shen Zechuan’s lips that he means to consume. And somehow he knows that, fan opening to hide away the pleased smile before he floats out of the waiting door like a gilded fantasy. One that Xiao Chiye is sure he’d do anything to dream up again.
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Thank you @mgtxs for the lovely work you've done! I've pictured this scene a million times in my mind and words can't describe how happy I am to see it!!!! The life of a witch is different from a life of a pirate. Things happen for a reason, how this forbidden love started? An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break the closer you've come the brighter the string becomes. The simple touch of each others hand they could see clips of there future together that's how the story begins.
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Happy Thanksgiving
Scene:thanksgiving a few years earlier.
Me: the girls are all alseep?
Marco: Yes every single one of them it was a busy day for them yoi. This year we forgot to say what we are thankful for.
Me: We did forget. *chuckling* well for starters. I'm thankful for you without you I wouldn't know the true meaning of love. You showed me that a pirate can love a witch. You are a truly amazing father to our girls a wonderful husband. I can always count on you for anything. I love you so much and I'm so thankful for you Marco.
Marco: *smiling that touched ear to ear* aww little bird. I'm thankful for you. You loved me back unconditionally. I'm happy your joined me on the ship those many years back. You carried every single one of our girls and the best more I've ever seen. You kind heart, loving personality , just everything about you I love. I love you Valerie yoi.
Me: *making your hearts stop Marco cupping your cheeks as he placed a sweet kiss on your lips. Your arms wrapping around him closing the gap between both.* Marco your going to make me cry
Marco: I know you're emotional right now. Hormones will a bit frazzle due to the pregnancy. *his hands rubbed your swollen belly.* With every pregnancy you have this glow around you. Maybe its the fact you are carrying my baby bird yoi.
Me: Well your baby bird loves you already every time they hear your voice they kick *Marcos chuckled feeling the small flutter kicks*
Tagging: @scalpelandrose @conchasweetheart @lariflames Lets see a cute little scene for thanksgiving 🥺
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Scorp you're a genius! So relatable and I love how you don't judge others or anyone who comes to you for help. Keep it up! I just had to ask since I see that you make pop culture references to make analogies with astrology. You've mentioned GoT a few times and im a huge fan! Can you do a quick post on Game of Thrones characters and their potential zodiac signs? I'd love to hear your input! Thank you so much!!
Game of Thrones Characters & Their Zodiac Signs
Khal Drogo- Impulsive. Warlike. Bloodthirsty. Alpha. Conqueror. Hardcore athlete [did you see him on that horse?] Extremely sexual. Forceful. When he first meets Daenerys, he forces himself on her. Afterward, however, he is the first to go to war if he feels the people around him have been disrespected.
Aerys Targaryen- Impulsive, sadistic. Boastful. imperial. He would be the Emperor [reversed] in Tarot, lol. Not as good with being a tactician as he ought to have been. Cruel. Rage problems. The need to be the first and the best. Fire and blood, anyone?
Maergery Tyrell - Classy, wealthy, sexy, laid-back, frank but with an air of elegance. Highgardeners have a love for the finer things in life. A love of fine wines and foods. Beautiful clothing and aesthetics. RICH RICH. Get on their bad side and they will take their time finding a way to subvert your authority.
Robert Baratheon- Love of luxury, bullheaded, strong, takes no shit. Fixed in his opinions of others, highkey jealous. In his youth, he enjoyed the gifts of Venus: Charm, wealth coming from the noble house of Baratheon, widely considered handsome by almost all in the 7 kingdoms. 
Tyrion Lannister- Silver-tongued. HIGHKEY intelligent. Social. Charming. Great sense of humor. A freak [in the sheets]. Chatty. Always finds his way out of a sticky situation. Finds a way to use his intel to bolster diplomacy between his family and the families who hate them.
Little Finger- Cunning, quick-witted, works behind the scenes, manipulative, a  snake, jack of all trades. Top dog in the social circles of the 7 Kingdoms. There wasn’t a person who didn’t know of him and his... reputation. He singlehandedly, through his Machiavellian tactics, caused the events of Game of Thrones to unfold. 
Cersei Lannister- Protective, moody, caring [to her kids], motherly, cantankerous, jealous. A savage. People don’t give Cancer’s the credit they deserve in terms of what they’re capable of. Cersei is a prime example of the type of person who can show unrivaled levels of devotion to the one’s they love. “No one matters but us.” She can be cruel because she lets her emotions rule her actions. When her safety is threatened, she makes sure no one else feels safe either. She loves with a ferocity only rivaled by...
Catelyn Stark- Another mother who would die [quite literally] for her children. Fierce, Protective. Doting. JEALOUS. Let’s not forget how she treated Jon all because she believed Ned’s lie about him being a bastard. Followed her son into battle. Damn near lost her hands fighting off Bran’s would-be assassin. 
Jaime Lannister- Proud. Handsome. Princely. Funny. We seem him go from underdeveloped Leo [arrogant, selfish, bully, prideful, snob, loyal to no one but himself] to developed [Kind, helpful, warm, honest]. Fought bears for his friends. Skilled and proud fighter even without the use of both his hands. Unfortunately, his loyalty caused him to stay loyal to his twin towards the end, but such is the nature of a Leo. They’re hard-pressed to abandon those they truly care for.
Brienne of Tarth- LOYAL. Proud. Devoted. A bit of a flare for drama especially brandishing her sword. Brienne is the definition of Leonine traits. Hard to miss. Devoted to those who show her kindness, i.e Renly, Catelyn, Jaime, Sansa, etc. Always at the front lines in war screaming “STAND YOUR GROUND”. Unrivaled levels of bravery and courage. Not to be fucked with. A true Queen.
Samwell Tarley- Intelligent. Scholarly. Methodical. Always with his nose in a book. Unproblematic king. Caught the things everyone else missed, especially when he was an apprentice in Old Towne. Figured out how to cure Jorah Mormont’s affliction on his OWN without any formal training. Genius.
Lord Varys- Remember, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury who is the most cunning of the planetary rulers. Varys always had a spy to collect intel on everyone. A tactician. Never lost his temper. Always had the scoop but didn’t partake in gossip for gossip's sake. Not afraid to be critical or tell those “in charge” his opinion. We can see this specifically when he critiques Aerys, Daenerys, and Robert. 
Davos Seaworth- a skilled diplomat. Davos is always seen seeking balance and fairness in the situations he finds himself in. The minute you see this man in a scene you know he’s going to give a moving speech and get someone out fo a sticky situation. He convinced the Iron Bank to support Stannis. Convinced Daenerys to entertain Jon Snow when they traveled to Dragonstone. Always breaking up a fight. He is in full support of law and order, especially when he called for Melisandre’s head after discovering her part in Shireen’s death [RIP.]
Rhaegar Targaryen- Had a love of music. Harmony. Balance. He brought two families together [Stark and Targaryen]. He was also blessed by Venus in my opinion because he was said to be extremely handsome. A fabulous singer. A fighter yes, but a lover first. Very good with diplomacy but not the best with defending himself against his cousin sign, Taurus [Robert Baratheon].
Daenerys Targaryen- Many see her as an Aries but I have to respectfully disagree. Daenerys is a Scorpio in my opinion. Remember, Scorpio is honorary fire. She was literally “reborn from the ashes”. A Phoenix, Scorpio’s final form. She went from a silent and meek girl to a skilled and commanding Empress. Unlike Arians, she did not jump headfirst into battle. It took many arrows in her dragons, many slights to her ego, copious council from her advisors, dozens of her loved ones lost for her to go nuclear. Like her father, she hungered for power, a very Scorpionic trait. However she, unlike her father, listened to reason [Jorah, Tyrion, and Barristan Selmy]. She had a long fuse until she didn’t, and then that’s when she rained fire and blood on everyone in King’s Landing. She was skilled at retribution and was unapologetic with it *cough* the Tarleys *cough*.. Unlike Arians who pop off at the drop of a hat, she gave her enemies fair warning if/when they crossed her.
Arya Stark- You already know what it is with this one. Arya is pretty much death [Pluto], personified. Stealthy. A tactician. VENGEFUL. I think we all fist-pumped when she served Filch Walder Frey his sons in that pie. Never forgets a slight. Keeps a list of people who’ve wronged her [All Scorpios can probably relate]. You never see her coming. She is “no-one”. She is the assassin that slips through the back. She may seem calm at first but trust that she has been planning your downfall for a while. LOYAL. The definition of a Scorpio.
Melisandre- Dark. Mysterious. Unafraid of the occult. So much of her life is unknown and I’m sure that’s how she preferred it. Even her Lord of light was mysterious. Strong supernatural abilities and highkey psychic. Knew immediately how many “eyes” Arya would “close.” Had ties to the underworld which is demonstrated with her ability to resurrect the dead. Came through at the clutch in the last battle wielding fire [Mars] with her witchcraft. It’s no secret that Scorpios are some of the most skilled in sorcery.
Missandei- Exotic. From Naath which is an island just above the mysterious continent of Sothoryos. A world traveler. Lucky enough to escape slavery [until the end]. Jupiter's influence is here in my opinion because she is so kind and friendly. Also a polyglot and gifted with the ability to speak 19 languages. Her fire is seen at the end of the series when she tells her best friend “Dracarys”-- meaning “fire” in High Valyrian. She isn’t afraid to call wrath down on others.
Olenna Tyrell- Loud, unapologetically blunt, zero-filter, feisty. Olenna to me is the definition of Sagittarius. Always speaks her mind. Clap back queen. Will call you out. Was also quite promiscuous in her younger years. Very charismatic and extremely likable despite her penchant for saying whatever was on her mind.
Tywin Lannister- I can’t see the patriarch of the most notorious family in Westeros being anything other than a Capricorn. Methodical. Structured. Business-minded. Karmic [A "Lannister always repays his debts"] Cold. Cruel. Unfeeling. Like Saturn, he is the father figure. Basically ran the 7 Kingdoms for Aerys, [which was probably why the latter was so salty towards him.] Always has a plan. The man you want in charge if we’re strictly talking about law and order. Vindictive [had the mountain kill Elia because Rhaegar rejected Cersei.] He’s the ultimate son-of-a-bitch.
Jon Snow- Brooding hero that he is, Bae Jon Snow is without a doubt a Capricorn in my eyes. Duty-bound. Serious. A leader in his own right. Could also be cold and unfeeling in terms of distributing karmic justice. Lest we forget the “fetch-me-a-block” situation with Janos Slynt. In addition, the moment he was resurrected he took vengeance against the black brothers who betrayed him. Saturn, Like Pluto, is all about karmic justice. The beating he put on Ramsey after The Battle of the Bastards was one thousand percent a karmic beating. A proper lover as well, according to Ygritte, Jon also knew how to handle himself in the bedroom, a trait very akin to Capricorns.
Bran Stark- I thought about making Bran a Pisces, but then I changed my mind. Remember Uranus rules sudden insights and hardcore psychic receptivity. It also rules sudden and unexpected catastrophes or surprises/ sudden breaks. Bran suffered a literal “tower” moment at the beginning of the series which resulted in his psychic powers developing. Once he became the three-eyed raven, he became very detached from the world.
Grey Worm- Aquarius is also androgynous. Grey Worm is a eunuch. He is always down to fight for a cause though, specifically his queen’s. Cares about others, specifically Missandei, and was seen towards the latter season speaking up for the Unsullied against the slavers. Fierce combatant but also very detached. His job is his job.
Jaqen H’ghar- Much like Neptune, Pisces’ ruler Jaqen has a mysterious and illusive personality. He wears “many faces”. Skilled at illusion and very very intuitive. Has a soft side though which is clearly seen with how he treats Arya. Hardly ever flies off the handle. Calm. Cool. Collected.
Hodor- Sweet and gentle giant, Hodor is a Pisces to me. Affected by psychic trauma, it’s revealed why “Hodor” is the only thing he can say. Calm. A bit of a baby. Caring. Easily adaptable [think of all the terrain he carried Bran through]
Eddard Stark- I don't care what anyone says, Ned stark to me represents the most developed form of a Pisces. Like the Hanged-Man in Tarot that represents sacrifice and which Neptune Rules, he willingly sacrificed his reputation as honorable for his sister, Lyanna. He later sacrifices himself for his children when he died at Joffrey’s [little bitch] command. He is wise. Though appears cold, he is actually a well of feeling and caring. Unfortunately, he also suffered from the naivety of Neptunian influence which is why he wasn’t very skilled at the Game of Thrones, which calls for more tactical ruthlessness. Pisceans however also have the rage of Poseidon flowing through their veins [which people like to forget]. This was displayed when he pinned Petyr Baelish to the Wall in King’s Landing for daring to dishonor Cat by inviting her into a Brothel. RIP, King Stark.
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violinsweetiemiss · 4 years
Phoenix Aurora Chapter 4 (Got7 Jinyoung X OC)
The rest of the trip to Yuan went rather uneventfully. Up until the last day of traveling, Jang Soyoung’s warning went unexplained, and for the time being, Jinyoung decided he didn’t need to know more. In time, he would find a chance to observe them for himself once he settled in at Yuan. For now, he would make do with learning what he could from the materials Soyoung had given him. 
And besides...there were other things he had to wonder about before he could even think about court officials.
For example, his upcoming wedding to the woman sitting across from him who he had just met. 
Jinyoung shook his head as he imagined the wedding that he knew he couldn’t avoid, barely able to suppress the sigh rising in his chest. He directed his attention instead to the scenery outside the carriage they were sitting in, and noticed they were arriving at the city gates. His heart skipped a beat as he realized they were arriving at his new home. Seeming to realize the same thing, Jang Soyoung put down the documents she was reading and pulled back the flap covering the front of the carriage.
“Hyojun.” She called. Im Hyojun turned from his place at the front of the procession, and without another word held out the reins to the riderless horse that was walking alongside him. In one fluid motion, the empress leapt from the carriage and landed neatly on the horse, slipping the reins into her hands as she did so. Jinyoung stared at her in shock as the entire procession continued towards the city gates. 
Somehow, she had managed to do all of that in one fluid motion, without even calling the procession to a stop! Jinyoung sighed and shook his head, deciding it was better not to ask. It seemed there were still plenty of tricks his fiance had in store. 
“Should I take a horse too?” Jinyoung called, pulling open the carriage flap. 
“No need.” Jang Soyoung replied, turning her head ever so slightly to look back at him, “You only need to open the window slightly so the people can see you.” Slightly confused, Jinyoung nodded.
“Okay.” He replied. As the procession passed the gate checkpoint and entered the main street, Jinyoung heard the sound of delighted cries rising on the street.
“The Empress has returned!”
“Your Majesty!”
Jinyoung peeked out of the window curiously, wondering what was happening. His eyes widened as he saw people lined up and down the street, waving in delight at Soyoung as she rode by. Soyoung kept a soft warm smile on her face as she waved back, and for a moment Jiyoung found himself mesmerized by the young ruler. There, in the warm sunlight, she looked every inch the ruler that she was, tall and elegant, her long hair blowing in the wind, the receiver of adoration from her people. She may be just a woman, but Jinyoung could already tell that she had held the throne better than many other men before her. It was rare to receive such open adoration; it was clear the empire had been thriving under her rule. 
Some of the people looked curiously at Jinyoung as they passed by, and he hesitated for a moment before offering a tiny smile to the people looking at him, half hidden behind the curtain covering the window. The people would be curious about him for sure; what kind of man had the adored female ruler chosen for her prince consort? Was he a warrior, just like she was? Would he be helpful to her in court, or a useless stone that would drag her down? Was he worthy to take her hand in marriage? Those questions, and more were certainly running through everyone’s mind at the moment. 
In this new, foreign place, Jinyoung would have to prove his worth. He wasn’t sure how he would have to do it, but he had a feeling trials would come and find him without him even trying.
When they arrived at the palace gates, the carriage came to a stop, and Soyoung pulled open the flap covering the carriage.
“Come on.” She said, holding a hand out to Jinyoung, “We’re going to walk in.” Jinyoung peeked his head out curiously at the gates in front of him. The gates were made of plain red stone, dotted by straight black lines perfectly spaced out from each other. It was a bland door at best, but Jinyoung had a sinking feeling that it was deceptively simple. There was no guessing what lay beyond those doors, in both splendor and the messy net of relationships that surely were waiting for him as soon as he stepped inside. He sighed softly.
Grin and bear it, Park Jinyoung.
He looked over at Soyoung’s hand, hesitating as he wondered if he should take it or not. He didn’t want to look weaker than necessary in front of everyone; Jang Soyoung’s dominance was clear enough as it was. But the carriages they used in Yuan were different from the ones used in Goryeo; the ones in Yuan were lifted much higher than the ones he was used to, because they were pulled by horses rather than by people. It made things easier for the servants of course, but that also meant the distance from the carriage to the ground was much bigger than Jinyoung was used to. Jinyoung sighed, then took Soyoung’s hand before jumping to the ground below. Soyoung waved a hand at the doors, and soldiers quickly rushed to open up the brick red gates. Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he followed Soyoung into the lavish Yuan palace. The royal palace had to be at least double the size of the Goryeo palace, with structures spreading on his left and right as far as the eye could see. At the far end of the grand courtyard they had walked into, Jinyoung saw a long flight of stairs leading up to a glittering golden building. Above the long set of doors leading into the building, Jinyoung spotted three Chinese characters etched into a polished wooden plaque.
Harmony Hall.
It was the place where the emperor usually held audiences with his ministers in the morning. And before long, that was where Jinyoung would be sitting at Soyoung’s side every morning. Soyoung paused and let Jinyoung take in the sight of the Yuan palace.
“From now on, this will be your home.” She said, “I will have servants take you to your rooms.” 
“My rooms?” Jinyoung asked, “But where are you going? Where exactly are my rooms?” Jang Soyoung paused midstep from where she had been walking away, and then turned to smile teasingly at him.
“Don’t worry.” She replied, “They are only temporary quarters. You will move into my quarters after our wedding, naturally.” Jinyoung felt his cheeks grow hot at the statement.
“That’s not what I was asking about!” He protested. Jang Soyoung took one look at the expression on his face and then laughed. Shaking her head, she turned back and continued on her way.
Jinyoung sighed, and turned to the small army of servants that had appeared by his side.
“Lead the way.” He said, and followed them off.
The rooms that had been prepared for Jinyoung were large and elaborately decorated, far larger than what he had ever lived in at Goryeo. 
“The Empress’s rooms are just across the courtyard in that direction.” A maid said helpfully, pointing out the door. Jinyoung sighed. At the moment, he could care less where her rooms were, but he appreciated the sentiment.
“Very well.” He said, “You are dismissed.”
The servants left him alone, and Jinyoung took to exploring his temporary rooms. It was so fascinating; all of a sudden, all the things that he had only ever seen in books were all in front of him. The soft and elaborate curtains that hung from the archways leading into each new part of the chambers, the tall four post bed that sat perfectly made on the far end of the room, the elegant porcelain cups that sat waiting for use on the small table by the bed. Jinyoung marveled at each of them in turn. He wasn’t sure how long he wandered around marveling at this new world he was to be living in, but he was drawn back to the present as he heard someone clear his throat. Turning sharply, Jinyoung felt his cheeks flush at being caught exploring the room like a child. His gaze fell on a young man standing behind him, gazing at Jinyoung curiously. The newcomer was a willowy youth dressed in long white robes that were belted at the waist, his clothes decorated with light silver thread that had been clearly hand-stitched to form a complicated array of patterns.  Although it was warm outside, Jinyoung spotted the edges of a fur lined collar at the top of his clothes that perfectly covered the young man’s neck. It was a deceptively simple outfit, but Jinyoung knew better than to think this was a regular person. The young man gave off an aura of grace and elegance, signaling his high status in the palace. Still, unlike many other nobles Jinyoung had met in his life, the young man had a warm welcoming smile on his face.
“You must be Park Jinyoung, the Fifth Prince of Goryeo.” The young man said, “My future brother-in-law.” Jinyoung paused for a moment as he tried to place who the young man was.
Jang Eun-seong.
Jinyoung had long heard that the Empress had a younger twin brother that she doted on deeply. He had been born with a weak body, and so had been kept from practicing martial arts like his siblings during childhood. When the fight for the throne had broken out between the elder brothers, Royal Consort Hua had taken the twins and fled the palace out of fear for their safety. When the fighting had ended, Eun-seong was the only son left, and Soyoung was the eldest unmarried daughter. Because of Eun-seong’s weak body, Soyoung had instead been placed on the throne, thus resulting in the near impossible result that was a female ruler on the Mongol throne. Eun-seong, who had been taught medicinal arts since childhood, had instead become a royal physician, and the Empress’s unofficial personal physician.
“You are...Grand Prince Eun-seong?” He asked hesitantly. The young man’s face lit up, and he grinned as he bowed politely.
“Yes, I am Eun-seong.” He said cheerfully, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Brother-In-Law!” Jinyoung chuckled softly. The boy was Soyoung’s brother, but he was completely different from his sister. Although he looked every inch the prince he was, Eun-seong was less hardened from the daily political battles that his sister had been facing for years. He still had a slight boyish air to him behind the dignified princely look, and bright curious eyes that told Jinyoung he didn’t have to keep his guard up around him.
“You can call me Jinyoung.” He replied, patting a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder. Eun-seong looked up, his eyes wide.
“No, I cannot do that.” He said, “That would be far too rude! Instead...may I call you ge?” Jinyoung hesitated as he turned over the unfamiliar word in his mind, then smiled as he realized what Eun-seong was asking about. The Mongols had long adopted the Chinese language; in their language, ge was the same as hyung in Goryeo. 
“Of course.” He replied, “You can call me whatever you like.” Eun-seong beamed at Jinyoung’s response. 
“I can see why my royal sister chose you!” He declared, “You’re so kind and observant. I’ve heard you are quite the scholar as well.” Jinyoung laughed and bowed politely at the comment.
“You are too kind, Your Highness.” He said, “I have just been a lover of books since childhood.” Eun-seong grinned and shook his head.
“Please call me Eun-seong.” He said, “We will soon be family after all.” Jinyoung could barely suppress a grimace at the words. The other young man was right; before long they would be one family, although Jinyoung still didn’t know how he was going to handle it.
“You are so different from your sister.” He said, steering the topic lightly away from marriage, “It is hard to believe you are siblings.” Eun-seong laughed softly at his comment.
“I have heard that many times in the past before.” He said, “My sister has been likened to a goddess of war, a strong ruler and strict ruler who punishes and rewards fairly. She is the complete opposite of the gentle and demure woman that most people expect to see, even in Mongolia.” A light cheeky grin lit up Eun-seong’s face as he looked around carefully and leaned closer to Jinyoung.
“But in reality, my sister has a gentle side to her too!” He whispered, “Not demure, but there’s times when she’s kind and warm too. She’s just really good at suppressing it around people. But as her brother, I see it all the time!” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.
“Really?” He said, looking at the other young man skeptically. As far as he had seen, Jang Soyoung was anything but kind and warm. Eun-seong laughed at the expression on Jinyoung’s face.
“You’ll see in good time, ge.” He said, clapping a hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder, “There will be plenty of time for you to see that the strict ruler side of my sister is not all that lies in her.” Jinyoung laughed dryly.
“Yes, I do hope you’re right.” He replied.
While Jinyoung was meeting his future brother-in-law, Soyoung was sitting in her library facing her ministers. The elder men were standing in four rows in front of her, with an aisle left in the middle for anyone who wished to step forward and address the empress. She had just announced her choice for prince consort to the gathered ministers, and from the looks on their faces, Soyoung could tell that they were less than thrilled.
“Your Majesty…” Finally, Minister Sou stepped forward, keeping his body half bowed respectfully, “If I may be frank?” Soyoung motioned for him to continue, although she already had an idea what he was going to say next. Minister Sou hesitated for a moment before continuing. 
“Your Majesty...while we have all heard of the Fifth Prince’s intellect, I am worried whether he is a good match for you.” He said, “Fifth Prince Jinyoung is nothing like our Mongol men. He is more suited to be indoors, reading and writing as he wishes. Your Majesty’s husband should be a powerful player in the Goryeo court, and someone who can lead warriors at your side, should he not?” Soyoung saw many of the other court officials nodding in approval, and bit back a sigh.
Superficial fools. They only ever know to look at the things on the surface. 
“Park Jinyoung is the second son of the former Queen of Goryeo.” She stated firmly, “He is by far one of the most favored princes in the entire court. With his position as my husband, there will certainly be the peace and support of both countries that we want. And besides, what I need is someone with his intellect to help me deal with the daily affairs of running the court. What is wrong with that? I do not need a warrior for a husband who only knows how to fight and do little else.” The ministers looked at each other briefly before Minister Han stepped forward.
“Your Majesty, you may approve of his intellect, but the Fifth Prince has spent his life either hidden behind books or writing works of poetry. He has little to no experience in court.” He stated, “If he comes to court and makes a fool of himself-”
“He will not.” Soyoung replied firmly, directly cutting the older man off, “It is precisely because he is a learned scholar that he would think of things differently from everyone else. I will not ask him to attend court every day, but when I do, I am certain he will do well. Whatever he does not understand, he will learn ahead of time.” 
And it is precisely because he has spent so much time among the common people that he knows what they want best.
“But Your Majesty…” Minister Han said hesitantly, “What about your future heirs?” Soyoung gazed at the older man coldly for a long moment as she pondered over how to respond. It was clear what he was referring to; the descendants of Yuan were expected to be warriors, particularly the men. If Soyoung and Jinyoung had children, they would surely be expected to be strong fighters capable of leading the country to victory on the battlefield. Perhaps for a daughter it would be alright if she didn’t have a natural aptitude for martial arts, but for a boy, the expectations would be high. 
“Your worry is that our children will all be scholarly and gentle rather than fierce warriors, and then there would be no heir who is suitable to hold tightly onto the Yuan throne.” She stated, raising an eyebrow. Minister Han gulped before bowing.
“Your Majesty, I simply wish for the best for our future rulers and descendants.” He replied. Soyoung crossed her arms and leveled a cold gaze on the older man, making him squirmy.
“The ability to fight will come from the child’s mother, and the intellect will come from the child’s father.” She stated, “It would be the perfect balance.”
“But Your Majesty-” Minister Han began again, then cut off as Soyoung slammed her hand against her desk.
“That’s enough!” She growled, “Or are you trying to tell me that you all, the revered ministers of the Yuan court, have the power to control which man is worthy to stand by my side and put a child in my womb?” The ministers’ soft murmurs fell silent, and they quickly fell to their knees.
“We do not dare to, Your Majesty!” They chorused together. Soyoung glared down at the elder men as she let her anger stew over them for a long moment. That was exactly what they wanted to control, of course. They wanted to put a man they thought worthy by her side, not one of her own choosing, and if one thing was to be sure, Soyoung knew it was the prince they chose would not be to her liking. They wanted a man that was strong, that could turn around and indirectly control her. But when she blatantly put it that way, no one would dare to say it out loud. 
If you would like to make things difficult, then I will play this game with you all until the end.
Soyoung tapped a finger against her desk for a long moment before speaking.
“I chose the Fifth Prince after careful consideration and in front of the entire Goryeo court.” She stated firmly, “I will not send him back for reasons as ridiculous as the quality of children he would give me. That would be a slap to Goryeo’s face that you all know very well I will not give. And in any event, I am not choosing a man to marry simply for producing heirs.” Soyoung fixed her gaze slowly on each minister, challenging them to say more.
“I trust that I will not hear anymore of such talk.” She stated firmly.  
“Your Majesty, we will listen to your wishes.” Soyoung was startled at the first voice to speak in affirmation of her decision, although she kept her face calm as she turned her gaze over to where her Uncle stood. Up until now, he had said nothing, either for or against her marriage to Park Jinyoung. And now, he was suddenly voicing his implicit affirmation for the Fifth Prince. One who didn’t know better might have thought the Grand Preceptor was on his niece’s side. 
But Soyoung knew better than to come to that conclusion.
Jang Jaewon was a crafty and careful man, one who only acted after taking into account all the factors and weighing which would be to his greatest personal benefit. Instead of voicing his opposition against Jinyoung outright, it was clear he would be watching the future prince consort’s every move, calculating until the timing was just perfect to make his move. If Jinyoung proved to be a great asset to Soyoung, then he would get rid of him within a short period of time. If Jinyoung turned out to be as weak as the court ministers feared, then he would let the young prince live. After all, any shame would be on Soyoung and the reputation her reign left behind. 
For now, Soyoung would play along.
She pressed a thin smile to her lips as she looked at her uncle.
“I thank you, Grand Preceptor, for your support.” Soyoung said. Her uncle smiled and bowed to her.
“I will always support Your Majesty.” He replied. Both niece and uncle smiled at each other, but Soyoung knew better than to believe him entirely. When her father was young, Royal Uncle Jaewon had been his greatest competitor for the throne. If Mongol law hadn’t allowed for a daughter to take the throne, Soyoung knew he would’ve snatched it for himself long before she had been found and returned to the palace. Ever since she had taken the throne, Soyoung knew that more than one of many incidents that had occurred had been instigated by her uncle. But in the end, he always had a perfect scapegoat to escape taking the blame for the matter, and her attention had always been pulled to solidifying her grip on the throne and stabilizing the Yuan borders, leaving little time to push the matters further. In the days after her wedding, Soyoung knew she had to keep a close eye on her uncle, just like how he would be keeping a close eye on Jinyoung.
The other ministers, seeing that the de facto second most powerful person in the country had seemingly acquiesced to the marriage, dipped their heads and said nothing more. Sensing that the conversation had temporarily come to a close, Soyoung rose to her feet.
“You are all dismissed.” She said firmly. Then, without waiting for another word more from her ministers, Soyoung strode out from the royal library and into the bright welcoming sunlight.
In the days following Jinyoung’s arrival in Yuan, he rarely got the chance to see Soyoung, save for the few times she came to check on him and see what he was doing. She was always busy catching up on the work she had set aside while visiting Yuan or meeting with her ministers. Not that he minded; he had no idea what to make of his future wife, and it was easier for him to acclimate to being in Yuan without having her around him at all times. He spent most of his time in the massive Yuan library, spending hours pouring over whatever books he could find to learn as much as he could about the country he was about to marry into. For the rest of the time, he divided the time among the many court officials that had begun inviting him to their homes for a visit. Jinyoung had originally been against the idea; he preferred to do as he wanted, rather than smile and put on an act before different court ministers like what Crown Prince Jaebeom had to do on a daily basis. In the end, it was Eun-seong who talked him into accepting the invitations. Perhaps he wouldn’t like it, the Yuan prince had said, but there would be plenty more of such situations in the future. It was better to get used to it early on rather than push it off until later. And besides, it was part of Jinyoung’s duty as Soyoung’s future husband to impress as many court officials as possible, so as to keep their complaining mouths silent. 
And so, Jinyoung went and visited each minister that invited him.
It was difficult at first, for sure. Jinyoug found the whole matter rather awkward; the ministers were overly polite to him, but at the same time he could tell that his every move was being judged. Over time though, Jinyoung began learning how to charm them with his knowledge and stories of Goryeo, and his opinions about the old classics. Before long, news was spreading throughout the capital that the Empress had picked a prince consort that was both kind and well-taught, a person that you could hold hours of conversation with without even noticing.
Then, two weeks before the auspicious date picked for the wedding, Soyoung gave orders to Jinyoung’s servants to dress him in casual clothes and meet her at the palace’s front gates. When he arrived, Jinyoung was surprised to find the Empress dressed in casual clothing men’s clothing. A small smile turned up the corner of her lips as she saw him approach.
“Not bad.” Soyoung commented, “The clothes I chose fit you well.” Jinyoung squirmed slightly as he tugged at the sleeves of the Yuan attire he had been dressed in. Soyoung had chosen an outfit made of deep purple fabric trimmed with simple gold designs. The inner shirt was made of deep blue fabric, creating an overall image of elegance but short of royal extravagance. Unlike the broad sweeping sleeves of casual Goryeo attire, the sleeves clasped loosely around Jinyoung’s wrists, causing him to tug at them uncomfortably. Soyoung reached out and lightly pulled his right hand away from where it was tugging at the left cuff.
“You are not used to it.” She noted. Jinyoung sighed softly.
“It is my first time wearing Yuan clothing. Would you be used to Goryeo clothing, if you were suddenly ordered to switch?” He replied. Soyoung gazed at him for a long moment, and Jinyoung wondered if he had said too much. Then, she smiled faintly and nodded in agreement.
“Fair point.” She replied, “Come on, let’s go.” Jinyoung looked at her curiously as she turned to go.
“Where are we going?” He asked. Jang Soyoung turned and beckoned to him.
“We’re going to the marketplace.” She replied.
The marketplace was as teeming with people as the day Jinyoung had arrived in Yuan, the loud sounds of sellers calling out their wares mingling in the air with the scents of fresh food being cooked. Jinyoung’s gaze roamed around the busy streets excitedly, taking in the lively sights. He had often passed by the marketplace on the way to visit various ministers, but had been unable to properly take in the sights from the carriage he traveled in. Soyoung strode calmly along the streets as if she had been there a million times, stopping here and there to buy a snack or chat with the stallkeepers. Jinyoung watched as she leaned in to speak with a waiter at a little tea shop, chuckling softly before she handed the  man a couple coins. 
“What are you talking to them about?” He asked curiously, “You’ve been doing that all day.” Soyoung smiled mysteriously as she sipped on a cup of tea.
“Obtaining news.” She replied simply, “The Second Young Master of the Lin family has been frequenting the brothels again.” Jinyoung frowned in confusion.
“Why does that matter to you?” He replied. Soyoung laughed softly and shook her head.
“The Lin family is one of the most powerful families in the nation.” She replied, “Their second son is a known womanizer, unlike the far more stable eldest son. He is always creating trouble around the city, throwing out his family’s status as a shield if anything goes wrong. But if something does go wrong, it would be a shame on the family and create trouble in court.” Jinyoung thought for a long moment as he caught onto what the Empress was saying.
“Then...before something goes terribly wrong, you receive news of it and step in before it becomes public knowledge and matters spiral out of control?” He guessed. Soyoung smiled and nodded.
“Or prevent something bad from happening in the first place.” She added, “As expected, you caught on quickly, Park Jinyoung.” Jinyoung’s heart skipped a beat at her praise.
“Then...surely the antics of a rich second young master are certainly not all you keep an eye on.” He said. Soyoung shook her head.
“Of course not.” She replied, “Whichever minister or his family has been acting unusually lately, which merchant has been doing business in matters he usually never touches, even small things like which nobleman has been mistreating his wife...those matters are what reaches the common people first. And in the end, I hear of it.” Jinyoung stared at her in amazement.
“How many eyes and ears do you have in the city?” He asked. Soyoung smiled wryly.
“I set up an information network soon after I took the throne.” She replied, “It was the only way to suppress any rebels and solidify my hold on the throne. In the end, I made use of it to maintain peace in the nation. If the people have done nothing against their conscience, there is nothing to worry about. But if they have, they will receive the proper treatment they deserve.” 
“Why are you telling me all of this?” Jinyoung asked curiously. Soyoung smiled slightly.
“You are the man who will be my husband.” She responded, “I hope you can make good use of this information network as well. Once every two months, I come outside and see what information I can gather, and make sure the capital is doing well. You would be surprised what things the court officials will try to hide from me.” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.
That was all he could think of to describe the woman sitting next to him. She was just a woman, but at the same time, she was no ordinary woman. Her hold on the throne, and the tactics she had successfully used, had worked far better than many other men who had tried the same thing. It was no wonder the country was doing so well. The waiter reappeared and placed a dish on the table in front of them.
“Please enjoy.” He said before disappearing again. Jinyoung peered curiously at the dish in front of him. The shape resembled the pancake sweets that he had eaten in Goryeo, but this was slightly flatter and covered on the top with a brown colored sauce with something else sprinkled on top.
“What’s this?” He asked, looking at Soyoung curiously. She smiled and pushed the dish towards him.
“This is called gambir.” She replied, “It is a pancake sweet made with butter and sugar and covered with a sweet sauce. I thought you’d like it.” Jinyoung poked at the stack of pancakes in front of him cautiously before picking one up and biting into it. His eyes widened as the sweet coated the inside of his mouth, the soft crunch of nuts adding to the pancake’s chewy texture.
Soyoung laughed softly at the look on his face.
“I knew you’d like it.” She said, “This is your reward for learning well during these past few weeks. I heard all about your visits with the court ministers.” Jinyoung pouted slightly at the comment.
“I am not a puppy.” He grumbled, but continued nibbling on the sweet anyway. Soyoung laughed again in amusement, but her smile faded away quickly as she saw someone approach Hyojun, who had been following them closely during the course of their trip. The newcomer whispered something to Hyojun, and Jinyoung frowned as he saw Hyojun’s expression darken.
“What is it?” Soyoung asked as the man left. Hyojun hesitated for a moment before responding.
“We must return to the palace immediately.” He said, “Minister Han has been killed.” Soyoung’s eyes widened.
“What did you just say?” She demanded. Hyojun nodded solemnly.
“That’s not all.” He said, “Prince Jinyoung has been named the primary suspect.”
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adversitybloomed-a · 4 years
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🌸┊ FRIENDLY REMINDER: this is a headcanon for my muse only. please do not take claim to it as your own. any graphics set on here, are edited by me.  ┊ 🌸
HEADCANON:  PHOENIX ( fenghuang )
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right to start this off with, this post is going is going to be about cultural aspect of the Phoenix & how it actually impacts mulan & many of my verses for her. A lot of my information is actually coming from, here & here. so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
In the Western world, it is commonly called the Chinese phoenix or simply Phoenix. In many mythologies, the creature has similar attributes within its nature.  Within Chinese mythology, this is an IMMORTAL BIRD whose rare appearance is said to be an omen foretelling harmony at the ascent to the throne of a new emperor. 
A fenghuang is often considered to signify BOTH male and female elements, such as in a yin-yang harmony. To fully go into detail, its name is a COMBINATION of the words FENG representing the MALE aspect and HUANG the FEMALE.
The fenghuang appears to be a symbol of Confucian values, wearing the characters meaning VIRTUE, DUTY, RITUAL, COMPASSION and TRUST on various parts of its body. 
When it comes to the history of the Han Dynasty, the phoenixes remained separated   one a male and the other a female. Later, during the Yuan dynasty the two terms were merged to become fenghuang. if you take a look at various time pieces & including some cdrama’s, the  fenghuang was often associated with  the empress when paired with a DRAGON representing the emperor. 
In ancient and modern Chinese culture, both the dragon and the phoenix can often be found in the decorations for weddings or royalty. The reasoning behind this is because the Chinese culture considered the dragon  & phoenix design symbolic of blissful relations between husband and wife.
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❝ Do you know why the phoenix sits on the right-hand of the Emperor? SHE is his guardian. His protector. She is both BEAUTIFUL and STRONG. ❞ - Mulan 2020
as we have seen, in the upcoming 2020 film, there is no dragon included, aka mushu ( who don’t get me wrong, i love to bits & pieces but if i were to be honest im kinda glad for ). why you may ask?  I am going to point up above to my reasoning. MULAN IS A PROTECTOR. she protects her family, her people & her country. she risks her life to save her father & brings honor to her family in a way that many other woman dared not to do during her time. 
to go to the army, as a woman, is punishable by death. but not only does she go to war, but she becomes a WAR HERO & eventual general in the army. if you look at her legends, yes she commits suicide because she doesn’t want to be forced to become a concubine ( a fact i will be leaving out of my version ). but for 12 years she served & protected. for 12 years, she stayed away from her home & fought in wars & WON. 
so how does she represent the phoenix? well even in the quote above, you can see her characteristics within it. she is the right hand to the emperor, even if its not physically yet, she does eventually become it. she gets ACCEPTED despite the fact that she is a woman. she fights in wars, and has trust put into her because she EARNED her place their. she is also a PROTECTOR not just for herself, but to all of those around her. 
if she comes to value you as a friend/lover/family member, you can be DAMN WELL SURE, she will do everything within her power to protect you from harm --- - even if that means she gets hurt. also, in many of my verses, she will sometimes serve as a guardian figure to diplomatic figures, thus fulfilling her role in that area as well. 
as we know from both cdrama’s & history, all phoenix’s have some sort of power that emulates from within. i am going to make some exceptions for this, depending on who i rp with, BUT MULAN does eventually developed these powers ( again verse dependent ).
to begin with, she does not know she has them. most of the time, it is a spiritual thing & gives her the inspiration to move faster, creative thinking & guides her within battles. anyone who has powers, might be able to sense this within her, but the power is extremely faint until she is in danger. 
There is also the immortality aspect. The Phoenix represents rebirth & considering that has something to do with life & death, depending on who Mulan  RP’s with, she might eventually be able to bring back the dead, if they have passed recently. This will tire her & cause her to pass out due to the extreme energy loss.
in some verses however, if she should lets say die, like most phoenix history, she will come back to life, but with a price. sometimes its a memory loss. sometimes it takes time for the rebirth to happen. she is also able to manipulate FIRE --- - again something she is not aware of, due to the fact it happens so rarely. 
SIDE NOTE: more information will be placed within the verses itself. for those who read the entire thing, go get yourself a cookie, because i appreciate you. 
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coat-the-boneless · 6 years
the poppy war for the fandom ask!!
Who I will protect at all costs: Jiang for sure. He’s like Elodin minus the public humiliation!
Who deserves better: Rin! Yeah she needs to have the Angst to make the story progress but like. Jeez.
Who was killed off too early: everyone who died in the battle of Sinegard.
Who I used to hate but now I love: Nezha became a lot better in my eyes after his mini redemption arc. It wasn’t much but it was better than hp’s redemption arcs so at least that’s something.
Who I used to love but now I hate: The Phoenix of the South. Way to mentally torture and kill off your only worshippers genius.
Who needs to be killed off asap: this guy next to me chewing with his mouth open while im writing this.
Who is unfairly hated: I’m not keyed into the fandom enough to determine this
Who is unfairly loved: see above
Who needs to sort out their priorities: Altan for sure.
Who needs a hug: Jiang and also Rin. Group hug.
Who needs to get out of their current relationship: Nezha, probably. Rin is a good character and all but like run dude. 
Who the writers love: Bruh Kuang tortures and/or kills literally every single character in the book.
Who needs a better storyline: I feel like Nezha’s redemption arc was a little sudden.
Who has an amazing redemption arc: Jiang, when he refused to come out of the chuluu korikh.
Who is hot af: The Empress i guess?
Who belongs in jail: I will personally yeet Su Daji into a cell.
Who needs to be revived from the dead: All the students who died at Sinegard
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