#im going to call her Benibara
kankuroplease · 4 months
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hey-its-cweepy · 1 year
Yo Haven’t done one of These in a long time so
What would you Characters think of Hiroyuki and Joren
Oh man- extra long post today huh-
I'll separate them by colors!
Hiroyuki Jira
•Cweepy might be a bit nervous at first, but otherwise not that bad! Might be a teeny tiny bit grossed out by the mucus since its not her own from her squid form
•Cho-Hee doesn't mind the mucus at all and wouldnt really think much of it, but questions the spider grudge
•Dallas is a NO because he thinks he's gross😔✌️
•You will catch Salvatore and Vincenzo doing the confused head tilt thing seeing their shoes-
•Out of coincidence, you're the same height as Momo! Meaning that, even tho she's still a bit nervous, she'll likely stick around! Also I just imagine-
Hiroyuki: Im so sorry about that, I can clean it o-
Momo, using the petals of her flower tongue to scrape it off:
•Dell is very curious about him! Especially about how he became an Ogama and what its like-
•Faust is choosing death by accidently zapping him if he comes too close (more likely to happen if he's wet
•HEXTIAN IS A BIG NO NO, he's not bad! He just cant touch water ever
•Benibara is a no because she's literally the worst
•Kenzo is a no because he's the type that asks too many questions, man doesnt even know what a toad is
•Marinus is a GIANT no because he doesnt stop at just eating people💀 (he does try very hard to not reach that point tho! Also he'd probably think Mari tastes salty)
•Kumo: "Ew no"
•Aotome's more confused if anything, definitely performing various scans and perplexed if he uses slang- you just see the loading icons in her eyes if they goe "Baee<3"
•Banji probably thinks some of the bug items are a bit strange but not as bad as eating literal inedible items (cue Hextian eating glue-)
•Kamïk thinks its interesting that he doesnt remember his past life
•Clover's the type that goes "Eeeewwww!!!" At the mucus but isnt too mad about it
•Avery thinks its disgusting-
•Jolie is the type to collect the mucus on her clothes and make it someone else's problem
•Everyday Roan think's he's freaking dreaming and a human talking demon toad doesnt help (probably mistakenly calls him a frog sometimes)
•Pepper is a NO
•Wolfo's perplexed by the mucus issue if anything-
•Creek will be VERY mad if it gets on any dolls but otherwise pretty chill and even slightly teases him a bit
•Poppet does exaggerated gagging if you put the bug food items near him, he's just messing around though!
•Seine says your bug crimes are unforgivable
•I imagine if he did use his UM on Toma, he'd turn into a little toad plush
•Vysio's a bit nervous, but that's okay! She'll get used to them, especially if they meet Yuto first!
•He is going to learn real soon that sometimes Yuto needs to shut up💀
•Astoria probably doesnt even know what a toad is either let alone the difference between a toad and a frog
•Elbarnes is just gonna consistently clean him anytime they meet- mucus on his clothes? Cleaning this instant!... Sure, he does this with his mouth/spit, but at least it's more like cleaning product than human spit-
•Chepi probably facing the consequences of "Dont give him spicy food"😔✌️
•Amos is a NO, he's not one of those people that like toads/frogs/slimy animals in general and also probably thinks he's gross
•Enid is not as mean, but considers the mucus a bit strange
•Lorien questions how his skin makes the mucus in the first place, but otherwise is more baffled at some of the bug dishes-
•Jessica is a NO, probably pokes at the fact that his clothes are customized when it comes to his legs
•Oceana cannot tell the difference between a toad or a frog either, but it doesnt matter because she thinks they're both adorable! Although she'd be a bit concerned about the bug eating habits
•Indira would be interested to try the bug dishes herself, but a bit nervous to-
•Torimiya thinks hating things spitefully is kinda stupid, just enjoy yourself✨
•Asahise probably introduces them to Oceana! But just leave the sweaters and plushies away from the mucus or there's gonna be a problem
•Tokki's a bit lost on certain things, but otherwise doesnt really mind them
•Kuru would say he's gross but doesnt actually mean it
•If he doesnt remember, Yaku will find a way to find out- Will he be okay wih what he finds? Undecided-
•Jaiden would mistake the bug catching thing as something cute until someone explains "Literally do not tell him where Theodore is"
•Mindel is a little caught off guard by the slang terms but I can see Mindel just vibing with him while drinking his boiling hot coffee
•Frey questions if the mucus is toxic or not the first time, but would be very hesitant to try the bug dishes so they'll stick to gifting cream donuts
•Sylvester and Kendall are also a bit lost on the spider grudge but whatever, that's your deal✨
•Mao and Midge are going to punch them if they catch them eating bugs
•Cherokee thinks he's a bit strange in general as if he himself isnt a big dork lmao
•If he can turn into a small toad, I can see Shiloh gently holding him in his hands and being more open to talking but talking to a giant toad is also ok!
•Charlene is fairly certain she's probably seen em somewhere but doesn't know from where, if she has context though, she's probably the type to purposefully tell the wrong directions
•Deedee: "Fine! I don't like you either! You slimy, bumpy, hideous thing! Hmph!" Girlie didnt even start anything yet and they dont like her💀
•Janus and "Dolly" are a NO
•Birsha questions if she squeezes him, will mucus come pouring out?
•Lucinda probably thinks he's a tiny bit gross and apologizes
•Panko would cry if you ate specific bugs in front of her (and is DEFINITELY not ratting out Theodore, with or without context)
•Pattie is very confused by the slang terms and eating bugs habit, but otherwise doesnt mind him
•Canela is staying away because she doesnt wanna poison anybody
Joren Tsuchigumo
•Oh boy with this context to the story, every single positive interaction you built with Cweepy is falling apart in seconds-
•Cho-Hee expresses his condolences for the loss of his family
•Dallas is TERRIFIED of bugs and spiders are no exception
•Salvatore and Vincenzo are probably going to jump Hiroyuki after this so maybe its best to not tell them-
•Congratulations! Momo is once again terrified of everyone-
•Dell also expresses condolences for the loss but it also makes them question a few things, overall, still very curious and interested about them!
•Faust might accidently zap him at some point if he doesnt tease him first💀
•Hextian is a BIG no-no! Maybe dont casually sit down and talk to the guy that is literally poisonous to almost everyone
•I think its clear Benibara, Janus, "Dolly", Canela and Pepper are a NO (The first 3 are pricks, Canela's just trying to keep students safe and Pepper's paranoid)
•Kenzo shrieks seeing he's a spider before chilling out
•Venus,,, is,,, a frog,,,,,, does that cound as part of his grudge? If so, Venus would be confused by it before being given context and completely understands
•Kumo, Lucinda and Tokki are only a no bcs spiders make them a bit nervous
•Aotome is still interested in his anatomy but also very confused of their strange arguing (both of them)
•Banji isnt sharing no damn sweets with him but might poke fun at the extra weight
•Kamïk questions why he doesnt just kill Hiroyuki, I mean c'mon, there'd be no more arguing if he's dead, right?
•Clover SHRIEKS because spider
•Avery questions why not change schools
•Jolie questions how the hell Hiroyuki even got away with it💀
•Roan hates it here-
•Wolfo ABSOLUTELY will not stand for family murder, he may have shitty parents but he could never stand someone doing something to his siblings and to hear what he did to Joren? Man is seeing red.
•Creek will at least try to stop Wolfo with Poppet's support like "A-At least wait until after school hours!"
•Poppet would be mad too, but focuses on trying to not let his brother wreck the whole school looking for him💀
•Seine and Joren could probably be spider buddies!
•Why do I have the feeling he just sees Toma get hurt but Hiro feels it instead and gets an idea-
•Vysio is a bit nervous, especially by the serious attitude
•Yuto probably explains that Vysio's just nervous due to her giant size and probably risking hurting someone, but assures him its not his fault!
•Astoria is a no because crown (DONT PUT IT ON)
•Elbarnes needs him to pass the clean check anytime they meet- even if its just for a minute-
•Chepi is concerned the giant toad situation might happen again but isnt limited to a spider clan, she expresses her condolences for the loss though
•Amos would probably also think he's nasty at first
•Enid instinctively picks up a shoe before dropping it, apologizing and explaining she just got used to doing it-
•Lorien is OUT because he's afraid but would rather spend a day with Joren than Amos (absolutely terrified of cats)
•Jessica is OUT because she body shames
•Oceana and Asahise would cry if he explained hy he hates Hiroyuki
•Does Indira even count in the frog grudge? She isnt one but her tongue is similar-
•When Torimiya grasps the situation, she's very upset and concerned, also expresses her condolences
•Kuru thinks him being a spider is neat and "Much better than that slimy old toad... But dont think just cause I like you a little bit means I care!"
•Ah yes, Yaku found out the truth this way huh... He's both interested and upset in the story-
•Jaiden is very upset and expresses condolences for his losses, might even try to offer some comfort maybe even sweets
•Mindel asks if he specifically means Hiroyuki Jira because he almost couldnt believe it! Also expresses concern and condolences and limits contact with him
•Frey is absolutely horrified at the news and is very concerned and upset, well at least its new news to them since they had no context but shh
•Sylvester and Kendall at least finally understand the grudges now... But Syk suggests death to fix it and Kendall suggests just avoiding each other
•Mao and Midge are still throwing hands, but this time Mao's also throwing them at Hiroyuki and Midge just really likes bugs (NOT in a way to eat them)
•Cherokee's finally stringing the story together and asks how you get turned into an Ogama in the first place-
•Shiloh probably vented to him if he can shift into a spider and AGAIN thought fir it for the rest of his life
•Charlene is devastated and very sympathetic about the confession, she knows what its like to lose someone but to lose almost an entire family in a day just makes her heartbroken...
•Deedee: "... Out of all the people that fight me, you're the only one who's not that bad"
•Birsha questioning his butt/abdomen
•You'd think Panko is crying bcs he's a spider but you're WRONG, she feels like she's doing something terrible by spending time with Hiroyuki but tbh doesnt wanna upset either of em, very apologetic and upset
•Pattie tries to stay out of their discussions/arguments and whatever they're doing
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kendelias · 3 years
1-6 for Naomi
1. Is your OC dating a canon character? What’s the relationship like?
yes!!! kaoru!!! they’re super soft and adorable. he cares about her no matter what others say, and she keeps him grounded and reminds him that he is his own person no matter what. i could (and have) go on about them for hours but basically they are teenagers in love
2. Which canon character do they get along with the best? Who do they get along with the worst?
oh tamaki for sure! she loves him so much. she pretty much gets along with everyone, minus like benibara.
3. Have they had past relationships with other canon characters?
... coincidentally, benibara!
4. Are they related to any canon characters? How do they get along?
5. Which character do they look up to or is their mentor?
i think she looks up to mori! she definitely admires him, anyway, and thinks he has a cool and level head and he’s a huge sweetie amongst a sea of people who are... not that. i don’t think she would call them a mentor/mentee relationship, but she definitely respects him a lot!
6. Give us a random headcanon between your character and a character of canon!
when honey lets naomi hold usachan for the first time she tears up and kyoya is like “.... are you crying?” and she’s like “n-no! im just allergic to cuteness!”
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send me oc + canon character asks!
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Hey its fumi being annoying again but... call it curiousity... you think there is anyone of your ocs who could get along with Carol... she is just my most fav oc to talk about so I just collect stuff for her as usual.XD
YOU ARE NOT ANNOYING- *loving bonk*
But hmmmmm- Carol-
Kinda obvious, but I think the more friendlier ocs would definitely go well with Carol (like Dell, Momo, Cweepy the oc)
But if Im going into specifics-
Faust, Kenzo, Benibara, mean gorls trio👹💅✨™ (Avery, Clover, Jolie) and Aotome would probably be OUT tho bcs they're pricks
Dallas is an obvious no because he's more of a prick than the last people💀
Banji has a bit of a temper, so if she bumped into him at the wrong time he'd be a bit of a salty prick, but otherwise they could probably be friends (I need to develop Banji more tbh lol)
Kumo would probably be a slow friendship if she stuck around long enough, he starts out a bit prickly but he's a sweetie at heart
Cho-Hee's a similar situation except he's just unintentionally big and spooky to people😔✌️
Cweepy's pretty shy at first, but I think they could still be friends! And Cweepy would be very hesitant to ask for help from Carol tho- she doesnt do well with strict attitudes
The Festus twins are just protective over each other, but they could still probably be friends!
Marinus might be unfortunately OUT, since he might unintentionally jump Carol if he was hungry enough💀 ALTHOUGH maybe it could work if she just packed snacks in her bag just in case (kind of like this post!)
If Carol was 2 inches taller, Momo would vanish💀 but since she's not, they could be friends after like a week or so! However, I feel like Carol probably wouldnt be able to unless she can keep Dallas out of the image PLEASE SAVE MOMO
Venus and Dell would probably approach Carol first! They're both very curious and social so they'd be interested in knowing about her!
Hextian and Kamïk are also OUT because I dont think Carol can handle the utter stench that comes from Hex (unless she has a face-mask ig?), He's not a bad guy! He just stank💀
Kamïk is because he's a mischievous gremlin, however, if he's with his girlfriend (who I still need to draw+make refs for💀) they're much more tolerable and friendly!
Roan is maybe a no, because he's also kinda prickly
Pepper is really paranoid, so its unfortunately a no😔✌️
((I hope you dont mind I include RSA/HSA OCs too!))
Amos might be a bit too forward and flirtacious so idk if Carol is ok with that lol
Enid would be alright with Carol! Kinda like the bestie that fights people for you-
Lorien might be friends if they ask Carol for assistance in subjects they struggle with!
Jessica would probably call Carol a wimp for sucking at sports, Im sorry 💀
Mao wouldnt really say much, but just know they're listening<3
Sylvester's a fucking bitch /LHLHLH okay but would leave more questions than answers
Mindel and Carol would definitely be friends! Someone to chill with in a sort of coffee shop setting while looking through notes or smth
Jaiden would also enjoy being friends with Carol! He doesn't mind the clumsiness and sort of relates (despite being able to go around and adapting to life with his eyes closed, if he's in a hurry he's more likely to crash into people/things)
Frey would also want to approach Carol first! Might ramble about tomatoes and gardening!
Cherokee would probably see an opportunity to flex the magic tricks >:)
If he ever got tutoring from someone else's recommendations, he probably accidently dozed off once and then never again
Shiloh would be quite shy at first but eventually open up to her! Probably sees her as a big sister and would develop the habit of holding her hand a lot
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